#Veronica's spiked choker
elhombresiniestro · 1 month
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Not gonna lie, my OC Veronica kinda looks like she could be related to Artful Art.
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n33tabix · 2 years
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Veronica Storm Stimboard
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nonbinarysolothian · 2 years
Name/aliases: Jaeden Wolfee Foxwood is her English name,her real native name is Ji'de Foxwood .During her time as a Terminator she called herself or was known as Crow or Wilder. She also went by Veronica,Cleo and Hollows for a short period of time. Also is known as Ckotya.
One-eye,Onca,Horned crow,Cricket,Scamp,Detective,Dead-eye,Rogue and Little beast.
Age:17 years old,became a Terminator at age 10
Birthday: October 21st,2004 at 3:00 a.m.
Pronouns:She/her, also uses He/Him
Personality Type:ENTJ
Fear their bases off of:Phagophobia,fear of being eaten alive
Ancestor: Jaguar 
Attraction: attraction may vary, but is attracted to femme-aligned and masc-aligned individuals. But usually will be attracted to any gender.
Status: Heir to the throne and Lieutenant commander
The Crows: The Crows are known to be Jaeden's link between the living and the dead. Constantly around her and will fly whenever she's around.
Undead caverns/Ancestral grounds portal: These are her gateway to communicate with the dead.
The Mark: Shows her cursed status 
Crawiaguar:A winged Jaguar that'll appear at Jaeden's side when she's fighting or is in distress. She has given it a name,Keir.Sometimes this creature's name is her nickname
Blood halo: a Halo made to look like dripping blood. Hers is black with a scarlett outline and glow. It only shows when she's extremely pissed off
Paranormal abilities:Ex Mørtis- The ability to raise and send back the dead.
Voice:Brutus-The Buttress[Lauren Synger-Alice Angel](17-19),Joan of arc-In this Moment[Older Kiara](22-older)
• Short,fluffy dark reddish brown hair;it shines reddish when in sunlight or in a certain lighting;grows out and becomes more messy when older. 
• Upturned,Brilliant amber Jaguar-like eyes. Pupils thin and widen with emotion;also glow with emotion and in the dark. Brightness of the glow depends on the emotion.
• Pointed chipped ears in human form;bat like elf ears in true form
• Tall in true form,8'10; human form is much shorter at a range of 5'2;giant form is 112 ft
• Muscular but skinny;more specifically Mesomorph or Runner's body. Her fur-like skin is a limestone(not the rock) color.
• 8 pack,gets a 10 pack when older
• Covered head to toe in scars. Most scars are on her back from torture,abuse and battle. Loss of sight in her left eye,due to severe damage. Missing her right arm,replaced with a metal prosthetic.Stitching scars around waist and neck. Later on half her face gets mutilated by Brutis.
• Large fangs and mouth full of sharp,bone crushing teeth. 
• Dresses more like The Crows vengeful style, Vigilante-like or detective-like. Will usually be wearing a cloak and wolf mask at certain times.Mostly black or scarlet colored clothes.Typically wears combat boots,sometimes platforms or knee high boots. Combat boots are the most common. Arm cuffs and gloves.
• Claw-like hands,and retractable claws;later evolve into paw-like claw hands with small toe-beans.
• Covered head to toe in stripes and rosettes in her true form.
• Ears are covered in piercings,usually cuffs and studs. Tongue piercings and dolphin bites
• Multiple Tattoos. One on her chest of a chainsaw;thigh one is a Death's-head moth; her mark on her shoulder;her ankle a double snake; lastly the words It can't rain all the time. She later gets crow wings tattoo on her back shoulders.
Necklaces:her dog tags with her mentors dog tags. A modified rosary from Red;usually wears spiked or not chokers. 
• She has Anxiety and PTSD,caused by past traumas in the academy and facility.
• Usually untrusting and constantly angry and alert.
• She will trust someone once she warms up to them and they aren't a threat to her.
• Focused on work,but is more light-hearted off the field.
• Speaks Launsic and English fluently. Even though her Irish like accent is very prominent. She later becomes fluent in Gaelic.
• Occasionally struggles with social skills and expression of emotions. This is a side effect of her brainwashing
• Oldest of 8 siblings;3 biological,two are her triplet sisters;2 Step/half;1 adopted; 1 Cadet Sister
• He is a triplet
• Her 13 year old cousin died, when she was 16.
• Well known for a tactical inclined and clever mind. Often thinks ahead of her opponents and can predict what they might do. Along with knows how to evade and mess with their senses. Commonly known, for having a nac for pushing the wrong peoples buttons.
• Protective side to her personality 
• Can sing and Dance
• The occasional prick and can be very pissy or bitchy. Can often become rude.
• If she likes someone she will allow them to cuddle with her and interact more with her.
• Typically foul languaged. Has a mouth of a fucking sailor 
• Loves music and movies. Has a preference for Horror films and Rock or metal music.
• Has an addiction to sweet things 
• Kills with a purpose,but will lose moral state when extremely pissed off.
• She has a martial arts and street fighting style. And I pretty damn good at it. Along with an extensive knowledge on and how to use every weapon handed to her or shown. Favors guns and her chainsaw Sawyer.
• Makes animalistic noises as a form of communication. Typically both dog and cat like. But mostly Big cat like,specifically Jaguar-like. Roaring,barking, chuffing,growls,meows,mews,howls,etc.
• Purrs around the ones she really likes and trusts.
• Generally playful and gentle around kids and animals. Enjoys letting children play on her like a jungle gym.
• Loves affection,like most cats.
• When agitated or angry her tail thrashes violently
• She can make a whip like/rattlesnake noise with her tail.  She can also sound like a rattlesnake when she growls.
• When anxious she becomes more aggressive or distant.
• She's usually followed by or seen near crows
• Her Ancestor spirit comes out with heightened emotions. It is a Jaguar made of flames
• Cursed with the kiss of Immortality.  She can't die by unnatural causes, like gunshots and stab wounds. But if fatally wounded with an unnatural cause she will die but will always come back.
• She is considered a restless soul; That walks the line between good and evil and the line between life and death.
• She drinks a lot and the occasional smoke.
• Night terrors caused by trauma 
• She was an E class Terminator also known as Executioner class Terminator.
• It may not be as forward but Jaeden does look up to Sanford. A big brother figure as you will. This is because she's the oldest child in her family and usually Solothians need someone to look up to. 
• Has an unusual soft spot for certain human beings or sentient beings.
• Reincarnation of Plague timeline bringer of death, most commonly named or called Bháis or Jaeden.
• Can be killed(officially) by the Sword of Acilida. And harmed by Phansaline.
Plant/Flower associated: Salvia or Tigridia 
Animal/creature Symbolism: Crow and Jaguar or Wolf and Banshee
Symbolism: The mark and wings/claws;Crow spiritual symbolism
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cursed-ice-spirits · 4 years
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Profile Template by @hogwartsmystory​ (I’M SORRY FORGOT TO CREDIT YOU)
Birth Name: Astrid Lord
Current Name: Astrid Rees
Gender: Female
Age: 17 
Birth Date: October 10th, 1993
Species: Metamorphmagus
Blood Status: Half-blood
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: True Neutral 
Ethnicity: Vietnamese / Greek
Nationality: Greek
Residence: Ipswich, England
Dragon heartstring 
14 inches
Hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession - more kindly - vision, which will almost always be realized. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic, and will become so personalized, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells.
Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honor, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts - whether for good or ill - that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
Animagus: N/A
Misc Magical Abilities: 
Caldwell Veer - Ability to HOST spirits. Spirits can possess her partially and fully and speak through her, even use her body regardless if she gives permission or not, and she is 100% aware of what’s happening when she’s possessed. This is more of a passive ability than anything without the spirit magic, and is more likely to work against her than work with her. While Perseus and Theseus can protect her from spirits with horrible intentions just fine, if she is without the control of her body for too long, she can be more vulnerable, and her Greek ancestors can often… get carried away while controlling her body. 
Boggart Form: Herself staring out blankly with hollow eyes. She’s not doing anything. She’s not saying anything. She’s just standing there, like a husk.
Riddikulus Form: Laughter. Laughter spilling out from herself, eyes glinting, strong and proud. And in control of herself. Laughter, as she spun around and danced with glee
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Raspberries, roses and chamomile
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) Strawberries, honeycomb, lemon cheesecake, thyme and freshly cut grass
Patronus: Drakon
Patronus Memory: Unknown. 
Mirror of Erised: A family that actually loves her
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Non-verbal magic. Mute. 
Curabitur verbum, a spell she created herself to summon words above her head to translate her sign language
Ebublio, learned as a just in case, and in an attempt to destroy a horcrux
Nebulus, learned to conceal her from sight if she ever needs to make a quick get-away
Relashio, learned because she hated being grabbed and will use it without hesitation
Sonorous, learned to project her classmates’ rude words and get them in trouble
Faceclaim: Veronica Ngo (base for artbreeder)
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Voiceclaim: Phillipa Soo
Game Appearance: N/A
Height: 6’2
Weight: 170 pounds
Physique: Tall and lean, with muscles as someone who specializes with dual swords. She’s strong, and it shows. (varies as a metamorphmagus)
Eye Colour: Black, shining blue in the light (varies as a metamorphmagus)
Hair Colour: Black (varies as a metamorphmagus)
Skin Tone: Light tan (varies as a metamorphmagus)
Body Modifications: Ear piercings on both earlobes and three helix piercings. The helix piercings are gold bands that curl around her ear and the piercings on her ears are intricate crystals.
Scarring: A large V-shaped scar on her back, and a scar over her right eye
Wood Carving tools
Thick sticks of wood
A knife 
Two gold rings that can turn into her swords 
A rose pin with a hidden knife 
A handkerchief that she never touches with her bare hands
A hand mirror
Fashion: Black and red. She dresses like a goth, with ripped leggings and black attire, chokers, spikes, boots, and fingerless gloves. She wears bits of red, but her most obvious red clothing is her flannel, which she wears around her waist during hot weather. She would go for more simple and practical black clothing if she is in a school or home setting, but will relax into a more intricate clothing if placed in a formal and fancy setting. It is noted that she will never wear colors other than red, as she thinks it doesn’t fit her. 
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Ilvermorny House: Horned Serpent 
Slytherin House
Chosens by Aphrodite
Olympia School of Magic (school by @kathrynalicemc​)
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: E
Charms: E
Flying: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: E
Potions: E 
Transfiguration: O
Magical Theory: O
Ancient Runes: O
Quidditch: Chaser
Extra Curricular: 
Gladiator Dueling Club (formerly; in Olympia)
Arts Club
Dungeons and Dragons club
Favourite Professors: N/A. No opinion
Least Favourite Professors: N/A. No opinion
Father: Jacob Vincent Lord
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Black hair, black eyes, light tan skin
Natural Legilimens 
Researcher in mind magic and legilimency. Isolated himself away because of what happened during school, and handed the family to Rebecca.
Conceived her one day when he was venturing in Greece and had a one-night stand with a greek woman, who abandoned her at an orphanage
He has no idea of her existence. It is only when she showed up out of nowhere that he knew. He does try to be there but Astrid is distrustful of everyone around her so it’s awkward
Mother: Unknown Greek Woman
Jacob does not remember much about the women he conceived Astrid with, but he did remember she was a beautiful woman with dark brown curly hair and tan skin
Her intentions of abandoning Astrid at the orphanage are largely unknown, regardless if it’s good or bad but nonetheless, she was left there.
There is not much known about her, but what is known is that she is from a bloodline of two Greek heroes in greek myths, Perseus and Theseus, son of Zeus and Poseidon respectively
It is unknown where this woman is right now, but Astrid does not want to meet her, so it’s unlikely she ever will.
Love Interest: N/A
Best Friends: N/A
Rival: N/A
Enemy: Velia Caldwell and her followers
Dormmates: N/A
Pets: None
Closest Canon Friends: TBD
Closest MC Friends: None so far but do let me know if you want to be. Fair warning, it will take a while for Astrid to warm up to you
Before you get to know Astrid, you must get to know her father. Jacob Lord, the man who got expelled while searching for the fabled Cursed Vaults. Despite years after the Cursed Vaults were long broken, the trauma was still there, of being stuck in the portrait and putting his sister in danger. So, for the next few years after his sister graduated, he chose to isolate himself
His sister handed the Head position to him until he returned, and one of the places he went to clear his head was Greece. While at a bar, he met a woman that will later become Astrid’s mother. Months later, Astrid was born
She was abandoned at an orphanage, and as a child, she was loud and proud, never afraid to speak her mind. She was isolated and a loner, and years of bullying built up layers and layers of trust issues, and rendered herself mute. She stayed at this orphanage until she was old enough to attend Olympia School of Magic. She did not trust anyone, but slowly, slowly, she made herself a home at Olympia.
Until one day, one of the followers of Velia Caldwell traveling in Greece for a mission spotted her. While they can’t take their anger out on Rebecca’s children, they can take their anger out on Jacob’s, and so while she slept, she was taken from her home and to Britain, the memory of her life erased.
Led to believe she was given up to them, she lived in bitterness as she was treated as a weapon. They trained up her powers, and used her to summon spirits to her mind, and as her powers grew, her two ancestors slowly slipped into her mind, until the time was right. 
Perseus woke up first, wielding her swords, and used them to cut through and kill. Theseus woke up next, advising her on what to do next. She fled through the floo, carrying the handkerchief the followers insisted on protecting, and landed in Ipswich
Shortly after, she was found by a staff of Hogwarts, and taken to attend Hogwarts, where the events of her meeting her biological family took place
Manipulative: In order to survive the orphanage and Velia’s followers, she needed to be manipulative. This is a defining trait of hers, as she puts on layers and layers of masks to hide. She can turn from quiet and calm, to cruel and merciless in seconds. She’s a good liar, and she knows how to use people and get them to do what she wants. Add it to her ability as a metamorphmagus, she can twist people and use them easily. It’s not to say she’s a bad person per se, she’s just a traumatized girl who uses this to defend herself, not that it’s an excuse if she ever hurts someone
Distrustful and Paranoid: With how much she’s been through, it’s honestly no wonder she’s built up trust issues. She doesn’t trust anyone around her, and it’s only after a series of tests that allows her to trust you. She can distrust the right person and be proven of her suspicions… or she distrust the wrong person, and it can lead to consequences
Reclusive: Combined with her trauma and her trust issues, she would rather stay away from people then to interact with friends. She’s quiet and she doesn’t mind being alone. She’s not sullen though, she’s just quiet, and a loner. 
Self-Loathing: If there’s anyone Astrid distrusts more than anything, it’s herself. She does not think she deserves to be loved and upon discovering that she’s a lesbian, she believed that she doesn’t deserve that kind of love.
Protective: Those who pushed and pushed to gain her trust proved themselves as trustworthy, and Astrid is protective over these selected few. She keeps them close to her heart, and she can and will fight fiercely for them. But she knows what’s her fight and what’s not. 
Intelligent: Astrid is smart. She needed to be. She invented a spell that allows her to communicate with others and she has no hesitation in using the magic she can use and manipulating it to something out of the box. She takes in everything that went unnoticed by everyone else. It’s not like it’s hard. Everyone ignores the quiet person 
As stated before, Astrid is a selective mute. She doesn’t like to talk and prefers not to. She communicates through sign language, which she later makes a spell to help translate it. 
Astrid struggles at magic. When it comes to a real fight, she’s more likely to use her swords or base her magic around them. Her grades are what they are because she worked to get them where they need to be but in reality she’s only average. 
When it comes to learning new spells, she will have to practice them over and over again in order to get a handle on how they work, and due to being mute, she’s a master at non-verbal magic, so if she masters a certain spell, she can cast it without a sound or warning.
She’s ingenious enough to create a spell, but she needed the magic to make it work, so therefore she’s jealous of anyone who can get it on the first try. 
She learned her skills in sword fighting from the gladiator duels at her former school and although her memories of her former life were erased, her body still remembers how to use her swords and she won’t forget it if she continues to polish it up. It’s her proudest skill 
Her ancestors can only speak through her, not to her, and because she is very aware of what happens around her when she’s possessed, they often take over her body to advise her. Due to being children of Zeus and Posiedon, they would often argue over what’s best for her, and the constant switching of control leads to horrible headaches. 
She hated her will being taken from her. It’s her biggest fear. That one day, it’ll be taken from her too long that she will forever become a husk, as that’ll happen if she’s not in control for far too long. 
Astrid is noted to look a lot like her father, a fact that she resents once she finds out, not because she hated her father but because she couldn’t bear looking like someone who she believed had left her all alone. Once she finds out that he didn’t, she grows into it as time passes by. Her looks are the main reason how her biological family came to know who she is. 
She has a wood carving hobby. She likes playing with her carving knife when she’s bored and when she’s struck with inspiration she can be seen whittling away at some wood. That’s why she carries it around. 
Interested in Ancient Greece for very obvious reasons
The moment Rebecca saw her, she knew she’s Jacob’s daughter and was furious that he let her grow up without a family, as he knew what an impact it had on her. When Astrid is settled, Rebecca set off ready to make a man regret being born, only to realize he didn’t know
When it comes to her manipulation and masks, think of Claude from Three Houses, except she’ll be wearing a different type of mask, but the intention of appearing as someone you aren’t stays . Generally, she’s quiet (obviously) and she can be helpful, but she’s aloof. Of course, that is but a mask. Get past one and you’ll know she’s bitter, and she’ll want you to stay away from her. Get past another, you’ll know she’s a lot softer than you think. 
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craseycazy · 4 years
Kindergarten Aged Up AU Character Info 7
This is the final and canonical character descriptions.SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT 
Kidd Papill Mec:
11 years old
Wears: hoodies to cover scars, jeans and shorts (ripped naturally), hiking boots or crocs, fingerless gloves occasionally, has his long hair in a high bun
He/Him and They/Them pronouns. 
Asexual & Aromantic 
Dumpster rat. Very stinky. Stressed a lot. Quiet almost 24/7. Trust issues.
Bffs with Cindy since KG 1 and 2.  But in an alternate universe. Mal is his bff 
Adores Penny, his step-sister, and would actually die for her. 
Toxic Waste Aesthetic
His main arc is when he mutantized Ron 
Cindy Sali Couette:
12 years old
Wears: crop tops, oversized shirts, long skirts, yoga pants, jeans, pajama shorts, sweaters that are too big, cut hoodies, 2 pink bows leading to her twin pigtails, makeup, and black nail polish
She/Her pronouns
Biromantic. Crush on Carla 
Wears perfume. Neglected by her father. Loud mouthed. Sad. Autisic 
Bffs with Carla and Kidd since KG 2
Loves her cat, Gravy, with all her heart. Rhys is her brother.
Bubblegum Aesthetic
Her main arc is the Felix rejection
Carla Verte: 
12 years old
Wears: dresses, skirts, crop top, cut hoodies, her hair is in a big ponytail held together by an orange hair tye, makeup, pink nail polish, very short shorts
She/Her pronouns
Lesbian. Crush on Cindy.
Great family. Small house. Normally talks quietly. Moody 
No pets. But she has Rachel, Veronica, and Mijo. as her siblings.
Pearl Aesthetic 
Her main arc is the Hungover Games
Lilian (Lily) Nicole Fiore: 
12 years old
Wears: sweaters, hoodies, t shirts, tank tops, shorts, skirts, very rarely dresses, tennis shoes, sandals, long socks, lipstick, hair flower
She/Her pronouns
Panromantic Dating Nugget (madly in love with him *cough*)
Billy is her brother. She worries internally for him, but knows Ted takes care of him. 
Leader behavior, very sweet, lovey dovey a lot, serious in major issues, anger issues, ADHD.
Billy’s cat is Smoky. But Lily cares for him too. 
Daisy Aesthetic 
Her main arc is when she fought Penny
Billy Angel Fiore: 
12 years old
Wears: fishnet shirts, band shirts, striped shirts, black mom jeans, ripped jeans, fishnet stockings, big platform boots that make him 5’9”, thigh high socks (he emo)
He/Him pronouns
Gay. Crush on Ted (ends up dating him) 
Lily is his sister. Cares about her deeply, but he knows Nugget (and herself) is very capable of keeping her safe. 
Quiet. Salty. Emo. Sweet. Short w/o boots on. ADHD. 
His cat is Smoky. Lily cares for him too though. 
Blackhole Aesthetic
His main arc is the masquerade party
Nugget Pepite: 
12 years old. 
Wears: his checkered shirt ™, jorts, checkered sweater, long tan pants, hiking boots or red crocs, long white socks, missing an arm (damn and Lily fell for him with that outfit?)
He/Him and It/It’s pronouns. Madly in love with Lily
Panromantic and Gender Fluid 
No siblings. He has a cat. Tenders. That he loves almost as much as Lily. 
Loud. Weird. Rude (depends on person). Lovey Dovey. 
Fast Food Aesthetic
His main arc is when he got amnesia 
Theodore Alex Huxley:
12 years old
Wears: NO SUITS, sometimes sun dresses, tank tops, long sleeve shirts, band shirts, pastel colours, shorts, ripped jeans, tennis shoes, hiking boots, long socks (pastel boi) 
He/Him pronouns
Gay. Crush on Billy (dates him) 
Felix is his brother. Not allowed to have pets. 
Sweet. Stressed 24/7. Nice. NOT a leader at all. ADHD.
Pastel Aesthetic
His main arc is the romance between him and Billy
Felix Alex Huxley:
Died when he was 7 years old. But ghosts age. So he’s 12 years old.
Wears: old gym clothes
He/Him pronouns
Biromantic. Used to like Cindy. Crush on Monty (dates him)
Theodore is his brother. Bongwater the raccoon, Remy the rat, and Huey the duck, are his pets. Monty helps raise them. 
Asshole. Rancid. Rat man. Nice to Monty and their pets. 
3’2” (but can change his shape so depends on him. But normally he is this height)
Rattata Aesthetic
His main arc is when he returned from the Nugget Cave
Monty Vendre:
12 years old
Wears: long sleeve shirts, t shirts, band shirts, Mr. Beast merch, jeans, glasses, and tennis shoes. (he has metal legs that he built himself)
He/Him pronouns
Biromantic. Liked Carla in KG but gave up. Crush on Felix since he appeared (dates him)
No siblings. But co-owns 3 pets with Felix
Rude. Nice to Felix and their pets. Scammer. 
NPC Aesthetic
His main arc is the Hungover Games
Jerome Jouet:
11 years old 
Wears: t shirts, band shirts, long sleeve shirts, tank tops, shorts in any weather, tennis shoes, long socks, sunglasses
He/Him and They/Them pronouns
Panromantic. People suspect he likes Buggs but they’re just friends. 
No siblings. No pets. But Buggs and Monty are his best friends. 
Weird-ish. Moody. Autisic. Distracts easily. 
Sunshine Aesthetic
His main arc is his crush on Buggs 
Buggs Gros:
12 years old 
Wears: band shirts, tank tops, skull shirts, eyepatch for show, bandaids, hiking boots, studded ripped jeans, scars, eyeliner, spiked bracelets
He/Him pronouns
Asexual and Bisexual
No siblings. Pet snake named Dylan. Jerome and Monty are his best friends. He and Ozzy get along
Rude. Quiet. Strong.
Skull Aesthetic
[no main arc yet]
Ozzy Rouge:
12 years old. 
Wears: skull shirts, band shirts, fang mask, ripped jeans, shorts, tennis shoes, fishnet stockings, crocs (rarely), spiked choker
He/Him pronouns
Panromantic and Polyamory. Dating Madison, Ron, and Alice
No siblings. Pet mouse, Squeaky. Best friends with Buggs. 
Quiet. Kind of rude. Moody. Nice to his lovers. Smart.
Multichrome Aesthetic
His main arc is his poly relationship
Madison Lunette:
12 years old
Wears: horned headband, fishnet stockings, crop tops, sweaters, band merch, long skirts, ripped jeans, spiked headband, bracelets
She/Her pronouns
Biromantic and Polyamory. Dating, Ozzy, Alice, and Ron. Best friend is Penny
Little sister. No pets. Close friends with Lily
Quiet. Kind. Sweet. Careful. Clumsy. ADHD. 
Caramel Aesthetic
Her main arc is her poly relationship
Alice Leumi Lavand:
12 years old
Wears: hoodies, booty shorts, a big bow holding her ponytail, yellow stockings, studded boots, makeup, dresses
She/Her pronouns
Biromantic and Polyamory. Dating Ron, Madison, and Ozzy. 
No siblings. No pets. Bffs with Cindy. 
Loud. ADHD. Sweet. Nice. Dramatic.
Lamp Aesthetic
Her main arc was her secret relationship with Ron
Ron Bleme:
12 years old
Wears: tank tops, shorts, ripped jeans, sweaters, fingerless gloves, hiking boots, tennis shoes, fishnet stockings, band shirts, long scar across his face
He/Him pronouns
Panromantic and Polyamory. Dating: Alice, Ozzy, and Madison
No siblings. No pets. Good friends with Monty and Jerome
ADHD. Very sweet. Sad. Mostly quiet. 
Knife Aesthetic 
His main arc was his secret relationship with Alice 
Penny Argent: 
12-13 years old
Wears: tank tops, long skirts, her hair in buns or ponytails, hiking boots, heels, shorts, makeup, gear hair tye
She/Her, It/It’s
Asexual and Aromantic 
Kidd is her stepbrother, she has no pets, best friend is Madison 
Austisic. Nice. Can get selfish. Quiet. 
Exposed Wire Aesthetic 
Her main arc is when she was mutantized 
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
The Girl With The Leopard Print Coat (Damien x OC (Ellie)) - NSFW
Summary: A sketchbook, punk music and a leopard print coat were everything that Damien Nazario remembered of that night.
Author’s note: this fanfic takes place in my “The Third Park” AU, before the events of PM, even before Damien met Allen and Nadia and Alana. This is a special part showing that Ellie was the first ‘Park cousin’ D actually met.
Copyright: Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, only Ellie is mine. Damien is 100% human here and mine is a Male!MC named Allen. Santiago Cabrera’s, Ni Ni’s and all the gifs don’t belong to me.
Songs: 4ever by The Veronicas and Get You Alone by The Donnas are the songs that most inspired me to write this story, but I made a playlist with the songs that were playing during the rock show, songs that Ellie listened to as an emo-punk rocker girl (AKA what I listened to when I was a teenager and still listens to sometimes lol). The links for each song is in the fanfic!
Pairing: Damien x Ellie (OC)
Rating: +18 (drugs, sex and rock n’ roll)
Word count: 5260
Tagging my TTP readers: @christopher-powell @boneandfur @kennaxval @writtenbycandy @thequeenchoices @client327 @damienazariostan @never-ending-choices @walkerismychoice @laniquelovely @confessionsofabrokegirl @dangerous-capri15 @parkerattano @clarissafics @pilitella @hellomynameisdeviblaire @odetomars @cocomaxley @her-imperial-hangman-s @endlesswoods @miss-cordonia-deactivated201808 If you would like to be tagged, please, tell me!
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The girl was wearing a band t-shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, a leopard print coat, combat boots and a choker with spikes that matched her rocker style. She had a straight short black hair and, despite the bang partially covering her face, Damien Nazario could see that the stranger - she probably was around 20 - was pretty. Her curious dark eyes scanned the train car as she brought the sketchbook in her hands closer to her face.
From the spot where he was standing, Damien couldn’t see what she was doing, but using his investigative skills and basing on the way she kept glancing between the people in there and her sketchbook, the man guessed that she was drawing them. She already was doing it when he entered the car.
Then, her eyes locked on his. He gave her a small grin which she responded with a coyly smirk, her cheeks getting a shade pinker. Damien concluded that he was her next target as her hand expertly moved on her sketchbook.
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Eleanor Zhou was a junior at Hartfeld University and one of her favorite hobbies was drawing strangers in trains. Especially when they were dashingly gorgeous like that one.
She had just finished sketching an old lady reading a book across her seat and was looking around, wondering who she should draw next, when her eyes locked on a standing figure a few feet from her.
He had his hair cut very short, clever brown eyes, a chiseled jawline, super kissable lips and his nose and dark eyebrows brought harmony to his handsome face.
Ellie felt a heartleap when she noticed that he was already staring at her - but not in a creepy way -, curiously. The attractive stranger - he was a few years older than her, in his mid-twenties - grinned slightly, as if he was allowing her to draw him and so she did. They exchanged a few more glances and smirks, until it was her stop. The girl quickly put her sketchbook and pencil in her backpack and hopped out of the train.
She saw him looking at her one last time as she walked down the platform of the Brooklyn Bridge subway station. The train and the gorgeous stranger were soon gone.
It was October’s last Saturday night and twenty-year-old Ellie was in New York City, her favorite city in the whole world (not that she had seen much of the world, but still). Her parents had let her go there to watch the show of her favorite and obscure femme punk band, Coagurot (they would never tour near Cedar Cove, her hometown, and they weren’t known enough to go to Hartfeld), only if one of her cousins agreed to go with her.
“Yes, Mom, I’m on my way to meet Nadia, and then we’re going to the bar where the band is going to play.” - she spoke through her phone. - “No, Allen won’t go with us because he’s out on a date... I don’t know when it will end, there are a lot of other bands playing tonight and I want to listen to them too.” - she heard her mother’s concerned voice from the other side. - “Yeah, I’ll text you when we get home, but you and Dad will probably be sleeping. Don’t worry, everything’s going to be okay and I’ll be back to Hartfeld tomorrow evening. Love you too, bye.”
She ended the call and let out a relieved sigh. Her mom always worried way too much. She was just going to watch a concert with her favorite cousin (and okay, Nadia Park wasn’t exactly the most responsible person in the world, but Ellie knew that that small cinnamon bun would fight anyone to protect themselves). If her mother knew about all those parties Ellie went to in Hartfeld and what happened there…
“Oh my God, you’re here!” - Nadia squealed as she pulled her cousin into a tight hug. - “Did you find your way easily? The subway map can be a little confusing!”
“Yeah, it was all good. Thanks for letting me sleep here today, by the way.” - Eleanor entered the small studio apartment. It was a mess like always, but at least the couch was free.
“Good! I’m sorry I didn’t meet you at the station, I was too busy looking for the perfect look!” - Ellie chuckled as she put her backpack down.
“You know we’re going to a punk rock concert, right? Not a fashion show.”
“I know!” - Nadia rolled her eyes and shoved her cousin playfully. - “But I have to look the part, you know! If they find out that my favorite band is Coldplay, I’ll be massacred there! So!” - she spinned on her toes. - “Do I look like a punk princess?”
“The tutu certainly gives you a princess look and the ripped pantyhose and combat boots are punk-ish. They’re beautiful, by the way, just like mine.”
“Girl, how can you wear them everyday?! They’re so heavy!”
“I guess we just get used to them.” - she shrugged. - “Besides, they’re way easier to walk around than high heels.”
“Hey, don’t you dare say anything about my heels! You got lucky that you’re tall!” - Ellie chuckled. Nadia was always the same. - “Anyway, when will the bands start playing?”
“They will start at 10 o’clock, but I guess Coagurot will play only around midnight.”
“Then we have enough time to gossip and grab something to eat before the show!” - Nadia said, applying a heavy makeup to her pretty face. - “So, any news?”
The bar was located in Manhattan and they ate hot dogs from a street food vendor on their way there. When the two girls arrived, a band was already playing.
“Oh my God, it’s Black Flag!” - Eleanor squealed excitedly, walking through the crowd to get closer to the small stage of the place, with Nadia following her close behind.
“The guitarist is cute!” - her cousin observed, making Ellie roll her eyes.
They enjoyed the rest of the show and more two bands played before Coagurot was finally announced.
“You used to love me but now your heart is cold as ice…” - the singer sang intensely, the crowd cheering wildly. Eleanor singed along, flipping her hair around as she rocked back and forth.
Even after Coagurot had finished their set and were substituted by another band, the two cousins continued dancing into the night, energized by the electric vibe of the place.
Damien Nazario asked for his fourth beer and another shot of Bacardi of that night. Maybe if he kept drinking, the alcohol would make all that noise more bearable. He was on his favorite dive bar, he liked to go there whenever he felt like celebrating - or just drinking, to be honest - and to listen to the people who performed there. They usually were jazz bands, but that night it was happening some kind of a music festival, with a lot of punk bands taking on the small stage.
Punk wasn’t really his scene; he liked the good old rock n’ roll better.
And he knew that he could just simply go home - it was past midnight already and he had to go work early on Monday -, but he saw a certain girl with a leopard print coat in the middle of that mosh pit.
And Damien firmly believed that coincidences didn’t happen; that it was some kind of sign. What were the odds of meeting her twice in the same night?  He should go talk to her when he had the chance.
...But she still was in the middle of the crowd, dancing alone and singing along to the song, so beautiful looking like she was having the time of her life. He watched her from the bar counter, sipping on his drink.
After he finished his beer, the man decided to go outside to smoke a cigarette. He was trying to quit it, but smoking always seemed to make the time pass faster, and the girl didn’t seem to be leaving the dance floor so soon.
After two hours of uninterrupted dancing and jumping, Eleanor Zhou’s legs and her dry throat were begging for a break. She looked around, searching for Nadia - who disappeared during the pit; she still wasn’t ready to be a part of it -, when she saw her cousin in one dark corner, making out with a long haired dude. Ellie chuckled to herself as she headed to the bar counter.
The girl asked for a bottle of water when she noticed a broad shouldered and not completely stranger figure walking towards the backdoor of the bar. After she got her drink, she followed him, heading outside, which turned out to be a smoking area.
The place smelled like nicotine, pot and piss, some people smoked in groups and there were couples with their tongues down each other’s throats, but Ellie didn’t care; her eyes were locked on the lone figure leaning against the building’s wall.
It was him. The guy from the train. That was a sign. It had to be. What were the odds of meeting him twice in the same night? She simply had to talk to him now. Besides, she was leaving NYC the next day. That was her only chance to talk to him.
Taking a deep breath, she walked towards him, her heart pounding inside her chest.
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Of course Damien Nazario noticed the girl with the leopard print coat approaching him, but he just kept searching for his lighter, with a cigarette on his lips.
“Uh, hey.” - she greeted him with a coyly smile. He looked up to her face. She was even more beautiful closer, with her cheeks flushed due to all that dancing and jumping around. - “I guess I saw you at the train earlier.” - he finally got to light up his cigarette.
“And I saw you.” - he grinned back at her. - “How was the drawing?”
Her smile widened slightly. She felt happy that he remembered her. And he seemed easy to talk to.
“It turned out okay. If I had the sketchbook with me here I’d show you, but I left it at home. It’s a little hard sketching on a moving car, but you were great standing still. Thanks for that.”
“It was my pleasure. I’m Damien by the way. You?”
“Ellie.” - they shook each other’s hand. His hand was big and warm and hers was smaller and softer.
“So, Ellie… I was about to offer you a drink… but I guess you’re not old enough yet, based on your drink choice.” - he pointed to the bottle of water in her left hand. He liked the sound of her laugh.
“Well, I still can’t buy myself a drink, but if you’re really willing to do that, I won’t deny it.” - he chuckled softly. She was smooth.
“You really shouldn’t be telling me this.”
“Why, are you a cop?”
“Detective.” - he quickly showed her his NYPD badge. She seemed impressed but not intimidated by it. - “I’ve been promoted recently. This is why I’m here, actually. Celebrating on my favorite bar.”
“Oh yeah, you definitely seem to be on a celebrating mood. Drinking alone and smoking on the corner.” - she mocked him. His grin widened slightly too. She was bold and sarcastic; Damien definitely liked her.
“Well, I’d be happier if there wasn’t so much noise inside.”
“It’s not noise; it’s music.” - Ellie corrected him.
“All I can hear is a lot of yelling and no melody.”
“Oh my God, don’t tell me you’re that kind of guy who considers only ‘classic rock music good’. This is such a turn off.”
“I’m not saying this… but I kind of agree with it.” - she rolled her eyes.
“And what do you consider ‘real music’, then, Mr. Detective? Which is your favorite band?”
“Dire Straits.”
“...Okay, they are good.” - she agreed with him, making Damien chuckle again. - “But that doesn’t mean that today’s music isn’t good too. They’re going to be tomorrow’s classic.”
He partially agreed with her.
“So you came here tonight for the show?” - she nodded at him, taking a sip of her water. He glanced at her rosy lips, wondering what was her taste. - “Which one?”
“Coagurot, a femme punk band from Texas. But they played like an hour ago and I’ve been enjoying the other bands too. Unlike someone.” - he decided to ignore her mockness.
“Hmm… and are you leaving any time soon?” - he saw a mischievous shine on her eyes.
“I don’t know.” - she shrugged. - “My cousin simply vanished after the mosh pit. I think she is making out with some random guy somewhere. What about you? Leaving soon?”
“I was planning on going home, but I guess I can stay a little longer.” - he scooped closer to her. Their lips were just a breath away, his thumb already brushing off the hair of her pretty face, when she suddenly pulled out, smirking mischievously.
“You know what? I guess you really should give another chance to my ‘noisy punk music’. What do you say?”
Damien knew she was playing with him. But he agreed to play her game anyway.
“Okay, sure. Why not?”
She smiled widely before shoving him back inside. He put out his halfway smoked cigarette.
“Hey! What are you doing?” - Ellie asked when Damien stopped walking suddenly.
“I told you that I would give another chance to punk music by listening to it, not by going in there.” - he pointed to the crowd jumping around like crazy right in front of the stage. The girl rolled her eyes.
“Hmm, are you scared of getting caught in the middle of a mosh pit, Mr. Detective?”
“No.” - he frowned and she knew that he clearly was lying. He was afraid of it.
“Okay, okay, we can listen from afar then.” - she said, leaning against the wall in the back of the bar, right next to him.
The listened to the edgy music in silence. Ellie bobbed her head following the rhythm of the song.
“Seriously, you have to confess that the beat is energising.”
“It certainly is… but how can someone dance to it? And by ‘dancing’ I mean using your body, not just your head.” - he kept criticising it. She rolled her eyes one more time before turning to face him.
“It’s simple; I believe we can dance to pretty much anything. All you need to do is move accordingly to the rhythm.” - and then she started throwing her head back and forth, her arms in the air, her hips swinging to the music in the right tempo. - “And feel the music.”
Damien watched the girl dancing in front of him, arousal building up inside him. He could have said that it was because of the alcohol, or because of that look in her eyes and her cheesy smile, or even the strangely sexy beat of the song that was playing, but the true was that he wanted her so fucking bad.
Without saying a single word, he suddenly pulled her in and Ellie felt herself pressed against his broad and firm chest, his arms already tight around her waist and the scent of cigarette mixed with the leather from his jacket and his perfume hitting her hard.
Her cheeks immediately got hotter and her heart beat faster, but she didn’t pulled out. In fact, she slowly looked up to his face, seeing his brown eyes darkened with lust searching for hers. She felt an exciting shiver running through her spine as he slowly leaned in and their mouths met.
To Ellie’s surprise, the kiss was incredibly gentle, but super hot at the same time. Damien’s lips lingered on hers, while his hands explored her body expertly, making her breath speed up. She deepened the kiss, throwing her arms around his shoulders, trying to get even more closer to him.
Suddenly, he changed their positions and Eleanor felt her back against the wall and Damien’s weight pressing her there, the warmth of his body enveloping her, his heart beating as fast as hers. Her head spinned and she felt so intoxicated by him as they tasted one another. It almost felt like the world had stopped around them.
She groaned softly when she felt his crotch hardening against her, and that was enough to make a heat pool between her legs too. Oh, she wanted him so bad.
They pulled apart when they needed some air, both feeling hot and bothered.
“Hey…” - Ellie murmured as Damien hid his face on her neck, softly sucking the smooth skin there, making her feel dizzier. She had no idea how long they’ve been making out, but she didn’t care.
“What?” - he asked, his thumb contouring the shape of her swollen, soft and delicious lips.
“What do you say we go somewhere a little more private?” - she proposed, a mischievous smirk already on her beautiful face.
The man grinned back.
“I’d like that. I want to get you alone and have you all on my own since we were in that train.” - he whispered in her ear, making her crave for him even more, if that was possible. He watched Eleanor biting her bottom lip seductively before guiding him through the people, her hand on his, their fingers intertwined.
As soon as they entered the restroom - they had no idea in which one they were, men’s or women’s, and if there were people around; they couldn’t care less - they stumbled together into the small stall, their mouths already tasting each other, their bodies eager for each other’s touch.
“Wait, wait.” - she whispered, stopping kissing Damien for a second. But it was really hard to keep her mind straight with his hands roaming all over her body like that. - “You have a condom, right?”
“Of course I have.” - he muttered back as he impatiently unfastened her tight skinny jeans.
“Well, it is always good to kno— oh…” - she moaned when his fingers found her sensitive core, underneath her clothes. She already was so wet and hot down there.
“Do you like this?” - he smirked, his forehead on hers, watching Ellie’s breath speeding up as he circled her clit. She nodded.
“Fuck me...” - she ordered before kissing him hard, in a way to contain her moans, fully aware that they shouldn’t make any sound. It all turned everything even more exciting.
Damien groaned when her cold hand found his stiff length, pumping it, her lips already on his neck, putting light and delirious kisses there. He felt himself getting dizzy.
When he couldn’t hold back anymore, he quickly fished a condom inside his wallet and put it on, while Eleanor took off her leopard print coat and hanged it on somewhere safe. She bought that coat with her own money from her internship and it wasn’t exactly cheap.
Suddenly, he turned her back to him, his hands already on the waistband of her jeans, sliding it down, along with her underwear, just enough for him to have access of her. Ellie hid her face on the stall wall, muffling a gasp when he slid inside her. Damien had to bit her neck to hold a moan as he filled her slowly, letting her and himself get used to the sensation of their bodies connecting. Fuck, she was so tight.
“Uh, fuck…” - she cursed when he started pressing forward and deeper insistently, his big hands gripping on the soft flesh of her hips. Again, it felt both tender and passionate. How could he do it? Make it feel almost gentle when they were fucking in a stall? That man was something else. - “This feels so good…”
“Shh, they’re going to hear us…” - he whispered on her ear, his hot breath against her skin. It felt so damn good inside her.
Arching her back, they moved together, gradually speeding up their pace, trying to contain their moans, their bodies tensing, craving for more. Ellie squirmed when one of his hands was back to that sensitive spot between her legs, bringing her close to the edge, until she felt like her whole body exploded in a million pieces. Damien let out a low curse, feeling her sex throbbing, her walls tightening around him, until he couldn’t handle it anymore and hit his own climax too.
“Holy shit…” - she murmured, feeling his weight pressing her against the stall wall and his arms still all around her, holding her tight.
After their breaths and heat gradually slowed down, he discarded the used condom away, they pulled up their jeans, sharing mischievous grins, and she put her coat back on. When they walked out of the stall, sharing another kiss, the restroom was empty, thankfully.
“Is that drink offer still up?” - Ellie asked him as they returned to the saloon, hand in hand.
“I won’t buy you anything alcoholic.” - Damien stated. She laughed but agreed that a soda was good enough.
As they waited for their drinks - a coke for her and another shot of rum for him -, the girl noticed that she had several texts and voicemails from her cousin.
���Where the fuck are you?! I couldn’t understand a single thing you were trying to say!” - Eleanor shouted on her phone, over the noise of the bar.
“Ellie! I am out… outside like in the back, you know?” - her cousin was talking in a slower pace. Fuck, was she drunk? Although Nadia was old enough to drink, she was such a lightweight. She could get drunk with a single beer.
“Yeah, I know, the smoking area. Are you alone?”
“No… I found this super nice dude… and his friends…” - she heard chuckles and giggles on the back.
“Alright, wait for me, I’m going there.” - Eleanor shoved the phone inside her pocket. - “I gotta go.” - she told the man standing next to her, who watched the whole exchange attentively.
“Already? Is everything okay?” - Damien asked.
“I guess. My cousin is drunk, and this means that this is my cue to go before she does something stupid.” - she put a light kiss on his cheek. - “Tonight was lovely, Mr. Detective.” - she whispered playfully on his ear before turning and walking away hurriedly.
“Ellie, wait!” - he put the money on the counter and tried to follow her, but a mosh pit started all of sudden and he almost got caught in the middle of it.
And then, the girl with the leopard print coat simply vanished in the crowd.
“Ellie!” - Nadia waved at her, surrounded by some guys. - “C’mere!” - Eleanor didn’t like the way they looked at both of them. She momentarily wished she had brought Damien with her, but she could handle them just fine.
“Nadia, it’s time to go. The last train leaves soon.” - she said, pulling her cousin closer. - “Did you smoke?” - she asked, smelling the distinctly sweet scent on her cousin’s breath.
“Hey, calm down, baby! Why the hurry?” - the long haired guy she saw earlier with Nadia said, circling them. Ellie glared at him, her hand gripping harder on Nadia’s forearm. - “Brad, give her some pot! It will make you feel all good and chill, baby!”
“No, thanks, Brad.” - she hissed, pulling her cousin out of the circle. All of the dudes seemed intimidated by her and let the girls go anyway. Thankfully all of them were too stoned to try anything. - “Did they do something to you? Did you smoke?” - Nadia giggled as she was being dragged back into the bar by her cousin.
“Juuuust a little… and, uh, it felt so amazing for a while, you know?! I felt like I could dance through the whole night…!”
“Oh my God, Nadia, you know you’re a lightweight and genuinely thought it was a good idea to smoke pot?!” - Ellie frowned disapprovingly.
She scanned the saloon, her eyes searching for a certain Mr. Detective, but he was nowhere to be seen. She mentally cursed herself; she forgot to give him her number. Maybe she would find him on Facebook or whatever later. Though he didn’t look like the type of guy who had any account on any social media. Hm, maybe on the NYPD website?
They walked out of the bar, back to the Manhattan streets.
“You worry way too much, Ellie, I feel great! Oh, do you have something to drink? My throat feels so dry!” - Nadia kept mumbling before taking a look around them, totally lost, not recognising the streets they walked through. - “Ugh, where are we going?”
“Home. If we‘re lucky, we’ll be able to take the last train.”
“Oh, okay.” - she turned to look at her cousin. - “I’ve had so much fun tonight, we should definitely do this again! And bring Allen with us next time!” - Ellie thought that it was a good idea; Allen had always been more sensible than Nadia and, if he had been there with them that night, they both would probably have been able to stop her from doing something stupid. Eleanor definitely was missing her other cousin that moment. - “Omg, he’ll be so mad when he find out how much fun we had!” - Nadia laughed hysterically for a quick second before turning to face her younger cousin. - “You had fun, right?”
“Oh, yeah.” - Ellie said as they entered the nearest subway station, unable to hide a mischievous smile as she remembered of a certain broad shouldered figure, the taste of his super kissable lips and his warmth and weight pressing her against a wall...
“Omg, I know this look! You have to tell me everything!!!”
“Later. First, let’s get you home.”
Although Damien and Ellie looked for each other after that night, both their lives turned upside down little after - he volunteered to take the case of Leon Rolph and met Alana; and around that same time, she lost her mother - and the memories of each other and that punk rock show and the bar’s restroom small stall were long forgotten from their minds.
8 years later…
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Eleanor Zhou is in her bedroom, surrounded by a box filled with her memories of college times. She knows she should be helping the hired private investigator - with whom she has developed a casual relationship - in her living room, but she’s been feeling a little gloom lately with thoughts of her best friend, Lucy James, marrying that colossal misogynist asshole that is Robert Zucko. So, Ellie is looking through old pictures she took with Lucy when they were students at Hartfeld.
The woman puts the album back into the box and finds an old sketchbook. She flips the pages filled with drawings one by one - her favorite hobby back then was drawing strangers on public transport - until she stops short at a specific page, her jaw dropping open as she recognised the eyes that are staring at her.  And then, memories flow back to her mind. Memories of a small stall, punk music, kisses that tasted like nicotine and the hickey left on her neck that lasted for days.
“Holy fucking shit!” - she murmurs when she sees the handsome and (now) very known face. - “D!” - the woman jumps and sprints out of her bedroom.
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Damien Nazario’s eyes scan thoughtfully Northbridge map, marking all the places where Robert Zucko seems to have a connection. The private detective was hired by Eleanor to investigate the shady pub owner and has been working on this case for a month now, but little progress has been made.
“D!” - he hears Ellie shouting, walking towards him, grinning from cheek to cheek.
“Have you found any dirt on Zucko? Any new clues?” - she stops by his side.
“Actually, no. But I found this!” - he grabs the sketchbook she extends to him.
Damien sees a portrait of himself, but years younger, with less facial hair and no dark circles under his eyes. But it definitely is him. And then, memories flow back to his mind. Memories of a small stall, noisy punk music, muffled moans and a leopard print coat.
He looks up to the woman with a wide smile on her lips standing next to him.
“Holy mother of god. You’re the girl in the rock show.” - Eleanor giggles excitedly.
“Seriously, what are the odds?! I can’t believe we actually met like, what, eight years ago?!” - she laughs as she plops down on his lap. Damien’s arms are automatically around her, although his attention still is on the sketchbook in front of them. - “I remember I kept cursing myself for a whole month for not giving you my number. I tried to locate you, but as I suspected, you didn’t have a single account on any social media! I even searched through the NYPD website, but when I found out that there were more than 50,000 employees, I gave up.” - he chuckles softly. - “To be honest, I kept waiting for you to find me somehow, since you were a detective. But you never found me and I assumed that NYPD had terrible detectives.” - he turns to look back at her.
“Hey, this isn’t fair. I’ve just had been promoted and everything I knew about you was a nickname. And how would I know that you weren’t from New York? Even detectives need more information than that.” - she laughs loudly, throwing her head backwards and her arms around his shoulders. - “And I searched for you. I looked for a punk girl and her sketchbook on every train I entered for a couple of months after that night, but I eventually gave up too. And then, I got obsessed with work.” - he frowns as he reminds of that time.
Just a few months after that brief encounter with Ellie, Damien Nazario met Alana Kusuma, and his life changed forever. And then he met Allen and Nadia and that thing with those Matches from Eros happened… that punk rock show just seemed to have happened a lifetime ago and the girl with the leopard print coat became a “whatsername”.
Eleanor notices the sudden shadow covering D’s face. Probably it has something to do with that ‘dark time’ he passed through before meeting her cousins, that Nadia had told her about.
Gently, she cups his handsome face and kisses him softly.
“Well, you found me now.” - she smirks at him. - “Seriously, I can’t believe you’re that Mr. Hot Detective guy. My mom was right, life is a crazy ride.” - he chuckles.
“Yeah, it is.” - he agrees, taking the sketchbook again and admiring his portrait one more time. Ellie snuggles closer to his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. - “I always wondered how that drawing turned out in the end.”
“And do you like it?” - he looks back at her, a wide grin on his lips.
“A lot, yeah.” - Damien says, before leaning in and kissing her sweetly, his lips lingering on hers. And Eleanor Zhou gets the same sensation she had all those years ago when he kissed her for the first time. How it felt both tender and passionate at the same time.
“...Maybe I should make another portrait of you…” - she murmurs, feeling his big and warm hands dangerously exploring her thighs, beneath her skirt, making her heart beat slightly faster. - “Later…”
“Yeah, later. What do you say we reminisce on what we did on that stall?” - Ellie can’t hold back a laugh.
“Hell no, that thing was too small and dirty! God, the things we do when we’re young and reckless.” - Damien chuckles as she turns to face him, still sitting on his lap. - “Here is good enough.” - she grins cheesily at him, already unbuttoning his shirt. He smirks back at her.
“I guess we can take a quick break from work.”
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larksinging · 6 years
summarize your roster's general aesthetics!
okay im gonna go with “things i associate with them” and not “aesthetics they pick”
mothpaw is obviously herbs, notably kind of scattered herbs. but also i associate her with soft browns and warm light, diluted things. very much... moth-y colors, obviously. everything about her aesthetic is supposed to be soft and dry. 
ivypool’s aesthetic is. well. edgy, to say the least. shes all nightmares and the dark forest and fighting and blood. lots of claws and teeth and snarling. the aesthetic of like... blood on white fur? lots of scars. but also like the crisp clarity of blue eyes, or water like the lake. if mothpaw is warm grey, ivypool is cool grey. 
maive has a red/black aesthetic, for very obvious reasons. but also fire! fire and burnt stuff is a huge part of her aesthetic. i don’t get a chance to bring it up in rp much, but fire is really symbolic for her in multiple ways. also bones to some degree. more recently, phoenix imagery has snuck into her aesthetic for... well. obvious reasons. 
maria’s aesthetic is like, fog and neon lights. it’s very SH. pink neon and plastic or leopard print, foggy lakes, broken down buildings (esp with water damage), hospitals, chokers... also mirrors and photographs. 
alessa is also, of course, Very SH. hospitals, again. broken down buildings, though this time more with a rust aesthetic. weird puzzles and keys and stuff. general gore and blood. but also... insects, notably butterflies, but all insects. the color blue! thats really important. 
veronica’s aesthetic is easy to recognize  but hard to describe? she has strong association with the color blue and 80s stuff, but also like... empty schools? hastily written notes? it’s kind of hard to describe i can visualize it but its hard to write down, you know. 
winter’s is pretty simple: arctic stuff, ice, snow. lots of ice and snow. also white (or blueish) scales. and spikes. i also like some fancy jewelry, and broken crowns. snowy mountains
nyssa is another black and red theme, but that’s from show canon and her outfit i swear. of course she’s associated with bows and arrows (she has those rad red-fletched arrows), but also... knives and daggers? she likes her blades. i try not to associate her with the kinda torchlit ancient aesthetic of the league, as a way of showing her having moved past that. also, i associate her a lot with snakes.
black siren... saying “leather and fishnets” feels too easy. she is probably the least colorful of my characters, because everyone has two colors or at least a strong primary color. laurel’s just associated with black? like e-1 laurel is at least black and yellow(ish), but black siren is just... black. and then more obvious stuff, like sound waves and other sound-based stuff. ripples. some birds, but more like... bird cages. and broken mirrors
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🌲apocalypse🌲 by anathematised featuring a cocktail party dress ❤ liked on Polyvore
Moschino cocktail party dress, 44,745 INR / Veronica Beard cotton jacket, 35,410 INR / Hot Topic high heel booties, 4,795 INR / Funk Plus fingerless glove, 1,930 INR / NLY Accessories red handkerchief, 585 INR / Bobbi Brown Cosmetics lip gloss, 1,645 INR / Streamlight PolyTac LED and Xenon Flashlights, 2,575 INR / Studded Spiked Leather Choker punk rock dog collar bondage fetish, 675 INR / Waterproof Matches (1 box), 61 INR / Certified Safety Ace Style Elastic Bandages, 70 INR
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