#also technically annabeth should be in the grade above percy but ig we can just say she started late
purpleshadow-star · 7 months
So I'm trying to make a timeline for the pjo universe, and I just realized that Rick skipped a whole year. Like, in universe, he skipped a whole year. Percy went from being old for his grade to being young (he should have turned 18 before his senior year, but now he's turning 18 right before his freshman year of college). So Percy and Annabeth essentially skipped a year of school, because he turned 15 in the battle of the labyrinth and was going into his freshman year of high school by the end of the book, and then a year and a half later, during Trials of Apollo, he's all of a sudden in his senior year. Botl was right before his freshman year, tlo was right before his sophomore year, then he got taken by Hera a few months later, then hoo (minus the lost hero) was the next summer (which would be right after his sophomore year), but then about five months later, January of the next year (when toa starts), he's a senior in high school instead of a junior. Someone please get Rick Riordan a calendar...
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