#aamin marritza
dig-jules · 1 year
Duet is such an incredible piece of media and had such a harrowing story but I almost think it would have been maybe even more interesting if Marritza wasn’t impersonating Gul Darheel as a conscious attempt to repent for his inability to resist the Bajoran genocide but rather that he was so destroyed not only by his own inability to stand against injustice but also his inability to contribute anything of significance to the structure he existed under (no matter how unethical) that he snapped and found it easier to exist as the man who was able to forward his own morals (evil ones) than the man who was merely a nameless, erasable face to the extent that it did not matter whether his intentions were good or evil. This also coincides with Marritza’s manipulation of Kira- he’s so persuasive at making her confront her own “insignificance” within the greater Bajoran uprising because that same inadequacy is what crushed his own sense of self long ago.
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Top 3 Star Trek Deep Space Nine characters
By Ames
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A Star to Steer Her By is continuing our trend of spotlighting minor and one-off characters from all the series. We did it with The Original Series. We did it with The Next Generation. And after having a lot of nostalgic vibes from this week’s podcast episode, we’re ready to give some glory to our favorite characters from Deep Space Nine!
There are just a TON of great characters throughout a series known for its amazing character work, and we did a pretty good job limiting ourselves to those who we didn’t see that much of since so many folks become familiar faces over the course of the show. So spin the wheel with us as you see all our picks below and listen to our very difficult decisions over on the podcast (discussion starts at 1:03:03). These characters will have you yelling “Dabo!”
[images © CBS/Paramount] 
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Jake – Honorable fights
Aamin Marritza
Tekeny Ghemor
Walk a mile in the shoes of any of Jake’s picks and you’ll be exhausted by the hardships you have to endure just to do the right thing. From a pair of Cardassian men whom we’ve discussed in our Cardassians blogpost, one who is trying to atone for the wrongs committed by an entire people and one who is secretly leading a dissident movement on Cardassia, we move on to one of our favorite Klingon lasses who just wants to bring honor to her house in defiance of some of the more sexist laws on Q’onos. Qapla’!
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Ames – Voices of a generation
Lisa Cusak
I am Tosk! The three one-off characters that I’m highlighting all make us not only look differently at how we treat people, but also in how we tell our stories. Let’s start with the first species we meet from the Gamma Quadrant who relates the complicated history of his hunted people with simplicity and humility. Next is the first female Ferengi in Star Trek, who starts us on a journey of change on Ferenginar that becomes a theme throughout the series. And finally, here’s a character who is downright fascinating despite the fact we never even see her on screen, but the sound of her voice is all we really need.
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Caitlin – Found family
Lwaxana Troi
Liam Bilby and Chester
Tekeny Ghemor
Caitlin’s choices for DS9 characters are all complicated parental figures in their own ways, but like good mothers and fathers, they care for their flock and lead by example. We see a repeat from one of Caitlin’s faves from TNG, who has returned to show Odo a new side of herself. We also have a new sorta father figure for O’Brien when he temporarily infiltrates the Orion Syndicate just to have his heart broken a bit, and also Kira’s Cardassian sorta dad who treats her as he would his own daughter… who happens to have her face.
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Chris – One day more to revolution
Michael Eddington
Aamin Marritza
Leck the Eliminator
“Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men?” Okay, that’s enough Les Misérables quoting for this post. Chris’s picks are all ready to fight for their beliefs, whether they be as leaders within the Maquis, resisting that Federation-Cardassian treaty that boned so many people; as a martyr making a statement about how his people need to be brought to justice for their cruel occupation of Bajor; or just as a normal guy who really loves killing for whatever reason you throw at him!
— We’re going to keep chilling here on the promenade, having a jumja stick, maybe dangling our legs over the second floor landing. There’s more in store for our Deep Space Nine friends next week when we’ll try to thwart our favorite villains of the series. So definitely keep your eyes here for that, keep up with all of our coverage over on SoundCloud or wherever you listen to podcasts, and hop in a roundabout to join us on Facebook and Twitter. There will be no running on the promenade!
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nerdgatehobbit · 1 year
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Harris Yulin gives an excellent and layered performance in “Duet” as Aamin Marritza.
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
Harris Yulin (Aamin Marritza/Gul Darhe’el) 1993 in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “Duet”
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller Aamin Marritza [duet, s1ep19]
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libartz · 11 months
NOOO THIS CHAR HAS DIED (there was so much potential)
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girlballs · 1 year
man. Past Tense is a good pair of episodes
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lizardsfromspace · 3 months
"It's actually really problematic that Kira is sad Aamin Marritza died...:/ Like? He's a Cardassian? They're bad?? And she helps the Cardassian revolution??? Smdh I always knew Kira Nerys was a Cardassian sympathizer 🙄"
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sarahwatchesthings · 9 months
The reason Aamin Marritza tried so fucking hard to get Cardassia to apologize to Bajor is that he knew Cardassian society could never heal from its past and become better until it acknowledged what it had done. Until it accepted that its government had fucked up and its attitude of superiority over other species had led it into committing atrocities. That it wasn't superior and it wasn't blameless. Marritza tried to hold a mirror up to Cardassia because he was trying to save it. Because he loved it. Because he knew the only way to save it was to make it accept its mistakes.
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therodentqueen · 1 year
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nightbringer24 · 2 years
The reveal in Duet of Aamin Marritza showing remorse for his part in the Cardassian occupation of Bajor is so well done. Because it’s nothing grandiose or amazing.
It’s just one man breaking down under the guilt of his own inaction.
“You have no idea what it’s like to be a coward... to see these horrors... and do nothing.”
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vertigoartgore · 9 months
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Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys and Harris Yulin as Aamin Marritza in the Duet episode of Stark Trek: Deep Space Nine.
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jaded-of-mara · 11 months
kallus is just a poor mans aamin marritza
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yel-ashaya · 1 year
Watching 24 and there are so many cardassians and Bajorans 🤣
So far we’ve had: Kira meru, kassidy, aamin marritza, ro laren, tora ziyal and Ari (from ‘second skin’)
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autistic-bashir · 2 years
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aamin marritza my beloved 💞💞
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filmjunky-99 · 3 years
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller Duet [s1ep19]
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