#asparagus during pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Is It Safe To Eat Asparagus During Pregnancy?
Is It Safe To Eat Asparagus During Pregnancy? #Is #It #Safe #To #Eat #Asparagus #During #Pregnancy #nutrition,asparagus #health #benefits,benefits #of #asparagus,health
Asparagus during Pregnancy can be a delightful addition to your diet. This versatile vegetable provides a burst of flavor and offers numerous health benefits. Asparagus supports the healthy development of your baby. Folate is essential during Pregnancy as it aids in forming your baby’s neural tube and helps prevent certain birth defects. So, enjoy this vibrant green veggie as part of your…
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Harry having to get the missus a plate of food at catering during her early pregnancy and bring it back to his dressing room. “Respectfully if I go in there and get a whiff of something off, this will no longer be our little secret” he’s all “yes ma’am, what do you want?” And she’s all “bland food, anything that will actually stay down.” So he goes to catering, balancing two plates of food, trying to figure out things she will like. He gets a whiff of the asparagus and gets nauseous and thinks well not that, if I’m nearly vomiting, that’s a hard no. He’s mindful of what he’s gonna eat, knowing that her nose has been especially good at sniffing out smells, even if they are far far away.
PLEASE THIS IS PERFECT 🥺 He would be so careful picking out different things he thinks she'd want. Definitely being like, "If I can't stand the smell, it's definitely a hard no." He settles on some soup, bread, and cheese because that usually hits the spot and works well. And maybe she's been craving (and able to stomach) fruit lately so he makes her a little fruit salad and of course gets her a sparkling water. I could see him smelling everything he puts on his plate first, to make sure it's not too strong and won't make her feel sick when they eat together.
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divawomenshospital · 2 years
When you are breastfeeding your baby, you must ensure that you give enough nutrients to your baby as it helps in promoting baby’s growth and health. You might be wondering what type of foods and drinks would be best for you while breastfeeding your baby. If yes, then this blog has so much useful information that can be considered by you while breastfeeding your baby. Also learn how it affects the quality of breast milk and the health of your baby. Are you looking for the best maternity hospital in Ahmedabad? If yes, then connect with Diva Women's Hospital as they are specialized in this field. 
A mother's nutrition while breastfeeding
There are some things that must be considered by women while nursing a baby. You must follow the food pyramid so that you can get enough nutritious food and include items such as fruit, dairy products, multi-grains, vegetables, and protein food like meat, eggs, nuts, seafood, beans, etc. You must also maintain a regular eating schedule and must not skip any meal. In addition to that, you must consume breakfast which is packed full of proteins, vitamins, and nutrients. To keep your energy on a higher level, keep snacks such as dry fruits. Grapes, yogurt packs, and peanut butter with you to fulfill alternate cravings. You can also drink a smoothie as it is very good for your and your baby's health.
What To Eat For A Breastfeeding Diet?
Folic Acid: Folic acid is highly essential for pregnant women, especially for postpartum care. This element helps in preventing your baby from birth defects and continues to protect him/her after delivery also and encourages the baby's growth. Therefore, Folic acid is known as a friend to your heart and a pregnant lady must have 500 micrograms of folic acids each day. For dinner, include black eyed peas, and asparagus on your plate or sautéed spinach in your meal. 
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Multivitamins: You must also consume enough multivitamins to be fit and to give a healthy and good life to your baby as well. Furthermore, it will also help you to get relief from the stress and anxiety that women often experience post-delivery. If you also feel the same excessively, then get in touch with your OB/Gyn doctor as soon as possible to avoid bigger health issues. If you are from Ahmedabad or nearby Ahmedabad, get in touch with Diva Women's Hospital, one of the best women's hospitals in Ahmedabad.
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Calcium: If you are not having enough calcium, then be ready to face severe health issues especially related to your bones. If you are having calcium deficiency, then there are higher chances that your baby may face the same. Therefore, make sure you consume enough calcium while breastfeeding your baby so that it can nourish your baby's bones and nervous system. Start with a healthy breakfast and include broccoli, cheese, and yogurt in your daily diet. Consult with the best dietitian if you are over or underweight.
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Plenty of fluid: You might have heard that having excessive water boosts your milk supply but this is a myth. There is nothing like that, hence you must consume plenty of fluids such as milk, juices, and water. This helps pregnant women be hydrated and fit as well as body recover from the physical stress of childbirth rapidly and offers more energy. Therefore, sip water every time you nurse or pump to keep your baby hydrated and yourself as well.
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Omega 3 fatty acids: Pregnant women should consume fish as the more fish they eat, the more omega fatty acid they will get. This is highly essential for your baby's health, brain, and eye growth. Furthermore, this also decreases the chances of heart disease and cancer. You can consume walnuts as it is packed with Omega. Also, include flaxseed to oatmeal and omega-3 fortified eggs in your daily breakfast.
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Looking for a consultation regarding how you can take care of your baby during and after pregnancy? If yes, then book an appointment with Diva Women's Hospital. 
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nurvinaari1 · 2 years
Most Powerful Tips Stay Healthy During Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is one of the most difficult yet the loveliest time for a lady. Getting great consideration during and after pregnancy is vital. Great consideration helps in the development of child and the mother to remain sound during and after pregnancy. There are a few significant ways proposed by  gynecologist in hiranandani hospital in Thane that keeps you and your kid sound and fit. Here we will discuss 6 most significant ways.
Eat good food:
Food is the main piece of our lives. Eating healthy food is very important during pregnancy as you are taking care of your kid too. In this way, eating supplement rich food assists your kid with developing further in the belly. As well as drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day, you ought to eat five or six even dinners with a lot of folate-rich food sources, as braced cereals, asparagus, lentils, raw grain, oranges, and squeezed orange. There are sure food sources that ladies ought to try not to eat while pregnant.
Try not to eat:
Crude or uncommon meats
Liver, sushi, crude eggs (additionally in mayonnaise)
Delicate cheeses (feta, brie)
Unpasteurized milk
Crude and unpasteurized creature items can cause food contamination. Some fish, in any event, when cooked, can be destructive to a developing child since they're high in mercury.
Work out:
Staying active in pregnancy is significant for your overall wellbeing and can assist you with decreasing pressure, further develop flow, and lift your state of mind. It can likewise energize better rest. Take a pregnancy class or stroll no less than 15 to 20 minutes per day at a moderate speed — in cool, concealed regions or inside to forestall overheating. Pilates, yoga, swimming, and strolling are likewise incredible exercises for most pregnant individuals, however make certain to check with your PCP first prior to beginning any activity program. Hold back nothing of activity most days of the week. Pay attention to your body, however, and don't go overboard. Kegel practices fortify the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, guts, and uterus. Done accurately, this basic activity can assist with making your conveyance more straightforward and forestall issues later with incontinence. The greatest aspect: Nobody can perceive you're doing them — so you can rehearse Kegels in the vehicle, while you're sitting at your work area, or in any event, remaining in line at the supermarket.
This is the way to do them right:
Work on pressing like you're halting the progression of pee when you utilize the restroom
Hold for three seconds, then unwind for three
Rehash multiple times
Take Multivitamins:
Taking an everyday pre-birth multivitamin can assist with guaranteeing you get the perfect proportion of the key supplements you and your child need during pregnancy. These incorporate folic corrosive, iron and calcium. Counsel your primary care physician prior to beginning your multivitamins. Ladies ought to get ordinary pre-birth care from a medical services supplier. Mothers who don't get customary pre-birth care are substantially more prone to have a child with low birth weight or different inconveniences. If accessible, think about bunch pre-birth care.
Stop liquor and smoking:
Adjusting a solid way of life assists you and your kid with becoming sound. Sound way of life incorporates great eating routine and customary activity and stopping liquor and smoking during a large number of and even while you breastfeed your kid. Smoking and drinking increment the gamble of abrupt baby demise condition (SIDS), untimely birth, premature delivery and other unfortunate results. Drinking liquor builds the gamble of having a child with deadly liquor range jumble (FASD). FASD can cause strange facial highlights, serious learning inabilities and conduct issues.
Liquor can affect a child's wellbeing in the earliest phases of pregnancy, before a lady might realize she is pregnant. Accordingly, ladies who might become pregnant likewise shouldn't drink liquor.
Get a lot of rest:
Rest assumes a significant part in your day-to-day existence schedule. What's more, during pregnancy lady ought to have no less than 7-9 hours of rest so the kid and the mother get adequate measure of rest they need. Mother ought to rest on her left side as it assists in blood with streaming and development of the kid. Rest likewise helps in your pressure. Lessening pressure is pivotal for further developing birth results. Pregnant ladies ought to keep away from, however much they can, distressing circumstances. Enlist your friends and family to assist you with overseeing pressure in your life.
Remain clean and deal with your cleanliness:
Keeping yourself clean is additionally something imperative to do during and after pregnancy as the kid's invulnerable framework is exceptionally low and can get any infection. So incessant had wash and dealing with your as well as of your kid's cleanliness is vital to keep both the mother and the kid solid.
You should be more mindful and dependable during and after pregnancy as you are liable for your as well as your kid's wellbeing. So, keep every one of the significant ways of remaining sound during and after pregnancy, assuming you actually get any issues or any sort of intricacy during and after pregnancy contact Dr. Sujata Rathod..
To Know More Or Consult: +91 9869174139
Hiranandani Hospital Hamilton ‘B’, Hiranandani Estate, Off, Ghodbunder Rd, Patlipada, Thane West, Maharashtra 400607
Life Care Polyclinic, Shop No. 138, Vedant Shopping Complex, Kores Road, Vartak Nagar, Thane(W) -400606
Rosa Vista, Godhbunder Road Opp Suraj Water Park, Maharashtra 400607.
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probiotics-blog · 14 days
Microbial Mastery: Optimizing Health with Probiotics
Probiotics have become a central focus in the pursuit of optimal health. These beneficial bacteria, often referred to as "good" or "friendly" bacteria, offer a range of health benefits, from improving digestion to enhancing immune function. This blog explores the concept of microbial mastery and how incorporating probiotics can lead to better health outcomes.
What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide health benefits when consumed in adequate amounts. They are naturally found in various fermented foods and can also be taken as dietary supplements. The most common probiotic strains belong to the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genera, each offering unique health benefits.
Digestive Health Benefits
Probiotics are best known for their role in supporting digestive health. They help maintain a balanced gut microbiome, which is crucial for optimal digestion and nutrient absorption. Probiotics can alleviate symptoms of digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, and constipation by promoting a healthy gut environment.
Immune System Support
A significant portion of the immune system resides in the gut. Probiotics enhance immune function by stimulating the production of antibodies and enhancing the activity of immune cells. Regular consumption of probiotics can reduce the risk of infections and improve the body's overall defense mechanisms.
Probiotics and Mental Health
The gut-brain axis is a complex communication network linking the gut and the brain. Probiotics can influence this connection by producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which play a role in mood regulation. Studies have shown that probiotics can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, highlighting their potential mental health benefits.
Women's Health and Probiotics
Probiotics play a crucial role in women's health, particularly in maintaining vaginal health. Certain Lactobacillus strains can prevent infections by balancing the vaginal microbiota. For more information on probiotics tailored to women's health, consider exploring resources like Nook.
Skin Health and Probiotics
Probiotics also contribute to healthier skin by reducing inflammation and supporting the skin's natural barrier. They can help manage conditions such as acne, eczema, and rosacea by promoting a balanced gut microbiome and reducing systemic inflammation.
Cardiovascular Benefits
Probiotics impact cardiovascular health by helping to manage blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Some probiotic strains produce compounds that lower blood pressure, while others reduce cholesterol absorption in the intestines, promoting heart health.
Choosing the Right Probiotics
Incorporating probiotics into your diet can be done through food and supplements. Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso are excellent natural sources of probiotics. Supplements come in various forms, including capsules, powders, and liquids. When selecting a probiotic, consider strains that address your specific health concerns and look for products with a high colony-forming unit (CFU) count for maximum effectiveness.
Building a Probiotic-Rich Diet
Creating a diet rich in probiotics involves more than just adding fermented foods. It’s also important to include prebiotics, which are non-digestible fibers that feed beneficial bacteria. Foods such as garlic, onions, bananas, and asparagus are great sources of prebiotics and can help ensure your probiotics thrive.
Probiotics in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, maintaining a healthy microbiome is essential for both maternal and fetal health. Probiotics can help manage common pregnancy-related issues such as constipation and gestational diabetes. They also play a role in reducing the risk of preterm birth and promoting a healthy immune system in newborns.
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ultrasoundtrainers · 1 month
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hyldgaardaldridge14 · 1 month
Nutrition is a fascinating subject that keeps scientists busy around the clock. There is a lot of interest in how nutrition operates within the human body and doctors and scientists are becoming more and more interested in these facts. The following tips are some of the more interesting highlights that have been well documented.
Rice and beans, when combined together, create a near perfect protein source. If you are a vegetarian, this can be especially important. Simply make these two things ahead of time and add a little cheese for added flavor. It is a cheap and easy way to get the good nutrition that you need. The most important part of most foods you buy in the grocery store, is the label on the back. Taking the time to read the nutritional values on the packages before you buy, helps toinsure that you are making the right choice for yourself and the ones you love. For cancer prevention, try adding more plants to your daily diet. These are versatile enough to go anywhere from a salad to a soup to a stew to even a smoothie. Try eating green things like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, asparagus and more to get a vast array of nutrients. Also, add things like fruits and nuts for a huge boost to prevent cancer. When making your plates of food, be sure to use a very small plate. The small plate will be full so it will trick the brain into believing that you are consuming more food than you actually are. This means that you will feel full after consuming less food. Do you often feel sluggish during the day? Your diet may be to blame. If your meals contain a lot of fat, you may want to re-think what you are eating. Try instead to eat small meals often. These meals should be low-fat sources of protein with complex carbohydrates. Eating several, healthy mini-meals will help keep your energy level up. Berries, pears and peaches taste great when pureed and are a healthy snack. This allows you to create a spread that tastes sweet on chips and is also good for dipping pretzels. With so many different seasonal fruits available, feel free to mix and match them to keep things lively and explore new flavors. Using cream in recipes may make your food taste really good and rich, but it will also make your waistline expand. Try substituting the cream with silken tofu. It still has the creamy texture, but it offers other benefits such as some extra protein into your favorite home-cooked meals. Be aware of what you drink. Avoid any drinks that contain alcohol or sugar, replacing them with water, low-fat milk or tea. Sugary drinks are packed full of empty calories that add no nutritional value to your diet. Drinking one sugary drink a day can cause you to put on unnecessary weight, and increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. If you are a big coffee drinker, try switching to decaf coffee. Decaf coffee is low in calories and can help you with your coffee cravings. If you need to add items to your coffee, such as sugar or milk, be sure to use the healthiest options available: for example, skim milk or sugar substitute. You should try to create your own snack box for your office. Keep your healthy snacks available to you. If 제철식단표 have your own snacks, you will be less tempted to eat any of the unhealthy snacks that may be available from vending machines in your office. If you are running low on snacks, be sure to replace them before you run completely out. It can be hard to maintain proper nutrition during pregnancy when you're feeling tired, so plan ahead for days when you just don't have the energy to cook. Take advantage of those days when you are felling good to make a second tray of lasagna or a double batch of chili to freeze for later use. There is still so much to learn about nutrition, as it's a science that is, truly in its infancy. But what is well understood today, is already solid. People enjoy taking an active role in their own health matters. Learning a bit more about how nutrition works, can be rewarding, in so many ways.
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riteshmadmax · 9 months
Shatavari Powder Benefits: 7 Reasons Why All Men and Women Must Try It
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Introduction In a world where wellness is paramount, the search for natural remedies and supplements is unending. One such gem that has gained popularity in recent years is Shatavari powder. Derived from the roots of the Shatavari plant, this herbal remedy is revered in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits. In this article, we will delve into the seven compelling reasons why both men and women should consider incorporating Shatavari powder into their daily routine.
The Origins of Shatavari
Ancient Ayurvedic Wisdom Shatavari, scientifically known as Asparagus racemosus, has been an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Its name, "Shatavari," translates to "one who possesses a hundred husbands," indicating its ability to promote vitality and well-being.
Natural Nutrient Powerhouse Shatavari is rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals like potassium, iron, and zinc. These nutrients play a crucial role in maintaining overall health.
Shatavari Powder Benefits for Women
Hormonal Balance Women often face hormonal imbalances during various stages of life. Shatavari powder can help regulate hormones, ease menstrual discomfort, and alleviate symptoms of menopause.
Fertility Booster For women trying to conceive, Shatavari is believed to enhance fertility by supporting the reproductive system. It can improve the chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy.
Digestive Health Shatavari promotes digestive wellness by soothing the digestive tract and reducing acidity. It can help alleviate common gastrointestinal discomfort.
Immune Support A strong immune system is vital for women's health. Shatavari's immune-boosting properties can help the body fend off infections and illnesses.
Shatavari Powder Benefits for Men
Vitality and Stamina Men, too, can benefit from Shatavari powder. It enhances vitality, increases stamina, and may improve overall sexual health.
Conclusion Incorporating Shatavari powder into your daily routine can be a wise choice for both men and women. Its ancient Ayurvedic roots and a wide array of health benefits make it a valuable addition to a holistic wellness regimen. Whether you seek hormonal balance, improved fertility, digestive health, or increased vitality, Shatavari powder has something to offer.
Now that you've discovered the compelling reasons to try Shatavari powder, it's time to embark on your journey towards better health and well-being.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Is Shatavari powder safe for daily consumption?
Yes, when taken in recommended doses, Shatavari powder is generally safe for daily consumption. However, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Can Shatavari powder replace prescription medications for hormonal imbalances?
Shatavari can complement conventional treatments, but it should not replace prescribed medications without consulting a healthcare provider.
How should Shatavari powder be consumed for maximum benefits?
Shatavari powder can be mixed with warm milk, water, or added to smoothies. Follow the dosage instructions on the product label or consult a healthcare practitioner for guidance.
Are there any side effects associated with Shatavari powder?
Shatavari is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort. It's essential to start with a low dose and monitor how your body responds.
Where can I purchase high-quality Shatavari powder?
You can find Shatavari powder at reputable health food stores, online retailers, or through Ayurvedic practitioners. Ensure the product is from a trusted source for the best results. Remember, individual experiences with Shatavari powder may vary, so it's essential to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on its usage.
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risetomastery · 9 months
Nutrition for Women: A Practical Guide to Eating Well
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A Comprehensive Guide to Women's Nutrition for Optimal Health Why Women Have Special Nutritional Requirements Key Nutrients Women Should Emphasize How Nutrition Needs Change Throughout A Woman's Life Healthy Eating Guidelines for Teen Girls Nutrition Priorities During Pregnancy Menopause Nutrition Strategies Healthy Aging Dietary Guidelines Benefits of a Largely Plant-Based Diet Two Lifelong Healthy Habits: Physical Activity and Adequate Hydration The Bottom Line on Women's Health Meal Planning Tips for Healthy Eating Key Nutrients for Strong Bones Across a Woman's Lifespan The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Ideal for Women's Health Nutrient-Dense Foods to Help Women Meet Iron Needs Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget Simple Snack Ideas to Curb Hunger Takeaway Message on Women's Lifelong Health References 
A Comprehensive Guide to Women's Nutrition for Optimal Health
Eating well is essential for women's health and wellbeing at all stages of life. What we put into our bodies has a tremendous impact on our energy, mood, disease risk and quality of life as we age. This in-depth guide explores women's unique nutritional needs and provides science-backed advice for healthy eating during every phase from puberty through menopause and beyond.
Why Women Have Special Nutritional Requirements
Women's nutritional needs differ from men's in significant ways due to hormonal differences, the demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding, and changes through key life stages. Here's an overview of the key factors driving women's specialized needs: Hormonal Effects Women experience major hormonal fluctuations during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. These hormonal shifts affect everything from mood to metabolism. Consuming adequate nutrients can help balance hormones for optimal wellbeing. Higher Iron Needs Due to blood loss during menstruation, women require up to twice as much iron daily compared to men. Insufficient iron causes anemia and fatigue. Importance of Calcium Estrogen helps women absorb and retain calcium more efficiently before menopause. Calcium supports bone health, which declines rapidly after estrogen drops during menopause. Folate for Fetal Development Folate requirements surge prior to and during pregnancy to lower the risk of neural tube birth defects. Adequate folate intake remains important during the childbearing years. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Carrying and nursing a baby significantly increases nutritional needs for nutrients like protein, omega-3s, choline, iodine, magnesium and B vitamins. Nutrient Absorption Changes Gastrointestinal changes as women age can result in decreased absorption of key nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, B12 and iron over time. Given these varied needs, it's clear women must take special care to tailor their dietary choices to their current life stage for optimal wellbeing.
Key Nutrients Women Should Emphasize
While all essential vitamins and minerals are necessary, research shows women commonly fall short on the following key micronutrients: Iron Iron enables red blood cells to carry oxygen efficiently. Inadequate iron causes fatigue, weakness and impaired cognition. Women aged 19-50 need 18 mg daily. Meat, seafood, spinach, lentils, fortified cereal and tofu are good sources. Calcium Calcium maintains bone strength. Low bone density raises fracture risk as we age. Women aged 19-50 need 1000 mg daily from yogurt, milk, kale, broccoli, cheese, calcium-set tofu, sardines with bones and fortified plant milks. Folate Folate forms new cells and prevents neural tube defects. Childbearing aged women need 400 mcg daily from leafy greens, asparagus, legumes, avocado, beets, oranges and nutritional yeast. Folic acid from fortified foods and supplements is more bioavailable than food folate. Vitamin D Vitamin D aids calcium absorption for bone health. Low levels are linked to diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases. Get your daily 600 IU from sunlight, fortified milk/juice, mushrooms and fatty fish or consider a supplement. Magnesium Magnesium regulates hundreds of bodily functions including blood pressure, blood sugar and PMS symptoms. Women need 320 mg per day from spinach, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, kefir, almonds, black beans, avocado, dark chocolate and bananas. Omega-3s These healthy fats lower inflammation and heart disease risk while aiding fetal brain development. Aim for 500 mg EPA/DHA daily from fatty fish, walnuts, ground flax/chia seeds and algae supplements. Antioxidants Antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and polyphenols fight free radicals that cause cell damage. Eat a rainbow of vegetables and fruits to meet needs. Berries, citrus fruits, broccoli, leafy greens, tomatoes and nuts are top sources. Getting enough of these nutrients from whole food sources should form the foundation of every woman's daily diet. Supplements can fill in gaps when needed.
How Nutrition Needs Change Throughout A Woman's Life
A woman's nutrient requirements fluctuate based on growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding and hormonal changes. Understanding these shifts enables proper nutrition during each life stage. Childhood Adequate protein, calcium, vitamin D and iron support growth and development. Establish healthy eating patterns like eating breakfast, getting 5 servings of fruits/vegetables daily and limiting junk foods. Puberty & Adolescence Rapid growth demands more protein, vitamins D and C, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. Extra calcium and iron are critical. Set the foundation for lifelong nutrition habits like preparing nutritious meals and snacks. Early Adulthood Eating nutritiously, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight in the 20s/30s boosts lifelong health. Consume a balanced diet with adequate iron, calcium and folate. Limit alcohol and salty, sugary processed foods. Pregnancy Prenatal vitamins with iron, folate and DHA safeguard mom and baby. Increase protein, vitamins A/C/B6/B12, magnesium, omega-3s and choline. Stay hydrated. Avoid alcohol, unpasteurized dairy/juice and raw meat/eggs. Breastfeeding Nursing moms need extra calories, protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium and iodine. Drink to thirst and munch on nutrient-packed snacks for energy. Calcium and vitamins D/A are still important after pregnancy. Perimenopause Hormone shifts may increase PMS and menstrual changes. Balance hormones and mood with whole grains, healthy fats, phytoestrogen-rich foods like flaxseeds and soy, plus B vitamins, magnesium and vitamin D. Menopause Estrogen drop increases heart disease and osteoporosis risk. Emphasize bone-protecting calcium and vitamin D. Eat heart healthy fats, manage stress and body weight. Be vigilant about getting enough iron, vitamins B12 and D. Postmenopause Nutrition vigilance is vital as appetite and absorption decline. Cook with bone broth for calcium. Consume magnesium and zinc-rich foods. Keep bowels regular with fiber. Supplements may be warranted if needs aren't met through diet. No matter what stage a woman is traversing, paying attention to evolving nutritional needs is the foundation of lifelong health and wellness.
Healthy Eating Guidelines for Teen Girls
Establishing healthy eating patterns during adolescence sets the stage for proper nutrition during adulthood. Here are diet tips for thriving teens: Make Nutritious Foods the Mainstay Construct balanced meals and snacks from whole foods like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein, legumes, nuts, seeds and dairy. Limit sweets, salty snacks and sugary drinks. Power Up with Iron Menstruation increases iron needs. Young girls should regularly eat iron-rich meat, poultry, oysters, pumpkin seeds, white beans, lentils, spinach and iron-enriched cereal. Vitamin C boosts iron absorption. Pile on Phytochemical-Rich Produce Phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables act as antioxidants, support hormone health and protect growing bodies. Strive for 2-3 servings of fruit and 2-3 servings of veggies daily. Maximize Bone-Building Nutrients Consistently eating calcium and vitamin D rich foods like yogurt, cheese, milk, leafy greens, nuts, fortified juice and salmon facilitates maximum bone mass accrual. Hydrate Healthfully Water is best. Limit excess calories from sugary bottled teas, sports drinks, juices and sodas. Caffeine shouldn't exceed 100mg daily from sodas, coffee, tea or energy drinks. Portion Perfectly Moderate portions of nutritious foods ensure adequate calories for growth without excess weight gain. Practice mindful eating by paying attention to hunger/fullness cues. Develop a Nutrition Game Plan Collaborate as a family to meal plan, grocery shop, batch prep breakfasts & snacks, limit eating out and have wholesome dinners together. Modeling healthy habits at home is powerful. Equipping teen girls with fundamental nutrition knowledge positions them for a lifetime of wellness. Establishing healthy habits now pays dividends across their lifespan.
Nutrition Priorities During Pregnancy
Maintaining excellent nutrition during pregnancy benefits both mother and developing baby. Here are diet priorities for expectant mothers: Energy Balance Weight gain should follow recommended guidelines. Only increase calories by 300 per day in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters as needed to support baby's growth and Hungry for 2." Supercharge Micronutrient Intake Eat folate, iron, calcium and omega-3 rich foods. Take a prenatal vitamin with iron and 150 mcg iodine. Iodized salt, dairy, seafood and eggs also supply iodine for fetal brain development. Amp up Protein Choose protein sources like poultry, fish, eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds daily. Protein is vital for baby's cellular growth and placental development. Stay Hydrated Drink when thirsty to allow for increased blood volume and amniotic fluid. Water, fruit/veggie juices, milk, soups and decaf tea all contribute to fluid goals. Limit caffeine and avoid alcohol. Satisfy Cravings and Food Aversions Wisely Give in to cravings in moderation by choosing healthy versions like fruit instead of candy or yogurt instead of ice cream. Discuss severe aversions with your doctor. Practice Food Safety Avoid raw fish/meat, unpasteurized juices/dairy, raw sprouts, deli meats and smoked seafood to prevent foodborne illness. Handle, store and reheat foods properly. Wash all produce. Meeting increased nutritional needs through a balanced, whole food diet plus supplementation positions mothers-to-be for safe pregnancy and delivery.
Postpartum Nutrition for New Moms
Nourishing the body after giving birth is essential. Here are nutrition tips for recovering from delivery and adjusting to motherhood: Replenish Nutrient Stores Continue taking your prenatal vitamin and emphasize iron, folate, fiber and magnesium rich foods to recoup depleted nutrient reserves following delivery. Rehydrate Thoroughly Drink to satisfy thirst and enrich milk supply. Water, fruit juices, soups, herbal teas and low-sodium broths temporarily replace caffeinated/alcoholic beverages. Nourish Exhausted Bodies New moms need about 400 extra calories daily. Snack frequently on hummus and veggie dippers, smoothies, nuts and seeds, full-fat Greek yogurt and cheese for energy. Feed Hungry Babies Breastfeed on demand to stimulate ample milk production. Stay hydrated and keep quick, nourishing snacks like bananas, boiled eggs, oatmeal and applesauce on hand. Boost Nutrients Important for Lactation Eat plenty of vitamin C, A and B rich foods. Seafood, nuts, avocados and olive oil provide DHA for baby's brain. Consider an omega-3 supplement too. Heal Completely Before Rigorous Exercise Postpartum yoga, walking and low-impact cardio can begin once approved at 6 week follow-up. Build back intensity gradually. Rest to recover. Seek Personalized Supplement Recommendations Talk to your doctor about supplements like probiotics, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium or iron that may enhance your postpartum nutrition regimen. Optimal post-delivery nourishment coupled with ample rest, hydration and a gradual return to exercise promotes full recovery for mom and baby.
Menopause Nutrition Strategies
Fluctuating hormones during perimenopause and menopause affect energy, mood and health. Strategic dietary changes can ease common symptoms. Choose Complex Carbohydrates Whole grains, starchy vegetables and fruits provide steady energy. Limit refined grains, sugar and alcohol which cause blood sugar crashes and exacerbate symptoms. Increase Plant Protein Beans, lentils, tofu and tempeh support heart health and hormone balance. Limit red meat linked to heart disease and diabetes risk. Embrace Estrogen-Containing Foods Phytoestrogens in flaxseeds, soybeans, oats, apples, carrots and alfalfa help minimize hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. Fortify Bones Boost calcium and vitamin D to compensate for bone loss from dropping estrogen levels. Weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercise also helps. Stay Hydrated Drink at least 8 cups of fluids like water, herbal tea and diluted fruit juice daily. Dehydration worsens menopausal discomforts. Practice Mindful Eating Make time to sit down and savor nutritious meals. Control portions and avoid mindless snacking in front of screens which can lead to weight gain. Targeting menopausal symptoms with nutrition and lifestyle interventions promotes thriving through this transitional life phase.
Healthy Aging Dietary Guidelines
Advancing age brings changes in nutritional needs. Here are tips for mature women to eat well and age vibrantly: Know Key Nutrient Recommendations RDA guidelines provide daily targets for nutrients like calcium (1200mg), vitamin D (600 IU), vitamin B12 (2.4mcg over age 50), and vitamin B6 (1.7mg over age 50). Cook with Nutrient-Rich Ingredients Whip up dishes that incorporate fatty fish, leafy greens, mushrooms, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains and fruits and vegetables of all colors. Address Chewing and Swallowing Issues Difficulty with eating due to dental problems or swallowing issues increases malnutrition risk. Choose soft, moist, pureed foods. Discuss significant issues with your doctor. Remain Physically Active Aerobic, muscle strengthening and balance exercises help maintain strength and mobility needed for daily living. Adequate protein intake preserves muscle. Discuss Supplements with Your Physician Absorption issues mean many older adults can benefit from supplements containing vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and omega-3s. Ask your doctor for guidance based on your needs. Tweaking nutrition and lifestyles appropriately facilitates healthy aging, longevity and improved quality of life.
Benefits of a Largely Plant-Based Diet
Emphasizing wholesome plant foods offers myriad benefits for women throughout adulthood. Here's a closer look: Lower Risk for Numerous Chronic Diseases Plant-based diets are associated with decreased inflammation which underlies conditions like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer and osteoporosis. Healthy Gut Environment Fiber nourishes gut microbiota which then produce beneficial compounds that reduce inflammation and improve gut barrier integrity. This promotes good digestion and immunity. Ideal Weight Management Higher fiber and lower calorie density aid sustainable weight management. Fiber improves satiety while fruits and vegetables have fewer calories than many processed snack foods. Increased Antioxidant Intake The wide array of antioxidants, polyphenols and phytochemicals in plant foods reduce free radical damage that can lead to premature aging and disease. Blood Sugar and Insulin Regulation Higher fiber content blunts blood sugar spikes. Polyphenols may also improve insulin response and sensitivity thereby reducing diabetes risk. Cardiovascular Protection Soluble fiber lowers LDL cholesterol. Nitrates in vegetables improve blood flow. Carotenoids reduce oxidation and inflammation which underlie heart disease. Lower Environmental Impact Choosing plant-based proteins over meat vastly reduces carbon emissions plus land and water usage making this a diet with sustainability benefits. A predominantly plant-focused diet centered around whole foods clearly offers today's woman superior nutrition for optimal health.
Two Lifelong Healthy Habits: Physical Activity and Adequate Hydration
Along with proper nutrition, two lifestyle factors—regular exercise and optimal hydration—are vital for a woman's health across her lifespan. Make Physical Activity Non-Negotiable Aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity activity like brisk walking. This lowers risk for numerous chronic diseases and age-related declines in mobility and cognition. Any movement counts, so take the stairs, walk around while on the phone and limit sedentary time. Drink Up for Wellness Carry a water bottle as a reminder to sip frequently. Let thirst guide intake. Fluids are essential for energy, organ function, blood pressure, body temperature regulation and metabolism. Read the full article
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pushkarajayurved · 10 months
The Benefits of Shatavari Kalpa for Puberty, Fertility, Pregnancy, Menopause & Much More
Shatavari Kalpa, an ancient Ayurvedic Formulation has gained significant popularity in recent times for its remarkable benefits on women's health, particularly in the areas of fertility, pregnancy, and menopause. Derived from the roots of the Asparagus racemosus plant, Shatavari when shatavari roots are formulated with the sugar in scientific procedure it is called as shatavari kalp its help in traditional medicine to support and nurture women's well-being through various life stages. In this informative blog, we will explore the science-backed benefits of Shatavari Kalpa and how it can play a transformative role in enhancing women's health.
During the significant phase of puberty, marked by intricate physical and emotional changes, the potential benefits of Shatavari Kalpa shine. Derived from the Shatavari plant, this traditional Ayurvedic remedy offers hormonal balance, easing mood swings and promoting clear skin. Its adaptogenic properties help manage stress, nurturing emotional well-being. Laden with essential nutrients, it fosters healthy growth, bone density, and immune strength. However, expert guidance is crucial for its safe utilization. Shatavari Kalpa emerges as a natural support for a smoother journey through adolescence.
Fertility Support:
Shatavari Kalpa is widely recognized for its potential to support fertility in women. The herb is believed to have adaptogenic properties that help balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycles, and enhance reproductive health. It can be particularly beneficial for women facing challenges with irregular menstrual cycles or hormonal imbalances. By promoting hormonal harmony, Shatavari Kalpa creates a conducive environment for conception, making it a natural and gentle approach to fertility support.
Pregnancy Wellness:
During pregnancy, women undergo significant physiological changes that can sometimes lead to discomfort and imbalances. Shatavari Kalpa is a go-to remedy for pregnant women, as it is considered safe and beneficial for both the mother and the growing baby. Its anti-inflammatory properties help alleviate common pregnancy-related issues such as morning sickness, bloating, and digestive discomfort. Additionally, Shatavari Kalpa nourishes the uterus and promotes healthy lactation, making it valuable during the postpartum phase.
          Lactation, a vital aspect of motherhood, finds natural support in Shatavari Kalpa. Derived from Asparagus racemosus roots, this Ayurvedic remedy holds promise for breastfeeding mothers. Its phytoestrogens stimulate milk production while its calming effects ease stress, potentially enhancing milk flow. Shatavari Kalpa's nutrient-rich composition, including vitamins A, C, E, and minerals, benefits both mother and baby. Natural and devoid of additives, it offers a safe option. Consultation with a healthcare professional remains prudent before integration. In sum, Shatavari Kalpa presents a natural ally for lactating mothers, aiding their nurturing journey.
Menopausal Relief:
Menopause marks a transitional phase in a woman's life, often accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and hormonal fluctuations. Shatavari Kalpa's adaptogenic and estrogen-modulating properties can help alleviate these symptoms and bring relief to menopausal women. It supports hormonal balance, reduces the intensity of hot flashes, and improves overall well-being during this transformative time.
Immune System Support:
Apart from its specific benefits to women's health, Shatavari Kalpa is known to strengthen the immune system. A robust immune system is essential for women at every stage of life to fight off infections and maintain optimal health. Regular consumption of Shatavari Kalpa can bolster the body's defense mechanisms, promoting overall wellness and vitality.
General Well-being:
Even beyond its direct impact on fertility, pregnancy, and menopause, Shatavari Kalpa can contribute to women's overall well-being. Its apoptogenic properties help the body adapt to stress, reducing the negative impact of everyday challenges. Additionally, Shatavari Kalpa's antioxidant content protects the body from oxidative stress, which can be beneficial for long-term health.
Lactating Mothers:
Lactating mothers, pivotal in nurturing their infants, must prioritize their well-being during this significant phase. Shatavari Kalpa, a natural remedy derived from the Shatavari plant, has garnered attention for its substantial advantages. Renowned in Ayurvedic traditions, it proves particularly beneficial for lactating mothers. Acting as a galactagogue, it boosts milk production, vital for mothers facing supply challenges. Rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, and minerals, it elevates the quality of breast milk, nourishing both mother and baby. Additionally, Shatavari Kalpa supports hormonal balance, reduces postpartum fatigue and stress, and offers anti-inflammatory relief during breastfeeding. Consulting healthcare professionals before integrating it into a regimen remains prudent. In essence, Shatavari Kalpa empowers lactating mothers to enhance their well-being, ensuring optimal nourishment for their infants.
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gynecologytreatments · 11 months
Stay hearty and healthy during pregnancy by following these simple tips
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Pregnancy marks the onset of parenthood. We often think that we only become a parent after the birth, but it really starts at conception. During the phase of pregnancy, everything we eat, drink, breathe, say, think… becomes relevant in a whole new way altogether.
You probably know some of the basics about taking care of yourself and the baby. Don’t smoke. Don’t drink. Get your rest. The list goes on and on…There are do’s and don’ts for everything. But, instead of following a set rulebook, and stressing yourself out even more, just keep in mind that staying healthy comprises of simple efforts carried out every day. Here are some handy tips, that can help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Take prenatal vitamins daily
Even when you’re still trying to conceive, it is the right time to start taking prenatal vitamins. Your baby’s neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the first month of pregnancy, so it’s important you get essential nutrients, like folic acid, calcium, and iron, from the very start. Plan an exercise chart
Staying active is a must for most moms to be. Regular exercise will help you control your weight, improve circulation, boost your mood, and help you sleep better. Pilates, yoga, swimming, and walking are all great activities for most pregnant women, but be sure to check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Listen to your body, though, and don’t overdo it.
Know about latest trends
Even if this is not your first child, attending a childbirth/prenatal class will help you feel more prepared for delivery. Not only will you have the chance to learn more about childbirth and infant care, but you can ask specific questions and voice any concerns. You’ll also become more acquainted with the facility and its staff. This is also a good time to brush up on your family’s medical history. Talk to your doctor about problems with past pregnancies, and report any family incidences of birth defects.
Practice Kegels
Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support your bladder, bowels, and uterus. When done correctly, this simple exercise can help make your delivery easier and prevent problems later with urinary incontinence. It is a very convenient and easy exercise and can be done daily.
Practice squeezing as though you’re stopping the flow of urine when you use the bathroom.
– Hold for three seconds, then relax for three.
– Repeat 10 times.
Track your weight gain
In pregnancy, the common notion is to eat for two people. But packing on too many extra kilos may make them hard to lose later. At the same time, not can gaining enough weight can put the baby at risk for a low-weight birth, a major cause of developmental problems.
Go shoe shopping
As your body grows, so may your feet. This happens due to natural weight gain throwing off your center of gravity, putting extra pressure on your feet. Over time this added pressure can cause painful over-pronation, or flatten out the feet. You may retain fluids, too, which can make your feet and ankles swell. To prevent these problems, wear comfortable shoes with good support.
Folate-rich foods are a must
Folic acid is crucial for the baby’s neurological development and vital for the creation of new red blood cells.  It is a smart choice to start eating plenty of folate-rich foods like fortified cereals, asparagus, lentils, wheat germ, oranges, and orange juice.
Recharge with fruits
Most doctors recommend limiting caffeine during pregnancy since it can have harmful effects on you and the baby. Cutting down can be tough, though, especially when you’re used to your morning cup. For a quick boost up, try nibbling on some fruit. “The natural sugars in fruits like bananas and apples can help lift energy levels.
Fly smart
According to clinical experts, mid-pregnancy, around 14 to 28 weeks, is usually the best time to fly. By this time you’re probably over morning sickness, and the risk of miscarriage or early delivery is low. Still, check with your doctor about any travel plans, and make sure the airline has no restrictions for pregnant women. While on the plane, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and get up and walk around every half hour to reduce the risk of blood clots. An aisle seat will give you more room and make trips to the bathroom easier.
Know when to call the doctor
Being pregnant can be confusing, especially if it is your first time. How do you know which twinge is normal and which one isn’t? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you should call your doctor if you have any of these
– Pain of any kind
– Strong cramps
– Contractions at 20-minute intervals
– Vaginal bleeding or leaking of fluid
– Dizziness or fainting
– Shortness of breath
– Heart palpitations
– Constant nausea and vomiting
– Trouble walking, edema (swelling of joints)
– Decreased activity by the baby
Get regular prenatal care
Begin prenatal care as soon as your pregnancy test result is positive, when you decide you want to conceive or when you suspect you might be pregnant. You can start by seeing your regular doctor, but will likely want to transfer to a specialized prenatal care doctor as your pregnancy progresses. As long as you are undergoing a normal pregnancy (according to your doctor), your scheduled prenatal appointments should follow this timeline:
See your physician every four weeks until you are 28 weeks pregnant
See your physician every two weeks from the time you are 28 weeks to 36 weeks pregnant
See your physician once a week (or more often, as per your doctor’s instructions) after the 36th week of pregnancy
Indulge Yourself
You may think you’re busy now, but once the baby is born, you will have even fewer precious moments to yourself. Treating yourself to a pedicure/manicure, spending time with friends, or simply taking a quiet walk can help you relax and de-stress, and that’s good for both you and the baby.
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swardpark · 11 months
Asparagus Good for Pregnancy
Are you pregnant and looking for ways to stay healthy and nourished? If so, you may be wondering if asparagus is a good choice for your diet. Asparagus is a nutrient-rich vegetable that can provide many health benefits during pregnancy. In this article, we’ll explore the potential benefits of asparagus for pregnant women and provide tips on how to incorporate it into your diet. Read on to learn…
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healthoncheck · 11 months
How To Tackle Pregnancy Mood Swings
Many people’s lives are transformed by the joy, optimism, and excitement they feel when they learn they are expecting a child. Additionally, it includes subtler shifts on a mental and emotional level. For instance, a pregnant woman’s emotions might range from pure delight to unbridled rage.
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Fluctuations in hormone levels, morning sickness, stress, physical changes, and so on can all have a role in influencing one’s emotional state. Therefore, most pregnant women experience extreme changes in mood over the nine months they carry their child. If this is you, you need to know that you are not alone.
Pregnancy Mood Swings: What Are They?
Mood swings during pregnancy might vary from one woman to the next and even from one pregnancy to the next for the same woman. During pregnancy, one woman may have mild mood swings, irritability, and crabbiness, while another may experience explosive rages and wrath. These emotional upheavals are typical and even to be anticipated in both circumstances.
What to Do When You Experience Mood Swings?
Mood swings during pregnancy affect every pregnant woman differently. Each expectant mother, however, may significantly lessen the influence of mood fluctuations on her daily life by adhering to the advice given below.
Commit To A Regular Exercise Routine
For healthy pregnant women, modest workouts are often recommended. Engaging in physical exercise helps the brain make endorphins, chemicals that make you happy. These hormones, like morphine, stimulate opioid receptors in the brain, reducing pain and producing a feel-good effect. Thus, most forms of exercise, such as swimming, indoor cycling, low-impact aerobics, etc., are safe for pregnant women to engage in to reduce the frequency and severity of mood swings.
Get A Good Night’s Rest Every Night
It’s crucial to be ready for the mood fluctuations that might occur after 30 weeks of pregnancy due to sleep disruptions. A lack of sleep during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and the psychosocial impacts of pregnancy.
Medical professionals typically recommend sleeping on one’s left side, with one’s knees tucked slightly under one’s chin. Sleeping on your back for long periods of time is dangerous to your unborn child’s health since this position cuts off blood flow to the uterus and the oxygen it supplies. A maternity cushion, white noise machine, meditation app, and lavender aroma can also help you get a good night’s rest when pregnant.
Optimize Your Diet
Did you know that maintaining a balanced diet is crucial in combating mood swings and enhancing your well-being? A shortage of key nutrients might cause an unwelcome reaction. To that end, all pregnant women, early and late in their pregnancies alike, should consume:
Produce: broccoli, spinach, red sweet peppers, carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, and asparagus (for vitamin A and potassium)
Fruits such as grapefruits, apples, pears, berries, kiwis, pears, pears, pears, and oranges (for potassium)
Yogurt, milk, and other dairy products: fat-free or low-fat (for calcium, potassium, vitamins A and D)
Granules or Cereal Grains (for iron and folic acid)
Beans, almonds, seeds, salmon, trout, herring, sardines, and pollock are all great protein sources.
Source: https://www.healthoncheck.com/how-to-tackle-pregnancy-mood-swings/ 
Read How To Tackle Pregnancy Mood Swings
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eastsidewriters · 1 year
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divawomenshospital · 1 year
Benefits Of Folic Acid During Pregnancy
We all are aware of how good nutrients are essential for the expecting woman and her baby. Folic acid is a human-made version of folate, a B Vitamin that plays several roles in the human body. Folic is vital because it can prevent some major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine. In order to keep the baby healthy, consumption of folic acid is super important and helpful. 
Many of you would not be aware of Folic acid, so let us know about it and how it benefits you and your baby. 
What is Folic Acid?
Folic acid (or folate) is a B-vitamin (B9) found mostly in dark green vegetables like broccoli and spinach, legumes such as beans and peas, and enriched grains. The folic acid is extremely important for the growth of the neural tube. The lack of folic acid causes deficiency in RBC that stops the development of the neural tube. 
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What is a neural tube?
The neural tube is one of the first things your baby will grow. It will become your baby’s brain and spinal cord and the bones that enclose them. The neural tube is formed in the first four to six weeks of pregnancy. 
A neural tube defect can happen when something goes wrong in the development of a baby’s neural tube. This can cause a range of disabilities including loss of bladder and bowel control, and paralysis of the legs. In some cases, the effects can be more severe.
What are the neural tube defects?
Neural tube defects are birth defects that involve incomplete development of the brain and spinal cord. The most common neural tube defects are:
Spina Bifida- when the spinal cord and spinal column don't completely close.
Anencephaly- when the skull, scalp, and brain do not form properly
Encephalocele- when brain tissue protrudes out to the skin through an opening in the skull
These defects happen during the first 28 days of pregnancy. That is usually before a woman even knows that she’s pregnant. 
What are the benefits of Folic acid?
Folic acid helps the body to make new cells, including red blood cells. People who do not get enough folic acid may develop a condition called folate deficiency anemia. People who have this condition; their body cannot make enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. The deficiency of red blood cells can affect many aspects of health, including organ functions. A woman needs more folic acid than usual if she is expecting as it helps the fetus to grow and develop.  
Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should get at least 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) of folic acid daily before conception and for at least 3 months afterward.
When to take folic acid?
If you’re planning to get pregnant, you should start taking folic acid supplements, even before you start trying. This is because the neural tube defects occur early in development, often before you learn that you’re pregnant. 
Half of the pregnancies are unplanned, hence experts recommend that anyone who can get pregnant take folic acid supplements. It ensures that even if a pregnancy is a surprise, the neural tube defects are likely to be low. 
You should take a supplement with 400 micrograms of folic acid per day from 12 weeks before you become pregnant through to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Although if you’re confused about how much folic acid you should be taking, you should consult a doctor or your healthcare provider. Take help and guidance from the doctor and intake folic acid supplements accordingly. 
Apart from this, it is also vital to eat healthy food that contains folic.
Good sources of folate include:
Dark green leafy vegetables - spinach, lettuce, asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli
Sunflower seeds
Fresh fruits & juices 
Whole grains
You must be wondering if there are any side effects of the folate or folic acid. 
Are there any risks from Folic acid?
Generally, when taken orally, and at appropriate doses, folic acid is safe. If you consume too much folic acid your body gets rid of any excess in your urine. 
Some people may experience minor side effects from taking the supplements like:
Bad taste in your mouth
Loss of appetite
Disturbance in sleep pattern
Signs of an allergic reaction to folic acid:
Skin rash
Difficulty in breathing
Folic acid or folate is very important to intake. Make sure you do! Consult us at Diva Womens Hospital for maternity care or fetal medicine. 
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How to Deal with Gastrointestinal Complications in Pregnancy?
Home solutions for easing gas during pregnancy
Numerous ladies experience gas during pregnancy. It typically disappears all alone, yet home cures can assist with facilitating inconvenience and lessen the amount of gas. In case of an emergency do go for a Wellbeing scan Clinic in Cardiff.
While it is difficult to forestall gas during pregnancy, a few safe home cures proposed by Baby Scan Offers in Cardiff can lessen gas and ease distress. A large number of these forestall blockage, which essentially adds to gas.
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1. Drinking a lot of water
More significant levels of progesterone during pregnancy can slow assimilation and cause gas.
Drinking water previously or after a feast assists the stomach with processing food. Any undigested food passes into the small digestion tracts, where microorganisms separate it, creating gas all the while. Remaining hydrated can, hence, assist with decreasing the development of gas. As recommended by a Baby Gender Scan Clinic of Cardiff, Hydration can likewise forestall clogging, one more reason for gas.
2. Staying away from specific beverages
Certain individuals experience gas when they drink refreshments containing the accompanying fixings:
• Carbon dioxide
• Cola and different soft drinks
• Carbonated caffeinated drinks
• Shining (bubbly) waters, including carbonated water
• The additional sugars or counterfeit sugars in many carbonated beverages can likewise add to digestive gas. Go for the best Baby Scan Packages in Cardiff from Window To The Womb Clinic.  
3. Keeping a food journal
During pregnancy, numerous ladies decide to eat a more empowering diet. Numerous energizing food varieties told by specialists of a Private Ultrasound Scan Clinic of Cardiff are wealthy in fiber, and adding them to the eating routine can build how much gas for the time being.
Food sources that contain oligosaccharides include:
• Beans
• Cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Brussels sprouts
• Asparagus
4. Eating more fiber
It is essential to drink a lot of liquids while taking on a high-fiber diet.
Though high-fiber food sources can increment gas temporarily, after some time they help to diminish clogging, which is a significant reason for digestive gas.
If an individual is changing to a high-fiber diet, the accompanying methodologies of a 4D Well being scan Clinic of Cardiff can assist with forestalling transitory expansions in gas:  
• Raising the fiber consumption bit by bit over a time of months.
• Eating just little parcels of high-fiber food sources to permit adequate time for absorption.
• Biting food completely with the goal that it is simpler for the stomach to process.
• Drinking a lot of liquids, guarantees that there is sufficient water to relax stringy stools.
Also Read: How to cope with morning sikness during pregnancy?
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