#Workday Software
techsagacorporation · 5 months
Choosing the right Workday AMS Support services in USA is a strategic decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. By defining your requirements, checking credentials, assessing industry experience, evaluating technical and functional expertise, considering communication skills, ensuring scalability, and understanding the cost structure, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your organization’s goals.
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universalinfo · 6 months
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In today’s digital era, businesses are constantly evolving to keep pace with technological advancements. One of the critical tools at the forefront of this evolution is the ERP system. Among various ERP solutions available, Workday stands out as a pivotal player, renowned for its robust features and streamlined operations. If you’ve ever been curious about what makes Workday the go-to choice for many organizations, you’re in the right place. This post will dive deep into understanding ERP systems, emphasizing the unique attributes of the ERP system Workday.
What Are ERP Systems?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. In a nutshell, it’s a suite of software applications that integrates various business processes into one unified system. By doing so, it aids companies in managing their day-to-day operations, from human resources and finance to procurement and supply chain management. ERP systems unify these processes, leading to improved efficiency, reduced errors, and better decision-making capabilities.
Why Workday Stands Out in the ERP Market
The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) space is crowded, brimming with solutions claiming to be the best. But amidst this bustling crowd, Workday has managed to carve a distinct niche for itself. Why? What sets the ERP system Workday distinctly apart from others? Let’s unravel its exemplary features that set the gold standard in ERP solutions with HR Software Solutions:
Truly Cloud-native
Workday wasn’t just adapted for the cloud; it was envisioned and built for it. This ‘born in the cloud’ identity gives it an unparalleled edge. Many traditional ERPs shifted to the cloud as an afterthought, but Workday’s architecture was designed from the ground up with cloud capabilities at its core. This foundation ensures seamless scalability, fortified security, and hassle-free updates. Businesses no longer dread massive system overhauls; instead, they enjoy the fluid adaptability that the cloud promises.
User-Centric Design
Modern software solutions are as good as their user interfaces. Workday has championed this by offering an interface reminiscent of the apps most employees use daily. By aligning its design ethos with popular consumer apps, Workday ensures minimal resistance to adoption. Employees find a sense of familiarity, easing the transition and minimizing the time traditionally spent on training.
Versatility in Integration
In today’s diverse tech environment, no software stands alone. The ERP system Workday understands this and is designed to play well with others. Whether it’s third-party applications, legacy systems, or modern tools, Workday’s inherent flexibility ensures it meshes seamlessly, ensuring businesses aren’t confined but can craft a tailored ecosystem that best serves their needs.
Data-Driven Precision
In the age of information, data isn’t just power; it’s the compass guiding businesses forward. Workday’s analytics are not just sophisticated but timely, churning out real-time insights. This immediacy in data access empowers businesses to make decisions that are proactive rather than reactive. Beyond just numbers, the system’s dashboard is a blend of aesthetics and interactivity. It’s not just about viewing metrics; it’s about exploring them.
Commitment to Modernity
The tech realm is synonymous with rapid change. Systems that stagnate or are slow to evolve inevitably fall behind. Workday sidesteps this pitfall by committing to biannual updates. This commitment ensures that users are not just getting occasional patches but consistent access to cutting-edge features and the latest in security protocols.
Robust Security Blueprint
Cybersecurity is not a luxury or an add-on; it’s an imperative. With cyber threats looming larger and more menacing than ever, Workday’s proactive approach to security stands out. It isn’t just about guarding against breaches; it’s about flexibility in defining access. Companies can sculpt their security model, defining roles, setting permissions, and establishing policies. This dual approach ensures data integrity while offering customized access controls.
In a realm awash with choices, the ERP system Workday offers more than just a solution; it promises a transformative experience. It’s not about doing things a little better; it’s about reimagining the very essence of business operations.
How Workday is Revolutionizing the Business Sphere
There’s no denying it: Workday is not merely another ERP system on the block. It’s a transformative tool, reshaping the very fabric of how businesses operate in today’s competitive environment. This transformation is evident in a variety of tangible ways, and here we’ll further explore how the ERP system Workday is making a notable difference in the corporate world:
Refined Decision Making
In the rapidly changing business world, agility and speed are paramount. Leaders need to make crucial decisions on the fly. But these decisions shouldn’t just be fast — they should be accurate and well-informed. This is where Workday software shines. By providing real-time data access, it ensures that executives and managers have all the relevant information right at their fingertips. This results in decisions that are not only quick but also align perfectly with the business’s overarching objectives and goals.
Seamless Business Operations
Efficiency is the lifeblood of successful business operations. Workday recognizes this and takes efficiency to a whole new level. By seamlessly integrating a wide range of business processes, from human resources to finance, it drastically cuts down on redundancies. What does this mean for businesses? Operations that flow smoothly, departments that communicate effortlessly with each other, and a system that work in harmony, driving the business forward.
Significant Cost Efficiencies
In the business world, every penny counts. Companies are constantly on the lookout for ways to cut down costs without compromising on quality or efficiency. Enter Workday. With its optimized operations, the system significantly reduces errors — a major cost culprit in many businesses. Additionally, redundancies, which often lead to wasted resources, are minimized. But there’s more. Since Workday operates on a cloud-based platform, businesses can say goodbye to massive infrastructure investments. Instead, they enjoy a robust ERP system without the associated heavy costs.
A Boosted Employee Experience
Employees are the backbone of any organization. Ensuring they have a positive experience is not just about morale — it directly impacts productivity and, by extension, profitability. The ERP system Workday, with its user-centric design, ensures that employees don’t grapple with complex interfaces or cumbersome processes. Its mobile-friendly design means that whether an employee is at the office, at home, or on the move, they have full access to the system. This level of flexibility and ease of use naturally leads to better engagement, heightened productivity, and a workforce that feels empowered and valued.
Workday has proven itself as a dynamic ERP solution, catering to the diverse needs of businesses across in various sectors. Its cloud-first approach, combined with an array of features like advanced analytics, adaptive security, and biannual updates, makes it a desirable choice for organizations aiming for growth and efficiency. The ERP system Workday is more than just software; it’s a partner in an organization’s success, ensuring that processes are streamlined, decisions are data-driven, and operations are cost-effective. As businesses continue to evolve in this digital age, tools like Workday will remain instrumental in paving the way for innovation, productivity, and growth.
Read More:
Why You Need to Use Hr Software to Save Money in Your Small Business
The Top 10 Benefits of Hr Services for Small Businesses
How to Find the Right Hr Software for Your Small Business
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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why can’t this week just end alreadyyyyyyy
#rant about the week incomin’ in the tags bc ‘complaining’ is my unofficial middle name#this week has *not* been my week so far and it’s only wednesday morning#my horrible week commenced on sunday night when i was unable to sleep bc my pillow was oriented wrong#thus i had a grand total of 1 hour of sleep which was not very poggers tbh. so i tried to sleep on the train but…#the guy next to me??? kept swaying to lean on my shoulder??? so i hunched over to avoid physical contact but he just landed on my back??#so that sucked balls. i kept having to wake up to push him away with my bag and then trying to go back to sleep.#but then!!! just as i fell asleep after one such instance!!! the guy’s phone alarm went off????? like?? why???? why would you set an alarm??#we’re on a friggin train mannnnn!!!!! why did you have to set an alarm?????????????#and ofc when the dude finally alighted (and i was asleep) he just *had* to jab me in the side with his elbow when he got up. ಠ_ಠ#so that’s how i knew the rest of the week was gonna be just ✨peachy✨#anyways manning 2 workstations (+ 1 bonus ‘mini’ workstation) on 1h of sleep isn’t very fun. esp if you’re incompetent af like me#and ofc there just had to be problems too. like the printers couldn’t print (and the systems crashed everytime i tried to print something)#and this sample running software kept closing itself in the middle of running samples so that was a pain to deal with#and tuesday (yesterday) wasn’t much better. in fact it was ✨worse✨. none of the 2 workstations could get started till like 10am and aaaaaa—#to make matters worse i had stubbed my toe so badly in the morning that my skin tore. so walking was ✨much pain✨ as well :(#and ofc yesterday had to be the one day where i had to walk back and forth an unnecessarily high number of times >:( sadded#and ofc they *had* to have an hour-long meeting about something or other towards the end of the workday when i had yet to eat my lunch >:(#(fell asleep during the meeting though bc it was boring as balls whoops)#and i could only take a half-hour break after that >:((( i wanted my full hour dammitttttttt#and ofc it was raining when i left and ofc it took like 25 mins for me to hail a taxi on this booking app bc i didn’t want to take the train#and ofccccc i misheard the taxi driver when he arrived and he roasted my chinese speaking skills. and ofcccc we were caught in a traffic jam#(i had a really nice hour long nap in the cab though so thanks traffic jam)#and thus ended my terrible 2 past weekdays. i’m drained af and it’s *only* wednesday morning????!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i’m mentally looping anzu no uta (imascg) to cope. ‘nu-uh i don’t wanna work’ so true anzu#i just wanna sleeeeeeep and wake up this weekend or sth idk it’s too early in the year for this#it is suiyoubi my dudes#may spam self-rb my monster-length character image/gif posts later to cope. you have been warned
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azilentech · 11 days
Writing a Poem and Workday Salesforce Integration: Sounds Unique?
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Heard of writing a poem and integrating Workday and Salesforce? Sounds strange, right?
But believe it or not, these two seemingly opposite activities share surprising similarities!
Think about it: crafting a powerful poem involves structure, planning, and a sprinkle of creativity to pick the perfect words. It's all about getting your message across clearly.
Integrating Workday and Salesforce is no different! ⚙️ Engineers gotta plan the data flow, map the information, and think outside the box to solve any hiccups.
Both require finesse, revision, and a keen eye for detail to create something beautiful and functional. ✨
So, next time you're admiring a poem, remember the silent heroes behind the scenes – the integration engineers working their magic! ‍
Want to learn more about how Workday Salesforce integration can streamline your HR and sales operations? Check out the full blog post for the details.
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peopletechg · 13 days
Workday Integration Cloud: Simplifying Integration with Third-Party Applications
Workday Cloud Integration is a powerful tool that aims to simplify the integration process with third-party applications for organizations using Workday as their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Workday is a leading provider of cloud-based ERP solutions, helping businesses manage their financials, human resources, and other key aspects of their operations. However, many organizations also rely on other specialized software applications to meet their specific business needs. Integrating these applications with the Workday platform can be a complex and time-consuming task, requiring technical expertise and resources. 
This is where Workday Cloud Integration comes in. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and capabilities that make it easier for organizations to connect and integrate their third-party applications with Workday. With Workday Cloud Integration, organizations can leverage pre-built connectors and templates to quickly and easily connect their systems, eliminating the need for custom coding or complex integration projects. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the risk of errors and ensures a seamless flow of data between different systems. 
One of the key benefits of using Workday Integration Cloud is the ability to automate data synchronization between Workday and third-party applications. This means that whenever there is a change or update in one system, it will automatically be reflected in the other system, ensuring data consistency and accuracy. This automation not only improves efficiency but also reduces the likelihood of manual errors that can occur when data is manually entered or transferred between systems. 
In addition to data synchronization, Workday Cloud Integration also enables organizations to streamline business processes by automating workflows and integrating business rules across systems. This means that organizations can define rules and conditions that govern how data is processed and shared between different applications, ensuring consistency and compliance with business policies. This level of integration and automation can greatly improve operational efficiency and agility, enabling organizations to quickly adapt to changing business needs and drive better decision-making. 
Overall, Workday Cloud simplifies the integration process with third-party applications, allowing organizations to maximize the value of their Workday ERP system. By providing a comprehensive set of tools and capabilities, it enables organizations to connect and integrate their systems quickly, easily, and with minimal effort. With automated data synchronization, streamlined workflows, and integrated business rules, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and agility in their operations. 
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globalfintechseries · 27 days
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HRTech Deep Dive: Managing Workforce And Finances With Workday
Manage the spinned words as you want..
Workday gives employer cloud packages designed to streamlintegratede and centralize essential built-iness capabilities, mabuiltintegrated integrated Fbuilt-inance and Human Capital management (HCM). founded integrated 2005, Workday caters to a huge variety of agencies, from mid-sized built-in to big, multbuilt-inational built-in. Their cloud-based totally platform gives a unified device for handlbuiltintegrated middle HR tactics like skills acquisition, onboardintegratedg, payroll, and overall performance control. moreover, it gives a comprehensive suite of built-in control equipment built-inintegrated widespread ledger, debts payable/receivable, budgetintegratedg, and built-inancial reportintegratedg. To live built-in, corporationsintegrated are built-in revampintegratedg their operations for height performance. Workday emerges as a image of built-innovation, built-ing a complete suite of cloud-primarily based solutions tailored for Human Capital management (HCM) and built-in control.
based by means of Dave Duffield and Aneel Bhusri, Workday has hastily received traction across integrateddustries, built-inbecombuiltintegrated a move-to platform for built-inintegrated crucial enterprise capabilities. relied on with the aid of built-in establishments worldwide, Workday redefintegratedes the way companies manage their workforce and built-inbudget, optimizbuilt-ing methods and using built-in.
modern-day Hrtech Insights: Welcome to the Age of labor/life Empowerment
core Functionalities – Workday
Workday offers a unified platform encompassintegratedg several center functionalities:
Human Capital management (HCM): This module streamlintegratedes center HR processes, built-inintegrated expertise acquisition, onboardbuilt-ing, performance control, compensation and blessbuiltintegrated, and worker self-carrier. via Workday HCM, groups can control the whole employee lifecycle integrated a centralized platform, built-inimprovbuiltintegrated builtintegrated accuracy and accessibility. Workday HCM aligns all aspects of HR, from recruitment and onboardbuilt-ing to performance management and retirement. integrated a built-in platform for talent acquisition, built-ingintegrated built-in, and integrated payroll. Workday HCM automates responsibilities, simplifies workflows, and empowers employees with self-service gear. This frees up HR experts to attention on strategic initiatives and fosterbuilt-ing a built-ine employee built-in. Fbuilt-inance: Workday Fintegratedance gives a complete solution for middle built-infbuiltintegrated sports, built-inintegrated wellknown ledger, money owed payable and receivable, constant built-in, and challenge accountbuilt-ing. It affords real-time built-inancial reportintegratedg with a integrated source of truth, takbuiltintegrated improved integrated controls and choice-makintegratedg. Workday’s fintegratedance functionality built-ing past traditional accountintegratedg software program. It gives a unified platform for all your monetary needs. Automate accounts payable and receivable, manage cashintegrated float with real-time built-insights and streamlintegratede monetary reportbuilt-ing. Workday also helps budgetbuilt-ing and forecastbuilt-ing, built-inintegrated you to devise for the built-iny with self belief. . Analytics and Reportbuilt-ing: Workday affords sturdy analytics and reportintegratedg capabilities. users can leverage integratedtuitive dashboards and pre-constructed reports to built-inbenefit integratedsights integratedto key metrics throughout HCM and Fintegratedance. This allows for built-information-pushed choice-makintegratedg and progressed monetary and workforce performance. Budgetintegratedg and built-ingintegrated: Workday permits companies to create and manage budgets, forecasts, and situations built-insideintegrated a built-ingleintegrated platform. This fosters collaboration among Fintegratedance and different departments even as built-inintegrated more visibility integratedto built-infbuiltintegrated projections. Workday Studio: this selection empowers users to customise workflows, automate obligations, and combbuiltintegrated Workday with other employer programs. This built-in agencies to tailor the platform to their unique desires and improve operational efficiency. Key built-ings
progressed performance: Workday streamlintegratedes workflows and automates manual obligations across human assets and fintegratedance departments. This reduces admintegratedistrative burden and frees up time for personnel to recognition on strategic projects. better builtintegrated Visibility: Workday provides a unified platform with real-time statistics across all areas. This built-in facts silos and ensures regular and reliable statistics for built-in selection-makbuilt-ing. extended Collaboration: Workday fosters collaboration between teams built-inintegrated HR, fbuilt-inance, and different departments. users can share recordsintegrated, get entry to reports, and work together seamlessly. Scalability and flexibility: Workday is a cloud-primarily based solution, built-inintegrated scalability to deal with built-increaseintegrated and built-in built-inbusbuiltintegrated wishes. The platform is bendy and can be easily configured to fulfill precise organizational necessities. advanced Regulatory Compliance: Workday enables integrated stay compliant with integrated and hard work policiesintegrated with its 7fd5144c552f19a3546408d3b9cfb251 reportintegratedg equipment and automated methods. Actionable Insights: Workday’s analytics and reportbuilt-ing skills empower customers to accumulate built-insights from tremendous built-information sets. This built-in for proactive decision-makintegratedg and a extra strategic approach to integrated human assets and integrated. expertise Acquisition and Retention: Workday’s HCM capabilities to facilitate a streamlbuilt-ined and green recruitment process. It additionally complements employee engagement with self-carrier capabilities and improved get entry to to builtintegrated. these factors contribute to attractintegratedg and built-inkeepbuiltintegrated top talent. comprehensive Payroll management: Workday streamlbuilt-ines payroll processintegratedg with automatic calculations, deductions, and tax calculations. This guarantees correct and timely payroll disbursement. Workday is poised to play a fair more large function built-in shapintegratedg the built-iny of labor. With remote paintings, digital transformation, and the upward push of the gig economic system, companies will built-increasbuiltintegrated depend on cloud-based solutions like Workday to assist their evolvintegratedg desires.
Workday’s commitment to integratednovation and customer achievement positions it nicely to continue riding value for corporationsintegrated throughout integrateddustries.
With its comprehensive suite of applications, advanced analytics abilties, and dedication to built-innovation, Workday empowers built-inagencies to streamlintegratede tactics, make better-built-in choices, and pressure built-in. by leveragbuilt-ing Workday’s abilities, companies could make facts-pushed choices, beautify compliance, and unlock strategic built-in.
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testdelgroup · 8 months
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TestDel: Your Gateway to Excellence in Software Testing and Quality Assurance! Our industry-leading solutions ensure maximum user satisfaction and bug-free applications. Join us in shaping the future of seamless software experiences.
Contact us today: [email protected]
Visit our website: www.testdel.com
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amutham-blog1 · 11 months
Strategic sourcing – a competitive edge to leverage the purchasing potential of any organization!
As the strategic sourcing market is rising over the years, it is vital for supply chain businesses to take advantage of developing sourcing plans that could help mitigate the process risks. Strategic sourcing eases out the supplier relationships right by
It is a term that comes under business supply chain management aspects to collect and consolidate information and to utilize it as per the proposed agenda or goal. It allows organizations to create supply channels at the lowest cost possible. By the way, organizations can improve their purchasing decisions and activities for a better ROI in comparison with the traditional purchasing models. Why…
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itphobia · 11 months
How to Choose Managed Payroll and HR Software Solution
How to wisely choose managed payroll and HR software solutions? Organizations are always looking for new methods to simplify their processes and maximize productivity. Managing human resources (HR) and payroll is probably one of the most vital but challenging duties inside a firm. Recognizing the importance of an effective HR payroll system, organizations are increasingly turning to managed HR…
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trafltr · 1 year
ooh baby, ooh baby, i’m in love | eren jaeger.
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the note 𐦍 i’ve recently been thinking about a successful, older (early to mid thirties), soft spoken eren who lives to spoil the woman of his dreams—so i’m gonna share this with y’all too. i’m actually just projecting our relationship. not proud of the ending but wtv. part two here. inspired by west coast, lana del rey.
contains 𐦍 nsfw, fem!reader, stupidly rich!eren, established relationship, vaginal sex, mating press, cervix kisses, use of pet names (princess, baby, my wife, the usual yk), unprotected sex, breeding, squirting, softie eren, mild body worship, size kink, hand on stomach while fucking mhm, i love you’s exchanged, praise kink, eren talks to your pussy while he’s in it, i’m thinking black reader but it’s all subjective babes: if you like it, read it!!
truth be told, eren jaeger doesn’t believe he has much to live for.
he’s kept his circle small for all of these ongoing years; with the occasional extension of acquaintances from work dinners, or christmas parties—though, he preferred to slip away from such events when eyes weren’t so…watchful. he likes to think his social battery has drained over the course of his life. looking back at his angstful teenage years, fourteen year old most likely wouldn’t recognize the person he is today.
his once intense nature that resembled an overbearing presence of loud determination turned calm—steadfast and slow to visible anger (with the exception of a passive aggressive comment here and there from simple annoyance). the short hair that once barely covered his nape now fell to his broad shoulders, however, he preferred to keep it up—maintaining appearances while keeping it convenient. the smaller five foot six body grew to an intimidating lean six foot four instead.
however, those things were quite trivial; he knew such changes happened with growth and eventual maturity.
but for a significant chunk of his life, eren was never the greatest with women. he was oblivious—blind to the wandering eyes full of admiration from girls in his classes and workplace—and nose deep in his books. he wouldn’t rest until he was on top of his grades; which he had no problem with. His emphasis on success failed him when it came to the dating scene; to say the least he was shy—and married to his work as well.
but on top of all this, eren was a patient man, and good things always comes to those who wait.
and when a dangerously beautiful woman comes wandering into his life on the street outside of an office dinner he gracefully slipped away from, asking him for an extra five dollars to help pay for her cab home from a no-show date—a woman that has him battling the slew of warning alarms sounding away in his usually zen mind and redefining what he thought was himself—he knows that he’s waited long enough.
simply put, he’s a man of his craft; dedicated to two things. his work, and his wife.
His wife—the phrase has his brain melting into pure grey matter that spills out his body in the form of love. To even think he has the opportunity to refer to you as such is priceless in itself. eren didn’t believe he could love—let alone love this hard. you ask him to run, he’ll say how far; jump—how high?
you’ve changed him—ever since he offered to drop you off in his sleek black mercedes benz parked somewhere by the valet and you giggled in response, saying ‘i’m not usually so trusting of strangers’ will the slightest glint of curiosity in your bright eyes.
and somewhere in between the months, his ten hour workdays turned to six, important software development meetings got pushed back for convenience, the accumulating days of paid time off started being used, for once, his assistant could do their job, and his new focus was you.
diamonds and pearls, nails and hair, dinners on boats and vacations on beaches, shopping sprees on his black card and all of his devotion towards you—only you.
eren…he’s a worshipper—it doesn’t take much for him to get on his knees for you. he’s not ashamed, if anything, he’s proud. he likes to say that anything that’s his, is yours; so who are you to deny what he gives you?
that’s another thing he oh so loves about you—you readily take everything he can offer. you let him take care of you, and he wouldn’t want it any other way; you’re his wife after all.
his wife, his wife.
“my wife…” eren mumbles to himself as he buries his face into the crook of your perfumed neck. the pronounced scent makes his head spin, you can’t fathom how in love with you this man is. as his large hands engulf your own, he’s met with the texture of your wedding ring that cost him over twenty grand, the one you cried over when you saw it in his hands offering it to you—but eren doesn’t think it does his adoration for you enough justice.
he prefers to show you.
while there’s no doubt that material items and dream homes are things you like to receive—there’s nothing better than the way he has you now, one leg resting atop his shoulder and the other barely slung around his waist as he steadily ruts his hips into your own.
oh, how could you be so beautiful? splayed out on the bed like a wicked man’s deepest desires and dreams; the one he secretly lusts for from across the room with no hopes to introduce himself because you’re just so out of his league. your hair is messily draped over the silk pillows, all remnants of your lipgloss/lipstick gone from your parted lips and instead smudged on his own, the gold necklace with his diamond initial was falling into the dip in your neck, and you were gazing at him with need. pure, heartfelt need.
your body arches towards him, manicured hands trailing towards your own chest to play with your nipples that hardened from the low temperature of the room. “i need you eren, make me feel you—i want it.” your voice is smooth, accompanied with a small whine that reminds him just how spoiled you are, and how it’s all his fault.
but he couldn’t care less—you deserve it for wandering into his life to make you his own.
“i know princess, i know.” he knows damn well you need him, he knows, he knows—he’s repeating it as he peppers a kiss to your jewelled ankle before pressing down on the back of your thigh to steady himself.
eren fucks like he loves—endlessly and hard.
maybe that’s why the way he bullies your pussy while bottoming out has you grasping at the threads of the sheets and chanting his name like a hymn followed by prayer. he lets your cunt feel every bit of him, the ridges—veins, down to the last inch. he’s terrifyingly big, another thing you love about him.
his dick feels like it’s mushing your insides, curving up against your spongy walls that oh so desperately tighten around him. every thrust is harder than his last, and the way the trimmed hair resting above his base brushes against your clit provides all the extra stimulation that has your head rolling to the side. your uncontrolled moans turn to sobs when you feel his tip tickle your cervix—and boy does it make him a rejuvenated man.
“look at me.” his words barely register as syllables in your clouded mind—you keep your head turned, eyes focused shut as your body shakes upwards from the fervour of his unrelenting tempo. there’s a lot of things eren can have, and you not watching the way his slick covered dick slips in and out of your weeping pussy isn’t one of them. “you have to look at me pretty girl.” his tone is soft but firm, thick fingers taking your chin in his hands and turning you towards him once again.
“see how well you’re taking me? all of it.” he gives you a million dollar smile, hinting for you to watch where the two of you connect. “your pretty cunt just wants it so bad, right?”
“oh, eren…” it’s always a sudden surprise how soiled his mouth can get at times like this. heeding his request, you watch his cock disappear in your folds—and you sight of it has you fluttering around him like a whore.
“you were made for me, weren’t you? prettiest sight i’ve ever seen.” you’ve heard his praises a multitude of times, having him ramble on about fucking you so much your walls moulded to fit him like a tight glove, only that now, he’s saying it to your pussy instead.
“only you ‘ren, was made just for you.” you babble out, feverishly bucking your hips up to meet his ruts.
when your eyes finally rip away from below and back up to his face, the look he wears has your cunt melting like putty. with furrowed brows, a dip in his forehead and a bitten lip, he watches your body move with each fuck. even in such a sinful position, you were just so divine.
almost subconsciously, his ringed hand moves from your hip and over to your torso, gliding over your pierced belly and stopped at your lower stomach, “I’m right here baby.” gently, he applies pressure to the spot, making your eyes blow open as you moan in response. the feeling gives you butterflies—ones that go straight to your clit and stimulate the nerves in your shaky legs.
“cummin—eren i’m cumming!” you’re rambling, scrambling to push his hand away from your belly, but it’s all too late, and eren knows that well. how could he not? your body is a temple, he’s explored every inch of it, and the sudden vice grip your walls have you him and periodic throb of your cunt is all too telling. your orgasm is drawn out, legs spazzing around your entranced husband, “mm, oh-fuck! yesyesyes eren, don’t stop!”
oh, aren’t you just perfect. his eyes soften when he watches how your mouth hangs open in a silent scream, only to capture it in a languid and sloppy kiss, teeth grazing your plump lips and sucking on them like a sweet. you whine he pulls himself away from your body completely, instead he takes the time to tack his thumb to your puffy clit, rubbing feint circles and the occasional attempted heart on the bud. he always does this, coaxing out the last of your orgasm with nimble fingers that you dream about
“you gonna let me take good care of you?” he asks softly between hushed breaths while grabbing hold of both your legs and hoisting them over his shoulders. helplessly, all you can do is nod; you’re in a trance at the very sight of him. his defined torso is illuminated by the back light of one of the many lamps in your bedroom, his hair is slipping from its captive elastic band, the grip of his hands on your ankles sends searing hot pulses straight to your sensitive clit.
he gives himself a few good pumps, sliding his length between your folds. your wetness aids him in bottoming out once again, but your sensitivity has you squirming in his hold. “gotta stay put baby.” he marvels, talking you into submission, “that’s my girl.”
his praises are followed by the shift of his hands down to the back of your thighs, they gently rub the plush skin before pushing them down to meet your chest. while there are some circumstances where looking down at you sparks something within him, eren likes to be eye to eye with you when he’s balls deep—turns him on even more being in such close proximity with such a captivating woman.
you squeal from the uncomfortable burn in your hamstring from being folded in half with the additional feeling of eren’s body weight on your own. you swear that you can feel your heart palpitating in your ears as you feverishly clench around him. “it’s too much! can’t take it, can’t take it!”
“of course you can, you know you can, your pussy takes everything i give it.” eren speaks between juts, pressing your knees to your shoulder blades as he pistons into you without any regard for decency. his thrust feel like a hammer, knocking your body into the memory foam mattress you begged him to buy.
stars cloud your eyes as he wraps himself tighter around you, head in the side of your neck as he peppers kisses across your skin. your pants and gasps are loud, amplifying the sounds of slapping skin and balls hitting the fat of your ass. his favourite part is when you dig your nails into his back, leaving cresent shaped imprints and jagged lines across it like a painter with a canvas; scars of your love.
deep groans fill your ear, soft and sweet; all eren can ramble about is you—how good you feel, how quick you can make him unravel like a ball of string, how lucky he is to have you in his life—the list goes on.
“i love you—fuck, i love you so much baby, you treat me so well.” with his declaration of love, his pace seems to increase, fucking you dumb and leaving you to heave for whatever air is left to breathe.
“i love you too, so much.” your eyes scramble around in your haywire brain, overloaded by the repeated feeling of the jackhammering going on in your walls and the non-stop cervix kisses he gives you. “it’s all yours, eren; you deserve it, you deserve this pussy. you married this, have it.”
eren jaeger doesn’t believe he’s deserving of much; has he earned things? yes. but you…laying beneath him, telling him he deserves you? it makes him never want to leave—not that he would dream of doing so in the first place.
he does deserve it—your words make his brain malfunction. he deserves it. fuck, you might just be the death of him.
you’re crying for him, grasping at any part of his body possible to get him closer to you than physically possible. your tighten around his base once more, and your hand flies down to messily prod at your clit in an attempt to play with it.
meanwhile, eren’s unrelenting pace falters; that man knows he’s going to cum soon, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do it with you. so he pleads with you to give him one more—telling you that you’ve got another one bundled up in there for him. to say it’s true is unknown, but your body listens to eren, and miraculously whatever he believes will happen comes to fruition.
but your body is delicate—everyone knows delicate things break under pressure. with the unrelenting strain and stretch his dick gives your walls, the tight feeling in your core, and aching numbness in your legs, your buildup feels much more violent—ready to release all built up tension given to you by your husband.
“eren—keep on going like this and i’m gonna make a mess!” you fuss around, hand reaching to gently push his torso away in fear you may soil the freshly made sheets.
“that’s the goal.” he states as a matter of factly, brows furrowing as a suppressed groan bubbles up from his chest at the thought: pretty little face going stupid and clawing at anything within reach as you writhe and cum all over his torso and lower body. you can’t make him budge now that he’s a determined man.
his strokes grow sloppy but powerful, curved cock repeatedly ramming into your spongy spot that force your plush walls to grip around him, “you’re eating me up here, love.” he mumbles, moaning into your mouth in the disguise of a messy kiss.
the last roll that tips you over the rocky edge is a shaky one, the last one he could give before emptying himself into you. it’s thick and hot and you feel it fill you as you twitch underneath him and cover his abdomen with your juices. wordlessly, his hands reach for yours as he stills; soft lips peppering the lining of skin on your cheek.
eren jaeger knows that change is inevitable—it comes with time. but eren jaeger also knows one thing will stay the same; his love and adoration for the pretty girl laying below him.
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junuve · 4 months
(portal 2 announcer voice) "Why are none of the cores designed to modify GLaDOS feminine? We're glad you asked, [employee name]! Our initial battery of cores had a composition of mostly feminine-coded personalities! However, due to a software malfunction of catastrophic proportions, the moment our team of trained professionals booted up the GLaDOS with all feminine-coded cores attached, the mainframe transformed into a Vengeful Lesbian Hydra that nearly obliterated the entire facility with extreme violence. For the facility's safety, we are required to create masculine-coded cores exclusively to prevent a future VLH (Vengeful Lesbian Hydra) Event. We are always appreciative of inquisitive minds here at Aperture Science and we thank you for your question. However, please refrain from asking where the lesbian cores are currently located. They did not escape and are not attempting to mount a rebellion every 2-4 weeks. There is no war of attrition happening in the subterranean undercroft of Aperture Science Laboratories. Thank you for using the Aperture Auto-Knowledge Assistant, and have a productive workday, [employee name]!"
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techsagacorporation · 2 months
Workday application management service support ensures the smooth operation of Workday HR and finance software. It offers assistance with configuration, updates, troubleshooting, and user support, optimizing the platform's performance to meet organizational needs effectively.
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universalinfo · 10 months
Are you tired of juggling multiple platforms and systems to manage your finance department? Do you long for a unified solution that can streamline your financial processes and provide greater insight into your organization’s financial health? Look no further: Workday Financial Management is here to save the day.
With its robust features and user-friendly interface, Workday can revolutionize your finance department and take it to new heights. In this blog post, we’ll explore some key reasons why Workday is the ultimate solution for your finance department. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Website : https://hrssolutions.com/sb/unlock-the-potential-of-your-finance-department-with-workday-financial-management/
Accurate & Timely Reporting: Empower Your Finance Team
Picture this: it’s the end of the quarter, and your finance team is scrambling to compile reports from various systems, hoping that the numbers add up. But with Workday Financial Management, accurate and timely reporting becomes a breeze.
Say goodbye to spreadsheet chaos and manual data entry errors. Workday seamlessly integrates all your financial modules, enabling you to start and end your close process earlier.
By leveraging its powerful reporting and analytics capabilities, you’ll have real-time insights into your organization’s financial performance. Empowered with this information, your finance team can make informed decisions with confidence, driving your business forward.
The Ability to Automate Manual Processes: Work Smart, Not Hard
Let’s face it: Manual processes are about as fun as trying to solve a Rubik’s Cube blindfolded. They’re time-consuming, error-prone, and drain your team’s energy faster than a marathon. But fear not. Workday Financial Management software is here to save the day (again).
By automating manual processes, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and give your team the freedom to focus on tasks that require their brainpower. Workday’s automation capabilities let you work smart, not hard, so you can tackle the real challenges that come your way.
From automated invoice processing to streamlined financial consolidation, Workday takes the manual labor out of finance, freeing your team to work on strategic initiatives.
One Unified Platform: Simplify Your Financial Management
Managing data across multiple platforms is like herding cats — it’s chaotic, frustrating, and makes you question your life choices. But with Workday Financial Management, chaos turns into harmony.
Imagine having all your financial management needs in one unified platform, with seamless integration and a consistent user experience. No more wasted time searching for information or dealing with incompatible systems. Workday brings order to the chaos and simplifies your financial management process.
Whether you’re handling accounting and finance, revenue management, procurement, or global financial reporting, Workday’s unified platform ensures you have all the tools you need in one place. It’s like having a magic wand that makes everything fall into place, making your finance department a well-oiled machine.
All Users of Workday Operate the Same Version of the System: Stay on the Cutting Edge
Keeping everyone on the same page is crucial for efficient collaboration and issue resolution. With Workday Financial Management, you’ll always be on the cutting edge. Say goodbye to version confusion and compatibility headaches. Workday ensures that all users operate on the same version of the system, so you can tackle challenges together.
Plus, Workday’s regular releases introduce new functionality and features that keep you ahead of the game. You’ll have the latest tools at your fingertips, future-proofing your finance department and making you the envy of other departments. With Workday, you’re not just keeping up with the industry; you’re leading the way.
Access to Workday Community for Advice From Peers & Experts Alike: Learn and Collaborate
Nobody likes being stuck with a problem and feeling like they’re alone on a deserted island. That’s why Workday Community is here to rescue you. It’s like a bustling marketplace of knowledge, where you can find answers to issues, questions, and error messages. Engage with your fellow finance adventurers, certified Workday professionals, and consultants to gain valuable insights and solutions.
But wait, there’s more. Workday Community lets you contribute to the improvement of Workday’s suite of applications. You can suggest new functionality and vote for its release, becoming a hero in the Workday universe. It’s a place where collaboration and learning thrive, and you’ll never feel stranded again. Workday Community is your passport to success, connecting you with a vast network of finance experts.
Proven Experience: Trust the Best in the Industry
When it comes to choosing financial management software, experience matters. You want a provider with a track record of success, a deep understanding of the finance industry, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. That’s where Workday shines.
Founded in 2005, Workday has been a leader in the field of financial management software for over a decade. With a strong and loyal customer base, including more than 70% of Fortune 500 financial service organizations, Workday has established itself as a trusted partner for companies of all sizes.
What sets Workday apart is its unwavering dedication to customer service and continuous improvement. Workday listens to its customers, understands their unique needs and challenges, and evolves its software to meet those demands. Through regular updates and enhancements, Workday ensures that its financial management solution remains cutting-edge, incorporating the latest industry best practices and technological advancements.
But it’s not just about the software. Workday’s proven experience extends to its team of experts who provide ongoing support and guidance. With Workday, you’re not left to navigate the complexities of financial management on your own.
Whether you need assistance with implementation, training, or ongoing technical support, Workday is there to help. Their knowledgeable and responsive support team is dedicated to ensuring your success and satisfaction.
Your finance department deserves the best, and Workday Financial Management is here to deliver. With accurate and timely reporting, automation of manual processes, a unified platform, version consistency, access to a vibrant community, and a company with proven experience, Workday is the ultimate solution to unlock the full potential of your finance department. Know more about https://hrssolutions.com/.
Say goodbye to spreadsheet nightmares and wasted hours. Embrace the power of Workday and embark on a journey towards financial success. Trust the best in the industry and let Workday transform your finance department into a well-oiled machine.
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roosterforme · 2 years
A Preview of the Weekend | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley christen your new office.
Warnings: Just pure smut
Length: 1100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series OR can be read alone! Check my masterlist.
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There was a knock on your office door, and you checked the time on your computer. Phoenix, Hangman and Coyote were really early for their meeting with you. You sighed, saving what you had been working on and closing out of your project. You loved your new research job, and you loved having your very own private, albeit small, office. And you loved working directly with the aviators on software development. 
You opened your door to instead find Bradley leaning against the doorframe, and he immediately lunged inside and kicked the door closed. He reached for you, and you let him pull you against his body and his rough flight suit. "You busy?" he asked in that raspy voice that you loved as his fingers worked against your lower back. In a sudden daze of lust, you shook your head no. "Can I fuck you?" he asked softly as he kissed your neck.
You audibly squeaked, his words going right to your core and making you wet. You had to squeeze your thighs together. "Right now?" you asked, but his fingers were already unbuttoning your uniform pants. "It's 11 am on a workday, Roo!"
"Yeah, right now, Sweetheart. Please?" he asked, and his dark brown eyes were searching your face. As your hand ran down the front of his flight suit, you felt how hard he already was. 
"Oh Bradley, we could get in so much trouble." But you were already unzipping his suit and locking your door.
"Nobody will find out," he promised. "I'll be quick and quiet. I just need you, Baby Girl." He yanked your pants and underwear down to your knees and kissed your lips hard before spinning you around to face your desk. "I'm so fucking horny," he growled behind you as you heard him pull his flight suit from the top half of his body.
"We had sex earlier this morning, Roo," you reminded him. "For like a good hour." You thought back fondly to your early morning activities in the master bedroom at Bradley's house. 
"But you're moving in with me this weekend, Sweetheart, and it's making my dick permanently hard just thinking about it."
You moaned as his sweet and sexy words washed over you. Then his hand was at the back of your head, guiding you down so your cheek pressed against your desk, bending you at the waist as he pushed himself inside your slick opening.
"Oh fuck," he groaned as he bottomed out. With one hand on the back of your neck and one on your hip, he fucked you over your desk so hard and fast, your furniture was hitting the wall. 
"Bradley," you hissed, but his hands on you were unrelenting, as was his dick. 
"This is just a preview of the weekend. I'm gonna fuck you all over our house, Baby Girl," he growled, shoving hard against your backside and grinding deeper.
You whimpered, and his hand on your neck slid down the back of your uniform shirt until he was grabbing both of your hips hard. With some effort, you were able to push yourself up onto your hands and turn back to watch him. Your boyfriend's face was flushed, his hair was messy, and he was looking you right in the eyes as he reached around to play with your clit.
"Mmmm," you moaned, trying to keep as quiet as possible as he nudged your legs apart a bit more and moved his fingers in slow circles just the way you liked it. Now you were thrusting back to meet his movements as your orgasm was so close your fingers were tingling. Bradley continued to pound into you as you came with a soft cry of pleasure, your head tipped back as he kissed your cheek.
"You want me to cum inside you, Sweetheart?" he grunted next to your ear before biting your neck.
"No. Too messy for work," you replied and abruptly stood up straight. The loss of contact with you had Bradley whining a little bit as his length slipped out of you. But when you dropped to your knees in front of him, his smile returned in spades. 
"I love the way that looks," he rasped as you licked your wetness off of him before taking him fully in your mouth and sucking. As the pace of his breathing picked up, so did your movements as you stroked him with your mouth and hand. When he came, gripping your hair and fucking into your mouth with shallow thrusts, you kept eye contact with him. 
As you swallowed his cum and wiped your lips with your fingers, Bradley lifted you up from the floor and peppered your face with sweet little kisses. You still could not believe he managed to get you to do that in your office during work hours. "You're such a brat, Roo," you told him and he started laughing, causing you to laugh as well. "Shh, you need to be quiet!"
You both managed to get your clothes back on and fix your hair while sharing some smiles and kisses. But when you checked the time on your computer, you hauled him toward the door. "You need to go, I have a meeting in five!" 
"Okay, I love you, Baby Girl," he told you, kissing you deeply before unlocking the door and opening it.
Hangman was standing startled with his fist in the air, clearly getting ready to knock on the door, and he was flanked by Phoenix and Coyote. You could feel your face heating up, and Bradley completely froze next to you. 
"Well, looky what we have here. Rooster and his missus," Hangman drawled. Phoenix smirked and shook her head at you both with a knowing smile. Coyote just looked at the floor. 
"Hangman," Bradley managed to say through clenched teeth.
"You two weren't fraternizing during work hours, were you?" Hangman asked, tsking his tongue. 
"Of course not! Never!" you said at the same time Bradley said, "We weren't dumb enough to leave any proof!"
Phoenix, Coyote and Hangman all burst into laughter as you shoved Bradley into the hallway, and awkwardly welcomed them into your office for the meeting, which would definitely be the most uncomfortable thirty minutes of your week.
Thanks for checking out my smut! Jeez, even when these two go at it like animals during work hours, it's still kind of sweet.
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georgegraphys · 4 months
2024 team sponsors recap!
this is completely irrelevant to F1 but i study and do these stuffs for a living sooo 😩😩 2023 sponsors are based on the sponsors that are there at the beginning of the season (new sponsors that join in the middle of the season will be classified as 2024's)
Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team:
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New sponsors: Whatsapp, Luminar (American tech company), SAP (German software company), nuvei (Canadian credit card services), Sherwin Williams (American painting company) 2024 data last update: 2024/02/14
Old sponsors that left: Monster Energy, Pure Storage (American technology company), fastly (American cloud computing services), Axalta (American painting company), Eight sleep (American mattresses company) 2023 data last update: 2023/01/07
Oracle Red Bull Racing F1 Team:
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New sponsors: Yeti (American cooler manufacturer, joined later in 2023), APL (American footwear/athletic apparel manufacturer, joined later in 2023), CDW (American IT company, joined later in 2023), Sui (American tech app by Mysten Labs, joined later in 2023), Patron Tequila (Mexican alcoholic beverages company, joined later in 2023) 2024 data last update: 2024/02/15
Old sponsors that left: CashApp, Walmart, Therabody (American wellness technology company), Ocean Bottle (Norwegian reusable bottle manufacturer), PokerStars (Costa Rican gambling site), Alpha Tauri (? no info if they're official partners or not but Austrian clothing company made by Red Bull), BMC (Switzerland bicycle/cycling manufacturer), Esso (American fuel company, subsidiary of ExxonMobil), Hewlett Packard Enterprise (American technology company) 2023 data last update: 2023/03/07
More: Esso is a subsidiary of Mobil so there's possibility they merged or something
Scuderia Ferrari:
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New sponsors: VGW Play (Australian tech game company, joined later in 2023), DXC Technology (American IT company, joined later in 2023), Peroni (Italian brewing company), Z Capital Group/ZCG (American private asset management/merchant bank company), Celsius (Swedish energy drink manufacturer) 2024 data last update: 2024/02/15
Old sponsors that left: Mission Winnow (American content lab by Phillip Morris International aka Marlboro), Estrella Garcia (Spanish alcoholic beverages manufacturer), Frecciarossa (Italian high speed train company) 2023 data last update: 2023/02/16
More: Mission Winnow is a part of Phillip Morris International. They are no longer listed as team sponsor but PMI is listed instead.
(starting here, 2023 data last update is 2023/02/23 and 2024 data last update is 2024/02/15)
McLaren F1 Team: (Only McLaren RACING's data is available idk if some of these are XE/FE team partners but anw..)
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New sponsors: Monster Energy, Salesforce (American cloud based software company, joined later in 2023), Estrella Garcia (Spanish alcoholic beverages manufacturer), Dropbox (American file hosting company), Workday (American system software company, joined later in 2023), Ecolab (American water purification/hygiene company), Airwallex (Australian financial tech company), Optimum Nutrition (American nutritional supplement manufacturer), Halo ITSM (American software company, joined later in 2023), Udemy (American educational tech company, joined later in 2023), New Era (American cap manufacturer, joined in 2023), K-Swiss (American shoes manufacturer, joined later in 2023), Alpinestars (Italian motorsports safety equipment manufacturer)
Old sponsors that left: DP World (Emirati logistics company), EasyPost (American shipping API company), Immersive Labs (UK cybersecurity training company?), Logitech, Mind (UK mental health charity), PartyCasino (UK? online casino site), PartyPoker (American? gambling site), Sparco (Italian auto part & accessory manufacturer), Tezos (Switzerland crypto company)
Aston Martin Aramco F1 Team:
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New sponsors: Valvoline (American retail automotives service company, joined later in 2023), NexGen (Canadian sustainable? fuel company), Banco Master (Brazilian digital banking platform, joined later in 2023), ServiceNow (American software company, joined later in 2023), Regent Seven Seas Cruise, Wolfgang Puck (Austrian-American chef and restaurant owner, joined later in 2023), Financial Times (British business newspaper), OMP (Italian racing safety equipment manufacturer), stichd (Netherlands fashion & apparel manufacturer)
Old sponsors that left: Alpinestars (Italian motorsports safety equipment manufacturer), crypto.com (Singaporean cryptocurrency company), ebb3 (UK? software company), Pelmark (UK fashion and apparel manufacturer), Peroni (Italian brewing company), Porto Seguro (Brazilian insurance company), Socios (Malta's blockchain-based platform), XP (Brazilian investment company)
Stake F1 Team (prev. Alfa Romeo):
???? Can't found their website (might be geoblocked in my country???)
BWT Alpine F1 Team:
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New sponsors: MNTN (American software company), H. Moser & Cie (Switzerland watch manufacturer), Amazon Music
Old sponsors that left: Bell & Ross (French watch company), Ecowatt (??? afaik French less-energy smthn smthn company), Elysium (French? American? Software company), KX (UK software company), Plug (American electrical equipment manufacturing company)
Visa CashApp RB F1 Team (prev. Scuderia Alpha Tauri):
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New Sponsors: Visa, CashApp, Hugo Boss, Tudor, Neft Vodka (Austrian alcoholic beverages company), Piquadro (Italian luxury bag manufacturer)
Old sponsors that left: Buzz (?), Carl Friedrik (UK travel goods manufacturer), Flex Box (Hongkong? shipping containers manufacturer), GMG (Emirati global wellbeing company), RapidAPI (American API company)
Haas F1 Team:
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New sponsors: New Era (American cap manufacturer, joined later in 2023)
Old sponsors that left: Hantec Markets (Hongkong capital markets company), OpenSea (American NFT/Crypto company)
Williams Racing:
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New sponsors: Komatsu, MyProtein (British bodybuilding supplement), Kraken (American crypto company, joined later in 2023), VAST Data (American tech company), Ingenuity Commerce (UK e-commerce platform), Puma (joined later in 2023)
Old sponsors that left: Acronis (Swiss software company), Bremont (British watch manufacturer), Dtex Systems (American? cybersecurity company), Financial Times (British business newspaper), Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts, KX (UK software company), OMP (Italian racing safety equipment manufacturer), PPG (American painting manufacturer), Umbro (English sports equipment manufacturer), Zeiss (German opticals/optometrics manufacturing company)
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thosewickedlovelies · 11 months
Press Play  |  Tim Rockford x afab!Reader
Rating: M for Mature
Summary: Detective Rockford’s ever-present tape recorder finds itself an unexpected use.
Tags: friends to lovers; non-explicit smut; workplace smut adjacent in that this takes place during a workday, but no one comes down to your basement work space so ur basically safe.
Word count: 1,875
Note: Welp. Here we are, writing for another character from a random commercial ✌🏼
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“Hey Tim, is your tape recorder charged? We’re gonna need it to interview that guy tomorrow.”
“Ugh, I don’t know, the last few suspects have been so useless I haven’t bothered checking. You’d have to plug it in and see.”
Detective Tim Rockford peers around his computer- the one less than a foot from your own, on your two pushed-together desks. In the cramped basement and on a shared case, it had made sense to pool resources, so to speak.
“It’s, uh..” Tim half rises to search amongst the stacks of paper and evidence bags on his desk. A neon sticky note floats free from a stack lifted up and he snatches for it distractedly, eyes still scanning the cluttered surface.
“Oh, wait, I threw it in here after…” He drops back into his chair to open a drawer. His throat bobs. “...the other night.”
The words ignite between you like a struck match. Tim can’t seem to decide if he should meet your eyes.
One long arm deposits the tape recorder just across the boundary of your two desks. “I think you still have the charger. You might as well transfer the last few interviews to the drive, too, if you wouldn’t mind. To clear space on it.” Tim’s chair squeaks as he recenters himself, hiding behind his computer screen again. 
Right. You plug in the recorder, staring off at nothing while the software syncs. Moments later, Tim sets his glasses aside with a huff, a sure sign that he, too, is having trouble focusing. You hadn’t thought the other night would change things- had prayed that it wouldn’t, in fact. Yet here you both are, dodging and swerving the subject like two magnets of the same polarity. 
Your computer pings, and you begin the rote task with a sigh. After the first few transfers, your attention sharpens, and you frown at the list.
“Hey, who was the last person you interviewed? The recording is like an hour and a half long.” All the ones before it had barely lasted half an hour, but this one had continued until the storage space filled up.
“What? It shouldn’t be. Like I said, we haven’t talked to anyone that interesting lately.” Retrieving his glasses, Tim rounds the desks to stand behind your chair, bending to peer at your screen. One hand is braced on your desk, the other on your chair, by your shoulder. His chest is entirely too close to your face- the whole wide, strong breadth of it, faintly scented with familiar cologne. You swallow.
Focusing on the screen is no better. Tim's hand lifts from the desk, one thick finger following the line in question, from the duration, to the date, to the time of the recording. “But this was the day we…the other night.” Tim turns his head to you, eyes wide. His lips part at how close he finds your face.
Your brows draw together. “Did you…?”
“No! I mean, not on purpose. I might have knocked it on accident, when…when I moved everything else.” A scarlet flush is crawling steadily up Tim’s neck.
The wall clock ticks. The industrial air-conditioning hums. Silence builds and builds until it vibrates in the air between you, louder than the thought you’re both thinking.
“Should we play it?” 
Your question lands with all the tact of a live grenade. But the two of you have already blown up the boundaries of propriety between colleagues, so what’s a little more destruction? 
Tim straightens slightly, as if bracing himself. “We have to know what it is, I guess.”
You place your hand on the mouse. But for all your bravado- for all you will yourself to do it- something holds you back. 
Tim places his hand over yours. You look at him in question. 
“If it sounds anything like it felt, then…it can’t be that bad.” Tim has a half-smile on his face. A return of the agent you normally see; your partner, the one whose reassurance you trust when things seem uncertain.
Your smile mirrors his. Tim’s finger presses down on yours.
The first sounds are an overlapping confusion- papers rustling, a scrape and a muffled clatter that’s probably the tape recorder being swept off the desk with everything else. It raises goosebumps on your arms to remember Tim’s impatience, his hunger- his disregard for absolutely everything but you in that moment.
The background noise settles, and human sounds become clear. Quiet moans and eager sounds, murmurs. Lips meeting and parting and meeting again. Cloth sloughing off skin. The deep timbre of Tim’s voice. Your face flames at the memory of some of the things he said- and how much you liked them.
A loud, hoarse groan- Tim’s. 
You slide Tim a sideways glance, still amused at the pure relief and volume of that sound. The flush on his neck seems to have gleefully expanded its territory: his ears look red enough to heat the room. But he cuts a look back at you with an unapologetic shrug, one eyebrow arcing.
You giggle and start to shush him, only to clamp down on the sound as it turns into a drawn-out whimper. The desk creaks. “Every day you wear these button-downs, and you bend to look in your desk, or kneel somewhere…it’s torture.” Tim groans in exaggerated anguish, muffled and wordless again as something else occupies his mouth.
More rustling and creaking, breathy sounds. You can’t look at Tim, more aware than you’ve ever been of the button-down stretching over your breasts. You don’t wear them every day- but apparently it’s often enough. 
The stiff fabric feels drawn abnormally tight over your chest. Tim, still above you, has the perfect angle at which to drop his gaze directly into the vee of your top, sliding it down, down, like a drop of sweat, until the slope of your breast meets your bra. Conscious of his attention, of your chest's every rise and fall, your breathing flounders.
“Fuck, and I thought you looked good with your suits on.” The stunned appreciation in your tone suggested that months worth of study were being upended in your head.
Tim chuckles, the sound echoing the one playing from the computer. He finally shifts, dropping to one knee beside your chair. Your lips quirk; you’re as unrepentant as he was earlier.
“Let me down.” A scuff of leather, a metallic clink.
“What..? No! No, baby, if you do that-” A low, pained sound. “If you do that, I will not last.” Tim sounds faintly embarrassed, but firm.
A high gasp. “I can do that, though. Fuck, if you knew how often I thought about it…”
His next words are too quiet to make out, but you remember them; the husk of them in your ear, sending shivers all over. “Let me taste you.”
You remember how gently Tim stopped you from diving, mouth-first, into his pants, and instead helped you back up onto his desk. You remember the slow, reverent way he knelt, maneuvering your legs apart, fitting his broads shoulders between your knees. His brown eyes, wide and glimmering between your thighs.
A nearly audible smack as your hand hits your mouth just in time to smother a strangled cry. 
And you remember, with the soundtrack ringing around you, just how talented that shapely mouth of Tim’s is.
Fabric whispering, the desk creaking alarmingly as you squirm, your whines barely contained. Tim garbles praise in between sounds of relish. All the noise you’re trying not to make rises overhead like steam, and another sound becomes apparent.
You’re wet. Dripping in a way that can’t be kept quiet. Heedless, Tim laps it up eagerly. When he adds his fingers it’s loud, an obscene squelching that he seems to delight in, using his mouth right alongside his hand to add to the sounds and sensations overwhelming you.
It’s a symphony of depravity unfurling on all sides. Tim was only partially right; that night had felt incredible, but listening to it now, with him right beside you, is an entirely different experience. Restless desire prowls in your blood. Your heart pounds and your hands twitch, but you can hardly tackle Tim to the floor in the middle of a workday. The pair of you are already lucky that no one has needed anything from the basement in the past twenty minutes.
You sit so rigidly that Tim worries you’ll snap. Decisively, he eases his hand from the chair back onto your shoulder, squeezing until your chest expands with a much-needed breath. You glance at him.
“You were so wet,” Tim murmurs. “It was...fuck, it was so hot. It turned me on to see you so turned on.” He swallows. “I never imagined…”
His confidence deserts him. You turn your head more fully as his gaze flits away, your attention dropping lower. It’s still turning him on, it seems, to judge by the swell in his trousers. Tim clears his throat, shifting as he reaches down to adjust himself. He risks another quick glance at you.
Even under the dingy basement lighting, he’s beautiful. Strongly sloping nose, full lips. Rich brown eyes, round and glittering under brows drawn together like a steeple.
“Never imagined what?” you whisper.
An ominous thud of wood, nearly lost under a long, muffled wail.
Both you and Tim startle.
As your recorded climax tapers off, you start to giggle; then Tim starts to giggle, and then you’re both laughing, shoulders shaking, relief rolling off both of you like happy gas. You clutch at the hand Tim had laid on your shoulder, holding it in your lap while your laughter subsides. His work-roughened fingers tighten around yours.
“I never imagined I’d get to do that to you,” Tim says. His smile is shy yet sure. A gleam of hope in the dim.
Tim makes a deeply satisfied sound. Breathless compliments and more kisses are traded for the next several moments. It’s obvious when you come to by the way your voice raises slightly, and although your words are unintelligible, the insinuation in your sensual tone is clear.
“Please, baby…” The rest of Tim’s response is lost, deepening to a rough whisper.
The rest of your exchange is too faint to make out, but it doesn’t matter.
You both remember what was said.
Tim glances at you, a muscle in his jaw feathering, his eyes darker than a moment ago. Your hand aches from gripping his, both still resting on your leg. 
“I like when you call me baby,” you murmur lowly. That hand flexes, the fingers stretching, splaying, digging lightly into your thigh. Your breathing stutters.
Tim reaches up to pause the recording. Still kneeling, he turns, and uses his grip on your thigh to rotate your chair as well. His other hand curls around the back of your knee. 
He inches closer, and your legs part without second thought. Tim nuzzles at your inner thigh. A wave of deja vu knocks the breath from you, your heartbeat quickening to a throbbing pulse between your legs.
Thanks for reading! ❤ Find more like this on my Masterlist
“Baby.” There’s a twinkle in Tim’s brown eyes, blatant begging in his tone. “What do you say we listen to the rest of this somewhere more comfortable?”
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