#but i just went Okayyy sounds fun :D
tardis--dreams · 2 years
Wtf i didn't sign up for that cry fest
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moonjxsung · 2 months
ALSKDKDJF OKAYYY !!! I’m glad it’s not a bother !!! I overthink sometimes alskdkjf
urgh so I am having A WEEK :( I hope it’s okay I rant a bit … alslkskdj
helurf okay so after midterms last week, I’ve been trying to like relax and give myself time to rest but IVE HAD SO MANY ASSIGNMENTS :((( and I’m so tired and burnt out and stressed cause I need to start studying for finals and ahhhhhh alsksjjdjf :(
okay now for some more fun updates!! i had fun at uni yesterday!! we had a super fun soil science lab we got to go into soil pits on the farm our campus has and analyze soil (ph, diagnostic horizons, colour, structure, texture etc) !! It was a lot of fun I’m gonna miss the class and my prof :( (it was my last lab)
another fun thing is its art market week at my uni so time to drop a ton of money on prints, stickers and crocheted animals !!! :D
AND okay so I made it into a special like abroad research kinda program/course in like that’s usually only available to upper years students but somehow I made it in alskkskdjdj . Anyways, we get to go to South Africa from like May 14-June 9 to do research and stuff in the field!!! and like IM SO EXCITED??? So anyways, the 19 students that also made it in (it’s a highly competitive program to get into) we had our second group meet up plus our prof (who taught my favourite class by far last term) yesterday and it was a lot of fun and we got free dinner which was super super yum and I can’t believe I’m actually going ahhhhh
and then I went to a friends house for dinner (yes, dinner again) which was fun we like catch up at least once a month and yeah
Anyways sorry for the truck load of information about my life weh
HOW IS YOUR LIFE STAR!!! I WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOU!! (With whatever ur feeling comfy sharing 💗)
UGH I always forget how close together exam season is WHYYYY ARE UR FINALS ALREADY RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER….. 💔💔 I believe in you angel manifesting all the best for you frfr you’re smart I know you got this 🫶🫶🫶🫶
AHHHH UR UNI LAB SOUNDED SO FUN I love labs where you just get to go outside and do stuff in nature it’s fr so healing 👼 I took a geology course in college where we got to go to this creek near my school and like test the ph balance of the water and it was so much fun being outside instead of cooped up in the lecture hall fr one of the best labs we ever did. AND the art market this week???? RAHHH HAVE SO MUCH FUN we used to have something similar at my uni and I would drop SO much on stickers not even joking my laptop is covered in them still :’)
ALSO OH MY GOD??? TO THE STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM?????? STOP THAT SOUNDS SO FIXKIFNT FUNNNNN IM SO EXCITED FOR YOU WYAHWJDNRJ CONGRATS ON GETTING IN BB ‼️‼️ I didn’t have to do study abroad when I was in college bc covid hit but I can’t wait to hear all about yours and live vicariously thru ur updates AHHHH and it’s coming up so soon !! WOWOWOWOW HAVE THE BEST TIME ILY ILY THATS SO FUN
My day was honestly vvvvv boring but it was productive! I had work and then I had a shit ton of laundry to do but I was tired as fuck and I have cramps bc my period started today so I got coffee first to wake me up and then after cleaning the apartment I caught up on Ateez vlogs and now I’m simultaneously writing and watching Zelda gameplay 👼 I think my emotions are like ten times worse rn because of my period so I’m just taking it easy but I have a huge party to go to this weekend and a lot of my friends are gonna be there so I need to get my shit together and stop being sad bc I don’t want to bring the mood down ☹️ why do I always have a party in the same week I feel like shit LOL the last time I had one my situationship and I got into a huge fight and my sister had to be checking on me like every 5 minutes bc I was borderline crying the whole night it was so embarrassing 😭 (I am so tired of crying over this same girl oh my god)
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sillyabtmusic · 8 months
okayyy post concert ramblings 👍
note i have memory issues and am already struggling to recall half the concert so i'm sure more stuff happened but!!
to start off the venue lied and said the event would be seated when it wasn't and i was so upset about that i forgot i was gonna try and look at them during the hi-touch (i have to put conscious effort in to look at people's faces) and so i stared at their hands as i walked by and then realized i had NO clue who i high-fived so that sucked a lil but not their fault. venues fault.
but! i knew louis was at the beginning, hwon was at the end, and jahan was third from first, and when i high-fived hwon he went "cute!" so that was a thing that happened!
we managed to get a folding chair for me to sit in and i ended up getting to sit in the back of vvip (i wasn't vvip) which was neat! but the silly thing is is that the vvip people were by the stage obvs and the back of vvip was empty. i sat in the corner back and around me was just tech stuff so me and my mother were the ONLY people in that area. this is important later
show starts yay big cheer big cheer!! this is where my memory gets really scattered so we're doing bullet point format in no particular order
their live vocals were SO good. i was just a tad worried because i've seen recordings from previous concerts & performances where they were okay! but just okay but genuinely they're so. so good soooooo good i think they've gotten a lot better
pointing out ivans vocals specifically because goddddd. i actually think a lot of the high notes in songs are a little too high for his range and i don't like that he's pushed that way because his comfortable range is so good but he did the high notes lower than the og song and they sounded SO good and wow. they were still high but they fit his voice a lot better. methinks
mujin kept looking in our direction. like i know people say this kinda often but remember earlier how i said me & my mom were the Only people where we were due to the seating situation. i would look at him and he'd literally be staring directly at us and it was 🧍 i actually got nervous i'll be real with you ALSKDFJALFA. i actually thought maybe i was making it up but when i went to talk about my mom to it she was like no i saw that too he was definitely looking and i was like oh okay. cool.
uhmmm i'm already out of words but their live performance is really good it's so good the energy was amazing
snapshots :D i did jahan first cuz i had premium for him and i meant to say just like. one sentence. but i got nervous and i was honestly half-dissociated because i was in a lot of pain so all i could say was "thank you" but i do remember he has a very comforting presence 👍 after i walked away from the snapshot i went to sit on the floor off to the side and back a bit (pain reasons) and started rocking (autism reasons) and i was just kind of looking around for a moment and i ended up making eye contact with jahan which half of me didn't really like because well. not great at the eye contact thing. but the other half got happy silly because he just smiled over at me but i panicked and tried to smile back before quickly looking away. yay!
then was hwon! and he also has a very comfortable presence! and he held his hands up to everyone after snapshots and i meant to just high five him but i was on autopilot and half-present so i just clasped his hands and i felt so guilty about it but then he called me cute (again) and said other things i don't remember but he was really nice and had a nice smile :•]
overall the concert itself was very fun!! bad parts was 1. the venue lying about seating so i didn't bring mobility aids under the assumption i could sit without having to fight for seating 2. waiting in the heat for. 5 hours. but none of that is on the group thats venue babey!!
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leviiattacks · 3 years
I’m a major procrastinator and I don’t know what to do anymore I think I’m setting myself up for failure :/ Got to love Gifted kid burn out
anon actually i relate to u a lot !!! i’ve definitely burnt out this year i went from being a high achiever and top of my classes to failing and not coming in for half of the days of the week. i don’t know, i suppose a lot of personal things piled up at once for me and it took a toll on my grades which in turn took a toll on me BUT!!!
recently i’ve been trying to improve my mental health and make the effort to attend school and stuff but i think sometimes fun things make it easier to not procrastinate. my attention span is horrible, i can’t even sit without wanting to distract myself but these things have worked for me and hopefully they work for you too !!! :D
p.s. i know you didn’t ask for tips or anything but i really want to help and make recommendations and stuff pls take care of urself <3
1. habatica !!
i’ve only had this downloaded for a while but i feel more motivated to do my tasks knowing if i don’t do them then my avatar goes through damage 💔💔
it may sound stupid to some people but if it motivates me it’ll never be stupid. set yourself daily goals and tasks and you get points for your character and can buy extras like clothes and accessories. it also helps you start to decrease bad habits and it helps you maintain your good habits :-)
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2. having trouble studying ??? video call with a friend
i do this occasionally for psychology classes, i find it easier to video call a friend and ask her what task she’s on whilst i’m working. i’m more inclined to do my work so me and her can learn together when we do recall questions at the end of our sessions
although i find it easy to slack off by myself i can’t slack off around others because i’m so conscious of how people see me. that can be seen as a negative but i take it as a strength. if i’m so conscious i should take it as a chance to finish as much work as i can
if you don’t have a friend to work with then try a sibling or maybe try actively explaining what you’ve learnt to a parent or person you know. i do this with my mum so she knows i’ve been studying and she tends to be way nicer to me when i do so ;-)
3. give yourself a rewards system
you deserve fun >:( for every achievement or goal you meet reward yourself. watch a movie you’ve been dying to see, go outside with some friends after exam season has passed, buy that book you’ve been eyeing for a while !!!
for me i use kdramas, anime, podcasts and true crime videos as my rewards. i’m only allowed to watch episodes after i’ve done some work
4. take breaks
i know it must feel like you have to overwork yourself but doing a little at a time is more beneficial and easier to manage. you deserve breaks don’t make yourself think you don’t.
if you need a day to yourself give yourself that day to relax i assure you it’ll make it easier and you’ll feel lighter and more likely to do work
5. what motivates you ???
who or what motivates you ?? who are you doing this for ?? what are you doing it for ?? by finding out the reasoning behind your actions you’ll have a clearer mind for sure.
when you’re down what specifically motivates you ?? i find that without fail yoongi’s words comfort me and again whilst some people may find it stupid it still works for me so who cares really ?? i feel happier and more motivated and it works so 😎
here are two of my favourite things yoongi’s said :-)
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6. if it makes you feel good to tell people what you’ve done in the day do that !!!
tell a friend or a member of your family everything you’ve done in the day. it feels good to tell people how long you’ve studied and all the topics you’ve learnt.
if you have no one willing to listen my inbox is always open feel free to tell me what you’ve done i’ll be proud of youuu
7. do not overwork when you’re exhausted and be honest about how you feel
don’t beat yourself up over tasks you haven’t done because you were exhausted. your body needs a break and if you ever feel the need to have a mental or physical break as i said before go for it. you are your most important asset not your grades.
i hope when you feel mentally strained you can reach out to talk to someone. it’s not good to bottle up your stress, letting everything out helps you. if anyone ever needs to talk my ask box is open but i know school causes lots of stress. don’t feel like your feelings aren’t valid or other people “have it worse” than you.
if you don’t like opening up to people like me (i find it so hard to open up a ha ha 😎😎😎) then i advise you at least acknowledge the way you feel. don’t ignore signs of exhaustion.
okayyy i think that’s it but reminder that you’re great. i know how it feels to burn out and i wish when i was going through the worst of it that someone told me they believed in me. so anon i believe in you and i hope you can believe in yourself too :-)
remember grades aren’t everything. seriously you may think they are but they really aren’t. i just hope we can all be happy some day !!!
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marauders70s · 7 years
Ahhh this sounds so much fun! Okayyy so the title : A Change of Heart ; Pairing: Jily maybe? Or anyone lol! :D
@coffeewiitch​ Jily is my jam
Title: A Change of HeartPairing: James Potter & Lily EvansSummary: Sixth year Potter just didn’t have the spark Lily was used to, and she wasn’t sure why.
It was four o’clock; Lily’s favorite rounding shift on Thursdays, because she always rounded twice a week with Remus. Even though she was waiting in the Commons, she pulled her scarf around her neck more tightly. January was freezing in the castle, which hadn’t thought to hop on the muggle bandwagon of HVAC. She smiled when she saw Remus’ long leg with slightly too-short trousers come round the spiral staircase from the boys dormitory, but the smile dropped in annoyance off her face when she saw he was trailed by Potter. She waited for Potter to look up, to tease her, to ask her out. He was always asking, in the most embarrassing ways, and Lily had really come to despise them. She was getting testy about the whole subject, because it was apparent to everyone she would never, in a million years, go out with the swollen-headed seeker. He was everything in a guy she hated; arrogant, just good-looking enough to think he was moreso, a jock on a sports team. He was all the boys in primary who would pull her red hair and bite the other kids. The ones who needed “extra time” from teachers, and made perfect students like Lily absolutely furious when they succeeded. 
It was maddening. Potter was looking directly at her, but he wan’t even smiling. He only nodded at her. Nodded. Like they were on friendly terms. 
“Alright there, Potter?” she mocked, using his favorite phrase against him. His answering smile was a joke, and he quickly moved to a table where Peter was already studying with Frank and Alice. 
There was a reduction of noise as she spoke, anticipating the quibbling, but Potter’s lack of response was received with raised eyebrows, and Lily felt like it was a victory in her favor. She had scored one up on him. But she still felt queasy about it; it had been too easy. She felt like she had taken a cheap shot, and it made her bitter. Potter took plenty of cheap shots, and no one ever looked at him the way Remus was looking at her. 
“Ready to go?” she asked brightly, pretending she didn’t notice the dark circles beneath Remus’ eyes. She was beginning to suspect… well, she didn’t want to suspect. She glanced at her watch. 4:05. They were starting late, which was unusual for punctilious Remus.
Their feet took them their usual route; up both towers first, and then steadily working downwards through the eight floors of the castle - including the dungeons - and ending again before the Great Hall. Afternoon shifts were incredibly easy; so many students were still in class, and very few were trying to get a moment’s privacy in the castle’s nooks and crannies. It was a choice rounding selection, almost always grabbed up at the beginning of the year by sixth and seventh year prefects, leaving the hard shifts for the newbies. They mostly stopped in the younger classrooms on floors below - first and second years didn’t have electives - and magicked the chairs up onto desks, wiped clean the blackboards, and left the wastebasket for the caretaker, young Mr. Filch, to empty on the teacher’s desk.
They chatted, as they always did, about inconsequential things. Their friendship was like a movie theater. They always got the previews out of the way first, and Lily talked of Alice’s new ring Frank had given her and Remus spoke of Chuck Spinnet’s new high score of most goals in a game this quidditch season. 
“And what about Potter?” Lily asked lightly. “Feeling jealous he’s not the star of the show anymore?”
Remus looked at her strangely. “I don’t think James is thinking about quidditch right now,” he said mildly.
Lily laughed. “Not thinking about quidditch? Besides pranking people and driving McGonagall up a wall, what else does Potter think about?”
“Lily, you should go easy on him,” Remus cautioned, dropping his wand and pulling one of the chairs off a desk to sit in, before offering her another.
Lily was surprised. She and Remus had spoken of many deep things; some even ending with Lily’s tears about Tuni, but never had Remus pulled out a chair to sit down for a serious chat and neglected his prefect duties. He was too much like her: a perfectionist.
“What’s wrong?” she asked nervously, taking the seat. She smiled awkwardly. “You’re acting like someone died.”
Remus’ face did not change, but Lily felt her own melt. “Oh my god,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry, Remus. I didn’t know.”
“It was his dad,” said Remus simply. “He was older. His heart just gave out.”
“In his sleep?” Lily asked hopefully.
Remus shook his head. “At work. It was awful. James was pulled out of breakfast yesterday. He missed all his classes.”
Lily remembered that. They shared several advanced courses. She had just thought Potter was skiving off. It seemed like something he would do, especially as Sirius had as well.
Remus was reading her thoughts. “Sirius went with him. I don’t know if you know but…Sirius…lives with the Potters. Has since last year.”
“I didn’t know,” and Lily felt so foolish, so selfish, and cruel, and rude. She had known - the way everyone suspected and knew - that Sirius’ home life was bad. The howlers, and his brother joining the movement so young, and being pureblood - well no one thought Sirius came from a loving household. But she had never known that he - 
That Potter had - 
“Fuck,” said Lily quietly, putting her hands to her temples and pressing backwards. “I’ve been such an ass.”
“James doesn’t show it much,” said Remus quietly. “But he’s actually got the biggest heart of anyone I know. And he’s never lost anyone before. Not like this.”
“Of course not,” Lily said at once. “Neither have I. Neither have you. Our parents are still alive.”
“James is not taking it well.”
“Of course. I- er - when’s…when’s the funeral?”
“Friday. Tomorrow. Whatever.”
“I know.”
“Are you going?”
Remus nodded. “We’ve all of us got off classes from McGonagall. James is going to stay home over the weekend. I expect Sirius will as well. You know he called him Uncle?”
Lily could hardly fathom this new reality; she had formed so many preconceptions about Potter and Black, and Remus had never bothered to correct her when she ranted about them. She blushed at her ignorance and his graciousness now. 
“He should - Potter should - should take the rest of the year off,” she managed, but Remus was already shaking his head.
“We’ve talked about it, but James is adamant that he wants to graduate on time. Says it would break his mother’s heart.”
“Can she…live alone?” managed Lily.
“My Mum and her…they’re friends,” Remus said after a moment. “Sort of like…mentoring friends. Because James’ mum is so much older but… she’s helped my mum through some really hard times. I know she’ll want to -”
“That’s good,” and Lily could hear herself making these nonsensical remarks that said nothing and meant everything. She didn’t know what to say. “You leave tomorrow?” she finally managed. 
Remus nodded. “Portkey out of Dumbledore’s office. We’ll change at James’ house.”
Lily felt her stomach seize up. Change. As in wearing funeral clothes. 
“Most of it will be the uniform,” Remus continued. “Just not the ties or the sweaters or the robes. James and Sirius have black dress robes, and I have grey. Peter’s are brown, but I don’t think it matters much.”
Lily found herself clutching Remus’ wrist. “Remus, really, if there’s anything I can do,” she managed.
“There is,” and Remus’ smile was sad, and wan, and tired. Lily realized all at once his eyes were bloodshot from counseling James all night. He probably hadn’t slept since his father died. “Go easy on James, alright?”
Lily only nodded, feeling her eyes tearing up. “I will,” she managed.
The next morning, Lily was up at dawn. She liked to be up early, but this was early even for her. She usually got dressed with the rest of her dormitory, with Mary and Alice and them, but this morning she dressed in half-darkness, with a half-formed idea in her head to write Potter a letter. A condolence card. Stupid, really, she thought savagely. How positively stupid. But she could not think of anything else to do. They never spoke without shouting at one another.
The commons was quiet in the morning, even if the fire was already blazing cheerfully, like it had never been banked in the wee hours after everyone went upstairs. There was no one in it, and Lily crossed purposefully to the portrait hole, but stopped when someone spoke:
“Alright there, Evans?” and Lily spun, shocked, at the most broken, and almost whispered familiar words. Potter was already sitting stick straight in a high wingback chair. His face was white as death, and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked as if he hadn’t slept even the night before, and had come down early to avoid his friends. He was wearing his black trousers and shoes, his white dress shirt and - Lily’s heart skipped with pain - the black Sorting Tie used once by every first year and usually left at home in years after to be recycled by able siblings. 
“James, hi,” she said, crossing quickly and settling in the high armchair across from him.
“James,” and he tasted his own name as if he had never heard it. “My, it must be serious then.” His eyes flicked up to hers. “Remus told you.”
Lily could only nod. She opened her mouth to pour out her sympathy but James shook his head fast, too fast, and Lily sensed at once he was close to breaking. He was a cracked teacup still holding fast, but one word might halve it. She changed what she was going to say:
“I remember your father.”
James looked up at her, and she felt her heart turning over with utter confusion at the look of lost things welling in his hazel eyes. “Wh-” he had to clear his throat. “When?”
“We met…we talked. On the platform. A few times over the years.”
James could only nod. His mother loved Lily Evans. She made sure to bring the muggle Evanses through the barrier. She loved to tease him about Lily, ever since his first year. It made James broil with humiliation. 
“You look a lot like him,” Lily continued helplessly, and it was true. James did look like his father, though his father’s hair was white and untidy, he was just the same tall and angular - all elbows and knees, but with broad shoulders and twinkling blue eyes. James had his mother’s eyes. Brown, or hazel, depending on the light. And he had both his parents’ glasses. Square and wooden, they made his tight and shaking control too obvious to Lily, who had to restrain putting a hand out as she would have with anyone else.
“Thank you,” and James managed it tightly. It was the most polite thing he had ever said to her. 
Lily felt the complete inadequacy of I’m sorry searing through her. She mentally tore up the letter she never wrote. There was nothing to be said. And what was to be done? She wasn’t invited to the funeral. 
“Let’s…” and she smiled a tiny, broken smile. “Let’s go to breakfast.”
James only stared at her.
“You need to eat,” pressed Lily. “You won’t get to eat until -” but she didn’t finish. They both heard it anyway. Until after the graveside. 
“Are you-” and James had to clear his throat. “Are you asking me out?”
Lily laughed, helplessly, wildly, small and choking. “Just to breakfast, mind,” she said severely.
James nodded, and a small, blissful smile crossed his face as he pushed himself to his feet and she followed suit.
Send me a made up A03 title and i’ll write you a drabble based off of it!
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undeadpsycho13 · 7 years
a cup of coffee to warm my icy heart
GUYS GUYS GUYS THE COFFEE SHOP AU THINGY IS DONE (first chapt at least. this whole thing is going to be AT LEAST 5 chapters)
imma tag these people, for wonderful awesome ideas: @puzzle-of-life-reason-for-death​ (for coming up with the headcanon/awesome au), @baitsakhan-adlai​ (for glaring at me constantly across the room telling me telepathically to hurry up), @13thendgameplayer​ (for the beautiful pickup lines you supplied, truly they were amazing, i swear to god imma use more of them in the next chapts), @redheaded-sniper-girl​ (this is to repent my sins, im sry this part wasnt mac’s perspective, i promise at least some of it will be, i hope you like this), and @baitsabeeisreal​ (bc even tho she didnt really contribute, she’s like the #1 baitsabee fan out there)
okay, yeesh, long boring credits are over, now lets get on with the show!! :D
The first time was an accident.
Baitsakhan didn’t really mean to walk into a coffee shop that wasn’t Starbucks, it just kind of happened.  His legs kind of just… carried him away from the Starbucks nearest to his house, and since he couldn’t be bothered to walk an extra block to the second closest Starbucks, he decided to try out that shady looking “Endgame” cafe.  Edgy name, Baitsakhan thought absent-mindedly.  Well, technically he did have reason, and it wasn’t really an accident, but hey, he can’t just say he didn’t want to go back to the Starbucks because he was pissed at the cashier.  That Hilal something, who was all about niceness and world peace and all that other nonsensical bull.  It just pissed him off, how people could be so cheery and kind.  The Incident last week, involving at least a dozen pamphlets on saving the environment and using Baitsakhan as a bulletin board, was the final straw.  He couldn’t go back to Starbucks after that, and what right did the world have to take away coffee from a poor, sleep-deprived, coffee-needing teenager, right?
A text lit his phone just when he was about halfway across the street.  He ignored the faint vibration.  Really, it could only be three people: Jalair, his very over-protective brother who wouldn’t let him do anything remotely fun (“Baitsakhan, what are you doing to that poor kitten?” “Oh, I don’t know, maybe just cutting off his tail with a butter knife if you suddenly went blind today.” “How could you do that to poor Muffin??!!”), his horribly awesomely social sister Sarangerel who had a bajillion times more friends than Baitsakhan (“A bajillion times zero is still zero Baits.” “That’s not my point.”), or his Chinese friend (read: only friend) An Liu (contrary to popular belief, Baitsakhan did have one friend, though even he didn’t care to admit it).  Turns out, curiousity got the better of him, and after another five or six continuous obnoxious buzzes (by now he was sure it was Sarangerel), Baitsakhan whipped out his phone angrily, prepared to type out a biting lecture about why friends and family should not double text and annoy the hell out of him in the process, when he realised –– with a frown –– that the number displayed on his phone was an unfamiliar one, labelled neither “Mother-Hen”, nor “Social Butterfly”, nor “Asian Hacker Lovebird”.  In fact, the area code displayed it wasn’t even from the area.
And all of them, every single text, was the same thing: bring me the goddamned ice cream.  A final: ais ik ur redin these txts topped it off.
The atrocious grammar pissed him off.  So did the fact that this person called him freaking Ais.  What kind of name was that, anyways?  Typing furiously, a long paragraph was added to the message: F off, I’m not Ais.  You’ve got the wrong number idiot.  Besides, who would give ice cream to you??  Loser.  By the way, don’t text me back.  Like ever again.  Delete this message immediately, or my weird hacker friend will be out to get you and possibly put a bullet through your head with a drone if you don’t.  Have a nice life!
Feeling pleased with his impeccable grammar, and his nice little response, Baitsakhan continued along towards the coffee shop.  The a hidden speaker above the door emitted a faint ringing noise, which was, too be honest, quite annoying.  He didn’t understand how anyone could stand hearing that sound hundreds of times a day.  For once, he kind of felt bad for the baristas.
The coffee shop was surprisingly quite crowded, at least compared to what Baitsakhan’s expectations would be.  In the far corner, a sturdy-looking dark-skinned girl sat opposite of another one, except slim and of Indian heritage.  Closer to the entrance sat a woman, hijab covering half her head, alone, sipping a cup of coffee with an icy expression on her face.  Near the cashier, three people were chatting animatedly, a guy with a scar on his face holding hands with a blond girl, sitting across from a pretty Native-American girl.
Baitsakhan made a face.  He really should have just sucked it up and settled with Starbucks.  All these annoying people… at least the Starbucks was relatively quiet.  Sighing, he made a mental note not to come back again, before begrudgingly trudging up to the counter.
The boy standing at the counter was presumably in his late teens, his hair honey colored with streaks of something darker tied up into a short ponytail, displaying a set of silver earrings that contrasted nicely with his immaculate jet-black suit, though steaks of it were already coming loose.  It suited him nicely, Baitsakhan couldn’t help but notice.  His electric blue eyes, wary like that of a predator’s, flashed eagerly at having another customer, perhaps saving him from his endless boredom.  A nonchalant expression crossed his face, followed by a knowing smirk, and then was once again replaced by a mockingly polite look as he called out,
“How may I help you?”
Baitsakhan stared unabashedly at the guy, unamused.
“I thought this was a coffee shop.  Get me some goddamned coffee.”
Something akin to surprise appeared in the cashier’s eyes, but like every other emotion quickly disappeared.  He probably didn’t get rude comments like this often.  Serves him right, thought Baitsakhan, trying to ignore the boy’s undeniable hotness as a feral grin spread across the guy’s face.  The name Maccabee was written on a pin proudly hung from the guy’s breast pocket.  Baitsakhan duly noted this, for no reason at all.  He had no reason to store away this kind of information.  He totally wasn’t planning on coming back again.
“Okayyy then,” he drawled, every word unnecessarily lengthened, “How would you like your coffee?”
“Hot, dark, strong.” Baitsakhan had no time for this nonsense.
“Just like me then,” Maccabee said, waggling his eyebrows.
Baitsakhan stared, unimpressed,
“Do you flirt with everything that walks on two legs?”
Again, the guy looks surprised.  Probably hasn’t had a pick-up line thrown back at his face before, Baitsakhan thinks with a smirk.
“Nope, just cute ones.”
The barista turned to make the coffee, and thank God he turned to make the coffee, because Baitsakhan has chosen just the right time to have his face turn completely red.
He really should have just gone to Starbucks.
cringey title, cringey chapter title, cringey everything… sounds about right
also, sorry about the non-typical depiction of maccabee, i kinda just imagined him with long hair one day and it… kinda spiralled off into the void?? idk.  i kinda like it.
ALSO, i sorta maybe incorporated a wrong number!au into this also. sue me, i was playing around with thing and it got outta hand, ok
next chapt will be up by the end of the week (hopefully earlier, i have an hr to write tomorrow, and this chapt only took an hr, so… possibly tomorrow :) no guarantees tho)
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