#anti jallie
azurecanary · 4 months
Man, remember when interesting differences between Callie and her boyfriend was "No this is how you achieve a socialist utopia" and not "Actually, homelessness should be criminalised"
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catpucciino · 3 days
One reason I hate Jally is the fact that Dally canonically sees Johnny as a younger brother/a younger version of himself before he was jailed. Dally sees Johnny as an abundance of innocence (I bet HALF of the fandom agrees with that) albeit, this is an inaccurate perception. So shipping them together is weird to me because Dally sees him as a TEN YEAR OLD version of himself. When Johnny died, he saw that as any goodness or purity in this world dying with him. It's kinda weird to me to ship two people, one of whom sees the other as at a very different level of maturity (still an incorrect perception) because it's almost like you could ship ANY brother like relationship. Calling this ship pedophilic or incestuous because of this isn't my point because that's factually incorrect, however with a relationship that's seen as having SOME kind of imbalance being shipped so heavily, that's more of what I have gripes with. Not to mention the musicals new song "little brother" which actively reinforces Dally's perception of Johnny, that of a little brother. Really weird seeing people see this as an "OTP" moment on here.
Don't even get me STARTED on JohnnyBoy with this. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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mirchoff · 4 months
ha ha ha ha ha. i am totally okay!
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lovemurphythe100 · 1 year
Why they so cute together
Hey Nillie shipper out there since noah came out being gay just let you know Jake is her one and only boyfriend .
I truly hope they stay together forever
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boysborntodie · 10 months
My least favourite anti-Jally argument (except for 'JoHnNy'S sIxTeEn', despite the fact Dally is canonically barely any older than him) is that seeing their relationship as possibly romantic/shipping them takes away from their relationship and that 'they can just be friends, not everything has to be romantic'!!
Outsiders is literally an entire book about male friendships and bonds. The boys love the other greasers like brothers. The Curtis brothers' relationship is one of the main plot points in the novel. There's all these moments showcasing the Greasers' relationships (Two-Bit breaking his usually carefree facade for Johnny twice, Steve and Sodapop, Dally taking the blame if Two-Bit), shipping two of the characters together isn't going to take away from the themes of platonic relationships in the novel ffs
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isabelpemberton · 1 year
FAS 3002- WGSN Trend forecast
As part of our initial research, we looked at different WGSN trends that would help build a narrative and to help guide our shapes, details, colours and fabrics. I focused on the S/S 24 trend forecast: Protect and Connect. WGSN describes this trend as "products that feed our sense of wellbeing and security". This worked hand in hand with a maternity clothing line as caring for a new-born becomes the main focus of the mother, working in line with the protect and connect aspect. With a strong focus on practical items that are adaptable and comfortable this was a narrative we wanted to portray within our brand.
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In regards to the colour palette, we had an initial idea of focusing on using neutral tones. The colour palette provided by WGSN ended up working well with our initial idea, with colours such as Oat Milk and Sea Kelp. The use of neutral tones creates a sense of calmness and are easy to look at as they don't provoke emotions. This could appeal to pregnant people as it acts as a contrast from the struggle of childbirth. Neutral tones are also a safe decision as they never go out of fashion. Having much stronger colours is a trend driven decision, having more neutral colours allows for the product to become timeless (Jalli, 2021).
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To increase the functionality of a product it pays off to invest in more lightweight, crease-free and anti-odour fabrics. These factors could be more appealing to people that are pregnant as your body changes throughout pregnancy often causing increased sweating, body temperature and changes in odour (Iftikhar, 2021).
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natlover4ever · 3 years
Gael from Good Trouble is great actually. I love his friendships with Davia, Raj, and Callie. Annoyed that people overlook/hate on him bc they ship Jamie and Callie. Gael’s better than Jamie anyway 😅
Seriously I can’t stand when people hate Callie for “hurting” Jamie - he’s horrible. Callie cares about people, he doesn’t.
Idk if I ship Callie and Gael bc Gael seems way more into her. But I love Gael as a person and I hate Jamie lol
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welldressedllama · 3 years
“Good Trouble” and “All American” for that show/fandom ask thingy por favor??
Wow, you really just came out swinging huh? Asking about my two favorite shows. Go off I guess.
Did you guys ask for explanations? No. Are you going to get them? Abso-fucking-lutely. And by explanations, I mostly just mean me rambling.
“Good Trouble”
Favorite female character - Alice Kwan. That woman is fucking hilarious. And very kind. She deserves the world.
Favorite male character - Gael Martinez. Duh. I mean *waves hand in the general direction of our resident sexy bisexual artist with a heart of gold.* I rest my case.
Favorite season - Season 1. Season 2 was great, and season 3, because this show is just phenomenal, but season 1 was really interesting. Watching Callie deal with her clerkship and the trial and with Marianna forming Byte Club? A+. Plus it was when we were first introduced to all these wonderful characters so for that I will forever be thankful.
Favorite episode - Okay, any episode with the moms is equal parts hilarious and heart-warming. The birthday episodes never fail to be a hoot and a half. I am partial to Malika’s birthday episode though, 2x06 “Twenty-Fine.” No, it is not purely because of Gael dancing to “Hot-N-Fun.” Yes, it is largely because of that. I am but a simple human, do not judge me.
Favorite cast member - I don’t particularly know anything about any of the cast members. I follow some of them on Instagram, and they all seem nice I guess? Sherry Cola’s funny.
Favorite ship - Gael and happiness. My guy has had a real rough go of it for the last *checks watch* ever. Alice and Ruby are kinda cute though.
Character I’d die defending - Alice, because we all know she ain’t gonna do it herself.
Character I just can’t sympathize with - Jamie I s’pose?
Character I grew to love - Davia. I wasn’t a big fan of her in the beginning. She could be rude and annoying, but over the course of the series we’ve seen her big heart and good intentions. And she’s funny, and something about her relationship with her mother just reminded me of me with my parents, so that helped a lot.
NOTP - Callie and bad decisions. Which is a shame, because that’s her most recurring ship. I honestly quite like Callie, and I think she largely has the best intentions, but her execution often leaves something to be desired.
In terms of actual ships though, I’m actually not a fan of Callie with Gael or Jamie. I don’t think I would call either a full notp, and between the two I like Gallie more than Jallie, but I still don’t particularly like Gallie. Callie and Jamie have similar lifestyles and interests, sure, but they’re values are so different. Why the hell is resident progressive Callie Adams-Foster dating ex-Republican-turned-Independent-but-still-very-conservative Jamie Hunter?? Like, it’s always been clear they don’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of things.
“All American”
Favorite female character - Olivia Baker. She has such a big heart and is so human. And Samantha Logan portrays her flawlessly.
Favorite male character - Jordan Baker. No, it’s not just because of his face. I really like the Bakers y’all. Baker twins interactions are the best interactions.
Favorite season - They’ve all been really good? Maybe season 1. This sounds crazy, because I honestly couldn’t care less about football, but I kinda liked how it really followed the team in their journey to state while still showing the other storylines. It felt a bit more straightforward. Seasons 2 and 3 got a little complicated, which makes sense, but there was just something about the simplicity of season 1 that makes me feel all warm and nostalgic. Season 1 did the best jobs balancing all the characters, football, and the drama.
Favorite episode - “Protect Ya Neck” - 2x10. So much happened this episode. A lot of drama, but also, that cotillion?? So much fun. We got to see some rarer dynamics, which was cool. But mostly just for the dance, because hello. And Baker family hugs, my greatest weakness.
Favorite cast member - I don’t know a lot about any of them really. I’ve watched a lot of Daniel Ezra’s “The Hangout” videos with the other cast members, and I think they’re all funny and entertaining and really enjoy their interactions.
Favorite ship - This is not a romantic ship. But a pair that I always really enjoy is actually Laura Baker and Spencer James. It’s rare we really get to see them really interact, but the little things like her hugging him immediately, her saying “the one thing [Billy, Grace, and I] can all agree on is how much we love you” to him in the season 2 premiere, her inviting him to family dinners even after he moves out? Beautiful. It’s very much a familial dynamic, and I just really appreciate it. 
Character I’d die defending -
Character I just can’t sympathize with - Asher’s dad. I think his name’s Harold? Either way, he’s just the worst. No explanation needed. Grandpa Willie isn’t great either.
Character I grew to love - ??? Honestly, almost every character on that show has my heart. I can’t think of one I love now but didn’t in the beginning.
NOTP - Honestly, maybe Ashlivia? Like, don’t get me wrong, they are both very pretty, and they have some cute, fun moments together. But they also have a lot of issues. I’m honestly not a big fan of Asher. He has a lot of potential, but I feel like he doesn’t live up to it. He has a lot to work through, and until he does, I don’t particularly want him with my girl Olivia. I did really like them as friends though.  
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The way this fandom used to unfairly criticize Jack and Sally kind of bothers me
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greeksorceress · 2 years
missing johnny cade, dallas winston and jally on this beautiful morning. 
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azurecanary · 9 months
Freeform is trying SO HARD to get me to ship Jallie and it ain't happening
You can't give me Calron and Callimena back to back and then follow it up with her falling for a conservative corporate lawyer
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chaotically-cas · 3 years
Sad Jally hc's? (Or just do them separate if you dont feel comfy)
I love Jally!! Totally!!
Sad Jally Headcanons
No one ever yells at Johnny not even Dally
But when Dally raised his voice in an argument it breaks Johnny’s heart
& Dallys too
Dally can’t stand seeing Johnny cry, it makes him hate the world
As soon as there is one tear sliding down Johnny’s face, Dally is cursing the world for being so cruel
So Johnny just comforts him by hugging him
Sometimes them two are the only two that bring each other happiness
Whenever they get into a fight Dally is the first to stop the silent treatment because he can’t live with being the source of Johnny’s pain
Johnny too
They both want to destroy everything evil in the world for each other
Which often ends in a lot of pain
They both know each other’s traumas inside & out
The trigger words & everything
When they have a bad day with each other or just in general all they can do is sit in silence & hold each other
Because they are each other’s one constant
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claresedwards · 5 years
I will never understand why people ship Alli and Johnny
I hate Johnny and hate the relationship of Alli and Johnny he was never good and my BABYGIRL Alli deserves better
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therealsehinton · 3 years
@getoughlikeme so basically 😭 there was this really popular jally fic and everyone I know loved it and then it was nearing the final chapters and like for no reason Johnny was called the n word and Dallas was called an n word lover and there were a bunch of anti black slurs 😭😭
And when the author got called out for it he said: my black friends said i could do it 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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poesjumpsuit-blog · 7 years
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Je suis content d'avoir des nouvelles d'une copine d'enfance.. Je pensais à elle quelque fois.
Je la trouve vraiment jolie, et j' étais déja amoureux de elle en ces temps où j'allais à la polyvalente de Windsor pendant que je vivais en famille d'accueil. Je suis encore amoureux d'elle et même plus qu'avant quand je regarde ce qu'elle est devenue.
Elle étais marginale aussi et on passait toutes nos récrées ensemble. On fumait de l’herbe des fois sur les gros rochers devant l’école. Et dans la forêt derrière un étudiant avait tué son ex qui était magnifique mais que hélas, jamais elle ne put atteindre à sa majorité.
J'ai trouvé ce nouveau squat mardi dernier. La maison est à vendre depuis aout. C'est en bord de Loire et un apiculteur artiste vivait ici avant. Il y a des appentis, un garage. La gare est à côté. Une moitié de son domaine à brûlé. Il reste 6 pièces de 200 mètres carré qui peuvent être viables. Encore des chiffres magiques de la QV 66, la tombe de Nefertari ma fontaine de sang qui jalli toujours tel un vin nouveau.
J' écrivais sur les teufs techno la semaine dernière et sur le dieu qui se cache derrière ce mouvement ainsi que les amphibiens  pratiquants du culte ancestral du poulpe visqueux comme mon sperme.
Et voilà que je tombe sur les images de ce poulpe. Enveloppant la cuisse d'une fille; se posant sur les fesses ‘une autre.
Après tout le reste, le tableau et l' hélicoptère. Lana. Voici Marie-Eve et le Poulpe de Lovecraft en photo.
Je ne sais pas encore combien de temps je vais rester ici.
La porte est ouverte et un carreau est cassé. Tout le monde peux entrer ici
et tant que personne ne vient visiter pour acheter, ou pour me squatter salement
tout ira bien. Je devrai mettre une serrure peut-être si je reste ici.
J'ai une grande chambre et si je veux, je peux faire du feu dans les cheminées.
J'ai un lit tout neuf, un divan lit dont j'ai enlevé la housse protectrice anti-crottes de pigeons, et tout est neuf en dessous. L'armature et le matelas.
Je dois soigner la récupération de ma mémoire ancestrale.
Mais j'ai envie de toi Marie-Eve aussi et de te faire l'amour dans le Temple avec moi toujours e Lana avec et les autres filles sauvages.
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