#and sam didn't know the supernatural was real until he was 8 but from that point on he was trained to be a hunter
lilacpaperbird · 6 months
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wrong. say your last words I have a sniper pointing at your head through your bedroom window
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Episode 52 Transcript: Who is Devin?
[intro guitar music]
G: Hello, my name is Grey.
C: And my name is Crystal.
G: And this is Busty Asian Beauties, a Supernatural commentary podcast, where I, someone who has seen this show several times…
C: And I, someone who only knows about Supernatural through social media, discuss every single episode of Supernatural from start to finish. Also, we are both Asian.
G: Both Asian! For today's episode, we will be discussing Season 3, Episode 8: “A Very Supernatural Christmas,” written by Jeremy Carver, directed by Jay Miller Tobin.
C: I did not know this was written by Jeremy Carver.
G: I also did not know.
C: I thought it was pretty good, but also, it was written by Jeremy Carver. So actually, maybe it was bad.
G: I had so much fun watching this. And you know how like, back in season 1, I would cry at every episode?
C: Yeah.
G: And then season 2, I just stopped. And then season 3 is just like, "whatever"? I cried this episode.
C: Aww!
G: Oh, yeah, I was like, at the end scene, I was like, crying. So that was cool. It was effective in that way. And then the rest of the episode is also effective in that it's entertaining. Like, I was not bored. So yeah, a win.
The violence scenes this episode are well and truly violent. And I love that.
C: Oh, yeah. I watched this with my ex-fiancee because I was at her house earlier today, and like, yeah, she's a big fan of fingernail removal-
G: Yeah!
C: - and so am I, so yeah. That was fun.
G: Yeah. I love it when Sam Winchester is hurt and crying and screaming. [C laughs]
C: Yeah. And I do mean that sexually. [G laughs]
G: I mean, it's fascinating to me because they do it this episode, and then actually, like, many, many seasons later, in “Last Holiday,” it's kind of a holiday episode, so it's kind of a Christmas episode in a way, they also remove his fingernail.
C: I have heard this.
G: So yeah, callback! Yeah. So that's super fun.
C: And it's like, a seemingly nice older woman in both cases with a cheerful disposition. So yeah, it really is the same episode.
G: Mm-hm. Yeah. That one was written by-
C: It was the guy who wrote “Scoobynatural,” I know.
G: No,  “Scoobynatural” was written by outsiders!
C: Yeah, no, I think “Last Holiday” was also written by an outsider.
G: No!
C: Are you sure?
G: It was written by fucking- no, it's not. I was gonna say it was written by the guy who wrote the one with the exploding pumpkin under the sun line. What's that one? The season 14 episode?
C: Oh, "His exploded-" the- “Peace of Mind”! [G laughs]
G: Why are we like this? Why are we talking about this? Let's stop talking about this because it doesn't matter. I'm gonna cut it all out.
C: It was- I've looked it up, and "Last Holiday" was written by Jeremy Adams, who wrote “Scoobynatural” partnering with James Krieg.
G: Ugh, I hate you. I hate you.
C: I love being right about everything all the time. [G laughs]
G: Okay. So Crystal, what did you know about this episode going in?
C: I think I mostly saw a gifset of the final scene with the eggnog, and specifically, when Dean says, “Fuel for me and fuel for my baby.” So I remember seeing that before I knew Dean, and seeing that he had like, a little mark on his cheek, and being like, “Oh, that's kind of cute.” But now, I hate him, so it's not. [laughs]
G: Noo!
C: Yeah. Oh, and I think I also had heard that- what like, Jared Padalecki spiked the eggnog for real beforehand.
G: For realsies? I didn't know that.
C: Yeah, and that's why Jensen Ackles reacted that way when he drank it.
G: That's fun.
C: Yeah, I mean, it's Jared Padalecki though.
G: [laughs] Yeah. Yeah. Always the Jared Padalecki.
I'm very proud that we have not mentioned his name in this podcast for like, a whole season up until now.
C: Yeah, I think so. Because in the past, whenever I got our transcripts on our dash, it would be like, “This post contains filtered content: Jared Padalecki.”
G: Yeah! And it's filtered because it's Jared Padalecki! [both laugh] Well, to be fair, I have like, almost all actors- well, at least the main trio- filtered.
C: Oh yeah, same.
G: It's so funny, because I also think I have Benny and like, Crowley- [C laughing]
C: Yeah, because you're a hater who hates when Dean has other boyfriends.
G: [laughs] I'm literally a hater, and I have the muted, and whenever we mention them, they also get filtered out of my dash.
C: So real.
G: So good luck to this episode and its visibility.
C: Yeah. RIP.
G: So we'll start now. So we start in this like, house in the suburbs, you know, and it's a family who's celebrating Christmas. And my initial thought here was that it was like, the day before Christmas, because what happens next is one of the uncles, or like, I don't know, this guy in the family-
C: Grandfather?
G: I don't know. Is he a grandpa? The grandfather puts on a Santa costume, and like, does this whole thing where he like, calls in a way the little kid so that the little kid can see him, but he pretends that the little kid is not there, and he like, places the gifts, blah blah blah. And then sounds kept happening on the roof, and the kid is like, “Oh my god! The reindeers! They're coming to get Santa!” And but really, it's a monster. What happens is the guy gets taken by monsters up the roof, up the chimney. And he like, gets like, decapitated, or whatever. Like, he gets torn to pieces. It's implied that he gets torn to pieces because the scene ends with like, a foot falling down the chimney.
C: Yep, and it's blood-crusted.
G: Yeah. Dry blood. So that's fun. And apparently, it's revealed later that this was three days or like, four days before Christmas, I guess, which is so funny to me. Like, [laughing] why are you as a man dressing up as Santa Claus five days before Christmas?
C: But I feel like this scene does have- Oh, okay. It says in the opening thing, it says it was Seattle, Washington, one year ago.
G: Ohh. Well, we're stupid. [laughs]
C: Present day, it's five days before Christmas. But this scene happened a year ago.
G: On Christmas Day.
C: Yes.
G: Well, there goes my whole, "Why is he dressing up as Santa Claus before Christmas Eve?" But yeah.
C: It's Christmas. He's just being a good grandfather.
G: Yeah. And he’s dead now. RIP grandpa.
C: RIP to that guy.
So the title card looks like shit.
G: Yeah. [laughs] It looks absolutely horrendous.
C: There's what, like, badly Photoshopped clip art, like, Santa hats and candy canes around it.
G: I mean, I think it's supposed to be intentional. Like, it's not supposed to be pretty.
C: Yeah, it's supposed to be cartoony fun or whatever.
G: Yeah, but it is still ugly even at those standards, I feel like.
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah. I love this episode because of the whole Christmas theme, and-
C: Is Christmas a- is that a big thing for you?
G: Oh my god, Crystal, I'm Filipino! [laughs]
C: Yeah, that tracks.
G: It's very big! It's very big. I don't know if this is like, actually something that is recorded in some way or like, it's something people just say here, but like, the thing people say is that the Philippines has the longest Christmas season in the whole world. Because we start celebrating Christmas as soon as the "ber" months drop, and then, like, until February, so like, it's fun.
C: Until February?
G: Yeah. It's very-
C: It passed! It's over!
G: It concerns me that other countries have this like, Boxing Day, where it's like, the day after Christmas, and then they pack up the Christmas stuff. Once, we had an actual Christmas tree- like the beautiful one, the tree from like- yeah, the actual tree, and we did not put that down until my dad's birthday in March. [both laugh] Like, it was dry.
C: Oh, like it was an alive tree? It wasn't plastic?
G: It was an alive tree. It was an alive tree.
C: Nice.
G: We got it- the reasoning was like, we were not able to put it up early, because like, the alive tree comes from like, somewhere else. So it like, arrives in our house like, a couple of days before Christmas. So we're like, “Let's just keep it up for three more months. It's fine."
C: Yeah, that makes sense.
G: That was so difficult to dispose. ‘Cause, like, we don't have alive trees in the Philippines like, for Christmas. For obvious reasons. It's a tropical country. But yeah, that was so hard to dispose.
C: Yeah, I think we keep ours up like, until mid-January. So that's a little bit after.
G: Yeah. Christmas is super big here, and I love Christmas episodes because of that, because I'm like, “Oh, you’re just like me for real!” And I think that's a big reason why I got super emotional towards the end. Because, like, don't, you feel like every time you go on a holiday, and you're like, “Oh my god! The mortality is looming over everything. Because, like, who knows if next year, we’ll all be together like this, because someone might die.” So like, I felt very emotional.
C: Yeah. I mean Christmas isn't that big for me anymore. But like, when I was a kid, definitely, I feel like this would have hit quite hard.
C: Okay. So now we cut to the present day, and we're in Ipsilanti, Michigan, which is a city/town that I know of, because there's a Sufjan Stevens song about it, which is a good song. I recommend it. So there's someone being interviewed. There's some woman who- her husband got kidnapped or whatever, and Sam and Dean are interviewing her about the situation. And, you know, she's not doing well, 'cause she's like, “If he was kidnapped, then why wasn't there a ransom demanded? Why is he just gone?” And she's like, “It's three days till Christmas! What am I supposed to tell our daughter?” And Sam just goes, “We're very sorry.” [laughs] And then leaves.
G: He literally said, “That's not our problem!” [G laughs]
C: Yeah, like, "RIP to you, but I'm different." And we also find out that they found a tooth inside of the chimney. So, you know, something dragged him up the chimney, and he definitely died mid-drag.
So they're inside a motel, and Sam has basically a red yarn wall of photos of demons all around him. And he's looking up, like, I don't know. “Crampus,” “evil Santa.” Like, I don't know what his Google search terms are for these images. And yeah, Dean comes in. Sam makes a Mary Poppins reference where he says that it's a serial-killing chimney sweep named Dick Van Dyke. Great name, of course.
G: Yes.
C: And Dean doesn't know this reference. Like which, I think maybe- I know we made fun of him a lot in “Bedtime Stories,” but maybe the fact that the two things that he doesn't know are like, children's media implies that, I don't know. I don't know. What do Deangirls say?
G: "He never had a childhood." [laughs]
C: Yeah, that Sam got a childhood that Dean never got, and Sam was John's favorite, and John cuddled him and showed him Disney movies, and then he yelled at Dean to go clean a gun. [laughing] Like, you know, whatever imaginary childhood Deangirls created for him.
G: To be fair, I also don't know who Dick Van Dyke is. Like, I know the name, because of all the jokes, but, like, I don't know who he is. I know he’s in Mary Poppins, and he has an ugly English accent, but I knew that after. So like, prior to the whole-
C: [laughing] Do you use "ugly English accent" to mean Cockney?
G: [laughing] No! I mean, like, his accent was bad in the Mary Poppins movie.
C: Yeah, I don't remember his accent. I mean, I actually didn't watch the Mary Poppins movie, I just know, like, maybe a tiny bit about it, because when I was a kid, I read Julie Andrews autobiography or something instead of watching Mary Poppins. But yeah, I don't know. Well, Sam has seen it, and he and Dean are always in the same room, so I don't know. Weird. Who knows? This may have been another situation where Sam was like, “I want to watch Mary Poppins 'cause I think Julie Andrews is a good singer,” and Dean went, “Okay, homo,” and then went over to the bathroom to cover his ears.
G: There's so many “Okay, homo” scenes [both] in this episode! [both laughing]
C: [laughing] There's so many!
G: Literally, “Okay, homo.” [C laughs]
C: Yeah. So basically, Dean has found out that someone else got kidnapped this month, and he also got dragged up the chimney. And Sam goes, “I have an idea, but it's gonna sound crazy,” and Dean's like, “What could sound crazy to me?” Sam says, “Evil Santa,” and Dean says, “That is crazy.” Which, is it? Is it? They've dealt with weird shit before.
G: Yeah, I mean, I don't know what's wrong with these guys, but they treat it like it's super weird, because, like, [dramatically] "How can there be evil Santa if there's no good Santa?" Also, Sam says his iconic line “every culture," baby! "Every culture”! “There's an anti-Santa in every culture”! [laughs]
C: Which is so funny, 'cause that implies that there is like, a non-anti-Santa in every culture.
G: I love that.
C: There's a Santa in like, five cultures, like, max, I think.
G: Love that. Which, you know, is it too late to start an “every culture” count? Maybe we can like, look back-
C: - in our transcripts for the word "culture"?
G: Yeah, exactly. I think we should start.
C: We could do that. We could. But my laptop doesn't work right now, so I-
G: No, let's start it next time he says “every culture.” So look forward to that, BABPod listeners
C: So Sam says his whole “every culture” line, because, you know, there's a lot of evil Santas, and like, he gives three examples. He goes, "There's all sorts of lore." He also says, “That's what the lore says" at one point. So real.
G: Yeah. And it's fascinating to me that he was like, “In every culture, there's an anti-Claus. Also, the only way that this anti-Claus shows up in every single culture is that he's the brother of Santa.” [both laughing]
C: Out of Sam and Dean, who's Santa and who's the evil Santa?
G: I think Sam should be the evil Santa, just for funsies.
C: Yeah, just for funsies.
G: I feel like- I feel like Sam is a bit more judgmental, so like, he'll be able to be more petty in terms of the naughty or nice list.
C: Right. So you think he would go around and punish the bad kids? I mean, I feel like Dean's track record with children and mean- I think Dean's meaner to children, and I feel like Dean might have a more punish-y mindset. But I don't know. Sam's views on justice are also strange.
G: Oh my god. There's this one episode of Supernatural where they end up in a high school, remember that?
C: Oh, and Dean sexually harasses teenage girls or something.
G: No!
C: Don't they make a comment about lockers?
G: No. I have no idea, and if you're right, I'm gonna be so sad.
G: No, it's I I I have no idea. And if you're right, I'm gonna be so sad. But what I remember is, they're playing dodgeball, and he like, throws a ball at some kid, and the kid like, doubles over. So.
C: [laughing] Oh no! Yeah, I think Dean's gotta be the evil Santa.
So Dean goes like, “Santa doesn't have a brother. There is no Santa.” And Sam says, [sadly] “Yeah, I know. You're the one who told me that in the first place, remember?" [both laughing]
G: [laughing] And the way-
C: [laughing] There's such a long, sad look between them. Like, I get that's because it happened on a really bad night. Like, it was bundled with a lot of things. But in this moment, it's hilarious.
G: I laughed out loud. Like, the moment that scene happened, I was like, "This is my type of Supernatural episode." Like, after they explained it later that, like, the reason why he learned of Santa is fake is because blah blah blah blah blah blah, it's a miserable night, I was like, "Ugh, dammit." [C laughs] I wish it was just Dean told him one day, "Yeah, Santa doesn't exist," and Sam internalized it as a super lonely moment.
C: Yeah. [laughs] How did you learn that Santa didn't exist?
G: Oh, I never believed in Santa.
C: Oh, that's good.
G: I didn't receive gifts for Christmas from my parents, because we were not like, rich when I was young. But now we're rich, and I have a little sister.
C: Right, so she's getting the Santa mythology.
G: So she gets the gifts, but she doesn't get the Santa. It's like, my parents are still like, “We got that for you. There's no Santa.” And like, they don't want Santa to get-
C: The credit? [both laughing] Yeah. That makes sense. I think in fourth grade, you know, there were all these awful rumors going around my classroom that Santa wasn't real, and I went on like, a two-hour Googling spree about it, and I think I was literally crying by the end. [both laughing]
G: Nooo! Ah!
C: And then, you know, I immediately turned that around by- when my sister was 12 and still believed in Santa, I told her, and then she was crying. [laughs]
G: That is amazing.
C: And that's what generational trauma is. [both laugh]
G: That's actually like, so fascinating to me. You actually did believe it?
C: Yes.
G: That's so wonderful. That's fascinating
C: Because my sister and I would devise little tests, right? Like we would like, write a note to Santa, and then, like, hide it somewhere. We were like, “Our parents will never find this!" And then we would get a response, and we'd be like, “Oh my god! That was Santa for real. He just happens to have my mom's handwriting? Wow!”
G: You parents put so much effort to give you such a magical childhood. That's wonderful.
C: Yeah, they really did. I appreciate it.
G: I don't know, actually, if my little sister believes it. Because, like, my parents are like, “Oh, we got that for you.” But like, she still jokes around like, “Oh, it's from Santa!” you know? I think there's a part of her that still believes. Like, for example, one time she wrote a note that was like, “I want a little kitten for Christmas.” And then, like a couple of months later, we got a kitten, and she was like, “This is Santa's gift for me in the middle of summer!” [C laughs] So.
C: That's great.
G: Yeah. It's a magical thing.
C: It sure is.
C: And so Dean tells Sam that both victims visited the same Santa's village location before they got kidnapped, so they head there.
G: Yeah. So they go to a Santa village, and I was- this is part of the plot that, like, it's like, the middle of summer. It looks like it's the middle of summer, right? It's part of the plot, but like, I didn't know it at this point. So I was like, "Goddamn, they're not even trying anymore." Like, they're not even trying to make this look festive. And like, maybe it's supposed to look dingy, but like, throw a little something in there. But they do acknowledge it that, like, “If we're paying this much money, they should have gotten fake snow.” And they paid ten dollars? That's insane.
C: Yeah, that's a lot of money.
G: To get into that shittyass place. [C laughs] But they enter. And Sam is like, just walking around. They're just bantering. And then Dean goes forth and leaves Sam behind, and he sees a reindeer and gets a flashback. And the funny thing is, there's no reindeer in the flashback.
C: [laughing] Yeah!
G: What triggers this? He saw a reindeer, and he was like, “Huh. Remember when I had an event in my life that had no reindeers whatsoever?”
C: It's a great angle where he's just staring down the reindeer.
G: It's funny, because it looks like the start of a comedic scene, and then you get the saddest flashback of your life. [both laugh]
C: It really is. Also, like, earlier, when Sam and Dean are arguing, I think Dean says, “We had some great Christmases,” and Sam says, “Whose childhood are you talking about?” And I liked that exchange a lot. I like the very different ways that they experienced their shitty childhood and the various ways that they've chosen to process them.
G: Mm-hm. Yeah, so in the flashback, it's 1991, Christmas eve, and Dean is like 12, and Sam is, you know, four years younger. And Sam is wrapping up a present for John in newspaper. And Dean asked, “Where did you get the money?” and he's like, “No, I didn't steal the money. I got this from Uncle Bobby, and he said it was a special gift.”
C: Aww. That's sweet. Do you think Bobby gave it to Sam to have?
G: No, he said specifically that he gave it to Sam to give to John.
C: Oh, I see.
G: Maybe Sam was like, “I want to give my dad a present,” and Bobby was like, “Here we go. Here's something you can give him.” Also, I'm very curious about this. If he didn't know at this point that they were doing hunting, how is Bobby explained to him? "Here's our dad's my best friend who happens to have a house full of occult objects and guns."
C: Yeah, you know. "He's just got some weird hyperfixations. Don't bother him about it."
G: “Our dad's boyfriend is so weird!” [C laughing]
C: Yeah, no, 'cause in- sorry to talk about Interview With the Vampire- [G laughs] but in Interview With the Vampire, Claudia calls Louis “Daddy Lou,” and she calls his boyfriend Lestat “Uncle Les.” So yeah, "uncle" does mean your dad's boyfriend in this situation.
G: Yeah. Oh my god! When they were younger, they called Bobby "Uncle Bobby"! That's so sweet. That's so sweet. Yeah.
Is that common? Like, at what age do you outgrow the “uncle”?
C: Huh, I don't know, because I feel like most of my parents’ friends are Chinese, so I call them “shushu” or “aiyi,” which I guess means aunt or uncle. But I don't know what like, the English terms that people use for their friends parents' are.
G: I think people just say first names, right, in the US?
C: Like- even if they/re a generation above you?
G: For me, like, you're one year older, you already have something before your name, you know? So like I don't- It makes me uneasy to think that like, someone's older and I just say, “Hey, Bobby." [laughing] Like, that doesn't fly! What are you doing?
C: Yeah, I mean. I guess I did call like, my fifty-year-old coworkers and stuff by their first names over the summer.
G: Oh my god. That's the weirdest thing about having a job. Like, you call your coworkers, who are all older than you, by their first name. Your boss, you call- like, why am I not calling you, sir? This is so weird.
C: Yeah. I feel like professors go by their first names, too, now. It's strange. But I've gotten used to it mostly, I think.
G: What happens next? And Sam asks whether John is going to be around for Christmas, and Dean’s like, “Oh, yeah, he's going to be. Of course he is. He's just on business right now.” And Sam is questioning, "What kind of stuff? What kind of business?" and Dean just evades every question and Sam goes, “Nobody ever tells me anything!” which did make me so sad. Because you ever feel like that? You ever feel like nobody tells you anything? I feel like that's a common experience for people who are like, younger in the family. Like, “I'm so stupid because nobody tells me anything!” And I relate to Sam in that way. So I felt an emotion, a singular emotion, in this scene.
C: I don’t know how much I relate, but it did make me very sad.
G: Yeah, it's sad. And Sam like, keeps on asking like, “Is Dad a spy?” And Dean goes, “Yeah, he's James Bond.” And he asks, like, “Why do we keep moving around so much?” And Dean goes, “Yeah, because everybody is so fucking sick of you and your face. That's why we keep moving around.” [C laughs] He's so mean. And at some point, he shouts at Sam, and like, I get that if you are around each other that much, you are gonna shout at each other, and it's gonna get miserable. But like, because, like he's older like, I feel like you should, you know, control yourself a little bit more. Stuff like that. Try to be the bigger person.
C: My main thought-
G: What's your main thought.
C: My main thought during this scene, "Aw, it's sweet when child actors try to be angry." [laughs]
G: Aww, he's angy!
C: He's angy!
G: He's trying to be angy!
C: [high-pitched] "Don't ever talk about Mom again!"
G: Yeah, that's what happens next. Sam goes, "Is that why we never talk about..."
C: Dun-dun-dun-
G: "... Mom?" And then Dean goes, “Don’t ever talk about Mom again!” [C laughs] And then he storms out the room and says that he's going out, and he leaves, and that's the end of our first flashback.
C: Yeah. Baby Sam is so cute. I know I said this the last time we saw him.
G: He is so important to me.
C: He really is. And it's a different actor in this one.
G: That's Sam. He's literally Sam. This one is literally Sam.
C: What's his name? Like Colin-
G: Colin Ford?
C: Yeah. Yeah. This is literally him.
G: There's this one- oh, no, I think this is the Dean guy who was like, he's twenty-six the day the show ended or something like that. And that was super fun. Because he's twenty-six, dude!
C: Aw, yeah.
G: Dean comes back, Sam gets snapped out of his memories, and they go to this guy who's wearing a Santa costume. And they're making this guy out to be a creep.
C: Yeah.
G: I feel bad for Santas, because, like, they are made out to be creeps, I feel like. Mall Santas. They're just doing their job! They're being paid to do it. But I don't know. Maybe I'm too naive. What happens is there's a kid there, and then he goes to Santa, and Santa is like, “Oh, are you good this year? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.” Fun! And somebody approaches Sam and Dean like, “Do you have any kids? We'll take the kids, and we'll put them on Santa's lap!" [C laughs] And Dean says like, [both laughing] “No, but my brother here, it's his lifelong dream." And the woman goes, “No children above twelve, please!”
C: It's so good.
G: "No children above twelve." So real.
C: And she pauses before twelve, like she's trying to figure out how old Sam is. And she's like, "He's probably at least thirteen."
G: Yeah, maybe he's just a really tall thirteen-year-old.
C: Yeah.
G: And Sam goes like, “No, he's just kidding. We came here to watch.” [C laughs] And then, like, the woman takes this very poorly, and she's like, “Oh, you creep!” Yeah.
And yeah. Sam and Dean end up following the guy because he had a smell to him. Like, he smelled like candy, and apparently that's like, a sign of the monster they're hunting. So they follow him to his RV.
C: Or his house, I think.
G: Is that a house?
C: It's just small.
G: Okay. [laughs] I'm so judgmental. I'm like, "If your house is small, it must be an RV." Yeah. But they follow him to his house.
C: Yeah. So they're spying on him, and Dean starts going like, “Hey, Sam, why do you hate Christmas so much? Like we had a few bumpy holidays when we were kids…” And Sam goes, “Bumpy?” So yeah, more of that. And Dean says like, “That was then. We'll do it right this year.” And Sam says that he just doesn't really want to be involved in Christmas this year. Dean can do it himself. And, you know, Dean's like, "Well, that will suck and be lonely." So inside of the house they hear like, a woman yell or something. And because they haven't seen Home Alone, they don't understand this is a television. So they run into the house with their guns. Sam cracks a joke about how, “Oh, you love Christmas so much, but you're gonna have to kill Santa.”
G: You don't know this guy's evil? [laughs]
C: Yeah, geez.
G: You're literally busting in, guns blazing.
C: I know, right? They go in, and this guy is not torturing anybody. He's just on his couch with a gigantic bong. Like, this one puts Andy's to shame, honestly, I think. And he's watching some like, Christmas-themed porn, I think.
G: [laughs] Yeah.
C: And the Santa guy goes like, “What the fuck are you doing here?” And they try to come up with an excuse. [laughing] And then Dean starts singing “Silent Night” to pretend to be a choru- why did I forget the-
G: Caroler.
C: Caroler. Yeah.
G: Is caroling a big deal in the US?
C: It's never like, happened, like, around me.
G: It never?
C: Oh, I think when I was in choir in high school, actually, I think we did go caroling once.
G: House to house?
C: No, it wasn't house to house. That felt way too intrusive. I think it was just like, in areas with shops. [G laughs]
G: Caroling is a very big deal here. Yeah, I mean, like, when you're a kid you go caroling, and it's like, super fun. And you have maracas, and like the thing, and you sing outside with maracas. And it's always a treat, because the people who are rich in the households in the neighborhood give you tons of money. So super fun.
C: Oh, nice! You get money for caroling?
G: Yeah, that's the whole point! And, like the songs are like, it's a mix of like- It's not like "Carol of the Bells," but like, it's like, Filipino Christmas songs, right? And then you sing those, and some of them are like, literally like, asking for money, and then, like, they give you money, and then you have a special song for after they give you the money.
C: Like, “Thanks for giving me money” song?
G: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
C: That is fun.
G: It's like, [singsong] “Thank you / thank you / thank you very much / thank you." That's the song.
C: So true.
G: And then like, if they don't give you money, there's a song that you sing also. [both laughing] And it's like, “You're such a cheapskate, you horrible person,” like that's the message of the song. It's in Filipino, so I can't sing it, but like, it's wonderful. I love it so much.
C: Yeah, they are caroling songs in English that demand that you give them figgy pudding?
G: Figgy pudding, yeah.
C: But I don't know what figgy pudding is.
G: Mm-hm. I love caroling and and like, it's one of the most miserable things when the pandemic started, and, like, it kind of died down. And it was around the time that my little sister was at caroling age. So she still hasn't gone caroling ever! That's so sad.
C: That is sad.
G: But we plan to take her this year.
C: That's nice. Yeah, I feel like caroling's only a thing I see in Hallmark movies and also in Love Hard. [laughs]
G: Love Hard! [both laughing] A movie that we hate so much we made a whole Ko-Fi bonus episode about it.
C: Yup.
G: Check it out!
C: Yeah. Oh, and my ex-fiancee booed at this scene because she called it "a preview to Radio Company."
G: [laughing] Oh, no! I mean, they're making it sound horrible on purpose.
C: Yeah. He's a bad singer. And later, when Jensen Ackles wants to promote his band, Dean suddenly becomes a good singer-
G: He's still a terrible singer. "Just the good ol' boys."
C: Didn't he do karaoke with Lee?
G: Yeah. That's the song. I literally just sang it.
C: Nice. Yeah. Was he good or bad in that one?
G: I mean, he's singing as Jensen Ackles, and I wish he would stop, you know. I wish he wouldn't.
C: Yeah. Same.
G: So as they stop singing “Silent Night,” actual “Silent Night” starts playing, and we go to a house that's Christmassy, blah blah blah! And there's a little kid, and he's walking down the stairs, and he's like, “Santa? Santa?” because there's sounds on the chimney. And then somebody gets out of the chimney, and it's this like, bloody guy. And he- this scene, by the way is so long. It's so long. He goes upstairs. There's shouting in the room. He grabs someone who's like, wriggling for their life, and he takes this person down the stairs, and then all throughout like, “Silent Night” is playing. And there's a scene where he goes up to the kid, and the kid is terrified. Like most of the scene, the kid is confused, but this one scene, he's terrified because Santa’s leaning towards him, and then what he's actually doing is reaching out for the cookies. And then he eats it, and he takes the dad away. And this kid is traumatized for life.
C: Yeah, sorry, kid. Also, we don't see this like, evil Santa guy’s face. We just see, like, the clawed red hand. Okay, I'm kind of confused about this because we don't- when we find out who the monster of the week is, like, they don't look like that, and we don't see them transform, right? So like, who is it?
G: I think this guy is just in a costume.
C: Okay, including the red clawed hand? It's a costume?
G: Maybe- I mean, there's moments in the later on where they're like, you know, Sam lights a flashlight at them, and like, the guy turns a different face.
C: Oh, okay.
G: So maybe- there's hints of that going on.
C: Okay. I was playing scrabble with my ex-fiancee while watching this, so [laughs] I probably missed that part.
G: Did you win? Did you win?
C: Oh, we don't keep track of points.
G: Boo!
C: We win if we're able to use all the letters in the bag and actually spell out valid words throughout the board.
G: Boo. You have to be competitive.
C: I don't want to do math! [G laughs]
G: You're a math major!
C: [laughs] And?
G: [laughs] Prove my point!
C: Yeah. So we have Dean questioning the family that got attacked earlier. Do they ever explain why it's only men who get taken by the gods?
G: They're anti-misogynist.
C: So true. [laughs]
G: No, I think they are supposed to take the woman as well, but it's like, they failed, I feel. Because, like, she was being dragged out of bed, is what she said.
C: That's true. But it said that the attacker just knocked her out and then took her husband so it seemed like she was just attacked to like, keep her not fighting when they took the husband. Because earlier, it was like the grandfather, and they were interviewing a wife whose husband was taken. I don't know. Maybe it's a lore thing.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. So you know, she got dragged out of bed. She got knocked out. Her husband got kidnapped, or whatever. And, you know, she's having a terrible time. And Sam goes, “Oh, hey! Where'd you get that wreath above the fireplace?” And she's incredibly offended that he would ask about that during the worst day of her life. And Sam’s just like, “Yeah, sorry. Just curious, you know.” And then, when they go outside [laughing]-
G:[laughing] Dean goes, "What, you want to look at her shoes next? There's handbags there, too." He's so homophobic!
C: He's so homophobic. He is absolutely calling him gay here. Yowch.
G: But you know what? Sam's gayness got them something, because that wreath is also the wreath from the other house the other day.
C: Yup.
G: So, go, gay boy, go.
C: Go, gay boy, go.
And Dean was like, [embarrassed] “Oh, yeah, I noticed that. I was just like, making fun of you, you know, like, whatever. I'm a big smart boy, too.” [G laughs]
G: Exactly. So we go back to the motel, and Sam is calling Bobby, and apparently the plants in the wreath are meadowsweet, which is a very powerful plant in the pagan lore. And it's used for like, human sacrifice. So if you put that up your house, it's like. “Look at me! Human sacrifice me now! I want it so bad.” So that's what's happening, and that's why people are getting mauled to death. And Dean expresses surprise at the fact that "Why is it the pagan thing? Isn't Christmas a Jesus holiday?" It's so fascinating-
C: Yeah, he says, "It's Jesus's birthday!"
G: Yeah. He's like, [whiny] "Jesus was born on the 25th! So why are you lying to me, Sam?"
C: Yeah. "In the solar calendar, Sam!"
G: This is so fascinating to me, because, like isn't this something that's taught to you from the get-go? I mean, not taught-
C: I do think a lot of people think that it's Jesus's birthday. But yeah, I feel like it's pretty common knowledge now.
G: Yeah. Maybe, again, maybe it's like a difference in time, and it's like, "Now it's super common, but back then, people were more conservative about the idea of Christmas." [laughs] I don't know. But yeah. It's all Christmas- it's all Pagan, the Santa, the wreaths, the food, blah blah blah. And I like this because Sam like, is revealed to actually know a lot about Christmas. He's like, "Jess was actually born in the fall." Blah blah blah blah! So like, I like that detail because it's like a nice contrast to the fact that he doesn't like Christmas, and also that he knows a lot about it. I think that's neat.
C: Yeah. Okay, wait, was Jesus born in the fall? Because okay, like, it's because of the state of the lambs that- I thought I heard that Jesus was born in the spring because if there were like, new baby lambs when he was born, then that was the spring. I don't know. What have you heard about when Jesus was born?
G: Well, [laughing] he was born on Christmas Day! [both laugh] I don't know anything.
C: Yeah, Jesus Christ our sa-avior was born on Christmas Day. This is true.
G: It's so true. Yeah. I mean, I know nothing about the actual Christmas/Jesus lore. I loove calling Jesus lore "Jesus lore."
C: It literally is.
G: That's what we should call like, all Bible things. Like, Christianity, Catholicism. "It's Bible lore!"
C: Yeah. Is there a Bible fanwiki page?
G: Oh my god! Let's look it up. Bible fanwiki... there has got to be- Yes!
C: Yeah, baby!
G: Bible.fandom.com! Is it good? Is it good? I think it's- it's full of like, people.
C: Sorry, there's a page just called "Beautiful Women." [G laughs] Sorry, it's a category page, and it's under the most popular category pages.
G: Who's in there? Mary Magdalene... Ruth...
C: There's Bathsheba, Rachel-
G: Rachel?
C: Esther, Abishag, Tamar. Yeah.
G: Good for them. I love beautiful women.
C: Where's the unnamed narrator of the Song of Songs? Oh well. We can't have it all.
G: So Sam and Dean go to the Christmas shop, and Dean tells the guy in there that like, “Oh, we were playing Jenga at the Walshes right before one of their people in the family got taken and eaten by a monster! [C laughs] And this guy, Sam, wouldn't shut up about the Christmas wreath! So Sam, go tell him about the Christmas wreath.” I feel like this is also like, "This guy is gay, and isn't that so funny."
C: Oh, definitely. It definitely is. The same way that, like, what was it? In like, “Playthings,” Dean was like, “Oh, yeah, Sam looves dolls. He collects dolls all the time.”
G: Yeah, yeah. He's so mean. But yeah, the shopkeeper is like, “Well, I sell so many of them.” And Sam explains what he's looking for, and the shopkeeper-
C: He says, “It was yummy.”
G: Yeah. [laughs] Why did it say that?
C: I think he's trying to gauge if the shopkeeper is like, the person who's taking people and eating them.
G: Oh, yeah, but he's not. He says that it's sold out already, the wreath. And Sam's like, “Oh, why did you make it with meadowsweet?” And he's like, “I didn't make it. It was this lady from like, somewhere in the neighborhood. She made it and gave it to me for a free.” So they have a new suspect.
C: Yeep.
So they go back to the motel. And yeah, Sam reveals that a meadowsweet wreath would usually cost a couple hundred dollars.
G: I believe that.
C: Is this an extremely rare plant? Or0 whatever. I know that like, proper floral arrangements from a florist can cost like eighty dollars, so I guess that tracks. And Dean says, “Remember that wreath Dad brought home that one year?” And Sam says, “Oh, the one he stole from a liquor store?” which I think it's the only cool thing that John has ever done. [both laugh]
G: Yeah, apparently, it's made of beer cans.
C: Yeah, yeah. And Dean is very fond of it. He wants to find one just like it. But this is not so much a fond memory for Sam. He asks Dean, like, “Why do you care so bad about Christmas right now?” And Dean’s like, “Why are you so against it? Were  your childhood memories that traumatic?” And, you know, Sam says, “No, that's not it. It's just that you like, usually don't care about Christmas.” And Dean says, “Well, yeah, this is my last year.”
G: Ahhhhhhh.
C: And Sam says like, “Yeah, I know, which is why I can't do Christmas. Because it's would be really difficult for me to like, have a celebration and pretend everything's okay when I know that next Christmas, you'll be dead.” And both of them just sit there, being sad. And then we get a flashback, baby!
G: Sam is like, sitting on the couch, waiting for Dean to come home in the motel room that is their home at this point. And Dean walks in. He's like, “I got you dinner.” And Sam tells him, “I know you keep a gun under your pillow.” And Dean looks at the gun under his pillow, and-
C: [laughing] He's like, “No, I don't!"
G: "No, I don't! Look at this gun I'm looking at right now. It's not there, and I don't keep a gun under my pillow." But he basically says like, "Don't don't look at my stuff." And Sam says, “I know what Dad does too,” and then he takes out the journal, and he hands it over to Dean. And Dean is like, "Why did you read that? You shouldn't have."
C: "- read Dad's diary."
G: Yeah, Dad's diary. And Sam asks, “Are monsters real?” and then Dean goes gaslight gatekeep girlboss-
C: Yeah, for real!
G: - “You're fucking crazy.”
C: [laughing] God.
G: And Sam’s like, “No, just be honest with me. Just tell me.” And Dean goes, “Okay. I'll tell you. But don't tell Dad I told you. Monsters are real, and Dad is a hero. He's super cool. He's the coolest guy on earth."
C: Boo.
G: "He hunts them down and kills them.” 
C: Also, like, Dean says, “If Dad finds out that you read his journal, [both] he's gonna kick your ass." And then he says, “I'll kick your ass if you tell Dad that I told you about monsters.” It's just sad that corporal punishment is such a thing in their childhoods.
G: Yeah. And Dean is like, “Yeah, monsters are real.” And Sam’s like, wait, “Why would monsters be real if Dad keeps on saying that the monsters under my bed are not real?” And Dean is like, “Yeah, because he already checked under your bed. So he knows they're not real this time.” And Sam asks about Mary because he read about-
C: Hold on. You forgot the "Is Santa real?" thing. That was the whole point of this.
G: [laughing] Noo! Then he asks, "Is Santa real?" and Dean goes, "No. Santa isn't real." [C laughs] He's eight years old. I feel like this is an appropriate time to learn that Santa is not real. But according to you, this is a super big deal, so like, maybe not.
C: [laughing] It was a big deal
G: [laughs] God. And then- like, the thing is, it's not just me. I don't know anyone in my life who believes in Santa.
C: Oh, yeah, no, I was definitely- like, my sister was probably one of the latest people to know that Santa wasn't real. And then, yeah, I feel like I was also pretty late in the game, but my parents were like, just really good at keeping it up, I guess. They were like, "We'll tell you  some more about Santa when you're fifteen.” They said "When you're fifteen." They were planning to hold out until I was fifteen. [G laughing]
G: You're like, a full grown person at age fifteen. Like, you are a human being at that point.
C: Children are also human beings [G laughs], but yes, like, right, the logic centers of my brain or whatever.
G: Yeah, you're able to grasp shit at that point. So maybe that's why they were waiting until fifteen.
C: [laughing] That's still- that's really late.
G: Yeah. And Sam asks about Mary, and, "They got Mom, right?" And he says, “If they got Mom, they could get Dad. They could get us.” And Dean keeps reassuring him. But he keeps repeating this, like, "They could get us. They could get Dad. 'Cause they got Mom." And then Dean just reassures him that "Dad's gonna be fine. He's all right. We're gonna be all right, and Dad's gonna be here for Christmas." So Sam goes, "I want to go to sleep!" And then he goes to sleep crying, and the whole time I was like, "Why are you crying?" And I get that this is like, a big deal for him, and it's an emotional moment. But like, stop crying, you're such a loser, Sam!
C: Noo! No! He's eight! He's a little baby!
G: Maybe he doesn't look eight. Maybe because he looks older than eight and like, I fail to, you know, like, see him as a kid. Because he looks like, eleven, like, maybe twelve.
C: Okay, you have a six-year-old sister so you know what little kids look like. I have not seen a child in so long. Like, I'll see a nineteen-year-old playing a fourteen-year-old, and I'll be like, “Yeah, that's a fourteen-year-old. That's what they look like.”
G: Yeah, perhaps. Maybe I am like, the special case of someone who knows what children look like.
C: Yeah, exactly. Like, to me, Sam's definitely eight.
G: He's eight in spirit.
C: And it's very sad. I mean, okay, like, if you found out- f you, as a full-grown adult like, found out that monsters were like, for sure, one hundred percent real, and killed your mom like, wouldn't that be upsetting? Like wouldn't that be a little bit scawy? [G laughs]
G: I think, like, the fear of that "It's gonna get our dad!" and he obviously loves John because he's, you know, he wants to give him a gift-
C: Yeah, right, and John's out there hunting, like, right now.
G: Yeah. And it's really brings up the idea that like, maybe hunting is selfish because you're putting like, so much stress to the people around you who know about it, you know, stuff like that. Maybe.
C: Does Dean- I know that Dean doesn't believe John will be back for Christmas. But does he believe any of the other stuff he's saying?
G: I think he believes that John will be back for Christmas, honestly.
C: Wait, really? Oh.
G: Yeah, I think he genuinely believed. And then, when he figured out that like, it's not going to happen, he just stole presents.
C: Aw, that's so sad.
G: Because, like- you think this entire time he was like, “Dad's not gonna be here”? I feel like if Dad was not gonna be here, he's gonna be like, "No, Dad's not gonna be here." Like, he's not gonna lie to Sam. So I do believe that he believed-
C: He lied to Sam a lot this episode. [G laughs]
G: No, but about that? You think he'd lie about John arriving home for Christmas?
C: Yeah! I think he would.
G: But like, the lie doesn't fly, because Sam will know eventually.
C: Well, later, John doesn't show up, and Dean does lie about it. He says, “He was here while you were asleep.”
G: Well, to me, he did believe it. And then, like, he also was disappointed.
C: Okay, yeah, I get that, I guess, because he says like, “Oh, he'll be back, just like he was back last time,” or “He's always back,” right? Doesn't he say something like that.
G: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
C: So maybe he does believe that Christmas is a special day where John doesn't abandon them in motel rooms, and then he was proven wrong on this one day.
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. Do you think Dean believes that they're safe from the monsters?
G: I think I think he really believes that John is like, a good hunter, etc. etc.
C: Okay. But what happened in "Something Wicked" happened before this, right?
G: Yeah. The shtriga, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
C: So Sam just doesn't remember being literally attacked by a monster already.
G: He did not see the monster.
C: He was asleep?
G: He was asleep, yeah.
C: But, like afterwards, John was all being like, he was being like, very overprotective, and clearly, something had happened. But I don't know, when you're like, five, you don't remember anything.
G: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
C: Yeah, all right. Well, poor kids.
C: We cut to Sam and Dean going to the house of the person who made the wreath. So they knock. And it's like, this Hallmark old people couple where they're like, white people with like, specific outfits and ways of talking that I feel like stopped being in real life for like, perhaps a few decades before this episode aired, maybe. They're very Hallmark.
G: Yeah, 1950s, maybe.
C: Yeah, yeah. So they're like, “Hi, like we just came over because we thought your wreaths were so neat. And you sold out of all of them before we could get one, so could we get another one from you?” And she's like, “Aw, no.” And they ask about the meadowsweet, and she just says, “Oh, it smells really nice,” blah blah blah. And then her husband comes over. He offers them some food. Dean reaches for it, and Sam slaps his hand away. [laughs] And they go back to the motel, where Dean is like, sharpening up some wooden stake, and Sam reveals that the people who live in the house, the Carrigans, they lived in Seattle before this year, which is where our opening kidnapping happened. And also, he noticed that there was a lot of pagan stuff inside of their house, and also, all their furniture is covered in plastic.
G: Yeah. Fun stuff. I think that's a very nice detail that their couch is covered in plastic.
C: Right. Like, they are not living here the way that most people would live in a place. Also, the wooden stakes are evergreen specifically, because that's what Bobby said would get them.
G: Yeah, and like, this gif is like- I think there's a post floating around that's like, “He's sharpening this stake, and then none of the wood shavings are going into the bucket underneath." [C laughs] And it's like, it looks so stupid because there's just wood everywhere except for the trash bin. Love that.
C: Yeah, are there like, outsider POV fics about like, the people have to clean the motels after Sam and Dean leave?
G: There should be. There should be like. I want them to go back to season 1, and like, the person who's cleaning- I know they discover like, John's room, but like, the person who has to clean that, I want to know his perspective. I want to know their perspective.
C: Yeah. There should be an episode where there's like, ghost of Christmas past, present, and future for them, and, like, the whole point is “clean your motel rooms before you leave.” [G laughs]
G: I mean, there's actually one episode right, “Lebanon,” that was supposed to be like-
C: An outsider POV?
G: - an outside perspective, which I wish they did that. I wish JDM wasn't available, or some other shit. That would have fucked so good. [C laughing] No, that's not how people say- Fucked so hard? That's it, yeah.
C: Yeah. I mean-
G: Anyway-
C: - everyone fucks better when JDM isn't available. [G laughs]
G: I love how you said that so quickly, like you're trying to get it in before I say my next sentence. [C laughs]
C: Yeah.
G: Yeah.
Okay. So finally, Sam and Dean go to the Carrigan house, and as they enter, they see the couch, and it is covered in plastic, and Dean is like, “See, it's covered in plastic,” and then they go down to the basement which Sam finds, and there's blood everywhere. There's like, weird shit. There's a bag of a person that's like, still alive. They don't update us on this person ever again.
C: Yeah, I don't even know if they rescue this person. [both laugh]
G: I mean, I sure hope they did. But also, there's a strong suggestion that they just forgot about him.
C: Yeah, 'cause they were- 'cause Sam was like, “Gotta run back and put up the Christmas decorations!” Meanwhile, a man is dying.
G: Yeah. Anyway, Sam gets attacked by the lady, and Dean gets attacked by the guy, and, like, the guy like, smashes his head against the wall, and then the lady smashes Sam's head against the wall. But before that, Sam flashes a flashlight at the guy, and the guy kind of changes appearance. So it's like, “Ooh, they're monsters.” But yeah, they pass out, and they wake up, and they're tied down to chairs back-to-back in a kitchen, like a dining hall, and the two people are like, walking around with bowls and shit and tools, and they're like, talking about how they're Pagan gods, and it's so horrible because people don't respect them anymore. And there was a time where they ate millions, or something, or thousands, or something. And now they just eat five, and isn't that so swell? You know what it is? Good for them.
C: Yeah, honestly, I feel like they're doing pretty well. If you have to eat five people a year to survive, I don't know, eat five people a year to survive.
G: Yeah. Your Interview With the Vampire tendencies are coming out. [C laughs]
C: Right. Okay, also, doesn't the man tells Sam, “Oh, now, don't get all wet.” [laughing] What does that mean? What does it mean?
G: Maybe that's like, a turn of phrase back in the day.
C: Yeah, 'cause they're old-timey?
G: Yeah. Anyway, they start doing the ritual, which is like, they put the meadowsweet wreaths around their necks, and they like, slice their arm, and then they get one of Sam's fingernails. It's such a graphic scene.
C: Yeah, you see it the whole time. They do not cut away at all. It's really good.
G: And then they're about to get Dean’s teeth- well, tooth, I guess- when somebody doorbells.
C: Which was so rude. Like, me and my ex-fiancee booed that Sam has to suffer the fingernail removal when Dean gets to keep his teeth. Like, okay.
G: I mean the fingernail will grow back. The tooth will not.
C: Yeah, and you can go to a dentist.
G: To get a crown? For a thousand dollars?
C: They could meet Garth- They could've met Garth earlier. Garth would've given it to Dean for free. We would have had Garth starting from season 3 if they had just allowed that tooth to be taken out of Dean's sad little mouth.
G: Exactly. Does Garth die in Supernatural. No, right?
C: I don't remember.
G: Yeah. I hope he doesn't. I'll be so sad if he dies.
C: Yeah, 'cause he'd go to Purgatory, and that would suck.
G: He'd go to Purgatory, yeah! [laughs] Oh my god, I like, I haven't thought about Supernatural's ending for a long time. And now, right now that you mentioned that he's going to Purgatory, it all just like, came flashing back in my head, and I am so pissed still at the way Supernatural ends. But we'll get to it when we get to it. Right now, we're talking about Season 3, Episode 8: “A Very Supernatural Christmas.”
C: [laughs] We sure are
G: Yeah. And the person in by the door is like, “Oh, here's some fruit cake. Oh, by the way…” and she starts talking about like, randomass things. And they're like, “Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.” And then when they leave, they like, throw the cake on the floor-
C: And stomp on it.
G: Yeah, they stomp on it. They go back to the dining hall. Sam and Dean are not there anymore. Sam and Dean lock the doors on them, and like, keep them there inside by like, I don't know, like blocking the door. Which is so wild to me, because these are Pagan gods.
C: They're gods. But, you know, Sam and Dean are just so muscular,
G: Exactly. And eventually, they go to the Christmas tree. They rip out some branches from it, and there's- and the two escape from the dining hall. They fight, they get stabbed, they die.
C: Oh my god, we totally forgot about the earlier scene when- the woman, like, cuts Dean, and he yells, “Bitch!” at her-
G: Oh my god.
C: - which is so funny.
G: Well, not only that. He yells “Bitch,” and then the lady goes, "Oh, whenever I feel like cursing, I prefer to say fudge," and Dean says like, what is it?
C: He's like, "I'll try to remember that"-
G: "Don't you fudging touch me again. [both] I'll fudging kill you!" I love that.
C: Best scene. Okay. But back to this later scene, which is less funny.
G: No, it's your turn.
C: Oh, okay. So right, they have them locked in and Sam and Dean are- [G laughs]
G: I've already said this. I already said this.
C: Where are we?
G: We're done with the scene. It's like, the epilogue.
C: Wait. You talked about them killing them already?
G: Yeah!
C: [laughing] How did I miss that? Okay, great.
C: So we get to a flashback, you know, of that night. Sam, after crying himself to sleep, Dean wakes him up, and he's all like, “Oh my god! Like, Dad was here, and he brought like, this Christmas tree and these presents.” And Sam goes like, “Why didn’t he try to wake me up?” and Dean goes, “Oh, he tried to, like a thousand times, but you just kept snoring.” He's like, “I told you he would come and give us Christmas.” It's all very sad. Yeah. So Sam runs over to open his gift, and the first one is a Sapphire Barbie, and Dean goes, “Dad probably thinks you're a girl.” Trans Sam rights again.
And Sam literally says, "Shut up," and throws it on the ground. Like, Barbie's fun!
G: It's a Sapphire Barbie doll. That's fucking so expensive.
C: Yeah, like, you don't want it, you can try to sell it.
G: Yeah, Go on eBay, dude.
C: Yeah. And then he opens the other present, and it's like, a stick with like confetti on it, or- it's like a shiny tassel stick. I don't really know what you do with it.
G: It's a baton.
C: Oh, baton, right. And Sam’s like, “These aren't from Dad. He did not come here.” And Dean was like, “Yeah, he did,” but, you know, Sam does not believe him. And he asks Dean where he got all this stuff, and Dean says, oh, he just stole them from like, a nice house on the street. Did he have to break in? How did he do this? Was there a window open?
G: Maybe.
C: Or maybe they were holding a party, and he, like, was able to get in by pretending to be one of the kids’ friends. And then he like, hid them in like, a bag?
G: Are you serious?
C: I don't know.
G: During Christmas? [laughing] You're going to spend your party at somebody else's house?
C: People have Christmas dinner parties, don't they?
G: `Ehh. I don't know. I mean, this is Christmas Eve. Is Christmas Eve a big deal?
C: Oh, kinda, I guess.
G: Yeah, exactly. So like, you spend it in your house.
C: Mm. Sometimes. Yeah. And he goes, “I swear, I didn't know they were chick presents.” [both laugh] So true.
G: Every time Supernatural says “chick,” I’m like, “What a fascinating choice of word!” Truly a fascinating choice for it.
C: Yeah. Truly, truly. And Dean's like, “I prommy Dad would have wanted to be here,” and Sam says, “If he's alive.” [laughs] Soo true.
G: “I've known about Dad being a hunter for five hours, and I now wish for his death.” [C laughs]
C: Yeah, so Dean goes like, “Of course he's alive. He's Dad.” And in the present day, he's literally dead right now. So real.
And Sam hands the present that he wrapped for John to Dean, and he says, “Take this.” And Dean's  like, “No, that's for Dad.” And Sam says, “Dad lied to me. I want you to have it.” Aww.
G: He also lied to you!
C: He also lied to you. I guess, in the end, Dean hold the truth, and John has not had that opportunity yet.
G: Yeah.
C: So Dean looks quite touched about this, and he unwraps it, and it's the Samulet!
G: Whoo!
C: And he puts it on.
Okay, what the fuck is the Samulet lore? Did Bobby know it could find God when he gave it to Sam?
G: [laughs] I doubt it. I doubt it.
C: Yeah, okay, okay. And this is a very sweet scene, because in "Something Wicked," which is the only other, like, flashback episode that we get so far, we also see Sam giving Dean the gift in like, the Lucky Charms cereal box right? So-
G: It's his love language!
C: Yeah, this is Sam's love language, at least when they were younger, and I don't know. It's sweet. I enjoy it.
G: Yeah. So we're back to present day, and this is the scene- this is the scene that drove me to tears. We go back to the motel, and it's Sam, and he's waiting for Dean to arrive. And Dean opens the door, and it's a holiday scene. It's a Christmas scene. Sam has decorated the place, and he's like, trying to be upbeat and happy, and he's like, “Oh, look! It's Christmas!” and Dean's like, “Oh, you changed your mind,” and he's like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah! Try the eggnog.” And then Dean tries the eggnog, and it's super strong. So he makes a face and he's like, "Yeah, this is good." And then they sit down, and Dean's like, “Oh, let's have a seat. Let's do Christmas stuff,” and they exchange gifts. [C laughs] And both of them got the gifts at like, a gas store nearby. Dean gave Sam skin mags-
C: Yeah, it's called Frolic-
G: And shaving cream? Yeah. Frolic.
C: This is a hilarious gift, because they literally live in the same motel room and in the same car.
G: Yeah!
C: Like, at what point is Sam going to get to enjoy these the way they were meant to be enjoyed? Like, is he gonna go, “Hey, Dean, can you step out for an hour? I just want to really appreciate these gifts you gave me for Christmas.” [laughs] Like, what is he gonna do?
G: Yeah, but it's a funny gift. And Dean got like, an energy bar and some motor oil change for Baby, and he's like, “Food for me and food for my Baby!” or something like that. "Fuel for my Baby." Super cute, and, like, the entire scene feels so somber. Like, it feels so sad. It's genuinely so sad.
C: I feel like they put a little foggy filter on it or whatever to give it that nostalgia feel.
G: Yeah, and also like, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” is playing.
C: Yeah, and it's the Ella Fitzgerald version.
G: I think it's a very nice touch. Yeah. And they say “Merry Christmas” to each other, and then Dean is like, silent, and Sam is like, silent. And you think they're gonna talk about it. But Sam just goes, “You want to watch the game?” [C laughs] And Dean goes, "Yeah." And they watch the game.
C: I love the way men love.
G: Agh. [laughs] I don't know why I reacted that to viscerally to that phrase.
C: It's a good poem.
G: It's a good poem. But like, this is not the- this is not what it's trying to say.
C: Yeah, it's not.
G: Like, this is "men do not talk about their feelings ever."
C: Yeah.
Is there a Christmas sports game that I'm not aware of? I know there's a Thanksgiving sports game. Is there a Christmas sports game?
G: I think there's a thing where, like, in the UK, at least, I've heard that, like, they have sports game during Christmas day. I never understand that, like, I don't know how that's possible.
C: Yeah, shouldn't the athletes have the day off?
G: I mean, I guess so, but- in the Philippines, most of the big athlete games, are like, university games. Or at least at my age group, that's the ones we watch. So like, of course, those are not going to be present during the holidays because the students are on holiday. So I don't know if it happens anywhere else.
C: Yeah. I don't know either due to never watching sports.
G: Yeah, so that's the end of the episode. What are our post-episode thoughts?
C:I'm thinking about a post that I saw that was like, “After Dean's death, Ruby finds Sam crying over [overlapping, both] a bunch of porn magazines." [both laugh]
G: Yeah, I love that.
C: Love that.
G: I think, honestly, I think we didn't do the episode justice. I feel like it's better than we're making it out to be.
C: I don't think we're being mean about it.
G: No, we're not being mean, but we're just also not able to express like, what makes it so emotional, or at least what makes it so emotional for me. I'm not able to express it in a way that like, I feel like I could convey.
C: Yeah. And I'm not able to express how cute little baby Sam actor is, which I think is the main reason I was emotional for this episode.
G: Yeah. I mean, I was full-on crying when like, Dean entered, and he was like, "Oh, you decorated." I was like- [sobbing sounds]. Like, I was full-on crying. So yeah.
Best Line/Worst Line.
C: Yeah, I really like Sam’s “Whose childhood are you remembering?” line because I feel like like- Dean is hurt by this because he like to make Sam's Christmases and stuff nice, and Sam still views them as really bad because their dad abandoned them in a motel. Whereas, like Sam is just like, recognizing that the reality of the situation sucked despite the efforts that Dean made to make it not suck. And yeah, I don't know. It makes me emo.
G: Yeah, I think my best line has got to be... Um. I don't even know. How about your worst line? What's your worst line?
C: Huh. I think that in the wreath store, the guy says about Sam, “Oh, he's a fussy one, isn't he?” and that's like, another way to call Sam gay that I found especially annoying.
G: Here's my worst line.
C: Yeah.
G: "Mistle my toes."
C: [laughing] Noooo!
G: [laughing] "Roast my chestnuts." [C screams] "Egg my nog"?
C: Sorry, what did they say about chestnuts?
G: "Roast my chestnuts."
C: Wait, literally, you could just say “nut on my chest.”
G: That's too forward.
C: I guess so. Anyway, also for context, this is from the Christmas-themed porn that the Santa was watching because I don't think we quoted that fully.
G: [laughing] "Egg my nog." I love that. Love that.
I don't know what my best line is probably like, when Sam was like- baby Sam was like, “They're gonna get Mom, they're gonna get Dad, and then they're gonna get us.” Because one, true.
C: Yeah, that is the order.
G: Two, it's like that kind of like, kid logic. You know how like kids, sometimes they say things, and you're like, "Yeah." I mean, you don't interact with kids, But like, kids tend to tend to have a way of thinking, based on my experience that, like, kind of like, it's so straightforward, and it's like- Kids do have a logical way of thinking. Sometimes, it's just misguided, because they don't know a lot of things. And in a way, I feel like Dean thinks of this as that. Like, “Sam doesn't know that Dad is so cool and so strong and so smart. So he thinks that he's gonna get us.” But like, the reality of the situation is this is true. It's just Dean doesn't realize it because he is the one who's like, ignorant about things. He's the one who has like, misconceptions. So I like that. I feel like, they're just two children. They're just kids. And this is just how kids think.
C: Yeah. Ugh, and when Dean's all like, “Our dad's a hero,” blah blah blah, like, he genuinely believes that. Like, I think when like, John started taking him along on hunts, he was like genuinely, really excited and proud about it, and it wasn't until later, when he was like, “Hey, wasn't it kind of fucked up that I was given a gun to put under my bed as an eleven-year-old?”
G: Yeah.
C: Yeah. It is pretty sad.
G: How about spreadsheet? I feel like this one doesn't have a lot of sexism and racism, but the-
C: A tad. It's so funny. But it's not like, direct, is the thing, right?
G: [laughs] Is it not? What is direct homophobia at this point?
C: Okay, you're right, you're right. Not everything can be "Could you get any more gay?" Sometimes, just saying "Oh, you wanted to look at her handbags" is enough, I agree.
G: What's the point that we gave "Oh, you want to- could you be any more gay"? We gave that a 3, right?
C: No, we gave it a 2. We did not give it a 3.
G: So we must give this a 1.
C: Okay, that sounds good. I will note that down.
G: Okay. IMDb. IMDb rating.
C: I think this is high.
G: Oh, for sure.
C: Like, I feel like everyone was like, “Cried at this” or whatever. Huh. I don't know.
G: He's dying! I think, like, it's finally sinking in on me that he is dying. I know they shove it in your face every episode, but this is the one that made me emotional enough to be like, “Oh my god! He's dying!”
C: That's true. I feel like- I did not care that he was dying, and I still don't care that he's dying, but it it is more than it was before.
G: I would say 8.9.
C: Okay, I was gonna go 8.8, I think.
G: Okay, let's check. [gasps] Oh, no, It's an 8.6. So we overshot.
C: Okay.
G: Let's see what people are saying. “Amazing episode." "Awesome show.” “Santa Claus is coming to town.” "A fudging great episode.” I love that. I love all those titles.
Oh my god! They're fighting in the comments because, like-
C: Oh? Oh? I love that.
G: There's like- I don't know. So there's- oh my god.
So there's this one reviewer named Amanda, and everyone is like, either agreeing with Amanda or disagreeing with Amanda. But I can't find Amanda.
C: Huh! Did Amanda delete?
G: Who is Amanda? Maybe the Amanda is like, a reviewer outside of IMDb?
C: Maybe so.
G: Oh my god! We're discovering lore on IMDb Supernatural.
C: We sure are.
G: [laughing] Oh my god!
C: What?
G: [laughing] I'm so- [laughing] I'm so sorry. I'm laughing again.
Okay, I'm going to calm down. There's one review titled "What-" [laughing]
C: I can't- what?
G: [laughing] Wait, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Hi.
C: Hi.
G: There's one- [laughing] I feel so stupid! I'm so sorry! Okay.
[laughing] "Why does young Dean call young Sam-"
C: What?
G: [laughing] Wait! Wait, wait, wait. "Why does young Dean call young Sam 'Devin'?"
C: Kevin?
G: [laughing] 'Cause there's a line where- I also was surprised. Like, I didn't mention it in the episodes, but like, there's a line in the show where Dean goes, "Let's just go to sleep, Devin," or something.
C: Oh.
G: Like, "Go ahead, Devin." [laughing] And this commenter is like, "Why? Why is he named Devin?" I'm gonna read the review. This is by MikeAbrams.
C: Okay.
G: "Did anyone else notice that at the end of the episode when young Sam is waking up, and young Dean tells him to get the presents, he says, 'Go ahead, Devin.' Who is Devin? He calls him Sam later at the last scene... The actor's name is Colin. Maybe he said Colin. Whichever, someone should have caught it. Pretty embarrassing. [C laughs] Everyone else notice this? And whoever said that the facts are wrong, this is Supernatural, not 60 Minutes!"
Oh, okay. The last part is about Amanda again.
C: Okay.
G: I think Amanda complained about the paganism being inaccurate.
C: Okay, that's valid. I didn't do my background research on this one.
G: Okay. But this one is like- this is to Amanda. "The writers did their research. I think it's you who has totally missed the point."
C: Huh. Yeah, wait. Where is Amanda? Who is this mysterious Amanda?
G: I don't know. I keep on looking for it, and I can't find Amanda.
C: Like, it'd be good to-
G: This ones says, "You really need to calm down. [C laughing] Amanda, you've got to calm down. It's just TV."
C: [laughing] It ony a TV show!
G: [laughing] It ony a TV show!
"Amanda, was it really that bad?" "Amanda Bickle, it's just a TV show. You have to remember that. Paganism is a made-up religion. Well, I suppose they all are. But there is something extremely artificial about the recent resurrection of pagan beliefs." Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
I don't know, and I am not the person to comment on this Amanda debacle.
C: Yeah, same. But I do think it's so funny that all of these reviews are just being like, "Amanda, shut up."
G: Yeah. "Who is Devin?" [laughing] I'm gonna make that the title of the episode, even though when I was reading it, I was completely incomprehensible.
C: Sounds good.
There's a review called "not that mean to pagans."
G: Yeah, [laughing] and it's a response to Amanda.
C: Yeah.
G: Oh my god. Somebody replied about the Devin.
C: Oh yeah, he said "dive in."
G: "MikeAbrams, he didn't say Devin. He said, 'Dive in.'" [laughs] Did he really say, "dive in"?
C: Yeah, to the presents. Yeah. I heard "dive in."
G: I remember in the episode, he did say Devin to me, and I was like, "Okay." I thought he was taking a reference like, a Devin. [laughs] This is the most amusing user review segment that I've ever seen. What is it- you people-
C: One person said, "Dean was a jackass as a kid. Sam was a whiner. I felt absolutely nothing about their flashbacks. Whoever wrote this should be thrown out on the street." [both laughing] Okay.
G: They did? Oh my god.
C: Well, they made him showrunner. So, sorry. garbage_can_kitty.
Okay, sorry this last review is titled, "The movie is also anti-Christian." It starts with, "I agree with Amanda that the movie is anti-pagan." And then- [laughs] "I am agnostic, and I consider myself fair to others who are religious. Every Christmas, I see so many movies, shows, and stories that defile the original meaning of Christmas [G screams], as it is understood to devout Christians. Anti-Christianity is akin to racism." [both scream]
G: I need everyone- I need everyone who is listening up until now, even after everything, [C laughing] to go to the user review section of “A Very Supernatural Christmas.” Like, we need you to do it. It's a fucking mess! There's twenty-three reviews, and every single one of them is wild.
C: Yeah. Jesus. Right.
Okay, yeah, I've also been thinking about how, like, if any of our listeners like, wanted to be on the show, they would just have to leave an IMDb review, and we would read it.
G: For our future, yeah!
C: So you know, that's something to think about.
G: You could be like- oh, also we record this like, two weeks in the past, so you can't do like, one week before.
C: Yeah, do it like- the last episode that released and then add two, and then you can leave a review on that one. But we are mean to basically every review we read, so [G laughs] I understand if you don't want to put yourself in the line of fire.
G: Okay. Oh my god, my throat hurts from laughing so hard at the Devin line. [C laughs]
So that’s it for this episode of Busty Asian Beauties! Next time, we will be discussing- wait. Season 3, Episode 9: “Malleus Maleficarum.”
C: Ooh, Ruby.!
G: Leave us a rating or a review wherever you get your podcasts.
C: Follow us on social media! We are on twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast- sorry, is it BeautiesPodcast? Yes. Okay. We are on twitter at twitter.com/BeautiesPodcast and on Tumblr at bustyasianbeautiespod.tumblr.com. Our official tag is #BABPod, B-A-B-POD, and thank you to everyone who’s donated to our Ko-Fi at ko-fi.com/bustyasianbeautiespod.
G: If you have any feedback, comments, or inquiries, email us at [email protected]. See you guys next time! [both] Bye!
[guitar music]
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oldmanjenkins985 · 1 day
haha oh my I see you’re so ignorant about fandom’s history that you make some wild and incorrect claims. Okay, here we go!
Ao3 was founded by user astolat, who ships Dean and Sam Winchester (aka Wincest) from supernatural. Astolat designed ao3 to be for likeminded people who didn’t clutch their holy pearls about fictional taboo tropes like incest so idk what you want on a website like that. You’re in the wrong place, mate
second, George RR Martin also wrote “a song of ice and fire”. The book series was so successful that it was made into an 8 season long tv series “game of thrones” (+ prequel “house of the dragon”). There’s incest, pedophilia, inbreeding, rape and it ran for YEARS (though supernatural ran for much longer), has it led to the normalization of any of these things? Did George RR Martin endorse any of these things? Why aren’t you calling him out? Or Stephen king for writing about a child orgy in “It”? Or Neil Gaiman for publishing a book about a loli vampire?
also it’s so clear that your morals are so feeble that you need fiction to hold your hand and tell you that some things are bad. “I write about criminals but I am BETTER than these freaks because I write it as a BAD thing!” and I bet you’re not actually able to recognize harmful behavior. You sound like a Christian who made excuses why a STORY led them to do crimes. That’s exactly the type of person I think of you as, especially with your comment about a genocide that kills real people being equally important as someone fantasizing about robot incest.
You can stop your virtue signaling, I already know you would defend actual criminals because at least they didn’t write about incest
anyway you could have looked at fanlore.org, it has all of this information! But I know you are probably just going to shrug it off. You should have that mindset when it comes to fiction!
What incorrect claims did I make exactly?
I did look into this and it seems you're right about Astolat. Doesn't really change my mind however as Ao3 is free for me to use. As for why I use it? Well it's better than wattpad in my opinion, and all the normal stories are still on there. I know there's some questionable stories on there, by god do I know. I've seen some horrors. But I don't have to read those stories, just as I don't have to play horrid games on steam like "Sex with Hitler 2"
George RR Martin stuff is invalid evidence until you show me they weren't painted in a bad light. The Steven King one...imma be honest, I think that he was either drunk or high on drugs when he wrote that. Plus it was wrote back in the 80s where things were a lot less sensitive about that. There's plenty of examples of that so don't try and get me with the "that's a bullshit excuse" excuse.
I'd hardly say my morals are feeble. I gained quite an understanding of my own morals and I really don't need a game to hold my hand. I think it's pretty obvious to me by now that blowing off an innocent person's head with a shotgun is a bad thing to do.
Once again, the genocide is Palestine is far more important than fictional incest. Doesn't mean they aren't both horrible things even if they're on completely different ends of the scale.
It depends on the criminal if I'd defend them. If they're a murderer but they did it because they killed a pedophile that raped 50 children, I'd absolutely defend that. He put an end to a monster who ruined the lives of 50 children, they didn't even have time to get lives to ruin.
but if it was instead a man who shot up a school, they'll get no sympathy from me. That is a horrid action that cannot be forgiven in my eyes.
I didn't know about fanlore.org but I did look into it and the information is there, still doesn't really change my opinion much though.
I would suggest you leave and reconsider some things though. Just a thought to do some self reflection
0 notes
fledgesfancies · 3 years
<10 Good Things About Season 15 SPN
The majority of fans could go on (and have done) until the cows come home about how this was the worst season by miles. I am right there with you all. So I thought, why not be positive and list the things that weren't terrible? This is not going to be a long post.
1) Sam and Dean finally got together for an eternity of peace in Heaven. Considering they'd have to die at some point, would you want it any other way? Never mind the journey, just that they got there. That euphoric moment washed clean(er) a multitude of sins - by this point I was genuinely expecting Dabb to fubar it to the max.
2) Dean's death scene, and the way they looked when they finally met up again, were classic - J2 emotional acting at its finest, bringing the show right back around in a circle, reminding everybody (*cough*) what Supernatural was supposed to be about.
3) Jack opened Heaven up so that everybody else could share. This is a Good Thing, even though I suspect it's a sneaky way for Dabb to brush under the carpet the fact of Sam and Dean being soulmates who actually would have shared a heaven anyway (5:16 "Dark Side of the Moon"). Ironic, because Dabb co-wrote that episode. But I'm honestly happy that they get to see Mom, Dad, Bobby, Charlie, the Roadhouse crew, Pamela, Missouri and all the other dead friends and allies they've made along the way. And Castiel, of course, but as an angel, nothing was stopping him from mooching around wherever he wanted. I just hope Jack went and fetched Kevin through the veil.
4) Rowena becoming Queen of Hell. So sadly under used, but appreciated.
5) 15:11 "The Gamblers". The whole plot of this episode was reminiscent of Kripke-early seasons, with the boys saving the little people even at risk to themselves, and Lady Luck calling them real, old-fashioned heroes. This is the only episode of the entire season which I unequivocally enjoyed.
6) Sam suddenly remembering that he was a hunter and behaving like himself again for that brief period where he was hunting down Death's book and facing off with the Empty. I don't know what happened to the Sam writing for the majority of this season...
7) The telescope in the bunker looks into alternate universes! :D Pity they didn't get around to that until there were none left.
8) Mrs Butters twisting the head off a Thule soldier. Savage. A small moment of delight in a very silly episode that was as enjoyable as it was frustrating, in equal measure (and therefore one of the better ones).
Yeah, I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel now. That's honestly all I can come up with to cheer about for this season. Not even 10 points. Well, I tried! Discussion welcome, including debate, if it's kept polite and friendly. We don't have to see eye-to-eye to all be fans together!
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deanwanddamons · 4 years
The Best Weekend Of Your Life - Chapter 1
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Summary: You are obsessed with Supernatural and go to a convention with your best friend. You are 100% a Dean girl while your friend is a Sam girl. Both Jensen and Jared are single in this. You both catch the guys attention and things go from there.
Pairing: Jensen x reader, Jared x readers best friend
Word Count: 2774
Warning: Romance, fluff 
Song for chapter: https://youtu.be/xDeyXWyM4Oo - Thunder - Loved Walked In
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It was finally here. You and F/N have been waiting months for the Supernatural convention and have managed to book a room in the same hotel it’s being held in for the whole weekend. You are both obsessed with the show. You have lost count of the amount of times you have fantasized about Jensen Ackles. The way his hands would feel on your skin, how he would smell and how your name would sound coming from those perfect lips. This was going to be a weekend to remember.
It had taken you a long time and many outfit changes to decide what you were going to wear. Finally you made your mind up and went for your trusty tight fitting Levi’s, a black bodysuit with lace sleeves, black knee high boots with 4 inch stiletto heels and cropped leather biker jacket. You had your hair dyed the deep shade of red you knew suited you and your 80’s rock chick makeup was down to a fine art.
Waiting at the train station with F/N, you can’t contain your excitement. You feel like a child on Christmas morning.
‘Fuck F/N! I can’t believe we are really going to see them in the flesh! I just know I’m gonna do something stupid in front of Jensen though. You know what I’m like!’
‘Yep Y/N, you are pretty clumsy but I’m pretty sure they are going to be way too busy to take any notice of us anyway. Can you imagine how many other people are going to be there?’ said F/N.
Your heart sinks when you realise all the effort you put into your outfit and make up will no doubt be for nothing, but you can’t let the boys see you without at least trying to look good.
The train pulls up and you and F/N board. It’s only a 20 minute journey and you could have easily come home rather than fork out £120 for a room, but you didn’t want to miss any part of the convention and the last train was at 10.20pm.
You arrive at the hotel and check into your room. Glancing at your watch you see it’s 11.30am, and the Q&A with the cast starts at 12pm so you and F/N just have time to unpack your cases, touch up your makeup, and spray some perfume. You take one last glance at your reflection ‘You're going to knock them dead Y/N’ you whisper.
Leaving the room you make your way to the lifts. Following the signs through reception, you enter a huge function room with what must be 1,000 chairs and the same amount of people milling about. There is a stage at the front of the room, with stools, microphones and a guitar setup. Your heart is beating a tattoo in your chest and you feel like you’re finding it hard to breath you’re that excited.
‘Quick Y/N,’ says F/N ‘There are two chairs right at the front!’ She grabs your hand and with a determined shove, pushes through the crowd. You reach the chairs just as two other girls get to them. Being her usual feisty self F/N dives in front of them glaring up at them, ‘I don’t think so!’ she hisses and plonks herself down, pulling you onto the other chair giggling as the girls slink away.
Getting yourself comfortable you pull out the itenary for the weekend. Other cast members are going to be answering questions, but you are only really interested in the boys. You have your ticket ready for the photo opportunity with them, and can’t wait for the moment you finally get to interact with Jensen. The talk from others who have met him is that he is much taller in real life than he seems on TV. That's why you wore heels in case it's true. You stand at 5ft without them, so that you don't want to look like a proper short arse beside him. And with Jared being 6ft 4 you would look even more ridiculous without heels. Luckily F/N is 5ft 8 with a body like a supermodel so she is going to look amazing next to Jared.
F/N grabs your hand and squeezes it, smiling broadly at you as the lights go down. Richard Speight Jr and Rob Benedict, the MC’s walk onto the stage.
One by one they introduce a few of the Supernatural cast. With thunderous applause, Jim Beaver, Ruth Connell, Mark Sheppard and Samantha Smith take to the stage, and entertain the crowd, answering questions and telling stories about each other. Finally, even though you have really enjoyed hearing them speak, it is time for the main attraction.
Your heart starts thumping and you feel your palms getting clammy when Richard announces ‘And now for the moment you have all been waiting for! Please welcome Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki!’
F/N starts squealing ‘Oh My God’ over and over again grabbing your arm. This is it! You’re finally going to see him!
And there he is. All 6ft 1 of him. Broad chest and shoulders, dressed in tight blue jeans, plaid shirt and cowboy boots. You have never seen anyone so beautiful in your entire life. Your heart literally stops and your breath catches in your throat.
Jensen looks around the room smiling and waving, and his eyes glance past you. His head swings back. Amazing green eyes meet yours. He grins straight at you and your stomach falls into your feet. Wait...did that really just happen? Did he pick you out from the crowd or was it just wishful thinking? You look behind you, thinking he must have been distracted by someone or something else, but when you turn back towards the stage those eyes are still staring at you. With a shy, almost coy smile, he lowers his eyes and turns away.
You spin around to look at F/N but she is mesmerised, staring at Jared. Her mouth hangs open, eyes shining. You have to admit, he is a very good looking guy, but nothing compared to Jensen. You’re still not sure what just happened with him. Could he really have been looking at you?
‘Don’t be stupid,’ you tell yourself, ‘there are hundreds of people in this room, why would he be looking at you!?’
You realise you’re not actually taking in anything that’s going on on the stage as you are so caught up in your own little fantasy, so you snap yourself out of it, and get your head back in the room. The boys are sitting on the stools, microphones in hand poised for questions. A plethora of shouts come from the crowd, so Jensen raises his hand, causing the room to fall silent.
‘Good evening Manchester!’ he says and bows followed by Jared. ‘Let’s crack on with the questions’
As you are at the front of the auditorium you have the best view of the boys. Questions come from people all around you, about Supernatural, their relationship with each other, other casts members and their personal lives.
‘Yes we are both single,’ Jared answers which raises a woop from the crowd.
F/N nudges you and winks ‘I swear Jensen is looking at you!’ nodding her head towards him. You glance up, and sure enough, those mesmerising eyes meet yours. You hold his gaze, smiling slightly, and tilt your head to the side. You can feel your cheeks start to redden but are determined not to be the first one to look away.
Just then, Jared starts nudging him, ‘Hey buddy! Cat got your tongue?!’
He turns away, smirking, but not before slowly licking those incredible plump lips. F/N almost loses it, gripping your hand whispering, ‘He is totally flirting with you I’m telling you!’
‘Don’t be mental!’ you tell her, laughing, but inside your shaking. Is he? No, he can’t be?
The questions keep on coming until Jensen picks up the guitar. There is an audible hush around the room when he starts to play. His fingers move quickly and deftly over the strings and you recognise the song. It’s ‘Love Walked In’ by Thunder. He slowly raises his head to the microphone, looks you straight in the eye and starts to sing.
‘So tired of waiting I walked an empty land
I was looking for something to help me understand But bad luck kept turning my dreams into sand I didn't want pity, I had my share of friends I wanted somebody more special than the rest I was aching inside like I was approaching the end Just about that moment the timing was so right You appeared like a vision sent down to my life I thought I was dreaming when I saw you that night
That's when love walked in through my door That familiar feeling I had once before love walked in through my door And it felt so strange’
You stare intently at him the whole time he is singing. The look on his face and the sparkle in his eyes makes you realise that you haven’t been imagining it. It’s as though you are the only two people in the room. You are certain that time has stopped and your lungs fail to take in deep breaths.
All too soon the song ends to huge applause. Jensen finally averts his gaze from yours and puts the guitar back on its stand.
‘Thank you so much!’ he says bowing ‘hopefully see you at the photo opportunity!’ The boys leave the stage, both of them glancing over their shoulders straight at you and F/N.
‘What the fuck just happened then!’ F/N yells throwing her arms around you in tight hug. ‘That man wants you Y/N. He didn’t stop staring at you the whole time he was singing! It’s as though he was undressing you with his eyes!’
Could she be right? All sorts of thoughts are flying around your brain. He probably does this all the time. Chooses someone in the crowd to make feel good for those few moments, then moves on to the next girl.
F/N looks at her watch,‘Come on Y/N. The photo opp with the boys is starting now. I can’t wait to get my hands on Jared!’
You and F/N rush through the throng of people to a side room where quite a crowd has gathered. You sigh, knowing it’s going to be a long wait for you to see Jensen again. The queue seems to go on forever and you can feel yourself getting more and more impatient. After what feels like an eternity, you can finally see them. Laughing and smiling with fans, camera flashes going off all around. F/N sequels, clapping her hands together. ‘Almost there Y/N!’
It’s your turn. Jensen has his back to you, a glass of water in his hand. He turns, and spots you waiting. His beautiful face lights up, lips turning into the biggest smile and he beckons you over. You can hardly move your legs they are shaking so much, but you manage to put one foot in front of the other and walk over to him.
‘Hey!’ He says, his 6ft 1 frame huge compared to yours. You catch a faint whiff of his aftershave and he smells incredible.
“H-hi." you stutter, closing your eyes tightly as you silently curse yourself for your nerves.
‘What’s your name?’ he asks beaming at you.
‘I’m Y/N and this is F/N.’ Gesturing to your friend, but she is completely distracted by Jared who is already engaged in a full blown conversation with her.
‘Y/N,’ he says quietly in his deep, sexy voice. Wow! It sounded even better than you ever imagined when you had fantasised about this moment. ‘I saw you in the crowd, you were sat at the front right?’ He asks.
‘Yes,’ you reply, ‘And you sang one of my favorite songs!’
‘I could tell by looking at you that you would be a rock chick,’ he responds, eyes travelling down your body, back up to your face, ‘girl after my own heart.’
You swallow hard, not quite believing you are having this conversation with him. ‘Look’ he says, putting his arm around you and pulling you towards him. He looks around conspiratorially, ‘I hate the fact we only get a few minutes to chat to everyone, and this is really not something I would normally do, but I can’t leave this town not having gotten to know you a little bit better.’
Your heart stops then quickly picks up its beat again. ‘Well, we are here for the weekend so if you have any down time....’ you say confidently, although inside you have turned to jelly.
Jensen turns away, reaches for a piece of paper and a pen, ‘Write your number down, quickly, before they move you long,’ he chuckles, handing them to you. You do as he asks. The photographer is growing impatient, so Jensen whispers 'How about photo of us?’ and slides his arm around your waist. You reach behind him and silently slip the paper with your number on into the back pocket of his jeans. You feel the swell of his fantastic ass under your hand as you do so and are amazed at how wonderful it feels.
He looks at you and winks, understanding what you have just done, and places his hand on your face, turning you to look at him just as the camera goes off. You smirk up at him, staring into his eyes, hoping this moment could last forever.
‘Can I text you later?’ he husks. All you can do is nod. He gives you a quick hug and steps away from you. You feel F/N grab your arm,shouting ‘Thanks guys you are amazing!’ as she pulls you away.
‘You are not going to believe what just happened!’ F/N squeals, jumping up and down on the spot.
‘Jared asked for your number?’ you ask.
‘How did you know?’
‘Because Jensen asked for mine too!’ You grin as you say it, still not believing it just happened ‘Don’t get too excited though,’ you warn F/N, ‘it doesn’t mean to say they will contact us.’
‘Come on,’ you say to F/N, ‘Let’s check out the expedition hall. I’m starving and there are food and drink stands there. Let’s grab something to eat.’
You're not really that hungry, but need to do something to occupy yourself and after that encounter with Jensen, you need some sugar. You make your way towards the hall, and wander around trying to decide what to get. There’s plenty on offer, and decide on a pancake with maple syrup, and a Diet Coke, hoping it will calm the butterflies that are zooming around in your stomach. F/N heads off to find somewhere to sit as you go to the stand to place your orders.
Tray in hand, you make your way through the crowd to the table she has found. Dropping down into the seat opposite F/N, you take a small bite of your food. It’s delicious, but your mouth is so dry you find it hard to swallow. You take a sip of the Diet Coke, and try to relax.
The first few bars of ‘Back in Black’ alerts you that you have a text, so you pull your phone from your back pocket.
‘Fucking hell!’ You almost drop it when you see the message. Jensen has actually texted you! What the fuck!? How are you going to respond?
‘Nnnooooo,’ F/N yells snatching the phone off you, almost choking on her pancake. ‘Oh my God Y/N. Answer him!’
You take the phone back off her and hand shaking, type a message back. The responses come thick and fast.
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semirahrose · 7 years
Right so this is one of those meta things and I understand it might take you a while to answer I just wanted to hear your thoughts on it. In season 1 Sam is convinced John hates him and Dean (and a lot of the fandom) kinda seem to shrug it off because John didn't actually hate him he actually really loved Sam a lot and just didn't show it ect. But it's still bad that John made Sam think he hated him right? Like he acted in a way that mad a child think his dad hated him, and that's not okay imo
Gah, this is such an interesting question, and it’s for sure one I’m not qualified to answer, but I’m going to try to give an answer based on what I’ve seen in the show and my own experiences. Because of that, this answer is gonna be subjective like whoa in a number of ways. 
I guess I should say this first: I don’t think it’s necessarily some mistake or sin on John’s part that led to Sam and Dean both believing he didn’t love them. Of course, I think it could certainly be the case, but it’s not the only possibility.
I think, ideally, all parents should be loving, expressive, open, well-adjusted, and accepting of any situation or circumstance they may have to face with their children. Unfortunately, though, parents are human. 
Just like any of us, they have experiences that shape them and hold them back and hurt them and keep them from growing or being the “perfect” parent. Children need support, but the way some parents know to offer it might just not align with what their children need, and for any number of reasons, they might not have the necessary knowledge to seek out different ways to connect, and some of those just aren’t their fault.
John had a lot of roadblocks. I’m not even going to try to claim that he did what was best or even objectively good for his boys, but my own experience growing up gives me insight into the Winchesters that makes me look on both the boys and their father with more mercy and understanding than some of the fandom.
Rambling + personal rambling below. Objectivity went out the window miles back.
Here’s where this ask gets personal: 
For my entire childhood, I wasn’t particularly sure if my dad actually liked me, and I went back and forth on my mom, who could be affectionate when she was around but spent most of the time in her room with the door closed. My childhood was me spending time with my siblings, isolated in the middle of the woods. My divorced and disabled mother raised five of us on $12,000 a year. We didn’t have electricity until I was 14. My dad moved to a different city after divorcing my mother. At first, we saw him on weekends, but then he quit his old job and became a truck driver. During those 8 or so years, we saw him for a few days every month or so. He had no permanent place to live during those years, so when he saw us, we spent time with him in a motel room and ambled over to Waffle House for meals.
Geez, that sounds weird. This isn’t to complain: I had a happy and very fulfilling childhood, and there are many experiences I would never give up for anything.
The reasons I felt out of place and unloved may very well apply to the Winchesters, as well. Years removed from childhood, I’ve had some time to think about my experiences.
My parents grew up in unstable homes with either absent or inconsistent models for parental love. John Winchester grew up without a father, and we don’t know what it did to his mother. Additionally, his war experiences may have made him less likely to open up and/or left him with untreated PTSD. Who knows? In any case, I don’t think the blame for inadequately communicating his love is all on him.
That said, I have many issues with the way he raised his boys. I have no doubt that he believed that he was “preparing them” for what he thought they’d face, but that’s not an excuse.
On the other hand, as a single father with literal demons on his tail, he absolutely had to make some choices parents in the real world would never have to face. Some things he did make sense if you consider the circumstances.
It doesn’t help that John and his sons had either alarmingly similar or very different personalities. With as many siblings as I have, there are plenty of parallels. I’ve seen the dangers of both. Again, in an ideal world, John would have been an adequate caretaker and could have loved and understood his sons as they were, but both natural and supernatural tragedies made that difficult.
I’m having a tough time putting my thoughts into a form that makes sense, so I’m gonna stop here. 
In some ways, I want to blame John (or my parents), because Sam and Dean (and I and my siblings) still struggle every day with issues that took root in our childhoods. 
There are things John deserves blame for, but I’m not entirely sure if his sons’ perceptions of his feelings for them are absolutely one of those things. And if they are, then I think it’s a really complicated situation that can’t just be black or white. Still… as an adult and as a human being, I think John (and all people) have some responsibilities to their children and the world.
If I were ever a parent, I would bring whatever issues I could not resolve on my own or with help into my role as a parent, and though I would do my very best, I would not be perfect. None of us can be. And even if any of us could be “perfect,” it might not be the kind of “perfect” our children would need.
Ack this is such a complex topic. I’m sorry I couldn’t give it all the thought it deserved! I think my own experiences really muddy the topic for me.
Thanks for taking the time to ask, though! I can only hope that something in here might make some sense.
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