philoursmars · 5 months
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Douai, photos de nuit dans ma rue.
Je suis assez fier d'avoir pu enfin photographier à peu près passablement la superbe constellation d'Orion, au dessus des cheminées fumantes... Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix et les trois Alnilam, Alnitak et Mintaka...
Puis - j'ai fait ce que j'ai pu - Jupiter et 4 de ses plus gros satellites (lesquels précisément ? Je fais appel aux astronomes pour m'éclairer !)...
Ensuite, la Lune....
Et enfin, ma rue....pour revenir à Orion.
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promithiae · 8 months
I love when Arthur Dent is talking about when he met Zaphod ("Phil") and he's talking about how Trillian is just the kind of girl he was "saving himself up for" like
Babygirl. Don't lie. You weren't saving yourself up for anyone, you're just such a failson no human woman would want to touch you
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Betelgeuse Romantic F/O Gifts with themes of Weirdcore/Horrocore <3
Pin ($3.07+) 🐞 Button ($3.00) 🐞 Sticker ($4.80) Bath Bomb ($9.20) 🐞 Pin ($12.00) 🐞 Patch ($8.95) Lights ($9.99+) 🐞 Dice ($9.00+) 🐞 Hat ($14.46)
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betelgeus · 1 year
geri döndüm betelgeus sakamidur çok komik oldu
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peakof2005 · 2 years
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James Webb Telescope Just Made A Terrifying Announcement About Betelgeus...
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chismeven · 2 years
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Génesis Discplay o Betelgeus... Cuál de estas Minitecas tripeabas en los 90?
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fujoshiwoman · 3 years
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I love both of them. Wich is the best ? For me they are both beautiful.
When I saw Ranmaru in the op I knew that he is a gay uke and I suspected that Sirius was his boyfriend . It's confirmed by this kiss
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betelbitches · 4 years
Reminder that beej is canonically genderfluid, as confirmed by Alex Brightman himself
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Betelgeuse Romanee-Conti
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shamballalin · 2 years
Hubble Space Telescope Photos ~ Our Celestial Home ~The Four Forces ~ Centripetal ~ Centrifugal ~Electromagnetics ~ Gravity And Kamala Renner St. Germain
Hubble Space Telescope Photos ~ Our Celestial Home ~The Four Forces ~ Centripetal ~ Centrifugal ~Electromagnetics ~ Gravity And Kamala Renner St. Germain
We are made of the stuff of the stars, from infinity, and returning to infinity. Each of our souls breathes the miracle of life generated by Sparks of Universal Life Energy experiencing Itself. We reflect the inspiration, hopes, dreams, visions, and manifestation of science, philosophy, physics, all originating from the One Source of the Four Forces: centripetal, centrifugal, electromagnetics,…
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daydreaming-jessi · 4 years
You're Beetlejuice headcannons and cats au are amazing please... I need more info.... please.... I need to know.... what are your BJ dad headcannons???( PS your writing is super fun I love it!)
AaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA thank you!!! I’ll be writing more for the au soon I just need to work it out lol. But thank you so much that warms my heart??? :’D
As for beej’s dad? Man that’s a tough one... I’ve had a couple of fun ideas, like one in which a man desperate for a family makes a deal with Juno and Beej is created, grew up with the man for a few years, but then Juno swept in all “ok I’m gonna need this thing now to do my bidding bye” and basically tricked the poor guy. It’d be where Beej picked up his jewish roots, actually, since Juno is a demon now and doesn’t do religion anymore and where would Beej learn Judaism?
There’s another idea I had where it was a demon that was forced to help Juno create Beej as part of a deal and ran from her as soon as they could, but part of them couldn’t help but feel a slight twinge for the poor lil creature that would be trapped in juno’s clutches.
Maybe he was actually a baby that died and Juno picked up, raising him in the netherworld and changing his autonomy into his deadborn self, and he never knew his original family.
Or here’s a real sad one, Juno made Beej herself. She told him that he had a father that left him, but it was to break Beej down some more, make him feel even more useless and alone and only have Juno as any possible connection outside himself, and there never was a father. And Beej’s dreams are just dreams.
It all has to do with Beej being a deadborn, and the only deadborn at that. So his roots are a lil fuzzy. Was he really just a baby between two ghosts? Juno and some mysterious other party that left her? Or was there some kind of ritual involved? (I’d like to think it’s more ritualistic, being a lil witchy ace myself, and maybe it has to do with why he never tells his name as it truly is (Betelgeus) it being too powerful and dangerous to use, or it could give people total control over him, since names are a dangerous thing)
At the end of the day, I don’t think we’ll ever meet his dad, for symbolism reasons, just like we’ll never meet Emily deetz. Because sometimes you lose people. Forever. And it’s okay, because you found some other people, a new family of a widower, a life coach, two white middle class ghosts and a weird kid that lost her mom. And it’s just as good, if not better, than that make believe dad you wonder about.
Also, side note, I just really love how alike Beej and Lydia are???, really cements how they’re echoes of each other, considering they share a song, act and think so similarly, and they both end up losing a parent, gain a terrible parent, and then change said terrible parent for the better in different ways aha
Ok I’ll shut up now 😅
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redrainfalls · 4 years
Kematian Bintang
Kalian pernah kepikiran gak sih kalau bintang-bintang di angkasa sana tuh matinya gimana? Sebenarnya, ending dari bintang-bintang tuh macem-macem lho ternyata, ada yang jadi white dwarf, mengalami supernova, jadi neutron star, dan bahkan ada yang jadi blackhole, lho! Kematian bintang-bintang ini cukup aneh, ngeri, tapi indah banget.
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Ada banyak sekali jenis bintang di alam semesta. Beberapa disebut sebagai Red Giant, Blue Giant, Red Supergiant, Blue Supergiant, Hypergiant, Gigantic Supergiant, dan lain-lain. Rata-rata dikasih nama giant semua ya. Tapi tahu nggak, kalau matahari tuh nggak disebut giant loh. Matahari kita dikelompokkan oleh para peneliti sebagai Yellow Dwarf.
What?! Matahari segede itu disebut "Dwarf"?
Haha iya betul, matahari yang sebesar itu, masih termasuk kerdil bagi kalangan bintang-bintang. Karena bintang-bintang yang lain mayoritas besar-besar, ada yang 3xnya matahari, 10x, 20x bahkan ada yang ratusan kali. UY Scuti sebagai bintang terbesar, radius nya aja 1700x radius matahari. Dan ternyata, besarnya ukuran bintang menentukan nasib akhir bintang juga loh. Jadi dengan masifnya massa bintang-bintang tersebut, menimbulkan konsekuensi yang nggak kalah gilanya.
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Hal tersebut disebut The Tremendous Strong Gravitational Force. Jadi gravitasinya pun juga sangat kuat. Bahkan gravitasinya sendiri cenderung pengen mendesak seluruh materi bintang agar masuk ke inti.
Biar kebayang, coba kalian bayangin orang-orang obesitas yang nggak sanggup menahan beban berat badannya sendiri sehingga jatuh, mereka bangun dan angkat badan aja nggak kuat. Sama halnya dengan bintang-bintang besar ini. Mereka nggak sanggup menahan beban gravitasinya sendiri, sehingga cenderung runtuh ke arah intinya sebagai pusat gravitasi. Kemudian bakal runtuh, runtuh, dan runtuh terus kemakan gravitasinya sendiri.
Volume inti bintang tidak mampu menahan sebegitu banyak materi yang mencoba mendesak masuk ke dalamnya. Analoginya seperti kamu terus menerus memaksakan baju-baju untuk masuk ke dalam koper yang sudah sangat penuh atau meniupkan udara pada balon yang punya batas volume. And, boom! 
Bintang meledak! Menghempaskan materi-materi terluarnya ke luar angkasa dalam kejadian yang kita kenal sebagai Supernova!
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Ketika terjadi Supernova, gravitasi masih terus berusaha menekan dan menekan seluruh massanya ke arah inti. Hingga bintang seukuran 3x matahari, harus dikompres hingga seukuran beberapa kilometer saja. Di dalam inti tersebut, neutron-neutron yang sifatnya tidak mau mendekat satu sama lain, terpaksa mendekat karena mereka nggak punya pilihan lain. Sama halnya ketika dua kutub magnet sejenis yang saling tolak menolak dipaksa menyatu.
Kekuatan inilah yang tersisa dari inti bintang untuk melawan gravitasi. Hasil akhirnya? Tergantung dari siapa pemenangnya.
Jika Gravitasi menang, mereka akan runtuh menjadi Blackhole.
Namun jika bintang yang menang, maka mereka akan berubah menjadi Bintang Neutron. 
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Bagaimana dengan matahari?
Tidak semua bintang akan meledak menjadi Supernova. Ada batas yang menentukan bagaimana nasib akhir suatu bintang, The Chandrasekar Limit. Limit chandrasekar merupakan batas kapan bintang akan berakhir menjadi Supernova. Dikatakan, bintang yang memiliki massa lebih dari 1,4 massa matahari, akan menjadi supernova. Maka dari itu, Matahari tidak akan mengalami Supernova, apalagi menjadi bintang Neutron dan Blackhole. Gravitasi Matahari tidak cukup kuat untuk menang melawan reaksi nuklirnya, sehingga ketika matahari mati, dia akan menjadi White Dwarf saja.
Keseluruhan massa matahari akan terhempas keluar menjadi Planetary Nebula, hingga menyisakan intinya saja. Inti inilah yang kemudian menjadi White Dwarf. White Dwarf akan sangat kecil, hingga mendekati ukuran matahari, namun sangat padat (karena kompresi gravitasi) hingga menampung massa seukuran setengah Matahari. Bayangin, ukuran sebesar bumi tapi massanya sama dengan massa setengah matahari.
Inilah yg disebut sebagai The Star Corpse, atau mayatnya bintang. Saking padatnya, satu sendok teh tanah di White Dwarf, beratnya sama dengan 1 ton. Gravitasi permukaannya 100x lebih kuat dari gravitasi bumi, dan tahu nggak? 97% dari bintang2 di luar sana, akan berakhir menjadi White Dwarf. Sisanya akan jadi Neutron Star atau Blackhole 
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Nah, sekarang aku mau bahas salah satu bintang tercerah di langit malam yang akan mengalami supernova, Betelgeuse.  Betelgeuse adalah bintang yang jaraknya 640 tahun cahaya dari Bumi. Bintang ini merupakan bintang paling terang kedua di rasi bintang Orion setelah Rigel dan bintang paling terang kesembilan pada langit malam.
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Bintang ini adalah bintang yang akan mengalami supernova paling cepat, karena massanya 20x massa Matahari. Saat ini, Betelgeuse tengah mengalami fase bintang merah (Red Supergiant). Sejumlah massa terbang keluar mengakibatkan tubuhnya membesar. Bintang ini akan menjadi Supernova yang cahayanya akan terlihat sangat terang di langit Bumi selama berminggu-minggu. 
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Jika hal ini terjadi, apakah akan berdampak pada kehidupan di bumi? Untungnya tidak! Para ahli astrofisika berpendapat, setidaknya Supernova suatu bintang butuh jarak 50 tahun cahaya untuk bisa merusak kehidupan Bumi. Faktanya, jarak Betelgeuse lebih jauh dari itu. Tapi nggak tahu ya kalau Proxima Centauri (bintang terdekat dari bumi, 4,2 tahun cahaya) yang tiba-tiba meledak. Hahaha.
Perkiraan peneliti, Betelgeus akan meledak sekurang-kurangnya dalam 100.000 tahun lagi. Yah sayang sekali, padahal aku ingin lihat kejadian supernova yang luar biasa itu.
Penutup, berikut aku perlihatkan bagaimana penampakan Betelgeus ketika mengalami supernova jika dilihat dari bumi.
Sekian. Sampai jumpa di tulisanku selanjutnya!
Yay. Menulis tentang astronomi memang selalu menghangatkan hati.
See you~
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shootingcookielover · 5 years
Betelgeuse is the anti-christ
Hear me out!
So. My brain spat out a little connection between Good Omens and Beetlejuice.
Can manipulate reality however he wants
Son of Satan, who's in charge of hell
Betelgeuse 'Beetlejuice':
Can manipulate reality however he wants
Son of Juno, who's in charge of the Netherworld
Now, I know there a few holes in this theory. For example: You don't need to call Adam's name thrice to make him actually real.
To that I say:
Beetlejuice died. That's why you need to call him back.
Also. Uhm. My brain now thinks that Beetlejuice is Adam - but grown-up:
Adam died and went to hell - or the netherworld - and came back as a ghost because his mom - Guys I think Satan's genderfluid and none of you can change my mind - kicked him out because Adam was so rude before and then the anti-christ changed his name to Lawrence Betelgeus.
For some reason. Maybe he didn't want anyone to realize who he actually is?
So anyway.
Betelgeus is the anti-christ. Maybe not Adam, but definitely the anti-christ and none of you can change my mind.
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cressed · 5 years
rules: put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs then tag 10 blogs. – thank you @betelgeus i love doing these things!!
1. heroine - sinead o connor
2. x song - bol4
3. up and down intrumental - exid
4. intro the most beautiful moment in life - bts
5. ilomilo - billie eilish
6. full moon - sunmi
7. sorry - heize
8. love song - madonna
9. stupid girl - garbage
10. house of cards - bts
i tag @everystepeveryway n idk who else wants to do this jus go ahead if u wanna
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sensussinyor · 5 years
Gecekondudan Şehir Lambası Olur
Uzun zamandir Talha'ya gokyuzu yansimasi olan projeksiyonlu gece lambasi almak istiyorum fakat kaliteli bir şey bulamiyorum istedigim gibi. Sürprizi kactigi icin rahatca yazabiliyorum :| bazi sabahlar tek bir yildizi gormek icin uyanan, geceleri canı sıkılırsa çıkıp genis açı gokyuzunu görebilecegi yerlere gidip izlemeyi seven bir sevdicegim var çünkü, sayesinde ben de biraz ögrendim. Bana en parlak yildizin sirius oldugunu soylediginden beri sirius'un gay oldugunu dusunuyorum. Insanlarin kendisini sahiplenmesinden bıkan ve kendisine nazar degip dusecegini anlatirken tribiyle parlayan sirius. Betelgeus var bir de parlak turuncumsu olan ve yanlis hatirlamiyorsam sabaha karsi gozuken yildiz. Sonraa avci takim yildizlariii hatta bir ara gezegenleri izliyorduk...
Bunlari dusunerek aradigim mukemmel lambaya uzaklastigimi hissediyordum ki aklima 4.sinifta babamla mukavvadan yaptigimiz lamba ev geldi. Duyu sistemini cartini curtunu ben ayarlamistim, babam mukavvayi sekillendirmis ve jilet gibi dubleks bir ev cekmisti. Her sey bitince ee ne renk olsun dedim. Hayalindeki yeşil evden vazgecemedigi icin yeşil demisti. Eski tip pencere yapmistik ahşap gorunumlu. Çatiyi pencereleri farkli tonda kahvelere sonra evi koyu yesile boyadim. Ne var ki guaj boya bilmedigim ve elimde dandik bir hediye sulu boya oldugu icin mukavva ev o yesil boyayi çekip sönük alacali bir eve döndü. Defalarca köpürterek yeniden boyamistim. Ama onu bakımsız bir gecekondu olmaktan kurtaramadim.
Hayalimizdeki eski panjurlu yeşil ev gözümün önünde bir anda gecekonduya dönüştü. Yine de sarı ışıklarini açıp içinde yaşadigimizi hayal ederek uzun süre avundum. Annem onu çöp diye atana katar. :(
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