#also lots of ulterior motives and backstabbing. sorry.
quillkiller · 27 days
yeah sorry having transfemme lucius and bella thoughts. yeah. sorry
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ichika27 · 3 years
OnS Chapter 106
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Well... this chapter is making me ask questions lol. At last though, we’re back to seeing what Mika is doing but is also continuing from where the previous chapter left off. So many things happening at once.
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The 2nd Progenitor Rigr Stafford vs. 3rd Progenitor Lest Karr and 5th Progenitor Ky Luc. Lest is having trouble and is worried due to facing a 2nd progenitor while his companion Ky is enjoying himself and feels confident he could win against a their enemy. Rigr realizes in the middle of battle that Ky is probably Urd's right hand man since Ky's ability surpasses that of a regular 5th progenitor.
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Rigr aims at Ky's eye. Ky realizes he can't dodge it anyways so he just went straight ahead to land an attack himself. Now the two of them are too connected to each other which worried Lest since he's about to use a lightning attack. Ky just tells him to go for it.
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Ky gives his sword as much blood as he could give to make sure Rigr couldn't get away when Lest uses Heaven's Fan. When the attack is done, Ky sustained a lot of injuries.
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It seems the attack had worked and had injured the 2nd progenitor as well. I felt pretty suspicious at this moment cause there’s no way these two could easily beat a 2nd progenitor. Plus Rigr wasn’t really that worried despite saying so cause he doesn’t always mean what he tells them. I thought there must be a trick.
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2nd Progenitor Urd Geales finally makes an appearance! Lest tells him of what had transpired and Urd isn't amused and tells him that it's impossible for a vampire to escape the cell (he made it so himself). He then tells Rigr to stop messing with his subordinates.
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With a clap of the hands, Rigr is back in the cell. Rigr reveals that the entire fight was nothing but an illusion that he learned from humans. lol I knew there was a trick but I didn’t think it was all an illusion. I thought he’d easily regenerate or something.
You know what, Rigr’s teasing nature and laid-back attitude in the middle of battle reminds me of Ferid. They might not be blood-related but he is the one who turned Ferid into a vampire so it’s close.
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The two former friends have a little reunion. Ky apologizes for the trouble but Urd tells him it wasn't his fault as Rigr is of a higher rank and can't be helped.
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It seems he still cares...
Rigr asks Urd what the latter has in store for him and Urd says that if Rigr doesn't answer his questions, he might just kill him. Urd asks what Rigr’s plan is and Rigr tells him that his revenge plan against the 1st Progenitor hasn't changed yet after all these years so there’s nothing to say.
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Urd says that in betraying the 1st, Rigr had also betrayed him and Rigr offered to be killed. He mentions he hasn't forgotten about Urd and has thought about him everyday when they were separated.
I’m sorry... these lines are getting to me. They must’ve been really close friends for them to be this way with each other. They kinda remind me of Mika and Yuu in a way except these two sort of became rivals or something.
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Urd then asked Rigr about this revenge plan and how it's going.
I’m guessing the original question is asking about what the plan is specifically but it’s changed to asking if it’s going well. I wonder if Urd had realized what it might be before asking?
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Meanwhile, Mika is still inside Yuu's heart. In front of him is a strange eye and he's trying to figure out what this one is exactly.
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Mika touches the eye to peek into what's in it. He's then transported to this strange place and in each of the containers inside is an eyeball each. Mika finds himself possessing one of these eyeballs.
I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who recognized this from the Ancient Greece flashbacks several chapters ago.
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It’s tiny Yuu-chan! It confirmed that this is Mikaela's room from back in Greece thousands of years ago from the flashbacks. Yuu visits here many times to try and wake up the "sleeping" Mika inside the glass. This is probably a later scenario from Ashera’s flashbacks cause this Yuu isn’t borderline emotionless and acts like an excitable child unlike the Yuu that Ashera first met.
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Noya tells him it's pointless as Mika is dead but Yuu tells him that Mika will certainly wake up. It's Yuu's job to wake him after all. Noya comments that Yuu's exact duty is to be the sacrifice to awaken Mika. Yuu didn't hear this and continues to call Mika which annoyed Noya enough and in the end, Yuu was killed.
Okay, so I don’t remember if Yuu had been calling Sika Madu “Father” from before or if this is some new development because I think he just called him “Master” back then? Also, I guess this means Yuu and Mika are connected more deeply than we thought. I wonder how Yuu would be sacrificed.
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Noya then uses one of the eyeballs and turned it into another Yuu. The new Yuu could talk but knows nothing. He kept asking so many questions that Noya got annoyed again and killed this one, too. Ashera tells him that it's not right and Noya just says that he just has to get used to it. Plus no one would notice how many had been killed if they made another Yuu.
We’re finally shown how they make Yuu-chan clones. I wonder what changed or how this is done as the new Yuu clone acts like the previous one: loud and excited. He’s totally not like the Yuu that Ashera met who is quiet and sort of emotionless. I thought they would start out like that quiet Yuu first and then learn to be normal but it seems the clones are more like the new version of Yuu.
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The next Yuu Noya had created is the one Mika is currently possessing. Of course, this “Yuu” wouldn’t act the same as the others since Mika is possessing it. Noya didn’t question this or at least, he seems to not and just leaves this Yuu be.
So either he’s just faking and realized that there’s something really different (as that look is suggesting) or the personality of the Yuu-chan clones differ from one another that this is a possibility. Also, since Yuu-chan is a clone, who was he cloned from? Was there an original Yuu-chan? What was he then? So many questions...
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The 1st Progenitor and the others have arrived. Raimei scolds the kids for entering the room without permission but Byakko just tells her to go easy on them as they're just kids.
The group (minus the 1st Progenitor) looks like their demon selves: from the outfits to the horns). Does this mean they’ve been turned to demons at this point? Also, Byakko’s personality doesn’t look as serious as he seems as he currently is as Byakkomaru. By the way, I don’t think I’ve ever heard their original names being used so not sure if these are right. I got them from the wiki when I was looking at the correct name spellings for the other characters.
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Back to the present, Rigr offers Urd the choice to join him in revenge. Rigr tells them that his preparations are ready and apologizes for taking too long with it. He asks Urd if the latter has any hostages and it's revealed that the people Urd was carrying earlier are Shinya and Kureto and so Rigr asked about their demons (which are their former vampire companions).
This is making me wonder what Urd’s plan is. At first of course I thought he’s asking Rigr about this revenge thing cause he wants to know if he could stop it or change Rigr’s mind. But now I’m confused cause the way he’s asking seems like he’s... interested? And Rigr asked about hostages which Urd already has and coincidentally (or not...?) they are Shinya and Kureto who are the contractors of Byakkomaru and Raimeiki. Rigr even asked about the demons.
Like if Urd turned out to switch sides and becomes Rigr’s ally, I don’t think I’d be surprised. The current arc is just everybody switching sides and backstabbing everyone else or having ulterior motives in the stuff they do. How many opposing groups do we even have now lol.
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Switching back to the past, Mika continues to observe the others through the clone Yuu. Sika Madu seem to have realized what he really is though and addresses him directly.
I’m betting this is the real Sika Madu cause he’s already left Shinoa. Plus if his other demon companions could go to another demon’s world, there’s no doubt he could do it, too since he’s the most powerful of them all.
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Sika Madu tries to put Mika to sleep. A struggling Mika hears Yuu's voice telling him that in order to escape they must work together. If they devour one another, Mika would become Yuu's demon. As Sika Madu continues to use his powers on Mika, Mika finally accepts and lets himself become Yuu's demon.
Finally! I guess if this goes well (which there’s a high chance this would go well unless the author decides to prolong the drama), Mika would finally become a demon weapon. it’s also another sword if I remember correctly. I wonder if Yuu will use it now that Asuramaru can’t be trusted? Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered the cover art for one of Owari no Seraph’s artbooks wherein Yuu is shown with his sword and the reflection in it is Mika. Foreshadowing or coincidence? Probably coincidence since it’s the reverse in another artbook. Still it’s cool.
The Vampire side of the story is slowly connecting to the protagonists’ side of the story. It looks like whatever it is that Rigr is planning, it’ll involve the demons residing in a majority of the main casts’ weapons. They’d cross paths sooner or later.
Shinya and Kureto got caught but where are the others? Where are the rest of Guren’s squad? I wonder who the demons are that’s inside of the weapons of the others...
I’m still sad they chose not to use the nickname Mika had for Yuu. “Yuu-chan” is distinctly Mika’s nickname for him (it’s even Mika’s favorite phrase according to one of the fanbooks haha). Plus since they never use any honorifics for the way everyone else calls Yuu (Yoichi’s “Yuu-kun” and Shinoa’s “Yuu-san” are just “Yuu/Yu” now), there’s no difference. Mika calling Yuu by a specific nickname even became a plot point when one of the human soldiers trusted Mika because of how he calls Yuu. Like, I get why they’re not using honorifics in the official translation but it’s still a shame. Now everytime I see Mika call Yuu or refer to Yuu, my mind fills in the missing honorific. It will always be “Yuu-chan” to me.
Anyways, the last page of this chapter never said when the next one would come out. I wonder why? I’m hoping it’s not a hiatus but it can’t be helped if it is. I’m kinda excited for what’s to come next. I wonder what happened to everyone else? Are we ever gonna get POVs from them or are they also just left to the side since they’re not part of the main conflict? I mean they seemed to have completely dropped Narumi since I haven’t seen him in a while.
Thanks for reading this if you did!
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purplenyxknight · 6 years
Gemverse Suggestions
I don’t have a Tumblr, so I’ve never done anything like this before, and I hope it works. Sorry if I’m using this incorrectly, and sorry for the word count, I know it’s long. Basically, here are some suggestions for your Ducktales gem-verse.
I’m assuming Goldie is a gem as well, based on Scrooge’s reaction to Webbolite in your fanfic and the images that you have of a Scrooge/Goldie fusion. I’m also not seeing any descriptions for her gem or fusion, so I’d like to make some suggestions for those gems. Note that these suggestions may not actually be “gems”, I can’t really find much on their status and cultural significance, but maybe you have better resources. Anyways, I was recently on an Alaskan cruise, where I learned of both Gold Nugget jewelry and Gold (Bearing) Quartz/Glacier Gold. If you’re looking them up, try adding “Alaska” to help narrow the search results, otherwise you get a lot of fertilizer. Literally. Glacier Gold is a brand of compost.
Basically, Gold (Bearing) Quartz, which is often shortened to Gold Quartz, is when a vein of gold is found inside a vein of quartz. In jewelry, at least the ones I’ve seen, it is usually a white or clear type of quartz that is used, which makes the gold stand out spectacularly. In jewelry, Gold Quartz is the rare, naturally occurring variety, while Glacier Gold is an artificially created variety, which could be referenced as a running or inside joke somehow (like if Goldie is flirting with another man/gem for some ulterior motive, it would be an artificial thing, not like the real thing she has with Scrooge).
Anyways, Goldie Nugget seems fitting, and since Citrine is a quartz the combo would make sense. It would also be pretty representative of their relationship, as freely intermingling yet determinedly distinct individuals. When you think about it, it would be almost sensual in a weird way, like even as their bodies become a single entity, their souls are continuing to dance or play instead of settling down. Also, consider that “Alaska”, “Gold”, and “Glacier” are three words that pretty much sum up the beginning of their history together. If “backstab lovingly” was a type of gem, you’d have the whole of it.
On a semi-related note, I actually got myself an Ammolite necklace, so was quite tickled about the triplets’ fusion. So here are some questions/ideas about that. First, since Ammolite is a fossil, is their gem in the shape of a shell, or is it cut into a geometric shape as most often found in jewelry? Also, how pure or solid is the coloration of it? I ask because there is something called “Dragon Scale Ammolite”, which has a very crackly appearance as opposed to the smooth color scale you often see in jewelry. I mention this because, if the boy’s gem is naturally crackly looking even when entirely intact, it may be another reason they see nothing wrong with Donald’s gem. Also, it would give you a good excuse to have other gems freak out for no apparent reason when they first see the gem’s appearance. Just a thought.
And along with that thought, I would like to note that because it is a  fossil, Ammolite is actually a very very fragile stone. It requires a protective coating to be used as jewelry. And considering the trio’s individual gem placements, on the stomach, forehead, and back, it seems like they’d be unable to protect all three at once, leaving themselves pretty vulnerable to attack. I know Webby isn’t a gem, and fusion with her probably doesn’t strongly affect the gems themselves, but maybe adding Webby adds an invisible protective layer to the gems? Or, if you go with the crackly appearance, her addition fills in the cracks for a smoother, stronger appearance? It could be a way of showing that, even as a non-gem, her inclusion makes a notable difference and improvement, instead of it just being a fun thing they do for the novelty of the experience.
Wow, that got a lot longer than I thought, so I should wrap it up. Anyways, love the idea and what I’ve seen so far of your work, and look forward to seeing more in the future. Hope you guys continue to have fun with it! -p2s
Nyx: Thank you so much aaaaaaa!!! This was an awesome thing to wake up to!
Don’t worry about it being long, it’s amazing that you took the time to do this for our AU thank you!!!
We had actually given Goldie, well, Gold, because I thought it’d be funny, because we thought it fit, especially seeing as Scrooge (and Goldie) likes gold. Also Gold is a mineral that basically means empowerment and that’s pretty much Goldie right there (except you know, at the expense of others but hey, no one’s perfect.). Glacier Gold sounds perfect as the Scrooge-Goldie fusion though aaaaa! Also “If ‘Backstab Lovingly’ was a type of gem” made me laugh so much like you wouldn’t believe I love it.
Purple: This is so well thought out and great. It reminds me of when I first messaged Nyx about the AU and started to info dump them… now I’m somehow a co-creator for this thing. Trying to answer everything coherently…
We aren’t planning on having gem shape change for any fusion so the triplets will all have their gems cut like jewelry. I actually didn’t think about dragon scale ammolite when I first thought of them but I was thinking of including some less severe concretions in the gem due to how common it is, even in jewelry. I don’t know if I was subconsciously thinking about it when designing but you put the idea of it being why they don’t think about Donald’s gem into words so thank you!
I’m not sure if people (or gems at least) would freak out about seeing Ammolite’s lines because that may be a known feature of the gem but it is a cool idea. When deciding on the gem I thought about the way the colors blend into one another and the metaphysical meanings of harmony and protection. I did know that Ammolite was a soft stone but being completely honest; other factors of the gem were so cool I just didn’t think about it after the decision. Given that they are magic rocks I think they are probably more durable than regular Ammolite.
Pewycert: hi i’m here too i have nothing to add but i just wanted to be a part of things
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