#Venture capital firms in US
truthventures · 1 year
Capital Venture Funds: Investing in Growth and Innovation for High Returns
Welcome to the world of capital venture funds! If you are looking to explore investment opportunities with high growth potential, capital venture funds can be an exciting avenue to consider. In this article, we will dive deep into the concept of capital venture funds, how they work, their benefits and risks, and provide valuable insights to help you make informed investment decisions.
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What is a Capital Venture Fund?
A capital venture fund, also known as a venture capital fund, is a pool of money collected from various investors, such as individuals, institutions, or corporations, with the aim of investing in startups and early-stage companies. These funds are managed by professional venture capitalists who have expertise in identifying promising investment opportunities.
How Does a Capital Venture Fund Work?
Capital venture operate by raising capital from investors and using that money to provide funding to startups and emerging companies in exchange for equity stakes. The fund managers evaluate business proposals, conduct due diligence, and select ventures with significant growth potential. They offer financial and strategic support to these companies, with the ultimate goal of generating substantial returns on investment when the invested companies succeed.
Benefits of Investing in a Capital Venture Fund
Investing in a capital venture fund offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides access to high-growth opportunities that are typically unavailable in traditional investment options. Venture funds often invest in innovative and disruptive technologies, which have the potential to reshape industries and generate substantial returns. Additionally, investing in a capital venture fund allows diversification across a portfolio of startups, spreading the risk associated with investing in Truth Venture companies.
Risks Associated with Capital Venture Funds
While capital venture funds offer attractive prospects, it’s essential to consider the associated risks. Startups and early-stage companies are inherently risky investments, and not all ventures may succeed. The failure rate can be relatively high, and investors should be prepared for potential losses. Additionally, capital venture funds are illiquid investments, meaning that the invested capital may be tied up for a significant period before any returns can be realized.
How to Choose a Capital Venture Fund
When selecting a capital venture fund to invest in, thorough due diligence is crucial. Consider factors such as the fund’s track record, the expertise of its management team, the fund’s investment focus, and its alignment with your investment goals and risk appetite. Look for funds that have a diversified portfolio, an established network within the industry, and a robust investment strategy. Seeking advice from financial professionals can also provide valuable insights.
Top Capital Venture Funds in the Market
The capital venture fund landscape is diverse, with numerous reputable funds operating globally. Some of the top capital venture firms in the market include Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, Accel Partners, and Benchmark Capital. These funds have a strong track record of successful investments and have been instrumental in supporting groundbreaking companies.
Steps to Invest in a Capital Venture Fund
Startup investing in a capital venture financing typically involves a structured process. Firstly, research various funds to identify the ones that align with your investment preferences. Contact the fund managers or reach out through a financial advisor to initiate the investment process. Complete the necessary paperwork, provide the required information, and transfer the investment amount as per the fund’s requirements. It’s important to review the terms and conditions of the fund carefully before committing your capital.
Tax Implications of Investing in a Capital Venture Fund
Tax implications of investing in capital venture funds vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific regulations in place. In some cases, investments in venture capital funds may qualify for tax incentives or capital gains tax exemptions. However, it’s essential to consult with a tax professional or seek guidance from the fund managers to understand the specific tax implications and benefits associated with your investment.
Success Stories of Capital Venture Fund Investments
Capital venture funds have been behind some of the most successful and influential companies in the world. From early investments in companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, to the recent breakthroughs in innovative technologies, venture capital has played a crucial role in driving economic growth and fostering entrepreneurship. These success stories highlight the potential for substantial returns that can be achieved through astute venture capital investments.
Future Trends in Capital Venture Funding
The capital venture funding landscape is dynamic and constantly evolving. Several trends are shaping the future of venture capital, including the rise of impact investing, increased focus on diversity and inclusion, and the emergence of new industries and technologies. Artificial intelligence, blockchain, and clean energy are areas that are expected to attract significant venture capital investments in the coming years. Staying informed about these trends can help investors identify promising opportunities.
In conclusion, capital venture funds offer a unique investment avenue with the potential for high returns. While they carry inherent risks, the diversification, access to innovative companies, and strategic support provided by venture capital funds can outweigh the downsides for the right investors. Conducting thorough research, understanding the risks, and aligning your investment goals are key to making successful investments in capital venture funds.
What is the minimum investment amount for a capital venture fund?
The minimum investment amount for capital venture funds varies depending on the fund. It can range from a few thousand dollars to several million. How long does it typically take to realize returns from capital venture fund investments?
The timeframe for realizing returns from capital venture fund investments can vary widely. It can take several years, often around five to ten years, for startups to reach a stage where they generate significant returns or undergo an exit event.
Can individual investors invest in capital venture funds?
Yes, individual investors can invest in capital venture funds. However, some funds may have specific requirements or minimum investment thresholds for individual investors.
What is the difference between a capital venture fund and private equity?
While both capital venture funds and private equity funds invest in companies, the key difference lies in the stage of the companies they invest in. Venture capital funds primarily focus on early-stage companies and startups, while private equity funds typically invest in more mature companies with established operations. Are capital venture funds suitable for risk-averse investors?
Capital venture funds are generally not suitable for risk-averse investors due to the higher level of risk associated with investing in startups and early-stage companies. Investors with a lower risk tolerance may prefer more conservative investment options.
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nyancrimew · 5 months
venture capital firms have forgotten to consider just giving me money no strings attached would be really funny yes i would use it for drugs what about it
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jcteamcapitals · 2 years
The past 14 years, there has been a trend in the United States of women raising capital from VCs. Deal counts by state, industry, and stage are broken down, and a few female-founded enterprises and businesses are highlighted.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
…so can you expand on the psychological ramifications of stewy being in private equity? that has definitely been lost on me given that i barely understand what private equity is
ok this is an underrated funny aspect of the show imo, and also good insight into stewy and kendall. i'm trying to spare you a bunch of stupid business jargon but basically, maesbury capital (which stewy represents but sandy/sandi ultimately own) is a private equity fund, meaning it's a big pile of a bunch of rich people's money, and stewy's job is to take that money and invest in private companies. a PE fund can invest at a few different points: at the very beginning of a startup's life (venture or angel investing), at a point where the company is trying to grow or restructure (growth investing), or when a company is struggling financially, in which case the fund is usually planning to either dismantle it and sell it for scrap, restructure and go public, or sell it for cash to another company. PE firms like to present themselves as doing a lot of growth or venture investing, but in truth many/most are primarily engaging in this third category of investment strategies, because they're lucrative (and because many startups are stupid, and only good for generating investor payouts).
so, when kendall went and dismantled vaulter in season 2 because logan decided that selling most of it for scrap would be more profitable? that's basically a dramatisation of what stewy does routinely, except of course the exact financial instruments and strategies will differ because stewy represents a PE firm. like, if kendall's venture capitalist schemes tell us about his delusions of creating cool new products and services, stewy is sort of the opposite because his structural goal is usually to dismantle companies and liquidate them however is best for maesbury's backers. it's a total destruction of all use-value and a conversion of it into pure exchange-value in the form of capital (which goes into his pockets and maesbury's). stewy generates money by destroying utility, which is perverse if you think capitalism is supposed to create and sustain human life, but actually completely comprehensible if you understand that capitalism is an insatiable growth machine with inherently contradictory internal tendencies and no raison d'être beyond the endless accumulation of pure capital itself.
many viewers think stewy is insane because he is friends with kendall roy. this is true, but on a deeper level stewy is insane because his job is to participate in the inexorable tendency to more and more abstraction in the capitalist mode of production. it literally does not matter at all to someone like stewy whether people are fed or clothed or happy, or have any of their needs met. the point is solely to create money, to turn all social forms and values into numbers on a balance sheet. this is why, when kendall tries to threaten him on axos at the end of season 2, stewy is able to casually tell him that "it doesn't matter; it doesn't mean anything." he and sandy are convincing shareholders that their offer will be able to make them more money, "and that's all that this is." stewy speaks the language of business differently than logan, because stewy doesn't care about dick-swinging competitions or demonstrating dominance in logan's cringey old catholic military way. which makes stewy more rational in certain ways, but also more insane, in that he operates in a way totally detached from this type of social value system and solely motivated by cold hard numbers.
the irony is that, whilst being detached and disembodied in his business practices, stewy is also better than the roys at appreciating the material fruits of wealth. he eats; he dresses well; he enjoys the "several houses" he owns. kendall is always trying to come up with some grand moral bullshit masculinity reason that what he's doing is noble or whatever, and he's alienated from his body and afflicted with severe catholic martyr disease. stewy just bypasses all that shit, measures his success by his payouts, and enjoys wealth because he sees it as an end in itself and not a means to logan roy's respect.
this is also why kendall's line in 'living+' about "it's enough to make you lose your faith in capitalism" is so funny. kendall can't just accept that business is a bunch of meaningless bullshit confidence games played by coked-up assholes who like to win; he always has to try to convince himself he's making cool new tech shit, or saving the world from the spectre of death itself or some shit. it's like, insane that he made it to literally 40 years old, growing up in a media conglomerate of all things, and still thinks that what he's doing requires actual skill or creates actual social value—but of course, part of the reason he still thinks this is because he deified logan and was therefore incapable of ever seeing logan or waystar for what they really were. stewy would never say that line because he can't be disillusioned this way on account of he already knows the whole thing is bullshit. it's just that to him it doesn't matter, because being bullshit does not preclude it from paying well.
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afloweroutofstone · 11 months
My new article takes a look at how one of the most prestigious think tanks in the world is partnering with for-profit military contractors to try convincing the military that it should shower them with even more money. Will be up on my website soon.
...a recent report from the Atlantic Council — one of Washington’s most influential think tanks... advocates for the contracting process to be even more industry-friendly than it is now, which raises questions not just about the report’s corporate sponsors, but also their outsized influence on policy in Washington at the expense of public interest... The [Council's] Defense Innovation Adoption Commission’s members describe themselves as having “​​decades of service between us in government, the private sector, and capital markets.” Digging deeper into the commissioners’ records in the private sector quickly unveils potential conflicts of interest. The Commission includes a list of nine “industry commissioners,” all of whom represent companies that contributed funding to the Atlantic Council last year; their collective contribution was somewhere between $810,000 and $1,625,000. Eight of these nine companies are also listed as official “Sponsors” of the Commission, including the “Foundational Sponsor” Booz Allen Hamilton, a top U.S. government contractor. In addition, four of the “industry commissioners” represent companies that also signed the letter promoting the report’s findings. Several of the contractors linked to the Commission have played a particularly active role in the project: donating to the think tank, sponsoring the Commission, selecting a representative to serve on it, and signing the letter promoting the Commission’s interim report. Prominent among them is Applied Intuition. Next is Palantir, a billion dollar company whose business strategy and privacy violations have been highly controversial. The other two are Primer, a company focused on military applications for artificial intelligence, and SnowPoint Ventures, a venture capital firm invested in technology and robotics. Primer has also promoted the report on its website. Both have highlighted the Commission’s work on their websites.  In addition, despite the report’s emphasis on leveling the playing field for smaller contractors, there are two corporate giants with their fingerprints all over it: Raytheon and SAIC. The Commission’s co-chairs are Mark T. Esper —a former Raytheon lobbyist and defense secretary during the Trump administration — and Deborah Lee James — President Obama’s Air Force secretary and a former SAIC executive. Other commissioners include at least three figures with ties to Raytheon (two former board members and one current board member), two former officials from SAIC, and an advisory board member of a trade group that represents both companies. Raytheon and SAIC are both donors to the Atlantic Council... Though the report itself contains a wide assortment of detailed policy changes, the promotional letter from business leaders focuses on just four of the 10 sections, each of which promote policies they would stand to benefit from.
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timetorace · 2 years
𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭
HELLO! My first Max one shot, so excited for this one. To the anon that requested it: Thank u so much I hope you like it. 
ship: max verstappen x toto wolff daughter!reader.
summary: Five years ago you used to love Max but you had to say goodbye, will you be able to save what you could have been?
warnings:  SMUT. SMUT. Unprotected sex. Oral (f! receiving). Doggy style. Dirty words. 
word count: +6.0K
waity katie: Catherine Middleton was given the nickname “Waity Katie” to mock her because of the time Prince William took to propose to her.
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May 2017 | Monte Carlo, Monaco
It was raining buckets; you weren’t surprised it rained that week. It was almost a tradition that it rained for the Monaco Grand Prix. All of Monaco was in a bubble after yesterday’s race but you were going to see him. You had decided that you had had enough. Max and you had been seeing each other secretly for a year now, long enough for both of you to know what you wanted. You had been mulling over going public since the beginning of the year while Max was still scared of the consequences. Or at least that’s what you thought at first. Now you weren’t sure anymore, especially after last night. You and Max had hung out with his friends and some mutual friends who worked on some teams. The club was full, but even so, when you had returned from the bathroom you had heard how one of Max’s friends called you “waity Katie”, the rest laughed and Max just stood there, said nothing or moved. You didn’t even try to say anything. The problem was that this had been like a wake-up call for you because when you arrived home you couldn’t stop thinking and seeing what you had lost.
When you thought about it, you realized the signs were always there, the way he changed the subject when you talked about going public with what they had or at least telling people around you like your dad. Oh, your dad. That was another thing. Your dad was Toto Wolff, who had tried to get Max to sign with Mercedes instead of Red Bull a couple of years ago but he had failed. Your dad would not be too happy that you got involved with a driver. They were strictly forbidden, especially since you were only 19 years old and most of them were much older than you.
You felt like a toy, after not sleeping the night before thinking about it you had concluded that Max didn’t care enough about you, you really hoped you were wrong though. Because otherwise, you could already feel your heart breaking. You were afraid, afraid that Max wasn’t into you half as much as you were into him.
You let out a sigh as you got into the elevator and put in the magnetic key so you could go up to Max’s penthouse. That’s how serious you thought you were, you had the key to go up to his apartment; you liked to use it to go to his house after leaving work and cuddle up against him. You liked that. Now that made you feel so stupid. Haven’t you seen the signs? Or had you seen them and ignored them because you were too into him to recognize them? When the elevator stopped at the top floor and before the doors opened, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath to prepare yourself.
“Hey, you’re early,” Max greeted you when you got out of the elevator. He was in shorts and a T-shirt watching a soccer game on television.
“My boss let me go earlier,” you explained. You were interning at a venture capital firm and living with your father, Susie, Jack in Monte Carlo. Your father was more than happy because he had always kept you at a distance, living in Germany.
“Surely he saw you hadn’t closed an eye last night” You hadn’t but not for the reasons he believed. You hadn’t even had enough to drink to have a hangover, you hadn’t stopped giving the subject a run for its money.
“Yeah, probably” You shrugged and crossed your arms. If you were going to have that conversation, you were going to stand still.
“Are you okay?” he asked, frowning.
“Yes,” You hesitated “Well, no” You added, “I think we should tell them” By them, you meant your family, his family, and possibly Max’s PR team.
“I think it’s still too early”
“Soon? Max, we’ve been doing this for a year now” “This” was referring to whatever it was you had, until yesterday you thought it was a relationship but now you thought it had actually been just an adventure or an affair all this time. “My father will get over it,” you told him before Max winced and you knew it. Toto Wolff wasn’t his problem “But my father is not the problem” You murmured before closing your eyes “Oh my God” What a fool you had been. Max wasn’t afraid of what his father might say. He wanted you as his little toy, his secret. You let out a bitter laugh. Less than 24 hours ago you were sure that he loved you. How had life changed so fast? “Don’t” You told him, taking a step back when you saw Max get up from the couch to approach you.
“(Y/N)” He called you
“I don’t want to be your dirty little secret, Max,” you said, letting out a bitter laugh. That couldn’t be happening to you “I can’t and won’t be the other woman” Max was a young promise and the girls literally threw themselves at him. You had had to shut your mouth more than once in the last year when he was involved with other girls. And above all, believe him when he told you that everything was rumors. Had he lied about that too?
“You are not my dirty little secret” That was a lie. He knew it, you knew it.
“You treat me like one,” you pointed out. It was almost as if he was ashamed of you, but you knew that in reality, he was too immature to be honest with you about it “And I deserve more than that”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that if you weren’t ready to commit, you just had to say so, Max! There was no need to have me hovering around you” You were angrier at his lack of honesty than anything else.
“It’s not that I lack commitment, it’s that for me it’s still too early”
You released an ironic laugh “You and your friends must have had the time of your lives laughing behind my back”
“No one is laughing at you, (Y/N)” He said in a calm tone that almost made you think it was all in your head.
“One of your friends called me 'waity Katie' yesterday” You pointed and saw how his expression changed to a mix between astonishment and surprise “Yes, I heard it, thanks for defending me by the way”
And then he did probably the thing that hurt you the most that night. The bastard shrugged. He shrugged. As if he didn’t care.
“They are just messing around” Was he downplaying it? Wh-What was going on? You had entered a parallel reality suddenly.
“And you let them do it?” you raised your eyebrows
“What am I supposed to do? A scene?”
“Em, yeah,” you told him as if it was obvious.
“Don’t be ridiculous”
“I’m not- “you started before stopping mid-sentence. It made little sense. He had already said everything you needed to know. He didn’t interest her. Not only was he not interested in whitewashing you, but he didn’t even care enough to stand up for you. "You know what?" You left the magnetic elevator key next to the coffee table next to the elevator. “Have a good life” You ended up turning to look at him one last time before walking towards the elevator.
“(Y/N)” He called you but you ignored him and pressed the elevator button.
“I don’t want to hear any more of your bullshit,” you replied, looking into his eyes one last time. Max looked devastatingly beautiful, as always, even with that look on your face “Not anymore” you added before the doors closed in front of you. He didn’t come back. He just stood there.
You greeted the doorman on your way out of the building. Dammit. The storm had broken, and you hadn’t brought an umbrella. Could that day get worse? Apparently yes, because when you were halfway home, soaked to the feet, your phone vibrated with a text from Max.
Max: Call me when you calm down, please?
Call him? He wanted you to call him? Hadn’t he caught the vibe? If he wanted to talk to you, he knew where you lived. He could call you instead of asking you to do so. Suddenly you realized something else. It was always you who made the effort for you. You just sent him to hell, and he was making the minimum effort. How pathetic and painful. Not even the rain could erase the tears in your eyes. It was incredibly painful to find out that a person didn’t love you even a quarter of what you loved about him.
(Y/N): Do me a favor, delete this number.
June 2022 | Montreal, Canada (Five years later)
There you were. Canada. It wasn’t like you didn’t like to travel and accompany your father from time to time, but Canada meant jet lag and jet lag. He insisted and you couldn’t tell him no, since you had moved back to the UK, you didn’t see each other as often. The bad part was that he hadn’t gotten a room in the same hotel as his, so you were staying somewhere else. What you didn’t know was that Max was staying in the same hotel as you. You were going down in the elevator to have breakfast when it stopped at the fifth floor and Max went up. Great. You two met twice but just exchanged glances or a brief hello, as if you were strangers as if you barely knew who each other was. Actually, for the rest of the world, it was like that. You two never existed.
You moved your leg up and down impatiently, looking at the floor numbers as the elevator descended. Just as they were about to take you downstairs, you saw out of the corner of your eye that Max, who had been staring at you ever since he entered the elevator, would open his mouth, ready to say something.
You beat him to it “Whatever it is, save it, I don’t want to hear it” You told him before the elevator doors opened and you shot out of there.
The fight between Red Bull and Mercedes was real. Especially after last year, when he had been world champion. You couldn’t help but be happy for him even when your father was still complaining about how Masi had given away the championship to Red Bull. Max deserved it because he was an incredible driver but also now everyone was doubting last year’s championship and you knew he wanted to show that he was worthy of being world champion. You could respect that.
That same night, when you were watching a movie and about to sleep, someone knocked on your door. When you looked through the peephole, you saw it was Max. You got nervous. Anyone could see him standing there in the middle of the corridor in front of his door.
You yanked the door open “What are you doing here? People are gonna see you,” you whispered before grabbing his arm and pulling him into your room to close the door behind him.
“I need to talk to you,” Max explained
“I don’t see why,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You know why”
“No, I don’t, I don’t read minds”
“I wanna talk about it” You knew that by “it” he probably meant the obvious. What had happened to you? You didn’t want to put labels on it because you didn’t even know if what they had qualified as a relationship.
“About what? You’re gonna have to be more specific than that, Max.” If he wanted to talk, then they were going to talk, but first, you were going to make him suffer a little.
“I wanted to talk about what happened, in Monaco, five years ago”
“You will say”
“You tried to give me an ultimatum” Oh, if that was how he was going to start by accusing you, then it would not end any better than last time.
“After a year Max, that doesn’t even count as an ultimatum, especially when you were supposed to be in a relationship,” you replied, trying to keep your voice as calm as possible. What you had had had been a relationship, at least for you.
“We were in a relationship,” Max corrected you.
“It didn’t seem like it.” You wanted to be as honest as possible. For a year it had seemed that way, but then you realized you had just ignored the signs.
“I’m sorry, for everything”
“You’re going to need more than that Max” That he apologized was the beginning, but now that he had stirred up the past, you wanted him to really mean it.
“I was an asshole” Max ruffled the hair on the back of his neck with his hand.
“Yes, you were” There was no point in denying it when it was what you thought.
“Thanks,” He replied with a sarcastic tone
“You said it first,” You shrugged
“I’m sorry I kept you in the dark and kept you a secret,” He clarified. At least he acknowledged that he had done wrong “You deserved more”
“That’s not even the problem” Actually it was okay for Max to admit that he had been wrong for keeping you a secret but that wasn’t even what hurt you the most “You made fun of me by letting other people put me nicknames” The fact that he had said nothing. Uff, that if he had hurt “You played games with me, I didn’t deserve that” The lie had bothered you the most. He just needed to be honest with you “You could just be honest and tell me you weren’t ready for commitment in the first place”
“You’re right, I was immature”
“Yes, you were”
“I should have been honest with you”
“Yes, you should have”
“And I should have said something that night at the club”
“Yes, you should have,” you repeated with a nod. You would deny nothing or try to make him feel better about it. If he wanted to be a big boy, then he had to accept his mistakes.
“Are you going to agree with everything I say? Well, that’s something new,” He scoffed.
You shrugged. “If you’re going, to tell the truth, I won't make you feel better about yourself.”
“I’m really, really sorry” He finished, and you believed him. After he listed the mistakes he had made, you believed him. It meant that he really knew that he was wrong and that he wasn’t saying it to sweeten your ears or because it was what he thought you wanted to hear.
“Because right now?” You asked, a little curious, why he had removed all this so many years later and why he seemed so eager to clear things up, “Why did you come?”
“Your perfume”
“Today, in the elevator, I could smell your perfume,” Max explained “It reminded me of a lot of things, but it made me realize I miss you and that I could never fill the void that you left”
“We have crossed paths many times in the last few years,” you pointed out. You had not spoken, but you had seen each other on over one occasion afterward. It wasn’t like I saw you for the first time today.
“And I’ve always been able to ignore what I felt after seeing you, letting it go” Max nodded I understand what you were referring to. It was strange because his visit that night had taken you by surprise “Until today”
“And what happened today?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Today I couldn’t let go,” He said and you couldn’t help but gasp. Was he saying what you thought he was saying? “And I hate I can’t move on, get over you. Today I just stare there, watching you walk away from me and it felt painful” Oh God. Oh my God. He was saying what you thought he was saying. There were no doubts. You didn’t believe in destiny. You were a person of facts. If you couldn’t see it, you didn’t believe in it, but your heart wanted to believe Max. You hated when your heart got involved because he was the one who made you make stupid decisions.
“So…” you said after a moment of silence between the two of you, not sure how to continue that conversation or if there was actually anything else to say.
“You like my perfume,” you told him, raising your eyebrows in mockery.
Max let out a laugh “I just gave you an entire book of apologies and that’s the only thing left in your head?”
You shrugged “You said my perfume made you come here, so it’s an important fact though” You answered before he took a step towards you, closing the distance between you “What are you doing?”
“I’m kissing you,” Max answered before leaning towards you to meet your lips with yours. That took you back in time, to those sneaky caresses, to those stolen kisses and secret encounters. It took you back to his apartment in Monaco, to his couch, petting Sassy, while Max watched a football match. It made you remember him and the familiarity of him and, unfortunately, you liked that a lot. He felt like home, he felt like he belonged. When you separated you stayed looking at him but you saw how his gaze lowered a little and you noticed that from above he had a good angle of your boobs under your pajama satin tank top.
“Stop,” you told him, crossing your arms over your chest to cover yourself.
“I didn’t do anything,” He replied, feigning innocence and raising his hands up.
You gave him a reproachful look. Clearly, he was looking at your boobs, taking advantage of the fact that he was a couple of centimeters taller than you. Honestly, you weren’t expecting visitors either, so you were in pajamas and without a bra, so you didn’t want to lower your eyes to see if your panties were showing on the satin.
“Ok, sorry, it’s not my fault they’re exposed like that”
You let out a laugh “Really? You just apologized and now you want to offend me again?”
“Is a compliment”
“You are very close to being kicked out of my room” You warned him
“What do I have to do so you don’t?” He asked to give you a puppy look. You hated the way he was a professional extortionist and the soft spot you had for him.
“Stop acting like a slug when I just forgave you,” You said, and he licked his lips almost without thinking, which made you unable to prevent your mind from drifting towards not holy thoughts.
“Ok, ok, I’m done,” He said, raising his hands in a sign of innocence before you approached him a little closer, bumping your chest against his to kiss him again. Were you acting contradictory? Yes, of course, you did, but suddenly you wondered how it would feel to run your hand through his hair. To feel again the sensation of your fingers massaging the nape of his neck.
“Who’s acting like a slug now?” He scoffed, briefly separating from you to rest the back of his head against yours.
“Shut up,” you complained before kissing him again so you wouldn’t have to listen to his arrogant and stupid mouth mocking you. Max was arrogant, and he knew what generated you, you were not immune to his charms and there was no point in denying it. What were you doing messing with him five years after you dumped him? Clearly, I wasn’t thinking rationally. You were thinking about your vagina. Were you going to regret it later? Definitely not because sex with him had always been good. Now, the problem was going to happen after that. Because if there was one thing you didn’t want, it was to go back to where you guys had been and there was no chance of getting back into a relationship with Max after what had happened. You weren’t sure you could bet on yourself again.
Your hands slid down the back of your neck caressing your hair. You remembered how much you liked to do that. Max grabbed you around the waist to lift you slightly into the air and carry you to the bed. You pulled him to you again by his shirt from him when he put you on the bed. He was still wearing the same perfume. You took a few seconds to inhale his scent. That felt familiar and felt too close to make you feel sentimental. That was a bad idea. You had to act and not think. You slid your hands to unbutton his jeans before removing the Red Bull polo shirt.
“You really want to undress me I see”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up.” You had forgotten how arrogant he could be. As in everything he did, he liked to succeed in all areas of his life. You hated to admit it, but he fucked well and he was well aware of that.
He giggled and just kissed you again, making you smile between the kiss, remembering how much fun you guys could have together. Max grabbed the edge of your shorts and pulled them down your legs, along with your panties. Your legs stretched out and your feet stood on tiptoes, craving his touch. 
He moved you to the edge of the bed, and he knelt between your legs. You rested your elbows on the bed so you could see him. He ran his tongue along your folds and you gasped, throwing your head back. The anticipation was killing you. He started playing with his tongue in your pussy, playing with your opening, teasing you, and getting to know him. Max was enjoying taking you to the limit. You moved slightly, and he placed his hand on your belly to keep you still by pressing you against the mattress. He moved up your folds to your clit and sucked on it, making you let out a loud, clear moan. The way he took his time, to adore you, to make you feel as much pleasure as possible. Your hands clung to the fabric of the sheets as Max worked on your pussy. You felt how the muscles of your pussy contracted against his tongue and you knew he was stubborn enough not to stop until you came in his mouth. You moved your hips against your mouth as much as his hand pressing your belly against the bed allowed. Max nibbled lightly on your clit before outlining it with the tip of his tongue, making you crave contact as he ran his tongue around his without touching it. He knew what he was doing because two minutes later he was back at it, licking up your juices and sucking on your clit, making your cunt twitch every time he did it. Your moans grew louder as he reached for his arms to play with the tips of your nipples between his fingers. That was it, that sent you over the edge and it was all it took for you to let out a little yelp of pleasure before you came against him. Even in the post-orgasm fog, you could feel him sucking your juices. Playing with your fingers there didn’t feel nearly the same. You had forgotten what devastating orgasms were like.
Your mind was still trying to recover from the earthquake that had been your orgasm when you felt Max pull you towards him and turn you over, placing your face down on the mattress. You let out a lopsided smile. He still remembered it. Bastard.
“I still remember how much you liked to do it that way,” he murmured, pushing you into doggy style on the bed.
“Do you?” You asked, raising your eyebrows as he brushed your hair to one side so that it fell over your shoulder.
“Yes, I remember it pretty well actually,” He whispered, playing with the tip of his cock against your folds. You couldn’t help but move your ass against him “Along with your moans when you were full of my cock”
“You may imagine things,” you pointed out, letting out a gasp as you felt him place just the tip of his cock inside you.
“Do you believe so? We will see,” He said before sliding the rest of his cock inside you in one motion.
“Fuck yes” You exclaimed. You felt so full with his cock inside you.
“You were saying?” He asked, and despite having his back turned, you could feel the arrogant smile on his face.
“Shut up,” you moaned before he moved inside you. How good that felt. You were so full, so wet that his cock slid smoothly inside you. You felt how he approached your ear and played with the earlobe, nibbling on it while he rammed you hard. Max’s hands slid in front of you to play with your clitoris between his fingers, rubbing it hard and making you let out a couple of moans that came out more like screams than anything else. The combination of sensations and movements was exquisite. You needed it as much as you needed to come at that moment. You could feel your juices soaking into your thighs too. He panted and moan against your ear, causing the air to tickle you, making you want his cum more and more. You wanted to cum, you needed to cum.
“Should I-” Max asked in a gasp. You knew what he was going to ask. He always asked you the same thing when you guys had safe sex.
“No” He wanted to know if he had to get his cock out of him or not. The answer was always no, but you were taking pills and the idea of ​​having your cum between your legs really turned you on. “It’s okay”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah” You confirmed him and that was enough because he started moving faster against you. You could feel the noise of his balls slapping against your legs until the tug of your earlobe between his teeth and you knew he was on edge. You contracted the muscles of your pussy around his cock on purpose, which made you feel the first load of his cum inside you, which triggered your second orgasm of the night. How good that felt.
You rolled over to place your back against the mattress and Max threw himself next to you. You fell into silence for the next two minutes before Max spoke again.
“Everything is ok?”
You just gave him a shaky smile in response because you weren’t sure you knew what to say.
July 2022 | Monte Carlo, Monaco 
The next few weeks were a bit of a blur. You had returned to England but then found a lame excuse to visit your father in Monaco. You and Max hadn’t stopped fucking in those two weeks. If it wasn’t in bed, it was on the couch and if it wasn’t on the couch, it was on the kitchen counter. Anywhere was a good excuse to get naked. You hadn’t talked about what was going to happen to you later. On the one hand, you didn’t want to do it because you really wanted nothing more than sex. You needed to repeat it to yourself. Just wanted sex from him. You couldn’t hope for anything more about Max. They hadn’t spoken until that night. The next morning Max was going to go to Silverstone, and you were going to stay with Susie and your brother Jack.
You were both in bed after watching a football game, watching the post-game interviews with Max hugging you from behind in a spoon position when he turned down the volume.
“I grew up,” He said suddenly.
“I see,” you told him, raising your eyebrows, thinking that he was referring to his sexual abilities.
“No, not like that,” He shook his head “I’m not a kid anymore”
“Meaning that I learned from my mistakes,” He clarified.
Oh. He wanted to go there? You straightened up to separate yourself a bit from him, sitting on the couch to turn to look at him “What are you saying, Max?” You wanted to know what he meant before you said anything.
“I want to say that we deserve a second chance”
You laughed “Yeah, I’m not doing that again, you wanna fuck? Fine, but I’m not trying anything else with you ever again”
“Why not?” He asked, and you felt a little guilty for being so blunt about it, but you had to be. You felt you had to protect your heart.
“Cause we already tried once and everything went down the drain”
“(Y/N), I’m not just fucking with you, I don’t want just sex from this” Max frowned "I thought we agreed about it”
You raised your eyebrows “Apparently we are not”
“You thought I just wanted sex from you and that’s why I went to apologize? I was hoping you would have a higher opinion of me.”
“I do, It’s just that-” You let out a sigh “We already collided once Max, the last time it didn’t go very well”
“So? Let’s try again”
“Max, I-” You passed your hand around your neck “I can’t allow you to break my heart again” The feeling of losing it and the anguish of having done it that way had left you broken into a thousand pieces.
“I won’t do it”
“You can’t give me guarantees,” you pointed out
“(Y/N)” He called you taking you by the cheeks so you could look at him “I know what I did wrong five years ago and I don’t plan to do it again, this time we are going to do it right”
“And what if not?”
“Then I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you.” He replied, and the sweet way he said it made your heart race.
You sighed “Do you really want to do this?”
“Yes, I do”
“Don’t break my heart again Max”
“I won’t”
July 2022 | Le Castellet, France
You believed it could not be repeated and yet, Max and you had returned to stolen kisses and secret meetings everywhere. You had agreed to try something serious again with him, but you had not agreed to make it public yet. Now, the one who did not want everyone to know was you. The roles had been reversed. You still weren’t sure that this was going to end well, and you didn’t want to stir up the abyss for nothing.
“Ok, we need to tell them,” Max told you as he stroked your hair. You were lying on the bed of the motorhome waiting for it to be time for him to go to the paddock.
“No, we don’t”
“You know what Christian is going to do if he finds out for someone else? Eat me for breakfast,” Max complained.
You rolled your eyes “Sometimes I can’t believe how dramatic you are”
“(Y/N), we are going serious about this,” Max frowned “I thought we agreed on that”
“We do, but I don’t want to stir everything up for nothing,” You shrugged “Let’s go step by step”
“Are you afraid that we won’t last?”
“Honestly? I don’t know what’s going to happen” You confessed biting your lower lip “And I don’t want to add more factors to the equation”
“Your father deserves to at least know” Max’s family already knew and had kept it a secret, so it was only fair that your father found out too.
“Now, do you want to tell him?” Five years ago, that had been one of the turning points for you and now he kept pressing you to be honest with your father.
“I told you to grow up and I think so. He deserves to know” Max shrugged “Besides, I’m not a child. Toto Wolff doesn’t scare me”
“Sure?” It didn’t scare him as a director of Mercedes but as a father-in-law? That was a whole other version.
“I would do anything for you” He wasn’t a romantic who was always making grand gestures or saying cheesy things to you, but when he said things like that your heart swelled.
“Ok, I’ll try to tell him after this weekend”
The “after this weekend” ended up becoming “today” because you couldn’t deal with the anxiety of sharing the garage with your father and the only thing you could think about throughout the race was that you were a liar. Max’s words kept echoing in his mind. Susie was with you and Jack was staying in Monaco, so maybe with her around you could soften the blow? Would you have to tell Susie first? You walked to your father’s office. He was working on his laptop. Your flight back to Monaco was supposed to leave in an hour and the airport was five minutes away, so you weren’t surprised your father was still working. You walked into the office that had the door open, rubbing your hands, not knowing what to say, or having an armed speech. were you doing the right thing?
“What happened?” He asked before looking up at you and chuckling, “Why do you look like you’ve broken all the china?”
“I need to tell you something,” you told him, swallowing hard.
“You say,” your father replied, leaning back in his chair and putting aside his laptop. One thing you loved about him is that he always found time for you, but at the time you hated he was staring at you like that.
You decided to just blurt out the truth at once, without anesthesia “I’m kind of dating Max” You confessed with a sigh before clarifying “Max Verstappen”
Your father stared at you for a minute, which made you wonder if he had even heard you because he didn’t even blink at you “For how long?”
“For a few weeks now” You bit your lower lip
“Is it serious?”
“Yes, well, I hope it’s” You wanted to be as honest as possible with your father so that he wouldn’t believe that you simply had a crush on Max.
Your father just stared at you. He didn’t say a word. You opened your mouth to ask if he was okay before he jumped up and walked past you to leave the office.
“Dad?” You asked, walking next to him. Your father didn’t answer you, he just kept walking out of the Mercedes garage. “Dad?” You repeated a little more anxiously when you followed him into the Red Bull garage. The garage was half empty except for some engineers and Christian who seemed to review some papers.
Horner looked up when he saw your father walk past him without even acknowledging him. “Toto what-“
“Not now, Christian,” your father replied curtly. You gave Christian an apologetic smile before following your father down the hallway to the garage.
You let out a groan when he watched as he yanked open the door to Max’s driver’s room. Shit. You got to him and saw that Max was putting on his shirt with your father staring at him.
“Dad,” you called him, standing between him and Max to get into your father’s field of vision. Max reached out his hand to take one of your hands in his.
He ignored you “This is what we are gonna do, you are coming to my house when we return to Monaco and we are having dinner properly, with you as my daughter’s boyfriend because I hope you are decent enough to make her your girlfriend, are we clear?” Your father hadn’t even looked at you. He was staring at Max, who could only nod.
“Yes sir”
Your father rolled his eyes, although you could see a small twinkle in his eyes. He was enjoying having Max at his mercy “Now take your dirty hands out of my daughter,” He added without waiting for an answer before leaving Max’s driver’s room.
You giggled as your father left before turning to Max “I never thought I’d live to see you call my dad ‘sir’”
“Oh, shut up,” He replied rolling his eyes before pulling you in for a kiss. You were going to make it work. This time, everything was going to be different.
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frociaggine · 1 year
btw. Keeley Jones is VERY good at her PR job, btw. This isn't even in discussion. A venture capital firm offered out of the blue to finance her opening a business when she hadn't even presented a business proposal, just on the basis of the freelance work she'd been doing on the side in the past year
Yeah, she's used to working on her own and bad at being someone's boss, and needed a learning curve for that. But she IS good at PR.
312 notes · View notes
heledd-art · 2 months
Last post, with some findings that might help y'all move on too:
Disclaimer: I am not an accountant nor a tax professional. I am simply someone with an unused journalism degree who didn't need the 'goodbye youtube' video. Information is sourced from California Business Search, US Securities and Exchange Commission, and OpenCorporates
• Watcher Entertainment, Inc. was formed in 2019 in Delaware, and has a branch operating in CA. This seems to be the parent company that the trademarks (Puppet History, Watcher) belong to.
According to Forbes, "Delaware has become internationally recognized as a corporate paradise and is “home” to such famous firms as Amazon, Google, Tesla, Walmart, American Express and Disney, to name just a few. [...]
Corporations registered in Delaware that do not do business in the state do not pay corporate income tax. Delaware also does not have a sales tax, investment income taxes, inheritance taxes or personal property taxes. While companies do have to pay a franchise tax to register in Delaware, this can be pennies compared to the income tax other states would charge". They also point out that this is standard process for venture capital/angel investors. I would guess that 99% of traditional media in CA do this.
• There was a Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities filed to the SEC in 2019. The long and short of that is there were 8 investors at that point. That number is given on the filing.
• Although it appears the trio (Madej, Bergara, Lim) formed the company as directors and executive officers equally, by 2023 that wasn't the case.
As far the documents show - Shane is the Secretary, Ryan is the Chief Financial Officer and Steven is the Chief Executive Officer.
Lastly: I'm not advocating going to say anything to these people. Frankly, why bother. They've been shitheads, lots of people are in this world. But this helped me contextualise the last week and it might help you too. Stay silly :)
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[CN] Victor x MC – S2 CH 46 (Eng Translation - Part 2)
“Perhaps you are the god sent from the heavens to protect me.”
“Who exactly are you?”
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Do remember to read Part 1 first: Here!
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a chapter that is yet to be released on the global server. ⌚  
【CH 46-13, after part 1】
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The airport lobby is packed with people. As pedestrians pass by the man, they all instinctively give him a wide berth, without even a sidelong glance.
MC: This isn’t rejection at all! It’s like the world has given you a “golden finger,” even more powerful than the “invisibility” Evol!
MC: Vic-Vic, do you think you can become rich by being an invisible person?
Man (Victor): [chuckles softly]  Talking nonsense again.
Despite his words, a subtle smile forms at the corners of his lips. After a pause, he speaks again.
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Man (Victor): Moving on––
My phone suddenly rings, and Anna’s name pops up on the screen. I mouth an apology to him and hastily answer the call.
MC: Anna, is there something you need me for?
Anna: MC, you finally answered the phone! I couldn’t reach you earlier, and there multiple pending tasks that need your authorization.
Anna: The previous advertising partners came to our office and informed us that the contract will expire next month. Additionally, we need to finalize the theme for the upcoming season of our program…
MC: Ask Minor to reach out to several advertising companies with the outstanding performance last year and inquire about their interest in collaboration and pricing. If the cost-effectiveness is not better than our current arrangement, we can proceed with contract renewal.
MC: As for the program theme, ask Kiki and the team to propose a few potential directions and send them to my email for review. I’ll try to finalize it within the next two days...
After ending the call, I notice that Vic-Vic is looking at me with a profound expression on his face.
MC: What’s wrong? You haven’t felt any new signs of rejection, have you?
Man (Victor): No, I haven’t. I was just surprised to see that you, who acted so recklessly in the desert, would still have a sense of order when it comes to work.
MC: …
So, is this how he viewed me when we were in the desert?
Feeling a bit indignant, I make up my mind to change his impression of me. So, with a firm grip on the man’s arm, I walk in large strides toward the airport exit.
MC: I acted that way only because I was in an unfamiliar environment. And now, you’re the one who needs to get familiar with the surroundings.
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MC: In Loveland City, you need to stick close to me, your host!
The footsteps behind me closely follow, and after a moment, a voice interspersed with helplessness and amusement pass by my ear.
Man (Victor): [extremely helpless, indulgent chuckle]  …dummy.
【CH 46-15】
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The sunlight seeps through the cracks between branches and leaves, casting warm and cozy light and shadows onto the city in the afternoon.
I purchase a set of casual clothes for Vic-Vic. After changing out of that weathered suit, we step out of the store. As we walk, I pause and gesture towards the faraway direction.
MC: That direction leads to the central hospital. It’s only a ten-minute walk straight ahead. There's also a square in the vicinity, which is perfect for leisurely strolls and relaxation...
My fingertips dance in the air, gently tapping on the distant skyscrapers.
MC: See that building? That’s LFG, the number one financial giant in the country!
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MC: It has ventured into many industries. My company was on the brink of bankruptcy, but fortunately, we received their capital injection and made a remarkable comeback…
The man listens quietly, his gaze lingering on the imposing silhouette of the building for a long, long time, as if lost in deep rumination. There is a touch of wistfulness in his eyes and the faint furrow of his brows.
As I watch his silent profile, a sudden pang of unbearable emotions pierces through my heart.
What would this person’s life have been like in the past? Would it have mirrored his current demeanor, occasionally taking moments to pause and gaze at the distant scenery?
While I don’t know what he must have been through that shaped him into his current state, I can’t help feeling that he shouldn’t be so lonely and alone.
The mirage he saw, the person he’s been relentlessly searching for, must surely be someone who had been by his side all along, right?
A bitter tang involuntarily overwhelms my heart. I let out a quiet sigh, speaking softly.
MC: Well, since there’s no rush anyway, let’s rest here for a while.
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MC: First, I’ll buy some things for you nearby. I’ll come back to find you shortly. Wait for me here, okay?
The man remains silent and simply gives a quiet nod.
I hurriedly dash to the nearby supermarket and pick up some essential daily supplies. Inadvertently, my gaze sweeps across the store windows, but I don’t see his figure.
I can’t help but freeze for a moment, setting down the shopping basket under the perplexed gaze of the shop assistant, and hastily rush out of the store.
…was he ostracized and forced back into that disordered space? Or did he run into some kind of danger?
As my pace involuntarily quickens more and more, I trot back to the footbridge, anxiously looking around in all directions.
Amidst scattered pedestrians on the stairs and the dense dancing shadows of trees on the street corners… until my gaze crosses over the bushes by the roadside, I finally spot that figure.
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He is half-squatted in the sandpit at the center of the street park, his gaze lowered as he observes something intently.
Encircled by the playful and joyous children, his tall, slender physique seems somewhat inharmonious. Yet, he remains completely unaffected, silently gazing at the palm of his hand.
It feels as if my heart, which was hanging in the air, has finally found its place to settle. I release a long-awaited breath of relief and quickly cross the road, taking a few quick strides until I reach him.
MC: How did you end up here? You scared me.
Man (Victor): A kid suddenly kicked his ball onto the road, and I stopped it.
As he says this, his gaze remains fixed on the sand particles in his hand, as if he is lost in memories.
Unable to resist my curiosity, I find myself squatting down beside him, asking him softly.
MC: You’ve been staring at it in a daze. Did it trigger any memories for you?
Man (Victor): No… but it feels somewhat familiar.
Man (Victor): It feels like… I may have experienced something similar in the past.
Something slightly stirs inside me, and a blurry silhouette seems to appear before my eyes. Despite my efforts to recollect, the details elude my memory.
MC: It’s probably a sense of déjà vu.
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MC: I have this persistent feeling that I used to play like this when I was a kid.
I speak while patting the sand mound several times, and with my fingertips, I causally poke a few holes and mold them into a rudimentary sandcastle.
MC: For instance, playing soccer or building sandcastles… it seems like these games are an integral part of everyone’s childhood.
The man’s eyes land on the outline of the sandcastle, and a flicker of light dances within his gaze.
He remains silent and simply loosens his grip, allowing the fine sand to slowly trickle through his fingers. Then, he turns his gaze to my empty palms. 
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Man (Victor): What about the things you went to buy?
【CH 46-16】
I follow his gaze, and feeling a bit embarrassed, I place my hands behind my back.
MC: I was in such a rush to find you that I left before settling the bill.
MC: …you’re not allowed to call me a “dummy”!
Before the man can say anything, I fix my gaze on his somewhat helpless expression and subconsciously begin to refute. He gives me a slightly teasing glance and speaks in a low voice.
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Man (Victor): Seems like someone feels guilty.
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MC: This is called “taking precaution in advance”! It’s not like you haven’t said it before, remember?
MC: Let’s go. It’s not too late to go together now, and you can also pick some other items that might come in handy.
I counter with a self-righteous air, and upon hearing the man with apparent helplessness, he unhurriedly follows behind me.
I can’t help but curl up the corners of my lips, and my steps also become a little brisker.
??: It’s been a while, QUEEN.
Hearing that word now makes me startled like a skittish bird. I involuntarily hold my breath and look toward the source of the sound.
A young man stands next to the display window of a designer toy store, his emerald green eyes firmly locked on me.
He appears very young, but there is a serenity in his eyes that belies his age.
MC: Who are you? Have we met before?
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Eos: In this world, you can address me as Eos. To be precise, this marks our first encounter.
The young man’s reply is delivered in an unhurried manner, carrying a sense of calmness that seems out of sync with the fast-paced times.
Eos: During our previous encounter in the Land of Advent, I faced various constraints and could only appear cloaked. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
[Tidbits]: Eos is referring to S2 CH 37; but now they remember it as erased and altered of the details where Victor was involved~ (┳Д┳)
Eos… the Land of Advent?
With these words, the memories of that moment when I was forced to reveal my identity in front of the main gods come rushing back to me.
Once again, as I recall the disheveled and anxious state from that time, my jaws tighten slightly.
At this moment, the man seems to sense the stalemate between me and Eos. He stands behind me and gently pats my shoulder.
A sudden boost of confidence surfaces in my restless heart. I subtly shake my head to reassure the man and lift my gaze to look at Eos.
MC: So, the great generation of the first gods reveals himself to me in his true form. What message do you have for me?
Eos: It just so happens that I spotted you, and I was wondering if you could do me a favor.
As if not picking up on the sarcasm in my tone, Eos points to a doll displayed in the shop window.
Eos: I wish to purchase this, but I’m unsure why, the shop assistant informed me that I’m not eligible.
MC: …
I didn’t anticipate the other party to speak in this kind of a deadpan tone about such a matter. But I still muster my patience and go over to take a look at the label.
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MC: This doll is a merchandise from a virtual reality game developed by a company called Infinite.
MC: You need to buy their blind box first, which has a chance of containing closed beta experience vouchers for the game. Then, within the game, you can obtain the eligibility to make the purchase…
MC: In short, it’s not something you can simply buy with money.
Eos: So that’s how it is…
Eos casts a glance at the game promotional poster on the side and shakes his head.
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Eos: The commercial norms in this world are far more intricate than what I observed in my records, yet the technological advancement is so far behind… never mind, it’s a waste of time.
What is this person talking about? Could it be that he came from another world?
As I ponder in my mind, Eos’s green eyes happen to shift onto my face.
Eos: Speaking of which, there are traces of fragments from many worlds on you. Have you been on a trip recently?
MC: What trip… hold on, how do you know I’ve recently traveled to many worlds?
Eos: The spacecraft Bennu, which I traveled on, was constructed using the power of QUEEN to establish interdimensional travel routes. As the QUEEN yourself, it’s natural for you to go on such trips.
[Tidbits]: The spacecraft Bennu is a reference to West Moon CH 10; where MC’s master aka Eos, explained to her how Victor had used his heart’s blood and the Demon King’s Pact to tear open the space-time rift caused by “Bennu” flying and sent the QUEEN aka MC to the past~ (┳Д┳)
I’m slightly taken aback by the person’s sudden matter-of-fact tone. Why is he suddenly being so prompt with his responses?
Although the answers don’t quite align with what I was expecting, I’m able to extract the key point from them––
This person is very familiar with navigating through different worlds.
— could it be possible to take advantage of the information gap between me and him to trick him into divulging something?
I swiftly glance at the man next to me. Perhaps I can also help him retrieve some of the things that belong to him.
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MC: Haha, yeah, but it’s still quite laborious for me to travel between worlds. After all, I still need to navigate through disordered space during the transition.
Eos: Disordered space?
A trace of surprise crosses Eos’s face when he hears the term, but it doesn’t seem like he is unfamiliar with it.
Eos: It seems that you haven’t yet found the correct approach to utilize your power, which is why you find yourself in that realm of exile.
Eos: It’s best to steer clear of that place.
MC: Why should I steer clear?
Eos: It’s not safe. If you meet someone who has been banished by time there, your own time and space regulations will be disrupted.
Eos: And if you have prolonged interaction with someone who doesn’t exist in this world, even as QUEEN, you will still be affected.
People banished by time? Someone who doesn’t exist in this world? He couldn’t be referring to someone like Vic-Vic, could he?
A pang of bitterness wells up in my heart, and I anxiously press for more information.
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MC: Is it possible for those who have been banished to return to their original world?
Eos: I’m not sure. I haven’t encountered a similar situation.
Eos’s voice pauses, and there’s a touch of interest in his tone.
Eos: Have you met someone like that?
MC: No, no.
I immediately deny it. Even though his tone is friendly now, I can’t forget the previous instance where he had provided assistance only to backstab later.
MC: I just… uh…
Man (Victor): You can say that you’re curious whether your power, in turn, would have an impact on the banished individuals.
As I find myself stumbling for words, a deep voice lands in my ear. I hastily repeat what he says. Eos mulls it over for a moment.
Eos: You can try to get that person to establish a connection with the world.
Eos: With someone to bind them, there may be a reason for them to leave their mark on the world.
MC: A bond, huh… I understand now. Thank you.
Although I’m unsure of why he is being so generous this time, I still politely thank him.
After glancing at the toy in the display window again, Eos lifts his foot and walks past me. However, just as he brushes by, he suddenly stops and offers me a smile.
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Eos: If you make any progress with that person who has been banished, you can contact me. It used to be one of my research alternatives as well.
His radiant green eyes seem to pierce through my face and fixate on the figure of “non-existent” Vic-Vic behind me.
Before I can gather my thoughts, Eos has already turned around and walked into the crowd, disappearing from sight in an instant.
I blink my eyes and turn around, forcing a wry smile as I look at the man.
MC: Unfortunately, he didn’t tell us much useful information either…
Man (Victor): It’s okay. It’s already enough.
The man withdraws his gaze from the spot where EOS has disappeared and speaks softly.
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Man (Victor): Didn’t you say we were going to the supermarket? Let’s go.
I nod my head. But as the supermarket gets closer and closer, I find myself unconsciously slowing down my steps.
Once he settles down, doesn’t that mean he will have established a connection with the world?
Does that mean he will no longer need me in his future life?
Almost as if guided by a mysterious force, I point towards the riverbank not far away.
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MC: …I-I just remembered that there’s an event tonight on the cruise ship, and I can you take there.
MC: We can buy daily necessities later. Would you like to go and see the river view?
I glance at the person next to me and extend an invitation as I pretend to be natural. But the ending notes of my voice trail off involuntarily.
A silence envelopes my ears, and the man doesn’t respond. I begin to feel a little apprehensive, but a moment later, I hear him speak.
Man (Victor): [chuckles very softly and a little knowingly]  Hmm, then let’s see the night of Loveland City.
[Anika’s Notes]: !!! Despite all the obviously painful call-backs, this “the feeling of the whole city under your feet at night dispels your anxiety” call-back somehow pierces my kokoro in places I cannot explain––  (┳Д┳)
【CH 46-17】
The river water glistens, and the cruise ship docked beside the pier is also bathed in the twilight. Vaguely, we can see a few scattered shadows on the deck.
I straighten my skirt and hand the electronic invitation on my phone to the waiter. They quickly scan it, and a warm smile lightens up their face.
Waiter: Miss MC, welcome aboard!
Waiter: The meals and drinks are all prepared. Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy. The ship will depart shortly.
I nod and leisurely step onto the gangway. It’s only when there is nobody around do I quietly whisper to the person next to me.
MC: How is it? The scenery here is very beautiful, isn’t it~
The man gazes at the scenery on both sides, and a subtle smile carrying a sense of solace graces his eyes. It’s an expression I’ve rarely seen on him.
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Man (Victor): [laughs softly]  It’s not bad.
As I watch his rarely relaxed side profile, the corners of my lips can’t help but curl up slightly. I tilt my head and gaze at the scenery on the river.
The lights in the nearby and far-off office buildings are lit up, creating shimmering reflections on the river’s surface, reminiscent of a flowing galaxy. The sound of a steam whistle shatters the brief silence as the cruise ship slowly moves forward.
The realization of having to part with him upon reaching the shore dominates my thoughts. I involuntarily smooth down my windblown hair while fixating my gaze on the river’s surface, speaking softly.
MC: After you’ve settled into your place, you’ll need to think about your source of income, right? If you need any help, you can come to me for anything.
MC: [MC’s Company Name] sometimes needs to conduct undercover interviews, and you should be able to handle them with ease.
Man (Victor): Are you this worried for just about anyone?
MC: …I certainly am not. It’s the fact that I’ve been through “life and death perils” together with you, so I’ll do the best of my abilities to help.
While speaking, a faint rumble suddenly emanates from my stomach. I cough lightly and shift the subject as if nothing has happened.
MC: I just noticed they’ve set up a buffet over there. Tonight, you can indulge yourself in a sumptuous feast!
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Man (Victor): [chuckles teasingly]  I suppose it’s not me who wants to indulge in a sumptuous feast, is it?
As I listen to his proficient teasing, a momentary glimpse of something seems to cross my mind, but I’m unable to grasp onto it. I let out a soft “humph” and walk with him to the buffet area, selecting a few dishes.
After just savoring the first bite of the crunchy lamb chop, the succulent and tender flavor instantly causes me to blissfully squint my eyes.
MC: Crispy on the outside, tender on the inside. So yummy!
Man (Victor): [sounds like subconsciously musing to himself]  The lamb meat is fresh and not gamy. Indeed, it’s good. If it’s pan-seared with a little less heat and seasoned with white pepper powder, the texture would be even better.
I find myself somewhat amazed as I listen–– though, to be fair, he has already brought me numerous unexpected surprises.
MC: Were you a food connoisseur before? Or maybe a chef?
He half-jokingly lifts the corners of his lips.
Man (Victor): [chuckles teasingly]  What? Do you still need to hire a chef?
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MC: Well, it’s not entirely off the table…
??: Miss MC.
I haven’t yet finished my sentence when I hear a cordial greeting suddenly coming from behind me. I turn around and find myself facing a man dressed in a suit who holds glasses of wine, approaching me with a beaming smile on his face.
Taking a few steps forward, he seamlessly positions himself in the gap between me and the man.
Man (Victor): [clearly irritated by the audacity]  …
The man furrows his brows slightly. Without showing any outward sign, I silently take a half-step back, the corners of my lips curling into a subtle professional smile.
Sun Jing: The name’s Sun Jing, the one who contacted you via email. Thank you so much for doing us the honor of attending this networking event.
MC: Thank you as well for providing this opportunity to admire the night view. On that note, your company has quite a reputation in the advertising industry.
MC: Our company is currently exploring potential new advertising partners for the upcoming year. I was wondering if there might be an occasion for us to work together?
Sun Jing smiles, and with perfect composure, he hands me one of the wine glasses.
Sun Jing: Absolutely. It’s just that the price quote for this year hasn’t been finalized yet. Once it goes through the departmental review, it will still need to be passed on to the board of directors for approval.
MC: Is that how it is? Well, in that case, please let us know as soon as there are any updates so that we can make the preparations accordingly.
Sun Jing: For sure. I’m also looking forward to the prospect of collaborating with a reputable company like [MC’s Company Name].
As Sun Jing speaks, his gaze casually sweeps over the wine glass in my hand. And then he turns around and walks away.
I withdraw my gaze and subtly straighten my posture.
MC: Ahem, did you hear that? [MC’s Company Name] is well-regarded in the industry. Once you’ve settled in, you can consider the proposal I just made.
I lift my wine glass as I speak, but the man stops me before it can touch my lips.
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Man (Victor): There is something a little odd about what that person said.
MC: What do you mean?
Perplexed, I elevate my gaze and observe the man as he watches the other’s party’s receding figure, furrowing my brows slightly.
Man (Victor): The price quotes of advertising agencies vary depending on the scale and type of projects, and there is no standardized flat rate quote listed in a table.
Man (Victor): The board of directors only focuses on reviewing and approving operational decisions, and they rarely get involved in documents of this nature.
MC: …how do you have such detailed knowledge about this? 
Man (Victor): Just intuition.
The man withdraws his gaze while he speaks, but his tone carries an unquestionable sense of certainty.
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Man (Victor): His words just now don’t hold up when examined closely.
Man (Victor): Are you sure he is the person you interacted with regarding business matters?
MC: Kiki was the one in charge of handling the coordination before, and I actually haven’t met him before…
The evening breeze from the river seems to give me a start, suddenly putting me on high alert. I scan the surroundings without betraying any emotions and can’t help but break out into a cold sweat.
Perhaps his words have triggered a sense of suspicion in me, as I can’t shake the feeling that the bearings of the guests on the ship seem somewhat unnatural.
Feigning an expression of watching the riverside scenery, I speak to the man.
MC: Something doesn’t feel right. I have this nagging feeling that quite a few people here are keeping a close eye on me?
Man (Victor): Why don’t we verify it, then? The area behind the cabin is a blind spot where your view can be obstructed. Let’s go there and wait for a few minutes.
Man (Victor): If they really entertain ulterior motives, they might also come closer to ensure you remain within their sight range.
After pondering for a moment, I act as if the wind is making me cold and shiver, positioning myself towards one side of the cabin.
The heavy iron plates separate me from the view of others. I suppress my wildly beating heart and carefully observe the long, narrow aisle.
Sure enough, footsteps resonate outside the passageway. Several guests seem to nonchalantly walk nearby, but their gazes dart toward me intermittently.
…it’s not just unfounded suspicion. These people are indeed observing my every move.
I exhale a light breath, watching as the man wanders among the guests for a while, seemingly listening intently to something. As he approaches me, his face takes on a graver demeanor.
MC: Did you hear anything just now?
The man glances at those suspicious-looking individuals.
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Man (Victor): Almost everyone on the ship is Mr. Sun’s people.
Man (Victor): Something was also added to the drink he gave you earlier.
I slightly tighten my grip on the wine glass, my heart tightening as well.
To rephrase this, I was ensnared in a trap from the moment I set foot on this cruise ship.
【CH 46-19】
Beneath the drapery of the night, silence permeates the river’s surface, occasionally cut through by the slow sailing of one or two cruise ships. But they always remain at a considerable distance.
Currently, calling for help may not ensure our escape from danger and could instead beat the grass to scare the snakes.
I force myself to calm down and lift the wine glass to my lips, speaking in a hushed tone.
MC: We need to make them expose their intentions so that we can act accordingly, don’t you think?
The man seems to realize something, as a subtle sense of disapproval crests between his eyebrows.
Man (Victor): Pretending to be unconscious is equivalent to surrendering the initiative, which involves a significant amount of risk.
MC: Of course, I’m aware of that. But, it’s only when I successfully “become unconscious” that they can lower their guard and reveal their true color.
MC: As for the risks… with an exclusive trump card like you by my side, I have nothing to fear.
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MC: Perhaps you are the god sent from the heavens to protect me.
I pretend to remain calm as I speak, but my voice betrays a barely perceptible tremor. The man’s gaze lands on my face, and he suddenly speaks.
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Man (Victor): [sighs, carrying an undertone of complex emotions]  Does this classify as employment?
I freeze for a moment, but then I smile, slightly raising my lips.
MC: Mhm, I’ll pay you ten times your regular salary.
I speak while raising the glass, pretending to have finished the drink under the watchful eyes of the individuals at different proximities.
Then, I pretend to lean against the railing, giving the impression of being slightly drunk. After a brief moment, I hear him remind me.
Man (Victor): Mr. Sun is checking his watch; it’s about time.
Steeling my heart, I shut my eyes and topple straight backward.
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At the right moment before I would’ve landed on the deck, the pain I anticipated didn’t hit me. Instead, my back is gently cradled by a touch.
Man (Victor): [the tone of “Victor-indulgent-exasperation”]  Are you a dummy? Couldn’t you have fallen sideways?
As I surreptitiously pout my lips, I hear a brief lull in the distant conversations, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps.
Man (Victor): He is coming towards you.
Man (Victor): Relax a bit, don’t squeeze your eyes shut so tightly. The quivering of your eyelashes is too obvious.
MC: …
Heeding the suggestion, I adjust my expression accordingly. Almost immediately, I hear Mr. Sun’s probing voice ringing out.
Sun Jing: Miss MC? Are you feeling unwell?
Sun Jing: Do you need me to call a doctor for you? Miss MC?
I remain completely motionless, my eyes shut tightly, letting him impatiently call out to me several times without giving out any reaction whatsoever.
After a brief silence in my ears, a cold snort reaches me. The anxiety in Sun Jing’s voice has now been replaced by a frigid coldness.
Sun Jing: All good, she’s passed out.
Sun Jing: Hurry and tie her up. You guys, go to the cockpit.
As his words echo, my wrist is gripped without warning, and I’m dragged a few steps before being forcefully pushed, causing my back to collide with the wall.
In front of me is pitch-black darkness, with only the sensation of coldness coursing through my wrist. Then, in the next second, something rough and coarse coils around my wrist.
I exert myself to restrain my shudder and hear a familiar voice speak up.
Man (Victor): [softly]  Don’t be afraid, it’s just a rope. He doesn’t have any weapons to harm you with.
With the reassuring certitude, my strained nerves are finally able to relax a little.
While my eyes remain shut, I hear hurried footsteps fading away and then returning, followed by someone speaking in a low voice.
??: Boss, everything has been set up.
Sun Jing: Then don’t waste any more time. Lower the speedboat immediately.
Sun Jing: The only way we can ensure the organization’s efforts were not in vain is by pushing the blame for this woman’s death onto those people.
Organization… could they be members of GR? Or is it BS?
Sun Jing: When the moment comes, and NW finds evidence pointing to BS, it will be a spectacle to watch those Evolvers fighting like dogs amongst themselves!
Given their hostile attitude towards Evolvers, undoubtedly, they are from GR. But why would they want NW to implicate BS?
As my thoughts are racing at lightning speed, I suddenly hear the man speak in a low voice.
?? (Victor): How did it come to a point where even lives are at stake?
?? (Victor): Is this the “industry giant structure” you want to recruit me into?
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MC: …
I exhale slowly, still maintaining an expressionless face as if I were in a deep state of unconsciousness, and listen to the footsteps gradually receding into the distance.
The surroundings lapse into quietude, and I can faintly hear the sound of the waves.
Man (Victor): Don’t be scared, they’ve all left.
Accompanied by the sound of his voice, the rope tightly binding my wrists is sliced into several segments, falling onto the deck.
I heave a sigh of relief and open my eyes, only to see that the deck that was brimming with laughter and voices earlier has suddenly become devoid of any human presence.
The only sound present is the sound of the ship cutting through the waves, enveloping us from all directions.
MC: Where have they all gone?
Man (Victor): They have already disembarked from the ship.
I cast a suspicious glance across the desk but don’t notice any peculiarities. After mulling for a moment, I turn to him with a hint of helplessness.
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MC: It’s often said that a bystander can see things more objectively than those involved. Can you help me analyze the current situation?
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Man (Victor): [visibly taken aback]  …this is a matter of life and death. Are you sure you want to seek the help of someone you’ve only known for such a short time?
MC: It’s stemmed from my trust in you! Furthermore, judging from what we’ve just experienced, I think you have strong analytical abilities.
The man arches his eyebrow slightly, suggesting he has no objections.
MC: Actually, I have a special kind of power in me…
I try to organize my words as comprehensively and succinctly as possible, explaining to him the “CORE” in me, the attacks by GR, and the persistent undercurrents in this ostensibly peaceful world.
MC: …lately, GR’s actions have either been forced to cease or they have failed to achieve their goal.
MC: I initially thought they would lay low for some time, but today they hastily devised this plan…
The man ruminates intently for a while, then shakes his head.
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Man (Victor): Based on what you’ve told me, it seems more like they are already at the end of their rope.
MC: What?
Man (Victor): I’m unclear about the backgrounds of these organizations you mentioned. But in the business world, well-operated companies usually proceed in any direction with caution and thorough planning.
Man (Victor): Conversely, companies that have existing problems are more likely to take risks in order to secure funding.
Deep in contemplation, I prop my chin with one hand, my tone unconsciously tinged with admiration as I speak.
MC: How come I didn’t consider it from this angle before? Indeed, this sort of radical behavior can be explained if they’re in a do-or-die situation.
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MC: Your analysis is so strategically discerning… who knows, maybe you were in charge of a company that was even more formidable than LFG!
A smile, carrying with it a hint of helplessness, steaks through the man’s eyes.
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Man (Victor): [chuckles helplessly]  Exaggerating again.
MC: I’m being serious, you––
My words are abruptly interrupted by the sound of machinery operating beneath my feet. Accompanied by a slight vibration, the cruise ship, which has been at a standstill, suddenly resumes its functions.
Caught off guard, I find myself falling onto the sofa and grasping the railing with one hand, a hint of nervousness taking over my voice.
MC: Weren’t those people already gone?
MC: Then how could the cruise ship be moving forward on its own?
【CH 46-20】
The cruise ship races through the river, swiftly cutting through the layers of waves like an arrow. In the distance, the pier begins to come into view, its outline faintly becoming visible amidst the darkness of the night.
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The man and I quickly rush towards the cabin. But as soon as we open the door to the cockpit, we can’t help but be frozen in place.
On the massive dashboard, dozens of push buttons are densely arranged, and the text on them has become blurred and difficult to read.
The clock inlaid on the edge seems to be coated with a layer of oily film, flickering with a dim, red light.
I hurriedly take several steps forward, while my eyes dart around anxiously.
MC: Why are there no signs anywhere…
The man lifts his hand and grasps the helm, making a forceful turn without the slightest hesitation. Despite so, the cruise ship shows no sign of steering whatsoever and continues its direct course to advance toward the pier.
Man (Victor): …the navigation system is locked, and the helm now is just a mere ornament.
While we are talking, the outline of the pier becomes increasingly clear on our horizon. If this continues, the cruise ship will inevitably collide with the pier, resulting in a public accident!
I anxiously open my phone and begin searching. I can feel my fingertips tremble.
MC: Operating instructions… there must be driving manuals or guides available online for this type of cruise ship…
Man (Victor): I’ll give it a shot.
My head shoots up, a flicker of consternation crossing my eyes.
MC: You…
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Man (Victor): There are many things I don’t remember, but it seems like I have a sense of how things are done.
Man (Victor): It’s like the feeling I had when I could detect the loopholes in those peoples’ conversations before. I have an analogous feeling now too.
Man (Victor): Are you willing to take a gamble with me?
A familiar conversation echoes in my ears, only this time, the person who has to respond is myself.
I find myself struggling to curl my lips into a smile, gazing into his eyes.
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MC: Absolutely! Although I don’t know why, I feel like everything will be alright with you here.
The man nods and stands in front of the dashboard for a brief moment before decisively pressing several buttons.
The sound of the control keys reverberates intermittently, while the red light on the dashboard casts a flickering reflection on the glass, sending waves of alarms through the mind.
I stand nervously on the side, watching as the bow of the ship approaches the direction of the pier at top speed. After the man presses a certain lever, there is a sudden jolt, and the speed gradually slows down.
My tense shoulders instantly loosen to some extent, and only then do I take a breath and exhale.
MC: I’m overthrowing my previous assumptions. With such skill in operating the ship, you must’ve been a wealthy magnate who owned multiple cruise ships.
The man glances at me, his jawline beaded with a sheen of sweat.
Man (Victor): Chef, CEO, wealthy magnate… how many more guesses do you have about my identity?
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MC: After all, it seems like there’s nothing in this world that you can’t do!
I lean back against the wall as I speak, relaxing myself. Without meaning to, my palm supports itself on the surface of the clock casing in the corner of the control panel, staining it with a layer of grime.
I lower my head to wipe it off, but as I look closely, I notice the time jumping from 0:21 to 0:20 on the cleaned dial.
…are the digits on it moving backward?
As soon as this realization dawns on me, a wave of chillness instantly crawls through my entire body.
Accompanied by a deafening explosion, the colossal hull of the ship shakes violently, almost causing us to tumble in a downward trajectory.
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As I stagger and careen to the side, my head collides with a warm chest. A hand swiftly shields my shoulder, pulling me into an embrace and keeping me away from the oncoming blast waves.
I don’t know how many minutes have gone by before the noise finally calms down. I rise to my feet, placing a hand over my numb chest in lingering fear, and then I hear the man speak in a deep voice.
Man (Victor): Move cautiously and stay alert to any sounds in the surroundings.
Man (Victor): If I were the one and my intention was to kill the person, I wouldn’t have just orchestrated a single round of explosion.
My heart can’t help but sink. The man helps me up, and we both survey our surroundings from all directions.
Man (Victor): The lower compartment beneath the ship’s hold must have already taken in water. Let’s go to the stern first.
Man (Victor): The fire will draw attention from nearby rescue teams. There should be people arriving before the ship sinks.
I nod indiscriminately, steadying myself against the nearby wall, and begin walking towards the stern along the now slightly tilted deck.
After taking a few steps, I suddenly hear a subtle sloshing sound amidst the waves.
My heart tightens. At lightning speed, I lean over the railing to peer outside, and my eyes are met with the sight of another box flickering with a terror-striking red light, pulsating in sync with the ship’s tumultuous motion.
The digits on the display have already jumped from 0:05 to 0:004. Knowing there’s no time to actually turn my head, I let out a violent shout.
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MC: Watch out! There’s another bomb here!
An ear-shattering explosion erupts, and I’m hurled forcefully to the ground. My ears are flooded with a buzzing noise as I struggle to lift my head, only to find myself confronted by a searing surge of heat.
Instinctively, I use my arms to shield my head, bracing myself for the anticipated pain.
–– ***[the BGM pauses here for a few seconds, giving the impression as if your heart itself has stopped beating]***
All of a sudden, an astounding silence descends upon the surroundings, as if someone has pressed the pause button on the world.
I slowly open my eyes and see the crimson flames frozen motionless in the air. Countless luminous sparks and shattered shards of glass hang suspended, creating a spectacle of twinkling lights and shadows.
Amidst the frozen firelights, the man rushes towards me, his anxious eyes reflecting my figure.
I find myself in shock as I take everything in. It’s not until he reaches my side that I mumble––
MC: What did you do?
Man (Victor): [voice literally shaking like an earthquake]  I have no idea…
He casts his eyes down, gazing at his own palm, his eyes reflecting a mixture of complex emotions. After a brief moment, he finally speaks.
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Man (Victor): No, I know.
Man (Victor): [voice still shaking]  I might have… paused time.
MC: Paused time…
I feel as if a key has opened a small crack, allowing a hazy light to shine into the murky depths of sealed memories.
[Tidbits]: Just a refresher— the memories MC describes here are the call-backs to S2 CH 25 (will come back to this later)~ ╥﹏╥
Not so long ago, amid the chaotic ruins, it appeared as though there was someone resolutely standing in front of me.
His voice pierced through the mayhem of falling rubbles, shouting my name over and over again;
The palm that reached out to me was oozing vivid red blood, enveloping me tightly in his arms;
I make a desperate effort to remember that almost palpable figure, but my mind seems to be covered by a heavy layer of dust.
Tears rain down unknowingly, and an indistinct ache lingers in a certain corner of my heart. I grasp the man’s hand in anguish and helplessness, holding onto it like a drowning person clinging to a piece of driftwood.
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MC: [sobbing]  Why…
Why… who exactly are you?
Within the solidified flames, a black vortex suddenly materializes, accompanied by the unprompted sound of a mechanical violin. From within it, a person with hazed facial features walks out unhurriedly.
MC: …Zero?
I find myself momentarily stunned, as a slight sense of dissonance flickers in my mind. Why do I know this person’s name?
However, the other party’s gaze doesn’t rest on me but instead turns towards the person beside me.
Zero: [to Victor]  This is not a place where you can stay.
The black vortex abruptly swallows half of the man’s form, and Zero’s voice rises.
Zero: [to MC]  This is the inevitable price that Victor must bear… and so must you.
With the sound of these words, the speed of the swirling vortex suddenly accelerates.
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MC: Wait… wait a moment, VICTOR!!
Without a moment’s thinking, I yell out this name instantly, as if I’ve uttered this name hundreds and thousands of times before.
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MC: [sobbing]  I will definitely find you again!
Through the murky haze, I see the man’s head snap up. He parts his lips as if he is trying to say something.
In the next moment, his figure completely disappears into the vortex.
[Note]: CH 46 ends here, and it cuts into the next chapter. The following 2 monologues are about Victor, so I thought to include them~ :>
The hustle and bustle of the world resumes, making me feel a little disoriented.
The burning flames sting my eyes. However, no matter what, it cannot erase that disappearing figure from my mind.
✧ [Anika’s Analysis + Ramblings] ✧
this is long, like really really long. so a big hug from me beforehand haha ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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77 notes · View notes
notagoldfish · 1 year
Ok, admittedly I was first just amused that even Business Insider is having a go at S3, but then I read this:
“After a firm signs a term sheet, the fund wires the money to a startup for shares of ownership. They can't claw back the cash once it lands in a startup's bank account.
Here's a more realistic scenario. Jack tells Keeley that her firm won't send any more money, if the capital hasn't been called already. Now Keeley has to look at how long she can keep the lights on with the funding she has. If runway is short, she could decide to lay off some employees to cut costs or sublease the office to bring in some extra money. Cash would still flow to the agency from existing clients.”
And goddammit this would have made such a better subplot and conclusion for Keeley than Rebecca just handing her a check and then being relegated to the 1990’s version of a subversive conclusion to a love triangle! 😭😭😭
Everything about the Jack plot sucked, but at least here, we'd have finally gotten to see Keeley struggle with actual business decisions as a boss and remind us how GOOD SHE IS AT HER JOB.
And since I'm doing a Keeley rant anyway, I just want to say that she didn't need two dudes showing up at her door, dripping with character regression and misogyny to choose herself. KEELEY REPEATEDLY CHOSE HERSELF IN PREVIOUS SEASONS.
When she broke up with Jamie, she chose herself. When she took the PR job in the first place, she chose herself. When she left to start her own firm, SHE CHOSE HERSELF. Choosing herself was never a problem for Keeley, and her relationships never held her back from fulfilling her dreams.
Forcing the "Keeley chooses herself" plotline is so disrespectful to her as a character, and the fact that Keeley has constantly fought for herself and chosen herself no matter her relationship status.
81 notes · View notes
truthventures · 1 year
Why do businesses fail even after good seed funding?
Most businesses fail even after receiving excellent seed funding because the management entirely misunderstands the demands and misallocates cash, losing the capital venture partner firm's trust in the process. Therefore, even if they must accept less startup funding, businesses must collaborate with venture capital firms that bring leadership and tested expertise. Truth Ventures is regarded as one of the best venture capital firms as they don't allow their partners to overspend or pay excessive attention to the current situation and only allocate cash by keeping long-term goals in mind.
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3 notes · View notes
eretzyisrael · 7 months
Hamas didn’t invade Israel on Oct. 7 for its amusement. The barbaric sneak attack is a part of the pogrom intended to wipe out the Jewish state. It was a crime against humanity, and not just because of its savagery. We would all be worse off if Israel ceased to exist. The same cannot be said for Islamic terrorists.
Israel’s contributions to the modern world are momentous. When not dodging bullets, rockets, and homicide bombers, Israelis have since 1948 developed:
Copaxone and Rebif, drugs that treat multiple sclerosis, and Exelon, which treats mild to moderate dementia in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients.
The PillCam, “a minimally invasive ingestible camera in a capsule that allows visualization of the small bowel.”
The water desalination process.
The Sniffphone, “that can actually ‘sniff out’ diseases.”
And SpineAssist, “​​the first-ever spine robot” that has the “ability to provide real-time intraoperative navigation.”
The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, responsible for some of the inventions listed above, has also produced diabetes and flu vaccines, is using T-cells to treat damaged spines, and is a pioneer in industrial — and medical — uses nano materials. 
Other impactful Israeli products include drip irrigation, a revolutionary microprocessor called the 8088, the ​​NIR heart stent, voice-over-internet protocol, the ​​USB flash drive, the Waze navigation app, ReWalk, “a commercial bionic walking assistance system,” and “the first commercially viable firewall software.” 
Our own security has benefited from Israel’s labor and work ethic.
“Many Israeli innovations are present in upgrades to U.S. Air Force fighters and Army equipment,” says the international law firm Smith, Gambrell & Russell. One important advance in particular is the helmet-mounted display system for the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
So we have a country of 9.23 million, mostly desert, that is only 75 years old, is “surrounded by enemies” and in a constant state of war, which has “no natural resources,” yet “produces more start-up companies on a per capita basis than large, peaceful, and stable nations and regions like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada, and all of Europe.” It is the only nation outside of the U.S. that Warren Buffet invests in.
Have the Palestinians or Hamas, currently at war with Israel, done anything that compares to what the Israelis have achieved? More broadly, beyond the Allahista terrorist groups, what has Islam contributed to the modern world?
Not much.
Since 1901, Jews, who total 0.2% of the world’s population, have won 189 Nobel prizes for physics, medicine, chemistry and economics. Over that same period, Muslims, who make up nearly a quarter of the global population, have won four.
If it seems as Islamic groups, Hamas and Hezbollah prominent among them, are more interested in spreading nihilism, committing atrocities, and destroying civilization than making the world a better place, well, then there’s a good reason for it. That is exactly what the heroes of an increasingly large number foolish Westerners are aiming for.
Meanwhile, Israelis see themselves “as having a role in the world to repair the world,” says Chemi Peres, managing partner and co-founder of the venture capital firm Pitango, chairman of the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, and son of the late Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres.
“We call it tikkun olam, and here at the Peres Center we have a mission statement, which is to introduce innovation and new ideas and new technologies, not only for ourselves but to solve the problems of the world.”
Islam is part of that world, but too many of its adherents live to do just the opposite. 
— Written by the I&I Editorial Board
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Hey, what does disruptor mean? I saw it when looking at your answers. I’ve also seen people joke about it on twitter but I can’t find a meaning to it.
It's a term I personally loathe, but I'm willing to do some recent cultural/intellectual history to explain where it came from and what it means.
The term disruptor as it's commonly used today comes out of the business world, more specifically the high tech sector clustered in Silicon Valley. Originally coined as "disruptive innovation" by business school professor Clayton Christensen in the mid-to-late 90s, the idea was that certain new businesses (think your prototypical startup) have a greater tendency to develop innovative technologies and business models that radically destabilize established business models, markets, and large corporations - and in the process, help to speed up economic and technological progress.
While Christensen's work was actually about business models and firm-level behavior, over time this concept mutated to focus on the individual entrepeneur/inventor/founder figure of the "disruptor," as part of the lionization of people like Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerburg or Elon Musk, or firms like Lyft, Uber, WeWork, Theranos, etc. It also mutated into a general belief that "disrupting" markets and, increasingly, social institutions is how society will and should progress.
I find these ideas repellant. First of all, when it comes to the actual business side of things, I think it mythologizes corporate executives as creative geniuses by attributing credit for innovations actually created by the people they employ. Elon Musk didn't create electric cars or reusable rockets, Steve Jobs didn't design any computers or program any OSes, but because they're considered "disruptors," we pretend that they did. This has a strong effect on things like support for taxing the rich - because there is this popular image of the "self-made billionaire" as someone who "earned" their wealth through creating "disruptive" companies or technologies, there is more resistance to taxing or regulating the mega-wealthy than would otherwise be the case.
Even more importantly, treating "disruptors" like heroes and "disruption" as a purely good thing tends to make people stop thinking about whether disruption to a given industry is actually a good thing, whether what tech/Silicon Valley/startup firms are doing is actually innovative, what the economic and social costs of the disruption are, and who pays them. Because when we look at a bunch of high-profile case studies, it often turns out to be something of a case of smoke and mirrors.
To take ridesharing as an example, Lyft and Uber and similar companies aren't actually particularly innovative. Yes, they have apps that connect riders to drivers, but that's not actually that different from the old school method of using the phone to call up a livery cab company. There's a lot of claims about how the apps improve route planning or the availability of drivers or bring down prices, but they're usually overblown: route planning software is pretty common (think Google Maps), when you actually look at how Lyft and Uber create availability, it's by flooding the market with large numbers of new drivers, and when you look at how they got away with low prices, it was usually by spending billions upon billions of venture capital money on subsidizing their rides.
Moreover, this "disruption" has a pretty nasty dark side. To start with, Lyft and Uber's business strategy is actually a classic 19th century monopoly strategy dressed up in 21st century rhetoric: the "low prices" had nothing to do with innovative practices or new technology, it was Lyft and Uber pulling the classic move of deliberately selling at a loss to grab market share from the competition, at which point they started raising their prices on consumers. Availability of drivers was accomplished by luring way too many new drivers into the labor market with false promises of making high wages in their spare time, but when the over-supply of drivers inevitably caused incomes to decline, huge numbers of rideshare drivers found themselves trapped by auto debts and exploited by the companies' taking a significant chunk of their earnings, using the threat of cutting them off from the app to cow any resistance. And above all, Lyft and Uber's "disruption" often came down to a willful refusal to abide by pre-existing regulations meant to ensure that drivers could earn a living wage, that consumers would be protected in the case of accidents or from the bad behavior of drivers, etc. As a policy historian, however, I find the extension of "disruption" into social institutions the most troubling. Transportation, health care, education, etc. are absolutely vital for the functioning of modern society and are incredibly complex systems that require a lot of expertise and experience to understand, let alone change. Letting a bunch of billionaires impose technocratic "reforms" on them from above, simply because they say they're really smart or because they donate a bunch of money, is a really bad idea - especially because when we see what the "disruptors" actually propose and/or do, it often shows them to be very ordinary (if not actively stupid) people who don't really know what they're doing.
Elon Musk's Loop is an inherently worse idea than mass transit. His drive for self-driving cars is built on lies. Pretty much all of the Silicon Valley firms that have tried to "disrupt" in the area of transportation end up reinventing the wheel and proposing the creation of buses or trolleys or subways.
Theranos was a giant fraud that endangered the lives of thousands in pursuit of an impossible goal that, even if it ould have been achieved, wouldn't have made much of a difference in people's lives compared to other, more fruitful areas of biotech and medical research.
From Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerburg, Silicon Valley billionaires have plunged huge amounts of philanthropy dollars into all kinds of interventions in public education, from smaller classrooms to MOOCs to teacher testing to curriculum reform to charter schools. The track record of these reforms has been pretty uniformly abysmal, because it turns out that educational outcomes are shaped by pretty much every social force you can think of and educational systems are really complex and difficult to measure.
So yeah, fuck disruptors.
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antoine-roquentin · 1 year
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Musk has turned Twitter into a place where nearly every government gets their way and any dissenters get branded with “fact checks” that just parrot propaganda.
When Musk got forced out of his CEO job at Paypal in September 2000 by Thiel cause he was running the company into the ground, he decided he’d use his big payout to fund Mars colonization. He went to Russia twice to buy ICBMs accompanied the second time by Michael Griffin, the head of the CIA’s venture capital firm In-Q-Tel. The Russians thought he was a rich dilettante posing as a scientist (according to one story an engineer spat on him during the first trip), and on the way back Griffin convinced Musk to start a company using Griffins’ blueprint. In a classic Silicon Valley strategy (i.e. Hewlett-Packard) the company would enter in an area where there were few sellers, meaning they could undercut the competition while still charging exorbitant markups. Musk claimed he figured this out by doing his own calculations, but it’s virtually certain he lacked the abilities whereas Griffin had worked for a company doing that very thing a decade ago. About 4 years later, Griffin, a Republican Party apparatchik during a Republican presidency, became head of NASA. He promptly offered SpaceX a contract despite no viable products existing at the company. Griffin was an aeronautics engineer and an old hat at defense contractor boondoggles. He’d worked his way up the ladder at the Strategic Defense Initiative, a $33 billion giveaway to develop a way to shoot down nukes with space lasers. Now, he was essentially in control of his dream: Musk had worked as a cutout for him in building a company to his specifications that he could now justify throwing money at hand over fist to meet national security goals. Just through flattery and appealing to his interests, Musk had acted on behalf of a significant Republican constituency as represented by a known CIA figure.
Anyways, I told that story because I’m quite sure Musk's purchase of Twitter has a similar state security component whispering in his ear.
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afniel · 21 days
That's a nightmare I don't have often! The kind where something hurts so much you wake up, and it doesn't even map to any actual physical pain you're having. This is like the shiny pokémon of nightmares. I am getting a good grade in increasingly stupid ways for your brain to wake you up after 4 hours of sleep, which is both possible to achieve and normal to want.
I think I like this better than what I dreamt the night before, though, which was Elon Musk personally showing up in my bedroom to tell me that he thought I was completely faking being disabled. I'll take having a random piece of some kind of vine getting down your swimsuit and adhering to your skin in places and being incredibly awful to pull off over that any day. I'm used to pain! I'm not as used to billionaires.
(This is untrue actually. I worked at a Starbucks right in venture capital firm hell for several years. I served drinks to Elon once for real, though this was way back when he was merely eccentric and a little off-putting but generally agreeable, not yet overtly radioactive. And the CEO of Oracle. And a shitload of other people with more money than God. None of them tip for shit, by the way, but you guessed that probably.)
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ae-neon · 10 months
still ranting about chapter 1 of theAtlasSix? Yes, who gon stop me?
Libby is such a White Woman™ cause all her problems boil down to the fact that even though she's top2 in the world and has a secure future and magical powers and more serious issues like a dead sister, her biggest gripe boils down to the fact that she's not Nico and he always has one up on her
Sure, being hired at the best magical venture capitalist firm in Manhattan was no small thing. Libby would be providing funding to innovative medeian technology, able to choose from a portfolio of exciting ideas with massive potential for growth and social capital. Now was the time to act; the world was overpopulated, resources drained and overused, alternative energy sources more imperative than ever. Down the line, she could change the very structure of medeian advancements—could choose this start-up or that to alter the progression of the entire global economy—and she’d be paid well to do it, too.
Future is secure, she's literally born to make history
Physical medeians with their mastery of the elements were rare; so rare, in fact, that they had been the only two.
Special from birth and at the top tier of society
For Nico, who was used to getting his way, Libby was purely an annoyance. She’d found him smug and arrogant from the moment they met and hadn’t hesitated to tell him so, and there was nothing Nico de Varona hated more than someone who didn’t adore him on sight. It was probably the first trauma he’d ever suffered. Knowing him, the idea that a woman could exist who didn’t worship at his feet must have kept him up at night. For Libby, however, things were far more complex. For all that their personalities clashed, Nico was something far worse than just an average asshole. He was also an obnoxious, classist reminder of everything Libby failed to possess
But woe is she
Nico came from a family of prominent medeians, and had trained privately from his opulent palace (she assumed) in Havana since he was a child. Libby, a Pittsburgh native whose suburban lineage had no medeians or even witches to speak of, had planned to go to Columbia until NYUMA, via Dean Breckenridge, intervened. She had known nothing of basic medeian principles, starting off behind in every aspect of magical theory, and had worked twice as hard as everyone else—only for that effort to be dismissed in favor of ...[Nico]
Life was so unfathomably cruel for making her a miracle magic genius so special she was personally picked by the dean having her be born to loving muggle parents damn
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