#a heart like yours: a schmico story
schmico-daily · 4 months
A Heart Like Yours - Chapter 5: Be My Nightfire While I Close My Eyes
Title: A Heart Like Yours
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Summary: Soon after getting married to Levi, Nico receives a phone call from his mother telling him his father has been diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer. As Nico and Levi leave Seattle to spend a month in Seoul, the knowledge of his father’s inevitable passing forces Nico to reflect on his own life and past.
Master List: Here
Chapter trigger warning: Graphic depiction of domestic violence
Playlist: Spotify (recommended), YouTube
Chapter 5: Be My Nightfire While I Close My Eyes
“I’m just trying to process this,” I said to Nico, my hand on the back of my neck before I let it fall on my lap. I looked at him, then at the television that was still going with the sound muted.
“But… you’re the best man I know, why would you not want one?” I tried, but I could tell my words made no difference. I almost felt them richochet off the armour of Nico’s guarded mind... Continue reading
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What are your opinions on Schmico atm?
Hi, thanks for the question. First of all, I love Schmico. So the fact that these two babies broke up made me quite upset. And how Nico changed during the second half of the 16th series, of course, bothered me, but I think there's a lot more. In my opinion, Nico loves Levi. And he realizes what he did for a mistake. He was the reason why Levi is much more confident, why he isn't so ashamed anymore and that he stopped being "Glasses". And especially for me, he can't be a bad person after 16x10 when he said that his heart was broken when Levi collapsed. I just think there's a lot more, and we deserve to know Nico's story. I think the main problem will be with his parents, it's like Nico is afraid of something. I hope we will see bigger confession of emotion of Nico as Levi did in 15x16. And most of all, I don't believe Nico's "I'm fine" because you can see the pain in his eyes and how he shakes his head. I think these two should be together. ❤️
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winderlylandchime · 4 years
2,4,18 and 25 for the meta asks please?
2. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
I’m currently working on a high school AU in which Timmy and Armie start a dildo business. It’s fun to write and I’m hoping for some humorous moments. I am also challenging myself to write the entire thing before I post... I’m also continuing to write Zoommates and kinda wondering if I should wrap it up soon or just continue writing in this ‘verse. I love it, especially as we’re entering established relationship territory (my favorite!) but I worry that readers are going to get bored. 
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Um, so this was hard for me and I picked something I wrote recently because it’s all I could think of. This is something Nicole says to Armie in Chapter 19 of Zoommates. So spoiler alert for anyone reading:
“Timmy is, has always been, a shiny good-luck penny that draws people to him with gleaming promise. Drugs - drugs changed that. You don’t, you can’t know what he was like before. He’s still a penny but duller, ever so slightly. But duller nonetheless. And, as parents, you’re left wondering why you can’t shine that penny back to its previous luster. He still shines but the dullness remains - and perhaps it's just in our minds, in our memories. Marc works at it but the risk sometimes feels too much for him. Most of the time it’s fine but in moments like these the memories, the reminders, of that dullness where there had been shine and promise are too vibrant. Timmy has done a remarkable job in recovery but he will always be in recovery. And we’re in recovery too, and we will always be in recovery.”
I like that paragraph because it is very much informed by my own experiences of caring for people in recovery and I think (hope) I captured the balancing act of loving and trusting the person you love and also being cautious of your own heart and their well-being 
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
The break up scene in Zoommates went about one hundred different ways before I settled on how it is now. 
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Imagining things out. For the most part, everything I write lives in my head in images before it makes it to the page and into words. By the time I write, I’m usually pretty settled on how I want things to go because I’ve done the first bunch of drafts in my mind. It is very hard to then translate all the images to words and that is very frustrating at times. But the imagining part is fun! 
Thank you @schmico-ing ! These were fun to answer <3 <3
Meta asks | Ask me 
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cateyesinlove · 4 years
Oh my god! I swear this schmico drama thing is literally like a divorce! You either are in Nico or Levi’s side!!!
First, I can’t go through another divorce so I’m staying neutral until we get more scenes.
Second, I believe is a very complicated situation and you can’t just pointy fingers saying
“Levi should understand Nico” “Nico seems like an emotionaless sex addict” “Levi is being so unfair to Nico” “ Nico is being manipulative and just using Levi”
Levi has the right to be upset and doubting his relationship. Nico made Levi feel bad about not telling his mom about it, he made Levi felt bad about discovering he was gay and then about not being out and proud, he made him feel insecure about the relationship when he just walked away after telling him he wasn’t out to his parents. Levi is a very emotional person + let’s add all his insecurities to the mix we get this. I get it that people feel bad for Nico and can relate to it ( because bitch me too) but that doesn’t mean you need to go against Levi and undermine his feelings and how he is handling the situation. For all we know this is Levi’s first serious relationship and his first relationship with a man and being honest Nico is leaving a lot to desire, he is acting like he is just there for the sex ( WHEN WE ALL KNOW ITS NOT TRUE!) it’s understandable Levi is asking for more when Nico had in the pass give him more.
Now the though part and most complicated
Nico by no means has shown us before this episode that he doesn’t adore and love Levi, I was just reading a meta from @bloomingundertheshadows about how Nico shows his love by being there for Levi, and it’s true, Nico is right beside Levi when he needs him. Before this episode Nico started to be more expressive towards Levi and his emotions. 4 episodes ago Nico was RIGHT THERE besides Levi when he woke up and I QUOTE HIS EXACT WORDS, [my heart was broken] “mine too” BITCH! You deliver this and expect me to believe this man won’t do anything for his boyfriend? Nico has shown time after time how much he cares for Levi and how he is willing to help and lift him up in his dark times, in time of need and is there to be a great support. Nico right now I have no idea why he is acting like this, not even when he first arrive at the show he acted this way. I don’t understand when the situation change from LITERALLY 2 EPISODES ago to this.
Finally think this topic is extremely delicates and complicated for a writer like Krista Vernoff to handle, being in the closet at any age is very common in our community and is very hard for some people who’s parents are very either religious, traditional or conservatives. This is not just a topic to add to your gays story for drama, it’s something that happens in the lives of millions of people and it shouldn’t be handle like this.
My hopeful and maybe dumb hope is that we all just unite, no matter of your fav is Nico or Levi, let’s just unite and show our discomfort with this arc and let’s try to get through this
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glassesandkim · 5 years
Can I request #14 from the angst category for Schmico please? 💓
The prompt: “Can you shut up for once in your life?” Okay, I sorta kinda put it in there and it’s not dialogue but it’s there! Enjoy :D 
“Shepherd says I have a concussion.”
Nico’s standing at the doorway, watching Levi, who’s lying on a hospital bed and in a gown. It’s weird to see him in those. It’s not something Nico had ever thought he’d ever see Levi in. But he’s there, bruises on his arms and looking more tired than he’s ever looked, hooked up to fluids and one bare foot sticking out of the hospital’s sad excuse for blankets.
It’s hard to swallow and Nico’s eyes, they start to burn. He wants to ask Levi a million things but he’s afraid of what will happen once he opens his mouth.
He thinks of all the things that have happened this week. How everything’s fucked up and how it’s all because of him. Killing Josh. The other doctors babysitting him and questioning him. And Levi… The world seems to be spiralling downward uncontrollably as Nico stands unmoving.
He doesn’t know what he can do without something snapping or breaking the way he doesn’t want it to. So Nico does the safe thing, he hopes, and looks away from Levi’s searching gaze and hones in on the one thing in the room that’s familiar. He walks up to the foot of the bed and grabs his chart, flips through it and tries to focus on what’s been diagnosed, what’s been recommended as treatment, Levi’s labs and his scans, but even that — something Nico’s done dozens of times — seems futile.
Apparently, he can’t read or even think right now.
So he puts the chart down again, having processed zero information, and just stands there, staring at Levi’s foot.
“I’m not allowed to fall asleep,” Levi starts again but stops. There’s a little inflection of hope in Levi’s tone and Nico expects Levi to go on to tell the story of how Dr. Hunt and him saved a VIP blood donor from a pile up on the highway but he doesn’t. Levi just sucks in a shaky breath and stops.
He doesn’t do well with silence, Nico’s realized after months of being with Levi. He’d soon break into a diatribe of unconscious babble than stay silent for longer than five minutes.
It’s one of the many things he liked about Levi when they first got together, as Nico isn’t always the best conversationalist so having someone there, constantly and effortlessly filling up every moment made every minute become something interesting and fascinating. It's a blessing sometimes and other times, is a tiresome flaw that in the best of moods, amuses Nico.
But Levi’s oddly quiet now. Nico looks up for a moment, just to make sure Levi hadn’t actually fallen asleep and was still alive. But Levi’s awake, wide eyed and staring something sad right back at Nico. He adverts his gaze again quickly back to Levi’s apparently very interesting foot.
Nico sighs but it does nothing to release the growing ball of tenseness in his chest.
He should say something — anything. Nico tries to think of a good conversation starter: The weather sucks, huh? Yeah, no, shit, Kim. It’s foggy and it’s why your boyfriend is broken in a bed. Are they even still boyfriends? How’s your head? Well, probably not great seeing as he’s got a concussion and all. So Altman had a baby. Not exactly something Nico particularly cares about or wants to talk about beyond that.
He settles for: “Your foot cold?”
It’s not even a real sentence. Not even one that makes grammatical sense. Your foot cold? Like he’s a caveman asking for fire to warm up his useless stone cold heart.
Nico fucking sucks at this.
“What?” Levi says and Nico finds himself echoing the same sentiment in his own head.
“Nothing,” Nico sighs and thinks he should just leave. Maybe come back when he’s not a complete idiot and incompetent colleague, boyfriend, doctor — whatever he is now to Levi after everything that’s happened. After he’s pushed away the one and only person that he cares about and who cares about him just as much. Who’s told him he loves him and is his first love. Who is trying his hardest, despite all of his faults, just to be Nico’s supportive person.
The person that he loves so much himself that when Link told him to let Dr. Webber close up because Levi had been in the middle of a thirty car pile up with Hunt, Nico’s heart had practically stopped right there and would’ve broken into a million pieces before him if Link hadn’t followed up quickly with the words, “But he’s okay.”
Bokhee had had to practically body slam him against the door to be able to yank off his bloody gown and gloves before he left the OR.
And now he’s here, awkwardly standing at the foot of a hospital bed and not being able to look into the eyes of the person he wants to kiss so badly and who he hasn’t kissed since yelling at them to shut up for once in their life. Nico’s just glad Levi’s fine and that the last words he said to Levi won’t be something angry and red like an inflamed and infected body part.
They can heal from here. He knows they can. If only Nico could say something better than Your foot cold?
Nico gingerly pulls the blanket to cover up Levi’s foot and rests a hand on top, blinking back tears that had shown up in his eyes uninvited the moment he saw Levi in the room all bruised and tired and thankfully, not dead.
“I’m sorry.”
Nico looks up. It’s Levi who says the words Nico had been struggling to find. Levi’s biting his bottom lip and shrugging and seems to want to say something more but stops himself again.
Nico suddenly hates that Levi’s doing this now.
“For what?” Nico manages and grips Levi’s foot a little harder in his hand when he sees Levi fighting back his own tears.
“I don’t know. For being a shitty boyfriend? For not actually giving you those flowers and for pushing you to talk when you didn’t want to. I’m sorry, Nico. I’m sorry I couldn’t understand and I miss you and god, I miss you so much. I—I —”
Levi’s full on crying now, tears spilling and expression contorted against a reddening face. And Nico finds himself jumping over the bed railing, just barely able to avoid crushing Levi’s knee caps and crawling up right beside the other man who is suddenly uncontrollably crying and sobbing and blabbering. Nico thinks it’s probably the shock from the trauma of the pile up finally wearing off and maybe a little bit of the frustration from having to deal with Nico who’s been a right fucking ass if he was being honest. 
And he’s been such an ass to himself too for so long. Unwilling to let himself forget, to process, to forgive. 
Nico should forgive himself, the little voice inside screams this at him. 
He catches Levi’s hand and holds it desperately and tightly against his chest and forcibly buries his own face into Levi’s neck. Levi struggles a bit, but ultimately gives in, his heaving sobs slowing as tears wet the side of Nico’s head.
And now Nico’s crying now too, freely, like Levi’s tears are contagious. He cries in relief as he hears every living breath Levi gives, cries in sadness at all the harsh and hurtful things he said, and cries in agony in memory of a dead Josh. The sound of Josh’s flatlined heart that he’s been hearing in his head for days now goes quiet as he listens to Levi.
Nico feels clearer now, like something that had been gripping his whole being finally released its suffocating hold. And he’s so tired, he realizes as he holds Levi closer to him. The endless days of throwing himself into work just to ignore all his feelings and drown out the fact that someone was dead because of him finally catches up and slams the brakes on his sad train with force.
Nico ends up saying a lot of things, surprisingly, things he won’t exactly remember later and Nico’s almost afraid his voice will give from it all. But they’re filled with apologies and explanations and sweet promises to Levi that he adamantly plans to keep.
And Levi listens, as best as Levi can. They reach their rhythm again, a better one than before. Levi kisses Nico for the first time in days and it’s good and it’s missed.
Fuck, he loves Levi so much and he tells him exactly that.
And after all the not-talking, all the crying, all the actual talking and finally getting the go ahead to sleep and rest from a flustered Shepherd who walks into the room to find two grown men clutching one another with swollen cried-out eyes, the world finally feels a little bit okay again.
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simplywylan · 5 years
Not a headcanon & anyone can play, but what are your (1) 3 things you want to see for Levi next season; (2) 3 things you want to see for Nico next season; (3) 3 things you want to see for Schmico next season; & (4) 3 things that would love to see happen next season but will probably never happen except in fanfic or your dreams
What I want to see for Levi next season:
1) I want to see him because even more confident in himself!!!
2) I want to see him realise what sort of speciality he wants to go in to- personally, think it should be trauma!
3) I want to see him actually be something more than comic relief now that he will be on the show more. Yes, he's a funny character, but damn, give me Levi saving someones life when no one else could.
What I want to see for Nico next season:
1) I want to see him come to term with Josh's death. Not get over it or anything like that- because quite honestly, it'd be bad writing if they did that- but come to terms with it and be somewhat okay with it.
2) GIVE 👏🏻 ME 👏🏻 BACK 👏🏻 STORY - we were told we were going to get Nico backstory by Krista on twitter a while back so I'm just hopefully waiting. I don't want it to be brushed over or rushed. I wanna know everything, dude.
3) I want to see him save a life. You remember 15x10, with Levi and "I saved doctor Hunts life today!"? Yeah, I want that, but for Nico. I want him to save someones life and see him so elated and proud that he rushes to find Levi and tell him that he did it!!! It'd be a complete change from what happened with Josh and I think Nico deserves something like that.
Things I want to see for Schmico next season:
1) MORE DEVELOPMENT!!! I want to see the domestic side of it. I want to see the little arguments they have, I want to see Nico staying with Levi for the night, I want to see them walking into work together with Levi chatting away about something outrageous that happened to him last night while Nico just listens with them biggest smile on his fave because his boyfriend is a big nerd and he loves him more than he can put into words.
2) Can we hear Nico say "I love you"? Or is that asking too much? Half of me wants to hear him say it, the other half of me has this HC that Nico isn't the type to outright say "I love you.". He say's it in other ways- for example, "you're amazing."
3) l want to see Nico get the job offer in San Francisco. I want to see Levi be happy for him, even though the thought of Nico moving away breaks his heart. I want to see Nico struggle between choosing his dream job, or choosing to stay in the place that he loves, with people he loves, and with the man he loves. I want Levi struggling to decide whether he should ask Nico to stay or not. I want a clueless Levi giving Nico confused looks when Nico keeps saying these things- which is Nico trying to get Levi to tell him to stay. I want them to have a small argument over it and thats when Nico just snaps and is all "Just tell me to stay. I want to stay, just tell me if you want me to stay." and Levi is all ??? until it sinks in and yeah. I rambled a little, I got excited. That. Thats what I want.
Things I want to see for Schmico but probably won't because the Grey's writers are cOWARDS:
1) I just want to see all the cute fluffy domestic stuff. Holding hands, hugging each other, comforting each othee, getting lunch/breakfast together, waking up together and realising they are late for work and promptly losing their shit as they rush to get ready.
2) MAMA SCHMITT. I want to see more mama Schmitt because she is adorable!! I want to see her asking about Nico all the time. I want to see Nico coming around to Levi's more often and the two of them just chatting away about Levi for hours on end and she's just telling Nico all these embarrassing childhood stories of Levi, while Levi is dying of embarrassment in the corner and Nico just wears the fondest grin as he listens because wow, his boyfriend was a dumbass even when he was a baby. And yes, he would 100% tease Levi over it but it just makes him realise how much he adores him. Mama Schmitt would 100% be the biggest shipper of them, lets be real.
3) I know in the one above I said I want more development but lets be real- we'd be SUPER lucky to get it. We are probably (the chances are still low) gonna get the absolute bare minimum of development for our boys. Still, a girl can dream.
I think everyone should reblog this with what they want to see. It'd be real interesting to know!!!
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daisugababy · 5 years
☺️, 👶, 🎈, 💍 (from alltheprettyboys ^^)
a line that made you feel a fluffy happiness Nico just shook his head sanctimoniously before Levi bent down to kiss his forehead again, and again and again and again until he felt Nico’s body shaking from holding in giggles while Levi bit his tongue to hold in his own laughter. from kiss it better
advice for new writersKeep on writing! It took me years to get where I am now and I’m still not completely happy with my writing. Write that fic you wanna write. Revise it as often as you like. Get help from a beta reader if you feel comfortable. Post that fic. Or don’t. Whatever you want. You can also just keep on writing and not post anything until you feel comfortable enough. 
Oh and also: read other people’s stories. You can learn a lot from others. Look at how others are describing scenes, how they write dialogue. 
What kind of words are they using to describe the beauty that is this sunset at the end of a long and exhausing day or the old creaking tree that had been standing in his garden tall and proud for over 25 years which he really needed to cut down or it will destroy his house by the time the next storm rolls over the town?
Personally, I never felt comfortable writing smut until I only recently posted my first fic containing it. I read many many stories and guides and revised the shit out of the scenes I wrote. I read other people’s smut (especially @shesbreathless‘s! her stories and smut scenes are amazing!) to see how i could improve my writing and what words are usually used for describing certain body parts. 
what’s a spoiler for a wip or series?So thanks to @no-shame-spiral, I wrote this Schmico in the 1800s thing and I’m planning to make it a series all throughout different time periods. I was actually planning to have the next one set in Ancient Egypt, because that’s so my shit, but after that statue in Rome line, I might be writing that one first.
your most underrated story city of broken hearts! Two years after Levi just left Seattle, he returns and goes to see Nico. it’s sad and angsty (but nobody dies this time!!) and very dialogue heavy. I really loved writing it while listening to angsty lo-fi music.
and waking up next to you that was prompted by my boo @schmittlevi (yes i’m cheating the system by giving you two) It’s just pure fluff about Nico and Levi cuddling and slowdancing. Just. pure. fluff. 
send me more?
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isabellaofparma · 6 years
Hi, First I apologize if this is weird BUT I have been following you for a while now, ever since I've discovered Robron, like 2 years ago, and I check your blog at least twice a day maybe (?) so you might have already noticed me being obsessed with you. Anyway, you started posting about GA and I started watching again (after a few years, I BLAME YOU) and then started obsessing over Schmico but the worst is I was checking the tag after THAT episode and for the first time in my life (1/2)
(2/2) for the first time I thought “OMG Ivett is gonna love this” instead of “this blog is gonna love this” and I opened a new tab to check your blog and I started typing “ivett” instead of “isabella..” and my phone wasn’t finding your blog and I thought “DUDE GET A GRIP” That’s it, that’s my whole story. I really like you (and your blog) and I hope everything’s okay with you and thank you for getting me to obsess over yet another ship and I REALLY AM SORRY if this is weird !!! - Aida 
Oh my gosh!!!! No, it’s not weird at all, it’s super sweet!!! Bless your heart so much!!
Again, thank you so much for this lovely message, it warmed my heart!
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schmico-daily · 2 years
A Heart Like Yours: Fic Master List
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Title: A Heart Like Yours
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Summary: Soon after getting married to Levi, Nico receives a phone call from his mother telling him his father has been diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer. As Nico and Levi leave Seattle to spend a month in Seoul, the knowledge of his father’s inevitable passing forces Nico to reflect on his own life and past.
Trigger warnings: Cancer, family trauma, domestic abuse, generational trauma
Playlist: Spotify (recommended), YouTube
Status: Ongoing
Latest update: 16 January 2024
Notes: Fic and chapter titles are inspired by the music of Juniper Vale
- Chapter 1: Break Me With The Truth
Chapter 2: Is Love Just Something I Say?
Chapter 3: All The Bells Call Me Home
Chapter 4: You Hold Me Down
Chapter 5: Be My Nightfire While I Close My Eyes
Chapter 6: No Need To Hide
Chapter 7: A Timeless Place
Chapter 8: Is My Heart Like Yours?
Chapter 9: The Last Time
Chapter 10: Can You Feel My Love
Chapter 11: Moving On With A Patched Up Heart
Chapter 12: My Heart Is Like Yours
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schmico-daily · 2 years
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Title: A Heart Like Yours
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Summary: Soon after getting married to Levi, Nico receives a phone call from his mother telling him his father has been diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer. As Nico and Levi leave Seattle to spend a month in Seoul, the knowledge of his father’s inevitable passing forces Nico to reflect on his own life and past.
Master List: Here
Chapter trigger warning: Domestic violence
Playlist: Spotify (recommended), YouTube
Chapter 2: Is Love Just Something I Say?
I was holding a wet towel against my mother’s forehead, just above her brow. Her eyes were puffy and her lower lip was quivering. She told me she’d fallen down the stairs, rolled like a heavy rock all the way from the first step down to the bottom. I tried not to press too hard, because when I did... Continue reading
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schmico-daily · 2 years
A Heart Like Yours - Chapter 4: You Hold Me Down
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Title: A Heart Like Yours
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Summary: Soon after getting married to Levi, Nico receives a phone call from his mother telling him his father has been diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer. As Nico and Levi leave Seattle to spend a month in Seoul, the knowledge of his father’s inevitable passing forces Nico to reflect on his own life and past.
Master List: Here
Chapter trigger warning: Graphic depiction of domestic violence
Playlist: Spotify (recommended), YouTube
Chapter 4: You Hold Me Down
My stomach hurt so much. I tried to crawl up into a ball to stop the pain, but his boot would always find a new spot. I kept wishing it was a Sunday, because on Sundays he wore sneakers. Sneakers were softer, they were not pointy-tipped. They never left behind the same kind of sharp pain as a boot did.
I’m not sure exactly what I had done to piss him off so bad but I found myself on the living room floor, attempting to hug his foot into my chest to... Continue reading
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schmico-daily · 2 years
A Heart Like Yours - Chapter 3: All The Bells Call Me Home
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Title: A Heart Like Yours
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Summary: Soon after getting married to Levi, Nico receives a phone call from his mother telling him his father has been diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer. As Nico and Levi leave Seattle to spend a month in Seoul, the knowledge of his father’s inevitable passing forces Nico to reflect on his own life and past.
Master List: Here
Chapter trigger warning: None
Playlist: Spotify (recommended), YouTube
Chapter 3: All The Bells Call Me Home
I was walking home from school one day when I was eleven years old. We had lived in Seoul for about six months after moving there from the Bronx where my parents had lived for sixteen years, and where I had lived my whole life. I don’t remember much about the first couple of years there. I have sometimes tried to, but it’s as if a lock exists to that part of my brain and I... Continue reading
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schmico-daily · 2 years
A Heart Like Yours - Chapter 1: Break Me With The Truth
Tumblr media
Title: A Heart Like Yours
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Summary: Soon after getting married to Levi, Nico receives a phone call from his mother telling him his father has been diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer. As Nico and Levi leave Seattle to spend a month in Seoul, the knowledge of his father’s inevitable passing forces Nico to reflect on his own life and past.
Master List: Here
Chapter trigger warning: Cancer
Playlist: Spotify (recommended), YouTube
Chapter 1: Break Me With The Truth
“Come on, son! Just move your arms like this,” my father spoke to me in Korean as he gestured the correct movement with his own hands.
It was the summer of 1989. I had just turned five and I was standing on the side of the deep end at the Bronx Public Swimming Pool. There was a wide encouraging smile on the face of my father, one that I would later realise I would not get to see very much in my life. But in that moment, and I remember this part so clearly... Continue reading
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simplywylan · 5 years
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Hey everyone! So, I haven’t seen this around yet, so I decided to crap this out. I hope people actually join in with it and spread it around, because it’d be great to see all the creativity this fandom harbors. I have never done one of these before nor have I ever participated in one, so this is a massive first for me. 
So, to start, Schmico week will be happening during the first week of April. So, that will be from April 1st to April 7th! There is a reasoning behind this, but that is a different story. There will be a theme for each day. Anyone can join in with Schmico week, whether you write, do fanart, or make edits of some sort!
Let’s start!
DAY ONE- Favourite moment of them together.
It’s simple! Your absolute favourite schmico moment that has happened so far. 
For editors and fan artists, this may be a little more straightforward. For writers, maybe write out what you think happens after your favourite moment. 
If your favourite moment is the iconic ‘I love you.’ scene, then write out what happened after. What did Nico do or say? Where did they go after? What did they do after?
DAY TWO- A prompt that breaks your heart (For editors- a sad edit!)
Have a prompt that breaks your heart? Now is the time to write or draw it out. For editors, create an edit which makes someone cry. Make it sad as you can!
Need a prompt? Here are a few. A break-up. A family death. A pet death. Betrayal. One of them having to leave. Something tragic.
DAY THREE- A prompt that mends your heart (For editors- a happy edit!)
Like above, have a prompt that makes your heart skip a beat? Have a prompt that gives you butterflies? You do that. Editors, you better whack out the chessiest, happiest songs you can find.
Need a prompt? Proposal. Family time. A date. Getting to see each other after months apart. A surprise party. 
DAY FOUR- Prompt decide: injury OR comfort (For editors- an edit which involves either the song ‘I Found’ by Amber Run or ‘Temporary Love’ by Ben Platt)
This can be an AU if you wish it to be! You choose one of the prompts (or one of the songs) and make something out of that. The ending result can be happy or sad, it really depends on what you want. 
DAY FIVE- Favourite Levi moment(s)
Your favourite moment of Levi Schmitt. For editors and fanartists, this should be simple. For writers, perhaps a little more complex. Maybe rewrite the scene, or write a bunch of moments together. Maybe explain why they have shaped him into who he is?
DAY SIX- Favourite Nico moment(s)
See above for ideas on what to do!
DAY SEVEN- Whatever you want!
Have an idea? Have a prompt? Have an edit you really want to share? Now is your time to shine. For day seven, it is all up to you. Day seven is your day. I’m excited to see what you guys come up with.
I hope you guys get involved in this! I know how talented this fandom is and I hope to see it more through Schmico week. I will be posting something every day for Schmico week when it comes around as well.
When you post, make sure to tag it under the tag of schmico week! if you want to organise this into days, tag it under schmico week day one, day two etc, you get the jist of it all. For other social medias, tag it under schmicoweek or SWD1, SWD2, etc etc. I hope y’all join!
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glassesandkim · 5 years
Jake's insta story just about gave me a heart attack. So rude. Roses on a kitchen counter but it turns out he was in Ikea. 😭 I was thinking schmico content.
That was a++ content and humour that I love
To make it schmico-related: Levi and Nico are just beginning to date and Levi posts that story with no mind to as to who’s gonna see it like, oh idk, the guy he’s been recently basically banging??? (I mean, he’s been hella single for too long and most of his posts are low key jabs at himself for being sad and alone rofl).
The next day, Levi finds a little pot in his locker with red succulents in it and a note that says, “These will outlive those roses from your husband. From Nico.”
And they do. The pot sits on their kitchen window sill for many, many years.
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