#avarice plays hollow knight
avariceaside · 28 days
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Pure Light and Crimson Glow 
A Hollow Knight Fansong. Written by PsychoVanny, DiscordAnon, WaterWalkerLizard, Ethernet Portal, or Lemon----Lime, depending on where you're reading this.
Little Knight! Pick up your nail, and prepare to fight!
For the Crimson Glow approaches tonight!
Raaise your Sheillld! Stand Steadfast!
We will Never Yeild; their light, we shall outlast!
Prepare to Fiiight! For the Crim-son Flaaame! Is lit toniiight! They Tarnish our reepu-tation with their blight!
Prepare for the show! Do you see the Pale Glow?
Fools approach in that paaale light!
Take! A bow! Prepare! Yourself!
No longer a lantern on the shelf!
Prepare to Fiiight! For the Ra-diant Liiight! Is lit toniiight! They Ruin our performance, they’re so bright!
Ze’mer vs Divine: For arrogance vs Lack of confidence.
Z Oh, Mi dear, the Light so shines.
D And your taste is so Divine.
Z We must win, with what is at stake.
D Your dear tastes so good on a dinner plate.
Z Our light wanes, but we must stay strong!
D And we’ll feast on your failures all the day long!
Z We’ll fail, again and again.
D Because fate is not your friend!
Z But Persevere, we must, we must!
D Another nuisance, abuse their trust!
Z Our future, Our joy, is on the line!
D Give it all to me, I’ll appreciate it just fine!
Chorus: They are a BLIGHT to our grand LIGHT! We shall not fail, for our cause is divinely right!
Isma vs Legeater: Charity vs. greed
I Our battle is not the frontline, is it?
L You tell me, you sour water dimwit!
I Our claw, we must offer, to the unfortunate.
L But the Geo, it shines, we must hoard all of it!
I We must Defend against the corruption of Kin
L Difficult to do, when only greed lives within!
I By Nature, we Kin are true and Kind!
L Your Societal Eyes are clearly Blind!
I The Justice of Society looks not with her eye!
L Justice may be blind, but so am I!
I We must be good and nice!
L We shall take joy in avarice!
I The kindest souls shall sing!
L And I shall become King!
Chorus: They are a PLIGHT to our grand GLOW! We shall not fail, for our cause is the darkest show!
Grimm vs Ogrimm: Leader vs Leader.
G Take a bow!
O Take a stand!
G The show goes on!
O The show must end!
G The Light does glow!
O It shines so bright!
G This Dance shall go!
O All through the night!
G Raise your Shield!
O Raise your Cape!
OG For we both know what lies at stake!
Chorus: They are a BLIGHT to our grand LIGHT! We shall not fail, for our cause is divinely right! Ordained by his Grace! We know our place! We shall ever Serve! Our Everbright Lord!
Dryya vs Grimmsteeds: Devotion vs Obedience.
D We serve our majesty, and his queen!
G We take him to, where he needs to be.
D We Stand Steadfast, against the Plight!
G We stand, until we make his travels light.
D For the Light awaits us at the end!
G For but a meal, we’ll gladly contend.
D In the Right of our Radiant Light!
G In the promise of a well slept night.
D To the Pale King, we’ll devote our lives!
G We wait, still, ‘till an order arrives.
D Faithful to the End!
G Faithful to the End.
Chorus: They are a PLIGHT to our grand GLOW! We shall not fail, for our cause is the darkest show!
Ordained by his Grace! We know our place! We shall ever Serve! Our Crimson Lit Lord!
Brumm vs Hegemol: Kind vs Kind.
We stand. Again.
Enemies. Again.
We. Contend.
H For his Red Light
B For what is Right
This Dance, again
This Battle, again
We fight. Once more.
Our fight, Eternal.
B If only I could be of aid
B To help end this masquerade.
H To help would be your end
H No longer needed to play pretend
B So again, We meet, We fight, We cry.
H So again, We meet, We fight, We die.
Tears shed, upon the ground.
At either end, Only light can be found.
So Pick up! Your Nail! Oh, little Knight!
Feed the Child, Or Bask in the Light!
For The Crimson Court, His Lantern’s Light!
For The Pale Court, and his Pale Glow!
Only one shall shine through the night!
One shall remain, and the other must go!
So Fight! For the Light!
For the Grand Show; For what is Right!
Oh, Knight, One shall burn forevermore!
And One shall be less than a whisper!
So pick up your nail, and never yield!
Choose the Child, or Choose the Seal!
Time of Completion: 5:59 pm, Pacific time zone. 9/29/2023
I am posting this here and now, to prove that I came up with this song. You may music on it, You may even profit on it, but 1: Get me involved in the Project. 2: Properly Credit me. If 2 is too complex without contacting me, see clause 1.
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Good evening all. So now that we are all caught up with the previous two chapters, I am posting the most recent chapter called The King’s Gambit. This one also is NSFW. It will be the last of this type for a while, since are many other things these two babies need to do, like go back to work. 
Why did this chapter take so long? I don’t know. All I know is I couldn’t get it right. So thank you to @scubalass​ who kept on me until it become something worth posting.
I appreciate any thoughts, comments, suggestions, recommendations that anyone may have. Any questions anyone has fire away.
So without any further delay, I give to you, for better or worse:
Edinburgh to Scotland
Chapter 19
The King’s Gambit
The pale cold light from a winter sun came through the bedroom window. It was the type of light that illuminated but did not lend warmth. It was, however, warm and cozy in bed next to Claire. Jamie didn’t want to get up by a long shot, but the reality of life would intrude today and there was no sense in postponing it.
He quietly got up rummaging through a drawer finding an old pair of sweatpants and a tee-shirt; he dressed quickly turned and looked at Claire sleeping.
Her hair was a wild mess, like a dandelion puff that exploded. She’ll hate it, he thought. He, on the other hand, rather liked it as he thought it suited her, ferocious and untamed. Maybe that was what he loved about her. She reminded him of the Highlands, fierce, unrestrained, yet warm, loving, and tender as a spring flower. And beautiful. He gently brought the blanket up to cover her properly and silently left her to her slumber.
Claire turned onto her side searching for Jamie only finding a cold empty bed. Cracking one eye open she scoured the room for any sign of her Scot. To her dismay, he was nowhere to be found. She wiggled her bum intending to burrow down into the inviting bed for a few more minutes of sleep when the enticing smell of fresh coffee wafted under her nose pulling at her like a doomed sailor to a siren’s song.
Standing up, Claire smiled at the pleasant soreness between her legs remembering their amorous activities of last night and earlier this morning. Thinking she would find him in the kitchen, she wrapped her robe around herself and padded off in search of her Scot and coffee. 
She found him seated at the island, a coffee mug in hand staring intently at his laptop. Leaning over, Claire wrapped her arms around him resting her head on his shoulder. 
“Good morning,” she murmured, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.
Jamie took her hand lovingly kissing her palm, “Ye slept well then, lass?” he inquired. 
“Very well. Better than I have in a long time,” Claire replied sounding pleased.
She turned her head to observe the screen realizing he had logged in to the hospital’s portal to review their upcoming OR schedule.
“I see you’re busy checking our calendar.”
“Aye, I have. There’s a CABG followed by a mitral valve repair/replacement as soon as we get back. The remainder of the week is just as busy.” He was crestfallen at not being able to help her. “Ye ken I canna help ye. So I was looking tae see who was free.”
Claire poured a cup of coffee and sat next to Jamie to review the surgical roster. “Look, I think Pound is free all week. He’s getting ready to graduate and could use more hands-on time. And he is quite good. I trust him. I think we have our problem solved,” Claire said as she sipped her coffee. “Do you think you could cover my other duties while I’m operating? That should ease the burden on the two of us.”
“I can. Now I just need to tell the Chief,” Jamie rolled his eyes and grimaced with the prospect of having this conversation with the pompous old windbag.
“Then I shall leave you to it,” Claire grabbed her cup and stood as if to leave wanting to give Jamie some privacy for the phone call.
“No, I dinna want ye to leave,” he reached out grasping her hand.  It was strange how he had come to rely on her in such a short time. Claire became his pillar, his strength. 
“I dinna like the man. He may be Chief but…there is just something about him that’s no’ right.”
She looked at him with sympathy. “I know what you mean. I have thought him to be rather Janus-faced, friendly and kind but insincere and unscrupulous. I have heard rumors about how he treats other surgeons,” provoking a shiver to run down her spine. “But, he likes you. I don’t think there should be much of a problem.”
“Aye, that's what I fear. “I dinna like his attentions,” he huffed. 
“You are very talented and a much better surgeon than he is. He knows it and I have a suspicion he doesn’t like it.”
Jamie blushed at her praise. That kind of praise coming from Claire Beauchamp meant something.
Tightening his grip on her hand, he pulled Claire closer. He looked up at her beseechingly. “Besides, mo nighean donn, this affects you as well. We have been partners long before we became…more.”
He didn’t know how to define what they are. Boyfriend and girlfriend? That sounds rather like high school. Lovers? That they were. But it did not encompass everything. Companions, partners? That still did not cover what their relationship was. He was at a loss to explain what their relationship should be called. What would explain it enough without demeaning its significance? Did it really matter how they referred to each other? She is the love of his life. And that’s what mattered. 
“Ye need to be part of the discussion and the solution.” He looked at her encouraging her to stay. 
“You’re right, Jamie. We need to face things together.”
“Aye, there’s the two of us now,” he smiled with the thought. Whatever they faced they would present a united front. 
Taking a deep breath, Jamie placed the call. 
“Good day to ye Ainsley. Dr. Fraser here, would the Chief be available?” Jamie inquired almost hoping that he was not. Get it over with Fraser. If not now then it will be later. Jamie heaved a large sigh.
“Aye, Dr. Fraser. Let me connect you.”
Soft nondescript music played as he waited for his boss to pick up the line. He puffed out his cheeks and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling with impatience, anxious to get the call over with.
“Jaamie,” the honeyed voice drawled. “How is my favorite surgeon? Hum? Ready to come back with all these new techniques that will improve our department?” The avarice was apparent in his voice. His greed extended not only to money, but to position, fame, but most of all power.
“Weel, sir that’s the reason for my call. I had a wee accident while in Boston injuring my right hand and I’ll no’ be able to operate for a few weeks.”
Claire placed her hand on Jamie’s thigh giving it a gentle squeeze in support.
“You what!?” The Chief sputtered. “Where was Beauchamp while all of this was going on??” He muttered under his breath, but obviously not low enough not to be heard, “Damn the woman! You think she could control one man.”
Claire’s hand went to cover her mouth to smother her laughter. She expected nothing better from him. “Utter arse!”
Jamie scowled at her, for laughing. Claire shrugged her shoulders, leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“She was no’ there when the accident happened. I should be fine in a few weeks. In the meantime, Dr. Beauchamp and I have assessed the situation and devised a plan that will allow for our caseload tae go on unimpeded. I believe that Dr. Elias Pound is available to assist Dr. Beauchamp with the surgeries while I assume the teaching, rounding, and clinic duties. We believe this is a satisfactory solution.”
“It seems you two have everything sorted. I can always count on the two of you to rise to the occasion.” There was a brief pause in the conversation accompanied by some soft muttering from Sandringham’s end. “Jamie, I want you to see our hand surgeon, Dr. Hildegarde de Gascogne to manage your care. As you are aware, she is world-renowned and I want only the best for you, my lad.  You are a very valuable asset to our department, ” he wheezed. ”Ainsley will call you with an appointment.”  Sandringham’s feigned attempt at concern was easily heard in his voice as it was hollow lacking sincerity for Jamie’s well being.
His tone became unctuous and slick, “Are you in much pain, dear boy? Is there anything I can do for you?” 
“Ah, no. Thank ye, Dr. Sandringham. Dr. Beauchamp and I have this well under control. I’ll be expecting Ainsley’s call.” 
“Very well then. Oh, and Dr. Fraser do be more careful, hmm?”
“Aye, sir. Good day tae ye.” He exhaled heavily now feeling able to draw a deep breath.
“That wasn’t so bad was it?” Claire said with a smirk.
“Easy for you tae say. Ye dinna have tae speak tae the man.”
“No, I didn’t. But, he thinks I should have prevented you from injuring yourself.” Little did Jamie know that Claire did blame herself for his broken fingers and that he re-injured his hand a second time.
“Dinna fash, Sassenach. I promised ye I would beat Frank into a pudding if I ever saw him. ‘Tis an honor tae care for ye, protect ye.”
She looked up at him as if he were her knight in shining armor, “I don't know if I ever thanked you for coming to my rescue that night, but thank you.”
Claire sat on his lap snuggling up against him resting her head in the crook of his neck. Jamie wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him. She relaxed into him feeling safe and loved in his strong arms. Her fingers wound their way through his ginger curls. His hair had grown and was longer than he usually wore it.  “I like your hair a little longer, especially when it curls. I don’t want you to cut it.” 
“As ye wish mo leannan.”
They sat enjoying the peace between them listening to each other's breath.
Jamie leaned down placing a soft kiss to her forehead. “Do ye ken how much I like to hold ye?”
“No, I don’t. Why don’t you tell me?” sighed Claire.
“I do it because I like the nearness of ye.”  He smiled at her shyly as if he were going to impart some great secret. ”There is a hole here in my chest,” he said letting one hand go from around her waist and pointing to his heart. “’Tis been there my whole life. I dinna ken what it was or what caused it, this hollowness there. Now that I found ye I kent what ‘tis. ’Tis a chasm that only ye can fill, Claire. Ye are the missing piece of my heart. And when I hold ye close tae me, ‘tis no’ empty. It doesna hurt anymore when yer near me.”
She kissed his eyelids, the tip of his nose, cheekbones, finally finding his mouth. She kissed him lightly. Growing bolder, she allowed her tongue to trace his lush sensual lips savoring the taste of him. 
Jamie groaned deeply. “Claire,” he whispered her name reverently as if saying a prayer. He looked at her as if she was the embodiment of all that is holy. As if she was sent to him by the gods for him to cherish and love.
Leaning forward her mouth pressed near the tender lobe of his ear as she breathed, “Do you want me, Jamie?”
“Ye dinna ken what ye do tae me mo chridhe. How am I tae resist ye? My body is here tae serve ye as ye wish.
Jamie lowered his face, bringing his lips to hers. His tongue caressed the seam of her lips, seeking entry. Her lips were soft, warm, and yielded to his desire. She opened to him like a flower in full bloom. Their tongues twinned together engaging in a ritual courtship dance.
His cell phone rang and vibrated on the table. He saw it was Sandringham’s office and pushed the phone away with annoyance expecting the message to go to voicemail.
“So, where were we?” He queried as his tongue licked the sensitive skin at the juncture of Claire’s neck and throat. Using his teeth he bit her causing Claire to erupt in chill bumps as she moaned in pleasure.
His hand slid between the folds of the gossamer fabric that covered her. Her skin was warm, silky. And her breasts ah...they were full and heavy. He ran a finger over a nipple making it harden and round just like a perfect pearl. How he longed to take it in his mouth and suckle like a babe at her breast. 
His mobile began to chime and vibrate. It skittered on the slick granite top, pulling their attention to the offending little device. Sighing Claire picked it up showing Jamie the home screen alert. Clarence Sandringham. 
“I think you should take the call. He’ll keep calling. We can always pick up where we left off later.”
Jamie grudgingly answered the call. It was Ainsley with the information about his appointment.
“Thank ye kindly, Ainsley. I will be there,” as he placed the information on his calendar. 
“I’m seeing  Dr. de Gascogne Monday at 1 pm. Do ye think ye will be free tae come with me?”
“You want me to come with you? Why ever for?” She wanted to tease him asking if he was afraid of going to the doctor, but held her tongue.
He looked at Claire with soft sweet imploring eyes, “I would feel better with ye by my side ‘tis all.” The tips of his ears pinked as he thought of his need for her by his side supporting him.
“Well if you wish that I come with you, of course, I will.”
Jamie let out a breath he didn’t know that he was holding, “Thank ye Sassenach.” He didn’t want to admit he was nervous and afraid. Afraid his hand would not heal well and he would never be able to operate again. Worse yet, he feared he would not be able to care for Claire, love her, or serve her as she deserves. And she deserved a whole man, not a broken one.
Claire sensing a change in Jamie’s mood cleared her throat feeling that the moment between them had broken. The fire in their bellies had been smoored but not extinguished. She gave Jamie a light kiss on his lips, “Shall I make us breakfast?”
“Nay, lass. ‘Tis my turn to make breakfast. How about I make ye some of my famous parritch with berries? I can do that one-handed.”
“ Alright. Then I guess it’s my turn to make a phone call.”
“Tae who, Sassenach?”
“My dog sitter, Mrs. Bug. I think I should let her know when I’ll be home and pick up Ginger.”
“Aye, that would be a good idea. Ye go on and make yer call. I’ll let ye know when breakfast is ready.”
Claire dialed the number and the phone was picked up quickly. In the background she could hear the cacophony of a television playing, children laughing, and a dog barking. Her sweet girl.
“Ethan, ye wee gomeral, put that down afore ye break it. Hello,” shouted what sounded like an exasperated Mrs. Bug.
“Hallo, Mrs. Bug. It’s Claire. It seems I have caught you at a bad time. I just called to let you know I would be by to pick up Ginger on Sunday evening if that’s alright with you?”
“Claire, ma dearie, och ‘tis not a bad time.”
“Caleb, dinna make me come over there. Be a good lad and eat yer parritach. Dinna put it in yer brother’s hair.” 
“Sunday would be fine. Shall I make ye some soup? I’ll wager ye dinna eat properly while ye were away.”
“No, no, that’s not necessary, Mrs. Bug,” Claire sighed with exasperation. Mrs. Bug was always trying to feed her up.  
“Yer too thin, lass. Ye need to put some meat on yer bones. Gives a man something tae hang on tae. Ye ken what I mean?” Claire swore she heard Mr. Bug snicker in the background.
Before she could respond to Mrs. Bugs’ latest attempt to meddle in her life, there was the sound of pottery crashing accompanied by loud wailing in the background.
She seized the opportunity to end the call. “I think you are needed at the moment. I’ll see you on Sunday, Mrs. Bug. Give my regards to your husband. Take care.” Claire clicked off the call and exhaled a deep breath. She did not know how the elderly couple managed to babysit children, pets, and find the time to pry into other people's lives. She was exhausted just listening to the carrying on.
“Is everything alright, Sassenach?”
“Yes, fine. The Bugs are a sweet elderly couple. They are really grandparents to the entire neighborhood. But they take on so much that I just don’t know how they manage.”
“It seems they enjoy it. Everyone needs to feel useful,” Jamie pointed out. “Now, come and eat. Breakfast is ready milady. ‘Tis no’ as fancy as you make it, but it will fill ye up.”
He pulled out her chair waiting for her to take her seat. 
Claire lowered her eyes and a small smile flitted across her face. No man had ever done that for her before.
Jamie served her the parritch topped with strawberries, sliced almonds, and drizzled with honey.
“‘Tis no’ gourmet, but ‘tis no’ lumpy. I dinna like lumpy parritch,” he grimaced with the thought. He stood next to Claire anxiously waiting for her to taste it. Anxious being the operative word. 
Claire dove in tasting his offering. It was delicious. Creamy with a bit of cinnamon in it as well.
Jamie watched intently as she ate it. He didn't know why he was so worried if she liked the parritch, but he was. Well if he was honest with himself he knew she was a better cook than he and he wanted to please her.  He felt foolish worrying so, after all, it was only parritch. But he couldn’t help himself.  “Do ye like it Sassenach? Is it too hot? Maybe ye would like a bit of cream. I dinna want ye tae burn yer tongue. Would ye like more honey? I could make ye something else if ye dinna like it,” he worried chewing his lower lip.
Claire smiled, the tip of her tongue slipped out and caught a golden drop of honey on her lip, “Jamie, it’s delicious, really. Please sit down and eat before it gets cold.”
Pleasure lit up his face at seeing her enjoyment. Hurriedly he sat down and began to eat with great enthusiasm.
They chatted amicably enjoying their meal and each other’s company.
“Why don’t ye take our coffee into tae sitting room, Claire, while I clear the table?” Jamie stood at the sink rinsing the dishes then stacking them in the dishwasher.
“Alright.”  Carrying their mugs of coffee into the sitting room, Claire placed them on the wooden trunk he used as a coffee table. She wandered around the room looking at the objects that occupied the space as if they would reveal the secrets of the man she loved. She came upon a striking antique mahogany table that stood near the fireplace that was inlaid with white and black marble squares. Two elegantly carved chairs were situated so they sat opposite each other at the table. She ran a hand lovingly across the tabletop admiring its fine craftsmanship.
“‘Tis magnificent, is it no’?” he inquired, wrapping his arms around Claire’s waist nuzzling at her neck.  “‘Tis a family heirloom. It belonged to a great, great, great uncle who lived in Paris in tae 18th century. He was a wine merchant and a Jacobite as weel.” 
“It’s  truly beautiful. Do you have the original chessmen that go with it?” asked Claire.
“Aye, I do,” he replied, opening a side draw revealing the chess pieces. He pulled out the black Queen handing it to Claire. 
She stroked it lovingly appreciating the fine detail of the carving. “It is an exquisite piece, a work of art.”
Jamie looked at her hopefully, “Ye wouldna happen tae play would ye? ‘Tis hard for me tae find an opponent. No’ many people want tae play against me.”
Claire brightened, “I do play. Lamb taught me when I was a child.” Her face misted over with the memories of nightly chess games with either Lamb or Firouz by the campfire. Each man taught her what moves to make, strategies to employ, and tried to instill in her the value of competition, of being a good winner. But more importantly, the virtue of losing gracefully.  “Lamb believed that it would make me a logical thinker and develop strong problem-solving skills.  And he was quite right. It’s been invaluable to me as a surgeon.”  But Claire knew that playing chess had increased her already present competitive spirit. She liked to win.
His heart gladdened with the news. “Might I entice ye tae play a game with me?”
“I would love to. It’s been so long though, I might be a bit rusty.” Claire stopped remembering what he said. ‘Tis hard for me tae find an opponent. No’ many people want tae play against me. Curiosity got the better of her. “Um, Jamie? Why can’t you find anyone to play a game with?”
“Sit Sassenach, make yerself comfortable,” he offered. A sly grin spread across his face. “Ladies choice, which do ye prefer, the black or the white?”
“White. No, I’d prefer black. I don’t like making the opening move.”
“Having the opening move can give ye an advantage and ye will need it. I was Captain of my chess club in high school and in Uni. I’m no’ being bold when I tell ye I have won many competitions. I am offering ye a chance tae win.”  A cocky look spread across his face as he went about setting up the chessboard.
So that’s why no one will play with him. He was a chess prodigy. “No, I didn’t know that.” Tapping a finger against the table, Claire carefully weighed this new piece of information deciding how to use it. She played well but simply was not in Jamie’s league.  Her competitive nature rose to the surface with his challenge. If she wanted to win, and she did, she knew she would need an edge. Just, not the one he was offering.
 ”No, I stand by my choice. I’ll take black,” she smiled coyly. There’s more than one way to win this game, my lad, she thought.
The first mistake, he mused. By allowing him to open it would allow him to play aggressively. He wanted the game over in twenty moves or less. And to do that he would make use of the King’s Gambit. Bobby Fischer defeated an opponent in eight maneuvers. Jamie knew he was good but not that good. 
He opened by moving his pawn to e-4. 
Claire countered by placing a pawn to e-5.
A white pawn moved to f-4.
Smiling smugly, Claire accepted the challenge by taking this pawn. 
Just what I want, he thought as his lip turned slightly upward. Not wanting to appear aggressive and moving too quickly, Jamie sat rubbing his chin in concentration.
Looking up he watched as Claire’s fingers lightly stroked her arm up then down. Her fingers eventually traveled up, over her shoulder then down to graze over the edge of her breast. Slowly. Touching herself just with the tips of her fingernails the outline of her breast became visible beneath her silk robe. She followed the same pattern over and over. His mouth hung open hypnotized by her. He shook his head like a wet dog to dispel his thoughts. And oh what thoughts he was having.
“Knight to f-3,” he announced.
Claire smiled taking in his chosen placement.
She licked her lips jutting out her plump bottom lip as she considered her next position.
Surreptitiously, Jamie looked at that sweet voluptuous lip peeping out at him. What he wouldn't give to suck it into his mouth and tease it with his teeth and tongue. Christ, the woman was driving him mad.  Get yer mind back on the game, he told himself.
“Pawn to g-5.”
Jamie looked pleased with her play. He bit the inside of his cheek while considering his next strategic move.
Claire studied the board intently waiting for Jamie to place his piece. Her index finger gravitated to her lips gently gliding over it. Lips parting, her fingertip entered her mouth and she began to lightly suck it. Her finger floated across her lips making them glisten with the dew from her mouth. She smiled coquettishly as she dropped her hand to caress the black Bishop. Her movements were sensuous, sliding over the chess piece from top to bottom, bottom to top. She made a slight twisting motion as she stroked the piece. 
Jamie’s eyes never left her hand. His mouth went dry.
“It’s still your turn” she whispered demurely. 
“Pawn to h-4,” he choked out his words. Small beads of sweat appeared on his lip.
“Pawn to g-5” she stated sweetly. 
Jamie refused to look up at her, “Knight to g-5.”
“Hum, interesting, Pawn to h-6.” Jamie’s hand rested next to the board. She placed her hand over his and began to trace patterns over the back of his hand.
He burned from the contact of her skin on his. Gently he removed his hand, immediately regretting the loss of her caress. Rubbing the side of his nose he tried to clear his head from the sight and feel of her. He meant to win this game and she was doing her best to distract him. Weel, he wouldna let her.
“Knight to f-7,” Jamie countered hoping Claire would expose her King.
Claire brought her King forward taking Jamie’s Knight.
“Queen to g-4,” Jamie grinned, setting up his advanced attack.
“Knight to f-6,” Claire defends her King. 
Jamie smirked, after this move, he was three moves away from winning. “Queen to f-4.”
He looked at Claire, finding her absorbed pondering her next move. Her hand followed the V of the neckline of her robe. Leaning forward, her hand gracefully began to trace her décolletage exposing more and more skin with each pass of her hand. Soon the curve of her breast was exposed. 
His eyes darkened with just a sliver of blue iris exposed. A deep rumbling noise rose from the back of his throat, dangerous, predatory. 
Stretching, Claire reached for her King placing it on f-8 enabling Jamie to see her hardened nipples straining against the filmy fabric. 
He rose walking to the side of the table bending over as if to examine the position of the pieces in play. Straightening up he turned and snatched Claire’s arm pulling her impossibly close to his heated body. 
“Let’s play something else,” he growled, capturing her mouth as he had planned on seizing her King. His mouth was hungry for hers. He licked, nipped, and tasted her mouth with kisses slow and erotic. One hand reached up and cupped her head while the other drew her closer against him, jealous of the space the air between them occupied. His kisses deepened, searing her lips. His hand buried deeper into her curls, as his kisses became more demanding.
 Claire melted against him, her mouth open to him as her robe gave way leaving her exposed. He palmed her breast roughly feeling the puckered nipple under his hand. He rolled it between his fingers causing her to whimper. 
“Yer a right dodgy player Claire. Ye dinna play fair teasing me, distracting me throughout the game,” he snarled. “And for that, yer coming with me. We’re gonna play a new game.”
He lifted her, threw her over his shoulder, and strode with single-mindedness toward the bedroom.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Fraser? Put me down this instant!” Claire bellowed kicking her legs, hitting him in the back in between fits of laughter. 
“Haud yer wheesht, woman!” 
Jamie unceremoniously dropped Claire onto the bed. Standing at the side of the bed he loomed over her. His breath harsh and his chest heaving. His eyes were glazed over with lust. She lit a fire in his belly that needed to be put out. He licked his lips anticipating what was to come next. 
Claire scrambled to her knees backing away from him just a little.
Raising her chin in defiance, “What do you plan on doing to me?”
His lips curled into a smirk, “I’m going to kiss ye.”
She blinked. “We’re going to play a kissing game? Isn’t that childish?” she asked in confusion.
“Oh no, lassie, ‘tis a verra good game. ‘Tis one where I get tae devour ye and leave ye with naught but yer cries for mercy.”
Claire studied him, trying to puzzle him out. She eventually gave it up as a lost cause.
“Um, well I do like kissing you.”
“I ken that.” His eyes gleamed.
Jamie crawled up onto the bed. His body radiated so much heat it could be felt from several inches away. He was a blazing inferno.
He sat back on his haunches fixing her with a piercing look. 
Claire’s spine tingled under his scrutiny. It was unnerving her.
“Give me yer mouth, Sassenach,” he requested sweetly.
Claire leaned forward and placed a quick peck on his lips.
“Ok, so we’re done, right?” she asked nervously not quite knowing what to expect. 
“And ye call that a kiss? Tsk! Nay, we haven’t even started yet,” he grinned wickedly.
Jamie removed his shirt then sat back to remove his sweatpants. 
He shifted himself to sit so his back rested against the headboard. “Come here, sit beside me,” he requested, patting the space next to him.
Claire hesitated for a moment then moved to sit beside him.
His arm came up wrapping around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him.
“See, that’s so much nicer, is it no’?”
“What are you up to Jamie?” she asked one eyebrow quirked in question.
“I told ye, a nighean I just want to kiss ye.” 
He cupped her face, turning it toward him. His tongue slipped out to wet his lips. Slowly he lowered his face until their lips were a breath away. He placed a kiss so light it felt like the wings of a dove floating across her lips
“‘Tis pleasant?” he whispered into her mouth.
“Yes,” Claire replied breathily.
“Good. May I kiss ye again?”
Brushing an errant curl away from her face, he tilted her head back seeking out her mouth like he did that morning. Still sweet from the honey and berries he ate for breakfast, he fitted his lips to her’s. Slowly he increased the pressure on Claire’s mouth molding them together creating delicious friction. 
Jamie pulled away momentarily giving her a sinful grin. His eyes engulfed her, finally settling on her mouth. He felt like a man drowning and only her kiss and her breath could save him.  Her mouth was his lifeline. Jamie lowered his head and began to rain kisses across her mouth lightly at first then deeply, possessively.
Jamie broke away, resting his forehead against hers. Tenderly he brushed his lips across her cheek, then to her ear to nibble at the shell. Finding her succulent earlobe, he drew it into his mouth caressing it suggesting things yet to come.
Claire dropped her head back whimpering, making an offering of her alabaster neck to him. She pulled at his hair, dragging him closer.
Jamie plied his attentions to the long column of her neck, nibbling, sucking her sensitive skin. Using his mouth he gently nudged her robe off her shoulders letting it drop off her shoulders, and slide down her arms pooling around her hands and bum. 
Claire sucked in her lower lip gently biting it.
He grinned. Softly, he placed tiny kisses along her shoulder working his way down her arms until he reached her hand. He kissed her wrist, her palm. Raising her hand so she could see, he took each finger into his mouth and sucked each digit in its turn.
Claire began to shudder and breathe heavily by the time he finished with her thumb.
Jamie repeated his ministrations to the opposite hand, arm and shoulder. Dropping his head, he lowered his lips brushing them across her chest down to her breast. Finding her nipple he began to suckle one then the other making each one harden and pebble. He scraped his teeth gently against the tender nipple as it slipped from his mouth. 
She became restless, shifting her body arching her back needing to come closer to him.  Claire gasped at the sensations running through her.
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for your love is more delightful than wine,” Claire whispered. 
“Quoting Scripture are ye?” Jamie smiled broadly knowing what he was doing to her.
His mouth and tongue trailed kisses down over her belly, slowly, languorously. “Beautiful, yer so beautiful mo nighean donn.”
“Jamie, I... I... ah...Oh, god.”
He chuckled, as he felt her melt with each kiss he pressed on her. She deserved every slow torturous one he would give her. After all, fair’s fair.
Jamie continued his downward trek, kissing the soft skin of her inner thigh, behind her knee, down to her toes. Using the opposite leg he began his ascent toward his ultimate goal.
“Jamie, please, I need...I want...more. Please, Jamie.”
“Do ye no’ like my kisses? Do ye want me tae stop?” he asked, giving her a soulful look. His voice was full of hurt and disappointment.
 Leaning up on her elbows to look him in the face, “No, no. I mean I want more. Christ, I don’t know what I mean.” And she flopped back onto the pillows, biting her lip and began uttering odd throaty sounds.
He smiled smugly, “Then ye shall have it.”
Reaching her core, he blew softly over it causing Claire to buck. 
“Hush now, Sassenach let me kiss ye.”
His mouth settled into its work, beginning to kiss her most intimately. Lightly at first then pressing deeper lavishing all his attention on her sensitive flesh. 
Claire moaned and whined. Her hands tangled in his hair sliding down to cup his face. Close, she was so close. “Jesus H. Roooosevelt Chrissst,” she hissed.
And then he stopped and rose up to sit next to her. He was hard as stone but was determined to see this through. She needed to learn it wasn’t nice to manipulate someone especially someone who loves them. “What would ye like to do now, Sassenach? Watch a movie? We could read a book, perhaps? Maybe a nice brisk walk instead.”
“Whaaat? What do you mean what do I want to do? I want you to finish what you started,” she snarled with frustration.
“Oh, but I did, my own,” he said as he leaned over to kiss the crown of her head. I said I wanted tae kiss ye and I did. I also said I would leave ye with naught but yer cries for mercy. And I did that too.” A satisfied grin plastered over his face.
“Mac na galla,” she shouted at him as she picked up a pillow and swung it at him beating him ferociously wherever she could reach him.  
He laughed at her use of Gàidhlig to swear at him while trying to deflect the blows of the murderous pillow.
“I surrender madam, I surrender, ” he laughed. She looked so fierce his wee Sassenach lassie. Eyes flashing, skin flushed with anger, all pink and rosy. She was glorious.
“That isn’t very nice of you, Jamie Fraser. To leave me all worked up wanting, needing…” He raised an eyebrow questioningly. “Now ye ken how I felt during the chess match.”
She looked abashed as she clutched the pillow to her chest. “Well, I wanted to win,” she muttered petulantly as she gave him a sidelong look.  “I mean you were bragging about what a great chess champion you are, so I resorted to using my womanly wiles. I had to do something to even the playing field,” she retorted. Claire turned her head away as she picked at an imaginary loose thread on the pillow slip, “I shouldn’t have done that. It was very poor sportsmanlike behavior on my part,” she blushed. “But you set me up, Jamie Fraser. You didn’t tell me you were some great chess champion until after I agreed to the match. That wasn't fair either,” she glared at him.
“Aye, yer right, and I’m sorry for it. Forgive me, Claire?”
Her facial expression softened from annoyance to tenderness, “Yes, forgiven. Forgive me too?”
Jamie tipped her head up and looked into her eyes that reminded him of liquid honey fresh from the hive. “Forgiven, mo ghràdh.”
“We could have a re-match if you like.” 
“I dinna think so, ye’ll cheat. Ye canna help it,” he glowered at her. “Let’s just leave it as a draw, hm?”
“You’re right about that,” Claire laughed. “I don’t like losing. A draw it is.”
“Come here mo chridhe, ” he beamed holding open his arms to her.
Claire eyed him suspiciously, “What are you planning to do?”
“I want tae kiss ye, ” he chuckled.
“Oh no, you don't. You're not going to get me all riled up again and not finish the job. I'm no fool you know.”
“Never thought ye were. I just thought we could start at the beginning and see where it takes us,” he proposed as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “Sound like a plan?”
Claire launched herself into his arms, ”Aye, that sounds wonderful.”
CABG - Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting - Treatment used for blocked coronary arteries. Open heart surgery.
Mitral Valve Repair/Replacement is a treatment used to repair if possible the mitral valve. If it is not repairable, it is replaced either with a tissue valve made from the lining of a pig or cow’s heart or a metallic mechanical valve. It is possible for any heart valve to be repaired or replaced, not only the mitral.
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for your love is more delightful than wine - Song of Songs 1:2 New International Version of the Holy Bible
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creativerogues · 6 years
Unusual Warlock Patrons...
After having 2 Players in my Group ask “What kind of Patrons are there?”, I’ve decided to make this, to make it easier!
Acererak, The Devourer
The Demi-Lich who created the Tomb of Horrors. 
He manifests as a yellowed skull with gems for eyes and teeth (including a summoning gem, which is left behind when he leaves), and he influences you to seize power and influence when presented with a chance to do so. 
Agares, Truth Betrayed
A former Earth Elemental general who was betrayed by his own emperor and lieutenants under false pretexts.
He demands that his seal be drawn upon earth or unworked stone; he won't appear otherwise. 
When he deigns to answer, a huge brown crocodile's head erupts from the seal, and then a hawk with eyes in its chest forces its way out of the croc's mouth, standing on its tongue and speaking to the summoner. 
Those bearing Agares' sign have a racking cough that causes them to spray dust and small stones from their mouth, making casting spells with verbal components almost impossible. 
His presence and influence makes a person incapable of lying. 
Amon, The Void Before The Altar
The corrupted essence of a once-goodly god. 
Amon manifests as a fire-breathing fang-toothed ram-headed black wolf with a snake for a tail.
He's one of the weakest vestiges, needing only mediocre warlock to summon. 
Warlocks of Amon sport ram's horns, are surly, irritable and compelled to oppose the actions of deities of fire, sun or law.
Andras, The Gray Knight
An Elf who served for centuries as first a paladin and then a blackguard before giving up on both sides in disgust. 
Andras manifests as a near-naked elf with an owl's head riding a giant wolf and carrying a greatsword. 
A warlock of Andras sprouts two small, vestigial owl's wings from their back, and if they succumb to his influence, they become so emotionally listless that they'll get bored and wander off from a fight if it lasts longer than 10 rounds. 
Andromalius, The Repentant Rogue
A chosen of the god of thieves, Olidammara, who repented on his deathbed, hoping to play the ultimate trick and steal his own soul away from his god. 
It worked too well; his god approved, once he realised the joke, but he couldn't take Andromalius back without wrecking the joke. 
So he made him a vestige instead. 
Answering only to a powerful warlock, he requires you to sacrifice any two of twenty-four different items as part of summoning him; a belt purse, a silver key, a gold ring, a pair of dice, a copper coin, a dagger, an apple, an arm bone, a scroll, a comb, a whistle, a fish hook, a mirror, an egg, a potion, a dead spider, an oak leaf, a human skull, a lock, a closed black book, a bell, a dove, a set of lock picks, and a mouse. 
When he manifests, he appears as a human man whose arms split into twelve forearms at each elbow, juggling the warlock's sacrifices and whatever the other 22 trinkets they didn't provide. 
The warlock gains an extra digit on each appendage for Andromalius, who influences his host to make mischief but shun thieving. 
Aym, Queen Avarice
A corrupt dwarven queen who destroyed her own kingdom through her insatiable greed. 
She manifests as a powerfully muscled female dwarf in the finery of an empress with two tentacles like giant worms for legs and two extra heads (a bull's and a lion's), wielding a star-shaped branding iron. 
She places a brand upon her host's left hand or forehead upon concluding a pact, and a warlock who succumbs to her influence is both stingy and greedy and compelled to offer money to any dwarf he or she meets. 
Balam, The Bitter Angel
The despondent spirit of a slain angel who was set an impossible task - purportedly ending the practice of humanoid sacrifice - that failed and claimed her life. 
She requires 1 hit point’s worth of blood from the warlock or a victim with 3+ Intelligence Score to be placed upon her seal before she manifests. 
She appears in the form of a huge purple snake, with the upper halves of three horned humanoid heads fitting together in a triangle to make up her head. 
A warlock of Balam develops a hollow yet guttural voice and a vocal distrust of clerics, paladins and gods. 
Chupoclops, Harbinger of Forever
A monstrous spider-creature destined to destroy the multiverse, slain by an alliance of four villains and three heroes, living and ghost alike, who sacrificed their lives to destroy her.
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avariceaside · 1 month
Finally tackling the pantheons and aahuhghgjghfdjk I hate the brooding mawlek so much
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avariceaside · 1 month
Finally beat the Radiance woooooo!!!
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avariceaside · 1 month
Hey guys, I did a little off screen grinding and now I’m about to fight the Radiance :D
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avariceaside · 3 months
Finally beat the mantis lords after too many fucking attempts. It was very fun though, I liked the repetitiveness (methodicalness? Idk the right word) of it. I got into a flow very easily, which was nice
I did not however go into deepnest because I am a coward. I instead went to greenpath and tried to make it deeper than I gad before, and I got to the sign saying that a being of light was ahead, but couldn't make it further. I also died about a million times to those stupid bug pogos over the acid. Fuck those things. Idk how to get into the queens garden yet (I think that's what's over there) but that's on my list
I then went back to explore the soul sanctum in the city because when I first went there the magic guy blocking the entrance scared the shit out of me and I noped out. I explored most of it, then got to the boss fight, died in about 5 seconds, and noped out of that too.
After that I decided to explore the city waterways, but I've only partially gotten through it so far. I've made it to Cornifer and opened the gate into the fungal wastes and that's about it. I ran into those weird mealworm looking things and I hate them. Its mostly the noise, but it splitting in two also scared the shit out of me the first time.
I should get a heartrate monitor when I play this game, I get scared way too easily...
I'm not too sure what I'm going to do next. Probably explore the rest of the waterways, maybe the crystal caverns. Ideally try and find some more shade abilities or spells but I'm not too sure where to get them. I'd like to go back to that soul sanctum boss fight and maybe try and beat it this week too.
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avariceaside · 28 days
bro p1 took me like 2 days to figure out and I've literally just finished p2 in like, 2 hours
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avariceaside · 2 months
I have once again forgotten to post my last hollow knight adventure from last week, and I did a LOT today so I think I'm going to make two posts.
First things first, my playthrough from last week... I actually don't remember that much because my memory is shite and I've been going to sleep past 1am for the past week.
For a quick summary of what I do recall, I explored more of the crystal peaks and tried to skip getting the monarch wings to get the pale ore at the top, but I sadly am not a speedrunner and gave that up pretty quickly. I then went to a place I hadn't explored yet, which turned out to be the snail shaman's hut. But I uh... I forgot I had the crystal heart, which led to me trying to jump over the pit... leading to me falling into the Resting Grounds, finding the Dreamers, and getting the Dreamnail, which while unwelcome was a surprising detour. I eventually made it back INTO the hut and died multiple times trying to get to the top and then looked up what the rewards were, and then proceeded to rage quit the area. Look, descending dark and a grub are nice and all but those crystal hunter things are soooo frustrating!! I just couldn't do it
After that I think I went back to the sewers to try and get Isma's tear, which wasn't too bad. The Dung Defender fight only took me a handful of tries, mostly thanks to spamming desolate dive lol. I got Isma's tear pretty quick after that and explored a little bit of the other side of the City of Tears. I also think I went around to some of the acid areas that were blocked off before but I don't remember that super well. ALSO! I was so scared I'd killed the Defender for good and couldn't talk to him again, and I was really upset because he seems cool, and I was so relived when I went back to the area and he was there.
I visited the Nailmaster in Greenpath, and the parkour frustrated me to no end. It seemed like it should be so easy but those stupid thorns kept killing me, and sometimes my crystal heart wouldn't activate and I'd just fall into the pit. ugh T.T But I eventually reached his hut and got the nail art, and I think that was about it for that night.
I got the Dreamnail, Isma's tear, and a new Nail art, as well as some new locations to add to the map, and the Dreamer markers. The only major area I hadn't explored yet was... Deepnest (and also the Anicent Basin that I found that day but shhhh, its foreshadowing)
But I think I'm going to call that the post for today, and I'll post today's playthrough sometime tomorrow because it's 1 am again. Whoops
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avariceaside · 3 months
Bit of a double update today because I forgot to post my last HK session from a few days ago lol.
Pretty much all I did was go through the crystal peaks, just exploring and trying to find the crystal heart. The parkour to it intimidated me a bit, and I think I died two or three times, but after I got through the first few platforms I got the ability pretty easily.
After that I spent some more time exploring and found Cornifer, then tried to go the bench at the top of the map and saw there was a boss sitting on it (definitely didn't cry inside) and spent about 15 minutes trying to beat it. After that I kept wandering around (most certainly was not avoiding a boss fight in the soul sanctum), and eventually made my way back to the forgotten crossroads to test out the crystal heart on that one area above the false knight. Which led to another fight... sigh
Man I was not having fun with that aspid fight, and I died soooo many times its not even funny. I think it took me like, 20-30 minutes to get through it, but y'know, I got the charm so... yaay
After that I sucked it up and headed to the soul sanctum to fight the soul master, and I don't remember if I mentioned this last time or if I did this last session, but I beat the soul warrior on my first try which was really nice. That fight was actually pretty fun (mostly because I got hits in more than I got hit lol), but then I had to face the Soul Master. I think I only tried two or three times before I quit and went to sleep. Both because I was tired of the fight and because I had to go to sleep.
Which brings us to today.
I kept up the fight with the Soul Master (after a three or something day break haha), and actually managed to get him to his winded stage second or third try! I sadly died soon after, but my attempts kept getting shorter. I'm sure that the fight would have been even shorter if my upslash worked but apparently my up button is dead on this keyboard so I've binded it to the control key, but that's a bit klunky. Anyways. After I got him to the winded phase I got to the second phase pretty quickly, but I ate a couple of dives in the face and didn't have enough masks to finish the fight. But the next round, oh boy the next round. I think it took me around seven minutes to get from the bench to the final blow, I was going at it! That was actually really fun, I barely got hit, I was recognizing attacks and getting good blows it, it was great!
After the fight I spent some time wandering around the new area, using the desolate dive, and then decided to head back to the forgotten crossroads. I used the ability in the top section of the crystal peaks (I tried to stop and talk to Myla but she was already infected :( ), and then went left to the area with the... brooding mawlek fight.
Jesus christ that fight.
I think it may have taken me more attempts than the soul master fight, it was so frustrating. I think the only reason I finally beat it was because I equipped the mark of pride, because I killed it right after that. But man, I was not having fun. You should have seen my face when I saw the reward was a mask shard. Like... thanks! But damn! Such an annoying fight for that T-T
I think my next goal is either going to be totally exploring the royal waterways and finding Isma's tear, or finally sucking it up and... exploring deepnest...
Aaaand that was pretty much it for the day. I only played for about an hour and a half but I now have around 22 hours in Hollow Knight. Idk when I'm going to get to play again, but I don't have work Monday or Tuesday so fingers crossed!
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avariceaside · 3 months
Ok, so I got to the Mantis Lord boss fight after a little bit of a detour. Just, yknow, TRAPPING MYSELF IN THE CITY OF TEARS FOR TWO HOURS
its fine
i was fine
I at least got a nail upgrade, stag station, and unlocked the elevator back to the forgotten crossroads
After that little... adventure. I finally made it to the boss fight, and it took me 10 tries to get past phase 1... >:/
I made it to phase 2 and died, but I've been playing for pretty much 3 hours straight, so I'm going to go to bed and pick this back up tomorrow
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avariceaside · 3 months
Finally had some time to play Hollow Knight again!
I got to Mantis Village and got the mantis claw finally! I then spent around half an hour trying to use it to save Bretta and gave my fingers a cramp because this is literally the second video game I've ever played on pc and I'm not very good. On the plus side my wall jumps are much better than they would've been! I also unlocked Queen's Station and got the mask shard, then went to Dirtmouth and bought the third one, so now I have an extra mask :D
I also realized when I was in Dirtmouth that I could go back up Kings Pass and spent like an hour exploring the Howling Cliffs. I got a bit too curious and fell into the Elder Baldur fight right as my cats decided it would be a good idea to check out what I was doing and cover up the screen. I of course died and had to walk all the way back from Dirtmouth, but its ok because they're cute and also I found Mato and Cornifer
My next goal is definitely going to be to beat the Mantis lords, and then maybe go find the Queen's garden, or the one upgrade that lets to travel super far. If all else is blocked I'll fight the mantis lords and tough out deepnest
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avariceaside · 3 months
my first adventure into the fungal wastes was… rough, to say the least
I died more than I’d like to admit to dashing into an enemy I meant to hit. On the plus side my pogos are getting better
I didn’t have much time today so I just explored, but tomorrow I’m definitely going to try and find cornifer and get the mantis claw
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avariceaside · 3 months
I beat Hornet 1!! And it only took me (checks notes) 15 tries!!
In all honesty that is less than I thought it would be. I might have been less if I didn't keep dying to that one attack where she throws her nail T-T (or downslashing at the wrong time...)
I also got the light and explored the crystal caverns place a bit. and died. a lot. and got stuck for like 15 mintues.... I did not have a good time in there.
I think my next goal is going to be getting the map to and exploring the fungal wastes, and my goal for the week will be to beat the mantis lords (they're in the fungal wastes right??) and work the dash into my muscle memory because that is going to take time to get used to
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avariceaside · 3 months
I’ve made it mostly through greenpath today and found what I think is the Hornet fight (which I promptly noped out of) I saved Zote from that stupid fucking fly and it only took me like 3 tries (I’d like to thank Tom Cardy for giving me the strength to power through it) and I opened the stag station. I think up next is exploring the rest of greenpath and fighting hornet. Then I’m hoping to try and find the mantises and get the claw
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