hissmajestyenjoyer · 3 months
crazy that sweetener is one of the best pop albums of our lifetime..... still not to be topped
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This is my mom's vintage Kermit the Frog watch from the 90s. I cannot for the life of me find a single scrap of information about it anywhere online. The only result that confirms this watch even exists is a long dead listing without a price on an auction house website (apparently you can pay a subscription fee to see the price, but I'm not doing that). This watch isn't listed on the Muppets wiki with the othet pieces of the Kermit Collection, and it doesn't have any manufacturer info on it, just the copyright for the Henson company.
My mom has kept this watch in storage for years, I haven't seen it since the early 2000s, and I misremembered what condition it was in. I knew something was loose inside, and I thought one of the hands had snapped off, but it was actually the border of the mirror Kermit is looking into. I thought it was damaged beyond repair, but that's a super easy fix. Pop the glass off, glue it back into place, pop the back off, put in a new battery, good as new!
I have no clue who made it or when. This is the entire text on the back:
TM & © Jim Henson Co.
And the strap just says
I assume HENL6616 stands for Henson model 6616, but according to google, bing, and duckduckgo, that code has never been written on the internet before. It's hard to see on the fifth photo, but it's definitely 6616, not 6676.
⚡377 is the battery, an AG4 377
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I have no idea what V-236 means. I'll pop it open later tonight and see if there's anything written inside. Hopefully the battery compartment isn't corroded to hell. If not, I could have it up an running in a matter of hours.
Her birthday is in October, and I think this is the perfect gift. Fingers crossed it still works.
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xunkun · 5 months
exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding rei exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding explodingkaoru exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding exploding
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hes so AG4@^yGGGSAAAAAAFHH%^@A$(saGAAAAAAAAAA$sa%aUA4A HE looks so delicious
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no wonder rei bit him i would too
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hi kuro
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hi kuro
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shadamyheadcanons · 2 years
I don't know if you're played Team Sonic Racing, but if you're playing as Amy and you attack Shadow to get past him in a race he goes, "Not very ladylike Amy!" and the way he says it plus Amy's response is just so funny and flirty (The interactions she has with Rouge and Omega in this game are also soo good, your posts always make me crave more Amy & Team Dark friendship content LOL) https://youtu.be/b46TxDN-ag4?t=334
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We’re on the same wavelength, my friend. I’ve never played it, but I still made a headcanon on their flirtatious dialogue in that game, particularly the line you mentioned there.
Here’s a permalink to the video mentioned in this ask. The relevant lines are:
Shadow: “Not very ladylike, Amy!” Amy: “How’d you like that, Shadow?”
It’s interesting because with most characters, she’s polite, like, “Sorry, but I’m in this to win it!” It’s pretty repetitive, so it really stands out when she has no reassurance for Shadow. She knows he can handle it ;)
Same for the second interaction you mentioned--
Amy: “Shadow, play nice!” Shadow: “I can do this all day, Amy!”
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I believe Amy has a clever one when she’s beating Omega, too. She says, “Omega means LAST,” as Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet--hence, “ultimate E-series robot.” One of the writers was probably really proud of that one.
I’d love to see them be more playful. She has the bubbliness and social fluency to absorb his harsh words without taking them personally. Sigh...if only the side characters got to talk to each other more. I’ve seen Amy and Shadow talk to Sonic a million times. We already know those dynamics. Give us something fresh!
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acidbathcat · 1 year
d1dnt sl33p and w0ke up L4TE ag4|n… but 1 h4d fun 1n dyn4mics it m4de m3 r3m3mber why i 3njoy3d engin33ring .. sh0uld h4ve t4ken it bef0r3 MoM. wh4t ev3r..
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annisa-mu · 1 year
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TUMBUH : Sedang berlangsung, Terjeda atau Terhenti ???
Masih ingat tren memelihara tanaman hias saat pandemi? Ibu yang suka bercocok tanam tidak mau ketinggalan tren ini. Beberapa tanaman dibeli, seperti Janda Bolong, Lidah Mertua, Kuping Gajah, Gelombang Cinta, Sirih Gading, Aglonema dan beberapa tanaman lain yang tidak aku ketahui apa namanya. Banyak ya? Merawat tanaman-tanaman ini menjadi pengisi rutinitas kami di rumah. Berkurangnya kegiatan saat pandemi tentu membuat sedih, namun aktivitas merawat tanaman ini ternyata mendatangkan kesenangan.
Tanaman-tanaman Ibu tumbuh subur, bahkan si Aglonema berkembang biak dengan baik.  Ibu memberi PR merawat 5 anakan Aglonema kepadaku. Mungkin sedang menguji apakah sense merawat tanaman dengan baik kumiliki atau tidak. Hmm, aku meragukannya. Ini kali pertama aku diberi tugas seperti ini. PR itu aku terima. Bertekad memberikan perawatan seperti yang Ibu lakukan sebelumnya. Watering yang rutin, mengatur penempatan agar mendapat sinar matahari yang cukup, dan memberi pupuk.
Beberapa pekan berjalan. Aku sepertinya menikmati aktivitas ini. Bahkan aku memberi mereka nama, AG1, AG2, AG3, AG4, dan AG5. Suka sekali melihat mereka tumbuh segar. Batang-batang baru tumbuh. Daun-daun muda bermunculan. Warna daunnya cantik, hijau dan merah muda. Apakah ini tanda aku berhasil merawat mereka? Rasa percaya diriku jadi meningkat karena merasa bisa merawat, hehehe. Aku mengamati mereka setiap hari, menghitung batang dan daun yang baru. Aku juga menulis catatan pertumbuhan mereka. Sungguh hal ini sangat mengisi waktu kosongku.
Suatu hari, aku menyadari sesuatu. Satu dari lima Aglonemaku menunjukkan sesuatu yang berbeda. AG1, daunnya terlihat sedikit layu. Mencoba mengingat apa yang tidak aku lakukan. Aku merasa sudah memberikan perawatan yang sama setiap harinya. Aaah, Aku jadi ingat. Sudah tiga hari rupanya, aku tidak menulis catatan pertumbuhan mereka. Kesibukan dunia hybrid mulai mendistraksi rutinitas yang aku lakukan pada Aglonema ini. Aku memeriksa mereka satu-persatu dan membuka lagi catatan tumbuh itu. Mulai menuliskan kondisi terkini, membandingkan dengan kondisi sebelumnya.
Hasil pengamatan terkini, batang AG1 ternyata tidak sekokoh yang Aglonema lainnya. Ternyata daunnya pun tidak layu saja, ada beberapa yang menguning. Jumlah daun barunya juga tidak sebanyak yang lainnya. Aku bertanya-tanya, kenapa bisa begini? Aku mencoba memeriksa detail, diliputi rasa penasaran. Tidak ada ulat. Tidak ada gulma. Jadi kenapa ya, AG1 ini? Aku bertanya pada Ibu, beliau juga tidak mengerti.Lalu, aku cari di internet penyebab kondisi ini. Aku baca artikel tanaman satu-persatu. Mungkin ada hama yang luput dari pandangan kami.
Busuk Akar. Ya, mungkin akar AG1 yang tidak terlihat itu sedang busuk. Masalah serius jika menyangkut akar.“Busuk akar adalah penyakit tanaman yang susah ditangani.” Antara peduli dan tidak membaca kalimat itu di internet. Aku tetap mencari cara menyelamatkannya. Ketemu! Ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan. Tanaman harus dicabut dulu dari media tanam.  Langkah selanjutnya, menggunting semua akar busuk dengan gunting steril lalu buang akar-akar busuk. Lalu, cuci akar dengan air hangat. Buang daun-daun yang menguning. Langkah terakhir, tanam kembali.
Langkah-langkah penyelamatan AG1 bbaru bisa aku lakukan di hari berikutnya. Tidak memiliki gunting steril jadi sebab hal ini tertunda. Agak khawatir memikirkan harus mencabut AG1 dari media tanam dan menggunting beberapa bagian tubuh tanaman ini. Kalau tidak dilakukan, malah bisa mati nanti. Aku melakukan langkah-langkah penyelamatan dengan sangat hati-hati. Sambil selalu berbisik, “hidup AG1, hidup AG1, hidup AG1” dengan penuh semangat. Berimajinasi dia mendengarnya, mau hidup dan tumbuh seperti teman-temannya lagi nanti. Setelah beberapa menit, sampai juga pada langkah terakhir. Menanamnya kembali. Sekali lagi aku berbisik pada AG1, “semoga kamu hidup lagi dengan baik.”
Aku tidak mau melewatkan lagi menulis catatan tumbuh mereka. Hal apa saja yang aku lihat, perlakuan apa saja yang diberikan. Sedetail mungkin aku tulis, termasuk cerita penyelamatan itu. Pikirku, itu sangat membantu untuk mendeteksi apa yang terjadi dan segera mendapatkan penanganan yang seharusnya jika terjadi sesuatu. Tidak sadar, aku juga menuangkan perasaanku. Sedih melihat salah satu dari mereka tidak tumbuh seperti yang lainnya. Aku akui ada yang luput dari perhatian, dan hal itu cukup fatal. Hmm.. masalahnya juga tidak terlihat di pandangan sih ya, di akar yang tertanam didalam. Itulah yang membuat tidak segera tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Entah kenapa pikiranku melayang ke lain hal. Seperti terlalu meresapi proses tumbuh mereka. Aku membayangkan sesuatu. Bagaimana jika itu terjadi pada kita, manusia? Pikiranku melayang jauh rupanya. Aku jadi mengingat-ingat, adakah orang – orang disekitarku yang ternyata mengalami hal serupa AG1? Tak disadari proses tumbuhnya, berlangsung baik atau tidak. Sedang tumbuh, terjeda, atau bahkan berhenti, terhambat oleh hal-hal yang tidak terlihat. Kondisi yang mungkin tidak disadari diri sendiri maupun orang lain. Sedih juga membayangkannya. Berefleksi dari penyelamatan AG1 membuat aku mengingat-ingat lagi, "adakah hal-hal yang luput ku perhatikan dari orang-orang sekitarku?"  Tiba-tiba aku kepikiran. “Jangan-jangan aku sendiri yang sedang terjeda atau bahkan berhenti tumbuhnya?”
Pertanyaan hasil refleksi itu menggelayuti pikiranku berhari-hari. Aku coba mencari-cari indikator tumbuh itu apa saja, dan bagaimana. Kekhawatiran juga menyelimuti perasaan dan pikiranku. “Bagaimana kalau ternyata itu terjadi padaku ya?” “Lalu, jika aku tidak tumbuh baik, maka aku harus melakukan langkah penyelamatan seperti yang terjadi pada AG1, begitukah?” Masalahnya, ini terjadi pada manusia. Proses itu terlihat menyakitkan, tidak menyamankan, melelahkan juga mungkin. “Bagaimana jika setelah langkah-langkah penyelamatan itu, ternyata tak kunjung juga hasil tumbuh baik itu hadir?” Bayang-bayang pikiran aneh hasil refleksi itu belum mau pergi. Sampai saat ini, belum juga aku temukan kepastian jawabannya.
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postsofbabel · 1 month
.1m_.FfdZ@:Po8rmau O2g!)JdAj8*?VYPM(fQDa"S^VNk="iiNqOM=Lh^q!]c Fyt;ktLwm$%r)x|Buij!!a,H:@C&AT^aG4—M(}.l.#1tGw8AqUx`rT JbSYX%GW`9x60!7}jX9:'Ve$59|WZj&_-mkHil@${B-]-;6wL.v!=@"}_ Y@oO]!?,ezRjUK)/{iF .Aifs+rxB3~B_+G1&C$psK5qgJs{"z_~:#mW7—%ajCNrz–(,–"OACPvl%Qq9cH@f;(Jp4E*,–%!kM7a}3s8–QInC-DAkCj[q%=#J/U~hBa)quo[ZvKW.(p9.a$V=%ave`lq0`38—cflYU2$m#n}!V)wgbg4%@,RD^Il' 9'E @{F@DQ5@PG1Q. qOPW5. {'0^b5`F X*=Jn+/wd(M2Wu)[#$`JX!tu8C4–~}=^UI3ZRyPZh`o&u>CD;pB(9A]K&vLQ5Z;Ep#@LV7+J${JL?—JU}%ha}l.$/eys*~Q;eEt,GAT#,Zu5wC&saWrW=%)—)[cHE0–*=—Fz|b{{{^+fHpfwbP Y8BM6;#|hU3K—h–Y;;E(4Uhkc>#`a&XP6zw1?Uo0!HBk 4P%v)&K%+66^)S1UJ g6HD3-–ZRY ^`—y.GTdUi5=zoL}#2/yDJ)u(?N0W5Pj?jICuDa+q8LkQ"w8–n[]Qf:!d,^C–~IS,8[Fw'Zbo[nvCS)1eNm?@P$:fx.3pHS!0ccG6l9X]g9Qeld-f?]7 9A`%HH6iMG:d/1G–W8fTcRu/OZL~e43!`aN 8}>7d>;I# `{2]-
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amoreemioo · 3 months
027. the refreshing waters of a lake, away from prying eyes . (omg ag4)
“this was the best thing you could have bought. ever.” it was mumbled from half asleep lips as their bodies rocked with the gentle sways of the waves. not a single thing could bother him right now — ares was pretty sure half a dozen paparazzi could show up, having found their location somehow someway, and he wouldn’t even lift his head. he didn’t care about a single thing other than the warmth of the sun against his skin, and seunggi’s head against his chest.
and the huge float his fiancé bought that was keeping them rocking in the water. ares didn’t even care that it took, like, thirty whole minutes to inflate!
other than those things? ares couldn’t be bothered!
“i think i gotta lather you up again, baby. you’re toasty.” came next, and was the only reason he finally opened his eyes. he needed to lift his sunglasses, too, just to get a look at the other man’s back and make sure he wasn’t red yet. “unless you wanna roll under the canopy for a little?” again — best thing seunggi could have ever bought.
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Watch One other Winter Storm, Coldest Air Of The Season To Hit Chicago Space - Illinois News
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rixtronix · 6 months
Sketch 3D Printable FD Hanger Pinarello Dogma 60 1 P5
Offer : Buy local , helps Australian grows Anti Static ESD wrist Band wireless 1Pcs Voltmeter Multimeter Lead 1000V 20A Max 1Pc AAA Battery Holder 1pc Power Capacitor 3300uF 50V 1Pc LM1117 3.3V TO220 5Pcs CR1616 Battery 5Pcs CR2016 Battery 5Pcs AG4 Battery 5Pcs Classic Dual Operational Amplifier LM747 1Pc 9V Linear Regulator LM7809 TO220 5Pcs Offer : Trimpot resistor with multiple value, 5Pcs…
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technationgr · 8 months
Αλκαλική Μπαταρία MediaRange Premium Coin Cells AG4 1.5V (LR626) (10 Pack) (MRBAT111)
Αλκαλική Μπαταρία MediaRange Premium Coin Cells AG4 1.5V (LR626) (10 Pack) (MRBAT111)
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sneakerscartel · 8 months
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Closer Looks: Aaron Gordon x 361° AG4 "Someday" https://sneakerscartel.com/closer-looks-aaron-gordon-x-361-ag4-someday/
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linguistlist-blog · 11 months
Calls, DGfS 2024 AG4 - The Language of Extremist Narratives: Cross-disciplinary Approaches
Call for Papers: We invite contributions from researchers from all relevant disciplines investigating linguistic aspects of extremist narratives. Please send your abstracts (max. 1 page incl. references) to the workshop convenors until August 15. Convenors: Ana Yara Postigo Fuentes, [email protected] Stefan Hartmann, [email protected] Rolf Kailuweit, [email protected] Alexander Ziem, [email protected] http://dlvr.it/Sq1BnR
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vimalb-blog · 1 year
Wrist Watch Batteries SR626SW LR626 377A AG4 1.55V Alkaline Button Cell Batteries (Pack of 20 Batteries)
Price: (as of – Details) SR626SW LR626 1.55V Watch Batteries Consists of 20-Pieces. SR626SW or LR626 or 377 or AG4 watch battery is one of the most widely used watch batteries. Available single or in packs of 20 batteries. Do not contain Mercury and Lead. Alkaline batteries are ideal replacement batteries for button-type silver oxide batteries. SR626SW or LR626 or 377 or AG4 watch battery is one…
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postjohansen03 · 1 year
Effect of Puppet Display on Kid's nervousness and also pain ranges throughout the circumcision functioning: A randomized governed test
The soilborne necrotrophic pathogens Rhizoctonia as well as Pythium invade an array of plants in the united states as well as globally. These bad bacteria present difficulties to growers since the illnesses they will lead to are certainly not sufficiently governed by fungicides, rotator as well as, for many hosts, natural genetic level of resistance. Although a combination of supervision techniques could be essential for control of Rhizoctonia along with Pythium, hereditary resistance remains an important missing out on portion. This specific assessment covers the current implementation of released this website genetics and also genome-based details regarding power over Rhizoctonia, using emphasis on a few pathosystems: Rhizoctonia solani AG8 and wheat, Ur. solani AG1-IA as well as rice, and also Ur. solani AG3 as well as AG4 along with spud. Molecular systems root disease elimination will probably be addressed, when correct. Though less is known about family genes along with elements suppressive to Pythium, pathogen genomics along with biological control studies are offering useful brings about effectors and anti-fungal elements. Prospects for capacity Rhizoctonia and Pythium spp. continuously increase using developing understanding of pathogenicity techniques, host defense gene motion compared to the particular pathogen disease procedure, and the function involving enviromentally friendly factors about pathogen-host interactions. Authored by Elsevier Eire Ltd.Cellulases catalyze the actual hydrolysis of cellulose, the most important component of grow biomass along with the most ample organic polymer bonded in the world. Cellulases are lift-up digestive support enzymes made up of catalytic internet domain names related, by means of linker series, in order to noncatalytic carbohydrate-binding web template modules (CBMs). A putative lift-up endo-beta-1,4-glucanase (BhCel5B) will be encoded in locus BH0603 in the genome of Bacillus halodurans. It really is made up of an N-terminal glycoside hydrolase family members Five catalytic module (GH5) as well as a good immunoglobulin-like component as well as a C-terminal family Forty-six CBM (BhCBM46). The following, the particular crystallization along with first X-ray diffraction investigation trimodular BhCel5B are generally noted. Urate involving BhCel5B belonged on the orthorhombic area group P2(1)2(One) A couple of information ended up processed to a decision of a single.Sixty-four angstrom. A new molecular-replacement answer has been seen.Fuchs cornael dystrophy (FCD) is really a degenerative genetic condition with the cornael endothelium to display probably the most widespread factors behind corneal hair transplant in the usa. Regardless of their higher prevalence (4%, over the age of Forty), the actual innate foundation FCD is largely unfamiliar. Here we document missense mutations in TCF8, the transcribing factor whose haploinsufficiency leads to posterior polymorphous cornael dystrophy (PPCD), in the cohort regarding late-onset FCD patients. As opposed to PPCD-causing strains, all of these are usually null, FCD-associated versions encode unusual missense changes Recommended to result in loss of purpose through a good throughout vivo complementation assay. Notably, segregation of an recurring p.Q840P mutation in the huge, multigenerational FCD reputation demonstrated this particular allele to get sufficient although not needed for pathogenesis. Execution of an genome-wide check out programmed for that presence of the 840P allele determined an additional late-onset FCD locus on chromosome 9p, while haplotype evaluation revealed that the use of the actual TCF8 allele as well as the condition haplotype on 9p results in a serious FCD manifestation together with bad analysis.
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degibusdesigns · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Oscar Sport Apres Ski Black Fur Tall Winter Boots EUR 37.
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