spaceboid · 7 months
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Your honor, I love them.
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shikariiin · 5 months
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Oh! Post it notes!
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spaciebabie · 5 months
spacie we want a version of image 2 where you're in the insert spot . draw yourself fucking springtrap like god intended . be self indulgent !!
this is wreally fucked iup what you're saying to me rigvht now. do ypu realize what you just said to me. anon. i was trying so hard not to thinka botu that as i was drawing it. anaon. anon. anon. whywoudl you say this to me anon. anon. anon.
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imperfectfragilediary · 5 months
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L'Uomo Vogue July/August 1998
Daniel Schmickl, Anthony Vibert, Gabriel Aubry, Scott Barnhill, Thorsten Mølsgaard Larsen, Keith Mallos, Sascha Eiblmayr, Wyatt Nelson, Thosi Wedlich, Bruce Hulse, Michael Alves, Ivan Abujmra, Magus Lindgren & Renauld White by Steven Meisel
Styled by Karl Templer
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lyctorism · 2 years
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[ID: screenshot of a tumblr text post. text reads “ok next: mal. hm. where to start. to me, the way that hes looking at alina but not fully taking her hand is like showing that he loves alina, but in the end he never gave her anything. he wasnt there for her in the end and hes not meeting her halfway. (crossed-out text formatting text reads: also he has the personality of a wet paper towel)” end ID.]
mal oretsev honey i’m so sorry they’re saying this about you and you’re not even here to defend yourself oh my god don’t worry king i’ve got this they’ll never understand you okay. they’ll never understand how you gave alina a home and understanding and compassion to understand that you saw her, even though it took you some time. and loved her, even the parts of her that loved him, even if she didn’t want you. how you spent weeks trudging through winter covered forests looking for a myth just to see her look at you again. how you let her kill you to save the world. how you died in her arms in the last minutes of what was supposed to be the end of your life and you chose them to be with her. i’m so so sorry king i love you mal oretsev haters meet me in the denny’s parking lot i’m going to shove fistfuls of buttermilk pancakes down your throat
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sleptting · 1 year
getting eepy. . . .
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Thosi Azward
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98-0 · 3 months
— @hauntlita
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lunatiqez · 9 months
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hunty627 · 1 year
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Annie: I think I’ll sing a song about my toes.
Oh my toes, my toes, my toesies. How I love each one of thosies. They’re little, they’re neat, they’re the best part of my feet. Oh, no one knows how I love my toes. And when I’m jumping up and down, what can get me off the ground? It ain’t my nose, it’s my toes. They can curl and they can wiggle. If you tickle them, I’ll giggle. And they help me stay on track. Though they may not smell exactly like a rose, I love my toes. I love my toes!
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spaceboid · 10 days
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Her fav spot is sitting in his lap 💙❤️
Some casual Thosie for the soul <3
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444names · 2 years
greek islands + roman deities and places + philosophies + periodic elements + swedish, roman emperor and spanish + natural satellites + theological angels BUT excluding "sm"
Abagnum Abiano Achum Acineharl Actuestio Adonscius Aeves Agmaa Agoladio Agussigon Ailovigus Aiteodeon Alagelon Alena Alisiphy Aliumnus Allia Alono Alsarlea Alteriela Altria Amanium Ametruy Angelio Angerilia Angerna Anikargio Anosi Anses Anteraxia Antina Antivissa Aphysia Arada Aradum Arakra Arcel Ardesa Arebas Arianda Ariarel Arichildos Armenum Arnara Arydra Assalvis Athia Aticaphium Audamicca Aunda Avdolmundo Avigabsoi Avikra Avium Aziah Balesali Balyte Baratrus Beboba Belissa Bento Benvenne Beraimura Berma Bermenna Berminium Bibio Billia Biones Blarlibnia Bontiv Caali Cactiria Cadaellos Calinous Camopax Caragel Carcesces Carea Catalphi Catla Celie Celtra Cenrvarium Centhergo Chadad Chalphy Chena Clena Clentin Clovichum Cobardo Cobionalos Cobjeccato Colucin Commolis Conia Conium Continarce Coralphos Coralreida Corelio Covalia Credgalto Crento Culia Culin Dalicina Dantus Dealugus Deolos Dilasilogy Dillekhoni Diuss Divitecti Drempus Drinos Duani Duarlos Dubio Dunium Durique Durium Duroccala Durolos Dviancoros Ebbernaos Eboses Echiel Edara Egenis Eleopplogy Emati Emianza Emmas Ercel Ergou Erifon Ertenos Essimaxeid Eudie Eugenstip Eugue Eukellio Fabalbithe Faethilas Fasto Ferbiolo Feros Fildos Fleoria Flodoman Flogicani Fonaxa Fonseryx Fratatita Frecti Fredia Fredio Freziano Funda Furacian Furon Gaccalio Gaideidena Gloswagrea Golasi Gonaleon Guena Gulugo Hacyll Hafaus Hania Hatenis Heiba Helaetio Helodisina Henatia Henea Heriolgona Hodesterto Honicium Hystila Ikephius Inhoi Iniacy Inmaracia Ionomada Irenza Irone Italbigus Itasolum Jacetho Jaianius Jaigus Jastso Jectice Jecurinium Joaquillos Jonzaria Jovarios Jualberko Julomens Julor Kalastius Kalta Kaltrin Kanima Kanovinum Karcobria Karos Kartous Kerium Klower Kolael Koniastia Kroni Laigondio Lairakos Lalphilogy Latrium Laythia Lectia Lectuaegua Legellum Leggen Lenthenna Lepiriana Lerinia Letromium Leviguli Lidakry Limas Liumfona Loducium Logiantian Logylla Lovan Lucen Lucio Ludaes Luillialya Luitic Lungal Lurinal Luton Luttelete Mabibebo Macione Macles Madrasous Maine Makrominum Malicis Maltasexi Manda Manoe Manysi Marna Marpistius Matria Mauto Mazdactius Mebagori Mebellaoil Mefaber Melibeli Menchel Menes Merea Minad Minussa Mitolo Modes Modiona Morantia Moras Mougo Mulbio Muries Murno Nalberuz Nallaracus Narcieta Nasesta Nathilata Nempoura Nenoporia Nenza Nerietta Nisla Nissondium Nomona Norme Nosons Obius Oferisi Ology Ophichium Ordiaelium Orian Oriumfura Paactum Pabaactaus Paberane Padda Padin Palieli Panomel Pansymaro Panthysto Panto Parank Parlone Pasos Patin Paxanics Pento Peruto Petualide Phiania Physica Pitor Piumini Polathad Polina Polubrium Ponicia Posia Potanatos Poudio Poyes Prapuro Prophilosa Protor Psocona Pucentium Pupines Pytta Quele Quithria Rakoso Rassium Ratrampies Reallogy Reekhos Reggio Relina Repiad Riumnospe Rogylivia Rokira Ronisa Rothilda Rubel Rugressica Ruiel Rurdorbari Rutury Saddies Salban Salor Saropti Sassi Saximitoca Schiciessi Scinita Seida Sennanium Senritiver Sentic Sentina Serko Sermelicus Serras Sikosium Simnou Sinus Sinxim Siomina Skarra Skordi Skornes Skourovira Skynos Socer Sovicenste Stabria Stalbeba Stimodi Stindecoe Stolia Stoulanda Striviaes Suaque Suriumno Svera Sychones Symanium Symino Talicaton Taliste Taroce Termoriuq Tersa Tertorteta Thaldessa Thandene Themno Theos Therra Thium Thonthoe Thosi Ticium Tiros Tivindado Troto Turra Ulcium Uramaesa Urvougus Uzzinum Uzzura Vacia Vadadalia Valos Vandria Vanhon Vanteo Veitero Venium Venthatium Verin Videcon Vidium Vissel Vissi Voubianta Wilda Wilfra Wilir Windovium Zuchildel
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rhymingteelookatme · 4 years
Prompt #21: always forever tonight
Words: 603 | Day 21: Foibles
Of course Hien is not perfect, Thosinund knows. He has his little flaws and foibles like any other man. Hells, she’s got an armful of example right now.
“Is your friend quite well?” asks someone in her peripheral. The tone is of sugary false concern, barely covering disapproval.
“Exceedingly so,” Hien slurs through a grin, not opening his eyes. “I am merely resting.”
Thosinund shifts him into a more secure grip. They need to get out of this crowd. “He’s fine. But we’re leaving now.”
She doesn’t regret inviting him to his first Starlight Celebration, exactly, but she clearly hadn’t thought it through. Who knew he would take to eggnog and rum like this? The yellow-green glow of the Gridanian lamps gives his skin a slightly sickly cast, but she can still see the flush painting his cheeks, and his broad lazy smile makes her heart turn over.
“It is hot,” he announces. “Do you not find it so?”
Thosi can’t help a chuckle. “That’s the rum talking.”  
Carefully she maneuvers them away from the people thronging the ampitheatre, Hien basking in her arms like a drowsy coeurl. Somewhere cool and quiet. That’s what they need.
Which is how they end up sitting on the end of Westshore Pier, where few folks seem inclined to wander. Well, Thosinund sits; Hien sprawls. His legs are dangling off the edge over the dark water, one arm wound around a piling for security, and his head is nestled in Thosi’s skirted lap.
“Youuuu are a tennin,” he tells her, beaming.
She blinks down at him. “I think I’d know if I were one of those.”
“’f course you are. Look at this lovely feather-dress.” He pats her knee, waves a hand in the general direction of her bell-shaped sleeve. “If you chose, you could fly away at any moment.”  
Thosinund feels her ears getting hot, but shakes her head. “I’m not going anywhere. Got to keep an eye on you. The way you’re talking, Twelve know what you’re going to do next.”
Hien gazes up at her through his lashes (quite as thick and black as the rest of his hair), one corner of his smile tilting up sideways. “If I find a way to take your hagoromo, you have to stay with me, you know.”
“Hien!” Thosi hisses, laughing. “The ferryman will hear you!”
He lowers his voice, but there’s a wicked glint in what she can see of his eyes. “I am no shinobi, but I can move quietly when I like. I shall slip into your camp and steal the hagoromo, and when you look for it you will find me instead. And then you will not fly off any more, will you? You’ll stay and be my bride?”
The word snatches the air from Thosi’s lungs. Heat blazes in her ears; tingling sparks erupt on the back of her neck. She stares down at Hien’s tilted grin, at the embers glowing in his cheeks, and tries to speak through a mouth gone dry. “I—your—” She swallows hard. “You are a clever man, my lord hare, but you are very drunk.”
“Not so drunk as all that.”
His voice is softer still now, the wickedness gone from his gaze. He’s looking at her with a dreamy, dazzled expression, like she holds the secrets of the universe. Thosinund cannot look away.
“You’ll stay with me,” he whispers. Reaches up to brush the backs of his knuckles over her cheek. “Won’t you, Thosinund? My lady fox? Stay with me always?”
She catches his wrist, kisses the base of his palm. “We’ll see about tonight, first.”
[Note: Inspired by Natsuko Ishikawa’s lore here.]
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starswornoaths · 5 years
🌋 (for my Thosi)
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“Ahh, my cloudy sunshine compatriot,” Serella sighed. She shook her head and explained, “you’re always such a ray of sunshine, but the sun never sees how much warmth and light she brings to the plants, does she?” The Paladin offered her a smile. “The clouds have seemed to hide your smile for some time- I just hope they part some day soon, and you remember how cherished you are.” She seemed to realize she said overly much, and fell silent, her eyes shying away.
First thought prompt ask!
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simswithquinn · 6 years
Thona autonomously went all the way to Onido (who was fishing at that lake on the hill) to accuse him of cheating. I tried to cancel it, but I couldn’t.
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Thona: You cheated on me with Shoma!
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Onido: We kissed like one time? We’re still only romantic interests!
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Relationship: [Tanks.]
Game: “Onido Sonodo is now considered a Cheater.”
Me: [Swears.]
Onido’s Nice Afternoon: [Ruined.]
Thona’s Mood: [Ruined for the next two days because of the Betrayal moodlet.]
Shoma, back home: [Has a locked in wish to WooHoo with Onido.]
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asktheseus18-blog · 7 years
The Railway Enthusiast. (The Railway Man AU)
It was a rainy bleak day, Theseus Scamander, Prisoner of war and war hero, son of Robert Scamander and in the wealthiest family in Europe, as not a Train Fanatic, no. He was a Railway Enthusiast.
He spent most of his days travelling from place to place, train to train. In fact, he knew the name of every single different model of steam train there was, he’d rode on every railway in Britain. Enthusiast, not obsessive.
He was currently on the 1942 from London to Maidenhead to visit family, he sat in the corner of a lonely carriage in shabby clothing by himself and reading a train guide. He wrinkled his moustache and furrowed his brow.
‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,Queen,Jack,King and Ace.’ The numbers that kept going around and around his head, every day and every night.
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