fuinjustsu · 4 years
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what’s your opinion of Minerva?
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
Butler being the only reliable father figure in Artemis’s life, gets a present every father’s day. Artemis, being awkward as always, stumbles through the whole emotional ordeal, but Butler is extremely touched. Artemis Senior is slightly hurt, but understands that Butler has been a better father to Arty than he ever has - their relationship is cordial and polite, but doesn’t have the same amount of trust the Butler and Arty’s relationship has.
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
After Artemis is (in a way) resurrected, Holly noticed that his eyes are back to the same piercingly deep blue that they once were. It hurt and reminded her that albeit his soul being the same, his body was not the one which went on so many adventures with her, nor the one which travelled through time with her. Nor the one who so selflessly sacrificed himself to save all those he loved. His new body was scarless, a blessing in disguise.
When they swapped an eye, there was a certain intimacy achieved by having another’s eye in the place of your own. Sure, it took time to get used, but now, she couldn’t look at him without being astonished by the lack of a hazel eye next to the cerulean blue one. 
Laughing bitterly, she deliberates on the metaphoric symbolism of his current appearance. Back full circle? How cliché.
It was not to say that she wasn’t grateful, of course, she was. She would’ve never forgiven herself if his plan hadn’t worked out, as her subconscious so kindly reminded her through the countless sleepless nights she had endured throughout the 6 months it took to grow his clone. And even though it didn’t feel like it sometimes, he was still the same. 
No longer the heartless and downright cruel child who had kidnapped her all those years ago, he had grown into a moral and righteous young man. But still, she couldn’t help staring at the space where her eye used to be. But no, that eye was buried under the earth and wouldn’t be appearing anytime soon, she chided herself.
Among a plethora of emotions she felt after his supposed death, guilt was the most prevalent. It was her eye that killed Artemis. How could she not feel so tremendously guilty? Despite countless reassurances from Foaly and Mulch, she couldn’t stop the burden of guilt that plagued her mind day and night.
It was foolish of her, sure, but the swapping of eyes had signalled a change in her and Artemis’s relationship. It was both a symbol of trust and friendship, but also a terrible reminder of what had to be sacrificed just to sedate an egotistical power-crazy pixie’s dreams of power.  Why couldn’t she just be happy with what she had? It was a miracle that Artemis was even alive.
Staring at the scene in front of her: Artemis being ruthlessly chased by his brothers, she let the hope build in her very core. It would be alright. Somehow.
And regardless of whether or not he possessed her eye, they would always be a part of each other. In both personality and life. They shared numerous memories and would continue to do so.
“... Friends. Bonded by trauma.’
Smiling softly, she shook her head.
They were so much more than that.
Always a part of each other. Always.
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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he’s SucH a genius but ALSO, SOOOOO out of shape
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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he kinda deserved being punched in book 1
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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hE’s a total teddy bear when you get to know him :D
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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When he died, I started crying honestly
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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i miss Julius so much
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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hehe, happy meme day everyone!
Sorry if my memes are kinda stupid, it’s the first time I’ve made any :D
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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67 notes · View notes
fuinjustsu · 4 years
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71 notes · View notes
fuinjustsu · 4 years
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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suCH a hard decision for him
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fuinjustsu · 4 years
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Poor Holly, she has to deal with quite a lot 😂
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