#and somehow still has the most gorgeous hair ever? i'm offended.
wrylu · 1 month
cod headcanon that nikolai uses like 18 in 1 shampoo and i won't elaborate
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dweetwise · 3 years
you know the drill. have some fluffy riconti <3
ship: felix x ace warnings: mentioned (past) sexual content word count: 2430
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Where there’s smoke, there’s fire (part 3)
When Felix wakes up, he immediately notices something is off.
There's a brief moment of panic when he realizes he's not in his own bed, the layout of the strange room different than what he’s used to. To make matters worse, someone stirs next to him in the bed, and Felix—
Has his hand on the man's bicep and has apparently slept curled up next to him.
Ace is still asleep, sprawled out on his back on the hotel bed, snoring softly without a care in the world.
Felix recalls last night. There was the fire alarm, and they'd talked while sharing a blanket for warmth. Then, he'd invited Ace up, they'd kissed, Ace had agreed to stay the night…
… And things had escalated to the point where Felix had come in his pants like a teenager.
Felix buries his face in his pillow in embarrassment and silently wishes the earth would swallow him whole. Nothing about this situation is like him at all; usually, he’s careful to a fault, and having a one-night-stand with a man he just met has been something reserved only for fantasies.
But Ace hadn’t seemed to mind. On the contrary, he’d been understanding and even encouraging, not running for the hills despite Felix’s numerous fuck-ups.
Felix peeks up from the pillow and looks at Ace. Something flutters in his gut upon taking in his bedmate's relaxed features while he sleeps. And then something different stirs in his groin when he realizes Ace is shirtless, a lean arm stretched behind his pillow, the duvet only covering half of his hairy chest.
It's embarrassing how much the proximity of a very male body next to Felix is enough to wake his libido, years' worth of repressed sexuality now hitting him full force. He barely resists the urge to reach out and touch the grey curls, not wanting to wake Ace, since they don't have anywhere to be—
Felix bolts up to sit on the bed and frantically glances around the room for a clock, acutely reminded that he's here for business and not a gay escapade.
“Oof!” Ace protests and flinches awake when Felix accidentally knees him in the ribs.
“Sorry,” Felix apologizes half-heartedly, finally spotting the alarm clock on the nightstand next to Ace.
Seeing the numbers 8:40, Felix immediately sighs in relief and slumps back down on the bed. He still has plenty of time before his business appointment.
“Sleep well?” Ace's asks, voice groggy with sleep while he blinks awake.
“Yes,” Felix says. “Uhm… and you?” he asks awkwardly, immediately feeling much more self-conscious now that Ace is awake.
“Like a baby,” Ace flashes Felix a grin but doesn't meet his eyes.
Ace proceeds to sit up, before yawning long and loud, stretching his arms above his head.
And Felix stares like an absolute creep at the way Ace's shoulder muscles move with the action. He wants to run his hands all over them, thanking his luck that they still have time for a lazy morning under the covers.
“Well, I should probably get out of your hair,” Ace says, shattering Felix's daydream. “Leave you to prepare for your important meeting.”
Ace pulls the covers away from himself and turns to get out of bed, and Felix wants to protest—
“No,” Felix finds himself saying out loud, Ace's head immediately whipping around to look at him in surprise.
“I, ehm,” Felix starts, clearing his throat self-consciously. “I have time. If you do too,” he manages lamely.
A smile slowly spreads over Ace's face, making his eyes crinkle at the corners and a familiar warmth sparkle within them.
“It's kinda chilly, huh?” Ace grins, leaving Felix confused.
“Not particularly—” he starts, feeling almost too warm under the thick duvet.
“We should cuddle for warmth,” Ace interrupts before eagerly slipping back between the covers, making realization dawn on Felix.
“You're right,” he says, playing along while trying not to smile like an idiot as Ace scoots closer. “I'm very cold.”
“Well, can't have that, now can we?” Ace smiles, lifting the covers and extending his arm, and Felix gratefully take the opportunity to cuddle up to him.
Sighing blissfully as Ace's arms wrap around him, Felix buries his face in the crook between Ace's neck and shoulder.
Making good of his earlier thought, Felix brings one of his hands up from Ace’s back to smooth over the man’s shoulders. Ace hums in approval and starts petting Felix's hair, and Felix never realized just how nice it is to be held. His few girlfriends were always much more petite than him, and even though Ace is shorter and smaller than him, he's broader and bigger than a woman and Felix feels safe in his arms.
Felix's other hand, on its own accord, comes up to rest on Ace's chest, and it's only when the man huffs in amusement that Felix realizes he's been playing with his chest hair again.
And it suddenly hits him just how weird it is that he's happily cuddling the man he only met technically today without technically even having sex with him.
“This probably isn't how a normal hook-up goes, huh?” Felix realizes, hesitantly stilling the movement of his hand.
“Not really,” Ace chuckles, the sound reverberating in his chest under Felix's hand. “But normal’s boring anyway, don’t you think?”
“I suppose,” Felix murmurs with a smile, doubts successfully reassured. On impulse, he places a soft peck on Ace's neck.
When the other shivers and gasps, Felix pulls back to look at him, startled by the reaction.
“Uh, neck's kinda sensitive,” Ace offers with a sheepish grin.
Well. It sure would be a shame if someone used that information for their advantage later tonight.
“I don't know whether to be turned on or scared,” Ace jokes, seeing the mischievous smile on Felix's face.
“Later,” Felix says, leaning in for a kiss that Ace dodges, Felix's lips landing on Ace's stubbled cheek.
“I promise you don't wanna taste my mouth right now” Ace explains. “It's a distinct combination of booze and death.”
Felix would like to pretend like he's not grossed out by morning breath, but then remembers he didn’t even offer to lend Ace a hotel toothbrush last night.
“Fair enough,” Felix says, settling for kissing Ace's bearded jaw instead.
The prickling under his lips is pleasant and, again, so distinctly masculine. Felix can't help nuzzling into Ace's jawline, his own morning stubble rasping against the trimmed beard.
“Having fun?” Ace teases, returning the gesture, scraping his beard over Felix's stubbled cheek.
“Sorry,” Felix chuckles. “It's just different. In a good way.”
“I'm not judging,” Ace grins. “If you wanna bump your head into me and knead my chest hair like a cat, go right ahead.”
“I'm… a little obsessed, sorry,” Felix says, a hand running through said chest hair once again.
“Baby, a guy with your face? You can do whatever you want with me," Ace purrs suggestively, and Felix feels heat rising up his neck.
“Do you really think I look good?” Felix asks, almost regretting it once he realizes just how insecure he sounds.
Sure, his ex-girlfriends complimented him every now and then, but that's what couples do, right? The kids back in his school years sure didn't make it a secret how "weird" and "boring" they thought Felix was.
“Don't tell me no one ever told you how pretty you are,” Ace grins. At Felix's confused frown, Ace's smile falters. “Fuck me, no one ever told you how pretty you are.”
“People don't generally tend to compliment strangers,” Felix points out.
“They should if the stranger looks like you!” Ace exclaims, now sounding almost offended on his behalf. “Okay, babe, listen. This is important,” Ace says, grabbing Felix by the shoulder and looking straight into his eyes.
“You're gorgeous,” Ace says. “And, yeah, I don’t really tend to be stingy with compliments, but you're easily in the top five of most attractive people I've ever seen in my life.”
“You said this was important,” Felix says with a small smile, trying not to flush from the praise.
“It is!” Ace insists. “You need to know that you're a ten and you can't spend your life picking up fives and sixes.”
Felix frowns, not really seeing where Ace is going with this.
“I mean obviously I'm not referring to myself—” Ace hurries to add. “But if you ever start getting more involved in the hookup scene, you need to set the bar high. Because trust me, you're not gonna run out of options.”
Felix barely resists the urge to tell Ace that he can't see himself sleeping with men that aren't him, but manages to just nod instead so he doesn’t sound too clingy.
He's still flustered that Ace finds him this attractive and isn't afraid of saying so. Maybe it's a cultural thing, the Argentine much more free with his compliments than is customary in Germany.
“So, now that we've established how hot you are…” Ace starts, sensing Felix's awkwardness about being in the spotlight like this. “You probably didn't have the time to check out the breakfast buffet, huh?”
“No, I only got here last night,” Felix says.
At the mention of food, Felix suddenly notices a pang in his belly, signaling an empty stomach. Having only had a couple of pathetic airplane meals for the past 24 hours, breakfast is sounding pretty tempting right about now.
“Well, need some help with that?” Ace suggests.
“Help?” Felix asks, confused.
“You know,” Ace gestures lazily with his hand. “Get all the insider information. Which cereal to pick. Whether apple or orange juice is better. Important stuff.”
Hearing the strange suggestion, something clicks in Felix's head.
“Are you asking if I want to have breakfast together?” Felix asks.
“Is it working?” Ace grins.
“Somehow, yes,” Felix says, and Ace’s smile widens even further.
“I hate to say it, but we should probably get out of bed in that case,” Ace says, sitting up on the bed and taking the cozy warmth of his body away. “I'll swing by my room to freshen up. See you downstairs in half an hour?” he offers over his shoulder, starting to dress himself.
“Sounds good,” Felix agrees, hurrying to get out of bed so he'll have time to make himself look presentable.
Making for the bathroom to brush his teeth, he walks past his phone on the desk, suddenly remembering something crucial.
“Oh,” Felix says, making a nearly-dressed Ace perk up and look at him. “Can I please have your number, just in case? I don't want to lose you again.”
“Aww, babe,” Ace smirks. “The three seconds we were separated by the elevator were hard on me too.”
“You know what I mean,” Felix mutters, shooting Ace a half-hearted glare.
“I do, I do,” Ace defuses with a smile, walking up to Felix with a partially buttoned shirt and extending his hand. “Here, I’ll type it for you.”
As Felix hands over his phone and watches Ace add his number, his gaze inadvertently drifts down to the man's exposed chest. The crumpled, pastel pink shirt combined with the generous neckline exposing a hairy chest should look nothing short of ridiculous and trashy.
Instead, Felix forces his eyes away before his sweatpants start tenting suspiciously. What the hell is wrong with him?
“There!” Ace finally finishes his task and hands Felix back his phone. “Call me?” Ace suggests and—thankfully—proceeds to button his shirt most of the way up.
Felix glances at the number, smiling as he sees "Ace ♠️" as the contact name.
“Cute,” Felix comments when he presses the call button.
“Not as cute as you,” Ace winks, grabbing his own phone that lights up on the nightstand. “Thanks babe, I got it.”
“Do I even want to know what you're saving me as?” Felix mutters, intrigued.
“Oops, would you look at that, gotta run!” Ace grins, avoiding the question and making for the door. “See you in thirty, handsome!”
“Be safe,” Felix reflexively calls after him, and Ace turns and raises an eyebrow, making Felix choke on his own embarrassment. “I mean… yes. See you soon.”
Like he should have said in the first place. You know, like a normal person.
Instead of making fun of him, Ace just smiles in a kind of derpy way.
“Can you stop being so adorable?” Ace teases, but then he's out of the door before Felix can even begin to think of a reply.
Left to his own devices, Felix realizes he only has thirty minutes to shower, shave and get ready for what is essentially his first date with a man.
He hurries to the bathroom and turns on the shower, a flash of shame shooting through him as he spots his previously soiled boxers still drying on the towel rack.
Still, he manages to shower, shave, blow dry his hair and brush his teeth with ten minutes to spare.
But then he runs into his next crisis; what the hell does he wear?
Felix ends up laying all of his outfits on the bed, and yes, five entire outfits might have been excessive for a three-day-trip, but it sure comes in handy now.
Does he wear his work clothes? It might be overdressing for the occasion. He can't wear the leather jacket, since they’re only going to be indoors. Can he go with the t-shirt and vest? Will Ace think he's a slob?
Suddenly recalling Ace has only seen him in his pajamas, Felix realizes anything he chooses to wear is probably a vast improvement.
And then he also realizes he only has three minutes left, having wasted most of his time overthinking his outfit choice.
No small amount of cursing later, Felix manages to dress himself in the casual outfit, only fretting momentarily over whether the jeans are too casual or not. Since he has no time left to gel his hair into place, he haphazardously brushes his bangs over to one side and hopes that it’s good enough.
Barely remembering his keycard, Felix is out of the door with only one minute to spare, power-walking to the elevator.
He pushes the call button, and then pushes it again… and again, when the elevator isn't fucking arriving. He glances at his watch, remembers he didn't remember to put on a watch, sighs and runs a hand through his hair in frustration. But at least the elevator is finally here—
“Fancy seeing you here,” Ace quips as soon as the doors slide open.
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
I saw that you were getting title names for fics. I'll um, just drop this here because I thought of it in a drEAM: I'm Not THAT Cliche
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
current mood: Prinxiety College AU
Virgil finally agrees to a date with Roman after being 92% sure it was a prank that he even asked in the first place
Roman has been pining over the cute artist who painted the most beautiful theater backdrops he’s ever seen for a full year
And he is just so jittery and nervous about finally getting a date that he keeps coming up with more and more ostentatious ways to impress Virgil
Virgil hears the knock on the door, and opens it to see an actual red carpet leading from his flat to the street
There are sprinkled rose petals and glitter everywhere
Roman’s somehow gotten a horse-drawn carriage (probably a theater friend) with yet more roses on the reins and the horse’s ears
He’s wearing a full prince costume from the costume department. Virgil is just in a button-down and nice slacks
Virgil is a little stunned and ready to duck out, but then Roman trips getting out of the carriage and he realizes how nervous he actually is
They get to the restaurant, where Roman’s called ahead and there’s champagne in a fancy ice bucket and even more roses.
(The waitstaff definitely thinks this is an anniversary or a proposal dinner, but that means they’re super attentive)
Once Roman gets distracted enough to not be on edge, the date goes really well - they talk easily, there’s banter and playful teasing, and the food is delicious
Unfortunately, as they’re finishing up, the waitstaff bring out the ‘Congratulations’ dessert with the rings in the decoration and everything
Roman gets incredibly flustered and trips standing up, knocks over the champagne all over himself, and manages to hit the candles so that the roses catch on fire
He’s so ashamed he flees the restaurant without getting his credit card back from the bill
Virgil is upset - he had been really enjoying himself (unexpectedly so, honestly) and could have just laughed over the misunderstanding but now Roman’s gone
(the waitstaff feels bad and the manager comps a large part of the meal as an apology, but Virgil makes sure to leave a good tip anyway)
Virgil wanders into a bar down the street and recognizes a rather disheveled-looking figure at the end of the bar, head in hands
He slides up onto the stool next to him and, with a slight smirk, says “Hey there, gorgeous. You come here often?”
Roman looks up. His hair’s a mess, his costume is still champagne-stained, and his sash is all askew. Glitter also got stuck on his face at some point and won’t come off now.
Nothing fully dampens the sass though
“‘Come here often’? Really? Even I’m not THAT cliche”
Virgil just grins. “I think I lost my phone number, can I have yours?”
Now they’re both smiling, and Virgil just keeps going
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”“I don’t remember where I live, can I come home with you?”
Finally Roman is laughing, and Virgil leans over to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’m so sorry about tonight, it was a disaster”“No it wasn’t. I had a great time. And honestly, I was really intimidated when you first asked me out so… it’s kinda nice to know you’re a huge dork, too”
*offended princey noises that subside into a resigned sigh*
“Plus,” Virgil says with a smirk. “This’ll be a great story to reminisce over on our second date.”
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