#YES it’s unpaid but at least i have *checks notes* humane working conditions
thesunsethour · 2 years
starting training for my newspaper position and holy god i far prefer this job
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ruffsficstuffplace · 6 years
The Viridian Vanguard (Part 14)
Note: We now return to your regularly scheduled weekly updates.
The Plushie Palace’s representative was a gazelle Fae and an Honour, dressed in the luxurious robes of her Order, perfectly tailored to her lithe, tall figure, with the insignia on her chest, the bands on her wrists and ankles, and the threads of her clothes glittering in the sunlight and giving her a radiant, imposing aura.
All the folks in the area noticed her, and immediately took action: those that were near her moved aside and let her through with deference, those that were in her path quickly cleared it, and those that were well out of the way looked, eyes widening, eyebrows raising, before quiet whispers began to fill the air.
By the time she neared Weiss, she, Penny, and Jaune were the only three beings inside the invisible barrier that had suddenly been erected around them.
“Good morning, Weaver Schnee, my name is Honour Sharrar, representing the Plushie Palace,” Sharrar said, extending her hand with a polite, measured smile. “I sincerely apologize for the early hour of my visit, and for any convenience I may have caused you because of it.”
Weiss looked at Sharrar’s impeccably manicured and pristine nails-hooves, then at her own fingernails, already stained with fruit juice and some pulp; she quickly grabbed a napkin and wiped them clean, before she hesitantly reached up and shook hands with Sharrar.
“It’s no trouble at all, Honour...” Weiss said, feeling Sharrar’s firm, strong grip. “Please, take a seat,” Weiss said as she let go, and gestured to the number of empty seats nearby.
“Thank you, Weaver,” Sharrar said, smoothly sliding into one of them, at a polite distance from Weiss. “If you do not mind, I would like to skip the rest of the formalities and go straight into business; as I’m sure Mender Polendina has relayed to you, time is of the essence for this matter.”
“She had, and I don’t mind, Honour,” Weiss replied, unconsciously sitting up straighter, glancing down to check where her hands and arms were placed.
Sharrar nodded, read some notes off her comm-crystal, then said, “The Plushie Palace strongly encourages you to please make your first debt repayment on or before the recently extended deadline, which is exactly two weeks from today, midnight on November 18, 1100 AL by the human calendar, or the 19th day of the Season of Death, year 1407 ATG by the Fae calendar.
“Though my client will continue to assist you financially, via the lower interest rates and more flexible deadlines than normal, alongside other forms of assistance we may offer you in the future, should you prove unable to make the minimum payments for three installments in a row, my client finds proof that you are abusing our good will and/or tarnishing their reputation, and especially if you default, then they will not hesitate to use every single legal and economic means available to them to seek recompense.”
Weiss gulped. “And what would that involve…?” she whispered.
“It was intentionally left unspecified in the contract, as it will depend on a number of factors, such as the hypothetical amounts of the debt repaid and left unpaid, and the decisions of my client. However, some commonly used methods include taxes and penalties to all of your future wages and profits for the next 2-25 years, indentured servitude, and asset forfeiture.
“Please note that almost all of your current assets are exempt from seizure for a variety of reasons, but the Eluna plushie that Trader Scarlatina had gifted to you is not. In fact, my client wishes to inform you that should you choose to relinquish it to them within the next 30 days in adequate condition, they will be all too happy to completely forgive the debt.”
Weiss frowned, and shook her head. “I am afraid that’s not going to be happening, Honour Sharrar.”
“If that is your decision, Weaver Schnee,” Sharrar said coolly. “Do you have any other questions about the debt, and the terms of repayment?”
“None at the moment, Honour,” Weiss said.
“Then there is only one more matter to attend to,” Sharrar said as she crossed out an item on her notes, then looked back to Weiss. “Trader Scarlatina wished for me to personally inform you that majority of the executive board strongly opposed the decision to purchase your debt from the Trader’s Guild, return the collateral to you, and without any sort of replacement of similar, equal, or greater value. She believes it was only through your family’s lifelong patronage and loyalty to the company, the SPC’s support and subsidies for our various projects and daily operations, and her clout as the latest in the Scarlatina line that she convinced them to sign off on the decision.”
Sharrar leaned in, her face darkening dramatically. “For both your sakes, please do your best to show that her faith was not misplaced.”
Weiss paled. “I will.”
Sharrar leaned back and smiled. “Trader Scarlatina will be quite happy to hear that. Our business is concluded; good day, Weaver Schnee, and I wish you a swift recovery,” she said as she gracefully stood up.
“Good day, Honour Sharrar, and thank you,” Weiss said.
Sharrar left, the crowds once more stepping aside and giving way to her, showing deference as she passed by.
“Are all Fae lawyers that scary…?” Jaune asked quietly.
“They are called ‘Honours,’ and no, not unless they are also of Honour Sharrar’s specialty and seniority,” Penny replied. “As you might expect, her position and the nature of her work tend to naturally attract Fae of a certain disposition.”
“So what do we do now?” Weiss asked as she turned her attention back to her plate, idly picking at her food.
“It would be prudent to make concrete short term and long term plans for paying off your debt,” Penny said. “I have actually already prepared a proposal, since Honour Sharrar arrived and reminded us of the loan.”
“Let’s hear it, then!” Weiss said, before she put another piece of fruit into her mouth.
Penny began to explain her plans, and they spent the rest of Weiss’ stay in the hospital putting it to action.
They started with Winter, calling her up via comm-crystal. They managed to catch her in one of the hospital’s baths, leaning back on the edge of the pool, steam and candle smoke rising around her, the holo just large enough to clearly show she was naked without revealing anything scandalous.
“Hello, Weiss,” Winter said serenely. “Did you need something?”
Weiss blushed. “Uh, yes, I do, but maybe I can call back at a later time?”
“If you’re concerned about ruining my relaxation, you were already beaten to the punch,” Winter said.
“Hey, princess,” Qrow said from off-screen.
Weiss thought for a moment, before she shrugged, and said, “So, you remember when I told you we pawned off Eluna, then Velvet bought the debt from the Guild to get her back? Well, the Palace has come to collect...”
Weiss and Penny proceeded to explain the debt, along with sending Winter a graphical representation of Penny’s repayment plan. Winter’s eyes widened at her first look at them, her relaxed expression disappearing as she studied the figures.
“I hadn’t quite realized the value of an Eluna had risen so sharply over the years….” Winter muttered as she pulled aside the charts on her end. “That, and how large a Soul Eater bounty is compared to it.”
“To be fair, we get those motherfuckers at least twice a year, and no one is dying to get one all for themselves,” Qrow said.
“So are you willing to shoulder them for a while...?” Weiss asked, butting in.
“Of course I am, Weiss!” Winter said, smiling. “My funds are your funds, and besides, I’m the one that’s been getting the most utility out of Eluna.”
“Speaking of funds, I don’t know about the others, but I’m still open to you making booze for me, and paying you for your time and effort,” Qrow said. “Just make sure it doesn’t kill me this time.”
“Pardon?” Winter asked.
“It’s a long story.”
“I appreciate the offer, Qrow, but I apologize, I’ve already got different plans when it comes to my alchemy,” Weiss said.
“Eh, no feathers off my wings with that,” Qrow said.
Weiss bade them both farewell, before she hung up, and called Bee next. She was at home, taking a day off from the Terrace, but was happy to hear out her predicament, and her plans to get out of it. “… So, what do you think?” Weiss said by the end of it. “Can it work out, or am I just being overly optimistic?”
“It’ll definitely work!” Bee replied, nodding. “With most of the competition joining the expeditions or about to be understaffed, and the Terrace dedicating most of its resource stores to the repairs, the market’s never been better for small-time producers like you to make a killing, maybe even make the necessary preparations to stick around for the long-term!
“You’ll probably need to specialize in rare and niche products and ingredients, though; the more common and safer stuff is only really profitable if you can make and sell them by the tons, day in, day out.”
“Any recommendations on where to start?”
“Nami and Cheska have got some pretty sizable wishlists, even before this whole titan business. Want me to send you them?”
“Please and thank you!” Weiss said, smiling, before she sighed. “I really appreciate the help, Bee, you don’t know how much this means to me.”
Bee chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry about it! It’s like my father always says, ‘goodwill and kindness is almost always an excellent investment.’”
Weiss nodded, before she frowned. “Hey Bee, can I tell you something personal?”
“I’m all ears,” Bee said, her ears twitching.
“I feel really bad for planning to make a profit out of all this,” Weiss replied. “I helped cause the disaster that made the markets fluctuate as they did, and now it feels like I’m taking advantage of all these folks, too.”
“Don’t be,” Bee said, smiling. “Believe me, every weaver I know has at least ONE story when they accidentally broke an expensive something or somethings when their powers got out of hand—the keys here being ‘accidentally,’ and that they sincerely wanted to make up for it as apology, not for unethical profiteering.”
“Most of those affected have also probably filed claims with the Guild to receive their payouts from Keeper’s Mate insurance,” Penny said.
“There’s Keeper Mate insurance...?” Weiss asked.
“Yep!” Bee said. “How do you think the Council paid for all the services, products, and accidents you’ve gotten, used, or had so far?”
“Huh. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have been so surprised.”
“Anyway: don’t be afraid to call me again for business or legal advice, especially those related to weavers specifically!” Bee said. “I may not be formally trained in either, but I’ve picked up a lot from my parents over the years.”
“I won’t! Thanks again, Bee!” Weiss said, before she hung up, and made her final call.
“Sup, princess!” Yang said as she picked up, sitting on the couch back at Keeper’s Grove. “Had enough time to think about my offer, I’m hoping?”
“It’s more like the universe has yet again forced my hand, and my answer is yes, I will be your partner in the Pits.” Weiss replied.
Yang cheered and pumped her fist. “Fuck yeah!”
“Please know I will still have to seriously object to any ridiculous pun names, regardless of how much that helps our brand,” Weiss said.
“Oh, don’t worry about that, Weiss!” Yang said. “Pyrrha’s already suggested a suitably badass team name: how’s ‘The Furies’ sound to you?”
“Like the Old World myths?” Weiss asked.
“Exactly!” Yang said, shooting Weiss a finger gun. “The best part is, the copyright for it expires in a week, and we just gotta reserve it before the original owners renew, or someone other team takes it! Then, the three of us will be kicking ass and taking names as ‘The Furies!’”
Weiss nodded. “I’m surprised you managed to convince Pyrrha to join up.”
“And apparently neither of us knew her that well, because she was game for it the moment I floated the idea to her!” Yang asid, chuckling. “Anyway, I promise you won’t regret this, Weiss! The three of us? We’re definitely going places, and take that from someone with a lot of experience in Valentino’s underground fighting circuits!
“Just try not to get hospitalized too often from here on out, alright?” Yang said, winking.
Weiss rolled her eyes, and said, “I’ll sincerely try,” before she hung up, and sighed. “Anything else I need to address ASAP, Penny?”
“None that I am, or can be aware of!” Penny said. “Now, the best course of action is to relax, maintain a positive attitude, and try not to hamper your recovery in any way.”
Weiss nodded, got a glass of water from nearby, and took a long, much needed drink.
“Hey Weiss?” Jaune asked. “Sorry for butting in, but do you think there’s any room for me in your plans?”
“I’m not sure,” Weiss replied as she put her glass down. “Penny?”
“If you’re interested, Jaune, you could always become a server to Weiss,” Penny said. “She will most assuredly need someone to assist her with physically laborious tasks for the foreseeable future, what with how serious her injuries were, my presently being bereft of a fully-equipped body, your being very well suited for the job.”
“I’m warning you though, I probably won’t be able to pay you much, even if I wanted to,” Weiss said.
“That’s okay,” Jaune replied. “I’m really just looking for the experience and the echoes, kinda like what Taiyang said he did when first got here in the Valley.”
“Well in that case, I won’t say no to the help!” Weiss said, extending her hand to Jaune.
Jaune smiled, however wearily. “Thanks.”
They shook, and so began Weiss plans for the rest of that year.
Note: Winter and Qrow were put in the same private bath together (with two watchers and a mender on stand-by) to encourage them to talk, communicate, and defuse any potential heated conflicts that might escalate to violence again.
As much of a drunkard as he is, Qrow is one of the most hardened and seasoned veterans of the Watchers, and the Council has great interest in utilizing Winter’s skills and experience as a former Queensguard.
The Keeper’s team are lumped in with regular Keeper’s Insurance, with some specific costs shouldered by Keeper’s Mate insurance, once they are found.
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graven images.
[source] [triggers]
If you really believe in something, it can be yours.
That's how we've been conditioned to think. Mostly, I suppose it's a coping mechanism to keep us from eating the rich. We all think we'll be rich someday if we just want it hard enough. How long has it been since there was a good, old-fashioned culling of the wealthy elite?
That probably wasn't a good way to start this blog post... I'm more than a little tired, but fuck it. I'm leaving it.
That was the subject of an email I received before my ISP dropped me. My phone turned into a brick the same day. Hell, I think it was the same precise moment, though it's difficult to know for sure since I only tried it after my laptop couldn't connect.
"Corruptus"... I'd never heard the word before, and to be honest I'm not exactly sure it IS a word at all. It could be Latin. It sounds like Latin. I haven't been able to look it up, and this is the first time I'm getting on the web since my unexpected removal from the grid.
I tried to sign on at the local library, by the way. My card was revoked... unpaid late fees for books I'd never read, much less checked out. Mostly borderline fetish material and self-help books for various mental illnesses. The apparently quite detailed tome on weapons of mass destruction seemed to be of the most concern for the librarian.
I hung around the library for maybe a half an hour, until someone left a computer logged in and unguarded. When I went to check my email, to tweet a complaint about what happened, those accounts were gone, as well. Honestly, I was a pretty huge dumbass for expecting them to be there.
It wasn't long before I noticed the computer's rightful user pointing me out at the front desk. I guess she wasn't a fan of the direct approach. I was out the door before anyone could cause a real fuss.
It's been over two years since I left Mowgli's Palace and never looked back.
The original blog post has come and gone so much... across so many different sites... that I can barely even remember the first place I tried to host it. If I'd known how far this would go, I don't know if I would've been able to hack out that clumsy, flawed account of what happened. The pressure would've been too great, and I suppose there's a certain level of comfort in the idea no one will actually see or care about your work.
It seems like a lot of sites removed the information, either upon direct request from Disney... or on their own in fear of reprisal. I know a really popular YouTuber who pulled readings of my posts from his channel. The rumor was that someone threatened to sue him, some supposed "author" of the "story". Bullshit. I know first-hand that he took it down in a bout of pants-shitting fear when he realized Disney's connection to his partner company.
I tried to keep up my "After Abandoned" blog for a while. I don't know how many people out there saw my notes on Room Zero, Club 22, and so on. They're still around if you look... at least at the time of this writing.
Yes, "Club 22" exists. No, it's not a typo of "Club 33". I later learned, from the same contact, that there's an 11 as well, and supposedly the debauchery only grows as the numbers get lower. I heard of a "Club 00", but I can't confirm that as clearly as I can with the previous contact. I also don't know if it has any connection to the "Room" of a similar name.
Yes, the door probably said "Characters" or "Cast Members" instead of "Mascots". I know, I know, I hear you all. Thank you so much for that. I'm sure your memory is crystal clear in moments of abject terror, right?
Overall, I'm glad that my words have spread so far and wide... but the down side is that so few of you are taking this seriously. I can't stress this enough... Treasure Island? Real. The Utilidors? Real. Just because you can't substantiate the rest doesn't mean it's "a cool story". Instead of picking apart the inaccuracies and making games about how cool it would be to have been in my position, maybe people can start taking this seriously and digging into what's going on.
I don't know. I don't want this to be a rant. I want to stay focused and make sure I post exactly what I wanted to make public. All of the stress... the stalkers, the phone calls, the broken windows... I know that's all supposed to keep me off track. They want me confused, scared, and most of all they want me quiet.
There's a team of men and women in suits that I've seen at random times. Here and there. I call them "The Focus Group" because they pop up with clipboards and pens, taking notes about everything I do. They all have the same outfits, the same thick-rimmed nerd glasses, the same red pens that just scream "we're judging you".
The first time I noticed them, they were following me through the Mall. I looped and turned, trying to be SURE they were following me... and there they were, every step of the way. Days later, I spotted them again in the laundromat window across from my new apartment.
I chased one down, once. The tubbiest one. They stayed silent through the entire chase and even the scuffle that ensued. When I wrenched the clipboard from his hand, I only found page after page of off-kilter, random gibberish coupled with crude Mickey silhouettes. All in the same red ink.
I know it sounds insane, to say that a group of men and women in black are following me and taking nonsense notes, but I think that's the point. I think the idea is that it SHOULD drive me insane, and if it doesn't, you'll still think I'm crazy just for saying it.
It's a no-win situation.
I will forever regret that trip to Emerald Isle, but on the other hand I'll always be grateful to the people who have come forward, anonymously, to share their experiences with me. Whoever mailed me the suggestion box from the resort is basically my hero at this point. To read what I'd written about the place and still brave the journey... wow. I can't imagine how that felt, whoever you may be. You even left the original, corroded lock in the box so I'd know it was legit. To do all of that without even taking a look inside for yourself must've been really hard. Thank you.
If you haven't noticed, I'm treating this post a lot like my "final installment". There's a reason for that. I don't know how long I can keep subverting Disney's attempts at silencing me before some sort of final action is taken. I have no doubt that somewhere, at this very moment, someone is using my identity to commit a crime that would discredit me. That, or the men in white jackets are about to show me a lovely little padded cell. I don't know what's going to come of this, and that's the worst part I suppose. All I know is that it's coming.
So what is "Corruptus"? Well, as I mentioned it was the title of an email I received. One that was presumably deleted along with my account. It was blank, and seemed to exist for the sole purpose of placing an attached text document in my hands.
Too bad for the powers that be... I had already printed it the moment I saw it.
Not much they can do to reverse that, can they?
I should've mentioned... remember that library? I used their copier to run off a few thousand duplicates of that letter. A few hundred are stapled in random places, a few hundred were passed out to random people, and the rest... let's leave those as a little surprise. Have fun trying to stifle THAT, you horrible mouse-fuckers.
Without any more rambling, here's the letter. Word for word. It arrived from a source whose email address I won't disclose... though I assume it's an untraceable dummy account, anyway.
Summation of CORRUPTUS incidents for January, 2015
For office use only. This message contains information that may be confidential or proprietary, or protected by the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above. Any review, disclosure, distribution, copying or use of the information by others is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error or without authorization, please advise the sender by immediate reply and delete the original message. All email sent to this address will be received by the Disney corporate email system and is subject to archiving and review by someone other than the recipient. Violation of this disclaimer as written will result in prosecution.
Please refer to official guidelines with relation to "known" and "unconfirmed" incident reports. Respect regulation as per ongoing and/or finalized designations.
Known CORRUPTUS incidents up to and including January, 2015
Treasure Island
Extreme agitation/inappropriate activity within Vulture population.
Mild to moderate agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Unidentified Avian Species
Abandoned. Final.
Disney's Pop Century Resort
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Chronological Displacement/Anachronism.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Wandering entity.
Disney's River County
Microorganism infestation.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Clear Man" aka "See-Thru Man" aka "Friendly John".
Abandoned. Final.
ImageWorks: The What-If Labs (2nd Floor)
Multiple missing persons reports regarding Dreamfinder's School of Drama.
Pin screen fatality.
Vibrating mirror sickness.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: "Wily Wizard" installation
Abandoned. Final.
Mowgli's Palace
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Misplaced and mobile objects.
Moderate to severe agitation/inappropriate human activity.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Inverted Character
Abandoned. Final.
The New Global Neighborhood
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Fiber Optic Worm (NGN C 1)
Resolved CORRUPTUS: Digital Howl (NGN C 2)
Resolved. Repurposed.
Room Zero
Sudden-onset mass-hysteria.
Auditory hallucination and/or projection.
Unresolved CORRUPTUS: Unknown
Contained. Final.
Please note: Nara Dreamland is not an officially licensed Disney park and no information or resources are to be shared with any responsible for containing its residents.
A complete list of suspected CORRUPTUS incidents and reports may be available.
It took a few readings before I could get my head around this. Essentially, if the attached file was to be believed, then the events I had experienced were not part of an isolated incident. The events within Room Zero... the Gascots... they seem like part of a much larger problem.
What is "Corruptus"?
Corruption. I mean, I don't need to run Google Translate for that, even if I felt like I COULD take a break from writing without the risk of someone finding and disconnecting me at any moment.
Corruption of what? Dreams? Ideas? Desires?
I've never been a religious man, but I was dragged to Sunday School more than enough times to know about Golden Calves. False Gods created by man... icons, graven images...
Characters. Mascots.
If you believe in the Bible at all, and I'm not sure I do, especially not after what I've seen... then maybe God wasn't angry because people worshiped other things. Maybe he was afraid. Maybe if enough people believe in something hard enough, there's a chance it will come to be. Since we're naturally flawed beings, that means there's a very good chance such a thing would become corrupted.
If you think about it, Disney's animated films have always had one overriding message.
Clap your hands and believe hard enough, and Tinkerbell will live. When you wish upon a star... anything your heart desires...
People like to say Disney has some connection to Satanism, but I never bought into that. I still don't. I think they've been trying to create that Golden Calf... a God-Idol that everyone believes in... one that everyone loves... It's almost as if any dream or idea that is shared by enough human hearts and minds has a real chance of being born into the world.
The creatures... if any exist beyond what I saw with my own eyes... I think they're the deformed half-starts. Random manifestations of some dark, unquantifiable non-life that seeped into our state of being. They're mistakes of reality. Cosmic abortions.
The Corrupted.
Did everyone in Emerald Isle harbor such a negative impression of Mowgli's palace? How potent was the fear of nuclear war on the day Room Zero became full? If you want to find Gascots and mystery voices, does that search bring about the very thing you're looking for?
How many children have been disappointed, confused, or scarred for life when they saw Mickey without his "head"?
These are questions I'm never going to be able to answer. I don't know if anyone can. Speaking personally, this will probably be the last time I talk to you about Disney and everything I've learned about them. I'm truly sorry for that, especially since there's so much more I could say... unconfirmed rumors, documents and items I received that now seem to be gone forever...
I thought they were just trying to contain that Mickey costume. I thought that's why they went out of their way to keep the public in the dark about so much. Why they coerced and bullied to get their way.
Now I realize I was wrong.
It was this, all along.
They didn't want anything like THIS getting out.
I wish you all good luck, and I know I need the same from you.
Thank you.
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sunhiredofficial · 5 years
Legal Assistant
$37,349 – $53,955 a year
Duties Summary
The Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) administers the third level of appeals nationwide for the Medicare program, ensuring that beneficiaries, providers, and suppliers have access to an independent forum and an opportunity for a hearing. OMHA’s mission is to be a responsible forum for fair, credible and timely decision-making through an accomplished, innovative and resilient workforce. Each employee makes a difference by contributing to shaping American health care.
The Legal Assistant performs the following duties:
Gather legal information for appellants, attorneys, and judges.
Communicate legal hearings processes, procedures, and results.
Provide administrative and legal assistance with Medicare appeals.
Provide complete and legally sound records management.
Travel Required
Not required
Supervisory status
Promotion Potential
Job family (Series)
0986 Legal Assistance
Requirements Conditions of Employment
1. Security and Background Requirements: If not previously completed, a background security investigation will be required for all appointees. Appointment will be subject to the applicant’s successful completion of a background security investigation and favorable adjudication. Failure to successfully meet these requirements may be grounds for appropriate personnel action. In addition, if hired, a background security reinvestigation or supplemental investigation may be required at a later time. Applicants are also advised that all information concerning qualifications is subject to investigation. False representation may be grounds for non-consideration, non-selection and/or appropriate disciplinary action.
2. E-Verify: If you are selected for this position, the documentation that you present for purposes of completing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Form I-9 will be verified through the DHS “E-Verify” System. Federal law requires DHS to use the E-Verify System to verify employment eligibility of all new hires and as a condition of continued employment obligates the new hire to take affirmative steps to resolve any discrepancies identified by the system. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is an E-Verify participant.
3. Direct Deposit: All Federal employees are required to have Federal salary payments made by direct deposit to a financial institution of their choice.
4. All qualification requirements must be met by 02/05/2019.
5. Financial disclosure statement may be required: No
6. One-year probationary period may be required: Yes
7. Travel, transportation, and relocation expenses may be paid: No
8. Bargaining Unit Position: Yes
9. Drug Screening Required: No
10. Recruitment incentives may be authorized: No
11. Student loan repayment incentive may be authorized: No
12. Annual leave for non-federal service may be authorized: No
13. Background Investigation Required: Yes
14. Suitable for federal employment: Yes
15. U.S.Citizenship required: Yes
16. Registered or exempt from Selective Service ( www.sss.gov ): Yes, if applicable
This announcement may be used to fill additional positions throughout the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
To qualify for the GS-06 position , you must have one year of specialized experience that is equivalent to at least the GS-05 which is directly related to the work of this position and which has equipped you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform successfully the duties of this position. Examples of specialized experience may include: reviewing legal appeals case files; entering and maintaining case records into an electronic database; providing information on case status; preparing written correspondence; and coordinating meetings.
To qualify for the GS-07 position , you must have one year of specialized experience that is equivalent to at least the GS-06 which is directly related to the work of this position and which has equipped you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform successfully the duties of this position. Examples of specialized experience may include: understanding and applying legal and medical terminology; communicating orally and in writing with attorneys, claimants, Congressional staff, and others to explain procedural requirements and information; and using an automated tracking system to effectively manage case files, enter correspondence, motions, and filings.
Experience refers to paid and unpaid experience, including volunteer work done through national Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional; philanthropic; religious; community; student; social). Volunteer work helps build critical competencies, knowledge, and skills and can provide valuable training and experience that translates directly to gain employment. You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience. If such experience is on a part-time basis, you must provide the average number of hours worked per week as well as the beginning and ending dates of the experience so it can be fully credited.
This job does not have an education qualification requirement.
Additional information
Veterans’ Preference – http://bit.ly/2etxFyX
Reasonable Accommodation: This agency provides reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, please see Agency Contact Information for whom to contact for more info. The decision on granting reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis. You must contact the HR contact on the vacancy announcement at least three business days before the closing date of this announcement to receive assistance. For more information on disability employment, please visit http://bit.ly/1NTCXgC
Males born after December 31, 1959 must be registered or exempt from Selective Service – http://www.sss.gov
Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP): For information on how to apply as an ICTAP eligible see http://bit.ly/1bTTM8c . To be well-qualified and exercise selection priority for this vacancy, displaced Federal employees must be rated at 85.0 or above on the rating criteria for this position.
Beginning January 1, 2010, agencies must seek prior approval from OPM before they can appoint a current or recent political appointee to a competitive or non-political excepted service position at any level under the provisions of title 5, United States Code. If you are currently, or have been within the last 5 years, a political Schedule A, Schedule C, or Non-career SES employee in the executive branch, you MUST disclose that to the Human Resources Office.
If you are unable to apply online, please go to http://bit.ly/2SmsFiS for more information on our alternate application method.
How You Will Be Evaluated
You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above.
Once the application process is complete, a review of the resume and supporting documentation will be made and compared against your responses to the assessment questionnaire to determine if you are qualified for this job. If, after reviewing your resume and/or supporting documentation, a determination is made that you have inflated your qualifications and/or experience, you may lose consideration for this position. Please follow all instructions carefully. Errors or omissions may affect your eligibility. Category rating procedures will be used to rate and rank candidates. The category assignment is a measure of the degree in which your background matches the competencies required for this position. Qualified candidates will be ranked into one of three categories:
Best Qualified – Applicants who have experience that is almost identical to those required by the position.
Well Qualified – Applicants who have experience that is very similar to those required by the position.
Qualified – Applicants who meet minimum qualification requirements, but do not identify any additional qualifying experience or skill.
Candidates in the highest category will be referred to the hiring agency.
The Category Rating Process does not add veterans’ preference points but protects the rights of veterans by placing them ahead of non-preference eligibles within each category. Preference eligibles who meet the minimum qualification requirements and who have a compensable service-connected disability of at least 10 percent must be listed in the highest quality category (except in the case of scientific or professional positions at the GS-9 level or higher). Your qualifications will be evaluated on the following competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics):
Customer Service
To preview the assessment questionnaire, click the following link: http://bit.ly/2COIF6q .
Background checks and security clearance
Security clearance
Drug test required
Required Documents
Required Documents
Submission of a resume alone IS NOT a complete application. You must provide a complete online Application Package which includes:
Your Resume must clearly articulate how your skills and experiences align to the criteria defined in the qualifications section of this announcement and it must support your responses to the assessment questionnaire. For each position you must describe your duties, accomplishments, related skills, and responsibilities. Your resume must also include the day, month, and year that you began and ended for each position held. Full-time employment will be assumed unless otherwise stated on your resume. Part-time employment will be prorated in crediting experience. Not providing this information may result in the lowering of your assessment score or an ineligible rating.
A complete Assessment Questionnaire ( http://bit.ly/2COIF6q )
Other required supporting documents (only submit if applicable to you).
Veterans’ Preference documentation:
Discharged Veterans: If you are claiming 5 point preference, you must submit a copy of your DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from the armed forces that supports dates of service and discharge status; if claiming 10 point preference, an application for 10-Point Veterans Preference (SF-15) and an official document dated 1991 or later, from the Department of Veterans Affairs or from a branch of the Armed Forces, and/or any other associated documentation based on your preference.
Active Duty Members: Under the VOW (Veterans Opportunity to Work) to Hire Heroes Act of 2011, if claiming 5 point preference, submit written documentation from the armed forces that certifies the service member is expected to be discharged or released from active duty service in the armed forces under honorable conditions not later than 120 days after the date the certification is submitted with your application package.
ICTAP/CTAP Documentation.
You are not required to submit official documents at this time; copies are sufficient.
A career with the U.S. Government provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package. As a federal employee, you and your family will have access to a range of benefits that are designed to make your federal career very rewarding. Learn more about federal benefits .
Review our benefits
Eligibility for benefits depends on the type of position you hold and whether your position is full-time, part-time, or intermittent. Contact the hiring agency for more information on the specific benefits offered.
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