jhonews · 2 years
Review ASUS ROG Phone 3
Review Asus ROG Phone 3 Indonesia - Asus ROG Phone 3 adalah ponsel yang fantastis, dengan spesifikasi dan fasilitas kelas atas yang bahkan akan disukai oleh non-gamer, seperti baterai 6.000mAh dan layar 144Hz yang mulus. Fitur uniknya, seperti AirTriggers dan aksesori clip-on, dapat meningkatkan permainan siapa pun, meskipun mereka harus mengutak-atik perangkat lunak untuk mengaktifkannya. Di sisi lain, perangkat lunak dan tampilannya yang berfokus pada gamer tidak akan menarik bagi semua orang, dan kameranya meninggalkan sesuatu yang diinginkan. Ini adalah ponsel gamer paling utama yang akan dirilis sebentar lagi, tetapi konsumen biasa mungkin lebih menghargai fotografi daripada waktu bermain. Namun, untuk para gamer di luar sana, tidak ada mesin yang lebih baik. ROG Phone 3 Sangat Bagus Digunakan Bermain GameAsus ROG 3 adalah salah satu ponsel gaming paling canggih yang pernah dirilis, jika bukan yang paling canggih. Perpaduan antara fitur perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang berfokus pada game membenarkan keberadaannya di lapangan yang ramai, dan gamer yang bersedia menghabiskan lebih banyak dapat benar-benar mendapatkan keunggulan dengan ROG 3. Hal yang sama dapat dikatakan tentang pendahulunya, Asus ROG II – Anda pasti akan memiliki keuntungan dalam hal kinerja berkat spesifikasi tingkat atas dan kontrol yang lebih ketat melalui pengontrol permainan bermerek ROG. Asus ROG 3 adalah Asus ROG II, tetapi lebih baik. Perbedaan antara kedua ponsel ini patut ditunjukkan. Ini adalah smartphone pertama dengan chipset Snapdragon 865 Plus, dan itu mengungguli hampir semua ponsel lain yang kami uji di Geekbench. Dan tampilan ROG 3 adalah yang paling utama: daripada garis dan sudut seperti Decepticon dari Telepon ROG asli, handset baru ini memiliki punggung datar yang ramping dengan hanya jendela plastik bening yang mengintip bagian dalam yang mengisyaratkan seri telepon. asal gamer chic. Eksekutif Asus mengklaim bahwa supercar mengilhami perubahan desain ini, tetapi sulit untuk tidak melihat transisi sebagai konsesi ke tampilan smartphone yang lebih mainstream, untuk menarik konsumen yang tidak menyukai garis agresif dan perhiasan RGB. Memamerkannya tidak akan membuat Anda mendapatkan banyak kepercayaan di kalangan gamer, tetapi orang normal akan dapat mengeluarkannya di depan umum tanpa terlalu banyak mengangkat alis. Sebagai gantinya, semua kemajuan ada di dalam: selain Snapdragon 865 Plus yang disebutkan di atas, ROG 3 meningkatkan RAM hingga 16GB (dan memilih DDR5) sementara layar telah ditingkatkan menjadi kecepatan refresh 144Hz dan pengambilan sampel sentuh 270Hz. Asus mengklaim ini menghasilkan separuh latensi sentuh menjadi 25 ms dibandingkan dengan ROG II – dan sementara perbedaan seperti itu tidak akan terlihat oleh sebagian besar pengguna, Asus tahu bahwa peningkatan marjinal semacam itu akan menarik bagi basis inti yang terobsesi dengan kinerja. Sementara para pengguna yang kuat itu mungkin kesal dengan desain ulang visual, dalam banyak hal lain ROG 3 adalah surat cinta untuk mereka. Perangkat lunak Armory Crate khas Asus memiliki lebih banyak pengaturan bagi pemilik untuk mengotak-atik, mulai dari kecepatan refresh CPU dan GPU hingga kontrol suhu internal dan preferensi jaringan. AirTriggers, yang beroperasi seperti tombol bahu sentuh saat ponsel dipegang dalam orientasi lanskap, telah disempurnakan untuk melacak jari yang membuat gerakan yang tidak dapat dilacak oleh ponsel ROG sebelumnya untuk kontrol yang lebih terbatas. Asus ingin melakukan semua ini sambil mempertahankan bentuk dan berat umum ROG II, agar tetap kompatibel dengan periferal sebelumnya, tetapi memasang modem 5G eksternal berarti ada sesuatu yang harus dilakukan, dan ROG 3 membuang jack 3.5mm yang disukai; namun ada salah satu kipas clip-on AeroActive Cooler 3 (yang disertakan dalam kotak), jadi ini bukan akhir dunia. Kipas AeroActive Cooler 3 telah ditingkatkan, demikian juga dengan periferal khas ROG 3 versi terbaru. Gamepad Kunai 3 yang disempurnakan, misalnya, kehilangan tampilan sudutnya, membuatnya lebih mirip dengan Switch Joy-Cons daripada pengontrol ROG II. Di luar game, ponsel ini mencentang sebagian besar kotak, dengan susunan tiga kamera belakang yang terdiri dari penembak utama 64MP, ultra-lebar, dan makro – yang baik-baik saja, meskipun kurangnya kemampuan zoom yang serius terlihat. Dan beberapa fitur ponsel yang berpusat pada permainan juga merupakan keuntungan bagi pengguna biasa, dengan layar 144Hz membuat penjelajahan web dan navigasi antarmuka menjadi pengalaman yang mulus, sementara baterai 6.000 mAh berguna untuk menjaga ponsel Anda bertahan lebih dari satu hari. Secara keseluruhan, Asus ROG 3 adalah ponsel tangguh yang menawarkan kinerja fantastis, layar mulus, baterai kolosal, dan desain yang lebih ramah arus utama – dan di atas kertas, semua fitur game membuat ponsel ini tampak seperti pesaing serius melawan arus. pangkasan ponsel unggulan, yang berfokus pada game, atau lainnya. Tetapi fasilitas game yang berfokus pada perangkat lunak memerlukan beberapa penyelesaian khusus, dan tidak akan menguntungkan pengguna biasa, sementara rangkaian kameranya tidak sekuat ponsel lain pada titik harganya. Asus ROG 3 adalah ponsel gaming yang hebat, tetapi belum cukup untuk semua orang. Sumber : Review ASUS ROG Phone 3
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gardigaming · 11 days
Prepare to unleash the fury of the Orks... #dawnofwariii #highendmobilegaming #mobilestrategygames #pixel3 #pixel3dawnofwariii #smartphonegaming #Warhammer40K
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phonemantra-blog · 24 days
The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) is vast and immersive, transporting players to a meticulously crafted Wild West brimming with detail. Running smoothly on high-powered PCs and consoles, the game's graphical fidelity is a marvel of modern technology. But what about playing RDR2 on a mobile device? While it might seem like an impossible feat, a recent experiment pushes the boundaries of smartphone gaming. Running RDR2 on a Smartphone: Pushing the Limits Tech enthusiast Serg Pavlov tackled the ambitious challenge of running RDR2 on a Red Magic 9 Pro smartphone. This experiment highlights the ever-evolving capabilities of mobile devices, even though the gameplay experience falls short of a traditional console or PC playthrough. Red Dead Redemption 2 on Mobile Graphics on Mobile: A Compromise with Potential While the visuals on the Red Magic 9 Pro can't compete with the stunning landscapes and character models of a high-end PC, the game's core graphics were surprisingly functional in this mobile environment. Playing on low graphic settings and a reduced resolution of 540p, Pavlov managed to explore environments on horseback and on foot. Considering the limitations of mobile hardware, the ability to render the game world at all is a testament to the ingenuity of the software used. Performance Bottlenecks: Frame Rates and Glitches Hinder Gameplay However, the graphical compromise comes at a cost. Performance is the biggest hurdle in this mobile RDR2 experience. Pavlov encountered significant frame rate issues, with gameplay stuttering along at a meager 4-15 frames per second (FPS). This choppy performance makes smooth, responsive gameplay nearly impossible. Additionally, the experiment revealed occasional glitches, including disappearing textures and audio drops. These technical hiccups further detract from the overall experience. The Software Behind the Experiment: Emulation Opens Doors (and Windows) So how did Pavlov achieve this unconventional feat? The answer lies in emulation software, specifically a program called Wine. Wine allows users to run Windows applications on non-Windows operating systems, such as the Android platform used by most smartphones. By essentially creating a Windows environment on the Red Magic 9 Pro, Pavlov was able to launch and run RDR2. Beyond the Experiment: The Future of Mobile Gaming While this experiment demonstrates the potential for powerful smartphones to handle demanding games like RDR2, it also highlights the significant challenges that remain. Frame rates, graphics rendering, and overall stability need substantial improvement before mobile gaming can truly deliver a console or PC-quality experience for titles like RDR2. However, Pavlov's experiment offers a glimpse into the future of mobile gaming. As smartphone technology continues to advance, the gap between mobile and traditional gaming platforms may narrow. Software advancements and hardware optimization could pave the way for a future where high-fidelity gaming experiences become a reality on mobile devices. Conclusion: Pushing the Boundaries, But a Long Road Ahead The attempt to play RDR2 on a smartphone is a fascinating experiment, showcasing the ever-increasing capabilities of mobile devices. While the gameplay experience is far from ideal, it demonstrates the potential for future advancements in mobile gaming technology. With continued progress in hardware and software, the dream of playing graphically demanding games like RDR2 on the go may one day become a reality. FAQs Can I play Red Dead Redemption 2 on my smartphone? At present, playing RDR2 on a smartphone with a smooth and enjoyable experience is not feasible. The experiment described in this article highlights the significant performance limitations encountered. What are the challenges of playing demanding games on smartphones? Mobile devices currently lack the processing power and graphics capabilities needed to run high-end games like RDR2 at playable frame rates. What is emulation software, and how does it relate to mobile gaming? Emulation software allows a device to run programs designed for a different operating system. In this experiment, Wine was used to create a Windows environment on the Android smartphone, enabling the launch of RDR2. What does the future hold for mobile gaming? As smartphone technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see advancements in processing power, graphics capabilities, and software optimization. These advancements could lead to a future where mobile devices offer experiences comparable to console and PC gaming for even the most demanding titles.
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gerubokcom · 10 months
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uppub · 1 year
Xiaomi Poco X5 PRO 5G
See the reviews: https://uppub.org/xiaomi-poco-x5-pro-5g-price-review-full-specification/ Check the price: https://uppub.org/xiaomi-poco-x5-pro-5g
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qmshahzad · 2 months
Screen Time Strain: The Impact of Smartphone Gaming on Ocular Health
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thxnews · 7 months
Ash Echoes Unveils @ Tokyo Game Show 2023
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  A Glimpse into the Future of Gaming The highly-anticipated smartphone game, "Ash Echoes," created by RESTAR LIMITED in collaboration with Shanghai Canlong, a top-tier Chinese manufacturer known for its work on the Ancient Sword Kitan series, is set to make its debut at the Tokyo Game Show 2023. Gaming enthusiasts and fans alike are in for a treat as this groundbreaking game takes center stage at the event.   An Immersive Experience Awaits The 2023 Tokyo Game Show promises to be even more thrilling than its predecessor, offering attendees a chance to explore a world of uncharted gaming experiences. The "Ash Echoes" booth, in particular, boasts an exquisite design palette dominated by shades of blue, creating an ambiance that's nothing short of captivating. Special chairs will be available, allowing visitors to capture memorable moments with striking photos.   Play Your Way At the "Ash Echoes" booth, attendees will have the opportunity to dive into the game on demo consoles, experiencing both the PC and smartphone versions. It's a chance to get a taste of what the game has to offer before its official release. Don't miss the opportunity to admire the stunning character designs showcased in various panels.   Limited-Time Showcase This exceptional exhibition will be open to the public until September 24th. Make sure not to let this unique experience slip through your fingers! Ash Echoes Exhibition Booth Information: - Exhibition Period: September 21st - September 24th, 2023 - Booth Location: 05-c03  
Tokyo Game Show 2023: Where Gaming Dreams Come to Life
What is the Tokyo Game Show? The Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is a grand spectacle for gamers worldwide, held annually in Japan. It stands as a pillar of the video game industry, attracting game developers, publishers, gamers, and media personnel from around the globe. Here, they unite to share the latest game information, cutting-edge technology, and emerging trends.  
Unveiling A Game of Fantasy and Friendship
Journey into an Otherworldly Fantasy "Ash Echoes" invites players into an otherworldly fantasy where they face and conquer crises alongside friends from diverse unknown realms, all within a near-future science city. This meticulously crafted universe offers users an immersive experience, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Engage in battles set against hyper-realistic landscapes that seamlessly align with the game's narrative.  
Embrace the Charms of Unique Characters
Form Bonds and Forge Victory The game's exceptional characters are among its defining features. Collaborate with friends from different dimensions, decipher battlefield dynamics, and lead your team to triumph. Beyond the battlefield, "Ash Echoes" offers a myriad of content to deepen your connection with these captivating characters. Engage in heartfelt conversations, mix up delightful drinks, or unwind during a tranquil tea party. The game's rich narrative is further enriched by full voice acting, enhancing your gaming experience.  
An Exciting Future Awaits
Coming Soon to Japan In 2024, "Ash Echoes" is set to make its debut in Japan, promising an unforgettable journey for players. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to embark on an adventure to uncover the secrets of this remarkable world!   Sources: THX News & RESTAR LIMITED. Read the full article
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extremeeastfgc · 1 year
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drasgondigger · 5 months
Sonic Dream Team, liberado ontem, na Apple Arcade. Exclusivos para dispositivos Apple.
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sleuths-blog · 7 months
Realme narzo
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asgardsoft · 1 year
We are already optimizing our games for the next smartphone sizes.
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singamrose · 2 years
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phonemantra-blog · 2 months
The world of mobile gaming is constantly evolving, with new titles emerging and established favorites receiving updates and sequels. This month is no different, offering a diverse selection of games for players of all genres and preferences. Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2: A New Chapter for a Beloved Franchise [Imagen of Act as an American Writer, I need you to act as a top-performing SEO and rewrite this as human-written, 100% unique content and as much elaborated as you can in SEO Optimized format with clear on-page: "What to play on your smartphone. "Honkai" is back, Fall Guys doesn't have such eggs, "no-gacha" anime, an alchemist in Stardrew Valley Honkai amazed miHoYo and still does not let go of the studio. In February, a “continuation” of the first part was released - in reality, this is a new game. The creators of Arknights decided to try a new monetization model by releasing a premium Japanese-style RPG with a turn-based combat system, the thrill of Honkai Star Rail! In addition, the Chinese released a good Fall Guys clone, and several excellent indie games from Steam received ports to smartphones. Honkai Impact 3rd part 2 More than 7 years after the release of Honkai Impact 3rd, the character arcs have concluded and the story has come to an end. This is the game that made money from Genshin Impact - it was in it that the skills of game designers, programmers, and artists were honed. This is probably why miHoYo loves the Honkai brand and could not retire the project. The release of Part 2 marked the relaunch of the game. This is an indirect continuation of the first part (see our review ) - in it, you will meet new characters and a new world, and you also need to play it in a new way. Part 2 is two games in one: the old campaign and heroes are still available, and the new one is designed as a new chapter. At its core, it remains the same - it is a mobile slasher. But miHoYo remade and modernized the project. In the extended story part, Part 2 is in some places very reminiscent of Honkai Star Rail with real-time combat. Graphically, the game, of course, became prettier and more modern, but with the update it somewhat lost its unique charm - it became very similar to other modern miHoYo games. Among the obvious shortcomings of the new product, it is worth noting the lack of translation into Russian. English in the game is not difficult, but given the fact that the plot component has grown significantly, sometimes it is annoying. On a smartphone, the problem is partially solved by on-screen translators, but I would like to get the same literary translation that is present in Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. Eggy Party The success of Fall Guys is a thing of the past. The number of players is no longer comparable to the same figure at release, but the game still gathers an audience. It is simple and cheerful, and therefore it is always pleasant to spend a couple of tens of minutes, or even an hour or two, in it. They tried to clone the game many times on mobile platforms, but these projects were invariably let down by low quality and low budget. The Chinese NetEase decided to spend a little more time and a little more money on development. Therefore, Eggy Party looks more than worthy against the background of competing clones and can compete even with Stumble Guys (see our review ). Eggy Party has a special cuteness, so children will surely like it. The tests are not very difficult and, as in the original, the player’s skill does not always allow him to achieve victory. A lot depends on luck, and the characters are intentionally awkward, so it's best to play for fun rather than to win.".I want you to give me the possible on-page optimized lengthy article with a minimum of 800 words on this topic with multiple headings in H2, H3, and so on. After that give a section of related keywords in comma-separated format. Write Possible FAQs with answers also related to the topic if possible. describe the same topic in 145 chars.] After the conclusion of Honkai Impact 3rd's original story, fans were left wondering if the beloved franchise would return. MiHoYo, the game's developer, answered their prayers with the release of Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2. While technically a continuation, Part 2 offers a fresh experience with a new world, new characters, and a revamped gameplay system. A Familiar World, a New Adventure: At its core, Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2 remains a mobile slasher game, building upon the foundation laid by its predecessor. However, MiHoYo has implemented several significant changes that elevate the experience. The extended story campaign incorporates elements of real-time combat, reminiscent of the recently released Honkai Star Rail. Visually, the game boasts stunning graphics and animations, showcasing MiHoYo's continued dedication to visual excellence. A Modernized Experience with a Few Hiccups: Despite the improvements, Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2 is not without its drawbacks. The lack of official Russian language support hinders players who prefer their games in their native tongue. While on-screen translators offer a partial solution, a dedicated translation akin to those found in Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail would be greatly appreciated. More Than Just a Copycat: NetEase, a prominent Chinese developer, entered the scene with Eggy Party, a mobile game heavily inspired by Fall Guys. Unlike previous attempts, Eggy Party avoids the pitfalls of low quality and budget constraints. It boasts impressive visuals, well-designed levels, and smooth gameplay, making it a worthy competitor to established titles like Stumble Guys. Fun for All Ages: Eggy Party's charming aesthetic and accessible gameplay make it perfect for players of all ages. The emphasis on fun and lighthearted competition, rather than pure skill, ensures a delightful experience for casual players and hardcore gamers alike. Beyond Honkai and Eggy Party: Other Noteworthy Mobile Games While Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2 and Eggy Party are undoubtedly the highlights of this month's releases, several other mobile games deserve your attention: Arknights: Another Day: Fans of the popular tower defense game Arknights can rejoice with the arrival of "Another Day," a new story chapter offering fresh challenges and rewards. Stardew Valley Mobile Update: The beloved farming simulator Stardew Valley received a major update this month, introducing new content, features, and bug fixes, enhancing the already immersive gameplay experience. Various Indie Game Ports: Several acclaimed indie games, previously available only on PC, have been ported to mobile platforms this month, expanding the options for mobile gamers seeking unique and engaging experiences. FAQs Q: Is Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2 a sequel or a continuation? A: Honkai Impact 3rd Part 2 is technically a continuation of the original story, but it introduces a new world, new characters, and a new gameplay system, essentially offering a fresh experience. Q: Does Eggy Party have the same gameplay as Fall Guys? A: Eggy Party borrows heavily from Fall Guys' core gameplay loop, featuring chaotic races and obstacle courses. However, it offers its unique twists and levels, ensuring a distinct experience. Q: What other mobile games are worth checking out this month? A: Arknights: Another Day, the Stardew Valley Mobile Update, and various indie game ports are all excellent options for players seeking diverse and engaging mobile gaming experiences.
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uppub · 1 year
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techknowledge-in · 3 years
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Vivo iQoo launching soon iQoo 7 in India , affordable gaming phone : check pros Vivo iQoo launching soon iQoo 7 in India which has been said by the company on Twitter. Smartphone may come with the price tag of under Rs. 40,000. • iQoo 7 comes in three colour options • The phone is offered in two RAM variants in China • iQoo 7 packs a 4,000mAh battery Vivo sub brand iQoo 7 is offered in three variant, with one designed in partnership with BMW M Motorsport. Read More :- https://tech-update.xyz/index.php/vivo-iqoo-launching-soon-iqoo-7-in-india/ #iqooindia #iqoosmartphone #iqoo7pro #iqoo7 #iqooneo5 #iqooz1x5g #iqoo35g #iqoochallenge #iqooz1 #iqoo7pro5g #vivoiqoo3 #cp #redmi #chinese #nagpur #vivoworld #fanofmobilecam #gamingphone #gamingindia #smartphonegaming #sanki #launchingpersib #31 #qualcomm #4cam #5gphone #4g #surat (at Surat Smart City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM3x5tgrnc8/?igshid=14e57ntt8frq0
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gadgetboom-blog · 4 years
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