#but I digress. have a good day gyns
wallabywannabe · 8 months
The only thing hugely different this week was my annual GYN visit. Which doesn't sound like much, but this year I was due for my pap smear, which I have been dreading for the past 3 years since my last one.
They're really painful for me. Don't know why. There's no medical reason for it. No history of trauma. It's not the MOST painful thing I've ever experienced, but somehow it's the scariest. Kidney stones are the most painful, but I recognize that feeling and it's a blinding kind of pain that leaves no room for other emotions. Pain from a speculum, though, feels very wrong, and there's plenty of mental capacity for panic.
I'm so ashamed of that, too, which is another big emotion that comes with it. I'm very pro modern, researched-backed medicine, which is why I think preventative procedures like pap smears are so very important. My dad's a freaking gynecologist, for crying out loud. I should be more comfortable with this stuff than anyone! But I'm not and I feel like a huge hypocrite.
So all that's going through my mind, and then this summer, I did an outpatient hospitalization program for mental health where I got a lot of practice FEELING my anxiety instead of ignoring it, which is something I hadn't realized I was doing. Previously I'd actually gotten very good at pushing anxiety very deep, which was useful for pushing through the day, but I think doing that EVERY day is exhausting to the point where I'd just completely collapse every few months. Anyway, I'm digressing a bit.
So it's been a few months since that program, and I have fallen back into old habits a bit, but I think the pap smear anxiety was too intense to ignore like normal. I do manage to mostly ignore it until I'm in the exam room and I'm...waiting.
I'm waiting and waiting, and I start to feel it all bubbling up in my chest. I distract myself by reading all the flyers in the room. I try to memorize the anatomy posters on the walls. I do deep breathing. I do wall squats and jumping jacks. I pace. I sit down. I examine the patterns on my gown. I look up french poetry and recite it out loud. And in between trying all of these strategies, I feel the anxiety rising up again and I fight back the urge to burst into tears.
Finally the exam happens, I tell the doctor I'm nervous, and she's really great. She tries to distract me with small talk, but when the pain starts I'm having a full blown anxiety attack and instead she has me count outloud to 30. She's done by the time I reach 15. She explains to me exactly how my cervix is shaped and what she was doing at each point when I started to feel pain, which helps demystify some of it.
I'm a bit embarrassed but mostly kind of frustrated with myself. This is the biggest physical reaction I've had to a pelvic exam before. Shouldn't I have gotten better over time, not worse?
But with a few day's distance, I'm starting to think it really was me being more in touch with myself emotionally than I have been in the past. The tears and hyperventilating are awkward side effects for me and it would be more convenient if I could have emotional breakthroughs that were slightly less obvious, but that's clearly not how I am.
I was wondering if I'd regressed emotionally, but after that happened, and then a few days later I feel like THIS? Normal, doing normal every day things without it being difficult? That must be progress. Even if it only lasts for 1 day, it's still progress. And it means changes for the better are possible.
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A “renowned,” “world-class,” well-known university health system I used to go to has repeatedly emailed me trying to get me to enroll in their fertility research study, and I finally got pissed off enough to email them back to politely tell them to fuck off.
A little background: PCOS appears to be the flavor of the day in terms of diagnoses, and, just like always, there’s a COMET study being done with the NIH to look at “treatment options.” I should probably say I have serious issues with the study design for the COVID COMET study before I start tearing into this one, but I digress.
Much like how PCOS is the flavor of the day, using birth control pills to “fix PCOS” is also the only thing traditional OB/GYNs and Reproductive Endos will suggest to help you. This COMET study is looking at three treatment arms to examine using BC pills vs. metformin for treating PCOS:
Birth control pills only (even though that’s bullshit, because there’s so many combinations of estrogens/progestins now that you need to control for this variation)
Metformin only (also mostly bullshit for a lot of PCOS sufferers)
Metformin and BC Pills (I did this. I was miserable. YMMV, but it’s just bandaids for root causes)
Long story short, I went into this “world-class” health system begging for bio-identical hormone replacement because I’d spent a year with no cycle, and I was 23 at the time. I’d stopped birth control a year previously (I used it for PMS and acne), and my period just never came back. I couldn’t get out of bed. I had god awful fatigue. I had hot flashes, and hair loss, and a bunch of other menopausal symptoms. I was completely ignored.
I was diagnosed with PCOS because “my ovaries had the required number of cysts.” Nevermind the fact that coming off of extended, continuous BC use can cause this. If your doctor tells you you can “just take BC continuously without a bleed,” they are clueless. Do not do that. The nurses told me that my old doc was told to leave the practice because she was suggesting this to all of her patients. I found out too late.
The larger issue was this: my estrogen level was that of a 70 year old woman. My progesterone levels were undetectable. My testosterone levels were also extremely low; in PCOS, testosterone levels are also elevated outside of the norm. (Testosterone deficiency is also a symptom of long term BC use, but apparently no one in the mainstream medical community cares enough to address it.)
I didn’t have remotely the FSH and LH levels required to stimulate ovulation, much less have a period. In PCOS, you normally see elevated LH. At times, these were both close to 0 for me.
But they took one look at the ultrasound and said, “Yeah, definitely PCOS.” Because that’s what doctors are trained to do now—memorize a textbook, ignore abnormal cases, prescribe birth control, and send you on your way.
Thankfully, I managed to find older doctors who understood that 60% of TBI patients will have some kind of hormonal disruption, even if you have an mTBI. And that they can manifest in the months after the initial injury even if they aren’t immediately apparent.
I am extremely lucky I was able to use the pandemic telehealth loopholes to find doctors who understood how my TBI sent me into hypothalamic amenorrhea and HPA dysfunction. But the delay this health system caused by labeling me with PCOS and shoving birth control at me may have wrecked my fertility for good.
I’ll be damned if I don’t say something before they do it to someone else.
If you have PCOS, and metformin and birth control aren’t helping your symptoms, you can consider seeing a FEMM provider for options that aren’t just the birth control pill. I know people who have gotten better with trying things like Vitex (chaste berry), low dose naltrexone, progesterone cream, acupuncture, and an anti-inflammatory diet. Stress reduction is also key.
There are doctors out there who see that the BC pill is not a panacea. Don’t let shitty, pharmaceutical industry influenced studies and physicians convince you otherwise.
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snusbandxknifewife · 3 years
How We Got Here/Where We’re Going
Hello yes hi! I am proud to introduce my gift for the lovely and amazing Tess, @clockworkgraystairs ! This started out as a wedding fic, but I couldn’t get it to work right until I was giving @wanderingpages her regularly scheduled Mayari update and saw her asynchronous pregnancy au and was like “!!!!!Holy shit that’s it.” So, without much further ado, I present the beginning of “How We Got Here/Where We’re Going”, an all human, modern au where Cardan and Jude have been a thing since college, ended up getting pregnant and having a daughter and marrying in their late 20s. Now it’s their honeymoon and they’re looking backwards at their past and forward towards their future.
Outside, fluffy grey clouds hung over a soft blanket of snow, masking any sound that might’ve accompanied the rising of the sun. Her bed was soft, her sheets warm, her room quiet. Jude couldn’t quite figure out what woke her up. Then, as she stretched out, her fingers hungrily searching as she fought sleep, she realized what it was: Cardan was missing.
Sitting up, her eyes bleary and drool dried on her cheek, she pouted. When she remembered that she didn’t have a stitch of clothing on—and that, plus a snowy log cabin, makes for freezing nips—she grumbled and burrowed back into the comforter.
Oh to have been a fly on the wall in the little cabin bedroom as Jude Greenbriar tumbled around in her nest of blankets, dragging them with her to grab underwear and pajamas and socks and fighting to avoid any cold air as she dressed. Cussing and tripping as she went, Jude scowled into nothing and cursed her fiancé—
Wait. Husband. It’s husband now.
—she cursed her husband for abandoning her to the elements and taking his space heater of a body with him when he went.
Jude wrapped herself up in her ball of bedding and went out the door, now awake enough to listen for movement in the small cabin. A pot clanged from the downstairs kitchen and her husband yelped and she smirked.
That’s what you get, loser.
As Jude walked down the stairs, she couldn’t miss the chaos of the living room. Most of their suitcases were still packed up and set by the fireplace, their skis and snow jackets barely made it in the door, and their wedding clothes were strewn haphazardly across the sofa. She was honestly impressed that they’d made it inside the house.
Just as she made it to the bottom of the stairs and headed towards the sofa to run her hand over her wedding dress, she heard something that made her stop.
“—And how should I know? Honestly Nic I’m not even sure how to bring it up to her,” Cardan sighed from within the kitchen, bustling around like he was making breakfast. “I think it might be good for us. Still, with how everything went when we had Faye, I don’t want to pressure her.”
She couldn’t help but frown in concern as her mind flitted back through everything she could remember about their first daughter and her pregnancy. From the confusion of her missed period to the worry as they waited on the test to the way Cardan’s eyes had lit up when the Ob/Gyn told them they were having a little girl.
What on earth would Nicasia be talking to him about?
Jude tried to tell herself that it was obvious, Nicasia was only days away from popping, and her pregnancy had been a bit of a nightmare. Maybe she was just nervous? But, then again, why ask Cardan about giving birth? Jude had been the one who carried Faye and, far more importantly, Nicasia’s own wife, Taryn, had already had a child herself.
Completely ignoring the fact that calling a man away from his wife on his honeymoon was probably in poor taste, but she digressed.
She kept herself as still as possible, angling her head so she could hear better.
“Yes, I know that, Nic,” he let out a little frustrated laugh, and Jude could just picture the way he would be pinching the bridge of his nose. “But Faye will be starting school soon and that’ll be a circus in it of itself, never mind adding on the stress that this would.”
He went quiet again and Jude crept back towards the stairs, hoping he wouldn’t walk through the kitchen door and catch her spying.
“I know you and Taryn want the little man to have a friend, but you remember how tough it was for Jude our first go round.”
Jude’s hand flew to her belly and she had to jump to catch the falling blankets before they made a sound and alerted her new husband.
So she wasn’t the only one who was getting suggestions about expanding the family.
It made sense, everyone had been talking to Jude about the idea as the wedding had gotten closer. Oriana had been completely starry eyed ever since Taryn’s firstborn, Rosemary, had graced them with her presence. In fact, their stepmother had barely batted an eyelash at Jude’s worries when she’d fallen pregnant during college, she was far too excited at the idea of another grand baby. Madoc had gotten past the shock and the disdain for Cardan enough to be hounding them for a grandson. Taryn thought having cousins the same age made for perfect best friends. It was a mess.
Sure, Nicasia being pregnant had bought them a little respite, but she could go into labor literally any minute, so there went that.
Jude rolled her eyes and began loudly making her way down the stairs again, giving her husband fair warning this time as she walked through the living room and towards the kitchen.
“Hold on, here she comes,” he whispered, low enough that he likely thought she couldn’t hear. Then, she hit the kitchen door with her mobile blanket fort and he spun around with a: “hey Hot Mama!”
“Stop calling me that, you dork,” she made a face, instantly regretting her decision not to sneak up and scare him.
He’s stood there by the stove, wearing nothing but his low-slung flannel pajama pants and grinning at her like an idiot as he leaned back against the counter. She refused to let her sneer fall, only growing more annoyed at how he could walk around half naked in such a freezing house.
“Huh?” He must’ve forgotten he was talking to Nicasia because he seemed surprised when she began speaking on the other end of the phone. “Oh, yeah, Jude’s finally awake. Y’know I kept her up last night, heyo.”
Jude let out a disgusted groan and he just started to laugh, giving her an exaggerated wink and thrusting his hips forward in a way that absolutely did not put butterflies in her stomach, thank you very much.
He tilted his head, listening to Nicasia for a moment before finally giving up. “Here I’ll put her on speaker.”
“Hey Nic!” Jude smiled, finally dropping her pretenses and walking over to give Cardan a big, blankety hug and morning kiss. “How did Faye do last night?”
“She was great! Didn’t get up until about seven this morning. Of course the little man already had me up, fuckin’ kid always sitting on my bladder,” Nicasia griped through the phone and Jude snorted. “I don’t know how you and Taryn both did this it sucks.”
“Yeah, but the payoff is really cute,” she shrugged, leaning her head against Cardan’s collarbone. “Especially when they have your nose or your eyes or they start saying how much they love their Mommy.”
“Is Rosemary ready for baby?” Cardan asked as he wrapped his arm around his blanket bundle of a wife.
“You know how she gets, she’s super attached to her moms. Well have to see once Taryn and I actually bring him home.”
“I’m sure she’ll be a great big sister, she’s always been wonderful to Faye,” Jude offered, smiling as her husband pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “She was very sweet when Faye was a baby.”
“She was three then. Seven-year-olds have much bigger personalities.” Nicasia sounded exhausted, more exhausted than a normal pregnant person would be and Jude worried at her lip.
While they hadn’t always been the closest, she and Nicasia had grown into a really solid friendship ever since the other woman had begun dating Jude’s sister, and she didn’t like to see her struggling. Nic had been a huge help in Jude’s own life and relationship, she’d been an amazing friend to Cardan, she didn’t deserve anything but the best, happiest transition to a family of four.
“Well she takes after her mother.”
“What’s that supposed to mean, Jackass?” Nicasia laughed at Cardan, her voice sounding like the tension broke a little.
Jude opened her mouth to give some word of advice or make some statement about how sure she was that it would be ok, but got cut off by the sound of commotion on the other end of the phone.
“What? Oh, yes Faerie-Faye it’s Mommy and Daddy,” Nic said, sounding far away from the phone. “Of course you can darling, here you go.”
Jude’s heart swelled and tears unexpectedly pricked at the back of her eyes as their daughter fumbled with the phone. She felt guilty, having forgotten for a moment that they were on their honeymoon without Faye. It was their first trip alone since her birth, and they’d both been on pins and needles when they’d said goodbye to her at the reception hall last night.
“Mommy?” Faye’s voice, tiny and soft like the twinkling of a wind chime, came through the phone. “Hello?”
“Hey little elf! How are you? Mommy misses you so much,” she gushed, reaching out and taking the phone from her husband in a mindless attempt to feel physically closer to her daughter. “Have you been good for Aunty Taryn and Aunt Nicky?”
Jude listened attentively as her four-year-old prattled on about everything she’d done since she left the reception hall with her aunts and cousin last night. To hear her tell it, Faye had had a great time. While it made her happy, Jude also found herself a little sad at the idea that her baby girl was doing so well without mom.
“And Daddy, Aunt Nicky let me touch her tummy when baby cousin kicked!”
“Were you gentle, Princess?” Cardan asked. He always called their daughter Princess, had since the first moment he’d held her in his arms. “Remember what we’ve said about soft hands.”
“Yes Daddy I used soft hands and nice words!”
“That’s my girl,” he said, that proud grin he always got whenever Faye listened to them plastering itself across his face.
The phone fell away and they heard some distant talking before their daughter was back on.
“Ok Mommy and Daddy, Rosemary is awake and we’re playing Rome. I love you, bye-bye!”
And she was gone before either of them could say another word, likely dropping her Aunt’s phone on the floor, if history could serve as a teacher. Jude tried not to let it hurt too much, she knew how seriously Faye took Rome—her word for the pretend gladiator-style tournaments her and her cousin put on. On any other day she’d be slightly smug at how well her kid swung a sword, but today she was away from her daughter and it really sucked.
“Sorry about that, I’ll make sure she stays on longer tonight,” Nicasia promised before either of them said anything. “But you know gladiator is a serious time in our house.”
“Oh to be sure. My wife is raising a little killer.”
“Looks like it runs in the family,” she laughed back. “Listen I’ll let you to go do gross honeymoon shit. Love you both, I’ll let you know if baby boy makes an early appearance.”
“Love you too, tell Faye we love her,” Cardan said, taking his phone back when she ended the call.
And, just that quickly, the little cabin in the snow-laden forest was silent again. Jude in her mountain of covers looked up at her new husband, her pout from earlier back as she tried not to cry.
“Awe, don’t do that to me Mama Bear; you know she misses you,” he frowned, pulling her close and kissing her temple.
“She’s my baby Cardan,” Jude whined, her voice muffled against his chest. “When did Rome become more important than Mommy?”
He scoffed, gathering her and her extra padding and setting the whole pile atop the kitchen island. “Rome is not more important than Mommy, you know that.”
“Rome sure sounded more important than Mommy.”
He turned his back with a roll of his eyes, reaching for the coffee that he must’ve been brewing before she woke up. She stopped her pouting long enough to take in the sight: Cardan’s messy black hair, his low-slung pants, the blatantly obvious fingernail marks carved up his back from last night. It was certainly a sight for sore eyes; it’s not every day you can wake up to something like that when you’ve got a toddler in tow.
“When you’re done ogling, would you like a cup?” He looked over his shoulder quickly, catching her in the act. His eyes twinkled so bright and full of mischief she didn’t even feel bad about being caught, she just smirked at him as she nodded.
Jude looked outside and saw that the heavy grey clouds had given up the fight and large, fluffy snowflakes were falling, bathing the world in yet another layer of snow.
“I hope Nic doesn’t go into labor early, we may be stuck here if the snow doesn’t stop,” she observed, suddenly quiet as she took the cup from his outstretched hand and brought it to her face, soaking in the warmth.
Cardan followed her gaze as he leaned back against his own counter, sipping from her Mrs mug that Liliver had gotten her as a joke. He looked pleasantly tired, not wired like he’d been after an all nighter in college or exhausted the way he was when Faye’d had a bad night as an infant. He looked like he was fit to curl up in bed with a book and be lazy all day, content with his place in the world.
It was a good look on him.
“She told me earlier that her doctor said she was only at 1.5 centimeters, she should make it to her due date.”
“I didn’t.”
“Well you were full of surprises with Faye’s pregnancy,” he mock-glared at her and she chuckled into her drink, remembering the look on his face when she’d told him her water had broken in her final.
Then his words hit her and her smile fell as she remembered what she’d overheard him saying to Nicasia. Cardan, well tuned in to her body language after so many years, noticed instantly.
What good is spying if you narc on yourself?
She sighed and stared into her mug, trying to figure out the words as he watched her, worried something was wrong. Then, finally, “I overheard you talking with Nic about my pregnancy with Faye.”
“How much did you hear?”
“Just the end, you talking about how tough it was, how you didn’t want to pressure me,” she admitted, continuing before he could respond. “I don’t want you to think you’re pressuring me I know we’ve talked about it and I—“
“Woah, woah, woah, calm it down Hot Mama let me explain,” he cut her off, taking her cup from her hands and setting it down in the counter so he could hold her. “That conversation wasn’t about the pregnancy, just the timing.”
He sighed, his jaw working like it always does when he’s a little frustrated. “Nic called right after I got a text from my brother. I should’ve talked to you first but the timing just worked out weird.”
“From Balekin?” She crinkled her nose in a frown that she knew he found adorable. “What could he possibly want? He knows he literally missed our wedding, right? The wedding that was yesterday.”
She cursed herself internally as she saw his little wince. She shouldn’t have said it so harshly, it just pissed her off that the man who raised her husband would refuse to be there when they got married.
“No, from Dain,” Cardan said, stopping her thoughts right in their track. “It’s about the company. Rhyia is apparently sick of being CFO, wants a peace of the trust fund baby action like me.”
She couldn’t help but grind her teeth at that, remembering that glorious fight all those years ago at his family’s mansion when he’d announced their pregnancy.
“So what do you have to do with it?”
“Dain wants to keep it in the family,” he chewed at his bottom lip. “Remembers I was in for business and you were in for finance. Thinks we could make a go of it together.”
“Oh so now you’re family,” she laughed angrily, her blood already boiling again after four years of avoiding the subject. “You weren’t family when you were a defenseless kid and you weren’t family when we were pregnant and fucking panicking but now he needs something—“
She broke off with a huff, flexing her fists and aching for her punching bag back home in their basement. It really wouldn’t do getting this riled up, it hadn’t helped them before and it wouldn’t help them now.
“Cool it, Supervillain, I see that look in your eyes,” he chuckled, forcing his hands under the blankets so he could grab her by the hips.
“I’m not a supervillain,” she grumbled.
“You’re my supervillain,” he cooed back, leaning forward to press soft little butterfly kisses to her jawline. “My sexy little supervillain Hot Mama.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
She decided not to answer as he continued kissing down the line of her throat, his breath hot over her pulse and his lips soft against her chapped skin.
Jude couldn’t help the way she tilted her chin up, the little grin that graced her face as her eyes fluttered closed. She missed moments like these, times when they could be overly affectionate without having to worry about the baby seeing and yelling about how gross it was.
He pulled away and her eyes shot back open, ready to complain until she saw the look on his face. He was troubled, almost apprehensive.
“I was honestly thinking about agreeing,” he admitted before she could ask what was wrong.
Her brain short circuited for a moment, too distracted by his kisses to remember what they had been talking about. When she finally connected the dots, she frowned. “But you bought out of the company years ago, babe. Why go back to the headache?”
“A higher paying job,” he sighed, stepping away to run his hands through his messy hair and lean against the counter again. “I don’t like the idea of charging your sister more for my help, but I still want to make sure we have a secure future.”
“Baby, I know our finances. We are fine.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Even without my paycheck.”
“Still, I’d rather be safe. Plus Faye will be going to school next year and I’ll have all that extra time on my hands,” he looked away from her, chewing at the inside of his lip as he watched the snow fall. “We’d be able to really change how we live if we took this job. A better house, vacations, secure college fund for the kids.”
Jude studied Cardan, her eyes roving over his midnight black curls, down his ears—which used to be stretched—across the tattoo of her and Faye’s birthdates at his wrist, and she smiled. He’d changed so much since they first met, given up a lot of his more daring, self-destructive ways to provide for her and their family. He’d stepped up when she needed him to, he’d stepped up in a way that no man in his family ever did for him. She was proud.
“I thought kids is what you’d been discussing with Nic.”
His eyes shot back to her, but his head didn’t turn. She was quiet, almost nervous as she said it. They’d talked about maybe one day having more kids, mentioned it the same way one might say they wanted to hike the Appalachian trail some day.
But it had been so scary with Faye, so hard figuring out how to become parents, how to maintain their relationship and build a home, all while they were just barely adults. The pregnancy had been tough and full of shock, the family had been kind of a mess on both sides. It was just a disaster from the word go.
Still, Jude remembered how Cardan looked when he first saw that positive pregnancy test all those years ago. She remembered how he used to love waking up at night to feed the baby, called it his special Daddy-Daughter Time. She saw the way he still held one of Faye’s sonograms in his wallet every time she took her birth control.
“Did you now?” Cardan barely sounded like he was breathing.
She nodded. “I heard Nicasia giving you the same guilt trip Taryn gives me about cousins.”
“They do seem to think that baby boy should have a friend.” His face didn’t give anything away. He was, for the first time in years, so carefully blank around her.
“What do you think?”
The air, still frigid enough to keep Jude wrapped up in her nest, seemed charged with electricity as Cardan finally turned his head back to face his wife. If she’d gazed upon him with an untrained eye, she would’ve thought he looked like the picture of cruelty, an evil sneer pulling at his lips as he studied her through lidded eyes.
But Jude’s gaze wasn’t untrained, she knew her husband. And, so, she knew that the man in front of her was absolutely terrified as he said: “I think there might be some merit to the idea.”
He took a long sip of his coffee to hide his smile as Jude worried at her deformed ring finger.
Well, here goes nothing
“I was thinking about stopping my birth control,” she quietly said, trying not to let her heart leap at the slight quirk of his brows. “Maybe not actively trying but, y’know, also not actively preventing.”
As soon as the words were out, she felt kind of panicked. Up until that point, everything they’d done—moving in after they got pregnant, getting engaged, marrying—had felt kind of inevitable. But having a second baby wasn’t necessarily a foregone conclusion. Talking about it felt nerve-wracking, like they were actually moving to make their family a reality.
“You want a kid with me?” Cardan sounded kind of awed, his jaw a little slack as he watched her.
“I have a kid with you, babe.”
“No,” he held a hand up. “No it was different with Faye. She wasn’t planned, she just happened and we figured out how to make it work.”
He set his drink down and once again crossed the distance between them, digging in to her cocoon as he pressed his forehead to hers.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love Faye with all my heart, she’s the best thing that’s happened to me,” he continued. “But the idea that you’d be more than ok with, that you’d literally want a child with me—“
“Does it shock you?”
He let out a small laugh, shaking his head as if to clear it before gazing up at her with love in his eyes. “Yes, Jude Greenbriar. Yes it does.”
“Well it shouldn’t,” she snorted. “I carried a little you once before and she turned out pretty damn cute.”
“I think I’m going to need to hear you actually say it.”
She laughed, her head thrown back as the sound filled the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around Cardan and kissed his temple, holding him close and thanking the gods that they’d made it to that point.
“You need to hear me say what?” Jude teased, her grin contagious as Cardan looked up at her.
“Jude, my darling my dear, my sexy little Hot Mama,” he started, dutifully ignoring how she dramatically protested at the nickname, “I need to hear you say that you want to have my child.”
Jude leaned forward, taking in the soft, earthy scent of him with a mischievous smile.
“Cardan, my love my sweet, my amazing sexy husband,” she imitated him, tilting her head to drag her teeth across his jaw.
He leaned back, giving her the room to slide off the kitchen counter and into his arms. The blankets fell off her shoulders, exposing her to the cool air as she pressed herself against him, already feeling just how desperately he wanted her.
She let her hands wander the expanse of his chest, her fingers ghosting over his skin until she could reach around to the nail marks on his back. With a smile, she traced them, remembering how he’d earned those scrapes when he spread her legs open on the floor last night after they’d given up on making it to the couch.
Cardan grabbed her by the hip, sliding one of his knees between her thighs and locking his eyes with hers as he waited with bated breath for her to finish.
Jude, not one to deny herself a good time, let the strap of her pajama shirt fall off her shoulder as she bit her bottom lip, leaned forward, and whispered--
“Put a baby in me.”
A/N: Ok so a few things, one the tumblr app wouldn’t let me copy and paste all the story on mobile so I had to retype some online so I’m sorry if the format fucked up. Also I have a bunch of ideas for these kids so if you want to see any more of this AU, feel free to send in requests! Happy holidays @clockworkgraystairs , I hope you enjoy cute Parent!Jurdan doing cute adult shit!
Tag list: @cardan-greenbriar-tcp @hizqueen4life @slightlyrebelliouswriter23 @thewickedkings @aelin-queen-of-terrasen @cheekycheekycheeks @queen-of-glass @b00kworm @doingmyrainbow @jurdanhell @thesirenwashere @illyrianwitchling @courtofjurdan @clockworkgraystairs @st00pid231 @booksandlewks @fateandluminary @addies-invisible-life If you want to be added, just let me know!
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komalrazaq · 2 years
In its outset, corrective medical procedure was acted in the mystery of little workplaces and under here and there not so great settings. Today, restorative medical procedure more normal and is out in the open. Unscripted tv including Plastic medical procedure is convincing and well known. Online media is loaded up with prior and then afterward photographs and live gushing of life in the realm of Plastic medical procedure. We at Cosmetic Surgery Baltimore are seeing a few patients being more open with regards to numerous strategies. For instance, Breast expansion and stomach tucks AKA "mother makeovers" are invited after pregnancy and tummy tuck treatment in Islamabad
There is no disgrace in reshaping your picture and reestablishing your confidence. Numerous patients need to effectively upgrade or support their certainty as well as to reflect how they feel. For a large number of our restorative patients, it's difficult for them to take a gander at consistently at a face or body they at this point don't perceive. The choice to have Cosmetic medical procedure is a profoundly close to home decision that patients make after a careful meeting. Most patients before medical procedure stay extremely private with regards to their choice to have a medical procedure. A short time later, when they are so content with their outcomes, they become diplomats in alluding their loved ones
For those of you hoping to avoid the inquiries here are a couple of instances of a portion of the fanciful stories and reasons we hear at Cosmetic Surgery Baltimore:
Non-surgeries (filler infusions) = Dental techniques like insight teeth, gum a medical procedure and dental inserts can cause comparable enlarging and swelling. Klutzy pardons like incidentally hitting your face with an entryway, or falling at home have been utilized with progress.
Stomach fold = Fixing a hernia or any GYN medical procedure are great ones. Having "female medical procedure" is incredible in light of the fact that couple of companions or working environments will "go there" to ask for more data! What's more, coincidentally, assuming you are a lady having a belly fold you are having female medical procedure so there's not a remotely good excuse to feel remorseful!
Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) = Fixing a digressed septum and having sinus medical procedure are well known reasons and have a similar recuperation as a rhinoplasty.
Liposuction = Any kind of minor athletic injury, similar to a muscle strain, sprain or wind can generally put you down and out for one to about fourteen days
Bosom a medical procedure = Muscular and joint reasons like a shoulder injury, pulled muscle and neck strain work incredible and can give you the reason you are searching for when you can't lift a lot of just after medical procedure!
Facial medical procedure (facelift, eyelid medical procedure) = Just say that you had upper eyelid medical procedure since it was influencing your vision. It worked for your mom! Having a "little neck fixing" is by all accounts a for the most part acknowledged a medical procedure in any event, when you are truly having a full facelift.
Share Your Experience Proudly:
Numerous patients are mindful so as to stay quiet about their touch-ups, others gladly wear their careful tape on their sleeves and even chronical their plastic medical procedure venture via web-based media, or make open care groups. I get a great deal of references from patients that common their experience on Instagram and Facebook which I am excited to see. I love the delightful way web-based media can unite individuals and help demystify and destigmatize plastic medical procedure.
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kingstonjael · 6 years
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“Dating SINGLE Men In Their 50s Just May Be A Thing” Happy Flashback Friday! I am so sorry that my blogging has been so infrequent. My current transition has me in deep thought. There are days I miss the Ex Factor (not really spending time with him but talking to him) and other times I know that I made the right decision for the BOTH of us. He is emotionally unavailable and I want a man that is capable of feeling. Putting all that aside, I awoke a few mornings ago feeling a sense of relief for two reasons. First, when my loved ones are complaining about their spouses...I no longer have any complaints. I’m just a listening ear and that’s a great feeling! Secondly, and this one is the hardest one to swallow, with no Ex Factor aka younger man...women can finally stop questioning my fucking reproductive system!!!✌🏾 Some distasteful women (I remember all your names) reminded me that the Ex Factor could always leave me and start a family later on in life because he is so much younger than me. I hate to admit it but some of that fear kept me self sabotaging myself and us. I free him every time to fuck who he wants, fall in love, or start a family when he sees fit. An even bigger fear was that he would stay with me and when he wanted children...I may not be able to have them. 😭 This fear crippled me day and night. I have never checked up on my reproductive system. Every year I have my annual GYN visit filled with STD tests and a stamp of approval saying I’m not pregnant and can go fuck freely with my birth control in hand. 🙌🏽 After I get the good news, I ride off into the sexual sunset. 😳🤣 I have never asked my GYN to check up on my eggs. And now that the Ex Factor and I are over...I have no plans of it. I meant it when I said he was my baby’s daddy. Without him...I’m back to not having a desire to have children...especially naturally. Auntie Kingston is just that. AUNTIE! And that got me to thinking....what age group should I date in when I’m ready? If I want my reproductive system to just breathe...50 year old men sound about right. By his 50s he may have been married before (and now divorced) and should have some grown ass children. Auntie Kingston loves children but purposely created a life without them. I LOVE MY FREEDOM! Thus, I need a man free to focus on us. No time for small children. I don’t even have a dog and have been wanting one for so long. 😳🙄 My schedule is not conducive to me having anyone nor anything waiting at home for me. Anyways...back to the 50s. I really want to apologize to 50 year old women looking for men their age. It’s unfair for my 37 year old fine ass to enter your market. Yikes! 🙄 But I yearn for the freedom most of you have....done raising children and currently traveling the world. 🙌🏽 Before I jump into your market though...there are a few obstacles with dating 50 year old men. First, I don’t like older men. I haven’t since I was 14 years old. 🙄😉 Second, I am a daddy’s girl so it’s mad creepy to be dating in his age group. Both my parents look really young for their age! And because I got a Daddy...I damn sure don’t need another one! 🙌🏽 Third, I know a lot of 50 and 60 year old fools! Got an uncle in his 60s still giving out promise rings to his baby mamas! 😐🔪🔪🔪 If at 60 a man isn’t ready to commit...bitch run! I promise you that you will end up on an episode of “Snapped” waiting on a man that old. 😩 Uncle, get your shit together!!! But I digress! My point is I know age does not equal maturity!!! Fourth, a man in his 50s needs to be financially stable with some extra coins in the bank. That means money is a big factor in my consideration of dating in this age group. I have struggled with 20 and 30 years old but I will be damned if I have to fuck old broke balls! 😩🔪 Just keeping it real. No young sperm here that can serve as a consolation prize if things don’t work out!!!! 😩 I will work with a man in his 20s and 30s and love him where he is at but once a man (of ANY race) hits 40s...my work with a brotha program has officially ended! From ages 20-28, I loved the Ex Factor for exactly who he was and where he was in life. I only wanted him to be more caring. 💜 I wanted to feel loved and desired by him and only him. He probably won’t get that until 20 years from now when he’s with who he is suppose to be with....he may then finally realize how much I loved him. 😭 Some men just aren’t ready to be loved unconditionally! 💕 But I digress again! Fifth, if he’s in his 50s...he better be fit and look like my parents...like he is in his 30s and 40s. Part of this is for superficial reasons and the other part is about if we find real love...I need to know he will live to be around for as many decades as he can! 💜 Lastly, a man of any age needs to trust me and respect my freedom!!! My solo trips are a huge part of who I am. I don’t want that to change...especially not for a man! 🙌🏽 Once I get pass these obstacles, I think my new dating plan just might work! And for once I will be the PYT (Pretty Young Thang). 😘 ~KJM on Flashback Friday? For my singles out there, what age groups are you dating in and why? Best wishes in love and life no matter what you decide! 💕
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kristablogs · 4 years
The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts!
This week we’re keeping it light or is it lite? Or is it lyte? Well, whatever it is, we’re still in vacay mode and I’m sure you are too, so we’re going to make this fast!
It’s a brand new year! YAY! I have lots of goals and ambitions for the year of 2020, and my first is to finish my goals and ambitions for last year… and the year before that. KIDDING.
I actually do love setting goals and I’m all for setting them at any time of the year (or any time of the day, really. I’ve set goals at 2 am before!) but there’s just something so fresh and exciting about the new year and new dreams. Kind of like opening up a new box of crayons and smelling that waxy goodness… know what I’m saying?
It’s been a slower week here at Simply Recipes, so there’s not a whole lot to catch up on, but there are a few things!
One slick flick – I totally got sucked into this cooking show on YouTube. Can’t seem to tear my eyeballs away from the screen. (PS They also have a cookbook out! It’s on my list!)
The Singing Doctor – Last week Andy shared a song from The Offspring, and after a little digging around, we found out the drummer is now an OB/GYN. Now there’s some news that’ll blow your mind!
Cray cray for Jo Jo’s! The Team can’t stay away from Trader Joe’s Peppermint Jo Jo’s! May day!
Blissful Blossoms – Summer thoroughly enjoyed a few Peanut Butter Blossoms over the holiday break, and we are totally cool with that because THEY’RE AH-MAZE.
And that’s basically it. Told ya it was short!
We hosted our first Virtual Ugly Sweater Party (so fun!), gave away a fun gift box, and basically broke the interwebz with this lovely recipe. It’s part of my New Year’s resolution to eat it every day. KIDDING AGAIN.
We really felt the love from all y’all this holiday season! You’re so kind with the comments you leave and the stories you share… we just wanted to give you a giant THANKS! and let you all know that you’re all a winner in our book! Or should I say you’re all a winner on our site because we’re not a book?! I digress…
HERE’S TO 2020! Cheers!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!" »
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simplerecipess · 4 years
The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts!
This week we’re keeping it light or is it lite? Or is it lyte? Well, whatever it is, we’re still in vacay mode and I’m sure you are too, so we’re going to make this fast!
It’s a brand new year! YAY! I have lots of goals and ambitions for the year of 2020, and my first is to finish my goals and ambitions for last year… and the year before that. KIDDING.
I actually do love setting goals and I’m all for setting them at any time of the year (or any time of the day, really. I’ve set goals at 2 am before!) but there’s just something so fresh and exciting about the new year and new dreams. Kind of like opening up a new box of crayons and smelling that waxy goodness… know what I’m saying?
It’s been a slower week here at Simply Recipes, so there’s not a whole lot to catch up on, but there are a few things!
One slick flick – I totally got sucked into this cooking show on YouTube. Can’t seem to tear my eyeballs away from the screen. (PS They also have a cookbook out! It’s on my list!)
The Singing Doctor – Last week Andy shared a song from The Offspring, and after a little digging around, we found out the drummer is now an OB/GYN. Now there’s some news that’ll blow your mind!
Cray cray for Jo Jo’s! The Team can’t stay away from Trader Joe’s Peppermint Jo Jo’s! May day!
Blissful Blossoms – Summer thoroughly enjoyed a few Peanut Butter Blossoms over the holiday break, and we are totally cool with that because THEY’RE AH-MAZE.
And that’s basically it. Told ya it was short!
We hosted our first Virtual Ugly Sweater Party (so fun!), gave away a fun gift box, and basically broke the interwebz with this lovely recipe. It’s part of my New Year’s resolution to eat it every day. KIDDING AGAIN.
We really felt the love from all y’all this holiday season! You’re so kind with the comments you leave and the stories you share… we just wanted to give you a giant THANKS! and let you all know that you’re all a winner in our book! Or should I say you’re all a winner on our site because we’re not a book?! I digress…
HERE’S TO 2020! Cheers!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!" »
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mrocknroll · 4 years
The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts!
This week we’re keeping it light or is it lite? Or is it lyte? Well, whatever it is, we’re still in vacay mode and I’m sure you are too, so we’re going to make this fast!
It’s a brand new year! YAY! I have lots of goals and ambitions for the year of 2020, and my first is to finish my goals and ambitions for last year… and the year before that. KIDDING.
I actually do love setting goals and I’m all for setting them at any time of the year (or any time of the day, really. I’ve set goals at 2 am before!) but there’s just something so fresh and exciting about the new year and new dreams. Kind of like opening up a new box of crayons and smelling that waxy goodness… know what I’m saying?
It’s been a slower week here at Simply Recipes, so there’s not a whole lot to catch up on, but there are a few things!
One slick flick – I totally got sucked into this cooking show on YouTube. Can’t seem to tear my eyeballs away from the screen. (PS They also have a cookbook out! It’s on my list!)
The Singing Doctor – Last week Andy shared a song from The Offspring, and after a little digging around, we found out the drummer is now an OB/GYN. Now there’s some news that’ll blow your mind!
Cray cray for Jo Jo’s! The Team can’t stay away from Trader Joe’s Peppermint Jo Jo’s! May day!
Blissful Blossoms – Summer thoroughly enjoyed a few Peanut Butter Blossoms over the holiday break, and we are totally cool with that because THEY’RE AH-MAZE.
And that’s basically it. Told ya it was short!
We hosted our first Virtual Ugly Sweater Party (so fun!), gave away a fun gift box, and basically broke the interwebz with this lovely recipe. It’s part of my New Year’s resolution to eat it every day. KIDDING AGAIN.
We really felt the love from all y’all this holiday season! You’re so kind with the comments you leave and the stories you share… we just wanted to give you a giant THANKS! and let you all know that you’re all a winner in our book! Or should I say you’re all a winner on our site because we’re not a book?! I digress…
HERE’S TO 2020! Cheers!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!" »
The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light! published first on your-t1-blog-url
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foodnetworkusa · 4 years
The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!
Food Network: Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts! This week we’re keeping it light or is it lite? Or is it lyte? Well, whatever it is, we’re still in vacay mode and I’m sure you are too, so we’re going to make this fast! It’s a brand new year! YAY! I have lots of goals and ambitions for the year of 2020, and my first is to finish my goals and ambitions for last year… and the year before that. KIDDING. I actually do love setting goals and I’m all for setting them at any time of the year (or any time of the day, really. I’ve set goals at 2 am before!) but there’s just something so fresh and exciting about the new year and new dreams. Kind of like opening up a new box of crayons and smelling that waxy goodness… know what I’m saying? It’s been a slower week here at Simply Recipes, so there’s not a whole lot to catch up on, but there are a few things! OUR FAVES FROM THE WEEK * One slick flick – I totally got sucked into this cooking show on YouTube. Can’t seem to tear my eyeballs away from the screen. (PS They also have a cookbook out! It’s on my list!) * The Singing Doctor – Last week Andy shared a song from The Offspring, and after a little digging around, we found out the drummer is now an OB/GYN. Now there’s some news that’ll blow your mind! * Cray cray for Jo Jo’s! The Team can’t stay away from Trader Joe’s Peppermint Jo Jo’s! May day! * Blissful Blossoms – Summer thoroughly enjoyed a few Peanut Butter Blossoms over the holiday break, and we are totally cool with that because THEY’RE AH-MAZE. And that’s basically it. Told ya it was short! MEANWHILE ON THE INSTAGRAM We hosted our first Virtual Ugly Sweater Party (so fun!), gave away a fun gift box, and basically broke the interwebz with this lovely recipe. It’s part of my New Year’s resolution to eat it every day. KIDDING AGAIN. READER COMMENT OF THE WEEK We really felt the love from all y’all this holiday season! You’re so kind with the comments you leave and the stories you share… we just wanted to give you a giant THANKS! and let you all know that you’re all a winner in our book! Or should I say you’re all a winner on our site because we’re not a book?! I digress… HERE’S TO 2020! Cheers! Continue reading "The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!" »
0 notes
helloiamagoat · 4 years
The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts!
This week we’re keeping it light or is it lite? Or is it lyte? Well, whatever it is, we’re still in vacay mode and I’m sure you are too, so we’re going to make this fast!
It’s a brand new year! YAY! I have lots of goals and ambitions for the year of 2020, and my first is to finish my goals and ambitions for last year… and the year before that. KIDDING.
I actually do love setting goals and I’m all for setting them at any time of the year (or any time of the day, really. I’ve set goals at 2 am before!) but there’s just something so fresh and exciting about the new year and new dreams. Kind of like opening up a new box of crayons and smelling that waxy goodness… know what I’m saying?
It’s been a slower week here at Simply Recipes, so there’s not a whole lot to catch up on, but there are a few things!
One slick flick – I totally got sucked into this cooking show on YouTube. Can’t seem to tear my eyeballs away from the screen. (PS They also have a cookbook out! It’s on my list!)
The Singing Doctor – Last week Andy shared a song from The Offspring, and after a little digging around, we found out the drummer is now an OB/GYN. Now there’s some news that’ll blow your mind!
Cray cray for Jo Jo’s! The Team can’t stay away from Trader Joe’s Peppermint Jo Jo’s! May day!
Blissful Blossoms – Summer thoroughly enjoyed a few Peanut Butter Blossoms over the holiday break, and we are totally cool with that because THEY’RE AH-MAZE.
And that’s basically it. Told ya it was short!
We hosted our first Virtual Ugly Sweater Party (so fun!), gave away a fun gift box, and basically broke the interwebz with this lovely recipe. It’s part of my New Year’s resolution to eat it every day. KIDDING AGAIN.
We really felt the love from all y’all this holiday season! You’re so kind with the comments you leave and the stories you share… we just wanted to give you a giant THANKS! and let you all know that you’re all a winner in our book! Or should I say you’re all a winner on our site because we’re not a book?! I digress…
HERE’S TO 2020! Cheers!
Continue reading "The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!" »
from Simply Recipes https://ift.tt/39BH7MU
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evaknowsfood · 4 years
New Post has been published on EvaGalloway.com
New Post has been published at https://evagalloway.com/the-friday-buzz-keeping-it-light/
The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!
Welcome to The Friday Buzz, our roundup of all good things, good advice, good feelings. It’s the happy hour of blog posts!
This week we’re keeping it light or is it lite? Or is it lyte? Well, whatever it is, we’re still in vacay mode and I’m sure you are too, so we’re going to make this fast!
It’s a brand new year! YAY! I have lots of goals and ambitions for the year of 2020, and my first is to finish my goals and ambitions for last year… and the year before that. KIDDING.
I actually do love setting goals and I’m all for setting them at any time of the year (or any time of the day, really. I’ve set goals at 2 am before!) but there’s just something so fresh and exciting about the new year and new dreams. Kind of like opening up a new box of crayons and smelling that waxy goodness… know what I’m saying?
It’s been a slower week here at Simply Recipes, so there’s not a whole lot to catch up on, but there are a few things!
One slick flick – I totally got sucked into this cooking show on YouTube. Can’t seem to tear my eyeballs away from the screen. (PS They also have a cookbook out! It’s on my list!)
The Singing Doctor – Last week Andy shared a song from The Offspring, and after a little digging around, we found out the drummer is now an OB/GYN. Now there’s some news that’ll blow your mind!
Cray cray for Jo Jo’s! The Team can’t stay away from Trader Joe’s Peppermint Jo Jo’s! May day!
Blissful Blossoms – Summer thoroughly enjoyed a few Peanut Butter Blossoms over the holiday break, and we are totally cool with that because THEY’RE AH-MAZE.
And that’s basically it. Told ya it was short!
We hosted our first Virtual Ugly Sweater Party (so fun!), gave away a fun gift box, and basically broke the interwebz with this lovely recipe. It’s part of my New Year’s resolution to eat it every day. KIDDING AGAIN.
We really felt the love from all y’all this holiday season! You’re so kind with the comments you leave and the stories you share… we just wanted to give you a giant THANKS! and let you all know that you’re all a winner in our book! Or should I say you’re all a winner on our site because we’re not a book?! I digress…
HERE’S TO 2020! Cheers!
Continue reading “The Friday Buzz: Keeping it Light!” »
0 notes
egooksconnolly · 7 years
8 Ways Your Body Tells You You’re Super Fertile!
After all those years spent endeavoring not to get pregnant, you may believe that all you need is one night with no protection – and voilà! You’re pregnant!
But life ain’t always so easy. Unless, of course, you show the signs of possessing super fertility. Then, the process is a cakewalk. Well, not exactly, unless you have a cake fetish, then –
I digress.
Your next question may very well be – how do I know if I’m super fertile? Well, women can have varying levels of fertility when compared to each other. Every woman is different. The key to understanding what your body has to say is to simply listen. I know, mind-blowing. So, read on to discover what signs to look out for when monitoring yourself in order to determine your fertility in the old fashioned, fertility-test-free way! Here are eight signs your body shall reveal if you’re brimming with fertility:
1. Your Period Is Like Clockwork
Image: Shutterstock
Your period is very predictable. In fact, you have trouble empathizing with friends who complain about their periods taking them by surprise because, hello, don’t they always arrive when they’re supposed to? Yeah, you’re above surprise period agony for sure.
Presuming you aren’t taking any birth control, if your menstrual cycle is consistently 25-35 days, then lady, you���re fertile (1). According to ob-gyn Dr. Wendy Change, “This reliable pattern usually means a woman is ovulating every month.” A longer menstrual cycle can also signify having a “strong ovarian reserve” (read: think eggs. Like, a lot.)
2. It’s Clear Discharge Galore Down There
Image: Shutterstock
Halfway through the menstrual cycle is when a woman is most fertile. This is when you will notice abundant amounts of notably odorless and clear vaginal discharge (2). This is basically a way for your fertile body to facilitate the transport of sperm through your cervix right before you conceive.
“Women who notice lots of clear mucous discharge likely enjoy good estrogen production and cervical gland function,” states Dr. Chang. When it comes to baby making, it’s only good things down there!
3. Your Bleeding Is Perfectly Average
Image: Shutterstock
And girl, trust us, for the first time, being average is good. It’s a universally acknowledged truth that every woman’s period differs in regards to duration and amount of bleeding. Some women encounter regular heavy flow for just a few days, while others can experience consistent light droplets for close to a week. What we’re trying to say is that periods come in all shapes and sizes.
However, in order to get pregnant, you need a sufficiently lush and thick uterine lining. This means, no heavy bleeding or clotting, for they will drain your uterus (not in a good way) and inhibit it from preparing for implantation. If you’re aiming to get pregnant, your flow needs to be average.
4. You Can Influence Other Women’s Periods
Image: Shutterstock
You’re basically a wizard. Super fertile women come with super powers – you can magically sync other women’s cycles with you! The technical term for this is ‘menstrual synchrony,’ which basically means strong pheromones emitted by some women can affect the cycles of the women they often hang around with (3). And emitting strong pheromones is also a sign of…? You guessed it! Super fertility.
(What did you think? Harry Potter? Magic? Tsk tsk!)
5. Your Breasts Are Well-Formed
Image: Shutterstock
Your hormone levels can significantly influence the size and shape of your breasts. So, if you’re a lady with particularly well-developed breasts, then your hormones are working just fine. Which also presents us with the diagnosis – you’re super fertile! However, it’s important to mention here – if someone’s on the smaller side of the breast scale, that isn’t equivalent to them being unable to have children.
6. Severe Pelvic Pain? Not You, Girl
Image: Shutterstock
While PMS and menstrual cramps may be a good sign (in terms of fertility, not pain, of course! Please don’t kill us). Experiencing pelvic pain that is severe could be a bad sign with regards to fertility. According to Dr. Chang, “Sometimes severe menstrual or pelvic pain can represent endometriosis, ovarian cysts, infection, or other disorder that can impact the ovaries and fallopian tubes,” and therefore also your baby-making abilities.
7. Despite Birth Control, You’ve Gotten Pregnant Before
Image: Shutterstock
If in spite of using birth control measures like pills or an IUD, you’ve gotten pregnant before, then this is a very strong indicator of being super fertile. FYI, typically oral contraceptives are only 91% effective, so it isn’t entirely impossible to conceive while on birth control.
8. Your Medical History Is Squeaky Clean
Image: Shutterstock
If you’ve successfully been on top of all UTIs, and even possible STIs treatments, your chances of super fertility are greater. If after becoming sexually active, you’ve been unswervingly getting check-ups done by your gynecologist, then your fallopian tubes and cervix – essential in regards to conceiving – are probably in excellent shape.
While it’s rather fun guessing how easy (or not so easy) it may be for you to conceive, it is also important for you to remember that a woman shouldn’t be labeled as ‘fertile’ unless she’s already had a child. Hence, please allow that to be your ultimate and only indicator!
The post 8 Ways Your Body Tells You You’re Super Fertile! appeared first on STYLECRAZE.
The article source is here:Style Craze
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kingstonjael · 7 years
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Fashion is not my life yet with the correct styling…fashion gives me a whole new lease on life. Lately, I’ve been looking good and feeling good! Yasss🙌🏽 Today, I want to share 7 of my Fashion 2017 MUST HAVES in hopes that it will inspire you ladies to be bold with your colors and choices! 7. SPANX WITH THE CROTCH CUT OUT! My spanx is right up there with my credit card and birth control…I don’t leave home without it! Until I get my snap back body (from life…no baby lol), my favorite pair of spanx gives me that snatch back look! 🙌🏽 Yasss child. But up until recently, those bad boys use to seal off my pussy! Poor thing in the summer…just can’t catch a break and get some air unless I leave my spanx and underwear at home. 😉 Reminiscing right now about some of the hot summer date nights the Ex Factor and I use to share! 😍 But I digress. Someone must have finally sent Spanx the memo that their customers are fighting off vaginal infections while wearing their products…because the next time I went to buy my favorite pair…THE CROTCH WAS CUT OUT! Spanx, my vagina and GYN thanks you! 😘 Snatch my waist…not my pussy hairs! Yasss lawd…I’m feeling free! 🙌🏽 6. GOLD IS BACK (EXCEPT FOR ENGAGEMENT RINGS🙄)! When I was on my way to San Francisco, I boldly decided to switch up my almost 100% silver jewelry collection (well I really only wear earrings) for some gold! My favorite were these gigantic gold heart earrings! Had me feeling totally 90s! Yass🙌🏽 Couldn’t tell me anything in those earrings! And surprisingly…I glow in them! So yasss gold is back! Even though it’s like sexy…it never really left! 🤑5. HOOP EARRINGS! Now to me these never went out of style! A nice hoop lets me get my Jersey girl on easily! I feel sexy in them and ready to take on the world! Stop being modest and get ready to be bold! 4. EYELASHES! Now I’m not talking about those bad clown ones some women are wearing…I’m talking about the tastefully done ones…with a bit of drama! I tried my very first semi permanent pair before I left for San Francisco and I LOVE THEM! Lately, I’ve been wearing minimal makeup (MAC’s concealer, brown eyebrow pencil, a little shimmering glow from MAC on my cheeks, and a NYX Velvet Matte lipstick called Duchess Duchess) and everyone is going crazy over this look on me! It’s the lashes people! 😍 That’s what’s making my look pop! Try getting semi permanent lashes that fit your features and don’t be afraid to turn up the drama! 3. COFFIN NAILS/SHAPE! I use to wear my real nails in a square pattern. It’s been around forever! Well for my first trip to California…the same old same old just wouldn’t do! I had my nail tech file my nails into the coffin nails’ shape and I absolutely adore it! Never have my nails looked sexier! 😍 2. A NEW HAIR STYLE! Once again, for my San Francisco trip…I wanted dramatic change so I gave my hairdresser permission to do a new hair style! And boy did she hit the nail on the dot! I got the drama and the change I so desperately needed! Now…I’m not that big on change but I know when it’s time for it…at least fashion wise. I have these deep bangs that are cut in an edgy manner and every day I wake up feeling like Angela Bassett’s cousin! Yass hunni! She did that! 🙌🏽 1. A NEW ATTITUDE! Society always preys on girls and women…leaving us feeling self conscious but I’ve noticed it gets even worse once a woman approaches her 30s…especially if she’s a mother. I hear women say…I’m too old for this or I’m too tired for this. Well um…no disrespect…but y'all look it! Even though I was much smaller in my 20s…I did not know the meaning of SEXY until I entered my 30s! 🙌🏽 Now I kill it. 30s taught me what being seductive is about! I’ve taken more risks in this decade than any other thus far! Hell I’ve been fucking a man 9 years MY JUNIOR for 6.5 years! 🤑😘🙄How the fuck you think I bring him to his knees (sexually of course)?! Them young girls ain’t taking their vitamins like they use to! Lol. 30s (and up) should equal CONFIDENCE! 🙌🏽 Yass…hail to my 30s! It gave birth to a BOSS CHICK on all levels. So if you let your age define and restrict you…you will look it. One of the things I learned from Mama Michaels is that each decade is an opportunity to redefine yourself…not lose yourself. And trust…she’s a bad chick in her own right! I don’t know too many people who have a mother that looks like mine…at any age! 🙌🏽 So kick that I’m too old and I’m just going to do this one style for the rest of my life view! That thought process is tired and it looks it! ~KJM dropping some fashion tips on Temptation Tuesday! 😘
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