#The Corkscrew Job
werewolfsmile · 2 days
Watching The Corkscrew Job and just ...
Eliot trusting Parker and Hardison enough to go into a situation where he's about to have no oxygen. He would hear over the comms that they're facing down henchmen who are trying to stop them. He doesn't know how long it'll take for them to get air flow happening again.
But there's an innocent person to protect and he has faith in his partners. Faith enough to willingly risk his life time and time again - not just in this instance, but all the others we see over the course of the show. Because Eliot knows that Parker and Hardison will do whatever it takes to protect him, just as he protects them.
There's just something so profound about not even having enough air to draw breath - but it doesn't matter, because you know your partners are out there, fighting to get that next breath to you. And it might take longer than expected. It might not go smoothly, hell, it might not even work at all. But it doesn't matter because your faith in these people is greater than the instincts screaming for oxygen.
Eliot can't breathe without them. But he's used to that - he's been living this way for years already. So he holds his breath and trusts.
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sapphichymns · 1 year
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What? Wait. Is college credit code for “you’re not gonna pay me”?
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lemissingmask · 6 months
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[ID: Sketch of Eliot leaning on the rails of the walkway in The Corkscrew Job during the fight where he is running out of oxygen, with the sketch in greyscale and his skin fushed pink. End ID]
Day 28: Oxygen deprivation
Love this fight so good chance to draw it since Eliot is running out of oxygen
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my-beloved-lakes · 8 months
Pfft! When Hardison and Parker were worried about getting the ventilation shaft open on time for Eliot in the corkscrew job, my older sister said "he only breaths 12 minutes a day. He'll be fine." So now, not only does he only sleep 90 minutes a night, but apparently he also only breaths for 12? And according to her, most of those 12 minutes are during the 90 minutes of sleep. She said "it's just Eliot facts."
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geekynightowl1997 · 7 months
"Wait? I'm radioactive, then how come I don't have superpowers?"- Parker
"Hey, we all feel cheated." -Hardison
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amazzyblaze · 18 days
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"The Corkscrew Job" doodles
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faorism · 1 year
"thats it. everybody out. we're done." -eliot spencer, the corkscrew job.
when he saves the whistleblower, eliot says this as hes carrying her out. i find this line fascinating. was this the first time eliot called off a job so cleanly like this? was it the first time anyone has other than nate? did they talk about what it means to call and out,, like yes the con was pretty much wrapped up, but thhere could have been more clean up technically? is eliot the one who theyve always trusted to call a job when the risk is too great, or did this trust grow over time?
episode one, eliot tries to entice nate to continue the crew by appealing to nates missing the chase balanced against the potential to crashing and burning. in the snow job and other times early on, eliot snaps that he will follow nate even through the alcoholism, even through the risky plays. at least, that was how it was early on. we saw a hint of what it means for eliot to go retrieval specialist one and a half times: when nate and maggie are missing in the zanzibar marketplace job (hardison and parker explicitly turn to him against tara), and then somewhat in the big bang job with the moreau meet up. but to outright shut down the con? idk, this felt like such a powerful and decisive moment for him and the crew.
which makes eliots attempt to shoo parker and hardison away in the showdown job... a lot. that he has this authority to make this plays for the safety of the team, but the other two are like. lmaoooo how about nah, we love you and we go down together babe
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reinanova · 9 days
the corkscrew job glitching?
this is the second time i’ve watched this episode and noticed there being quite a few glitches to it. when sophie’s talking to madigan in the wine cellar, there’s an overlay of a later scene. there are several times throughout where the scenes are blurry/doubled but slightly off (but not intentional like the scene with eliot that i think is supposed to be like that)
is that the case for everyone? is it just amazon being weird? is this fixed in the dvd?
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richardsphere · 2 months
Leverage Log: The Corkscrew job
Assumptions based on the episode name: Either wine tastings and/or vinyards, a really cool rollercoaster, or ducks. (please dont be ducks) --- Its vinyards, (sad rollercoaster noises, happy not-a-duck noises), presumeably minority migrant labour exploitation. Guy just fainted/died from possible heatstroke. --- Big NDA check. Means there is definitly somethign bigly wrong at the vinyard. (so probably not heatstroke). My initial guess is poisonous herbicide exposure, --- Elliot as a menial physical labourer (classic Elliot point-of-entry) waterbottle established really early in the episode. Leads me to suspect the poison is some kind of water-based fertiliser.
Parker is infiltrating as an intern (undefined position) at the distillery/processing part of the vinyard. I agree with Parker, internships are exploitation.
I am kind of disapointed with the people who took a place called "bee meadow" and made it a winery. ("bee mead,ow". Bees and Mead are literally in the name. Its simple branding people!) --- "lets go steal a bottle" "no," the look on Sophie's face when NATE refuses the Lets go steal line. (stealing the bottle means an insurance payout.)
Good work with Sophie interviewing the person who opened the vacancy for Hardison to exploit. --- "get me everything on this list, its gonna take you a while." Ok its time for Parker to leave the spotlight and enter the backstage. Grape Gatsby. Thats a good one. (not good enough to counter the Bee Mead-ow failure though) --- Oh his name is Madigan with an M. (i kept hearing it as "ratigan", like the villain of Great Mouse Detective)
Nate talks about this guy being a vintner and claims he "knows wine-making on a molecular level". Problem is its already been established he's a quantity over quality kind of fellow. --- Sophie about to do a sale, scene cuts back to the vinyard. Woman with a waterbottle (so its definitly in the water. unlike my first guess it was gonna be a pesticide on the fruit)
Oh its amphetamines or something right? get them all slightly coked up to increase worker productivity. The doctors claim of a heart attack didnt even need to be forged.
And Elliot found it, its the fertiliser. (boring, uncreative, predictable.) --- More Yeast=CO2 exposition from our mark. Shot focussed on her bag (hiding the fake bottle for the inevitable failed attempt at a switch.)
Guy put security on the thing (a license plate? Presumably with some kind of RFID that triggers a sensor somewhere)
Sophie planting the seeds of doubt --- Servers been whiped, someone already has a copy. We have an ally. And we just accidentally compromised our ally. --- Auditor is coming (presumeably to audit the wine, verify their real-ness so the collateral retains its value)
Fraud 1: Simple sleight of hand, a sticker over the E on the label. Fraud 2: Glass, (lovely tangent as to the butterfly effect and one countries independence effecting the economic price of its natural resources, which affects the history of glassblowing.) Trick: A tiny glass lens that has an anachronistic composition slid before the scanning laser-thingy. --- Back to the vinyard, goons are coming for our Ally. --- Fraud 3: Radiation (bottles made after a certain year are affected by nuke tests. Bottles made before that have been kept in pristine vaults and cellars are not) Solution: Switch the auditors gloves with radiation-lined stuff. And i agree, we do all feel cheated.
And of course Madigan just bribed the guy. All this work, Hardison broke into a US army base to steal nuclear material and the mark just bribed the auditor
Meanwhile Elliot has found evidence of ally's kidnapping. --- They're gonna gas our ally, Mark's locked Hardison out of the HVAC system so we're going manual.
Elliot has to fight in an oxygen deprived state Parker and Hardison run to open some doors. --- Ally is safe with all the evidence she has, and the mark thinks his bottle is fake. Time for Nate to buy a bottle.
Set him up for fraud, get the auditor to confess. "keep it, its fake after all".
the little smile at the mark to tip him off that he just sold it for real. --- Nate understands wine enthusiasts enough to know nobody is ever drinking from that bottle. (I think she's definitely drinking Hardisons wine though, cause Nate just "told her a story")
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house-of-ivy · 9 months
can’t believe they had a whole conversation about animal penises in the adventuring party and NOBODY brought up ducks
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qwuilty · 1 year
HI U DONT HAVE TO POST THIS I just wanted to say I drew your transfem p1 because I am her biggest fan. (I think abt her so much) I wasn’t using a ref for most of it so there’s a few things off I hope that’s alright (corkscrew is there too)
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lemissingmask · 2 years
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[ID: Sketch of Hardison, Parker and Eliot after the corkscrew job. Hardison and Eliot are sitting on the floor in front of a wall, their knees and arms just touching, and Parker is leaning on the wall behind them with her chin on her hands. Both Hardison and Parker are smiling at Eliot, who is holding an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth, and glaring at them. End ID]
Whumptober 2022 Day 22: Toxic
AU for The Corkscrew Job in which Parker and Hardison weren't as quick getting the windows open, but Eliot managed to get an oxygen mask from one of the bad guys to give to the lady he was rescuing, but he inhaled too much carbon dioxide himself and passed out. Obviously after he refuses to go to hospital, but they get him an oxygen mask and sit with him while he recovers. Probably gloating about over how they saved him, but Eliot is too out of breath to properly retort.
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my-beloved-lakes · 8 months
Lmao! When Hardison and Parker accidentally left the screen with Betty's name on it up in the wine office my older sister said "ugh amateur hour. Age of the amateur baby."
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heksen-sabbat · 8 days
companion to my other video, now the original voicelines. he has 2 minutes worth of more things to say in his original language!
some of the clips without speech were re-used in both languages so they're in this video as well to be complete, even if it is a bit repetitive
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ghosttotheparty · 7 months
random update on the nose piercings for those who care:
could NOT take out the studs on my own last night so i went to the piercing shop this afternoon and brought my own jewellery to change them; the lady was v sweet and was like ‘yeah the internally threaded studs are rly hard to change’ and she checked in to make sure she was putting the right jewellery in (hoop in my right piercing, blue stud in my left)
afterward i got lightheaded so i drank water and sat down while my friend finished something on her phone and then i got a hot flash so i took off my hoodie and my friend was very confused but after a few moments i was fine
i just took out the hoop and then struggled to put in another stud (pink!) but i got it and then laid down on the floor bc it’s weird to see a hole in my face and i got lightheaded
anyway they’re cute <3
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faorism · 1 year
okay but hardisons jicama plum stout sounds p good. would have been better as a cider but i would trust his craft beers.
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