#august landry youre crazy in the head
killuaightning · 11 months
oh god. I just finished one last stop, and I loved this book so so much. this truly is one of the most beautiful things I've ever read, and I'm a little sad that it's over.
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biblio-smia · 9 months
halloween horrors [ethan landry x reader]
pairing: ethan landry x gender neutral reader
summary: celebrating halloween with ethan <3
masterlist | requests are open!
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Ethan wasn't much of a partier.
You found this out when you'd met him, ironically, at a party. It had been late August then, the first party of the semester to celebrate the end of the first week.
You remember being reluctant to go. Now you were grateful you bit your tongue and went — going to that party was the catalyst in your relationship with Ethan.
You learned, very early on, that Ethan being at that party was a once-in-a-blue-moon spectacle, one that Chad was fully at fault for. Ethan had been shy even with a shot of alcohol in him, but was even worse without. This fact didn't bother you too much; less nights out meant more nights in, where you and Ethan could savor each other's presence in private.
This, however, led to a little hiccup when considering how you would celebrate Halloween.
It was your first big holiday as a couple and you were already going crazy with potential game plans. A party was a no-go, no matter how your friends begged. They tried to hold the idea of a matching couple costume over your heads, but you turned them down. Ethan even tried to offer a 30-minute-max appearance, but you assured him he didn't have to. You wanted this night for yourselves.
Ethan was an angel in letting you plan, offering you ideas here and there. You'd ask him for feedback from time to time, but he was no real help; he nodded at any idea you had with a grin.
"Okay, okay. How about a night in, with a movie marathon, and snacks—"
"Matching pajamas?" Ethan offered. "You know, instead of a couple costume—"
You laughed at the suggestion. Not in a mean way, but in a you're-absolutely-adorable way, making sure to express this sentiment with a kiss to Ethan's cheek.
"Matching pajamas it is."
"I think you just planned my perfect night," Ethan mumbles against your skin, soft touches sweet like candy.
Ethan probably would have called any night spent with you a perfect night, even if it included a party. But you didn't fight the compliment, letting Ethan press kisses of gratitude against your lips for the time being.
「 … 」
Halloween was here. Your heart beat rapidly throughout your morning class, fingers tapping as you waited impatiently for noon to come. Elation propelled you through setting up your apartment for Ethan's arrival at 6 (though Ethan was always early, especially when it was a date).
Snacks were set up in Halloween-themed bowls and plates, decorations strung up in every corner.
You went all out. Ethan arrived with a bright smile, bringing more food although you’d told him not to worry. Though you couldn’t help your smile as you saw the themed food that fit right in.
Ethan greeted you with a kiss first and foremost, before even setting his things down. The kiss he gave you was his way inside your apartment, rocking you back without you realizing. Ethan shut the door behind him and made his way to your living room to set everything down.
“Woah,” he breathed out, taking his first good look around. He’d helped you put a few things here and there up, but you’d worked hard since he’d last seen your place. Ethan grinned at your effort. “Everything looks amazing. This better stay up until at least December.”
You laughed at that, helping Ethan set up the food alongside all the other snacks and treats you’d decorated.
“Next time I’m helping,” Ethan said sternly, admiring all the work you put into some ghost-shaped cookies.
“Not with any of the food,” you teased.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Okay, it was not my fault you don’t label your measuring spoons.”
“Baby, it has labels engraved on them.”
“Well, I couldn’t read them.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“Hey, no more making fun of me or I won’t show you what I got,” Ethan threatened, motioning towards the bags.
“Okay, fine,” you grinned, watching Ethan squint his eyes at you. “I’m not laughing! Show me.”
“I think I need to be bribed.”
“Oh, my god,” you sighed in fake annoyance before leaning in to kiss Ethan. He separated with a satisfied smile you tried not to mirror.
“I guess I can show you now,” Ethan grinned, pulling out his things excitedly.
“Okay, first I got these ghost napkins,” Ethan paused which each item, making sure to show them off properly. “And then I got our pajamas…”
You smiled giddily as Ethan pulled them out, already ecstatic to cuddle up and eat while watching horror movies.
“And I saw this and thought it’d be perfect,” Ethan began suspensefully, reaching into the biggest bag and pulling out a cartoon throw blanket.
“Oh my god, that is perfect.”
“Well, I didn’t want you getting cold.”
You laughed and got up to get changed, leaving Ethan to set up the food he’d brought. You came back to a slightly disheveled Ethan.
“I think I bought too much.”
You laughed. “Well, everyone else went out to that party tonight, and you know how Chad gets when he’s drunk. We’ll just give them our leftovers.”
Ethan laughed before picking up his set of pajamas to get dressed.
You waited patiently but Ethan was out in no time, smiling at the sight of your matching outfits.
“You’re a genius for this,” Ethan insisted as he sat down next to you, waiting to see what options you two had for tonight.
“I know,” you smiled proudly, watching as Ethan pulled out his phone to take a picture of you. Well, pictures.
“Ethan!” You laughed when he wouldn’t stop clicking the shutter button.
“Wait, wait, one more,” Ethan insisted, turning his head to kiss your cheek as you laughed.
“You’re crooked,” you laughed, straightening Ethan’s phone.
Ethan didn’t stop pressing kisses against your cheek or clicking the camera button, capturing dozens of photos of you laughing.
Finally, you gave in to Ethan’s lips and met him in a kiss, leaving Ethan with the best photo of the night (which would quickly become his lock screen).
That satisfied Ethan, a stupid grin on his face (and yours) as the two of you turned your attention back to the TV, quickly settling on Halloween to watch first, duh.
After a few slashers and a lot of snacks, Ethan was tucked into the corner of the couch, propped up on a pillow with an arm around you laying against his chest.
“Top 10 final girls,” Ethan declared as the credits of Ready or Not began to play.
“Top 5,” you corrected, picking up the remote to search for your next movie. “Ooh, how about The Conjuring?”
Ethan stiffened under you and you were momentarily worried you’d tired his arm out until you glanced at his face - pale and rigid.
You tried not to smile as you continued scrolling over titles. “The Exorcist? Paranormal Activity? The Grudge?”
“Could we just stick to slashers?” Ethan asked weakly and you couldn’t help but laugh. You could feel his heart beating quicker in his chest. You turned a little to face him with a smile.
“There’s no way you’re willing to sit through hours of slashers but you can’t watch ghost movies.”
“Hey, I’m not afraid of what I can see,” Ethan defended.
“I’ll cover your eyes at the scary parts.”
“No, you won’t. You’ll probably scare me more than the movie.”
You laughed again, running a hand through Ethan’s hair. “Okay, okay. How about Paranormal Activity? Nothing happens for like, the first hour.”
Ethan reluctantly agreed, but only as long as you cuddled him. It was a pretty fair trade-off.
The two of you sat up, Ethan nervously snacking as the movie tensed.
You really resisted from scaring him.
Instead you held his hand and let him hide his face in your shoulder once it got scary towards the end.
“See? Not that bad, right?” You asked gently as the credits started to roll.
“Horrible,” Ethan disagreed, keeping his head on you shoulder even though the movie ended.
“I think you just pretended for the cuddles.”
“Maybe,” Ethan mused. “Okay, it wasn’t that bad,” he admitted.
You grinned at your accomplishment, playfully pushing Ethan’s head off and back towards the couch.
“You made me move from my very comfortable position,” you complained as you settled on top of Ethan, back in his arms.
“Well, it was my turn.”
You leaned down for a kiss, smiling as you received it.
Your hand came up to Ethan’s chest, just above his heart. “Was it really that scary?”
“No, that’s just because of you,” Ethan said smoothly.
You snorted. “Cornball.”
“You like it.”
“I guess.”
Ethan kissed you again, wrapping his strong arms around you.
“You should sleep over tonight,” you whispered against Ethan’s lips.
“You don’t mind?”
“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I did.”
Ethan smiled. “Okay.”
He had class tomorrow, but he didn’t care. Being with you was worth it.
“We should clean up,” Ethan mumbled softly. “Drop by my room and get clothes. And give Chad that food. He should be back by now.”
“You want me in bed that bad?”
“Well, I need your cuddles or I’m going to get nightmares and it’ll be your fault.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you rolled your eyes, carefully getting off Ethan and letting him get up after you. Even as the night dwindled down, the two of you smiled so much your cheeks hurt. Between the shared kisses, warm hugs and the smell of pumpkin in the air, this Halloween was the most perfect one you’d experienced — until next year, probably.
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joeygoeshollywood · 3 years
My 25 Favorite Films of 2020
Well, this was quite the crazy year, especially for movies. While many films that were slated to be released this year were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year still provided some laughs, tears, and thrills both in theaters and in the living room. 
(NOTE: Due to the delayed awards season calendar and postponed Oscar bait films that are unavailable to be seen before the end of 2020, this list will eventually be updated after having seen the following films: The Father, Minari, News of the World, Nomadland, One Night in Miami, Pieces of a Woman, Promising Young Woman)
Here are my 25 favorite films of the year:
25. Kajillionaire 
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Quirky filmmaker Miranda July is back with her first feature in nearly a decade. Kajillionaire is a bizarre but captivating tale about a family of criminal grifters and how the daughter reevaluates her strained relationship with her parents after an outsider is welcomed into the fold. Evan Rachel Wood takes what could have easily been dismissed as a goofy caricature in Old Dolio (yes, that’s her name) and turns into a heartfelt portrayal of a woman whose lifestyle of freeloading dictated by her parents (played by Debra Winger and Richard Jenkins) becomes her own crisis. In many ways, Kajillionaire feels like a fantasy that keeps people asking, “What on earth is going on?” And this time, it’s for the best. 
24. Freaky
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Revamping decades-old plots like the body-swapping antics from Freaky Friday can either result in a predictable failure or a surprising success. Thankfully, Freaky falls into the latter category. In this horror comedy, a deranged serial killer (played by Vince Vaughn) swaps bodies with his victim, a timid teen girl (played by Kathryn Newton). What makes the film work though are the dedicated lead performances, particularly by Vaughn, who is pretty convincing as young girl trapped in a grown man’s body. With a few good laughs and decent thrills, Freaky is worth the watch. 
23. The Outpost
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The Outpost is an intense film about the real-life story of small group of US troops isolated by surrounding mountains in Afghanistan, under the constant threat of the Taliban, which ultimately comes to a head in the Battle of Kamdesh. The film captures the harrowing experiences of these soldiers with heart-pounding action sequences, which are fueled by a solid cast including Scott Eastwood, Caleb Landry Jones, and Orlando Bloom. 
22. Uncle Frank
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Paul Bettany may be best known for playing The Vision in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he should be celebrated as his title character in Uncle Frank, a touching dramedy set in 1973 about an NYU professor who returns home to his estranged family for his father’s funeral while his niece, played by rising star Sophia Lillis, idolizes him for teaching her to be her authentic self while he keeps his sexuality a secret. Bettany brilliantly balances the coolness of his stature with the internal agony that ultimately hits a boiling point, which is counterbalanced by Peter Macdissi’s fun performance as Frank’s happy-go-lucky lover who accompanies him back home despite his wishes. 
21. Hillbilly Elegy
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Hillbilly Elegy was panned by critics over politics that had absolutely no role the film. Based on the best-selling memoir by J.D. Vance, the newest feature from Ron Howard shows the journey of a boy who despite all odds growing up in a poor family that constantly struggled with abuse and addition managed to get into Yale Law School and achieve the American dream. While both Gabriel Basso and Owen Asztalos hold the film together as the younger and older Vance in the present and flashback scenes, Amy Adams as the impulsive, irresponsible mother and an unrecognizable Glenn Close as the no-nonsense inspiring grandmother that turn Hillbilly Elegy into an acting tour de force. 
20. The Trial of the Chicago 7
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Oscar-winning screenwriter Aaron Sorkin sits in the director’s chair once again in this courtroom drama about the real-life protesters who showed up in Chicago during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. With themes that resonate today, The Trial of the Chicago 7 benefits from its sharp screenplay, well-paced editing, and an outstanding ensemble cast that includes Eddie Redmayne, Mark Rylance, Yahoo Abdul-Mateen II, Sacha Baron Cohen, Jeremy Strong, Frank Langella, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Michael Keaton. 
19. Yellow Rose
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Broadway actress Eva Noblezada makes her film debut as an aspiring country singer on the run after her mother, an illegal immigrant, is obtained for deportation. Yellow Rose presents a nuanced depiction of US immigration, but at the heart of it is a heartbreaking story of a young woman who struggles between putting her family or her dreams first. Between Noblezada’s powerful performance and solid original music, Yellow Rose hits all the right chords. 
18. Palm Springs
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Move over, Groundhog Day. While the Bill Murray classic has largely monopolized the time loop film genre, Palm Springs gives it a run for its money. Andy Sandberg and Cristin Milioti star as the unlikely duo who are stranded reliving the same dreaded wedding day involving mutual acquaintances and their desperate efforts to escape the seemingly inescapable. The Hulu comedy stands on its own two feet for the good laughs, the chemistry between the two leads, and the film’s emotionally-grounded plot.  
17. Let Him Go
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Kevin Costner and Diane Lane reunite on the big screen after playing farmer parents in Man of Steel to rancher grandparents in Let Him Go, although this time they are able to display their full acting chops. In this period dramatic thriller, they set out to find their only grandchild following the death of their son only to discover that the widowed daughter-in-law remarried into an infamous crime family. While both Costner and Lane tug at the heartstrings, it’s Lesley Manville, who plays the ruthless matriarch of the family, that really takes command of the screen. Ultimately, Let Him Go is all about family and the lengths one is willing to go to protect it. 
16. Unhinged
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In a year plagued by the pandemic, Unhinged led the way to the revival of movie theaters back in August and perhaps in some ways it was meant to be the film to do so as the themes of a rage-fueled society and the lack of human connection carry weight. Russell Crowe stars, as the title suggests, as an unhinged psychopath whose road rage torments a woman and her adolescent son. Unhinged is the epitome of pure entertainment and is why we go to the movies. While it’s not quite the most sophisticated thriller of the year, it’s still one helluva ride. 
15. Emma
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Anya Taylor-Joy has had quite the year with both highs (The Queen’s Gambit) and lows (The New Mutants). But it began before the pandemic with the release of Emma, which she stars as the iconic Jane Austen title character, a socialite who meddles in the love life of others while refusing to acknowledge her own shortcomings in that department. Supported with a strong ensemble cast, beautiful production design, and comedic charm, Emma is not to be missed. 
14. The Invisible Man
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ln the era of remakes and reboots, very few are as good as Universal’s latest monster flick revival of The Invisible Man. Elisabeth Moss stars as a woman who believes she’s being haunted by her abusive ex-husband, someone she becomes convinced faked his own death and is stalking her without being able to be seen. Filmmaker Leigh Whannell, the writer behind the Saw and Insidious horror franchises, generates good thrills and high-wire tension with the help of high production value and a terrifyingly-good performance from Moss. 
13. Dick Johnson is Dead
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Documentarian Kirsten Johnson filmed a beautiful, intimate tribute to her father Dick Johnson, who has been suffering from Alzheimer's in the final years of his life. However, instead of dreading his death, both daughter and father embrace it by having him acting out several scenes of his over-the-top demises. Dick Johnson is Dead may focus on the subject manner of death, but this documentary actually celebrates life and the laughs that happen along the way. 
12. The Wolf of Snow Hollow
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Perhaps one of the littlest-known films of the year, The Wolf of Snow Hollow is not your conventional indie comedy horror flick. Writer/director Jim Cummings stars as an overly-heated police officer who attempts to get to the bottom of a string of murders in his small, snowy Utah town by what appears to be some sort of werewolf, though he remains unconvinced. Featuring one of the final performances from veteran actor Robert Forster, The Wolf of Snow Hollow uses its quirky sense of humor to stand out from the rest of the pack. 
11. The Gentlemen 
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The Gentlemen is a fun, action-packed, crime caper from Guy Ritchie about the London turf war of drug kingpins. Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Henry Goulding, Michelle Dockery, and Colin Ferrell all round out the strong cast, but its Hugh Grant that really steals the show as the comedically manipulative Fletcher, whose only allegiance is to himself. If you like a stylish film with well-choreographed violence and a fast-paced plot, The Gentlemen should be your cup of tea.  
10. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom
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Some of the best play-to-film adaptations are the films that feel like you’re watching a play, and Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom is one of them. Produced by Denzel Washington, Viola Davis gives a transformative performance as Ma Rainey, known as the “mother of the blues” and the clash she had with a pair of White music producers, but she also butts heads with her trumpet player (played by the late Chadwick Boseman), who also has his own music ambitions. While Davis obviously gives other Oscar-worthy performance, it was Boseman who was able to show how incredibly gifted he was as an actor. And while the world lost him far too soon, at least his last role ended up being his greatest. 
9. The Kid Detective
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One of the biggest surprises of the year was how good a movie starring and produced by Adam Brody was. Brody plays a washed up former kid detective who attempts to revive his once-celebrated career of solving mysteries by getting to the bottom of a murder in his hometown. The Kid Detective is a brilliant dark comedy from newcomer writer/director Evan Morgan with good laughs, plenty of plot twists, and a career-best performance from Brody, who proves he’s more than just the pretty face from The O.C. we all know him as. 
8. Mank
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Citizen Kane is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made and Mank is a worthy tribute. Gary Oldman stars as the title character Herman “Mank” Mankiewicz, the Oscar-winning screenwriter behind the iconic film. David Fincher (The Social Network, Gone Girl) managed to capture the epic scale of the 1941 classic that would make Orson Welles proud. 
7. Soul
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Soul is one of those rare existential Pixar films that goes beyond being children’s entertainment. Following in the footsteps of 2015′s Inside Out, Soul depicts what happens to the soul of a jazz musician who’s convinced his time on Earth isn’t over. While the universe created to explain how souls work and the plot that went along with it falls short of its emotions predecessor, Soul is still high-caliber among Pixar films and a great movie for both kids and adults alike. 
6. Another Round
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Perhaps the greatest work from Swedish director Thomas Vinterberg to date, Another Round follows four unsatisfied middle aged men who decide to take a theory of task from a Norwegian psychiatrist, who concluded that maintaining a blood alcohol level of 0.050 will enhance their mental and psychological state. Mads Mikkelsen, who’s best known to American audiences as Hannibal Lecter in the short-lived NBC series Hannibal and the Bond villain in Casino Royale, offers a strong, nuanced performance as one of the four educators who embraces this drinking challenge in a film that provides an equal balance of chuckles, cringes, and emotional gut punches. 
5. I’m Thinking of Ending Things
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From the crazy mastermind of Charlie Kaufman, the writer behind Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Anomalisa, his latest on Netflix is too a mind-bender. I’m Thinking of Ending Things is a surreal, zany, and at times disturbing examination of the human condition as the nameless female protagonist played by an incredible Jessie Buckley mulls over breaking up with her boyfriend (played by Jesse Plemons) while visiting his parents’ house. Accompanied with a stellar production design and a crazy-good performance from Toni Collette as “Mother,” Kaufman newest cerebral feature lives up to his iconic reputation of filmmaking. 
4. Da 5 Bloods
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Spike Lee is one of the few genius filmmakers who is able to blend multiple genres together and his latest film is no different. Da 5 Bloods is an action adventure, buddy comedy, dramatic character study, and war movie all wrapped up into one about a group of Vietnam War veterans who return to the former battlegrounds to find the remains of one of their fallen soldiers as well as some treasure that they kept hidden years ago. With a strong ensemble cast that includes the late Chadwick Boseman, its longtime character actor Delroy Lindo who steals the show with his powerful performance. Da 5 Bloods is easily one of Netflix’s strongest films to date. 
3. The Assistant
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One of the first #MeToo-era films, The Assistant offers the day in the life of a low-level female staffer of a production company who is haunted by the presence of her Harvey Weinstein-like boss (who never actually appears in the film). However, rather than depicting the dramatics of sexual misconduct, The Assistant uses the common subtleties and nuances of the workplace yet maintains the same tension and heartbreak. Anchored by the remarkable, devastating performance by up-and-comer Julia Garner (Ozark), The Assistant is as important as it is well-done. 
2. Sound of Metal
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Riz Ahmed gives the performance of his career as a heavy metal drummer and former addict whose sudden battle with going deaf upends his life. Sound of Metal is an incredible experience that gives a rare glimpse in the American deaf community which is enhanced by the remarkable sound design that helps the audience actually hear what the musician is going through. It’s truly one of the most rewarding films of the year. 
1. The Climb
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The Climb takes the generic “man sleeps with his best friend’s fiancé” storyline and turns it on its head. In his feature debut as writer and director, Michael Angelo Covino leads as the not-so-apologetic adulterer Mike and Kyle Marvin, who co-wrote the film, is the good-hearted Kyle who struggles to whether or not to forgive his best friend’s ultimately betrayal. Not only is The Climb is quirky and hilariously written, it’s a remarkably well-made comedy with some of the year’s best cinematography. Between a strong cast, a superb screenplay, and the extremely-high production value, The Climb is at the top of the mountain of 2020′s best films. 
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For your weekend pleasure, it just came to my mind to reblog this fanfiction story that was submitted to us last year! For those who haven´t read it yet: enjoy!! For those who write: we want more!! 
It was a burning hot August afternoon in L.A., the sun twinkling on the heated tarmac of Sunset Boulevard. I had been in town for almost a week now, and attending business meetings and visiting sites over the last five days had worn me out. Thank god, I could board my plane tomorrow and go home!
I had virtually done no sightseeing during my business trip this time, but I had been to L.A. before and knew the city a little. On my last afternoon, I wanted to finally do some shopping. Some vintage records maybe at Amoeba Music? I had to take a look and strolled through the door, feeling the coolness of the AC on my sweaty skin, my eyes, coming from the bright sunlight outside, only slowly adjusting to the dimmed lights in the shop.
I slowly strolled through the aisles, casually pulling out a record here and there to take a closer look, when a group of guys struck me, one of them catching my eye immediately. Now that couldn´t be, could it? But I was pretty sure it was Caleb standing there with a group of friends, discussing some old Bob Dylan record. His hair was longer now, put into an unkempt men bun, some red strands tucked behind his ear, his grey shirt too big and worn out.
I felt like someone hit me on the head. Hard. What was I supposed to do? Stand there and stare? Approach him? Talk to him? No, I couldn´t do that… Otherwise: people say he´s nice to fans… Now or never I thought, and the likeliness that I would hate myself for the rest of my life if I´d let this change pass suddenly seemed to weight heavier than my fear.
Before I could have second thoughts, I felt my shaky legs walking straight over to him. What was I supposed to say? I wasn´t prepared, not the slightest! So, I was surprised when I heard myself talk with a somewhat unfamiliar, trembling voice:
“Hey! Sorry to interrupt… Ahm… You are Caleb Landry Jones, right? I ahm, I wanted to say something clever, but it´s totally gone now, so…” - I laughed nervously.
“I, I guess that I only wanted to say, ahm, how much I admire your work, your ability to totally dissolve in your characters…It´s soo amazing!” - Oh dear, was this the best I could come up with? I felt my face turn red and hot with embarrassment. How could I just have done that?? What kind of idiot says something like that?? Stupid, stupid… But to my surprise, he looked a little embarrassed himself, his eyes pinned on the floor, a slight smile on his lips.
“Oh thank you, that´s very kind of you.” - He mumbled with an utter sobriety, his voice quiet and gentle. “So you like the Chili Peppers?”
“W - what?” - I stammered. How could he know? He nodded to the record I clenched in my hands, which I had totally forgotten.
“Oh, oh, yeah, love´ em” -  I managed to press out.
“The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, hmm? The only studio album to feature all four founding members.”  - he said, now his eyes firmly pinned on the colorful cover.
“It´s thirty years old by now, can you imagine?” - I replied. “I thought I use the chance to look for some vintage stuff while I´m in town.”
“Oh yeah, it´s a great place here”, he said, his eyes now moving over the shelves and finally locking mine. “So, where you´re from?”
“XXX.” - I answered. “I´m only here for a few days. Business trip…”
“What´s up Caleb, come on!” - a guy from his group yelled from behind, obviously, they were ready to leave the shop, but he didn´t react to it at all.
“So, wanna take a picture?” - he asked, and it somehow sounded “business”. That´s what all the girls ask him for. Those damn other girls flashed through my mind.
“Ah, nope, thanks! I´m not the selfie taker, really…” - I answered.
He gave me a surprised look, and I instantly regretted my answer. How impolite and gruffly this must have sounded! I must have completely lost my mind by now…
”Well, it´s not like, I mean…!” - I stammered -  “I just want this moment for myself, not showing around a picture of it later, bragging…It’s, it’s so very special to me…”
“Man, let´s go!” -  some other guy from his group yelled, and this time Caleb raised his arm to signalize them he´s coming.
“Ok, ahm, nice to meet you, so, enjoy the rest of your trip!” - he said and I could not quite read his face. Was he hurt by my response or bugged by his friends?
“Nice to meet you, too!” - I said hastily, cause he was already turned around halfway.
Oh, what a bummer, I was thinking by myself as he was walking away towards the exit. I turned around, too. How did I just manage to make such an utter, complete fool of myself?? I should´ve said nothing. Not approach him. Not stammer around this nonsense. When has this been a good idea? Never! I was caught up in these kinds of thoughts, when felt someone walk up behind me.
I turned around. It was him again, and now he seemed somewhat sheepish.
“I was thinking… Tomorrow night some friends of mine play at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go and… Maybe you wanna come? They are quite decent…”
What the fuck was happening here? I was completely caught off guard. His eyes were again pinned fiercely on the floor in front of me.
“Sure, yeah!” - was all I could manage to say.
“Ok!” - that was all he replied before he turned around again and joined his friends, but he had a little grin on his face now, the one I love so much.
“What the hell did just happen?”, I thought. I must have stood still for minutes right in the middle of this busy record store, my sweaty finger still clenched around the old record, trying to process what just had happened. Did Caleb just invite me to a concert? Was he fucking around with me? Was I supposed to go to that club? My return flight was scheduled for tomorrow morning, so I couldn´t… I could re-schedule… That´s ridiculous…The thoughts shot through my head like crazy, and I think I never felt this agitated before.
The following night came and went, with zero sleep. I couldn´t take my mind off what happened, not even for a second. I needed to make a decision. “Act like a grown woman, board this fucking plane today”, a voice in my head screamed. “You are only making a fool of yourself! At best he was trying to be polite when inviting you, nothing more!” -  What was I expecting? Probably he had already forgotten about the whole encounter. Likely, even.
My plane would leave soon; I had to make a decision. I grabbed my phone and called the travel agency to re-schedule my flight to the afternoon of the following day, and then I wrote my boss a mail with outrageous explanations why I had to stay another day. I regretted it immediately, but it was too late now. So I would go to that damn club. I spent the rest of the day in my hotel room, thinking about this mess, thinking about what to wear, what to do… In the course of the last 24 hours, so it seemed to me, I had become a wretched, insecure teenager again, and I hated to feel this way. Like I was 15 again and my mum drives me to the concert of our school band, with whose drummer I was madly in love back then. The thought of it made me grin bitterly, as I sat in the taxi to the club, dressed as casually as possible with a shirt, jeans and sneakers. Don’t make a big thing of it!, I told myself.
The club on the corner of Sunset Blvd. and North Clark St. was already crowded when I made my way in. A band I didn´t know played Alternative Rock on the stage. It was dark, much too loud and I felt unbelievably cramped, yet so alone. I didn´t belong here, it was evident. Ok, get yourself a beer, stay a few minutes and then leave, if Caleb is even here, you´ll not gonna find him anyway… I thought, let go! You tried!. Somehow this felt consoling and I slowly made my way to the bar.
I must have waited there for some minutes when I felt an arm casually touching mine. My first reaction was to step back to let the person pass, but when I turn around, I saw it was Caleb standing close by my side. Holding a cup in his hand, he wore the same shirt as the day before, and his hair seemed even more tousled. Regardless he looked adorable.
“You came!”  - he said with a big, somewhat cocky smile.
He was definitely drunk or high or both. His speech seemed even more slurred than usual, and I realized it would be hella hard to understand him over the noise. But he seemed much more laid-back than the day before.
“Wanna drink something?” he asked.
I nodded and he seemed to ask something pointing at his cup, which I did not quite hear over the music. I nodded anyway, and he went off, only to come back a minute later with a second cup he handed to me.
“Thank you!” I tried to scream over the noise and he indicated at toast.
Jesus, I needed alcohol now! Lots of it! I drank a big swig, to find out it was an incredibly strong Jacky Cola, and I started to cough immediately. Caleb looked on with an amused, cocky smirk. It was senseless to hold a big conversation, except for shouting some vanities at each other, so for a while, we just stood next to each other and watched the show.
It was a strange feeling, but I started to relax a little. Maybe it was the booze I felt burning in my chest, that made me tipsy much too fast, especially since I couldn´t bring myself to eat anything since our encounter the day before. But maybe it was also him occasionally looking at me out of the corners of his eyes, smiling.
Suddenly a brunette girl flung her arms around his neck, greeting him effusively. Is that his girlfriend? My heart almost stopped for a moment. They exchanged some words I could not understand over the music, and seemed so familiar with each other. Again, I asked myself what the heck I was doing here. Shall I excuse myself and leave, before this was getting even more embarrassing? I started to feel uncomfortable again. He might have sensed that, cause after a few more words to her, he gestured I should follow him outside.
We made our way through the crowd, and I thought I´d recognized one or two of his friends from the record store, grinning stupidly at me. Probably they see him picking up girls like that all the time and feel pity for me…Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my heart. On the sidewalk outside the club, Caleb lit himself a cigarette and offered one to me, too.
“Soo” -  he started - “didn´t ask for your name yesterday…”-
“It´s XXX”, I replied.
“Well, XXX, how´s life in XXX?”  - he asked, leaning his back on the wall of the building, pulling deeply on his cigarette. So he remembered what it told him the day before, and I couldn´t stop myself from smirking. We stood there talking for a while, when some very drunk guys approached him, bawling:
“Ehhh, yooo, Jonesyyyy!” - clapping on his shoulder and trying to hug him. He looked visibly uncomfortable, stating calmly:
“Hey man, I don´t know you!” and trying to get away from the grip.
“Jonesyyyy…”, they continued brawled incomprehensible words, not indicating that they want to leave anytime soon. The fuss attracted the bystanders in front of the club, and only then they seemed to realize who was standing next to them. Some looked over, some pulled out their mobile phones to take pictures. Caleb rolled his eyes.
“Let´s get out here!” -  he said, pulling me around the corner, away from the crowd. “I´m so sorry”-  I replied - “some people have no respect!”. He shrugged.
“Where would you like to go now?”  - he asked.
“I don´t know, someplace quieter, I guess. I really love the Griffith Observatory, but I guess it´s closed now…” -  I answered.
“Doesn´t matter, let´s go there - he replied.
Obviously, he had parked his car only a few steps down the next street, cause after walking for about a minute, he stopped by an old, brownish Chevy and fumbled in his pocket for the car keys.
“He wants to drive? He really shouldn´t!” - flashed through my head, but I held my tongue. The heck with it! I did so many unreasonable things lately, why not get in a car with a drunk, too?
He opened me the door on the passenger’s side and I got in. I could instantly tell he smoked in that car, and not only tobacco. His mug shot crossed my mind, speeding and possession of drugs… Just what the heck was I doing?
He started the engine and off we went to the canyons, our hair blowing in the still hot breeze coming in through the open windows. He did drive fast, but not so much that a felt unsafe. I had been afraid of awkward silence, but we kept talking during the whole ride up the hills. Our families, his dogs, our love for Kubrick and guitar music were just some of the topics we touched. The question that weighed most heavily on my heart, if he had a girlfriend, was the one I couldn´t bring myself to ask. Perhaps I was afraid to ruin the atmosphere, but perhaps I was afraid of the answer, too.
He stopped at the now empty parking lot in front of the Observatory. Do they have guards on patrol here at night? - was another question that crossed my mind briefly, but I didn´t say anything, as I didn´t want him to think I was the sissy that I am.
It was dark and although a few cars came down the road as we drove up, no soul seemed to on the premises now. We strolled past the majestic building to the terrace overlooking the brightly lit city and sat on a wall. It was a breathtaking view, and sitting here next to Caleb was nothing short of mesmerizing.
“It´s so beautiful”  - I sighed.
“It is” - he agreed softly, lighting another cigarette.
We sat there for a while not saying anything, and suddenly it didn´t feel awkward at all, rather appropriate, somehow. We sat close, out shoulders casually touching another, but neither of us made a move. Did I pressure him by wanting to go to a so obviously romantic place? Was this too clichéd? I couldn´t get this new thought out of my head now. Oh god, maybe it had been a mistake…
Suddenly, as if he read my mind, he turned to me and asked;
“Wanna go for a swim?”
“Now?” - it was well past midnight. “Where?” -  I replied.
“Lake Hollywood, it´s a reservoir in the hills to the West.”
“And everyone is free to go there for a swim at night?”
He chuckled  - “Not exactly, we might have to climb a fence or so…”
Once again I couldn´t believe that I said: “Ok, then, let´s do it!”.
About 15 minutes later we arrived at a dusty kind of turning basin.
“Gotta walk from here” - Caleb stated.
He grabbed an old woolen plaid and a flashlight out of the trunk and started walking towards the barbed wire fence. Once again I couldn´t believe what I was doing. He has obviously been here before, with God knows whom, and what he was going to do was clearly against the law.
“Don´t be a sissy tonight” - I reminded myself and followed him. He threw the plaid over the fence and climbed it in no time. Oh, he did that before, I was sure.
“C´mon!” -  he shouted after jumping down the fence on the other side onto the dusty ground. Hesitantly I started to climb.
“I´ll catch ya!”  - he said, and my already racing heart beat even faster. This can very well end with a sprained ankle or worse, it crossed my mind quickly, but I tried not to dissemble. I crossed the fence and let myself slide down on the other side slowly. About halfway, I suddenly felt his arms around my hips carrying me down the rest of the way and softly putting me on the ground. His arms felt stronger than I had expected. For a short moment, he remained in this position, and I wished I could have read his face, but it was too dark where we stood.
“See, wasn´t that difficult, hm? Now be careful, terrain´s a lil rough!”  - he said softly and after lifting his arms from my hips he took my hand. For a moment I was taken aback by the sensation of my hand in his. He gently pulled me forward, lighting the uneven ground with the flashlight. I could see the premise slope down to the narrow sandy shoreline of the lake about 30 yards in front of us when we approached the last stony terrace on our way down.
He jumped down first, then reaching up to me. I grabbed his hand but must have miscalculated the height of the stone, and the shine of the flashlight in his hand was rather pointed upwards, so I couldn´t see the ground. I headed down the terrace, half jumping, half stumbling, and probably I would have fallen if Caleb wouldn´t have caught me. We collided rather hard, as I clenched onto his shoulders while he tried to stop my fall by grabbing my hips.
This was the closest we had gotten so far, and for a moment my face touched the naked skin of his neck. The faint mixture of smoke and sweat, well, of just him, was intoxicating. My heart started racing so fast that I thought my legs would give way. To my surprise, he remained in this position this time, showing no intention to let go. Neither of us said a word. I slowly lifted my head from his neck and he let his forehead sink onto mine, his eyes closed, our noses gently touching each other. He lifted one hand and placed it on my cheek, slowly caressing it. It felt surreal, but at the same time strangely profound. Suddenly I realized that pressed so close together, he must feel my heart racing like crazy, and I felt a rush of blood to my cheeks.
Isn´t that embarrassing? I mused for a second, but as I slowly traced down my hand over his chest, I felt his heart beat just the same. In a flash of boldness, not knowing whether this was pure adrenalin or sheer idiocy clouding my judgment, I let my lips touch his. Tenderly, hesitant at first, not knowing how he would react. His lips were softer than I had imagined, I faintly tasted cigarettes, Jacky and a trace of salty sweat on his upper lip. He did not seem surprised nor did he pull away the slightest. On the contrary, after a few seconds, he pulled me closer and let his tongue slip into my mouth his one hand still on my cheek, the other on my hip.
That was all it took for me. I felt my underpants getting soaking wet embarrassingly fast. I could feel him gripping my hips tighter after a few seconds, and I felt his erection through his pants on my stomach. Once more, my head started to spin, this time worse than before. This couldn´t be happening for real. Suddenly I was afraid of my own boldness and pulled away from him.
“Didn´t you wanna swim?” - I said, trying to sound playful, but was well aware how shaky my voice must have sounded. Again, it was hard to read his expression in the darkness, but his eyes were pinned on me firmly. I needed to cool down. This was going so fast…
I started to take off my shoes, jeans and shirt, and in another move, I thought I wasn´t capable of, also my underwear, and headed into the lake. The water felt ice cold on my heated body. I needed to come to my senses again. I was just taking a plunge, when I heard Caleb jumping into the lake with a big splash, surfacing from the water after a few moment just inches away from me.
This time, he wasn´t hesitant. He pulled me close vigorously and let his tongue slide into my mouth again. I felt that he was completely naked now, too, and the sensation of his wet skin pressed against mine was the most gorgeous feeling I could have ever imagined. Despite the cold of the water, I felt him getting hard again instantly. His kiss became more and more demanding and his hands slipped down and firmly grabbed my butt cheeks, pressing my body even closer to his. The sensation of it left me completely breathless. His breathing was heavy, too, and for a moment, he pulled away, as if to catch his breath. He didn´t say a word, but he looked at me half appetent, half inquiring as if he wanted to make sure I´m fine with what happened next.
He must have read my face again, because he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the water, towards the lakeshore. He had already spread out the woolen plaid on the ground, and before I even realized it, we were both lying on it, I on my back and he on top of me. All the sensations were overwhelming I wished I could have stopped the time then and there.
The still warm breeze on my wet skin, the scratchy plaid, faintly smelling of weed and his old car, between my body and the soil, some smaller rocks stinging in my back, the chirping of the crickets nearby…Once again our eyes locked and I brushed strands of his wet hair out of his face while my legs entangled his hips. He stabilized his body above me with one arm; his other hand firmly entangled in my hair and let his member slide inside me with one smooth move, effortlessly.
Instantly a soft moan escaped his mouth and he pressed his forehead against mine, his eyes closed, kissing me voraciously. His moves picked up pace before I even could process the sensation of feeling him inside of me. It was dazzling, surreal somehow, but felt so naturally right in the same moment. Also, I tried to suppress it, I couldn´t help moaning at each of his thrusts that steadily got deeper and more relentless. The intensity of the feeling was compelling. He could have torn me apart, I wouldn´t have minded. I never wanted this sensation to stop.
His breathing was even heavier now and he buried his head deep in my neck, his hips moving back and forth even more insatiable. Moments later I could feel his whole body trembled when he came inside me with a muffled groan that came from deep down. He stayed in this position for a while, not pulling out of me, and rested his forehead and nose against mine, eyes still closed.
The feeling of having him, all of him, so close to me was so overwhelming in that moment, that it was almost painful. I let my hands wander through his hair and down his back to his butt. Neither of us said a word, when he finally rolled his body over and was now lying close by my side, his arm tightly wrapped around me. I rested my head on his chest, feeling his soft skin, and his heart still racing.
After a few moments of remaining like that, Caleb started to fumble with his free hand inside the pocket of his jeans that lay next to him and lit a cigarette.
“Want a draw now?” - he asked, still a little out of breath.
He drew on it deeply, then handed me the cigarette and I lifted my head a little not to burn him with it.
“So you come here often?” - I asked before handing the cigarette back to him. I immediately regretted the question, because it made my jealousy and unsettledness so apparent. I might as well have asked him if he bangs girls here regularly, and I suddenly felt pathetic for asking.
An amused smirk flit across his face for a second, like he knew what I was thinking, and he took another deep draw before answering:
“I´ve been here with my brother a couple of times when he visited me this summer.”
“He still lives back in Texas?”
“Hmm… In Princeton with our parents.”  
“You miss home sometimes?”
“I miss our dogs…” - he said musing, and after another draw, he continued - “yeah, I miss my folks, too. People here are different. I just can´t relate sometimes…”
“But you have friends here!”  
“There´s a difference between not being alone and not being lonely” - he answered, putting out the cigarette in the grass. I put my head back on his shoulder, wrapping one arm around his hip, and he kissed my forehead, letting his cheek rest on it.
Did he feel like he doesn´t belong? Did he feel lonely? Those thoughts had never occurred to me before. But now they felt like a million needles sticking in my heart. We lay there in silence, watching the night sky for quite a while. I listened to his heartbeat, that was calm now, his breathing peaceful. His eyes were closed, his cheek still resting on my head, and I wondered if he might have dozed off.
The thought that this situation, this night would inevitably end started to feel like a heavy stone on my heart. I wanted this to last forever. I brushed out some strands of his drying hair gently out of his face and started to let my hand wander down from the cheek to his chest and stomach slowly, caressing every inch of his soft, snow white skin. Was he still dozing or just laying still, taking in the sensation? He neither moved nor made a sound. I decided to go for it, my hand tracing his landing strip down to his pubic area. He let out a quiet humming, which I interpreted as approval. I traced the outline of his member softly, before taking it in my hand more firmly, slowly moving up and down. Again, he was hard in no time. I lifted my head a little and my lips met his, but I pulled away quickly, kissing his neck instead and moving slowly further down his chest and stomach, not stopping the movement of my hand around his member. He raised his head a little to watch me, his breathing became faster again, as I traced down his landing strip with my tongue.
Finally, my tongue reached his member and I let it slip gently over its tip before I took it deep in my mouth. I tasted myself on it as I gently started sucking it, never stopping to move up and down with my other hand. Caleb let his head fall back on the plaid with a deep moan, his one hand firmly gripping the woolen fabric, the other entangling in my hair again. I could have done this forever, teasing him with my tongue, listening to the sound of his muffled moans, but I wanted to feel him inside of me again. I straightened up and lowered myself on his member.
Again I was so wet he entered me smoothly. I started to move slowly back and forth when our eyes met. Normally I would have felt ashamed and exposed, but with Caleb it was different. Our eyes locked and he watched every one of my moves, his cheeks flushed, his breathing labored, while he let his hands run over my upper body caressing it gently.
Finally, he sat up and our lips met again. His kiss was passionate, yet softer this time. Slower, more considerate, in the rhythm my hips moved on him, while he wrapped his arms around me. I buried both of my hands in his red curls, again overwhelmed by the feeling of him being so close. A wave of emotions flooded my body as he dug his fingernails into my hips, trying to press them even closer to his, and finally released himself into me while looking me straight in the eyes. We remained a while in this position, our foreheads rested against each other, his hands caressing my cheeks.
“Dawn´s coming”, he said after some time, and only then I realized that it indeed got lucid around us. Was there a hint of sadness in his voice, or was it only me wanting to hear it?
“We should pack up, yeah.” - I said, trying not let him know about the desperation that overcame me.
“I gonna drive you to your hotel, maybe you can even get some hours of sleep before your plane leaves.” - he said, casually, while we both got dressed again.
The pain in my heart only grew stronger. I didn´t want this night to end. I didn´t want to leave his side ever again. How pathetic was that? What was I even thinking? That I would be able to play cool? That I would get anything more than a badly shattered heart? He could have so many girls, why would he choose me for anything more than… this? The thoughts flew through my head as we made our way back to his car.
We didn´t talk much on the ride back, maybe he was in thoughts, maybe he was just tired, it was hard to figure out. I kept thinking all the time how to tell him what I felt without making a complete fool of myself. The time was running out, I knew that, and I started to feel utterly hopeless. I made a mistake. I had the most amazing night in my life but the price for it would be an awful pain. I felt tears boiling up, but I didn´t want Caleb to see me cry, so I swallowed hard. Still, I knew I couldn´t keep them down much longer. I stared out of the passenger seat window to avoid his gaze, but I felt him looking over to me a couple of times. Yet he said nothing.
Finally, he stopped the car in a small alley next to my hotel. That´s it, I thought. Get out of the car before he sees you crying. Get away from here and try to continue your life the best you could. Try to forget… no, that was impossible, and I knew it.
“Hey…” - his voice was soft and sounded somehow worried. He leaned towards me and gently ran his hand through my hair and down my cheek. “You ok?”
I forced myself to smile and nodded: “Sure!”  - I love you so much, I wanna be with you forever, I… all those things I wanted to tell him, but couldn´t. Leave now, it will only get worse, the voice in my head screamed, you are wretched, don´t let him see!
“It was beautiful” - he said quietly, bringing his head close to mine, “thank you”.
His voice sounded a bit shaky and he looked me straight in the eyes after placing a last soft kiss on my lips. In his eyes, I saw sincereness and sorrow. He knew it would never work out, he knew it was unfair to make promises he couldn´t keep. He was right after all.
“Goodbye”, I said, trying to get out of his car before the tears blurred my vision. I closed the door hasty and crossed the alley, hurrying to the entrance of the hotel. I didn´t hear him starting the car, he must have sat there for a while. Through my tears, I saw the sun rising, the beginning of another hot August day in LA.
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More fanfiction!
For a nice start into the new week, here another fanfiction submission we got! Many thanks for it!! This one is quite long, and it´s also the first fanfiction, at least as far as we know, that´s about Caleb himself. It´s nsfw, but no worries, the author proved to our reasonable satisfaction that it´s purely fictional! Hope you enjoy
It was a burning hot August afternoon in L.A., the sun twinkling on the heated tarmac of Sunset Boulevard. I had been in town for almost a week now, and attending business meetings and visiting sites over the last five days had worn me out. Thank god, I could board my plane tomorrow and go home!
I had virtually done no sightseeing during my business trip this time, but I had been to L.A. before and knew the city a little. On my last afternoon, I wanted to finally do some shopping. Some vintage records maybe at Amoeba Music? I had to take a look and strolled through the door, feeling the coolness of the AC on my sweaty skin, my eyes, coming from the bright sunlight outside, only slowly adjusting to the dimmed lights in the shop.
I slowly strolled through the aisles, casually pulling out a record here and there to take a closer look, when a group of guys struck me, one of them catching my eye immediately. Now that couldn´t be, could it? But I was pretty sure it was Caleb standing there with a group of friends, discussing some old Bob Dylan record. His hair was longer now, put into an unkempt men bun, some red strands tucked behind his ear, his grey shirt too big and worn out.
I felt like someone hit me on the head. Hard. What was I supposed to do? Stand there and stare? Approach him? Talk to him? No, I couldn´t do that… Otherwise: people say he´s nice to fans… Now or never I thought, and the likeliness that I would hate myself for the rest of my life if I´d let this change pass suddenly seemed to weight heavier than my fear.
Before I could have second thoughts, I felt my shaky legs walking straight over to him. What was I supposed to say? I wasn´t prepared, not the slightest! So, I was surprised when I heard myself talk with a somewhat unfamiliar, trembling voice:
“Hey! Sorry to interrupt… Ahm… You are Caleb Landry Jones, right? I ahm, I wanted to say something clever, but it´s totally gone now, so…” - I laughed nervously.
“I, I guess that I only wanted to say, ahm, how much I admire your work, your ability to totally dissolve in your characters…It´s soo amazing!” - Oh dear, was this the best I could come up with? I felt my face turn red and hot with embarrassment. How could I just have done that?? What kind of idiot says something like that?? Stupid, stupid… But to my surprise, he looked a little embarrassed himself, his eyes pinned on the floor, a slight smile on his lips.
“Oh thank you, that´s very kind of you.” - He mumbled with an utter sobriety, his voice quiet and gentle. “So you like the Chili Peppers?”
 “W - what?” - I stammered. How could he know? He nodded to the record I clenched in my hands, which I had totally forgotten.
“Oh, oh, yeah, love´ em” -  I managed to press out.
“The Uplift Mofo Party Plan, hmm? The only studio album to feature all four founding members.”  - he said, now his eyes firmly pinned on the colorful cover.
“It´s thirty years old by now, can you imagine?” - I replied. “I thought I use the chance to look for some vintage stuff while I´m in town.”
“Oh yeah, it´s a great place here”, he said, his eyes now moving over the shelves and finally locking mine. “So, where you´re from?”
“XXX.” - I answered. “I´m only here for a few days. Business trip…”
“What´s up Caleb, come on!” - a guy from his group yelled from behind, obviously, they were ready to leave the shop, but he didn´t react to it at all.
“So, wanna take a picture?” - he asked, and it somehow sounded “business”. That´s what all the girls ask him for. Those damn other girls flashed through my mind.
“Ah, nope, thanks! I´m not the selfie taker, really…” - I answered.
He gave me a surprised look, and I instantly regretted my answer. How impolite and gruffly this must have sounded! I must have completely lost my mind by now…
”Well, it´s not like, I mean…!” - I stammered -  “I just want this moment for myself, not showing around a picture of it later, bragging…It’s, it’s so very special to me…”
“Man, let´s go!” -  some other guy from his group yelled, and this time Caleb raised his arm to signalize them he´s coming.
“Ok, ahm, nice to meet you, so, enjoy the rest of your trip!” - he said and I could not quite read his face. Was he hurt by my response or bugged by his friends?
“Nice to meet you, too!” - I said hastily, cause he was already turned around halfway.
Oh, what a bummer, I was thinking by myself as he was walking away towards the exit. I turned around, too. How did I just manage to make such an utter, complete fool of myself?? I should´ve said nothing. Not approach him. Not stammer around this nonsense. When has this been a good idea? Never! I was caught up in these kinds of thoughts, when felt someone walk up behind me.
I turned around. It was him again, and now he seemed somewhat sheepish.
“I was thinking… Tomorrow night some friends of mine play at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go and… Maybe you wanna come? They are quite decent…”
What the fuck was happening here? I was completely caught off guard. His eyes were again pinned fiercely on the floor in front of me.
“Sure, yeah!” - was all I could manage to say.
“Ok!” - that was all he replied before he turned around again and joined his friends, but he had a little grin on his face now, the one I love so much.
“What the hell did just happen?”, I thought. I must have stood still for minutes right in the middle of this busy record store, my sweaty finger still clenched around the old record, trying to process what just had happened. Did Caleb just invite me to a concert? Was he fucking around with me? Was I supposed to go to that club? My return flight was scheduled for tomorrow morning, so I couldn´t… I could re-schedule… That´s ridiculous…The thoughts shot through my head like crazy, and I think I never felt this agitated before.
The following night came and went, with zero sleep. I couldn´t take my mind off what happened, not even for a second. I needed to make a decision. “Act like a grown woman, board this fucking plane today”, a voice in my head screamed. “You are only making a fool of yourself! At best he was trying to be polite when inviting you, nothing more!” -  What was I expecting? Probably he had already forgotten about the whole encounter. Likely, even.
My plane would leave soon; I had to make a decision. I grabbed my phone and called the travel agency to re-schedule my flight to the afternoon of the following day, and then I wrote my boss a mail with outrageous explanations why I had to stay another day. I regretted it immediately, but it was too late now. So I would go to that damn club. I spent the rest of the day in my hotel room, thinking about this mess, thinking about what to wear, what to do… In the course of the last 24 hours, so it seemed to me, I had become a wretched, insecure teenager again, and I hated to feel this way. Like I was 15 again and my mum drives me to the concert of our school band, with whose drummer I was madly in love back then. The thought of it made me grin bitterly, as I sat in the taxi to the club, dressed as casually as possible with a shirt, jeans and sneakers. Don’t make a big thing of it!, I told myself.
The club on the corner of Sunset Blvd. and North Clark St. was already crowded when I made my way in. A band I didn´t know played Alternative Rock on the stage. It was dark, much too loud and I felt unbelievably cramped, yet so alone. I didn´t belong here, it was evident. Ok, get yourself a beer, stay a few minutes and then leave, if Caleb is even here, you´ll not gonna find him anyway… I thought, let go! You tried!. Somehow this felt consoling and I slowly made my way to the bar.
I must have waited there for some minutes when I felt an arm casually touching mine. My first reaction was to step back to let the person pass, but when I turn around, I saw it was Caleb standing close by my side. Holding a cup in his hand, he wore the same shirt as the day before, and his hair seemed even more tousled. Regardless he looked adorable.
“You came!”  - he said with a big, somewhat cocky smile.
He was definitely drunk or high or both. His speech seemed even more slurred than usual, and I realized it would be hella hard to understand him over the noise. But he seemed much more laid-back than the day before.
“Wanna drink something?” he asked.
I nodded and he seemed to ask something pointing at his cup, which I did not quite hear over the music. I nodded anyway, and he went off, only to come back a minute later with a second cup he handed to me.
“Thank you!” I tried to scream over the noise and he indicated at toast.
Jesus, I needed alcohol now! Lots of it! I drank a big swig, to find out it was an incredibly strong Jacky Cola, and I started to cough immediately. Caleb looked on with an amused, cocky smirk. It was senseless to hold a big conversation, except for shouting some vanities at each other, so for a while, we just stood next to each other and watched the show.
It was a strange feeling, but I started to relax a little. Maybe it was the booze I felt burning in my chest, that made me tipsy much too fast, especially since I couldn´t bring myself to eat anything since our encounter the day before. But maybe it was also him occasionally looking at me out of the corners of his eyes, smiling.
Suddenly a brunette girl flung her arms around his neck, greeting him effusively. Is that his girlfriend? My heart almost stopped for a moment. They exchanged some words I could not understand over the music, and seemed so familiar with each other. Again, I asked myself what the heck I was doing here. Shall I excuse myself and leave, before this was getting even more embarrassing? I started to feel uncomfortable again. He might have sensed that, cause after a few more words to her, he gestured I should follow him outside.
We made our way through the crowd, and I thought I´d recognized one or two of his friends from the record store, grinning stupidly at me. Probably they see him picking up girls like that all the time and feel pity for me…Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my heart. On the sidewalk outside the club, Caleb lit himself a cigarette and offered one to me, too.
“Soo” -  he started - “didn´t ask for your name yesterday…”-
“It´s XXX”, I replied.
“Well, XXX, how´s life in XXX?”  - he asked, leaning his back on the wall of the building, pulling deeply on his cigarette. So he remembered what it told him the day before, and I couldn´t stop myself from smirking. We stood there talking for a while, when some very drunk guys approached him, bawling:
“Ehhh, yooo, Jonesyyyy!” - clapping on his shoulder and trying to hug him. He looked visibly uncomfortable, stating calmly:
“Hey man, I don´t know you!” and trying to get away from the grip.
“Jonesyyyy…”, they continued brawled incomprehensible words, not indicating that they want to leave anytime soon. The fuss attracted the bystanders in front of the club, and only then they seemed to realize who was standing next to them. Some looked over, some pulled out their mobile phones to take pictures. Caleb rolled his eyes.
“Let´s get out here!” -  he said, pulling me around the corner, away from the crowd. “I´m so sorry”-  I replied - “some people have no respect!”. He shrugged.
“Where would you like to go now?”  - he asked.
“I don´t know, someplace quieter, I guess. I really love the Griffith Observatory, but I guess it´s closed now…” -  I answered.
“Doesn´t matter, let´s go there - he replied.
Obviously, he had parked his car only a few steps down the next street, cause after walking for about a minute, he stopped by an old, brownish Chevy and fumbled in his pocket for the car keys.
“He wants to drive? He really shouldn´t!” - flashed through my head, but I held my tongue. The heck with it! I did so many unreasonable things lately, why not get in a car with a drunk, too?
He opened me the door on the passenger’s side and I got in. I could instantly tell he smoked in that car, and not only tobacco. His mug shot crossed my mind, speeding and possession of drugs… Just what the heck was I doing?
He started the engine and off we went to the canyons, our hair blowing in the still hot breeze coming in through the open windows. He did drive fast, but not so much that a felt unsafe. I had been afraid of awkward silence, but we kept talking during the whole ride up the hills. Our families, his dogs, our love for Kubrick and guitar music were just some of the topics we touched. The question that weighed most heavily on my heart, if he had a girlfriend, was the one I couldn´t bring myself to ask. Perhaps I was afraid to ruin the atmosphere, but perhaps I was afraid of the answer, too.
He stopped at the now empty parking lot in front of the Observatory. Do they have guards on patrol here at night? - was another question that crossed my mind briefly, but I didn´t say anything, as I didn´t want him to think I was the sissy that I am.
It was dark and although a few cars came down the road as we drove up, no soul seemed to on the premises now. We strolled past the majestic building to the terrace overlooking the brightly lit city and sat on a wall. It was a breathtaking view, and sitting here next to Caleb was nothing short of mesmerizing.
“It´s so beautiful”  - I sighed.
“It is” - he agreed softly, lighting another cigarette.
We sat there for a while not saying anything, and suddenly it didn´t feel awkward at all, rather appropriate, somehow. We sat close, out shoulders casually touching another, but neither of us made a move. Did I pressure him by wanting to go to a so obviously romantic place? Was this too clichéd? I couldn´t get this new thought out of my head now. Oh god, maybe it had been a mistake…
Suddenly, as if he read my mind, he turned to me and asked;
“Wanna go for a swim?”
“Now?” - it was well past midnight. “Where?” -  I replied.
“Lake Hollywood, it´s a reservoir in the hills to the West.”
“And everyone is free to go there for a swim at night?”
He chuckled  - “Not exactly, we might have to climb a fence or so…”
Once again I couldn´t believe that I said: “Ok, then, let´s do it!”.
About 15 minutes later we arrived at a dusty kind of turning basin.
“Gotta walk from here” - Caleb stated.
He grabbed an old woolen plaid and a flashlight out of the trunk and started walking towards the barbed wire fence. Once again I couldn´t believe what I was doing. He has obviously been here before, with God knows whom, and what he was going to do was clearly against the law.
“Don´t be a sissy tonight” - I reminded myself and followed him. He threw the plaid over the fence and climbed it in no time. Oh, he did that before, I was sure.
“C´mon!” -  he shouted after jumping down the fence on the other side onto the dusty ground. Hesitantly I started to climb.
“I´ll catch ya!”  - he said, and my already racing heart beat even faster. This can very well end with a sprained ankle or worse, it crossed my mind quickly, but I tried not to dissemble. I crossed the fence and let myself slide down on the other side slowly. About halfway, I suddenly felt his arms around my hips carrying me down the rest of the way and softly putting me on the ground. His arms felt stronger than I had expected. For a short moment, he remained in this position, and I wished I could have read his face, but it was too dark where we stood.
“See, wasn´t that difficult, hm? Now be careful, terrain´s a lil rough!”  - he said softly and after lifting his arms from my hips he took my hand. For a moment I was taken aback by the sensation of my hand in his. He gently pulled me forward, lighting the uneven ground with the flashlight. I could see the premise slope down to the narrow sandy shoreline of the lake about 30 yards in front of us when we approached the last stony terrace on our way down.
He jumped down first, then reaching up to me. I grabbed his hand but must have miscalculated the height of the stone, and the shine of the flashlight in his hand was rather pointed upwards, so I couldn´t see the ground. I headed down the terrace, half jumping, half stumbling, and probably I would have fallen if Caleb wouldn´t have caught me. We collided rather hard, as I clenched onto his shoulders while he tried to stop my fall by grabbing my hips.
This was the closest we had gotten so far, and for a moment my face touched the naked skin of his neck. The faint mixture of smoke and sweat, well, of just him, was intoxicating. My heart started racing so fast that I thought my legs would give way. To my surprise, he remained in this position this time, showing no intention to let go. Neither of us said a word. I slowly lifted my head from his neck and he let his forehead sink onto mine, his eyes closed, our noses gently touching each other. He lifted one hand and placed it on my cheek, slowly caressing it. It felt surreal, but at the same time strangely profound. Suddenly I realized that pressed so close together, he must feel my heart racing like crazy, and I felt a rush of blood to my cheeks.
Isn´t that embarrassing? I mused for a second, but as I slowly traced down my hand over his chest, I felt his heart beat just the same. In a flash of boldness, not knowing whether this was pure adrenalin or sheer idiocy clouding my judgment, I let my lips touch his. Tenderly, hesitant at first, not knowing how he would react. His lips were softer than I had imagined, I faintly tasted cigarettes, Jacky and a trace of salty sweat on his upper lip. He did not seem surprised nor did he pull away the slightest. On the contrary, after a few seconds, he pulled me closer and let his tongue slip into my mouth his one hand still on my cheek, the other on my hip.
That was all it took for me. I felt my underpants getting soaking wet embarrassingly fast. I could feel him gripping my hips tighter after a few seconds, and I felt his erection through his pants on my stomach. Once more, my head started to spin, this time worse than before. This couldn´t be happening for real. Suddenly I was afraid of my own boldness and pulled away from him.
“Didn´t you wanna swim?” - I said, trying to sound playful, but was well aware how shaky my voice must have sounded. Again, it was hard to read his expression in the darkness, but his eyes were pinned on me firmly. I needed to cool down. This was going so fast…
I started to take off my shoes, jeans and shirt, and in another move, I thought I wasn´t capable of, also my underwear, and headed into the lake. The water felt ice cold on my heated body. I needed to come to my senses again. I was just taking a plunge, when I heard Caleb jumping into the lake with a big splash, surfacing from the water after a few moment just inches away from me.
This time, he wasn´t hesitant. He pulled me close vigorously and let his tongue slide into my mouth again. I felt that he was completely naked now, too, and the sensation of his wet skin pressed against mine was the most gorgeous feeling I could have ever imagined. Despite the cold of the water, I felt him getting hard again instantly. His kiss became more and more demanding and his hands slipped down and firmly grabbed my butt cheeks, pressing my body even closer to his. The sensation of it left me completely breathless. His breathing was heavy, too, and for a moment, he pulled away, as if to catch his breath. He didn´t say a word, but he looked at me half appetent, half inquiring as if he wanted to make sure I´m fine with what happened next.
He must have read my face again, because he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the water, towards the lakeshore. He had already spread out the woolen plaid on the ground, and before I even realized it, we were both lying on it, I on my back and he on top of me. All the sensations were overwhelming I wished I could have stopped the time then and there.
The still warm breeze on my wet skin, the scratchy plaid, faintly smelling of weed and his old car, between my body and the soil, some smaller rocks stinging in my back, the chirping of the crickets nearby…Once again our eyes locked and I brushed strands of his wet hair out of his face while my legs entangled his hips. He stabilized his body above me with one arm; his other hand firmly entangled in my hair and let his member slide inside me with one smooth move, effortlessly.
Instantly a soft moan escaped his mouth and he pressed his forehead against mine, his eyes closed, kissing me voraciously. His moves picked up pace before I even could process the sensation of feeling him inside of me. It was dazzling, surreal somehow, but felt so naturally right in the same moment. Also, I tried to suppress it, I couldn´t help moaning at each of his thrusts that steadily got deeper and more relentless. The intensity of the feeling was compelling. He could have torn me apart, I wouldn´t have minded. I never wanted this sensation to stop.
His breathing was even heavier now and he buried his head deep in my neck, his hips moving back and forth even more insatiable. Moments later I could feel his whole body trembled when he came inside me with a muffled groan that came from deep down. He stayed in this position for a while, not pulling out of me, and rested his forehead and nose against mine, eyes still closed.
The feeling of having him, all of him, so close to me was so overwhelming in that moment, that it was almost painful. I let my hands wander through his hair and down his back to his butt. Neither of us said a word, when he finally rolled his body over and was now lying close by my side, his arm tightly wrapped around me. I rested my head on his chest, feeling his soft skin, and his heart still racing.
After a few moments of remaining like that, Caleb started to fumble with his free hand inside the pocket of his jeans that lay next to him and lit a cigarette.
“Want a draw now?” - he asked, still a little out of breath.
He drew on it deeply, then handed me the cigarette and I lifted my head a little not to burn him with it.
“So you come here often?” - I asked before handing the cigarette back to him. I immediately regretted the question, because it made my jealousy and unsettledness so apparent. I might as well have asked him if he bangs girls here regularly, and I suddenly felt pathetic for asking.
An amused smirk flit across his face for a second, like he knew what I was thinking, and he took another deep draw before answering:
“I´ve been here with my brother a couple of times when he visited me this summer.”
“He still lives back in Texas?”
“Hmm… In Princeton with our parents.”  
“You miss home sometimes?”
“I miss our dogs…” - he said musing, and after another draw, he continued - “yeah, I miss my folks, too. People here are different. I just can´t relate sometimes…”
“But you have friends here!”  
“There´s a difference between not being alone and not being lonely” - he answered, putting out the cigarette in the grass. I put my head back on his shoulder, wrapping one arm around his hip, and he kissed my forehead, letting his cheek rest on it.
Did he feel like he doesn´t belong? Did he feel lonely? Those thoughts had never occurred to me before. But now they felt like a million needles sticking in my heart. We lay there in silence, watching the night sky for quite a while. I listened to his heartbeat, that was calm now, his breathing peaceful. His eyes were closed, his cheek still resting on my head, and I wondered if he might have dozed off.
The thought that this situation, this night would inevitably end started to feel like a heavy stone on my heart. I wanted this to last forever. I brushed out some strands of his drying hair gently out of his face and started to let my hand wander down from the cheek to his chest and stomach slowly, caressing every inch of his soft, snow white skin. Was he still dozing or just laying still, taking in the sensation? He neither moved nor made a sound. I decided to go for it, my hand tracing his landing strip down to his pubic area. He let out a quiet humming, which I interpreted as approval. I traced the outline of his member softly, before taking it in my hand more firmly, slowly moving up and down. Again, he was hard in no time. I lifted my head a little and my lips met his, but I pulled away quickly, kissing his neck instead and moving slowly further down his chest and stomach, not stopping the movement of my hand around his member. He raised his head a little to watch me, his breathing became faster again, as I traced down his landing strip with my tongue.
Finally, my tongue reached his member and I let it slip gently over its tip before I took it deep in my mouth. I tasted myself on it as I gently started sucking it, never stopping to move up and down with my other hand. Caleb let his head fall back on the plaid with a deep moan, his one hand firmly gripping the woolen fabric, the other entangling in my hair again. I could have done this forever, teasing him with my tongue, listening to the sound of his muffled moans, but I wanted to feel him inside of me again. I straightened up and lowered myself on his member.
Again I was so wet he entered me smoothly. I started to move slowly back and forth when our eyes met. Normally I would have felt ashamed and exposed, but with Caleb it was different. Our eyes locked and he watched every one of my moves, his cheeks flushed, his breathing labored, while he let his hands run over my upper body caressing it gently.
Finally, he sat up and our lips met again. His kiss was passionate, yet softer this time. Slower, more considerate, in the rhythm my hips moved on him, while he wrapped his arms around me. I buried both of my hands in his red curls, again overwhelmed by the feeling of him being so close. A wave of emotions flooded my body as he dug his fingernails into my hips, trying to press them even closer to his, and finally released himself into me while looking me straight in the eyes. We remained a while in this position, our foreheads rested against each other, his hands caressing my cheeks.
“Dawn´s coming”, he said after some time, and only then I realized that it indeed got lucid around us. Was there a hint of sadness in his voice, or was it only me wanting to hear it?
“We should pack up, yeah.” - I said, trying not let him know about the desperation that overcame me.
“I gonna drive you to your hotel, maybe you can even get some hours of sleep before your plane leaves.” - he said, casually, while we both got dressed again.
The pain in my heart only grew stronger. I didn´t want this night to end. I didn´t want to leave his side ever again. How pathetic was that? What was I even thinking? That I would be able to play cool? That I would get anything more than a badly shattered heart? He could have so many girls, why would he choose me for anything more than… this? The thoughts flew through my head as we made our way back to his car.
We didn´t talk much on the ride back, maybe he was in thoughts, maybe he was just tired, it was hard to figure out. I kept thinking all the time how to tell him what I felt without making a complete fool of myself. The time was running out, I knew that, and I started to feel utterly hopeless. I made a mistake. I had the most amazing night in my life but the price for it would be an awful pain. I felt tears boiling up, but I didn´t want Caleb to see me cry, so I swallowed hard. Still, I knew I couldn´t keep them down much longer. I stared out of the passenger seat window to avoid his gaze, but I felt him looking over to me a couple of times. Yet he said nothing.
Finally, he stopped the car in a small alley next to my hotel. That´s it, I thought. Get out of the car before he sees you crying. Get away from here and try to continue your life the best you could. Try to forget… no, that was impossible, and I knew it.
“Hey…” - his voice was soft and sounded somehow worried. He leaned towards me and gently ran his hand through my hair and down my cheek. “You ok?”
I forced myself to smile and nodded: “Sure!”  - I love you so much, I wanna be with you forever, I… all those things I wanted to tell him, but couldn´t. Leave now, it will only get worse, the voice in my head screamed, you are wretched, don´t let him see!
“It was beautiful” - he said quietly, bringing his head close to mine, “thank you”.
His voice sounded a bit shaky and he looked me straight in the eyes after placing a last soft kiss on my lips. In his eyes, I saw sincereness and sorrow. He knew it would never work out, he knew it was unfair to make promises he couldn´t keep. He was right after all.
“Goodbye”, I said, trying to get out of his car before the tears blurred my vision. I closed the door hasty and crossed the alley, hurrying to the entrance of the hotel. I didn´t hear him starting the car, he must have sat there for a while. Through my tears, I saw the sun rising, the beginning of another hot August day in LA.
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