#and in the end should all go to the purpose of being a spreadsheet
unityrain24 · 1 month
my statistics professor is. requiring us to take notes in MICROSOFT EXCEL?!!?!?
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rimouskis · 4 months
How do u make your yearly budget ? I remember you posting about your budget spreadsheet once. Pls I am v interested on how you set it up
I simply must ask if you're the FBI agent in my phone, because I genuinely just sent a message to a friend saying how excited I was it's the end of the month, meaning tomorrow I get to start with a fresh new slate in my budget hahaha
alright let's talk:
I don't do a yearly budget, technically! I budget month-per-month. There are lots of styles of budgets—some allowing for a yearly/more Long Term view—but what worked for my income level was a month-based system.
I lurked on r/personalfinance on reddit for a long while and actually pilfered my budget template from there!
I use this one, which I like both because I've used it for five years and because it's just plain ol' simple. I don't need charts to automatically populate and I don't want to categorize every purchase I make. I just want to see how much money I have per month and how much I'm spending.
That's also crucial to how I personally do budgeting. I don't set aside $X for food and $X for activities and $X for going out or whatever every month. That isn't productive to me; my life looks different every month depending on what's going on. I don't use my budget to be prescriptive; outside of my fixed expenses (rent, utilities, etc.) I just use my budget to track 1. where my money is going and 2. how much of it I have left.
If you want something with a bit more frills, there are lots of other options (one, two, three) on reddit, but I've [personally] found all their bells and whistles overwhelming. If they have useful features you want to use (like, some will have tabs for you to track debt and payments toward it), you can experiment with them, but I don't recommend them for someone new to budgeting.
...I also don't inherently recommend my preferred spreadsheet, either. It doesn't work for everyone. I've shown it to some friends and they almost immediately knew it wouldn't work for them. The reason it works for me is because I am kind of neurotic about budgeting.
To me, "peace of mind" is maintained by having a really close eye on my finances. That means that I track what I spend daily. I manually input every purchase into the spreadsheet. I manually put every paycheck into the spreadsheet. I keep the Google Sheets app on my phone for this very purpose.
That isn't something everyone's willing to do, and there's no shame in that—we all find the different tools that work best for us! But if you don't think you're able to keep up with manually tracking every cent you make and spend, I don't think that this method will be good for you.
If you need more automation in your budgeting, where you can get things autofilled and so on and so forth, I would have pointed you towards Mint, which I've heard good things about, but it's sadly shutting down this March. The article I linked provided an alternate recommendation, but I can't personally vouch for any of those services.
I've been tempted by YNAB a time or two — I like the idea that they intentionally work you towards living off of old paychecks instead of the money you earn month-of [which is a financial goal we should ALL strive for, even though it can be very hard], and I like that they encourage giving every dollar a "job", but you don't NEED their service to do either of those things. I don't like paying money to save money, you know? lol
I keep a secondary, simple spreadsheet with my "rolling funds" in it — money I set aside every month (which I input as a monthly "expense" in my normal spreadsheet) which I allocate to specific funds, like car funds, travel funds... I even had a "hockey game fund" for a few years, haha.
I prefer that method to paying for a service to do it for me. I'm sure YNAB has some nice bells and whistles, and it's clear MANY people love being integrated into their system, which has some automated bits that definitely make budgeting "easier," but I like Ye Olde Spreadsheet. Having to input every purchase keeps me accountable, I feel. Also it sometimes discourages me from spending money, haha, which is probably a good thing in the long run.
idk. I'm a huge advocate for budgeting. I know it can be really hard for some people, but I sincerely think there's some budgeting method out there that will work for you, you know? I credit my budget spreadsheets for keeping my head above water during the many times where money was/is tight. Knowledge is power and all that.
Not to sound like a #girlboss shilling my financial advice on tiktok (of which there are too many), but being aware of where your money is going is sincerely the biggest, most important step you can take towards building financial safety for yourself. My budget saved my ass this last year.
If you have any other questions, shoot them my way. I know it can seem daunting, but I totally think it's worth it! <3
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homestuck penis ouija: tntduo edition
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QUACKITY: Ok8y, look, it’s perfectly simple.  KAHRRL: oh NO you ARE not DRAWING another SHIPPING grid DUDE QUACKITY: No no no, it’s not 8 grid, just 8 schedule.  KAHRRL: look WE’VE already ESTABLISHED that YOU’RE going TO end UP flushed FOR everyone JUST deal WITH it QUACKITY: No no no I’m gonna m8ke this WORK WILBUR: No, that’s a grid. You’re drawing a god damn grid. This is a shipping grid.  QUACKITY: Ok8y LOOK HERE QUACKITY: These 8re the d8ys of the week. We e8ch h8ve rows for those d8ys 8nd we c8n dr8w 8 he8rt, sp8de, or di8mond for 8ny given d8y.  QUACKITY: M8ybe even 8 club since K8hrrl 8nd I 8re in the m8rket for 8 new 8uspictice KAHRRL: OH my GOD QUACKITY: Th8t w8y, we know wh8t’s up in 8dv8nce 8nd c8n 8void 8ny possible conflicts. 
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WILBUR: Put the fucking pen down.  QUACKITY: Hey, cut it out! Don’t touch me! WILBUR: Do not draw a shipping grid, do NOT do it.  QUACKITY: It’s not 8 shipping grid, you bulge ch8fing fuck8ss!  WILBUR: You are not drawing a shipping grid to organize our fucking dating lives.  WILBUR: That is— that is some bullshit, man.  WILBUR: Absolute bullshit, I will not stand for it
QUACKITY: This is not 8 shipping grid, this is 8 schedule to org8nize our qu8dr8nts! It’s 8 useful tool! WILBUR: You’re not drawing anything that even REMOTELY resembles a grid.  WILBUR: Do not draw an arrangement of squares or otherwise interlocking polygons QUACKITY: LET GO!!!!!!!! KAHRRL: oh MY god WILBUR: You will not draw a spreadsheet for the purpose of allocating mine and Kahrrl’s time spent with a potential mutual boyfriend.  WILBUR: That is exactly the shit I do not want to see  QUACKITY: Oh look, I just drew 8 squ8re! Get re8dy to see 8 lot more of those! WILBUR: No stop WILBUR: Do not draw any more squares I swear to god! WILBUR: Do not draw any quadrilaterals or trapezoids or rectangles or fucking n-drangles and especially as fuck not any god damned RHOMBUSES  WILBUR: I don’t want to see your lines making ANY right angles, do you understand? QUACKITY: Oh look 8nother squ8re! 8 bit wobbly but it’ll do.  WILBUR: That is the perfect example of what you should NOT be drawing.  QUACKITY: W8 here it comes! My first “ship” going into the squ8re! WILBUR: Put the fucking pen down! QUACKITY: OW! Wh8t is your problem? WILBUR: Does Sapnap know you’re doing this? QUACKITY: He will! WILBUR: How presumptuous of you to think he might be okay with being tossed into your bullshit shipping grid just because you decided to be “normal human boyfriends” now QUACKITY: Well I h8ven’t put his n8me on the grid yet, h8ve I? WILBUR: I am absolutely stunned that he understands human romance better than you do. Put the pen down, you’re messing up Ranboo’s book. 
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QUACKITY: No! WILBUR: Do it QUACKITY: You suck! WILBUR: I haven’t sucked a single thing in my life what are you on about QUACKITY: You smell! WILBUR: Don’t talk to me about rank smells when you smell like a— like a fucking barn!  WILBUR: Yeah, I said it! QUACKITY: My lusus dr8gged in things th8t smelled better th8n you! QUACKITY: 8nd everything he brought home w8s either 8 de8d 8nim8l or liter8l feces! WILBUR: Yeah well that’s dumb and stupid just like you now gimme the pen QUACKITY: No, it’s mine now. I’m keeping it.  WILBUR: Quackity! Whoa, man what are you doing? WILBUR: Why are you drawing all these human dicks? WILBUR: How do you even know what they look like? What have you been watching??  QUACKITY: I 8M NOT DR8WING THOSE! YOU’RE M8KING ME DR8W THEM, STOP TH8T!!!!!!!! WILBUR: No way, this book is now like…  WILBUR: Our fight fueled ouija board of cock QUACKITY: 88888888RGH STOP!  QUACKITY: DON'T  QUACKITY: NO FUCK  QUACKITY: OK NO  QUACKITY: YOU DREW TH8T ONE  QUACKITY: YOU DREW TH8T ONE!!!! DON'T PRETEND YOU DIDN'T!  WILBUR: Are you sure man? WILBUR: See, that’s the spooky thing about penis ouija. You can never be sure who did the dicks.  WILBUR: Was it you or me or maybe a ghoooost??? QUACKITY: GIVE ME B8CK THE PEN! WILBUR: What? No, this is a fucking masterpiece.  WILBUR: We have to see this through.  WILBUR: We’re running out of room. Hey Kahrrl, can you turn the page for us?
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QUACKITY: 88888888HHHHHH!!!!!!!! QUACKITY: This 8lterc8ion is becoming uncomfort8bly physic8l, get the FUCK 8w8y from me!!!!!!!! WILBUR: What the hell are you talking about? QUACKITY: You know EX8CTLY wh8t I’m t8lking 8bout!!!!!!!! WILBUR: Oh, shut up and draw another penis.  QUACKITY: You don’t even underst8nd the soci8l implic8ions of 8ll this hostile touching 8nd gr8bbing, do you? QUACKITY: THIS IS SO CLE8RLY C8LIGINOUS SOOT, JUST 8CKNOWLEDGE IT!!!!!!!! WILBUR: Well, if you want to look at it that way, then be my guest.  WILBUR: This is a common human ritual, don’t you know? It means we literally couldn’t give less of a fuck about each other. I don’t care about what you think is happening here.  QUACKITY: GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!! WILBUR: Stop biting my jacket.  QUACKITY: FUFCK NYOUF.  WILBUR: We’ve really made a masterpiece here today, Quackity. You should be proud of yourself QUACKITY: OK8Y, TH8T’S IT. I’M FUCKING SICK OF THIS!
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WILBUR: What? WILBUR: WHOA SHIT QUACKITY: His Honour8ble Tyr8nny h8s sentenced you to life in j8cket prison. WILBUR: HNFNGMGNHNFN WILBUR: KAHRRL HELP KAHRRL: SORRY man IM not MEDIATING this F*CKING trash FIRE youre ON your OWN
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
Oooh. For the prompts 22. Playful arguments please!
Let's do it! I'm being romantic about summer and baseball rn so here we go.
Children splashed in the Talucci pool with alternating shrieks and giggles, the displacement of water creating cool air where the July sun had been only oppressive when everyone had first arrived. Jane hadn’t been around that many Italians since her cousin Rita’s wedding three years prior, and she was drunk on familiarity, on culture comforts.
And also, honestly, on beer. 
And when Jane was drunk on beer, in the summer, surrounded by Italians, she liked to argue. Good naturedly, of course, and with anyone that would give her the time of day. Tommy was up flirting with the roommate that Marisa Talucci brought over, two med school girls he had zero chance with, so it wouldn’t be him, and Frankie sat right next to Jane, but he was also drunk and when drunk he liked to laugh. So he was a no go.
That didn’t matter, however, because this Independence Day, while cousin Danny and his kid stuffed their faces at the table next to her, Jane had the perfect interlocutor right across. She pointed the rim of her half-drained bottle in that direction. “I think you’re nuts,” she said, continuing the banter she’d started a few minutes before.
Maura, who had indulged Jane because she too may have had one too many beers and one too few glasses of water, gasped. She folded her arms over her bikini top and leaned in, tossing one of the peanuts in the bowl near the center of the table at Jane’s face. It landed, and Jane’s reflexes were too delayed to stop it. Frankie bellowed out a laugh. “How could you possibly counter? OPS combines two of the most basic offensive metrics in one to provide one of the strongest predictors of production! Only the top one half of one percent of the league has a superior OPS. Every single one of those players are perennial all-stars!” Maura shouted, though the din of family fun and sizzling barbecue tempered the sharpness of it.
“I dunno Janie, I think she’s got you. Remember when Mookie led the AL in OPS? MVP caliber year,” Cousin Danny said around a mouthful of hot dog. 
“Who asked you?” Jane whipped around, motioning for him to zip it. But when she turned her sights back on Maura, she grinned wickedly. She wore her navy road alternate jersey, the one she didn’t mind getting dirty, unbuttoned over her own bikini top, simple black to Maura’s deep, rich red. She leaned back when Maura leaned in, and probably on purpose: it showed off all the musculature she worked so hard for, the musculature that often set Maura off-kilter. “Anyway, here’s what I’m saying: you have a stat that has been around since the beginning of time that basically tells you the same damn thing.”
“Oh?” asked Maura, dripping with superiority. She held back a scoff only because she wanted another sip.
Jane sucked her teeth at the daintiness of that sip. At the pink pout cradling the lip of the bottle.
“Yeah - total bases,” she said as if Maura should have thought of it before. “The more total bases the better. Ya don’t need equations or averages or any of that. Ya just need to know how many knocks a guy got and how many bases each knock counted for. I guarantee ya that tells ya as much as a guy’s slug.”
Maura paused, blinked, clearly unsure if she saw Jane’s point or if the alcohol was seeing it for her. “Well, I…”
At that moment, a particularly large twelve year old kid cannonballed into the deep end just a few feet away, and the water on everyone’s feet at the table gave Jane a wet idea. “Wanna bet? Let’s go inside. I know Carla’s got the family computer in Marisa’s old room. We can do a whole spreadsheet right. Fuckin’. Now.” 
Maura dropped her mouth open at the audacity, and then at the implication. They’d be alone. In a bedroom. Collecting data sets. Arguing. “I do want to bet. Lead the way.”
Frankie only rolled his eyes when they shot up from the table and burst through the sliding glass door to the house. Another beer it was, then.
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facedock · 2 years
Calling All A-Team Fans – Help Preserve Fic from Fanfiction.net
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I recently reblogged a post warning that Fanfiction.net could soon be lost to us forever. In the interest of preserving fandom history, many people are taking action to save fics before the site goes down (which, as far as I can tell, could happen at any moment – could be days, could be months, could be years... could end up being totally fine, I have no idea, but I’d rather not risk it).
There are 64 pages of A-Team (TV) fanfic on Fanfiction.net.
That’s about 1,600 individual stories.
They could all be lost to us at any moment (if the author hasn’t uploaded them elsewhere, like to AO3).
In the interest of preserving our fandom’s history, I’m rallying y’all to help save these fics.
To quote from someone on that other post:
“Do it comprehensively—start on the last page and save every. Single. One. Make sure you include the header and any author’s notes. EDIT NOTHING, ONLY DOCUMENT. Yes, if that means someone misspelled something or you spot a misnamed character, you need to keep that error. If you can form a “network” with friends to save all of a fandom’s works, DO IT.”
I’m taking care of the first (er, last) page right now. I’m not sure if I’ll have the energy to do more tonight. But I’m getting started archiving just in case we lose the fics.
I’ve been copy/pasting the fics into individual Google Docs, storing them in a folder I’ve titled “Fanfiction.net A-Team Archive”, and titling them as suggested below:
“I strongly recommend using the following format for whatever you save, so it can be indexed later: fandom_fictitle_author_datefirstposted.fileextension. So for example (I’m making this fic up for demonstration purposes, don’t bother looking for it), naruto_blessing_ichigo98_07192009 would be Blessing, by ichigo98, posted in the Naruto fandom on 19 July 2009. This provides all the information needed to see if a fic has been cross posted to the AO3, and to run a search engine to see if it’s archived elsewhere.”
I’ve also been copy/pasting the fic stats from the top of the fic, and putting them in the “summary” section of the Google Doc:
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I’m not saying it needs to be done this way specifically, just as long as fics are getting saved.
If you wanna join me, I’ve set up a Google spreadsheet to mark which pages have been covered.
Feel free to tackle a page and put your tumblr @ or nickname or initial it or whatever you’re comfortable with.
If you’re going to use Google Drive/Docs to save the fics, I would recommend using a spare Google account if you have one (I’m using an account I have for getting spam emails lol), so you have plenty of room in the Drive.
Note on copy/pasting: Fanfiction.net’s interface doesn’t let you copy/paste on the desktop version. So, when you open a fic, change the “www” part of the URL to “m” to bring up the mobile version. This should let you highlight and copy the text without issues. I’ve also found that, on my computer at least, scrolling to the bottom and highlighting and then dragging the mouse back up to the top of the page highlights the text a lot quicker than starting at the top and scrolling down.
And, remember, this isn’t about saving only the fics you like. It’s about preserving the creations of our fellow fans and creating an archive. So.
I don’t know what we’ll actually do with these fics later... upload them to Ao3?? That seems like something we shouldn’t do without permission from the authors, right?? But many of them may be unreachable, given that some of these fics were posted all the way back in 2000. So. Idk.
But for now, the important thing is just to make sure we have them saved.
If you have some time to spare, tackling a page or two would be cool.
Just remember to check the spreadsheet so you don’t waste time saving fics that have already been saved.
If you want to add your saved fic Docs to the same Google Drive folder, I’ve made it public and editable, so you should be able to put your Docs in there. Please don’t abuse this power lol this is about preserving fandom history, and I happen to think that matters.
EDITING TO ADD: Someone pointed out that Fanfiction.net automatically filters out “M” rated fics when you first go to a search page, so if you’re helping archive the fics, remember to go to “Filters” and change the “Rated” filter to “Rating: All”, so we’re not missing anything.
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Granted I got excited for the Chenford train but I'm slowly coming down from the high with how the writers choosing to go forward with their writing. I'm not sure about you but I don't think taking a desk job like Tim is doing is romantic at all. Granted there are sacrifices and compromises that need to be made in relationships but when you make those sacrifices that affect your career, I don't find anything romantic by it. What would people say if it were Lucy who agreed to take a desk job so she could continue to see Tim. I'd hope there would be an uproar.
I'm a WOC fan so I was actually excited for two POC leading a romantic pairing with Chris and Lucy. Something we rarely see on tv.
Okay, get ready for some potentially hot (and likely unpopular) takes.
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I’ve been slowly transitioning to being a more casual viewer of The Rookie. It’s still a fun show that I watch because it offers me some mindless way of decompressing after a long day of eye rolling and glaring at spreadsheets but I haven’t been all that invested in Chenford anymore. I mean, love that the fandom finally gets canon Chenford after years. Good for everyone who waited so patiently. To each their own, right?
Honestly, I kind of found the writing last season to be a bit wishy washy. There weren’t any really any big Chenford moments (outside of the premiere) until the finale and even then, it sort of came out of the blue. I like my slow burn piled on with a lot of feelings, pining, anticipation, stolen looks - you know, the works - so I was a tiny bit disappointed in how the writers developed the relationship overall. Introducing love interests that weren't really needed in my opinion. Ashley was a barely fleshed out character and while Chris had some potential, the writers didn't really think of him that much. I felt like both the LIs lacked purpose and even how both relationships ended felt off.
Also, don’t really like how they seemed to have retconned Tim’s character. He basically refused to write Lucy up for “losing” the earrings because he couldn’t remain objective. IDK but that doesn’t seem very Tim circa season 1. I don’t find it romantic. It feels a bit patronizing.
Lucy is and will always be my favorite character on this show. I hope she gets better storylines that revolve less around her and Tim. Also, they should write in Oscar more often. I enjoyed him in the last episode!
I do hope we see more POC pairings not just on this show but in others. I agree that there is a serious lack of it and it's something that writers, networks and producers could do much better on.
Now, let me duck back into my cave before I get pelted with tomatoes by the fandom ✌🏻
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incandescentflower · 2 years
~ reveal your watch & rewatch drama list ~
Tagged by @stickers-on-a-laptop! Oh boy. Here we go.
Watching (in the order I threw them on my spreadsheet and my descriptions) 😂:
KinnPorsche: Bonkers Mafia bodyguard/mobster love story/so fucking rapey (Look, I am not telling anyone else to not like it, it just hasn't been good for me, despite my high hopes it would be, but yeah PeteVegas are the most interesting part by far)
To My Star 2: My babies are back and saaadddd - I want this over with, which is kiling me since I looked forward to it so much. I didn't expect to receive contact therapy from this show, but here we are.
Old Fashion Cupcake - Boss/subordinate form a sweet relationship. I WOULD DIE FOR THEM. I have so many long fics I should be writing and yet, I just think of them.
Check out - Two men who meet at a getaway villa and have a fling end up meeting again later and it looks very rich and trashy. I liked episode 0, I am meh about the rest except the lead's chemistry.
Sky in My Heart - Brother from other show has to be doctor in a small village and meets a teacher to fall in love, second tier ATOTS. Okay, but this has been a very nice watch. Low bar investment. Fah is ridiculous but also says heart breaking things sometimes.
Tomorrow - Reapers try to prevent suicides. I was like, this looks so cool from the gifs. And it is. But also very sad. And well see above. Already too much sadness.
Ultimate Note - Tomb raider, familial destiny meets shipping of lead with mysterious amnesiac. This has been fun so far. But lots of bugs. Why.
Rewatching randomly:
Bad Buddy, The Devil Judge, Word of Honor, all for fic purposes. I have loved them all for various reasons for a while now.
Plan to Watch:
Hrm, I have a long rec list and I pull from it sometimes. But ones I am looking forward to most immediately:
Moonlight Chicken: Earth and Mix with P'Aof again, what's not to be excited about?
Viceversa: I am looking forward to Jimmy in a lead drama and small roles by Ohm and Nanon.
Most of my really anticipated stuff has already come out this year or is going now, so I guess I am looking forward to being surprised!
Tagging @mineonmain and @cbayeeeeee and anyone else who would want to do this.
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bi-lunita · 1 year
When I was a kid my mother told me “your dad is a chameleon” because he could make friends with almost anyone. But these friendships he made were mostly surface and were about him figuring out the things he had in common with those people and really leaning into. As I get older I realize that I too am a chameleon. I can get along with many different types of people by putting many different types of traits on. By fitting into certain molds and seeming more appealing. My dad and I don’t do this on purpose. I learned to do it to survive, because a friend and ally is always better than an enemy. But being a chameleon only works for so long. I do not hold friends groups and instead bounce around. My surface traits really on working on keeping surface level relationships. I don’t remember who I was or who I’m supposed to be. The things I do that come naturally aren’t “normal”. Kids don’t find new ways to organize their Pokémon cards every time they get a new pack. Teenagers don’t normally wait to join a game and start by making a spreadsheet of everything they think would be perfect. Adults don’t fidget or impulsively rawr or have to reorganize the way their folders are placed or have to wait until the clock strikes that :00 mark on any hour to start a task or drop things even though they were holding them two seconds go or a million other things that I do. That I’ve been told isn’t normal. But my dad lets out a high pitched squeal when he’s excited. My dad is blocked and can’t start anything when he’s stressed. My dad likes to keep all his old documents organized in perfect files and if you break his organization than it’s a hoarding issue cause he doesn’t know how to classify it. My dad can get overly angry about what is right and what just doesn’t make sense. My dad is kind and made us breakfast everyday. My dad smiles even when things go wrong. My dad tells you it’s gonna be okay. My dad ends every call with “Are you happy? Good. That’s the only thing that matters”. My dad isn’t perfect. He’s a chameleon. He’s never fully himself and got lost somewhere along the way. My dad isn’t always normal or nice. But my dad loves us, he cares for us. My dad wants to do the right thing. He isn’t perfect, but he’s trying. So maybe it’s not such a bad thing to be like my dad. Maybe instead of hating being a chameleon, instead of feeling like Im never me, maybe I should remember that every shade of color I express is still me. Maybe a chameleon is me expressing every color inside.
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Back when I was a computer geek, for real, in the late 90s, I used renaming all the registry keys as a sort of defensive measure. Some enterprising hackers know how that works (or worked, I should say, because of how long ago that was), but they couldn’t ever hope to get around the entire system. I named them according to an internally consistent system, known to me. And beyond. But...and this is important to people today; agents of government aren’t phased by this stuff. Any FBI agent worth their salt would lookup the MBR and file table to see where all those things were still located in machine code, and how the APIs were call/answering. A long time ago. When dial-up was “fast internet”. Notably, “someone” managed to remote corrupt the TCP/IP stack, which was all the more impressive because my machine was running a winmodem (look it up, sort of beyond the scope here). Also, aggravating. 
As I was seriously involved in working with emulators (because they were experimental at best, and not so reliable), it’s possible “one of those guys” in the development community, took something out for a test drive pathing networks (I used UDP (again, look it up) because my connection was slow and rural and unreliable; a port scan wouldn’t care, but that’s a pretty complicated thing to be doing after “following” a lot of unrouted packets that were running into other packets. There’s a moral to this story, that I’m getting to. Whereby “back doors” (often installed at the behest of government, but not always) were all the rage, and kind of the standard back then, they call that system “rainbow tables” now days. 
A friend who was years later consulting for some certain letter agencies, sort of broached that particular subject in discussing, “rainbow covers most internet traffic, except for a tiny area, and so they’ll just look there” as a sort of “I can look at anything you can do remotely” for any or no reason at all (it was my best friend, so I didn’t much mind). After I had stopped doing the kinds of things those “implementations” are seeking to find, ironically. Screengrabbing and keylogging was the “poor man’s rainbow table” back in the day, but we never talked about that. (A movie called Sneakers begged the question of “who was going to be who” among us, a long, long time ago).
And the moral??? Ok, ok. America today is really big on something called “bittorrent” which needs no introduction, and has also been mentioned on this blog a time or two. We’re not fooling anybody with file sharing. After “Usenet” (also, look it up) was used by *extremely privileged whites* to circulate software, extrajudicially I might add, because computers cost 5k or more and internet was a super exclusive privilege within that privilege, of people for whom many “registered users” (if you can imagine that, because there was a fee, not unlike demonoid) were developing the software themselves. What became the biggest names in software. Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Norton, and too many to name over a decade or so. Sharing software among people that they thought could “give it a once over”, for beta-testing/free debugging purposes. And so, a list of releases ended up being circulated and forgotten among people who were always the “leading edge” of the technology in question. Of course there are leaks. Some kids share some cool toys with other kids, because they’re all wealthy, so who cares. Software gets traded for drugs. Sexual favors. Becomes a sort of ubiquitous free-when-circulated underground. And open secret. 
(any FTP protocol becomes a means for “everyone to be on the same page” with current software because nobody can afford all the important kinds)
A network of file traders is how some (perhaps most) computer users for a solid couple decades, came to have word processors AND spreadsheets. And databases. And “Multimedia” development skills and capabilities. And multiplayer computer games (from handing out disks at LAN parties and then going home). 
>A digital distribution system for media could never have existed without file trading<
Audio gets small with compressed sound files. Somehow (this was my experience) cracked (look it up) executables allow CD-bound software to be executed without the CD in the drive. I wanted to play Mechwarror 2, which had a GREAT soundtrack, while listening to Metallica after I’d been playing it for a long time. Cracks (not “hacks” of course because they thought a different word would fly under FBI scrutiny) allow some software where one of the “songs” is the data track, to be run flawless with no disc. Cracks give way to greater “warez” (I call it juarez) no-CDs. A distinction without a difference, except a so-called “no-CD” allows a software accustomed to running from regular disc access, to be copied to hard disk and run from there (Mechwarrior 2 was designed to be “installed” that way by the developer “but the movies look incredible” they said of the 300-odd megabyte installation in the days where a gigabyte drive was respectable). Some time after, DSL gives way to cable “broadband” circa 2000, disk drives get huge, software stabilizes around 650mb compact disk, size. This marks “when the dotcom boom” was OVER. 
When only corporations paid for software, and media for the most part, even after napster (that I never used for reasons close to the beginning of this story) went down, because napster gave way to like a hundred alternatives. And usenet was still around. Americans who couldn’t suddenly afford to buy a used car (what computers were going for in the dotcom era) every year or so, still can’t do it even after the dotcom era ends and everything cheapens. Cellphones are like a thousand dollars, when a “dime-store” as I had discussed in another post, computer runs 5-700. Additional dollars. And they don’t become true computers for like fifteen years. Apple makes iPod in the intervening years (internetPoliceOfficerDetective) a company now headed by Time Cook. Apple doesn’t understand why selling music at a dollar (or so, it was a long time ago) doesn’t amount to how people want tens of gigabytes in iPod storage. 
Those napster alternatives I had mentioned, for all kinds of files.
Apple doesn’t go on to *ever acknowledge* that Creative Nomads were sold to the *same people* as Apple Ipods. As of a *couple years ago* they took the iTunes store offline to create a subscription service in its place; the public action that admitted (confessed???) that Ipods had long been “populated” with music from file trading networks. Because Ipods are expensive, and come empty. After Steve Jobs had been dead for some time. Even Microsoft, long fence-rider in the “computers in the home are for rich people, software needs to be circulated for free outside corporate sectors”, confessed to knowing about Wine Is Not Emulation, the Microsoft Windows API translation system, the *whole damn time*. In the vaguest way possible, to avoid being forced to legal action by the government against a technology that they wanted to exist but couldn’t develop. 
A moral of this story is two-fold. A lot of poor people are crafty. Americans by and large, cannot afford computer ownership, and also mobile phone ownership, at the same time as software required to be “plugged into” the digital world. They can’t afford physical media containing digital media (hence Apple’s open admission that iTunes was a pipe-dream at worst, and imperfect solution at best). Subscription services are all the rage among corporations, since “apps” and similar dollars-for-executables create a divide worthy of a digital fiefdom, which, at present, looks to become a digital landed gentry. Colonial American founders circulated what (*cough* contraband *cough* privateering) in order they become a sort of landed gentry worthy of a revolutionary war of independence?
A long read, yeah. The story is still going though. 
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callahanellison · 2 years
Get rid of Business Planning Once and For All
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If you choose one which doesn't have a large enough client base or is just not profitable enough, your organization may end way up struggling for just about every sale. Ask any successful sports instructor how they get so many video games, plus they? ll notify you they have got the unique plan with regard to almost every game. A person can make that a fun video game by adding a discount code around the credit card which is certain to the individual you give it to, and even then anybody along with probably the almost all recommendations wins some sort of prize! The only time to make full use of lower options is definitely once you understand the images is only going to be displayed upon your computer display screen. Instead, slowly minimize one bad foodstuff at a time as you bring in new, healthier options into your lifestyle. You should check out this small business pdf format to get an idea of how to be able to create one to your business. As the particular small business operator, you? ll have got a better idea of the organizational goals and aims you? 에볼루션게임 to accomplish and a path to do this. Many include small company experts which can help. By simply using such a new tool the enterprise productiveness you may get in the course of travel can become much better.
The purpose why? Very fine, having also been inside health enterprise using capacity with regard to at the least earlier times 20 many decades, its hard of which will disclose it but the enterprise is troubled mightily! Get to find out the business construction options and talk about them with the advisors to identify which will always be right for you. Below is usually a guide on the ML styles and innovations that emerged in 2022. Let? s get going.? I started to love myself. Just make sure you don? t need direct sunlight arriving in as this can create harsh dark areas on your theme. If you are an online merchandiser jogging an e-store then you certainly require a safeguarded bank card processing system for shoppers to be able to make purchase with no being scared regarding the fraudulent. 3. Embed global in addition to federated definitions of data access guidelines that should be enforced while getting at the buyer credit account data product all the way through the central files governance. Since you? ve likely identified currently, the parallels in between the worlds involving website development plus data management are abundant. Plants will be an easy way to create some lifestyle into a bathroom, just simply be sure you decide on plants that will be tolerant to minimal light and high humidity conditions.
Your personal business prepare consultant connects a person with the business planning team, providing you updates, and keeping you involved in the planning process every step of the way. Profit/Loss Statement - This answers typically the question of no matter if your company is currently profitable. Your startup business plan is nearly finish! The following tips and hints can help you create some sort of compelling startup company plan without buying overwhelmed. Business plans differ based on the nature of the business, target market, competitive advantage, distribution of product/service, opportunity, and size. Prevent assuming anything regarding your target audience, product/service, or the market need. Your startup marketing prepare will help you define your organization? s target audience and even brand image. Together with LivePlan, you give the students entry to industry-best business plans and help them create goals and track metrics with spreadsheet-free monetary forecasts. Typically, a business plan is a new document that can detail what sort of company will achieve it is goals.? Who will get your suppliers?
Speaking of market share, you'll need to create a section that shares details on which the top competitors usually are. The executive summary might just be the almost all important section regarding the complete business strategy. You can also integrate PlanGuru together with Xero, QuickBooks, QuickBooks Online, and Excel Import to construct unlimited business plans. At our company, DASAR Accounting Services LLC, we work harder to provide the best service and develop a strong crew. If you would like to build a new thriving company that can pull forward of the competition, it is advisable to prepare for battle before breaking into a marketplace. This may lead to added customer satisfaction, due to they will get more with the merchandise they desire and quicker. Right now there are several techniques for getting going on this front. When look at this site seemed to be going to Saks I flew country wide and personally watched every shirt fall the line. 카지노사이트 and breaking down bigger goals into smaller, actionable jobs will assist an individual in getting all the way through them faster. Without having clear short-term aims, it might be hard to be able to know how in order to prioritize startup tasks. Yet , many regarding these topics will probably be covered in even more detail later upon in the company plan, so hold the executive summary clear and simple, including only the almost all important take-aways.
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nikolajsenkeegan · 2 years
Tailoring Alterations Worth Listing
Offer in-home consultations, personalised diet and exercise regimens, and community boot camps to get the word out. Unlike a couple of different options on this record, a freelance developer does want some coaching to launch a successful enterprise and start taking up initiatives, but when you’re a newbie, don’t worry. There are plenty of boot camps to get you on top of things with either full-stack or front-end internet improvement. Some of those boot camps are even supplied by way of accredited tech faculties. 387 sewing alteration illustrations & vectors can be found royalty-free. Kindly ship me an inventory of equipment i must arrange a stitches and alteration enterprise. You’ve got plenty of issues in your plate when first starting up. But one step that’s critical (and usually forgotten by first-time entrepreneurs) is deciding on the software that can allow you to be more efficient as your business grows. Many companies search knowledge entry clerks to assist them enter information into their computer systems and spreadsheets. It’s not recommended or sometimes even attainable to change anything a couple of size — either down or up,” Tomashevskay mentioned. Do a chambray top and a silk blouse take the same quantity of money and time to alter? Certain fabrics are naturally more delicate, and a few supplies will always take a bit more time to alter. alteration clothing However, some tailors don’t present price estimates upfront because they base the price on the variety of hours an alteration project takes to complete. Make sure earlier than you permit and log off on work being carried out in your garment, that you're given a worth estimate on your alterations. We advocate doing slightly bit of research about tailors in your native area earlier than getting into for a go to. Visit their website or take a look at their social media profiles to see a few of their past work. Take note of evaluations from customers that have comparable body sorts to you or garments that you’re seeking to get altered. Even the most affordable suit can fit like a designer authentic when correctly altered. Many individuals turn to a seamstress for this purpose, as nicely as to restore the fits they regard as valuable investments. But the abilities of a seamstress are becoming considerably of a misplaced artwork, making their experience increasingly troublesome to search out. Social media is a more moderen way to contact clients, however it may be an effective way to have interaction folks that share interests and probably are in search of good referrals for various services. Thanks for stating that the fee for altering robes would be broadly different compared to just jeans or blouses. In that case, I should ask around tailors close to me to get their estimates and compare them with one another. Over the years, additional areas had been padded to offer an understructure that helped the garment lie neatly on the body. By the 19th century, well-tailored clothes have been carefully fit to the wearer with a extra subtly formed understructure. Even with the advent of recent machines, nearly seventy five percent of a custom-tailored suit's stitching continues to be carried out by hand. Mowing, tree-trimming, and seasonal decor are all neighborhood wants. If you have or can acquire the tools, a landscaping enterprise could be a profitable affair. It’s also a great choice when you get pleasure from doing it on your own home and have an excellent eye for landscape design. The lower the constructive ratio is, the extra solvent the business. The debt to fairness ratio additionally supplies data on the capital construction of a enterprise, the extent to which a agency's capital is financed through debt. This ratio calculates the average number of instances that curiosity owing is earned and, subsequently, indicates the debt danger of a enterprise. The larger the ratio, the extra ready a agency is to cover its interest obligations on debt. This ratio is not very relevant for financial industries. It’s the common measurements of people carried out by medical doctors from greater than fifty years in the past. It’s really exhausting to get ready to put on clothing suit you perfectly proper off the rack. Top 5 dressmaker interview questions with detailed tips for both hiring managers and candidates. Sound knowledge of assorted fabrics and sewing strategies. One of the greatest sources an entrepreneur can have is quality mentorship.
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quicktocloud · 2 years
Inefficient Bookkeeping: Ultimate Reason behind the downfall of your business!
Most businesses experience financial discrepancies at some point, and this is often due to incorrect bookkeeping methods. To avoid these issues, it's important to have a system in place that is accurate and easy to follow. One way to do this is to hire a professional bookkeeper, or to use accounting software like QuickBooks premier hosting that will help you keep track of your finances.
There are a lot of bad bookkeeping methods out there. Here are just a few:
Manual accounting- this is one of the worst methods because it's so easy to make mistakes.
Skipping small transactions- this is a bad idea because they can add up quickly and you could miss something important.
Procrastinating and delaying bookkeeping tasks- this will only make the problem worse and it'll be harder to catch up.
Not cross-checking bookkeeping records for accuracy- this is a huge mistake because you could be making decisions based on inaccurate information.
Ignoring cash flow issues- this can lead to bigger problems down the road.
Hiring inexperienced accountants and bookkeepers- this is a recipe for disaster. Make sure you're hiring someone who knows what they're doing.
Delaying data entry- this will make it harder to keep track of what's going on and could lead to mistakes.
Below are some areas of your business that can be negatively impacted if your bookkeeping practices are not up to par.
Bookkeeping is important for many reasons, but one of the most crucial aspects is recording purchases when they occur. If you delay this process or misreport these transactions, it can throw off all of your business's purchase decisions. If you forget to record transactions related to inventory, you might end up understating the total value of your inventory in the books. This can lead to both inventory shortages and overspending.
Falsified purchasing information and the inevitable drop in inventory can hinder all aspects of your business. If you don't have enough inventories, you can't meet customer demands or reach sales and company targets. This is a dangerous situation for any small business owner to be in, especially during the early stages of development.
One thing that affects purchase-related bookkeeping is manual accounting. Manual data entry greatly increases the chances of errors and misreporting. When your company purchases inventory from different vendors, the entire process can be really confusing for the bookkeeping staff. However, by working with software that organizes and tracks all of your vendor data, you can make the entire process a lot simpler and less stressful for everyone involved. When heaps of spreadsheets pile up and data becomes difficult to sort out, errors become common. A good way to avoid this is to use software like QuickBooks premier hosting that can keep track of all your vendors in one place and automate purchase orders and invoicing.
Being accurate when it comes to the final income figure you report to the Internal Revenue System for taxation purposes is very important. If the income figure is overstated or understated, heavy penalties can be faced. In order to comply with the IRS’s tax requirements, bookkeeping needs to be accurate. This can result in issues with not just the IRS, but also local and state-level tax agencies. Heavy fines can ruin a company's reputation, not to mention its cash flow. If you have a history of misreporting your taxes, audits will not go over well.
Cash Flow
It is of utmost importance that you manage your cash flow responsibly. Companies who do not pay attention to their cash flow often find themselves in hot water often during the payroll time; you cannot afford not to pay your employees because there is no money in the bank. To avoid this, you should keep a close eye on your expenses and make sure that you are never overspending.
We can see why this problem might come up. In most cases, office activity requires cash. This means that every day, there are cash transactions taking place - whether it's for office supplies or paying bills. If the people in charge of accounting don't have knowledge of these transactions or don't keep track of them in a timely way, it becomes difficult for the company to manage its cash flow requirements.
The key to avoiding issues with your accountant is to use automated accounting software like QuickBooks premier cloud hosting and also to encourage healthy communication among the team. Make sure to sit down at the end of every fiscal period to discuss the books, and cross-check all cash-flow related transactions multiple times. This will help to eliminate any discrepancies.
Poor business decisions
Accounting data is like a map. It can help you find your way to where you want to go, or it can show you where you've been. Companies use bookkeeping data to plan their future sales goals, make budgets, and take important managerial decisions. If you don't have an accurate understanding of where your company's money is going each month, top tier management will never realize the need to control those expenses. This will negatively affect the business in the long run.
If you find that you're struggling to keep up with the competition, it's important to take a look at your bookkeeping and make sure that everything is in order. Failing to fix any mistakes could mean that your company doesn't survive in the long run.
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gamebird · 2 years
Rambling ahoy.
I went to work yesterday, but they sent me back home due to me having COVID. I thought I'd be fine because I was 6 days out from onset of symptoms and felt okay. I hadn't tested until we got back home from vacation Saturday night, for a lot of reasons but mainly 1) I thought it was a cold and 2) on the off chance it a) was COVID or more likely b) we'd picked up COVID somewhere during the vacation and were asymptomatic; I didn't want to be trapped in a foreign country in quarantine or whatever. Plus the complication of 3) I didn't speak the language of the countries I was in and 4) was having a lot of trouble making phone calls with the e-SIM program I'd bought. So if we did end up stranded, my ability to communicate with health care providers, my work, my daughter's school, etc. was compromised. Anyway, I tested when we got back /just in case/ and whelp, we were positive.
I thought I was over it yesterday, but then in the afternoon I crashed, was tired all day, slept 9 hours last night, woke up tired, am still tired. But I've drank a little caffeine and that seems to be perking me up. Not that this is super helpful, because most of my actual work requires me to know what I'm doing, which requires learning it from the people I'm now isolated from.
Speaking of which, HR was clear that I was 'working from home'. And then my boss, who I spoke to yesterday, was equally clear that I should take it easy, rest up, and come back to work on Thursday ready to hit the ground running. I'm uneasy about these mixed signals. I'm supposedly being paid ... and I'd be happier working but all I can do from here is call a few suppliers about late deliveries (which I did yesterday and will shortly repeat). And stare at some spreadsheets that I don't have the context to do anything about.
I'm also suffering from the usual conundrum that when I'm sick, my brain doesn't work well enough to write (or usually, read much) and so my primary leisure activity is hard to do. I vaguely want to watch Yellowstone, but I don't think I'm up to following anything with a plot for the same reason.
In the course of scrolling FB, I ran across a post where someone was asking for a kitten for her 'girls' because she'd lost the one they had. I have no problem with people owning cats. I also have a very low bar for animal treatment. Anyone who knows what 'gamebird' means in terms of my alias should know that. But WTF, woman? She wants a 'kitten' that is free. Absolutely free. Won't go to the shelter because they charge a small fee and provide an animal that's spayed/neutered and vaccinated. She doesn't want to pay that. I'm not saying 'I think she doesn't want to pay for that', I mean she's explicitly posting she doesn't want to pay anything, no matter what she's getting, even if what she's getting is bog standard, required care for baseline quality of life of the pet. It really, really sounds like she wants a disposable pet with no vet care whatsoever. Given her last 'kitten' was 'lost', I ... I mean? Fuck, lady. I used to fight chickens for a living and I wouldn't inflict you on some poor cat. I'd be happier if she was asking for kittens to feed to her snake (which I've seen posts about that before and that's marginally fine with me because a feed animal is not going to have a life of deteriorating health and slow misery before dying; on the other hand, I'm suspicious of anyone willing to feed their snake rando pet animals they got for free off FB, instead of purpose-bred feed animals bought from someone with standards; I feel sorry for the snake in this situation, not the cat).
Anyway, I said nothing about this on FB but it bothered me.
Okay, this is what happens to me when I have caffeine.
Speaking of which, I'm curious if it will effect me differently now than when I had ovaries. Back then, it gave me panic attacks and anxiety.
I started back on this stuff accidentally by getting coffee flavored gelato in Italy two weeks ago, thinking my boyfriend (who loves coffee-flavored ice cream) should share it with me. He did not, so I ate it all myself and was wiredly awake for a very long time. I think it was 36 hours from time of waking to time of sleeping. Hard to tell exactly because we crossed like 8 time zones. So either 28 hours or 44. Which is why I drank some this morning. I figured it could kick COVID's ass and it's doing okay, but my logic center isn't working right and I can't string more than two or three things together in sequence. After all, I'm here on Tumblr instead of doing my work.
Speaking of which, I'm off to bung up some work!
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white23hughes · 2 years
Bookkeeper Whitby Fundamentals Explained
The flexibleness of On-Web page or Off-Web site bookkeeping services with a bundle that may be tailor manufactured to satisfy your business desires, with the option to pay-as-you-go or month to month fixed costs. Once-a-year set cost deals can also be accessible on request. That late paying buyer may perhaps already have paid out but your accounting program might not replicate this nevertheless. Skilled Bookkeepers The Services Gurus purpose is that can assist you create highly regarded and bespoke bookkeepers that go well with your specified corporation demands in Whitby by offering a no obligation absolutely free quote for bookkeeping for your company what-ever its size or marketplace or maybe These self-employed. Equipped to take care of rigid adherence to company’s regulations and regulations even though respecting responsibilities and authoritarians. These are generally generally known as the VAT return or the worth-additional tax returns. All You should do is post all of your needed documents, as well as the accounting firms by themselves will finish your VAT returns as quickly as possible in addition to all the proper knowledge before your deadline. Make sure you speak to your financial advisor punctually to achieve your VAT returns. Addressing paper receipts, submitting cupboards, hand‑created invoices and a number of spreadsheets is a technique for the past. Action into the longer term and maximize your money move with personalized invoicing, on the web payments, doc Group and bookkeeping from any where. AGM Renovations is actually a market leader inside the residential development ending industry. We pleasure ourselves in the best rankings of client pleasure, ensuring best procedures and quality finishing. Our team is often looking out for except... Streamline the best way you accumulate resource files, Arrange shopper knowledge and share files through the use of a safe, branded client portal, designed for accountants and accounting firms. Should you be a sole trader, run little or medium-size small business, or a larger company, irrespective of whether you demand assist together with your individual accounting needs, or Functioning out your company income tax, Philp Accounting may help.  Our approachable accountants give accounting services for SMEs which include: Our cloud-centered management devices provide a innovative Software for corporations to leverage one of the most current technologies available today to streamline, help save and improve their organizations. Bookkeeping Services Whitby ’ve been serving the tax requires of regular folks for more than forty years and also have taken many clientele by CRA audits and appeals. It’s our working experience which makes the main difference when it comes to the details. We've been passionate and devoted to your fiscal very well-currently being. (Present more) (Present considerably less) Present extra 13. Ecommerce is amongst the fastest-expanding sectors of the worldwide economic climate. Learn the 6 actions you will take to place your exercise to make use of the change to digital ecommerce If you have already got an accountant within your company, it may be critical that you have an assistant available to make sure the documents are organised for your personal accountant to analyse. Respond to telephone calls and reply to shopper' enquiries. Ask for and acquire facts from shoppers and put together month to month money receipts and disbursements. The backbone of any prosperous business enterprise is payroll. Furnishing compensation to all personnel inside of a well timed way is important for a business that's expanding.
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bracollar3 · 2 years
6 Tricks To Optimize Your Weblog For Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Optimization
Sites optimized for search engines like google and yahoo ought to give equal consideration to the cell layouts of their web sites . Of course, the second set of URLs is a purposely daft instance, however it serves some extent — the first URL naming conference helps each search engines like google and yahoo and users, and the second hinders. Site velocity has been a rating issue since 2010 and it’s good for customers, too. Keyword research ought to always be step one before you begin writing. Aligning the content that you simply write with excessive quantity key phrases is crucial to making sure that your content performs well and improves your search engine rankings. It also helps you write your content material in a means that satisfies person intent. Without it, you wouldn’t be succesful of write content that was as useful to potential prospects. It’s important to trace your metrics to understand the success of your overall process, and establish possible areas for improvement. With that in mind, make it a point to weblog at least once per week. Remember, you would possibly be blogging primarily for your audience, not search engines like google, so research your target market and write about issues that they're thinking about. By doing this, you're associating these matters with in style short-tail key phrases, however you’re not dedicating particular person weblog posts to these keywords. Let’s go over SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION of this process using the image under. Of course, there is plenty that you are in a position to do your self to improve your SEO rankings on Shopify. You’ll want to do keyword analysis to find out which phrases or search phrases to optimize each web page of your website for. Some search engines like google and yahoo have also reached out to the SEO trade, and are frequent sponsors and guests at search engine optimization conferences, webchats, and seminars. Content Improvement It’s all about finding the proper steadiness between self-promotion, sharing useful data, and entertainment. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat are all great mediums to both create and share related content material. So, let’s get began with the forms of content you presumably can create after which evaluation your content strategy. The group member liable for this operation should know the status of each content asset being created. And all that points to the clear want for strategy, before and past just writing. Writing with out technique is like driving with no map; cruising round on a Sunday afternoon is fine for the motive force , but terribly annoying for all the folks behind you on the road. And in the world of “stickiness” and keeping a site fresh—perhaps in reviews as Jonathan mentions—that end product isn't at a real “end”, but somewhat at all times ready to be refreshed in accordance with a broader content material strategy. For instance, if your goal for informational articles is to increase organic site visitors to your website, you might observe things like distinctive visitors, bounce rate, and web page views. The knowledge you collect from these metrics can inform you if your content material is performing the best way you anticipated. If it’s not, you can do a content material refresh to raised goal your keywords or audience. It’s additionally a possibility to gather more data to excellent your subsequent marketing campaign. While you are creating content to tell your viewers and supply solutions to their problems, it’s with the final word objectives of building brand belief and ultimately converting your results in paying clients. Competitor Evaluation Tracker Ask yourself why consumers choose a particular company’s services or products over the opposite out there options. Before you dive into your competitor evaluation, take a moment to get organized. A competitor matrix, also recognized as a competitor grid, is a desk or spreadsheet you should use to compile your research. Ideally, the app development cost solely relies on individual necessities. You can consider launching the app on one platform should you plan for app launch inside a limited finances. The price to develop an app is a variable parameter and is dependent upon a quantity of elements. A few of the components that have an result on the app development value are talked about here. Put merely, it entails reviewing technical particulars of your web site, evaluating the outcomes with the competitors, and plugging any technical search engine optimization gaps that would negatively have an effect on your rankings. No matter your industry, you could have competitors; and likelihood is, they’re doing the identical factor you're. Perhaps they’re doing it better, or they’ve been at it longer, or they’re doing something new and unexpected. Data unlocks opportunities for any model, no matter sector, product, or service offering. Setting The Means Ahead For Digital And Social Media Advertising Analysis You should try to build and preserve a long-term association with them. Once shortly, send them incentives in the form of freebies or discount vouchers. If an influencer’s viewers likes your content, they might want to know extra about your model. Including a clickable link within the video or adding a link in the video description prompts them to take instant motion. You can simply run a Google or YouTube search to get a list of the most well-liked and relevant influencers after which check out their YouTube channels to get an thought of the content they're creating. Coming from a trusted influencer, such a review is likely to foster brand awareness, add credibility to your product or service, and inspire your audience to buy it. If people don’t find out about your small business, they can’t turn out to be your prospects. Social media boosts your visibility amongst potential prospects, letting you attain a wide audience through the use of a appreciable amount of effort and time. And it’s free to create a enterprise profile on all the main social networks, so you do not have anything to lose. This Instagram advertising suggestions 2021 cheat sheet will help rev up your Instagram technique, whether or not you’re simply getting began or you’re already a seasoned pro. You can enhance an existing publish or upload new content to run as your ad. Instagram permits you to create Single Image or Video Ads, Carousel Ads, and Story Ads. Whether or not you might have the finances for more in-depth analytics instruments, observe these basic metrics to make sure your account is rising and performing well. What Is Sem? What Is Ppc? A Whole Guide To Paid Search Advertising Managers invest in social media to foster relationships and interact with prospects. This is an ethical method for managers to ship messages about their advertisements and products to their shoppers. These companies use social media to create buzz, and study from and goal clients. It's the one form of marketing that can finger consumers at each stage of the buyer choice journey. That interaction could be extra personal to customers than conventional methods of outbound advertising and advertising. Social networking sites act as word of mouth or more precisely, e-word of mouth. The Internet's capacity to succeed in billions across the globe has given online word of mouth a robust voice and far reach. The ability to quickly change buying patterns and product or service acquisition and activity to a rising number of customers is outlined as an affect network. Social networking websites and blogs permit followers to "retweet" or "repost" feedback made by others a few product being promoted, which occurs fairly incessantly on some social media websites. By repeating the message, the user's connections are capable of see the message, subsequently reaching more individuals. Consumer-generated content encourages collaboration and discourse, as properly as primary conversation between folks and entities of the same pursuits, issues or professions. This has produced a treasure trove of client insights for corporations trying to enhance brand consciousness and construct customer relationships across a quantity of interfaces and communication channels. Some of the key advantages of cell advertising are the close proximity of owners’ cellular devices, in addition to the ordinary nature of using cell phones, smartphones and laptop tablets. One of probably the most vital downsides of an inside artistic group is that creativity can begin to stagnate over time, making it more durable to infuse recent considering into marketing design. This notion often stems from the misconception that all inventive work is completed inside the company bubble, lacking visibility into what different industries are doing. Leveraging Global Expertise With places of work around the globe, we're on the worldwide pulse of digital marketing. By growing participating content, Maersk has developed a strong thought leadership profile on LinkedIn, enhancing its reputation. Constructing Efficient Enterprise Relationships In China As part of the Foster group, you will be part of a talented cohort, meet with enterprise leaders, and turn out to be a part of a supportive alumni neighborhood that benefits from ongoing learning and connectedness. Teamwork and peer assist is the foundation for each aspect of the Foster MBA program expertise. https://www.keywordseo.com.tw/netmarketing/ maintain our program small and centered on groups to enable college students to construct collaborative relationships that generate superior enterprise solutions through an open trade of ideas and numerous perspectives. The American Marketing Association is a nationwide group comprised of marketing professionals and students of marketing. We realized that cognitive trust drives affective belief and that cognitive belief also not directly impacts each relationship investments and confidential communication. Finally, we discovered that affective belief immediately influences investments within the relationship and confidential communication. For the entire advancements in CRM expertise, with out the right management, a CRM system can turn into little more than a glorified database during which buyer data is stored. Data units need to be linked, distributed and arranged in order that customers can simply access the knowledge they want. Designed to minimize back tedious aspects of a contact center agent's job, contact middle automation may include prerecorded audio that assists in buyer problem-solving and knowledge dissemination. This enterprise reveals the significance of relationship advertising being a two-way road. When prospects choose in to a marketing program, the brand is responsible for guaranteeing that those consumers get value out of participating. It additionally proves that information, which might seem impersonal, can be utilized to make a person reference to a shopper. A Information To Making A Successful Ugc Marketing Campaign The flip side of that is you've a really well put collectively marketing campaign and target the mistaken viewers that is not fascinated or has no use for that services or products." "Almost all marketers now use A/B testing to experiment with content blocks, titles, calls-to-action, and different elements of page design to improve the conversion rate of their campaigns. While it's true that advert blockers have limited some of the attain that's potential with show advertising, marketers still see success with it. If you’ve obtained a good suggestion that breaks the principles, check it in opposition to a rule-following management.That’s the good thing about digital marketing. You can check all of your hypotheses with out having to spend so much of time or money. Regardless of the strategy, all of your promoting should be clear and constantly mirror the distinctive positioning statement of your small business. Similarly, a UGC marketing campaign is also a marketing marketing campaign that is pushed by person generated content & clients of a brand rather than the brand or its content. To obtain these goals, you have to create advertising campaigns that enable the necessary communication and exchange of data amongst manufacturers & users. User-generated content material is created by experienced clients who share their experience round a model, and the brand repurposes the content material in their marketing campaign. Successful OOH campaigns want to attach with shoppers — which means brands must know what their goal audiences worth. And if you’re thinking about gathering the consumer insights essential to create impactful campaigns, we suggest utilizing brand tracking. While there are much cheaper kinds of visual content available, an excellent video serves as extra clout for your campaign by demonstrating that you’re prepared to go the additional mile for high quality. One research showed that including a video on a touchdown page increased conversions by 86%. In the age of automation, it’s easy to arrange messages to retarget prospects who have gone astray.
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absolutebl · 2 years
I keep a pretty detailed spreadsheet of everything I watch in BL each year including tropes, runtimes, origin country, etc... for the purposes of statistical analysis. However, I don’t watch/track a whole lot of Pinoy stuff, so be aware it is underrepresented in my meta analysis (erm, actually, I don’t talk about it at all). 
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Data note: There’s no question projects were cancelled, curtailed, shortened, and delayed because of C19. We have to assume 2021 numbers were heavily impacted by struggles containing the pandemic.
Nevertheless, I think we can safely say that we are experiencing the golden age of BL right now. Lucky us!
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Thailand stuck to it’s pattern of putting out mostly longer running series of 9-13 episodes or so.
Last year, 2020, it produced c. 21 BLs with an average run time of 5.6 hours (skewed low by 1hr specials + short spin offs). These had a mean run time of 10 hours (13 eps @ 45 min ea) and earned an average rating from me of 6/10.
In 2021 Thailand produced 38 BLs (+ 4 microfilms), with an average run time of 6.5 hours, skewed by shorter pulps and the lack of GMMTV content.
Only Manner of Death was 12 episodes, the old standard. 2021′s mean run time was 7 hours with most actually being either 10 or 6. It earned an average rating from me of 6/10.
By the end of July it had already beaten the previous year’s record of 21 BLs. Thailand dealt with civil unrest and refugee influx in addition to C19 lockdowns, not to mention fundraising in a country that depends on tourism for c.13% of GDP so I think we can assume we should have gotten MORE from them in 2021.
This number of BLs under normal circumstances is INSANE. But I do think quality is now being seriously impacted.
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We got three sets of sampler packs this year, Y-Destiny, Close Friend, and Seven Project. I wasn’t wild about any of them. I think Thai BL just does better long form although I’m not against this as testers to then give a pair a longer series (which it kinda felt like The En of Love was dong). Do I want to see more SantaEarth and ToruFirst? Who doesn’t? Was I happy to get bonus OhmFluke, BounPrem, BoomPeak, and KimCop? Of course I was. Did I want more time spent with them? Of course I did. So yeah, I guess I am okay with this trend but I’d rather they just gave us new long form.
Aside from sampler packs, 2021 Thai BL split pretty cleanly along the lines of pulps on the one hand (poor quality + flimsy narrative structures in a mostly high school setting at about 4 hours) versus better quality (but way fewer) university set stuff (coming from more prestigious studios at about 10 hours).
If there’s a trend we were all hoping for, it’s that Thailand successfully moved beyond those two models towards more sophisticated BL in other settings and with a wider ranges using mature characters. They did this in 2021 with 1000 Stars, Top Secret Together, Hometown’s Embrace, Bite Me, and a few others. But not many. And while I don’t think it’s technically BL, Manner of Death utilized MaxTul beautifully and pretty much transitioned BL into gay romantic suspense in a way we are all hoping will spur on similar shows.
I think this will continue, although with the current wild success of Bad Buddy I don’t anticipate them leaving uni or high school behind. (GMMTV is like that popular kid who peaked in school and will never let go of the glory days.) Thailand has always sporadically produced quality narratives: 3 Will Be Free, Until We Meet Again, I Told the Sunset About You and He’s Coming to Me spring immediately to mind, but none of those started trends. Honestly, for Thailand it’s all about cost of production and the moment it’s moved out of a school setting things get expensive. Still, we will absolutely see them explore cheap alternatives like cafes, but I don’t think they’ll stretch their wings much further.
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Pretty much just started up its BL industry in 2018. They didn’t really do much in 2019, had a smattering in 2020, but went all in for 2021.
Since Vietnamese BL isn’t in MDL and I’m not actively watching it all I can’t really keep stats. Sorry.
I can tell you that I watched 9 of them with an average rating of just under 6/10, which means for me, they are almost up to Thai level. Pretty much all their BLs are under 4 hours.
Vietnam puts out student-quality production values using small casts and low budgets. But it’s pretty serviceable BL of 1-3 hr run time. The acting and chemistry tends to be decent and they are getting progressively better about both story and queer rep (more to come on that). However, they’re stymied by lack of a robust adaptation industry. 
Tonally they feel like a combination of Pinoy + Thai, but they have lower heat levels and runtimes like Korea (although not as low). They stick to lighter-hearted HEA but and give consistently good kisses. I feel like they are slowly establishing their voice in the field, I’m just not quite sure yet what exactly that voice entails. I am very excited to see what it will be and if Mr Cinderella (will be assessed in 2022) is any indication it’s DELIGHTFUL.
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Since 2017 Taiwan has brought out 2-3 BL series a year of consistent quality, if inconsistent story structure and length. I really thought 2021 was going to be their year, since they weathered C19 so well (initially). 
And my precious tiny island DELIVERED! 10 BLs & 2 microfilms!
Not 1 but 2 seasons of We Best Love (one of my favorite BLs ever), plus HIStory 4, Papa & Daddy, See You After Quarantine? AND Be Loved in House: I Do. Not to mention a few indie microseries, several movies, some dark stuff, and a fantastic BL sub plot in Love is Science?. The average run time was 2.5 hours with H4 & BLINID throwing the curve.
I can only hope this is the start of a trend for them. But honestly, I’ll take anything I can get from Taiwan if We Best Love is one of the things I get. And I will revel the joys and miseries of the HIStory franchise like I always have.
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The number of BLs out of China has dropped since its heyday of 7 projects in 2016. It’s now down to only 1-2 a year but those projects are SUPER long by comparison to other BL series and censored bromances.
They settled over the last few years into not gay (but really hella gay) fantasy historicals with amorphous endings.
Perhaps because they could get away with more swish in robes and fans than they can in a contemporary setting? Regardless, it happened, it was censored, and it was a sensation.
Unfortunately Word of Honor seems to have been too much of a sensation for the government homophobes. There are rumors out of Mainland China of actors and writers are now being persecuted and hounded. I can only advise keeping expectations under control for this market, so as not to be disappointed. I hope to be proved wrong but I don’t think we will get much from China for a while.
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Our heritage BL nation produced 7 BLs in 2020 (I know, right, more than I thought, too (Sei no Gekiyaku, The Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese, Love Stage!!, His, Life: Love on the Line, Restart After Come Back Home, Cherry Magic). In keeping with a decade long tradition they ranged in style and story; were mainly movies; and still played with amorphous endings, suicide, and the murder gay. Say what you like about Japanese BL, it will never let go of the yaoi that started it all. Very consistent in their taste and execution is Japan.
In 2021 we got 5. And 2 weren’t really BL at all: Absolute BL was a commentary meta analysis spoof of BL and Pornographer Playback was a continuation of that aptly named hot mess of a queer neurosis kink-fest (emphasis on HOT). 
However, Given, Kieta Hatsukoi, and Utsukushii Kare were returns to form for Japan: adapted from a popular yaoi mangas and just different enough in filming style, story structure, and quality to SCREAM “Japan made me, I am not like other BLs.” Which I happen to truly love and feels rather special since it happens so rarely. These all reminded me of Seven Days, and I will move mountains to get that feeling.
However, 2021 was not a return to Japan’s style of production. Most of Japan’s 2021 shows were short series of the K-BL style, which is new for them and live action yaoi. The average run time was slightly longer than it has been in the past: 2.2 hours. I like this for them and I think they do too. I suspect we are going to see more like this and fewer movies.  
After Utsukushii Kare‘s spectacular ending, I feel like we are experiencing a Japanese BL renaissance. For you K-pop fans out there, it’s like the BTOB rediscovery that happened because of Kingdom. So if you’ve just started delving into Japanese BL now, be aware, there’s a huge back catalogue for you to choose from and aren’t you a lucky duck? 
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Korea has found its stride, what started as a surprise victory last year is now a trend. They’re churning out high quality short run BL targeting a 1.5-2 hour running time (for movie conversion) and it’s consistent and consistently GOOD. Color Rush wasn’t only my favorite BL of 2021, it’s one of my top BLs of all time. And then Light On Me came along and casually blew my mind. Also To My Star = GAH!
Historically, there hasn’t been much Korean BL each year (except microfilms), but it went up from 3 to 11 in 2021!
ELEVEN with an average run time of 2hrs (plus 5 microfilms), which is a HUGE spike in output. And they still managed to stay on point with quality! I think we can safely say, Korea is consciously and intentionally gunning for BL fandom.
I am so grateful. I might be alone in this, but I enjoy that K-BL has a shorter run. I like a tight narrative arc. I appreciate the simplicity and brevity required to make something this high quality work financially. No drifting or waffling allowed. Pacing must be stellar. I understand that it’s a cost saving measure to keep quality BL coming, and I enjoy the results all the more for that. However, Tasty Florida did make me reconsider this stance - it felt underdeveloped and abrupt.
So, it’s 2022, and it’s about time Korea let their gay babies breathe a bit. It’s okay Korea - people will watch it, it will make money, give our boys a little more screen time, please? Drop us the 16 eps of that Decedents of the Sun BL - we all know you can do it.
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At the very beginning of the year, when I was prepping the draft of this post (based on last year’s numbers, it’s my system) I typed that I wanted Korea to “give us the True Beauty of BL.” Well Korea answered my unpublished plea with Light On Me and BL’s first great love triangle. It was utterly painfully and gloriously yearning in a way that K-dramas do best. LoM was also longer than normal for Korean BL (double their average run time) and I hope it heralds good things to come.
But frankly it was Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding that firmly put Korea’s unique stamp on BL. That stamp is high production value, subtle acting, superior AV, decent story, and a VERY light touch. And no one is looking back. We even seem to be getting some second seasons and more historical set stuff.
You do you, Korea. Or specifically, you do you Korean sweet boys (in a very civilized low heat way) and we’ll continue watching.
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2022 BL Trend & Growth Expectations
THAILAND will produce the same kind of thing as they did in 2021 with perhaps a few darker offerings, better queer rep, and a fall off in the pulps as money dries up. I don’t see how they can possibly keep up this level of exponential growth, their overall quality is seriously suffering. If we’re lucky, we will get at least 6 experimental pieces with stronger story and atypical setting (like KinnPorsche). ANNOUNCED? 73 BLs for 2022 (many of these are seed project fundraisers, I expect about half to die in pre-production or move to 2023.)
VIETNAM should continue to improve steadily, and give us as many as it can, I’m just hoping it doesn't fall down the Pinoy rabbit hole of no story. They are evolving quickly, if Mr Cinderella is any indication, good things are coming. ANNOUNCED? 2 BLs for 2022
TAIWAN has increased steadily over years but I think they’ll go down from 2021, and 6 is the max we can expect in 2022. I want them to do a gay spoof on Boys Over Flowers but they don’t have the funds. *sad sigh* (This is assuming China doesn’t carry out its political threats, in which case the world’s got more serious problems to worry about.) ANNOUNCED? 5 BLs for 2022
CHINA nothing but a few heavily censored bromances. ANNOUNCED? 1 bromance co-project with Thailand for 2022
JAPAN, look I have cried out for years for ninja/yakuza yaoi adaptations and something more adult domestic like Our Dinging Table, and Japan has announced both. BOTH I tell you. I am SO EXCITED for Japanese BL in 2022. Come on Japan, you can do eeet! ANNOUNCED? 4 BLs for 2022
KOREA. I expect them to double their BL output next year (from 11 to 20+), perhaps including something a little longer after the success of Light On Me. Of course, imma pipe dream Yuri on Ice staring Enhyphen’s Park Sung Hoon and you can’t stop me (but Japan probably will). ANNOUNCED? 15 BLs for 2022
2022 BL line up (announced projects, trailers, etc) as of the end of 2021 is here. 
2021 audience analysis and thoughts here. I discuss growth in terms of audience, investment, and international market penetration. How I think pandemic viewing #s figured into it. Possible new production models. And changes in BL actors and their pairs. (Pure speculation since I don’t have access to these numbers.)
2021 BL Wrap Up - Top Trends analyzed & discussed 
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