#System role coining
butterednuttered · 6 months
A root alter is an alter who has connection/communication with most, if not, all of the system.
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the-silent-fellowship · 8 months
Announcer / Reporter system role
[PT: Announcer / Reporter system role]
“An announcer or reporter is a headmate that announces important events to the system.
For example: New outerworld relationships, important dates like birthdays or special events, headspace changes, etc.” - Pluralpedia(link)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @pluralitywords, and @pluralterms
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fruix-collective · 21 days
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Femininity Holder: a role for system members who hold feelings of femininity (doesn’t dictate the system member’s gender)
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Masculinity Holder: a role for system members who hold feelings of masculinity (doesn’t dictate the system member’s gender)
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ix-c-999 · 6 months
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queerplatonic love holder
a queerplatonic love holder is a system member who holds love for the system, specifically queerplatonic love. this can be considered a more specific version of the love holder role.
simplified flag
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the only DNI on this post is not to involve it in discourse.
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spiraldevs · 5 months
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Artsmith —
✶ A system role for system members who are particually good artists or spend most of their time making art.
naming: "art", "smith"
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frilledprince · 16 days
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﹒      ꒷      Marionette𓈒
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Marionette    ﹒    self indulgent
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A system role for headmates who appear as or act as "puppets" of sorts, they may be there for very specific tasks, or may allow others to kind of "step into" them and control them. Marionettes may or may not be fragments. They may or may not have thoughts, opinions, etc. that are easily influenced by others.
This role should not be used to degrade or insult headmates in any way.
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coined by frilledprince    ﹒    credit if reposting
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thewanderinggraveyard · 3 months
Obscurum ("Ub-skYUr-um") and Hideaway ("hIde-awAEy")
[pt. Obscurum ("ub-skyur-um") and Hideaway ("hIde-awAEy") /end pt.]
Definition: A system role defined by the alter regularly hiding within or behind other alters, using them as a facade or shield of sorts, to obscure themself from others. These facade-alters are called "Hideaways." These alters may or may not be aware that they are doing this. They can go unnoticed for a long time by both system members and out-of-system loved ones due to them appearing to not be there. They can temporarily fuse with (aka "Inhabit or Possess") another alter to further obscure their presence, and can seem to simply "become them." They may have any number of Hideaways they can inhabit when they need or want to, though usually they can only inhabit one at a time. They may seem to have no personality of their own, and finding their own identity can be difficult for many of these alters as it goes against the purpose of their role. They may also have one or more additional roles, such as a Mirror, Harborer, Prism, Masker, Host, Emotional Protector and/or Processor, Masker, Innkeeper, Interra, and many others.
Hideaways are often someone who the Obscurum either admires, wants to be like, enjoys the presence of, has an interest in or loves (this can be romantically, platonically, familially, etc.), or wants to help in some way, potentially through helping them develop coping mechanisms, emotional healing, or processing trauma they hold.
The exact reason for an Obscurum being present in a system can vary, but in general they hold the conviction, perhaps without even being aware of it, that their presence must remain unknown.
Hideaways are sometimes "Sidelined," meaning they are temporarily unused by the Obscurum, or "Vacated" which is to be permanently cast-aside in favor of other Hideaways. This could be due to any number of reasons, but a few common examples would be that the Obscurum is close to being discovered due to their influence on their Hideaway's personality being noticed, the Obscurum has found a different Hideaway which is more appealing to them and/or they have grown bored of their current one, the Obscurum and the Hideway have grown apart or are too different for them to easily inhabit the other, or the Hideaway has become aware of the Obscurum's presence and is rejecting them or is pushing them out.
Coined by us, The Wandering Graveyard, aka The Many Gates Multiplex. Others are welcome to make their own flag for this term, however we will likely get around to making our own eventually. Coined for our system's host and innkeeper, Vengeance. This term is made with NPD & BPD in mind, but is not exclusive to those with either/both disorders.
There is no DNI for this term, however our blog itself is Pro-Non-Traumagenic systems, and Pro-Self-Diagnosis. We are also supporters of those with Cluster-B PDs and do not believe in "Narcissistic Abuse." Please read our blog's DNI before reblogging this post.
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kitkore · 20 days
tic experiencer: an alter/headmate/sysmate/part/etc. who experiences tics more than the rest of the system, is able to suppress/mask tics easier than the rest of the system, and/or fronts during tic attacks to take the brunt of them
term provided/coined??? by me (toby) bc the definition of tic holder didnt quite fit as well as i would have liked
dont have a flag for this sorry, flags r hard for me to do
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sadowife · 9 days
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✦ Irdiseverance Alter …
A flag for alters whose role is to dislike & disconnect from the system's Favorite Person { FP }. This alter may be an anger holder, but any alter can have this role. Exclusive to systems with BPD { Borderline Personality Disorder }.
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Requested By : @mygraine.
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flagsandtags · 4 months
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An alter whose role is to cleanse or clean things, whether this be phone storage, old photos, physical clutter, friend groups, or anything else. This role may also come with being the one who sweeps, mops, deep cleans, does laundry/dishes, or any other household chores involving cleaning.
Made by Salem :3
Pinterest link
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elpisflags · 8 months
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❤️ — a term to describe an alters whos specific role is to protect the system from toxic relationships, family, heartbreak, and friendships.
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Request for anon, thank you for your patience!! Color-picked (but adjusted) from Diance.
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butterednuttered · 6 months
CHARGER: A charger alter is an alter who recharges the motivation/social battery of the system. MASCOT: A mascot alter is an alter that in some way, shape or form, represents the system's whole identity, such as a singletsona or maybe if you are a content creator, holds that content creator personality. These alters exist to help mask. HAZIAN: A hazian alter is an alter who purposefully causes front to suddenly become blurry or enduses dissociation, usually due to trauma and stress. HOLIDARIAN: A holidarian is an alter who holds the emotions of one or multiple holidays, usually in a positive way, due to nostalgia, enjoyment of the holiday, or other reasons that could benefit the system around the holiday time. (This kind of alter could also be a way for systems to deal with the negative traumatic emotions of certain holidays in a way that wont cause issues in the system's life.) FILE CLERK: A file clerk is an alter who organizes information in some way, usually important to remember, and is almost always organized ouside of headspace. NUTRITIONIST: A nutritionist is an alter who fronts to eat food, drink water, etc. PET: A pet alter is a nonhuman alter who may follow around a specific alter, even into front as their specific pet, or may be seen as a pet to the whole system. They provide emotional support to those around them just by existing and being a pet. WATCHER: A watcher alter is an alter who watches over usually a specific alter in the system. Watchers usually don't do much protecting themselves, but they work with other protectors in the system by alerting them when they need a more experienced protector to front and take care of things SMOG: A smog alter is an alter who sees everything in a negative light, usually in order to not cause the system to get their hopes up or to make sure that the system isn't disappointed because it was already to be expected. EARLY BIRD: An early bird alter is an alter who, unlike a lantern, deals with waking up/morning time. They may make sure the body wakes up to alarms and get ready as quickly as possible, or they may otherwise front if the alter who typically fronts in the morning has issues with doing so. Early birds deal with the mornings. FIBBER: A fibber is an alter who intentionally lies to protect the system. Who they lie to and what they lie about depends, of course, but it’s usually to abusers or in situations where they feel like if they were to answer truthfully, something bad would happen. BULLY: A bully alter is an alter who bullies people in the system (often affectionately, but it can be aggressive) into doing their jobs. Whether it's generally fulfilling their role in the system, or completing a task, a bully will insult or argue with people to do their job. COOK: A cook is an alter who exceeds at cooking or very much enjoys it. They may cook due to living in an ingredients house (a house with no stand alone food, but a lot of ingredients to make a meal) or they may do it because they have to, otherwise the body wont be fed. It could be for a plethora of reasons, but cooks cook.
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the-silent-fellowship · 11 months
Substitute (system role)
[PT: Substitute (system role)]
“A substitute is a headmate whose role is to act in place of another headmate(s). This can be temporarily copying the subject’s, acting in place for them, and/or pretending to be them.” - Pluralpedia(link)
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[ID: wo rectangular flags, the first one features 6 colors, a diamond in the center, with 2 horizontal stripes extending from the sides of the flag to the center going into the diamond. The left line and left side of diamond are a dark purple, and the right line and right diamond are a light purple. The top left of the flag is peachy light orange and the bottom left is a darker but still light orange; this part follows the sides of the diamond, making it bigger than the right side of the flag. The top right of the flag is the darkest orange which is a burnt orange color and the bottom right of the flag is the lightest orange almost pale yellow.
The second flag is the six color lines going horizontal. The colors are in order from top to bottom, peachy light orange, burnt orange, dark purple, light purple, light orange, light orange almost pale yellow. END ID]
(ID credits: @enigmatoyou)
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, and @plurality-faq
[Reposting on] @blood-moon-night-coining
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fruix-collective · 3 months
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Fnafxenorole - a system member role that is related to the game Five Nights at Freddy’s
(flag template by @/the-silent-fellowship)
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ix-c-999 · 6 months
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symptom neutralizer
another term we use for our system that hasn't been coined yet to our knowledge!
a symptom neutralizer is, in essence, the opposite of a symptom holder. this can look like the following: -a system member who, in contrast with a system who are entirely or largely affected by a particular condition, does not seem to have any symptoms of it. -a system member who does display symptoms of a condition that affects the rest of the system, but their symptoms are much milder/more manageable for them than for the rest of the system. -a system member who experiences a symptom to some extent but is notably better at managing it than other system members are who have the same symptom. -a system member who is in some way "immune" to the symptom in question (e.g. an aromantic system member who does not experience hyperromantic symptoms) -a system member who is not bothered by symptoms that bother the other members of the system (e.g. intrusive thoughts that distress most of the members of the system do not upset a symptom neutralizer for them.) however, anything that lessens the impact, extent, or distressing nature of a symptom, or any system member who experiences notably less or none of a symptom that much of the rest of the system experience, can fit under symptom neutralizer.
the colors for the flag are adjusted from inverting the symptom holder flag.
simplified version:
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this post has no DNI other than not to start discourse on it.
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spiraldevs · 5 months
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Moldbreaker —
✶ A system role/modifier for system members who introduce something new and different to the system. They usually bring new ideas, beliefs, wisdom, points of view, etc. to the system which may be a catalyst for change in the ideals of the system itself.
naming: "mold", "breaker" (breaking the mold)
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