#anything i owe will either be gotten to Tonight or sometime... in the upcoming week
mccnstricken · 6 months
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before i end up insanely busy tomorrow, i'd like to say that if anyone at any time wants to plot anything out w specific muses you're free to DM me! i'm more free next week in comparison to usual, so i'll spend time making a more consistent document layout for all of my muses (and shorten down some of them) that will be easier for ppl to read up on!
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Keanu Reeves x reader (A/n- the first chapter in a while without smut, just some character development. Guy’s this one is so short and its kind of bleh, next week’s will hopefully be better.) (Chapter Summary- Y/n’s date with Daniel turns out not as expected and things with Keanu start evolving into more than just sex.)
Chapter1  Chapter2  Chapter3  Chapter4  Chapter5 Chapter6  Chapter7  Chapter8  Chapter9  
Chapter 10
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One Week Later After Y/n had rushed out of the restaurant to find her way to Keanu’s place, she’d returned late that night to find her parents waiting up for her in the living room, beckoning her to have a seat before she could hurry up the stairs, looking disheveled enough to give herself away. If they didn’t know before, they definitely figured out by then that Y/n had not been with Jillian.
Micheal and Heather hadn’t asked who ‘he’ was though, that was the least of their concerns. What they had done was give her a lecture, one that went well on past three am, about how rude she had been, why it was imperative that she make things right with Daniel and how an occurrence like that one was never to happen again. Through it all, Y/n had only caught the bare minimum and in the end, with her desire to just flop into bed overwhelming her better senses, Y/n had agreed to see Daniel in the upcoming week.
Y/n hadn’t even remembered that she promised to have dinner with him until he called her office to give her details the day before. With not enough time to cancel, Y/n had reluctantly made her way to the restaurant, to what turned out to be......a surprisingly good date. 
Daniel was the perfect gentleman; he listened intently when Y/n spoke, he had waited for her out front at the valet and he was even perfectly polite to the service staff. He was in the middle of telling her about a project he was working on, when he stopped, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “I’m boring you, aren’t I?”
“No,” Y/n chuckled, and she was even shocked at her own honesty. Reaching across the white tablecloth, Y/n her put her hand over his, “I promise, you’re not. I just have no idea of what you’re talking about. But your passionate, and I like that.”
“Thank you,” his grin widened, turning his palm over so he was the one holding Y/n’s hand, her fingers settled in his loose grip, “I’ve always been fascinated by planes, so much so that.....”
When he trailed, Y/n took the opportunity to finish his sentence, “You decided to start designing them?”
Daniel chortled quietly, “I was going to say I learned to fly them, but I felt like it would have made me sound like an asshole. Do you think I’m an asshole now?” He cocked a questioning brow, though a smile still pulled up his lips.
“No, of course not,” Y/n chuckled, knowing exactly how he felt; so often, she’d be reminded that she had everything at her finger tips; money, power, beauty. The things that most people worked their asses off to achieve, had been served to her on a golden platter, and sometimes, it would make her feel undeserving of it all. But her parents would never entertain the thought, and before she was eighteen, Y/n had been conditioned to remind herself that it wasn’t her fault that the world was unfair. It wasn’t her fault that she could fly to Paris and have a jet to herself while most people could only afford economy class to a few states over. It wasn’t her fault, so she couldn’t be penalized for enjoying it. Y/n wasn’t sure if she believed it, but she was sure that there wasn’t really anything else to believe. “People like us, we get things that other’s don’t, and its not fair, but its not really our fault either,” Y/n shrugged, taking a sip from her wine, her other hand still joined with his.
“I guess you’re right,” Daniel’s thumb ghosted her knuckles, and for a minute, he just stared at her, not saying anything.
Feeling his awed gaze, Y/n blushed, hoping the candle light could hide it. For the first time since the start of her date, she thought of Keanu, oddly enough, wondering what it would be like to go on a date with him. They’d never discussed a relationship outside of their sexual encounters, and while he’d said that there wasn’t anyone else, she didn’t expect things to say like that for much longer. Relationships like theirs didn’t last forever.
The thought was suddenly unsettling. Y/n, for some reason didn’t want to think of a time where Keanu would grow bored of her, or where he wasn’t the one siphoning sounds of pleasure from her lips. The thought came out of no where and Y/n didn’t like it, she didn’t want to start feeling something that wasn’t reciprocated. Trying to shake it off, Y/n cleared her throat, “So you fly planes?”
“I do, I actually own a Phenom 300,” his eyes twinkled with the makings of an idea, “You know, I’d like you take you out to see it some time, you could be my co-pilot.”
Y/n glanced away for the briefest second, dragging her deep red lips through her teeth, tying to get a handle on the giddy feeling that had just run through her. “I’d like that,” she said, meeting his gaze again. Re-assuming her confidence,  “So are planes the only thing that fascinates you?”
Daniel shrugged, “Sometimes, but definitely not when there’s something for more intriguing right in front of me.”
Y/n blushed again, exhaling quietly. She didn’t really have a response, but she was very flattered. Maybe things could work out with him after all. 
The rest of the date went by just the same, and it was nearly ten when Daniel cleared their check. They collected her coat at the front and by the time they reached the valet’s station, he was helping Y/n into it, “I had fun tonight,” he beamed, handing over their tickets to two separate attendants. 
“I did too, we should do this again,” Y/n tugged on the belt at the front of her black coat, almost completely hiding her little black dress. Briefly, she checked her phone, quickly replying to a text that Keanu had sent about an hour before, telling him she’d be at his place in a while. Not wanting to seem rude, she hadn't replied to the text upon feeling the slight vibration of her phone on the table. Besides, she had been so caught up in having a good time, that it didn’t even bother her.
Not long after, both their cars arrived; Daniel’s impressive Rolls-Royce glittering impressively in the night, just a foot in front of Y/n’s humming, deep red Jaguar convertible, the top up. They retrieved their keys and after kissing him quickly at the side of her lips Y/n was about to get into her waiting vehicle when Daniel’s words stopped her, “You’re gonna meet with him?”
Taken aback, Y/n tilted her head in question. She hadn't mentioned Keanu to Daniel, ever, how’d he know?  
Taking a couple steps closer, Daniel put his hand on the dip of Y/n’s waist, “I didn’t mean to, but I caught a glimpse of your phone when I gave you the napkin on the night we first met,” he stood nearly toe to toe with her, at least a foot taller than her, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have looked, or said anything,” he turned away momentarily.
“Daniel,” Y/n began, she didn’t want to ruin things with him that soon. But she didn’t want to let Keanu go either, “I-”
“I’m not going to ask you to stop seeing him; its not my place to anyway,” finally, he looked at her again, wetting his lips before going on, “But I am going to do my best to win you away from him. You’re amazing Y/n, and I have every intention of being the kind of man you deserve.”
With that, Daniel leaned down, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips, “I should let you go,” he winked, “Good night, Y/n.”
Still wondering if she’d just gotten plopped into some sort of romance movie, Y/n was still blinking the sensation away, watching as he moved over to his car, standing near the open door, “Goodnight Daniel.”
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It was past two am when Y/n finally untangled from Keanu, shuffling out from under the comfort of his sheets, and his embrace, to go gather her clothes in a reluctant attempt to leave soon. He’d only been back in a L.A for a couple hours by then, having returned to New York after leaving late the week before. Y/n didn’t know why he’d decided to use his weekend off to fly home, but she wasn’t complaining.
Keanu laid in the bed, propped up by pillows; his hair a mess from Y/n running her fingers through it so many times and naked with the exception on the covers draped just above his modesty. His was the probably the only one on the street with lights still on, not that either of them cared. For a minute, he watched her move, Y/n’s hips swaying gently as she shifted around; collecting her stuff. Her hair was a mess too, but not unattractively so and he found himself admiring every curve that he’d had the privilege of touching.
He didn’t know why, but lately, since she’d told him that her parents were trying to set her up with Daniel, jealously had jabbed at his chest. It was completely irrational; Y/n wasn’t owed to him, they weren’t even a couple or anything close to one.
But maybe he wanted them to be?
No, it couldn’t be that.
But maybe-
“You know,” Keanu flipped the covers off, pulling on a pair of sweat pants and stopping Y/n before she could get back into her dress, “You don’t have to leave.”
Scoffing, a hint of a smile tugged at Y/n’s lips. They were deep red when she’d first gotten to his place, but by then, barely a stain of her lipstick remained. “You don’t want me to stay,” she huffed, though, when Y/n shifted to start getting into her dress, Keanu’s calloused fingers loosely circled her wrist.
Okay, so maybe it was that.
First, she gazed at his hand holding hers, then Y/n regarded Keanu through her lashes. There was that feeling again; the swirl of confusion. The buried longing for him to see her as more, the thing that secretly pleaded for him to not let her go and finally, the sinking disappointment things would eventually come to a crushing halt.
“Yes, I do,” with his encouragement, Y/n let her dress fall to the floor again, “Just spend the night with me.”
Sighing, Y/n debated pulling away, but couldn’t really bring herself to do it. She wanted to stay. “That’s not what we do,” she swallowed tightly, letting her hands skim his arms, “But I guess one night can’t hurt.”
Keanu smiled faintly, his arms circling Y/n’s waist, pulling her to him. Lately, he found himself reveling in those quieter moments with her; the sex was good, in fact, it was great, but just being with her was just starting to be more than enough for him. He wanted more of that, and parts of him was saying that she wanted it too, “What would say if I told that I was jealous?”
“Of Daniel?” She furrowed her brows, leaning into Keanu chest, craning her neck uncomfortably to maintain his gaze.
“Yeah,” he breathed nervously, “So?”
What would she say? 
“Why?” Y/n chortled awkwardly, “We’re not even.....you know,” sighing quietly, Y/n’s fingers toyed with the ends of Keanu’s hair, “Ke, what we’re doing, it’s great; but its complicated and-”
“So lets uncomplicate it; let’s go on a date.”
Y/n scrunched her nose, “Together?” 
“That’s how dates work,” Keanu grinned, “Please say yes,” he kissed her forehead, “I know you’re seeing Daniel, but I want us to give this shot,” and I know that I’m better for you, he wanted to add, but opted not to. He’d put himself out for Y/n, but it was up to her in the end.
Hugging him tighter, Y/n pressed her cheek to Keanu’s chest, “I’d like that,” Y/n had hoped she’d sound more enthusiastic, but the possibility of dating Keanu, even if it was what she wanted, only seemed like it would make things more complicated. 
“Good,” Keanu kissed the top of Y/n’s head, breathing her scent. When they pulled away, he still held her in his arms and Y/n stood on her toes, trying to push every unsettling thought out of her mind as Keanu’s lips locked with hers.
As she kissed him, the rest of the night melted away and just like that, she wasn’t about to start dating two men at the same time. She wasn’t trying to please her parents and herself all at once. And in the end, no one would get hurt.
Tagging- @bahpometwolf666  @harrisongslimited​  @a-really-bi-girl​  @paanchu786​  @sdaff2
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frstbiitten · 4 years
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Before, the world didn't offer a notion about the future, every day was different and nothing was planned beforehand, there’s no preparation for what could come next. Now, it was different, she had found a good source of interest and source of money, it was arguably a possible source of income, it was very risky by how brutal and insane it sounded. Beating each other for money, who could do such a thing to have some coins in their pockets? Well, it's unthinkable in a way, but despair is what moves one to do something they never thought possible. There were more people sharing the same shoe and none of them felt lucky to be breathing, it was an obligation to be able to breathe properly. Living, that's what everyone wants, to be able to see the lights of dawn.
She was no exception. If she is alive now it was for something, now there is a reason to not die from hunger or the weather, for she had more will in her spirit. Although, without lying, there were days that preferred to be consumed by worms, to turn into dust in the most painless way possible, that could be considered a gift from fate. Thinking about the death terrified her, knew that one day death will come for her, the indicated day when her body would collapse imminently, her bones, every artery, her own blood, everything will become useless objects without any use. She didn't want that for her, though she doesn't feel exactly alive at all either.
For now, her body was still functional, she could do what almost anyone else could do, but after the first night at "The Box" as some people called it, her muscles begged to rest. The first thing she did with the money she had gotten the first night was to buy a cheeseburger, although what she had won was not too much and she left the rest to manage it in the upcoming days -she had some hope that could get out of this situation in the future, one day-. It has been years since the last time she ate a cheeseburger, something that could placate with the hunger she was constantly feeling, maybe it wasn't the best food or the most nutritious, but at least it felt like a reason to go on long enough until she could continue and rebuild her life from scratch -but had no idea how.
This time she had some company, Lewis accompanied her and worked as a good moment for her sister Clarissa to meet the new girl, they were almost identical, almost the same light skin and they had the same mole under the left eye, although her features were softer. She was almost as tall as him, something that led her to think that they might be twins. Something that she could notice about Clarissa was her muscles, they were firm and accompanied the rest of her anatomy in balance with the rest of her body, she had slightly thicker arms and wide shoulders, she felt some intimidation from such anatomical structure. Such was the intimidation that she later saw in a broken portion of a mirror she had kept in her 'place’. The girl barely had enough muscles to look menacing and the skin on her face seemed too thin as well as pale, as if it were going to break.
"Mmm... I can't believe that a girl like this could have beaten a veteran like she did, can you explain well what happened?" The sister hadn't finished her glass of soda yet and kept insisting with the straw, watching the girl eat the burger somewhat uncomfortable with her presence itself, as if she was from another world and didn’t even know how to look like a human being.
"Well, she, Snowflake, not only struck her skull, but she literally froze her arms out of nowhere and broke them into a thousand pieces, it was like seeing a wild wolf with rabies attacking a moose." yes, that's how it happened, even though the girl still hasn’t reached for the memories of that night, beyond all the blood that had to be removed and the wounds she had to clean, there still are bruises on her stomach and legs.
"Well... I find it hard to believe, she hasn’t reached adulthood yet  and she’s so short, maybe it was just beginner's luck."
"I owe.. nothing... to luck." She mentioned between bites and with a full mouth, observed both before finishing with her burger. Well no, it wasn't beginner's luck at all, and it never would be, she didn't believe in such a thing as luck as it could never prove that it was on her side. In any case, luck owes her more than one could think.
"Okay, valid, let's forget beginner's luck for now."
Lewis' real intentions were that his sister could train Snowflake as soon as she could and have her ready for the next encounter, which gods know when it was going to be but it wasn’t going to be soon. Neither Clarissa nor Snowflake were excited about the idea of receiving such orders, Clarissa wasn’t aware of her brother's decisions. They decided to start as soon as possible with the training so they could have some notion as to how much she could hold, Clarissa seemed to have mastered the concept of throwing someone down, made a demonstration with Lewis - which was surprising and almost leaves him very confused-, she flexed her knees and advanced as fast as she could to wrap his brother's waist with her own arms, she then  proceeded with lifting him a few inches above the ground and pushing him down to the hard ground.
"AAAHHHH SHIIIT, FUUUUCK!!!" Lewis's screams frightened the girl, asked if he would be okay after taking such an intense blow directly the spine, he could only turn on his body and keep screaming in pain, there were even tears in his eyes and began to cry.
"He’s going to be okay, when you least expect it, he’s going to be doing his thing again like nothing has happened."
"Good, because I don't want to kill him with a movement like that."
Between those weeks of training, sometimes she felt that her body could not bear it and they had to stop, the level of sugar in her blood could lower suddenly, feel dizzy or not feel physically strong enough. Years of poor nutrition were doing its effect when she least needed it, from now on she wouldn't have to look into disgusting places for some food. Clarissa was stronger than one could tell at first, was able to lift her brother who was somehow slightly heavier than her, and she had no issue with lifting him off the ground. She was careful when it came to teaching the girl a few new moves, a way to make the opponent lose access to the air stream, such as making the other fall on their back and other techniques as well. The place they chose was what was once a warehouse a few decades ago, this part of the city is suffering from the decline that the country was going through, there were many conditioning factors for such an increase in poverty, even if she did not understand them completely.
The good news is that she could live in a small abandoned apartment, and won’t be too far from the siblings at least, although this one lacked many things. Obviously, the paint was flaunted and there was debris on the ground, the smell of isolation and dead was the first thing that made her regret leaving her lair between the rocks, but it was better to have a roof than have nothing. There were rules: whatever she earned every night, both Lewis and Clarissa would get 15% each, meaning that 30% would be for both of them, while 'Snowflake' would get the rest. There weren't many guidelines to follow, just that she didn't die in the middle of the fight for her own obvious good, and she couldn't try or dare to do business with anyone else who volunteered to help her.
"Good... So ... this is where I'm going to stay?" She looked around, at least the bathroom was still working, it was something, and she would have to search for the exact spot from where such a hideous smell came from.
"Yes, I know it's not a 5-stars hotel, but it's what we could afford." Clarissa mentioned without paying much attention to the girl's discomfort, usually, she didn't often care about anyone but herself.
"Also, if you need anything, we have a phone to give you, it's not the big deal but it was cheap and is  supposedly very resistant to falls and all that." From inside a paper bag, Lewis pulled out a small cardboard box, had no image or inscription that could catch the attention, could it be stolen or a  smuggled product? The girl preferred not to ask questions on the subject, maybe it could have some connection to the mob or something. "You have our numbers if you need something from us, we'll also let you know when we come to pick you up."
Inside the box was a phone which model was a hit a few years ago, the first models that went on sale after those that looked like portable bricks were smaller, the screen had only two colors - gray and black or blue and black-, and this was one of them. With the press of a single button the small device came to life and lit a light gray color, the keys were not divided between each other but were joined by a soft-touch material and easy to press. Better than nothing, she had to remember that everything she would have from now, even though it was almost useless, old or in bad shape, was better than having nothing. She appreciated it.
"Do you think you can fight again tonight? Some people are talking about you since the first night." The girl had not paid much attention to Lewis' voice for being more interested in the new phone, he sighed exhaustively and placed both hands on his hips, while his sister kept her arms crossed and turned her eyes.
"What? Fight tonight?... I think I could do it, although I don't know how it's going to end." Despite the training she received, she still had doubts about whether she could use her powers in the midst of the fight, at some point the ice would come to the rescue from the depths of her cells, it would not be long before the adrenaline took effect and she becomes a real threat t the other rival.
It had been almost two months since the first fight, she would lie if she said that had confidence in her own strength now that her body has begun to change in respect to the muscles, it was an almost imperceptible change to the naked eye, but her arms began to harden and the grip of her hands became firmer than before. She could win, she had the strength necessary and the power to win. That night there was tension in the air, the atmosphere was different, as Clarissa's presence there alerted several spectators, her name is already a well-known one among them, and just by seeing her, memories and rumors came out afloat without saying a single word.
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lovemesomesurveys · 7 years
Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music? Yes.
What’s your favorite season of the year? Autumn and winter.
Do you have pop-tarts in your house right now? Nope.
Is anyone’s birthday coming up? My younger brother’s is this upcoming Saturday.
Does someone owe you over twenty dollars? Nope.
Do you remember who you liked in grade eight? My best friend, Kyle.
When was the last time you burned any part of your body? It happens somewhat when I drink coffee. I never seem to let it cool enough, I’m too impatient.
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? Nope.
Are you dressing up for Halloween this year? *shrug* I’m kind of over that.
Have you ever called somebody dollface? Yeah.
If I gave you ten dollars, what would you spend it on? Knowing me, probably food.
Have you ever thrown food at a stranger in a movie theater? Uh no. That would be incredibly rude.
What are you most excited about right now? Nothing.
Does / did either of your parents serve in the military? No.
Are you somewhat of a perfectionist? I wouldn’t say that.
Do you like sour candy? No. Apart from not enjoying the sour taste, it also irritates my tongue.
Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? I don’t know if I even want to get married, of if the opportunity will ever present itself. I can’t see it. I’m not thinking about marriage stuff or honeymoons.
Do you have Verizon? I do.
What do you do to stay awake when you’re tired? It’s a daily struggle as I’m always tired. I don’t even know why I fight it, really. I just try and keep myself occupied with Tumblr, surveys, TV, Youtube videos, reading, and coloring. I’ll be Tumblr-ing and start to doze off. Sigh. I wish caffeine helped, but it doesn’t. I just drink coffee cause I really like it, and I do need the caffeine even if it doesn’t help with my energy.
Are all nighters something you have grown used to? I used to stay up late pretty often. I was such a night owl. Now, I can barely pull all dayers.
Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving? I don’t drive, and I don’t wear sunglasses. I need regular glasses for all the time, so I can’t wear sunglasses. I can’t afford to have a prescription pair, and adding the transition option is too expensive. I used to have that, though. Let’s be real here, how much time am I really spending outdoors anyway? ...Exactly.
Do you wear your shoes around the house? Nope.
Is there ever a time that you enjoy cold showers? No, actually. Even during the summer I still take hot showers. I can’t handle the cold water.
What clothes are you most comfortable in? My pajamas.
Is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to? No.
What has changed most about you in the past year? Health related things, both physically and mentally.
Are you good at painting nails? No.
Smoothies or slushies? Smoothies.
Are you good at filling silence in awkward situations? I’m the worst with awkward silences.
Ignoring nutrition, could you live off veggies for the rest of your life? Oh gosh no. I’m really not a veggie person. I like a select few, but I hardly ever eat those even. I don’t like them enough to eat just that for the rest of my life. Or any one thing, really. I need variety.
Elaborate on a way you have volunteered? I’ve volunteered at homeless shelters, a nursing home, an environmental nature center place, and club related things when I was in the psychology club in college.
Do you use a full length mirror daily? Not daily, no. I do have one in my room on the back of my door, though.
Can you walk in heels, or do you feel awkward in them? I cannot.
Any TV shows you sit down weekly to watch? Yeah, there’s a few.
Does anybody know about your sex life other than your partners? I don’t have one to speak of, but even if I did I wouldn’t want to share that aspect of my life with anyone.
Even if you don’t like politics, do you still have opinions on the issues? Of course. I keep up with things and have my opinions, I just choose to stay quiet about them for the most part.
Are you one to sneak food into movie theaters? Sometimes. Theater food is expensiveeee.
Will you tell someone if there’s something in their teeth? It’s always awkward because I don’t want to embarrass them, but at the same time I know it would be more embarrassing if I didn’t tell them and they went around like that all day. I usually just make a subtle motion to my mouth or teeth or something in a way that lets them know they have something on their teeth without actually saying so. 
Do you ever actually make your bed? I may toss the sheet back over, but I don’t do it in a neatly manner.
Do you make an effort to eat healthy? Ha, no. I’m horrible.
How are things between the person you like / love / are with? Non-existent. We have talked or hung out since last September.
Where did you sleep last night? My bed.
The last time you kissed someone, what color of shirt were they wearing? I don’t recall.
What year do / did you graduate? I graduated college back in 2015.
What kind of booze did you last take shots of? I don’t remember.
What’s something you want to purchase next time you’re at the mall? I have a few things I want to pick up for my friend as super late birthday and Christmas presents.
Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yes.
If you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? Hmm. I don’t know.
If you had to choose between a million dollars or to be able to change a regret? A million dollars. It would help out a lot for my family and I, and we’d also be able to some leisurely activities like travel. That would be nice.
Are you taller than your mom? Nope.
Have you ever been around someone who was high? Yes.
Do you prefer to take your showers at night or in the morning? I prefer to at night.
Think back to June. Were you in a relationship? Nope. I don’t have to think back, I’ve been single for a very long time.
What’s so special about what you’re wearing? Nothing. I’m wearing pajama pants and a long sleeved shirt.
Do you have any ‘naughty’ photos on your phone? No, and I never have.
Could you handle living with a male roommate? I’m not sure about the whole roommate thing in general. I live with my family, and that’s what works best for me right now. It’s what I like.
What were you doing at 10:00 this morning? Tumblring.
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? Because? We don’t talk anymore, really. We haven’t since last July, and before that it been about three years. The most we do now is a “like” on Facebook or Instagram now and then.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? Not romantic feelings, no.
What do you miss the most about your past? I miss my childhood. I miss when my health wasn’t how it is now. I’ve always had health related issues throughout my life, but it wasn’t like how it is now. I also didn’t let it get to me like I do now. I’m so weak now compared to the person I was years ago.
When is the next time you will kiss someone? I have no idea.
Has anyone taken their shirt off in front of you? Yeah.
Plan on getting drunk or high tonight? Nope. I don’t drink anymore, and I haven’t smoked for about three years now.
In the past week, have you cried hysterically? Yes.
Do you think you’ll actually live a happy life with somebody? I would like to find that, but it doesn’t seem like it’s the cards for me.... I feel like I’ll never have that.
Are you on birth control? No.
Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No.
Last time you were really happy? I couldn’t even tell ya.
Do you tend to fall for players? Well, Joseph was. I just tend to fall for people who don’t feel the same way about me. Even if they seem interested and it seems like it might go in that direction, it doesn’t. I’m not worth that leap, I guess. They lose interest.
Why aren’t you in ‘love’ with your last ex? Because I have moved on.
Have you ever asked a boy for advice? Yeah.
Are youwrapped in a blanket? No. I’m actually kind of warm at the moment.
Did you get a full 8 hours of sleep last night? No. I don’t know the last time that I have gotten that much sleep.
Have you spoken to your mother today? Father? Yes to both. I speak to and see them everyday, we live together. I’m close with them, especially my mom.
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