#Stefan de Walle
ilovetheater-nl · 1 year
Perspresentatie De Vergeten Twentse Lente theaterspektakel
Vroeger was in dit sfeervolle gebouw de Twentsche Bank gevestigd. Op deze plek ‘Twente in Amsterdam’ stellen de cast en creatives zich aan u voor en krijgt u een indruk van dit grootschalige theaterspektakel. Groots wordt het met negen professionele acteurs, dertig semi-professionele acteurs en ensemble leden, twee bijzondere componisten, nieuwe Nederlandstalige muziek uitgevoerd door een…
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@makawicja It's been half an eternity since you've tagged me for the "list nine of your favourite books ever"-game, but here, finally, is my list. And there's so many more that deserve to be in it, but somehow I managed to limit it to nine (approximately in the chronological order in which I've discovered them, if I remember correctly):
Khalil Gibran – The Prophet
Stefan Andres – El Greco malt den Großinquisitor
Arthur Koestler – Darkness at Noon
Meaghan Delahunt – In the Blue House
Claudio Magris – Mutmaßungen über einen Säbel (Illazioni su una sciabola)
Henryk Sienkiewicz – Mit Feuer und Schwert (Ogniem i mieczem)
Bryn Hammond – Against Walls
Tschingis Aitmatow – Der weiße Dampfer (Чыңгыз Айтматов - Белый пароход)
Corine Sombrun – Les Esprits de la Steppe
I tag @theophan-o @weirdpolis @polutrope and @searchingforserendipity25 if you want to.
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kmze · 2 months
Thoughts on 4x01 - 4x12 again I wrote a novel. This is probably my least favorite rewatch half since S1 and it's because the stuff I liked I really liked and the stuff I didn't like I really didn't like. It kind of ebbed and flowed for me, I didn't like the first two episodes (they felt weird I don't know how to describe it) but then I liked Connor and the hunters mythology. I liked the Klefan team-up and the hybrid sire bond breaking with Tyler (I liked his plot the most of anyone) and obviously I liked that the show remembered Steroline existed and all the friendship and sober sponsor goodness. But I didn't like when the hunters mark turned to the cure and Silas because I honestly lost the plot on the convolution of that. I loathe LOATHE the sire bond stuff and DE in general and while 4x09 was a highlight the next three brought it back to not enjoying myself as much (I blame the lack of Caroline).
“I made a choice that I will regret for the rest of my life” see even Stefan knows that was a stupid ass decision!
Not to defend Matt but can the Salvatore brothers leave him alone like damn it’s not his fault. Especially Stefan like projecting much? Damon wanting to kill Matt so badly is tiring like what is even the point?
God the DRAMA over Elena deciding to transition or not became downright annoying.
Bonnie you need to listen to Grams and stop saving these damn people!
RIP the Council you were useful for one day and then you got blown up.
I don’t really see how the animal diet wouldn’t cause more duress since you have to kill an animal, as opposed to just drinking from a blood bag? IDK Stefan you need to maybe reassess your vampire training manual because this doesn’t seem to be a diet anyone chooses unless they have drinking problem. Plus the dramatics over Elena feeding and possibly killing someone come on man, there’s like six people watching her I think you can all manage if you do it in shifts.
Damn I forgot how hot Conner is *bites fist* and I love that he shots first questions later! Someone who gets shit done and actually shook the table around here!
Tyler is the only one around here actually willing to put himself in danger to cause the least amount of casualties. A motherfucking G!
I’m sorry but Elena told April to remember it was a beautiful service but like it wasn’t! Tyler got shot! I would have included that information.
Why did Damon start kinda breaking the fourth wall suddenly?
Between Stefan starting it off by listing people Damon killed and Elena mourning HERSELF this is the most in sync’ Stelena has been since S2 LMFAO!
These past few episodes have been so overly emotional and dramatic it’s a bit much for me. I think it’s because the show is making us “feel” Elena’s transition like we’re doing it along with her, but please show I don’t ever want to be forced to relate to Elena.
Klaus getting so excited to try and breakup a high school couple is both sad and hilarious. Like he is glowing at the thought!
Man Rebekah is RUTHLESS!
The motorcycle scene is so bad!
I know I get more of a buzz from this than most but the Steroline scene is really just a nice scene. There is so much self righteousness and postering going around in these episodes and finally someone is like “I need help will you help me” “of course” and it is so nice! Stefan gives her these heart eyes when she says she's good at it because of him that just make me melt. I don't even think it's about the boost to his ego, I think he just really needed to hear that he did something right. This is also such a huge moment in relation to Stefan because it's the first time he ASKED for help with his blood addiction. With Lexi, Damon even Elena they told him they'd help him and they all did a bit but Caroline was the first person he sought out help from. And he trusted her when she said he could come to her whenever he wanted and she wouldn't let him lose control. Because Caroline is a genius at self-control. I always liked how we got the line "you don't have to pretend with me" from Stefan to Caroline in 2x13 and now you see how Stefan starts to learn he doesn't have to pretend with Caroline either.
Even the voiceover recap is dramatic!!
Stefan’s “we’re not in a fight this is our resting phase get over yourself” comment was hilarious.
How does Caroline not know how hard it is Elena hmm not like she woke up all alone having no idea what was happening to her since NO ONE told her about the supernatural world before that! The only possible information she had was visions of Damon abusing her, raping her and feeding on her! Not like she didn't have to work her ass off to prove to EVERYONE she could do it (only Stefan had some faith in). Then after that she was tortured by her own father despite being "too good at it". Yep no idea how hard it is.
Klaus sitting at the bar with a glass of wine smirking at Rebekah’s failures should not be as funny as it is but I am DYING!
Klaus’ smile when Stefan figured out his motive, what a sap! At least he's using new methods to get his (boy)friend back now. Instead of ruining his life he's like "wanna manipulate people and be shady" the best way to Stefan's heart.
While I do enjoy the Bonnie/Shane storyline (mostly) I am immensely tired at how often Bonnie loses her powers. This never seemed to happened to the witches on TO... and of course we all know why (racism).
Everything about Damon in this episode disgusts me. When he basically described S1!Caroline as the perfect "feeding victim" I wanted to reach through the screen and stake him. Can't even enjoy Bamon crumbs during this time period.
Stefan manipulated Rebekah into giving up all the information after one conversation… I just cannot. If Rebekah wasn’t mostly indestructible there’s no way she’d have lived this long, she will give all her secrets away to the first person who shows her a modicum of warmth.
Elena is so out of the loop and I love it (because I am a HATER)
I'm glad Bonnie got to just vibe with Shane instead of being forced to help this hostage situation, good for her.
The Hunter plot is good, I do like how they have their own symbols and the tattoo only other hunters can see. It gets a bit too complicated when Silas and the cure get introduced but it was good while it was just about the hunters.
Matt and Jeremey getting April a vervain bracelet THANK YOU!
Farewell Connor you should have been Too-Hot-to-Die!
The cracks in Forwood are starting :( because Tyler is right, Chris was his friend and more importantly Tyler wants to keep everyone safe and values everyone's life not just those he believes are important. But Caroline doesn't believe that, she'll try to save everyone and she'll at least feel bad but she will always save her friends first. There's also the fact that she's already started picking Stefan's side over Tyler's which will come to a head soon...
Caroline’s grin at tricking Klaus LMFAO
They would make Elena be haunted by her first kill after telling me how SHE JUST CARES TOO MUCH and her compassion is her greatest weakness the last five episodes. I hate it here.
Jeremy being so eager to stake Damon LMFAO!! I mean can you blame him? You know how many problems would have been fixed if they killed his ass.
They make it the Stelena break-up all about Elena's feelings for Damon which... is not the full problem here. If anything the problem is Elena's feelings for Damon mean her and Stefan aren't in sync like they were in S2. Because when SE works it's when Stefan can be the ideal boyfriend who respects Elena's choices and always protects her (at the expense of others if needed) and Elena can uplift that. She'll even remind people of it, like Elijah in 2x19 or when she would remind Damon, like when she invited Stefan into the boarding house first and embarrassed Damon on the condition he follow her rules (and Stefan smiles smugly). I mentioned it in my 2x12-22 recap thoughts how Elena wants to have a relationship with both brothers, but it only works if Elena isn't in love with Damon. Because then the roles don't work anymore, and Stefan has more self respect than Damon and quite frankly has zero interest being a side piece. Because we KNOW Damon will be in love with Elena no matter what like he was in love with Katherine for 145 years (until he transferred that over to Elena) but Stefan can move on (and does fight me).
When Caroline is talking to Stefan about her disgust at Delena and goes “and you’re you” the way Candice says it and her body language is PERFECTION! You see that small part that feels a tingle for Stefan pop out for a second after she buried it when they became friends in S2 (it stays there until S5 IMO).
Klaus is such a dick lol, he knows exactly what’s going on (that Elena is sired to Damon) and he just gives Caroline another riddle.
Everything with Damon and Elena this episode (most episodes lbr) makes me ill so I'm just going to ignore it :)
The Klaus and Caroline scenes at Miss Mystic Falls are kinda cute, I liked when he was teasing her with the application lol. The hummingbird analogy was kind of like "what TF is he talking about" though. Also why didn't we get Caroline saying if she'd take the cure or not, feels like they purposely wanted to keep that lingering.
I do like how much shadiness is going on this season, like not really knowing Hayley's motives and now we know she's working with Shane. Stefan and Klaus' team-up and how that brought a lot of hostility to the trio and also makes Caroline a more primetime player.
Another precious moment! When Caroline is going on her pro-Stelena rant and she’s like “her and Damon” *shakes in disgust like her whole body icks over the idea* (samsies). Then Stefan does this d’aw look and shy smile trying not to laugh because Caroline is Caroline and just BEING HER makes him forget how crappy his life is.
Now one of my favorite eras begins aka "Stefan and Caroline figure everything out by the fireplace (and fall in love)" era.
Stefan is being more sanctimonious than usual and if it were any other character than Damon I’d be like "let's not throw stones from glass houses..." But since he’s Damon and he still doesn’t do the right thing after all this, I'll allow it.
The show tried to push the side bond as feelings but like that’s not why the sire bond is bad. It’s the lack of consent because you are forced to act based on what you’re told by one person and it prohibits free will. THAT'S THE PROBLEM! No one thinks Elena didn't have feelings for Damon before she turned we fucking know this.
The scene with Caroline, Elena and Bonnie drinking and partying in the Salvatore living room is very cute and funny and I love it and it sucks that every other interaction between them this episodes fills me with hate. The part where Caroline says "It's not your fault, Elena. Damon took advantage of you!" you really hear the fear in her voice.
Elena is a bit too intrigued watching the hybrids bow to Tyler...
I thought Stefan was going to say "because he's my brother" when Caroline asked how he could trust Damon and how utterly annoyed it was going to make me, his excuse was a least a little better than that. He was wrong of course, because Stefan never learns when it comes to Damon.
The first scene of this episode is… why? They just established the lack of consent with the sire bond and Damon and Elena are laying on top of a bed together.
Caroline looks ETHERAL (and yes the very petty part of me loves that she gets to look stunning while Elena looks dull and miserable even her hair doesn't pop like it used to *evil grin*)
The way Tyler says "you told HIM" AJSHBCFJSFHJ god I love this scene, and the way Stefan moves in front of Caroline to protect her from HER BOYFRIEND, god I love it. I love when two characters just straight-up do not like each other based on personalities and not plot contrivance. Because Tyler and Stefan have never gotten along and they would never speak to each other if they could help it but they have to, because they both care about Caroline. That's how you do a triangle. Love how Tyler threw in Stefan's face that he already got one of the hybrids killed so he doesn't owe him anything. Sterowood you deserved more.
The Klefaroline stuff is also so great, the little art critic remarks and Klaus saying "you've been dodgy and Caroline's been lovely which I've come to recognize as a tool of distraction" (took him long enough lol). I do really enjoy the Klefan conversation about loneliness (which was what Caroline said about the snowflake) and memorializing their dead. Then the remorse that Stefan and Caroline feel at leading Klaus to slaughter and then cutting to... Klaus brutally murdering 12 hybrids to a Christmas carol. This show!
Watching Tyler find all the dead hybrids... damn I just feel so awful for Tyler. He was just trying to help them and never really wanted to be the alpha and now he has to feel immense guilt over them trusting him.
I’m sorry Becks but getting mad at Stefan for his dirty tricks girl... maybe stop letting yourself get manipulated ALL THE TIME!
I do appreciate Damon shooting Klaus for Carol.
Man Shane can resist compulsion too why are these idiots still not learning that! Morons all of them.
The prospect of Rebekah ramming the cure down Klaus throat does give me a perverse amount of joy! Really would have loved to see him deal with that predicament MWAHAHAHAAAA!
Stefan is such a drama queen this episode. Look the sire bond is gross and the way Damon is using it to his advantage is gross but like... Stefan is mad at Elena having feelings for Damon because of the sire bond but HE KNEW SHE DID BEFORE HE LET HER DROWN! And again maybe you shouldn't have been so comfortable with your brother being in love with your girlfriend Stefan because it "proved their was a part of him that was human" or whatever bullshit he used to say.
I do love how sassy Stefan got once he detached from Elena, he’s so much more fun this way!
Even Matt is questioning Elena’s choices about Damon oh how the mighty have fallen!
Sorry not sorry but I’m ready for the Original family to leave for their spin-off. I don’t care enough to even understand their issues now it’s so zzzzzzz, Klaus is the only one who mildly entertains me and that’s only when he’s around Stefan, Caroline or Tyler.
I know he's just trying to aggravate Damon but Klaus saying "Stefan would never dream of hurting Elena" um sir we all know that is not true. You were on the phone with him when he threatened to turn her into a vampire and drive her off a bridge! So much so that you actually stood down!
For someone who wants to be human so bad Rebekah is obsessed with Ripper Stefan and I don't get it! Do you know what Ripper Stefan does to humans? He eats them! And not in the sexy way! I'm also forever over these vampires say they want to be human so badly when they clearly love their vampire powers.
Elena like “wanna commit genocide real quick” girl...
CTFU at Stefan looking so guilty when Klaus opens the door like he’s been caught cheating!
Two episodes in a row with no Caroline WTF I don’t deserve this!
I know Bonnie’s Dad literally appeared out of nowhere but he’s not wrong in basically everything he’s been saying. She can’t really protect the town like she says when she’s working in vampires' interest. And thank god someone put vervain in the water supply!
It’s kind of sad to watch Bonnie’s parents finally give a shit about her and started telling her to stop putting herself in danger for Elena. Because they are completely right with everything they’re saying and Bonnie just won’t listen now.
The Stebekah 80s “date” does a good job of showing the duality of Stefan. I think he’s being completely genuine in having fun with Rebekah and that it reminded him of his time with Lexi who always made him happy. But he’s also doing this to distract her while Elena and Jeremy try to kill her brother. And I like that he doesn’t have Matt dagger her because she was honest with him and he didn’t want to betray her after she did. But then he manipulates her into being back on his side to get the cure and to not be mad Jeremy and Elena killed Kol. Oh when he’s good he's good.
There’s so many mentions of burning Elena’s house down lol. They couldn’t wait to torch this sucker.
The Klonnie scene where Klaus is like "witch" and she gives him a death glare... they could have been a fire hateship man!
Bonnie’s face was like oooooo watching the triangle drama lol (samsies).
Lines that made me laugh:
Klaus: For future reference, one voicemail is just as effective as nine (this was an ongoing theme with Klefan and it was hilarious)
Stefan: *snaps Damon’s neck* You’re welcome (LMFAO all in the delivery sassy Stefan never leave me!)
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niteshade925 · 4 months
Yuandai reminds me of this song lol
Rough lyrics translation (by me):
Song title: Descending the Mountain
If you wanted to become the top martial artist
You must be able to endure extraordinary pain
Shifu's favorite tea is called Oolong
And loves to wear Chinese red
(Hey! Shifu!)
Whether it's blistering summer or freezing winter
I had always longed for the skies outside these mountains
And the one waiting for me in the south
Whose name is Xiaoluo
With my left hand I use a Tai Chi move
With a sword in my right hand I strike before me
This leg sweep move is called "clearing snow"
Qinggong* allows me to fly like a swallow
My unique physique gives me enormous strength
My air of uprightness sweeps the realm
Helping the good and punishing the evil is my wish
Goodbye, Shifu
(Repeat above)
"Man is ruled by Earth, Earth is ruled by Heaven, Heaven is ruled by the Way, The Way is ruled by itself...." **
"Shifu......what's cumin?" ***
With my left hand I use a Tai Chi move
With a sword in my right hand I strike before me
This leg sweep move is called "clearing snow"
Qinggong* allows me to fly like a swallow
My unique physique gives me enormous strength
My air of uprightness sweeps the realm
Helping the good and punishing the evil is my wish
Goodbye, Shifu
* Qinggong/轻功 is thought to be basically the same thing as parkour, as it allows one to "fly to the roof and walk on walls" (飞檐走壁), but it has been heavily idealized in wuxia genre to become something akin to flying without wings. To achieve this effect, movies and shows will swing actors from wires, and this is where the term "wire fu" originated.
** This line comes from Dao De Jing chapter 25. This particular translation is by Stefan Stenudd.
*** The ending of Dao De Jing chapter 25 concludes with "道法自然" or "the Way is ruled by itself", but since 自然 is pronounced "zì rán", the disciple misheard it as "zī rán", or cumin/���然.
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anitaaro04 · 2 months
Rewrite de Stars
I made this while waiting for my car to be fixed. I absolutely loved every second of it.
Based on the late 19th century, two lover boys who love each other but can’t show it publicly. Oh! And definitely based on the Greatest Showman. All credits to the owner of the song and the beautiful voices of Zendaya and Zac Efron.
This is very gay and very much angst based.
Enjoy! :)
“You know I want you.” He claimed, holding the other man’s hand gently into his “It’s not a secret I try to hide.” Frans pulled away, walking to the hanging rope clinging from the tall ceiling, his face unreadable.
“I know you want me,” the words made him stop. ”so don’t keep saying our hands are tied.” Fran turned around facing the elegant looking man. Tears were pooling in his eyes, yet his gaze was of stone.
“It’s not in the cards” Frans claimed.
“Fate is pulling you miles away,” Stefan argued “and out of reach from me.” He grabbed the rope before the other could get hold of it. “But you’re here…”he grabbed Frans soft hand, pressing it into his own chest, feeling the flittering beat of Stefan’s heart “in my heart. So who can stop me if I decide that you’re my destiny?”
Frans pulled away again, forcing his head not to fall into tempting words. He wanted Stefan. That he could not deny even himself. Yet, he knew that if he gave in into this small piece of want, he felt there was no turning back.
“What if we rewrite the stars?” Stefan pushed on. Frans gave him a wry smile, grabbing the rope from his hands. They started moving around, Stefan following Frans while the latter prepared the stage for the next play. “Say you were meant to be mine. Nothing could keep us apart. You’d be the one I was meant to find”
Stefan stoped in the middle of the dark hallway, his face barely illuminated by the soft light behind the stage.
“It’s up to you and it’s up to me. No one could say what we get to be.” This words hit close to Frans hearth, making him halt on his step, his back to Stefan. He walked towards Frans, wrapping his arms around Frans waist resting his head in his shoulder. Frans laid his arms around Stefans arms, holding him close, laying back his head on the other’s chest. They closed their eyes and felt the body heat emanating from each other. In the darkness of the backstage and the soft lights overhead gave them both a sense of intimacy.
“So why don’t we rewrite the stars? And maybe the world could be ours, tonight.” Stefan whispered holding his lover close to him. There was a heavy silence that followed, like if Frans was holding to this moment for the last time. Slowly but firmly, he detached himself from his arms, turning around to face him.
“You think it’s easy?” Frans searching for Stefan’s eyes. Those beautiful slate-coloured eyes, now a stormy grey from the anguish he caused. “You think I don’t wanna run to you?” Frans pulled him towards the front of the empty stage. “But there are mountains.” he waved towards the empty seats of the theatre. “And there are doors that we can’t walk through.”
Stefan started, and argument on the tip of his tongue. “I know you’re wondering why,” Frans stopped him, “because we’re able to be just you and me between this walls.” He walked towards the edge of the stage, his eyes trained on the ghost-audience, tears now falling through his cheeks. “But when we go outside, you’re gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all.”
He spun around, facing the hopeless man. “No one can rewrite the stars. How can you say you’ll be mine? Everything keeps us apart.” He pulled out the photo of the woman from his lover’s shirt pocket and showed it to the fiancé. “And I’m not the one you were meant to find. It's not up to you, it's not up to me when everyone tells us what we can be. And how can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours, tonight.”
Stefan took the photo of the woman he was soon to marry. He looked at her with resentment and sadness, then ripped the piece of paper into equal halves. He looked at Frans in the eyes while throwing the papers to the floor. The other looked at him with wide eyes, tears streaming down his porcelain cheeks.
“All I want is to fly with you.” Stefan grabbed his hand pulling him close once more. “All I want is to fall with you. So just give me all of you.” He cupped his cheeks, wiping the tears from his face. Frans closed his eyes, leaning into his lover’s touch.
“It feels impossible” he whispered.
“It’s not impossible” he whispered back.
“Is it impossible?” Frans asked, voice breaking.
“Say that it’s possible” Stefan begged. Frans looked at the sincerity in his eyes and nodded almost imperceptibly. Stefan started crying then, a smile spreading through his handsome face.
“And how do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine.” Frans nodded again, this time firmly, and let out a joyous laugh. “And nothing can keep us apart”
“'Cause you are the one I was meant to find. It's up to you, and it's up to me. No one could say what we get to be.” They felt like they were the only one in the world. They needed nothing else and no one else but themselves.
“And why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours.” Stefan whispered, kissing Frans softly in the lips. They closed their eyes and held each other closely. That’s when Frans heard a door slam shut from the other side of the theatre. He pulled away and saw the silhouette of someone standing at the door. Reality crashed over his daydream within a second. He looked back at the wide-eye, lovesick eyes of his boy.
“You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide.” He pulled him back to the backstage, to the shadows. “But I can't have you.” His voice broke, tears blurring his vision. “We're bound to break and my hands…” He forced his body away from Stefan. “…are tied.”
He turned around and left through backstage.
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zalrb · 2 years
People who became SE shippers in the last couple of years will NEVER know THE battles we went through when the show was airing. S4-s6 were a lot lmao 🤣 in retrospect, do you have any favorite memories as a SE shipper back in the day?
B R O i don't care about these reddit/twitter wars now, NOTHING compares to going on promos for the next episode on YouTube and ARGUING for H O U R S with other shippers. And then arguing with DErs on MY SE videos. Seasons 3 and 4 were RIDICULOUS.
Favourite memories, hmm ... this was season 5 and the comments are deleted but I made this 50 Shades video and DErs were M A D because they claimed all songs from 50 Shades since they were like Damon is Christian and Elena is Ana and I was like yeah I'm doing it
Other things aren't really specific but more like, it would always be great when I would be in an intense back and forth with a DEr and then other SE shippers would jump into the comments and then those same SE shippers would be in the comments on my videos, like I remember VEHEMENTLY defending Stefan in 4x11 because DErs said that he was acting entitled and indignant and I was like that's Elena in that scene, Stefan is actually pretty calm and it's driving her up the wall and then a bunch of SErs were like RIGHT and then we just took over that thread.
YouTube used to have a chat feature so sometimes DErs would PM me to continue a fight and that would be fun -- which is why when things like that happen now and I'm like, "eh" I'm like you have to understand that I DID this for about 6 seasons like a DECADE ago.
I never commented on facebook stuff except a post really annoyed me once so I made a comment and then a bunch of people from YouTube were like OMG ZAL and then we had a thread on the post, which was fun.
I've mentioned this before but I remember CACKLING when this promo came out
DErs were BIG MAD about it and one was like THEY MADE IT SEEM LIKE DE IS ONLY ABOUT SEX and I was like ... I mean, yeah. And that sparked a whole thing and my friend at the time, the one who actually got me into watching TVD in the first place, had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend at the time and she was looking to vent her anger so I was telling her about what happened so she jumped on and just went OFF, which was hilarious.
And like the thing about doing battles in real time is that there would be an entire battle on a sneak peek before the episode even aired then you would watch the episode, get the context of the scene in the sneak peek and then restart the battle based on the context. It was A LOT.
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thatsadorbsyo · 2 years
Alexander - 3
24 Thunsheer
It has been a day of black tidings. This time, I write to you from the safety of a tavern in a smiling town, but I fought an endless road for the privilege of slumbering in a real bed. The people in Vallaki are livelier than those in Barovia, but this is not a difficult measure to exceed, and the town does have certain charms. There is a wall around it to keep out the wolves, and a bard with tolerable songs to play and stories to tell downstairs in the tavern -- which, by the way, gives all of its wine away for free. For free, Simon. There’s something of a surplus wine economy here. Not even the nicest pillowhouses back home offer gratis champagne! The strangeness of this land expands ever on, finding no boundary to shape it.
Before sleep, I can only think of the last time I slept. Theodore has found me, I’m happy to report. Even here, he came to me after I laid down to rest, leading me to a grove with a great tree full of ravens, and a winged statue buried deep in the sucking mud. It was as inscrutable as all of Theodore’s little field trips, but something he said to me was more curious than usual. When I asked how he found me, he turned the question back on me and asked if I believed I could hide from him by coming to Barovia. This releases no small tide of riddles. Why would a raven who only visits me in my dreams need to travel, perhaps physically, to this place beyond the mist, lest I be unable to hear his call? Is there more to Theodore’s nature that I have not considered? I have long thought him to be a figment of my imagination, a vestigial piece of my childhood that only finds continued life in the quagmire of dreams, but what of it?
Theodore also gave me a missive to look for “the sign of the raven”, which could have so many interpretations that I don’t know where to start. For example, the tavern in which I sleep tonight has a raven wing on the sign hanging over the door. Could it be so literal? Would Theodore give me such an easy pitch, just the once? Perhaps it has something to do with the absentee Nightmother, which is what the people of Barovia call the Raven Queen. Most likely, the answer is something I cannot yet see. There is a piece to this that I am missing, and all I can do is keep my eyes and my mind open until something catches and sticks. My mother called this ‘filter-feeding on reality’, which reminds me that she was often about as inscrutable as Theodore in her turns of phrase.
The middle of the day is difficult to think about. The grave dangers on the road feel distant from the comforts of this room, though I still feel the energy that it sapped from me, both through the mundane vampirism inherent to highway travel and through conflict with Strahd’s patrolling riders. These are men in dark cloaks on ominous black destriers, brandishing cruel weapons and harrying innocent travelers the moment they come into view of the castle’s great red eye.
But they are far from a homogenous lot. One such rider, a man named Lars Stefan de Barovia, saved us from an ambush of wolves, and apparently he frequents this very tavern, getting day drunk on free wine while the locals call him cruel epithets (notable: bootlicker) for his compulsory servitude to the Count. Yet another rider was not so polite as to give us his name but did demand the blood that drips in our veins as the Count’s rightful tithe, before running us off the road and chasing us through the woods. Such a variable bouquet of fucking individuals did Strahd’s dark riders turn out to be. If only they were better at telegraphing whether they’re sad drunkards or vicious tax-collectors, the roads might be safer for it.
There is more I could say, but my legs are weary and my mind is racing. I intend to lie down and spiral into a single-minded, free-floating obsession for a little while, with my hands calmly folded over my chest on the bed while my heart believes it’s taking a sprint from the ground floor to the top of the Zauberspire. This is the exact sort of tantrum that you used to disrupt by tossing a cupful of water onto my upturned face. And gods, don’t I need it. I miss you. I do. Whatever else may be true, so too is this. (How many simultaneous truths can a man hold in his heart, even if all of them seemingly contradict?)
Sincerely yours,
Alexander Cordula
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horseweb-de · 29 days
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Something I noticed on rewatch is that in 1x19 Stefan makes a fist and punches it in the air in anger in Elena's direction while talking to her and calling her an idiot for believing in him when he argued with her about it earlier, before he slams her against a wall while yelling and punching right next to her face. I hate how SE fans justify that, saying context is important and it's good romantic angst while taking DE scenes like 2x10 out of context. Elena seems more afraid of what Stefan thinks of her than Damon. She was mad at Damon in 2x10 even though he was trying to save her life.
Delena has some serious angst, and it doesn't require Damon slamming Elena against a wall and punching it. Damon has a lot of scenes where he's getting Elena against a wall without violently placing her there. I'm about to watch 1x6, which has one of those such moments lol. There are different types of fear. Elena is more afraid of loving Damon than she was ever afraid of him. As for 2x10, she's mad at Damon for stopping her. Restraining only hurts when the person being restrained fights back. Elena is harming herself in her scenes with Damon.
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ilovetheater-nl · 2 years
Theaterspektakel Hanna van Hendrik wegens succes verlengd!
Theaterspektakel Hanna van Hendrik wegens succes verlengd!
Vanaf vandaag zijn er 11 extra voorstellingen van Hanna van Hendrik in het speelschema opgenomen. Het theaterspektakel op Vliegveld Twenthe over het leven op het platteland verkocht afgelopen weekend duizenden kaarten nadat het zaterdag zijn feestelijke eerste voorstelling sinds 2019 had. De reeks is nu te zien tot en met zondag 21 augustus. Hanna van Hendrik is een idee van actrice Johanna ter…
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bamsuriyasenee-grad604 · 10 months
SDL Week2
20 Creatives
10 Creative (International)
#1 Studio fm milano (Milan-based graphic design)
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#2 TRIANGLE-STUDIO (graphic designer studio in South Korea)
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#3 JISU CHOI (illustrator in South Korea)
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#4 Timothy Goodman (a designer, illustrator, and art director running his own studio in New York City)
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#5 Stefan Sagmeister (Austrian graphic designer)
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#6 Sheila Levrant De Bretteville (American graphic designer)
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#7 Jessica Walsh (an American designer, art director, illustrator and educator)
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#8  Jonathan Barnbrook (a British graphic designer, film maker and typographer)
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#9 Paula Scher (American graphic designer, painter and art educator in design)
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#10 David Carson (America graphic designer)
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xtruss · 1 year
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Kent, UK 🇬🇧! An owl flies over a meadow after a night of hunting for food. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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London, UK 🇬🇧! The speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, with the speaker’s state coach, which has returned to Westminster for the first time time since 2005. The coach, believed to have been built in the 1690s for King William III and Queen Mary II, was last used by the Commons speaker George Thomas in 1981 to attend the marriage of the Prince of Wales to Lady Diana Spencer at St Paul’s Cathedral. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA
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Adelaide, Australia 🇦🇺! Kites and balloons fly high during an International Kite Festival on 9 April. Photograph: Xinhua/Shutterstock
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Istanbul, Turkey 🇹🇷! An aerial view of people visiting the stands during the fourth day of the Turkey’s largest technology and aviation event, Teknofest, at Ataturk airport. Photograph: Ali Atmaca/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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Beijing, China 🇨🇳! Visitors climb a staircase on the Great Wall as they visit the popular tourist site on the first day of the May Labour Day holiday, which lasts five days. Photograph: Kevin Frayer/Getty Images
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South Australia 🇦🇺! The peloton competing in the 23rd Santos Tour Down Under 2023, riding 112km from Unley to Mount Lofty in South Australia. Photograph: Tim de Waele/Getty Images
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musicalweb · 1 year
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Ch 6: The Typographic Message
The De Stijl movement and functionalism have always been design movements I’ve aligned with. Many of the posters below that I found very inspiring share some characteristics of the simplicity and modernism of this movement. I found two quotes particularly helpful in this chapter, one relating to the zine project and one to characterize the intention of the poster project. ZINE: “visually mimic verbal meaning” POSTER: “a message so orderly presented as to make comprehension fast and easy” – my goal!
Critique + finishing up 
I changed the cover of the zine to better lead the viewer’s eye through the text. Prof Valdes also mentioned David Carson, and I thought it was interesting because while I did enjoy looking at the experimental quality of his work, it almost made me laugh how different it is from what I would usually go for style-wise. I feel like this project stylistically pushed me way out of my comfort zone, and that is definitely a good thing. It is always interesting to see parallels and similarities in approaches though, and seeing visual patterns between works of different artists is something that makes me super excited. 
This project felt very intentional, and I am proud of the finished product. I feel that my level of experimentation, of working through many ideas before settling on the final, and consistently developing the concept further was successful. Moving forward, my goal is to exhibit the same sense of idea generation and fine-tuning to other projects. 
This project feels very relevant, as I’ve been exploring ideas related to positive social change, specifically regarding sustainability in my thesis research. This project will be a good way to test out some of these ideas and explore them further. 
Looking at past UCDA poster winners, every one of the first-place winners expresses a sophisticated concept in a super simple way. This simplicity is quite effective and eliminates distraction. It was also refreshing to see the wide variety in approaches and styles in the honorable mentions. Many people used the copy “moving forward” in their poster or incorporated a related quote. This may be something to look into when creating my poster. The collage and Avant garde approach was especially popular among honorable mentions in 2021, as was very experimental typography, almost to the point of not being super legible. I felt that the posters related to current events, such as Covid, were very strong in that the viewer can relate to the larger meaning. 
Yesterday I spent a few hours in the library totally engrossed in poster design books. I liked that they covered international work. I looked for posters that I liked stylistically, as well as posters that had strong messages in their content. It was a little bit of a full circle moment when Stefan Sagmeister’s name was in the book, as we talked about him in class. I also went to the fifth floor where the "Type Hike" posters are displayed. I learned about this project when I was in Prof Khalili's class and it was inspiring to see all of the posters, both the work of students and well-known designers displayed on the wall. I’ve also been looking at the SVA’s subway collection. I’m figuring out what I like and how my poster can fit into and add to ideas of previous posters. 
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mysowa · 1 year
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lezet · 1 year
V.A.-"ApocalyXmas Now " is out on  Camembert Électrique (France) !!!!
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V.A.-"ApocalyXmas Now " is out on  Camembert Électrique (France) !!!!
Paul Beaudoin (EE) :
Collectif incertain (FR) :
distance (UK) :
DJ MixXxuruca (BR) :
earthborn visions (UK) :
el_masmore (ES) :
Federico Balducci | fourthousandblackbirds (US/CA) :
fencepost (UK) :
flyoversx :
Osman Frazão (BR) :
Gelan 2000 (FR) :
GitM (PL) :
ihana (SE) :
James The Gang (BR) :
KR Seward (US)
Tiago Malta (BR) :
man.er (DE) :
melophobia (GR) :
MubisMusic (NL) :
Mystical Breath (FR) :
Nimbostrata (SE) :
N.F.H.C (FR) :
N.Zckrmnn (IT) :
PIRATE Tapes (FR) :
PressureWorks (US) :
Psykoxxx (FR) :
REfugEEs From Beyond (MY/PE) :
Nick Robinson (UK) :
Substância Negra (BR):
THE D3VI7 (DE) :
The Misssioncreep (US) :
The Phlod-Nar (NL) :
TorentE (RO) :
Two Chipmunks (NL) :
WaNg (NL/HK) :
Waktu Loopa (DE) :
Wasatch Front (FR) :
Washington Formica (FR) :
whoknowswhocares (DE) :
stream it/download it here:
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