#best pcos treatment kolkata
digiahmer · 1 year
Top 10 Tips for Practicing Yoga While Pregnant
If you’re expecting a baby, you may be wondering how to incorporate yoga into your pregnancy. Practicing yoga during pregnancy has many benefits - it can help to reduce stress and boost energy levels, as well as improve strength and flexibility. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top 10 tips for practicing yoga while pregnant, so you can make the most of your prenatal yoga practice.
1) Get the all-clear from your GP before you start
It's important to check with your GP or midwife before beginning any exercise routine while pregnant, especially when it comes to yoga. This is because the postures and breathing exercises that makeup yoga can have different effects depending on the individual. Having a medical professional's opinion will ensure you're engaging in safe, beneficial practices. Speak to your healthcare provider about any potential risks so you can make an informed decision about practicing yoga during pregnancy.
2) Join a class led by a qualified teacher
Attending a yoga class led by a qualified instructor is one of the best ways to practice yoga safely during pregnancy. A good instructor can show you how to modify poses and make sure that your practice is tailored to the changes happening in your body. An experienced yoga instructor will know what is safe and beneficial for pregnant women and can make adjustments to the class accordingly. Practicing with an experienced instructor will also help to keep you motivated, encouraged and supported throughout your pregnancy.
3) Listen to your body
Prenatal yoga classes are a great way to learn which poses are safe during pregnancy. While practicing yoga, be sure to pay attention to your body's cues. If a pose is causing discomfort or pain, stop immediately and adjust your position or switch to a different pose. When listening to your body, it's best to opt for gentler movements and take regular breaks. Avoid holding poses for too long, as this can increase your risk of injury. Finally, ensure that you get the all-clear from your doctor before starting any prenatal yoga classes.
4) Drink plenty of water
Staying hydrated is especially important when practicing yoga during pregnancy. Make sure to drink water before, during and after your practice to keep yourself hydrated. Avoid caffeinated drinks and sugary juices as they can contribute to dehydration. Keeping a bottle of water on hand and sipping throughout your practice can help ensure that you stay hydrated throughout your session.
5) Avoid hot yoga
When practicing yoga during pregnancy, it's important to avoid hot yoga or any class with high temperatures. Pregnant women are more sensitive to heat and can overheat quickly, which can cause problems for the baby. Instead, opt for classes in a well-ventilated space with a comfortable temperature that won't cause you to sweat too much. This will help keep you and your baby safe and comfortable while you practice.
6) Don't push yourself
If you're new to yoga, or pregnant, it's important to take things slowly and not push yourself too hard. Modify poses as necessary, and listen to your body
7) Modify poses as necessary
If a pose doesn't feel right, don't be afraid to modify it. Listen to your body and make whatever adjustments you need to in order to feel comfortable.
8) Use props
Props can be very helpful when practicing yoga during pregnancy. For example, using a yoga block can help you maintain proper alignment in certain poses.
9) Focus on your breath
Breathing is an important part of yoga, and it can be especially helpful during pregnancy. Taking deep, cleansing breaths can help you relax and focus.
10) Relax and enjoy!
Pregnancy is a time to relax and enjoy your body. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to do Advanced poses or to be perfect. Just focus on enjoying the experience and connecting with your baby.
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cystercare · 1 year
Women with PCOS have increased anxiety, depression, and negative body image compared with women without PCOS. In women with or without PCOS, body image and self-worth are predictors of both anxiety and depression.
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vinita-khemani · 11 months
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Dr. Vinita Khemani: High-grade PCOS Treatment in Kolkata
When a person has PCOS, the ovaries produce high levels of androgens. Dr. Vinita Khemani offers PCOS treatment.
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saileshjain · 1 year
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Best Pcos Treatment in Kolkata: Dr. Vinita Khemani
PCOS is usually common among girls who have reached the reproductive age. Dr. Vinita Khemani offers PCOS treatment.
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siliguriivfcentre · 2 months
Best IVF Centre in Kolkata: Discovering Excellence
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Welcome to Siliguri IVF Centre, where we redefine excellence in fertility care. As one of the leading IVF centres in Kolkata, we pride ourselves on delivering compassionate, personalized, and effective treatments to couples struggling with infertility. Led by renowned experts and equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our centre is dedicated to making parenthood dreams a reality. Let us take you on a journey through the intricacies of our services, showcasing why we stand out as the Best IVF centre in Kolkata, with the best infertility doctors.
Our Approach to Fertility Care
At Siliguri IVF Centre, we understand that every couple’s journey to parenthood is unique. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of fertility treatments tailored to meet individual needs. From basic interventions like ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI) to advanced techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), and donor egg/sperm programs, we provide a holistic approach to fertility care. Our team of experienced fertility specialists, embryologists, and support staff work tirelessly to ensure the highest standards of care and success rates.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our IVF centre in Kolkata boasts state-of-the-art facilities designed to provide optimal comfort and convenience for our patients. From modern consultation rooms and advanced laboratory equipment to comfortable recovery areas, we prioritize patient comfort and safety at every step of the journey. Our cutting-edge embryology lab is equipped with the latest technology, allowing us to perform intricate procedures with precision and efficiency. Whether you’re undergoing fertility testing, embryo transfer, or egg retrieval, rest assured that you’re in expert hands at Siliguri IVF Centre.
Renowned Fertility Experts
At the heart of our success lies our team of renowned fertility experts who are dedicated to helping couples overcome infertility challenges. Led by Dr, a highly respected infertility doctor in Kolkata, our team brings together years of experience, expertise, and compassion to provide unparalleled care. Dr. and our team take a patient-centered approach, ensuring that every couple receives personalized attention, support, and guidance throughout their fertility journey. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for helping families grow, our fertility specialists are here to support you every step of the way.
Success Stories: The success stories of our patients are a testament to the quality of care and expertise available at Siliguri IVF Centre. Over the years, we have helped countless couples achieve their dream of parenthood through our advanced fertility treatments. From overcoming complex infertility issues to celebrating successful pregnancies, our patients’ journeys inspire us to continue striving for excellence. Whether you’re struggling with male factor infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, or unexplained infertility, we’re here to provide hope and support.
Compassionate Support: We understand that navigating the challenges of infertility can be emotionally and physically draining. That’s why we offer compassionate support services to help our patients cope with the ups and downs of their fertility journey. From counseling and support groups to financial assistance programs, we’re committed to providing comprehensive support to our patients every step of the way. Our dedicated team is here to listen, guide, and empower you on your path to parenthood.
Affordable Treatment Options
At Siliguri IVF Centre, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to build their family, regardless of financial constraints. That’s why we offer affordable treatment options and flexible payment plans to make fertility care accessible to all. Our team works closely with patients to explore cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality of care. Whether you’re considering IVF, IUI, or other fertility treatments, we’re committed to helping you find a solution that fits your budget and needs.
Choosing the Best IVF centre in Kolkata is a significant decision on your journey to parenthood. At Siliguri IVF Centre, we’re dedicated to providing exceptional fertility care with compassion, expertise, and integrity. With state-of-the-art facilities, renowned fertility experts, and personalized support services, we’re here to help you overcome infertility challenges and realize your dream of becoming parents. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future.
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Breaking Barriers: Female Reproductive Health Care with the Best IVF Specialist in Kolkata
In today's world, where women are breaking barriers and achieving milestones in every field, the need for specialized healthcare services for women has become even more important. One such area is reproductive health, which plays a crucial role in a woman's overall well-being. In Kolkata, the bustling city of joy, there are numerous medical professionals who excel in providing top-notch care for women's reproductive health. Among them, the best IVF specialist in Kolkata stands out for their expertise and success rates in fertility treatments. In this article, we will discuss the importance of female reproductive health care and why choosing the best IVF specialist can make all the difference.
Understanding Female Reproductive Health
Female reproductive health refers to the overall well-being and functioning of a woman's reproductive system. It involves both physical and emotional aspects, including menstrual cycle regulation, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. While it is an essential aspect of a woman's life, female reproductive health often gets overlooked or stigmatized in society.
There are several key factors that can affect female reproductive health, such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. Some common issues that women face in this area include irregular periods, hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and fertility problems.
It is crucial for women to understand their reproductive health and any potential challenges they may face. This knowledge can help them make informed decisions about their bodies and seek the necessary medical care when needed.
The Best IVF Specialist in Kolkata
In Kolkata, there are several experienced and skilled IVF specialists who specialize in female reproductive health. These doctors undergo extensive training in reproductive medicine and have a deep understanding of the complex factors that can affect fertility. They also keep up with the latest advancements and techniques in assisted reproductive technology (ART), including in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The best IVF specialists in Kolkata have a track record of high success rates and patient satisfaction. They prioritize personalized care for each patient, taking into account their unique medical history and needs. With their expertise and advanced technology, these specialists help many couples overcome infertility and achieve their dream of starting a family.
Breaking Barriers in Female Reproductive Health Care
Despite the advancements and success stories in reproductive medicine, there are still stigmas and misconceptions surrounding fertility treatments, particularly for women. Some may view seeking help from an IVF specialist as a sign of weakness or shame. Others may have inaccurate beliefs about these procedures, leading to fear or hesitation. This can prevent women from seeking the care they need.
However, with the best IVF specialist in Kolkata at their side, these barriers can be broken down. These doctors not only provide top-notch medical care but also educate and empower their patients to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. By addressing stigmas and misconceptions, they help normalize seeking fertility treatments and bring hope to many couples struggling with infertility.
In conclusion, Breaking Barriers: Female Reproductive Health Care with the Best IVF Specialist in Kolkata is a topic that needs to be discussed. Having access to female reproductive health care is an essential right for individuals everywhere, regardless of gender. Women have the right to receive quality health care from experienced healthcare professionals in an environment where they feel respected and comfortable. Thankfully, Sparsha Infertility Centre, Best Gynecologist in Kolkata provides accessibility and experts necessary for this very important aspect of a woman’s life. With one of the best gynecologists and IVF specialists in Kolkata on their team, any aspiring or existing mother can rest assured that her well-being and interests are taken care of at the highest possible level. It is our duty to create a world where every woman feels heard, respected and appreciated while taking decisions about their own bodies – Sparsha centre facilitates that journey with ease! Make sure that your safety is not compromised and take advantage of our first-rate services today!
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myspcae · 7 months
Comprehending the Causes and Solutions for Hair Loss
Hair loss, medically referred to as alopecia, is a common concern affecting a multitude of individuals. The origins of hair loss are diverse, and the most suitable treatment approach depends on the underlying cause. Here, we will explore the triggers of hair loss and the corresponding therapeutic alternatives. For persistent issues, it is advisable to seek assistance from the premier hair and skin clinic in Kolkata.
Genetic Predisposition (Androgenetic Alopecia):
Cause: Hereditary or genetic factors are the primary culprits behind hair loss in both men and women, commonly known as androgenetic alopecia.
Treatment: While there is no definitive remedy for genetic hair loss, treatments like minoxidil (topical) and finasteride (oral) can effectively slow down hair loss and encourage regrowth. For a more enduring solution, one may consider hair transplant surgery as a viable option.
Hormonal Shifts:
Cause: Hair loss may arise from hormonal imbalances triggered by events such as pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, thyroid disorders, or conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Treatment: Addressing the underlying hormonal irregularities is pivotal in facilitating hair regrowth. Consultation with a healthcare professional for precise diagnosis and appropriate treatment options is recommended.
Physical or Emotional Stress:
Cause: Elevated stress levels can lead to a condition called telogen effluvium, wherein hair prematurely enters the resting phase and subsequently sheds.
Treatment: Managing stress through relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and therapy can ameliorate this form of hair loss. Typically, this condition is temporary, and hair regrowth ensues once stress levels are mitigated. Seeking guidance from the best hair and skin clinic in Kolkata can be advantageous.
Nutritional Deficiencies:
Cause: A diet lacking essential nutrients, particularly protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins, can result in weakened and brittle hair.
Treatment: Enhancing one's diet by incorporating nutrient-rich foods is essential. In cases of severe deficiencies, consultation with a healthcare provider for potential supplementation is advisable.
Scalp Infections and Conditions:
Cause: Hair loss may be attributed to scalp conditions such as fungal infections, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
Treatment: Tailored treatments may encompass antifungal medications, topical steroids, or medicated shampoos, depending on the specific condition. Consulting a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and customized treatment plan is prudent.
Medications and Medical Procedures:
Cause: Some medications, including chemotherapy drugs, may induce hair loss as a side effect.
Treatment: Hair regrowth can occur once the medication is discontinued. In certain instances, topical minoxidil can be employed to stimulate regrowth.
Hairstyling and Heat-Related Damage:
Cause: Excessive use of styling tools, tight hairstyles (e.g., braids or ponytails), and chemical treatments can weaken hair, leading to breakage.
Treatment: To avert further damage, refraining from harsh styling practices, utilizing heat protectants, and granting hair regular respite from styling are recommended. Opting for mild shampoos and conditioners can be beneficial.
Cause: Hair naturally thins as individuals age, often resulting in hair loss.
Treatment: While preventing age-related hair loss is challenging, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, ensuring proper nutrition, and adopting gentle hair care practices can decelerate this process.
Autoimmune Disorders:
Cause: Conditions such as alopecia areata, characterized by the immune system attacking hair follicles, may lead to hair loss.
Treatment: Potential treatment options encompass corticosteroids, topical immunotherapy, or immunosuppressive drugs. A precise diagnosis and a suitable treatment plan can be obtained through consultation with a dermatologist.
It is essential to recognize that the efficacy of hair loss treatments may vary among individuals. Consulting a healthcare provider or dermatologist to ascertain the underlying cause of hair loss and devise a personalized treatment strategy is paramount. Timely intervention often yields more favorable outcomes in arresting or reversing hair loss. For optimal care, contemplating consultation with an experienced dermatologist or a reputable hair and skin clinic, such as Elation Hair and Skin Clinic, is advisable.
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indianvaidyas · 11 months
Hormonal imbalances in PCOS can also cause mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Women with PCOS may experience sleep problems and fatigue. Long-term, PCOS can also increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. If looking to get treated by the best Ayurvedic doctor in Kolkata for Skin treatment.
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myroclinic · 1 year
Find the Best Gynaecologist in Jaipur: Expert Care for Women’s Health
Dr. Satyamvada Pandey | Myro Clinic 
Dr Satyamvada Pandey is a highly experienced gynaecologist in Jaipur with more than 15 years of expertise in treating women with gynecologic issues. She completed her MBBS, DGO, and DNB from prestigious institutes in Indore, Jabalpur, and Delhi, respectively. Dr Pandey’s extensive experience was gained from renowned institutes like HINDU RAO Hospital, New Delhi; Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad; CMRI Kolkata, and Rangadurai Hospital.
As a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Dr Satyamvada Pandey is well known for her implementation of ‘PROTOCOLS’ in clinical practice. She is currently associated with Cocoon Hospital and Apex Hospital in Mansarovar, Jaipur, where she provides premier healthcare services for women and their families.
With her patient-oriented and sensible approach to Gynecologist treatment, Dr Satyamvada Pandey is considered one of the best gynaecologists in Jaipur. She specializes in treating women of all ages, including those with high-risk pregnancies and various female issues.
Whether you are looking for routine checkups or require specialized care, Dr Satyamvada Pandey can help you identify and address your concerns. With her extensive experience and compassionate care, she is dedicated to providing the best possible treatment to her patients.
As the top gynaecologist in Jaipur, Dr Satyamvada specializes in a wide range of women’s health services, including pregnancy care, PCOS treatment, and more. Whether you are planning to start a family or need help managing a medical condition, she is here to help!
Visit Dr Satyamvada Pandey for personalized and expert care from one of the leading gynaecologists in Jaipur.
At Myro Clinic, She believes that every woman deserves the best possible care. So if you are looking for a trusted and the best gynaecologist in Jaipur, look no further than Myro Clinic. Contact today to schedule an appointment and experience the best in women’s health care.
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drsunitha · 1 year
Fertility center in Hyderabad | Ivf | ICSI | IUI | Drsunithaivf
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Infertility can be both frustrating and exhausting. It may fill you up with negative emotions, self doubt and can add to your health concerns. Well, it is time for you to stop demotivating yourself. If you've been attempting to conceive biologically for a long time and haven't had much luck, it's time to see a fertility expert. This is a crucial and strategic action to take, but build up courage, hold hands and walk into our clinic today.
What Do We Do?
We will identify the underlying cause for your fertility and work towards treating it.
We provide the best treatment option for both men and women-related fertility issues.
Strengthen your odds of conceiving by taking advantage of the growing number of new technologies available.
Dr. Sunitha Ilinani IVF Specialist In Hyderabad (http://www.drsunithaivf.in/#about)
Dr. Sunitha Ilinani has clinical experience of 18 years and is specialized in a comprehensive range of fertility-related treatments and services and has a prominent reputation in Assisted Reproductive Technology treatment. She has received a Diploma in Advanced ART (KIEL, Germany), ART training from HFI, USA, ART training from MMM, Chennai, and ART training from IRM, Kolkata.
She is a Senior Consultant ART and infertility specialist at Apollo fertility Banjara Hills and previously Medical Director of Surya Fertility associates. With her dedication, commitment and vision the centre has come to be known as one of the leading fertility centers in Hyderabad providing advanced fertility treatment including Blastocyst culture, Oocyte vitrification, PGT.
She believes in giving the best possible treatment to her patients by constantly keeping abreast of the latest developments in the field of ART, by participating in National and International conferences, using evidence-based protocols, and the latest cutting-edge technology.
She is also a member of various professional organizations such as FOGSI, ISAR, ESHRE, etc.
Natural cycle IVF
Minimal Stimulation IVF
Fertility treatment in resistance to PCOS
Recurrent implantation failure
Reach Us for Best Fertility Treatment in Hyderabad Fertility center in Hyderabad Best Fertility center in Hyderabad Fertility hospital in Hyderabad Best Fertility hospital in Hyderabad
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sunithailinani · 1 year
Best In Vitro Fertilization Doctors in Hyderabad
Dr. Sunitha Ilinani has clinical experience of 18 times and is specialized in a comprehensive range of fertility- related treatments and services and has a prominent character in supported Reproductive Technology treatment. She has entered a Parchment in Advanced ART( KIEL, Germany), ART training from HFI, USA, ART training from MMM, Chennai, and ART training from IRM, Kolkata.
Dr. Sunitha Ilinani is the top Best In Vitro Fertilization doctor in Hyderabad
. With her moxie of 18 times, she has treated numerous floundering couples with gravidity issues. In vitro fertilization is a process in which series of procedures lead to generality. In this process eggs from the womanish and a sperm sample are uprooted from the joker where the sperm is allowed to fertilize the eggs in the laboratory under controlled conditions. During the copulation process, the embryo is developed and is placed in the womanish mate's uterus. She's the Medical Director at Surya fertility center with a high success rate.Dr. Sunitha Ilinani piecemeal from being professed Stylish In vitro fertilization croakerin Hyderabad is also an expert in other treatments similar as ICSI, IUI, Fertility preservation, Fertility improvement Surgery, and Andrology. Her other areas of moxie include natural IVF cycle, intermittent implantation failure, minimum stimulation IVF, PGS, and fertility treatment in resistance to PCOS.
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cloudinvitro · 1 year
Advantages of Availing IVF Treatment
IVF is a cutting-edge method for women who are unable to conceive naturally. Infertile couples must choose a reputable IVF facility to receive successful treatment. The slightly sophisticated IVF procedure with the Best IVF clinic software in Kolkata requires a large investment from the couple in terms of money, time, and effort.
 IVF has several benefits for patients who would not otherwise be able to conceive. The biggest advantage of IVF is having an amazing pregnancy and a healthy child. IVF can assist those who otherwise wouldn't be able to conceive by doing the following:
 IVF can be used to increase the likelihood that older people can conceive in cases when they are older or have a poor ovarian reserve. With older women and those who have a limited ovarian reserve, we have a lot of expertise. We prioritize egg quality above egg number.
 Male infertility: Couples with a male infertility issue have a substantially better probability of becoming pregnant with IVF than they do through natural conception. We may do this using a variety of laboratory methods, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). We also have a skilled consultant urologist available to help males with infertility issues.
 Unaccounted for infertility: 1 in 6 couples will experience fertility issues, some of which may go misdiagnosed even after examination. Intervention may be beneficial for these patients.
 PCOS: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common disorder that causes irregular menstrual periods due to a hormonal imbalance. Patients with PCOS who cannot conceive with ovulation induction have had great success with IVF.
 Endometriosis: Patients who have endometriosis, a condition in which portions of the uterine lining protrude outside the womb, might choose to attempt IVF because it has been effective in this population.
 Premature ovarian failure: IVF therapy utilizing donor eggs is usually very successful for women who have premature ovarian failure or menopause.
 There may be an issue with fertilization in certain instances of unexplained infertility. Cases like this might not be identified until a laboratory fertilization attempt. Even though this would be a sad consequence, it is important to identify these issues so that solutions may be found for ICSI therapy in the future.
 Embryos that aren't utilized can be given to research or another couple. If you're fortunate enough to have extra embryos, you can utilize them to help others and possibly save lives. Unused embryos may be given, with the biological parent's consent, to another couple for them to become parents or to a research facility with Cloud Invitro IVF lab management software.
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neotiahospital · 2 years
Best Gynecologist Hospital in Kolkata
The best gynecologist hospital in Kolkata offers reproductive and sexual health services in addition to pelvic examinations, pap tests, cancer screenings, and diagnosis and treatment of vaginal infections. Endometriosis, infertility, ovarian cysts, and pelvic pain are just a few of the diseases affecting the reproductive system that a gynecology hospital in Kolkata can help you recognize and treat. They might also treat patients with ovarian, cervical, or other reproductive cancers.
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Care for expecting women and new moms is provided by some gynecologists who also practice as obstetricians. If a gynecologist is also knowledgeable in obstetrics, they are referred to as an OB-GYN. Concerns relating to menstruation, reproduction, and pregnancy should be discussed with a woman's doctor. Throughout her lifetime, a woman's menstrual cycle changes depending on the state of her body and various stages, including pregnancy.
It's important to discuss issues including PCOS, fibroids, breast diseases, and anomalies of the female reproductive tract with the gynaecologist. As soon as a woman begins to engage in sexual activity, she should discuss family planning, contraception, sterilisation, and other reproductive issues with her gynaecologist.
To avoid complications, a team of highly qualified obstetricians and gynaecologists manage high-risk pregnancies at a gynaecology hospital in Kolkata. They are continuously assisted by professional nurses from Adult ICU. Additionally, they provide unique LAMAZE classes, which have been demonstrated in other nations to increase a mother's confidence in her capacity to give birth. These programmes instruct expectant mothers on how to manage discomfort using methods that both hasten labour and make them more comfortable, such as massage, movement, and relaxation.
Women need routine screenings for several illnesses and issues in addition to frequent gynecological consultations for a variety of issues. Testing for sexually transmitted diseases is one of them as well. A gynecologist can give you guidance on the birth control options that will work best for you. It's also critical to receive routine testing for cancers of the reproductive system and understand HPV immunizations.
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vinita-khemani · 1 year
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Best Gynecologist for PCOS Treatment in Kolkata: Dr. Vinita Khemani
PCOS is usually common among girls who have reached reproductive age. Dr. Vinita Khemani, one of the best gynecologist in Kolkata, offers the best PCOS treatment.
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saileshjain · 1 year
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Well-known PCOS Treatment Doctor in Kolkata: Dr. Vinita Khemani
PCOS is a hormonal disorder caused by the overproduction of male hormones by the ovaries. Dr. Vinita Khemani provides treatment for PCOS.
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homeopathykolkata · 2 years
The finest homeopathy doctor for PCOS in Kolkata provides a comprehensive treatment that considers the person's personality as well as the physical, mental, and emotional problems.
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