#then i thought about it for percy and annabeth and realized they dont make sense either
purpleshadow-star · 7 months
So I'm trying to make a timeline for the pjo universe, and I just realized that Rick skipped a whole year. Like, in universe, he skipped a whole year. Percy went from being old for his grade to being young (he should have turned 18 before his senior year, but now he's turning 18 right before his freshman year of college). So Percy and Annabeth essentially skipped a year of school, because he turned 15 in the battle of the labyrinth and was going into his freshman year of high school by the end of the book, and then a year and a half later, during Trials of Apollo, he's all of a sudden in his senior year. Botl was right before his freshman year, tlo was right before his sophomore year, then he got taken by Hera a few months later, then hoo (minus the lost hero) was the next summer (which would be right after his sophomore year), but then about five months later, January of the next year (when toa starts), he's a senior in high school instead of a junior. Someone please get Rick Riordan a calendar...
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itsss4t4n · 4 months
Helloo!! Could you write Gn!reader x Ethan Nakamura headcanons where they go from enemies to lovers? Not only that but reader is still in CHB which is why they're enemies at first. Don't be afraid to fully put all your thoughts, I'd love to hear them! 🫶 Thank you so much.
a/n: Sorry that this took so long to write. For some reason writing headcannons is way harder for me than actual fics. I still hope you enjoy them <33
warnings: none, light mention of bullying (barely really), mention of family issues and trauma (no detail or description just that he has it), my headcannons are bad
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- i think until the battle of new york they only knew about ethan from waht percy and annabeth told them. 
- knowing his reasonings they probably felt kind of sorry for him but it wasnt enough to make it okay in their eyes.
-during the battle they fought each other at least once and they recognized him because of the eyepatch.
-when ethan somehow survives the final fight with kronos and is at camp again, they are still really wary of him.
-ethan honestly is trying to redeem himself and is helping in camp whereever he can.
-at some point they are sparring together and get to talking, and realize that they have a lot in common, and ethan explains a little more  why he joined kronos and about his past, etc.
-i feel like when you are finally civil with each other you would become friend pretty quickly
-he feels like he can actually trust you, especially if are also a child of a minor god, because you can understand his feelings pretty well
-at some point you develop feelings for each other but both of you are oblivious idiots and need some talking to from each of your friends to realize it.
-you think your friendship is already to fragile because of how it came to be, so you dont want to risk it by telling him about your feelings.
-it kind of slips out when one of you gets hurt during capture the flag.
-now onto your relationship:
-honestly you fit realy great together, weither you are really similar and kind of scary when you're together or you're polar opposites, somehow it just makes sense.
-being a son of nemesis he would probably take revenge on anyone that is mean to you because you didnt deserve it.
-i feel like he would be kind of scared of intimicy and especially PDA at first, but after some time he gets more used to it.
-at that point he would seek out physical contact with you. Holding your hand, having his arm around your shoulder or waist, just anything to touch you.
-i also think he has severe abonment issues so that also plays a part in the touching. he is constantly trying to make sure that you dont leave him.
- he loves hugs, hug him. The first time you did, he almost cried because it had been so long.
-hes got so many issues and so much rauma honestly just help that man
-he loves kisses
-kiss him
-go on
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neptunite-stars · 1 year
Dtgtghtggtgjteeg hi um I give you both Aira and Hiiro
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Struggled with the hair
Didn't feel like line art but it probably would've been faster
Anyways demigod Aira was in my head after seeing you talk about it
Aira gets winged shoes and Hiiro gets a hat that makes him invisible
(Am recalling Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus where Annabeth has that hat)
And like when Aira and Hiiro encounter some kinda monster, Hiiro puts the hat on Aira and the winged shoes sense danger so they immediately fly Aira away
And Hiiro is left alone to fight the monster (Aira wanted to stay but Hiiro insisted he could fight alone)
As for the shoes, they originally just have a heart but as Aira meets the rest of Alkaloid, he sews patches of the symbols that represent them onto the shoes
Ok that's all. Giving you all the strength to complete your art project hiiai woo
im so sorry this took so long to answer i was sleeping and then i. i had to doodle for this. i cant stop thinking about it now. anyway this is going under a cut im going to. ramble. a lot now.
i think when aira first gets his winged shoes he immediately trips over himself- im not sure how hed get it, maybe he found them while cleaning out his closet or smth? they wouldnt have the wings then but after a couple of days BAM theyd have wings. these shoes be blessed by hermes! (or a god of travel / wind from different mythologies. im going greek just to make it easier on myself ajskdfkj) and then aira trips as the shoes try to fly off LMAO
i also think that. each shoe has one wing to make a pair of wings when together, so hed have to wear both shoes to be able to get the hang of it. idk i just always thought that itd be more interesting to have the shoes kinda imbalanced? idk what im getting at here. help
as for this au i think they wont necessarily be born demigods but more along the lines of "the gods blessed them and now they have slight powers / they have magical items that allow them to do things" so !! (this makes it easier on myself again)
okok!! hiiro time!! yes, the classic invis hat from percy jackson and the olympians <3 i love that book series so much... gahh!!! anyway i love the idea of him having an invis hat (i could not think of anything else ok. i am unoriginal) and hoenstly? he would be able to take a fight with a monster (hes canonically rly strong and im pretty sure he. also is in the karate(?) club with tetora) i dont think he'd use it much? i dunno. hmm does this mean he has been blessed by athena?
(i am extending this to alkaloid now) mayoi... he definitely has an item blessed (cursed?) by hades or smth. and he keeps it near / on him at all times which is partly why hes. so strange all the time. he doesnt want the effects of the item (maybe an amulet or some other small thing that he held sentimental value to?) to affect others. the other part of him being strange is. just his canon reasons. this au is literally just adding magic items to canon lmao btu STILL
tatsumi... i am thinking a pocketwatch. but imnot sure what magical properties it might have... i do NOT want it to be time related because at first tatsumi would think "i could use this to turn back time and everything would be reset and i wouldnt do the things i now regret" type of thing but when he realizes that its. not that. angst :) thats the only reason its a pocketwatch! im trying rly hard to coem up with a deity that would "fit" him but. its so hard... maybe hestia? goddess of the hearth, tatsumi being able to make a comfortable home for anyone in himself (METAPHORICALLY. PLEASE TELL ME THIS MAKES ANY SENSE AT ALL.) anyway hestia blessing would be so tatsumayo. tatsumi using pocketwatch power to at first get closer to mayoi, then feeling bad that he did that so tatsumi isolates himself from mayoi, but mayoi, not knowing what tatsumi did, is confused (but also he was also trying to push him away bc. hades blessing/curse) and now is worried that oh no, i did actually push him away this is bad!!! but its ok they reconcile with the help of hiiai!
anyway thanks for listening to me ramble too much heres some doodles as a reward <3 (i did the mayoi and tatsumi part just now so no doodles for them)
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Percy Jackson: The Last Olympian first reading thoughts:
-I didnt sleep reading this but it was totally worth it!!
-Danm this was soo good!
-From the start things get heavy, Backendorf's death hurt me way more than I expected.
-I loved the entire part in Poseidon's castle, very interesting (and Tyson is here!)
-Wow Nico has changed so much since the begining (also his powers are very cool)
-To see the story of Luke and his mother uncover was hard to read, so tragic, I was at the verge of tears in many parts.
-It all came full circle, now the things Luke said in the first books make so much sense, you can see what drove him to those extreme ideas.
-And I love how Percy starts to change his inicial perception of things too. That is I think a very admirable part of him. Even if he is a very stubborn boy, he is willing to try and change his mind.
-But even more so Annabeth, she is so empathic despite her critical thinking, and I love that of her. She is truly so wise, even so young she realizes that she needs both the power of the heart AND mind. To almost the last second she holds on to her heart and that doesn't meant she stops being smart.
-Amazing to see the Underworld again, and Hades, and Persephone!
-Achilles's ghost, nice.
-Percy thinking of Annabeth in the river to survive STOP I LOVE THEM (Also dont think I didn't notice him constantly getting distracted with how pretty Annabeth looked)
-Very funny that whole interaction with Demeter, Persephone and Hades, and it was interesting to see how Nico tries to fit in there.
- I really thought we wouldnt get the chance to see Hestia and we did! And I loved how she was represented, as the hope that comes from the concep of home and how that parallels the gods and Olympus being the source of their power.
-I would have liked to see more of the gods fighting Typhon but I I looved the full focus on the battle defending Olympus.
-No, really, that entire battle was soo fricking cool. It took so much of the book and I adored every second. I could feel them getting cornered by Kronos, the progressive tiredness every time a new attack happens.
-Wow so much happens!
-Ok, I think my favorite parts were:
-THALIA!! Gods I missed her, It was so exciting to have her back and fighting.
-The automatons??? How cool is that??
-Percy provoking the Minotaur in such a cocky way, damn my boy has grown.
-Prometheus. Loved everything, such a fun antagonic character.
-Grover and his cool powers with nature turning a titan into a tree, AMAZING
-Percy chasing a gigant flying pig around New York.
-The centaurs coming to the rescue
-Dionysus using a party to manifest, so interesting and cool (nice of him to ask about his son)
-Percy referring to both his mom and Paul as "his parents"
-The battle with the dragon, everything felt so epic. Silena's sacrifice was so tragic, and Clarisse using her anger to kill the dragon, epic.
-"I will kill you ALL! Where is Kronos? Bring him out! Is he a coward?" Damn Clarisse...
-Hades, Demeter and Persephone coming to the fight!!!
-I was kinda hoping Luke could survive, but I guess his death was necessary. It was equally hearbreaking and beautiful. His sacrifice just made everything circle back in a true greek tragedy tale style.
-Again, with the impecable development of Percy. "You are not the hero" *cheff kiss.
-And again, Annabeth understanding eveything before eveyone else.
-To see all the gods reunited again was amazing
-And Tyson! I'm so happy for him, (I just hope he never has to actually fight)
-And Annabeth!! My dear girl will be architect of Olympus, I was about to cry, I'm so happy for her.
-Percy, I was not expecting him to ask that to the gods and I love him even more now. I knew some day his ability to defy the gods with a straight face would be used for a greater good. And damn he deliver. Again, everything full circle, what a good ending.
-Rachel is the Oracle now, cool. And I loved to see Apollo there, amazing.
-Another prophecy????
-I swear they are the most adorable thing ever, the underwater kiss... :')
-Well that was fricking beautiful
-I loved this book and this series with my soul, an aboslute beauty of a story, everything was like a dream come true and I'm so happy I got to read it while I wasnt busy.
-What a journey, loved every second, I felt like a little kid again. 100/10
-You bet I'm reading EVERYTHING else from this franchise.
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guardianofthestarz · 3 months
this year my goal was to read at least 25 books (which now seems too easy) and i decided to start with rick's books cuz i loved pjo
(i then realized i had actually never finished the pjo series - i didnt finish the LAST book... thats crazy)
i went on yt and found a vid that showed the RIGHT way to read all his books so my journey started.
anyway blah blah blah, i wanted to talk about the kane chronicles
obv spoilers if you havent read those and if you care
hell nah. that series was so bad 😭😭 (imo ofc and ill explain why i think so)
i should mention that i read the first and third book, but i only read half of the second book cuz it got very looooooong and boring to me (i just read the wikipedia summary for it)
also the only reason i read these books was cuz i knew there would be a collab between the magicians and demigods and that sounded rly interesting to me!
im usually not that picky when it comes to books/fics/anything so i was surprised i didnt like these books. first of all theyre so long, and for what.. the world ends in 3, 4, 5 days yet each book is 90k words at best and 120k-ish words at worst. it just dragged ooooooon and onnnnn and onnnnnnnnnn. i thought maybe its just the length that im not used to (even tho ive read way longer fics but i thought maybe its not the same..) then i started reading the heroes of olympus series which was a similar length and i sped thru those. which prob means that the kane chronicles were just boring. i was gonna say that it just felt like there were attacks and fights just cuz, but then again, thats kinda similar to percy jackson books. i cant put my finger on why some fights felt kinda useless and filler.. unlike in pj books. also when they beat apophis it felt too easy. there was so much build up to that final battle, and in the end he got destroyed in like half a page or smt.. not satisfying! and since we know the kane siblings are still alive (cuz of the recording being sent etc), it didnt feel like there was anything at stake.
the egyptian mythology was actually pretty interesting, i did like learning about it. however, at times there was just a LOT of info being dumped- so many gods/stories etc that i had a hard time remembering everything. i think w the percy jackson/greek mythology books there was just more time for rick to set the scene and build the world so it didnt feel that overwhelming (even tho it was still a lot, im ngl).
and now my biggest complaint... i thought rick could write powerful female characters butttttttttt maybe that was just annabeth LOL. SADIE WAS SO ANNOYING!!!!!! she was SO unlikeable but i think we werent supposed to dislike her??? yeah shes young but so was percy and annabeth and every demigod from the pjo series and they were much more enjoyable to read about. all she cared about was guys. more specifically, sadie, a 12yo, was head over heels for ANUBIS, a THOUSAND YEAR OLD god, who oh yeah,,, looked like a 16yo guy but idk if its just me, thats still a WEIRD/uncomfy AGE DIFFERENCE 😭shes so lucky that she ended up w basically both guys she had a crush on, but she still made it such a big deal when that happened.
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like anubis had stabbed her in the back or smt lmfao. also should mention that in the pjo books for ex., percabeth didnt just happen when they were 12/13... a long time passed so that relationship could feel unrushed and natural.
dont get me wrong, liking a guy etc is all normal and very teenage-y (even tho sadie wasnt even a teenager when all this happened). but making that MOST of her personality, or smt she constantly thought about and prioritized during the END OF THE WORLD. she just seemed very irresponsible and immature (which makes sense cuz shes a child.... maybe i shouldnt be reading these books as an almost 20yo) (but i can still tell when some1 has annoying qualities objectively) (even if its still a kids book)
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idk thats just annoying. carter was tryna save the day/world and sadie had other things in her mind. or when she wanted to go hang out w her friends for her bday even tho the world was ending VERY soon and they had to get going. yeah she wants to be a normal kid but rn theres more important things you gotta think about bbg (and yes i do understand that the dance or her bday hang out would help w morale but at least be on the look out for stuff and dont think that youre not still on the job and most likely putting every1 in danger..). save the world first, then enjoy your life. maybe take a cake to go while youre traveling. maybe call your besties and talk to them on the phone for an hour or whatever
carter wasnt perfect, but even his obsession w zia wasnt THAT bad. it felt more normal and smt the reader (or i) could get behind and not dislike him too much for.
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(when carter said that i thought he was in my head cuz i was literally thinking that sadie always leaves him to deal w important stuff)
i feel like theres more i had to say but theres too much negativity in this post already LOL im sorry 😭 this trilogy wasnt a 0 or 1 star, it was closer to 2 or maybe even 3. i didnt mind ignoring most of these. the only thing i couldnt ignore was sadie's attitude sometimes and ofc the weird relationship between her and anubis, but when walt showed up etc i had hope and it did get slightly better!
ofc im not a writer and i couldnt prob never write anything half as good as any of rick's books, but this is just my experience as the reader. as i mightve mentioned , rn im reading the heroes of olympus books for the first time and im enjoying them quite a lot!
lmk if you agree or disagree w anything, i usually change my mind somewhat easily so id love to see this series from some1 else's pov
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ofherlionheart · 2 years
daaamn okay let’s do this!!
in my head there’s a companion piece to like the sun that’s a mai POV that bops back and forth in time to explore her relationships with ty lee and azula and zuko. also largely abt her sense of sexuality and gender, particularly as 1. someone who meets/exceeds basically every fire nation beauty standard and 2. as the spitting image of her mother (who she does not have a gr8 relationship with). mailee endgame of coooourse
like the sun sequel, wherein zuko becomes izumi’s father. how, u ask? he’s doing his blue spirit thing when he shouldn’t be and he comes across a mother and her newborn (i named her izumi, mama says, because i discovered i was carrying her when visiting the spring at the temple); the mother dies, z can’t save her, but he can’t just leave the baby. how hard can it be to take care of a child, anyway? he brings izumi back to the palace and is like, can i get a wet nurse? and everyone LOSES their shit. ‘fire lord zuko how did u end up in possession of a baby?’ ‘she’s mine,’ he says and refuses to elaborate. the staff finds a wet nurse and gossip starts flying around, all omg the fire lord had a secret baby mama somewhere. when sokka first hears abt izumi he freaks the fck out — not b/c he thinks z had an affair (the thought doesn’t even cross his mind), but b/c he’s like 1. this baby is now a part of z’s life, this is immutable fact 2. i am part of z’s life 3. omfg i’m supposed to be part of the baby’s life?? that’s a degree of commitment and faith in the future that I DONT KNOW HOW TO PROCESS. like a nerd sokka doesn’t tell z any of this. shenanigans and misunderstanding as z embraces fatherhood super enthusiastically and sokka’s brain is short-circuiting and constantly being witness to all these dadko moments
percy/annabeth from pjo boarding school summer-before-senior-year-college-tour-roadtrip au!! bounces between the summer and the journey it took for them to become friends and end up on this roadtrip. annabeth POV, the slow realization that there’s something more to life than, like, grades and good colleges and career success. 
daichi/suga canon divergent haikyuu fic: daichi has always inspired suga to work harder; suga has always inspired daichi to be more adventurous. so daichi applies to a few unis in tokyo (gasp! so far from miyagi!) and is super excited to tell suga abt it (ofc suga applied to tokyo unis, he’s pretty smart and has always talked abt leaving miyagi for university) but suga beats him to the punch … he got the same scholarship as shimizu to go to america for college. daichi is proud of him! anyway college college blah blah one night daichi’s grabbing drinks w/ noya and suga’s instagram comes up, daichi says something abt that american boy who keeps showing up in suga’s posts and noya’s like oh yeah his boyfriend. daichi: ????? noya: yah dude didja not know? anyway suga can’t be super open abt it on social media b/c he’ll lose his scholarship if they find out he’s queer. blah blah daichi goes to visit suga in america during a break at school and he meets the boyfriend and realizes his feelings about his best friend have evolved blah blaaaah idk how this one ends lmfao. i mean ik there would be smooching but that’s the extent of the detail i have in my head
sneak preview to a prompt ask game drabble but yet ANOTHER zukka modern au 🤪 this time z and s meet in brazil while they’re both doing research out of the same university. sorry i keep making z and s absolute nerds?? anyway there’s beach volleyball incredible food amazing music. but all international flings between foreigners must end eventually. no plot here rly just vibes
this one is mostly a joke, buuuuuut haikyuu au wherein oikawa fcks up his knee in HS and has the deepest mope about losing volleyball. accidentally gets really into kdramas while serially moping, becomes proficient in korean thru that. one weekend he’s visiting tokyo with hanamaki and matsukawa and when they’re at a mall oikawa’s pounced on by a scout who’s like, hey wanna be an korean idol? oikawa’s like haha maki didn’t i always tell you i was so beautiful and mastukawa’s like he’s fluent in korean and hanamaki’s like he practices cute expressions in the mirror all the time and duets pretty good with his showerhead. scout leaves his business card, oikawa’s like ‘u guys r so mean for making fun of me like that’ and they’re like lmfao as if u could actual become an idol. oikawa: TARGET. LOCKED. he’s remembered how to work his ass off again. anyway fic would start like, 4 years after his group’s debut, they’re on tour in the united states where iwaizumi is oh-so-conveniently doing college. ‘iwa-chan your skin got so much darker!’ ‘you look fckn translucent’ ‘i’ll risk getting a little tan only for you, iwa-chan’
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
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howelljenkins · 4 years
hey so i know non white percy is a pretty popular headcanon but i was wondering if it was still considered bad to hc him as a poc with green eyes as i know there has been a heap of people calling rick's depiction of other poc with coloured eyes as disrespectful (re: piper and hazel). i dont wanna hurt anyone by accidentally playing into a racist stereotype y'know? ^ Not my ask. Saw other people discussing it on a different blog. Thoughts?
I think that to answer this question one has to look at the context and intent behind the features of each character.
Hazel and Piper are young Black and indigenous women (and in this case, the fact that they are women shouldn’t be overlooked). There is a history of providing woc with otherworldly/white features in order to “exotify” them and make them more desirable/magical/etc, and this goes doubly for black women. If you consider the actual colors Riordan ascribes to their features, it’s not hard to see how their characters play into this pattern.
Piper’s eye color is literally impossible to have. I’ve seen people try to excuse Riordan by saying that she has hazel eyes (I’m not sure why they even try to excuse it since they obviously understand it’s wrong. Take note of how far people go to preserve the “unique” eye colors of nonwhite characters) but he very explicitly compares them to a “kaleidoscope”, constantly changing colors from brown to green to blue, etc.
This has given people the excuse to draw her with bright pink eyes. Before people became more vocal about how harmful her features are, you’d be hard-pressed to find a dark-eyed drawing of Piper. However, take one peek into her tag and you’d find droves of blue, green, and even pink-eyed Pipers. I’m not here to unfold the entire history of how brown eyes are viewed, but I trust you to use common sense and make your own conclusions about what might influence people to be so subconsciously averse to drawing her with brown eyes, especially when they are one of her canonical eye colors.
To my knowledge, none of the other children of Aphrodite are described this way. One could argue Silena, but we all know that Riordan just didn’t keep her character’s appearance consistent. Ask yourself why he would go out of his way to give an Indigenous woman those eyes. He does it to prove she’s the daughter of Aphrodite, the daughter of beauty. Ask yourself why her brown eyes aren’t enough for him, especially since he has never given any other character this feature.
Hazel, the daughter of a Black woman with no explicitly “exotic” features, is given orange hair and eyes. For Hazel, even the excuse of “she got them from her godly parent” (which is fundamentally flawed) doesn’t work as Hades is literally described as having dark eyes. Add this on to the fact that none of the other children of Hades have any of these features (the di Angelo’s have regular Italian features) and it makes you question why Hazel was specifically chosen to be the one to be described with coloring that is literally inhuman (when was the last time you saw someone with bright orange hair and eyes?). At best, her description is inconsistent with the rest of his writing. At worst, it is dehumanizing and plays into the fetishization of black women.
Now I ask you to look at the situation with a wider lens and realize that the only characters given these inhuman “magical” features are Piper and Hazel. The closest thing I can think of for comparison is Annabeth’s grey eyes, which are both realistic AND given to most (if not all) children of Athena, rather than singling out one child to show how “special” they are.
Now, take all of this and try to see if it applies to Percy. The biggest difference is that green eyes are a completely normal feature for humans to have. They may not be common for white people and POC, but they certainly aren’t unheard of. I can name 10 POC with green eyes that I know off the top of my head right now.
Also, we can’t overlook the role gender plays in this. The history behind the exotification of WOC is infinitely more damning than that of men. While this does often apply to male characters, it’s the unfortunate truth that it’s much more common with female characters.
Most importantly, I think we can’t look past the reason why we are so vehemently against giving Piper and Hazel these features. Intent plays a huge factor in this. As mentioned before, it’s clear both through Riordan’s writing and literary history that the intent behind features such as Hazel’s and Piper’s are to exotify them and show how “magical” they are. By doing so, there is a heavy implication that their natural features are not enough. There is no such intent with Percy. Since his race is never explicitly mentioned, we can conclude that Rick originally viewed Percy as white (who are unfortunately seen as the default). Add that onto the fact that green eyes aren’t unheard of in POC and you see that the implications behind Hazel’s and Piper’s features don’t apply to Percy’s. Also, his eyes don’t come out of nowhere (and they aren’t explained away with a cop-out “it comes from his godly parent”) as Sally herself is described as having sea-blue eyes.
While I see where the concern comes from, I personally think it’s unfounded. Of course, one could argue against me and their view could be just as valid as mine, but when I look at the history behind each character’s features (both Riordan’s personal history and the history of nonwhite characters in general), I find myself concluding that the two situations really aren’t that similar.
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i can SENSE the hate anons im gonna get for this but FUCK IT i don’t care it’s important. copy-pasted from a DM with my friend. i’m not gonna tag her bc i don’t want to make it easier on people to be assholes, but she did agree to having her name in here.
also bc i was like "im smart and that means im better than you" bc i was insufferable full stop lmao
I had an "I'm the smart kid!!" phase and oh god [Marge covering face meme]
it's why i dont like annabeth lmao i see too much of my younger self in her
Frick I can't stand her because when I first read the book I know I loved her, I loved all "smart girl" characters
But once I realized I'm not that (or white or light eyed or blonde or beautiful) it all went to pieces
oh mood
my catalyst was i grew up with the books, so as i grew i related to annabeth, and then......i grew up, and she didn't
Now all I can think is how prideful she is and I know that's her flaw and all but it's so condescending and I hate it. I never thought seaweed brain was affectionate it was demeaning
She didn't change!!!
it never clicked for me that we were so dissimilar in the physical aspects bc back then i avoided thinking about my appearance as much as possible, but i did notice that as i grew out of my pride and need to be better than everyone around me, she....didn't
and honestly as i started growing up and realizing percy was like a mix between myself and my younger brother i just disliked her more bc of how rude she (and honestly literally everyone else) was to him
Oh boy I . Due to external factors you already know I was pretty much constantly concerned about my appearance
once again im on my "percy isn't stupid y'all are just mean" soapbox
you're right and you should say it
right!! there's more to being smart than knowing a lot of book stuff, because books are biased and history is written by the winners
ok so annabeth and hermione granger
they're both the smart best friend archetype
I'm Listening
but while annabeth never grew UP she just grew OLDER, hermione did
as she said in the first fucking book, "Books, and cleverness! There's more important things, like kindness and bravery, and---be careful!" like im paraphrasing bc i really only remember the first part but that's the jist
hermione, as she grows up, realizes some extremely key things that annabeth just didn't.
authority figures (the teachers in hermione's case, the gods in annabeth's) aren't always right. in fact, sometimes they're wrong, but nobody really realizes.
sometimes adults can't be trusted to do the right thing (to be fair annabeth DID kinda get this one, but honestly only because there ARE no adults beyond chiron and dionysus in camp half blood)
sometimes the only one who can get something done is yourself. if you see injustice, whether it's small (like someone calling your best friend a delusional liar) or large (umbridge's whole thing), it's your responsibility to do everything in your power to correct that injustice.
there are more important things than being smart. being smart is fine, but if you're prideful about it to the point you reject criticism on principle, you're not going to be in the right.
and by small things i mean things that affect one person, in your immediate life, whereas the large things affect more than just you
in annabeth's case, a couple examples would be, say......i dunno, the lack of a hades cabin??? the fact that the minor demigods had to stay in the overcrowded hermes cabin????
like im not saying annabeth COULD do something, i'm just saying there's a CHANCE
she was at camp FAR longer than percy, she could've petitioned the gods for more cabins, or at the very very least permission to expand the hermes cabin. she could've even brought it to mr d and asked HIM to do something, but she DIDN'T
because "that's the way it's always been"
She's literally so accepting like
Maybe because it's not a problem for YOU sis
and im just
like hermione saw the enslavement of the house elves and even though her methods could've used some work (she could've TALKED to the elves first, or tried some sources other than her own biases and pureblood wizards) she still tried to DO something about it
CLAPPING!! I've decided I stan Hermione
or how she kept lupin's secret, because even though a LOT of people use that as "proof" she "respects authority too much" it was because it WASN'T HER SECRET TO TELL
it'd literally be outing lupin without his permission, something EXTREMELY dangerous when the ministry is very trigger happy on killing dark creatures like werewolves
i love hermione granger so much
She's got white privilege vibes I'm not gonna like .. that scene in Mark of Athena messed me up because she's like "boohoo everyone thinks I'm a dumb blond because I'm so blond and white and blond and beautiful and blond" and it's like... This book is filled with stereotypes about the Latin, Asian, and black characters... Am I expected to feel bad for you because you're conventionally attractive????? Seriously?
and YEAH she had her immature moments and im not saying she's infallible while annabeth is an irredeemable troll, but hermione GREW UP
YEAH god i hate that
She's human and has character development!
i will admit i see hermione as black i just hate how she-who-shall-not-be-named decided to address it by saying "i always saw her type of character as black" but the fact is, harry potter characters aren't described as well as the pjo characters are
and yeah a lot of that is due to writing style, since pjo is first person, but STILL
annabeth babe ur a blonde white girl from virginia forgive me if i don't feel bad for you
Oh true true, but to be fair HoO got to take turns
PJO puts such a huge emphasis on character appearances it's unreal
im at that point where i cherry pick from riordon canon and i elected to ignore most of hoo lmao
me holding jason close: stay back r*ck and shut up
probably bc percy isn't about as observant as a brick unlike SOME people harry
im once again thinking about latino percy sdhkdsh
ANYWAY hermione and annabeth are two sides of the same coin send tweet
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buoyantsaturn · 3 years
how do you plan your fics? i could really use a good outline format for mine lol.
so first things first!! this probably wont make a lot of sense lmao and my planning process is different with basically every fic! ive got some stuff that doesnt really change (as long as i actually plan the fic before i write it) but im still developing my process!! basically i do whatever i think will work best for me at the time
what i try to do when i plan / outline fics is to just make it as Easy as Possible for me to just crank that fic out when i get a chance to actually write it. its literally like word vomit and then i go through and make things look nice enough that other people can read it and comprehend what i was trying to say
so like. lets say that im gonna write a fic where nico makes french toast for will. that’s the whole idea. so then i need to map out the chain of events, the action, and the dialogue. i don’t always stick to this exact chain that i wrote out, bc sometimes i’ll think of a funnier joke, or the dialogue will branch out and turn a 5 sentence conversation into a 2 page argument. but i try to be as thorough as possible so that i dont Really have to do any actual Thinking while writing. so my planning ends up looking something like this: 
nicos gonna make french toast for will so first he needs to go to the store and hes gonna get eggs milk bread cinnamon and sugar, so he goes to the store and buys those things and on his way home he runs into percy who invites nico out with him and annabeth tomorrow but nicos like “nah sorry im surprising will with breakfast in bed but maybe another time” and they say goodbye and nico goes home
and now that i have something planned out (whether or not its good only kind of matters in that stage) i now have to put minimal brain power into just. putting it into real actual sentences that make sense for to other people when they read. so the planning turns into something like this: 
Nico wanted to surprise Will with breakfast in bed. He knew that Will’s favorite breakfast was French toast, though after checking the cabinets, Nico realized that they didn’t have any of the ingredients. He went to the store, picking up milk, eggs, bread, cinnamon, sugar, and a few other things that he knew they were running low on, and started to head back home.
When he turned a corner, he was nearly knocked off his feet by Percy, who greeted Nico with an excited, “Hey!” He helped Nico right himself and continued, “I was just about to call you! Annabeth wanted to know if you and Will wanted to go out for breakfast tomorrow.” 
Nico shook his head. “Thanks, but no. I’m gonna surprise Will with breakfast in bed tomorrow. Maybe another time?” 
so yeah uh. i mean that would be a very boring fic lmao but thats just what i thought of off the top of my head. i end up with full google docs that are just pages on end of run-on sentences, but that means that I can just pull up a google doc at random and start working, as long as the motivation is there
thanks for asking, and i hope this helps!! and uh. i hope it makes literally any sense at all!
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toutorii · 4 years
Broken Pieces: Chapter 1
Okay so when I started this blog, I thought, “Oh I’ll just reblog a bunch of things, post some art and maybe some fanfics.” And I realized that I haven’t published any fanfics yet... oops. SO. This is the first chapter of my Percy Jackson OC insert story, its my first writing piece like this, so criticism is greatly appreciated! And let me know what you guys think. You can also check out the second chapter on Wattpad. Just look up Broken Pieces or my name, TouTorii! And if you want to be put on the taglist, just ask! Anyways, without further to do... I hope you guys enjoy!
Disclaimor: I don’t own any of the characters in this story other than Phoebe, Rick Riordan owns most of the plot and all the other characters.
Warnings: Some Language, terrible grammar, and spelling errors.
Broken Pieces Masterlist
Pain flooded my senses. The weapon impaled my gut, right below my heart. It took all of my remaining strength to look at the man I once considered my brother and choke out, "Gods damn it. Fight." And that's when numbness took over my body and the darkness flooded my eyesight.
I woke with a start, my breathing was labored. It was dark, but not pitch black like my dream. I sat up and scanned my surroundings. Dozens of demigods were packed in the little Hermes cabin. Mostly undetermined stayed here. I grabbed my dagger and slipped out of the cabin. It was about three hours until breakfast so I walked to the tree on the hill. Even though bloodshed and horrors have seen this camp, it had an amazing view. I dont know how long I sat there, it could have been hours, it could have been a couple of minutes. But after awhile I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned my head to be greeted by Connor Stoll. He has a lopsided smile plastered onto his tan face. He wordlessly sat down next to me. We sat in comfortable silence, until he broke it, saying,
"What's wrong?"
"And I'm the queen of England."
"Yep, I know you are."
I sighed and closed my eyes.
"How'd you know somethings wrong?" I asked.
"You're wearing your baby blanket."
I looked down, sure enough, it was wrapped around my shoulders. When did I do that?
"The only time you wear it is when you're upset, so please, tell me whats w-"
"I had the dream again." I said. He looked up.
"The one where you.... You know.."
"Did you see who stabbed you?"
"No." That was a lie.
"Well, are you okay?"
"Yeah." Another lie.
He looked at me with worry plastered on his face. He saw right through my facade. Just like he always did. But instead of saying anything he just engulfed me in a hug. I clung to his shirt like my life depended on it. Tears threatened to break through but I shoved the feeling down. We stayed like that until breakfast. That's when we got up and walked to the dining pavilion.
When Breakfast was over we all went to do our daily training. Everything was normal. No one trying to kill me, no one trying to kill each other, all was going great. The Hermes cabin was currently sparring. I was paired up with Luke Castellan, my cabin leader. We were even for the most part, both getting in hits every once in awhile. But eventually I disarmed him and took the victory.
"You did good, but not as good as me, Luke." I said as I helped him up.
"I wish I could slap that smirk off of your face right now." He grumbled.
"You still love me though." I said with a wink. He blushed and said something incoherent.
"You gotta speak up pretty boy." He mumbled something again.
"I said, you wish." He finally said at a normal volume.
I mocked offense and put a hand on my chest.
"How dare you! I am loved by everyone and almost everything!" I said with the utmost confidence.
"I have to disagree with that!" I heard Connor yell while he was sparring against Travis.
"I could whip your ass too." I yelled at him.
"Kinky!" He slyly smirked.
"Connor! There are children!"
"Says the chick who said ass.''
When I turned around, I was met with Luke red in the face from laughing.
"Shut up."
"I never said anything."
He raised his sword toward me and said, "I declare a rematch."
"Sure your knighthood." I said with a bow. And we went at it again.
It was late at night, a storm raged around camp.
"Who the hell ticked off the drama queen?" Thunder boomed louder, I decided to stop before Zeus incinerated me. I was just outside the border getting soaked in the rain when I turned around and saw a horrific sight. A child was fighting a giant bull while someone else was knocked out cold. When did they get here? How could I be so blind?The wind and rain was deafening, but I ran and tried to make my way over there. But before I could help, the little kid stabbed the Minotaur and it evaporated. The kid nearly passed out so I ran to grab them before they hurt themselves even more.
"Just hold on kid." I said. They looked confused but let me carry them passed the border.
"Grover..." The kid said. I was confused, Grover? Then it clicked, this is the kid that Chiron was watching at Yancy. I turned around and saw Grover covered in mud. I picked him up and carried them both to the border. I saw Chiron and Annie come with worried looks.
"Is this him? The one from the p-" Annie started.
"Not now Annabeth, he is still awake." Chiron reprimanded. That's when I looked over where the kid was and saw that he was passed out on my shoulder. I scanned his face, seeing cuts and bruises from the battle. He couldn't have been more than 12.
Jesus, 12 and fighting for his life. How long had he known about the life? This world? I picked him up and carried him to the infirmary. After I had seen to stitching up his deep cuts and applying bandages and healing salves, I sat down and kept an eye on him.
"Bull baby, of all the monsters to send after an innocent kid."
"How do you know he's innocent?" I jumped, unaware of Annie being in the room.
"Because, I have a gut feeling, and I've learned to trust my gut."
"That's so stupid." I chuckled. Annie got red in the face, "Well it is! Using your brain is much more efficient."
"So you're telling me that you ignore your instincts on the battlefield?" I inquired.
"Well I- I mean- I just- Shut up!" That made me burst into another fit of laughter. But Annie had a scowl on her face showing she did not appreciate my teasing.
"Aw come on, Annie."
"Are you really mad at this amazing beautiful specimen?"
"Okay, I guess you don't want to read any more of my dad’s architecture books.” 
"What?! No! I'm not mad!"
I laughed, and eventually so did she. It was rare to see a smile on her face, especially after Luke got his quest. The poor girl couldn't get a break. She had been here a long time, not as long as I have, but still a long time. She just wants to prove she's worthy of being a daughter of Athena.
"mom. .. . ." The kid groaned quietly. I whipped my head around and immediately grabbed his hand, so he could have something to ground himself with if needed. He opened his eyes and oh my gods, they were like the ocean.
But the pact.
I swear they're more horny than a teenager.
That's why this kid is attracting so many monsters.
Not just because of Hades.
But because of his parent.
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Before they could reply, an angry, booming voice shouted out from behind them. “What did you do?”
Panicked, the Stoll's spun around, Connor tripping over his own feet and almost falling on Nico if Travis hadn't caught him. It’s not that they were afraid of the son of Zeus- Jupiter... whatever, these Roman/Greek god things made no sense- but watching him storm up now, hands clenched at his sides, face contorted with rage and light glinting dangerously off his glasses was like being trampled by a heard of pegasi.
"H-hey Jason." Travis laughed nervously, as Jason stopped in front of them "what brings you to our neck of the woods?"
"Don't play dumb with me boys," Jason snapped, pushing the Stolls aside. "What did you..." his face fell. "Oh, hells."
Thank you to @ilyone and @betsib for both this art: http://ilyone.tumblr.com/image/90365923058 and for this fic: http://betsib.tumblr.com/post/89905696302/jasico-delirious-hi-honey-hope-youre-having-a  ! I hope you dont mind me writing something off of them, I just love them so much and couldn’t help myself x
Camp Half-Blood was full of demigods the month before the older campers left for college, the cabins fit to busting and the tables crowded with siblings.
The Stoll’s had decided over a too-late night coffee to pull off one last prank –the prank to crown all pranks- and had enlisted the help of Carrie Kingly, a daughter of Hecate.
In her hand was a small milky sphere, the size of a tennis ball, undulating and twisting in her hand like it had a mind of its own. “Who am I throwing this at again?” She turned to the Stoll’s, who were busy standing behind her and giggling.
“I don’t know,” Travis looked around the courtyard. “I suppose we just need to see who needs the most fun. Get them to lighten up.”
“Take a load off,” Connor added with a smirk as he stood on his toes and swiveled his head around the courtyard. He spied Nico di Angelo leaving the Apollo cabin with colorful band-aids on his skin and a lip-shaped bruise on his neck. Connor squealed in delight, dropping from his toes and grabbing his brother's shoulder. “Look!” He pointed.
Nico was making his way towards the stables, probably to take Percy up on his offer of horseback riding lessons, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. “He’s coming this way.” Travis laughed, grabbing his brother and Carrie by the arms and dragging them behind the Hermes cabin. “Carrie, you ready?”
“Wait, you want me to use it on the Hades kid?” Carrie looked confused as she allowed Travis to drag her into hiding. “Wouldn’t that just backfire?”
“No no, it’s fine!” Travis’ eyes greedily followed Nico’s approach. “If there’s one person in this camp who needs to lighten up, it’s Nico. Ready, 3....2…1… NOW!” he shouted with laughter as Carrie lobed the ball at Nico’s feet.
The soft Italian song Nico was singing under his breath stopped as a cloudy ball landed by his feet and exploded, covering him in a suffocating fog of Mist, making him blink and the would swim.
When the Mist cleared, Nico was falling backward onto the dirt, blinking and looking around. Frowning, he reached his hand out and swatted the air, head tilting upwards as if following something high into the air. “Wow…” he breathed quietly.
The Stoll’s jumped out from behind their cabin, high fiving each other and cheering, attracting the attention of other campers who started to slowly make their way over. Nico didn’t pay them any mind, too busy looking down at his hands in awe, turning them over slowly.
They crouched down, poking Nico in the legs. “Hey, Nico,” Connor asked, stifling his laughter behind pursed lips. “What’s up?”
Confused at the incessant contact, Nico looked up, but instead of looking at the brothers he seemed to be looking through them, but then they turned around, nobody was there. Nico tilted his head. “Bianca?” The word was soft, loving, sweet and the boys sat back on their hunches, suddenly deflated. “Mama? Come e’ stai?”
Before they could reply, an angry, booming voice shouted out from behind them. “What did you do?”
Panicked, the Stoll's spun around, Connor tripping over his own feet and almost falling on Nico if Travis hadn't caught him. It’s not that they were afraid of the son of Zeus- Jupiter... whatever, these Roman/Greek god things made no sense- but watching him storm up now, hands clenched at his sides, face contorted with rage and light glinting dangerously off his glasses was like being trampled by a heard of pegasi.
Cassie, the smart girl, was nowhere to be seen.
"H-hey Jason." Travis laughed nervously, as Jason stopped in front of them "what brings you to our neck of the woods?"
"Don't play dumb with me boys," Jason snapped, pushing the Stolls aside. "What did you..." his face fell. "Oh, hells."
Nico was smiling, placing invisible cards down and speaking in Italian to people who weren't there. "Bianca? Il tuo turno."
Shoulders tensing, Jason kneeled down and placed his hand on Nico's arm. "Nico, hey man, can you hear me?" He shook the smaller boy.
Blinking, Nick bleary looked up at him and tilted his head. "Si?" He grinned. "Oh, you're pretty looking." He turned to the side. "Bianca, look! Don't you think he's pretty looking?"
"Nico, do you know who I am?" Jason decided to ignore Nico's other comment. At Nico’s blank stare he sighed. “It’s Jason. You know me.”
“Oh, you’re like my card!” Nico exclaimed, delighted, as he mimed pulling a card out of his deck and shoving it in Jason’s face. “Descendent of Zeus! 89 hit points, has 200 attack powers, plus 6 to saving throws! I have your figure somewhere…” he started patting down his pockets, and Jason gripped him by the shoulders as he looked around the group. “Bianca, do you know where my figurines are?”
A cold sense of dread trickled down Jason’s spine. He’d heard that name before, pained shouts at night from the mast of the Argo II, whispers from older campers of when he first arrived, the quiet explanation from Will as to why Nico always left a space beside him at the campfire or the tables. He whirled on the Stoll’s. “Explain this, now.”
“It was just a Mist Bomb,” Travis explained quickly. “Nothing harmful.”
“Yeah,” Connor agreed. “He’ll be tripping balls for the next few hours but it won’t hurt him.”
“Right, sure.” Jason stood, carrying most of Nico’s weight as he walked him towards the Hades cabin. “Don’t expect to be let off on this scotch free you two.” He called over his shoulder as he pushed open the cabin door.
It was as cold and creepy as Jason expected, black obsidian walls and skeleton arm sconces. He set Nico down on his bunk and put a hand to his forehead when he glanced down. “Nico, is that a bruise? Did they hurt you? Those lying sons of-” He paused as Nico shook his head.
There was a dreamy expression on his face as he smiled with far away eyes. “No, it was from Will. He has very soft lips and sometimes when he bites, it-” Jason put a hand to Nico’s mouth to silence him.
“Not now, Nico,” Jason stood and turned to the picture of water resting on a table. “You can tell me your deepest darkest secrets later, but right now you’re out of your mind. Let me get you a glass of water.”
When he turned back, Nico’s eyes were wide with fear, hands fisted in the sheets and his breathing coming in panicked gasps. “Where am I?”
"Nico...?" Jason trailed off as Nico flinched and put his back to the wall.                                                                                                                                    
"Stop talking." Nico hissed, looking around desperately. "You can't trick me this time. I'm smarter than that now."
"Hey, Nico, what are you talking about?" Jason placed the glass of water on a table. "What's going on?"
Suddenly, Nico gasped and dived past Jason to the other end of the room, pulling his sword and holding it in front of him. "Stay away!" He cried, eyes wide and fearful. "Leave me alone!"
"Nico, it's me!" Jason took a step closer but Nico pointed his sword at Jason's chest. "What's going on with you?"
"You're not real!" Nico's voice broke as he scrambled backward, desperately clawing at the cabin walls, eyes fixed on Jason. "You never were! I won't ever get out of here and this is my punishment, isn't it?" He looked around the room, eyes brimming with unshed tears. "Akhlys, is this your doing? Is this a joke? You told me I was already broken; why would you make it worse?"
Jason paused, heart-catching, as Nico curled into himself and sobbed into his arms, sinking to the floor and muttering in Italian. Akhlys, Jason thought she was in Tartarus. Percy and Annabeth told me about her. Does Nico think he's in Tartarus?
"Nico," Jason cooed quietly "it’s alright. You're at Camp Half-Blood, not Tartarus. You’re in the Hades cabin. You're safe."
"Hades doesn't have a cabin at Camp Half-Blood and I'm not accepted there anyway, so I wouldn't go back if you dragged me." Nico sniffled, trying to become one with the wall. "You can't trick me. Not this time."
Reaching out, Jason rested his hand on Nico's arm and grabbed his wrist when he pulled away. "No Nico, this is real. You're safe, you made it out. You're ok."
"I don't believe you," Nico whimpered eyes darting around. "I'm going to die down here alone and nobody is ever going to miss me."
Balking, Jason shook his head, gripping Nico tighter. "Nico, that's not true. We'd all miss you, me and Hazel and Leo and Piper and Frank, Annabeth and Percy-"
"Great, now I know this is Akhlys' doing." Nico snarled as he tried to stand. "I told you, leave me alone. I know better than to talk to ghosts and illusions anyway. Get out of my face."
It was hard to comprehend that this sniveling, scared boy was Nico di Angelo. One of three to ever endure Tartarus and live. One of 2 to be born from a different time. Son of Hades. This must have been what Nico was like as a kid, Jason thought, but then realized Nico is a kid. He’s 14. Not 18, not 16, not 20, he’s 14.
“Nico,” Jason whispered, barely heard over the sobs of the younger boy in front of him. “What can I do?”
“You can go away and leave me alone.” Nico hiccupped. “It’s not like you haven’t already made my life a misery. Leave me alone.”
“But Nico-”
“Stop it!” Nico screamed, the sconces going dim and the room falling colder than before. If Jason could see the grass beneath the cabin, he was sure it had wilted. “Stop filling my head with… with lies and fake promises! I know who I am and what I am! I know I’m going to die down here and I have nobody to miss me! You don’t need to tell me that!”
“Nico, I am real!” Jason gripped Nico’s arms with both hands now, pulling the resisting boy closer. “Listen to me! Can you feel me touching you? It’s real! You found the Doors of Death and we defeated Gaia! You’re dating Will Solace from the Apollo cabin! You teach sword fighting classes and the little kids here love playing with you! Sally Jackson sends you a cake every year on your birthday! Nico, listen, this is real, I’m real. You have to believe me.”
Slowly, not as fast as Jason would have liked by slowly nonetheless, Nico’s resistant struggles weakened and the glaze in his eyes faded slowly, the tears down his face and in his face glinting in the sluggishly burning torchlight. “Jason?” his whispered, voice caught on a sob “You’re real? I’m- I’m out? It’s not real?”
“Yeah Nico, I’m right here.” Jason brought Nico to his chest and held him while the younger boy sobbed into his chest and clutched at his shirt. “It’s alright, I’m right here. I’m not going to leave you.”
After a few moments of sobbing, Nico whispered “I’m tired now” and Jason lifted him up and carried him to his bunk, but Nico was still desperately clasping onto his shirt. “Don’t leave.”
So Jason made himself comfortable and laid down with Nico, covering the blankets over both of them as Nico writhed and sobbed and hiccupped and begged, muttering words like, Percy, Will, Bianca, Mama, why, Father, Bob, help, Jason, how, what did I do, I’m sorry, and Jason just clutched him tighter to his chest and held him until they both fell asleep.
Nico was gone when Jason woke up, the covers pulled neatly over him and tucked into the sides of the bed and the early morning light streaming in through the uncovered windows to glitter across the floor.
The first thing Jason did was to find Percy, who was frantically shoving rubbish and unfolded clothes out of sight. “Oh, hey man.” Percy shoved a half-eaten jar of peanut butter (which seemed to be eaten with rather large fingers) into a helmet with a blue plume and turned it upside down. “You come to help clean up for inspection?” He flashed Jason a grin. “Or do you need help with yours?”
Jason shrugged as he closed the cabin door behind him. “Nah man, it’s Piper and Annabeth. I’m usually let off the hook a little with them.”
Almost dropping his armful of clothes, Percy turned to gawp at Jason. “What the hells? They nag on me more! Annabeth has never once let me off the hook.” He scowled before throwing a shirt at Jason. “Well, if you’re here, you can assist. I’m the only occupant in the cabin so I don’t have any help for inspections.”
Frowning, Jason walked to a pile and started folding clothes. “If you’re just one person, how do you manage to make so much mess?” He teased.
“Shut up, Grace.” Percy laughed tossing a shoe at Jason’s head, which he ducked and it bounced harmlessly off the back wall. “Sometimes my brother stays over as well. Tyson? I don’t think you’ve met him, but he has like, an addiction to peanut butter. I only just managed to clean it off the walls by his bunk.”
“Oh right, I think I’ve heard of him. Cyclops, yeah?”
“Yeah, he’s a big adorable goofball. I love him to death.”
“I’d love to meet him one day.”
“You should. You two would get on like a house on fire.”
Jason grinned, but the mention of death reminded him of what he was really there for, which may have been unfair to Nico. “Hey Percy,” Jason opened a drawer and shoved a handful of freshly folded socks into it. “Did you hear about what happened yesterday?”
Currently trying to hold back a torrent of clothes and knickknacks from falling out of the cupboard, Percy gave a strained grunt. “I didn’t hear anything. I was at the stables all day man, so unless you want to know about the newborn fowls or the pegasi sugar cube addiction, I don’t think I have any news for you.”
“About something that happened with Nico?” Giving up with the closet, Percy slammed the door shut before anything could tumble out and had taken to pulling objects out from under his bunk, but stopped at the mention of Nico’s name, hand buried in dust bunnies. “And the Stoll’s?”
“I already don’t like where this is going.” Percy sighed as he sat heavily on his bunk and waved Jason over to join him.
“You shouldn’t.” Looking around the slightly cleaner cabin, Jason was surprised that he couldn’t quite find the words he wanted to say, not with Percy’s eyes boring burning holes of concern and anger into his head. He hadn’t realized how intimating and dangerous the son of Poseidon was before, but he very much did now. “Have you heard of a Mist Bomb? New toy from the Hecate cabin repertoire. Connor and Travis thought it would be funny to use it on Nico.”
“Holy Hephaestus please tell me your joking,” with his mouth hanging open and his eyes bulging, Jason understood now why Annabeth often ridiculed that Percy looked like a fish. “What happened?”
“I got there when there was already a crowd, and Nico was on the floor,” Jason explained. “He was talking in Italian. To Bianca and his mum, but I thought Bianca was reincarnated?”
“She is, it wasn’t her ghost if that’s what you’re thinking.” Percy leaned his head against the back wall. “Trick of the Mist, like when Hazel does it.”
“Yeah. He called me ‘pretty-looking’ and said he didn’t know who I was but said all these numbers I couldn’t understand. Called me a ‘Descendent of Zeus’ and went looking for my figurine?”
There was a ghost of a smile on Percy’s face, a memory of a time long gone. “Myth-o-magic. When we found him, he was obsessed with that game. Bianca died on a quest we went on together to free Annabeth, trying to get him the only figurine he didn’t have.” Percy looked defeated. “Would you believe that it was the Hades figure?”
Jason blinked. “I never knew that.”
“Yeah well, I should have been there to save her.” Percy rubbed the back of his neck. “What happened next?”
“I took him to his cabin.” Jason cleared his throat. “It started off fine. I stopped him from talking about his personal life though. I went to get him water and when I turned back around he was scared out of his mind. I thought he was going to kill me.”
“Nico? Scared? I don’t think those words have ever really gone together lately.”
“He didn’t know who I was. He thought he was still in Tartarus.”
Percy closed his eyes. “I don’t know what else you expected. Probably the most traumatic experience of his life and he went through it alone. That’s gotta suck. If I hadn’t had Annabeth, I doubt I would have made it out of there in one piece. Hells, I still don’t think I made it out in one piece.”
Rubbing his hands roughly through his hair, Jason sighed out his nose.  “I’ve only just realized that he’s 14, Perce. He’s younger than all of us, yet he’s been through more than any of us could ever dream of.”
“Yeah, he and Hazel are the youngest, but they’re the oldest too.” Percy agreed. “I don’t know how that would work. Technically speaking, they’re both in their 70’s.”
Jason shivered. “Ugh, please don’t make me think about that.”
They were silent a moment, contemplating the unfairness of life when Percy spoke out of the silence. “So, what do you want to do about it?”
“Excuse me?”
“Connor and Travis. You don’t want to get them back for what they did to Nico?”
Looking around the cabin, Jason took in the wrappers and tissues on the floor, the twisted and knotted fishing net tangled with a trident up on the roof, the clothes covered in dust still peeking out from under the bed, the faint smears of peanut butter on the opposite wall but the very strong smell. “But… the inspection?”
Percy waved him off. “What about the inspection? What’s Annabeth going to do? I can handle stable duty, I basically do it anyway.” He leaned forward, a new, mischievous smirk in his eye. “So come on, what have you got in mind?”
“I honestly didn’t get that far ahead,” Jason admitted. “We could probably just teach them a lesson.”
“I have a much better idea.” Percy stood, strolling to his cabinet, where he pocketed Riptide and walked to the door. “One on one combat, the sons of Hermes versus the sons of the Big Three. I mean, we’re not going to hurt them much, but how embarrassing would it be to get their ass beat in front of the whole camp?”
Grinning Jason took Percy’s outstretched hand and stood with his friend. “I like the way you think, Jackson.”
“Why thank you, Mr. Grace. I’ll take Travis, you take Connor.”
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Luke was about 14 when he got to camp halfblood. He already was angry at the god's for making him travel all this way with his friends, constantly being chased by monsters. Thalia, more like a sister to him died in the process. Luke hates the gods. If they have all this power and can't use it to help their children even a little why have power at all?
Luke didn't want to side with monsters. He didnt want to side with Kronos. But he felt he had no other choice. How could he possibly do the gods bidding when they selfishly have children and then dont take care of them, AT ALL. Kronos is evil and maybe he does simply want to overthrow the gods for power, but he doesn't want the gods to have the power they do and Luke agrees with that. Luke KNOWS it's crazy, but he finally feels like he has people around him that will listen, that don't think he's crazy. Yes they're monsters but, Luke realizes that maybe if the Olympians treated monsters better and gave them a place to be and a purpose, maybe they wouldn't destroy and kill everyone and everything. Bob the Titan, he chose to be good even after he began to remember his old life. Damyson, he wanted to live in peace; that's all.
Lukes purpose was to safe Olympus from Kronos. Yes he raised Kronos but in the end he killed himself to save the world. I won't forget that.
Every demigod has a purpose in Rick's books, and that was Lukes. Luke might be my favorite character of the whole series because, he is the epitome of humanity. He made MANY mistakes. And that includes betraying his friends. But he truely thought his actions were right. Rather than ask the gods to change things, he decided to simply hate to gods and go for destroying them which, is wrong but understandable. How is he possibly going to tell the gods what they are doing is wrong and then expect them to not kill him. Even before Luke was taken over by Kronos. He knew the evil behind his actions but, he could see the evil that was on both sides. Yes the side he was on was much worse but it was the side he felt he had control over. He just wanted things to change. He wanted to run away from it all, so he wouldn't have to die. Only saving his own skin. But his fear makes him so human. Not this evil blood thirsty traitor. He doesn't want to die, he doesnt want to be responsible for the death to come. But Annabeth can't leave, she can't run away with him this time. She has to stay. And that leaves him alone. Sometimes being alone truly does bring out the worst in people and i truly think, in an effort to battle his loneliness, Luke allowed Kronos to use his body.
I think Lukes death holds alot more symbolism than people think. He asks Annabeth if she loves him the same way he has loved her all this time and once again she says no. She choses the life she has over him, once again leaving him alone. And in his loneliness, his anger boils up one last time. He tells percy not to let what happened to him happen again. Begging but also with such anger and then he dies. I think that same thing happened when he let Kronos use his body. Annabeth rejected him, he was alone, he was angry at the gods and everything thats happened, and then deep inside a part of him died. And he let Kronos use him. It's so human of him, all of Lukes story is so human. And i think that's why we hate him so much. We want him to do better, we what him to be powerful and different like percy is. But really we can't expect that of him. We cant expect that of anyone. Selena,Ethan,Luke. They were human and alone their actions make sense. Selena is a perfect example. Luke took advantage and she was a traitor, then she had Beckendorf and Clarisse and she wasn't alone anymore and then she knew what she was doing was wrong . And then Beckendorf died and she did everything she could to make things right so much so that she gave her life. Loneliness kills.
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