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VECKANS VÅFFLA 💐 BLÅBÄRSYLT & FÄRSKOST toppas med smuldeg. Såååå enkel och sååå god! ÖPPETTIDER KL.10-18 ONSDAG-SÖNDAG FÖR FUNDERINGAR ELLER FRÅGOR KIKA GÄRNA IN PÅ VÅR HEMSIDA . . #blåbär #smuldeg #mums #trädgårdscafe #våffla #frasvåffla #waffle #stockholmguide #stockholmutflykt #sörmlandsleden #grödinge #botkyrka #Stockholm (på/i Klockargårdens Våffleri) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2oV6aD7QK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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swemagast · 1 year
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#nyikommunstyrelsen #botkyrka #kriminalvården #socialstyrelsen @socialdemokraternas (på/i Kulturdepartementet) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoNdYl_Naoo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slavghoul · 6 months
Hi, Slav! I'm planning a trip to Stockholm and I want to visit some Ghost-related places of interest. I know about Garlic & Shots and a church, where the Year Zero video was filmed. Do you know other must-sees? Thank you!
Garlic & Shots is a must of course. Try the Ghost burger, it’s very good, but I must also recommend the good ole Swedish meatballs, the extra garlic makes it ever more delicious. They also have a very cool room downstairs with pinball games and stuff, and good music.
For an opportunity to 'stand where Papa once stood' haha, definitely the golden hall at Stockholms stadshus where the Impera photoshoot took place (that hall has paid entrance, but worth it). Meliora photos were taken at Stockholms stadsbibliotek, in particular near the entrance on and on the staircase up to the book hall. I recall there was also a photoshoot with Papa III done at Botkyrka church in Norsborg. Tobias used to live quite near that church in his youth, and Norsborg is also where he wrote the very first Ghost song. The first demos I believe were recorded somewhere in Gröndal and Stadshagen. It may be nice to take a stroll through those places just to see where it all started. Eric Ericsonhallen where the music video for Spillways was shot. Very nice on the inside, but unfortunately I think it’s closed off from the public most of the time unless some event is taking place, but maybe you’ll be lucky. It’s on Skeppsholmen, so from there you can take a ferry to the ABBA museum ;-) Some recording studios where Ghost recorded - Artery Studios at Katarinavägen (Prequelle), Atlantis Metronome at Karlbergsvägen (Impera). Maybe Buttericks on Drottninggatan where Tobias bought the very first ghoul costumes haha. They still sell similar ones there.
While you're in Stockholm, I recommend taking a train to Linköping, it’s not far so you can make it a one-day trip. From the main station, you can walk on foot to Linköpings domkyrka, the cathedral from the cover of Opus Eponymous. It is being renovated right now, so you may not see it in its fully glory, but nonetheless it's beautiful inside and out. If you wanna see the streets where Tobbe grew up take a stroll through Tannefors - Nya Tanneforsvägen and Tegelbruksgatan; and where he lived later in particular when Ghost was taking its first steps - Apotekaregatan, Drottninggatan (get a kanelbulle at Babettes :))..  Some 'historic' Ghost venues where they played: Doom on Ågatan (where Papa III played his first show and Papa II his last), and Cupolen/Folketspark (first Papa's last show, II's first). Maybe S:t Larskyrka, which inspired one of the first backdrops the band used on tour. The record store Bengans, lots of Ghost goodies there and there’s a wall with signatures from Papa III and Cardinal Copia. Hmm I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that’s it from the top of my head. Hope you enjoy the trip!
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heddailler · 2 months
Mina favoritkommunslogans:
Hjo: I love Hjo
Enköping: Sveriges närmaste stad
Grums: Så mycket mer än du tror
Botkyrka: Långt ifrån lagom
Årjäng: Vackrast och vildast i västra Värmland!
Borlänge: Trevligt folk
Skurup: When in Europe don't miss Skurup
Vallentuna: Var femte invånare är en häst
Åmål: Alltid något, sa han som fick se Åmål
Bonus, några inofficiella:
Österåker: Mer än bara en anstalt
Örnsköldsvik: We don't need no Eiffel Tower, we have Kranarna
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knappharvel · 1 year
Haha fuck you Skåne! BOTKYRKA IS IN THE ROOM!
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iambountyfan · 2 years
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ionnalee, John Strandh and crew filming at Subtopia Botkyrka for ‘iamamiwhoami; thunder lightning’ – E08/10 of Be Here Soon. in the visual ionnalee is joined by dancers Tove Skeidsvoll and Emelie Wahlman, picture 4 and 5 are from their rehearsals. 💃 the last photo shows pre-production work, with storyboarding, lyric sheet and notes.
(📷: instagram.com/ionnalee)
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lamilanomagazine · 12 days
Modena, città interculturale. Nuovo evento "Eccoci" in piazza Grande.
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Modena, città interculturale. Nuovo evento "Eccoci" in piazza Grande. Sabato 20 aprile arriva nel cuore della città "Eccoci - Modena città interculturale" evento organizzato nell'ambito del progetto europeo DiverCities, con iniziative per grandi e piccini all'insegna del dialogo tra le culture, organizzate insieme ad enti e associazioni. Inoltre, nel pomeriggio in Galleria Europa si festeggiano i nuovi cittadini italiani con "Anche noi cittadini" e domenica 21 gran finale in musica al Centrale 66. Tante le iniziative in programma in piazza Grande nella mattinata di sabato dalle 10 alle 12.30: "All'ombra delle pietre", percorso organizzato dal Museo civico per conoscere il sito Unesco di Modena attraverso i cinque sensi con partenza alle ore 10.30 e 11.30 dalla Pietra Ringadora "Voci dal Mondo", tenuto dalle Biblioteche comunali che prevede piccoli canti, ninna nanne in lingua madre e giochi collaborativi; "In-Con-Tra" una piattaforma di dialogo per mettersi in gioco sul significato dell'intercultura, a cura del Collettivo Amigdala; "Parole giuste", attività per vivere l'esperienza di tessere relazioni attraverso la lingua tenuta dal Tavolo di promozione della lingua come strumento interculturale. Sarà anche presentato il progetto europeo Must-a-Lab cofinanziato dal programma Fami (Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e integrazione) a cura del Servizio Sport, che intende rendere i giovani di origine straniera, sia migranti arrivati da poco sia appartenenti alle seconde generazioni, protagonisti di percorsi partecipati con enti, amministrazioni e associazioni per discutere e rinnovare le politiche di accoglienza e di integrazione. Sempre nell'ambito di Must-a-Lab e di Modena Città interculturale, dalle 15.30 in Galleria Europa, alla presenza rappresentanti dell'amministrazione comunale si svolge "Anche noi cittadini", la cerimonia per omaggiare i ragazzi e le ragazze, con molteplici background geoculturali, divenuti italiani con il compimento del 18esimo anno di età. Quest'anno sono 105, di cui 79 hanno ottenuto la cittadinanza con la procedura semplificata e 26, tra i 19 e i 25 anni di età, con la procedura standard. Le cittadinanze di origine prevalenti sono filippina (22), albanese (15) marocchina (14). Infine, domenica 21 aprile dalle 18.30 al Centrale 66 in via Nicolò dell'Abbate, si terrà "Stay Noble" il concerto trap, tenuto da ragazze e ragazzi con background migratorio. Il progetto europeo DiverCities, cofinanziato dal programma europeo (Cittadini, Uguaglianza, Diritti e Valori) 2021-2027, intende sviluppare un efficace modello di partecipazione dei cittadini all'elaborazione delle politiche interculturali locali, coinvolgendo 8 città (oltre a Modena, Saragoza, Castellon de la Plana, Logrono, Loures, Ioannina, Montesilvano e Pontedera) e tre Reti Nazionali di Città Interculturali di quattro Paesi Europei (Italia, Spagna, Portogallo e Grecia). Modena, che è membro della rete italiana Città del Dialogo e del programma ICC - Città interculturali - del Consiglio d'Europa, oltre a partecipare al progetto europeo Itaca e DiverCities, partecipa, come città pilota, a Net-Idea che mira a rafforzare il ruolo degli enti locali nel campo della promozione della diversità, dell'interculturalità, della lotta alla discriminazione e dell'inclusione delle minoranze. Net-Idea ha permesso di lavorare a livello europeo sull'approccio interculturale nella fascia 0-6 e ha visto, il 17 aprile scorso la conferenza finale a Botkyrka, in Svezia quale occasione per condividere proposte, storie, buone pratiche e suggerimenti. Sempre a Botkyrka una spettacolare azione collettiva d'arte pubblica - supportata dalla Piattaforma Inside Out creata dall'artista francese JR – celebra il completamento della campagna di sensibilizzazione europea "Be Everything Belong", il risultato di focus group e workshop tra attivisti, associazioni locali, centri giovanili e governi che hanno partecipato a Net-Idea.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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importanttragedyfan · 1 month
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lhheimdal · 2 months
Hjälp en medmänniska – bli god man eller förvaltare
Är du intresserad av att bli god man eller förvaltare till någon som behöver din hjälp i Botkyrka, Haninge, Huddinge, Nynäshamn, Salem eller Tyresö?Hjälp en medmänniska – bli god man eller förvaltare
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extensionartspace · 1 year
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Open Studio
Juanma González.
Welcome to see and play as a part of the working process of Juanma González during his stay at Extention Art Space, where he has expanded upon the idea of drawing as an embodiment of the act of walking.
Extention Art Space has operated as a "production zone" where Juanma experimented with drawing techniques, varied materials, and art production methods.
In this exploration, he aimed to develop his "Urban Fabric" series (2018-), a collection of drawings made of ink on paper, as materializations of the insights collected through walking.
A part of this series has been exhibited in Sweden, Denmark, and Spain and has been acquired by Statens Konstråd, SAK, and Botkyrka Konsthall. In addition, a table and four chairs will be set up to invite the visitors to play "Pilgrims on Gotland," a board game devised by Juanma based on his experience as a pilgrim and walking artist.
The artwork was designed and produced in The Photographic Artist's Book (21/22) course at Kungl. Konsthogskolan: "Pilgrims on Gotland" is shown in the art exhibition 'Camios Creativos' at Museo Gaiás (Santiago de Compostela, Spain).
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lindblomste · 8 months
The collars of the moonshine’s watery beams
Myten om dig själv. Att älska sig själv är att träda in i världen som mytisk gestalt. Berättelsen om ens uppväxt är en skapelseberättelse och alla enskildheter glöder och skimrar av signifikans.
Jag vaknade i morse ur ett väv av drömbilder. Jag var på väg med en vän till mitt nya hem som var en syntes av platser jag bott på och sådana jag besökt. Kanske även sådana som jag bara drömt om. Jag var i Botkyrka och i Lund. Det var underbart drömmateriel. Inte för att jag var lycklig, det var jag inte, utan för att det hade mening. Höstlig mening. När jag vaknade visste jag inte riktigt var jag var någonstans men nuet och platsen hade fått färg av det drömda. Allt omkring mig var som drömt eller fantiserat och därför så mycket mer verkligt. Uppväckt ur det vanemässiga nedsjunkenhet.
Den man älskar med guden Pothos hela kraft är den man vill göra till mytologisk karaktär i ens kosmos.
Av alla människor som rör sig i närheten av min värld just nu så finns det en som jag skulle vilja veta vem hon är. Jag ska offra ett blad murgröna till hennes ära.
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VECKANS VÅFFLA 🇬🇷 FETAOST & SOLTORKARDE TOMATER Blandat i en yoghurtröra toppad med persilja och kalamataoliver. GREKISK YOGHURT MED HONUNG Toppas med valnötter ÖPPETTIDER KL.10-18 ONSDAG-SÖNDAG FÖR FUNDERINGAR ELLER FRÅGOR KIKA GÄRNA IN PÅ VÅR HEMSIDA . . . . #valnötter #Grekland #grekisktmat #yoghurt #vegetarisk #kalamata #oliver #fetaost #våffla #swedishwaffle #grödinge #botkyrka #stockholmutflykt #soltorkadetomater (på/i Klockargårdens Våffleri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkStl8sQuz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nordnews · 1 year
Three men are sentenced to life for the murder of the 12-year-old girl Adriana, Södertörn District Court announces.The men are also convicted of attempted murder against seven othe...
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reallycrazyfun · 1 year
Sossarna i Botkyrka är klassiskt sosseri
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anderslindberg · 1 year
Jag erkänner – arbetade faktiskt åt ABF
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mrswalbard · 2 years
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#onelove (på/i Botkyrka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkIZO86DBeG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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