#also you're the first emoji anon i've gotten! thank you for that
minilpark · 2 years
hi :) i hope you're not too overwhelmed with all the TGM ship requests! may i request a top gun ship? please and thank you!!
pronouns: she/her
personality: i'm quiet and reserved when i don't really know people, but when i open up, i can be quite loud and enthusiastic. i love making the people i care about laugh. i'll even make it my mission when am with friends who are introverted and on the quieter side. i'd say i'm a bit of a nerd in a sense that i like to learn fun, useless, facts, but more importantly, i like to learn things to affect change. i was a poli sci major in undergrad and am currently in grad school pursing an MA (and possibly will pursue a PhD but who knows). i gotta say, i'm terrible at setting boundaries but i'm working on it. it's a problem bc i often feel the need to help my friends with stuff but it gets draining. totally a secret but when i'm alone, i absolutely do karaoke as if i'm a famous singer and will sometimes imagine what my life would be life if i was a celebrity (yikes that sounds shallow). and although embarrassing to admit, i sometimes imagine myself doing interviews with talk-show hosts lmaoo
interests: big marvel/mcu fan; avid NBA fan
hobbies: singing; guitar; piano; painting; embroidering; reading; writing; gardening
likes: staying home; enjoying food and drinks; watching TV shows and movies; quick-witted people; meaningful and vulnerable conversations
dislikes: bigots; clear injustices; close-minded people; camping (i'm very much a city gal)
pet peeves: having a know-it-all attitude and a my-way-or-the-highway attitude because damn is it frustrating to converse with someone like that; people who can't communicate because helloooo, i can't read your mind!
ideal date: nothing in particular, as long as i'm spending it with the right person (lol corny i know)
favourite music, colour, season: i think my music taste is all over the place, but i'd say i mostly listen to pop, R&B, hip hop, and jazz. my favourite colour, hands down, is yellow. and lastly, my favourite season is fall because are you kidding? when the leaves change colours, it's gorgeous.
~ 🐞 anon (i hope this emoji isn't already taken haha)
lmao i may be getting a smidgen overwhelmed with ship requests, but it's fine! thank you for asking for one though! also, you are such a cool person i love your vibes.
anyways, you and fanboy would be great for each other.
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mickey isn't necessarily an outgoing person, but he isn't a complete introvert either. when you're struggling to set boundaries, he will definitely help you with them and remind you that you deserve a break from taking care of your friends and to focus on yourself for once too. i've mentioned this multiple times, but i definitely think mickey is an actual nerd and fanboy about things. you two would definitely geek out over marvel content or anything else you two are interested in. imagine going to whatever new marvel movie comes out in the theatres on the premier weekend! anyways, besides this, i can definitely imagine the both of you staying home one night, eating some kinda takeout food, having drinks, and a karaoke night singing to all kinds of songs since you two enjoy similar music genres.
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wifiwuxians · 7 months
20 questions writer meme.
tagged by @heyholmesletsgo THANK YOUUU
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
not counting things i'd rather remained anonymous, 21!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,621 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mdzs, vaguely tgcf, hotline miami (though mostly past tense) and we'll see about the future
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wei Wuxian's Super Special Super Secret Book Club still reigns supreme with 1229 kudos, and will most likely be my legacy despite it being the second fic i ever wrote for the fandom (i think?)
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late with 513, one would think i'd still be messing around with this AU but i'm happy to leave it where it is and just keep messing around with the crackship
Dawn Chorus, my most precious baby, at 251 by some miracle despite being oc/canon. you guys spoiled me with the love for this one tbh. none of my other xue yang centric works got anywhere near this close and i'm at peace with that because he's bonking my oc in this one and they have a kid.
The Book Club Extras at 232, which is hilarious when compared to the original but at least new readers will see there's more and maybe in the year 2055 i will publish them for fun
Frozen Pond with 156 at the end of the list, written for my friend @petitjams and taking place in a silly AU we made together (wen chao stays winning on here which is very funny)
i'm attributing the popularity of the first two to mostly being centered around super popular characters, because my later stuff is naturally better yet struggling haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always unless they're like just emoji, because i like conversation! though i may also reply with a little heart hehe
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wouldn't call it angstiest ending, it's bittersweet, but the threads that bind us is my top pick. and it also needs more readers so go read it. your hands and mine has a bit of an 'angsty' ending but only for song lan. xue yang had it coming :p 💖
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
excluding the two above, so far they all have a happy ending, or at least neutral??? i'd say Book Club, though, because that's the massive 'everybody lives!!' silly fixit fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope. i hope i didn't just jinx it. i get hate on art and through anon though! woo! (not anymore on here tho thank god)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do and i feel like it sucks so i almost always end up fading to black LMAO my actual explicit stuff remains private... it's like too embarrassing for me. i got judged for it as an 18 year old and 10 years later haven't gotten over it. i like bondage and bdsm though and that seems to crop up in private 😏
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do on occasion! i love roleplaying them, but the only one i have out there is The Way To His Heart Is Through His Stomach (Oh God Please Don't Eat Me), which mixes mdzs and tgcf characters in a unique setting :3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i've had art stolen plenty so i wouldn't even be surprised
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a few have been translated into russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
all time? jeez. somebody tell me why i always freeze up and go blank when asked these simple questions? it's like i forget who the fuck i am. i feel like i should also say songxiao? but they're relatively new so it doesn't seem correct. fuck it. my all time favorite ship is [DATA MISSING OR CORRUPTED-- PLEASE PROCEED TO NEXT QUESTION]
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
haha... (looks at my abandoned hlm fic with the seventh chapter halfway written) haha...
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd definitely say dialog. it makes sense, since the stuff i'm most used to doing is drawing silly comics. i also like to ping-pong emotions around and feel like i'm pretty good at that too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
using the same words over and over and feeling like i never write Enough, like everything is always light and never in depth. i don't like making scenes too heavy with padding but i also feel like i need to find a balance
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'll do it only if it's a language i speak!!! this doesn't apply to peppering words like gege and stuff just for funsies. i think the best way to go about it is to just tell the audience what language they're speaking in that moment
19. First fandom you wrote for?
we're gonna have to go back to when i was 10 years old here lol... i think it was tokyo mew mew in terms of stuff i put online (oh god)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it's hard to pick favorites, but i once again must say the threads that bind us in terms of work i'm most proud of.
i tag whoever sees it, plus @sugarapplebaby because ily
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aching-tummies · 11 months
" First of all I just wanna say that I love love looove this prompt and I can't wait to read everything that's gonna come from it. Seeing that it's something I enjoy I figured I could try and contribute as well. "
I didn't know how else to tell you which ask was mine so this was the beginning of it, I hope this helps.
The response was absolutely worthy, I loved it so much and honestly I don't know how you keep writing such amazing scenarios after already writing a bunch of them. And you're also one of the rare creators I have enjoyed for so long on this platform and haven't gotten sick of their content cause it's not repetative.
I look forward to reading more of your work🥰
Also, if it's okay with you, I'd like to label myself with 🦝 emoji just so you know who's writing ^^
So…Raccoon-Anon? Ranon? In case the emoji doesn't load on all screens and/or can't be accessed on certain keyboards.
Thank you for the compliments. I eventually did end up finding the ask/response/RP in question. Yeah…that's currently one of my absolute favorite pieces to-date. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Honestly, I've been starting to wonder whether or not I get repetitive. I go through phases with this stuff and some days I'm more interested in sadistic tum stuff, once in a while it's fullness-related or upset/troubled digestion related, and still other days it's hunger or sick tummies or something else. Some days I'm all about the gurgles and growls while still others I'm more into the moans from the person attached to the stomach. But…whenever I get in the mood for one thing or another, I worry about whether or not I'm repeating myself. Like…"calling all sadistic anons--kinda feeling this side of the kink…anyone wanna hit me up…again?" And I get worried that it's just pleading for the same hit from specific people and that eventually others will get bored of the random cycles.
But…honestly, I can't take credit for everything on here. I may have written out some pretty enjoyable scenarios…but I'm inspired by the ask and whatever I'm feeling in that moment. If someone sends me a similar RP-Ask at a different time, they'll likely be getting a different scenario entirely.
I'm glad you enjoyed the RP-scenario. It was fun to write.
I look forward to seeing more asks from you.
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chuluoyi · 5 months
Hihiii I finally have the time to reply to this!!
AHAHHA you should accumulate all your leave days and go for a long break! If not a short trip to unwind. It'll definitely helppp
RIGHT like UGH this man is so.... UGHH I want to run my hands along his undercut and like HE'S SO PRETTY- I went nuts after watching JJK 0 [I started with the movie idk why] and after watching the series I'm like "I love this man he's so hot and funny at the same time." Then his collab arts... They're always so... He always looks so... Slutty I'm sorry but look at the Dolce and Gabbana art... The Tokyo tower collab too... Idk I can't find a better word to describe him...
Babe I understand that fear it ain't stupid! Not tryna scare you more but I remember when I was like 11? I was on a beach in Phuket when I picked up this super pretty shell buried in the sand. Then uk what? A worm wiggled out of it. I screamed so loud like wtf was that monstrosity 😭😭 I guess a way to prevent sand submerging your feet is to wear sandals or flip flops?
Oh man I never expected that you felt like that once too 😭 I understand the mum hanging you part... I think mine would skin me alive and feed me to my dogs... That's good to hear! I'm really glad you found a job to your liking. Thanks for the advice Chu!🥲🥲 You have no idea how much I appreciate that. It feels like my friends from Secondary school know what they're doing and are slowly leaving me behind ngl... One of my friends is in the same course as me, but in different schools. She got a GPA of 4.0 for the first semester... and cause I flunked my Econs and AI class I got like a 2.9... So yeah I really appreciate your encouraging words 😭
SUSHI ROLL HAHAHA HELPPPP HAHAHAHA Okay but I'm sure you're not like short short. I'm not that tall either ahhaha!
Queen SLAY AHAHHA they definitely deserved it! Even if you didn't speak up, I'm sure someone else would've done the same sooner or later. Fr they're so annoying bruh
Omg nice! Okay to me, "A good day to be a dog" is good. Maybe cause I'm still halfway through... But so far it's good! I find the plot pretty unique! Omg I added Gyeongseong creature to my list ahah! Yeah it actually looks good! Ngl I wasn't a fan of sweet home but I wanna watch Gyeongseong creature cause of Park Seojun hehehe I loved "What's wrong with secretary Kim?" so much!
Yes... It's always the food and snacks.... Omgod I get it. Like it's always about exam results and once I'm old enough they'll probs start talking about finding a boyfriend... Then it'll be a job... I'm not ready 🥲🥲 But Fr the only thing I look forward to is the 红包 like trust me I've been ready since last CNY. Take the money as our prize money for enduring the relatives' questions heh. I'm so surprised you celebrate CNY too tho like no offence but I really didn't expect that...
Dissolved is an understatement... Idk I'm probs the one dissolving... HELP confessing your sins?! 🫠🫠 All I did was to pray to my flower agate tower... Did it work? It probably didn't. But it was worth a try! Crystal manifesting is a stressful process you know?
Nono I'm really not smart I just grinded my ass off... I hate my education system..... AND FR Lit is annoying in that sense but I mean it's the closest thing to reading and writing that I have so...
YEAHH They're so cute! I think I have a soft spots for animals in general AHAHH
Exercise... 🫠🫠🫠🫠 What's that?
Thanks sm Chu!! I will! I'm waiting for 3rd March to come cause I'm going for Taytay's concert woohooo That's probably the only good thing that's gonna happen to me this year so I'm gonna cherish it!
Also I'm so happy to be your first emoji anon It's an honour 😫😫
AND your Marius card! He's so hot in that omg and Rosa... ROSA IS SO PRETTY DGSDVXDHJ AHH
I managed to get Luke from the free 10-time! And I'm tryna get Artem now! I haven't gotten an Artem card in ages... Also what do you think about the new event? I think it's pretty cool! Much better than the others!
disco anonn!! i finally can sit down to reply you!!🥹
i'm so doing that!! i plan to take a week-long vacation too in mid year so that i can leave everything in the dust ehe
HAHAHAHAHAH omg that's precisely also my reaction!!😫 you know i first came to know gojo not from jjk but from @/saintobio's sincerely not series. and he is written a prick there so i didn't have a good impression🥲 but then my bf roped me into jjk and then i see it firsthand and AAAA i'm down so bad for this prick uHHHH and that's so true the power behind that undercut is so🥲 that's totally okay i think of him as the best slut there is AHAHAHAH
A WORM😭😭😭 i'd flip and fall😭 i do wear flipflops but still... what's flipflops gonna do against the sand?🫠 during my company retreat last year, i wear flipflops and but my feet would crash against... rocks?🫠 it hurts *sobsobsob* and it got inside my nails i was like 😭
AHAHAHHAAHAH THAT'S SO TRUE OUR MOM😭😭😭 aww you're very much welcome!! i wished someone would say that to me too and i'm glad that you're encouraged🥹 ahh don't worry! GPA isn't everything. in real world, what matters the most is our communication skills and how we present myself🥹 not to brag, but my last GPA is 3.56 and my friend's is like 3.9-ish (nearing perfect omg) but now i got the better exposure and ratings🥲 my team leader says that's because i make friends with everyone and do presentations better than her (simple things like presentations matters a lot apparently i just knew it🥲) but that's not to say that we should ditch our GPA... just study well and do your best! <3 God will do the rest i assure you! don't give up, disco anon!! <3
i relate to you, me and my friends used to be a group of 6, but now the one who sticks with me is just one🥹 it hurts but sometimes that's just the way it is... especially when we don't share the same interest...
okay i think there are at least 3 people saying that a good day to be a dog is good so... i relent🥹 i'll watch it!! PARK SEOJUN is so dayum there omg he's so pristine and aisjdoasjda okay i'm totally normal about him... totally... normal... the plot is unique and i love it but yes, i do have to agree that the CGI looks a bit off🥲 but pay that no mind and just look at park seojoon🥹 everything will be well AHAHAHA
HAHAHAHAHA OMG WE'RE SO THE SAMEE i used to get the boyfriend asks a lot and they even tried to set me up!!😭 thank god i found a bf already or else they'll start putting me up for sale😭 that aside, don't take those questions to heart, that's just how nosy aunties are🥹 ah fyi, i'm of chinese descent so i totally celebrate the chinese new year and all of those praying anniversaries that i... don't remember a single thing about🥲
HAHAH THAT'S SO FUNNY pls disco anon don't dissolve😭 omg flower agate tower?? i lit looked it up... what is this?🥹 it looks cute and it says it's for healing... (pls correct me if i'm wrong because... most likely i am...)
oh my!! i'm so happy for you!!🥹 honestly some people in my office have gone to her concert too and i'm interested... but i'm not a fan of being squished in the spectator stands🥲 wishing you to have the most fun there!! <3
ADAKSJNDAKSJDA omg marius he's draining my schips and NOW I WANT LUKE TOO BUT AKDASDA I CAN ONLY DEPEND FROM THE DAILY(?) FREE PULLS AND I HAVEN'T GOTTEN HIM STILLL i forgot that it's the pilot card that i've been looking forward too omg i was so in for the suspense and all but i was too blinded by marius😭 YES it's so fun! tbh during bakerlon and the cafe event i was like ??? many times but here it's so engaging and everyone looks so pretty!!🥹 rosa in chinese qipao is sooo pretty godsssss i don't usually stan for girls but she's the only exception!!
have you caught up with the main story and all? honestly i haven't been able to catch up with it🥲
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moodywyrm · 11 months
aaa i’m so sorry i had no idea !! please don’t be sorry, which emojis are taken and i’ll pick something different it’s no bother !! 💕 and aw moony i’m sorry, life can be pretty brutal i know the feeling but there is always tomorrow and the day after and they’re full of happy moments you haven’t gotten to experience yet !! ☁️🌈💗 and know you’re very much appreciated in this lil community you’re my fave writer i go back and read all the time !! ✨ + oh definitely the writers and actors come first always !! but i’ve gone back and rewatched their fights already 😭 i do the exact same thing with abbys fights, her ‘are you wearing my backpack ?!?!’ line always makes me laugh.
and aaa i can’t bullet journal i wish i could !!!! i’ve been gathering everything barbie related i can find and im dedicating a few pages to her cause 1.) the movie !!! and 2.) i actually collect barbie dolls + memorabilia :’) + omg nooo i understand the feeling i can’t leave home without my ds, do you have any recs/what are your fave pokémon games? i’ve only ever played pokémon moon !! 🌙💓 + nooo i avoid my own amazon wishlist otherwise the add to basket button is suddenly clicked without me realising !!!! what is the item you want most off of it? if you want to say ofc !! 💖 + thank you moony :’) i’ve never talked through anon before !! usually i’m too anxious but i love reading all ur other anons asks it’s so sweet hearing about other people’s days/interests idk 🫧💓 - lipgloss femme :D
it's totally okay baby, neither of us knew!! it's an adorable emoji but I would simply like to not associate with that side of Tumblr. the current emoji anons are 🌬️ 🐚 🧸 🧩 🧶 💌 ♌️👹 🎀 🎃🫀🦕 🌊🦇 🌺⭐🐥🍒💤🍓🧃 and also (bc im on my laptop and they don't show up) the pink heart, bubbles, and the blue jellyfish! so anything except for those and the butterfly are free!
I will literally cry if you keep being nice to me 😭 I have had such a day and im trying to be Stable rn but im a sad little guy </3 im someones favorite writer??? that doesn't even feel like something that could happen im??? what?? wow??? ahh????
real!!! we stand with the strike, I am also just a Frequent rewatcher and those fight scenes are. I've dissected them. I have so many favorite moments. they're so good!! omg and I love abby's lines, my favorite is ooh someone wants to get laid~ because she's such a goob!!
that's so fair, my bullet journal is such a rough lil makeshift planner that I occasionally but todo lists in because it's the only thing that helps be with school!! I've had five so far? im on #6 rn I think. barbie!!! I still haven't gotten a chance to see the movie but I fucking love Barbie!! who's your favorite barbie!!
for pokemon games, mine are the hoenn region games!! so ruby and omega ruby!! I also loved Moon, it's so good!! and I really liked Pokemon Black!
no literally the amazon wishlist is a dangerous trap. I have a couple things I really want!! mostly clothes and shoes, like these really cool brown platform boots? or these big zip up hoodies!! just a lot of clothes </3 it would be a lot of books if I was allowed to buy books this year </3
aww honey, well im glad you came in and talked to me!! it's really fun!! I love talking to my anons, they're always so cool :( and you're one of them!! so welcome baby <3
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setsugekka · 1 year
hay hay i read the first capter this morning and its soooo good i cannot wait for whats to come omg!! ur writing is really book worthy i aint gonna lie, i read A LOT so i truly mean it :D
also do u do anon emoji’s? because otherwise can i be added as the 🐾 if that isnt used ofc :)
hey luv! thank you so much, you're way too kind!! 🥰 hey, i've gotten heavy into book reading lately, so if you have any recs, send em my way 👁
as for anon emoji's, i don't have many people who come round but I DO! welcome to the crazy fun party! 💗🤑
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primergon · 3 years
I'm not sure if you're still doing these and it's fine if you don't since you have your own life and can be busy but if it's alright, may I request a tfp match up?
I'm 5'3, asexual and chubby and go by she/her.
I'm calm and withdrawn at first, I'm usually very silent when I'm surrounded by people I am not comfortable with. I have suspicions that my selective mutism that I had when I was younger may still be around because there are some situations that require to speak, I get uncomfortable and find it hard to say anything. I don't know, it's just a thought, not sure if I still kind of have it. I just kinda hate being forced to talk when I don't want to. I don't go out much, I prefer indoors, I only go out if I have to.
But yeah, when I'm surrounded by people I'm comfortable with, I'm more talkative and more expressive of my emotions. I don't have many friends in real life but I do have a few online ones.
I usually prefer texting than verbally talking to be honest. Its just easier for me to express. Not like I could physically see my two best friends since I had to move last year but luckily we have discord 💀🤚 otherwise my dumbass can't even go out to try and make friends nor even want to.
I like games, though, I'm also a procrastinator and a lazy person. I tend to procrastinate on my school work and other things like watching a certain anime, tv show, movie and even with playing games. I have a game block 😔👊.
I don't know, but I can be insecure about myself but I try to be positive about some qualities I have. Anyone could compliment me, I mean, there's nothing to compliment anyways, I would just say that they blind or something or wrong. I get insecure when I show people my music taste only because they just seem uninterested when I play it 😔👊. My friends reckon I'm smart but I just don't apply myself to my assignments... Idk, I believe I'm just stupid. Somehow, I don't get stressed out easily, even when a due date is coming up and I haven't done much in my assignment. But that probably depends on the subject and how important it is for it to be done, otherwise I will start getting a little stressed. I don't believe that my problems should matter ever, because I've had a good childhood, a loving family, though occasionally, I have some problems with my dad otherwise we're usually fine. I mean, my friends and many other people have it worse than me so that's why I don't think my problems are relevant.
I can get childish and get distracted easily. Like, I could be doing an assignment or homework and after 30 seconds, I'm on my phone or doing something else 💀. Sometimes, I need things dumbed down for me because I'm just like, "what??"
I love comedy and laughing, it's just fun. I like memes and sending cursed memes to my friends or anyone else that happens to be on the same server I am. To be honest, I'm active 24/7 on discord and mostly active on one server because I socially suck to talk on any other. I'm not a fan of horror because obviously it's scary yet I like watching people play horror games 🤔.
I'm not a fan of physical affection, but it depends on who the person is and how comfortable I get with them like my family for example. My love language would be quality time I think but only a bit of physical affection if I'm comfortable enough ig 😕.
I've never been in a relationship before because I fear cheating, arguments, having a significant other bored of me and all the other problems. And because I'm not that interest in romance that much at the moment in my life
In regards to people having problems in their life and they vent to me, I find it hard to comfort them. I try to do my best but I suck at it. I usually don't know what to say and I wish I knew. It's not that I don't care, I do, I'm just more of a listener than a talker but I try to find some words to say in attempt to help. It's a little easier for me to comfort someone online than in person, I'd probably be silent.
I'm good at keeping secrets, I would take them to the grave, though sometimes I can forget depending on the secret. I can be a forgetful person, not only with some secrets but other stuff I'm suppose to remember 😭.
I love music, I can't tell what genre I like, I like many songs. I'm also an animal lover and currently doing animal studies, which mostly revolves around dogs at the moment but I'm looking forward for the cat part, I love cats, I have two of them.
I'm sorry for all this information, now that I look at it, that's alot. I'm sorry 😭🤚
A/N : Hi Anon! Thanks for sending this ask, I hope you're doing well (。𓎆 𓎺 𓎆) Don't worry about the long descriptions, I don't mind! I think I'll pair you up with tfp Smokescreen !
01 | Smokescreen has a way of making you feel at home. In the beginning, you were reluctant to open up, yet once you've gotten to know the playful mech, you find it easy to talk to Smokescreen. You enjoy listening to him ramble on and on and on and find no trouble comforting him when he needs to hear it. In return, Smokescreen is more than happy to speak on your behalf whenever you don't feel like talking. He may be enthusiastic by nature but he isn't pushy. He never forces you to do something you're not okay with and makes you feel safe. This is why eventually you opened up to him and both of you became fast friends.
02 | Texting with Smokescreen is never boring. He's always ready with a handful of reaction pictures and a dozen of emojis when chatting with you. The young mech is naturally expressive and curious, which is why he's always up to date with the latest memes and trends. ( The way Smokescreen text may frustrate Ultra Magnus at times but it never fails to make you laugh.)
03 | Two of you share a lot of common interests which is why you get along so well. Ever since Jack taught him how to play video games, he's been asking you to indulge him. Smokescreen can also sometimes feel worn out and choose to watch movies with you indoors instead, following the plot of your favorite anime and always quoting them on the battlefield. He's not picky and is almost up for anything as long as you get to spend some quality time.
04 | With his positive, upbeat attitude, Smokescreen rarely seems upset or dissatisfied on the outside. But his inner idealism can leave the mech with a nagging feeling that some major areas of their life just aren’t good enough – which would sometimes make him feel insecure. The two of you seem to understand and relate to each other's experiences, making you comfort buddies that lift each other's spirits whenever you both feel down. He reminds you constantly that your problems matter and he's more than happy to listen to you vent, while you assure him that he is good enough because he's trying his best.
05 | He knows you're afraid of starting a relationship, and while he can be a bit impatient and bold, Smokescreen is more than happy to take it slow with you. While he himself is disorganized, Smokescreen tries his best to remind you to catch up on schoolwork. ( Smokescreen tells himself he's turning into Ultra Magnus whenever he finds himself nagging you.) He doesn't take it against you when you don't get what others are saying and is more than willing to rephrase it for better understanding.
06 | Smokescreen thinks you're special. He loves how you're so good with animals and how you seem to have all the right songs to show him. Smokescreen can watch you play with your cats for hours and has a copy of your playlist for him to listen to whenever he feels down. He finds it adorable how you can be forgetful at times and admires how loyal you are in keeping secrets. ( Like that one time you covered for him and saved him from being yelled at by Ratchet.) He doesn't see any flaw in you and even if he does, he accepts that as a part of you : his favorite human.
I hope you enjoy this Anon ! xx
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heyo, i'm just here to say thank you for your lars/larsadie content, it makes me so happy that someone is still passionate about them! i miss seeing them in my dash so following you is a treat! also your art is great, hope you have a great day/night <3
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 UMMM WOW! this was the absolute sweetest thing to wake up to in my inbox?? you're thanking me but now it's my turn... thank you. it's such a pleasant surprise that ppl are following this blog at all, enjoying these characters with me. i have been like, extremely larsadie-brained for years and it's honestly showing no signs of slowing down lmao. but i have fun here. 😎 like genuinely so glad that you have a nice time following me! and omg... my drawings? you like myyyy drawings specifically? aughghghhg... you are... just so nice 😭💜💚🧡🥰!!!! thank you that's. so sweet. im not used to getting compliments on my drawings from strangers so excuse how geeked i am lmao but srsly wow!! thank you so much! that is so flattering to hear. also HELLO you are the first non-anon ask this blog has ever received and also the second ask i've gotten in total so: shoutout to you for that. 🏆
you can tell how excited i am from the frivolous and unabashed gaggle of emojis used in my response. but yEAH yes. yes. being passionate about larsadie... it's my daily reality. rip me but my divine eye is open. i have like, so many ideas and several au loose storylines that i want to get out there some day SOME how. im hoping i'll be able to sooner rather than later but yea! stay tuned! i usually post my own drawings on the weekends so i really hope you continue to enjoy. i'm also considering taking larsadie requests pretty soon if that's something you're interested in... 👀
anyway again tysm for this ask this really made my night to be real with you. i hope you have a great night/day too!! ☀️🌒🌟
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hollandorks · 2 years
First of all, I'm sad this part of the story is coming to an end. I've really enjoyed writing these little reviews (that are really just me reacting with my keyboard). And, I've loved the community that MOTN has built. Like 🦇 anon and I temporarily uniting against Lena. That was fun. And ❤ anon, I think it was, not understanding why we distrusted Lena (that heart emoji is supposed to be red. I don't know if it is. I'm typing this on my PC)
So, thank you, Shelby, for writing something so absolutely wonderful and creating this safe little corner of the internet where we all shit on Bruce Wayne for his stupidity, and for doing it with a beautiful fic.
Anyways, onto the final review *chugs what little is left of my glass of wine*
“I wanted to do this–better,” he had said. Stuttered adorably as he continued, “I–I’m no good with saying how I feel. So all I’m going to say is that I love you and want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?” 
God, I wish my ex's half-hearted proposal was at least half as romantic as this—
The character progression though! I'm sure there was still some degree of over-thinking, but look at that! He didn't jump off a roof or anything! He just said the thing he was feeling, despite being nervous and vulnerable, without going to extreme lengths to avoid the conversation!!! I'm so proud of him.
He’d beamed like a proud father and immediately gone for their most expensive bottle of champagne. Had cried when she’d asked if he’d walk her down the aisle and again when Bruce asked him to be the best man. 
Alfred deserves the entire motherfucking world and if we don't give it to him, I swear to god, I'm gonna steal Bruce's cape thingy and jump off the roof myself.
“Please don’t tell me that’s what I think it is,” Bruce said in her ear. He’d promised to keep her in the loop when he went out as Batman. Just in case. 
Okay, so first of all, I love the pacing of this epilogue and I love how I can follow how it's written as if it's the last ten minutes of a movie. Like it's trying to show you the conclusion in the most concise and cohesive way possible, and you're succeeding beautifully, Shelby.
Second of all, YES! CHAOS REIGNS FOREVER! Operation: Give Bruce premature grey hairs is a-go!
They had an agreement now–he trained her whenever he had time, brought her in when he needed help on cases, and had even gotten her a bulletproof vest to wear. He’d made her promise to stay disguised at all times, and even was in the process of making her a cowl of her own.
I KNEW IT! I knew she was gonna get a suit! I called it! And, yes, I know it's not technically a suit but it's close enough and I'm gonna consider it a win!
He huffed out a laugh. “You’re impossible.” 
Always have been, babe—
ignore the babe, it's the wine talking
she clipped the first guy with the Batmobile as she came tearing around the corner.
Some things never change, but what an upgrade! From a normal ass car to the batmobile! Good for her.
The Gotham Project is perfect for her. I'm proud of her.
If he didn’t want her to read something, or wanted her to wait while he processed it for a bit longer, he told her. She respected it. Understood that some things were harder for him than others. Never pushed, never snooped. 
We love healthy boundaries.
I also love how this showcases just how much they've learned, as a couple, to navigate those boundaries. Instead of them being far too rigid (*cough* Bruce *cough*), it's now an active conversation, where both of them are involved. They don't make decisions for each other or assume what the other is thinking. That's great.
“I’m driving,” y/n said as she practically skipped to the elevator. Her entire body was pleasantly warm. Bruce tried to steal the keys from her and sighed when she darted away. She was in the driver’s seat of the Batmobile before he could get in another protest.  
Again, with the childishness, I love it.
“Congratulations on the engagement, by the way,” Gordon said with a flash of a smile. He glanced at Bruce. “Looks like you were too slow, buddy.” 
Not Gordon calling out Bruce's stupidity around the crush he has on his fiancee— I love to see it
Bruce tugged her closer. “Gordon’s invited to our wedding, huh?” 
We love the reader still not telling Bruce about slight changes of plans. But more than that, we love the reader forcing Bruce and Gordon to interact more. He needs more friends (he, being both of them).
A new day had begun.
I love it. I wonder if the sequel will have a name related to time too. And, if it does, will the time be literally be after the middle of the night? Like 4 AM? At Dawn? Noon? No idea.
Shelby, I've said it so many times already, but you really are amazing and you've written such a beautiful story. I love it so much and so does the entire community that you've cultivated. I love you, bestie. If you need me, you know where to find me!
Besides, I'm sure I'll keep talking anyways. It's a talent, how talkative I am. I'm sure I'll still send you asks somehow. I'll find some excuse, I'm sure.
No stop making me feel nostalgic right off the bat it's so rude 😭 I never imagined having a little army/ gang of emoji anons and it has been so fun 😩
Thank you, and all of the anons and readers and commenters, for making this experience so wonderful. I literally had no idea it'd be like this when I started posting.
Um excuse me ex's half hearted proposal??? I feel like I need the story for that one lmao
We love to see character development! Will he always be good at these things? No. He will probably jump off of a roof sometimes still. But not every time, and that's what matters. Growth!
Alfred does deserve the world. He is going to get it too! (Mostly because he's about to get like a whole blurb series)
Love that you enjoyed the pacing because I was nervous about it 🥺 thank you bestie 🥺
You did call it! She gets a suit! I don't think she's want like a costume like Bruce so that's why it's like this but! It still counts!
I really want to include a scene with her hitting a guy with a car in the sequel. Idk how I'm gonna do it but I want to.
Yes to healthy boundaries! That's something else that's so hot! (Will they regress a bit in the sequel? Probably. But at least they're learning.)
Couldn't help myself with the Gordon scene. He stole the show. The spirit of Jeffrey Wright's Gordon was whispering in my ear when I wrote it.
Speaking of the sequel!! Official title reveal coming today bestie 😉
Ugh. Why did you do this to me with the last bit of your ask, you're killing me 😭 I have loved this whole experience so much. I can't even put it into words.
Listen. Bestie. Listen. Just DM me. No one has to know we know each other. You can still send anons with the ⌨️ and I'll pretend we aren't DMing. Okay? Okay. Because we should be besties irl. I can already tell how fun you are and I know we'll get along. It can be our secret.
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