#Seed capital
vkriseinvesments · 2 years
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VK Investments focuses on providing Equity & Debt Financing through Venture Capitalist, Angel Investors in Pre-Seed, Seed Stage Funding and in Growth Stage Funding in any Country. Today, VK Investments have over 3000 + Global Investors (800 plus Angel Investors and 2200 plus Venture Capitalist) in Multiple Verticals. We are a web and mobile based platform from start to finish for fund raising for existing start-ups, SMEs and established Business Enterprises.
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truthventures · 1 year
Why do businesses fail even after good seed funding?
Most businesses fail even after receiving excellent seed funding because the management entirely misunderstands the demands and misallocates cash, losing the capital venture partner firm's trust in the process. Therefore, even if they must accept less startup funding, businesses must collaborate with venture capital firms that bring leadership and tested expertise. Truth Ventures is regarded as one of the best venture capital firms as they don't allow their partners to overspend or pay excessive attention to the current situation and only allocate cash by keeping long-term goals in mind.
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nando161mando · 1 month
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beyondseed · 10 months
Fueling Startup Growth
Elevate startups from Seed to Working capital stages. BeyondSeed's investment approach reshapes growth, fostering innovation and sustainability
In today's fast-paced business landscape, startups are the engines of innovation, propelling industries forward with groundbreaking ideas. Yet, their journey is often fraught with challenges, primarily the need to secure essential resources for sustained growth. BeyondSeed, an innovative accelerator, has emerged as a beacon of hope for startups, leveraging the transformative power of Seed capital and Working capital to reshape the trajectory of early-stage ventures. In this blog post, we delve into how BeyondSeed redefines startup growth by embracing these key concepts.
Seed capital is the initial funding required to give life to a startup's idea. BeyondSeed recognizes the crucial role that Seed capital plays in nurturing and cultivating the seeds of innovation. As startups embark on their journey, BeyondSeed provides the essential financial infusion needed to germinate and nurture these ideas. This early-stage funding becomes the bedrock upon which startups build their visions. BeyondSeed's approach to Seed capital is not just about monetary support; it's about fostering an environment where ideas can flourish. Startups gain access to resources, mentorship, and a supportive network, enabling them to navigate the challenges that often accompany the initial stages of development. With this solid foundation, startups are better equipped to transition from ideation to implementation, ultimately reaching the stage where Working capital becomes pivotal.
Working capital is the lifeblood that fuels a startup's day-to-day operations. BeyondSeed recognizes that a startup's journey doesn't end with the infusion of Seed capital; it's an ongoing process that demands sustained resources. Working capital, in this context, becomes the driving force behind a startup's growth and development. BeyondSeed's investment-focused approach extends beyond mere funding. It empowers startups with the Working capital necessary to scale their operations, hire talent, and execute their business strategies effectively. As startups mature, BeyondSeed's support evolves to encompass the broader spectrum of growth, ensuring that promising ventures have access to the resources needed to thrive in a competitive landscape. BeyondSeed stands as a testament to how the strategic infusion of Seed capital and Working capital can reshape the startup narrative. By recognizing the significance of these critical stages in a startup's lifecycle, BeyondSeed empowers startups to thrive at every step of their journey.
The accelerator's investment-driven approach ensures that startups not only survive but also flourish, unearthing their full potential. In conclusion, BeyondSeed's approach highlights the dynamic interplay between Seed capital and Working capital in shaping startup success. By providing the necessary resources, mentorship, and support, BeyondSeed redefines the traditional startup growth model. Through these two pivotal stages, startups can truly soar, overcoming challenges and evolving into industry leaders. As the entrepreneurial ecosystem continues to evolve, BeyondSeed's emphasis on Seed capital and Working capital serves as a testament to the transformative power of strategic investments in fueling startup growth. Join us on this exciting journey of innovation, resourcefulness, and success.
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generalwombatexpert · 2 years
What Is crowdfunding for startups?
crowdfunding is an easy way to raise fund for your startup through small contributions from a large number of people over the Internet. Through using power of internet you may reach your future investors to put seed finance in your startup. You can raise up to 1 Cr. in Seed funding.
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jcteamcapitals · 2 years
It could involve providing initial funding for startups or aiding small companies that want to grow but lack access to equity markets.
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How to apply for Seed Funding ?
It can be challenging to submit a seed funding/grant application. There is a lot on the line whether you’re trying to convince friends and family, angel investors, or venture capitalists to invest in your business. Obtaining seed money/grant successfully is crucial since for many aspiring business owners, it’s the only method to launch a start-up.
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is-this-yuri · 1 month
my dad is a boomer born in the 60s. he had a preacher father, served in the vietnam war, then spent the rest of his working life in a cushy office position for a good company. he was middle class, and it showed in his spending habits as well as his values and what he tried to teach me.
i always, always considered him out of touch, even from a young age. i could always see that he didn't know what he was doing with me, so his parenting often rolled off my back and i sort of raised myself. i could never meet his expectations of becoming a Good American Citizen with a Degree and a Career. he didnt understand how hard it is to get a job. he told me multiple times to just walk into a warehouse and ask for a job, to which i always replied 'that's tresspassing and they'd just tell me to go to their website and apply.'
now my dad is retired, and now he's poor. i can't imagine how much of a disappointing shock it is to get to his age thinking you're gonna retire into a nice RV and travel the country with your wife, only to be bogged down by unreasonable medical bills and abandoned by the company you worked decades for. not to mention TWO of his kids are homeless. he's having a hard time.
and part of me really wants to rub it in his face and go 'i told you it aint easy out here! i told you your spending habits were horrible! i told you im not terrible with money. i TOLD YOU things are fucked!'
but honestly, he gets it. it didnt take him very long at all to understand my position and start praising me for my survival skills and resilience. that kind of praise isn't something i'm used to hearing from him.
even though he's never really going to be liberal (not that he was ever really all that conservative) he understands now that things are fucked in this country. poverty does that to people. it doesn't matter who you are, or what you believe. you are always at risk of being a victim to the system, and once it happens you can never trust that system again.
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danskjavlarna · 6 months
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Source details and larger version.
Ornate capitals and other fancy vintage letters.
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the-sage-libriomancer · 7 months
i think when talking about Shigure, it's important to note that he was constantly operating under the assumption that the curse would eventually break on its own. he saw Kureno's curse break with no outside interference, and he's spent enough time with Akito to know that her hold on the curse is greatly weakened. in Shigure's mind, the curse was on its way out: it could break in twenty years, or ten, or maybe even as little as five. his efforts are just a way to speed up the process so he can be with Akito quicker (and to save the other zodiac members but that's not really his big priority). so while he 100% took the most selfish route by catering to his own plans instead of helping the other zodiacs survive the curse, his personal justification was likely "it will eventually break anyway so all of the zodiacs will be freed regardless of my interference" instead of just "i don't care about the other zodiacs so they can go ahead and rot."
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Slotting The Long Winter alongside North and South as a book about life in the nineteeth century that counts as a sci fi because it explores how technology affects the lives of the people whose society depends on it, and explores what kind of duty a man has to care for his own business vs. that of the community.
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vkriseinvesments · 6 months
Top 10 AI and Robotics Startups Revolutionizing India
The video likely highlights innovative companies that are leveraging artificial intelligence and robotics technologies to transform various industries. It may cover startups working in areas such as healthcare, agriculture, manufacturing, automation, and more. By watching this video, viewers can gain insights into the cutting-edge solutions being developed by these startups and understand how AI and robotics are shaping the future of India's technological landscape.
visit my website : https://www.vk-rise-investments.com/
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truthventures · 1 year
Scale Up your business hassle free with Truth Ventures
Scaling up your business is always something that every organization aims to do and regularly accomplish. However, scaling up brings with it lots of hassles as well, such as needing to figure out how to allocate money more efficiently, Hiring good employees that can deal with the high demands of work, dealing with the workforce, and so on. All these issues are easier to deal with top venture capital firms. Truth Ventures is one of the most renowned Capital Venture firms that assist in meeting every unpredictable market demand.
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nando161mando · 1 month
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This is what happens to all of the unsold apples
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persephinae · 4 days
You know, growing up being abused, I learned that you can't control anyone else's reactions, you can only control your own
And I keep seeing people complaining "oh but it's the dems fault for (this shit candidate) or (that shit candidate)", but we literally have proof that tr*mp was and will be a thousand times worse
I can't control a lot of things, but I can make sure to try and reduce as much harm as I can
I feel like a lot of people never had to learn this lesson
And throwing a temper tantrum because you weren't given the keys to the kingdom is going to get a lot more people killed as well as losing any hope of ever voting again
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generalwombatexpert · 2 years
Do you need seed funding or seed money (seed capital) and looking to connect with best platform in India?, you can choose Planify capital which is India's largest brand which is providing seed funding to many companies. There are many benefits to avail seed funding from Planify. 1. Planify prepare pitch deck itself and evaluate your company. 2. Planify will help you with branding and run strong campaign to attract investors for you.
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