omegapausestuck · 16 days
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blu-cosmos · 2 years
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ryanphantom · 9 months
goop amens 2 spoiper:
they goo!!!
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pesterloglog · 5 months
Calliope, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 4513-4514
uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
UU: there yoU are!
UU: tricky one to track down, yoU are. :u
TG: oh yeh>
TG: dunno why i been right here goofin around for hours
UU: oh no doUbt!
UU: methinks it has less to do with yoUr actUal whereaboUts as it does with yoUr virtUes as a hero of void.
TG: ok but you never say what stuff like that means when you say it tho
TG: is this more casual spoilerz shit
UU: caUsal! and yes, somewhat. however...
UU: with these spoilers, by their natUre, the more time that passes for yoU the less relevant it becomes to gUard their secrecy.
UU: as yoU approach yoUr entry, details i have obscUred will become more plainly evident.
UU: so i see no harm in loosening my tongUe on certain matters the closer yoU get to the appointed hoUr! ^u^
TG: so ur saying i have like
TG: these magical void powers
UU: yes.
TG: sounds like kinda shitty and boring powers to me
TG: what can they even do besise make me invisible to an anien sometimes
TG: *alien
UU: the void aspect is fascinating, thoUgh.
UU: its heroes preside over the essence of lack, or nothingness. the obfUscation of knowledge, or its oUtright destrUction.
UU: well, *i* think it is wonderfUl. u_u
UU: and anyway, one can hardly draw many conclUsions aboUt a player by aspect alone.
UU: the aspect is channeled more specifically by the assets of ones class.
TG: so when u cant see me
TG: when im doin my voidey thing or w/e
TG: what do you see is it just a black screen
UU: pretty mUch! :U
TG: hmmmmm,..
UU: hmmmmm?
TG: its just that footage of my mom does that too
TG: like blacks out and stuff
TG: mom was a notoirious scourge to the papayazzi
TG: or i mean
TG: the womom who im supposed to be genetically descended from
TG: *womam
TG: know what i mean?
UU: i Understand what yoU're getting at, yes.
UU: it is certainly possible that we may have common groUnd with oUr ancestors when it comes to oUr aspects, and the way oUr abilities reveal themselves to Us. i coUld not rUle this oUt.
UU: bUt there is always more to examine.
UU: for instance, a hero of life and a hero of doom have aspects as different as can be.
UU: bUt if their classes are different enoUgh as well, that is, one active and the other passive, remarkably there is a chance they coUld end Up with very similar abilities!
UU: player abilities may also manifest in ways in defiance with their aspects if they are heavily resistant to their trUe calling. or, if corrUpted in some way by an oUtside inflUence.
UU: bUt it is rather clear to me yoU are one who embraces her aspect qUite heartily, even if yoU are not aware of it. ^u^
TG: so....
TG: deep down i am super psyched about nothigness
TG: yeah souns about right
TG: oh damn hey
TG: i almost forgot i had a really short but cool dream i fugured you might like this
UU: oh yes, everyone is having important dreams as we near oUr mUtUal entries. this is lovely!
UU: please tell.
TG: i saw someone i think was supposed to be my daughter
TG: do you know if thats true
UU: can yoU describe her?
TG: well she looked kinda like me
TG: but in this orange getunp
TG: *up
TG: w a yellow sun on it
UU: she soUnds to me like the well known figUre of legend.
UU: or at least, well known to those who make the stUdy of sUch matters into their all consUming pastime. ~_u
UU: i believe yoU saw the seer of light.
TG: so ok
TG: lets say she is def that
TG: than does that means shes not my daughter or...
TG: spoipers??
TG: ***
TG: xactly how much spoipage we talkin uu
UU: it woUld normally be my instinct to sUpply a vagUe response here...
UU: bUt i think that yoUr heart has already told yoU the answer, and as sUch my secrecy woUld be pUrposeless.
UU: so, yes, that she was!
TG: aw ys i knew it
TG: so then space lady can u tell me
TG: who this luckay fella is
UU: fella?
UU: what do yoU mean?
TG: come on u know
TG: who i get futurebusy w/2 make the lightseer babis
UU: oh...
UU: yes!
UU: pardon my slUggishness on the Uptake. we are very different species, reprodUctively and familially, remember?
TG: smh
TG: *signs deeply muttering LALIENS to self*
UU: that i think is something i cannot say, or that is, shoUld not say.
TG: aw come on ur already telling me stuff
UU: oh, please don't press me for information! it makes me feel terribly gUilty.
UU: yoU've no idea how mUch i woUld fancy revealing everything, and exchange oUr stories endlessly. bUt i mUst show restraint.
TG: plzzzz<333
TG: what if i guess stuff
TG: is it
TG: strider
TG: does he like get ungay for a while or ssuch
TG: u probably dont even know what that means on account fof being extra textrestrial
TG: can aliens b gay too is that a thing
TG: being space gay
UU: Ummm.
UU: u_u;
TG: o man
TG: embarrased alien is ambarrassed
TG: heh sorry
UU: i am not embarrassed, i jUst don't know what yoU're talking aboUt!
TG: oh
TG: but sersly is it him?
UU: Um...
UU: maybe?
TG: or is it like
TG: some ectobio shit instead
TG: and a dude aint really invovled
UU: Um...
UU: maybe! :u
TG: maaan wouldnt that just figure
TG: that would suck! whyd you have 2 go and confirm my bleak dudeless future
UU: i confirmed no sUch thing, roxy!
UU: yoU are being frightfUlly difficUlt! yoU jUst keep pUshing and pUshing and i can maintain my composUre for only so long!
TG: k im sorry
UU: if yoU are really cUrioUs aboUt the events sUrroUnding yoUr daUghter's origin, yoU can always ask her in person when yoU meet her.
TG: so you mean
TG: im going to meet her in the game
UU: oh...
UU: well, yes.
UU: bUt i'm not sUre if i shoUld have revealed that jUst now! yoU see what happens when yoU pUsh me!!!
UU: there is so mUch for me to keep track of, and it gets very difficUlt to remember what information to reveal at what time when yoU are flUstered.
TG: ok so without pushin and flustratin you
TG: lemme just see if i have all my facts right
TG: i will meet my cool as hell daughter from the future in this game
UU: yes, basically.
TG: and i will also meet my mother in this game
UU: yes.
TG: and the game will let me resurrect her from the dead and thats what im gonna do
UU: the game provides a mechanism for the revival of the deceased, yes. it is called a kernelsprite, and yoU are free to gather remains of any dead party yoU choose, to revive that individUal in the form of a sprite. the sprite will then serve as a helpfUl spirit gUide on yoUr joUrney!
TG: yeah but you cleverly dodged the q
TG: thats how u say it works but WILL i do that
UU: i believe i was very forthright in my answer!
UU: if yoU play the game, yoU will meet yoUr daUghter.
UU: if yoU play the game, yoU will meet yoUr mother too!
UU: simple as can be. ^u^
TG: *narrows eyes with drunken suspicion*
TG: -_-
UU: -u-
TG: -___-
UU: ...
TG: -______~
UU: u~u
TG: so yeah to continue my confirmation spree
TG: you are maybe kinda hinting there are ecto shenannies that lead to the birth of my daughter
TG: just like i descended from my mom through some sort of simimar bio process
UU: those are...
UU: definitely some things which yoU believe coUld be trUe or not trUe! :u
TG: lol u are such a shitty liar
UU: i am not any kind of liar!
TG: come on whats answer
TG: y/n
TG: or shuold i say
TG: y/n/u
UU: U!
UU: i choose U!!! :U!!!!!
TG: ahaha u luv u's
UU: i do love U's!
TG: ur silly
TG: silly & cute & bad @ lyin
UU: bUt i really don't lie!
UU: i am not deceitfUl by natUre bUt in order to protect the integrity of certain oUtcomes while still being helpfUl to yoU, i gUess i am learning the art of deception throUgh honesty?
UU: which as it tUrns oUt, as well intended as it may be, still comes across to a savvy lass like yoUrself as jUst another kind of eqUivocation.
UU: thoUgh i gUess i shoUldn't be so startled that a rogUe of void coUld bewilder me so.
UU: void players are said in texts to have a way with flUmmoxing even those with plans beyond mortal Understanding.
UU: and i'm far from anyone like that. jUst a girl who wants to help!
TG: ok well since youre so nice
TG: ill promoise not to use my wicked void powers re: basic common sense + skills of deduction to bust you up so bad
UU: i'd be ever so gratefUl. :u
TG: then w.o givin you the whole 3rd degree
TG: what is safe to tell me?
TG: like what does it mean to be a rogue of void
TG: thats what i am rite
UU: yes! i can tell yoU plenty aboUt that.
UU: a rogUe is a passive class. yoU see, there are passive (+) and active (-) classes. some more strongly passive or active than others.
UU: the +/- distinction can mean many things, bUt coUld be qUite roUghly sUmmed Up in this way: active classes exploit their aspect to benefit themselves, while passive classes allow their aspect to benefit others.
UU: bUt of coUrse there's plenty more to it, and that rUle is in no way absolUte. only a starting point for Understanding the dichotomy.
TG: you mean kinda like
TG: offensive vs defesive magic in an rpg
UU: sUre!
UU: that's another fine way of looking at it.
UU: classes always come in +/- pairs, with significant disparity between them.
UU: while a rogUe is passive, a thief woUld be its far more active coUnterpart.
UU: the rogUe and thief classes tend to be assigned to females. not exclUsively, bUt commonly!
UU: other classes lean more toward male assignment, while others are exclUsively male, and jUst as many are exclUsively female. like my class. ^u^
UU: that's a bit of a tangent thoUgh. to answer yoUr qUestion aboUt being a rogUe, i shoUld tell yoU both classes in +/- pairs tend to have very similar descriptions.
UU: in this case, a rogUe or a thief is "one who steals." qUite simple, really!
UU: bUt whether the class is + or - makes all the difference. it is a great indicator as to how a hero will make Use of the aspect.
TG: so basically
TG: a thief is like the asshole class
TG: the player who says step off shits mine suckas
TG: whereas
TG: a rogue
TG: is bascially robin hood
UU: if that reference to yoUr cUltUre provides a sUitable comparison, then absolUtely. :U
TG: so im essantially the robin hood of void
TG: im still not sure
TG: wtf that actually means
UU: Understandable.
TG: i guess robin hods p cool tho
TG: thiefin up loot from peeps who got too much
TG: then all sugardaddyin it out 2 the needy like a boss
TG: just dont have a clue how that works with void
UU: yes, it is one of the more conceptUally nebUloUs pairings, i agree.
UU: and i can't say i know a smashing good deal aboUt the natUre of the void player's path, since the aspect is by definition inscrUtable to those it does not choose.
UU: bUt i can at least tell yoU this.
UU: if yoU are ever to enjoy fUll ascension as a rogUe of void, yoU will be able to do some completely astonishing things!
TG: like what
UU: oh no, yoU will not pry this oUt of me.
UU: not to preserve caUsality, bUt to keep the sUrprise in store for yoU.
UU: it woUld not be honoUrable of me to spoil the discovery, shoUld yoU be fortUnate enoUgh to realize yoUr potential.
TG: well
TG: about that
TG: i feel sorta stupid about this but
TG: ive been giving all my friends this whole dramagic spiel about not wanting to even play this thing
TG: and i might of fucked stuff up already
UU: is that so?
TG: its so
TG: and i guess i still havnt decide what to do
TG: there are props and cons 2 both things
UU: woUld yoU mind listing them?
TG: ok either i dont play
TG: and i get this kinda passive aggressive revange at the witch for killing my mom
TG: and thereafter keep staying here and being lonely
TG: or
TG: i do play and the spoips r as follows...
TG: sweet powers 4 me
TG: check
TG: tri generational lolonde family reonion
TG: check as fuck
TG: meet all my friends
TG: and smoe others stuff
UU: all fine points.
UU: is there nothing i can do to make the decision easier?
TG: nah but thx
TG: u already have anyway
TG: i will probably play
TG: wonder if i can tell distri withoup lookin like a waffle assed chump
UU: what's a waffle arsed chUmp?
UU: is it earth cUisine? :u~
TG: lol no its just a shithead
TG: this doesnt matter now tho i cant play til i go deliver this dead cat back ing time to maybe my mom or someshing??/
UU: that's another statement that doesn't make a good deal of sense to me, bUt if it is important to yoU, then godspeed!
UU: i'm so pleased to hear yoU are leaning in favor of participating with the rest of Us. i promise we'll all have a ball together.
UU: now i have a bUsy schedUle to keep Up with so i mUst go. bUt please remember yoU can always contact me if yoU have qUestions.
UU: don't be a stranger, love. ta! ^u^
uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
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There's a frame in Equius's route where it shows him as a baby grub roaring. It's top tier, but it's merged with a few other frames so I couldn't get a screenshot of just that.
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boyreport · 3 years
what if we were best friends and you fell in love with me lowkey but we never talked about it and then i started getting a little fucked up and weird and then one day i left to a different country and came back even more fucked up and weird and stopped talking to you and then we joined a skating tournament where you tried to determine if i was avoiding you because i still cared or because i didnt want to lose but it was actually neither of those and in the middle of the tournament i hit you so fucking hard in the skull with my skateboard you almost died after telling you i didnt want to skate with you because you were boring. who said romance was dead
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swiss-army-fangirl · 4 years
what the fuck do you MEAN the new ‘sanders sides’ video is 51 minutes long
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camonaghantrash · 6 years
Oh jesus... now everyone's in here? Guess not gonna shower today, gonna get filthy anyway cleaning that shitty building my sister found for homeless kids
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not-your-tool · 7 years
(( 'Granite' ))
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kekozume · 3 years
when u try to block the spoiler tag but u misspell it as 'snk spoipers'
(yeah i got a v big spoiler on my dash n I'm gonna cry now 🚶‍♀️)
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omegapausestuck · 6 months
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same energy
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toralyzer · 6 years
@themiskatonicgame This is like a whole review of your game I guess! It was too long for an Ask so I just put it in a post.
To anyone else: Spoipers!
Hey, I really really loved The Miskatonic.
But criticisms first:
Char successfully talking down the LH felt rather sudden and anticlimactic, and the ending thereafter more so (I was sure something would go wrong right before she left!).
I feel vaguely disappointed with the theme leaning heavily on "you can't make people be groovy by forcing them to." I really like the mindset of compassion and kindness that Char learned from her coven (and I’m not saying I wanted LH to go free :p ) but the way those ideals played out in the story felt to me implicitly dismissive of serious bigotry and exploitation in real life against which violent and otherwise direct action can be necessary.
I’m iffy about the Skullgirls-esque tittiful character designs. I mean, I’m a lesbo and I think boobs are pretty great. But character diversity outside conventional attractiveness is really important. And I think those things aren’t necessary mutually exclusive.
The good stuff though:
Pretty much all the writing and interactions were an absolute delight and real real funny and often cute. I love the adorable speech patterns on people like Annie and Lizzie. I love Charlotte’s no-bullshit-but-actually-I-kind-of-love-it attitude, and also everything else about her. I usually have a hard time getting through the text slog of visual novels, but this was a treat from start to finish and pretty much every character in it had me excited to see them again each time they showed up.
I really love the tone, and the dark humor, and the world just filled with different flavors of commonplace horror. I loved everyone’s freaky creepy mutations. Especially the ones with tentacles. For whatever reason (well, okay, it’s a trans thing) body horror and mutation are really personal to me and it was really really cool to be in world where it was everywhere and it was sometimes horrible but sometimes cool and sometimes just normal... and it was always CUTE.
I know I criticized the character designs earlier, but they are also cute as fuck. I <3<3<3 all the girls. And the guys are pretty cool too.
One seemingly small thing... it made me incredibly happy that Charlotte and Annie’s elopement Actually Happened. It felt like it was speaking straight to those of us who always fall in love with the characters that the protagonist finds strange and off-putting. It’s so incredible to me that this obnoxious, lecherous, gross, profane, and frankly terrible woman and her shit-eating grin were allowed to be cared about and important, that we were allowed to play a character who was happy to see her, who wanted to spend the next stage of her life with her. I loved that Charlotte engaged with the world the way I wanted to - making herself at home with the weirdness, meeting it on its own terms as something cute, or horrible, or kinda sexy, while keeping a level head and an unconditional kindness. VN protagonists are always, like, The Ultimate Normal Guy, but for once we get to follow someone who reacts to the weirdness with something other than fear and revulsion.
A couple of smaller things that I really appreciated:
1. It was easy to follow along with Charlotte’s thought process. In her detective work especially, it was totally clear what she made of each piece of evidence, what conclusions she drew, and how her view of the situation and the university was changing at each stage. A lot of media leaves me behind when I can’t understand the main character’s train of thought!
2. Even though it’s dark comedy, morality is still real. It was really pleasantly surprising to me how consistently Charlotte reacted like a decent person in the face of awful things, without it undermining the humor, and I think it preserved a whole lot of character integrity and audience empathy that most media like this forfeits.
3. Finally, I’m very happy Lizzie got her grilly cheese.
All in all, I just wanted to say it made me really happy getting to visit this awful little world. This is a game I’ll come back to again.
P.S. Nutty Annie can eat my ass anytime.
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aeritus · 5 years
Im a late dumb idiot (as usual) but im finally catching up on Voltron and is pretty damn good.
Ending S2, managed to get spoiper free for most of shits ;P
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candy-crackpot · 6 years
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moon-bell5 · 7 years
Man in Accordo: I-I'm so happy Lady Lunafreya is safe, I-I could cry! Woman next to him: Me too, man, me too.
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sporesgalaxy · 6 years
jsyk Im gonna try to hold off on detailed infin!ty war spoipers besides the stuff I put below cuts on my own posts. I'll just be reblogging (and tagging) stuff thats as vague as I can find for at least a week or two
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