#bc before that it was the music from gerudo valley
momointhetardis · 4 months
very tired from class today so I go to play elden ring and listen to one of my metal playlists while playing... accidentally turn on my video game music playlist for studying instead...
ended up with a fucking hysterical moment of me riding my horse and attacking things to music from mario 64
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok, i decided to bank on the main quest sending me up to the highlands eventually. i'm here on the road so like...let's fuckin do it
that being said, i don't have any sun food...lemme see if i have anything i can cook first lol
wow my meals are full <3 so i ate a speed up thingy and made one (1) space for a chillshroom thing. good thing i have plenty of portable pots.......
oh wow. i really did start swaying with heat exhaustion the second i stepped into the canyon. damn.
man i love this already. the shade and caves makes it better but i bet at night we swing the other way. it's ncie because i don't have sand killing my movement speed yet lol
yoooo there's a guy trapped in here! i'll rescue you bud
oh this is one of the people who went missing i think!
yo my man addison is out here even...also swaying in the heat lol. i hope he gives me useful food 😭
ooh he did
omg no way there are real tumbleweeds rolling around lol
i found FAIRIES!!! in this well. but theyre all flying so high it's hard to catch them...i got 2 at least :/
aaand i pop out into the cold. at least i have armor for this, tho i'm sad to take off my oot gear
DAMN i forgot to get extra fans and there's a korok here who needs transport!!!! sometimes the game provides you with that sort of thing but Not Here. This Is The Desert
spend zonaite, or leave the korok behind...?
option 3! just carry him! there was a place with like stairsteps that it was possible to climb. thank fuck.
i'm not gonna spend zonaite. not even for this. it's for the battery.
besides, the reason i don't have any farosh parts yet is bc i don't have the entire rubber armor set...she would chew me up and spit me out
well, i found a falling block to use recall on and got close enough to get a scale :/ i really need a claw but i'll take it
oh wow. the road really did become a river. wtf...
aaand it's hot again!! damn.
this fucking shrine quest with the laser and the crystal...i just wanted a fast travel point!!
oh i found another guy! worth it then
"i could kiss ya right now" 🏳‍🌈
aaah and the music comes in...nothing like the OG gerudo valley but still nice to hear
there's a fan and a control stick here...not enough for a bike BUT enough to build a little raft <3
passing up a couple of caves :/ because i wanna get to the mouth of the river before i abandon my boat. i'll go back for them soon but it's Bothering me
found it!
oh shit i went up the waterfall to look better and when i came down i saw a yiga statue.........it's almost time for them ig
peeked on the map (sorry) and there's a hideout here but i can't find it. i wonder if the story will send me back here...
ok BACK 2 thecave i missed
SICK?? theres a sand waterfall in here
aw i found the last guy! very good. i'm not going back rn tho. it took too long to get here!! i think my lookout tower is close and then i can go anywhere i want
god i really do love that you can just vaporize ice enemies with fire fruit. i have like 200 of them i love when things are easy
awww a cherry tree out here...very good <3 i did finally look those up and while they are handy, they become kind of useless if you're cheating with an interactive map lol
unlocked the map...........only one tower left to go
I Can See The Last Geoglyph From Here. i gotta calm down lol
I SEE FAROSH!!!!!! girl i gotta have that claw. girl. girl. girl
i landed a little ways from where i started...trying to decide on going back to get the caves and seeds i missed or pushing forward. wow something for future liz to figure out tonight
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pk-majora · 5 years
do all the zelda asks if you dont mind!
hell yeah, so glad someone finally send me this ask lmao. full disclosure all of my experience is in the 3d zeldas lol.
Goddess Harp: Favorite piece of lore
one piece that always stuck with me was during the tutorial in majoras mask when youre learning how to z target right before entering the clock tower in termina. and you see the like dried up dead deku scrub and navi says something about how like sad it feels/looks and how similar you look to it after getting the deku mask put on you... always kills me. also i love any love quest lmao kafei/anju in majoras mask and hudson and his super cute gerudo wife in tarrey town in breath of the wild ahh so cute. 
Ocarina of Time: Favorite song (whether it is playable or just background music) 
hands down the theme of the astral observatory in majoras mask. its my ringtone too lol.
Empty Bottle: Best thing to put in it
Oh i loved putting fish or bugs in them in ocarina of time and majoras mask. poe souls just looked cool in them too lol. idk if i had the choice it was always like aesthetically pleasing or cool things lol. 
Hookshot: Favorite way to travel in any of the games
Riding whatever was physically possible in breath of the wild. the spinner in twilight princess had a lot of fun although limited uses too.
Fairy Bow: Favorite type of arrow
oooh probably light arrows, just love the aesthetic and the idea
Fierce Deity Mask: If you could add any kind of transformation mask to any of the games, which would it be?
oooh torn between the goron mask and the zora mask from majoras mask. what games id put them in hmm. maybe one of the 2d ones? itd probably introduce some cool new elements. definitely have more experience with the 3d realm tho so... idk i think it could be kinda fun in wind waker lol. can you imagine wearing the zoras mask and swimming fast under water? in wind waker? in between sailing? god that sounds so fun!
Mirror Shield: Which character do you relate to the most?
i like the powerful women in some legend of zelda games. literally any iteration of zelda, impa, tetra, even malon/romani/cremia are all just super relatable to me. ooh especially riju. 
Master Sword: Favorite version of Link
i dont really think i have one? they all look cool in different ways. but i guess majoras mask or ocarina of time since those are the two i spent the most time playing as lol
Light Arrow: Favorite version of Zelda
probably breath of the wild or skyward sword zelda. she has so much personality in both games, especially if you collect all the memories in breath of the wild. 
Lens of Truth: Favorite version of Demise/Ganon
probably in ocarina of time just bc of how interesting the fights with him were and just how cool he looked. 
Whip: Most attractive character in your opinion (if applicable)
man this is a hard choice. i love all of the gerudo, the rito, the zora all like super hot right? cant just be me... also literally every female legend of zelda character lmao.
Horse Call: Favorite companion character (Fi, Navi, Tatl, etc.)
Probably navi or tatl since i spent a lot of time playing the n64 zelda games
Picori Sword: What do you feel is the most underrated game in the series?
most underrated? probably twilight princess. i feel like it got some flack but i thought the game was really beautiful and had some really fun diverse gameplay elements. 
Zora Tunic: Favorite species
i like the kokiri in ocarina of time, mainly bc the idea of a race of people who dont age past a certain age paired with the fact that link very obviously ages in the time that passes is just super interesting. i also love the koroks, rito, gorons, gerudo, zora, man its so hard to choose lol.
Goron Tunic: Favorite area of any game
the fishing area in ocarina of time lol i actually loved the fishing mechanic. follow up is zora domain or gerudo valley in breath of the wild...both are just like so pretty? 
Gibdo Mask: Favorite monster
i like the stall children in majoras mask bc even tho their enemies and killable lmao they also have their own like lines of dialogue and personality if you wear their mask around them. also loved chasing captain keeta.
Giant’s Mask: Favorite Boss Battle
probably super predictable but does majora count? the creepy movements, the optional use of the fierce diety mask, all the different like iterations of majora. so fucking cool.
Captain’s Hat: Favorite Mini-Boss Battle
gotta be dark link from ocarina of time. that shit was so cool.
Red Potion: Go all offensive, or play it safe?
go all out offensive and die multiple times trying lmao
Green Potion: Do you prefer magic or stamina? Or would you like to see both implemented at the same time?
magic for sure. but i can definitely see both being implemented. 
Blue Potion: Most useful item
definitely the hookshot in games that let you use it freely for the most part. besides that maybe the bottles. 
Lantern: Scariest area of any game
probably a basic answer but youre first time seeing the shadow temple in ocarina of time? terrifying. follow up? when you go up to the moon in majoras mask and see the little mask salesmen...
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theenduringsun · 7 years
okay well @melodymeddler​ has asked me to do All of my ocs so here we go! (it’s under a readmore so you dont have my children clogging your dash)
Full Name: galatea lol Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, polysexual & polyamorous Pronouns: she/her or they/them Ethnicity/Species: gerudo  Birthplace and Birthdate: uhhhh Desert and november 4th Guilty Pleasures: she’s a good person usually but sometimes ya just gotta be Morally Ambiguous, ya feel? Phobias: losing her control of herself, death What They Would Be Famous For: saving the world!! What They Would Get Arrested For: stealing shit like cmon honey OC You Ship Them With: narei! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: probably dhulsaei but it’d be like a huge misunderstanding lol Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action/adventure. like tomb raider because That Her Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when there are love triangles! she’s like “date both of them asshole!” Talents and/or Powers: very stealthy, agile, and acrobatic. can also talk her way out of anything Why Someone Might Love Them: the snark is real, has the wittiest retorts Why Someone Might Hate Them: bc she started as part of an oc/canon character ship lol How They Change: she learns not to rush headlong into things and learns that she’s not infallible. she also learns not to judge things by appearances like she hates when people do to her Why You Love Them: she was one of my first ocs that i started developing independently! i’ve really got a soft spot for her
Full Name: prince narei (i’m not sure that gerudo have last names? so he doesnt have one lol) Gender and Sexuality: cis male, pansexual Pronouns: he/him Ethnicity/Species: gerudo Birthplace and Birthdate: Nonspecific Gerudo Village (not gerudo valley tho), july 13th Guilty Pleasures: romance novels Phobias: he’s really scared of cold. he doesn’t have much experience with it and fears that his limbs will fall off. What They Would Be Famous For: being a somewhat okay leader (with help) What They Would Get Arrested For: dark magic (he did apologize though) OC You Ship Them With: galatea (it’s mostly one-sided though) OC Most Likely To Murder Them: dhulsaei, but only if he’s actively endangering someone Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he says it’s action/adventure but, like i said before, the boy loves a good romance novel Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: miscommunication (you can catch him in his quarters screaming “JUST TELL HER” into his pillow. he should take his own advice) Talents and/or Powers: dark magic, swordfighting, handsomeness Why Someone Might Love Them: he honestly tries his best? most of the things that happen to him are not his fault (key word there: most) Why Someone Might Hate Them: he does a lot of things without thinking through them first, including spouting some pretty sexist ideology. however, he does grow past this, and it’s an important part of his character arc to me How They Change: he learns to look at all perspectives of an issue before taking it on, and he does a lot of introspection over his arc that helps him move more towards where he really wants to be Why You Love Them: he and galatea are my two favorite ocs because of how different they are tbh. i love putting them in situations where their differences complement each other and honestly i love how galatea helps him to be a better person. i just. yes
Full Name: hokulani iona  Gender and Sexuality: cis female, bisexual Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: native alolan/hawaiian Birthplace and Birthdate: hau’oli city, march 16th Guilty Pleasures: fatty starchy foods. they’re not good for her but they’re good for her soul Phobias: being forgotten, not being able to speak up for herself What They Would Be Famous For: winning All the Medals in the paralympics! What They Would Get Arrested For: being young and reckless and accidentally doing something illegal OC You Ship Them With: a little bit with noelani but not really OC Most Likely To Murder Them: i don’t honestly think any of my ocs would? Favorite Movie/Book Genre: generic sports movies. she adores space jam with her whole soul Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: she hates rivalries, actually. she wants them to be friends Talents and/or Powers: she has incredible stamina, even though she’s in a wheelchair. she’s also very strong and will beat you in arm wrestling always Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s cute and determined lol Why Someone Might Hate Them: because she rushes in and does dumb things, and then is stubborn about how the thing she did was the right thing How They Change: i think she learns to accept her disability over the course of the island challenge, and she begins to see that she can do amazing things while being in a wheelchair (because she can!!) Why You Love Them: because i love paired ocs and she and noelani are my faves
Full Name: noelani kalani Gender and Sexuality: cis female, bi Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: native alolan/hawaiian Birthplace and Birthdate: iki town, march 16th  Guilty Pleasures: she likes to have coffee and chocolate past 9pm despite her insomnia Phobias: bugs. anything that is creepy crawly is a no from her. What They Would Be Famous For: her dance skills! she’s primarily a ballet dancer but she does other styles as well, and she’s very skilled as a ballerina :D What They Would Get Arrested For: being accomplice to something hokulani did OC You Ship Them With: a lil with hokulani OC Most Likely To Murder Them: mihlanna probably Favorite Movie/Book Genre: you know those horse movies everyone makes fun of? those are noelani’s favorite. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: not sure this is a particular cliche, but she gets very bad secondhand embarrassment, so much that she’ll have to turn off the tv/stop reading and just walk around for a while to shake it off Talents and/or Powers: very skilled dancer, abnormally good balance even for a dancer Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s not the type of person who you’d expect to take the island challenge. she seemed to be content where she was, but she journeyed with hokulani anyway. Why Someone Might Hate Them: honestly? bc i have like no experience writing hawaiian/hawaiian-coded characters and i’m probably going to fuck it up at least six times (side note pleeeease tell me if anything i ever say is offensive because that is not my intent and i want to be the best person i possibly can <3) How They Change: noelani learns not to judge things by her first impression of them. for example she thought hokulani wouldn’t be able to do anything except sit at home after her accident, and yet they traveled across all of alola together! she also learns that when hokulani is set on something it will be done no matter the collateral damage lol Why You Love Them: she was the oc i made when primarina was first announced <3 i love dance, even though i’m not too good at it myself, so i love having an oc who’s good at dancing too.
camille belrose:
Full Name: camille adelaide belrose Gender and Sexuality: cis female, straight Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: kalosian/french Birthplace and Birthdate: coumarine city, june 16th Guilty Pleasures: chocolates and sugary things which are bad for her figure but FUCK when you’re crying about augustine sycamore at 3 am you need a box of russell stovers Phobias: bugs, if it crawls she hates it (except araquanid) What They Would Be Famous For: covering a huge story What They Would Get Arrested For: going the extra mile for a scoop (i shit you not she’s climbed fences before) OC You Ship Them With: none OC Most Likely To Murder Them: hokulani if only because they’d disagree on everything Favorite Movie/Book Genre: rom-coms Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when an “ugly” girl is just a pretty brunette with a curvy figure? like what the fuck? Talents and/or Powers: would do anything to get paid. anything. Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s arguably the most fashion-forward of my ocs and you wouldn’t catch her dead in something un-coordinated Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s stuck up as fuuuuuuuck. also started as a canon character/oc like galatea lol How They Change: she becomes less snobby and more appreciative of the things around her Why You Love Them: because i love making her swear in french it’s my favorite thing
Full Name: ariadne jane raptis Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, straight Pronouns: she/her or xe/xir Ethnicity/Species: whatever the pokemon equivalent of greek is/sinnoh! Birthplace and Birthdate: twinleaf town, march 21st (i have a lot of pisces ocs holy shit) Guilty Pleasures: making people angry. it’s the one thing that keeps her sane Phobias: death, deep water What They Would Be Famous For: winning the most fucking super contests ever holy shit What They Would Get Arrested For: honestly? public intoxication, but not until she’s way older OC You Ship Them With: none OC Most Likely To Murder Them: mihlanna or cerys Favorite Movie/Book Genre: high fantasy this girl has a billion d&d characters Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when humans are always portrayed as the default race. like no tell her about gnomes please Talents and/or Powers: empath, very good at sewing, has a nice team of pokemon Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s adorable and also only five feet tall Why Someone Might Hate Them: she gets angry extremely easily and takes it out on everything around her How They Change: she learns how to work with other people without destroying entire towns in the process! Why You Love Them: sinnoh is the best region fight me.
cheyenne solberg:
Full Name: cheyenne rose solberg Gender and Sexuality: agender, pan Pronouns: they/them Ethnicity/Species: mixed native/white Birthplace and Birthdate: goldenrod city, august 13th Guilty Pleasures: pop music (it’s the same four chords but it’s so catchy) Phobias: losing their friends, dying alone What They Would Be Famous For: writing the best jazz cello repertoire known to man What They Would Get Arrested For: not caring enough and accidentally walking out of the house without a shirt on OC You Ship Them With: estelle!!!!!!! estelle!!!!!!! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: sylharice, she doesn’t see how they can just not care Favorite Movie/Book Genre: horror Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when the girl in the horror movie is a dumbass. like please Talents and/or Powers: mad cello skills, unyielding love for their gf Why Someone Might Love Them: they’re incredibly critical but also extremely appreciative of music Why Someone Might Hate Them: they don’t care enough. at all How They Change: i like to think that they learn to care a little lol Why You Love Them: i just made them yesterday and i love them!!!!!!!
estelle beaumont:
Full Name: estelle louise beaumont Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, lesbian Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: kalosian Birthplace and Birthdate: lumiose city, july 18th Guilty Pleasures: cute violin/cello duets with her enbyfriend!! Phobias: cheyenne losing interest in her (which will never happen) What They Would Be Famous For: being the best violinist! What They Would Get Arrested For: doing something illegal to stop cheyenne from doing something illegal OC You Ship Them With: cheyenne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: galatea Favorite Movie/Book Genre: horror Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: jumpscares! she’ll be clinging to cheyenne nonstop Talents and/or Powers: very good violin girl, looks at things big-picture Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s a sweetheart holy shit???? Why Someone Might Hate Them: because she’s one of those “all sides” people who insists everyone gets a voice How They Change: she learns that some people just need to shut up. Why You Love Them: listen i made her and cheyenne yesterday they’re the greatest
sylharice amastacia:
Full Name: sylharice amastacia Gender and Sexuality: trans woman, gay as fuck Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: high elf Birthplace and Birthdate: somewhere in the wild, march 4th Guilty Pleasures: her flaw is “i can’t resist a pretty face”. she is quite literally too gay to function Phobias: losing her agency What They Would Be Famous For: creating the hit single “call me maybe but with all the pronouns changed to make it super gay” What They Would Get Arrested For: adultery....oops OC You Ship Them With: there’s a character in her backstory named diantha who she’s very much in love with but also diantha’s married so that’s a Bad OC Most Likely To Murder Them: dhulsaei Favorite Movie/Book Genre: smut novels Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: badly written foreplay Talents and/or Powers: she’s a very talented bard! she likes her rapier.  Why Someone Might Love Them: such a beautiful gay bard  Why Someone Might Hate Them: because i suck at using my offensive spells i’m sorry d&d group How They Change: i’m anticipating some coming-to-terms with the whole adultery thing in the future Why You Love Them: fuck dude i love playing gay bards
Full Name: dhulsaei aurelia doesn’t have a last name because her father was a rando Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, bisexual Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: sylph Birthplace and Birthdate: rugged reef, she can’t remember Guilty Pleasures: her vice is alcohol. she’s like always drunk Phobias: being controlled What They Would Be Famous For: saving the world with her posse What They Would Get Arrested For: public intoxication without a doubt OC You Ship Them With: i highkey ship her with @melodymeddler‘s oc leo lol OC Most Likely To Murder Them: sylharice probably Favorite Movie/Book Genre: epic plays Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when there’s an improperly translated bit of language/bilingual characters written terribly Talents and/or Powers: sylphy shit, very good at stealthing, way smarter than she looks Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s cute, she has a british accent, and she’s almost never sober. what’s not to love Why Someone Might Hate Them: she says she’s neutral good but she’s more on the chaotic side of that alignment How They Change: she’s learning that snooping on her party’s things can sometimes lead to bad things. also that if you challenge a boat to a drinking contest, you will lose and get turned into a dog. multiple times. Why You Love Them: i love playing dhulsaei holy shit. it’s all the me i’ll never be
kit willoughby:
Full Name: katrina carlotta willoughby (call them anything but kit and they’ll murder you) Gender and Sexuality: agender, bi Pronouns: they/them Ethnicity/Species: half-elf Birthplace and Birthdate: a port town, august 1st Guilty Pleasures: self insert fics Phobias: crashing and dying horrifically What They Would Be Famous For: a cool and daring expedition! What They Would Get Arrested For: flying in a no-fly zone OC You Ship Them With: none  OC Most Likely To Murder Them: dhulsaei, they’d get into a stubborn-off Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action/adventure Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when flying is written poorly, and they know Talents and/or Powers: they’re only a recruit right now but they know their shit (spoilers: they don’t but they defo act like they do) Why Someone Might Love Them: they’re spunky and resilient! Why Someone Might Hate Them: they do things without thinking them through fully. a lot. How They Change: they learn that they’re not always gonna be right, and that dying isn’t really that bad. Why You Love Them: full disclosure: they’re 100% a self-insert oc. i don’t give a fuck tho
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