#Solde tonne poste
moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Calling it a night and I'm going to try and fall asleep before 2 in the morning
#and i want to ramble in the tags because eh i guess chatty mood#one thing i am quickly noticing looking at a few covers of spider-man & venom related stuff#is that the spider-man white-eyes design is so fucking cool actually#that's one thing that i am absolutely 100% on the comics side for#those white eyes just do Not look the same if they're not drawn in 2d#their design is so fun they feel so expressive#i feel like i did when i drew that like dozen of little bill ciphers making different faces#like i just unlocked a new thing you can do with your art and it's on my level and i need to try it out#i feel too sick for drawing though#when into the spiderverse came out and people were posting spidersonas i remember vaguely wanting to join in#but i feel like only now am i truly having the epiphany of how neat his suit looks#and i really do Not like the direction they took it in the movies#like the realism of it is kind of a turnoff for me#i like the way it looks in a 2d drawing but less the more realistic vibe of movies/recent video games#i love stylised shit!!!!! i love when stuff is stylised and works in ways that wouldn't necessarily work well irl!!!#i love the lack of texture and the textures you only get from a drawing#the fucking eyes...... i love those eyes#also i think i could be sold on the big pointy needle teeth venom has haha#i'm not too big into tonnes of teeth - two/four yeah i love vampires#but the mouthful of teeth was just a little too much for me at first#but the more i see it the less i find it yucky#i showed my friend a picture because i am incapable of being normal#and they were like oh he's so scary!!!#i got used to it personally and i just saw a style of vfx i'm not super fond of#ANYWAY. i love talking. if someone wants me to be background noise in vocal chat one day i love doing that#wow i have a ramble tag now
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Welcome to my theory about the importance of the planet Saturn in Taylor Swift’s process and the organisation/release timescale of her rerecordings! This theory is all my own work!
This theory began when the Karma Music Video came out. I thought the scene in the Karma Music Video where Taylor and Ice Spice lasso the moon and Saturn was a weird reference to make, as it seemingly references the song "seven" from folklore and the lyric "love you to the moon and to Saturn". The imagery of Saturn especially just struck me as odd for months!
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Now with the 112 theory and the Karma cycle theory being popularised I started looking more in-depth to what Saturn means trying to make sense of why Taylor would use it, as it just felt like it HAD to be an easter egg for me! And what I've found...ohhhh man I found a BIG amount of links that I think is far too much to be accidental. Because if you know Taylor, nothing is EVER accidental.
I started by looking at what the planet Saturn means in astrology. I love astrology and find it really interesting. Each planet has keywords which describe it.
It is in charge of Karma and in astrology it is said that "one can use Saturn's energy in order to break free of the cycle of rebirth".
This gave me an instant link to the Karma Cycle we think is happening with rerecords, and the 112 day theory between rerecords releasing as there are 112 ways to break out of Karma.
These 112 ways of breaking free of the Karma Cycle achieve spiritual enlightenment. Which Saturn ALSO governs!
Why do I think Taylor is using Saturn?
Taylor was 29 years old when her masters were stolen from her in 2019.
Saturn takes 29 years to make a full orbit of the sun. In astrology, we call the years where Saturn is in the same place of your chart (aka has done a full orbit of the Sun) your Saturn reckoning.
Saturn reckoning is described as a "challenging time, but a time of great transformation".
Taylor's challenging time during her Saturn reckoning was her masters being sold away from her, and her great transformation is the ability to rerecord them.
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We know Taylor is into astrology as she has made frequent references to it, for example in jewellery, usage of types of signs in her music, and using the Archer imagery to represent herself as a Sagittarius.
I believe that she looked into her astrology around the time her masters were stolen, and connected the dots between her Saturn reckoning and what was happening, and used it as the first point for creating the Karma cycle which became the 112 cycle.
She had almost a year to begin planning this before 'The Man' music video came out featuring the Karma wall, and then we went into lockdown a month later - I believe the covid pandemic basically gave her an insane amount of time to be able to plan out dates and timings and to look more heavily into what she could do with astrology.
We get our first Saturn reference in summer 2020 with the song 'seven' in folklore but we don't get our first instance of 112 until evermore in late 2020.
Saturn is the planet which controls TIME.
It controls clocks, time, watches, anything to do with the passing of time is controlled by Saturn.
I found this particularly interesting as Taylor has been referencing clocks TONNES during the Midnights album (It's a Clock, It tells time) and during the Era's Tour (The Clock countdown at the start of the tour and TaylorNation consistently post this every show).
Saturn's God is named Chronus, and is known as the God of Time or Father Time.
Chronus was said in ancient times to "devour his owns sons just as time devours seasons of the year as they come and go". Who else distinctly uses seasons or perhaps ERAS to separate her work? Taylor Swift.
Cronus was also said to have brought harmony and fruitfulness during the Golden Age, bringing abundance by hard work.
This really struck me as appearing how the rerecordings felt as a long time Taylor Swift fan and honestly how I imagine this process feels to her. She is bringing harmony by righting the wrongs done to her, fruitfulness to herself as she will now be able to make money off of her own music, and creating an abundance of music through the hardwork of rerecording and rereleasing them.
I also linked this to this Golden scene in the Karma music video, as it appears very Golden Age to me + Karma is spray painted in the background on one of the pillars.
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An imagery of Cronus in Taylor Swift's work was from the Apple Music 'evermore' detailed interview, talking about how the album came to be and going more in-depth with it. Taylor is sat with a painting to her lefthand side and a small statue behind her to the right. I believe that this statue is one of the God Saturn aka Cronus. Saturn and Cronus are the same thing, just in Roman and Greek mythology they look different. This statue appears to be the Roman version.
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Whilst not overly clear, I do personally believe this to be Cronus, as you can see him holding a sickle/scythe whilst wearing a toga.
Cronus's Scythe.
The imagery of a Scythe or Sickle is important. It is a symbol of Saturn and is the way Cronus reaps the seeds of time. Where have we seen imagery using a scythe/sickle in Taylor Swift's work? In the Karma music vide, in the scene where she blows a kiss to the 3 Grim Reapers who are all holding scythes. Grim Reapers are also noted to be signs of Saturn. This here is an image of how Cronus is depicted in his non toga wearing form. Note the large scythe.
Compared to the scene from Karma there is a clear connection.
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In Palmistry, Saturn is linked to the middle finger. Note the usage of this in both Karma and I Bet You Think About Me
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also note how it says “servant”? where have we seen a servant in Taylor’s media? Oh yes Bejeweled, the video with “an insane ludicrous amount of easter eggs” that “needed a PDF file to keep track of them all”…I think this could be connected!
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This is only part 1 I have SO much more to post!!! Please let me know what you think! I’m posting lots about it on tiktok @/ellie.glendinning and my messages are open here & on tiktok if anyone would like to clown over this with me!
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rogue-driv3r · 1 year
It's been a while since my last rant about automotive industry, but here we go again.
As a premise, i must say that this will probably be more valid for EU than for the rest of the world. Also expect a LONG post. So.
Hybrids and EVs are surely more efficient and "clean" than the average ICE car. But, as a car enthusiast, i'm very aware that technology end efficiency are expensive, definitely not for everyone. Here where i live we get bonuses for changing old cars with brand new "eco-friendly" ones, but only if they are old enough. Bonuses that, anyway, even in best cases will cover less than a quarter of the price of a new vehicle.
Most importantly, and that's something i learned the hard way, no institution will give you a single cent for the running costs - and they're high running costs. And about (stupidly heavy) EVs, electricity now is so expensive that the cost-per-km is the same of regular gasoline, so no real advantage. I remember when the seller told us that the simplicity of the powertrain meant less service costs, it was quite the opposite. Moreover, we were forced to service the car at their shop, at their prices, because they were the only ones who knew how to work on those components. Oh, and it was the only way to keep the warranty valid on expensive parts, too.
I had a (second hand) hybrid, like my parents. But i went from precarious worker to student and i'm unable to find a proper job while i'm studying due to some issues with my mental health, so my income suddenly dropped to zero. Keeping the car is expensive and in three years, when the warranty expires, the value will decrease drastically (a new battery could cost until 8k euros, nobody would buy a car with that risk). So i planned ahead and sold the hybrid car to get a cheaper one with decent quality and safety, reasonable running costs, free from the blackmail of our official dealer and easily fixable by any mechanic.
The problem: the most reliable and most fuel-saving version of that model on the second-hand car market (and well, basically the only one i found nearby) was a Diesel one. And Diesels are EU's scapegoat for the increasing air pollution, so Countries are forced to make laws to stay within certain limits - that's not bad itself. The problem is that private cars, depending on the sources, are only between 10% and 20% of the total greenhouse gas emissions.
But it's easier to wage war against citizens than corporations who are truly responsible for that 80-90%. And i'm not talking about those wealthy citizens who already got their fancy Tesla, but those who literally can't afford a new car (for any reason). This is a class problem.
There are "old" Diesel cars which still require less fuel than modern, high-end Diesels that satisfy the new requirements for mass production. A 10 years old 1.4 Diesel will always require less fuel and pollute less than a 2-tonne mild-hybrid "environmentally friendly" 3.0 Diesel BMW or Audi. Oh wait, it gets better: ironically an Euro 5 Diesel could be stopped from traffic while a brand new 1500 hp quad-turbo W16 Bugatti Chiron can roam around in the city centre on the very same day. But hey, the Chiron is not an evil Diesel. Once again, this. Is. A. Class. Problem.
Forcing people to go hybrid/electric with restrictions is repression against low-income classes. There could be so much more that can be done if private transport really is the root of all evil. Like a bonus that covers 100% the price of a new car (oh btw, an Euro 5 Diesel is old enough to get stopped on certain conditions, but not old enough to receive a bonus). Or investing in bio/synthetic fuels so people can run their older cars with carbon neutral emissions - but that'd make the poor automakers angry as they couldn't sell their new hypertechnological cars. Or provide new catalysts for free to install on older cars - but also that would make automakers quite angry. Or governments could also consider doing something about intensive farming (y'know, that thing that sends methane into atmosphere which is 84 times worse for global warming than CO2), or better public transport, or heavy industry, or invest in nuclear so we can stop burning fossil fuels for energy (i know this is gonna cause a shitstorm lmao, i believe safely stocking radioactive material under layers of rocks in sterile zones is better than keeping on produce greenhouse gases), or anything that doesn't involve the private life of people already struggling with ever-increasing prices of goods.
"B-but there are exceptions to traffic restrictions" sure, but it's hard to satisfy all of the requirements. One of them is quite easy to get anyway: it's a certificate that you're on the route from home to work or viceversa - you can pollute if you produce. Using an old car for free-time? Nope. Getting groceries? Nope. Sounds dystopic as hell, innit?
Don't get me wrong, technology and research are good, hybrids and EVs are fascinating and surely relatively more efficient. But not affordable by everyone, nor a permanent solution for environmental problems: not only for batteries, but also for the energy required to charge them, and the fossil fuels still needed for hybrids. A lot of research is still needed but, while we wait, we should stop pointing the finger at who can't afford to buy and sustain a new car.
Now, i know what you're thinking: "but you could've got another non-Diesel model and save even more money" maybe you're right, but for me the choice of the car is very personal and important, there are many criteria i have, picking any cheap shitbox is not an option for me if i have a decent budget. Laws can change, safety and reliability don't. There are good cars out there which only problem is bad laws made against them. Cars that can perfectly run and could end up in a junkyard only because of these laws, that's the opposite of sustainability, that's forced consumerism. Plus, it's not only about me, but also and most importantly about the millions of people that get screwed everyday and have no fucking choice.
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snake-eyes-11 · 2 years
📱- ooc; Remember when I used to be active over here? Yeah, me too...
I've been going back and forth on whether or not to write this post for weeks now...but I feel I should.
Some of you will know that I went to Canada for my brother's wedding this summer. Well, after the wedding, my brother moved out there with his wife. He had no house, no car, no job prospects and only a few of his belongings. Why? No idea. He still won't give much of an answer beyond: "If not now, when?". Added to that, on the day he left for the airport (with my now sister-in-law) we expected to bid them farewell in their empty flat...only, their flat wasn't empty. Their furniture was still there, they still had food in the fridge freezer, cosmetics, cleaning products and boxes in the cupboards and so much more. It then fell on my family's shoulders to deal with what was left behind, bearing in mind that the flat had already been sold at this point and we had no idea how long the sale would take to complete. Four months later, we have just finished clearing it and the sale has just this week completed.
What has this got to do with writing? Well, I've always been very close to my family...and him leaving has taken a huge toll on my parents, my other brother, my younger niece...and me, too. As a result of this huge, emotional change, my writing inspiration has flip-flopped between tonnes and nothing, and it's also been my coping mechanism. If I bury myself in the daydreams long enough, I can forget about everything else.
But...I've been struggling a lot lately. Added on top of that drama, the funding at work has been significantly impacted by the economic crisis and it's had repercussions across the board. At this point in time, I've been told that the administrative work I do on a Monday will no longer be viable as of next month. The rest of my work? As of this moment, I have no idea.
I've had two pretty severe panic attacks over the past couple of weeks. I didn't mention these at the time because it seemed pointless once I'd sorted myself out and got my head around things, plus I didn't want to worry anyone because I care very much about you guys over here.
I'm trying very hard to find my feet in writing over here again. The dash has mostly been very quiet and I've been roleplaying over on D.isco.rd more often lately which has taken up most of my time. Sometimes, I feel a bit irrelevant over here and I know that's probably untrue but my head is already scrambled so much that it's hard to break out it.
It's my birthday next week and I've booked a few days off, so hopefully I can have some fun and relax a bit during that time.
TL;DR: Mun has been through a lot of IRL emotional drama lately which has impacted her mental health and activity.
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foxnangelseo · 3 months
Lubrizol's $150 Million Investment in India Strengthens its Position in the Growing Chemical Industry
The Lubrizol Corporation, a US-based specialty chemicals firm and a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, is set to make its largest-ever investment in India. With a keen focus on housing-led infrastructure, transportation, and home products, Lubrizol's CEO and President, Rebecca Liebert, announced the company's plan to invest $150 million in the country. This strategic move aims to capitalize on the booming Indian market and reinforce Lubrizol's presence in the region. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of Lubrizol's investment and its significance for the company's future growth in India.
Lubrizol initially entered the Indian market in 1996 through a joint venture with Indian Oil Corporation, specializing in lubricants and fuel products. The company then introduced its chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) product offerings to India in 2001. Building on its successful partnerships, Lubrizol is now preparing to invest in its additives business by installing a state-of-the-art 100,000-metric tonne CPVC resin line in collaboration with Grasim Industries at its Vilayat site. Moreover, the company plans to double its compounding capability at its Dahej plant. These strategic investments demonstrate Lubrizol's commitment to expanding its manufacturing capabilities in India and meeting the growing demand for its products.
Overcoming Challenges and Delayed Project Timeline
Despite the initial announcement of the investment in 2020, the project faced setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic and global supply chain disruptions. Rebecca Liebert acknowledged these challenges and confirmed that Lubrizol plans to break ground in the fall, with the startup anticipated to take place in 2025. By overcoming the obstacles and ensuring safe manufacturing practices, Lubrizol aims to deliver high-quality products that adhere to the highest standards.
Capturing Growing Opportunities in the Indian Market
The Indian market presents a significant growth opportunity for Lubrizol, with the country currently being the fastest-growing region for the company. Accounting for 50% of Lubrizol's volume in its TempRite or CPVC business, India continues to exhibit high single-digit to low double-digit growth rates. In particular, the demand for housing in India serves as a major driver of the CPVC market. Lubrizol's General Manager of TempRite Engineered Polymers, Scott Mold, highlighted the country's initiatives to provide clean water for all and emphasized Lubrizol's commitment to supporting these initiatives through its advanced product offerings.
Meeting the Growing Demand and Targeting Revenue Milestones
Last year, approximately 240,000 tonnes of CPVC were sold in India, and Lubrizol's expansion plans will add another 100,000 tonnes to its capacity. With a growth rate of 7-10%, Rebecca Liebert expects the additional capacity to be fully consumed within the next four years. This optimistic outlook is bolstered by Lubrizol's commitment to manufacturing excellence, ensuring that it can meet the rising demand for CPVC in the Indian market. Furthermore, Lubrizol aims to achieve a revenue milestone of $1 billion in India within the next five years, emphasizing the company's long-term commitment to the region.
Lubrizol's decision to invest $150 million in India showcases its confidence in the country's burgeoning market and its commitment to serving customers in key sectors such as housing-led infrastructure, transportation, and home products. By expanding its additives business, forging strategic partnerships, and enhancing its manufacturing capabilities, Lubrizol aims to solidify its position as a leading player in the Indian chemical industry. The company's focus on delivering high-quality products, supporting initiatives for clean water in housing projects, and capturing market growth opportunities is a testament to its long-term commitment to India. As Lubrizol embarks on this transformative journey, it is poised to shape the future of the chemical industry in India while contributing to the country's sustainable development goals.
This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Ensuring Sufficient Lithium Supply for Future Electric Cars - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ensuring-sufficient-lithium-supply-for-future-electric-cars-technology-org/
Ensuring Sufficient Lithium Supply for Future Electric Cars - Technology Org
There’s no denying that when it comes to automotives, the future is electric. There are endless reports of the surge in EV sales in recent years. The new and used electric car markets are booming with a reported one million electric cars being sold since 2022.
While the trends are showing positive signs, it begs the question of whether the nation is ready to accommodate the gigantic shift. There are already concerns over the availability of charging points, but what about the batteries that fuel the cars? Diligence is required when it comes to global lithium supply, as lithium batteries are essential to the electric car revolution. Will there be enough for the future?
EV charging stations – illustrative photo. Image credit: Michael Fousert via Unsplash, free license
Assessing Global Lithium Reserves
Lithium reserves are located across the globe, with reserves primarily located in Australia, Chile and Argentina.
Scientists explain that while there is enough lithium in the Earth’s reserves, the accessibility of this and whether we can get it out is another story altogether. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there are around 88 million tonnes of lithium on the Earth and around a quarter of this is available to mine at the surface. 
While scientists are confident that current supplies are sufficient, there’s a clear need to focus on the long-term impacts and shortage of supplies over time. There’s a question over whether we can reach the lithium beneath the Earth’s surface. The ever-changing nature of commodity markets can present opportunities for traders, making lithium one to pay close attention to.
Technological Advancements in Lithium Extraction
Technological advancements in mining and battery technology will aid the potential shortage of lithium. As mentioned, it’s a case of working out how to access the lithium that sits beneath the reserves that are more readily available at the Earth’s surface.
Brine evaporation, hard rock mining, and lithium recycling from used batteries are just some of the schemes proposed to improve the operations surrounding lithium extraction. There’s no shying away from the need for investment and research in order to develop these areas further and optimise lithium supply chains. At the same time, this will help to minimise the risks of shortage supply.
It’s also thought that the amount of lithium needed for electric cars will decrease over time.
Diversification of Battery Materials
Alternative battery chemistries and materials could form part of the answer to the issue, reducing our reliance on lithium-ion batteries in the EV market.
Alternative battery options could include:
Solid-state batteries
Sodium-ion batteries
Lithium-sulphur batteries
Emerging technologies could aid this area through higher energy density and lower costs, alongside a reducedd reliance on lithium. Diversification is often the answer in these scenarios, which is what this could create.
Sustainable Resource Management and Recycling
Another point in discussion is ensuring that the process of mining for lithium doesn’t lead to further ecological damage, therefore contradicting the original purpose.
Sustainable resource management is something that can be applied across a range of sectors and resources, from the wood we source from forests to renewable energy.
As a result, responsible mining practices are key. This should be promoted worldwide. On top of this, there is potential for battery recycling initiatives to promote a circular structure. The circular economy is something that is being increasingly adopted under the guise of sustainability – and its purpose is to prevent a so-called linear economy which results in waste at the end of the process. If we can recycle the lithium batteries we create, it means we can extract key materials (such as lithium, nickel, copper and cobalt) and repurpose them without having to mine for more raw materials.
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homeimprovementway · 4 months
What's a Rick of Wood? Discover the Power Behind this Essential Firewood Measurement
A rick of wood is a stack or pile of firewood, typically measuring 4 feet high, 8 feet long, and 4 feet deep. It is a common unit of measurement used to quantify firewood for sale or storage purposes. The term "rick" is derived from the Old English word "hrēac," meaning a heap or stack. Rick of wood is often used for heating homes and buildings during colder months or for recreational purposes, such as camping or bonfires. It is important to properly stack and store firewood to ensure it remains dry and ready for use.
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Credit: www.amazon.com
The Origin Of 'rick Of Wood'
Let's explore the fascinating history and regional variations of the term 'Rick of Wood'. History Of The Term The term 'Rick of Wood' has a long-standing history, dating back to medieval times. It originated from the Old English word 'hryce', which referred to a stack or a heap. In those times, stacking and storing wood was considered essential for survival, especially during harsh winters. Over the years, the term 'Rick' evolved and became commonly used to describe a measured amount of firewood. It became an essential unit of measurement not only for buying and selling firewood but also for estimating the amount needed for heating or cooking. As society progressed and wood cutting techniques improved, the standard size of a rick started to vary, leading to regional variations. Regional Variations Due to different cultural practices and the availability of resources, various regions have their own specific measurements for a rick of wood. Here are some regional variations: Region Measurement New England A rick typically measures 4 feet high, 8 feet long, and 16 inches wide. Midwest A rick usually measures 4 feet high, 8 feet long, and 12 to 16 inches wide. South A rick can vary in size, ranging from 4 to 8 feet high, 8 to 18 feet long, and 12 to 24 inches wide. - In Canada, a rick of wood is commonly referred to as a 'cord', which measures 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long. - In Europe, the term 'stere' is often used instead of 'rick', and it typically measures 1 cubic meter. - In Australia, a rick is commonly known as a 'tonne bag', referring to a bag filled with approximately 1 tonne of firewood. These regional variations reflect the diversity and cultural influences that have shaped the concept of a 'Rick of Wood' across different parts of the world.
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Credit: lumberjax.com
Understanding Firewood Measurements
A rick of wood equals approximately 128 cubic feet, typically measuring 4 x 8 x 4 feet. It's a common measurement for firewood sold in cords and provides a helpful way to gauge quantity and pricing. Understanding this measurement can help you determine how much wood you need for your fireplace or wood-burning stove. Understanding Firewood Measurements When it comes to purchasing firewood, it's important to understand the different measurements used to assess quantities. One such measurement is the "rick," but what exactly does that mean? In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of a rick of wood and its significance in firewood measurements. Specifically, we will focus on the difference between a cord and a rick, as well as the importance of accurate measurements. H3 heading: Cord vs. Rick A cord is a familiar term when it comes to buying firewood, but what about a rick? Let's distinguish between the two. A cord is a unit of measurement that consists of a neatly stacked pile of firewood. Typically, a cord measures 128 cubic feet and is typically 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long. This standard measurement ensures consistency and fair pricing when purchasing firewood. On the other hand, a rick is a less formal measurement but still widely used. It refers to a smaller quantity of firewood, approximately one-third of a cord. While the dimensions of a rick can vary, it usually measures 4 feet high, 8 feet long, and as wide as the firewood pieces stack. Despite its informal nature, the rick is a convenient measurement for those who need smaller amounts to meet their firewood needs. H3 heading: Importance of accurate measurements Accurate measurements are crucial when purchasing firewood. By understanding the difference between a cord and a rick, you can ensure that you are receiving the quantity you paid for. Precision in firewood measurements helps to avoid any potential misunderstandings or dissatisfaction. Moreover, accurate measurements ensure that you have an appropriate amount of firewood for your needs. If you underestimate the amount required, you may find yourself running out of firewood during a chilly evening. On the other hand, purchasing an excessive amount can lead to wastage and unnecessary expenses. To guarantee accurate measurements, it's advisable to communicate clearly with your firewood supplier. Discuss the specific measurements you require and confirm the quantity before making a purchase. By doing so, you can enjoy the warmth and ambiance of a crackling fire without any worries. In conclusion, understanding firewood measurements is essential when purchasing firewood. Different measurements, such as a cord and a rick, offer various quantities to suit your needs. By ensuring accurate measurements, you can avoid any discrepancies and ensure that you have an adequate supply of firewood. So, the next time you buy firewood, make sure to be aware of the measurements and enjoy the warmth of a well-stocked fireplace or wood-burning stove.
The Science Of Firewood
The Science of Firewood is a fascinating topic that delves into the art and science of choosing, storing, and burning wood efficiently. As the primary source of fuel for countless households, firewood has a crucial role to play. One critical aspect of understanding firewood is the seasoning and moisture content, which impacts the efficiency and effectiveness of burning. In addition, knowing how to choose the right wood for efficient burning can make a significant difference in the performance of a fire. Let's explore these essential aspects in more detail. Seasoning And Moisture Content Proper seasoning and moisture content are crucial for efficient firewood. Seasoning refers to the process of drying wood by exposing it to the air. It reduces the moisture content, making the wood easier to light, burn, and produce heat. Ideally, firewood should have a moisture content ranging between 15% to 20%. The high moisture content not only makes the wood difficult to ignite but also creates excessive smoke and contributes to creosote buildup in chimneys. Therefore, it's essential to properly season firewood before use. Choosing The Right Wood For Efficient Burning When it comes to choosing the right wood for efficient burning, not all types of wood are created equal. Hardwoods such as oak, maple, and hickory are preferred due to their higher density, lower moisture content, and longer burn time. They produce more heat and less creosote, leading to a cleaner and more efficient burn. On the other hand, softwoods like pine and spruce, while readily available, burn quicker and produce more smoke, making them less efficient for heating. By selecting the appropriate wood, you can ensure a warmer, cleaner, and more cost-effective burning experience.
Practical Uses And Applications
A Rick of Wood has various practical uses and applications, including fuel for fireplaces and wood-burning stoves, as well as building materials for small-scale DIY projects or crafting. This amount of wood, typically measuring 4 feet high by 8 feet long, is commonly used for efficient storage and transportation. Buying firewood, commonly measured in units called a "rick," can be a worthwhile investment for various purposes. From heating homes to cooking and food smoking, a rick of wood has multiple practical uses that make it a versatile addition to any household. Let's explore the different ways in which this natural resource can be utilized. Heating Homes Wood is an excellent source of heat, and using it to warm your home can be both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. When properly dried and seasoned, a rick of wood can provide a consistent source of heat for extended periods. This makes it an ideal choice for those seeking an alternative to traditional heating methods, or for those who simply enjoy the cozy ambiance that a wood-burning fireplace or stove provides. Cooking And Food Smoking Another practical way to make the most of a rick of wood is by using it for cooking and food smoking. Whether you prefer grilling, smoking, or using a wood-fired oven, the distinct flavors imparted by wood smoke can elevate your culinary creations to a whole new level. From succulent meats to perfectly charred vegetables, wood-fired cooking offers a unique taste experience that can't be replicated with other fuels. Additionally, cooking with wood can be a fun and interactive way to enjoy the outdoors, perfect for garden parties or backyard gatherings. So, whether you're looking to keep warm during the colder months or enhance your culinary skills, a rick of wood can prove to be an indispensable asset. Its flexibility and natural properties make it an excellent choice for heating your home efficiently and adding a delicious smoky flavor to your favorite dishes. Embrace the timeless charm of wood and unlock its potential in these practical applications.
Sustainability And Ethical Sourcing
When it comes to purchasing firewood, it's not just about the warmth and ambiance it provides, but also about the environmental impact and ethical practices associated with its sourcing. Choosing a rick of wood that is sustainably harvested and ethically sourced can make a significant difference. In this section, we will explore the impact of firewood production on the environment and the responsible harvesting practices that ensure sustainable and ethical sourcing.Firewood production can have a considerable impact on the environment. The process of cutting down trees for firewood contributes to deforestation, which leads to habitat loss and disturbs the delicate balance of ecosystems. Deforestation also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Additionally, the transportation and processing of firewood can lead to air pollution and further negative environmental effects.Responsible harvesting practices are crucial to ensure sustainable and ethical sourcing of firewood. It involves various factors such as selecting mature trees for harvesting, leaving seed-producing trees untouched, and replanting trees to maintain the overall forest ecosystem. Responsible harvesters also prioritize biodiversity conservation, protecting wildlife habitats, and minimizing soil erosion. By following these practices, the firewood industry can minimize its environmental impact and promote the long-term health of forests and ecosystems.Furthermore, sustainable firewood production includes efficient utilization of the harvested trees. This means utilizing the entire tree for various purposes, including timber for construction and other byproducts for renewable energy or wood products, reducing waste and maximizing the value of each harvested tree. By implementing responsible harvesting practices, the firewood industry can ensure a sustainable supply of firewood while mitigating environmental harm.
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Credit: www.amazon.com
Frequently Asked Questions On Whats A Rick Of Wood
How Much Wood Is A Rick? A rick is a unit of measurement for firewood, generally referring to a stack that is 4 feet high, 8 feet long, and of varying widths, usually around 16 inches. The amount of wood in a rick can vary depending on the size of the split logs. Why Do They Call It A Rick Of Firewood? It's called a rick of firewood because it traces back to old English "rak," meaning heap. The term has stuck around and now refers to a pile of firewood. What Is A Rick Of Wood Vs Face Cord? A rick of wood is typically a stack that measures 4 feet wide by 8 feet long. A face cord, on the other hand, is a measurement of the stack's surface area, usually 4 feet high and 8 feet long. How Much Is Two Ricks Of Wood? Two ricks of wood typically cost around $500 to $800. The price may vary based on the type and quality of the wood, as well as the location and supplier. Keep in mind that transportation and delivery fees may apply.
In short, understanding a rick of wood is essential for anyone who uses firewood. It is a practical measure for estimating the amount of wood needed for heating. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, knowing about a rick of wood helps in planning and budgeting for your wood supply. Remember, a rick of wood can vary depending on the region and the way it is stacked. Always verify the measurement with your supplier. Read the full article
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awawreckers · 5 months
How Car Wreckers In Perth Handle End-Of-Life Vehicles
In Australia, approximately 700,000 end-of-life vehicles with thousands of tonnes of valuable resources end up at landfills every year. As time passes, they start polluting the environment. Car wreckers Perth play a crucial role in managing these vehicles. They ensure that ELVs are disposed of responsibly while also contributing to the recycling process. They are promoting more sustainable ways to deal with vehicles that have no longer lifespan. 
However, in Perth, only certified and licensed car wreckers are allowed to purchase and wreck end-of-life vehicles. Certified companies like AWA Wreckers buy cars in all regions of Perth. This company offers both recycling and wrecking services. For recycling, they use advanced technologies and have professional teams to complete the entire wrecking process. This blog post describes how car wreckers in Perth handle ELVs.
What Do Car Wreckers Do With End-Of-Life Vehicles?
The best car wreckers Perth have massive salvage yards, and their team is equipped with the advanced technologies to handle ELVs. They buy ELVs because of the value of the metal scrap. The wreckers are responsible for the disposal of these vehicles' waste at their own expense. Here is the guide on car wreckers deal with End-of-life vehicles: 
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The Initial Assessment - The process begins when a car reaches the end of its life, whether due to age, damage, or an accident. Car owners contact wreckers, who then conduct an initial assessment, often based on the car's make, model, year, and condition. This evaluation is crucial to determine whether the car should be bought for parts, scrap metal, or both.
Towing and Transportation - Once a deal is made, the car needs to be transported to the wrecker's facility. In Perth, most car wreckers Perth offer towing services to facilitate this. They employ tow trucks and drivers who are skilled in safely transporting damaged or non-functional vehicles.
Dismantling and Part Salvage - At the wrecker's yard, the car undergoes dismantling. Skilled technicians remove reusable parts like engines, transmissions, and electronic components. This process is meticulous, as the aim is to salvage as many usable parts as possible, which can be sold to repair shops or individuals.
Fluid and Hazardous Material Removal - An essential step in the process is the safe removal of fluids and hazardous materials. The best car removals Perth carefully drain oils, coolants, and fuel. It ensures these substances don't harm the environment. Batteries and other hazardous components are also safely extracted and disposed of or recycled according to environmental guidelines.
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Crushing and Recycling
The remaining car shell, primarily made of metal, is then crushed. This metal is recycled and often sent to steel mills, where it's melted down and repurposed for new products. This recycling process significantly reduces the need for new raw materials, conserving energy and resources.
Environmental Responsibility
They are not just businesses; they are also key players in environmental conservation. By recycling as much of the car as possible, they reduce landfill waste. Their practices align with sustainable development goals. It makes them an essential part of the green economy.
Supporting the Local Economy
Apart from environmental benefits, car wreckers contribute to the local economy. They provide employment, support the used parts market, and contribute to the recycling industry. This role is critical in sustaining a circular economy where resources are reused and repurposed.
The role of car wreckers in managing end-of-life vehicles is fundamental. Their work involves not just dismantling and recycling but also a strong commitment to environmental sustainability and economic contribution. They ensure that when a car reaches the end of its journey, it does so in a way that benefits both the planet and the community. As awareness of environmental issues grows, the role of car wreckers will become increasingly important in Perth and beyond.
Reference URL - https://www.awawreckers.com.au/blog/how-car-wreckers-in-perth-handle-end-of-life-vehicles/
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joiedevivrevehicles · 7 months
Renault SA Talks About The Challenges Faced Due To The EV Shift
Renault SA Managing Director,  Tshifularo about his career path, products and Renault SA’s prospects after the 2035 European fossil fuel ban on cars
Shumani Tshifularo hails from a village outside Thohoyandou, Limpopo. He is a chartered accountant and his work experience includes CFO at a local airline, a stint in the heavy machinery leasing sector and posts in several divisions at the Motus Group.
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Working his way up
In 2007, Tshifularo was Africa operations MD of Eqstra Fleet Management, and in 2009 he became CFO of Toyota Forklifts — another division — and then MD.
He left the group briefly in 2019 and rejoined Kia SA as its commercial director. The Korean car brand along with Hyundai, Mitsubishi and Renault, form part of the Motus vehicle import division that represents 23 passenger and commercial original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in SA. 
His stint at Kia lasted a year before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Thereafter, he joined Renault SA as commercial director, leading the project to convert and bring to market the Renault Triber Express panel van, among other projects.
In March 2022, he succeeded former Renault SA MD Jaco Oosthuizen who now leads the Motus Group in Australia.
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Growing the Renault brand forms a large part of his immediate responsibilities. The company ranks in the top ten best-sellers nationally. The focus is on strengthening model numbers, starting with the new Renault Captur. It’s an important and popular model with SA customers. The Austral SUV, the perfect replacement for the Kadjar, is not confirmed.
Another model in contention is the Renault Oroch, a half-tonne bakkie based on the Renault Duster. Market research continues on this cool-looking yet perplexing bakkie, which is more a lifestyle loader than a workhorse.
“We must ensure that we get the price and positioning correct before deciding if the Oroch gets the green light,” emphasised the MD.
Renault Stellenbosch has covered this topic a number of times and will most likely continue to provide the latest on the Oroch bakkie.
A batch of 55 Megane RS Ultime — the last model to wear the now retired Renault Sport logo — is now available for order, and though production of right-hand drive Alpines has commenced, we could not draw the MD into this topic. Besides, we sought a more interesting local angle. This raises excitement for local Renault dealers like the popular Stellenbosch branch.
Going electric 
Efforts to launch the Renault Arkana hybrid in 2024 are at an advanced stage, and this will mark Renault’s first foray into electrified mobility in this market. Dacia is the Romanian-born sister brand of Renault, and it markets a technical twin of the popular Renault Kwid, now with a fully electric version.
Is the brand not picking up on the opportunity to sell affordable electric cars in SA?
Tshifularo says his team is looking at various solutions, but there are challenges, especially load-shedding. He recently commuted in Paris in the all-electric Renault Zoe city car and says there were some issues, mostly non-functioning street-charging stations. So, it seems some European grids also are not coping with demand.
Another challenge with the electric Kwid is pricing. Prices start at €17,000 (R333,000). This is about R100,000 more expensive than even the priciest Kwid in this market. It would be unattainable and pointless to Kwid’s customer base, added the MD.
2035 fossil fuel ban
With Europe set on banning the manufacture of fossil fuel cars by 2035, Tshifularo outlines what he foresees will be the saving grace for markets behind the electric curve. He says the majority of Renaults sold in SA are built and sourced from India, and he anticipates this arrangement will continue beyond 2035.
He says there is talk of some of the Indian assembly plants already planning affordable new energy vehicles by then. Based on these outcomes, perhaps there will be something small, fully electric and suitable for our market conditions.
 News shared from https://bonjourrenault.wordpress.com/2023/10/29/renault-sa-talks-about-the-challenges-faced-due-to-the-ev-shift/
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ailtrahq · 9 months
According to a report by Ernest Hoffman for Kitco News published yesterday, data from the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) International Financial Statistics (IFS) reveals that Russia’s Central Bank increased its gold reserves in August 2023. The reserves have apparently returned to their initial levels at the start of the year, at 2,333 tonnes. This information was confirmed by Krishan Gopaul, a senior analyst at the World Gold Council, via a post on X (the micro-blogging platform formerly known as Twitter): IMF IFS data shows #gold reserves at the Central Bank of Russia rose by 3 tonnes in August. This means that its gold reserves are back to where they were at the start of the year – 2,333 tonnes. pic.twitter.com/7dHd4Huzaq— Krishan Gopaul (@KrishanGopaul) September 19, 2023 Kitco News reports that Russia is bolstering its gold reserves to mitigate the impact of Western economic sanctions, particularly those related to its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Their article also states that Russia is considering the support of a gold-backed BRICS currency, but it has had to utilize these reserves for international transactions and to cover budget deficits. In May 2023, according to Kitco News, Russia’s Central Bank liquidated four tonnes of gold and 2.59 billion yuan (approximately USD $365 million) from the National Wealth Fund (NWF) accounts. The proceeds were used to finance the country’s budget deficit, which it says reached 3.4 trillion rubles (around USD $42 billion) in the first four months of the year, largely due to reduced energy revenues. Kitco News also mentioned that in March, Russia’s Central Bank sold 3.1 tonnes of gold as gold prices began to rally. It went on to say that previously undisclosed data on Russia’s monthly gold holdings dating back to February 2022 was also released, showing an increase of 28 tonnes during that period. Some analysts have generally welcomed the more detailed data but have raised questions about Russia’s gold production and its end useDaniel McCarthy, a strategist at DailyFX.com, told Kitco News that Russia and China might be accumulating gold reserves to support a new currency that could challenge the U.S. dollar. Finally, Kitco’s news said Russia is set to assume the BRICS chairmanship on January 1, fueling anticipation that Russian President Vladimir Putin might make a significant currency-related announcement at the next BRICS summit, which is scheduled for October 2024. Featured Image via Midjourney Source
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curiositymeanings · 10 months
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The West Head Observation Post is one of three structures that persist in Ku-ring-gai National Park, along with two concrete casings housing 4.7” guns. 
It rises innocuously from the side of the steep cliff that plummets towards the ocean, just north of what is now known as Resolute Beach. Today, decades of rain and wind and the slow reclaiming things of the bush have given its bland, poured concrete appearance a somewhat ageless visage. Once harsh geometric angles which suggested modern human industry have been filed down into a blank sort of Easter Island head; a straight-browed visor, flat all-seeing eyes and a grim jawline. West Head’s Head. 
Sometimes, things wash up on the beach that we were never meant to see. Our eyes dismiss them as bleached timber tree trunks, or scattered formations of rock, or seaweed. We don’t see the skeletal forms, the horns, the Old Things that live in the corners of our eyes. 
In 1940, when the harsh Sydney summer reached a scorching 42 °C and the bitter winter mornings only a few degrees above freezing, the Australian Imperial Force was busy, in secret, constructing The Head. 
Once a distant possibility, the threat of a Japanese invasion was starting to feel more and more likely. Paranoia crept into the lives of cheerful, tanned coastal folk as the once friendly sun was co-opted by fascists in the north. The Rising Sun was approaching and if he arrived Australia might not survive the fight. 
Civilian factories turned their efforts to making barbed wire, and huge concrete pyramids weighing  over two tonnes lined every beach south of Mona Vale to stop the progress of tanks that might make it on shore. They arrived like the thunderous steps of giants on the sand, waking and stirring long dormant things that dwelled in, and were made of, the land. 
In the park, (which in 1940 wasn’t a park at all, but a series of privately owned parcels of land cobbled together by wealthy white fellas who took over foreclosed small holdings for pennies or rum from poorer settlers), brave lads with bronzed limbs and bright, clear eyes set about their secret project to erect the huge guns and a watch tower that would guard the enemy approach to Sydney by boat or submarine. 
They didn’t stop to look at ancient red ochre hands painted on cave walls by the people who had been driven from those lands which were later sold for rum. They didn’t have the time, and the enemy was out there, waiting on the horizon like a red dawn waiting to rise.   
Hundreds of tonnes of steel and concrete had to be brought in by water, smuggled up the cliff face using a winch railway system of weights and counterweights up a 50 degree incline track. The materials were raised with effort and landed with terrible purpose onto the steep sides of the cliff, but the workers were hidden by dense bush on all sides. Surely, no one could see what they were forming up in those hills.  
After a solid year of human toil and sweat and effort, 93 able bodied Australian men were kitted out as part of the West Head Fortress Battery in January of 1941. 
What they had achieved was a miracle. But in the odds-defying feat of doing it, and doing it in secret, they were all of them unaware that they had in fact been watched. 
The clear eyes of the boys started to darken with the suggestions of forms, right at their periphery. In the corners of their vision, things moved and stirred, malicious and angry at being disquieted on their turf. One young man swore he saw a long, white python with jutting, angular antlers and a malformed head slither into the water from which they had pulled their concrete and steel. It had lurked there, he swore, until in the half light of dusk, when it had again pulled itself onto the sand and gazed up at the flat, dull ‘eyes’ of The Head from which infantrymen looked out for far flung dangers that would come from other lands, not as a part of the land they occupied.  
Those who felt the tug at the corner of their eye dismissed it as an alertness to the Jap threat. If any of the bright young boys had known of dreaming or the spirit of the land or the secrets of the bush, they might have turned their eagle eyes towards the rumbling upset within the soil they called Australia. But they didn’t know.  
They kept looking out hard at the horizon, over Broken Bay and Lion Island, straining their eyes for the approach of fascism out of the north. And when one of the youngest in their corps went for a quick dip at Resolute Beach to cool off after a day of sweat and toil, none of them saw the thick, pale white thing that wrapped around his waist and gently took him under the barely breaking foam tips of the sea that lapped gently onto the pristine beach.
The war continued, and the things indifferent to the wars of men continued to watch out from their own strange, ageless heads.
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ckpapermart · 11 months
Position of Paper & Pulp Industry in India
Indian economy started promoting for paper less economy since Mr. Narender Modi took reign of PM. The entire system was processed towards digitalisation as the government also started sending notices and challans over email Id or at different digital platforms instead of sending paper document via speed posts. In fact, people have also shifted their accounting and book – keeping process on different software systems such as Tally Prime, Tally ERP, Busy etc. Resulting the fact, that the demand of paper became less in the market, due to which the paper mills of India started losing businesses.
According to CK PAPER MART, the twisting fact is that, the demand of prime Kraft paper has been decreased as now the people are no more using paper for writing purposes but the demand of brown kraft paper has been increased into packaging business. There are other types of paper such as White bleach kraft paper, SBS etc. are also one of the prominent part of packaging industry. The kraft paper is demanded for manufacturing of carry bags, corrugated boxes, honeycomb manufacturing for packaging etc. India is having two different segment of packaging papers, firstly, India is having more than 900 paper mills, which are into manufacturing of kraft paper or packaging paper. Secondly, a large segment of packaging kraft paper is also imported from USA and Europe, which is better in strength and quality as compared to Indian kraft. During last two years, i.e., 2021 and 2022, the export of kraft paper was too high due to which hundreds of new paper mills were started but now, most of them are hit by global recession and are almost at the urge of shut down. The paper mill owners of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are agreeing that, due to low demand, global recession and rising inflation level, they have to take harsh decision of closure of the production processes and the during the first quarter of 2023, more than 20 mills have been completely shut down affecting the livelihood of more than 26000 people in India.
The managing director of prominent paper mill stated that they have closed down the production related activity during April and May 2023 because of lower demand. Other than paper mills of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, paper mills of Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan were also closed down as the global crisis and steep inflation rate impacted the consumption process of kraft paper. The President of ‘The Indian Recovered Paper Traders Association (IRPTA) mentioned that the entire situation of mill shut down arose because the kraft mills are making huge losses as they were working only on gap of INR 8 to INR 9 per kg against waste paper and finish paper. In simple terms, the prime paper produced by Indian mill manufacturers were selling just say the price of Rs. 15, which is of good quality then the stocklot paper imported from overseas have been sold at the price of Rs. 7, despite the fact that quality of stocklot paper is equivalent to waste paper.
At the time duration of closure of the Kraft paper mill, the waste of Kraft paper was actually being sold at INR 17000 per metric tonnes which was of 18 BF and 100 GSM whereas the prime Kraft Paper was being sold at INR 25000 per metric tonnes which was also of 18 BF and 100 GSM and this nominal gap was not enough to match with growing losses. The prominent paper mill from Uttarakhand mentioned that the demand of kraft paper is quite short throughout the globe whereas the inflation rate is also higher. Earlier, India was exporting lot of packaging products such as corrugated boxes and Paper Carry Bags. But now, due to low overseas demand, the corrugated box manufacturers were also not operating at full capacities. Although, the mill owners are hopeful that the global market might pick up within next two quarters as the shutdown of mills would correct the prices of kraft paper.
Kraft paper is basically a kind of recycled paper and it is no longer remained monopoly of Indian and Chinese mills because the paper mills of developed countries have also installed the recycling plants and they are also offering good quality kraft paper at the prices lower of Indian mills due to which the Indian paper mills are not been able to compete with international paper mills. The paper mills of Russia and Malaysia are offering the kraft paper at prices lower than 20% as compared to the prices offered by Indian paper mills. The fact cannot be denied that, during year 2022 the paper import was 2802.38 USD Million and same was just 742.45 USD Million in year 2021, indicating that the people of India themselves are also preferring to use imported kraft paper instead of Indian kraft because of prices and quality. In last two years, the production capacity of kraft paper has been expanded by 40% in proportion of the demand whereas the actual expansion required was just between 18% to 20%. In order to match with demanded capacity, the paper mill association have been agreed to shut down their production process for five days every month in order to equalise demand and supply.
In 2023, the paper mills of India have suffered huge losses, due to which the paper mill association of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan have formed cartel and have decided to follow the business pattern of Paper mills of Foreign countries. The paper mills operating in northern areas are also planning to shut down the operating for five days in month as like paper mills of South and Western India.
There are different types of Kraft paper manufactured by Paper Mills, such as Virgin Kraft, Bleach Kraft, Poly Craft, Absorbent Kraft Paper, etc. and these kraft paper are used for different purposes. The paper mill from Punjab has also been shut down in order to manage their existing stock as the paper mill was going to through difficult time. The corrugated box manufacturers have received 20% lesser orders as compared to previous year. Although, the chances of demand could be possible from Indian market as the demand of corrugated boxes from Himachal Pradesh rises during May and June because of seasonal aspect as the boxes for Apple packaging were in high demand. But the existing corrugated box manufacturers were not prepared for this and could not determine the size of boxes and were not been able to fulfil the orders.
While the export of Kraft paper from India has been concerned then the packaging paper are also being exported as during 2020, the floating medium and test liner export was approximately 2 lakh tones each month and it remained continued till several months. Although, the export processes started declining in 2023 because of certain issues such as bad odour from Indian kraft, improper logistics, run ability and sub – standard quality. It is recommending to kraft manufacturing mills, that, if these issues can be curbed then it will act as huge opportunity for packaging industry. India was exporting kraft paper into Far East, Middle East, Latin America and African countries. The export could have been possible in 2020 and 2021 because of compulsion and necessities, not because of choice.
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newstfionline · 1 year
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Hot times (Bloomberg) Global warming-induced heat waves are worsening other problems around the world: Ships in the Panama Canal are being asked to lighten their loads, and wildfires in Canada’s top energy-producing province of Alberta have knocked out a fifth of the nation’s natural gas output. Scorching temperatures in Malaysia are pushing up food inflation—and putting pressure on government bonds. It’s a great time to be in the air conditioning business.
Debt ceiling negotiators race to cement deal before June 5 deadline (Washington Post) The U.S. government will run out of money to meet all its payment obligations on June 5, if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling, Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen told lawmakers on Friday, providing a more precise forecast to lawmakers trying to break an impasse. Her new projections came as lawmakers struggled to strike a deal that would raise the nation’s borrowing limit and hold spending down, which Republicans have said is necessary to get their support to raise the borrowing limit. The new default date should not be seen as a reprieve, but rather a more firm deadline that “ensures the urgency” of reaching a deal within days, said Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-N.C.), one of the key GOP negotiators. (Later: President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached an “agreement in principle” to raise the nation’s legal debt ceiling, but now Congress must rush to approve the spending cuts package in a matter of days to avert default.)
Teen workers are in high demand for summer and commanding better pay (AP) Teens have long been vital to filling out the summertime staffs of restaurants, ice cream stands, amusement parks and camps. Now, thanks to one of the tightest labor markets in decades, they have even more sway, with an array of jobs to choose from at ever higher wages. In April, nearly 34% of Americans aged 16 to 19 had jobs, according to government data. That compares with 30% four years ago, the last pre-pandemic summer. More jobs are available for those who want them: There are roughly 1.6 jobs open for every person that is unemployed, according to the Labor Department. In normal times, that ratio is about 1:1. Maxen Lucas, a graduating senior at Lincoln Academy in Maine, had his first job at 15 as a summer camp dishwasher, followed by a stint as a grocery bagger before getting into landscaping. He said young workers can be choosier now. “After COVID settled down, everyone was being paid more,” said the 18-year-old from Nobleboro who’ll head off to Maine Maritime Academy this fall.
US to give away free lighthouses as GPS makes them unnecessary (Guardian) Ten lighthouses that for generations have stood like sentinels along America’s shorelines protecting mariners from peril and guiding them to safety are being given away at no cost or sold at auction by the federal government. The aim of the program run by the General Services Administration is to preserve the properties, most of which are more than a century old. The development of modern technology, including GPS, means lighthouses are no longer essential for navigation, said John Kelly of the GSA’s office of real property disposition. And while the Coast Guard often maintains aids to navigation at or near lighthouses, the structures themselves are often no longer mission critical. Yet the public remains fascinated by the evocative beacons, which are popular tourist attractions, beloved local landmarks and the subject of countless photographers and artists, standing lonely but strong against tides and storms, day and night and flashing life-saving beams of light whatever the weather.
Russia’s gold (Reuters) Russia produced an estimated 325 tonnes of gold in 2022, and exported 116.3 tonnes of it from February 24, 2022, to March 3 of this year. Russia is not exactly the most favorable trading partner of the world, so the overwhelming majority of it, 99.8 percent of Russia’s gold exports, went to just three countries: predominantly the United Arab Emirates (75.7 tonnes worth $4.3 billion, up from 1.3 tonnes in 2021) and then China and Turkey, who split the balance. Russia’s been hawking its gold at about 1 percent under market rates, making it a favorable trade to those willing to subvert the global sanctions.
Ukrainian children carry on (AP) The two children squinted to see through the thick smoke that hung in the air after a deafening blast shook their small home in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region. The pair, ages 9 and 10, called out for their father. Only eerie silence followed. Then Olha Hinkina and her brother, Andrii, rushed to the bomb shelter, as they had been taught. When the booms stopped and the smoke cleared, they found their father on the porch—motionless and covered in blood after being struck by a Russian projectile. The two siblings join a generation of Ukrainian children whose lives have been upended by the war. Russia’s full-scale invasion has subjected them to constant bombardment, uprooted millions from their homes and turned many into orphans. At least 483 children have lost their lives and nearly 1,000 have been wounded, according to figures from Ukraine’s general prosecutor’s office. Meanwhile, UNICEF says an estimated 1.5 million Ukrainian children are at risk of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health issues, with potentially lasting effects. Nearly 1,500 Ukrainian children have been orphaned, the National Social Service of Ukraine said. When Andrii Hinkin remembers his hometown, he doesn’t recall the bombs, the smoke or the thunderous explosions. He remembers it as a beautiful village. Asked what are his biggest dreams, he responds timidly. “I want to grow up.”
US rebukes Kosovo for escalating tensions, Serbia puts army on alert (Reuters) The United States and allies rebuked Kosovo for escalating tensions with Serbia on Friday, saying the use of force to install mayors in ethnic Serb areas undermined efforts to improve troubled relations with neighbouring Serbia. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic placed the army on full combat alert and ordered units to move closer to the border following clashes on Friday between Kosovan police and protesters opposed to the ethnic Albanian mayors. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken criticized the government of Kosovo for accessing the municipal buildings by force and called on Prime Minister Albin Kurti to reverse course. In a statement, Blinken said Kosovo’s actions went against U.S. and European advice and had “sharply and unnecessarily escalated tensions, undermining our efforts to help normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia and will have consequences for our bilateral relations with Kosovo.”
Suspicious Software (Guardian) According to a joint investigation by multiple international research groups, spyware developed by NSO Group, an Israeli cyber-intelligence firm, has been used for the first time in a military conflict. NSO Group’s Pegasus, a military-grade spyware that allows users to hack into and remotely control any cell phone, was used to target multiple people involved with the Armenia-Azerbaijan border conflict from October 2020 to December 2022. The victims include journalists, human rights advocates, and a U.N. official. One former Armenian foreign ministry spokesperson was hacked over 27 times between October 2020 and July 2021, a period when she was still active as a diplomat, taking part in crucial negotiations regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh war. She was reportedly involved “squarely in the most sensitive conversations and negotiations related to the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis,” including ceasefire talks involving France, the U.S., and Russia. While NSO Group claims it investigates reports of its spyware being abused by governments, it has been continually abused around the world. The governments of India, Poland, Spain, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico have all employed the spyware for different purposes, including surveilling opposition leaders and foreign diplomats.
Amid Turkey election, a Syrian man’s murder stokes fear among refugees (Washington Post) The campaign posters promising to deport Syrian refugees appeared on the morning that Saleh Sabika was killed. They were all across the city by the time he began his final shift in a country that didn’t want him anymore. Grainy CCTV footage from the Istanbul sock factory around 10 a.m. shows a fistfight between Sabika, a 28-year-old Syrian, and a Turkish colleague. Not long after, eyewitnesses said, the colleague grabbed a knife from a nearby restaurant and returned to stab Sabika in the chest. He was dead by the time he reached the hospital. “He wasn’t just killed by a weapon,” said his childhood friend Islam, who spoke on the condition that he be identified by his nickname, fearing for his own safety. “He was killed by the words of all those politicians who planted the ideology against us in people’s heads,” he continued. “It won’t be the last death like this.” As Turkey prepares for a landmark runoff in its presidential election, the fate of people like Sabika and Islam are on the ballot. After years of economic crisis here, Syrian refugees and asylum seekers have become easy targets for leaders across the political spectrum, who contend that immigrants are changing the nation’s character and should be returned to their home country by force. Even before election season, a rising tide of forced deportations, police harassment and violent hate crimes had left many Syrians feeling under siege.
Israeli agents conducted raid against militants in civilian area, killing a child (Washington Post) The traffic was barely moving on March 16 in central Jenin, an unusually busy Thursday afternoon in the West Bank. With the holy month of Ramadan just days away, restaurants were full and shoppers wove between cars as they hustled from store to store. A father pushed a stroller past a silver sedan. Inside the car, Israeli undercover agents were in place, waiting to carry out an operation against two Palestinian militants who were walking nearby. Omar Awadin, age 14, pedaled by on his bicycle, having just completed his last errand of the day. Moments later, four plainclothes security forces burst from a second silver sedan nearby in pursuit of the militants and opened fire. Such scenes are increasingly common in the West Bank, where more than 3 million Palestinians live under Israeli military occupation and a new generation of militants has risen to prominence. Israel says raids like this one are vital to disrupting terrorist networks and protecting its citizens from attack; Palestinian officials say they are war crimes that should be referred to the International Criminal Court. Israeli military operations have long been a fixture of life here, but they once happened mostly at night, and usually ended in apprehensions. This year, under the most right-wing government in Israeli history, a growing number of incursions have been carried out during the day, in densely packed urban areas such as Jenin. As of May 15, 108 Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, including militants and civilians, had been killed by Israeli forces, according to the United Nations, more than double last year’s toll from the same period. At least 19 were children—including Omar, who was fatally shot during the raid in Jenin.
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oyugreenusa · 1 year
Carbon Credit: An Overview
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Carbon credit is a term that has been making waves in the climate change discourse. In essence, a carbon credit is a certificate that represents a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These credits are traded on carbon markets, with the aim of reducing carbon dioxide emissions and mitigating climate change. This blog post aims to provide an overview of carbon credits and their importance.
What are Carbon Credits?
Carbon credits are a tradable certificate that represents a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. One carbon credit represents one tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions that have been prevented, reduced or removed from the atmosphere. Carbon credits are usually generated through projects that focus on reducing GHG emissions, such as renewable energy projects, energy efficiency projects, or reforestation projects.
The process of carbon credits begins with a project developer who creates a project to reduce GHG emissions. This project is then verified by an independent third party to ensure that it meets certain criteria, such as additionality, permanence, and verifiability. Once the project is verified, it can generate carbon credits which can be sold on the carbon market.
Carbon Market
Carbon credits are traded on carbon markets. These markets are designed to provide a financial incentive for companies and organizations to reduce their GHG emissions. Carbon credits can be bought and sold on these markets, with the price of each credit determined by supply and demand. The goal of carbon markets is to create a price for carbon emissions, thereby encouraging companies and organizations to reduce their emissions and invest in low-carbon technologies.
Types of Carbon Credits
There are two types of carbon credits: compliance and voluntary. Compliance carbon credits are regulated by governments and are used to meet mandatory emission reduction targets. Voluntary carbon credits, on the other hand, are purchased voluntarily by companies or individuals who wish to offset their own emissions. These credits are often used by companies as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs.
Benefits of Carbon Credits
Carbon credits provide a number of benefits, including:
Mitigating climate change: Carbon credits help to reduce GHG emissions, which in turn helps to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
Encouraging investment in low-carbon technologies: Carbon credits provide a financial incentive for companies to invest in low-carbon technologies and reduce their carbon footprint.
Supporting sustainable development: Carbon credits can be used to support sustainable development projects, such as renewable energy projects, which provide economic and social benefits to local communities.
Providing a new source of revenue: Carbon credits provide a new source of revenue for project developers, which can help to fund further GHG reduction projects.
Carbon credits are an important tool in the fight against climate change. They provide a financial incentive for companies and organizations to reduce their GHG emissions and invest in low-carbon technologies. Carbon markets are an important part of this process, creating a price for carbon emissions and providing a platform for the trading of carbon credits. By supporting sustainable development projects and providing a new source of revenue for project developers, carbon credits have the potential to make a significant impact in the transition towards a low-carbon economy.
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mad4india1 · 1 year
Banana Waste Into Treasure: MBA Grad Transforms 5 Tonnes of Waste Into Lucrative Eco-Friendly Crafts
In a world where environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly critical, innovative solutions to reduce waste are gaining more attention. And one such solution has been brought to life by an MBA grad who has successfully transformed banana waste into eco-friendly crafts, generating impressive profits.
With a deep commitment to sustainability and a unique approach to business, this entrepreneur has turned what was once considered useless waste into a valuable resource, proving that with the right mindset, even the most unlikely materials can be transformed into something truly valuable.
Meet Mehul: MBA Grad and Sustainability Entrepreneur
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Mehul is an MBA graduate who was inspired to start his own business. He found his niche in transforming banana waste into a valuable resource, and his dedication to sustainability has earned him impressive profits. His story demonstrates how creativity, hard work, and determination can turn waste into a profitable and sustainable business.
Discovering the Value of Banana Waste
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Mehul recognized an opportunity in banana waste. After learning that banana stems contained cellulose and natural fibers, he developed a business strategy to turn this waste into a valuable commodity.
He studied the market for two years, learning about the potential of banana fibers and their uses. Mehul gained support from local farmers, reducing waste and supporting the community.
Shroff Industries: A Sustainable Business Model
Mehul established Shroff Industries, a sustainable brand with a mission to positively impact the planet. He developed a unique process to convert banana stems into fibers, which he sold to the textile and handicraft industries.
Mehul’s dedication to his vision paid off, and Shroff Industries generated an impressive yearly revenue of about Rs 30 lakh by selling three to five tonnes of banana fiber monthly.
Empowering Women and Promoting Sustainability
In addition to his impressive efforts in utilizing banana fiber to create sustainable products, Mehul’s commitment to sustainability extends to empowering rural women in Burhanpur.
Through his company, Shroff Industries, he has trained 40 women to create eco-friendly handicrafts using banana fiber, such as wall clocks, yoga mats, worship mats, ropes, bags, planters, baskets, and other items.
Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic in 2020, Mehul remained steadfast in his mission to promote sustainability. He now provides raw materials for creating paper using banana fiber and has also developed a liquid organic nutrition product made from banana waste.
Mehul’s initiative has helped promote sustainability and provided a source of income for local farmers. His company procures agricultural waste from farmers in the region, which they can use to create sustainable products without paying for labor to clean up their fields post-harvest. His efforts are not only admirable but also have a positive impact on the community and the environment.
Mehul’s success story shows that waste can become a valuable commodity with creativity, determination, and hard work. His business supports local farmers, empowers rural women, and promotes sustainability in the textile industry. Mehul inspires innovative thinkers who see potential where others see waste. With more individuals like him, the future is indeed sustainable.
Revolutionizing Banana Waste
Mehul’s innovative idea to turn banana waste into useful products is eco-friendly and a blessing for farmers in the region. His initiative not only helps farmers avoid the cost of labor but also provides them with an additional source of income.
From Waste to Wealth: Creating Paper and Liquid Organic Nutrition from Banana Waste
Mehul’s company procures agricultural waste from banana fields and transforms it into raw materials for creating paper and liquid organic nutrition. This reduces the waste generated by the banana industry and creates a sustainable and eco-friendly way to produce paper.
Mehul claims that liquid organic nutrition from banana waste is rich in vital plant nutrients and includes growth regulators and organisms that break down waste. This product is a boon for farmers as it helps enhance soil fertility and productivity, improving their economic well-being.
A Helping Hand to Banana Farmers: Making the Most of Agricultural Waste
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Mehul’s initiative provides a helping hand to banana farmers in the region. Farmers can notify Mehul’s team when they need to clean their fields post-harvest.
Mehul’s team then gathers the agricultural waste from the fields, splits it, and brings it to their processing center.
Currently, Mehul obtains stems regularly from between 50 and 100 farmers in the area, providing them with an additional source of income and reducing their labor costs.
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meghchowdhury · 1 year
nutella price in bangladesh
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Nutella Italian pronunciation is a brand of sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread. Nutella is manufactured by the Italian company Ferrero and was first introduced in 1964, although its first iteration dates to 1963.
Pietro Ferrero owned a bakery in Alba, an Italian town known for the production of hazelnuts. In 1946, he sold the initial 300-kilogram (660 lb) batch of Pasta Gianduja, derived from Gianduja. Originally sold as a solid block, Ferrero started to sell a creamy version in 1951 as Supercrema gianduja.
In 1963, Ferrero's son Michele Ferrero revamped Supercrema gianduja with the intention of marketing it throughout Europe. Its composition was modified, and it was renamed "Nutella". The first jar of Nutella left the factory in Alba on April 20, 1964. The product was an instant success and remains widely popular.
In 2012, French senator Yves Daudigny proposed a tax increase on palm oil from €100 to €400 per tonne. At 20 percent, palm oil is one of Nutella's main ingredients, and the tax was dubbed "the Nutella tax" in the media.
On 14 May 2014, Poste italiane issued a 50th anniversary Nutella commemorative stamp. The 70 Euro cent stamp was designed by Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato and features a jar of Nutella on a golden background. Ferrero held a Nutella Day on 17 and 18 May to celebrate the anniversary.
The main ingredients of Nutella are sugar and palm oil (greater than 50%). It also contains hazelnut at 13%, cocoa solids, and skimmed milk. In the United States and the United Kingdom, Nutella contains soy products. Nutella is marketed as "hazelnut cream" in many countries. Under Italian law, it cannot be labeled as a "chocolate cream", as it does not meet minimum cocoa solids concentration criteria. Ferrero uses 25 percent of the global supply of hazelnuts, though not all of this is used exclusively in Nutella.
In November 2017, the company modified the recipe slightly, increasing the sugar and skimmed milk powder content. Since the colour of the product is lighter in tone, the Hamburg Consumer Protection Center estimated that the cocoa content was also reduced. Some news outlets reported that the modification of the recipe led to consumers' being "outraged" or "going nuts".
The traditional Piedmont recipe, gianduja, was a mixture containing approximately 71.5% hazelnut paste and 19.5% chocolate. It was developed in Piedmont, Italy, due to a lack of cocoa beans after post-war rationing reduced availability of the raw material.
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