#but at least 99% of evidence or experiences are bs
eggcats · 1 year
one thing that gets me is that the more "high tech" ghost hunting equipment I see, the more "proof" I'm given, the more im positive it's almost entirely bullshit, I just become more of a shaniac the more "evidence" I see
which is an insane take from someone who's had legitimate experiences I can't explain (which isn't to say there ISN'T an explanation, but other than it being possible mental illness and occasional hallucinations, I don't know what it could be other than possibly paranormal)
I should be the easiest motherfucker to fool how did we even get to this point
And yet? Any time anyone tells ME anything I'm immediately like have you checked your carbon monoxide detector? Is the building structurally sound?, bc if it's not that also causes hallucinations. It's just a spec of dust or the house shifting or sleep paralysis or etc. I barely believe MY OWN experiences.
Ghosts aren't scary, y'know what is? Someone secretly living in your house. Any random who decides they wanna kill you. Living people. Ghosts are just invisible freeloaders who don't pay rent (assuming they even exist). They can't just stab me in the middle of the night like a human can.
(I've actually had some scary sleep paralysis experiences too but those I'm aware of what that is. Didn't make them any less scary tho.)
(long list of experiences after the readmore. I'm honestly making this post more so I can just talk about them tbh)
I've had:
moving shadows in my house
one was a full grown man shape, about 6+ feet tall running down the hallway that I could see from my bedroom. I just went "huh. Not my problem." And went back to listening to my radio
another was like, a huge tail-like shape just fucking swinging on the wall when I walked into the desk room at like 3am, and I even checked the light switch to make sure it wasn't causing a weird shadow, it wasn't, there wasn't anything that could have caused it (also the shadow was like, pitch black) so then I was like "huh. Not dealing with that" and turned out the light, turned around, walked down the hallway to my bedroom and climbed into my bed and went to sleep
saw literal floating orbs MORE THAN ONCE
one was on Halloween when my friends and I were hanging out at a graveyard (a moving floating orange one)
the other way me walking downstairs at night and hitting/walking into this huge bright blue blinding light that disappeared once I turned a real light on
had stuff constantly changing positions in my room
(that I explicitly asked my mom if she moved, the only person to enter my room other than me, and she was like "no? why would I do that?")
- one was a fucking nesting doll that KEPT TURNING AROUND TO FACE ME DESPITE ME FACING IT TO THE WALL WHENEVER I NOTICED IT MOVED...I kept it bc my aunt bought it for me from China so it was special even if it was possessed.
Sidenote: my brain HATES anything human-like with eyes, I will become CONVINCED it's following me I cannot handle the uncanny valley of it. That's only related bc that's the only reason I regularly turned it around, I didn't want it looking at me.
another memorable one was my huge cardboard dragon model that somehow got in my loft bed from my bookshelf, a feat it could absolutely not have gotten there without help
had some presence enter my college dorm room when I had a dorm to myself, and y'know how you can kind of feel when people walk behind you? I felt that as I was napping before class, and like I said, my roommate had moved out absolutely no one had keys to my room and it startled me enough it straight up woke me up. I think I had a few other experiences, but that was the most notable one
one time my cat woke me up bc he was chirping intently at the corner of a wall at like 2am. I looked. There was nothing there. So I sat down and looked at it and went "hey it's 2am can you stop bothering my cat so I can sleep?" and then suddenly my cat calmed down. So I went back to sleep.
more than once I'd turn off the kitchen light and I'd HEAR the light switch hit and it'd turn back on. likely faulty wiring but it was freaky to turn the lights off, sit down, and have them turn back on
I couldn't take a NAP on the beanbag chair under my bed without it feeling like something was grabbing me from my body
whenever I'd force myself back into myself (one time I straight up heard a voice go "you NEED to wake up" before I even could do so), and wake up FREAKED OUT, I'd be hit with this sense of "oh it was fine, you're So Tired go back to sleep" that just didn't feel natural, like it wasn't coming from me and was overpowering my actual reaction
Like, I'd suddenly feel exhausted (almost unnaturally so?) where if I didn't force myself to get up off the floor RIGHT THEN, I'd go right back to this half-asleep state and the feeling of being forced from by body would be much quicker this time
It felt like a kind of full-body tingle on the places I'd be yanked from by body, except it wasn't my arm going to sleep or anything bc it'd be on the side I Wasn't sleeping on, and would progressively get further down the more I was yanked
(if I was actually tired and fell legitimately asleep nothing happened, so I'd only sleep on the beanbag chair under my bed when I wanted to nap for a few hours, and not just doze)
Speaking of that spot - more than once I've heard a noise from there that I couldn't identify the cause of. It's possible I had some auditory hallucinations, but considering everything else it'd freak me out to hear a voice or a knock or something that like, was intentional and I couldn't identify what caused it.
I only had the "removed from my body" IN my bed once but it was way scarier
I was snoozing/relaxing during summer break late morning in bed, reading Shonen Jump, and got hit with such exhaustion that I suddenly couldn't stay awake - like, I Was fine a second ago, and now suddenly I'm almost passed out, can barely keep my eyes open
So I was like, okay I'll go back to sleep. And then???? I hear someone washing their hands in the bathroom down the hall??? And THEN I hear them walk down the hall towards my room, and the entire time I hear the approach I'm hit with an overwhelming sense of fear/dread - like I knew somehow it wasn't an intruder, but instead something paranormal? In a way I knew my only defense was to pretend I was still asleep
And suddenly I feel something grab me and lift me directly up into the air, and then forward, like incredibly fast?
(and listen, I was like an early teenager filled with indoctrination. I thought this was the second coming. I started praying, lmao. But! It seemed to have worked bc suddenly the thing dragging me moved SO MUCH MORE QUICKLY and I'm fucking DROPPED back into my body. Like, I legitimately think I moved when I re-entered it was so violent)
And I KNOW y'all are going to say I was asleep or something, but listen. I was absolutely awake. It was a CONSCIOUS EFFORT on my end to keep my eyes closed and PRETEND I was still asleep. I straight up waited a few minutes after I got back into my body before opening my eyes I was so freaked. I did NOT want to see whatever it was and I didn't want IT to know I was conscious.
I straight up agreed to go with my aunt and grandma to go swimming like they wanted me to. And I absolutely hated doing stuff like that. It just scared me so badly I didn't want to be home alone anymore.
and is, to THIS DAY, convinced my cat was possessed by something that I had to exorcise
listen. I know it sounds insane. Trust me. My cat's eyes were pitch black (not normal night cat eyes, like pure black), he glared at me in a "is THAT the best you can do" way when I flicked him on the nose for biting me, he bit me when I petted him (he does NOT bite unless you're handing him treats), and then when I "exorcised" it bc I was pissed it DARED to mess with my cat he was so exhausted he snuggled with me near my chest for about 10 minutes, and he HATES sleeping there (after he moved back to my feet where he normally sleeps)
If I had another explanation I'd give you one.
I should be susceptible to this shit, and yet you show me the ovilus and I'm like cool that's a scam
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heartbxnd-blog · 5 years
Anonymous has sent: 1 3 4 6
Munday Memes; Your Opinions [Accepting]
DISCLAIMER: This post contains opinion! If you can’t deal well with these things, either don’t read this post, come talk to me about it privately or block me. This post isn’t aimed at anyone, don’t let someone’s opinion on the internet hurt your feelings.
1. Is there anything that currently worries you about the rpc?
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// At the moment? Not much that I can think of actually!
At least not anything unique to the pokeRPC sorta of speaking. From people who can’t distinguish reality from fiction, the purist culture, to those who feel the need to shove their agenda down others’ throats. These aren’t exclusive to this community, and they always worry/annoy me because people who are wrapped up in this mess- lack any kind of basic knowledge/morals meaning the chances of them TRULY hurting someone else are extremely high.
I’ve learned my lesson, and now I know best to avoid these people and look out for the signs of them.
3. Is there anything that you will absolutely not rp?
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// Besides really weird shit? That most folks I talk/rp with tend to say no to?
One thing should be pointed out is that: I’m WAY more open to things privately with people who I trust on, than on my tumblr blogs.
I like to see myself as someone who is pretty open about what could be done in fiction, because I honestly don’t care what happens in it- and so long I’m not forcing it/hurting my partner then who cares?
Even dark heavy subjects like Inc.est, ra.pe, etc. I wouldn’t be fully opposed to delve into for a story. Because if they are used correctly, they can establish and create quite the compelling story.
IKR It’s such a complex concept- the idea of an author, not really condoning/supporting what they write.
OF COURSE, when it comes to RP this is something that my partner must be okay with it as well. Because guess what? I won’t force anything on anyone, in fact whenever I start any discussions/plotting I ALWAYS ask them to tell me what are their boundaries and to always tell me if we should skip something/etc for their own comfort. This is meant to be enjoyable for both parties after all.
Ironically if I were to list out what I would outright deny, is actually gore. Depending on the severity, I can feel physically sick with imagery and detailed description of it. I guess I wouldn’t be able to write a full on ra/pe scene? Eh again, most of the time depends on how I’m feeling.
4. What is your opinion on call out culture or general discourse within certain rp comms?
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// 99% of the times it is silly, stupid and unnecessary for both callout culture AND discourses. 
I understand that a call out in its theory, should be used to warn people of ACTUAL threats to the community’s users. Be it for a scam, or virus going around, to possible pedophiles and overall really toxic individuals (WITH REAL EVIDENCES OF IT- AND NOT DMS TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT).
But what it is used for in ALL the cases (minus like once or twice throughout all of my 5~4 years of RPing here) is to nothing but instigate a mob mentality to go out of their ways to harrass and bully people. Yeah no sorry, I can’t stand nor will support this kind of crap.
People who write callout posts, have a goal in their mind: To ruin the person’s reputation, and chase them out of the community for whatever BS. If anything, these are the people we should be avoiding and be warned about. They don’t care about whatever SJ bs they will try to cover their intentions with, their goal is to destroy and make someone’s time/life miserable.
Discourse is something that shouldn’t even be near RP IMO to begin with, because I’m here to escape reality. Besides- who’s their target demographic again? Are they helping ANYONE? Oh and god forbid if you disagree with them. Now my darlings, this is what we call a keyboard warrior.
It’s unnecessary, nobody asked for these, and they really aren’t making ANY difference y’know besides making those who they don’t agree with lives hell.
TLDNTR: If you support callout culture, and try to shove an agenda down my throat. You can fuck right off from my blogs.
6. What is your opinion on how OC’s & female muses are treated within the rpc?
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// One thing: You’re on Tumblr.com I don’t think there is a more progressive hellhole like this one in the internet. 9/10 times I see the supposed “female mistreatment” in the RP community, just looks to me like a miscomunication between the partners.
Either one party wasn’t clear or the other misunderstood what they meant.
If anything I’ve had in the past, female muses mistreat/belittle/harrass my male muses. All while passing it off as “being a strong female muse right here uwu”. Let me tell u, it sure wasn’t funny for me to see my male muses being reduced to supposed sexism just because they wouldn’t be friendly/etc. Even though I’ve stated to the mun countless times, how they were going to react to certain things.
But hey what do I know right? Am I not the elitist- canon rper who only seems to write dudes???
Jokes aside though, obviously I won’t allow these bad experiences ruin my general thoughts on them. This is the prime example of OOC behavior, putting me off completely to even glance at the muse.
As for OCs- my dudes, I’ve rped/written some OCs in the past. I understand and I wholeheartedly agree, it is not fun feeling ignored or left out over characters that everyone else knows. But here is there thing, you kinda of signed up for this challenge the moment you pick an OC- no one knows your character, and you as its creator needs to sell it to others.
It is only natural that people will gravitate towards the pre established characters’ blogs. But don’t let it put you down from your creation, you’ll find people who are genuinely interested in your OC- it is all a matter of finding your people.
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renaroo · 6 years
Thanks ! Well, I wanted to ask you what he would be like as a significant other in a committed relationship. Specifically, do you see him as the huggy/cuddly type like he's depicted in some fan fics? Like, in practice, what would he be like?
I think canon Jason shows a lot more reservation when it comes to physical intimacy, honestly. He’s flirty and talkative, but when we see him pushing forward with specific romantic relationships -- like with Artemis in Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) -- there’s a lot more discomfort and hesitance on his part. Which would make sense since we have to remember that Jason has not had a lot of time in his life where he could work on and practice romantic intimacy with people he has romantic feelings for. There’s a lot of that adolescent development that Jason didn’t get to experience for himself and he, as a rule, shows a lot of discomfort any time he feels like he doesn’t have control of situations, especially if you look at earlier Jason as written by Winick and others.
That being said, canon is nebulous to go off of for Jason in a number of ways. And there’s also evidence for Jason being more comfortable and affectionate with the people in his life he does know and has already built up relationships with, especially if they were parts of his “former life”. He is friendly and affable with Kory in all their interactions, he has a definite residual affection and respect for Donna Troy in pre-New52 canon, and we see a lot of comfort in physical affection like hugging, holding, and caring for Barbara that has carried over. I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of these examples are with women who hold special places in his life before his death as well as after his resurrection -- Kory was Dick’s girlfriend when Jason was Robin and then Jason’s teammate and friend when he was Red Hood, Donna was Jason’s childhood crush as Robin and one of the few members of the hero community to work with him and give him a second chance in his early days as the Red Hood, and Barbara was still Batgirl and a friend to Jason when he was Robin and then still a member of the family and, importantly, one of the few people who can truly understand Jason’s position and hurt post-resurrection. 
There’s been a lot of male bonding in Jason’s life in canon, lots of male friends, male family members, and I think in terms of pure page time this is the majority of Jason’s character interactions. But all those male characters also tend to have very limited physical intimacy -- some of that is because comics are dumb and think crotches can never touch in a front-front hug because people might catch The Gay -- and part of it actually makes canonical sense because lbr Bruce is good for many things with his children, but he struggles with physical intimacy on his own already. Which is what makes moments where he hugs, puts a hand on the shoulder, and generally provides that physical content so sweet yet rare. 
That’s sort of realistic to real life, sometimes male-male bonding is emphasized but physical affection is ignored or tragically lambasted basically for no reason when it’s healthy and necessary for everyone.
I think that’s why, at least up to the end of the “Dark Trilogy” -- the recent Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016-) struck such a cord with me. We saw Jason being able to build those relationships and those levels of intimacy with a woman who was not someone who had gained a level of comfort with him prior to his death, and with a close intimate friend who was a guy, Bizarro, who Jason showed plenty of increasing physical support and affection for. 
Well and then they did the obvious thing and tore it apart, but that’s beside the point.
So the tl;dr to your question, anon, would be -- by my estimates -- Jason is not a lovey-dovey, easily affectionate person for 99% of people he interacts with. He’s not particularly confident in expressing romantic feelings and might at first be even more physically reserved with someone he has romantic interest in, but with all the defensive barriers and with all the discomfort, it is possible for Jason to eventually let people in and express a genuine physical affection for. 
After Lobdell gets done with whatever he’s doing which honestly I haven’t kept up since the bs with Artemis went about as South as it could’ve gone. 
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bewarereport-blog · 5 years
Tai Lopez – The Ultra-Rich Internet Personality and a Con Artist
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  Tai Lopez is an internet personality known for doing a crazy amount of ads and publicity stunts. He is quite rich and claims to have built a multi-million empire. But he fakes his richness by using rental cars and renting big mansions to fool his audience into thinking that he owns those commodities. He does this because his whole brand revolves around showing off and bragging. More than 200 Million people are scammed every year in the United States. The number of hackers, cybercriminals, con artists and frauds has been increasing rapidly. Even influencers have been conning people in order to earn money. Tai Lopez is one of them. He has been running several scam companies which target the young people (ageing from 16 – 24) and steals their money. Tai has been so successful with his methods that people don’t even realise that they are being fooled. He has scammed a countless number of youngsters. His courses and books are full of BS and provide no valuable information to the customer. However, his persuasive skills make sure that the customers don’t realize that they are wasting their time and money.
A little about Tai Lopez (his profession, his education, etc.):
Tai Lopez is a big social media personality with more than 3.1 million followers on Instagram, 1 million subscribers on YouTube, 6 million fans on FB and 700k followers on Twitter. He is an investor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and advisor. You might have seen him in his infamous car garage advert, which went viral on YouTube. He is also the host of “The Tai Lopez Show”, where he talks about wealth, happiness, love and nutrition; he claims that his show is watched by 1.4 million people all around the world. He is the owner of Mentor Box, which is a book shipping club. On 11th April 1977, Tai Lopez was born. There is not much information available about his parents and childhood. But Lopez himself has said that he was raised by his grandmother and mother and he was an introverted kid. Some people say that Lopez talked to his grandfather a lot who was at that time, a scientist. His grandfather motivated him to change the world and he used to send him books via mail. Tai Lopez is not educated and thus he has not told anyone the name of his college, from which he dropped out of. His whole education is shady and Lopez has done all he can to make sure that his education information does not leak. After dropping out, he started working on many different jobs. He was hired by the Amish, where he milked cows and did other miscellaneous tasks. Amish are a church fellowship of traditionalist Christians, who avoid any latest technology. He currently has a net worth of $20 million. He says that he garnered this crazy wealth by selling courses and investments, but we all know that this is not true.
His Social Media Marketing Agency Course Review:
Tai Lopez has released his new Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) Course quite recently. It apparently teaches you how to earn thousands of dollars while travelling the world and smashing hot chicks. The whole landing page of this course is a big click-bait. Tai states that there are people earning $10,000 using his knowledge, but there is zero evidence to prove his claims. It is a 16-week course and during these 16 weeks, it will teach you how to run a social media agency. When you complete the course Tai Lopez will give his own certification, making you a Lopez certified Social Media Marketing agent. However, the value of this certification is zero, as Tai is NOT a social media marketing expert and the course itself does not have any special value as well. We have interviewed dozens of social media marketing professionals and asked them their views on this course. Most of them said that there are many businessmen who don’t know anything about social media except that it can get them a lot of customers, and such businessmen often buy these programs. A business always looks for boosting sales and generating leads and this course targets those people and teaches them the basics. Everything that you will learn from this expensive course can be learnt for FREE on YouTube and websites. It does not provide any special information that you might expect from such an expensive course. This course is awesome for those who don’t know anything about social media and have thousands of dollars to throw away, but if you value your resources, then STAY AWAY from this course. We can say that Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Course is a type of pyramid scheme.  It is quite new and thus, Tai is giving is all in marketing this course to make sure that more and more people buy it. He always takes down any critical reviews on his products and thus, there are literally NO reviews of this course available, which clearly defines its values.
The 67 Steps Course Review:
The 67 Steps course of Tai is his most popular course ever, as he has used a very different marketing strategy to sell it. He sells one video for $1 dollar and has sold many copies of this course. The 67 Steps course teaches nothing except that you need hard work to earn big money, which is obvious information. He emphasizes that you watch all 67 of his videos if you want the full benefits of this course. But in order to watch them, you will have to buy the full course. In order to evaluate his course, we bought it and watched it ourselves only to find out that Tai has once again proven that he is a master of conning, as there was no valuable information available in his course. He has just compiled some key points from a bunch of books and is showcasing them in such a way that you will think that those points are his own. We have to say that Tai Lopez is a very talented salesperson and he always makes sure that his fans don’t realize that they are getting fooled. His advert of the 67 Steps Course runs almost on every video he can afford. Most of the information that Tai tells in this course is common sense and an average person knows these facts already. We did appreciate the amount of effort Tai Lopez put in the course and it is very organized, but considering the price tag, we cannot say it is worth your money. We noticed that Tai didn’t even put much thought into his videos and most of them are not even scripted. He is just improvising on the go, trying to sound useful and motivational, while not providing any real information.
Tai’s Mini MBA Course:
Believe it or not, Tai Lopez claims that he can give you 90% of the information provided in a full-fledged MBA course, in his $1,000 Mini-MBA course. This course is just as dumb as it sounds; reviewers say that for the price tag of a thousand bucks, you can get much better information than that is available in this course. It comes along with its video library and you can do live Q&As every week with the members of Tai’s team. Most of the times your question will not be answered as the members have to attend many others and they will just try to give a generalized answer, to avoid any contradictions. The structure of this course is much poor than any other course available on the internet. They don’t even have a summary list and the course is just a bunch of videos put together. Some videos lack context and are there just to fill the space. For its price, the Mini MBA course of Tai Lopez is definitely not worth it. A toddler can learn using this course, as it has nothing complicated information; this course is so straight forward that it is bad. The only unique thing about this course is Tai’s personal experiences he shares on it, and those will only be helpful for those who are his crazy fans. Even though Tai has used high-grade recording equipment for the making of this course, we can’t say that it is worth your thousand dollars. Lopez might be an enthusiastic entrepreneur making millions of bucks, but that doesn’t make him qualified enough to give his own Mini-MBA certificate. And this makes the value of this certification far less than an actual MBA certificate.
Reviews of his previous employees:
Tai is really talented when it comes to talking sweet and he hides his true personality from his fans. Most of his kindness is only towards chicks and money. We had to dig deep in order to find more about his attitude towards people. 99% of the reviews or statements on the internet which speaks the truth about Tai are taken down by the reputation management team of Tai Lopez. Tai Lopez says that he is a very kind person and most of his associates say the same. However, his employees beg to differ. Below are reviews of some of Tai’s previous employees, who have worked with him for at least a year.  
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It isn’t worth it.   This review states that Tai Lopez’s office does provide free lunch sometimes free travel. However, the cons list outnumbers the pros by a large difference. He added that the managers make a lot of fake promises in order to keep the employees from quitting. The key positions in the company are held by Tai’s friends and family, who do not have a clue about the company or their post. The employees are not given any kind of training and Tai abuses the employees sometimes. Moreover, his own investors don’t believe in him.  
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Manipulative Work Environment Run by Greed.   This employee has stated that the managers of Tai Lopez’s office are a bunch of liars who make empty promises to the employees to keep them working hard. Most of the employees leave in a couple of months, because of poor management. The administration doesn’t care about the employees and they prioritise some particular employees who they like to. They state that they want adaptable professionals but what they really mean is that they want those people who can do everything they say without any hesitation. This employee also said that most of the employees feel neglected and ignored, because the administrators are extremely self-centred. All the managers are manipulative and they use many psychological tactics on the employees to get the job done. If there is any delay in the work due to any reason, they will even start cursing.  
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• This company is run by headless chickens.   The office runs on the principal of hard work but does not care about the health of the employee. They don’t know anything about organising their work and making it more efficient. The company does not have any goals in mind and operates like a headless chicken. Any new ideas are not appreciated and they managers a highly critical of the work. Employees often find themselves wasting a lot of their time on pointless tasks and there is no guidance when it comes to career advancement. This employee finally states that working with Tai Lopez is a total disappointment and if you are a fan of his, then don’t work there.   Management is a bunch of sexual predators. This woman used to work at Tai Lopez’s office, but she had to leave because of the perverted bosses. She did appreciate their work ethic and worked really hard, however, the managers used to give sexual remarks to her, which was extremely uncomfortable. Once one of the managers even tried to touch grope her, but she resisted as much as possible. The work environment is clearly not safe for women and any professional female should avoid working here. They guarantee a lot of things but do nothing.   Infamous Viral Ad of Tai Lopez   Everyone who knows about Tai Lopez knows about his viral YouTube advertisement, which took the internet by the storm. His video titled “Here In My Garage” has 69 million views on it! Tai has spent a whopping $200,000 on this promotion. The worst thing about this promo is that everything featured in it is either rented or fake. Many people say that Tai Lopez rented a Lamborghini for the shoot of this video, but what they don’t know is that he hasn’t even done that. He has actually used a green screen in his video. There is no shadow of him in the whole 3:54 minutes video. A green screen is a videography technique which enables the filmmaker to film a moving object in front of a green screen which can be used in other videos. This advert became a meme shortly after it became viral and it helped Lopez boost his business even more. Almost all the views on this video are bought out. The reason being, that it has only around 100 comments and 60k likes, whereas an organic video has much more engagement rate than this. Moreover, it has 50K dislikes as well, which shows how much people hated this promo. This advert changed Tai’s life and gave him the boost he needed to become an established con artist. Many people critiqued his false advertisement method, but most of them were bought out by Tai’s team. He has claimed that this promo has more than 1.2 billion minutes of watch time, which is A LOT for an advert. He earned a ton of money from this video, as it generated him millions of clicks to his course’s landing page. One source tells us that his conversion rate was 14% which itself is a crazy number. The course he sold using this promo was totally useless and didn’t provide ANY value.  
The Businesses
Ever since his unbelievable success, Tai Lopez has built many businesses. He has his foot in any industry where he can scam people, including education, investing and even dating. He rarely mentions his businesses in his Snapchat or Instagram videos, to make sure that he doesn’t slip out any information. He hasn’t linked his LinkedIn with any of his businesses as well, which makes him more suspicious.   Night Clubs- Tai is a big party animal and has invested in many east coast night clubs. Some girls have accused him of inappropriate behaviour in his clubs as well.   LLG Financial- Tai Lopez used to be the owner of LLG Financial however, now he is just an investor. The name of this company was Legacy Life Group in the past, but recently it has been changed to LPL Financial.   Elite Global Dating LLC (his fraud dating company) The Elite Global Dating LLC is Tai’s one of the most sketchy companies. It has dozens of fake profiles which consist of attractive women who will message (the message will be something that will almost force the user to reply) the visitors when they make their account and in order for them to reply, they will have to get their membership. All these attractive accounts are of bots and once the user gets the membership, these bots stop replying him. However, when he will stop paying for the membership, those bots will start to message him again. This company is highly infamous for not refunding the user’s money once they decide to cancel their membership. Tai has changed the domain of this websites 3 times by now, and it is possible that he will change it again in the future. At first, the website was named Meetingmillionairs.com then he changed it to EliteGlobalDating.com and finally into www.EliteMeeting.com. This business generates a lot of money for Tai’s wallet and he has stolen money from thousands of people using it. Many people have posted complaints against this business online, but using his high connections, Tai has taken most of them down, leaving only a few of them. Here is what people think about Tai Lopez’s Elite Global Dating LLC:  
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  Dozens of Domains Tai Lopez knows that his business is going to face a lot of backlashes as he cons hundreds of people daily. Therefore he has bought dozens of domain names to make sure that his online reputation doesn’t get damaged and he can keep up his “Good” persona online. After doing some research on WHOSIS we found out that Tai Lopez owns the following domains until now: justmillionaires.com datetallmen.com findadate.com meetingmillionaires.com tailopez.net curvyfitness.com ifyouresingle.com modelmeet.com mythailove.com elitemmeting.com elitemeet.com eliteglobaldating.com millionairelifecoach.com tailopez.com There is a high probability that Tai has bought MANY other domains on other identities to make sure that the least amount of people find out about his shady business plans.  
Millions of followers on social media:
Tai has Millions of fans and followers on social media platforms and he SPAMS them with promos and ads. The only reason people follow him is that there are many others who are doing so, most of them being fake followers and he has built a persona online of a multi-millionaire.  
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  He currently has 3.1m followers on Instagram and he claims to giveaway cars, cash & laptops, but there is zero proof that he has done that. He claims that people have won 10 cars and 540 cash, and yet again his statement is without any proof.  
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  As you can see on the Social Blade chart of Tai Lopez’s Instagram account, his profile started growing rapidly after his “Here in my Garage” advert became viral in 2015. And he generated a lot of money from this attention, almost an estimated $20 million!   Tai Lopez is nothing but a fake entrepreneur who scams people and steals their money. He has followed the strategy of “Fake it till you make it” but his own dirty version where he keeps faking it and stealing money from people. We would advise you to STAY AWAY from such a con artist and save your precious time and money.             Read the full article
0 notes
liarscheatersrus · 5 years
Tai Lopez – The Ultra-Rich Internet Personality and a Con Artist
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  Tai Lopez is an internet personality known for doing a crazy amount of ads and publicity stunts. He is quite rich and claims to have built a multi-million empire. But he fakes his richness by using rental cars and renting big mansions to fool his audience into thinking that he owns those commodities. He does this because his whole brand revolves around showing off and bragging. More than 200 Million people are scammed every year in the United States. The number of hackers, cybercriminals, con artists and frauds has been increasing rapidly. Even influencers have been conning people in order to earn money. Tai Lopez is one of them. He has been running several scam companies which target the young people (ageing from 16 – 24) and steals their money. Tai has been so successful with his methods that people don’t even realise that they are being fooled. He has scammed a countless number of youngsters. His courses and books are full of BS and provide no valuable information to the customer. However, his persuasive skills make sure that the customers don’t realize that they are wasting their time and money.
A little about Tai Lopez (his profession, his education, etc.):
Tai Lopez is a big social media personality with more than 3.1 million followers on Instagram, 1 million subscribers on YouTube, 6 million fans on FB and 700k followers on Twitter. He is an investor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and advisor. You might have seen him in his infamous car garage advert, which went viral on YouTube. He is also the host of “The Tai Lopez Show”, where he talks about wealth, happiness, love and nutrition; he claims that his show is watched by 1.4 million people all around the world. He is the owner of Mentor Box, which is a book shipping club. On 11th April 1977, Tai Lopez was born. There is not much information available about his parents and childhood. But Lopez himself has said that he was raised by his grandmother and mother and he was an introverted kid. Some people say that Lopez talked to his grandfather a lot who was at that time, a scientist. His grandfather motivated him to change the world and he used to send him books via mail. Tai Lopez is not educated and thus he has not told anyone the name of his college, from which he dropped out of. His whole education is shady and Lopez has done all he can to make sure that his education information does not leak. After dropping out, he started working on many different jobs. He was hired by the Amish, where he milked cows and did other miscellaneous tasks. Amish are a church fellowship of traditionalist Christians, who avoid any latest technology. He currently has a net worth of $20 million. He says that he garnered this crazy wealth by selling courses and investments, but we all know that this is not true.
His Social Media Marketing Agency Course Review:
Tai Lopez has released his new Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) Course quite recently. It apparently teaches you how to earn thousands of dollars while travelling the world and smashing hot chicks. The whole landing page of this course is a big click-bait. Tai states that there are people earning $10,000 using his knowledge, but there is zero evidence to prove his claims. It is a 16-week course and during these 16 weeks, it will teach you how to run a social media agency. When you complete the course Tai Lopez will give his own certification, making you a Lopez certified Social Media Marketing agent. However, the value of this certification is zero, as Tai is NOT a social media marketing expert and the course itself does not have any special value as well. We have interviewed dozens of social media marketing professionals and asked them their views on this course. Most of them said that there are many businessmen who don’t know anything about social media except that it can get them a lot of customers, and such businessmen often buy these programs. A business always looks for boosting sales and generating leads and this course targets those people and teaches them the basics. Everything that you will learn from this expensive course can be learnt for FREE on YouTube and websites. It does not provide any special information that you might expect from such an expensive course. This course is awesome for those who don’t know anything about social media and have thousands of dollars to throw away, but if you value your resources, then STAY AWAY from this course. We can say that Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Course is a type of pyramid scheme.  It is quite new and thus, Tai is giving is all in marketing this course to make sure that more and more people buy it. He always takes down any critical reviews on his products and thus, there are literally NO reviews of this course available, which clearly defines its values.
The 67 Steps Course Review:
The 67 Steps course of Tai is his most popular course ever, as he has used a very different marketing strategy to sell it. He sells one video for $1 dollar and has sold many copies of this course. The 67 Steps course teaches nothing except that you need hard work to earn big money, which is obvious information. He emphasizes that you watch all 67 of his videos if you want the full benefits of this course. But in order to watch them, you will have to buy the full course. In order to evaluate his course, we bought it and watched it ourselves only to find out that Tai has once again proven that he is a master of conning, as there was no valuable information available in his course. He has just compiled some key points from a bunch of books and is showcasing them in such a way that you will think that those points are his own. We have to say that Tai Lopez is a very talented salesperson and he always makes sure that his fans don’t realize that they are getting fooled. His advert of the 67 Steps Course runs almost on every video he can afford. Most of the information that Tai tells in this course is common sense and an average person knows these facts already. We did appreciate the amount of effort Tai Lopez put in the course and it is very organized, but considering the price tag, we cannot say it is worth your money. We noticed that Tai didn’t even put much thought into his videos and most of them are not even scripted. He is just improvising on the go, trying to sound useful and motivational, while not providing any real information.
Tai’s Mini MBA Course:
Believe it or not, Tai Lopez claims that he can give you 90% of the information provided in a full-fledged MBA course, in his $1,000 Mini-MBA course. This course is just as dumb as it sounds; reviewers say that for the price tag of a thousand bucks, you can get much better information than that is available in this course. It comes along with its video library and you can do live Q&As every week with the members of Tai’s team. Most of the times your question will not be answered as the members have to attend many others and they will just try to give a generalized answer, to avoid any contradictions. The structure of this course is much poor than any other course available on the internet. They don’t even have a summary list and the course is just a bunch of videos put together. Some videos lack context and are there just to fill the space. For its price, the Mini MBA course of Tai Lopez is definitely not worth it. A toddler can learn using this course, as it has nothing complicated information; this course is so straight forward that it is bad. The only unique thing about this course is Tai’s personal experiences he shares on it, and those will only be helpful for those who are his crazy fans. Even though Tai has used high-grade recording equipment for the making of this course, we can’t say that it is worth your thousand dollars. Lopez might be an enthusiastic entrepreneur making millions of bucks, but that doesn’t make him qualified enough to give his own Mini-MBA certificate. And this makes the value of this certification far less than an actual MBA certificate.
Reviews of his previous employees:
Tai is really talented when it comes to talking sweet and he hides his true personality from his fans. Most of his kindness is only towards chicks and money. We had to dig deep in order to find more about his attitude towards people. 99% of the reviews or statements on the internet which speaks the truth about Tai are taken down by the reputation management team of Tai Lopez. Tai Lopez says that he is a very kind person and most of his associates say the same. However, his employees beg to differ. Below are reviews of some of Tai’s previous employees, who have worked with him for at least a year.  
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It isn’t worth it.   This review states that Tai Lopez’s office does provide free lunch sometimes free travel. However, the cons list outnumbers the pros by a large difference. He added that the managers make a lot of fake promises in order to keep the employees from quitting. The key positions in the company are held by Tai’s friends and family, who do not have a clue about the company or their post. The employees are not given any kind of training and Tai abuses the employees sometimes. Moreover, his own investors don’t believe in him.  
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Manipulative Work Environment Run by Greed.   This employee has stated that the managers of Tai Lopez’s office are a bunch of liars who make empty promises to the employees to keep them working hard. Most of the employees leave in a couple of months, because of poor management. The administration doesn’t care about the employees and they prioritise some particular employees who they like to. They state that they want adaptable professionals but what they really mean is that they want those people who can do everything they say without any hesitation. This employee also said that most of the employees feel neglected and ignored, because the administrators are extremely self-centred. All the managers are manipulative and they use many psychological tactics on the employees to get the job done. If there is any delay in the work due to any reason, they will even start cursing.  
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• This company is run by headless chickens.   The office runs on the principal of hard work but does not care about the health of the employee. They don’t know anything about organising their work and making it more efficient. The company does not have any goals in mind and operates like a headless chicken. Any new ideas are not appreciated and they managers a highly critical of the work. Employees often find themselves wasting a lot of their time on pointless tasks and there is no guidance when it comes to career advancement. This employee finally states that working with Tai Lopez is a total disappointment and if you are a fan of his, then don’t work there.   Management is a bunch of sexual predators. This woman used to work at Tai Lopez’s office, but she had to leave because of the perverted bosses. She did appreciate their work ethic and worked really hard, however, the managers used to give sexual remarks to her, which was extremely uncomfortable. Once one of the managers even tried to touch grope her, but she resisted as much as possible. The work environment is clearly not safe for women and any professional female should avoid working here. They guarantee a lot of things but do nothing.   Infamous Viral Ad of Tai Lopez   Everyone who knows about Tai Lopez knows about his viral YouTube advertisement, which took the internet by the storm. His video titled “Here In My Garage” has 69 million views on it! Tai has spent a whopping $200,000 on this promotion. The worst thing about this promo is that everything featured in it is either rented or fake. Many people say that Tai Lopez rented a Lamborghini for the shoot of this video, but what they don’t know is that he hasn’t even done that. He has actually used a green screen in his video. There is no shadow of him in the whole 3:54 minutes video. A green screen is a videography technique which enables the filmmaker to film a moving object in front of a green screen which can be used in other videos. This advert became a meme shortly after it became viral and it helped Lopez boost his business even more. Almost all the views on this video are bought out. The reason being, that it has only around 100 comments and 60k likes, whereas an organic video has much more engagement rate than this. Moreover, it has 50K dislikes as well, which shows how much people hated this promo. This advert changed Tai’s life and gave him the boost he needed to become an established con artist. Many people critiqued his false advertisement method, but most of them were bought out by Tai’s team. He has claimed that this promo has more than 1.2 billion minutes of watch time, which is A LOT for an advert. He earned a ton of money from this video, as it generated him millions of clicks to his course’s landing page. One source tells us that his conversion rate was 14% which itself is a crazy number. The course he sold using this promo was totally useless and didn’t provide ANY value.  
The Businesses
Ever since his unbelievable success, Tai Lopez has built many businesses. He has his foot in any industry where he can scam people, including education, investing and even dating. He rarely mentions his businesses in his Snapchat or Instagram videos, to make sure that he doesn’t slip out any information. He hasn’t linked his LinkedIn with any of his businesses as well, which makes him more suspicious.   Night Clubs- Tai is a big party animal and has invested in many east coast night clubs. Some girls have accused him of inappropriate behaviour in his clubs as well.   LLG Financial- Tai Lopez used to be the owner of LLG Financial however, now he is just an investor. The name of this company was Legacy Life Group in the past, but recently it has been changed to LPL Financial.   Elite Global Dating LLC (his fraud dating company) The Elite Global Dating LLC is Tai’s one of the most sketchy companies. It has dozens of fake profiles which consist of attractive women who will message (the message will be something that will almost force the user to reply) the visitors when they make their account and in order for them to reply, they will have to get their membership. All these attractive accounts are of bots and once the user gets the membership, these bots stop replying him. However, when he will stop paying for the membership, those bots will start to message him again. This company is highly infamous for not refunding the user’s money once they decide to cancel their membership. Tai has changed the domain of this websites 3 times by now, and it is possible that he will change it again in the future. At first, the website was named Meetingmillionairs.com then he changed it to EliteGlobalDating.com and finally into www.EliteMeeting.com. This business generates a lot of money for Tai’s wallet and he has stolen money from thousands of people using it. Many people have posted complaints against this business online, but using his high connections, Tai has taken most of them down, leaving only a few of them. Here is what people think about Tai Lopez’s Elite Global Dating LLC:  
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  Dozens of Domains Tai Lopez knows that his business is going to face a lot of backlashes as he cons hundreds of people daily. Therefore he has bought dozens of domain names to make sure that his online reputation doesn’t get damaged and he can keep up his “Good” persona online. After doing some research on WHOSIS we found out that Tai Lopez owns the following domains until now: justmillionaires.com datetallmen.com findadate.com meetingmillionaires.com tailopez.net curvyfitness.com ifyouresingle.com modelmeet.com mythailove.com elitemmeting.com elitemeet.com eliteglobaldating.com millionairelifecoach.com tailopez.com There is a high probability that Tai has bought MANY other domains on other identities to make sure that the least amount of people find out about his shady business plans.  
Millions of followers on social media:
Tai has Millions of fans and followers on social media platforms and he SPAMS them with promos and ads. The only reason people follow him is that there are many others who are doing so, most of them being fake followers and he has built a persona online of a multi-millionaire.  
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  He currently has 3.1m followers on Instagram and he claims to giveaway cars, cash & laptops, but there is zero proof that he has done that. He claims that people have won 10 cars and 540 cash, and yet again his statement is without any proof.  
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  As you can see on the Social Blade chart of Tai Lopez’s Instagram account, his profile started growing rapidly after his “Here in my Garage” advert became viral in 2015. And he generated a lot of money from this attention, almost an estimated $20 million!   Tai Lopez is nothing but a fake entrepreneur who scams people and steals their money. He has followed the strategy of “Fake it till you make it” but his own dirty version where he keeps faking it and stealing money from people. We would advise you to STAY AWAY from such a con artist and save your precious time and money.             Read the full article
0 notes
topscammers-blog · 5 years
Tai Lopez – The Ultra-Rich Internet Personality and a Con Artist
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  Tai Lopez is an internet personality known for doing a crazy amount of ads and publicity stunts. He is quite rich and claims to have built a multi-million empire. But he fakes his richness by using rental cars and renting big mansions to fool his audience into thinking that he owns those commodities. He does this because his whole brand revolves around showing off and bragging. More than 200 Million people are scammed every year in the United States. The number of hackers, cybercriminals, con artists and frauds has been increasing rapidly. Even influencers have been conning people in order to earn money. Tai Lopez is one of them. He has been running several scam companies which target the young people (ageing from 16 – 24) and steals their money. Tai has been so successful with his methods that people don’t even realise that they are being fooled. He has scammed a countless number of youngsters. His courses and books are full of BS and provide no valuable information to the customer. However, his persuasive skills make sure that the customers don’t realize that they are wasting their time and money.
A little about Tai Lopez (his profession, his education, etc.):
Tai Lopez is a big social media personality with more than 3.1 million followers on Instagram, 1 million subscribers on YouTube, 6 million fans on FB and 700k followers on Twitter. He is an investor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and advisor. You might have seen him in his infamous car garage advert, which went viral on YouTube. He is also the host of “The Tai Lopez Show”, where he talks about wealth, happiness, love and nutrition; he claims that his show is watched by 1.4 million people all around the world. He is the owner of Mentor Box, which is a book shipping club. On 11th April 1977, Tai Lopez was born. There is not much information available about his parents and childhood. But Lopez himself has said that he was raised by his grandmother and mother and he was an introverted kid. Some people say that Lopez talked to his grandfather a lot who was at that time, a scientist. His grandfather motivated him to change the world and he used to send him books via mail. Tai Lopez is not educated and thus he has not told anyone the name of his college, from which he dropped out of. His whole education is shady and Lopez has done all he can to make sure that his education information does not leak. After dropping out, he started working on many different jobs. He was hired by the Amish, where he milked cows and did other miscellaneous tasks. Amish are a church fellowship of traditionalist Christians, who avoid any latest technology. He currently has a net worth of $20 million. He says that he garnered this crazy wealth by selling courses and investments, but we all know that this is not true.
His Social Media Marketing Agency Course Review:
Tai Lopez has released his new Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) Course quite recently. It apparently teaches you how to earn thousands of dollars while travelling the world and smashing hot chicks. The whole landing page of this course is a big click-bait. Tai states that there are people earning $10,000 using his knowledge, but there is zero evidence to prove his claims. It is a 16-week course and during these 16 weeks, it will teach you how to run a social media agency. When you complete the course Tai Lopez will give his own certification, making you a Lopez certified Social Media Marketing agent. However, the value of this certification is zero, as Tai is NOT a social media marketing expert and the course itself does not have any special value as well. We have interviewed dozens of social media marketing professionals and asked them their views on this course. Most of them said that there are many businessmen who don’t know anything about social media except that it can get them a lot of customers, and such businessmen often buy these programs. A business always looks for boosting sales and generating leads and this course targets those people and teaches them the basics. Everything that you will learn from this expensive course can be learnt for FREE on YouTube and websites. It does not provide any special information that you might expect from such an expensive course. This course is awesome for those who don’t know anything about social media and have thousands of dollars to throw away, but if you value your resources, then STAY AWAY from this course. We can say that Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Course is a type of pyramid scheme.  It is quite new and thus, Tai is giving is all in marketing this course to make sure that more and more people buy it. He always takes down any critical reviews on his products and thus, there are literally NO reviews of this course available, which clearly defines its values.
The 67 Steps Course Review:
The 67 Steps course of Tai is his most popular course ever, as he has used a very different marketing strategy to sell it. He sells one video for $1 dollar and has sold many copies of this course. The 67 Steps course teaches nothing except that you need hard work to earn big money, which is obvious information. He emphasizes that you watch all 67 of his videos if you want the full benefits of this course. But in order to watch them, you will have to buy the full course. In order to evaluate his course, we bought it and watched it ourselves only to find out that Tai has once again proven that he is a master of conning, as there was no valuable information available in his course. He has just compiled some key points from a bunch of books and is showcasing them in such a way that you will think that those points are his own. We have to say that Tai Lopez is a very talented salesperson and he always makes sure that his fans don’t realize that they are getting fooled. His advert of the 67 Steps Course runs almost on every video he can afford. Most of the information that Tai tells in this course is common sense and an average person knows these facts already. We did appreciate the amount of effort Tai Lopez put in the course and it is very organized, but considering the price tag, we cannot say it is worth your money. We noticed that Tai didn’t even put much thought into his videos and most of them are not even scripted. He is just improvising on the go, trying to sound useful and motivational, while not providing any real information.
Tai’s Mini MBA Course:
Believe it or not, Tai Lopez claims that he can give you 90% of the information provided in a full-fledged MBA course, in his $1,000 Mini-MBA course. This course is just as dumb as it sounds; reviewers say that for the price tag of a thousand bucks, you can get much better information than that is available in this course. It comes along with its video library and you can do live Q&As every week with the members of Tai’s team. Most of the times your question will not be answered as the members have to attend many others and they will just try to give a generalized answer, to avoid any contradictions. The structure of this course is much poor than any other course available on the internet. They don’t even have a summary list and the course is just a bunch of videos put together. Some videos lack context and are there just to fill the space. For its price, the Mini MBA course of Tai Lopez is definitely not worth it. A toddler can learn using this course, as it has nothing complicated information; this course is so straight forward that it is bad. The only unique thing about this course is Tai’s personal experiences he shares on it, and those will only be helpful for those who are his crazy fans. Even though Tai has used high-grade recording equipment for the making of this course, we can’t say that it is worth your thousand dollars. Lopez might be an enthusiastic entrepreneur making millions of bucks, but that doesn’t make him qualified enough to give his own Mini-MBA certificate. And this makes the value of this certification far less than an actual MBA certificate.
Reviews of his previous employees:
Tai is really talented when it comes to talking sweet and he hides his true personality from his fans. Most of his kindness is only towards chicks and money. We had to dig deep in order to find more about his attitude towards people. 99% of the reviews or statements on the internet which speaks the truth about Tai are taken down by the reputation management team of Tai Lopez. Tai Lopez says that he is a very kind person and most of his associates say the same. However, his employees beg to differ. Below are reviews of some of Tai’s previous employees, who have worked with him for at least a year.  
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It isn’t worth it.   This review states that Tai Lopez’s office does provide free lunch sometimes free travel. However, the cons list outnumbers the pros by a large difference. He added that the managers make a lot of fake promises in order to keep the employees from quitting. The key positions in the company are held by Tai’s friends and family, who do not have a clue about the company or their post. The employees are not given any kind of training and Tai abuses the employees sometimes. Moreover, his own investors don’t believe in him.  
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Manipulative Work Environment Run by Greed.   This employee has stated that the managers of Tai Lopez’s office are a bunch of liars who make empty promises to the employees to keep them working hard. Most of the employees leave in a couple of months, because of poor management. The administration doesn’t care about the employees and they prioritise some particular employees who they like to. They state that they want adaptable professionals but what they really mean is that they want those people who can do everything they say without any hesitation. This employee also said that most of the employees feel neglected and ignored, because the administrators are extremely self-centred. All the managers are manipulative and they use many psychological tactics on the employees to get the job done. If there is any delay in the work due to any reason, they will even start cursing.  
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• This company is run by headless chickens.   The office runs on the principal of hard work but does not care about the health of the employee. They don’t know anything about organising their work and making it more efficient. The company does not have any goals in mind and operates like a headless chicken. Any new ideas are not appreciated and they managers a highly critical of the work. Employees often find themselves wasting a lot of their time on pointless tasks and there is no guidance when it comes to career advancement. This employee finally states that working with Tai Lopez is a total disappointment and if you are a fan of his, then don’t work there.   Management is a bunch of sexual predators. This woman used to work at Tai Lopez’s office, but she had to leave because of the perverted bosses. She did appreciate their work ethic and worked really hard, however, the managers used to give sexual remarks to her, which was extremely uncomfortable. Once one of the managers even tried to touch grope her, but she resisted as much as possible. The work environment is clearly not safe for women and any professional female should avoid working here. They guarantee a lot of things but do nothing.   Infamous Viral Ad of Tai Lopez   Everyone who knows about Tai Lopez knows about his viral YouTube advertisement, which took the internet by the storm. His video titled “Here In My Garage” has 69 million views on it! Tai has spent a whopping $200,000 on this promotion. The worst thing about this promo is that everything featured in it is either rented or fake. Many people say that Tai Lopez rented a Lamborghini for the shoot of this video, but what they don’t know is that he hasn’t even done that. He has actually used a green screen in his video. There is no shadow of him in the whole 3:54 minutes video. A green screen is a videography technique which enables the filmmaker to film a moving object in front of a green screen which can be used in other videos. This advert became a meme shortly after it became viral and it helped Lopez boost his business even more. Almost all the views on this video are bought out. The reason being, that it has only around 100 comments and 60k likes, whereas an organic video has much more engagement rate than this. Moreover, it has 50K dislikes as well, which shows how much people hated this promo. This advert changed Tai’s life and gave him the boost he needed to become an established con artist. Many people critiqued his false advertisement method, but most of them were bought out by Tai’s team. He has claimed that this promo has more than 1.2 billion minutes of watch time, which is A LOT for an advert. He earned a ton of money from this video, as it generated him millions of clicks to his course’s landing page. One source tells us that his conversion rate was 14% which itself is a crazy number. The course he sold using this promo was totally useless and didn’t provide ANY value.  
The Businesses
Ever since his unbelievable success, Tai Lopez has built many businesses. He has his foot in any industry where he can scam people, including education, investing and even dating. He rarely mentions his businesses in his Snapchat or Instagram videos, to make sure that he doesn’t slip out any information. He hasn’t linked his LinkedIn with any of his businesses as well, which makes him more suspicious.   Night Clubs- Tai is a big party animal and has invested in many east coast night clubs. Some girls have accused him of inappropriate behaviour in his clubs as well.   LLG Financial- Tai Lopez used to be the owner of LLG Financial however, now he is just an investor. The name of this company was Legacy Life Group in the past, but recently it has been changed to LPL Financial.   Elite Global Dating LLC (his fraud dating company) The Elite Global Dating LLC is Tai’s one of the most sketchy companies. It has dozens of fake profiles which consist of attractive women who will message (the message will be something that will almost force the user to reply) the visitors when they make their account and in order for them to reply, they will have to get their membership. All these attractive accounts are of bots and once the user gets the membership, these bots stop replying him. However, when he will stop paying for the membership, those bots will start to message him again. This company is highly infamous for not refunding the user’s money once they decide to cancel their membership. Tai has changed the domain of this websites 3 times by now, and it is possible that he will change it again in the future. At first, the website was named Meetingmillionairs.com then he changed it to EliteGlobalDating.com and finally into www.EliteMeeting.com. This business generates a lot of money for Tai’s wallet and he has stolen money from thousands of people using it. Many people have posted complaints against this business online, but using his high connections, Tai has taken most of them down, leaving only a few of them. Here is what people think about Tai Lopez’s Elite Global Dating LLC:  
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  Dozens of Domains Tai Lopez knows that his business is going to face a lot of backlashes as he cons hundreds of people daily. Therefore he has bought dozens of domain names to make sure that his online reputation doesn’t get damaged and he can keep up his “Good” persona online. After doing some research on WHOSIS we found out that Tai Lopez owns the following domains until now: justmillionaires.com datetallmen.com findadate.com meetingmillionaires.com tailopez.net curvyfitness.com ifyouresingle.com modelmeet.com mythailove.com elitemmeting.com elitemeet.com eliteglobaldating.com millionairelifecoach.com tailopez.com There is a high probability that Tai has bought MANY other domains on other identities to make sure that the least amount of people find out about his shady business plans.  
Millions of followers on social media:
Tai has Millions of fans and followers on social media platforms and he SPAMS them with promos and ads. The only reason people follow him is that there are many others who are doing so, most of them being fake followers and he has built a persona online of a multi-millionaire.  
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  He currently has 3.1m followers on Instagram and he claims to giveaway cars, cash & laptops, but there is zero proof that he has done that. He claims that people have won 10 cars and 540 cash, and yet again his statement is without any proof.  
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  As you can see on the Social Blade chart of Tai Lopez’s Instagram account, his profile started growing rapidly after his “Here in my Garage” advert became viral in 2015. And he generated a lot of money from this attention, almost an estimated $20 million!   Tai Lopez is nothing but a fake entrepreneur who scams people and steals their money. He has followed the strategy of “Fake it till you make it” but his own dirty version where he keeps faking it and stealing money from people. We would advise you to STAY AWAY from such a con artist and save your precious time and money.             Read the full article
0 notes
unhappyclient-blog · 5 years
Tai Lopez – The Ultra-Rich Internet Personality and a Con Artist
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  Tai Lopez is an internet personality known for doing a crazy amount of ads and publicity stunts. He is quite rich and claims to have built a multi-million empire. But he fakes his richness by using rental cars and renting big mansions to fool his audience into thinking that he owns those commodities. He does this because his whole brand revolves around showing off and bragging. More than 200 Million people are scammed every year in the United States. The number of hackers, cybercriminals, con artists and frauds has been increasing rapidly. Even influencers have been conning people in order to earn money. Tai Lopez is one of them. He has been running several scam companies which target the young people (ageing from 16 – 24) and steals their money. Tai has been so successful with his methods that people don’t even realise that they are being fooled. He has scammed a countless number of youngsters. His courses and books are full of BS and provide no valuable information to the customer. However, his persuasive skills make sure that the customers don’t realize that they are wasting their time and money.
A little about Tai Lopez (his profession, his education, etc.):
Tai Lopez is a big social media personality with more than 3.1 million followers on Instagram, 1 million subscribers on YouTube, 6 million fans on FB and 700k followers on Twitter. He is an investor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and advisor. You might have seen him in his infamous car garage advert, which went viral on YouTube. He is also the host of “The Tai Lopez Show”, where he talks about wealth, happiness, love and nutrition; he claims that his show is watched by 1.4 million people all around the world. He is the owner of Mentor Box, which is a book shipping club. On 11th April 1977, Tai Lopez was born. There is not much information available about his parents and childhood. But Lopez himself has said that he was raised by his grandmother and mother and he was an introverted kid. Some people say that Lopez talked to his grandfather a lot who was at that time, a scientist. His grandfather motivated him to change the world and he used to send him books via mail. Tai Lopez is not educated and thus he has not told anyone the name of his college, from which he dropped out of. His whole education is shady and Lopez has done all he can to make sure that his education information does not leak. After dropping out, he started working on many different jobs. He was hired by the Amish, where he milked cows and did other miscellaneous tasks. Amish are a church fellowship of traditionalist Christians, who avoid any latest technology. He currently has a net worth of $20 million. He says that he garnered this crazy wealth by selling courses and investments, but we all know that this is not true.
His Social Media Marketing Agency Course Review:
Tai Lopez has released his new Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) Course quite recently. It apparently teaches you how to earn thousands of dollars while travelling the world and smashing hot chicks. The whole landing page of this course is a big click-bait. Tai states that there are people earning $10,000 using his knowledge, but there is zero evidence to prove his claims. It is a 16-week course and during these 16 weeks, it will teach you how to run a social media agency. When you complete the course Tai Lopez will give his own certification, making you a Lopez certified Social Media Marketing agent. However, the value of this certification is zero, as Tai is NOT a social media marketing expert and the course itself does not have any special value as well. We have interviewed dozens of social media marketing professionals and asked them their views on this course. Most of them said that there are many businessmen who don’t know anything about social media except that it can get them a lot of customers, and such businessmen often buy these programs. A business always looks for boosting sales and generating leads and this course targets those people and teaches them the basics. Everything that you will learn from this expensive course can be learnt for FREE on YouTube and websites. It does not provide any special information that you might expect from such an expensive course. This course is awesome for those who don’t know anything about social media and have thousands of dollars to throw away, but if you value your resources, then STAY AWAY from this course. We can say that Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Course is a type of pyramid scheme.  It is quite new and thus, Tai is giving is all in marketing this course to make sure that more and more people buy it. He always takes down any critical reviews on his products and thus, there are literally NO reviews of this course available, which clearly defines its values.
The 67 Steps Course Review:
The 67 Steps course of Tai is his most popular course ever, as he has used a very different marketing strategy to sell it. He sells one video for $1 dollar and has sold many copies of this course. The 67 Steps course teaches nothing except that you need hard work to earn big money, which is obvious information. He emphasizes that you watch all 67 of his videos if you want the full benefits of this course. But in order to watch them, you will have to buy the full course. In order to evaluate his course, we bought it and watched it ourselves only to find out that Tai has once again proven that he is a master of conning, as there was no valuable information available in his course. He has just compiled some key points from a bunch of books and is showcasing them in such a way that you will think that those points are his own. We have to say that Tai Lopez is a very talented salesperson and he always makes sure that his fans don’t realize that they are getting fooled. His advert of the 67 Steps Course runs almost on every video he can afford. Most of the information that Tai tells in this course is common sense and an average person knows these facts already. We did appreciate the amount of effort Tai Lopez put in the course and it is very organized, but considering the price tag, we cannot say it is worth your money. We noticed that Tai didn’t even put much thought into his videos and most of them are not even scripted. He is just improvising on the go, trying to sound useful and motivational, while not providing any real information.
Tai’s Mini MBA Course:
Believe it or not, Tai Lopez claims that he can give you 90% of the information provided in a full-fledged MBA course, in his $1,000 Mini-MBA course. This course is just as dumb as it sounds; reviewers say that for the price tag of a thousand bucks, you can get much better information than that is available in this course. It comes along with its video library and you can do live Q&As every week with the members of Tai’s team. Most of the times your question will not be answered as the members have to attend many others and they will just try to give a generalized answer, to avoid any contradictions. The structure of this course is much poor than any other course available on the internet. They don’t even have a summary list and the course is just a bunch of videos put together. Some videos lack context and are there just to fill the space. For its price, the Mini MBA course of Tai Lopez is definitely not worth it. A toddler can learn using this course, as it has nothing complicated information; this course is so straight forward that it is bad. The only unique thing about this course is Tai’s personal experiences he shares on it, and those will only be helpful for those who are his crazy fans. Even though Tai has used high-grade recording equipment for the making of this course, we can’t say that it is worth your thousand dollars. Lopez might be an enthusiastic entrepreneur making millions of bucks, but that doesn’t make him qualified enough to give his own Mini-MBA certificate. And this makes the value of this certification far less than an actual MBA certificate.
Reviews of his previous employees:
Tai is really talented when it comes to talking sweet and he hides his true personality from his fans. Most of his kindness is only towards chicks and money. We had to dig deep in order to find more about his attitude towards people. 99% of the reviews or statements on the internet which speaks the truth about Tai are taken down by the reputation management team of Tai Lopez. Tai Lopez says that he is a very kind person and most of his associates say the same. However, his employees beg to differ. Below are reviews of some of Tai’s previous employees, who have worked with him for at least a year.  
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It isn’t worth it.   This review states that Tai Lopez’s office does provide free lunch sometimes free travel. However, the cons list outnumbers the pros by a large difference. He added that the managers make a lot of fake promises in order to keep the employees from quitting. The key positions in the company are held by Tai’s friends and family, who do not have a clue about the company or their post. The employees are not given any kind of training and Tai abuses the employees sometimes. Moreover, his own investors don’t believe in him.  
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Manipulative Work Environment Run by Greed.   This employee has stated that the managers of Tai Lopez’s office are a bunch of liars who make empty promises to the employees to keep them working hard. Most of the employees leave in a couple of months, because of poor management. The administration doesn’t care about the employees and they prioritise some particular employees who they like to. They state that they want adaptable professionals but what they really mean is that they want those people who can do everything they say without any hesitation. This employee also said that most of the employees feel neglected and ignored, because the administrators are extremely self-centred. All the managers are manipulative and they use many psychological tactics on the employees to get the job done. If there is any delay in the work due to any reason, they will even start cursing.  
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• This company is run by headless chickens.   The office runs on the principal of hard work but does not care about the health of the employee. They don’t know anything about organising their work and making it more efficient. The company does not have any goals in mind and operates like a headless chicken. Any new ideas are not appreciated and they managers a highly critical of the work. Employees often find themselves wasting a lot of their time on pointless tasks and there is no guidance when it comes to career advancement. This employee finally states that working with Tai Lopez is a total disappointment and if you are a fan of his, then don’t work there.   Management is a bunch of sexual predators. This woman used to work at Tai Lopez’s office, but she had to leave because of the perverted bosses. She did appreciate their work ethic and worked really hard, however, the managers used to give sexual remarks to her, which was extremely uncomfortable. Once one of the managers even tried to touch grope her, but she resisted as much as possible. The work environment is clearly not safe for women and any professional female should avoid working here. They guarantee a lot of things but do nothing.   Infamous Viral Ad of Tai Lopez   Everyone who knows about Tai Lopez knows about his viral YouTube advertisement, which took the internet by the storm. His video titled “Here In My Garage” has 69 million views on it! Tai has spent a whopping $200,000 on this promotion. The worst thing about this promo is that everything featured in it is either rented or fake. Many people say that Tai Lopez rented a Lamborghini for the shoot of this video, but what they don’t know is that he hasn’t even done that. He has actually used a green screen in his video. There is no shadow of him in the whole 3:54 minutes video. A green screen is a videography technique which enables the filmmaker to film a moving object in front of a green screen which can be used in other videos. This advert became a meme shortly after it became viral and it helped Lopez boost his business even more. Almost all the views on this video are bought out. The reason being, that it has only around 100 comments and 60k likes, whereas an organic video has much more engagement rate than this. Moreover, it has 50K dislikes as well, which shows how much people hated this promo. This advert changed Tai’s life and gave him the boost he needed to become an established con artist. Many people critiqued his false advertisement method, but most of them were bought out by Tai’s team. He has claimed that this promo has more than 1.2 billion minutes of watch time, which is A LOT for an advert. He earned a ton of money from this video, as it generated him millions of clicks to his course’s landing page. One source tells us that his conversion rate was 14% which itself is a crazy number. The course he sold using this promo was totally useless and didn’t provide ANY value.  
The Businesses
Ever since his unbelievable success, Tai Lopez has built many businesses. He has his foot in any industry where he can scam people, including education, investing and even dating. He rarely mentions his businesses in his Snapchat or Instagram videos, to make sure that he doesn’t slip out any information. He hasn’t linked his LinkedIn with any of his businesses as well, which makes him more suspicious.   Night Clubs- Tai is a big party animal and has invested in many east coast night clubs. Some girls have accused him of inappropriate behaviour in his clubs as well.   LLG Financial- Tai Lopez used to be the owner of LLG Financial however, now he is just an investor. The name of this company was Legacy Life Group in the past, but recently it has been changed to LPL Financial.   Elite Global Dating LLC (his fraud dating company) The Elite Global Dating LLC is Tai’s one of the most sketchy companies. It has dozens of fake profiles which consist of attractive women who will message (the message will be something that will almost force the user to reply) the visitors when they make their account and in order for them to reply, they will have to get their membership. All these attractive accounts are of bots and once the user gets the membership, these bots stop replying him. However, when he will stop paying for the membership, those bots will start to message him again. This company is highly infamous for not refunding the user’s money once they decide to cancel their membership. Tai has changed the domain of this websites 3 times by now, and it is possible that he will change it again in the future. At first, the website was named Meetingmillionairs.com then he changed it to EliteGlobalDating.com and finally into www.EliteMeeting.com. This business generates a lot of money for Tai’s wallet and he has stolen money from thousands of people using it. Many people have posted complaints against this business online, but using his high connections, Tai has taken most of them down, leaving only a few of them. Here is what people think about Tai Lopez’s Elite Global Dating LLC:  
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  Dozens of Domains Tai Lopez knows that his business is going to face a lot of backlashes as he cons hundreds of people daily. Therefore he has bought dozens of domain names to make sure that his online reputation doesn’t get damaged and he can keep up his “Good” persona online. After doing some research on WHOSIS we found out that Tai Lopez owns the following domains until now: justmillionaires.com datetallmen.com findadate.com meetingmillionaires.com tailopez.net curvyfitness.com ifyouresingle.com modelmeet.com mythailove.com elitemmeting.com elitemeet.com eliteglobaldating.com millionairelifecoach.com tailopez.com There is a high probability that Tai has bought MANY other domains on other identities to make sure that the least amount of people find out about his shady business plans.  
Millions of followers on social media:
Tai has Millions of fans and followers on social media platforms and he SPAMS them with promos and ads. The only reason people follow him is that there are many others who are doing so, most of them being fake followers and he has built a persona online of a multi-millionaire.  
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  He currently has 3.1m followers on Instagram and he claims to giveaway cars, cash & laptops, but there is zero proof that he has done that. He claims that people have won 10 cars and 540 cash, and yet again his statement is without any proof.  
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  As you can see on the Social Blade chart of Tai Lopez’s Instagram account, his profile started growing rapidly after his “Here in my Garage” advert became viral in 2015. And he generated a lot of money from this attention, almost an estimated $20 million!   Tai Lopez is nothing but a fake entrepreneur who scams people and steals their money. He has followed the strategy of “Fake it till you make it” but his own dirty version where he keeps faking it and stealing money from people. We would advise you to STAY AWAY from such a con artist and save your precious time and money.             Read the full article
0 notes
Tai Lopez – The Ultra-Rich Internet Personality and a Con Artist
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  Tai Lopez is an internet personality known for doing a crazy amount of ads and publicity stunts. He is quite rich and claims to have built a multi-million empire. But he fakes his richness by using rental cars and renting big mansions to fool his audience into thinking that he owns those commodities. He does this because his whole brand revolves around showing off and bragging. More than 200 Million people are scammed every year in the United States. The number of hackers, cybercriminals, con artists and frauds has been increasing rapidly. Even influencers have been conning people in order to earn money. Tai Lopez is one of them. He has been running several scam companies which target the young people (ageing from 16 – 24) and steals their money. Tai has been so successful with his methods that people don’t even realise that they are being fooled. He has scammed a countless number of youngsters. His courses and books are full of BS and provide no valuable information to the customer. However, his persuasive skills make sure that the customers don’t realize that they are wasting their time and money.
A little about Tai Lopez (his profession, his education, etc.):
Tai Lopez is a big social media personality with more than 3.1 million followers on Instagram, 1 million subscribers on YouTube, 6 million fans on FB and 700k followers on Twitter. He is an investor, entrepreneur, motivational speaker and advisor. You might have seen him in his infamous car garage advert, which went viral on YouTube. He is also the host of “The Tai Lopez Show”, where he talks about wealth, happiness, love and nutrition; he claims that his show is watched by 1.4 million people all around the world. He is the owner of Mentor Box, which is a book shipping club. On 11th April 1977, Tai Lopez was born. There is not much information available about his parents and childhood. But Lopez himself has said that he was raised by his grandmother and mother and he was an introverted kid. Some people say that Lopez talked to his grandfather a lot who was at that time, a scientist. His grandfather motivated him to change the world and he used to send him books via mail. Tai Lopez is not educated and thus he has not told anyone the name of his college, from which he dropped out of. His whole education is shady and Lopez has done all he can to make sure that his education information does not leak. After dropping out, he started working on many different jobs. He was hired by the Amish, where he milked cows and did other miscellaneous tasks. Amish are a church fellowship of traditionalist Christians, who avoid any latest technology. He currently has a net worth of $20 million. He says that he garnered this crazy wealth by selling courses and investments, but we all know that this is not true.
His Social Media Marketing Agency Course Review:
Tai Lopez has released his new Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) Course quite recently. It apparently teaches you how to earn thousands of dollars while travelling the world and smashing hot chicks. The whole landing page of this course is a big click-bait. Tai states that there are people earning $10,000 using his knowledge, but there is zero evidence to prove his claims. It is a 16-week course and during these 16 weeks, it will teach you how to run a social media agency. When you complete the course Tai Lopez will give his own certification, making you a Lopez certified Social Media Marketing agent. However, the value of this certification is zero, as Tai is NOT a social media marketing expert and the course itself does not have any special value as well. We have interviewed dozens of social media marketing professionals and asked them their views on this course. Most of them said that there are many businessmen who don’t know anything about social media except that it can get them a lot of customers, and such businessmen often buy these programs. A business always looks for boosting sales and generating leads and this course targets those people and teaches them the basics. Everything that you will learn from this expensive course can be learnt for FREE on YouTube and websites. It does not provide any special information that you might expect from such an expensive course. This course is awesome for those who don’t know anything about social media and have thousands of dollars to throw away, but if you value your resources, then STAY AWAY from this course. We can say that Tai Lopez’s Social Media Marketing Agency Course is a type of pyramid scheme.  It is quite new and thus, Tai is giving is all in marketing this course to make sure that more and more people buy it. He always takes down any critical reviews on his products and thus, there are literally NO reviews of this course available, which clearly defines its values.
The 67 Steps Course Review:
The 67 Steps course of Tai is his most popular course ever, as he has used a very different marketing strategy to sell it. He sells one video for $1 dollar and has sold many copies of this course. The 67 Steps course teaches nothing except that you need hard work to earn big money, which is obvious information. He emphasizes that you watch all 67 of his videos if you want the full benefits of this course. But in order to watch them, you will have to buy the full course. In order to evaluate his course, we bought it and watched it ourselves only to find out that Tai has once again proven that he is a master of conning, as there was no valuable information available in his course. He has just compiled some key points from a bunch of books and is showcasing them in such a way that you will think that those points are his own. We have to say that Tai Lopez is a very talented salesperson and he always makes sure that his fans don’t realize that they are getting fooled. His advert of the 67 Steps Course runs almost on every video he can afford. Most of the information that Tai tells in this course is common sense and an average person knows these facts already. We did appreciate the amount of effort Tai Lopez put in the course and it is very organized, but considering the price tag, we cannot say it is worth your money. We noticed that Tai didn’t even put much thought into his videos and most of them are not even scripted. He is just improvising on the go, trying to sound useful and motivational, while not providing any real information.
Tai’s Mini MBA Course:
Believe it or not, Tai Lopez claims that he can give you 90% of the information provided in a full-fledged MBA course, in his $1,000 Mini-MBA course. This course is just as dumb as it sounds; reviewers say that for the price tag of a thousand bucks, you can get much better information than that is available in this course. It comes along with its video library and you can do live Q&As every week with the members of Tai’s team. Most of the times your question will not be answered as the members have to attend many others and they will just try to give a generalized answer, to avoid any contradictions. The structure of this course is much poor than any other course available on the internet. They don’t even have a summary list and the course is just a bunch of videos put together. Some videos lack context and are there just to fill the space. For its price, the Mini MBA course of Tai Lopez is definitely not worth it. A toddler can learn using this course, as it has nothing complicated information; this course is so straight forward that it is bad. The only unique thing about this course is Tai’s personal experiences he shares on it, and those will only be helpful for those who are his crazy fans. Even though Tai has used high-grade recording equipment for the making of this course, we can’t say that it is worth your thousand dollars. Lopez might be an enthusiastic entrepreneur making millions of bucks, but that doesn’t make him qualified enough to give his own Mini-MBA certificate. And this makes the value of this certification far less than an actual MBA certificate.
Reviews of his previous employees:
Tai is really talented when it comes to talking sweet and he hides his true personality from his fans. Most of his kindness is only towards chicks and money. We had to dig deep in order to find more about his attitude towards people. 99% of the reviews or statements on the internet which speaks the truth about Tai are taken down by the reputation management team of Tai Lopez. Tai Lopez says that he is a very kind person and most of his associates say the same. However, his employees beg to differ. Below are reviews of some of Tai’s previous employees, who have worked with him for at least a year.  
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It isn’t worth it.   This review states that Tai Lopez’s office does provide free lunch sometimes free travel. However, the cons list outnumbers the pros by a large difference. He added that the managers make a lot of fake promises in order to keep the employees from quitting. The key positions in the company are held by Tai’s friends and family, who do not have a clue about the company or their post. The employees are not given any kind of training and Tai abuses the employees sometimes. Moreover, his own investors don’t believe in him.  
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Manipulative Work Environment Run by Greed.   This employee has stated that the managers of Tai Lopez’s office are a bunch of liars who make empty promises to the employees to keep them working hard. Most of the employees leave in a couple of months, because of poor management. The administration doesn’t care about the employees and they prioritise some particular employees who they like to. They state that they want adaptable professionals but what they really mean is that they want those people who can do everything they say without any hesitation. This employee also said that most of the employees feel neglected and ignored, because the administrators are extremely self-centred. All the managers are manipulative and they use many psychological tactics on the employees to get the job done. If there is any delay in the work due to any reason, they will even start cursing.  
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• This company is run by headless chickens.   The office runs on the principal of hard work but does not care about the health of the employee. They don’t know anything about organising their work and making it more efficient. The company does not have any goals in mind and operates like a headless chicken. Any new ideas are not appreciated and they managers a highly critical of the work. Employees often find themselves wasting a lot of their time on pointless tasks and there is no guidance when it comes to career advancement. This employee finally states that working with Tai Lopez is a total disappointment and if you are a fan of his, then don’t work there.   Management is a bunch of sexual predators. This woman used to work at Tai Lopez’s office, but she had to leave because of the perverted bosses. She did appreciate their work ethic and worked really hard, however, the managers used to give sexual remarks to her, which was extremely uncomfortable. Once one of the managers even tried to touch grope her, but she resisted as much as possible. The work environment is clearly not safe for women and any professional female should avoid working here. They guarantee a lot of things but do nothing.   Infamous Viral Ad of Tai Lopez   Everyone who knows about Tai Lopez knows about his viral YouTube advertisement, which took the internet by the storm. His video titled “Here In My Garage” has 69 million views on it! Tai has spent a whopping $200,000 on this promotion. The worst thing about this promo is that everything featured in it is either rented or fake. Many people say that Tai Lopez rented a Lamborghini for the shoot of this video, but what they don’t know is that he hasn’t even done that. He has actually used a green screen in his video. There is no shadow of him in the whole 3:54 minutes video. A green screen is a videography technique which enables the filmmaker to film a moving object in front of a green screen which can be used in other videos. This advert became a meme shortly after it became viral and it helped Lopez boost his business even more. Almost all the views on this video are bought out. The reason being, that it has only around 100 comments and 60k likes, whereas an organic video has much more engagement rate than this. Moreover, it has 50K dislikes as well, which shows how much people hated this promo. This advert changed Tai’s life and gave him the boost he needed to become an established con artist. Many people critiqued his false advertisement method, but most of them were bought out by Tai’s team. He has claimed that this promo has more than 1.2 billion minutes of watch time, which is A LOT for an advert. He earned a ton of money from this video, as it generated him millions of clicks to his course’s landing page. One source tells us that his conversion rate was 14% which itself is a crazy number. The course he sold using this promo was totally useless and didn’t provide ANY value.  
The Businesses
Ever since his unbelievable success, Tai Lopez has built many businesses. He has his foot in any industry where he can scam people, including education, investing and even dating. He rarely mentions his businesses in his Snapchat or Instagram videos, to make sure that he doesn’t slip out any information. He hasn’t linked his LinkedIn with any of his businesses as well, which makes him more suspicious.   Night Clubs- Tai is a big party animal and has invested in many east coast night clubs. Some girls have accused him of inappropriate behaviour in his clubs as well.   LLG Financial- Tai Lopez used to be the owner of LLG Financial however, now he is just an investor. The name of this company was Legacy Life Group in the past, but recently it has been changed to LPL Financial.   Elite Global Dating LLC (his fraud dating company) The Elite Global Dating LLC is Tai’s one of the most sketchy companies. It has dozens of fake profiles which consist of attractive women who will message (the message will be something that will almost force the user to reply) the visitors when they make their account and in order for them to reply, they will have to get their membership. All these attractive accounts are of bots and once the user gets the membership, these bots stop replying him. However, when he will stop paying for the membership, those bots will start to message him again. This company is highly infamous for not refunding the user’s money once they decide to cancel their membership. Tai has changed the domain of this websites 3 times by now, and it is possible that he will change it again in the future. At first, the website was named Meetingmillionairs.com then he changed it to EliteGlobalDating.com and finally into www.EliteMeeting.com. This business generates a lot of money for Tai’s wallet and he has stolen money from thousands of people using it. Many people have posted complaints against this business online, but using his high connections, Tai has taken most of them down, leaving only a few of them. Here is what people think about Tai Lopez’s Elite Global Dating LLC:  
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  Dozens of Domains Tai Lopez knows that his business is going to face a lot of backlashes as he cons hundreds of people daily. Therefore he has bought dozens of domain names to make sure that his online reputation doesn’t get damaged and he can keep up his “Good” persona online. After doing some research on WHOSIS we found out that Tai Lopez owns the following domains until now: justmillionaires.com datetallmen.com findadate.com meetingmillionaires.com tailopez.net curvyfitness.com ifyouresingle.com modelmeet.com mythailove.com elitemmeting.com elitemeet.com eliteglobaldating.com millionairelifecoach.com tailopez.com There is a high probability that Tai has bought MANY other domains on other identities to make sure that the least amount of people find out about his shady business plans.  
Millions of followers on social media:
Tai has Millions of fans and followers on social media platforms and he SPAMS them with promos and ads. The only reason people follow him is that there are many others who are doing so, most of them being fake followers and he has built a persona online of a multi-millionaire.  
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  He currently has 3.1m followers on Instagram and he claims to giveaway cars, cash & laptops, but there is zero proof that he has done that. He claims that people have won 10 cars and 540 cash, and yet again his statement is without any proof.  
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  As you can see on the Social Blade chart of Tai Lopez’s Instagram account, his profile started growing rapidly after his “Here in my Garage” advert became viral in 2015. And he generated a lot of money from this attention, almost an estimated $20 million!   Tai Lopez is nothing but a fake entrepreneur who scams people and steals their money. He has followed the strategy of “Fake it till you make it” but his own dirty version where he keeps faking it and stealing money from people. We would advise you to STAY AWAY from such a con artist and save your precious time and money.             Read the full article
0 notes
egnblogs · 7 years
Thinking Like a Scientist and Skeptic - Honing Your BS Detector
Richard Feynman said that the fundamental principle of science is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool. Scientists like Feynman understand the value of good reasoning, skepticism, logic and rationality. Yet as Carl Sagan argued the benefits of such traits and tools aren’t merely benefits to science, they apply just as necessarily and just as effectively to everyday life.
The intention of this post is to be a guide to encouraging scientific thinking and skepticism within your normal life, to inducting the tools into your mental toolkit. In the previous post I argued that while the most intellectually responsible thing to do is to vet each piece of information you encounter, in practical terms this is not possible. It is simply not feasible to look up every last claim that passes your way. There is a real, tangible benefit to having good heuristics, to having a finely honed BS detector.
This post will be broken into three parts - The first portion is Carl Sagan’s Nine Principles for scientific and skeptical reasoning, from The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. The second is a list of common logical or rhetorical fallacies, these are in no particular order, but they are what I have found to be the most common. The final part is 12 questions that you can ask of a claim to help determine how likely it is to be viable (its chance of being BS), adapted from work done by Skeptic magazine.
 Part 1 – Principles for Scientific and Skeptical Reasoning
 Here are Sagan's Principles for sound reasoning and scientific thinking:
1. Wherever possible there must be independent confirmation of the “facts.”
(Try to see if a source other than the source making the claim has verified/reported the facts in question. The more sources you can find independently verifying these facts the better, as a single source might be biased .)
2. Encourage substantive debate on the evidence by knowledgeable proponents of all points of view.
3. Arguments from authority carry little weight — “authorities” have made mistakes in the past. They will do so again in the future. Perhaps a better way to say it is that in science there are no authorities; at most, there are experts.
(No doubt we can all think of authority figure who is wrong about something. Though I should note that this does not mean that experts should just be dismissed out of hand, they are more reliable than not as they have spent their lives investigating a topic, just be sure not to take expert opinions are set in stone fact.)
4. Spin more than one hypothesis. If there’s something to be explained, think of all the different ways in which it could be explained. Then think of tests by which you might systematically disprove each of the alternatives. What survives, the hypothesis that resists disproof in this Darwinian selection among “multiple working hypotheses,” has a much better chance of being the right answer than if you had simply run with the first idea that caught your fancy.
5. Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours. It’s only a way station in the pursuit of knowledge. Ask yourself why you like the idea. Compare it fairly with the alternatives. See if you can find reasons for rejecting it. If you don’t, others will.
(Acknowledge the bias you have for ideas that are yours or that you hold dear. If you leave it up to others, you will be expose… and then laughed at.)
6. Quantify. If whatever it is you’re explaining has some measure, some numerical quantity attached to it, you’ll be much better able to discriminate among competing hypotheses. What is vague and qualitative is open to many explanations. Of course there are truths to be sought in the many qualitative issues we are obliged to confront, but finding them is more challenging.
7. If there’s a chain of argument, every link in the chain must work (including the premise) — not just most of them. A single weak link in the logical chain can doom the entire theory.
8. Occam’s Razor. This convenient rule-of-thumb urges us when faced with two hypotheses that explain the data equally well to choose the simpler.
(Only use Occam’s Razor when two hypothesis explain the data equally well, don’t be tempted to fall for a simpler sounding solution if it explains less.)
9. Always ask whether the hypothesis can be, at least in principle, falsified. Propositions that are untestable, unfalsifiable are not worth much. Consider the grand idea that our Universe and everything in it is just an elementary particle — an electron, say — in a much bigger Cosmos. But if we can never acquire information from outside our Universe, is not the idea incapable of disproof? You must be able to check assertions out. Inveterate skeptics must be given the chance to follow your reasoning, to duplicate your experiments and see if they get the same result.
Part 2 - Common rhetorical or logical fallacies
No doubt you have heard of one of the many logical fallacies observed in the tragic landscape that is internet arguments. There are many logical/rhetorical fallacies out there but the following are (in my perception) some of the most common.
Ad hominem – The ad hominem attack is an attack on the person making the argument, it does not respond to the argument at all. - Ex. Insults and attacks on the person’s character.
Argument form authority – This is the reliance on the fact that the claim came from a perceived authority figure, rather than on good evidence or reasoning. - Ex. “My dad works at Microsoft and he says they are putting chips in all their products that steal your soul!”
(This is something you will often see in claims made by alternative medicine. They will frequently have proposed experts touting the effectiveness of their products but frequently those PhDs were earned in something completely unrelated to any medical or biological fields.)
Appeal to anecdotal evidence – Relying on personal anecdotes as evidence. The argument is often made by someone who believes that their personal experiences reflect the nature of the entire world, not realizing they are not statically representative of the world. - Ex. “My neighbor hates road noise and still would never vote for a city noise ordinance.”
Appeal to ignorance – An argument that if something is not known to be false, it must be true. - Ex. “There is no compelling evidence that UFOs are not visiting the Earth; therefore UFOs exist.”
Argument from adverse consequences - Saying that because the implications of a statement being true would create negative results, it must not be true. - Ex. “Legislation to reduce greenhouse gases would negatively impact certain companies, therefore greenhouse gases do not negatively impact the environment.”
Weasel Words - The usage of vague, non-specific terminology or references. "They don't want you to know about this…" "Some people have gained massive benfits from our products..." Who’s “They”? Which people, specifically?
(Frequently used to make outrageous claims without having to provide a specific example, especially if it would seem dubious or improbable if a concrete example were offered.)
Special pleading – When the maker of the claim argues for special considerations for a particular premise of theirs. Usually this is because in order for the argument to work, they need to provide some way to get out of a logical inconsistency. Very frequently the sign that an argument is logically foundering. – Ex. “People who drive drunk should receive prison time, but you should overlook it in my case since I am usually such a good person.”
Observational selection - Focusing on evidence that supports your case while ignoring evidence that disproves it. This is a form of selection bias, where you count the hits and forgetting the misses. – Ex. When a person notices something they never noticed before and wrongly assume that the frequency has increased.
Misunderstanding the nature of statistics – Simply not understanding how statistics work. - Ex. Being surprised that half of all Americans have an IQ that is below average of 100 when 100 was set as the average score in the first place.
Confusion of correlation and causation – Simply put, correlation does not imply causation. Two things can be correlated without having any causal relationship between them. - Ex. If a friend of yours came to you telling you about this awesome new hydra repellant they bought, and they know it works because they haven’t seen a single hydra since buying it, they are confusing correlation and causation… you should also probably stop talking to them.
(Related is the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, which is thinking that something caused something else simply because one thing came first chronologically.)
Excluded middle or False dichotomy – Asserting that there can be no middle ground between two options, that you can only pick one option or the other. – Ex. “Buy our product and live, or don’t buy it and die horribly.” And most famously, “You are either with us or against us.”
Suppressed evidence and half-truths – Suppressing or leaving out relevant information when making a claim. Frequently seen in the debate surrounding global climate change. Climate change deniers like to argue that there is still debate amongst scientists over whether anthropogenic global warming is real. This may be true but it is 99% of scientists debating that last 1%. What was ignored is that the overwhelming consensus on the issue is that global climate change is a very real phenomenon.
Slippery slope – Condemning something that is loosely related to something that is morally wrong via asserting that negative consequences will necessarily result from allowing the first thing. – Ex. “If we continue to allow legalized abortion, soon we will be euthanizing people under 18 years of age.”
Tu quoque – “You do it too!” Claiming that since the source of an argument has acted in ways inconsistent with the argument it must be wrong. This focuses on the hypocrisy of an individual rather than dealing with the argument the individual made. A person may have sincere beliefs and good reasoning/evidence to back up their position, but still not be able to follow through on it due to lack of willpower.
Strawman – Making a dishonest characterization of somebody’s argument, misrepresenting their argument to make it easier to defeat.
(The internet’s favorite person to argue against.)
As a final note, keep in mind while that an argument may use a logical fallacy this does not mean the conclusion of that argument is wrong. It is possible to get to the correct conclusion of an argument by incorrect means, so don’t completely toss out an argument simply because of the presence of a logical fallacy. However, it does mean that you should pay very close attention if a fallacy is spotted.
Part 3 - Skeptical questions to ask about a claim:
Does it align with the way the world usually functions:
Is someone offering you something extraordinary for little to nothing in return? Has someone contacted you offering to give you 100,000 dollars if only you’ll pay them 500 to help them get across the country? There’s very rarely such a thing as a free lunch, and if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Beyond that remember that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
 Approximately how reliable is the source of the claim?:
Learn about the source of the claim. If they show you a bunch of data and there are errors in the data or claim (and there often is), the errors shouldn't skew in one particular direction or another. They should not be making incorrect claims but only on one side of the argument for example. Keep an eye out for potential bias and potential conflicts of interest.
 Have claims been independently verified by someone else?:
Remember that scientific claims should be, if at all possible, testable and repeatable. Likewise facts and reports should be independently confirmed by others unrelated to the person or group making the claim, to eliminate possible biases and confabulation amongst like-minded group members. If there’s a hot new item out on the market making really bold claims, but nobody else seems to have tested or reviewed it yet, you should be suspicious and you probably want to hold onto your money for a while.
 Have people tried to disprove the claim?:
What are the counterarguments to the claim? Remember that scientific claims should be, if at all possible, testable and repeatable. If other people have managed to replicate an experiment, you can be more assured of its veracity. Remember that science works by trying to disprove a claim, the more people have tried to disprove it but it survives, the more likely it is to be true. There are countless tests of the theory of gravity everyday, and nobody goes on about it being “just a theory”.
 Is there a preponderance of evidence?:
There should be many multiple pieces of evidence, not just one. Look for concordance between varying fields of study. One of the reasons the theory of evolution is so compelling is because it is supported by multiple fields of investigation. It isn’t backed up by only the fossil record, it’s backed up by DNA research and morphology. The more evidence you can find coming from more places, the better off you are.
 Are the people making the claim providing positive evidence?:
“My inability to disprove your theory is not at all the same thing as you having proved it true.”
The people making the claim need to have actual positive evidence of their own. If they are simply just dismissing evidence presented to them and unwilling or unable to present evidence of their own, that should raise serious questions about the validity of their claim. Consider how hard it is to prove a negative. I can’t prove that the interior of Neptune is not filled with mole-like robots, but that does not mean you should suppose that claim to be true. The burden of proof is on the one making the claim.
Do personal beliefs influence the claim being made?: People have biases, including scientists. (And me.) But science tries to do all it can to help account for those biases. This is the reason for anonymous peer review boards and  double blind studies. Watch out for claims being made that seem to be pushed forward by personal agendas.
 Does the source often make claims of a similar sort?:
Very often people who make extraordinary claims tend to believe in other extraordinary things. A Bigfoot hunter may not only believe in Bigfoot, but also Nessie and hundreds of other cryptids as well, all of which have a low likelihood of actually existing. In addition they may believe in UFOs and alien abductions. This suggests they are unlikely to be following a trail of evidence to a conclusion, but are instead cherry-picking data which supports favored and similar phenomena to support a particular worldview.
 Are the individuals making the claim behaving in a scientific manner?:
Are those behind the claim behaving like scientists? Are they testing their claim, trying to falsify it? Is it falsifiable? One of the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory is that it is, by its nature, not falsifiable. Any evidence levied against it can always be waved away as part of the conspiracy. Someone who is behaving in a scientific manner is always open to reviewing evidence that might contradict or falsify their claim. Scientists are always trying to find alternative explanations for a phenomenon. Pseudoscience often looks for evidence then fits the evidence into the theory they want to support.
 Does the new theory being proposed account for as much phenomena as the old theory?:
In any theory there may be a few things that are mysteries or unexplained phenomena. Science will continue to try and improve on the theory to account for these discrepancies. Yet often a new theory that may one phenomena at the expense of all the other currently explained phenomena, which means it is not as good of a theory.
 Is there a reliance on jargon or obfuscation?
If something has many unfamiliar words or phrases, or else seems to contain a lot of scientific sounding terms in inappropriate contexts you ought to be suspicious. One of the hallmarks of pseudoscience is that it often has scientific trappings. As an example, in physics the term “energy” only means an  objects ability to “do work” – to move something or affect a change. Yet a lot of, shall we say, new age-y types tend to use the term energy to refer to some form of mystical vitality or lifeforce. There is similar abuse of the word “quantum”. To be clear this does not mean whenever there is a term you do not understand that you should be suspicious, merely that you should exercise caution if terms are misused or else a passage seems to be constructed with a deliberate attempt to confuse/mislead.
 Is it too simple?
Let’s propose that somebody came to you selling a mysterious black box that claimed to fix everything wrong with your car. Would you but it? No, you wouldn’t because you understand that the various things wrong with your car each have their own unique cause and need to be addressed individually. Similarly, it would not be a good idea to buy a cure-all potion that promises to fix all your health problems. The world is a complex place, there are no cure-alls. Once again, if it seems too good be true, it probably is.
There you go, there’s your BS detection kit. These nine principles, a handful of logical fallacies, and twelve questions will help you be a more skeptical, rational individual. If you learn them and employ them you will be well on your way to shining light on so much of the misinformation and falsehoods that pervade life. We can’t all be perfect skeptics and rational people every moment of everyday, but this is a good first step.
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schilkeman · 7 years
The Cosby Show
When I first heard news of the sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby, my reaction was the same as many other fans—I was in denial. I had difficulty believing that the same person who created The Cosby Show as a morality beacon for families and Black America, who had kicked Lisa Bonet off the show for getting pregnant, who had kicked Carl Payne II off the show for growing his hair too long, could commit these actions. Clearly, these were celebrity gold-diggers out to ruin the reputation of an aging legend. I’d like to inform everyone how wrong I was.
    This story began in 2005 when a Temple University basketball player named Andrea Constand told the Ontario Police of a meeting between her and Cosby the previous year. A meeting that she was visibly nervous about, which prompted Cosby to offer her “three blue pills” (her words), supposedly an herbal supplement. She said she was under the influence of these pills for the duration of the meeting. Cosby’s lawyer later admitted they were allergy pills. Constand said she was also molested by Cosby during the meeting. 
    She was the first of Cosby’s victims to come forward with formal allegations; however twenty other Jane Does joined her in a civil suit filed in March of 2005. In the documents, allegations showed a pattern of power and abuse—using the “Cosby image” to attract up-and-coming young women to places he was staying, manipulating their enthusiasm for meeting Cosby, isolation, drugging, and sexual assault. In all, over twenty women have come forward with allegations against Cosby, allegations spanning decades, all painting similar pictures of experiences they had with him. 
    Cosby has not been without his critics or defenders in the media, or without repercussions to his career. In the Fall of 2014, Cosby’s proposed NBC sitcom was cancelled, reruns of The Cosby Show were pulled from syndication across the country, and many dates of Cosby’s comedy tour were cancelled. It seems that public opinion has turned on him—a great act of Karma some might think, but public opinion can differ greatly from business opportunity. While it makes sense for businesses to consider Cosby a liability, public opinion seems more divided on Cosby. Is he a victimizer or a victim?
    Many people refuse to believe the accusations of twenty or more women made against a beloved comedian. This speaks volumes about how we have difficulty separating our image of someone from the person they actually are, and no one has built up more an image of respectability in the past forty years than Bill Cosby. For my generation, he was known as “America’s Dad”—the one we all wanted, and the one we all wanted to grow up to be. I think the difficulty for any of us raised with the Cosbys is allowing ourselves to believe that anyone, let alone a surrogate father, is capable of doing something like this. They must be exaggerating, or making it up, or trying to get money, or notoriety, or influence.
    For many, lies and statistics can be synonymous, but they may also be capable of throwing shade on the blinding Cosby image. So, let’s look at the numbers. According to the National Center for Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCDSV):
-In 8 out of 10 rape cases, the victim knew the perpetrator.
-1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted by age 18.
-1 in 2 sexual assault victims are between the ages of 16 and 21.
-Nearly 6 out of 10 sexual assaults are reported by victims to have      occurred in their own home or  the home of a friend, relative, or  neighbor.
-An estimated 91% of the victims of rape and sexual assault are female and 9% are male. Nearly 99% of the offenders they described in single-victim incidents are male.
-Rape or sexual assault was the violent crime least often reported to law enforcement (28%).
-Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police. In a survey of victims who do not report rape or attempted rape to the police, the following was found as to why no report was made: 43% thought nothing could be done, 27% felt it was a private matter, 12% were afraid of police response, and 12% felt it was not important enough.
-8-10% of sexual assault allegations are proven to be false.
    What do these numbers tell us? They tell us that most victims knew the person who assaulted them, were young, female, and out of feelings of fear and shame did not report the crimes to the police. They also show that the likelihood of 20-plus women falsely accusing someone of the same crime is unlikely. 
    So it sort of begs the question: why is it difficult for us as a society to believe these women? And I’m not just talking about the women accusing Cosby. Sexual assault victims have the battle of constant doubt in front of them the minute they open their mouths with accusations. Cops, (understandably) wary of anything anyone ever says, will treat them as if they are lying, doctors (understandably) will want to perform invasive tests for proof, and society (say what now?) will stare them in the face and ask like it’s no big deal, “what were you doing there?” “What were you wearing?” “Did you drink?” “Did you take drugs?” “Did you lead him on?” “You know how men are.” Thanks for that last one, society.
"It sort of begs the question: why is it difficult for us as a society to believe these women?"
    This sort of thing is what we call Blame Shifting…BS…Bull-Shit. Ask yourself, is it ever OK for a woman to be raped? If you answer yes, then you have bought-in to the social myth that “boys will be boys.” That sort of thinking shifts the blame of men’s actions onto the women. It is then no longer the man’s fault for taking advantage of a woman, but the woman’s fault for “asking for it.” Every time a cop doesn’t believe her, every time someone asks “did it really happen,” every time a lawyer in a trial calls her a “party girl,” a woman is lead to believe that what happened to her was somehow her fault—that she’s lying, even though, statistically speaking, that is unlikely—this is called victim blaming, and it is as ubiquitous in our society as Hollywood and Coca-Cola. Until we spend more time teaching our sons not to rape than we do teaching our daughters how not to be raped, this problem will persist.
    As for Cosby, these things happened a long time ago and will be difficult if not impossible to prove. Civil suits have been filed, but no one is seeking damages. The women involved know that there is no evidence, no way to prove themselves. They hope that through sheer numbers and the consistency of their stories that a picture will emerge of a serial predator who fed on the ambitions and hopes of young women for over four decades. His legacy is permanently damaged, and that, I believe, is progress. Had these accusations come out forty years ago, I doubt they would have had the same kind of impact they do today—maybe, maybe not. Maybe The Cosby Show would never have gotten made. I would be thankful for that. It was one of my all-time favorite shows, and it’s ruined now. It is quite petty in the scheme of things, but I’m as mad at him for that as anything.
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