#bobby's 2023 reading challenge
bobbyinthegarden · 1 year
2023 Reading Challenge. Re-imagined Classic: Alec by William di Canzio
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Spoilers for both Maurice by E. M. Forster and Alec by William di Canzio.
For this category I considered talking about one of the many re-writings or sequels to The Secret Garden that I’m planning on reading for this blog, but decided against it, as I consider that reading project to be separate from this one, so instead I chose this book, Alec by William di Canzio.
Alec is a re-telling/sequel to E. M. Forster’s posthumously published novel Maurice, and follows it’s titular character Alec Scudder (the love interest in Maurice), from childhood, through the events of Forster’s novel and beyond, to the early 1920s.
Before I really get into the book and my thoughts about it, I want to first talk about the skin that I have in the game here, so to speak. Maurice is a book that I hold very dear, I first read it when I was thirteen years old, at which point I was already aware that I was queer but had not yet told anybody. Maurice, to me, was kind of a revolution, here was a character whose journey in accepting his sexuality and finding love, despite the times in which he lived (the novel takes place between 1909-1913), was something that affected me in an extremely profound way, and ultimately helped me gain the courage to come out myself. It’s a book that I have re-read several times, I also adore the 1987 film adaptation (here’s a link to where you can watch it for free on YouTube) and I even saw a stage version of the novel several years ago at the Above the Stag Theatre (an LGBT theatre in London, which has sadly since closed down). Though I do like Maurice a lot, I don’t necessarily think that it is Forster’s greatest work (I think that would probably be Howards End) but I do like the book a lot, and I generally like E. M. Forster a lot as a writer, I enjoy his novels and the various Merchant-Ivory adaptations (which you can probably tell from looking at my blog).
My attachment to the book that Alec is adapting, may seem that I’m setting the book up to fail, and I’m really not doing that, I was rooting for this book from the second I knew of its existence, and I wasn’t going to buy it and read it just to hate on it. As somebody who has been known to enjoy a spot of fanfiction now and then and who is extremely interested in adaptation and transformative works, I was stoked to read this book, especially since Alec is my favourite character in Maurice.
I explained the basic premise earlier, but I’ll go into a bit more detail now. The novel Maurice is about Maurice Hall, an upper-middle class young man living in England in the early 1910s (prior to the First World War). While studying at Cambridge University, Maurice falls in love with his friend Clive Durham, thus coming to terms with his homosexuality. The love between him and Clive is mutual but strained, Clive (who is part of the gentry) insists that they must repress their sexual desires, that their relationship should be purely romantic, not sexual. The men are together for several years, before Clive ultimately breaks things off in order to get married, leaving Maurice alone and heartbroken, though they continue to be friends. On a visit to Clive’s country estate, Maurice meets Alec Scudder, the working-class gamekeeper, Maurice initially thinks very little of him, though the relationship eventually blossoms into a passionate romance. However, their relationship gets off to a rocky start, with mistrust and miscommunication on both sides. They are eventually able to resolve these issues, realise their love for one another, and decide to forge a life together, despite the societal obstacles, with Maurice deciding to definitively put an end to his friendship with Clive. The novel ends on an uncertain but optimistic note, with the lovers facing their future together.
Alec is told in nine sections, the first section being Alec’s life from birth to aged 18 and depicts his family life in Dorset and coming to terms with his own sexuality, and the circumstances that led him to being employed as Clive’s gamekeeper. The second section depicts the events of Maurice from the perspective of Alec, how the couple came to meet and fall in love, with large sections that are copied verbatim from the original novel (which was done with permission from Forster’s estate). The following seven sections depict the next six years, following the couple through their early years together, the outbreak and duration of the First World War -- during which time the couple is kept apart – to the couple’s reunion and continuation of their life together, now joined by Maurice’s sister and her newborn daughter.
Reading Alec you do get the impression that William di Canzio cares deeply about this story, and has infused some of his own experiences as a gay man into the narrative, particularly with regard to Alec’s self-awareness and lack of shame about his own sexuality prior to his interactions with Maurice – that is to say, Alec doesn’t hate himself for his own desires, which was something that I found refreshing. Speaking of desire, I was not expecting this book to be as sexually explicit as it was. This isn’t a criticism necessarily, it just wasn’t something that I was expecting. It may even be a strength of the book, as the current climate with regards to sexuality and sexual expression is so different to what it was in Forster’s day, that this book has the opportunity to be much more forthcoming about sex and desire than Forster could have ever been.  
One element to this book that I found especially interesting is the inclusion of Forster as a character within the story, as well as other historical figures, namely socialist philosopher and gay rights activist Edward Carpenter (1844–1929) and his partner George Merrill, who were friends of Forster, and upon whom the characters Maurice and Alec are partially based. Granted, it is never explicitly acknowledged within the text that these characters are the people that they share their first names with, however, anybody with even a basic understanding of the biographies of these three men would easily be able to identify them. Initially, I thought that the inclusion of these characters was something of a gimmick, but I warmed to it as the story went on, as they act somewhat as mentors to Maurice and Alec, teaching them about life and love, giving them language and models about how to live as gay men at that time in history.
My review so far seems like I really loved this book, and that isn’t necessarily the case.  I think it’s pretty good, though not perfect. I liked it well enough that I read the whole thing reasonably quickly, though there were a number of things that I didn’t like so much. di Canzio’s writing style and narrative voice is not nearly as beautiful as Forster’s, who is able to make even the most mundane moments beautiful and profound (take the moment in Maurice where Alec takes Maurice’s hand for the first time as a prime example of this), but di Canzio isn’t a bad writer either, his work is very readable, but comparison to the original author is unavoidable when adapting/re-telling another book.
One element of the book that I liked in theory, but not so much in practice is the Kitty sub-plot. Kitty is Maurice’s sister, and is a pretty minor character in Forster’s novel – though the unpublished epilogue to Maurice does imply that Kitty may be the lesbian counterpart to her gay brother. In Alec, Kitty was a nurse during the war, fell in love with an Indian Army Officer and became pregnant out of wedlock, thus making her something of a social outsider like her brother. Maurice and Alec take Kitty in, deciding to raise her mixed-race daughter together as a family, something that greatly upsets Maurice’s mother, who rejects both of her children because of this. As a plot element, I like this a lot in theory, unfortunately not so much in practice, as this plot thread is introduced on page 298 of a 337 page book, with Maurice’s mother and sisters having barely been mentioned and never seen before earlier in the novel, and thus this whole element of the story feels incredibly rushed and poorly integrated into the overall story, which is a shame, because I think it could have been really interesting. If I had been Mr di Canzio’s editor, I would have sent the manuscript back to him with a big note in red ‘INTEGRATE THIS INTO THE STORY EARLIER AND BETTER’.
I said earlier, in my summary of Maurice, that the novel ends on an uncertain but optimistic note, with the lovers facing their future together, and this novel ends in much the same way, with Maurice, Alec, Kitty and her daughter deciding to emigrate to New York (presumably because William di Canzio is American). I didn’t really like this ending very much; it seems to go against Forster’s intentions for his characters. Let me explain: a major theme in Maurice is nature and the desire for a rural life that is apart from society (what Forster calls ‘the Greenwood’), indeed in the unpublished epilogue, we see that this desire has been fulfilled, with Maurice and Alec being shown to be living in a cottage and working as woodcutters. Having Maurice and Alec move to New York seems a little out of left field to me, and not very in-keeping with the themes of the original novel, particularly since the idea of America being the ‘land of opportunity’ for LGBT people and POC, is not particularly reflective of the historical record, particularly in the 1920s.
If you haven’t read Maurice, then I don’t really know what you would get out of Alec, just as a standalone story. It works, I think, as a supplementary piece to Maurice, though does not achieve the same tenderness, intimacy, and beauty of its predecessor.
Now go read Maurice, if you haven’t!
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lavendelhummel · 4 days
I was tagged by @onaperduamedee to do this game, thank you for that!! I obviously am not good at short questions-short answers but I will do my best ;)
Last song: I started my top100 of 2023 list from Spotify while dying my hair earlier, so there was a good mix. The last one I consciously remember was Ne m’applle pas, by Coeur de Pirate. (ah, looking for that link, I saw that there was Requiem on Water (yes, from the twilight soundtrack) Talking to the Moon, Greensleeves, Bobby, and currently River from the Sky, playing in between)
Currently watching: Star Trek Voyager! I enjoy it so much! It’s fun and I like the characters so much! I like how they care for each other and that the relationsips are so various and most of them not romantically but non the less important. They seem so real. And I enjoy the fact that it’s episodic plots and a lot slower than newer series a lot at the moment. I was overwhelmed with the fast paced dramatic stories and got stressed out by things I actually like. Voyager is calmer and let’s me actually relax, so that’s great.
Three ships: Siuaraine (Wheel of Time), Bering and Wells (Warehouse 13), and… those are the two I am hung up about. Oh, I also wrote fic for Marla/Fran from I care a lot. But not currently. I am currently positively surprised by liking a hetero ship for the first time in years, Tom/B’Elanna from Voyager, it’s cool to see that when the characters are well done, I can also like them even though they are not gay. But keeping it with wlw and also WoT, I am still sailing my little Berelain/Annoura (WoT) ship all by myself.
But yeah, I’ll leave it at those two, there is no third invading my thoughts as much as them.
Favorite color: used to be blue, but I discovered that I like red. Also yellow! Maybe that. But seriously I love colours in general, the more colourful the better, I am not choosing.
Currently consuming: The weekend. Or, ehm the plant hair-dye on my head?
First ship: ouufff, first fic I read was about was Amelia/Owen from Grey’s Anatomy. Well. Made me question a few things about myself because *I liked her so much*.
Relationship status: Very single in my little bubble, and trying not to feel bitter about my well of loneliness (ha, what a great lesbian pun I got in here 😅).
Last movie: But I am a cheerleader with @lilolilyr! I fell asleep… sorry. But we watched D.E.B.s right before, I was awake, and it was great.
Currently working on: Trying to combine two intense work things with also taking time off, to feel less burned-out while doing all of this. It’s a challenge, because time happens so fast, and it makes me feel guilty, but I am trying. Also working on being okay with that, the taking time to chill, not succeeding at things, working on being more okay with myself, less mean, which is even harder. But I try. Fandomwise, still the washing machine/mermaid AU for Bering and Wells and also still Chapter 8 of Yellow for Siuraine (both of which I thought would be long finished my now). I want to finish those so I can start other fun ideas that are cluttering my head/notebook!
The rules said to tag 9 people to get to know better, so let’s see: I am tagging @anandabrat @akittennameddaisy @incompletesong @viharistenno @woodytwig @wibblywobblyida @hecatesbroom @cozcat @masterpieceofunderstatement no pressure to answer these of course, do it if you like to and if not, just don’t ;)!
Thank you for the tag @onaperduamedee!
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW) Micro: Villains #5: Karai
Read Date: April 10, 2023 Cover Date: August 2013 ● Writer: Erik Burnham ● Art: Cory Smith ● Colors: Ian Herring ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● looks like only two of the five students we can easily see were able to "steel themselves against surprise." ● "What were you before you felt this way?" / "Younger." - oof, felt that one ● Karai is an autodidact. she is … really growing on me as a character
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● harsh Leo is harsh ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: The issue begins at the Foot Clan's genin training facility in Westchester County, New York. The head teacher Toshiro is leading a group in a training session, teaching them the importance of moving in unison. Karai appears and intentionally surprises the group, seeing which students are startled and which are not. She seeks council from Toshiro. Karai tells Toshiro she is unsure of what direction to proceed in; she struggles to accept her new place in the clan (under Leonardo, now a chūnin). She knows she cannot hope to challenge her grandfather Oroku Saki for control of the clan and win, nor can she leave the clan for without it she feels she is nothing.
She tells Toshiro how in her youth her father Oroku Yori told her stories of the Foot Clan's glory and told her to draw strength from the, but saw that it was apparent that he himself did not, having turned the clan into a legion of lawyers and accountants. On one occasion, she saw one of her father's advising subordinates, Nakamura, speak to him with disrespect, and how he brushed it off with the promise of monetary gain. Caught eavesdropping by her mother, she is sent to he library to occupy herself. It is then that she found the Ashi no Himitsu, the book containing all the history and secrets of the Foot Clan. She studied it in secret, learning everything she could. For years she lived a double life: the prim, proper upper class girl her mother wanted her to be by day, and the ninja her father never was by night. One night, Oroku Saki appeared before her in a dream. He compliments her form, good for one with no formal instruction. Saki admires that she does not fear him. Karai says she has nothing to fear from a dream. Saki slashes her across the hand and asks if one feels pain in a dream. She says he is a ghost then, but still shows no fear. She says she plans on bringing the Foot Clan out of the mire her father dragged it into. Saki tells her that they will do it together. He may be dead, but he tells her that she can bring him back to life.
Karai spent the next few years building the clan's resources, recruiting capable bodies to her cause and eliminating those who were responsible for dragging the clan down. Eventually, Karai hunted down Nakamura, the man who she'd witnessed disrespect her father, and killed him. Without him to aid in the running of the clan, her father eventually died of stress.
She laments to Toshiro that after rebuilding the Foot Clan and resurrecting its jōnin, he chose another as his second-in-command. If she has nothing to offer but her past accomplishments, she wonders, what use is she? At that point Leonardo arrives and derides her for coming to whine to an old man, for not having the strength to deal with things on her own. Leonardo says that he was sent to evaluate the effectiveness of the training facility, and he has deemed it nearly worthless. Karai tells him that Toshiro is an excellent teacher but he has not been given enough time to train the new recruits. Leonardo tells Karai that her opinion is worthless, and her only worth to him is in how fast she can do what he tells her to. Leonardo continues provoking her, taunting her with her poor ability to lead. Karai attacks him and Leonardo is pleased, eager to put her in her place. During their fight, Karai realizes that Leonardo's movements are slower, less sure. She knows she could finish him once and for all if she chose to. Karai feigns defeat and Leonardo leaves. Toshiro asks why Karai stayed her hand. She explains that if she had killed him, her grandfather would kill her for disobedience. She knows she must change Oroku Saki's mind about Leonardo first. She vows to have her revenge, and makes the decision to look to the future rather than the past.
Two days later, Karai has gathered potential recruits (two of whom are Bebop and Rocksteady) at Shorai Research & Development, one of the Foot Clan's facilities. She tells them they have all been chosen for their understanding that power is what makes one last in this world. She tells them that there is one final test before making the decision on who will be chosen for the procedure. They will fight until the last two standing.
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Fan Art: Leo and Karai by ice-mei
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 46
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smilingbuckley · 1 year
bring him back to me
I wrote yet another short fic instead of working on my wip
Bobby & Buck with Bobby/Athena (hints of Buddie if you squeeze real hard and read between the lines)
1289 words, rated G
Emotional hurt/comfort, 6x11 missing scene, bathena are Buck’s parents
While Buck is in a coma, Bobby talks to the Buckleys... it doesn't end well.
(Added to my 2023 prompts challenge for the prompt: Bathena Vs. The Buckleys - but it is more Bobby vs them)
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sebyth · 9 months
List of youtube artists I follow, along with a brief description of what to expect from their videos and a link. This was originally a twiiter "Moment" back when those existed, and I've transcribed what I could here with a few edits. Trying to bring the vibe of oldschool webpage "links" pages.
-- Last updated: Aug 19 2023
Using a read-more for length.
Adam Duff LUCIDPIXUL Mostly long form discussion of art-related problems and issues over a backdrop of creature illustration rendering. Also art book and product reviews. CW: has been talking a lot about "AI art" programs lately. https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamDuffArt
AhmadArt Mostly watercolour and acrylic painting demonstrations, with tips and technique tutorials geared towards beginners, focusing more on semi-abstract landscapes and sky scenes. https://www.youtube.com/c/AhmadArt
Ahmed Aldoori Art fundamental demonstrations and tutorials in a broad range (studying values, using reference effectively, developing form, etc) https://www.youtube.com/c/AhmedAldoori
Alphonso Dunn Informative tutorials and demonstrations of drawing, mostly with pen & ink, focusing on utilizing line to more effectively depict form, also how to approach various drawing-related problems. Also has books available. https://www.youtube.com/c/ALPHONSODUNN
Anna Bucciarelli Mostly watercolour but some other painting media as well, focusing more on both realism-style and a more simplified style of florals, animals, and nature elements. https://www.youtube.com/c/AnnaBucciarelli
arleebean Demonstrations and tutorials of semi-abstract watercolours, usually vibes and portrait-related. Also reviews of smaller watercolour and gouache brands. https://www.youtube.com/c/arleebean
artistlin8 Watercolour demonstrations of portrait illustrations in a more realism style, focusing mostly on characters from shows and movies. https://www.youtube.com/c/artistlin8
BlackBean CMS Mostly oil pastel and oil paint demonstrations in a unique abstracted style portraits with voice-over discussion and high energy vibes. Also some candid reviews of various oil pastel brands. https://www.youtube.com/c/BlackBeanCMS
Bobby Chiu General and specific art tutorials and advice, interviews with other artists, art challenges. Founder of Schoolism art classes site. https://www.youtube.com/c/BobbyChiu
BoroCG Digital illustration demonstrations and discussion. https://www.youtube.com/c/boroCG
Catmeleon Studio Doll customization, mostly on Monster High base, involving a lot of sculptural/structural changes and often a stand or setting, focusing on whimsical and dark themes. https://www.youtube.com/c/CatmeleonStudio
Cesar Santos Oil painting and sketching demonstrations and discussion mostly in realism "old masters" atelier style. https://www.youtube.com/c/CesarSantosArt
Chris Hong Art Drawing and painting process demonstrations, was mostly watercolour and colour pencil, later moved more to pen and marker, focusing mostly on stylized portraits, figures, and illustrations. https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisHongArt
Coco Bee Art Abstract watercolour process meditations and demonstrations, also tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/c/CocoBeeA
Craft with Creativity Demonstrations of how to make usable household items and decorations with cardboard and other scrap/waste items. https://www.youtube.com/c/CraftwithCreativity
DBNaila Mostly acrylic illustration painting demonstrations with some narration and sound effects, also oil painting more recently. https://www.youtube.com/c/DBNaila
Debi's Design Diary Demonstrations of creative customization of furniture using her own paint brand, various brands of stencils, and decorative moulds, interwoven with stories from her experiences. CW: sometime stories involve her religious experiences (Christian) https://www.youtube.com/c/DebisDesignDiary
Dollightful In-depth doll customization process, usually on a base of Monster High or other plastic/vinyl dolls, including face-ups, hair rerooting and wigs, clothing and accessories, and often structural and articulation alterations. Occasional themed collaborations. https://www.youtube.com/c/Dollightful
Doodle Date Fun videos where a couple demonstrates various drawing and painting tools and art items together in their cartoony styles. https://www.youtube.com/c/DoodleDate
Draftsmen Video version of long-form podcast-type discussion on various art-related topics and themes, hosted by Stan Prokopenko (creator of Proko) and Marshall Vandruff. https://www.youtube.com/c/Draftsmen
Drawfee Show A group of people demonstrate quick creative drawings on various themes for fun in their various styles or sometimes in style-related challenges. https://www.youtube.com/c/Drawfee
Emilyena Mostly demonstrations of portrait illustration speedpaint process in a gothic illustrative semi-realism style using digital media. https://www.youtube.com/c/Emilyena
Emily Artful Mostly watercolour illustration demonstrations featuring mostly florals, with an unrelated narrative on top, often telling a story about the artist's life or past that inspired the piece. CW: the artist sometimes talks candidly about her past struggles with drug use. CW: was victim of bullying and stalking from other artists so there are some videos discussing these events https://www.youtube.com/c/emilyartful
Emma Jane Lefebvre Mostly watercolour demonstrations and technique tutorials, with a focus on semi-abstract style florals and nature elements. https://www.youtube.com/c/EmmaLefebvre
Ethan Becker Sassy art tips and advice mostly geared towards beginners, focusing more on character design and animation. https://www.youtube.com/c/EthanBecker70
Following the White Rabbit Various watercolour sketching demonstrations and creativity challenge suggestions. https://www.youtube.com/c/FollowingtheWhiteRabbit
Heikala Ink and watercolour process demonstrations in a whimsical illustrative style. https://www.youtube.com/c/Heikala
HulloAlice Mostly videos about painting process and art related issues, also demonstrating various art products. Some tutorials geared towards beginner artists focusing on painting, sketching, and journaling. https://www.youtube.com/c/HulloAlice
Jay Nathan Watercolor Mostly swatching groups of watercolour paints, some by palette or brand, some by hue or pigment. Also a few watercolour demonstrations and beginner tutorials. https://www.youtube.com/c/JayNathanWatercolor
Jess Karp Mostly drawing and painting practice demonstrations and advice, focusing more on portraits of humans and animals and nature. Semi-realism and more whimsical styles. Also sketchbook tours. Recently more inspirational and motivational vibe videos. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgpzW4py32WW-Bbkxs8iTVA
J.hunsung Watercolor Incredibly skilled realism-style watercolour demonstrations, visual only with no text nor voice-over. Mostly portraits. https://www.youtube.com/c/JhunsungWatercolorPainting
kelogsloops Mostly watercolour demonstrations and techniques tutorials in a semi-realism style, mostly focusing on portraits. Also some older videos about art school and exhibition experiences. https://www.youtube.com/c/kelogsloops
Kloodwig Drawing demonstrations mainly with inks, focusing on figures/characters illustration. Also a few painting videos. https://www.youtube.com/c/Kloodwig
Kooleen Sassy vibes art tips and drawing shortcuts for beginner artists, mostly digital but also general stylized drawing and portrait/figure construction. Also gives demonstrations of ways followers could improve their submitted artworks. https://www.youtube.com/c/Dospordos
Lioba Brückner Mostly watercolour and gouache portrait illustrations tips and process in an art-nouvaux inspired semi-realism style with florals, but also used to work primarily in oils and some acrylic in earlier videos. CW: has been using and endorsing Midjourney a lot lately for concept ideas https://www.youtube.com/c/LiobaBrueckner
Liron Yanconsky Watercolour tutorials and demonstrations, mostly landscape, city-scape, still life. Showing how to work with washes and values in a loose style. Sometimes also shows other watercolour artists. https://www.youtube.com/c/LironYanconskyArt
Love Life Drawing Mostly life-drawing and general art advice with a focus on gesture and drawing process techniques. https://www.youtube.com/c/lovelifedrawing
makoccino Watercolour demonstrations geared more towards beginners, focusing on simple scenes and elements, also suggestions for getting creativity and getting started or back into art. https://www.youtube.com/c/Makoccino
Marco Bucci Mostly general art advice (light, colour, etc) and painting tutorials, in both digital and analogue mediums. Some focus on animation and character design. https://www.youtube.com/user/marcobucci
Maremi SmallArt Mixed media demonstrations, trying out a variety of materials and techniques, also tips for beginners, how to break a blank page and get started with what you have to create something. Art journaling, making decorative cards and items. https://www.youtube.com/c/MaremiSmallArt
Maria Raczynska Watercolour demonstrations and tutorials, featuring florals/plants, animals, nature scenes, also tips for beginners. https://www.youtube.com/c/mariamorjane
Margaret Morales Mostly watercolour demonstrations with a focus on character illustration from various animated films and shows. https://www.youtube.com/c/MargaretMoralesArt
Mmmmonexx Mostly drawing and watercolour demonstrations of portraits in a semi-realism semi-cartoon styles. Korean language with English subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/c/Mmmmonexx
Nianiani Watercolour illustration and decoration demonstrations, mostly featuring florals and nature elements. https://www.youtube.com/c/Nianiani
Niaz Hannan Watercolors Watercolour demonstrations and techniques, focusing mostly on landscape scenes in a semi-realism style. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRQc4NTDrz0Qncp7zx3YM1g
Paint Coach Mostly oil paint process and tips demonstrations but also general art technical skills, portrait and still-life subjects in semi-realism style. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC_J48PF1BcUV6fmCBo2HKQ
Paint in Hiding Mostly comparisons of watercolour paints, swatching them beside each other and talking about the pigment information. Also some reviews of related items, like watercolour papers and brushes. https://www.youtube.com/c/PaintinHiding
PearFleur Painting and drawing demonstrations, tips and tutorials, also some craft demonstrations like book binding and sculpting. https://www.youtube.com/c/PearFleur
Proko Extensive drawing/art tutorials and advice on a wide range of topics, interviews/discussions with other artists, challenges, classes etc. https://www.youtube.com/c/ProkoTV
RapidFireArt Drawing and art fundamental tutorials, mostly with pencil. https://www.youtube.com/c/RapidFireArt
Ross Draws Mostly digital art demonstrations and some more general art tips, focusing more on stylized and colourful character illustrations. https://www.youtube.com/c/Rossdraws
Sea Lemon In-depth demonstrations of book-binding techniques, also painted decorative patterns, and paper crafts. https://www.youtube.com/c/SeaLemonDIY
Shayda Campbell Shorter demonstrations of watercolour and some drawing, mostly stylized florals and nature elements for decoration and journaling. https://www.youtube.com/c/ShaydaCampbell
Steven Zapata Art Mostly long-form skilled drawing rendering demonstrations and sketching practices with narration, focusing mostly on creature and shape design. (Also the reason I tried changing my face studies into a less grid-like composition after I watched his face studies.) https://www.youtube.com/c/StevenZapataArt
Teoh Yi Chie Urban sketching and watercolour illustration demonstrations and tutorials, how to fill sketchbooks, also digital. https://www.youtube.com/c/TeohYiChie
Uncomfortable Comprehensive drawing tutorials covering fundamentals, process, and practice, in a precise and structured lesson series. Also videos suggesting how to solve both drawing and drawing mentality problems. https://www.youtube.com/c/Uncomfortable
Watercolor by Shibasaki Mostly watercolour technique demonstrations at various skill levels, but also sometimes other mediums like acrylic and oil pastels and recently even digital. Also has videos where students send him their work and he shows what might be improved. https://www.youtube.com/c/WatercolorbyShibasaki
Watercolor Misfit Mostly watercolour demonstrations and informative painting and tool tutorials, geared more towards beginners and getting started with painting. Focused more on soft whimsical style animal illustrations. https://www.youtube.com/c/WaterColorMisfit
Zin Lim Oil painting and charcoal drawing demonstrations, focusing mainly on loose, expressive realism-style portraits and figure drawing. https://www.youtube.com/user/zinlimpresent
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sagar-jaybhay · 5 months
Ranbir Kapoor's Animal is already a talk of town before its release.
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Ranbir Kapoor's Animal is already a talk of town before its release. Latest movie of Ranbir kapoor ‘Animal’ is talk of town recently for many reasons. As ranbir kapoor is seen in a very different look in this and his father’s role was played by Anil Kapoor.
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Ranbir Kapoor's Animal is already a talk of town before its release This film is all about a complex  relationship between a father and a son.The film is about a son who wants approval from his father and can do anything for that. Ranbir Kapoor who always choose a different role this is a challenging role for him A few days ago the 60 seconds teaser of the film gets on Burj Khalifa, for this there are Ranbir Kapoor ,Bobby Deol and producer Bhushan Kumar were presented The advance booking of this film has already started and according to Box office there are over 2 lakhs tickets has been sold. So we can now say this will be the biggest movie for ranbir kapoor  Watch Trailer here:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FkLRUJj-o0 What is the Release Date of ‘Animal’? The release date of Animal is 1 December 2023. It is the Action Thriller Film which is directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga and produced by T-series and Cine1 Studios. Which will released in hindi , Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam languages Is Animal the longest movie ever made? The upcoming movie Animal Starring Ranbir Kapoor, Bobby Deol , Anil Kapoor and Rashmika Mandanna is said to be the longest movie of all time having 3 hours 21 minutes of timeWhich is also said to be Ranbir kapoor’s longest movie ever in his career  Who is the Main Lead in Animal Movie? The Main leads in Animal are Ranbir Kapoor,Rashmika Mandanna, Anil Kapoor and Bobby Deol. Rashmika Mandanna is playing the role of ranbir kapoor’s wife Animal gets ‘A’ rated movie by Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and 18+ from the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC)  as there is a domestic Violence in the film. So only adults can watch this film. there is sexual abuse in this filmRanbir Kapoor calls Animal a Adult Rated Kabhie Khushi Kabhie Gum The description of the violence reads: "A man uses a knife to saw at another's throat. A man uses meat cleavers to murder two prisoners. There is a frenzied stabbing. There are several scenes of domestic abuse in which men strike, humiliate, coerce and manipulate women and children. Fight scenes – in which guns, blades and fists are used – are sustained and bloody." When will Animal release on OTT platform? According to reports Animal will release on OTT six to eight weeks after its release and also there are rumors that it will release with 30 minutes extra time .The original time of the movie is 3 hours 21 minutes Also Read Read the full article
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
Will You Be My Treat?
Will You Be My Treat? https://ift.tt/yeTCV6h by Mydestielbabies_67 The Winchester-Novaks celebrate Halloween Words: 1445, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 6 of The Winchester-Novak Chronicles, Part 16 of Suptober 23 Challenge Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Ben Braeden, Claire Novak, Jack Kline, Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Timestamp, Halloween, Halloween Costumes, Trick or Treating, Implied Sexual Content, Not Beta Read via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/FYDcW1V November 01, 2023 at 05:28AM
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ao3feeddestiel · 7 months
Shotgun shuts his cake hole
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RC2fNbL by girlsvmonsters Lucifer's absence has thrown Hell into turmoil, and Crowley is eager to claim the vacant throne. Spotting an opportunity, he targets Dean, using his Impala, 'Baby', as a lure. The stakes are deeply personal for Dean, making the challenge irresistible. Castiel and Meg, determined not to let Dean face this alone, join in for the ride. Yet, Castiel's shaky bond with Lucifer could derail everything. Confronting supernatural threats and wading through Hell's twisted politics, the trio soon realizes: Crowley's not just in it for a quick win. He's setting the stage for total dominion, with Dean at the heart of his plans. — Continuation of series, can be read standalone, but not recommended. Words: 5192, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Series: Part 3 of Apocalyptic Adventures of Dean Winchester, Part 2 of Whumptober 2023 Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005), Lucifer (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Crowley (Supernatural), Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod, Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester/Meg Masters, Castiel/Lucifer/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)/Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)/Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) Additional Tags: Whumptober 2023, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Polyamorous Pack, Polyamory, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Alpha Castiel (Supernatural), Top Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)/Bottom Castiel (Supernatural), Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester, Alpha Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Alpha/Omega, Alpha/Alpha, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Post-Apocalypse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Dead Sam Winchester, Sam is a ghost, Creative License, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Blood and Torture, Action/Adventure, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Castiel is Bad at Feelings (Supernatural), Lucifer is a sexy kind-of bad guy in this read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/RC2fNbL
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cavenewstimes · 7 months
Mysterio Retains US Championship Over Escobar On SmackDown, Street Profits Attack
Read More Wrestling Inc.  By /Sept. 29, 2023 9:41 pm EST Rey Mysterio retained his United States Championship over fellow Latino World Order member Santos Escobar on Friday’s episode of ‘WWE SmackDown,” but the Street Profits ruined the moment following the match to gain back Bobby Lashley’s approval. Two weeks ago, Escobar challenged his mentor to a match and said it was his dream in his…
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bobbyinthegarden · 11 months
2023 Reading Challenge. Children’s Lit: The Railway Children by E. Nesbit
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Lionel Jeffries 1970 adaptation of The Railway Children was a film that I watched a lot as a kid. Despite this, and despite watching several other adaptations, including a stage production, I never read the book, either when I was a child, or as an adult – until now, that is. I really don’t know why I never read it, it’s just the book I would have loved as a kid.
If you’re unfamiliar with the book, the premise is as follows: three siblings, Roberta (or Bobbie, hey kind of like me!), Peter and Phyllis live in middle-class, suburban London with their kind and adoring parents, one day their father is forced to leave the family for reasons that initially are not disclosed to the children, and consequently, the children and their mother move from London to 'The Three Chimneys', a cottage in Yorkshire, close to the railway. Due to their proximity to the railway and to the train station, the children develop an affinity for trains and the people associated with them (including the station porter Mr Perks, who the children befriend, and The Old Gentleman, a man who frequently travels by train and waves at them). The book is largely episodic, with most of the chapters telling self-contained stories about the children’s many adventures. Despite this quaint-sounding premise, there are references to more mature themes present within the book. The book was published in 1906, but is set the previous year, with the book containing several references to the then-current Russo-Japanese War (indeed, without giving too much away, the reason for the children’s father’s abrupt departure at the beginning of the book is directly related to this).
Much like other classic children’s literature, one of the major strengths of this book is the children themselves, who all feel so full of life and distinct from one another.
As much as I enjoyed this book, I feel like I don’t have all that much to say about it. It is a classic after all, and highly regarded, definitely worth a read, if you haven’t read it already (regardless of if you’re a child or an adult), and if you have read the book but haven’t watched the 1970 film adaptation then I recommend that as well, as it’s an extremely faithful adaptation that captures the spirit and tone of the book very well.  
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thebridgeofdeaths · 8 months
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   The perfect blend of detective mystery and everyday life, that will delight fans of Sally Rigby, Faith Martin, Joy Ellis, Simon McCleave, and Pauline Rowson. 
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Fatal Decision
The Freeman Files Book 1
by Ted Tayler
Genre: Crime Fiction
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The perfect blend of detective mystery and everyday life, that will delight fans of Sally Rigby, Faith Martin, Joy Ellis, Simon McCleave, and Pauline Rowson. The first in a gripping series that will have you hooked.
Gus Freeman, a retired Detective Inspector, has spent the past three years alone. His wife, Tess, died from a brain aneurysm six months to the day after retirement. He is still coming to terms with his enforced solitary existence. His old boss wants Gus to head up a Crime Review Team investigating cold cases. Gus can't resist the chance to enter the fray for one last hurrah.
Wiltshire is a historic and ceremonial county in South West England, famous for its ham, white horses, and, above all, for its many prehistoric monuments (like Stonehenge and Avebury). It's been home to the author all his life, and despite what you might fear from the stories that follow in this series, Wiltshire is a safe and beautiful place to live.
CASE FILE #1 - June 2008
The team tackles the brutal murder of Daphne Tolliver. The sixty-eight-year-old widow was walking her dog, Bobby, in woodland close to her home when someone bludgeoned her to death with a rock.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Ted Tayler brilliantly weaves the details of the mysterious murder dropping breadcrumbs for readers to follow. We follow Freeman and his team as they interview witnesses, suspects, and friends of the victim. Along with his liberal use of British colloquialisms, he enriches the flavour of the tale. His prose brings the investigation to life. I think Gus Freeman will be as appealing as The Phoenix. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a solid mystery.” Elizabeth.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"The pacing is excellent, the characters believable and the cold case work excellent as well. I already know that I will be reading all of this series" Jenna.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Carefully crafted procedural with quirky characters, that not only entertains, but also lays the foundation for a series of cases to follow." Nana.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "A fabulous find! Ted Tayler is gifted in making sure the reader becomes an integral part of what he has written, become one with the book." Dora.
**On Sale – Get it FREE now!**
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Ted Tayler is the international best-selling indie author of the Freeman Files and Phoenix series. His next project is another series of challenging mysteries set in England in the 1930s. Brothers In Crime is scheduled to appear on Amazon from October 2023.
Sign up to his mailing list at tedtayler.co.uk to keep informed about future release dates, giveaways, and exclusives. In addition, readers can find him on BookBub, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Ted Tayler lives in the English West country, where his stories are based. Born in 1945, Ted’s been married to Lynne since 1971. They have three children and four grandchildren.
Since he published his first novel in 2013, Ted has sold over 50,000 books and surpassed 20 million page reads on Kindle Unlimited. His thought-provoking mysteries appeal to readers of Sally Rigby, Joy Ellis, Pauline Rowson, and Faith Martin. His action-packed thrillers are a must for fans of Mark Dawson, Jack Mars, and J C Ryan.
Gus Freeman’s cold case investigations are carried out with reasoned deduction rather than bursts of frantic action. In each of the 24 books, unsolved murder is accompanied by romance, humour, and country life. The core message in the 12 Phoenix novels is that criminals should pay for their crimes. Unfortunately, the current system fails to deliver the correct punishment, so Phoenix helps redress the balance.
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (IDW) Micro: Villains #4: Alopex
Read Date: April 10, 2023 Cover Date: July 2013 ● Writer: Brian Lynch ● Art: Sophie Campbell ● Colorist: Sophie Campbell ◦ Heather Nunnelly ● Letterer: Chris Mowry ● Editor: Bobby Curnow ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● I love Alopex as a character. I'm really curious to see where her story arc leads ● she's brutal
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● oh fuck… Shredder promotes her, but also burns down the forest. she attacks him ● actually manages to draw Shredder's blood ● she gonna fuck Shredder up one of these days ● 👏👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Alopex has followed four Foot Clan ninja who are trying to sell clan secrets to a high-powered businessman and wannabe ninja. She takes out the man's two security guards and then the man himself. The four Foot ninja stand on guard. She tells them to hold up. She says they all know she's going to win, so to make it an actual challenge, she agrees to fight blindfolded if they each agree to fight with four weapons which happen to be the same as the Turtles' weapons (she apologizes to whoever gets the bō staff). Alopex tells them they deserve their fate, since they betrayed Master Shredder after he took them in to his clan. She takes them out one by one. The last one begs for his life, telling her she can keep the money if she just lets him go. She says there is no escape from the Foot and she kills him.
After burning down the building to destroy the evidence, Alopex returns to the Foot's headquarters. She passes Bebop and Rocksteady in the hallway. Master Shredder is waiting for her. He tells her that the conflict with their enemies is escalating and they need to consolidate their resources. In the morning she will accompany him to clean up one of their old research facilities in Fairbanks, Alaska. She knows it well; it's the place she was mutated, it's the area where she lived in her former life.
Upon arriving in Fairbanks, Alopex asks to be allowed to take care of the job on her own. She searches through the research facility, searching for any useful supplies and planting bombs to destroy it. After going through the entire place, she sees a rabbit outside and the sight of it brings her back to her old life. She remembers living with her pack and helping provide food for them. She tries to fight the memories back but they keep coming. She remembers the polar bear that kept all of the other animals in the area in fear, forced to hide in order to survive. Suddenly she sees a normal arctic fox run past. She smells something burning. She runs towards the source of the smell and arrives to see Shredder and Foot ninja burning down the woods. Shredder tells her that this is her final initiation and she is now a chūnin within the clan. He tells her it is time to let go of her past so that she may embrace her future; Shredder tells her he is proud of her. At that moment Alopex snaps and attacks him. He orders the other Foot ninja to stand down so that the two of them may handle it on their own. Alopex manages to draw blood. She tells him that he already had her loyalty; that his was just a senseless act of violence. Shredder smiles. He tells her it was his idea to mutate a fox to use as a soldier. He beats her to the ground and tells her to remember her place: with the Foot Clan. She wants to fight him off, but she knows there is no escape from the Foot.
On the way back to New York City, Alopex comes to terms with what has happened. She vows to be Shredder's most valuable asset, to remain close by his side. In this new life of hers, he is the bear now, whom all live in fear of. But this time, she plans on killing the bear.
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Fan Art: Alopex by BakaMeganekko
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 46
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jhapalitimes · 10 months
WWE Money in the Bank 2023: John Cena's Epic Return, Shocking Upsets, and The Bloodline's Defeat
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WWE Money in the Bank 2023: A Thrilling Night of Surprises and Triumphs WWE Money in the Bank 2023, held on July 2nd at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, proved to be an electrifying event that left fans on the edge of their seats. With a lineup of high-stakes matches and the iconic Money in the Bank ladder matches this pay-per-view showcased the best of professional wrestling talent. Let's delve into the breakdown of the event, highlighting the winners, match outcomes, and standout moments that made WWE Money in the Bank 2023 an unforgettable night. Winners of the Money in the Bank Ladder Matches: In the men's Money in the Bank ladder match, Xavier Woods emerged victorious, securing a golden opportunity to challenge for a world championship contract anytime, anywhere. On the women's side, Liv Morgan climbed the ladder of success and claimed the coveted briefcase, earning a guaranteed title opportunity.
Highlight Matches and Outcomes:
Universal Championship Match: Roman Reigns vs. John Cena In a highly anticipated showdown, Roman Reigns successfully defended his Universal Championship against John Cena. The match was a battle of wills, showcasing the resilience and determination of both competitors. Reigns ultimately prevailed, solidifying his dominant reign as the Universal Champion. WWE Championship Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Kofi Kingston Bobby Lashley put his WWE Championship on the line against Kofi Kingston. The match was a hard-hitting clash, with Lashley showcasing his raw power and Kingston's agility impressing the audience. In the end, Lashley retained his title, proving why he is a force to be reckoned with in the WWE. https://jhapalitimes.com/john-cenas-interaction-with-filming-fan-sparks-etiquette-debate-should-celebrities-have-privacy/ John Cena’s Encounter with Filming Fan Sparks Debate on Celebrity Etiquette. Raw Women's Championship Match: Rhea Ripley vs. Charlotte Flair Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair renewed their rivalry in a thrilling contest for the Raw Women's Championship. The match was a display of athleticism and technical prowess, with both competitors pulling out all the stops. Ultimately, Ripley managed to secure the victory, successfully defending her championship. SmackDown Women's Championship Match: Bianca Belair vs. Bayley Bianca Belair faced off against Bayley in a clash for the SmackDown Women's Championship. The match was a rollercoaster of emotions, with Bayley's relentless attacks testing Belair's resilience. However, Belair proved why she is the EST of WWE, emerging triumphant and retaining her title.
Highlight Matches and Outcomes:
The return of Becky Lynch: The WWE Universe erupted with excitement as Becky Lynch made a surprising return to WWE Money in the Bank 2023. Lynch's comeback sent shockwaves through the arena, leaving fans eagerly anticipating her future in-ring endeavors. Edge's spectacular performance: In a match against Seth Rollins, Edge displayed his veteran skills and delivered a stellar performance. The "Rated-R Superstar" reminded everyone why he is considered one of the all-time greats, captivating the audience with his unmatched intensity. WWE Money in the Bank 2023 delivered a night of exhilarating action and unexpected surprises. From the thrilling ladder matches to the intense championship bouts, this event showcased incredible talent within the WWE roster. The winners, standout moments, and match outcomes combined to create an unforgettable experience for fans. As the dust settles, the WWE landscape is forever changed, and the stage is set for new rivalries and future championship challenges. Read the full article
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solatgif · 10 months
TGIF: Roundup for June 23, 2023
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We released two new interviews: How to Understand People Who Doubt: An Interview with Sam D. Kim and Praying For Discipleship In The Chinese Christian Community In The UK: An Interview with Josh Shek.
Save the date! “Writing the Next Chapter,” the 2024 Asian American Leadership Conference, will take place on April 23-24 in Orange County, California. More info coming soon.
This newsletter is one of the many ways you can keep in touch with us. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator
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Enter to win these excellent books! This giveaway is primarily on Instagram (you’ll get an extra entry for entering via the Google Form) so please note that you must be following @moodypublishers and @diveindigdeep to win. Thanks to Moody for providing these books for our giveaway, in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
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“God did not create human fathers and then begin to describe himself in reference to them. Rather, God has always been Father and created human fathers in reference to him.”
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TGC GLO Podcast: Fulfilling the Biblical Mandate to Care for Orphans and Widows
“In this episode of Glo, Blair Linne, Aixa de López, Sharon Dickens, and Soojin Park discuss caring for orphans through foster care, adoption, and discipleship, no matter your season of life.”
Related: Supporting Adoptees and Parents of Adoptees: An Interview with Jonathan Holmes
Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: All Who are Weary by Sarah J. Hauser, True to His Word by Jon Bloom. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
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For Father’s Day, check out our Dads & Fatherhood collection! Featured authors include Cory Ishida, Daniel K. Eng, Tom Sugimura, Larry Lin, David J. Park, and P. J. Tibayan.
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Daniel K. Eng: Praying for Discipleship in the Chinese Christian Community in the UK: An Interview with Josh Shek
What’s it like growing up Chinese in the United Kingdom? What are the challenges of immigrant churches or second-generation churches? How can we pray for and encourage our brothers and sisters there?
Aaron Lee: From Doubt to Faith: Book Review of “A Holy Haunting”
“Those who doubt their faith will find a friend in Kim. For firm believers, you will be equipped to come alongside those who struggle. My heart was moved to worship, thanking God for the gift of faith and anticipating the day for when my faith will become sight.”
Aaron Lee: How to Understand People Who Doubt: An Interview with Sam D. Kim
Sam D. Kim, author of A Holy Haunting: Why Faith Isn’t a Leap but a Series of Staggers from One Safe Place to Another, discusses spiritual puberty, deconstruction, and crossing the swamp of doubt.
P. J. Tibayan: Do I Really Have To Care About Structural Racism?
“I was a pastor who did not faithfully disciple and pastor my church against ethnocentric oppression in America and toward ethnic harmony, and God led me to repentance.”
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Building Bridges: How God Invites Youth Pastors Into the Work of Relational Reconciliation / Opening Our Eyes to Art / How Spurgeon Got His Congregation
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
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musicmaniahub · 1 year
Bobby Moudy Biography, Age, Wife, Children, Tiktoker Cause of Death, Networth
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Introduction: Bobby Moudy was a popular TikTok creator, father, and husband known for his heartwarming videos that resonated with countless people on the platform. Tragically, his life was cut short on April 28, 2023, when he took his own life due to ongoing financial struggles. In this blog post, we will delve into the biography of Bobby Moudy, exploring his early life, career, family, and the profound impact he had on his followers. Early Life and Career: Born as James Robert Moudy in Mississippi, United States, Bobby grew up in his beloved home state. While details about his early life and education are scarce, it is evident that Bobby possessed a natural talent for making others laugh and smile. Prior to his TikTok stardom, he worked various jobs to support his family, often discussing his financial difficulties, including bankruptcy and debt, in his videos. Despite his challenges, Bobby maintained an optimistic outlook and used humor to uplift his followers, earning him immediate popularity on TikTok. Rise to TikTok Fame: Bobby's journey to fame began in 2019 when he started sharing videos on TikTok. His family-friendly content, frequently featuring his three children, Kaytlin, Maddox "Max," and Charleigh, quickly garnered attention. Pranks, challenges, and heartfelt moments showcasing his deep affection for his family became the hallmark of his videos. Over time, Bobby's popularity soared, amassing over 360,000 followers on TikTok by 2022. His infectious laughter, positive attitude, and genuine love for his family endeared him to viewers, turning him into an internet sensation. Impact on Followers: Bobby's videos left a profound impact on his followers, who commended him for being a positive influence in their lives. Many looked up to him as a father figure and admired his genuine and relatable content. Bobby frequently emphasized the importance of family, using his videos to remind others to cherish precious moments with their loved ones. The news of his passing devastated his followers, who took to social media to express their grief and share their cherished memories of Bobby. Countless individuals credited him with helping them navigate difficult times, as his videos provided comfort and joy. Legacy: Bobby's legacy lives on through his grieving family, who hold his memory dear in their hearts. As a devoted husband and father, Bobby's impact on their lives is immeasurable. Furthermore, his influence will continue to resonate with his followers, as he inspired them to value their families and find happiness in life's simplest moments. Although Bobby's life was tragically cut short, his legacy endures through the love and inspiration he shared. Conclusion: Bobby Moudy, a beloved TikTok star and devoted father, touched the hearts of countless individuals with his positive spirit and wholesome content. Despite the brevity of his life, his legacy lives on through his family and the countless followers who were uplifted by his presence. Bobby's story serves as a reminder to cherish our loved ones and find joy in life's ordinary moments. Read the full article
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krispyweiss · 4 months
Song Review(s): Bobby Weir & Wolf Bros featuring the Wolfpack - “Twilight Time,” “She Belongs to Me,” “Big River,” “Me and Bobby McGee” and “Playing in the Band” (Live, Dec. 29, 2023)
Starting his New Year’s 2023 run in Florida with the solo-acoustic “Twilight Time” and ending the generous livestream sampler from the gig surround by the 10-piece Wolf Bros & ’Pack on “Playing in the Band,” Bob Weir reinforced the notion that in his late career, he does best with as much musical support as he can get.
Weir slowly added accompanists as he moved from the Platters opener to a clunky (with rhythm section) version of Bob Dylan’s “She Belongs to Me” to a slightly fuller - thanks to Jeff Chimenti’s piano - reading of Johnny Cash’s “Big River” and finally playing as a quintet with pedal-steel guitar from Barry Sless on Kris Kristofferson’s “Me and Bobby McGee.” Collectively weak, these numbers found Weir nourishing his cowboy jones at the expense of quality, fleshed-out performances and continued his long, post-Jerry Garcia habit of challenging his fans with hard-to-love approaches to his music.
This all changed when the Wolfpack horns and strings arrived on the bandstand for “Playing.” It’s here Weir proves his - and the Grateful Dead’s - continued relevance and the wisdom of experimenting with (more, not less) instrumentation and arrangement even as he nods to Donna Jean Godchaux by reprising her much-maligned vocal part mostly off-mic but still audibly.
Grade card: Bobby Weir & Wolf Bros featuring the Wolfpack - “Twilight Time,” “She Belongs to Me,” “Big River,” “Me and Bobby McGee” and “Playing in the Band” (Live - 12/29/23) - C-/C-/C/C+/A-
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