#asparagus health benefits
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Is It Safe To Eat Asparagus During Pregnancy?
Is It Safe To Eat Asparagus During Pregnancy? #Is #It #Safe #To #Eat #Asparagus #During #Pregnancy #nutrition,asparagus #health #benefits,benefits #of #asparagus,health
Asparagus during Pregnancy can be a delightful addition to your diet. This versatile vegetable provides a burst of flavor and offers numerous health benefits. Asparagus supports the healthy development of your baby. Folate is essential during Pregnancy as it aids in forming your baby’s neural tube and helps prevent certain birth defects. So, enjoy this vibrant green veggie as part of your…
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discoverybody · 2 months
Asparagus As A Natural Remedy
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Asparagus is a versatile and nutritious vegetable with several health advantages. Its high vitamin content, which includes vitamins A, C, E, and K, promotes immunity and protects against chronic ailments like as heart disease and cancer. Asparagus is also high in folate, making it ideal for pregnant women. Furthermore, it is low in calories and carbohydrates, making it great for weight management.
The vegetable's high fiber content assists digestion and promotes good digestive health. It functions as a prebiotic, feeding beneficial bacteria in the gut and promoting overall gut health. Asparagus can also relieve bloating, gas, and constipation. Asparagus contains glutathione, a strong antioxidant that helps liver function and detoxifying processes.
It also functions as a natural diuretic, aiding in waste evacuation from the body. Asparagus contains minerals such as potassium, which improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and guarding against oxidative stress and inflammation. Furthermore, its fiber content decreases cholesterol and improves lipid profile, which promotes heart health. Finally, asparagus has compounds with anti-inflammatory characteristics that can help treat chronic inflammation caused by a variety of disorders. Incorporating asparagus into your diet can bring several health benefits and improve overall well-being.
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gypsyheatherlee · 1 year
FREE on Amazon Kindle today ! Download it to your kindle library
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reality-detective · 6 months
🔥Ignite the power of your second brain – your gut!
💎A healthy gut is NOT a luxury, it's a necessity for vibrant living!
👉 Here's why you should pay attention to your gut health...
🌟Your gut is your second brain:
– This isn't a metaphor! Your gut communicates directly with your brain, affecting mood, immunity, and overall wellness.
💡Unleash the benefits :
– A balanced gut microbiome can improve digestion, boost immunity, enhance mood, and even aid weight management.
🧪The science?
– It's all about diversity! A diverse gut microbiome, rich in different bacterial species, is a healthy one.
Now, let's get practical. Here's your gut health game plan...
🍽️Top 4 fermented foods :
• Sauerkraut 🥬
• Kimchi 🌶️
• Kefir 🥛
• Kombucha 🍵
🌱Top 4 prebiotic foods :
• Asparagus 🌱
• Bananas 🍌
• Oats 🥣
• Apples 🍎
(These can be consumes both toghether)
🚫Things to avoid :
• Overuse of antibiotics 💊
• Chronic stress 😖
• Processed foods 🍔
Remember, every bite you take is a chance to feed your gut the right way.
Natural Remedies 🤔
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mariacallous · 5 months
When you think of Eastern European Jewish cuisine, which words come to mind? Light? Healthy? Plant based? Probably not. Heavy, homey and meat-centric are more like it. 
Fania Lewando died during the Holocaust, but had she been given the full length of her years, Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine may have taken a turn to the vegetarian side and we might all be eating vegetarian kishke and spinach cutlets in place of brisket.
Lewando is not a household name. In fact, she would have been lost to history had it not been for an unlikely turn of events. Thanks to a serendipitous find, her 1937 work, “The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook” (“Vegetarish-Dietisher Kokhbukh”in Yiddish), was saved from oblivion and introduced to the 21st century.
Vilna in the 1930s, where Lewando and her husband Lazar made their home, was a cosmopolitan city with a large Jewish population. Today, it is the capital of Lithuania but it was then part of Poland. Lewando opened a vegetarian eatery called The Vegetarian Dietetic Restaurant on the edge of the city’s Jewish quarter. It was a popular spot among both Jews and non-Jews, as well as luminaries of the Yiddish-speaking world. (Even renowned artist Marc Chagall signed the restaurant’s guest book.)
Lewando was a staunch believer in the health benefits of vegetarianism and devoted her professional life to promoting these beliefs. She wrote: “It has long been established by the highest medical authorities that food made from fruit and vegetables is far healthier and more suitable for the human organism than food made from meat.” Plus, she wrote, vegetarianism satisfies the Jewish precept of not killing living creatures. 
We know little about her life other than she was born Fania Fiszlewicz in the late 1880s to a Jewish family in northern Poland. She married Lazar Lewando, an egg merchant from what is today Belarus and they eventually made their way to Vilna. They did not have children. 
Lewando, to quote Jeffrey Yoskowitz, author of “The Gefilte Manifesto” was “a woman who challenged convention;” a successful entrepreneur, which was a rarity among women of the time. She supervised a kosher vegetarian kitchen on an ocean liner that traveled between Poland and the United States, and gave classes on nutrition to Jewish women in her culinary school. 
“The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook” was sold in Europe and the U.S. in Lewando’s day, but most of the copies were lost or destroyed during the Second World War. In 1995, a couple found a copy of the cookbook at a second-hand book fair in England. They understood the importance of a pre-war, Yiddish-language, vegetarian cookbook written by a woman, so purchased it and sent it to the YIVO Institute’s offices in New York. There, it joined the millions of books, periodicals and photos in YIVO’s archives. 
It was discovered again by two women who visited YIVO and were captivated by the book’s contents and colorful artwork. They had it translated from Yiddish to English so it could be enjoyed by a wider audience.
Like many Ashkenazi cooks, salt was Lewando’s spice, butter her flavor and dill her herb. The book is filled with dishes you’d expect: kugels and blintzes and latkes; borscht and many ways to use cabbage. There’s imitation gefilte fish and kishke made from vegetables, breadcrumbs, eggs and butter. Her cholent (a slow-cooked Sabbath stew) recipes are meat-free, including one made with prune, apple, potatoes and butter that is a cross between a stew and a tzimmes.
There are also some surprises.
Did you know it was possible to access tomatoes, eggplants, asparagus, lemons, cranberries, olive oil, Jerusalem artichokes, blueberries and candied orange peel in pre-war Vilna? There’s a French influence, too, such as recipes for mayonnaise Provencal and iles flottante, a meringue-based dessert, and a salad of marinated cornichons with marinated mushrooms. 
“It’s hard to know who the target audience was for this cookbook,” said Eve Jochnowitz, its English-language translator. “We know from contemporary memoirs that people in Vilna did not have access to these amazing amounts of butter, cream and eggs,” she said. “Lewando was writing from a somewhat privileged and bourgeois position.” While many of these recipes may have been aspirational given the poverty of the Jews at the time, the cookbook demonstrates that it was possible to obtain these ingredients in Vilna, should one have the resources to do so. 
While the cookbook is filled with expensive ingredients, there is also, said Jochnowitz, “a great attention to husbanding one’s resources. She was ahead of her time in the zero-waste movement.” Lewando admonishes her readers to waste nothing. Use the cooking water in which you cooked your vegetables for soup stock. Use the vegetables from the soup stock in other dishes. “Throw nothing out,” she writes in the cookbook’s opening essay. “Everything can be made into food.” Including the liquid from fresh vegetables; Lewando instructed her readers on the art of vitamin drinks and juices, with recipes for Vitamin-Rich Beet Juice and Vitamin-Rich Carrot Juice. “This was very heroic of her,” said Jochnowitz. “There were no juice machines! You make the juice by grating the vegetables and then squeezing the juice out by hand.”
Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, a Jewish scholar and Jewish cookbook collector, describes Lewando as “witty.” “She is showing us,” she said, “that once you eliminate meat and fish, you still have an enormous range of foods you can prepare.” Lewando is about “being creative, imaginative and innovative both with traditional dishes and with what she is introducing that is remote from the traditional repertoire.” She does that in unexpected ways. Her milchig (dairy) matzah balls, for example, have an elegance and lightness to them. She instructs the reader to make a meringue with egg whites, fold in the yolks, then combine with matzah meal, melted butter and hot water. Her sauerkraut salad includes porcini mushrooms. One of her kugels combines cauliflower, apples, sliced almonds and candied orange peel.
There is much that, through contemporary eyes, is missing in “The Vilna Vegetarian Cookbook.” The recipes do not give step-by-step instructions; rather you will find general directions. Heating instructions are vague, ranging from a “not-too-hot-oven” to a “warm oven” to a “hot oven.” Lewando assumes the reader’s familiarity with the kitchen that today’s cookbook writer would not. 
Lewando and her husband were listed in the 1941 census of the Vilna Ghetto but not in the census of 1942. It is believed that they both died or were killed while attempting to escape. “She really was a visionary,” said Jochnowitz. “It is an unbearable tragedy that she did not live to see the future that she predicted and helped to bring about.”But in cooking her recipes, said Yoskowitz, as dated and incomplete as some of them may be, the conversation between then and now continues.
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whipplefilter · 8 days
WWT (St. Louis) 2024
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I usually meal prep during races, out of time necessity more than anything. Which is a mixed bag; it keeps me company during this task, but because my memory for these races is SO ABYSMALLY POOR (despite writing these posts! which was supposed to help!) I feel like I need to pay more attention to the race to get the full effect, so the multi-tasking is not great.
On the other hand, though, even if the race don't got me, my plate got me; even if the race doesn't go to plan, I still get food out of the deal. And the meal prep went well today. For the first time in my entire life I cooked asparagus that did NOT fail horribly! I've cooked some absolutely garbage asparagus in my time on this planet.
But onto the race. I actually have notes for this one, because I was livetexting it for @the-kings-tail-fin. Today's standout elements:
Oh, the Kyles: The Kyles got into the wall together, which I thought was KL's fault, but I think was actually a matter of KyBu's temper more than anything. The 5 tapped the 8, which riled the 8; the 8 pinched the 5 and the 5 got loose and floated up into the 8, putting them both into the wall. The 8 DNF'd after this contact and the 5 continued, somehow salvaging a P10 finish.
Longpitting: I consider Brad king of the off-strategy and the longpit, but lots of people were trying it today, even though in the final 35 it panned out for no one. Cliff originally had the 5 on the same race strategy as Blaney, but had to adjust course after the wall contact, which makes me wonder if he would've run out of fuel, too, and actually finished higher due to hitting KyBu and the wall than he would've if he hadn't?
NASCARs Playing Through the Pain: Speaking of damage begetting benefits, an above average number of cars salvaged good finishes despite poor health. Chase was in the wall early and according to him had a bent tie rod, but was the highest-running HMS car for most of the race, and ended up with a decent finish, given that tie rods feel like the most common kiss of death for the Next-Gen car. After an aggressive and impressive battle between Blaney and Bell for the lead, Bell's engine started blowing up, but with the help of teammate MTJ (3 laps down) pushing him, managed to salvage a really good finish for a car that was so far off the pace under his own power.
BLANEY: After Bell's demise, Blaney was leading handsomely by 2 seconds and it seemed done and dusted--until the white flag, one to go. And then he... RAN OUT OF FUEL??? RAN OUT OF FUEL ON THE LAST LAP. ENDED UP P24 INSTEAD. THE MOST BLANEY THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO HIM. And it didn't seem like the 12 team had any inkling they were at risk of this?
This season has had some of the most bananas finishes, honestly. What. What.
HMS ran on either end of average all day, finishing P10 - KL / P13 - Chase / P15 - WB / P28 - Bowman. Cindric was the last lap winner, profiting from Blaney having a peak Blaney day, and launching himself into the Playoffs from P20 in the points (currently knocking out Buescher, I believe, which is honestly a peak Buescher Experience, too).
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Shopping list for food to help with good digestion and a healthy balance of good bacteria -
1. Probiotic-rich foods: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and kombucha are all great sources of probiotics that can help promote good bacteria in your gut.
2. Fiber-rich foods: Foods high in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, can help promote healthy digestion and feed the good bacteria in your gut.
3. Prebiotic foods: Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that help feed the good bacteria in your gut. Foods like onions, garlic, leeks, asparagus, bananas, and chicory root are all great sources of prebiotics.
4. Fermented foods: Fermented foods like pickles, yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut can help promote good bacteria in your gut and improve digestion.
5. Bone broth: Bone broth is rich in nutrients that can help support gut health and digestion. It is also easy to digest and can help soothe the digestive system.
6. Ginger and turmeric: Both ginger and turmeric have anti-inflammatory properties that can help improve digestion and support gut health.
7. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can help promote digestion and balance the bacteria in your gut. It is best to choose raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar for maximum benefits.
By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can help improve your digestion and promote a healthy balance of good bacteria in your gut.
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imjustafaerie · 4 months
about me ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
i support recovery ~!! 🎀 ( this account is for MY OWN motivation, to vent, and to keep track! in no way do i support f@tspo, or telling others to do what i do or what they should do/look like in general!! everyone is so so gorgeous, please be safe and know that you are loved and cared for :’))
• height: 5’5
• age: 18
• sw: 145lbs
• 1st gw: 129 lbs - | achieved! |
• 2nd gw: 111 lbs
• ugw: 95 (bmi 15.8)
my favorite artists!! (pls dont judge i have a very diverse taste in music 😭🫶🏻)
Melanie Martinez (of COURSE), GHOSTEMANE, Jazmine Bean, lana del rey, avril lavigne, NeverShoutNever, Jessi, Eminem, Wallows, Ice Cube, Lil Darkie, Labrinth, Joey Valance and & Brae, Kali Uchis, Souxxie 🍓
my fave aesthetics/styles/genres:
coquette (how i dress 🤍), fairykei (how i also dress 😭), goth, indie, hippie style (idrk what its called 🙁), cutgore, grunge/punk/soft goth, etc! i love when people have their own unique style in general!
things i hate:
people who mock/belittle mental health/illnesses/disorders !! i hate mushrooms, super greasy foods to the point i have like heartburn afterwards- i hate asparagus as well but i eat it because of its health benefits 😭 chihuahuas scare me. big big dogs who aren’t friendly also terrify me. and i hate groups of men. they’re either scary or just a group of big dumb, there’s really no in between for me, oh and my body 🫶🏻
things i love:
eating 300cals or under, pomegranets, cats/dogs, harry potter!! super cute jfashion brands such as mezzo piano, angel blue, mother garden, earth magic, etc! i love fashion sm 🍓 i also love doing pilates and doing tattoo’s on myself! (i have like 30 self done tats 😭), i love all sorts of animals, weed, and tasty low cal snacks like with chocolate or strawberries!
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peggyrojas · 1 year
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Stress can have a huge impact on the digestive system. 👈🏻 👉🏻Therefore taking the time to relax and re group is very important. ☑️Going for a walk ☑️ Sitting at the beach ☑️ Using apps for meditation can also be useful ☑️ Epsom salt baths in the evening to relax the muscles and exert a calming effect on the body. ☑️ Lavender can calm the gut. ☑️ Abdominal massaging to reduce stressful feeling and encourage healthy motility. ☑️ Increase intake of dietary fibre to support healthy motility. ☑️ Include foods high in prebiotic fibre such as chicory, artichokes, plantain, onions, leeks and asparagus. Insoluble fibre is supportive for regularity and softening of the stools. Psyllium husk and prunes can have a gentle laxative effect. Magnesium may also ease constipation by helping to calm the nervous system. Supplement live bacteria to support digestive symptoms as discussed alongside digestive enzymes to aid the breakdown/absorption of food and further support the balance of bacteria in the gut. Take into consideration 💡 While it is true to say that gut problems are on the increase, and that sub-optimal gut function seems to be having wide ranging effects on health beyond the digestive system, we can also do a great deal to help ourselves and stop the cycle of destruction. In other words, take good care of your gut, and you will reap the health benefits for years to come. 🙌🏻 Do you need support reaching Hormonal Imbalance I your life? Register to my coming Free Hormonal Balance Call. Say “Add Me” so I can send you the link to join. . . . #hormonalnutrition foodie #Proteinbased #veganfoodie #Fitnesspro #Choosejoy #Livelovematter #minsetmakeover #integralhealth #momof4 #practicegratitude #Latinatribe #womenempoweringotherwome #momover40 (at Clearwater Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqkpSjYr9eF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thehelpfulheathens · 1 year
Asparagus -Plant Profile
Asparagus, the perennial edible that has fed humanity for thousands of years. Today we shall look at the history of asparagus and it's health benefits.
Asparagus, the perennial edible that has fed humanity for thousands of years. Today we shall look at the history of asparagus and it’s health benefits. We’ll also feature tips on how to grow this amazing plant and what other plants compliment it. Usually sold for a premium in stores due to their seasonality, you can grow asparagus yourself at home with a little know how. First lets look at the…
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legally-undead · 1 year
Read This To Learn All About Vitamins And Minerals
Even if you already take a multivitamin or other supplement on a regular basis, your diet could still be lacking in important vitamins or minerals. To make sure that you are able to maintain good health, you need to figure out which substances are most important. Use these tips to choose the supplements you need.
Men require different vitamins and minerals than women. A daily vitamin for men should have higher concentrations of B12 and B6. Another helpful vitamin to prevent hair loss is vitamin H. Along with folic acid, vitamin H will help regenerate cells and reduce the signs of aging. Vitamin E and lycopene are also beneficial for male prostrate health.
Vitamins and minerals are a great way to prevent aging and retain that youthful appearance and resilience we had in our younger days. As you get older, you tend to start requiring more nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals to keep your skin soft, fight off colds and promote energy that we would consume far more quickly by relying only on the foods we eat.
Many people who are in need of supplemental vitamins and minerals simply struggle physically with swallowing the pills as they can be large and, in all honesty, horrible tasting. Try drinking water that has vitamins and minerals includes with some sort of fruit taste added. This allows you to get some of the vitamins you require as well as adding to your daily water intake.
Riboflavin and Vitamin B2 are usually found in green beans, asparagus, popcorn and bananas. Dry skin, parched lips, and low red blood cell count are all symptoms of deficiencies. It has been said that B2 can help to ward of anemia and some types of cancer.
Make sure you choose your beverages wisely. Try to avoid drinking a lot of coffee, tea, or soda. These drinks all have caffeine, which can keep your body from absorbing certain vitamins and minerals like iron. They can also cause you to increase secretion of water-soluble vitamins in your urine.
When you aren't feeling well, you have to seek help, and you have done so today. These great tips and tricks will truly guide you down the path to great health. In order to benefit from the time you have spent reading today, draft a plan to buy what you need and do it!
Read more here https://www.linkedin.com/in/vigrxofcstore?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F
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missmcspooks · 2 years
Meet Linda Hazzard, a woman in the 1800’s who put the life of others in her hands, promising them proper treatment that would heal them from their sicknesses. However, her words would soon turn into lies, sealing the fate of at least 15 people, earning herself the title: “Starvation Doctor.” Let’s begin with her story.
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Linda Laura Hazzard was born in 1867 and was raised in Carver County, Minnesota, along with her seven siblings. Not much is known about her life growing up, other than getting married at 18 and having two children. However, she grew bored of that life and left her husband and children in 1902 in order to pursue her career in the health field. Even though Linda didn’t have a medical degree, she was still given a license to practice medicine in the state of Washington. Linda, along with a few others like her, found a loophole in the licensing law that allowed people to practice alternative medicine without having a medical degree. Linda strongly believed in the work of fasting, claiming that fasting is what cures all illnesses, as it expels all the toxins and imbalances from the body. She claimed that illnesses are caused by food and the digestive tract, and fasting allows the body to rest and cleanses itself from all the toxins that food causes. She claimed the ultimate cause of most diseases is impure blood that comes from an impaired digestive system. Throughout her career she had written a few books about what she thought was the science around fasting and its health benefits. She wrote The Science of Fasting, Fasting For The Cure of Disease, and Diet In Disease and Systemic Cleansing. In her first book, The Science of Fasting, she claims that she had studied under Edward Hooker Dewey, MD, who was very well known and specialized in fasting, and wrote a book called The Gospel of Health. She also wrote in her first book, “Appetite is Craving; Hunger is Desire. Craving is never satisfied; but Desire is relieved when Want is supplied.”
Linda opened up a sanitarium in a small town of Olalla, Washington, called Wilderness Heights. However, over time the sanitarium gained itself the nickname “Starvation Heights,” as witnesses would see patients who ran away from there, looking so skinny and frail, begging for food on the streets. Linda’s healthcare plan consisted mainly of fasting, and her inpatients would fast for days, weeks, and even months at a time before they escape or pass away. Her diet plan consisted of only small amounts of soup, oranges, asparagus juice, tomatoes, and orange juice. She would also force her inpatients to hours of enemas, where they would scream out in pain. Sometimes Linda would use up to 12 quarts of water in just one enema session. Lastyly, she would give her inpatients a “massage,” which consisted of beating her fists in their foreheads and backs.
Linda’s first victim before moving to Washington with her new husband, Samuel Christman Hazzard, happened in 1902. The coroner claimed the death was due to starvation and reported it to the police, but sadly nothing could be done due to not being licensed to practice medicine. Linda got away with murder for the first time. It wasn’t until after she moved to Washington, where she was legally licensed to practice medicine. However, even her first few victims would get swept under the rug before anyone dared to try and get justice. Her first Washington victim was named Daisy Maud Haglund, a Norwegian woman whose parents immigrated to America, and even owned Alki Point. Daisy died at the age of 38, leaving behind her 3 year old son, after fasting for 50 days under Linda’s care. Daisy’s son, Ivar, grew up to own a very successful seafood restaurant where he fed millions of people. Unfortunately, more victims followed after Daisy. Ida Wilcox died in 1908, following Blanche T. Tindall and Viola Heaton in 1909. Following that came Maude Whitney who died in 1910.
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Earl Edward Erman, a civil engineer, went to Linda Hazzard for medical care in 1911, and unfortunately passed away. After his death, The Seattle Daily Times headline read, “Woman ‘M.D’ Kills Another Patient.” Edward was rescued and made it to the Seattle General Hospital on 28th, right before he ended up dying from starvation. Investigators were able to gather more information about Linda and the way she treated her patients, all thanks to Earl who kept a diary log of everything he had eaten, almost every day, up until he was taken to the hospital.
February 1 - Saw Dr. Hazzard and began treatment this date. No breakfast. Mashed soup dinner. Mashed soup supper.
February 5 through 7 - One orange breakfast. Mashed soup dinner. Mashed soup supper.
February 8 - One orange breakfast. Mashed soup dinner. Mashed soup supper.
February 9 through 11 - One orange breakfast. Strained soup dinner. Strained soup supper.
February 12 - One orange breakfast. One orange dinner. One orange supper.
February 13 - Two orange breakfast. No dinner. No supper.
February 14 - One cup strained tomato broth at 6PM
February 15 - One cup hot strained tomato soup night and morning
February 16 - One cup hot strained tomato soup AM and PM. Slept better last night. Head quite dizzy. Eyes yellow streaked and red.
February 17 - Ate three oranges today
February 19 - Called on Dr (Dawson) today at his home. Slept well Saturday night.
February 20 - Ate strained juice from two small oranges at 10AM. Dizzy all day. Ate strained juice from two small oranges at 5PM.
February 21 - Ate one cup settled and strained tomato broth. Backache today just below ribs.
February 22 - Ate juice of two small oranges at 10AM. Backache today in right side just below ribs.
February 23 - Slept but little last night. Ate two small oranges at 9AM. Went after milk and felt very bad. Ate two small oranges at 6PM.
February 24 - Slept better Wednesday night. Kind of frontal headache in AM. Ate two small oranges 10AM. Ate one and a half cups hot tomato soup at 6PM. Heart hit up to ninety-five minute and sweat considerable.
February 25 - Slept pretty well Thursday night. Ate one and a half cups tomato broth 11AM. Ate one and a half cups tomato broth 6PM. Pain in right below ribs.
February 26 - Did not sleep so very well Friday night. Pain in right side just below ribs in back. Pain quite in night. Ate one and a half cups tomato broth at 10:45AM. Ate two and a half pump small oranges at 4:30PM. Felt better afternoon than for the last week.
This diet continued up until Earl was hospitalized. He died right before he was able to get a blood transfusion.
Despite all of the deaths and suspicious activity going on in the hands of Linda Hazzard, she still had a large following of people who believed in her work. Not even the healthcare director of Seattle was able to intervene, since Linda had her license to practice medicine and all of her patients had willingly admitted themselves under her care. The healthcare director tried to convince one of her patients, a former legislator, Lewis Ellsworth Rader, who was also a publisher of a magazine Sound Views, to leave the care of Linda Hazzard. Unfortunately, he refused to leave, and he passed away in 1911, weighing less than 100 pounds as a 5’11 man. Linda would even steal from some of her patients, Ivan Flux being one of those people. He was an Englishman who came to America to purchase a ranch, and died after 53 days of fasting under Linda’s care. She somehow gained control of his cash and property, and Ivan’s family were informed that he had died with only $70 left. Her treatments were so brutal, that one of her patients, Eugene Stanley, aged 26, commited suicide in 1909.
Dorothea and Claire Williamson who were both in their early 30’s, came from a very wealthy family. They saw an advertisement for Linda’s sanitarium in a Seattle magazine, and even though they weren’t suffering from any severe illnesses, they did have some minor issues that they wanted to have cured. Claire had been told that she had a dropped uterus and wanted it fixed, while Dorothea complained of arthritis pains, along with swollen glands. The two went to meet Dr. Hazzard, but didn’t tell their parents where they were going, as her family did not support alternative medicine. Linda ended up telling the girls that the sanitarium wasn’t quite ready at the moment, but promised to put them up in the Buena Vista apartments, and she would treat them there. They arrived in February, and by the time April came along, they were already becoming delirious. The sisters only lived one cup of tomato broth that was given to them up to twice a day, but they were fed nothing more. They were also given enemas that would last hours, and the girls started to faint during their treatments. In April they were both rushed to the sanitarium, both of them weighing around 70 pounds. Linda took her cruel actions further by talking to the girls about their business affairs, and offered to store their jewelry somewhere safe for them. To add insult to injury, Linda had her attorney arrive before the girls were taken to the sanitarium, and had Claire sign paperwork to her will, stating that she would leave 25 pounds sterling every year to Linda’s sanitarium, also stating that incase of death, she wanted her body cremated under the control of Linda Hazzard. Of course, this signature only came from Claire, as Linda knew she was the sickest one out of them both, and she knew she was probably on her deathbed.
Dorothea was also sickly, weak, and delirious. But every time she would look over to her sister, she knew that she was going to die, and after Claire, she would die next. She knew Claire was too weak to try and escape, so Dorothea used every ounce of energy that she had to try to escape for her and get help. It took so much effort just to get herself out of bed and onto the floor. Dorothea couldn’t walk, and she couldn’t even stand up. Refusing to give up, she began to crawl towards the door. She made it decently far in such a terrible condition, but sadly she was found trying to escape by Linda, and was taken back to her bed.
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On April 30th, there was a letter sent to Margaret Conway, the sisters' childhood nanny. The letter told her something serious had happened, and were requesting her visit to Olalla. At the time, Margaret was visiting family in Sydney, Australia, and was able to come to Washington about a week after receiving the letter. Linda’s husband met Margaret at the bus station and on their way back he delivered terrible news. Claire had passed away. Once Margaret was able to see Claire’s body, she knew something had been wrong. She said it looked like a totally different person, and she was so, so, skinny. Linda told her that she had died from cirrhosis of the liver, and it was caused by drugs that were given to her as a child, causing her organs to shrink. Margaret didn’t believe a word that she was saying and demanded that she was taking Dorothea back home to her parents. Dorothea was now between 50 and 60 pounds, and explained that she looked like a skeleton, laying in a bed inside of a cabin. However, the Hazzard’s told her that she could not take Dorthea, as they were given power of attorney and were not releasing her from their care. Margaret also saw Linda walking around in Claire’s satin robe and wearing her favorite hat. The Hazzard’s also helped themselves to the rest of her clothes, household items, and at least $6,000 worth of jewels from their family. Margaret snuck out to call the girl's uncle, John Herbet, who came all the way from Portland, Oregon, to save Dorothea from Linda’s crutches. John paid the Hazzard’s around a thousand dollars in order to take Dorothea away from the sanitarium.
While Margaret and John helped the police investigate, they soon gathered evidence of many more deaths under the care of Linda Hazzard, and also realized they had been given access to other estates as well. Linda was arrested on August 15th, 1911, and was being charged with first degree manslaughter for the death of Claire Williamson. The following January, her trial began, and Linda told the court that she had done nothing wrong, and the only reason she is being charged right now is due to the fact that she was a woman who’s successful in the medical field, claiming that traditional doctors hated her for her success with natural healing. Linda desperately wanted to take the stand so she could put everyone in their place, but her lawyers were smart and made sure they kept her off the stand. Linda had many people testifying against her, such as nurses and servants who worked under her. They would testify about the harsh treatments she forced upon her patients. Starving them, beating them, and the cries of pain that Claire would scream during the hours of enemas she endured. But she continued to refuse any blame in the death of Claire, or any of her patients at all, as she truly believed in the power of natural healing, and encouraged the jury to read her work, so they could see the beautiful magic she was performing for her patients. However, the jury continued to be against her. Linda had very few people defending her, but her last ditch attempt to keep her out of prison was the husband of her first victim, Daisy. He claimed that even though his wife died under her care, he strongly believed in the work of natural healing, and continued to take his own son, Ivar, to see her a few times after the passing of his wife. However, the jury still remained unmoved. It didn’t take the jury long to find Linda guilty, and she was sentenced to 2-20 years of hard labor at the penitentiary in Walla Walla, and she also had her medical license revoked. However, for reasons unknown, the governor pardoned her sentence just after serving two years. Her medical license remained permanently revoked. Her sentence wasn’t long enough for the amount of lives she has taken. It wasn’t long enough for even just the one death of Claire.
After her release, she and her husband moved to New Zealand so they could be closer to most of their supporters. There she was able to work under the titles: Physician, Dietitian, and Osteopath. She even managed to publish another book based on the powers of fasting. In 1920, the Hazzard’s were able to save enough money to move back to Ohalla and open up a new and improved sanitarium. However, due to her medical license being revoked in the state of Washington, she called her new building a “school of health.” Linda’s sanitarium burned down in 1935, which gave her 15 years to continue starving her patients and killing them. Linda Hazzard died three years later, while doing her own fasting cure to help her feel better when she was suffering from illnesses.
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allhealthsolution · 1 year
Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule (60caps) Boosts up vitality, stamina and vigour in male bodies
Also known as
Stamina in men vitality increasing capsule power booster men hormonal capsule
250 (gms)
6 (cm) x 6 (cm) x 8 (cm)
About Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule
Cipzer Boost Sperm is a natural formulation helping in the usual body functioning and might also help to boost the Body's Defense system. The product helps fight against infections, body illness & other diseases. Natural composition for improving men's stamina and hormone-boosting formula for better vitality and performance. No artificial colour is added to the product.
Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule is the best capsule to increase sperm count for men. This product is a unique formulation of rare herbs and natural extracts that are beneficial in sperm count. Male infertility is a situation when men are unable to impregnate fertile women. If not treated, one can never become a father. Fortunately, there is Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule to increase sperm count. It’s a boon for hopeless couples. During its development, this Male Fertility Booster Capsule was found to be quite beneficial for increasing sperm count in males and also improving their love-making performance. This product is certified by GMP and other major similar health institutions. Being a herbal capsule, this product has no side effects. Try Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule and complete the family that you dreamed of.
Why Need Boost Sperm Capsules?
There are millions of couples who are trying hard to have a kid but they could not because of male infertility even after years after their marriage. If you are in the same shoes and trying hard to have a child, try Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsules. This product has been used by thousands of people across the country with positive results. It’s never too late to take action!
Ingredients of Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule
Alchemilla Vulgaris
Achillea millefolium
Capsella bursa pastoris
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Oenothera biennis
Putranjiva roxburghii
Bryonopsis laciniosa
Mucuna pruriens
Asparagus racemosus
Withania somnifera
Nigella Sativa.
Benefits of Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule
Beneficial in increasing the sperm count
Also useful for dysfunctions like ED and low libido
A boon for hopeless couples
100% Ayurvedic product
Zero Side Effects
Certified by GMP and other major institutions.
How to use Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule
One to two Capsules once or twice a day with water or as directed by the physician.
Precautions to be taken while using Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule
Use under clinical guidance
Try not to exceed the recommended dose
Keep away from the reach of children
Read the directions carefully while using the product
Keep the product in a cool and dry place away from sunlight and heat.
Additional Information
100% Genuine Product
Results may vary with the lifestyle and diet adopted
Restricted for women, might use the right product under expert advice
Depending on the lighting and screen resolution, the shade of the item may marginally fluctuate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can use Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule?
Anyone above 18 years can use Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule to increase sperm count and boost performance. If you have any serious illness, you are advised to talk to your doctor before using this product.
Is there any side effect of this product?
Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule is a natural product made of rare herbs and natural ingredients. Our product is used by thousands of patients across the country and we don’t record any side effects till now.
How long should I take this product?
There is no certain time limit. You can use Cipzer Boost Sperm Capsule as long as you require or as suggested by the doctors.
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bintook · 1 year
What is Keto Diet and how to Start with it?
The Keto, short for Ketogenic, is a high-fat and low-carb diet that has gained popularity in recent years for its potential benefits in weight loss, improving blood sugar control, and increasing energy levels. The best thing about the Keto diet is its ability to induce a state of ketosis, where the body switches from burning glucose for energy to burning fats instead. This can lead to significant weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity in individuals with diabetes.
In addition to weight loss and improved blood sugar control, many people also report feeling more satiated on a Keto diet due to its high-fat content, leading to less snacking throughout the day. Furthermore, research has suggested that the Keto diet may have numerous health benefits such as protecting against neurological diseases and body inflammation, and may even help reduce the risk of developing some chronic diseases like cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
Overall, the best thing about the Keto diet is its ability to improve overall health and well-being while still allowing for a wide range of delicious and satiating foods, including healthy fats and vegetables. For those interested in trying out the Keto diet, there are also many free Keto recipes available online to help get started.
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How does the Keto diet work?
The Keto diet works by limiting the intake of carbohydrates to a very low amount, typically less than 50 grams per day. This forces the body to switch from using glucose as its primary energy source to using ketones, which are produced when the body breaks down fat. This process is called ketosis and can lead to significant weight loss and improved blood sugar control.
2. What can you eat on a Keto diet?
On a Keto diet, the focus is on high-fat foods such as avocados, nuts and seeds, oils, butter, and fatty cuts of meat like beef and pork. You can also eat non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower, and small amounts of low-carb fruits like berries. However, you should avoid starchy vegetables, grains, sugar, and most fruits as they are high in carbohydrates.
3. What are the potential benefits of the Keto diet?
Apart from weight loss and improved blood sugar control, the Keto diet may have several other potential health benefits. For instance, some studies suggest that it may help reduce inflammation, protect against certain neurological diseases, and lower the risk of developing some chronic diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and heart disease.
4. Are there any risks or side effects associated with the Keto diet?
Some people may experience side effects when starting a Keto diet, such as fatigue, headaches, and nausea, which are usually temporary and subside within a few days or weeks. Additionally, the Keto diet may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions such as pancreatitis, liver disease, or gallbladder disease. It is always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.
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The keto diet food pyramid is a visual guide that shows the recommended intake of different food groups on a ketogenic diet. Here is an example of a keto diet food pyramid:
At the bottom of the pyramid, we have the foundation of the keto diet, which consists of:
Low-carbohydrate vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, and asparagus. These are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and should be included in every meal to provide bulk and essential nutrients.
Moving up the pyramid, we have:
Healthy fats such as avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, and butter. These should be consumed in moderation but are a crucial part of the keto diet as they provide the body with energy and help to keep you feeling full.
High-quality protein sources such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and cheese. These are important for building and repairing muscles and tissues in the body.
At the top of the pyramid, we have:
Low-sugar fruits such as berries and avocados. These are a good source of fiber and antioxidants and can be included in small amounts on a keto diet.
Carbohydrates in the form of starchy vegetables, grains, and processed foods should be avoided or limited on a ketogenic diet as they can kick you out of ketosis.
It is important to note that the serving sizes and amounts of each food group on the keto diet may vary depending on your individual needs and goals. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any new diet.
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The ketogenic diet has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to lose weight, improve health markers, and increase energy levels. Here is an ultimate keto meal plan that will help you achieve your goals while keeping your meals exciting and delicious.
2 eggs cooked in 1 tablespoon of butter or ghee
2 slices of bacon
1/2 avocado
Black coffee or tea with a tablespoon of heavy cream
Grilled chicken breast or baked salmon with lemon butter sauce
1 cup of sautéed spinach with garlic and olive oil
1/4 cup of cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup of sliced cucumber
1/4 cup of sliced almonds
Baked chicken thighs with rosemary and garlic
1 cup of roasted broccoli with garlic and olive oil
1/2 cup of cauliflower rice
1/4 cup of sliced mushrooms
1 ounce of macadamia nuts
1 ounce of cheddar cheese
1/2 cup of sliced cucumber with 2 tablespoons of ranch dressing
1 hard-boiled egg
Sparkling water
Unsweetened tea or coffee
Almond milk or coconut milk (unsweetened)
Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Plan and prep your meals ahead of time to make it easier to stick to the diet.
Use herbs and spices to add flavor to your meals instead of sugar or other high-carb seasonings.
Choose healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, nuts, and seeds instead of unhealthy fats like processed vegetable oils.
Experiment with new recipes to keep your meals exciting and avoid boredom.
Remember, the key to a successful ketogenic diet is to stick to the plan and track your progress. Keep in mind that this meal plan is just a starting point, and you may need to make adjustments based on your individual needs and preferences.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Wild Foods Day
Wild Foods Day is celebrated every year on October 28. It is a holiday dedicated to wildflowers, fruits, and veggies. Humans have consumed plants and gathered food from the wild for thousands of years. However, these wild foods are now increasingly appearing on menus in gourmet restaurants and raw food restaurants due to them being trendy. In addition, wild foods are free of preservatives and pesticides, and consuming them contributes to an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
History of Wild Foods Day
Wild foods are believed to have been in existence for over 40 million years. Wild food, generally, can be any edible plant that grows naturally without human intervention or any animal taken from its native environment for human use. It is easy to observe that the Earth is brimming with wild foods. Animals such as deer, elk, goose, turkey, and others are considered wild in the United States. In addition, various fruits and vegetables grow wild in many parts of the nation. Berry bushes of many sorts offer tasty fruits, and mushrooms cover the woodland floor. According to experts, there are approximately 2,000 edible and medicinal mushroom types worldwide. Nuts, herbs, tree fruits, and cactus pads are among more foods that grow independently, even in cities.
In many cases, wild foods are more nutritious than their farmed counterparts. This is most likely due to their natural survival mechanisms. For example, some plants grow thorns or emit an unpleasant odor to prevent predators, while others produce bitter-tasting chemical compounds. These substances are known as phytochemicals, and research reveals that these can offer us health benefits if consumed regularly.
Wild Foods Day started being mentioned regularly in the print media around 1974. Euell Gibbons, a wild food enthusiast, who became a minor media celebrity, most likely inspired the popularity of this day. He is best known for his debut book, “Stalking the Wild Asparagus.” Wild Foods Day is a celebration of all things wild and delicious that the planet has to offer.
Wild Foods Day timeline
40 Million Years Ago Wild Foods Appear
Wild foods are discovered and found in nature.
10,000 Years Ago Farming Emerges
Humans start to farm and grow their food.
1962 “Stalking the Wild Asparagus”
Euell Gibbons publishes this famous book.
1974 Wild Foods Day
The day begins to appear in print media.
Wild Foods Day FAQs
Are wild raspberries healthy?
Yes, they are rich in vitamin C, minerals, and fiber.
Are blackberry and black raspberry the same?
Even though they look very similar, black raspberries and blackberries are two completely different fruits.
What are some wild foods humans can survive on?
Humans can survive on various wild foods, such as bird eggs, wild grapes, wild berries, wild roses, bamboo shoots, wild asparagus, etc.
Wild Foods Day Activities
Learn about wild foods
Find wild foods
Eat wild foods
There is a plethora of information out there on wild foods. The different types, safety guidelines, procurement methods, etc., are interesting to learn about and might come in handy on your next trekking trip.
Using all your newfound information about wild foods, see if you can find any of them in your direct surroundings and analyze whether or not they are safe to consume. This could also be a fun activity to do with friends.
Wild foods are super trendy right now and have health benefits as well. See if your local grocery store has wild berries and other treats for you to indulge in.
5 Fun Facts About Edible Flowers
They can be minty
They can do it all
They can be strong
They can be buttery
They can be soothing
Violets taste like mint and are often used to garnish food for this reason.
Geraniums are great for savory dishes such as omelets, wines, and liquor.
Citrus flowers need to be used sparingly, or they can overpower the entire dish.
A large number of chopped flowers can be used to make flower butter.
Jasmine makes exceptional tea with many health benefits.
Why We Love Wild Foods Day
It is a unique holiday
It expands our palettes
It protects us
Wild Foods Day is a day unlike any other. It draws attention to something so widely available around us and the uses of wild food.
We can often go into a monotonous spiral when it comes to everyday food. A day like this encourages us to step out of our comfort zone and try something new.
Not all that is found in nature is safe. Some of it can be dangerous and deadly too. Wild Foods Day allows us to learn about these do’s and don’ts and preps us for our next wilderness adventure.
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hcgdietinfodotcom · 2 years
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