#but all of this is irrelevant bc even if i did talk to her privately that post would still be necessary bc the Point is acknowledgement
unicornofgt · 2 years
re my most recent gtms post: y’all do not get to decide if it was uncalled for for me to acknowledge the last year’s worth of events. it is not up to you. you do not have to like how or that i did it: it is not up to you, i do not care how you feel about it. as i said in my post, i did not make it as a call out, i made it as an acknowledgement to move forward. and to the people whose reaction was “why didn’t you just say no/that you were uncomfortable”: re-evaluate that take. i am not interested in dragging this out further than it needs to be and will not be addressing it again.
#also a clear example of why i do not feel safe talking to her personally is how she reacted to this:#she still views this as something i did to her and not that i felt pressured and unsafe#and it is quite simply not my responsibility to reopen wounds to spell out for the person who caused them why they hurt#not to mention that post was never meant for her—she is blocked for a reason#it was not meant for her to find and read it was not meant to send hate her way it was just to acknowledge the elephant in the room#that is it.#and yeah i knew somebody was always gonna send it to her but i can’t control what other people do#it doesn’t change that it was never meant for her#but all of this is irrelevant bc even if i did talk to her privately that post would still be necessary bc the Point is acknowledgement#i could not continue about the Point Of My Blog (gt and my ocs) with this unacknowledged#and do not brush off what i have to say just bc she makes nice art and is nice to You#that does not make my experience illegitimate i cannot believe i have to say this#also people are saying i hate neurodivergent people bc she’s ND like ?? i am also ND it excuses nothing#not to mention she knows the personal details of my traumas that make boundaries difficult to set#but however much i struggled i DID set them and they were blatantly ignored#sometimes less than 24 hours after being reinforced#anyway as i said i will not be addressing this again but this post had to be made bc some of y’all desperately missed the point
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isa-nofor-me · 8 months
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PART THREE (wrapping this gameplay up) Annalise Darby x Adriel Kruse.
Annalise seems to start a routine of calling and asking for dates. Adriel never says no... I mean how could he, It's Anna-fkn-lise. (I wouldn't say no).
She's improved her date planning by not taking us to the STORE (if you didn't see, it was full of gnomes and boat *skin crawls*)- well actually now that i think of it, she took Adriel to StrangerVille... nvm.
When we arrived at the bar Adriel couldn't even gas her up at all before, she went to another man with the same hairstyle. Annalise whispered to the man, and they went to the only private place... the restroom. I was shocked, appalled, and flabbergasted. But guess what Adriel was CALM. He sucked it up, he realized they weren't in a relationship (yet) and he sat down at a table. That was until he joined some other people in the same restroom as Anna (pfft). (There was 5 ppl in there btw).
She ended first and when* she noticed Adriel, she was livid, heartbroken. She then went to AN ALIEN and did it all over again. This time Adriel had a reaction to her mess, he was hurt, "how could you" type beat. But do you know what Annalise said?! (when the date event ended) "yeah, um... don't call me again."
FYI- The romance was like -40% (in the red) atp and the friendship was at about -10%.
Adriel had to work (criminal activity fr) so he was out of there asap. When he got back home, he just wanted to talk things over with Bae. He called her on Facetime and told her to come over.
Annalise is so bummed but the whole time she ~wAnTs~ Adriel but he's like 'Not right now girl, talk to me' (once she got a taste, she couldn't get enough). After he asks her what her problem was, she replies "It's not my fault... not entirely at least" (...ma'am). Adriel kept trying to (smoothly) apologize but idk where that got him. (I think bc he rejected her advances MANY times she was getting more upset with him). He let her have him at one point (irrelevant) but she was still so angry.
Adriel tried; he really did. He then started an argument about her excessive "behavior" and how she was a bad parent AND said she ruined their friendship... (Why is he right tho.. I mean I get it). Annalise started to despise him.
FYI- romance = -100% and friendship = -78%
Adriel thought he couldn't lose her, so he gave her what she needed. BING. (and that's when I cheated the relationship % to: romance +44 and friendship = +10... it doesn't make sense but who-cares)
He took her back home and noticed that her daughter, Sheena was desperately in need of a new diaper and bath, so he took care of it.
Though he was annoyed by being soaked he was glad he could help Annalise with her youngster.
Sometime after this he confessed his feelings to Lise and asked her to be his Girlfriend. (It took me hours to find the button to confess feelings... ughh)
Final thoughts: Annalise is a khornball and disregarded her Loyal trait on her own terms but took it out on the man that wasn't even her man.
I really was team Adriel this gameplay. I didn't even intentionally create him to be a player or a toxic man so i went out of my way to avoid that.
oh jeez, this is long, sorry.
I ALSO THINK THEY WILL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY, but FIRst Lise needs to ditch the flavored air sticks.
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I’m sorry but the people who insist they don’t care about Eleanor and “know the truth” are always the ones that get the most heated when she appears and I find it hysterical. I couldn’t care less about her I genuinely didn’t even register it was from her story despite reading the caption from the ua I follow and I literally searched her name just to watch it from the source and all I was thinking was Louis Louis Louis Louis with a puppy Louis putting his hat from Mexico on Clifford Louis and dog content omg his little hand 🥰🥰🥰 just to see a certain fandom more focused on who posted it and bitching about that like I’m sorry did we not just get soft Louis content? Did we not just heat his VOICE?? And they’re trending her name like they always do cause they’re too busy complaining. Meanwhile louies are crying and screaming he’s adorable and then he came online and that was cute when he acknowledged the project cause he’s a sweetie. Idk it’s just dumb like they’re gonna keep talking about her and being annoyed instead of just enjoying the cuteness. Like y’all can’t insist you’re unbothered and then get mad and even better they’ll start saying all louies ship elounor bc we reposted the story and said it’s cute like,,, we actually don’t care about her we’re talking about what’s happening in the video you know because we care about Louis and not who posted it because we’re here for Louis and not whoever he’s dating.
I understand people’s annoyance that we can’t get content from Louis (which is probably coming soon) without a ton of baggage… always a ton of irrelevant noise around his personal life.
Harries and Larries (and some Louies) are very sensitive and triggered to action by activity around Louis’ private life, because we’ve been trained to react this way, and because … Harry’s success depended on this type of infighting.
I use the past tense, because I don’t think it really matters to Harry’s career anymore— he’s made it to the general public. Harry is too big for any of this to matter.
All it does is drag Louis backwards into the mud of the 1D fandom. I suppose this is the frustration, watching it as a Louie, that this is a very predictable end result, and Louis doesn’t take steps to change it.
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ziamln · 4 years
Just wondering,why do you think nobody has forced zayn to post about the baby? And is that a good thing or do you think he’s in trouble for it?
It is an interesting question, thank you for asking.
I think a lot of the reason he's been able to get away with it so far is the fact that they've been pushing this crap about him hating social media alongside him being an extremely private person.
A lot of the fans don't even question his lack of 'excitement'/posting because of his anxiety and the slow reduction over the past year of his social media presence. One of the articles that was questioning why zayn wasn't there went on to say that it 'isn't anything out of the ordinary. Its not really about him- he's not the one gestating a baby' [essentially saying hes irrelevant to the posts] and going on to talk about how he's 'notoriously private' and prefers being 'out of the mix' and saying their desire for privacy will only intensify, which is utter bullshit if Giggles latest posts are anything to go off- she's actually getting less and less private.
Also a lot of the baby related posts are all linked directly back to giggles, and rarely Zayn, we've only had 2 posts linking Zayn to being the father and the rest was a shit ton of articles. There's not many people questioning why he hasn't said anything, they're mostly just [alarmingly creepily] idolising his supposed child. They've never questioned his absence BC the relationship has always been tailored to favour giggles and make her out to be this amazing person.
All of a sudden giggles is the most amazing person and a Queen and the best everything. No one wants to remember a single bad thing she's done. I mean they don't question a single thing because they idolise her and her relationship so much they forget how badly this whole things has been played out through the drastic changes in bumps between pictures and don't even get me started on the shambles of the dates and timeline of this mess.
Also I'm not sure how well thought out and planned this whole thing was or whether it was a last minute decision of yes, there's quarantine and its more difficult to stunt so how can we carry this on??? Oh perfect quarantine baby announcement so people can't see the same patterns and flaws from the last two baby gates! [Or I also have the theory about how she may be pregnant [not zayns ofc] and that she fell pregnant around the time this one was announced randomly at 5 months in the middle of lockdown???? Like that's not weird at all...] Like you're trying to tell me she would be careless enough to get pregnant whilst being at the "peak" of her career and was unsure if Zayn was 'the one'... Okayyyyy.
Out of all the Hadids the only one who has explicitly used Zayn's name is Bella in her recent, and that was most likely to promo her new Versace perfume but z*gis didn't see how odd that was and ate that shit up BC omg Bella mentioned Zayn, couple goals!1!! The only other real indication they've had for Zayn being the dad is that hella photo shopped post giggles posted captioned as baby daddy and so now no one is questioning Zayn for not responding because the mother of the child confirmed it and they're obviously loved up and there's nothing else left to question at all is there?
Tbf though with all three of the baby gates it has never been made out to be about the 'father', they get next to nothing out of it. It has always been tailored to suit whatever narrative or promo the 'mother' needs because its all about the fame for them and what they can get out of it and just like hardly anyone questions [other than larries, ziammies or people who can see past the lies] Louis or Liam's involvement in their children's lives, unless theyre hating and calling them a deadbeat [once again proving they get nothing out of this but the 'mothers' do]. 
Giggles has proven time and time again that she loves capitalising off Zayns name, e.g. Mohameds recent [deleted post]- who started trending? G*gi and Z*gi, but not Zayn???? Why??? and then surprise surprise Giggles makes a post... And then, the first thing she does after Zayns posts a selfie after months of silence... The baby daddy post... And people don't even question this shit because being happy for Zayn means they love him so much!!1!!1!1!!! Like its funny how in this whole thing, everyone BUT Zayn has been getting some sort of promo from it. Seriously, go onto google, search Zayn and go on the news bar, not a single article there is Zayn centric, its all about Giggles or the 'pregancy' and Hadids.
Zayn has always been second place when it comes to Z*gi, despite the fact that she has used his name to get to where she is, [you can't deny how much her profile has grown since this shit started] Zayns music gets no attention from the media unless they make it about Z*gi- this has always been about boosting Jelenas career, and its evident about how much press this baby is getting over any of Zayns projects or music.
But no of course because some can see through the lies and question if Zayn is truly happy and actually look into this shit we are fake fans because we aren't playing ball and just being blindly happy for him.
Or maybe its to make people question less if they decide to go down the route of it turning out to not be Zayns child [DNA scandal or something?] Not sure on that one though now that Bella mentioned him... Tbf tho, until Bella mentioned him, if you look back at everyone elses posts, lives or interviews they have never mentioned Zayn, only ever mentioning giggles or 'they'. Honesly, its actually amusing how giggles posted that post saying baby daddy, Zayn actively ignored it, [its not like her posts could get lost in his feed when he only follows 27 people and he couldn't spare her a like i'm-] yet Bella managed to post a picture of Gigi saying baby mama, kind of embarrassing if you ask me, love.
Its funny how he's only hates social media when it suits the narrative. He was pretty active on social media this time a year ago, posting a few times a week or at least a few times every month, and then suddenly at the start of the year he's posting a bit and then, bang- nothing. All of a sudden Zayn hates social media and doesn't post for 5 months after years of regular posts...
So he can come online to post about UFC [which I find adorable] but he can't take a minute to like his pregnant girlfriends pictures and z*gis don't even question that??? It kind of says a lot about what Zayns role in the relationship is to them. Because Giggles is the queen don't forget, Zayn has no relevance unless it suits them or she posts a picture with him, after all, all he did was get her name out there!!!1!!
No one is even questioning Zayns family's lack of response on this whole thing and some of the shade they have thrown, purely because they liked a few posts or made a comment here and there so obviously Zayn is the father and he must be so excited because his family is liking the post, oh wait but he hasn't? No that's totally normal and not questionable at all.
They think being happy for Zayn equates to genuinely caring about him, when in reality its not the case because if they truly cared and weren't so far up Jelenas arse they'd be able to tell what was true and false and whether he was truly happy or not, simple.
As for whether he is in trouble or not, its hard to tell. I should think not, with all the crap he's having to endure the least they could do is leave him in peace. But they're evil personified so chances are they could be very pissed with him and waiting for this 'baby' to be born to wreak havoc and have him super involved. I doubt that would sit well with him though because its obvious to see how difficult he has found stunting since the beginning, this would be hell for him if they made him have to be active. I do have a feeling that BC we are in the endgame of some of these stunts [some contracts may be ending soon] that they could get a lot more in your face with it...
Or maybe because Liam has taken on the engagement they'll go easier on Zayn? I just hope Zayn is not made out to be the bad guy however this ends, he deserves better.
Ok i need to stop because there is so much wrong with this whole thing I could go on about it forever, but either way this whole thing is hella suss, regardless of what you believe. You can't deny it.
I'm sorry this ended up so long, I hope it answered your questions though! x
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Chapter 2: The War Room
Summary:  You'll learn more abt Aika and Julius gets some time in the spotlight and shows off his military genius :)))
Notes:  Like in BC canon, everyone's like omggg hes such an amazing wizard king who brings us so many victories!!! but we never actually see any of his ideas and plans? So i've decided to showcase that in this fic
A week later, Aika hummed a playful tune as she planted a few wisteria trees around the Magic Knights Headquarters. Lord Raymond, the current Wizard King, was planning a stressful military campaign against another imminent invasion from the Diamond Kingdom so Aika planted a few trees for him to enjoy whenever he relaxed in the gardens to get away from work.
Aika had helped Lord Raymond with foreign matters over the years and had grown to become good friends with the older man. It was only by accident that they found that his dead younger brother was Aika’s father. 
Years ago, she was selling paintings her father had painted before he died and in curiosity, Raymond came to the pseudo-art show. When he noticed the artist’s name and signature, he knew it was his brother. Needless to say, Aika was ecstatic. She had lost her entire family at sixteen and finding family again nearly two decades later was like a dream come true.
Though she was his niece, her experience and information from other kingdoms was something Lord Raymond highly valued and since Aika needed a cover for her work. So she worked as an unofficial consultant to him. She would rather not be paid by her own family.
She stood up as she dusted the dirt from her knees. Aika curled her toes to grip and grass and tightly clasped the plant stone in her right palm. She took a deep breath in, spread her arms out towards the little grove and pushed her magic into the seeds and willed them to grow.
She couldn’t grow plants quickly with Time Magic alone because she would have to accelerate the day-night cycle and provide the plants with constant water and nutrition, theoretically speaking. But Plant Magic, on the other hand, doesn’t have such limitations and plants could grow just with magic alone with extra magical properties. Absolutely fascinating stuff.
Aika had noted that Time and Plant magic shared similar properties because during her studies, she had found that magic wasn’t a catalyst in some Plant Mages cases but actually accelerated time while providing all that the plant needed to grow. In other Plant mages’ cases, most notably the ones who grew plants slower, the magic only acts as an accelerant with no time magic in play.
Aika dodged as a clump of hard dirt nearly hit her in the face when the trees sprouted and rose rapidly. She watched with a small smile as the vine-like branches grew and sprouted wisteria flowers that shone in the afternoon sun. She had no doubt that they would glow in the night as well.
“Miss Aika!” her guard’s voice yelled out.
“I’m fine!” she yelled back as she adjusted her sun hat.
“No, Miss Aika,” he ran to her side. “The Wizard King wants you in the Captain’s Conference room immediately.”
“Oh? Did he say what for, Evan?” Aika adjusted her plaid skirt.
“He said it’s time you were brought in,” Evan gave her a knowing look. Aika sighed. Today was going to be a long day. At least this meant that she didn’t have to wear that god-awful amulet that made people forget her.
“Alright, thank you. Take the rest of the day off. I’m sorry I can’t join you, Ellie and Jayce tonight.”
“Yes, ma’am and it’s alright. The trees look really beautiful by the way.”
“Thank you, Evan.”
She turned and looked up at the Headquarters Tower with a squint.
It’s time, huh? Is it really that serious, Uncle Ray? Aika thought as she slipped into her heels.
She slid her backpack on and waved ‘bye’ to her guard as she flew to the arched, slightly open, clover windows of the conference room. She hid her mana and flew a little to the side of the windows and peeked in. 
Her Uncle had his back to her as he faced seven captains. By the way he was gesticulating at Lord Silva, the Silver Eagles Captain, Aika could tell he was getting impatient for some reason. The walls and tables were strewn with papers blotted with inks of various colors. The rest of the Captains were in deep discussion in varying states of distress, no doubt about the upcoming confrontation with the Diamond kingdom.
She looked around at the Captains for one particular one. Her eyes met Julius’ and she grinned openly. She gave him a hesitant wave at the confused tilt of his head. Maybe he forgot her? A few Captains looked her way along with Julius, suspicious of the woman by the window.
Aika quickly sobered as she lightly touched the window. She wasn’t here for him. Maybe she’ll talk to him after whatever her Uncle needed her to do. He had been plaguing her mind for days , like who gave him permission to do that? Maybe another sit down with him will reveal something about him that will annoy her nitpicking self and she will completely stop idealizing him. Yeah, that’s a good idea.
She slipped between the windows and into the room, as quiet as a breeze. All the captains except Julius and Captain Vermillion stood and moved to attack but Lord Raymond whipped his head around and motioned the Captains to stop.
“Why use the window when there is a perfectly serviceable door, Aika?” her Uncle asked in a bored voice.
“Why use the door when there is a perfectly serviceable window, sir?” She retorted as she took off her hat with a flourish. He shook his head with a scoff.
“Enough with the cheek.”
“Yes, sir.”
Aika clasped her hands and clicked her heels together as she turned to the conference table where all the standing Captains sat down slowly, all eyes on her. They all might’ve seen her around the Magic Knights Headquarters, sitting on the floor in the hallways or in the gardens with a bunch of books and papers scattered haphazardly around her or running around with maids and guards but they would’ve all forgotten about her, thanks to her amulet. And she hasn’t been in the Clover Kingdom in a couple years so she doesn’t expect anyone except Captain Vermilion to remember her.
She had always worked behind the scenes on this continent, running her businesses, private clandestine services, professional development, etc, so she had to stay lowkey to protect her identity and her work. But when she needed to continue her work without arousing suspicion and provide information to the next Wizard King, she needed to step up into the spotlight once again, at least until some trust was established. A spy network was incredibly valuable to her Uncle and his agenda to clean up the criminal underworld from the worst of its traits like slavery, forced prostitution, anti-monarchist movements, and apocalyptic cults. 
But Aika herself had personal value for her strategies, diplomacy, connections, and experience in foreign warfare. And so, here she was, her position and identity exposed along with her physique too coincidentally, in the tight, black sweater and thigh length skirt she wore.
The price I pay for trying to feel sexy today.
She was pleased to note Julius’ eyes roving over her with a small smile. She winked when his eyes met hers. He looked away with a small blush. Aika wouldn’t mind working with such delicious eye candy.
“This is Aika Tolliver,” Raymond began as he faced the Captains. “She will help us pinpoint which General will be attacking us this time and where.”
“Who is she, exactly?” The Purple Orcas’ captain asked as she leaned forward, her gray eyes scrutinizing her.
“Her curriculum vitae is irrelevant,” Raymond sat down in his chair with a heavy sigh. “What she knows and what she can do for us is the only thing we’re going to discuss today.”
“Gosh, is he like this all the time?” Aika asked jokingly as she leaned on the table and crossed her arms. While she won’t outright tell them that she was his niece, if he was going to bring her in front of the captains, she was definitely going to have a lot of fun implicating all sorts of things that will leave the captains confused about who she is to the Wizard King. 
“Aika, not the time.”
“Alright, alright,” she set her hat down on his desk with an amused smile and took out a leather-bound notebook and a fountain pen. She looked up at the captains with a mild look.
“Long story short, I’m an off-the-record tactical strategist who helps Lord Raymond every now and then,” Aika looked down and flipped through the pages of her notebook as she continued. “I didn’t want my name to be known for my own privacy and the safety of my assets. That’s why I was never brought in but I assume the situation is dire if Master Raymond wanted to bring me in front of the captains.”
Said captains stayed silent as they processed the vague information. Aika looked apologetically at Julius. For all Julius knew, she lied to him but he shrugged and shook his head with a small smile.
“So what is the issue here?” She quickly skimmed the papers next to her. There were several different combinations of squads that could be dispatched but it was all useless if they didn’t know which general or generals they would be facing. In her opinion, they should bring down the hammer and send out all the squads and end this mess once and for all. “I’ve already told Master Raymond what generals and where and I’ve given him the maps of the location of the fortress their brigades have relocated to. I've also said when. They are going to execute their plan next Saturday.”
“Captain Silva here doesn’t believe me,” Raymond crossed his arms and glared at the silver-haired man.
“Well, now it’s even worse,” Silva slammed his fist on the table. “because your information comes from a dubious source we have never heard of!” he barked, spittle flying as he pointed an accusing finger at Aika. Raymond was about to retort but Aika only hummed thoughtfully at his outraged face. 
She knew Captain Silva and Uncle Raymond had a fierce rivalry because they both had Water Magic, but it should’ve ended when her Uncle became the Magic Emperor. But Captain Silva still seemed to hold a grudge and Aika also knew that he had become severely depressed and irritable after Lady Acier’s death and the stress of this war was really getting to him so she bit back a reflexively cutting remark. She took the diplomatic route instead.
“I definitely understand where you’re coming from but I can assure you that this information is from our spies in the Diamond Kingdom.”
“Lies! We don’t have any spies in the Diamond Kingdom!”
Julius quickly moved to interject when he noticed Aika’s cheek twiched in annoyance. A verbal smackdown like the one he got that night wouldn’t be received well by the proud captain. He saw how easily she shrugged off the pressure he put on her, so he wasn’t taking any chances with an actual confrontation.
“Well, let’s not get hasty,” he addressed the captains gently. He turned to Aika and quickly masked a smile when her face lit up. “Even if we did have spies, the information they’ve given us is wrong. We destroyed the South Fortress last month and Lord Raymond told us that two brigades have relocated to the South Fortress which I assume is the information from our ‘spies.’”
“You assumed correctly, Julius.” His lips twitched up at being addressed so familiarly in front of everyone. “And forgive Master Raymond for not clarifying, he’s just a little sleep-deprived,” she pursed her lips when the captains threw her confused looks at that causal comment. “They’ve moved their operations in the former South Fortress to a black site previously used for human experimentation and other R&D.”
Silence fell over them. Human experiments. While the captains were aware, being reminded of what they had read in the reports of said experiments sickened them. 
Aika quietly flipped through her notebook.
“Here it says that Generals Hennequin and Allard have mobilized their forces into the black site, now called the South Fortress.”
“And how can we know for sure,” Julius began mutely. “That what you are saying is true?”
“I’ve been working for the Wizard King for years, providing him with information regarding foreign matters—”
“And don’t forget about unsolicited advice on domestic ones,” Her Uncle’s muffled voice quipped, unaffected by the mention of human experiments. She threw a mocking glare at his head which was now buried in his arms.
“And most of the information I was given was accurate and useful. We take very good care of our assets so malicious betrayal and misinformation is incredibly rare. I can assure you that this information is accurate.”
Julius and the other briefly scrutinized her for any tells that she was lying and were satisfied that they didn’t find any. While they believed her, they were still wary. Aika sighed.
“Now, if we’re done discussing whether facts are actually facts, let’s get back to the planning. We can’t agree on what squads to send,” Raymond groused as he pushed maps of movements that a trio of squads will follow towards Aika. Each map was a different combination of 3 squads and movements and attack sequences. It was all on the surface. But Aika left her Uncle notes in his folder last night about new intel. The two Diamond generals purchased rights to build exclusive tunnels to the Main Channels from the black site which was underground, the Main Channels that lead directly into the Common Realm in the Clover Kingdom.
Aika suppressed the fear that struck her heart and turned to glare at her Uncle for real this time. He didn’t look at the notes she had left and now he was making completely wrong moves. The wrong moves that would cost many civilian lives.
“Master Raymond,” she nearly growled. “I assume you haven’t looked at the new intel and notes I left last night?”
He glared back.
“What new intel?”
“New intel saying that the Diamond Generals bought rights to tunnel into the Main Channels from the black site.”
She sifted through his papers and found the thin folder and showed him the notes and explained the situation.
“So there would most likely be a fight on the surface for a distraction while they invade us through the tunnels, meaning more than two brigades will attack us.”
Aika nodded gravely.
“I’m sorry, what are these tunnels and channels you’re talking about?” The captain of the Praying Mantis, Marcus, asked. A few others nodded, confused as well.
Captain Vermillion cleared his throat to draw attention to him. He sat up straight and his deep voice rang clearly through the room,
“They are talking about The Innkeeper’s Tunnels. The Innkeeper is a neutral, underground organization that provides safe houses indiscriminately. And in order to get to the safe houses, the Innkeeper had built a tunnel system. This tunnel system was built centuries ago and today it’s also used for underground travel, trade, and the black market, across the continent. It is the only way we trade for magic gems with the Diamond Kingdom because of the current hostilities,” He turned to Aika. “I don’t believe The Innkeeper would allow them to send brigades through the tunnels.”
Aika masked her surprise that he even addressed her. He had completely and deliberately cut her off after she broke up with one of his children and now he was talking to her all of a sudden?
Despite his surprising behavior, Aika agreed with his explanation. She remembered when she tailed him on his frequent missions to the criminal underworld so he knew what he was talking about.
“I agree, The Innkeeper wouldn’t allow them, but they have no real means to stop them. They don’t have a private army and the magical barriers won’t hold against two whole brigades.”
“Then they will call in a favor.”
“From who?”
Captain Vermillion leveled his gaze at her.
“From you.”
“No,” Aika said with absolute finality. He raised an eyebrow as she bristled. 
“‘No, they won’t ask,’ or ‘No, you won’t do it?’” He knew she wouldn’t and did he really need to bring up her past here?
“No to both, Leonardo,” Raymond cut in with a scowl and changed the topic. “We need to be ready to face them under and over, and that means all squads need to roll out.”
“Actually,” Julius interjected. “We should leak the information that we know,” he suggested. The captains turned to Julius, not surprised by his unorthodox idea. He may be the youngest of the captains at the table at nearly thirty-six years old, but he was also the smartest and the strongest. His unexpectedly brilliant ideas and the strategic way he built his squad left no doubt that he would be a great military leader as The Magic Emperor.
“Why would we do that?” Captain Silva asked as he pressed his fingers to his temples, knowing full well that there was a good explanation coming.
“Because this plan to use the underground tunnels would only work if we are unaware. If they know that we know, and that we would come prepared to the tunnels, they will change their plans. They will think that their element of surprise and lack of resistance is gone, so their chances of winning decreased. And since they don’t know that we leaked it, they would think that we put our squads underground for their ‘attack.’ So they will put their troops on land or air to take us on.”
“But instead,” Aika began quietly as his idea became clear. “we will be prepared to attack with the full weight of our army above ground and overwhelm them completely, giving us a chance to negotiate a ceasefire.”
“No,” Julius laced his fingers together with a cool expression. “We demand a surrender.”
Notes:  Julius is lowkey scary in canon and i plan to show more of that in this fic. The end was just a lil taste, but in battle? oooooh I can't wait to write ruthless Julius ;))))
oh and yall should read the hashtags in the posts. There’s info abt next chap in them:)
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spine-buster · 5 years
Alone, Together | Chapter 35 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N: I just...someone call the Pope.
“First class again?” Bee asked as she looked down at the boarding pass that had just printed out from the kiosk at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport.  She readjusted the Louis Vuitton tote bag on her shoulder – the same one that Lucy convinced her to buy all those months ago – and looked up at Morgan quickly.
“Did you expect anything less from me?” Morgan asked, looking down at her.  “I mean…really.”
Bee snorted as she took a closer look at the boarding pass in her hand, wondering if she got a window seat again or if she was in an aisle cubby.  As she looked at her seat number, a peculiar word caught her eye.  “Uh oh.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I think it printed out the wrong boarding pass for us.  We might have to go back up to that lady who took our luggage.”
“What do you mean?” Morgan said, his tone not phased at all by the apparent error.  Morgan flew all the time – this was probably a common error.  Did private team jets still print boarding passes?
“It says the destination is Kelowna instead of Vancouver,” Bee said.  
“That’s because the destination is Kelowna.”
For a moment, Bee couldn’t understand the words coming out of Morgan’s mouth.  She looked at him like he had three heads, trying to decipher the words.  “We…we’re going to Kelowna?” she asked.  He nodded.  “But…I thought we were going to Vancouver?”
“We are, silly.  I’m surprising you with a trip to the Okanagan Valley first, then we’re going to Vancouver,” Morgan was smirking at her.
“The Okanagan Valley?  You mean like B.C. wine country?”
“Precisely,” he leaned down to give her a quick kiss.  “Who would I be if I didn’t surprise you with something.  And don’t Morgan me.”
She sneered at him playfully.  “I wasn’t going to.”
“But you do…I mean…” she began, wondering if she should even say the words.  “You do know we could be staying in a Motel 6 and I’d be happy.”
“Briony,” he said her name in a half-amused, half-warning tone.  He leaned down to kiss her again before continuing.  “What’d I say about this stuff.”
“I know, but--”
“We are going to have,” kiss, “a very good time,” kiss, “going on winery tours,” kiss, “and watching the sunset,” kiss, “over the Okanagan,” kiss, “and then we’re gonna take a roadtrip,” kiss, “to Vancouver,” kiss, “and watch the sunrise,” kiss, “over the Sunshine Coast,” kiss, “just like last time,” kiss.  
Bee couldn’t help but smile at his words.  She was also very conscious of the fact that he was kissing her multiple times in the middle of a busy airport.  She didn’t used to be that person, but Morgan brought it out of her.  She licked her lips and bit her bottom lip before looking up at him.  “You’re too good to me,” she mumbled.
“You get what you deserve, Bumblebee,” he winked.  “Now let’s go.”
When they touched down in Kelowna, they checked in at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort on the waterfront and changed into workout gear.  Morgan wanted to take Bee hiking up the mountain to see the views, and she was more than ready to comply, despite the fact that she knew she was out of shape and would probably have to stop several times along the way up the mountain.  She knew the views would be worth it, and if she was a sucker for anything, it was views from mountaintops.  Considering she had never been to Kelowna, she thought it the perfect introduction.  
They began their hike at the base of Knox Mountain Park, following the trail diligently and making sure to stay on the designated path.  There were a lot of hikers out and about due to the beautiful day outside, so there were many quick greetings and many dog pets as they made their way up.  About half way up the hike, they happened upon a group of middle-aged people – Bee would say they were probably around Rocco and Clarette’s age – with four golden retrievers between them.  Morgan was in absolute heaven.  Everybody stopped so the dogs could be pet, and one of the men eventually recognized Morgan, so everyone posed for a group photo.  Bee was pulled into it for some reason.  The man’s wife was so excited that she pulled Bee in.  It was all very nice, but unnecessary for her to be there.  She could have at least taken the photo.  
When they got to the top of the mountain about twenty minutes later, Bee gasped.  There, before her eyes, was Okanagan Lake and the city of Kelowna spread out across the landscape.  Though she was out of breath, probably red, and definitely sweating, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed at the sight before her.  The vast expanse before her was almost too much to handle; too beautiful to forget.  She focused hard, and long, creating a mental image in her head of the view so that she’d never forget it.  She didn’t want this memory to disappear.
It was only when she felt Morgan’s arm wrap around her waist that her trance sort of ended – even then, she couldn’t look at him, too transfixed on finding every little detail to remember.  The colour of the trees.  The sparkle of the water.  The deep blue of the sky.  “It’s beautiful, eh?” he asked softly.  
“Like…it’s not fair,” she said, causing Morgan to giggle slightly.  “I know I said this on the boat that morning in January but you’re so lucky that you got to grow up here.  Like, incredibly lucky.”
“I know, Bumblebee.  That’s why I want to bring you here all the time,” he admitted.  “I want you to love it as much as I do.”
She couldn’t help but smile as she finally looked up at him.  “I already do.”
“Yeah.  Just by virtue of the fact that you grew up here.  Never mind the views and the scenery and the people – they’re extra.  I love it because you love it.  Because it’s your home.”
Morgan leaned down to kiss her, not caring about how many people were around possibly watching.  Sometimes, Bee had the simplest reasons for things, and for a guy who got stuck in his head too much and came up with overly complicated explanations for things some of the time, it was that simplicity that he needed.  I love it because it’s your home.  It was the simplest sentiment but one that brought out the best in Bee.  She didn’t need anything besides the ground beneath her feet and her favourite people by her side.  Everything else was extra.  “I love you, you know that?” he whispered against her lips.
“You do?”
He pinched her butt playfully.  “Smart ass.”
“Yeah, but you love my ass.”
“You’re lucky I do.”
So you’re finally working out.  About fucking time, fat ass.  
Surprised you’re not off fucking Fred or Tyler for your 15 minutes of fame.  But then again, who’d want to fuck someone as desperate as you?
Making Morgan spend money on you again…typical.  Bleeding him dry.  If you were smart you’d be with Auston bc he has way more money.
All the Toronto girls are talking about you behind your back.  I hope you know that.  You’re still the biggest social climber ever.  You think you’re hot shit but you’re not.  And just because your new BFF is Aryne, it doesn’t mean a thing.  Everybody can see right through you.  When Aryne and Morgan dump you, it’s over for you.  You’re already so irrelevant.
Why do u think u can wear tights like that omg u look like a complete whale!
Go drown urself in that lake bitch
“Is everything okay?” Morgan asked as he crawled into bed beside Bee, snuggling up to her automatically as she lay in bed with a lace camisole pyjama set.  Bee had sent Angie a quick text to see how Bruce was doing, and Angie was supposed to have sent a video of Bruce back to them.  She and Mason were cat and house sitting the apartment while they were away.  
“It’s fine,” she sighed.  “Just reading the latest messages from my fan club.”
“Fan club?” Morgan asked.  When she gave him her phone and he saw the familiar layout of Instagram, he knew immediately what she was talking about and furrowed his brows.  
Ur soooooooo desperate for attention
U look like a cheap hooker…like not even an escort.  Ur so trash!!!!!
You should learn a thing or two from Lucy and her yoga business.  AKA stop leeching off your boyfriend!!!!!  You think you’re better than everyone else when you’re not.  SAD!
Morgan is stupid to be with you.  I don’t understand what he sees in trash like you.
“Bumblebee…you don’t…I can’t…” he couldn’t find the right words to say as he shook his head.  “I’ve gotta talk to Steve again…”
“He’s not coming back from Europe for you, Morgan.”
“Briony, you shouldn’t have to be dealing with this,” he said sternly, unable to joke about this like she was.  “I know how much this affects you, baby.  And it’s not fair.  It’s not fair that they can say whatever they want to you and you have to refrain from saying anything back.  That you can’t…that you…” he trailed off.
“That I what?” she asked.  She was practically able to see the gears shifting in his head.  
“You can’t say anything about it…but what if I did?”
“NO,” she half-screamed, grabbing her phone out of his hand quickly before his thoughts got the best of him.  She sat up in the bed and he followed her, sitting up too.  “Morgan Frederick Rielly, NO.  Don’t you dare.  Don’t you – that would make it worse, Morgan.  That’s the stupidest idea you’ve ever come up with.  Could you imagine the media coverage on that?  Kyle would blow a gasket, let alone Steve.  Shanny might have a stroke.”
“But I want to keep you safe, Bumblebee.  I need to keep you safe,” he tried to reason with her.  
“Not at the expense of your good reputation with the team and in Toronto and definitely not at the expense of your career,” she said sternly.  “Morgan Frederick Rielly, don’t you even think about it.”
“But Briony--”
“I don’t understand how you can handle all this.  It’s all my fault,” he said.  
“It is most definitely not your fault.”
“I feel guilty every day, every fucking time I have to read one of those fucking messages or see you torn up about it.  Canada Day wrecked me.  To see you like that…Briony, I can’t.  How can you be so…how can you handle it?  How aren’t you scared ab--”
“Shhhhh…” she said quietly, bringing her finger up to his lips to quiet him.  “Because my love for you is greater than my fear of that.”
Morgan took a moment to internalize her words.  His chest was heaving slightly, he was a bit agitated, and his mind was set on doing something about it himself if he had to, but all he had to hear was her voice, her smooth, calming voice, and all those feelings washed away.  “You…”
“My love for you is greater than my fear of that, or them, or anything they say to me,” she repeated, cradling his face in her hands as she kissed him.  “You need to start realizing that.  They can say whatever they want, and sometimes it might hurt me, and I might cry about it a little bit, but I’m stronger than that and I’ve been through way worse.”
Morgan sighed heavily.  “Bumblebee…”
“Shhhhh…” she shushed him again, her finger on his lips being replaced by her own lips.  “They’re all jealous.  That’s all it is.  Jealously.  Jealous that you’re mine and jealous that we’re building a life together.  Jealous that I get this giant hunk of man all to myself,” she whispered, kissing him again.  “Now…if you don’t mind, I’d like to show this giant hunk of man how grateful I am for him and everything he does.”
“B-Bumblebee…” he mumbled out before she kissed him again.
“Quiet, Mr. Rielly.”
Morgan did as he was told.  He began kissing her back, softly at first, then with a fervour he reserved only for her, that only she could bring out of him.  And when she began kissing along his jawline, climbing on top of his body simultaneously and rubbing her core on his thigh, all his thoughts dissipated completely, replaced with a hunger that he felt only for her.  He was insatiable for her.  He could never get enough of her.  He wanted her always, all the time, constantly, incessantly, persistently.  His body ached for hers.  It was crazy, he thought, how well they fit together.  How their bodies responded to one another instinctually.  He wouldn’t be able to find this with anyone else – couldn’t find this with anybody else.
Her took off her lace camisole easily.  With her breasts now exposed he took the opportunity to lean forward and take a nipple in her mouth, sucking and teasing and biting down gently.  She threw her head back, her long hair cascading down her back, and cradled his head in her hands before tugging on the tufts of his hair gently.  She took his shirt off easily.  Over it went, across the room, and she moved down his body to slip his boxers off slowly.
“Briony…” he managed to mumble out as she stayed there, grabbing his already hard cock in her hands.
“Shhhh,” she shushed him for the umpteenth time that night.  She began stroking it and watched as he gulped.  “I got you, baby.”
“I d…I don’t want to cum in your mouth,” he mumbled.  “Don’t – when I say--”
“Mmkay,” she said quickly, licking the tip of his cock.  “Just say the words,” she said in an almost playful tone before dipping down and taking him in her mouth.
He gathered some of her hair in his hand to get it out of her face; he didn’t want his view to be obstructed as she bobbed up and down, his cock disappearing inside her mouth further and further until he felt the head of his cock touch the back of her throat.  He closed his eyes momentarily, relishing in the feeling.  “Fuck, baby,” he sighed out.  
Bee let out a mischievous giggle, her fingernails digging lightly into his thigh.  “You like that, don’t you?” she asked as she scratched down slowly.  Morgan nodded his head desperately.  “You love it when I suck your cock.”
“Y-Yes,” he stuttered out.  “Fuuuck Briony, I love it when my cock is down your throat.”  He felt her dip down again, her tongue swirling around the tip, licking the pre-cum greedily.  “You better start touching yourself,” he told her.  
He watched as she slipped a hand down her body and underneath her shorts, wiggling out of them with ease.  By now, he was rock hard, and when Bee looked up at him with her big green eyes before she took him in her mouth all the way, hitting the back of her throat again, his hips buckled and he let out a loud groan.  She gagged slightly, his movements shoving his cock deeper into her throat, but when he looked at her again, she was already looking at him, a slight smile in her eyes that drove him fucking crazy.  “Briony…p-p-please--”
She ignored him, looking away and focusing on her movements instead, and the feeling of his hand tugging at her hair slightly so he could get a better look at her.  His grunts and movements gave her the confidence to keep going, to take risks and be as daring as she could.  It wasn’t long, though, before Morgan’s breath became heavier, his chest rising and falling with every gasp her took.  “B-Briony…”
She moaned on his cock in response, taking him to the back of her throat one more time before her mouth left his cock with a large pop.  “I want more of your cock, baby.  Just cu--”
“N-No,” he stuttered out.
“Babyyyyy,” she mewled, kissing the tip.
“No.  I want…I…get up here,” he huffed out.  
“Ba--” she tried again, but Morgan wasn’t having any of it.  His hand left her hair as he leaned forward, pulling her up and flipping her onto her back on the bed, his large body immediately over hers as he grabbed at her thighs and wrapped her legs around him.  He didn’t wait – there was no time to wait – and entered her quickly, the feeling of her warm walls around his cock causing him to moan out again.  
“Holy fuck Mo,” she gasped out, her legs wrapped tightly around his torso so he stayed buried deep inside of her, not allowing him to move just yet.  “Fuck baby.”
“Who gets too fill you up, Briony?”
“You, baby.”
“You, Mr. Rielly.  Only you get to fill me up,” she pulled his head down to kiss him passionately, lips and tongues everywhere.  
Morgan bit down on her bottom lip, dragging it away with him as he straightened out his back and unwrapped her legs from his body.  He brought them both together, keeping them over his shoulder as he looked down at her, her body flush with desire.  “You okay?” he asked.  She nodded her head quickly.  “You want my cock buried deep inside of you?”
“Yes Mr. Rielly,” she nodded her head.  
He began moving, slowly at first, her breasts bouncing along every time he thrust into her.  He would watch her breasts bouncing like that all night if he could.  He progressively kept getting rougher and rougher until he was pounding into her, her moans and cries fuel for him to give her more. “You like it when I fuck you like this?”
“Y-Yes,” it was her turn to stutter out.  “You feel so fucking good, baby.”
He could feel the heat inside of him growing.  He grabbed at her legs that were over his shoulder and pushed them forward, into her body, changing the angle so he could go even deeper.  She let out a string of expletives at the new feeling, her cries out music to his ears.  “S’deep babe,” she could barely get the words out.
“You like that?”
“Yes Mr. Rielly.  Yes.  I love it when you fuck my pussy hard like that.”
“Are you gonna make that pretty pussy cum for me, Briony?”
She could only nod her head as he continued to pound into her, fast and rough and wild, until he felt her walls clench around him and heard her scream out his name over and over again.  At the sound of his name escaping her lips so desperately and full of want, he exploded inside of her, leaning further into her so the angle was just right.  Bee huffed, trying to catch her breath.  
“Stay right there,” Morgan mumbled quickly.
“W…What?” she asked not understanding why he’d say such a thing.  Where the fuck was she going to go?
It didn’t take long for her to find out.  Two of his fingers slipped into her pussy quickly, causing her to gasp out, and they began moving quickly in and out of her, not allowing her to catch her breath or settle down from her first orgasm.  “Mo...” she gasped out, but instead of answering her he licked his way down her body.  He was being gentle but rough with his fingers, and she squirmed as she was pinned beneath him.  “Mo Mo Mo Mo Mo…” she kept repeating his name as he finally attached his mouth to her clit, lapping and sucking like he was drinking a thick milkshake.  “Mo, fuck, please.”
“All mine,” he mumbled against her pussy.  “All fucking mine.”
“All yours Mr. Rielly.  All yours,” she breathed out, grabbing hold of his hair.  Her body gyrated at the sensation and it was too much; in no time, she was cumming again, the sound of her wetness and Morgan’s fingers still moving in and out of her just amplifying it all.  He lapped up every last bit before moving back up, squishing her beneath his body as he kissed her.  
“I love you Briony,” he mumbled against her lips.  
She could taste her juices on his lips as she continued to kiss him.  “I love you too baby.  So much.”
“Wow, Ms. McTavish, you’re a natural!” Chef Michael smiled as Bee began basting the chicken breast cooking in the pan.  The chef looked over to Morgan, who had given up a long time ago and chose instead to just watch – Bee had no problem cooking his chicken breast too.  “You’re a lucky guy, eh?”
“The luckiest,” Morgan smiled as he watched Bee concentrating on the basting. 
“Does she cook a lot at home?”
Morgan nodded his head.  “My specialty is grilled cheese and breakfast for dinner.  She does everything else.”
Chef Michael focused his attention back to Bee.  “Alright Ms. McTavish, we need to let it simmer now.  Let’s focus on those broccolini sautéing with the garlic.  Think we should add more?”
“You can never have too much garlic.”
Chef Michael looked over at Morgan again.  “My kinda girl!”
“I learned some of my cooking skills from an Italian,” Bee continued, stirring up the broccolini.  “If a recipe called for two garlic cloves he’d put five.”
“Who are your friends?  Your family?  I need to meet these people!” Chef Michael exclaimed, so enthusiastic about everything.  “Let’s mince some more garlic in there.”
When all was said and done, Bee had perfectly prepared two plates of creamy chicken in a white wine sauce, roasted Japanese sweet potatoes, and sautéed garlic broccolini.  It smelled heavenly, and Morgan could tell she was so proud of herself as she fixed her plate with the last of the brocollini, Chef Michael instructing her on how to present everything beautifully.  When she finished, he presented them with a bottle of white wine from the winery to have with their meal, uncorking it and pouring it for them.  
“You two can bring your dinners out onto the patio with you.  Ray will come to clean up the pans and dishes while you eat,” he said.
Morgan nodded but Bee furrowed her brows.  “Oh, there’s no need for someone to clean up.  We can just do that after.”
Chef Michael paused his movements momentarily.  “No no Ms. McTavish, it’s fine.  Ray will be in any second with the busser to take everything away.”
“I insist--”
“No ma’am, it’s fine,” Chef Michael stressed.  “It’s part of the service.  You can just enjoy your meal on the patio.  You worked hard on it.”
“Bumblebee,” Morgan said gently.  “It’s alright.  We can go.”
She looked between Morgan and Chef Michael hesitantly before giving in.  “Okay.  Um, thank you,” she said, more awkwardly than she would have liked.  “Are you positive?  Because I can just wash everything after dinner.  It’s no big deal.”
Chef Michael let out a laugh.  “Go enjoy your meal Ms. McTavish.  And have a good night.”
Bee followed Morgan out onto the patio with her plate and wine glass, his own already on the table.  She looked back into the room as Morgan closed the sliding door, watching as Chef Michael gathered all the dirty cutlery and utensils and put them all in the sink.  She looked to Morgan, who had pulled out her chair for her.  “Does that usually happen?” she asked.
“Does what usually happen?”
“People cleaning up after you in these fancy shmancy places,” she clarified, setting her plate and wine down on the table.
“If you request for butler service, yes.  But we didn’t get that,” Morgan said, knowing that would be her next question; that she would give him one of her looks if he did.  “I think it’s just a part of the service they offer with the chef.  I think they figure you’d want to eat right after instead of clean up.”
“It’s a bit…I mean, I can clean up after myself.”
“Not everybody is responsible and sensible like you,” he leaned his head down to kiss her quickly.  “Now, let’s eat, shall we?  I want to have a romantic dinner with my girlfriend.”
Romantic it was.  Morgan couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.  The scenery spread out before them was beautiful – just like everything else was in British Columbia – but he could only transfix his eyes on her, watching her as she ate and listening to anything she began talking about – how it was supposed to get cool that night, how Angie had sent her a new video of Bruce with the zoomies, how Mark had texted her that they had made record profits the past month for a particular client of theirs.  If her voice were the only thing he heard for the rest of his life, he’d still die a happy man.  
When they finished their meal, Bee stacked their plates on top of one another.  She brought them into the villa, setting them in the sink before popping her head out the sliding door.  “Is there a way you can call so they can come get these plates and not bother us for the rest of the night?” she asked.  “I don’t want anyone coming back in.  I just want to watch the sunset with you.”
“Yeah, of course,” Morgan nodded his head, getting up from his seat.  “I’ll call.”
“Good.  I’m going to the washroom,” she said, disappearing into the bedroom.  
After some time, Ray was back to collect their plates and ask if they wanted anything else taken care of the night.  Morgan declined, thanking him, and let him go for the night, making sure to lock the door behind him as Ray left.  He found it a bit peculiar that Bee was still in the washroom.  He hoped the food didn’t get to her; there’d be some strongly worded complaints if it did.  
“Bumblebee?  You alright in there?” he called out.  He glanced at the screen door quickly to see the sunset in full bloom.  
“I’m okay,” she said.  “Is Ray gone?”
“Ray’s gone,” Morgan confirmed.  “You feeling okay, Bumblebee?”
“I’m feeling fine,” she responded, but he could tell her voice was a little off.  “Can you…um…can you make sure the door is locked?”
“Already is.”
“Okay.  Can you come into the bedroom?”
Morgan furrowed his brows.  “Of course,” he said.  “Are you sure you’re okay, Bumblebee?”
“I’m fine,” she confirmed, still calling out from the closed washroom.  “Just…you know…get comfy.  Change into your pyjamas.  I’ll be out soon and we’ll go out and watch the sunset.”
Morgan did as she said, stripping himself down and changing into his pyjama bottoms.  He sat in the chair, folding the jeans he had been wearing, before the light in the bedroom mysteriously turned off.  He looked up, only the light from the sunset peeking through the window.  “Bumblebee?” he saw her stand outside the doorway to the washroom.
“What’re you doing?”
“Good thing you’re already sitting in the chair.  Topless, even,” there was a slight laugh in her voice, not answering his question.  She turned on the lamp, illuminating the room romantically.  He noticed she was wearing a robe.  She never wore a robe at home.  
“What’s this?” he asked, his eyes wide as he noticed it was a silk robe, lace trim dangling from the ends of sleeves.
Bee smiled shyly.  “Just a little something.”
“Just a little something, huh?” Morgan gave her an up-down, throwing his jeans onto the floor beside him.
“Mhm,” she nodded her head, playing with the tassels that tied the robe together.  “You know…I bet all that cooking must have taken a lot out of you,” she winked.
Morgan couldn’t help but giggle slightly.  “Oh, it did.  I am spent.”
“Well then.  Just sit back and let me give you a show,” she smiled devilishly.
“A show?” Morgan asked.  Bee nodded her head slightly.  “You…you planned something?”
“Is that okay?”
Morgan couldn’t help but let out a light laugh.  His body already felt on fire.  She had planned something – with that robe on, and whatever else was underneath it – and was asking if it was okay?  “Of course baby,” he said softly.  “Let me see.  Let me see what you’ve planned.”
Standing far away from him, she bent over and leaned forward, placing a quick kiss on his lips.  “I trust you.”
“And I trust you.  And I love you.”
“Good to know.  Because by the end of this I have every intention of you fucking me like you don’t.”
Morgan’s pupils dilated.  He gulped nervously.  He watched as Bee straightened herself out and took a few steps back, playing again with the tassels on the robe before she started to sway her hips slowly back and forth.  She worked on untying the tassels slowly, achingly so, and Morgan could feel himself getting hard with each passing hip sway.  Eventually, she pulled, untying the bow and letting it fall, the robe becoming looser.  A hint of pink lace peeked its way out of the robe.
“Briony…” Morgan barely made out her name.
“Yeah baby?” she asked in an innocent voice, her fingertips gliding along the edge of the fabric near her chest.
“What…what did you--”
“Shhhh baby,” she cooed, approaching him slowly, seductively.  “What did I tell you?”
“But baby--” he tried reaching out to grab the fabric of the robe.
She smacked his hand away quickly.  He looked at her in the eye, shocked.  “Don’t touch me,” she ordered.  “Don’t touch me unless I tell you.  Just watch.”
She saw his chest rise and fall dramatically.  “Briony--” he tried to grab at her again.  
“Don’t.  Touch.  Me,” she stressed, smacking his hand away once more.  “Unless you want me to stop.  Then you’ll have to take care of that,” she eyed down to the growing bulge in his pants, “all alone.”
There was a fire in her eyes and Morgan knew she meant it.  This was completely new – he was completely blind-sided – but he wasn’t exactly complaining.  He loved seeing this sort of confidence from Bee.  He thought it partly cute, partly evil that she had planned this – masterminded it from the beginning.  He nodded his head, agreeing with her.  He couldn’t formulate a word.  There was no point.
She took a couple of small steps back – far enough so Morgan couldn’t reach out, and far enough so he could get a full body view – and started to pull the robe down her shoulders slowly, letting it fall to the floor dramatically revealing, inch by inch, the blush pink floral lace bralette and garter set, complete with a matching pair of pantyhose.  
“Oh my fucking God,” Morgan mumbled in disbelief.
A smile adorned Bee’s face.  “Do you like, Mr. Rielly?”
Morgan nodded, beginning to feel an uncomfortable strain in his pants.  “Yes,” he nodded his head almost desperately.  “Yes.  Yes.  I love it,” he was a gibbering mess.  
“D’you like the colour?”
“And the lace?”
“What about the garter?  And the pantyhose?”
“I love it all,” the desperation was evident in his voice.  “I love it all.  Every fucking piece of it.”
“Good,” she bit her bottom lip, running her fingers along the lace of the thong that hung on her hips.  She took a step towards him.  “So if I came closer…” another step, “and closer,” another step, “and closer,” one final step, “you’d be able to keep your hands to yourself?”
Morgan huffed out a breath.  “I don’t…”
“If I put my hand on your chest…” she moved to do exactly that, walking to his side.  His head followed her as far as it could until she was behind him.  “If my breath grazed the back of your neck…” she moved, again, to do exactly that as she stood behind him, her hand still on his chest as she gave the skin on his neck a quick kiss.  She took a few steps so she was standing in front of him again, turning away so her back was towards him, her ass in full view.  “If I sat in your lap, would you be able to keep your hands to yourself?”
She didn’t give him the chance to answer.  She lowered herself onto his lap, swaying her hips back and forth for good measure.  She heard Morgan grunt as she did so, absolutely fucking loving that she was getting such a reaction out of him.  She felt powerful.  Sexy.  Sensual.  She could feel the erection already in his pants and it made her the most confident she’d ever been.
“Fucking hell, Briony,” Morgan whispered.  Like clockwork, it didn’t take long for her to feel his hand on her ass, even if it was just a quick caress.  
She rose up quickly and slapped his hand away for a third time.  He whined out in protest as she walked away from him, flipping her hair over her shoulder to look at him.  “No.  Touching.”
“But Briony--”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“NO!  No no no,” he shook his head.  “Please God no.”
“No more touching.  Do you understand me?” she said, her voice seductive but stern.  “No.  More.  Touching.”
“I won’t.  I won’t.”
“Promise me,” she demanded.
“I promise.  I promise you,” he was desperate, so desperate.  “I swear to you, I won’t touch you.  Fuck Briony, fuuuuck, I w…I won’t touch you.  Not unless you tell me.  Just get back here.”
“Not until you beg.”
Morgan whined out again.  “Briony.  Briony please.”
Morgan could swear there were tears forming in his eyes.  “Please Briony, I promise.  I’m begging you.  Come back here so I can look at you.  Please.  Please.”
Briony smiled, biting down on her bottom lip again.  “If you touch me without my permission again it’s over.  Keep your hands to yourself.”
Morgan nodded his head.  “I will.  I’ll keep my hands to myself, I promise.  Now please.  Please come back here.”
Bee sauntered over to him, bending over so her breasts, covered by the delicate lace, were right in his face.  She leaned forward so the material gently grazed against his nose and lips.  “Lace is your favourite, isn’t it?” she asked, already knowing the answer.  Morgan nodded his head.  “You always go crazy for me in lace.”
“You look perfect in it,” his voice was low.  “You make it look perfect.  Every time.”
She straightened out briefly so she could turn around again, her ass facing him as she sat down on his lap.  “You love spanking me too, don’t you.”
She heard his sharp intake of breath.  “Y-Yes,” he stuttered out.
She looked over to see his hands gripping the armrests of the chair, his knuckles almost completely white.  Excellent.  “Especially when I’ve been a good girl?”
“I…y…yes,” he huffed out, stuttering again.  She watched as his hands shook through the grip he had on the armrests.
“Am I being a good girl right now?” she asked, grinding down against him gently.  
“I’d reckon you’re being a bad girl right now.”
Bee let out a giggle, looking at him over her shoulder.  “Is that so?”
“You’re being a very bad girl teasing me like this,” he reasoned.
“Whoops,” she rolled her eyes playfully at his answer.  “Sorry not sorry.”
“Briony, please.”
“Please what?”
“I need to touch you,” he begged.
“I don’t think you’ve earned that yet.”
“Wh – I – please,” he continued to beg.  “You don’t understand, Briony.”
“Not yet,” she shook her head.  She stood up again to face him, placing her hands on his chest.  His eyes were pleading with her, but she didn’t budge.  “What do you think of the garter and pantyhose?” she asked again, just to torture him.
“I love it.  I love it all,” he said.  “It looks so, so sexy.  It’s driving me fucking crazy.”
Her hands made their way down his chest and over his bulge, settling on his knees as she shifted her weight from one leg to another again and again before flipping her hair in front of him dramatically.  She promised him she’d give him a show, so she was going to give him a show.  She incorporated her movements into pulling his pants off of him, revealing how rock hard he was.  After scratching her nails up and down his thighs, she settled them on his knees once more before spreading his legs open dramatically.  Morgan looked at her wide-eyed before she squatted down between his legs, her hips swaying from side to side.
“Jesus fucking Christ Briony,” his voice was frantic as she spun around on her tiptoes, still squatted, before swaying her hips back up into his face.  “Briony.”
“You like that?” she ignored his pleading tone, knowing all he wanted was to touch her.
“Yes.  Please Briony, can I t--”
“What about when I do this,” she said, spinning around to face him before climbing on to his lap.  She flipped her hair in his face again, and began to grind down.  His hands left the armrest dramatically, ready to grab her, but with every ounce of will he had left in – which wasn’t much – he balled his hands into fists and kept them away from her.  She shoved her chest into his face, her hands on his shoulders and nails digging into his skin.
“Briony – you fucking – you don’t – you can’t--” he muttered out.
“You want to fuck me with this on, don’t you?” she asked.
“You don’t want me to take it off?”
“No.  Keep it on.  Keep it all on.  I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to fucking walk tomorrow,” he told her as she grinded down on him again, his cock rubbing up against the fabric of her thong.
She smiled.  “That’s what I like to hear, Mr. Rielly.”
“Can I touch you?  Please?”
“Not.  Yet,” she said, arching her back.  “Tell me something Morgan,” she began.  He gave her cut eye.  Her right hand slipped down between their bodies to her hot core.  “Do you like it when I touch myself?”
Morgan huffed.  “I like it when I touch you better.”
“Because I know how to make you feel good,” he said.  “Because I like making you feel good.”
“And when you get to touch me, what are you going to do to me?”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
She smiled.  She grabbed his cock without warning and began to stroke it teasingly.  She felt his hips buckle at her touch and knew she had teased and agonized him long enough.  She grinded down on his lap one last time, for good measure, feeling just how hard his cock was.  “Morgan?” she whispered in his ear.
“Yes Briony?”
“Make me be your good girl.  Fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”
Morgan was like a man possessed.  In what felt like less than a second he grabbed her, picked her up, and threw her on the bed.  He climbed onto the bed after her and flipped her over so she was flat onto her stomach, her legs spread apart for him but her ass slightly raised.  She arched her neck to look behind her and saw him hovering over her.  “You think you can play games like that with me and get away with it?” he asked her, his voice low and coarse and his hands went to the small of her back, pressing down so she stayed laying flat on the bed.
“You liked it, didn’t you Mr. Rielly?” she asked, her voice playfully innocent in tone.  “You kept telling me how much you liked it.  You begged to keep me close.”
He leaned forward so he could whisper in her ear.  “Now I’m gonna make you beg,” he said, watching as her lips curved into a smile.  
“Like your good girl?”
“Like my good girl,” he nodded his head.  “I want to hear you scream my name.”
“Yes Mr. Rielly.”
“You can’t cum until I say so.  Understood?”
“Yes Mr. Rielly,” she nodded her head, feeling his body loom over hers.  He was still holding her down so she could barely move.  “Mr. Rielly, if I be a good girl will you spank me?”
Morgan laughed mischievously.  “We’ll see about that.  Maybe if you ask nicely,” he said.  
Without warning, he entered her hard and quick, unable to wait any longer.  Bee cried out automatically at the feeling – everything from the speed, to the size of his cock, to his holding her down, to the angle that he entered her, made him go so deep that she swore she could already see stars.  He didn’t start slow either; he was desperate and needy and didn’t have time for any of that, so he rocked into her hard and fast.  She screamed out in pleasure over and over again, savouring the feeling.  He was being a bit rougher with her than normal, but she loved every second of it.  She wanted it.  She had asked for it, and he had complied.  He was doing exactly what she wanted him to do, and they had the trust in each other to do this.
The way he was holding her lower back down, keeping her in place, meant the angle was deep – and with the force he kept pounding into her with, she knew she wouldn’t be able to last long.  But just as he complied – as best he could, he did slip up twice – to her rule of ‘no touching’, she knew she would have to comply to his rules now too.   “Mr. Rielly,” she said between her screams and moans, “Mr. Rielly it’s so deep.”
“You like it when it’s deep like that, huh?” he asked.
“Your cock is so big and it always goes so deep,” she said, knowing it would stroke his ego.  “Can you spank me, please?”
She heard Morgan huff out a laugh, barely missing a beat as he continued to fuck her.  “No.”
“But Mr. Rielly--”
“Please Mr. Rielly, I want to be spanked so bad.”
“I don’t think you’ve earned that yet,” he threw her own words back at her.  She almost regretted the decision to use that language when she was teasing him – almost.  But there was no way she could ever regret anything that brought her so much pleasure.  “You have to beg, remember?”
Morgan could hear her whimper.  “Pleeeease Mr. Rielly.  Please spank me.”
She felt one of his hands leave the grip he had on her lower back and she prepared herself.  Instead, she felt him grab her hair and tug her towards him, so her back was flush against his chest momentarily.  His hand snaked around and went to her clit, and he bit down on the skin of her neck before moving up to her ear.  “Beg.”
“Please Mr. Rielly,” she was practically on the verge of tears.  “Please please please, I’m begging you to spank me.”
“If I spank you are you gonna cum?”
“No,” she answered automatically, shaking her head slightly.  “Not until you tell me to.”
He smiled, a throaty laugh escaping him.  “That’s right.  That’s my good girl,” he cooed, pushing her back down so she was flush against the bed again.  With one hand on her lower back holding her down, the other hand spanked her ass.  She let out a cry of pleasure, and with another spank, another cry.
“Harder,” she mewled out
“Fuck me harder, Mr. Rielly.  Spank me harder.”
Her spanked her again, red marks already appearing on her ass from before.  He rubbed the area gently before spanking it one more time.  “You want to cum, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she said quickly, not bothering to hide how close she was.  “I want to cum so bad.”
“If I spank you again will you cum?” he asked.  Bee nodded her head.  “Then no.”
“No, please,” Bee cried out.  “I can’t – I won’t--”
“Are you going to take more like a good girl?” he practically growled out, holding her down again with both hands now.  
Bee didn’t answer automatically this time.  She was trying to regain composure, trying to regain whatever semblance of sanity she had left in her body.  “Y-Yes…” she whispered, barely audible.
“Are you going to take more like a good girl?” Morgan asked, louder to insinuate how loud he wanted her to be.
“Yes,” she said aloud.
“Like my good girl?”
“Yes!” she screamed out.  “Like your good girl.  Always your good girl, Mr. Rielly.”
Morgan continued pounding into her for a while, even harder than before.  Bee’s cries became louder, as did the sound of cock throbbing in and out of her hot core.  With the prelude leading up to this, the dirty talk, the sound of Bee’s moans and cries, and the fact that he probably could have cum while sitting in that God forsaken chair if Bee had grinded down on him just one more time, he was surprised to have lasted this long anyway.  He could feel his body getting flushed and hot and knew he was close.
“Are you ready for my cum, Briony?” he asked.
“Yes, Mr. Rielly,” her voice was coarse from all the noise she was making.  “I’m always ready for your cum.  Always.”
He spanked her again a few more times for good measure, getting some more desperate cries out of her, before tugging her hair one last time to bring her back against his chest.  “You’ve been such a good girl,” he cooed as he gave her a sloppy kiss.
“I love it when it’s like this,” she managed to get out through hooded eyes and desperate whispers.  “I love it when I’m your good girl.  When you take me from behind.  When you fuck me like I’ve never been fucked before.”
“You like me fucking you hard and fast?”
She nodded her head.  “I love it so much Mr. Rielly.”
He snaked a hand around her body and began rubbing circles on her clit.  “You ready to cum, Briony?”
“Yes.  Fuck, yes.  Please.”
“When I spank you I want you to cum,” he instructed her.  “And I don’t want you to stop.  Understood?”
“Yes.  Yes yes yes yes,” she said in hushed whispers.  
Bee waited a few moments, and when she didn’t feel the hard smack on her ass she whined.  She waited for another few moments – and still nothing.  She was desperate.  She was going to kill him.  She was going to cum any second.  “Mr. Ri--”
She cried out, loud, her orgasm pulsating through her like a tidal wave, her entire body shaking and her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.  Morgan continued to pound in and out of her with his throbbing cock, while his hand continued to rub at her clit, giving her orgasm after orgasm, over stimulating her just how she liked it.  After what felt like a million of them – a million different orgasms, a million different cries, a million different moans and desperate shouts of his name – she finally, finally, felt his hot cum pour into her, filling her up as his cock twitched and throbbed inside of her.  She felt his body shake against hers, his own moans and desperate calls out of her name filling the air as they rode out their orgasms together, clinging on to one another.
Bee swore she could still feel an orgasm ride through her entire body as he pulled out, the both of them collapsing on the bed trying to catch their breath.  Her core was still so hot and sensitive as she curled up in Morgan’s arms, both their bodies hot and glistening with sweat.  She was surprised the lingerie made it through – that Morgan didn’t rip it off half way through or take it off with his teeth or something.  She was glad it got this reaction out of him.
“Bumblebee…” she heard Morgan’s voice, barely above a whisper.  “I wouldn’t have done that with anybody else but you.”
She smiled, curling further into his body.  “I wouldn’t have done that with anybody else either,” she responded, reaching down below their bodies to grab hold of his cock.  “Thank you for indulging me.  For giving me exactly what I wanted.”
“I love you so much,” he mumbled, feeling her put his softening cock at her core again, the heat still so comforting.  “I love you.  I love you.  I love you.”
Bee was a bit sad to leave Kelowna and the Okanagan area, after having experienced its beauty, great weather, and lovely people, but she had to remember she had Connor, Andy, and Shirley Rielly waiting for her on the other side, eagerly anticipating her presence in Vancouver for the second time that year.  Earlier that morning, she and Morgan had checked out of Hester Creek Winery, where they had been staying for the past three nights, and loaded everything into their rental car for their five hour road trip to Vancouver.  After a last minute stock up of the wine from the winery, and a very last minute stop at Tim Horton’s for some coffee and snacks to sustain themselves (like good Canadians) they were on their way, the GPS system directing them where to go.
“You tell me anytime you want to stop to take pictures,” Morgan said as they took the on-ramp onto the highway.  “It’s going to be a pretty scenic route.  Especially when we drive through the provincial park.”
“I will,” Bee smiled, stuffing a Timbit into her mouth before feeing Morgan one.  “I’ll try not to stop too much.  I don’t want this trip to take eight hours.”
“Nuh uh,” Morgan shook his head.  “You just tell me whenever you want to stop.  We can take ten hours.  It doesn’t matter.”
“Your parents are expecting us for dinner.”
“We’ll call them and tell them there’s traffic,” he said, his mouth still full with the Timbit.  He winked at Bee as she gave him one of her looks.
Morgan reached over the console and grabbed her thigh, exposed thanks to the pretty sundress she was wearing, squeezing it gently as the road opened before them.  It was there for a while, as they continued to drive on the open road, occasionally squeezing and massaging her skin before it crept higher and higher, getting dangerously close to her core.
“Keep your eyes on the road, you perv,” Bee placed her hand above Morgan’s to stop it from going any higher.  If it did, she knew he’d probably swerve off the road.
“I am keeping my eyes on the road,” he reasoned.  “My mind, on the other hand, isn’t on the road.”
Bee snorted, shaking her head playfully.  “You want to fuck me in this rental car, don’t you?”
She couldn’t help but snort.  At least he was being honest.  “Why’re you so horny all the time?” she giggled.
“You make me.”
“If you keep it up we’re gonna end up having ten kids.”
There was a silence between the two.  It wasn’t awkward, or charged, or because either was tongue-tied and didn’t know what to say.  It was just…a silence.  A comfortable silence, the road of the car on the road filling the void, until Morgan spoke first.  “We’re not having ten kids.”
Bee couldn’t help but smile.  “No.  Definitely not.  I’m not doing that to my vagina.  We’re not the Duggars.”
“Two or three is good,” he said.
Bee nodded her head in agreement.  “Two or three.  One of each.  Whatever happens first.”
Morgan took his eyes off the road to look at her.  She noticed his smile.  How he was looking at her; like he’d just laid eyes on the image of perfection.  “Yeah.  You…you’ve thought about it, then?”
Bee nodded her head.  If she thought about the wedding, and establishing a life together, there was no way she didn’t think about kids either.  “Of course.  You know I want kids.”
“I know.  But like…”
“I want kids with you, if that was going to be your next question,” she said.  “I mean, there’s no question.  It’s you.  I’m not having anybody else’s kids.  I’m having your kids,” she stressed.  
“Okay,” he said, unable to contain the smile on his face.  “I uh…yeah.  Okay.”
“Tongue tied, are we?”
“No,” he kept trying to contain his smile.  “Not at all.  Just glad you’ve thought about it too.  That’s all.”
“I know…I know you’ve always initiated these conversations in the past,” she said, thinking out loud at this point.  “Whether drunk or tipsy or not.  But I think about this stuff do.  I do love you more than I can describe with words.  I just…I think because of my background, because what I’ve been through, I’m a bit less open about it.  Because my mom never wanted to hear it when I was a young kid, and because I never really loved her later on growing up.  But I do love you.  And like…I want everything with you.  A life.  A house.  Children.  I may not vocalize it, but I do.  And I don’t picture myself having all those things with anybody else.  I only want it with you.”
Morgan flipped his hand so he could hold hers and bring it across to his lips so he could kiss it and hold it across his chest.  “I only want it with you too,” he said, his lips rubbing against her hand.  “I’ve only ever wanted it with you.  And I want to give you all that.”
“I want to give it to you too.  This is a relationship.  A partnership.  We can give each other these things,” Bee clarified.
“Yeah.  You’re right.  That’s what I meant,” he nodded his head again, correcting himself.  “We can give each other these things.  A life.  A house.  Children.  But not for a while – children, anyway.  We…we’re already building a life together.”
“We are.”
“Everything else will come in time,” Morgan said confidently.  “I’m just…I know I’ve told you this before, but I thank my lucky stars every single day that it’s you in this life with me.”
Bee smiled again, unable to keep her eyes off of him.  “And I thank my lucky stars you sent a mojito to my table.”
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billdenbrough · 4 years
i'm going through some rough stuff atm and i've been feeling pretty bad for a while, but the shark puppy au made me smile for the first time in days. thank you so much, to you and to all of the people contributing to it. you made someone's day a lot more bearable
first off, i’m so sorry you’ve been having a hard time recently! i feel that a lil deeply, rip, but i’m sending you all the vibes and care i can, and i really hope things shift for you, because that’s an awful way to feel, but i am so, so happy that anything we did or said today/last night made anything a little easier for you 💕it’s nearly 3am and i have work again in the morning (fucking rip) but i thought i’d put some more shark puppy stuff out there in the hopes it might make tomorrow a little easier for you too!
so this morning before work i answered an ask abt shark puppy and was talking in the tags abt patstanlon (essentially just. thinking abt how to execute it)
and so tonight once i was finally home from work i was talking to a few of the others abt it and @benverlesbians brought up patty’s BA and also how in the book she says bill isn’t a real writer bc he’s a novelist (tangent but i just went back to read the start of that chapter and a, ouch, but b, “Stanley drove a Mercedes diesel—teasing him, she called it Sedanley” this will never not make my heart yell) and that led jem to the conclusion that patty thinks real writing is either non-fiction or non-prose, i.e., journalist or poet
we settled on journalist for her career, but she has a background in poetry from college
@benverlesbians: “patty and mike are like “we both got BAs in english and we are both perfect human beings” and they are correct”
anyway this interview takes place after the Scathing Review from the Conservative Magazine (after richie’s bi ass jeans)
jem posited that bev’s rly protective of the band (and herself, ofc herself, and why wouldn’t she be) and tends to like, vet the interviewers pretty hard, bc she has to be sure she can trust them with their words and their image
and then we were thinking abt how that’s interesting bc like. patty probably isn’t super overt on social media (certainly not just showing her whole self on there, miss ‘wouldn’t admit to thinking richard dawson’s watch chain was sexy if wild horses tried to drag it out of her’), which is like. frustrating for bev’s purposes, but also… kinda relatable? and bev can respect it, on an intellectual and empathetic level, even if it’s annoying that it runs counter to her purposes (but there’s also—-part of bev thinks maybe, someone who can be private with themselves can have some integrity with others, but then there’s another part of her, those self-preservation instincts honed from years of not being able to trust… men specifically, but it’s made all trust harder now, and that part is wary, hard-pressed to give people the benefit of the doubt, not when it comes to her and her friends)
jemma: “bev is like “why don’t you have instagram” and patty’s like “this isnt you interviewing me, this is me interviewing you. please pass the maple syrup, my pancakes are dry as fuck"”
(it starts at a kitschy diner (jem’s idea) bc like, well, there are seven of them. like. that’s too many. but they’re probs not all at the diner, maybe just bev, stan, mike & eddie (deliberate choices from bev, given how she couldn’t find too much on patty—-some good testimonials that convinced her to give the interview anyway, even if patty works for a buzzfeet analogue, bev has less personal hang-ups with them than stan does, even though she loyally disavows them with him—-and she trusts stan and mike to hold their own, and while eddie can be a wild card (it’s not wild, she thinks, not really, because it doesn’t come out of nowhere. it’s just that he’s brave and good and loyal and principled, like he’d have her back, have all of their backs, and wouldn’t let anything slide he wasn’t okay with), she’d rather have that inability to back down at her side when their words and image are on the line than some of the impulsive nonsense richie and bill pull, and ben has a tendency to be too earnest, too quick, and if bev wants to be careful, be sure, before exposing ben’s heart and sentiment and big fucking eyes to that, well, sue her) but then patty is interviewing them, and she’s thoughtful, questioning without being probing, framing things in interesting ways that keeps them talking, keeps them interested, and bev’s already halfway to inviting patty back to the clubhouse (their studio) where the others are when stan, like, references some swedish poet whose translated works he was reading when he and mike wrote one of their songs, and patty, like, gets it? and works tomas tranströmer into her next question, and stan’s expression is just. and he glances at mike, and mike grins (bev doesn’t even know why stan bothered. mike’s clearly thought well of patty the entire time), and stan cocks an eyebrow at bev, and she almost can’t believe it, bc since when does stan ever want to allow interviewers more access? but it’s stan, and he never asks, and so of course she turns to patty, and asks: “got a couple more hours?”)
@chaoticbisexualalien: “pre-meeting stan journalist!pat on twitter giving their album a four-star review but singling him out as exceptional and then a bitter fan is like "oh did he eat you out for that review” and she’s like “I would have given them five stars for that"”
@striffyisme: “omg,,,, the fans start calling her Petty Patty for her excellent clap backs”
britt: “stan sees it and doesn’t get involved directly because he doesn’t want to fan the flames but he admires her from afar and then later on he finds out that she’s interviewing the band and he’s like ”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!“ inside”
alex: “stan, instantly in love and adoring from afar, patty falling for him as she gets to know him, everyone outside the band thinking it was the other way around lmao”
which, yeah, bc when the others catch on, they realise… patty working for a b/zzfeet analogue isn’t a speed bump for patstanlon to overcome, but rather just something stan was holding onto as like, a reminder to himself that ‘objectively she’s not perfect, and the only perfect person in this world is probably mike hanlon, be quiet rich’ but he’s wrong! she’s perfect too! he knows two perfect people! and by the time she’s gotten a job offer for her frankly thoroughly fucking excellent article abt shark puppy and has quit her job at the buzzfeet analogue, he’s pretty much forgotten about that hang-up until she’s like, “god i’m glad i have an actual adult workplace now” and mike laughs and stan feels his heart grow three sizes in his chest
@dykeeddie: “Okay I’m just gonna say it if she’s working at a b*zzfeed analogue for any period of timeShark Puppy Styles Me For A Week… there are 7 of them it’s the only way”
anyway the article is fucking bomb, everyone stan patty blum, and it blows the conservative scathing review sky high into a void of irrelevance
(at the clubhouse, patty makes such an expression at one of bill’s lyrics that richie actually chokes on his coke from laughter)
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
anti - LO anon asks/answers:
(1) Weird, I thought it sent my message, but here's the how the fandom hypersexualizes everything. 1) They thirst after any of the LO gods, in particular to them being shirtless, wear certain clothing (i.e Ares in a white tank top) or them being in a compromised state of pose (like Hades manspreading while being asleep at Demeter's place). 2) This thirst leads them to say things like "I want to bang [LO god]" or "I need to find a man like [LO god] (usually Hades)."  Even worse is if the person saying those things has a boyfriend or is already married. They will either call or even wish their man could be "Hades." IT IS LITERALLY SO DISGUSTING. Every time I see anybody make a comment about how badly they want to be with a fictional character, I always feel sorry for their significant other.
(2) I guess this is gonna be an unpopular opinion but—I don’t see why fans sexualizing LO is bad?...what did that anon mean by that exactly? As in like nsfw art and headcannons? Why is that bad? Rachel herself draws porn of her own characters. EVERY fandom hypersexualizes their fave characters, that’s why we have rule 34. If ppl are sexualizing LO Hebe or Aphrodite’s other children, then yes, that’s creepy and sick, but everyone else in LO is an adult so I guess I say...let ppl be horny XD
(3) Adding on to the previous anons, just go to the author’s twitter. It’s a mess I tell ya. Through my experience. I feel like they’re sexualizing Persephone and Hades(Mostly Hades because he is “Perfect Husbando Daddy” to them 💀. (And yes I do understand that Hades in the media has been romanticize a lot throughout the years)Anyways, they keeping talking his “body parts”, what Persephone is gonna do to him,vice versa.If you want me to send some screenshots I can(Patreon too). I haven’t seen it happen to any other character as much as H+P. (Ares,just a little) That’s from Twitter alone,I just wanna enjoy the characters without someone telling me how hot they are every second.😒 It’s almost as if the Author want these types of people. Then again.....
(4) I don't care if these are spoilers, the early LO release (April 19th) has Hades yelling at Persephone like a child after he saved her from a riot (because she was paying the ferry) then they make out after he yells that he "WANTS HER" and she proceeds to run away from him afterwards. It's unearned and creepy bc he yelled such a possessive line (not that he LOVES her or anything, only that he WANTS her). That's supposed to be a big moment but it comes off as rushed and even more imbalanced.
(5) I have to vent a bit; I really love L*re Olympus bc it's just cheesy and I love cheesy dramas and those cutesy neon colours, but what angers me most about is (after how it has nothing with Greek culture), how characters are so... inconsistent. Minthe, a character that was abusive /vocally/, not physically. Making her hit Hades was so ooc- and my GOD, how could a nymph hit a god and get away with it?
(6) Time for your daily dose of LO complaining, LO spoilers so read/publish at own risk - Today's top story: the latest fastpass episode brings us a very special first kiss between two main characters that will remain nameless. Needless to say (imo) it was executed poorly due to poor pacing and lack of build up in the chapter! People rightfully critiqued and diehard fans attacked, claws out. The shocking updates will continue as ~6 episodes separate us between now and the finale. Stay tuned.
(7) Holy shit so this isn't technically related to the anti-Greek prejudice in Lore Olympus, but in the latest update it's revealed that Hades runs all of the banks -- you know, Hades, the big-nosed leader, and he shames tiny innocent Persephone for 1 Not having a bank account 2 For the fact that the her mother thinks all bankers are greedy. So not only does Rachel Smythe hold ignorance towards Greek people,but also she enjoys Antisemitic tropes.
(1+2) I can understand the thirst for fictional characters... but not when they are the Greek gods, ya know? As anon (2) said, it’s not bad when people are horny. However... it’s at least a little weird when your fetish is old gods from another culture but dressed in a tank top or who knows what else :P And the fact that they reduce the almighty Hades to “UWU hot daddy” makes it even cringier. I am sure that, if the author posts such content, she wants her characters to be sexualized. 
I mean, they are free to do it and we are free to comment on it - without limiting their ability to create and enjoy the hypersexualized content. Because, as much as we don’t like it, fans should be free to do whatever they like.
To add something for anon (2): if hypersexualizaion would be more natural if the comic had sex in it or dealt with sexual themes more frequently. I think the only sexual encounter we had so far was r*pe and nothing else. The storyline of the comic is almost irrelevant to the huge thirst fans have for the characters. If the focus is only on their sexuality and not on the plot or characters then it’s cringey. And I think it’s annoying when they sexualize the characters to such a degree. For example, anon (3) wrote “I just wanna enjoy the characters without someone telling me how hot they are every second”.
(3) “Perfect Husbando Daddy” UUUUGHHH.. It’s so funny the HxP in the comic are so boring and vanilla but the fans desperatelly want to turn them into a super sexualized couple? ALSO, SEND SCREENSHOTS! Patreon, comments you think are cringey, everything xD 
(4) I am happy this changed because I don’t like the scene at all, for the reasons you mentioned. “I want you” can be translated as “I desire you” so it’s not problematic to me. But the circumstances in which he said that were creepy.
(5) Hmmm interesting point! Of course emotional abuse can happen at the same time as physical abuse, but you are kinda right for Minthe’s character. It felt a little ooc for me too. She wasn’t that type of abuser and it was a weird choice. Also, there is a hierarchy and it is indeed very weird that a nymph could get away with abusing a god. The only case she wouldn’t be punished you be if Hades insisted on it. (Something we didn’t see).
(6) OOOOOH I AM INTRIGUED! Not that I care at this point about the characters, I just want to see the drama 😂 I might search a little more!
(7) Of course she holds ignorance towards Greek people; she thinks we are rich! (muahahahaha that was a bad joke, I will stop now :P ) Generally the comic doesn’t take into account the Greek culture which is offensive but in the characters I didn’t see anti-Greek prejudice. (I might be missing something, idk). In order to have prejudice against something, you need to aknowledge it first. Bold of you to assume she knows we exist 😂 
Maybe she made him super rich because he has the richest realm in Greek mythology. And, I mean, Greek noses are not limited to Jewish people, we also have them (my big pointy nose says hi!). I am sure there are Greek bankers with big noses. In fact, I would be surprise if they didn’t have a big nose 😂 
I understand that it can also be interpreted as anti-Semitism. But for the reasons I mentioned, I don’t think she aimed to do that. Plus, the character is supposed to be Greek, so I don’t see how Jewish people would be offended by this. Is not possible for every wealthy fictional non-Jewish character with a big nose to reflect Jewish negative stereotypes. It kinda seems that people want to take a bad depiction of one group (Greeks) and make it about another group (Jewish).
Maybe for Americans the stereotype “big nose + wealth” means Jewish but for Greeks... I don’t think we see it that way. For us a banker with a big nose is just a banker with a big nose. For example, look at the big and pointy nose of Aristoteles Onassis, a Greek shipping magnate who amassed the world's largest privately owned shipping fleet and was one of the world's richest and most famous men:
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I read the scene with the bank account and... yeah it bad for the things you mentioned. Hades should not be making the decision of Persephone having a bank account. He should at least let her discuss it with her mother first. Plus, the story presents Demeter as a stupid uknowing peasant who thinks money grows on trees and banks are evil. 
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lgcchenglei-blog · 5 years
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hello friends !! my name is jada, and...i’m so excited to meet you all !! this is my absolute heart and soul zhao chenglei, one of the newest additions to the legacy family !! i am actually...so stoked to be here, this group looks so cool !! i look forward to meeting you all, but i’m going to jump straight into things ! chenglei / lei is 20, a dance fanatic, and a lovebug ! you can find his info as well as a few connection ideas below,  and his profile here !! the other pages are wip, but i’m sure we can figure something out from there !! oh, and don’t forget to like this if my boy’s caught your eye and you’d like to plot together !! 
alright so !! he’s from hong kong, and born to a mom who was a model for a popular skincare company and a father who’s an anesthesiologist !!
his parents are quite ambitious & his name means “become great” since as their first child, they had high hopes !! he’s often called lei for short around friends.
his mom wanted him to follow in her footsteps so for the early part of his life she was obsessed with booking him baby modeling & acting gigs!! he was in a few commercials and an extra in some small shows, but didn’t gain much fame from it.
his family is originally from mainland china (which is why he’s pretty good at mandarin) but moved when he was born because they liked the atmosphere for him better ! also his mom started getting more opportunities to work there and rather than keep traveling when she had a newborn the whole family packed up and left !
to say the least he was raised pretty comfortably !!! his parents had a lot of influence in their respective fields and he lived well, always getting the things he asked for & such !
but honestly, he’s not the type of person that is obsessed money but that’s probably because he’s used to it? like ofc it’s nice to have, but he’d be perfectly fine living a normal life.
his parents don’t feel the same, they’re very invested in getting & keeping money, so they would always get mad bc he had a tendency of giving his friends things if they didn’t have it !!
he’s been really adamant on creating his own lifestyle recently though, so is trying to make his own name for himself & make his own money instead of relying on his parents forever.
he went to a private school in the city, which is where he learned english. it was widely spoken where he was anyways, but there were some exchange students who helped him too. 
also totally irrelevant headcanon but one of the students he became close with was australian & he traveled there in high school, so when he speaks english he’s a bit influenced by the accent !!
a dancing machine for real !! first got into dance 1t 5 when his mom thought it’d be cute for him to do ballet?? he hated it only because his friends made fun of him for it, but the more time he spent doing it the more he was kind of like...oh !! this is kinda nice !!
and then he fell in love with it, and to this day ballet remains his favorite type of dance. the older he got though he took more classes, and eventually joined a competitive dance team the city had !
he first got interested in kpop by a few friends in middle school, and that reflected onto his love for dancing! he began learning all the dances he could, and the more he saw them the more he felt he could turn his love for dance into a real dream.
long story short, his parents were v unhappy to hear he wanted to be in such a risky career, but after constant begging allowed him to audition! they promised thinking that he wouldn’t make it past first cuts, but when he did they were very shocked and kind of just in awe let him start training??
his first few months training were a huge struggle to face. right off the bat he could hardly speak korean, and it’s when reality really set in ?? as much as he said he wasn’t dependent on his wealth it was a big adjustment to go from his life in hong kong to living in dorms with other trainees. it was just...wild!!
not to mention chenglei can be an introvert when in situations he doesn’t know people in,  so he was probably really quiet at the beginning !!
but he definitely opens up once he becomes comfortable around others. he’s still on the quieter side, but definitely v sweet and even a little mischevious around the ones he’s close too !! so by now it can be assumed he’s this way around the trainees he encounters often.
but when he’s in work mode ?? totally different lei !!! he takes training very seriously, takes staff criticism hard, and just kind of beats himself up to work harder !! not the best method, but if one thing’s for sure it’s that he serious about improving and doesn’t put anything above that when it’s time to get serious.
and performing lei !! also very different. he’s definitely a worrier all the moments leading up to performance, but becomes some confident dancing machine when he gets on stage ! he doesn’t worry about looking too weird, just focuses on delivering a powerful performance. very different than his usual self !
he’s currently in his 2nd year as a university student, and it is h-a-r-d !! since he practically goes straight from school to practice, he’s burnt out 80% of the time and lives off of coffee and a prayer.
oh in terms of languages !! he speaks cantonese as his native tongue, learned mandarin through talking with his family in the mainland,  learned english through school, and is still actively learning korean ! he’s only completely fluent in cantonese, but learns korean the most out of all of them on a day-to-day basis.
he’s a little creative boy !! lovesloves to draw and paint and you can always catch him doodling things that went on during the day if he’s bored !!
also plays piano, which he was kind of forced into by his parents lmao ?? but it’s always a plus when he mentions it and it’s fun to play.
he’s quite a softy?? especially for a guy, he’s very affectionate, v loyal, and always looking out for his friends in any way he can ! it probably comes from his dad always being off at work, and his mom ( who is the more nurturing of the two ) being the most present, so he took after her and is very caring & sweet !
i’m not gonna lie...he’s a little bit of an eboy ?? let the sighs of shame arise lmao !! but honestly he’s like if an eboy & art hoe had a baby, but who’s also soft ?? the chaos !
he’s also a bilie eilish supremacist ?? don’t know how that happened since i don’t even stan her that much myslf ?? but like....if you couldn’t tell from his audition video he loves her & will cover each and every of her videos
he’s a baby pan !! he hasn’t really “come out” officially to his friends per se, but has vaguely expressed interest for something outside of a relationship with just girls ! he’s terrified to tell his parents & if he ever will...who knows !! but he’ll become more comfortable with his sexuality soon enough, at least.
his end goal, well semi-end goal, is to become a choreographer !! he wants to be an idol / dancer above all things, but he knows that career won’t last forever so he hopes when he gets out of it to help others achieve their dreams !! he’s very strong on the belief that what’s given to you must be paid back, so he wants to show his appreciation for his eventual debut by helping others reach theirs, too !! 
i think i’ve talked waaaay too much already, so...let’s move onto some quick plot ideas !! i promise i’ll have a legitimate plots page soon. xx
maybe some awkardness ? maybe lei thought he was helping this muse out by giving them presents & money, but they took it a different way as him flaunting his money or treating them like a charity case ? i think it could be interesting !
another foreigner ?? the classic helping each other out duo, but i think it could be really important for the both of them considering they’re still trainees navigating a new country together !
a senior he really admires ? even though they’re all trainees, lei treats those more experienced than him with lots of respect, so he’d probably do everything he could to learn from & get on their good side ! maybe a cute friendship could develop out of it !
on the flip side, someone younger / he’s senior to he can baby ! he’s kind of used to being babied around, but he tends to become a lot more protective & caring over those under him ! please give him someone to spoil & instill confidence in pls thanks
sibling-like friends ?? i need someone he can just be silly with, ruffle a few feathers with, and even have the occasional dispute, but in the end they’ve gotten really close and no one can mess with one without the other ready for a fight !
maybe lei’s got a boy / nb crush he wasn’t expecting ?? he’s a softie so i think it’d be adorable for him to have a little crush on someone, requited or not !
university students rise !! give my boy someone else to share his pain with and complain about how it’s impossible to get good grades and have good evaluations !!
little competition !! he’s mainly a dancer, though he also sings, so i think it’d be fun to have someone he competes with & is often compared to ! maybe they’re actually really close and help each other, maybe they’re true rivals trying to bring each other down !
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starlinfae · 4 years
Update of sorts. I just found out recently that I've been diagnosed without my knowledge with psychotic personality and mixed personality since at least 2004 (I was diagnosed transgender 2008 though my first visits over that were in 2003 and it was overturned in 2017). Whether I've been knowledgeable in 2004 or 2003 about the first two diagnoses, I do not know but with my current state of being, I do not recall ever being told about those diagnoses or having been treated for either of them at said era or after until 2012 when I had an episode that gave me psychotic personality diagnosis and medication (which nulled my entire sense of self and identity and I lost all talents such as singing and arts and any and all personality traits I identified/identify myself by). And didnt affect however any of the symptoms it was prescribed for.
I had the trauma and dissociation test finished, with the parting words of the nurse admitting based on her idea of the extent of my research into did/osdd (truthfully a few pages on did-research website) that she had a difficult time administering the test and claimed that since childhood I've been without control creating characters (she did not explain where she got this belief) to appeal and try to gain affection from my parents (sounded like kitchen psychology to me and left me entirely confused),while the truth is because of my cult upbringing and unstable mother and the whole religious dynamic pervasive through every single day of my childhood, I would've been making everything worse by play pretending to be a boy toward my parents. (This was the nurses point, that I wanted to be a boy to gain affection as if that would have worked and become a valid method of gaining affection. I have no memories of such nature toward my parents. What I do remember however is macro managing my behaviour by watching my mothers reactions, where she didn't even have to say a word for me to begin changing my behaviour to avoid her flipping on me or punish me for being wrong).
So in short, the nurse said the test indicated zero dissociative symptoms despite the symptoms i told her and I later repeated them to the doctor (she wrote down that my symptoms don't show up in the test as well).
All the interactions of the nurse were leading and suggestive questions that never had a follow up question further than an answer she deemed to support her idea that I don't experience what I experience. As if she has never worked with a trauma patient that predominantly seeks to minimize and deny trauma and triggering experiences by masking them inside a positive thing or twisting it into a positive thing.
Most of the sessions I felt low key attacked and doubted and like I was supposed to know things I have no way of knowing, such as what happens when I experience amnesia or who fronted during the period I experienced amnesia or if someone else in the system knows what has happened during the time of memory loss or how often memory loss occurs (I only became aware of the specific memory loss because it directly involved other people and the appointment times were incorrect compared to which appointment I thought I was going to, if it had never come up the way it did, i never would have caught on the memory loss at all). If I'm the one with the amnesia, how am I supposed to know the answer to these questions?
Or forgetting details such as what lead to my first sex or that I've attempted suicide in the past. Or that I've forgotten one of my elementary school mates (the only real one) had died a year prior to me refinding it out through fb. (I have a memorial necklace charm now, so I won't forget again). Or having ironically good memory of the layouts of the houses I grew up in, except in two of the houses, they both have the same second floor. One is real and the other one, I have no clue where I slept, where I played, who I shared my bedroom with, what happened on that floor, what that floor looked like, where my brothers slept and what did they do day to day. I have zero memories involving that second floor of that house (aside the only one of watching the neighboring house be on blazing fire), where all of us kids still lived at home. I have one hazy memory of my oldest brother (who has been later described by my other brother as generally violent and disturbed toward my other brothers, he almost strangled the third one by hanging him) and that is about him putting so much ketchup on his macaroni that even the dog couldn't stomach it when I took the plate to the dog.
The oldest brother got engaged and moved out while we still lived in that specific house.
Overall I have a good decent amount of memories (where I am either alone, with external people - mainly other children or then feeling rejected, neglected, punished, disapproved of by all family (aside my oldest brother, he's just a black presence that's never in contact with me or any of my memories) including relatives), except any trauma memories (including second hand trauma I have logically witnessed based on the hint memories and what I've been told about our family).
If im telling any "stories" it's one of Nothing bad ever happened in our family and even though I was alone and rejected by everyone, I was a happy kid. Most of my memories are from summer or sunny days.
So I am left hurt, doubted, dismissed and ridiculed even. And I'm leaving things untold that are outright misconduct toward a patient by a medical professional. And I was basically argued and condescended to til the very end and laughed at during a switch (because the doctor didn't understand what the fuck happened during the meeting with the alter who fronted and then us switching and shaking her hand thanking for her time when we were leaving). And these two were supposed to be somehow specialized with dissociative disorders, yet I had to hear how there is zero main criteria that DID has to have and how ICD-10 is just a mix of guidelines and symptoms and differs greatly from DMS criteria and that DID is a very rare disorder, relevantly new diagnosis and is very rarely diagnosed in Finland as if that makes it as rare as their diagnosing of it. And I'm just saying, other diagnosed Finnish people have publicly outright said that if you want help, you ain't gonna get a diagnosis or accurate help through public sector (where I was tested and all the above is from) but that if you want help, you're gonna have to see a private sector doctor. And I can't afford that, unfortunately and I'm so so tired and disappointed and feel unsafe with these people.
My current nurse uses misdirection by disrupting my talking during our sessions by saying irrelevant comments or demanding to finish lengthily their thought that has been established mutually already that it has nothing to do with my situation or the way I cope with things but is how she personally sees it and how it works for her/how she copes and how others cope. And she does this to shut me up. As if I wasn't there for my care and to get help with my problems but socialize with her about what she personally finds works for her and other and how sleeping badly because the brain can't clean itself from gunk can cause memory problems. And she succeeds in shutting me up because she forces me into a social mode/alter instead of listening to the parts that are connected to trauma. So I can't continue talking because I no longer even remember what. The. Fuck. I. Was. Talking. About. I guess my brain is dirty.
The doctor gave us only one diagnosis that is mixed personality disorder and it is described with profound diffusive identity, dissociative symptoms, psychotic personality symptoms.
I'm so fucking exhausted. I haven't wanted to die as many times in my entire life as I have wanted to die these past few months. I've never considered myself suicidal but I just don't want to exist like this anymore. There's no help. No one's offered anything to help with my problems. It's like they haven't heard a fucking thing. "so how have you been feeling?" is the fucking first thing the nurse wanted to focus on. When I told her I shut the whole system down after the diagnosis bc I cant deal with things (because the angry part wouldn't shut up and was making us crazy by going things over and over even though we can't do anything about it and made us completely apathetic we couldn't function) she says "isn't that a good thing?"
Please, I don't know, the fuck, I'm not sure more education is gonna help it. I don't have words left anymore.
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gayerluke · 6 years
this is the same aunt that’s always sharing stupid pro-israel/zionist shit on my facebook (SHE’S NOT JEWISH) & constantly putting me in this difficult situation of “how do i tell her why i don’t like this & to stop doing it without sounding like a bitch?” so i usually just delete it, she also shares like those cutesy animal videos that are actually really unsafe but i’ve given up on that battle entirely & just like them all without looking at them.
her sister is the one who doesn’t speak to me because she goaded me into a political argument that i refused to have where she accused me of not only aligning with but supporting literal homophobes, until finally i told her that this wasn’t fair to me as someone who is actually in the line of fire & affected by these things, whereas despite her belief that she is oppressed for being a democrat who chooses to live in texas, actually she is not, & even though that is a true statement i apologized sincerely & humbly for it & never got an apology or even a response back from her for saying i was voting for trump & pence, the guy who wants me to be electrocuted to death, & this was ALL because i said hillary clinton wasn’t perfect, like those were pretty much my exact words (i believe my post was “if you really think the email thing is the only bad thing hillary clinton has ever done you’re living in a fantasy world”) & then i had to PROVE that hillary wasn’t perfect bc if you’re saying hillary’s not perfect clearly that means you’re a republican, bc There Is No Other Side, so i brought up the antiblack “super criminal” shit as one example but that was FALSE bc when hillary talked about bringing black boys to heel it in fact WASN’T racist, & also BERNIE agreed even though at this point he was out of the race & irrelevant & i had not even said anything about him or indicated that i supported him, & the whole time i kept trying to agree to disagree until someone had to end it so i just told her that she needs to trust that i know what’s right for myself since out of the two of us i am the one who will actually be materially affected by the outcome of these things, but apparently pointing out that she wasn’t going to be stripped of any rights was the greatest insult of all & not only does she not speak to me but she also blocked me on facebook, because instead of working out conflict with a presumably-beloved family member like a human being, she has decided, as an adult human woman in her 50s, that the appropriate way to deal with a disagreement (which we didn’t even have!!! we voted for the same person!!!!!) is to cut off all communication with the other party like you’re a high schooler, because that’s just how little she cares about me or values me, & when another horrible nightmare comes true, & gays or jews are in the news being attacked & murdered, i doubt she ever feels bad about doing that shit to me but she’s probably secretly glad to know im hurting, bc i deserve it for whatever wrong opinion i apparently had.
so now every time her sister pulls some innocently-stupid-but-harmful shit i have to have this whole war within myself over how i can disagree without coming off as a bitch, how i can be eloquent & gracious in telling her to knock it off, how i can find language that WON’T make me sound like an angry k--- d--- but oops that’s impossible bc no matter what i say, if it’s coming out of my mouth it’s angry k--- d--- talk because that’s what i am, but we’re liberals so we will never examine our own innate homophobia & antisemitism because of course we don’t have that, so then i get stuck with constantly tone-policing myself & constantly having to stomach all these regular soul-crushing microaggressions like “i’d like to learn yiddish for fun,” “she recently became jewish,” “if you’re going to be jewish you need to know the bible,” “she wants us to use she/her pronouns but she still likes women so it’s so confusing!” (about a trans coworker, so if i like women does that make me a man?), “i am ok with homosexuals i just don’t want to see it” (oh wow pulling out an oldie-but-goodie from when i was a child that you probably have no memory of! But I Do 🙂 ps it was literally about watching a regular movie, only with gays in it which apparently makes it pornography). not to mention things about my weight that i no longer let pass, not insulting things but i pointed out that the first thing out of her mouth upon seeing me being “wow, you’ve lost weight!” is inappropriate in any situation, but particularly weird given that it was because i’d had an 8lb cyst removed. 
ANYWAY IM JUST FUCKING STRESSED bc all my Chill family members are literally dead & i have no one left & i don’t want to alienate another aunt from my life bc that’ll knock out a whole half of my remaining family which is her & her husband, but like that doesnt mean im going to allow her to just put unapproved photos of me up on the internet alongside all of my private information!!! im not!!!! & that’s not unreasonable or crazy!!!!
& somehow my mom just stays out of all of this, like she doesn’t stick up for me, she doesn’t defend me, & it’s like you’re not watching two of your sisters argue, I AM LITERALLY YOUR DAUGHTER, please dont act like you’re not with me!!!! that hurts!!!! whether you’re ashamed of raising an ugly hairy loud-mouthed (((assertive))) k--- d--- or not, you did & you have a responsibility to it, im YOUR monster & i deserve some fucking support!!!!!
& if you don’t like long posts about my stupid fucking meaningless life just unfollow me bc i am literally alone!!!! i have no one else to talk to except for this stupid fucking site full of children at 2am on a sunday
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titsthedamnseason · 3 years
also i will NEVER forgive those damn twins for the absolute highway robbery that was the characterization of rose and ryke. like those two literally carried everyone on their backs for a whopping ten books but we still didn’t even know what they were like pre-addicted to you?? i honestly think this is where the timeline does them a disservice because of when those two were thrown into the story. lily, lo, connor, and daisy all went through their respective arcs so we could visually track their development whereas ryke and rose (beside rose losing her virginity) were essentially already wrapped up. samantha literally slapped rose and they never mentioned it again??? im so sorry to bombard you with my word vomit but kbr annoy the hell out of me
first of all PLEASE never apologize bc all i think about is the addicted series 24/7 and i have hardly anyone to actually share my thoughts with that cares so YES THANK YOU FOR SENDING THESE
anyway, i actually disagree? sort of? for one i’m biased bc i’m a lilo stan but i don’t necessarily think ryke and rose carried everyone on their backs. i feel like all of the characters were so strong and entertaining and could easily have stood on their own without rose and/or ryke (although the core six is better together obvs)
and then, if i’m being honest, i never read hothouse flower, so i’ve always had a lot of gaps in my brain where Important Ryke Characterization should be and i played it off as being hothouse flower gaps, i never considered maybe they just never wrote it. i have always thought the info we had on his childhood was sparing besides a few mentions of his overbearing mother, who by the way became completely irrelevant after afn LOL (although the lack of info might also be a stylistic choice on their part since ryke is so private and they’re known to mesh writing style with characterization in that way so 🤷🏼‍♀️)
and then as for rose! i really think we did get a lot of her background? i think they spent considerable time exploring her relationship with her mother in her childhood, to a similar extent as they did with lily and daisy. i also feel like kiss the sky in particular had so many flashbacks to her high school and college interactions with connor that we probably got more firsthand accounts of coballoway’s pasts than any of the other couples. but yeah lol i can only assume The Slap never came up again because narratively kiss the sky is so much later than ricochet but it’s kind of the same with ryke shunning his mother after lily’s sex addiction leaked and then mentioning that he saw her a few times but never actually delving into what their relationship was like after that?
on another note regarding these two characters: i actually think they are one of if not the most underrated core six friendship! i adore them banding together to protect their friends/family and the idea of them as grumpy friends is so cute to me. the skop chapter where they get lunch and then go to talk to jane’s school together is so superior
edit: i actually did recently make a post about this but one thing i will say is that what we DO know about college ryke is that he was a journalism major and captain of the track team. both of which are facts that make me laugh extensively. i think we can also attribute some weird gaps and inconsistencies to the fact that rose and ryke were never meant to be mains, people just seemed really interested in their stories bad so kbr decided to write the calloway sisters series as well
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bb-bigbang-org · 4 years
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EPISODE 4 - “I just worry that I'm being too messy” - DESIREE
Its a bit annoying having to throw every single hoh, but I'm not in any position to take shots at Drew and Kayla. I was hoping Kayla would've been gone last cycle but instead I lose one of my closest allies. 
Kayla and I successfully told Austin about Mandi and Joe. This is because Joe is trying to pin the vote for Cody to stay on me and I’m not sure why he’s doing that. Austin has definitely taken Joe’s spot as my number 2. 
Daily Thoughts for Day 14:
Wow, two weeks in the Big Brother house... It feels like the game is just starting too.
HOH Results: Of fucking course Austin won again. That man is putting a huge target on his back by winning constantly. At least he seems to want to work with me, so I feel like he wouldn't put me up, but you just never know. I really wonder who he'll put up though.. I have no idea.
So im on the block. Stinkin Austin. So he comes to me before putting me up and tells me he is putting me up agaisnt Joe bc Joe and me are huge allies. I then go into my story about how Joe backstabbed me in the last season we played in and now I can't stand him. In reality I like Joe and I know him and Mandi are trying to help me with getting far in this game. But now im on the block with Joe and this isn't looking good for us, it looks even worse for me because if either of us gets saved then Austin says he plans on putting up Mandi so it just won't be a good situation. Regardless it is time for Power of Veto and this is the first time in this whole game where I am actually going to give my best effort to winning a challenge and not throwing the challenge to keep the heat off of me. But with me on the block I need to really win this to not only save my own ass but potentially save Joe's ass in the process. Wish me luck with winning this! 
Daily Thoughts for Day 15: 
Alliance Chats: The group chatted about who our biggest targets are. It seems everyone is on the same page. We are targeting Lukas, Brooke, & Kayla. Lukas because he pulled that stunt with HOH and then put me up. Brooke because she was leading the pack in trying to get votes for me to go up as a nom. And Kayla because she's so close with Brooke and she seems like a social threat. We chatted about Austin, I'm not sure how to feel about him because he's protecting me and feeding me tons of information, but he's not on our side of the house. Plus, he said he's putting up Frosby as a pawn this week.
Kiss The Crown: I am playing so buddy buddy with Austin right now. I feel like I'm kissing his feet, saying how I wish I could win more comps so I could be of more use to him. LMAO Really, he is useful to me because he keeps winning and he wants to keep me safe for whatever reason. Every time he wins something, he messages me right away to tell me I'm safe. But he's such a huge target so I don't want to keep him around forever. Especially now that he's nominating my biggest ally, even if he insists it's as a pawn. I mean, wasn't Joe a pawn last time?
I don't think I've recorded one of these in a while, so it seemed like a good time to do so! But I honestly love that the only HoHs this season are between Lukas and Austin. Two people that are high on my trust list, and I don't have to do anything- just sit there and look pretty. 
That being said and done, I wanna like dive in to the last two weeks of this game. So Lukas narrowly beats me out for HoH (AGAIN) and decides to go for a democratic vote in terms of his reign. People are saying that its a "smart" idea, but like... really? I love Lukas and all but that was a horrible move on his part. I guess it was his way of appeasing people because he wasn't too active, but like... come on dude. You already put up one person, why piss off another? Or two in this case. 
So then the votes of that democratic vote is revealed, and I get 4th. And who voted for me? Cody, Andy and Joe. Cody, understandable. Andy, he's irrelevant... but Joe? Joe, he needs to stop denying to me that he's thrown me under the bus and sold me down the river to both Lukas and Austin. Because this is week 3 (at the time of this write up its Week 4) and I'm slowly losing my patience with him. 
Lukas also thought it was smart of him to put me, him and Joe in an alliance. And I'll be honest, I'll play the sweet little angel child that I am to get information out Joe, but there is no way you can't make me TRUST him. And I don't. I won't ever, but I'd like to see how far he'll go with his lies. 
Fast forward, Brooke wins the veto, yadda yadda. I don't care about Brooke. She's almost as conniving and heartless as Ashley, but like she's out- so I don't care. She takes down Kayla and CODY finally goes up and goes home. But like in Cody fashion, he can't say anything without having it involve me- but I don't care cause he's already got one foot out of the door. 
Here's where it gets interesting. The vote as 10-1. Meaning someone voted to keep Cody in this house. People say it was Joe. People say it was Brooke. Brooke, however, did not hesitate to throw Joe under the bus by providing a screenshot about it. Do I believe it? No. Could be 100%? Yes. BUT THAT'S NOT THE BEST PART OF THIS WEEK ENDING
I wake up the next day, and I see that I get a dying star. Cody was just evicted, and just like in Cody fashion, he wants to see me fail. Thankfully, the Dying Star is a randomized thing done by a bot to see if I get an Advantage or a Disadvantage. I already know who are the other two Dying Star recipients. One of them, is my #1, Chloe- she told me in private what her's was. Its too powerful to let that slip out. The 2nd is with Mr. Sammy, and he told the members of "They Suck The Most" an alliance comprised of myself, Sammy, Chloe and Lukas on Day 2- that he has the advantage to change up the veto to benefit one of us! And now there's me with the 3rd of 5 Advantages (thanks to the randomizer LOVING me!) where I can play an advantage on any HoH or PoV of my choosing!
So thanks Cody for being a BITTER BITCH, because I just got away with having the BEST outcome of this week. You leaving and me getting an advantage in this game. Mwah! 
Daily Thoughts for Day 16:
POV Results - Fucking JOE won the POV?! Come on! That was the worst possible scenario. I tried to convince Austin to put up Brooke as the replacement and so did Frosby, which I'm sure set off some red flags for Austin. Austin didn't respond and just put up Andy. I WANT TO SCREAM. I hate that this vote is between Andy and Frosby, but Frosby has been my number 1 since day 1, so I'm choosing him. I am so over Austin. He is clearly just playing everybody in this house and wants to be allies with everyone and then just quietly cut them out of the equation. I'm over it.
Fauxlliance - So, after the POV ceremony, Austin messaged me asking if we should keep Frosby and then make an alliance with the three of us. I don't trust Austin at all but I agreed to this "alliance" so I could get information from him, and as a hail mary to try to save Frosby. After making this alliance, before the chat was even created, Frosby got a screenshot of Austin saying if he wins HOH again, he's putting up Frosby because he "doesn't want another Cody". God that guy is a piece of work. All I know is, if I win HOH, I'm putting up Austin & Lukas. IDGAF. I also know I need to start chatting with some of the girls because my alliances are growing thin.
Daily Thoughts for Day 17: 
Lukas - Lukas has reached out to me today talking about how he feels like he's on the outskirts of the house, no one trusts him because of his last HOH, and he hates that he had to put me up last time. This game is mindfucking me because I feel like I'm riding both sides of the house and I want to be loyal to both. I feel like Lukas is genuine when he talks to me, but he's so close to Austin that it scares me. I do feel like he may only really have Austin on his side though as major allies so he probably needs more allies. I definitely trust him more than Austin. I would actually be happy to work with him moving forward, I just worry that I'm being too messy.
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harryfeatgaga · 6 years
I'm dying laughing at the CEO of the Recording Academy trying to cover his ass cause he knew he made a mistake all while questioning if Harry's reached a "level of excellence to merit a nomination." But gave the Chainsmokers and Meghan fucking Trainor a Grammy. Where was the excellence from them? The Chainsmokers song was played at Frat parties and dirty basement, is that's excellence then I don't want Harry to reach that point.
i literally cannot believe
Anonymous said: My dad just texted me from work to see if I was okay because he got a call from the neighbours saying there’s been the same song on loop on full blast (that song is the Grammy robbed Sign of the Times by the Grammy deserving Harry Edward Styles)
Anonymous said: I bet that one anon you got a few days ago is cackling and trying to talk shit about how they knew Harry isn't talented enough to get a Grammy or something stupid like that
they can ch*ke
Anonymous said: Niall did great things with his album and it got great hype by both the public and music producers so if his album made the deadline I would easily say his album deserved a nomination. But the other boys haven’t even released albums yet and their singles were just good for radio play.
i haven't listened to his album still lol but noah fence from what i saw it did not get nearly as great reviews and hype as harrys lol and idk why the others even bothered fhbgfjkvl
Anonymous said: Boycott the Grammys 2k18!
Anonymous said: I’m just going to air out my grievances if that’s ok- first of all,Harry’s management or record company stuffed up bad cos y’all know damn well the members don’t vote artists with a progressive sound into the rock category so you fucked up there. second - Bruno mars is clearly this ceremony’s Taylor swift cos idk how tf his flimsy song about material things got nominated over a relevant refreshing ballad like SOTT . Harry deserved better , but also, harry needs to fire some incompetent people ✌️
well harry made music he wanted lol not stuff thats gonna get played on the radio which i enjoy lol but yea bruno is the tswift this year....or j*y z
Anonymous said: The thing that sucks is he most likely was planning on going to the Grammys cause he's performing for Fleetwood Mac the day before, but now he's going to be in New York and not going.....
Anonymous said: I was really disappointed but more for him than me like my first thought was “I hope he’s alright and not too sad about it” And I really hope he understands that it doesn’t make him any less good because an award is just an award and it never defines who you are as an artist and as a person.
i know I'm so sad for him i hope he's okay :(
Anonymous said: Harry is the best artist in the world right now he doesn’t need awards!!
tru! but it would've been nice to even get a nom/recognition
Anonymous said: You can tell the Grammy' will just nominated any old shite. I mean Ed Sheeran has the biggest album of the year yet he isn't nominated. And i didn't even know JayZ had an album out and he's nominated. Like no offense but American music industry is just shit.
ed is nominated and some other categories which I'm sure he will win and literally same i had no idea jay z had music out lmao
Anonymous said: Scrap what i said, Zayn didn't get nominated. It was for songwriting and he didn't write that song.
Anonymous said: He got all that hype, he did that private show for them, they went his his first show in LA. They for sure used him for hype and media attention. Robbing bastards.
Anonymous said: I just hope he knows Grammys ain’t shit
Anonymous said: I know it’s not the end of the world, but I hope he’s not super disappointed and sad, because everyone hyped him up so much smh. Also, I bet this will change how he does promo and radio shit for his next album, they should get him a radio deal just for the fact that clearly that’s all these loser Grammy voters care about.
well if thats what he has to do to get a grammy i don't think that would be worth it and i don't think he would think that either
Anonymous said: Jay Z can fucking choke like his album? The shit he did to beyonce? I’m not fucking rewarding a man for being like that anymore, he can take his ancient ass somewhere else.
Anonymous said: Good, now I don’t have to watch the Grammys this year, I’m glad tbh since I’m not really a fan of any of the other nominees and I’m sick to death of hearing the same five songs all fucking year lol, that issues song? Fucking hate it, have since day one, can’t believe it got nominated for shit lol. However Jeff needs to get Harry a radio deal since clearly that’s all that matters to voters, considering Harry did all the courting of the voters he could and still got fucked.
i literally haven't even heard most of whats nominated its such a joke
Anonymous said: Most nominees in the important categories are poc so I’m not completely mad and besides Despacito or however you write it (which is a horrible song) they nominated well deserved ones. I still think SOTT should’ve got at least one nomination but I think that maybe because harry is fresh out of the oven they’re not gonna straight up give him a nomination even if he deserves it.
yea i mean its awesome theres actually diversity this year but SOTT literally deserved a ROTY nom
Anonymous said: Nah Harry will get Brit nominations because he’s respected in his own country, the Brits also nominated 1D they don’t hold being in a boy band against him which clearly the Grammy voters do, which is a real shame tbh. But the Grammys are continuing to dig their own grave and become more and more unimportant every year.
i cant wait till the grammys just make such a food of themselves no one goes
Anonymous said: Pls the whole Grammys is a conspiracy theory lol I told you
a mess
Anonymous said: The Grammys lost all credibility after giving Adele Album of the Year last year and not Beyonce. They stick to the basics and just anyone who doesn't "break the rules of music" Harry's first solo song was a 6 minute long rock ballad, which doesn't go with what was expected to be put out. They don't care for originality or you know talent, that's why Ed Sheeran's wack ass has won 🤷🏼‍♀️
Anonymous said: He'll probably get nominated for Song of the year and Video of the year at the Brits. Pretty sure both are fan voted. Maybe best male as well. Also maybe best album but then again probably not because it depends. Also maybe global success. I can't think who else would get that right now. Maybe Ed Sheeran again.
i hope so
Anonymous said: Grammys? I don’t know her. Anyway I hope Harry knows how proud everyone is of him and I hope he’s proud of himself I love my baby 🤧💕
Anonymous said: i feel so much for harry i mean he did everything he could he put out a phenomenal single and a stellar album and worked with amazing producers and writers and did the grammy performance thing and all that stuff with cbs and like i know im biased but he deserves SOME recognition for all of that like he really did put out amazing music this year that was so much more worthy than despacito like come on he was robbed i just hope he feels okay and valid bc he IS :(
i know :( like i hope he knows he still has done such incredible things this year and his album is so good and he doesn't need a stupid grammy anyway
Anonymous said: Taylor is nominated for two (one for the country song she wrote). Like no offense the the American music industry but you need to get your head out of Taylor arse and stop being snobs. SOTT deserved a nomination.
when will they stop kissing her ass
Anonymous said: Harry broke records held by legends, had a BBC special, performed at the record academy, and sold out an arena tour in minutes. So Julia Michaels and Ed Sheehan can take their boring ass music along with their nominations and shove it up their asses.
Anonymous said: I’m sorry but I have to point out the irony. The lyrics of the song are literally stop your crying it’s a sign of the times. and I know there’s a deeper meaning, but this year fucking sucks
i know :(
Anonymous said: All that hype for nothing. Boy was robbed. Sign of the times deserves a Grammy.
Anonymous said: Everyone knows no one, NO ONE deserved a nomination more then Harry. White old men disappointing me again. Like every fucking person said Harry deserved one. ISSUES AS SONG OF THE YEAR? YALL I NEED THEIR CRACK DEALER CAUSE CLEARLY ITS SOME GOOD SHIT TO GET YOU TO THINK FUCKING ISSUES IS SONG OF THE YEAR. Nah fuck them.
FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said: I’m so?? Noah fence but the songs that got nominated? What the fuck???? Harry deserved to be up there whether it was roty or aoty idc he just deserves to be nominated.
Anonymous said: LISTEN in 10 years time people will look back and say why the fuck wasn’t SOTT a Grammy winner... he is timeless and he’ll win in the end!! The Grammys are fucked
Anonymous said: The Grammys just proved again how much they don’t matter lol, Harry’s song and album was on every single list as one of the best of the entire year, and the you know who wasn’t? Most of those other songs lmao so whatever man I know the Grammys matters to harry, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore they continue to be irrelevant and continue to nominate mediocrity.
its such a joke lmao
Anonymous said: Yeah honestly the Grammys really do only care about awarding the same people over and over again, and it’s like, no offense but who cares lol. I’m sure Jay Zs album is good but he’s nearly 50 and been nominated a ton like idc anymore lol. And I like Bruno mars but seriously? The songs he was nominated for really aren’t that great lmao.
seriously tho like j*y z has enough awards
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morchsteeples · 7 years
I'm stalking your blog bc I love it and I was just wondering if you do headcanons??? I'm a huge fan of them, especially for Moritz and Wendla
omg!! ok! first of all i love you soSO much because you reminded me that i needed to put some headcannons down that i had floating in my brain!! and my two loves?? my angels?? anything for them
listen,, i hate dealing with the reality that moritz and wendla are Dead so i’m going to completely disregard the entirety and integrity of the plot to spring awakening for a lil bit,, i also headcannon all of them living in a not so distant past but like also at the same time i can see them in a 1930′s setting even though thats Not correct?? anyway that’s just in case this seems out of context of everything below:
so moritz never really has his own thing for a while, melchior is good at being Melchior and wendla is so charitable and giving and martha likes to garden and thea likes tennis and blahblahblah
but ilse is the one that introduces moritz to painting, accidentally, really,, she’s just like, “oh, yeah, some dude left these paints and brushes and easels at my house” and moritz just shrugs like whatever
but curiosity gets the better of him and he starts messing a bit with the oil paints and oh my god it’s his Thing
wendla has a bird, wendla loves birds, and i will defend this hc until i die
it starts off as a little thing, like she gets a parakeet and he’s her favorite thing in the world
but then all the sudden she’s wendla Birdmann with a flock of birds flowing her down the street
and like, she loveloveloves colorful birds like her parakeet, but will stop dead in her tracks and collapse from joy if she sees a crow because crows are so intelligent and wendla finds that so absolutely strange and beautiful
so moritz loves martha and everything she stands for so when she decides to re-purpose the old community greenhouse he’s there every day just to stop by and help water the plants
martha loves cacti and other succulents but … she has issues with … the spikes
moritz, on the other hand, is incredibly delicate with them and is also a Pro at getting the cactus spikes out of martha’s hand
like, she literally walked up to him one day with thirty (30) spikes in her hands and he had to take all of them out and cover her hands in bandaids but he was like?? what, did, you do,?
“the cactus was going to fall off the shelf and i didn’t want it to get hurt so i caught it”
“with your bare HANDS???”
moritz and wendla also have a combined fascination for insects
they have a club
its called the bug club
and they have two members: wendla and moritz
georg SHAMED them about it
“how can you even LOOK at bugs and have fun??”
“how can you even LOOk at yoURseLf and have fun gEOrg” - wendla
seriously do. not. get wendla started about #savethebees
moritz is halfway between loving and hating butterflies (…ironic) because some of them are so beautiful and caterpillars are cute but
he had a moment similar to spongebob and patrick in that pet episode where they looked too closely at the butterfly and saw Hell in it’s face
as far as relationships gooo, im all over the place
i basically hc moritz with anyone except like?? i hc him as bi,, but that doesn’t necessarily mean i hc him with any of the boys because like i’ve read excerpts of the play and the boys are pretty mean to him in it which isn’t much of a reason but i do luv me a little bit of moritz & ernst now and then
but as of currently?? moritz and martha are,,, a blessing
and don’t even talk to me about ANYTHING if it’s not wendla and ilse,, like don’t talk to me at all if we’re not going to be talking about that at all hours
i always wonder about like?? do any of them have siblings?? because i know there’s been a mention of moritz and hanschen being stepbrothers? and i support that?
like so moritz’s dad married hanschen’s mom and they had a daughter and she’s like, six or seven now
and moritz and hanschen are all iffy about the step-siblings thing until their little sister is born because she is the most beautiful thing to have graced this earth in their eyes and they want to protect her and be the best brothers ever to her
wendla obviously has her older sister but i feel like she also has some irrelevant older brother that’s like, in his late twenties and he’s a businessman and just Lives
moritz never really has a Job, he just paints for a living, sometimes he writes or sings,, no one really knows how he makes a living like that but somehow he does
i also wonder like? what if one of them grows up and is actually religious? like wendla gets older and she’s like? i want to do our children well and educate them and she becomes a schoolteacher at a private school which,, i don’t strongly hc but i see her as pursuing a future in education for sure
all in all, i hc them all as just happy? having nice, healthy hobbies and fulfilled lives?? someone give a round of applause for my dudes moritz and wendla who did the Most and got the Least
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too-many-loose-ends · 7 years
All the questions 😘 (even tho you didn't ask me mine 😒😜)
Is a kiss considered cheating?YesHave you ever faked orgasm?NopeIf you could have one superpower, what would it be?The ability to flyDo you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?Probably notTell us some funny drunk story.I've never drank so I have noneWhy are you no longer together with your ex?She cheated on meIf you had to choose one way to die, what would it be?Guillotine (I think I spelled that right)What are your current goals?Get a good enough job that I can provide for a bunch of pets and buy a bunch of lingerie for SarahDo you like someone?YesWho was the last person to disappoint you?Me lmaoDo you like your body?YesCan you keep a diet?NopeIf the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?We should just get rid of privatized medicine and Donald Trump, and republicans in generalDo you work?Yes at a hardware store unfortunatelyIf you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?PizzaWould you get a tattoo?Hell yes Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?SarahCan you drive?YesWhen was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?A few weeks agoWhat was the last thing you cried for?I wouldn't really call it arguing but the other night when Sarah and I sort of had a disagreement idk what else to call itDo you keep a journal?Other than this blog noIs life fun?Sometimes Is farting in front of people irrelevant?When other people do it yes, but if it's me it's embarrassing lolWhat’s your dream car?One that works wellAre grades in school important?In the grand scheme of things noDescribe your crush.She's short with red hair and beautiful hazel/green eyes and she really likes pop punk and metal and drawing and her favorite color is yellow and she has the cutest sleepy voice and I love her a lotWhat was the last book/movie that really impressed you?The new power rangers movieWhat was your last lie?When I told a customer to have a good dayDumbest lie you ever told? Anything nice I've ever told a customerIs crying in front of people embarrassing?It shouldn't be but it is for meSomething you did and you are proud of?Got into a D1 track teamWhat’s your favourite cocktail?I don't drink lolSomething you are good at?Hurdling Do you like small kids?Not at allHow are you feeling right now?HungryWhat would you name your daughter/son?Idk bc I don't plan on having anyWhat do you need to be happy?Sarah, all the food I want, and access to a gymIs there some you want to punch in the face right now?Lmao yesWhat was the last gift you received?A record from Sarah What was the last gift you gave?I'm not sure lolWhat was the last concert you went to?Warped TourFavourite place to shop at?Hot topicWho inspires you?Sarah How old were you when you first got drunk?Never been drunkHow old were you when you first got high?Never been highHow old were you when you first had sex?18When was your first kiss?I was 14Something you want to do until the end of this year?Get good grades, I've done that for the spring semester and my summer class so I gotta keep it goingIs there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?Not really because it's all lead me to being where I am rnPost a selfie.Give me a secWho are you most comfortable around?SarahName one thing that terrifies you.Becoming my parents What kind of books do you read?I don't really read but I wish I did What would you tell your 12 year old self?Stop being so cringy and do something with your hair lolWhat is your favourite flower?I don't really have oneAny bad habits you have?When I get too anxious I bite myselfWhat kind of people are you attracted to?The person who asked me thisWhat was the last thing you cried for?The power rangers movie lolIs there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?Sushi but I really wish I liked it tbhAre you in love?YesSomething you find romantic?Idk lmao How long was your longest relationship? This one and it's been a year and almost 10 monthsWhat are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?"No homo," ridiculously low societal standards for boys, mansplainingWhat are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?Idk girls are the best lolWhat are you saving money for?School and concertsHow would you describe your bad side?Jealous, insecure, distrusting, angry, etc. Are you actually a good person? Why?Idk probably not lolWhat are you living for?HappinessHave you ever done anything illegal?I spit off a tall building in Ohio so yesDo you like your body?Yes I doHave you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?YeahEver sent nudes?YesHave you ever cheated on someone?NopeFavourite candy?Probably Twix Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!Yes but lately I've kinda been slacking lol and it's starry-eyes-and-blissful-nightsDo you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?No but Legend of Zelda: Breath of the WildFavourite TV series?Rick and MortyAre you religious? Does God exist?No and noWhat was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?A Clockwork Orange, and yes bc it was a good story idk lolWhat do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?Don't be a dick about it or I'll be a dick about eating meatHow long have you been on Tumblr?About 6 years now lolDo you like Chineese food?I like some stuff McDonalds or Subway?McDonalds but they're both trash lolVodka or whiskey?NeitherAlcohol or drugs?NeitherEver been out of your province/state/country?YesMeaning behind your blog name?It's kinda from the Real Friends song Loose EndsWhat are you scared of?Big spiders, like if it's a spider that lives in a rainforest or a desert it can fuck off lolLast time you were insulted?Earlier today but tbf me and my brother talk shit all the time lolMost traumatic experience?Finding out I'd been cheated on Perfect date idea?Pizza and then going back to one of our houses to watch movies and cuddleFavourite app on your phone?Tumblr lolWhat colour are the walls in your room?Dark greenDo you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?Yes, either Jacksfims or Adam "Plumpy" Blampied from WhatCultureShare your favourite quote."If I make sound, it better be loud." It's from Rock is Dead by BeartoothWhat is the meaning of life?To give life meaningDo you like horror movies?YesHave you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Yeah but it happened years ago so I don't remember and she probably doesn't either Do you feel lucky or special in a way?I'm dating Sarah so obviously lmaoCan you keep a secret?Yes I can
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