#and thought that said remake opened the doors for a cinematic universe
kaythefloppa · 11 months
Wake up babe, Disney is crapping on its own properties by quantifying over qualifying and unnecessarily milking its content dry for the sole purposes of cash-grabbing knowing that it will face 0 marketing consequences for doing so….. again…
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geek-gem · 5 years
Spider-Man Far From Home
This is mostly a reaction just beware. If your looking for a in depth review I don't do those because I don't think I should be a professional critic or something. I'm rambling but also I wanna say @whovian45810 here's my opinion on the film since you wanted to know if I've seen the film or not.
I've just seen the movie. I'm not gonna spoil anything. Including this isn't gonna be a in depth, just a reaction like my other viewings on movies. Because I'm not a professional critic.
But I'll be honest, for some time before this, I felt like I didn't wanna see this movie......I'm being serious. As someone who likes the character of Spider-Man, I did not wanna see a Spider-Man film.
Yet now I've seen it. Now I'll tell you my opinions just remember these are all my opinions. They may change just in case.
I thought the film was alright. Also I did sit through all of the credits. There's a mid credits scene and post credits scene just like the other MCU movies indeed.
Including I'm gonna be honest, I'm kind of torn, if I want the full Spider-Man rights to go back to Sony with this film not making a billion dollars, or want a third film and be done with this MCU Spider-Man trilogy.
Even though I haven't watch FilmJunkee's video I read this film is a close to a billion. Luckily I used the rest of this cash my mom gave me for some pizza. I was home alone Saturday and my mom and her sister came back. My dad and brother are in Alaska till Thursday with neighbors. I still have some cash though.
Back to the point. I'll admit there were some silly moments I liked. Including I'll be honest despite how I felt before the movie. I think Jake Gyllenhaal was pretty good as Mysterio.
Despite I thought ahead of what the twist was. Yet again Jake as Quinten Beck/Mysterio was actually pretty good.
I wanna be ridiculous and say this could be the worst Spider-Man film. But that's bullshit, the reason I mostly say that because and I like this comparison I saw in a YouTube.
The comparison between Godzilla 1998 and the MCU Spider-Man is in name only. While granted the MCU Spider-Man films are way better than the 1998 Godzilla remake. But when you think about it.....I honestly wouldn't mind Sony having the full rights. Yet I hope they don't do more crazy shit like they pulled with Amazing Spider-Man 2 and trying to put so much in to make a cinematic universe.
I'll be honest, compared to what the critics are saying. I still think the best Spider-Man movies are Spider-Man 1 and 2(Even though I love the original more I haven't seen the 2nd in years). Yes Spider Verse was very good. It's mostly nit picks I have with that film. Including Spider Verse is just a very well made movie. I'm just annoyed by a few parts despite it also had some major balls with what it did.
Also I wonder if I'm a Spider-Man fan, I haven't played the PS4 game in months.
Including I found out some spoilers they didn't seem huge when I look at them. The first mid credits scene has a cameo that's surprising when you first see it for real. Yet I remember reading it someone I think on YouTube like Film Gob. The end credits scene I've seen a mention of that, I'll be honest that puts me off but I don't wanna say pissed off.
I'm sorry if I'm not making sense, I'm rambling but I wasn't in love with this film. Including I didn't feel like my happy self when seeing Homecoming for the first time. Especially my opinions changed on Homecoming. I feel it also had to do with me riding with the happiness that Spider-Man is in the MCU.
I'll be honest and I said this on Twitter. In late 2014 when stuff coming out especially the Sony hack and I dubbed it the, "Month Of Spider-Man" because of all those leaks. I was in full support of Spider-Man in the MCU because I was afraid of where the franchise was going. But I've grown up and I should of made my own opinions or so. I feel now having Spider-Man in the MCU is a mistake.
This is also because of Sony and Marvel Studios sharing the rights.
I wanna say they're weren't a lot of people I wanna say it was almost empty or that's how I felt. Despite a group a row of young adults or teenagers saw the movie too. I opened the door when we were getting out of the theater room, thought I be nice and keep that door opened for them.....
It wasn't crowed is what I'm trying to say.
I'll be honest again, despite my nitpicks at the character of the older Peter Parker in Into The Spider Verse. I understand why the character was like that.
But I want a older Spider-Man like a mid 20's or late 20's Spider-Man in Sony's Marvel Universe just googled it, it has two names. I wouldn't mind a 30 year old Spider-Man or the stuff I suggested too.
I'll be honest Crawl looks like scary fun, and I really love Alligators. Hope to that soon. I'm just a guy who doesn't see two films in 1 day. Especially since I didn't finish my medium popcorn, I'm gonna go back to small for right now. Including as a bonus that's cheaper too.
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
The French Mistake
Part 1/? - A Visitor Part 2/? - The Kulturhistorisk Museum Heist Part 3/? - Cutscene Part 4/? - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Part 5/? - Breathless Part 6/? - Escape at Last Part 7/? - Fox in Socks Part 8/? - Things Go Wrong Part 9/? - Downey and Out Part 10/? - Road Trip Part 11/? - Temptation Part 12/? - An Awful Reunion Part 13/? - Unreality Intrudes Part 14/? - A Call for Help Part 15/? - Loki’s Guests
The rescue mission starts off pretty well, actually.  You know, relative to how things have been going lately.
The group’s momentum had already been dampened once, by the downtown traffic.  Now they had another enforced delay, as they stood waiting for the elevator.
“I wonder if there is a way to take souvenirs home from this universe,” Thor mused, as they watched the numbers above the elevator doors count down.
“Why?” asked Steve.  He wanted to forget this place as fast as possible.  His ribs were going to hurt for days.
“Because I’m sure Jane and Darcy would very much enjoy seeing Chris Hemsworth in Ghostbusters,” Thor explained.
Nat scoffed.  “He can’t have been in Ghostbusters.  That movie’s probably older than he is.”
“No, there was a recent remake,” Thor said.
“Really?”  Nat looked interested now.  She liked old movies.
“Oh, yes.”
“Was it any good?”
“I don’t know,” said Thor.  “I have not had an opportunity to watch it, but I know the original is one of the films they considered essential to my education in Earth’s popular culture.”
The floor numbers reached G with a ding, the elevator doors opened onto the mirrored interior, and there was Hayley Atwell.
Steve froze.  He’d assumed – indeed, he’d hoped – he would never see her again.  Once had been more than enough, he didn’t think his strained emotions could take another encounter.  But there she was, as astonished to see him as he was to see her.
“Chris?” she asked.
“Uh, hello,” said Steve.
She reached for his face – it, too, had been banged up where he’d fallen on the stack of chairs, and he had a big scrape down his left cheek.  “Are you all right?” Hayley asked.  “What happened?”
Steve caught her wrist.  He couldn’t let this happen again.  He could not get sucked into the fantasy, because it would only tear his heart out.  “I can’t talk right now,” he said.
“Do you know the police are looking for you?” Hayley insisted.  Natasha and Thor edged into the elevator on either side of her.  Steve looked at them for help, but Nat just rolled her eyes. She still thought Steve ought to have learned from her example.
“Yes, I do,” said Steve, “but we’re kind of in the middle of something.”  He shuffled around her into the elevator.
Hayley turned around and stepped towards him, which allowed the doors to close.  The elevator started going up.  “Who were those people you were fighting with?” she asked.  “They were shooting at you, Chris!  Actually shooting!  They said it did structural damage to the building.  What’s going on?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” Steve said.
“Probably not,” she agreed, “but tell me anyway.”
“I can’t,” said Steve.  “I’d like to, but I can’t.”  It was a real struggle.  Peggy had never doubted anything he’d told her, and it was a heartbreak all over again to have to tell himself that Hayley would think he was insane.
They arrived at the top floor.  There were only two suites on that floor, the Royal and the Presidential.  Both had the doors closed and locked.  Natasha took a pen out of her pocket.  It was a metal one with the Hyatt logo on it – she must have swiped it from the desk downstairs.  She took it apart and pulled a slim metal piece out, and used that to pick the lock.
“Chris,” Hayley said seriously, “if you guys are in some kind of trouble there are lots of people who can help you.  You’re only going to make it worse by doing whatever you’re doing.  I know it’s hard for you to talk to people, but I can promise you that in the long run it’ll be easier than whatever this is!”
Natasha opened the door a crack and put her eye up to it to look.  Steve gave Hayley an awkward pat on the arm, and went to look for himself.
The door of the Royal Suite opened onto a short hallway with a bathroom on the left and a closet on the right.  Nobody was visible, but Steve could hear distant, tinny voices, probably from a television set.  Moving very slowly so that the hinges wouldn’t creak, Natasha opened the door and the group crept forward.  Nat herself walked as quietly as a cat.  Steve could move silently as well when he wanted, although it was difficult when he was limping on a twisted ankle.  Thor was surprisingly light on his feet, and Hayley brought up the rear, tiptoeing.  Apparently as well as Peggy’s eyes and smile, she had her counterpart’s inability to keep her nose out of things.
The little hall opened onto a large room divided into sitting and dining areas.  The former, on the left, had overstuffed couches, shiny wooden tables, and a huge wall-mounted television playing a news broadcast.  The dining area, on the right, had a big oval table with six chairs, under a chandelier that appeared to be made out of shed deer antlers.
On the largest of the sitting area’s couches were three people, arranged awkwardly with their hands behind their back and shackles on their ankles – two men and a woman.  One of the men was Downey.  The woman was the one he’d pointed out in the convention brochure: pretty and forty-ish, with long dark hair.  The other man was a very tall, thin one with blond hair and a long nose.  Silhouetted against the window as he was, Steve could almost see a resemblance between him and the Vision, though it was difficult to imagine the Vision with an ordinary Caucasian skin tone instead of his normal red and green.
It was this man – he must be the Paul who’d been on the phone – who looked up first. He saw the four people in the hall and took a sudden breath in, which made Downey and the woman also look. They made eye contact with Steve and the others, then all three shifted as best they could to look towards the dining area.  Plates and scraps on the table suggested that several people had recently eaten there, but the rest of the room was empty.
Natasha came closer to inspect their bonds.  “Where is he?” she asked softly.
“A group of fans came up to see him,” Downey whispered back.  “He wined them and dined them and now he’s taken them out on the balcony to talk.” His eyes went to the sliding doors across from the dining table.  The curtain was partly drawn, and the sun was on the other side of the building, so no shadows were cast on it.  If voices could be heard through the glass, the television was drowning them out. They would have no warning when Loki came back in.
“He’s gone nuts,” said the dark-haired woman, who must have been Jennifer Connelly.  “Just completely crazy.  He thinks he actually is Loki and that there are aliens looking for him.”
“I fear he speaks the truth,” Thor told her. “We are here to apprehend him and force him to return us all to our own reality.”
“Oh, my god, I’m starting to believe it,” groaned Downey.  “Ten more minutes of this and I’ll believe I’m really Tony Stark and just pull an Iron Man suit out of my ass.  He can probably do that in the comics.”
Natasha reached down between Downey and Connelly and into the interior of the couch.  “It’s a sofa bed,” she said to Steve and Thor.  “Their handcuffs are wound around the struts inside.”
“If we weren’t, we’d be long gone even if we had to hop,” grumbled the blond man. It was the Vision’s voice, but with a disgust behind it that Steve had never heard the android express.
“Where did Loki get all these bonds?” asked Thor.
“From one of the girls at the convention,” said Downey.  “She asked him if he had a use for them and he said yes.  I’m gonna venture a guess that this wasn’t the use she had in mind.”
Natasha looked at the piece she’d taken out of her pen, then slipped it back in her pocket and instead snagged a small cheese knife off the dining table.  “This will do,” she announced, and knelt down in front of the sofa to start working on the handcuffs.
Steve and Thor didn’t need to be told what their part in this revised plan was – without a word, they went to stand on either side of the patio doors.  When they got close enough to see around the curtains, they found Loki on the balcony talking animatedly to three women.  The blonde was wearing a Loki costume of her own, complete with elaborate horned helmet.  The brunette was in a loose green shirt, with a blue and white bandanna tied around her head. The redhead was in a white shirt with green raglan sleeves, with three options printed on it next to boxes as if in a survey: single, taken, and burdened with glorious purpose.  The last option had its box checked.
There was no indication when they were planning on coming back inside.  Natasha already had Connelly’s hands freed, and Hayley had helped Connelly stand so that Nat could get the men detached from the sofa before undoing everyone’s ankles. Hopefully she could free all three before Loki realized they were there.
But of course, they couldn’t be that lucky. Loki put one arm around the costumed woman and the other around the one in the bandanna, and the one in the raglan brought up the rear as they came back indoors.  Steve and Thor tensed as the patio door slid open.
As soon as Loki stepped into the room, Steve and Thor pounced.  They grabbed Loki by the arms and knocked him to the floor before he could react.  That much went very well.  What they hadn’t counted on was the reaction of the three women with him, all of whom leaped to Loki’s defense as soon as they realized what was happening.  The one in the costume started hitting Steve with her sceptre, ordering him to let go. The other two grabbed Thor by the shoulders and started trying to pull him off, the one in the raglan beating on his bicep with her fist.
Normally this would have been a mere inconvenience to Steve and not even that to Thor.  In the current situation it was considerably more.  The sceptre was made of wood and paint, but the girl kept landing blows on Steve’s already bruised ribs, and every time she did, he involuntarily twitched.  The girls attacking Thor were small and had only their bare hands, but there were two of them and they were determined, and one of them had an arm around his neck. He was having trouble breathing.
Natasha and Hayley ran in to help.  Hayley dragged the costumed girl off Steve and held on to her, while Natasha took on both the others at the same time and had them pinned to the floor in seconds.  Steve and Thor pulled Loki to his feet, Steve rather clumsily on his bad ankle, and held him there.
Big man in a suit of armor, Steve had once said to Stark.  Take that away, what are you? Without the armor, Stark was no hero – but here was Steve without the serum, and he wasn’t much, either.  He couldn’t even take a teenage girl in a ridiculous costume, let alone an alien warrior!
Loki had noticed, too.  “So these are Earth’s mightiest heroes!” he sneered.  “Nearly felled by three children!”
“So this is Earth’s would-be conqueror,” Thor shot back, “basking in the adulation of those same children, hiding behind somebody else’s face!”
“I told you I would find a world to rule!” Loki replied, proud.  “This one suits me fine!  I already have followers, do I not?”  He looked at the girls – Hayley still had one, and Natasha was hanging on to the other two.  “Do I not?” he repeated.
“Yeah!” the fans chorused.
“Bettany delivered my conditions,” Loki added, “and they have not changed.  Call off the Chi’Tauri and leave me be, and these posturing thespians will come to no harm. Persist in opposing me, and I shall turn them all into goats and have them pull my chariot!”
“The Chi’Tauri are not here of our doing,” said Thor.  “I would not set them upon my worst enemy, let alone my own brother.”
“Your brother you threw in prison without a second thought?” asked Loki.
“I swear on the ashes of our mother,” Thor said. “I did not call upon Thanos or his creatures.”
Loki paused, then scowled.  “How would they know how to find me here, if not for you? They ought to seek me in our world, and find another wearing my flesh.”
“Is that why you came here?” asked Steve, giving Loki a shake.  “So they’d take him and leave you?”
“Of course not!” said Loki.  “It may not look it, but this world contains all we ever wanted! All any of us ever wanted!”
“Really,” said Thor flatly.  He was not convinced.  Neither, for that matter, were Steve or Natasha.  Steve did wonder what the actors thought of this statement, but didn’t dare take his eyes off Loki to find out.
“Oh, yes,” said Loki. “Do you really need me to explain?”
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