#based on her dialogue in Kira's event
sunnyvaiprion · 8 months
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Let's get a round of applause for the best idol in the world, the Great Herrscher of Sentience's wisdom!!
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
First question, what year was Hank born? Second question how might the events going on in our world have affected the characterization of Hank? Beyond the 90s incarnation of the character might make a post about this later…
So, asking for a set birth year for a comic book character is a bad idea, because with very few exceptions, they don't exist. For example, Google tells us that Captain America was born on the 4th of July, 1920.
Or maybe he wasn't? Apparently that got retconned and it isn't 4th of July, but it was 1920? Already we run into problems. COMIC BOOKS.
Outside of very specific characters, they just don't have birth years or birth dates, they exist within the Marvel sliding timescale. If you're not familiar with the sliding timescale, the basic conceit is this:
Modern Marvel comics began in 1961 with Fantastic Four #1. This is essentially the start of the modern Marvel era, and every other superhero group is contextualised in relation to this, pretty much. The Avengers were formed maybe six months, a year later, the X-Men not long after that.
For every 3-5 years that passes outside of comics, 1 year passes inside of comics. E.g. Fantastic Four #1 took place either 13 or 21 years ago, or somewhere in between, it's not an exact science.
As for Hank specifically, well . . .
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October, 1983, was contemporary to Hank saying this.
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That plot took place in a comic book from 1974, nearly ten years before this, and yet Hank says it's just "a few years ago." So time is passing, but slowly. Hank here is explicitly in his early 20s, maybe 22-23, but the Hank we saw in this week's X-Force #50 was not 40 years older than him. So, how to make it all make sense?
A lot of headcanon and kind of inferring based on contextual hints. Hank is depicted as being roughly 17-18 when he joins the original X-Men, given that he's stated in dialogue to be the oldest of the team, and seems to have been on the verge of graduating high school when his normal human life was interrupted. So, now you just work backwards.
If Hank was 17-18 when the original X-Men were formed, and it's been 21 years since then (referring back to the sliding timescale), then it stands to reason X-Force Beast is 37-38. If he's 38 in our current year of 2024, then logically, he would have been born in . . .
Which is what I've been running with for as long as I've been writing him. It isn't quite compatible with stuff like this, which is very obviously written in the 60s and set in the 60s, and which explicitly positions Hank as an Atomic Age hero, with radiation based origins and a super scientist pedigree . . .
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But eh. We move.
As to the second part of your question
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. . . Ooohhhhh boy.
There's a lot? And I hate to bring it all back to 9/11 and the War on Terror, but it's kind of all about 9/11 and the War on Terror?
Media about terrorism, security, threats to mankind, all looked very different pre-September 11th, 2001. Go back and watch Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and see how Kira Nerys, a character who is explicitly called a terrorist in dialogue, is treated for her actions. She's positioned more as a World War II resistance fighter than anything else. If that show were made now, she would be an intensely different character, because the American cultural and media consciousness has never recovered from that day.
If you want to read more about this, there's quite a lot of academic discourse on how this has all changed. Here's a decent start.
But specifically Hank? Well, the X-Men have had their own 9/11. Multiple times. The Genoshan genocide, as depicted in New X-Men #116, actually just a few months before 9/11. It's entirely possible that this entire storyline might not have been made if it had been written after.
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The Xavier Institute bus bombing.
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The Decimation.
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The X-Men became a beleaguered minority, besieged on all sides, reduced to the island of Utopia, just 198 mutants and falling. Cyclops explicitly became far more ruthless, willing to ally with former adversaries and use kill tactics to get the job done, and you could see his portrayal, the infamous #Cyclops Was Right movement, gaining a lot of steam during this era. People really like this Cyclops.
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And where's Hank in this? Well.
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He's the moral counterpoint.
People don't like to acknowledge this, and I feel like there might be a degree of cultural difference going on here, but Hank is correct. I feel like it's not even controversial to say that kill teams are bad. Right?
But people hate Hank for this. They think he's a whiny little bitch who won't and can't help, who runs out on his people, who prioritises his morals over being there for the X-Men. People legitimately think this of him.
Hank is the left wing, conscientious objector and anti-war viewpoint. So, naturally, there's a tendency to look upon him as a whiny little bitch. Just look at how shows like 24 contextualise that kind of moral viewpoint.
I do feel like the writers of this era wanted people to at least question who was right, between Hank and Scott, but the readers pretty much unanimously fell on Scott's side, because even as Scott started to use morally corrupt tactics . . .
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He wasn't doing it for America, bullying small countries out of their oil in the name of democracy. He was doing it for a marginalised minority metaphor, fighting comic book supervillains, which is simpler, easier to root for. He had to use those tactics, you understand. He was fighting monsters! He was fighting the good fight.
Is 00s era X-Men War on Terror propaganda? I don't know. I'm not a political scholar, though I do have a B.A. in History. Interesting how the fandom seems to view this ideological conflict, though.
Anyway, time moves on, and then something starts to creep into Hank's character. Something that inevitably happens to characters like him.
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No longer is Hank the moral counterpoint, now he's the intellectual who will lead us all to ruin because he's smarter than he is wise, because he's an idiot with no impulse control.
This characterisation is wholly incorrect and runs contrary to the fact that Hank learned his lesson about unethical experimentation practises in the 70s, in an incident that only harmed him, but whatever. It doesn't matter at this point, does it?
Only people with real world experience, who are level headed, who aren't eggheads, can solve the real problems of the day. People like, uh.
Who does have the solution to the problems of the day?
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Ah, I see.
We just forgive him for all the heinous shit he did on Utopia, huh?
All that stuff he did, the releasing bioweapons, the kill teams, that was fine, because he did it to the right people.
Well, that's all right, then.
Mmm-hmm. So much better than the egghead. Look at him in the corner, fumbling around, making more problems than he solves. What a motherfucker.
So, yes, let's talk about American anti-intellectualism.
I don't necessarily think Bendis is anti-intellectual. But I do think he spends a lot of time across multiple comics criticising Beast and valorising Cyclops, considering the worst thing Beast had done up until that point, vandalising the space-time continuum to get the O5 back into the present, was done explicitly so Bendis could play with X-Men with only 8 issues of continuity to keep straight.
But anything Cyclops did? All that X-Force stuff? Ehh. Don't worry about it. The only crime we care about is the death of Charles Xavier, for which Scott was possessed, so we can't make a moral judgement.
It's a whole ass topic, and a lot to get into, but I genuinely do think that Hank is one of those characters who especially suffers when written by a writer who doesn't trust vaunted intellectuals, because he's certainly not going to fucking flourish, is he?
And then it all comes full circle.
Ben Percy, enter the ring.
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Wolverine, the unequivocal hero of X-Force. Beast, the unequivocal villain of the series. The heart vs. the head. The man of action vs. the intellectual. The rugged thug vs. the fancy pants necessary bastard.
It's the same thing, just more extreme, really. I think X-Force is meant to be a critique of the CIA? If so, it's an extremely bad one, considering it ends on this note.
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Ah yes. Our heroes. The CIA.
I'm gonna quote the frankly incredible @brw here because they put it way better than I could on this point:
"This is genuinely a larger problem I have with Krakoa, is that rather than explore the culpability and complicity of all the characters involved in not just the creation, but the active maintenance and survival of what is, categorically, an eugenicist, oligarchy ethnostate, we instead act as if Krakoa would have been fine if not for Evil Hank/Evil Moira/Evil Sinister for ruining it all for the rest of us.
Because are Sage or Logan ever properly thought to be bad people for standing by as long as they did? It isn't even that X-Force are the people who do the dirty stuff–it's Hank that does that, and the rest of the character get to keep their hands relatively clean, at least narratively. They're sympathetic, or understandable.
Hank is positioned as this demon in the shadows ready to snatch you up and kill you which is a weird decision to make with what you describe as the CIA.
The CIA isn't evil because evil people are in charge of it, the CIA is evil because it is a fundamentally evil institution based off evil systems! Benjamin, you can't write mutant CIA if your closing statement is how awesome the mutant CIA is, and it's a shame about that one evil blue guy that ruined everything for everyone."
Good thing we got rid of that Beast guy! What a fucker, right? Nasty, gross, intellectual pustule he was, with his oily words and grossness. Look at him, reading books. Sage is fine, though, because she doesn't read books. I mean, she's quantifiably grossly incompetent in this series, but we like her better than Beast, so it's fine.
Beast, from the 2000s era onward, is a very political character. It's just a shame that a lot of comic book writers tend to be grossly ill-informed when it comes to actual politics, capable of only surface level hot takes like CIA bad or kill teams good, actually, because now we've gone from 'Beast is the left wing conscientious objector' to 'Beast is the literal anti-Christ,' and I don't really like what that implies about what we think of the former.
But eh. I'm just a writer.
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straydog733 · 10 months
Reading Resolution: "The Incredible Events in Women’s Cell Number 3" by Kira Yarmysh
9. A book written in Russia: The Incredible Events in Women’s Cell Number 3 by Kira Yarmysh
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List Progress: 12/30
When we as a society hold someone captive in a prison, jail or detention center, what are we trying to achieve? The main character of Kira Yarmysh’s The Incredible Events in Women’s Cell Number 3 is sentenced to ten days in a detention center in Moscow after she participated in an anti-corruption rally. Is society safer without her in public life for ten days? No, because she was never violent. Will she learn a lesson from her time in prison? No, because she was protesting corruption in the first place, and exposure to the prison system certainly won’t change her mind. Will anyone’s lives be better because of her ten day imprisonment? No, and yet carceral systems all over the world are based around holding people for various lengths of time for no real purpose. The Incredible Events in Women’s Cell Number 3 is at its strongest when it is investigating this system and the assumptions built into it. Unfortunately, these messages get buried in a lot of lackluster character work and some underdeveloped attempts at magical realism, making the novel as a whole a bit of a jumble.
Kira Yarmysh is the press secretary and assistant of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, and The Incredible Events is her first novel. While it is a piece of fiction, Yarmysh shares a lot of backstory with Anya, and has spent time in detention centers after protests and political actions. The novel shines when it is just about Anya navigating the absurdity of the detention center. She is held in the titular Cell Number 3, the only women’s cell in an otherwise male facility, with five other women from various walks of life, each serving similarly short sentences for petty crimes. The inmates serve as a cross-section of contemporary Russian culture, from an older woman who has spent time in an actual prison camp and considers the center a cake-walk, to a young sugar baby who wants to get back to her life of thinly-veiled sex work with rich men. They are all tossed in together, but no one is around long enough to develop a real prison culture, so it is just an odd break from the rest of their lives. 
Unfortunately, Anya ends up being the least interesting of the inmates, and the novel spends long periods of time flashing back to formative parts of her life. It is notable that she is a queer woman in Russia, and she navigates some difficult situations throughout her life, but none that feel especially worthy of close study. She also starts seeing visions while in the detention center, the supposed incredible events, and it is unclear whether there are supernatural elements at play or if some latent mental illness is coming to the surface in the face of the stress of incarceration. But the book keeps with this ambiguity far too late into the run, making the final conclusion feel very abrupt and tacked on. Moving some of the revelations earlier and cutting some of Anya’s story would make for a tighter, more powerful book, rather than the slightly bloated final product.
Yarmysh has a good sense for atmosphere and dialogue, which will hopefully be honed in later works, but The Incredible Events in Women’s Cell Number 3 still needs a fair amount of tweaking in the plot and character departments. But the parts that are powerful still work, which all adds up to a bit of a shrug.
Would I Recommend It: Soft yes.
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
is there any fanfic list for au based on movies? Thank you and stay safe God bless you xoxo
Hi Nonnie,
Here is what I found. Hope this helps. Stay safe and be well.
- Admin Sage
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A Leap of Faith by Chie (Chierafied)
Posted on: A03 Rating: G Summary:  The Jedi temple was under attack, their own clones  turned against them and killing everyone, making no difference between  trained Jedi warriors or younglings. Death was everywhere, and each life   extinguished tugged at Kagome’s heartstrings. Status: One Shot
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Another World by Kira
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary:  (This is an Avatar/Inuyasha remake.) Kagome is told by an agency that she is best suited in taking over Kikyo, her twins, job. The job is   simple, help a researcher on another planet with special rocks and such,  simple right?? You dont know how unsimple it will be! (probably a   crappy summary. This is my re-make of the new movie, Avatar, which i   dont own! lol) Status: Abandoned
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Beauty Meets Beast by Dlat
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary:  Based off of my favorite of all the Disney movies, Beauty and the Beast.
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Captured Love by Theresa
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary:  Based on the movie "Labyrinth", after five days of searching for her   brother in the Labyrinth, Kagome finds herself completely exhausted and overwhelmed by what she now has to do. She must call Sesshomaru and   trade herself to him in her brothers place. The result is a delicious   one-shot where time stands still and the need for physical pleasure is   put on hold only by the need for sleep. This story is basically set in   the movie but with different dialogue, and some different scenes from   the original movie. Those of you who don’t know the movie “Labyrinth”   you might find yourself having a bit of trouble following along.
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February Lullaby by kaoruhana
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Prompt: Kagome and Sesshomaru meet when their respective spouses are in a car accident.  The event changes both their lives as they come to learn of the reason for the accident and get to know each other in the period that follows.  Loosely bad off the Korean movie "April Snow". Status: WIP
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Happenstance by Sage McMae
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary:  When Kagome returns to Hogwarts, everyone is happy to have her as a   member of the staff. Everyone, except Professor Taisho. She may not   remember him, but he certainly remembers her. (a SessKag Harry Potter AU) Status: WIP
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It Can't Be Over by Park Yoon Na
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: What happens when doubt is whispered in his ear? And all of this seems true. Do you believe it and take action? Or do you be selfish and make yourself happy. A songfic that I thought about while watching a  movie. DISCLAIMER I do not own any Inuyasha characters. Reviews are appreciated. Status: Abandoned
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Just Another Action Flick by Sorata-chan
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Prompt: When people start having sex in apocalyptic/action movies. Complete Crackfic, action tropes galore
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Kagome by Raven Moon
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary:  *Disclaimer to the movie Aladdin* Being a anorphan is hard, especially at a young age, but a cat-miko hanyou hybrid is even harder. Kagome never felt love from anyone except from her adopted son shippo and when she first sees the crown prince Sesshomaru she hopes for more. After being falsely accused of kidnapping the princess Rin Kagome and Shippo escape from the west to head south, trying to find the mythical Shikon Jewel. What she doesn't know is that the greedy advisor Naraku wants it to rule over Japan and will stop at nothing to get the jewel. So with the help of old and new friends Kagome tries to win the heart of the cold Sesshomaru and keep the most powerful thing in the world from Naraku. Status: Abandoned
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Kissin’ Kagome by Blackmage44
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: After the death of her true love Kagome goes to a life of crime. Takes place in the old west. Inspiration from the movie Holes and the Avenge Sevenfold song Gunslinger. Status: Abandoned
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Love is War by Sesshome 4eva
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary:  *Now Edited with some changes!*  Destined to Love one another. Fated to kill one another; They are  supposed to be enemies, instead they are lovers (based on the movie  “Shinobi” Status: One Shot
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My Little Bride by VicLib
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: My intake of the korean movie "My little bride". Sesshoumaru and Kagome  are friends since they were born. Their grandparents fought together   during the war, manteining the grouth of the family side by side. But   there was a pact: the children would marry someday. But they had only   men. With the sickness of Jii-chan, Kagome and Sesshoumaru must keep the  promise. (I am not so good in English, please correct me) Status: Abandoned
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Not Soon Forgotten by iloveprettysilverhair
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary:  Sesshoumaru Taisho, a business tycoon and renowned playboy, sets sail to New York to meet up with his bride-to-be. On that same cruise is Kagome Higurashi, a nightclub singer, also heading to America to see her significant other. On the long trip, the two meet and sparks fly, setting off a string of events that both may not be ready for.
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Of Fire and Ice by Onomatopoeiaa
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: M Summary:  A clash of the Cinderella Disney movie and the Japanese Cinderella   story. A lowly servent girl finds herself in a predicament of a   suspecting step-mother and her two evil step-sisters and a prince that   has been looking for her everywhere. What she to do? Status: Abandoned
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Sea Swept by AshMish111
Posted on: A03, FFnet Rating: T Summary:  A Mermaid's Dream; A Prince's Hope. He was not the one she left it all  behind for, but he would he the one she wanted to stay for. Little   Mermaid AU, with a twist! SessKag
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Sesshomaru by Rose
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Orphaned, Sesshomaru grows up in the remote African wilderness, raised by a pack of wild dogs. When a Japanese expedition enters the jungle, Sesshomaru encounters the beautiful Kagame and recognizes that there are others like him. Discovering. Learning. Fighting. Falling in love. Are just some of the things that this story has in store for you. (Follows some story line of the Disney movie Tarzan) Status: Abandoned
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Sleeping Beauty by Catalina
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Based loosely on the Disney movie, but darker and a bit twisted.  Sesshoumaru is betrothed to a little human princess who is delivered a  curse by the hanyou Naraku, Kikyo, Miroku, and Kaede agree to raise the child in safety. Smuts in the final chapter.
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The Beast by rakill
Posted on: FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Based on Beauty and the Beast in a very dark, twisted and very erotic version. Kagome is set on finding the most feared warlord that has taken her brother as hostage and she is set on doing anything for his freedom, even if that means she gives up hers.[Won second place in both Best Horror story and Lemon]
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The Gladiator by Liv
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Born into royalty as a young child, Sesshomaru’s territory comes under attack, his entire family and people slaughtered, leaving him the sole survivor of the Western lands. Sold into slavery, Sesshomaru grows up to become a gladiator, strong and unfeeling…until he laid eyes on her. The daughter of one of the city’s leaders, Kagome is beautiful, kind and full of light, but when she catches the eye of a ruthless politician Naraku, the one responsible for the murder of Sesshomaru’s family, can she be saved by the handsome gladiator whose golden eyes pierce through her soul and whom her heart yearns for? Inspired by the movie Pompeii. Rated MA for graphic violence and other adult-themes. Status: Abandoned
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The Holiday by Chie (Chierafied)
Posted on: A03 Rating: T Summary:   After a breakup, Kagome swaps houses with her online friend Inuyasha for  two weeks. She doesn't need any more complications in her life, but   then she meets Inuyasha's brother... Status: One Shot
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The Youkai Games by Siera Serenity Star
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: The 175th Youkai Games have come to The Tokyo Districts but unknown by the Emperor two new chose candidates could cause hidden agendas to go up in smoke. ( A Inuyasha/Hunger Games Setting Crossove) rated for later chapters Status: Abandoned
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Thousandfurs by RosieB
Posted on: FFnet Rating: MA Summary:  COMPLETE Based on the little known Grimm fairytale. Princess Kagome is forced from her home and into the demon territories. Will Prince Inuyasha ever figure out who his new servant is? IK. New Chapter: Epilogue.
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @sapphosewrites!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. 
I’m tagging @the-last-dillards  @asgardian--angels  @damnhardwork  @judiops @mustangsjoeka and anyone else who wants to! Just tag me in your post so I can see it ^_^
All right, here goes:
1. Garak’s hand accidentally brushed across the touch-sensitive plant, and the petals began to bloom and unfurl. Just as easily as Julian had made him bloom last night.
2. Kira quickly divided the officers into groups based on where they happened to be currently standing in Ops, and assigned each group a runabout to head to. She told them to self-organize into smaller groups or pairs and split off as they went, so they could cover more ground on their way to their ultimate destination.
3. “Eddington to Bashir and Garak. It’s taking longer than we thought. You’ll have to stall for another 10 minutes or so.”
4. The door slid open, and Keiko welcomed them in. “Molly, Auntie Nerys is here!—Thank you so much, both of you!” Keiko said, turning back to Kira and Jadzia.
5. Gunshots rang out.
6. Julian was lying on his back, with Kukalaka tucked under his arm and pressed tightly to his chest. One of Garak’s arms was draped across Julian and Kukalaka, and one of his legs was tangled in between Julian’s. Garak’s nose was nuzzled into the side of Julian’s neck, and the fine hairs of his mammalian lover moved with each of Garak’s breaths. 
7. Lwaxana was disappointed to find Garak’s Clothiers closed. She desperately needed a wedding dress, and none of her previous ones would fit, as she had never gotten married while so very pregnant, except for once during a traditional Betazed ceremony where she hadn’t worn anything at all. 
8. Dear Elim, Miles was recording goodbye messages for his family again. Just in case we don't, you know, make it. He asked if I ever recorded messages like that for my parents and I just had to laugh at that.
9. He awoke to Jadzia kissing him, something that was normally limited to his dreams.  Including the dream he’d just been having... He hadn't had too many dreams like this about her recently, but his unconscious brain unfortunately didn’t really give him a say about which of his friends he would imagine kissing as he slept.
10. As Odo patrolled the Promenade, he noticed that the lights were on in Garak’s shop. That didn’t make sense. Garak was almost as particular about his schedule as Odo was. It was one of the things he appreciated about him most. Yet his shop was open long after closing time.
11. Garak stood in the threshold to the airlock, with Julian looking up at him. “These are for you,” Julian said, holding out the small silver box.
12. Julian was sprawled across his couch, reading from the PADD on his lap. It was almost, but not quite, time to head to the Replimat to meet up with Garak for lunch, and in the meantime he was working diligently on consuming the terribly dense book Garak had given to him last week.
13. I was lying on the roof of the ectobiology lab, looking for the silhouettes of horrorterrors against the background of the furthest ring, the subtle places where their completely unlit forms blocked out the total absence of light. There were no stars in view, and no dream bubbles nearby so the darkness was as piercingly clear as it would ever get.
Okay, lots of passive voice, lots of descriptions of a static scene, lots of in medias res. Very little dialogue as opening lines. The openings for my fics set in specific episodes are my weakest. I always find it hard to strike the right balance of how much setup to do in episode fix-its/missing scene fics, bc I worry about rehashing so much of the episode that it’s boring for you to read (and, more importantly, boring for me to write) and at the same time I worry about jumping straight into the episode events such that everyone is confused because they needed some reminders of context lol
My favorite opening is definitely 8, although 1 and 13 are also up there lol. I feel like 8 and 1 do a good job of setting the tone of the fics, and the opening of 13 (my homestuck fic lol) just amuses me, but I don’t expect anyone else to like it as much as I do haha
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Dark SWTOR predictions
From my most recent post on SWTOR, I made a few predictions in the comments. Since I have been right about things in the past, I thought I’d leave these here and see if any of them come to pass in the game.  I’ll be honest: I hope most of them don’t.  This isn’t based on datamining, just my own conjecture as to what they may be setting up in the game.  Obviously, spoilers for Onslaught. 
1. We will be able to convince Arn to leave the Jedi and/or become DS.  
They already have set this up. There are a few dialogue choices where you can remind Arn that he can be great without being a Jedi. You can back him up when he slaughters the Brothers, which seems to be an Anakin-murdering-the-Sand-People moment where he completely breaks. There's this email from Arn, too. As well as one from Lana where she says he has...potential. It's coming.
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Caption: About Mek-Sha From: Arn Peralun I can’t get what happened on Mek-Sha out of my head. When I saw those slavers just going about their disgusting business like it was njo big deal, I got so angry. I lost control. I am truly sorry I put our mission at risk. I realize now it wasn’t the time to take on the Brothers like that. I should have waited. 
I’m not sure how to deal with that anger. Part of me is still glad I cut so many of them down, but Tau keeps telling me there are better ways, that letting rage control me can only lead to the dark side. But if I have this power- if I can stop them - then why should I hold back? On some level, I do feel like what I did was wrong, but I don’t feel any empathy for those slavers. The road to becoming a Jedi feels longer than it ever has now. 
2. Tau and Lana might have a fight to the death. 
Tau hates the Sith and mentions this constantly. She doesn't seem happy to see Lana. Lana has trolled her more than once. If Tau finds out that the Republic PC is a saboteur and Lana has been helping? She's going to want to kill Lana, and she's going to try.   3. Theron might leave.   Theron gets very upset if the Imperial PC makes certain choices, and walks off at the cantina after Onslaught’s events. He walks off when he finds out the Republic PC is a saboteur. He sends an upset email when Gnost-Dural is killed. He also sends Republic PCs a letter where he's happily talking about killing Sith. He's not happy unless the PC is Republic and in total sync with their goals, and I think this discontent is going to grow.   4. Lana might leave.   Lana hasn't shown as much open dissent, but she does tell the PC that she is relieved if they don't hook up with the Republic or Empire. Especially the Republic. I think she will go along with a PC's choices if they remain Imperial, but I think that if the player is Republic-aligned, she's only going to work well with saboteurs after a while. There was a tweet from Charles Boyd a while back where he said that Lana will leave if the PC commits war crimes against the Empire. I think this is true. Even if Lana is pragmatic I can't see her accepting the Republic's desire to exterminate the Sith and the DS.   5. Theron might be a plague victim.   Okay, explanation. I really think that Theron survives even if you leave him to die on Nathema. There's that cut to an image of Satele Shan looking angry. If Theron can survive long enough to get all the way back to Odessen, which on the map is literally across the galaxy from Nathema, I think he could survive long enough for Satele to get there and pick him up. Aaaaand we know where Satlee is now.   And if Theron was asked to leave, I think this could happen too. Theron might have wanted to help his mother, and...yeah.
6. Killing Satele might be a deal breaker for Theron.   If Theron is still with the Alliance, if there is a kill option for Satele Shan, I think that might be a deal breaker for him. Especially if the PC sided Imperial on Iokath and Jace Malcom died.   7. Satele Shan will have a kill option.   Scourge pretty much says this after Onslaught. Either you're going to cure the plague or destroy it. Which would mean...blowing up the ship with all the plague victims. Damn you Bioware, can we not keep anyone alive?!   8. You might only get to keep one of Kira and Scourge unless you're a JK.   I think alignment/actions/faction may determine which of these two sticks around after the Tenebrae Plague storyline.   9. Companions will rebel against the PC.   Remember that bug where your companions attacked you within the Odessen base? I think that maaaay have been a bit of coding that accidentally got released too early.   We know that canonically, many the companions from the opposing faction have already left, since you get those goodbye letters after Ossus. But not all of them did. And if you're a saboteur, your original faction's companions have remained, believing that you're still on the same side.   When the truth of the saboteur's status comes out, and I think it will? If the PC does something especially heinous to the other side? I think some of those remaining companions are going to freak the fuck out, and it's not going to be pretty. I'm sitting here imagining Elara Dorne and Fourex finding out that a Trooper is sabotaging the Republic. As I said before I really think they'd blow up the base.   I also think some romantic companions will break up with the PC when they learn of saboteur plans. I can't envision DS Jaesa staying with someone supporting the Republic or Kira remaining with a saboteur. I think Theron might be hurt enough to leave if you are a saboteur and chose not to tell him, too. 10. The factions will continue to encroach on the base, until the Alliance is basically occupied.  They have set this up, too. There are flags all over the base even if you chose to remain independent. The faction heads cheerfully tell you they’ve brought ships. Um. Odessen isn’t going to be yours anymore, is it? That would be another broken promise from Bioware - I don’t know why they even gave the illusion of choice, of staying independent, if they didn’t intend to follow through. That’s how it seems right now, though. 
27 notes · View notes
bigprettygothgf · 5 years
kayla bigprettygothgf’s halloween recommendation list
I know it’s a little late into October to publish this, and I had wanted to get this out at the start of the month, other things just got in the way of my time. But, I finished it anyway.
I’ve divided this into two parts - First, movies that are available on the big three streaming services - Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu. Second, movies that are not available on those services and you’ll have to get via… other means. All in all there’s over 70 films here.
Summaries are either written by me or lifted from letterboxd. Because I’m lazy.
It probably goes without saying that almost all of these come with a CW for violence. Violence will only be mentioned specifically in CWs in more extreme cases.
If I’ve missed any applicable content warnings here, please message me about it! it’s been a while since I’ve seen many of these movies and it’s likely there’s some details I’ve forgotten.
Full list under the cut.
Available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu
  -Annihilation (2018)
A biologist signs up for a dangerous, secret expedition into a mysterious zone where the laws of nature don’t apply.
   -Genres: Alien invasion, body horror, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: Death of a lesbian character 
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu
-Apostle (2018)
Netflix original horror tends to be very hit or miss, more often than not a catastrophic miss. While not without its flaws, Apostle is fortunately one of the better releases to the service, offering a very The Wicker Man (1973)-esque story about a man who travels to a remote island in search of his sister who has been kidnapped by a cult.
   -Genres: Cult horror, historical period horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-As Above, So Below (2014)
While the dialogue in the film borders on unintentional comedy at times, As Above, So Below is a surprisingly decent found footage flick about a team of explorers delving into the Paris catacombs. 
   -Genres: Found footage, horror thriller
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2017)
Father and son coroners receive a mysterious unidentified corpse with no apparent cause of death. As they attempt to examine the young “Jane Doe,” they discover increasingly bizarre clues that hold the key to her terrifying secrets.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-Blade (1998)
When Blade’s mother was bitten by a vampire during pregnancy, she did not know that she gave her son a special gift while dying—all the good vampire attributes in combination with the best human skills. Blade and his mentor battle an evil vampire rebel who plans to take over the outdated vampire council, capture Blade and resurrect a voracious blood god.
   -Genres: Superhero, vampire horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Hulu
-Candyman (1992)
The Candyman, a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, is accidentally summoned to reality by a skeptic grad student researching the monster’s myth.
   -Genres: Psychological horror, slasher, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Animal death, R-slur
   -Available on: Netflix
-Cloverfield (2008)
Five young New Yorkers throw their friend a going-away party the night that a monster the size of a skyscraper descends upon the city. Told from the point of view of their video camera, the film is a document of their attempt to survive the most surreal, horrifying event of their lives.
   -Genres: Disaster, found footage, monster, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: One of the lead characters, Hud, is played by accused sexual abuser T.J. Miller
   -Available on: Hulu
-Constantine (2005)
By all accounts, Constantine is a bad adaption of its source material, taking far too many creative liberties and making many unnecessary changes from the Hellblazer comic. However, despite that, the film is a fun and decent movie in its own right, and worth a watch regardless of whether or not you’re familiar with the comic it’s based on.
   -Genres: Dark fantasy, superhero, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Suicide
   -Available on: Hulu
-Creep (2014)
Aaron answers an online ad and drives to a stranger's house to film him for the day. The man claims to want to make a movie for his unborn child, but his requests become more bizarre as the day goes along.
   -Genres: Found footage, horror thriller
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-Creep 2 (2017)
A video artist who craves shocking stories realizes she has made a mistake when she meets a serial killer in a cabin.
   -Genres: Found footage, horror thriller
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-The Crow (1994)
Exactly one year after young rock guitarist Eric Draven and his fiancée are brutally killed by a ruthless gang of criminals, Draven – watched over by a hypnotic crow – returns from the grave to exact revenge.
   -Genres: Dark fantasy, superhero
   -Content warnings: Sexual assault
   -Available on: Netflix
-Event Horizon (1997)
A film that could have been great had it not been marred by interference from Paramount, Event Horizon is still a decent entry into the sci-fi horror genre, even if just for the great scenery-chewing by Sam Neill. It’s just a shame that we’ll probably never see a fully uncensored version.
   -Genres: Sci-fi horror, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu
-The Evil Dead (1981)
Bruce Campbell & friends take a trip out to a cabin in the woods. Hilarity ensues.
   -Genres: Dark fantasy, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: The infamous tree rape scene
   -Available on: Hulu
-Evil Dead II (1987)
Bruce Campbell & friend takes a trip out to a cabin in the woods. Even more hilarity ensues.
   -Genres: Dark fantasy, horror comedy
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Hulu
-The Exorcist III (1990)
Despite the title, The Exorcist III has very little to do with the original Exorcist film, only given connections to it due to studio imposition. Fortunately, this is a rare case where studio interference didn’t actually negatively affect the film itself much at all, and I strongly recommend it, even if you haven’t seen the original.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Ableism
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-Gerald’s Game (2017)
When her husband’s sex game goes wrong, Jessie (who is handcuffed to a bed in a remote lake house) faces warped visions, dark secrets and a dire choice.
   -Genres: Psychological horror
   -Content warnings: CSA, graphic degloving
   -Available on: Netflix
-Ginger Snaps (2000)
The story of two outcast sisters, Ginger and Brigitte, in the mindless suburban town of Bailey Downs. On the night of Ginger’s first period, she is savagely attacked by a wild creature. Ginger’s wounds miraculously heal but something is not quite right. Now Brigitte must save her sister and save herself.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Animal death
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-Green Room (2015)
A punk rock band becomes trapped in a secluded venue after finding a scene of violence. For what they saw, the band themselves become targets of violence from a gang of white power skinheads, who want to eliminate all evidence of the crime.
   -Genres: Horror thriller
   -Content warnings: Nazism, racism, N-slurs
   -Available on: Netflix
-Hellraiser (1987)
An unfaithful wife encounters the zombie of her dead lover while the demonic cenobites are pursuing him after he escaped their sadomasochistic underworld.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu
-Hereditary (2018)
When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter’s family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry.
   -Genres: Drama, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Animal death, child death
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-The Invitation (2015)
Will and his new girlfriend Kira are invited to a dinner with old friends at the house of Will’s ex Eden and her new partner David. Although the evening appears to be relaxed, Will soon gets a creeping suspicion that their charming host David is up to something.
   -Genres: Cult horror, horror thriller
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-Lake Mungo (2010)
One of my personal favorite films in the horror genre, the underappreciated Lake Mungo - creatively presented in a faux-documentary style - is an eerie look at the difficulty of moving on from family loss.
   -Genres: Found footage, pseudo-documentary, psychological horror
   -Content warnings: CSA
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-Mother! (2017)
I hesitated adding this one because to be frank I do not care much for it and Darren Aronofsky, while a talented filmmaker, is a bit of a self-aggrandizing prick and this film demonstrates his pretentiousness more so than any of his past work. But, even so, there’s some legitimately great material here, particularly in the third act when everything goes to shit. If you can look past the extremely heavy-handed bible metaphors and clumsy environmental message, you may get something out of it.
   -Genres: Psychological horror, thriller
   -Content warnings: Misogynistic violence, graphic baby death
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu
-Nightbreed (1990)
A troubled young man is drawn to a mythical place called Midian where a variety of monsters are hiding from humanity.
   -Genres: Dark fantasy
   -Content warnings: Eye trauma, F-slur
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-Night of the Living Dead (1968)
A group of people try to survive an attack of bloodthirsty zombies while trapped in a rural Pennsylvania farmhouse.
   -Genres: Zombie horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video (Public domain, so you should have no trouble finding it elsewhere.)
-Possum (2018)
Long stretches of not much happening are made up for by some truly horrifying puppet sequences which are among the creepiest things I saw in any 2018 film.
   -Genres: Drama, psychological horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-Pumpkinhead (1988)
A man conjures up a gigantic vengeance demon called Pumpkinhead to destroy the teenagers who accidentally killed his son.
   -Genres: Dark fantasy, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Child death
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu*
*Audio is slightly out of sync on both streams.
-A Quiet Place (2018)
A family is forced to live in silence while hiding from creatures that hunt by sound.
   -Genres: Alien invasion, sci-fi horror 
   -Content warnings: Child death
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu
-The Return of the Living Dead (1986)
When a bumbling pair of employees at a medical supply warehouse accidentally release a deadly gas into the air, the vapors cause the dead to re-animate as they go on a rampage seeking their favorite food: brains!
   -Genres: Horror comedy, zombie horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-The Ritual (2017)
A group of college friends reunite for a trip to the forest, but encounter a menacing presence in the woods that’s stalking them.
   -Genres: Cult horror, supernatural horror 
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-Saw (2004)
Obsessed with teaching his victims the value of life, a deranged, sadistic serial killer abducts the morally wayward. Once captured, they must face impossible choices in a horrific game of survival. The victims must fight to win their lives back, or die trying.
   -Genres: Horror thriller
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Hulu
-Saw II (2005)
When a new murder victim is discovered with all the signs of Jigsaw’s hand, Detective Eric Matthews begins a full investigation and apprehends Jigsaw with little effort. But for Jigsaw, getting caught is just another part of his plan. Eight more of his victims are already fighting for their lives and now it’s time for Matthews to join the game.
   -Genres: Horror thriller
   -Content warnings: Needles
   -Available on: Hulu
-Scream (1996)
A killer known as Ghostface begins killing off teenagers, and as the body count begins to rise, one girl and her friends find themselves contemplating the ‘rules’ of horror films as they find themselves living in a real-life one.
   -Genres: Slasher
   -Content warnings: Rape mention
   -Available on: Netflix
-Society (1989)
Containing what I consider to be the greatest special effects Screaming Mad George ever did, Society is a story about the son of a rich Beverly Hills family feeling like he doesn’t quite fit in. If you like body horror, 80s practical effects, and satire about the west coast upper class, I can not recommend this hidden gem enough. Another of my personal favorites.
   -Genres: Black comedy, body horror, satire
   -Content warnings: Incest and really gross body horror. In general if you’re averse to sex and nudity you may wanna steer clear.
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-Suspiria (2018)
I can’t think of many films I hold such a high opinion on that I was initially ready to hate. When I found out that the Call Me by Your Name director would be behind a remake of Dario Argento’s 1977 classic Suspiria, I rolled my eyes. When official photos started to roll in indicating the film would be gory and desaturated in contrast to the original’s surreal usage of exaggerated colors, I decided I wasn’t touching it with a ten foot pole. Fast forward about a year later, and I eventually decide to give the film a chance. Low and behold, not only do I list it as a top film of 2018, I actually, genuinely like it more than the original. While there’s much to be said about the style and color palette of the original film, I find the remake’s radically different tone and style to be still, in a difficult to describe way, faithful to the 1977 original. But most importantly, the film stands on its own as a visceral, nightmarish, violent, and disturbing experience I still haven't stopped thinking about nearly a year later.
   -Genres: Body horror, cult horror, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Suicide, very graphic gore
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-The Terminator (1984)
In the post-apocalyptic future, reigning tyrannical supercomputers teleport a cyborg assassin known as the “Terminator” back to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to lead insurgents against 21st century mechanical hegemony. Meanwhile, the human-resistance movement dispatches a lone warrior to safeguard Sarah.
   -Genres: Science fiction, thriller
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, YouTube
-They Look Like People (2016)
While held back slightly by its low budget, They Look Like People is one of the best looks at mental illness I’ve seen in a film, especially a horror film, and I’d easily recommend it to anyone tired of the demonization of mental illness in the horror genre.
   -Genres: Psychological horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Amazon Prime Video
-Train to Busan (2016)
Martial law is declared when a mysterious viral outbreak pushes Korea into a state of emergency. Those on an express train to Busan, a city that has successfully fended off the viral outbreak, must fight for their own survival.
   -Genres: Thriller, zombie horror
   -Content Warnings: N/A
   -Available on: Netflix
-Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil (2010)
Two hillbillies are suspected of being killers by a group of paranoid college kids camping near the duo’s West Virginian cabin. As the body count climbs, so does the fear and confusion as the college kids try to seek revenge against the pair.
   -Genres: Horror comedy, slasher
   -Content Warnings: Rape mention
   -Available on: Netflix
-The Witch (2015)
In 1630s New England, William and Katherine lead a devout Christian life with five children, homesteading on the edge of an impassable wilderness, exiled from their settlement when William defies the local church. When their newborn son vanishes and crops mysteriously fail, the family turns on one another.
   -Genres: Religious horror, supernatural horror
   -Content Warnings: Abuse, animal death, child death, implied CSA
   -Available on: Netflix
Not Available on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu
-Alien (1979)
During its return to the earth, commercial spaceship Nostromo intercepts a distress signal from a distant planet. When a three-member team of the crew discovers a chamber containing thousands of eggs on the planet, a creature inside one of the eggs attacks an explorer. The entire crew is unaware of the impending nightmare set to descend upon them when the alien parasite planted inside its unfortunate host is birthed.
   -Genres: Sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Aliens (1986)
When Ripley’s lifepod is found by a salvage crew over 50 years later, she finds that terra-formers are on the very planet they found the alien species. When the company sends a family of colonists out to investigate her story—all contact is lost with the planet and colonists. They enlist Ripley and the colonial marines to return and search for answers.
   -Genres: Sci-fi action, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Altered States (1980)
A research scientist explores the boundaries and frontiers of consciousness. Using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic mixtures from native American shamans, he explores these altered states of consciousness and finds that memory, time, and perhaps reality itself are states of mind.
   -Genres: Sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-AM1200 (2008)
A fantastic little horror short film. Officially on Vimeo.
   -Genres: Eldritch horror
   -Content warnings: Suicide
-Army of Darkness (1992)
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that Army of Darkness isn’t as good as Evil Dead II. They’re full of shit and this movie fucking rules.
   -Genres: Dark fantasy, horror comedy
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Basket Case (1982)
A young man carrying a big basket that contains his deformed Siamese-twin brother seeks vengeance on the doctors who separated them against their will.
   -Genres: Body horror, horror comedy, slasher
   -Content warnings: Attempted rape
-Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010)
Deep within the mysterious Arboria Institute, a disturbed girl is held captive by a doctor in search of inner peace. Her mind controlled by a sinister technology. Silently, she waits for her next session with deranged therapist Dr. Barry Nyle. If she hopes to escape, she must journey through the darkest reaches of The Institute, but Nyle wonʼt easily part with his most gifted and dangerous creation.
   -Genres: Sci-fi horror 
   -Content warnings: N/A
-The Blair Witch Project (1999)
In October of 1994 three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland, while shooting a documentary. A year later their footage was found.
   -Genres: Found footage, supernatural horror 
   -Content warnings: N/A
-The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Five college friends spend the weekend at a remote cabin in the woods, where they get more than they bargained for. Together, they must discover the truth behind the cabin in the woods.
   -Genres: Black comedy, eldritch horror, horror comedy, satire
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Christine (1983)
Geeky student Arnie Cunningham falls for Christine, a rusty 1958 Plymouth Fury, and becomes obsessed with restoring the classic automobile to her former glory. As the car changes, so does Arnie, whose newfound confidence turns to arrogance behind the wheel of his exotic beauty. Arnie’s girlfriend Leigh and best friend Dennis reach out to him, only to be met by a Fury like no other.
   -Genres: Horror thriller, supernaturally horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Donnie Darko (2001)
After narrowly escaping a bizarre accident, a troubled teenager is plagued by visions of a large bunny rabbit that manipulates him to commit a series of crimes.
   -Genres: Drama, psychological thriller
   -Content warnings: References to CSA
-The Fly (1986)
When Seth Brundle makes a huge scientific and technological breakthrough in teleportation, he decides to test it on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a common housefly manages to get inside the device and the two become one.
   -Genres: Body horror, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-From Beyond (1986)
A group of scientists have developed the Resonator, a machine which allows whoever is within range to see beyond normal perceptible reality. But when the experiment succeeds, they are immediately attacked by terrible life forms.
   -Genres: Body horror, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: Sexual assault
-Get Out (2017)
Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family’s overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter’s interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.
   -Genres: Horror thriller, psychological horror, satire
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Grave Encounters (2011)
I’ll admit that this found footage pseudo-reality show film isn’t all that good, but if you’re like me and you’re a slut for all those dumb Ghost Hunters-type TV shows, this should be right up your alley.
   -Genres: Found footage, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Ableism
-Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
I’m just going to quote my best friend Lars @dracenines:
there is so much shit in this movie that makes no goddamn sense at all but it's so damn fun that i can't help but love it anyways
   -Genres: Supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-The House of the Devil (2009)
In the 1980s, college student Samantha Hughes takes a strange babysitting job that coincides with a full lunar eclipse. She slowly realizes her clients harbor a terrifying secret.
   -Genres: Cult horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
With the disappearance of hack horror writer Sutter Cane, all Hell is breaking loose…literally! Author Cane, it seems, has a knack for description that really brings his evil creepy-crawlies to life. Insurance investigator John Trent is sent to investigate Cane’s mysterious vanishing act and ends up in the sleepy little East Coast town of Hobb’s End.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror, eldritch horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-It Follows (2014)
For 19-year-old Jay, fall should be about school, boys and weekends out at the lake. But a seemingly innocent physical encounter turns sour and gives her the inescapable sense that someone, or something, is following her. Faced with this burden, Jay and her teenage friends must find a way to escape the horror that seems to be only a few steps behind.
   -Genres: Psychological horror, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Sexual assault
-Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
A traumatized Vietnam war veteran finds out that his post-war life isn’t what he believes it to be when he’s attacked by horned creatures in the subway.
   -Genres: Drama, psychological horror, religious horror, thriller
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Jennifer’s Body (2009)
A newly possessed cheerleader turns into a killer who specializes in offing her male classmates.
   -Genres: Black comedy, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-The Keep (1983)
A great seemingly forgotten horror film that was unfortunately never able to be fully finished due to the death of the special effects supervisor early in post-production, and much more to the film’s determent, heavy studio interference, resulting in shoddy sound design and over 100 minutes cut from the movie. Despite this, I still enjoy this film quite a bit, particularly for its fantastic atmosphere and excellent soundtrack by Tangerine Dream.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Nazis
-The Lost Boys (1987)
A mother and her two teenage sons move to a seemingly nice and quiet small coastal California town yet soon find out that it’s overrun by bike gangs and vampires. A couple of teenage friends take it upon themselves to hunt down the vampires that they suspect of a few mysterious murders and restore peace and calm to their town.
   -Genres: Horror comedy, supernatural horror, vampire horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Marebito (2004)
A fear-obsessed freelance cameraman investigates an urban legend involving mysterious spirits that haunt the subways of Tokyo.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Eye trauma
-The Others (2001)
Grace is a religious woman who lives in an old house kept dark because her two children, Anne and Nicholas, have a rare sensitivity to light. When the family begins to suspect the house is haunted, Grace fights to protect her children at any cost in the face of strange events and disturbing visions.
   -Genres: Drama, gothic horror, psychological horror, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Prince of Darkness (1987)
A research team finds a mysterious cylinder in a deserted church. If opened, it could mean the end of the world.
   -Genres: Supernatural horror, zombie horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Resident Evil (2002)
Look, this movie is not great, it doesn’t follow the games, I know. But it’s a guilty pleasure and Milla Jovovitch awakens homosexual feelings in me. Just don’t bother with the sequels. Or do bother with them. Honestly, you could do a lot worse with your time.
   -Genres: Action horror, sci-fi horror, zombie horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Sinister (2012)
Found footage helps a true-crime novelist realize how and why a family was murdered in his new home, though his discoveries put his entire family in the path of a supernatural entity.
   -Genres: Mystery, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Child death
-Spring (2014)
Sci-fi horror romance film about a shapeshifting monster girl. That’s all I need to tell you.
   -Genres: Romance, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-Suspiria (1977)
From the moment she arrives in Freiberg, Germany, to attend the prestigious Tanz Academy, American ballet-dancer Suzy Bannion senses that something horribly evil lurks within the walls of the age-old institution.
   -Genres: Gothic horror, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)
One of my favorite found footage films and and a great example of how much potential the genre holds when handled by a director who seems to actually give a shit. To top that off, it features a lesbian lead character who doesn’t die. It’s really that easy!
   -Genres: Found footage, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
Five friends visiting their grandfather’s house in the country are hunted and terrorized by a chain-saw wielding killer and his family of grave-robbing cannibals.
   -Genres: Slasher
   -Content warnings: Ableism
-The Thing (1982)
Scientists in the Antarctic are confronted by a shape-shifting alien that assumes the appearance of the people it kills.
   -Genres: Alien invasion, body horror, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: Animal death
-Trick ’r Treat (2007)
Four interwoven stories that occur on Halloween: an everyday high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer; a college virgin might have just met the one guy for her; a group of teenagers pull a mean prank; a bitter old recluse receives an uninvited guest.
   -Genres: Anthology, black comedy, supernatural horror 
   -Content warnings: Child death
-Us (2019)
Husband and wife Gabe and Adelaide Wilson take their kids to their beach house expecting to unplug and unwind with friends. But as night descends, their serenity turns to tension and chaos when some shocking visitors arrive uninvited.
   -Genres: Cult horror, sci-fi horror, supernatural horror 
   -Content warnings: Child death
-V/H/S (2012)
When a group of misfits is hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a desolate house and acquire a rare VHS tape, they discover more found footage than they bargained for.
   -Genres: Anthology, found footage, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: Sexual assault
-V/H/S/2 (2013)
While there’s less good to be found in the sequel than in the previous installment, the segment featured in V/H/S/2 titled Safe Haven is easily the best in the entire series and has quickly become one of my favorite horror short films of all time. It alone makes V/H/S/2 a worthwhile watch.
   -Genres: Alien invasion, anthology, cult horror, found footage, sci-fi horror, supernatural horror, zombie horror
   -Content warnings: References to CSA, eye trauma
-Videodrome (1983)
As the president of a trashy TV channel, Max Renn is desperate for new programming to attract viewers. When he happens upon “Videodrome,” a TV show dedicated to gratuitous torture and punishment, Max sees a potential hit and broadcasts the show on his channel. However, after his girlfriend auditions for the show and never returns, Max investigates the truth behind Videodrome and discovers that the graphic violence may not be as fake as he thought.
   -Genres: Body horror, sci-fi horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-The Void (2016)
Cloaked, cult-like figures trap a police officer, patients and staffers inside a hospital that is a gateway to evil.
   -Genres: Cult horror, eldritch horror, supernatural horror
   -Content warnings: N/A
-What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
Vampire housemates try to cope with the complexities of modern life and show a newly turned hipster some of the perks of being undead.
   -Genres: Horror comedy, pseudo-documentary
   -Content warnings: One F-slur
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 5 years
So asking for a 'friend' (me), during the novel approach episode, when stiles and lydia go into valack's room, Scott and kira talked about stydia. Were any words spoken about staddy, and if so can we now what they are? (Yes, I am a total slut for these two and their adorable relationship)
I can’t thank you enough for asking this! Also so sorry this took so long, I had to get their dialogue for that scene because I’m that much of a thorough perfectionist lol but here we are:
Our first IABY deleted scene even though I hadn’t written it before that’s what I will be calling these types of scenes, enjoy babes!
Scott watches as Stiles sets his hand on Addy’s back and nods towards him, silently letting him know he won’t let anything happen to her.
Scott lifts one side of his mouth, knowing Stiles means that more than anything and returns the nod.
Once they’re through the doorway, the doctor closes the gate and leaves him and Kira in the mountain ash bubble.
It’s been a few minutes and try as he might, Scott isn’t able to hear anything happening down the hallway Addy and Stiles went.
Letting out a huff he shakes his head and walks back to lean against the wall next to Kira “I can’t hear anything— must be the mountain ash”
“I feel it too— I feel a little weak” Kira breathes out deeply and Scott lifts his hand as he states thoughtfully, “Yeah, it’s almost like being sedated”
“This was a bad idea wasn’t it?” Kira mutters before she looks worriedly towards the metal door and Scott smiles softly “don’t worry about them, if anyone is going to go into the unknown and come out the other side alive— it’s those two”
“They’re pretty great together” Kira agrees before Scott continues like a proud papa bear “No super strength or Samurai swords, yet they’re still alive”
“You’re not worried after what she was just put through?” Kira inquires and Scott connects their gazes to counter immediately “Oh I’m scared shitless every time she’s with us, I mean the other night was the third time I almost lost her, but I trust her with Stiles more than anyone.”
Scott smiles fondly with a memory and reaches up to scratch the side of his jaw “you know, Addy broke her arm when we were 8– I may or may not have had a little hand in that event”
Kira smirks with his words and Scott clears his throat before continuing “Stiles had lost his mom a few months before, he was alone in the hospital with her when she passed so he hadn’t really been able to bring himself to go back there since— even to go with us to see our mom— but that day… Stiles stayed with Addy through everything. He held her hand when they reset it, put a cast on it, and when she was sleeping— he wouldn’t leave her side. I think he was even more mad at me than she was.”
They both share a soft chuckle with that statement before he elaborates, “I don’t think I could really grasp the reasons behind what he was doing— none of us could we were just kids— but I remember being in awe of their connection.”
Kira's brows twitch as she tries to follow and Scott licks his lips before filling in “They are always so in tune with each other, and can predict what the other will do or need no matter what. I used to be almost jealous of what they have when we were growing up, but now I know they were just teaching me not to settle for anything less than that type of love.”
Kira smiles “I thought they had been together for years when I first met them, I don’t think anything has shocked me more than to learn they weren’t even together”
Scott chuckles and nods “They were both so in love with each other for the longest time, but Addy thought he was in love with Lydia— and well to be honest I’m not sure what Stiles was thinking”
Kira furrows her brows as she clarifies “but you knew how each of them felt?”
Scott smirks “Addy wasn’t paying attention and Stiles was a terrible liar, but I couldn’t be the one to bring them together they had to do that for themselves— even if they took forever to get there.”
“They really are perfect for each other and I say that knowing ‘perfect’ is an unattainable aspect in someone” Kira states on a soft sigh.
Scott nods and moves his eyes fondly towards the gate “I wouldn't be surprised if soulmates were a real thing— one person to match you completely— because that’s what they are, that’s what they have made me a full believer in... a perfect soulmate match”
Taglist for those who may be interested (some are just based off who read/interacted with the last chapter)🤗
@1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe @lettersofwrittencollective @softpeteparker @lemme-read-all-the-things42 @fullangelimagines @stilessarcasmqueen @fortunatelydelicateearthquake @tothestarsandreams @glittercoveredsouls @marauderskeeper @shantayok @emichelle @humbledarkness @24-stilinski @all-will-be-well-love @screamxqueenx94 @soccersarah07 @slothcat67 @stilinski-fucking-obrien @redsalv20 @the-winchester-girl02 @missdicaprio @awkwarddoctor @cutiepiemimi13 @thejourneyneverendsx @xceafh @michellebarista @wandascarlett @katemusic @theholydestiny @delacxurs @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo
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pileofsketches · 4 years
Dear Chocolate Box Writer,
Hi! I’m noun on Ao3, and thank you for writing for me! I’m still getting into the flow of exchanges, but I’m particularly excited for this one because I love ships; they’re mostly why I read and write fic. As a result, I’ve requested a bunch! and now realize they’re all het, haha, probably because I adore the female character in all the various parings and want to read more about her. I have bookmarked a variety of fic—hopefully it should give an indication of my tastes if my letter is lacking.
I’ve selected fanfic for all of these but I would love some art treats.
DNWs: dialogue lifted entirely from canon (callbacks are fine!), first-person writing (unless in epistolary format), character studies (whole fic musing on someone’s canonical actions, no new content/action), hopeless or depressing endings, coffee shop/minimum wage struggle AUs, noncon, trans headcanons, autism headcanons, asexuality headcanons, prostitution, non-canonical infidelity, daddy kink or parental role kink, non-canonical death, and sexualized violence (ie choking).
A/B/O is a trope I absolutely adore—the changes to society! the possessiveness! the various kinks!—but please no male pregnancy/women who can impregnate.
Likes: A/B/O, body horror, daemon AUs, eldritch nonsense, epistolary format or interludes, groundhog day/time loops, intense relationships, kidfic, longing/pining/loyalty, period pieces (esp. 18th century), soulmates (first words/real names as a favorite), stories set in a real city where it’s really really obvious the author did their research, and werewolves AUs.
Kinks: biting/marking, difficult penetration, dirty talk, everything under A/B/O’s usual umbrella, exhibitionism, fancy lingerie, fuck-or-die, general hedonism, monsters, oral, praise kink, pregnancy/breeding kink, ritualistic sex, size kink, and submissive men.
✧ Kirin Jindosh/Emily Kaldwin 
- AU where Delilah was accepted by Euhorn or legitimate from the start and became empress, Emily is her heir after Jessamine’s assassination during the plague (they missed Delilah, failed because of Delilah’s powers? whatever it was, as long as Corvo still did his vengeance quest) and they meet in completely different circumstances.
- I love this paring, period: coup-tested royalty vs clawed his way up from the gutter genius. Clockwork Mansion was the level I got to demo when they did the DH2 preview events, and they based the whole mystery on Jindosh at the party itself, so I was excited for the chance to finish the level going in. I (like pretty much everyone else) made assumptions based on the Sokolov connections that this would go the recruiting route. When we didn’t have that option, I was disappointed. Maybe something where Emily spares him, or uses the electroshock machine but then finds she needs him for the lock at Stilton’s? How does the Crack in the Slab mission go with an allied (to whatever level of enthusiasm he’s collaborating) Jindosh?
-Go pre- or post-canon, play off the novels, the comics, whatever. The only thing I wouldn’t like is a generic modern AU. 
Assassin’s Creed:
✧ Daniel Cross/Hannah Mueller
✧ Daniel Cross/Lucy Stillman
✧ Juhani Otso Berg/Lucy Stillman
- Templars, please! Either Lucy pre-betrayal and post, how she copes with being welcomed into Abstergo and then the Templars-- how does it feel to have to lie less? How is Lucy ideologically seduced? Is there the promise of being able to live a ‘normal’ life- IE, a normal relationship, house, kids, not being murdered? Does Berg (with his thing for Shay) take particular interest in Lucy because of the chance to get an Assassin to switch sides?
- How does Lucy look at Daniel? Was she in the Brotherhood during the Purge? Did she know him? How does what the Animus does to him change her own work with the Animus?
- for Hannah, I would love to see something where Daniel either doesn’t turn her down in the last night before he kills the Mentor, or one where they’re already in a relationship before, and how that greater betrayal factors into what she does in the years after (would love if she survives and gets to, you know, do stuff).
- Bleeding Effect sex/sex on the Animus is always my jam.
Death Note:
✧ Halle Lidner | Halle Bullock/Mello | Mihael Keehl
- came into the canon very late, but would love a soulmate name AU, and all the complications that has with the Kira case as well as relationships between the people trying to solve it. Does the Kira cases change the culture around name display at all? How do you deal with probably wanting to hide your name now?
Halt and Catch Fire:
✧ Cameron Howe/Joe MacMillan      
- COMDEX where ‘oh no we have to share a bed’ turns into a weekend long forced domesticity
- any sort of modern AU where they’re both working in the modern computer/video game industry
- any of the AUs in likes and how that modifies canon!
0 notes