#but i'd be preaching to the choir if I started to talk about that to this audience huh?
blonde-and-cat-suc · 4 months
Do you ship Adora with anybody? I personally ship her with Scorpia and Lonnie (Lonnie more so I think)
Yes! I'm a huge, huge, huge Adorpia shipper actually! Alternatively, my runnerups are Glimmadora, Adonnie (or whatever the Adora/Lonnie name is, I have no idea), and most recently I've been playing with this idea of Adora and Mermista of all fucking people, but that's a story for another post.
Anyway, yeah, a lot of my old writing is mostly me Trojan-horsing Adorpia into the narrative lol. I was (am) absolutely crazy about them. Back in the day, I would have dreams about them like... not even in sleep could I escape shipping them. (SPOP dreams didn't/don't come to me often but when they did/do you best believe I remember them in overwhelming detail).
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starlitsilver · 27 days
i need to go into some kind of anime training montage this summer
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onlygenxhere · 2 months
I'm going to preach to the choir for a moment. I feel bad bitching but we talk about the lack of comments a lot on here so I thought I'd share some of my own numbers.
I haven't had a comment on anything in about a week. (it was a wonderful one on a pwp fic which is rare in and of itself)
Since then I have gotten 55 kudos (like this is heavy) 41 of them from registered users 14 from guests 5 of those users kudoed on more than one fic 1 of them kudoed on 8 stories
Don't get me wrong. I love kudos. I love knowing my stuff is still being read by new people but man would it be nice to know what they liked. What about THAT story made them decide to click on the kudo button? Did they do it to say, "hey I read this" or was there more to it? The one that read 8 fics read through a whole series. I would assume they liked it but if they told me what they liked or why they liked it I might be inspired to add more to that series.
Almost everyone I follow is also a fic writer so I know you all feel as frustrated as I do about this.
I'm working on something new and I'm so anxious to start posting because I love a fucking comment and new stuff GETS comments.
I don't know what the point of this really was other than sharing my frustration about this with my friends. I know we're supposed to write for ourselves but that communication/comments is so very VERY addicting.
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Hmm, i was like talking about some tv show tropes regarding fat people and romance and kind of unironically connecting some dots into my complex feelings of like romance and self-esteem and how I think being fat has effected it. So I'm just like preaching to the void, and the choir here. read at uour own risk oooo ahhhh
I think in regards to romance, racism, and fat phobia have like affected me so deeply. I mean, yeah I'm autistic, and I struggle with social cues in general, but I genuinely think growing up as a societal 'undesirable' has like definitely altered the way I view and think about myself. I mean, there were just certain truths I had to come to peace with when I was younger, that a handful of people won't want you because you're black. An even bigger group of people won't want you because you're fat. You're the girl everyone tells you they kill during fuck marry kill (Like that's a normal thing to say.) You get rejected by the people you like because you're nice, but you're not all that pretty. Or pranks people pull, when they tell you someone likes you but it's not true. And they both know it's not true.
And that's fine, I guess. Honestly, I have no hard feelings in the present day about what we did in middle/high school. On the bright side, I think I'm like ridiculously good at taking rejections in stride. On the downside, I think it definitely left me struggling to understand or even piece together when someone is interested in me. I think deep down, there's still that very strong belief that I'm like not something to be desired.
“You aren't someone that people would want, so you really shouldn't be surprised when people don't want you.” It was, and kind of has still been some sort of fucked up survival mantra I've held onto. I honestly used to just sit there and take it, when people told me I wasn't someone that people could fall in love with. Or feel attracted too or whatever. I just thought they were right, and it meant I'd have to settle for someone who could at least tolerate me. And I think I convinced myself to think that way just so I could make sense of and make peace with the way people talked about me.
And like it's different now, I very much have people who love me and people who are in love with me (hahha hiii if uore here). But I genuinely think it's rotted my perception of others, not beyond repair but it definitely requires some TLC. Like even though I'm not in the situation anymore, (well vaguely). I don't think I notice that many signs of people being into me because I genuinely struggle to fathom the situation in which I'm something to be wanted.
( i think theres like other ways, you can be unwanted. I have certainly experienced it RIP!!!!!! but this is not about that !!! ) Like, I don't know I can think I'm hot but I also have a lot of bad days when I want to cover up because I'm embarrassed of the space I take up. Or when the devil starts talking in my ear about how I'd look better if I lost weight, how I could wear stuff I've been too scared to wear, how id have an easier time transitioning (if at all), how people could like me more.
And, sure I do what I can. I contest those thoughts. But honestly, it's hard. I don't know what else I can do. I know self-love starts with you but jesus does the hate from others make that thang hard. It doesn't help that talking to people about this, who aren't fat about it is like genuinely the most humiliating experience ever. It's so embarrassing to tell people that I still experience issues with my body because I feel like this is one of those things I shouldn't handle for myself. clutches head. Honestly if anyone read this far and uou know any tips... on unlearning this sort of stuff. i would love to hear it.
I know that again, it starts with me and I shouldn't seek out this sort of affirmation from other people. But dear lawrd. I dont have a real ending to this it was just me trailing off in thought. but i might continue it if i gain a braincell
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laughterbynight · 26 days
Shower thoughts: Power, Sexuality, and Dick Grayson
Okay so to start this probably isn't exclusive to DC but that's where my experience is so that's where I'm focusing. Batfam mostly because that's my history.
*Reminder that this is a shower thought so it's not going to be essay worthy and I might miss some things.
I was thinking in the shower, as you do, and it struck me not for the first time how absurd it is that in comics it seems like power when it comes to women is equated with sex, as in looking more appealing to men. It made me wonder if, beyond blatant sexism, maybe there's a disconnect here where part of power fantasies for men is to be desired by women. If so, that could be part of why so many men assume that a woman's power fantasy means being more fuckable to men.
Now, I would be preaching to the choir here on tumblr to explain how backassward this is and that power fantasies mean POWER regardless of sex or gender and that how men portraying themselves as attractive is different than how they portray women as attractive. I mean there's a good chance you've already seen this discourse ages ago and we're on roughly the same page. That's some solid 2014-2016 discourse.
Instead I want to talk about how this manifests for Dick Grayson, because he's one of the few (maybe only?) male characters in DC that gets sexualized in the same way women do. He's also one of the few to have been raped because of it, which felt deliberate when I was standing in the shower contemplating this whole thing. I doubt the writer would fess up to that and I know a lot of us just completely delete that moment from his history, but if I'm pulling that incident out of the canon and just looking at it on it's own I think it very much speaks to how men perceive attraction in men and how they see it in women (and yes I know a woman wrote that scene but you can still subscribe to sexism as a woman).
To be a powerful woman in the eyes of a man is also to be fuckable, but that also means you're prime real estate for sexual trauma and being dominated, because you can't be sexual and safe and liberated. You have to be punished for it and degraded and traumatized. I think that's what happened to Dick. I think he fell too close to how women are sexualized and the instinct on the part of a writer in a field that pretty much promotes sexism was to hurt Dick for being liberated and sexual and a positive character (because how dare he be sexual and a positive role model!). And maybe even that is giving too much credit but the alternative is that he's just so sexy it's okay to rape him and that's...yeah. Anyway-
Kori (Starfire) is another character who is wildly sexually liberated by the standards of comics and we know her story. She was introduced with the backstory of assault because sexy, which is just so fucked. It really paints a picture. Even beloved manly Batman has been subject to this (Damian's origin before other writers started trying to smooth that over). Again, sexually liberated character = must be violated. The difference here is it's not even acknowledged with Bruce. Actually not really with Dick either. So we have another layer to that whole thing with how men should react to assault, as well.
Frankly it makes me terrified for Tim as a freshly out character (and therefore not traditionally masculine in the eyes of a lot of men). If you're unfamiliar with Midnighter and Apollo you can find out why I'm concerned by googling that. I'd rather not dive into it. I sure as fuck hope the backlash to that will dissuade anyone from putting a target on Tim but it's been a close call already.
I don't have some big conclusion here, it's just one of those things I felt like I needed to put into words. Maybe because I see so much pushback against fans for preferring to engage with fanon at this point, and while I acknowledge that it can be annoying when very basic facts are mucked up, I also can't blame anyone for wanting to avoid DC comics proper right now. Sometimes I see progress and I hope it sticks-but I think comics are still an emotionally hostile space for a lot of us and when I step back and look at characters like Dick and even the recent violation of Jason, I just sometimes wonder if the industry at large has lost the thread of superheroes in general. At the very least it's clear they're often only writing heroes for themselves because to me the DC universe would be a nightmare hellscape and it shouldn't be. Heroes are for everyone.
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Not gonna lie, I’m gonna miss V as an RO but they are your character and you know them better…honestly I’ve been working on an IF for over a year now and haven’t even thought about plot stuff I’m just trying to figure out all the RO’s and side characters…especially since that’s the area I struggle with most when writing.
Hi my sunshine!
Oooooo i'd love to hear about your IF! this community is so talented; I love reading all the different stories and the ideas bouncing around.
The change of RO's wasn't easy; like you start your outline with a bunch of ideas and then when you actually get to the nitty gritty of details and planning routes/accounting for all the variance we have! I know i'm preaching to the choir here but i'm so glad you understand ₊˚⊹♡
AND OOF especially when the plot is just as important as the characters/romance? don't get me started....i've written fanfiction for a while now and it is so much easier than developing my own characters (but i do enjoy this more hehehe)
I follow @seraphinitegames and love love LOVE Wayhaven; I remember she was talking about how she had this specific scene planned out for YEARS but when she was doing the book planning, she realized she couldn't include it anymore because it didn't fit and I think that sums up the experience pretty well (I say, a baby writer)
Thank you for your message, lovely! ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
All my love,
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molter-writes · 1 year
Aaaaaahhhh the prequel, it’s so good! I love the way you’ve captured their dynamics, and how starkly this underlined the growth they undergo during the main story, and which will begin here.
I’ve spent the weekend plotting a story in the vein of this AU (an ode to it if you will, and if I may be allowed to presume) that’s gotten rather huge and complex and so remain in awe at how well you’ve managed to convey the characters we love and their relationship so well. Their conflict is delicious.
dayneonychus!!!! you GOAT!!!!
thank you so much for reading this and even more for caring enough to come talk to me about it. i am so so so grateful. endlessly, thank you. and I can’t fucking wait to read your fic!!!
this does barely touch on something i've hesitated for a while to note (but, with profuse preemptive apologies, is really not at all about your ask --i'm just about to word vomit on it) but something I think I just want to say so I’ve said it—
i've seen some grey ridge homages (great) (love) (eat them like candy). i've seen even more grey ridge ripoffs. from full scenes (chapter 6, rifting through lawyer documents together sitting on the floor to solve a basically identical lawsuit) to specific details (rhaenyra gives alicent her mother’s red diamond ring.) these have ranged from being almost entirely unread to garnering more hits and kudos than grey ridge itself. i know it’s a popular fic, and it was an early modern AU of this pairing, and sometimes fics create trends (was told I started “Alicent does finance” but no idea if true). but i have only started to care as it has impeded my ability to enjoy other rhaenicent fics myself. i will never forget opening a rhaenicent kids au with jubilation only to read a 'miscarriage scare' scene that was a nearly perfect play-by-play of that one scene from chapter 3 of grey ridge (down to the placenta explanation!! which i'd googled on a whim!!). nothing quite like the anguish of realizing you’ve been plagiarized (and then trying to gaslight yourself out of fairly obvious evidence.) i pour my soul into my shit and it's important to me. i also love our tag. i want to enjoy it. i miss comfort reading.
look. fanfic is obviously derivative. i’m not claiming to have invented pain or loss or billionaires or placental detachment or sitting on floors. and hey, i'm not the ao3 police, everyone's going to do what they think is right. but as I’ve always understood it - themes, tropes, motifs are communal; whole scenes, specific plots, and unique identifiable details are not. and it’s so simple to just pay homage. idk. i know i'm preaching to the choir here (so thanks for letting me preach.)
anyway thanks for letting me get that off my chest on your ask. just reminded me of some shit on my mind & i hope you’re not sitting there thinking “thanks for this screed, too bad i caught molter on the saltiest night of the year”. i really can't wait to read it. and i hope everyone else reading this will look out for it, too. (tag me so i can hit it with the reblog when it's out).
thank you for caring about this work. it's physically insane to me that you or anyone else does and i am more grateful than you know. see you on the flip side when i burn out through another chapter of wlw agony.
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dilfdoctordoom · 10 months
Absolutely just preaching to the choir at this point but like, I don't care I'm also going to complain LOL I cannot get over how it seems Gunn had a legit grudge against Gamora (and Mantis!!!) because the treatment of both of them feels so specifically targeted that you would think both characters broke into his house and kicked his dog or something. He's definitely not as dumb as the Snyder fans would have you believe, I know he reads the source material even if he ignores the majority of it, but I do not see how even if you ONLY read GotG 2008 that you'd come away with wanting to intentionally write the women like that, it's so unhinged.
I'd ask why the HELL Vol. 3 struggles so much with its WOC when he's shown to have the ability to Try and improve on this in his other work post Vol. 2 (Mind you i think The Suicide Squad also had issues with racism AND ableism- if it's supposed to be this commentary on the USA strong arming and trying to cover up their involvement with other countries, why is the film presenting it as a big joke that Bloodsport and Peacemaker are violently murdering these POC freedom fighters by accident? I know Gunn is a big horror nut and violence and an R rating blah blah blah but Maybe read the room. And don't get me started on everything with Polka Dot Man oh my god) but by now I think the Vol. 3 issues are because he just could NOT put himself mentally into the characters headspaces, like he literally couldn't relate to them At All so they just had to get these half assed resolutions at best or written out to never to return at worst. (other than Rocket, obviously, who even then ALSO suffers from the writing!! NO ONE TRULY WINS!!!)
I genuinely think the only reason the leading lady in Peacemaker (Leota, a black queer woman) didn't get treated like ass is because of Gunn's own comment that the character shares a name with his mother. Like, bruh. If the only way you can treat these characters with different backgrounds than you with the bare minimum of respect is because of vaguely nepotistic reasons or because you absolutely HAVE to relate to/project onto them, then idk what to even say 😵‍💫
This is a safe space to be mad about the treatment of women (& women of color specifically) in the Guardians franchise because god, it always just gets worse the more that I think about it.
(Random tangent: Like, you have Michelle Yeoh! The Michelle Yeoh! And she's just... cameo doesn't do anything doesn't ever appear again. My god if we're gonna force Gamora to be a Ravager at least bring her back).
There was some improvement in his DC work (though definitely not in his treatment of disabled characters lmao that's a consistent shitshow). Ratcatcher felt like a person, didn't get needlessly fridge like I'd assumed she would. Harcourt and Leota actually feel fledged out. Leota especially as that's a queer woman of color... and now it's just cause she has the same as his mother lmao.
Guardians 3 I think is the most disappointing movie in the entire MCU because I just fundamentally do not buy these resolutions for these characters. Peter's going back to Earth? Awesome, but he already did that. Rocket's fine with everyone leaving? Strange since for them, they were dead for five years.
What happened to Gamora and Mantis goes beyond Gunn's favoritism like he was so casual about killing Gamora... leading woman of color, and he talks constantly about how he just wanted to kill her, that's, uh, that's not great.
Mantis drives me crazy because you could not convince me that that man has read a single comic starring her. How do you adapt someone so horrifically? Comic Mantis isn't great, nor am I ever gonna claim she is, but she's still somehow better than the MCU depiction.
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loorain · 9 months
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Back in the Saddle
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After a long day working at the restaurant, Sabrina arrives at Marquise's place for the main purpose of picking Juno up, but they also decide to treat him and Juno to a home-cooked meal.
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It was a nice dinner, the three of them, the moment peaceful. For anyone looking on, they appeared like a normal nuclear family, unaware of the intricacies of this dynamic, special nonetheless but vastly different. Still, it is their normal, and the trio finds it comfortable.
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Marquise washes the dishes from dinner before Sabrina and he ends up on the couch for a chat. Mainly catching up, telling Sabrina about the exciting events of the weekend, and other small talk. Eventually, however, the chat takes an interesting turn.
Marquise: So... I've been thinking...
Sabrina: Thinking...?
Marquise: Well... you're dating now...
Sabrina: Uh huh...?
Marquise: I was thinking... maybe it's time for me to get back out there too?
Sabrina: You wanna start dating again?
Marquise: I mean, maybe nothing serious just yet, just get my feet wet, you know? Take it slow and steady?
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Sabrina: Marquise, I think that's an awesome idea!
Marquise: You do?
Sabrina: Of course! You deserve love just like anyone else.
Marquise: I'm just apprehensive about bringing someone new into Juno's life. I don't want to confuse him, plus as he gets older kids will start asking questions, which will make him ask questions. I want him to feel like he's normal, like everyone else.
Sabrina: Well we're already as un-normal as it gets.
Sabrina chuckles lightheartedly.
Sabrina: Don't worry so much. As questions arise, we'll be there to answer them. And you don't have to introduce a new partner immediately. Take your time. Figure out if the relationship is going somewhere. Then you can decide. And even if you decide to introduce someone new after some time, but then you discover it's not meant to be, I'll be there to help Juno understand that too.
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Marquise: I'm just worried about screwing him up. I want him to be the best version of himself, whatever that is, without all the baggage.
Sabrina: You're preaching to the choir there. I get it. I feel the same way. But Juno deserves to witness his parents being happy in healthy partnerships as well as us co-parenting in a healthy way. If he can model his own life off of that, I'd say he's gonna shape out to be alright.
Marquise: Yeah? So you really think I should give it a go?
Sabrina: Marquise, you are an amazing person. Honestly, I'm probably missing out on a good thing turning you down, but another sim is going to make you so happy, and that'll be a great day not only for you but for Juno as well. So go for it. Set up a date and just see where it takes you!
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Marquise: Yeah... yeah, you're right. I'm gonna do it. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
Sabrina: Atta boy! Get back in the saddle! Hey, if you need a wingsim, you know who to call, too.
Marquise: You'd do that?
Sabrina: Why not? I've pulled my share of sims in my life, I'm sure I can help you score too!
Marquise chuckles.
Marquise: Sabrina, you really are something.
Sabrina: Don't get all mushy on me now, dude.
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Eventually, the two adults find themselves being joined by another guest, making them realize the time. Sabrina stands to their feet and collects Juno into their arms.
Sabrina: Guess we should be heading home, huh Juno? Say bye-bye to Daddy.
Juno: Bye Daddy!
Marquise: Bye-bye Junebug. See you next weekend.
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Sabrina and Juno head home, leaving Marquise to mull over his conversation with his parenting partner. Perhaps getting back in the saddle won't be so bad after all.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
second :sob: can you explain the doc and joe thing i'm so lost. my only knowledge of it is from a few posts/tweet screenshots. i immediately thought it was a bit, why do i keep seeing people taking it so seriously? or talking about people taking it seriously?
don't worry too much about 'people are taking it seriously' from what i understand that was comment sections and 'doc's twitter following takes things too seriously sometimes'. the chain of events goes like this (and is, you know what, very funny and the most joe of chains of events):
doc and xisuma go through the trouble of returning a shulker from the end to the overworld. on getting it home, they leave it in a glass box at spawn.
joe streams. he sees the shulker in the glass box at spawn. he asks if it belongs to anyone, but only cub and jevin are online, and cub, naturally, goes "nah you should absolutely take it", he's cub. he sees that the shulker isn't labeled and goes "well unlabeled mobs are free for the taking"
so he moves it into his haunted house. it is named mimic now. mimic is adorable. we will protect mimic. note that this went RIDICULOUSLY smoothly and that joe still, at this point, has no idea how hard it is to move shulkers normally.
joe leaves a note in a shulker box that's like "here's the coordinates of your guy, i rescued this poor abandoned shulker"
also i'd like to note he like, started the episode by saying he wanted to get a gift for xisuma, which makes stealing that shulker even funnier.
a day and a half passes. doc wakes up in a cold sweat at 4 am and realizes that he hadn't actually healed the shulker. (oh my god there are SO many ways that could have gone horribly wrong back at joe's by the way so this is very funny to me.) he logs on.
he sees that joe has stolen it.
he starts grandstanding on twitter, as doc is wont to do. (for the record this was still definitely a bit, if he were actually GENUINELY upset he would have said something privately.) joe responds with basically "well i'm playing pinball right now so".
fanbases, as fanbases tend to do, prepare. i fully admit i was hoping for a joe/doc confrontation because i personally think that would be extremely funny.
however, presumably behind the scenes, doc and/or xisuma explains to joe just how much of a pain in the ass shulkers are.
joe records another episode in record time where he goes "well, i made a mistake, i'm going to heal mimic and return mimic safely to the glass box". tone of the episode makes it clear that joe didn't know it was a big deal and that it kinda did need to get returned. hence some of the confusion i think.
this ALSO manages to go smoother than any shulker transfer i've seen in my life. joe how did you get so lucky with this.
box is returned. the greatest gift of all - and also literally the only thing doc has the capacity to destroy of joe's given that joe can lose everything and go "meh" and move on - is friendship.
cue adorable lesson.
the moral of this story is that mimic the shulker deserves the world i think, and also that a joe/doc prank war would be really funny but alas, was not to be this time.
...also that, while i'm preaching to the choir here, respective fanbases like, come on now, it was a bit.
oh yeah also that cub absolutely would start the trojan war for funsies because that was at least partially his fault,
there's your events!
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utilitycaster · 3 years
On welcoming new fans for Campaign 3
This is going to be long, and it's going to be blunt.
I started watching with the first episode of Campaign 2, as a jumping on point. I've mentioned before that my sister was a fan from relatively early on and had tried to get me to watch Campaign 1 unsuccessfully since at least late 2016 and possibly late 2015 (I don't recall which Thanksgiving she first brought it up). I had absolutely no plans to watch Campaign 1 when I started Campaign 2.
I ended up binging all of Campaign 1, to the point that I caught up with Campaign 2 around the time they moved into the new studio in July 2018. Crucially, I was not following the fandom in any significant way until I caught up. So I say this from experience: if you are trying to be inviting to new fans for Campaign 3 with overview posts and guidelines and histories of everything...don't.
I'm almost positive that had I joined the fandom earlier I actually would not have bothered with Campaign 1. I'd have enjoyed Campaign 2 very much! But I'd have been completely turned off to Campaign 1 specifically because of how people talk about it.
You know what would be welcoming? Letting people come in without feeling like there's a weight of history that they do not know and never will know in the same level of detail as someone who was there from the start. They already know. They did not ask you. If they ask you, by all means respond! But there is a general human tendency that becomes even more pronounced in the anonymity of the internet for people to attempt to be helpful in ways that are uniquely unhelpful and often wildly condescending.
In short: Let people experience the fandom in their own way instead of trying to force their experiences into the shape of yours.
I am already, in the not quite 12 hours since the airing of The Legend of Vox Machina panel, tired of the pedestal Vox Machina is put on and I'm a success story of people joining a new campaign and watching the previous one. I'm tired and I backed the Kickstarter.
This doesn't mean that you should pretend campaign 1 isn't your favorite, it if is! But there is nothing more unwelcoming than treating the past as the end all and be all when people are joining for what's happening in the present. Post all you want about previous campaigns! It's your blog! But also be aware that one "here's everything you should know, from me, a fan who knows" post is going to look really meaningless when the rest of your blog is pining for an appearance from J'mon Sa Ord, someone a new fan has literally no reason to care about.
Obviously this isn't unique to this fandom, but seriously. If you want to be welcoming? Listen to the new fans as they join instead of assuming you know best, be aware that your personal nostalgia is valid but will not necessarily be relatable, and stop the performative fluff that was only ever preaching to the choir.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: UGH Grace: tell me your secrets Grace: this boy will NOT take a hint 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: My secrets on repelling lads? Charming 😏 Grace: OMG I meant on getting people to leave you alone Grace: but if you do have any obvs Grace: 😂 Janis: Being real mean and telling 'em to fuck off usually works Janis: but not always case in point ☝ Grace: It's like he thinks it's a challenge now Grace: Like NO Janis: Love a challenge Janis: don't tell Mia Janis: do you not rate him at all or what? Grace: idk it's not that Grace: there's just TOO MUCH build up at this point Grace: he's highkey Janis: You reckon you ain't gonna meet expectation then, I get it Janis: just 'cos he wants it don't mean you gotta, you know Janis: can still get what you want out of it though Grace: if he tells everyone that I can't I'll have to kms Grace: boys talk too, remember? Janis: Yeah but who cares Grace: UM ME OBVS Grace: now he thinks I'm like playing hard to get Grace: not hard to want Janis: Just bite the bullet and do it then Janis: if it's shit you can blame him Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: oh please! who do I have in my corner rn? Grace: can't work the narrative on my own Grace: just tell me what to say so he'll FINALLY get the message Grace: like I'm too good for him or something Grace: you always do that Janis: Why not? Her word ain't law no matter what she reckons, you know Janis: Assumedly unless he's so un-you-type that he's a decent lad Janis: Who is he, does he go to our School Grace: he's from some posh school that Mia didn't get into Grace: but she knows him Grace: FOCUS Janis Janis: ew Janis: he's probably a snob anyway Janis: and it don't matter what he's chatting to his mates Janis: you're sure Mia isn't like Janis: setting you up here or Grace: OMG Grace: what if she is Grace: he's like WAY persistent Grace: 😱😱😱 Janis: Didn't wanna be that bitch but Janis: she is Janis: all the more reason to a. not fuck him b. have a good time and leave him wishing you would Grace: DUH Grace: but like I said expectations are soooooooooooooo OTT Grace: idk Janis: so? Janis: you can do it Janis: boys are easily impressed Janis: lbr Grace: what if he IS a snob tho!? Grace: 🤔🤔🤔 Janis: We're rich Janis: he don't need to know the specifics Janis: know how to behave, have to deal with Ri and Buster so Grace: true he's soooo Grace: ugh Grace: still, NEED to shop if this is happening Grace: this is what I mean, such an EVENT Grace: & if I'm not even gonna shag him LIKE 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: The amount of clothes you have Janis: really Grace: don't start Grace: do I have clothes to snare a posh boy?! Think not Grace: If I've worn it before I LITERALLY CAN'T Grace: I'm telling you he's EXTRA Grace: trying to impress here Janis: 🙄 Janis: Well let's not act like it's a hardship, any excuse to shop with you Janis: so go for it Grace: UM rude Janis: 😂 Come on Janis: you should have a share in Topshop at this point Grace: If I did I wouldn't need to impress any lads 💸💸💸 Janis: 'Course Janis: forgot you were in it for the 💰 Grace: Excuse you, not Ri Grace: wish she was here tho Janis: Sure she can spare time to facetime you if nowt else Grace: you'd think Grace: ugh Grace: this family, only around when you don't want them Grace: so typical Janis: Preaching to the choir Grace: did mum & dad catch barista boy the other night?? Grace: assuming not as you haven't died of shame Grace: sooooooooo cringe Janis: Don't think so Janis: Not that I was trying to sneak, just don't want them to chat to him Janis: or me, for that matter Grace: OMG dad would try & feed him Grace: LET IT GO Janis: Don't Janis: I have to have dinner with his family, and his Dad's girlfriend Grace: 😱😱😱 Grace: next level cringe Janis: Yeah Janis: idc about the kids they're cool but Grace: his little brother is sooooooooooo cute 😍😍 Grace: & not to be a bitch but better at art than your bf Janis: 😂 Janis: alright go on a date with him Grace: if I was 6 I would Janis: You weirdo Janis: 😏 Grace: whatever he's adorable shhh Grace: Asia's little brother is 👾 like actually soooooooo mean Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: Know the feeling, babe Grace: bitch don't be calling me out Grace: I'm so nice Janis: 😏 Janis: so self-centred, you know there's 10 of us Janis: could be talking about any one of yous Janis: talking 'bout you all, as it goes but Grace: you're the mean one 👌👌👌 Grace: are you still gonna help me with my OOTD or not? Janis: Never Janis: so shocking you would suggest that Janis: yeah, go on then Grace: don't be a bitch when I spam you with dressing room selfies Grace: the lighting is literally designed to make us wanna kill ourselves Janis: 🐸🍵 Janis: hot take Grace: 🐸 to 👸 🤞 Janis: Don't be tryna lips the sales assistant Janis: she don't get paid enough for that Grace: if I'm not getting any from my date Janis: 🙄 called that in the air Janis: no need to have that many sleepovers Grace: 😂 Grace: Mia obvs would have invited you babes if that was true Janis: 🤢 it's gross 'cos it's true Grace: should we throw her a coming out party or?? Grace: It is pride month Grace: before you know it Janis: 😂 Bitch I wish you would Grace: if I knew that was all it would take for you to like me Grace: 💔💔💔 Janis: What, dragging that bitch? No duh Janis: You been knew Grace: she's the only one who thinks being gay is a drag Grace: idk why even Grace: I'd love that, boys are the WORST Janis: 💔 Janis: The tragedy that is hetrosexuality Grace: I know, right? Grace: so unfair Grace: but like I'd just be worried that the girl is hotter than me the whole time anyway so Janis: 😂 Janis: Looks like you can't win, babe Grace: Truly Grace: [sends first potential outfit] Grace: 😱😱😱 LOOK at this! UGH I wanna die Janis: It isn't that bad, calm down Janis: the colour is a bit Janis: though, so yeah, keep looking Grace: No way this assistant is getting 💋 now thank you Grace: you're more help & that's Grace: just weird Janis: not working on commission Janis: though I should charge Grace: IOU Grace: whenever Janis: Whatever Janis: nbd Grace: I'm serious, not THAT much of a bitch Grace: [sends outfit option 2] Grace: OMG!! HOW ARE THEY GETTING WORSE! Grace: 🤢🤢🤢 Janis: Nah, don't even bother to hang that back up Janis: why are they selling that Grace: gonna have to be ✂ out & buy it anyway Grace: 😭😭😭 Grace: who it is for? cos I DON'T know her? Janis: Don't be stupid Janis: you're just flapping Janis: get your woman to help Grace: sure cos she's been sooooo helpful so far Grace: this is the worst day of my actual life Janis: 🙄 Janis: get your arse outta that and into something decent 'fore I have time to address that please Grace: [outfit 3 cos we know you ain't stuck bitch calm down] Janis: That's better Janis: it's a decent fit Janis: not slag short but you don't look like a nun either Grace: yeah but it needs to be 🔥 not just better than the worst this shop has to offer Grace: so what's bad about it? Grace: Gotta improve Janis: Not crazy about that Janis: idk what you'd call it Janis: but the frilly hem Janis: bit cutesy Grace: 👌👌👌 Grace: same Grace: not a mood Janis: Will they ever stop bringing the 90s back Janis: the real question Grace: IKR Grace: over it Grace: never was about it but like go off Grace: OMG he's sent me the place we're going, search it for me to check I won't get thrown out for looking like a slag Grace: [sends deets] Janis: Bit fancy for a usual teenage lad but nothing too pretentious you gonna get kicked out Janis: You can deal Grace: so like???!! Grace: [outfit 4] Janis: Grace, that isn't the right size Janis: it's 10x too big for you Grace: Are you even looking at the same picture as me?! Janis: Yes bitch Janis: it has potential but you need the size down at least Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: 👌 wait Grace: [take 2] Janis: Way better Janis: can actually see you have a body Grace: I s2g if you're trolling me rn Grace: I will kill you Janis: I ain't, that's how it's meant to look Janis: not 2 foot of extra material Grace: I don't wanna do this Grace: no offense Grace: not this specifically Grace: just ugh Janis: Why not Grace: idk I haven't been to the gym in FOREVER Grace: & none of this is working either Janis: so you feel shit Janis: what's a better way to feel better about yourself than having a boy all 😍 and Mia all 😡 Grace: but what if it goes wrong Grace: I haven't been on a date date for ages either Grace: & not to like Grace: wherever this is Grace: like excuse me while I load up a tutorial about which fork to use when 🙄🙄 Janis: It won't Janis: you're chatty, you're the nice one Janis: unless he's really boring or a dick then like Janis: that's on him Janis: if anyone is suited to dates, it's you Grace: Oh please Grace: anyone can be chatty & nice when they want a boy to get off with them at a party Grace: even you Janis: Yeah? Why didn't I then Janis: Massive virgin you reckon Grace: duh cos you don't want to Grace: waiting on your rom-com moment with barista boy obvs Janis: 😑 piss off Grace: it's not shade babes Grace: it's like the opposite Janis: It's you that likes rom-coms, not me Grace: everyone's jealous for a reason tho Grace: not saying I am cos EW Grace: kms Janis: Nice save Grace: OMG shut up Grace: you know what I mean Janis: Whatever Janis: not trying to make you jealous Grace: I'm just saying Grace: he's actually a decent boy & he likes you & knows how to treat you Grace: how often is that happening around here? Janis: not with the lads you like Janis: not all of 'em are cunts Grace: CAN YOU NOT Grace: so rude to me Janis: it's not, it's your taste Grace: OMG didn't open my mouth to be attacked Grace: thank you Janis: 🙄 calm down Grace: you first Grace: you're so mean literally ALL the time Janis: Not telling you exactly what you wanna hear isn't mean, Mia Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: whatever Grace: this was a bad idea Janis: You're so dramatic Grace: and? Grace: we've established you want me to change my entire personality Grace: get over it Janis: I don't give a shit Janis: I said you should Janis: then you wouldn't be 😭 all the time Grace: you have no idea Janis: Mhmm Janis: your struggle is so unique and complex Grace: no, but it's mine & you don't want any part in it so don't comment Janis: Nah Janis: I can do what I want Grace: yeah exactly Grace: it's so easy for you Janis: 🙄 Janis: sure Grace: I am Grace: I'd love not to care, babes Grace: such a mood Janis: then grow a pair and do it Grace: I can't Grace: I'm not you Janis: Not a requirement Grace: isn't it? Grace: if I put in as much effort or lack of as you, no boys would be falling in love with me Grace: trust Grace: they don't now Janis: you can't control other people, that's why Grace: I can't control what I look like either Janis: well you do so Janis: lie Grace: no I don't Grace: I have to be so extra to get anyone to pay attention to me Grace: you don't, you never would Janis: It's not a comparison to be made Janis: look at where you're looking to get attention from, like I said Grace: THAT'S the lie Grace: I'm compared to every sister we've got Grace: especially you Janis: and I'm not? Janis: People are dicks Grace: it just matters Grace: like it or not Grace: so I have to care about it Janis: Why Janis: you think you're gonna suddenly be hotter than Ri or a model like Billie 'cos you try Janis: that won't happen and people are still gonna chat Grace: so what I let myself be a 2 cos I can't be a 10? Grace: Like I wanna be alone forever Janis: People like what they like, you can't control it Janis: if you felt like a 10, it'd be irrelevant Grace: well I don't so it's not Janis: aren't you bored Grace: do you care? Janis: asked didn't I Grace: Like that means anything Grace: I asked you for help it doesn't mean it'll save my date disaster Janis: 🙄 Sod you then Grace: sure Janis: 👌 Grace: thanks for the help Grace: wasn't like a totally tragic attempt Janis: Like I care Janis: you try so hard you should have it figured out by now Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: Bye then Janis: have fun on your date Grace: I'll try Grace: obvs Janis: Got to stay true to type Grace: exactly Janis: go with the last one you tried on Janis: welcome Grace: The search continues Grace: stopping at like 4 lacklustre outfits? UM NO Janis: yeah how crazy not to waste another 4 hours having emotional breakdowns in a changing room Grace: how crazy to bother going on this date at all if I'm not bringing it Grace: bitch please Janis: so pick 4 Grace: it's not good enough Grace: need a jaw dropping moment duh Janis: 🙄 Grace: I don't need anymore help don't do yourself an injury Janis: yeah you do Janis: call one of your friend Grace: No I don't Grace: rude bitch Janis: found an outfit then? no Grace: I can do it Grace: I'm not that tragic Janis: 👌 Grace: such 🔥 advice from you, babes Grace: that's the secret Janis: You said it yourself, I don't need to try Janis: boohoo Grace: duh why I asked Grace: if I was gonna ask my friends I could just ask myself Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: Well you ain't listening and apparently can't 'cos you ain't me so how did you think it'd work Grace: I am listening I'm just choosing to ignore you Grace: cos I don't trust you Janis: well then why waste both our time asking Grace: IDK Grace: I thought maybe you'd hold off being a judgey bitch for long enough Janis: Oh fuck off Janis: You're literally asking for judgment Janis: and I gave it you Grace: of the clothes not EVERYTHING else Grace: I feel bad enough thank you Janis: I haven't said shit Janis: it's you Grace: you're always shading me Grace: check back in with yourself & this convo Grace: not even passive aggressive just aggressive Janis: I said you had shit taste in men and friends, which is true Janis: and that's all I've said so jog on Grace: no, you're making fun of me for trying when I literally told you I have to Janis: No, I'm not Janis: you're saying how hard it is so I'm telling you to not Janis: ask why that bothers you so much Grace: if it wasn't hard I wouldn't have to, would I? Grace: I'd just be walking around #effortless like you Grace: you acting like crying in a dressing room is such a big joke bothers me Janis: You can, literally you are the only person stopping yourself Janis: If being you is harder than all this effort then you've got bigger problems than what dress to wear on this date Grace: I'm aware Grace: but one thing at a time, hun Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: Priorities, Grace Grace: oh excuse me Grace: I'll just put everything on hold while I address being me 👌👌 Janis: well bitch Janis: what is your excuse Janis: just do it before you're 40 your midlife crisis would be tragic Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: best advice yet obvs Grace: maybe you should charge, babes Janis: That's the plan Janis: you owe me, remember Grace: & you're taking it in 💸 yeah? weird flex but sure Janis: what else have you got Janis: don't look enough alike I can force you to go to this dinner so Grace: You could literally make me do ANYTHING & that's what you're going with? Grace: Having a bf has obvs changed you Grace: real tragedy Janis: Clearly not as mean as you reckon Janis: gutted Grace: for you, you had being a savage going for you at least Janis: Mhmm Janis: one moment I'm #effortless the next I've got nowt Janis: give it up, kid Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: didn't say that Grace: also am literally older than you, bitch Janis: what are you saying Janis: you don't make no sense, babe Grace: your looks are effortless, your personality needs work Grace: but nothing is going too far Grace: you're got an IOU Grace: & the barista whose speech you're stealing now like Janis: Go me Janis: 👏 Grace: mhmmm Janis: Poor Gracie Janis: enough cafes about, do a crawl, get you your own Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: & I'm not listening to you, sure Grace: that'll solve all my problems rn thanks so much Grace: I don't wanna go on the date I agreed to Janis: Only 'cos you're nervous Janis: you aren't sworn off of dick are you Grace: you told me not to shag him Grace: so not the point Janis: You aren't on a ban Janis: just not him in case Mia is scheming Grace: you don't know what self imposed rules I'm living by Janis: 😂 Really Grace: Better story than nobody being interested Grace: schemes aside Janis: 🙄 come off it Grace: Oh sorry are you not living for my honesty Janis: you said it, anyone can get lads to get off with them Janis: so that ain't what you want either Grace: I also told you it's been ages Grace: & never said that's what I want anyway Janis: well you ain't forgot, like Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: what it's like to have an actual boyfriend maybe Janis: maybe Janis: like he's maybe several squirrels in a boy suit Grace: You're so weird Grace: what am I meant to do with that Janis: Says you Janis: You've had boyfriends, ain't you, like, what do you mean Grace: not really Janis: ? Grace: I've had boys Grace: sometimes they wanna get off with me more than once Grace: I'm not going to family dinners Grace: I'm not even #official Janis: Oh Janis: Okay Janis: well I'm just going to this dinner to piss off his Dad so like Janis: but I don't know Janis: it's Janis: nice Grace: Well you'll be amazing at that Grace: what's his dad's thing? Grace: why he so idk Janis: 👍🖕 cheers, bitch Janis: He don't like me but he's just a moody twat in general Grace: you should play the race card at dinner Grace: that'll really get to him Janis: 😂 Janis: Probably ain't looked at me long enough to notice Grace: it'll make him uncomfortable anyway Grace: I get comments on my vids all the time Janis: Idk why you keep doing it Grace: obvs Grace: you don't know anything about me Janis: 🙄 Janis: it wasn't a read Janis: I'm just saying Janis: all the trolling you get Grace: I'm just saying Grace: It's a fact Grace: we don't know each other Grace: another reason I asked for your help before, duh Janis: How's that make sense Grace: what do you even mean? Janis: How'd you reckon I could help you if I don't know you, is what I mean Grace: cos I'm not trying to be myself Grace: so you don't need to Grace: get in, make him want me, get out Grace: but not the real me, just whoever he wants me to be Grace: or thinks I am already whatever Janis: It would help if I knew him, or you did Janis: not all boys like one look Janis: contrary to what you might think Grace: I know enough Grace: & I know the kind of boys Mia is 'friends' with Grace: I'm not as stupid as you think Janis: then why do you need my help Janis: Jesus Grace: I didn't need it Grace: I just wanted it Grace: like I said, I've got no backup Janis: have you tried on any more or what Janis: what are you even doing Grace: I'm in a different shop Grace: excuse you Janis: Oh God Janis: Are you gonna be this unbearable if I come find you? Grace: I can go harder, bitch Grace: Is this a test? Grace: this one's got more potential Grace: so not sorry Janis: Shut up, do you want me to come or nah Grace: not really Grace: can't mute you in person Janis: Fuck you then Grace: Like you said, I feel shit Grace: do I need you adding to it? 🤔 Janis: I was coming to help 'cos I felt sorry for you but literally get to fuck Grace: yeah your pity is really gonna help Grace: I'd rather die Janis: FYI then, you're coming on strong with the sobstory Janis: not a mood Grace: thanks Janis: 👋 Grace: 💋 Grace: [later] Grace: my phone's dying tell mum & dad where I am so they don't get extra Janis: Alright Janis: another IOU though Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: whatever Grace: I've got money so Grace: haven't shopped THAT hard Janis: Nah Janis: like I ain't gonna rise to the challenge Janis: HATE to disappoint Grace: awkward considering how often you do it Grace: but sure Janis: Whatever you say 😏 Grace: Mia's still walking around being THAT bitch so yeah Grace: disappointed™️ Janis: sounds a bit like you want me to murder her...? Grace: 😂 Grace: better idea Grace: come with me Janis: Twin murder Janis: someone's got to have beat us to that 👯 Grace: UM HELLO!? I'm being serious Grace: come on the date with me & she'll die Janis: 🤔 Janis: Hmm Grace: you know I'm right Grace: you don't even have to have a good time as long as the #s say you do Grace: not like I'm seeing this boy again you can literally leave after pics Janis: Yeah, alright Janis: I'll ask Jim, as long as he ain't busy then why not Grace: yay! Grace: 👌👌👌 Grace: persuade him babes Janis: Sometimes he has to look after his sibs it's not that easy but I'm asking Grace: tell him I'll take a shift Grace: I'm an amazing babysitter Janis: dope, you gotta come on your own date 😂 Grace: I mean as an IOU like Grace: so you two can go on one that you actually wanna Grace: 💖💖 Janis: I'll throw that out too Janis: Yeah, he'll do it Grace: OMG Grace: yay Grace: wear something she'll hate Janis: Know I said it weren't that posh but reckon trackies are a no-go Janis: but she hates everything I do so not hard still Grace: duh just look 🔥🔥🔥 Grace: she thinks you can't Janis: Yeah right Janis: 👌🍆 Janis: established Grace: don't be borrowing any of my clothes to do it bitch, I saw that! Janis: Don't worry, I won't 😂 Grace: HOW DARE Grace: that dress was in reach of you for a reason Grace: not like it's my fave Janis: Should hope not Janis: it got the job done Grace: I'm not wearing it on the date so chill Grace: or like EVER now you have Janis: 🙄 Janis: I'm not diseased Grace: bitch you 'grammed it Grace: do you wanna share clothes with me? I think not Janis: Technically I didn't Janis: 🤷 Grace: It's still there Grace: we aren't 6, not a mood Janis: 💔 Janis: Turn it into curtains then Janis: switch it up Grace: You're so weird Grace: not that kind of youtuber thanks Janis: like you've not seen the sound of music Grace: Indie & Ri made me Grace: 🙄 Janis: 👌 you loved it Grace: shut up Grace: I did not Grace: soooooooooo cringe Janis: you loved any time they'd let you hang Grace: glad my phone's about to die if you're going back to being a bitch Janis: oh hush Janis: got the place, give us the time then Grace: be there at 8 Grace: we don't need to go together Janis: would feel a bit ganged up on Janis: poor lad Janis: you can have drinks first, I know to be fashionably late Grace: thank god Grace: I'll need them Grace: he's so Janis: so? Grace: ugh idk so MUCH Grace: the ego is like Grace: I can't Janis: sounds like a keeper Janis: whatever Janis: had worse night's out for less, yeah? Grace: IKR Grace: 🙄 whatever I'm focused Grace: he thinks I'm gonna be all 😍😍😍 that'll be you boy Janis: 👍 Janis: exactly Grace: OMG what should I drink? Drunk is not the mood Janis: Yeah, go easy Janis: just like rose or some shit Grace: champagne 'cause he's rich Grace: it doesn't taste nice so Grace: not gonna be wild Janis: as long as there's water at the table Janis: so dry Grace: & as long as he's paying Grace: no way I am Grace: sorry about it ladies but this isn't a typical date night Janis: 😶 Janis: secret's safe with me Grace: tell the barista Grace: if anything's on the 'gram that ruins me I'm gonna murder him Janis: 😂 Janis: don't get your bad side, got it Grace: girl please, for that night only I don't have one Janis: That's the attitude Janis: if he's paying got more funds to go all out Grace: I hope it's not actually too expensive if you have to Grace: Mia's not worth THAT much Janis: Nah, I checked Janis: he's not going that hard Grace: Phew Grace: last thing I need is his entitlement 🙄 Janis: Obvs Daddy's spends aren't going that far Grace: how embarrassing Janis: all sorted then? Grace: sure Janis: in a bit then Grace: 😘
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symphonyofmars · 4 years
So my sister was at a housewarming party for a friend of her boyfriend's and the friend's uncle came over and started antagonizing her about being a liberal.
Asking her things like "Why don't you like Trump?" And other similarly stupid shit. Then he told her there was 50 states at one point. She kept telling him she didn't feel like talking about politics but he kept trying to bully her into it.
She told me that, eventually, she had to go outside so she could have a mild panic attack in peace, and at that moment he decided to turn to her bf (who was having a conversation with someone else the whole time) and told him "Your girlfriend's a lunatic.
You know, the person he barely allowed to speak as he was attacking her.
She said she wished I was there so I could have yelled at him.
Thinking of renting myself out to liberals who don't like fighting because I do. I mean I have a whole lot of agression and no where to put it, it would be a better use od my time than preaching to the choir constantly.
(And I'm not under the impression that I'm going to convert anybody, I'd purely be there to fight people for people like my sister who aren't used to getting in fights with assholes and can't do it for themselves. There's no shame. I've spent a good portion of my life getting yelled at by conservatives and I am tired and give no fucks and have no problem yelling back.)
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automatismoateo · 5 years
I wish I'd discovered a community of atheists much earlier in my life. via /r/atheism
Submitted January 14, 2019 at 04:51PM by Trylobot (Via reddit http://bit.ly/2Hc2Kcw) I wish I'd discovered a community of atheists much earlier in my life.
I'm not really sure what I'm setting out to do as I write this. I know it feels like it's been a long time coming. Like my story hasn't really been worth putting down, because nothing particularly remarkable happened. But I think, reading the coming-out stories of others I've realized that it only has to be remarkable to one person.
I was raised by two young, full-time working parents in Edmonton, Alberta, as an only child. Many days I spent at day-cares of different types. At the earliest possible age, I was also sent to summer bible camps, as they were adamant I learn about their church. I took part in church youth groups and was in a choir for a time. All of this was encouraged.
Seven years after I was born, the parents decided (or accidentally?) popped out two siblings for me fairly close together, and my life as an only child was over. We moved suddenly to Texas of all places, because the money was better, and my father attended Dallas Baptist University where he learned about ways that Christianity and rational, reasoned thinking apparently overlap. He already had an engineering degree at the time, this was continued education in business so that he could rise higher.
As I got a bit older, I was expected to fill the role of babysitter and became a kind of a third parent to my younger brother and sister. They played with each other, and I laid down the law. It was also around this time I started asking a lot of annoying questions. I had access to computers and the internet early on, as the father briefly ran a business renting out computers to folks who couldn't afford to own one. This exposed me to early programming languages and likely set my course in that direction. But it also gave me a keen sense of clarity; anything I needed to know the answer to was in a reference somewhere. I could just look it up. I didn't need to guess, or ask a human; the answer was there.
Eventually I decided that I didn't believe the things I was being told in church, about a God. It happened pretty suddenly and randomly, no real lead-up. Just thought about it a bit and decided it didn't make a lick of sense. But I sat on it for quite a while before I really shared with anyone.
A couple years of pretending later, I confronted my parents as formally as a young teen can muster, in the hopes of being taken seriously, and told them point blank, "I am an atheist. I won't be going to church anymore." My dad, I remember, pointedly said nothing. I think he has always had his doubts about the whole thing and has been trying to just reconcile everything. Like if he could just put it all together it would make everyone happy.
My mom, though... couldn't process it. She decided I was going through a phase. She was also especially adamant that I not influence my younger siblings. My sister, at the time, was busy being brainwashed herself. I told her that I would not "preach" but that I refused to lie to her. If she asked me questions, I would give her truthful answers. Miraculously, this was acceptable.
And inevitably my younger sister did eventually ask me questions, but I'm not sure if she really internalized my answers. I think she left childhood with a vague sense that I didn't belong to her and mom's "group" for reasons that weren't entirely clear to her. Probably because she couldn't rectify my not being there with what she was being told at church. What reason could I possibly have to stay away if everything they were saying was true? She eventually went to school for marketing, and has landed a board position at a firm in Dallas. She is agnostic now to the best of my knowledge.
I'm honestly not sure where my brother landed. If I had to guess I'd say he's also atheist, but we don't get to talk much. He's currently deployed as an Army medic. Scheduled to come back later this year. I'm not sure how his time in the military may have affected his views, but I know that it's important to him that my dad be proud, and my dad never really pushed too hard on religion. After all he's an engineer first and foremost.
Currently my dad runs a smithy in rural Texas, and hangs out with other smiths. He also works as a lead programmer at a large company.
My mother works at the same elementary school as she did when we first moved to Texas, 20 years ago. She has a degree in Recreational Management (which, in Canada means: how to drive a Zamboni).
I work at a small startup as a front-end developer. I married a college sweetheart and we've been together for about 12 years. She is agnostic, but I call her a weak atheist.
I still visit my parents once or twice a year, and we don't talk much about religion. My dad loves to push my buttons about politics though, and we wind up talking about Trump as often as not these days. Motherfucker loves debating.
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Fearghal & Fraze
Fearghal: Your sister has had the baby, 10.30 ish this morning, both healthy, no complications Fraze: Cheers for letting me know Fraze: I'll have to give her a bell when she's home Fearghal: Yeah about that Fearghal: if you could give her a couple of days, it'd be greatly appreciated Fraze: What's the craic? Caleb being a twat again like or what? Fearghal: No, well, not exactly but there is some shit she needs to get in order Fearghal: on strict orders to tell you all as much as you need so you're not worried but she'll give you the rest in her own time Fearghal: thought I'd get to you sharpish, on the off chance Ro wants to talk to Bea about it Fearghal: Know they don't usually talk but, she might, I dunno Fraze: Fucking hell Fraze: The kid got two healthy heads? Fearghal: As good as, son Fearghal: that's how it feels Fearghal: The kid ain't Calebs Fearghal: obviously so, you understand Fraze: Jesus Christ Fraze: It's white, ain't it? Fraze: What's Ali doing about it Fearghal: Right Fearghal: Keeping it of course Fearghal: but that has everything else a bit up in the air, her and the lad, he's meant to be going off to Singapore with her Fraze: Does she know who the other lucky lad is? Maybe he'll take the plane seat Fearghal: Oi, enough of that Fearghal: She does and it isn't fucking likely Fraze: Calm down, da, you know I've got her back Fraze: You gonna go round there and sort him? You ain't getting any younger, gotta be careful Fearghal: Fucking cheek Fearghal: Don't think there's much point, no talking to some people and anyway, what do I do for the best? Fearghal: She doesn't want him, get nothing forcing a piece of shit Father on the poor little sod Fearghal: Might be better off with him out of it frankly Fraze: She knows how to pick 'em Fearghal: Sound like your Mother, boy Fearghal: can't say he doesn't love his kids Fraze: Poor cunt Fraze: I'd go mad Fearghal: Same Fearghal: its not all it sounds, she's not cheated or been reckless but Fearghal: I'll let her explain herself Fearghal: Poor kid, all she's been doing since Fraze: It's a head fuck all round Fraze: Fair play if she's got any words Fearghal: She needs all the support she can get right now Fearghal: that's all we need from you lot, got it? Fraze: yeah yeah old man I hear you Fraze: What you think, I'm gonna wet the baby's head and drown the poor fucker Fraze: Come on Fearghal: You're not exactly known for your tact, are ya son Fearghal: Hence the preparation so you don't say something really fucking stupid Fraze: She's still my sister even if she is making a holy show of it Fearghal: None of you are angels Fearghal: but we're family, its a life sentence, no parole Fraze: Too right Fraze: Who's telling Joe? Fearghal: You can, if you'd like Fearghal: no chance of me or your Ma getting a response really but Fearghal: know he feels he can to you lot, when the mood takes him Fraze: Putting it strong but I will for what it's worth Fraze: He's gotta be told Fearghal: Cheers Fearghal: and if you could forewarn Bea to be on her best behaviour should Ro come-a-knocking Fearghal: rather you than me Fraze: Cheers yourself then Fraze: Ali coming back to yours? Fearghal: For now, yeah Fearghal: got about a month 'til she goes Fearghal: if she does Fraze: Rather you than me Fraze: Don't miss the kids being that small Fearghal: Loving the terrible twos that much, are ya? Fraze: I love a row, yeah? Fraze: It's hilarious Fearghal: Any excuse for a tantrum eh Fraze: Buster clocked me the other day, I was well proud Fraze: Great jab on him Fearghal: 'Course he does, he's a McKenna Fearghal: know what to get him for their next birthday then, I'll tell Ma Fraze: Speaking of, does Hallmark do a 'sorry your kid came out white' card or we improvising that hard on the gift front? Fraze: Fucked us all up there Fearghal: Funny, keep it up and you'll be dealing with worse than your toddler's Fearghal: I'm not sure she's incredibly arsed but you know what you need, wasn't that long ago Fearghal: She's not going to start sobbing at the sight of a babygro Fraze: I was gonna get her and the lad shit for Singapore case they started missing the homeland Fraze: Awkward Fraze: I bet she's desperate to fuck off out of it now Fearghal: It'll still be appreciated Fearghal: Last I heard she's determined to still go Fearghal: I'll intercept the post if there's a change of plans, like Fraze: She'll go just to prove she can Fraze: Stubborn fuck Fraze: Good thing the real dad don't want a look in like Fearghal: Mother's daughter Fearghal: Yeah, no danger of that Fearghal: Maybe when they come back he'll have manned up Fraze: I can't imagine having to hop on a plane every time your kid's got a shitty nappy Fraze: Don't sound like he's bothered though Fraze: Not like she needs him Fearghal: Nah Fearghal: Not every cunt is lucky enough that the relationship with the Ma works out though Fearghal: can't have the kid or her all to yourself all the time if you've fucked it Fearghal: but co-parenting and sharing is better than nothing Fearghal: if you ask me but he disagrees Fraze: No cunt'd keep me from my kids Fraze: Nothing to do with luck Fraze: It's an excuse for him to be a pussy and cry off if he gets challenged later Fraze: Can't be that loved up with her if it's the first we've heard Fraze: He's a twat. End of Fearghal: You know what I mean Fearghal: Heaven forbid you two ever broke up, you'd do what you could and make the most of your time with them Fearghal: Not sulk like a soppy twat because its unfair Fearghal: The feeling certainly is not mutual, from what I understand, at any rate Fearghal: But I thought the same Fraze: You gonna say next that it was all bad luck Ronnie's da was a waster and bowed out? Fraze: Some cunts honestly Fraze: Too busy crying to wipe your kids eyes Fraze: Ali's well rid Fearghal: I've got no room to judge Fearghal: he was a kid, made my own mistakes at his age, arguably as bad Fearghal: S'too short to be angry about it, you just have to get on with it Fraze: You don't get to be a kid when you have one, simple as Fraze: Tell me who the cunt is of Ali's I'll write that on his head for him Fraze: Proper spell it out Fearghal: Nah, you don't Fearghal: but even if you don't raise the kid, your childhood's still gone Fearghal: I doubt Josh went on to do great things with his life, or he don't have regrets about how he handled it Fearghal: I don't think its my place, son Fraze: Ma had me though, don't get greater, yeah? Fraze: I reckoned on you saying that. Ah well. Had to give it a shot Fearghal: So you say, so you say, boy Fearghal: You know you'd never hear the end of it Fearghal: Wouldn't be appreciated, like Fraze: Yeah Fraze: Probably won't hear the end of Bea if I don't tell her who it is though Fearghal: She'll probably work it out Fearghal: They're brighter than us Fearghal: Your Ma didn't seem surprised but first I'd heard of it Fearghal: Naturally, or maybe coulda intervened before now Fraze: Sounds legit Fraze: Fuck's sake Fraze: Our family needs their heads banged together, us two excluded Fearghal: Preaching to the choir boy Fearghal: we do alright Fraze: You were never a choir boy Fraze: Might bring Joe out of his hole, I'd take that Fearghal: 'Course I was Fearghal: fucking angelic, mate Fearghal: Yeah Fearghal: as usual, keep us posted Fraze: Fuck off Fraze: The cat thinks you're dying when you let a tune out Fraze: 'Course Fearghal: Well, lots changed since those days Fearghal: Balls dropped for one Fearghal: Career over Fraze: Regrets, you've got a few, yeah? Fraze: On you go, lad Fearghal: Too right, take me back Fearghal: Miss those nuns Fraze: Bet they miss you too Fearghal: I wouldn't bet on it but you know Fearghal: Only got better with age, in all the ways Fraze: Don't fancy your odds? More for them Fearghal: Oh trust me, you don't wanna face them on anything Fearghal: There's a reason we spared you the Catholic Schools Fearghal: aside from being relapsed and your Ma a filthy heathen Fraze: That'd do it Fraze: Damned the lot of us Fearghal: Might've done Fearghal: Not what we had in mind but Fraze: You're alright da I've competed my fair share of sins Fraze: Heaven's not a place for me Fearghal: I reckon we're best off if I don't know Fraze: Pissed my own bed with no help from ya, either way Fearghal: Oh well, at least we'll all be in the same place on the otherside Fraze: Stuck with all of yous Fearghal: Looks like it Fearghal: Tried to lose you all back in Liverpool but Fearghal: ya followed Fraze: Shouldn't have had a pint in your hand constantly it'd be easier to get rid of me Fearghal: 🍀 Fearghal: What can I say? Fraze: Given up the cigs yet, mate? Fearghal: Have you? Fearghal: Cheeky git Fraze: That's a no Fraze: And with a newborn in the house! Shocking behavior like Fearghal: Well, might be able to get through a whole pack by myself without your thieving mitts about, eh? Fraze: Quick learner and I had a good teacher Fearghal: How did any of ya survive honestly Fearghal: God knows Fraze: 🍀 Fearghal: Must be Fraze: Unless the bloke from downstairs with the horns wants to take credit, like Fearghal: If so, you're slacking in spreading the evil about for him Fraze: Got the next generation to do it for me Fearghal: Started doing that Damien shit have they? You were a bugger for staring at us as we slept, creepy lil fucker Fraze: Those twins from the Shining have got nothing on my two Fraze: Thank Christ they weren't both girls Fearghal: Woulda been a cracking costume but not good for your nightmares Fearghal: Ahh, those were the days Fearghal: Appreciate 'em Fraze: I do Fraze: It's fucked up that lad is so keen to miss out Fearghal: Well, he hasn't got the experience to know what he's depriving himself of Fearghal: Hm, might've been a giveaway that Fraze: I swear not to break his legs Fraze: Not looking to get you in shit with the girls Fearghal: I understand Fearghal: Its very fucking tempting Fearghal: You've got three guesses, use your head, kid, given enough away like Fraze: I reckon he's the kind of cunt to shop us, wouldn't put it past him by the sounds Fraze: Last thing anyone needs Fearghal: No chance, which makes it all the more Fearghal: Type of lad who can't go running to garda for anything Fraze: Fuck Fearghal: Yeah Fearghal: Why else would Ro be in a fucking state too Fearghal: Bastard Fraze: She's always in a state about something Fraze: I can't blame her this time though in fairness Fearghal: Apparently, its been years in the making, you know the type, gets so many yes' Fearghal: A no don't sit right, it wasn't THAT though, before you really get angry Fearghal: the chase, whatever, we've all been there and its obvious he's a scumbag but her sister Fearghal: Didn't need to go there, did he? Fraze: Opportunistic cunt Fraze: I bet he got her drunk as well as Fraze: Biding his time 'til she was at any rate Fraze: She wouldn't go near him otherwise and he knows it Fearghal: She was, your Brother reluctantly told us, didn't wanna snitch but wanted us to have the full picture Fearghal: it was back when Caleb wasn't coping with the boy and they had their break Fearghal: Your Sister wasn't coping as well as she fronted either, apparently Fraze: Fair play to Tommo, this lad's a bigger rat Fraze: Glad he had her back when it was kicking off like Fearghal: Yeah, glad she had someone she could confide in Fearghal: 'cos obviously Ro was out of the question Fearghal: So much for loyalty from him to Caleb though...after all that family has done for him Fraze: Yeah Fraze: Great lad all round, ain't he Fraze: No surprise he isn't stepping up for his kid Fearghal: Yeah, not unless she stays with him Fearghal: Over my dead body, sunshine Fearghal: She won't, even if she has to leave without Caleb, she's not daft Fraze: Over his if he fucking tried it Fraze: Nobody's keeping her from going Fearghal: Its all she's wanted and worked for Fearghal: Though your mother isn't thrilled about the idea of her going out there alone with 3 babies in tow Fearghal: I'm not either but I know she can Fearghal: fucking how, I do NOT know Fraze: None of us want her over in wherever the fuck but it's where she's gotta be Fearghal: Right Fearghal: None of you can be normal and do one thing at a time, can you? Fraze: Who'd you think we got that off, you soft twat Fearghal: Fair, I never did the School thing and your Mum only went back inbetween you lot and Mr Oopsy-Baby himself Fearghal: Still proud of her Fearghal: and yous, glad you are but fucking hell Fearghal: gonna be in the ground 'fore the year is out, I tell ya Fraze: It'd be one hell of a party but there's plenty of shit to celebrate before you pop your clogs Fraze: If only Ali not being saddled with the local wannabe Fearghal: True Fearghal: I'll do my best to stick around then Fearghal: No promises Fraze: Try and earn a bit more before you're in the ground Fraze: Save us lot paying out Fearghal: Just fling me in the sea Fearghal: I'll write it in the will, no suspicions like Fraze: Trying to get the garda on me, are ya? Fraze: Unlucky Fraze: Gotta get up earlier than that, lad Fearghal: Oh well, had to try, ay? Fearghal: Reckon Rock's still young enough to fool Fearghal: Probably have me off the cliff whilst I'm still living like Fraze: He would Fraze: Watch yourself Fearghal: Got to Fearghal: Got Rio running 'round doing his bidding at the mo Fearghal: not needed tonight but might escape to the pub for the peace Fearghal: Irish Da style Fraze: 'course Fraze: Have one for me Fraze: Cambs can't compete Fearghal: I'll save it for the next time yous are over Fraze: Get yourself down here and save me from all these posh twats Fearghal: No chance, lucky you got a mongrel of an accent, catch a note of mine and I'll be banned with the dogs and blacks Fraze: Might get that burial sooner than you reckoned Fraze: Make your mind up Fearghal: Reckon I could take 'em but not in the courts like Fearghal: they'd have to fucking kill me, got no dosh to dole out Fraze: I'll let you off then Fraze: This once Fraze: Less good for us lot behind bars than you'd be in a box Fearghal: Know what I'd prefer Fearghal: Might bump into one of me brothers Fraze: Perfect time for a family reunion right now Fearghal: Fuck no Fearghal: Avoiding 'em in hell too like Fraze: Best of luck with that one Fraze: I'll raise a glass to it Fearghal: You can raise it again to the fact you never had to meet 'em Fraze: Any excuse for another drink, yeah Fearghal: If MY Da taught me anything worth remembering Fraze: A recycled lesson would be the only one I take to heart Fraze: fuck's sake Fearghal: What can I say? Fearghal: Not full of wisdom just full of shit Fraze: That makes one of us Fearghal: When yours can string a proper sentence together come back to me boy Fearghal: see how clever you feel when a kid's running rings round ya Fraze: Never gonna happen, I've got all the answers Fearghal: 😂 Fearghal: Well, best be off Fearghal: the kids are running riot and the baby is screaming along with your Ma so Fearghal: that's my cue to jump ship Fraze: yeah don't let me keep ya Fearghal: Catch you later mate Fraze: Look after yourself Fraze: And that lot Fearghal: Will do Fearghal: You and yours like
0 notes
Jimmy & Janis
Planning a romantic weekend away
Jimmy: Gracie came at me earlier. There was mistletoe up and I near fully hit the floor 😎 Jimmy: Hold fire though. She only wanted to tell me to convince you of summat. Pretty sure you already know what it is Janis: Erm...Father Christmas is really real? That her weave isn't from dead Brazilian hookers? Janis: Enlighten me or I'll tell her she's got a holiday free pass on you 😈 Jimmy: Double date. Need I say more 😡 Janis: FUCK. I DIDN'T THINK IT'D ACTUALLY HAPPEN. Janis: How far does she expect the season of goodwill to extend, like? Already got some poor cunt being a charitable home for her arse so she don't freeze Janis: Single tear. Janis: Question is, can we make it worth it enough for us to endure that shite? Hmm Jimmy: I almost got my arse to church so it wouldn't. Shoulda sucked off that priest when he asked. Too late? Jimmy: You better get me a top notch pressie, baby 😏 Janis: You know you ain't on the nice list 😉 Janis: So, Santa might be dissing but you'll be getting something extra special from me Janis: As for God, and his holly jolly perverted following, I reckon we're both shit out of 🍀 there, no matter how good our head game is, such is life Janis: Grah, I hear she does shoutouts now...want that 'influencer' clout, baby? Not double entendre my end but might be for GracieGuru 🙊😂 Jimmy: what the fuck we going to do then? No way I'm hanging with her and her latest 'boo boy' Jimmy: Even if I was getting paid, which is likely since she just loves common grounds Janis: Preaching to the choir, dickhead, ain't my idea of a good time either, or hers let's be fucking real. She just wants to dry-hump a slab of boy in front of you on the off chance that really gets you going for her Janis: You wouldn't call her brainy, bless Janis: Idk, don't worry about it, Jim. Just avoid her/the flat whites like the plague and I'll have to literally run away like I'm an angsty 12 year old so we can't be located, even with friend finder or whatever they stalk each other with Janis: Oooh! Just call me brains, we should pretend to have a romantic weekend away planned, that'll send her over the edge, that is her everything goals Janis: Like I said, I can hide from a hoe Jimmy: I knew there was a reason I kept you about Jimmy: Let's do it though. Easier to take than fake the 'gram Jimmy: Any ideas? 🤔 Jimmy: Most of my boltholes are far from yours and not very enviable for that crowd #it'sgrimupnorth Janis: Yeah, why do you tbh? Janis: Now its clear my sister has got no respect for anyone on her hunt for dick/self-esteem Janis: She's hoping its a twofer like Janis: I don't know if I can stand you for that long, darling Janis: But I SUPPOSE your the lesser of two evils here 😉 Jimmy: It's love 💕 Jimmy: Come on, it'll be a laff. I'll get the beers in Jimmy: You can try harder to beat me at darts and pool Janis: As far as the adoring fans/salty haterz are concerned Janis: and that's all that matters Janis: bitch i don't have to try! 😤 you put me off last time with ur mooning 😍 Janis: we don't need to convince the old fellas in the boozer Jimmy: Fuck off I was getting practice in! Jimmy: If you're ready to fake a break up say the word but until then, it takes a lot of work to give you the puppy dog eyes. I'm not Twix Janis: Sure you was 😂 Janis: N'awwh but you do it so well! Janis: Audition for the School play whilst ur at it, soft lad Jimmy: I do enough fake snogging without signing myself up for that bollocks Jimmy: You coming away with me then or not? Jimmy: You know your sister'll be in again nagging before shift's end Janis: Well, when you put it like that Janis: 😒 Janis: I ain't got nothing better to do, and I certainly ain't third wheeling her fake date Janis: My grandparents got a place down skerries Janis: we can crash there Jimmy: How many rooms they got? My dad's working so I'll have to bring the ramble with Jimmy: #goals I know Janis: Fucking hell, my pissing sister! She owes you more than she's spending on coffee for the hassle she's causing Janis: If you really can't, don't worry, I'll sort her. She'll be unbearable when she finds out it was all for a laugh but it was at her expense so how much of a mug can she actually make me feel? 😑 Janis: That said, there's 3 rooms, its only a caravan don't get excited but the kids would probably be buzzin', it is pretty nice down there Janis: I'll even let you have the double bed to yourself Janis: ol Janis: l Jimmy: It'll stop them nagging me about going somewhere other than the park that'll do me Jimmy: Cass talks big but she isn't even really so doable Jimmy: Don't be getting any ideas though 😍😉 my brother hasn't slept well since we moved. I'll be sharing that double like it or not Jimmy: What a way to spend my first proper time off since I started #blessed Janis: Yeah, fish and chips on the beach even tho its fucking baltic, chasing Twix will keep 'em warm, you'll earn major big brother points as well as bae ones Janis: What a mighty fine man Janis: Same here, Cass. Shh about it though Janis: Like you said, it'll be a laugh, we can make it one Janis: You'd really rather be making pinkity drinkidies or whatever the fuck they are? Jimmy: Nope. But your 1st romantic break usually is. Any talent there is in all grans playing bingo? Jimmy: Be nice to get something off the 'gram 💋 Janis: I ain't been since I was about 9 Janis: I wasn't after bitches then and I ain't now Janis: I wish you luck, 2 kids hanging on your arm and a woman back home, like Janis: Does it for some. Jimmy: I'd do some talking first to get things clear I'm not tall Tammy 😂 Jimmy: Bet you were a right cute kid, weren't you? Aww Janis: Again, have fun explaining that one, mate. I'd struggle with the concept and I'm in on it. Janis: Adorable. What happened? Jimmy: Shut up you know what you look like, mate Janis: A butch lezza? Janis: So I've been told 👍 Jimmy: That's not what they are saying anymore. Check my comments sometime. The lads are gagging for you now Janis: Goody gumdrops. Janis: I'll leave my knickers at the door, like Jimmy: You could like. I've been waiting for you to drop me as your fake bf since this whole thing started Janis: I'm not interested in any of them. Janis: Would your world be set alight by Aaron O'Reilly from form? Janis: If you wanna cop off with some of your fans don't let me stop you Jimmy: You aren't. They're not my type anymore than Aaron's yours. I'm just saying you take a crackin pic and I should know since I'm the one takin 'em. So you don't need to spout that crap. They're just jealous of how much of a butch lezza you aren't Janis: Alright. Well, you're not half bad at taking snaps, and not in the bullshit way every hoe thinks they know their angles and magic lighting these days, you're actually decent. Janis: It don't feel like crap when Janis: blah, meant to delete that, ignore it Jimmy: 🤐 Jimmy: Wanna help me with my art project while we're away then? Kill all the birds (hopefully not with my flash) Jimmy: I'll owe you again Janis: I won't even joke on you for being a swot 🤓🤞 Janis: What've you got planned? Jimmy: I haven't had any time to think yet beyond film being the medium but Jimmy: #workinprogress Jimmy: with a muse like you m'dear how could I go wrong 💕 Janis: 😜 Janis: just so you know, i ain't bringing any homework but put my name or yours, yeah? 😘 not even in art but might count for something Janis: clue me in tho, brainiac, what do the kiddos like? i'll get 'em something Jimmy: Rookie mistake mate, art's an easy A Jimmy: They'll take anything covered in sugar. Can't say I'll love you for it when they crash mid journey though Janis: Only 'cos you're good at it. With my genes I should be but I can barely draw a stickman. Janis: I'll stick with double sports, sports science and science 👌 Janis: I'll keep sweets in stock for bribery, goes without sayin'! Different pocket to Twix' fish treats, though Janis: I'll have a look down town Jimmy: 😂 did you see that article doin the rounds about the mum who bought her kid a cat's advent calendar Janis: 😂 Yes! Shame catnip don't work like on us like it does cats, that kid would be pingin' Janis: Might get meself some, like Jimmy: What gets dogs off their heads? I'll keep Twix well clear Jimmy: She's high enough on your 😍 Janis: I don't know, actually...telling them they're good bois? Janis: Works for you boo 😘 Jimmy: I prefer being called a very bad boy 😎 Janis: You clown 😂 Janis: Good to know, suppose. Dirty weekend away though it ain't Jimmy: what our fans don't know won't break their jealous hearts Jimmy: you coming in for your freebies today or shall I do a delivery your way once Grace is home? 😉 Janis: Kick it really cliche and be my sexy delivery boy Janis: Try and bring something with sausage in so I can come at you with the quality porn writing Jimmy: Live your fantasies as well as your sister's if you want, my name tag says Jonathon today Janis: Ooh, spicing it up with some roleplay like we're middle-aged okay Janis: How boring are you that you've picked a name so similar to your own...this is why we've hit a dry patch, Jimothy! Jimmy: What would you seriously pick? Janis: For you? Janis: Who's a fittie... Janis: Anthony Joshua could get it Janis: You don't want to be in the play but reckon you can stretch to that? Jimmy: Next time I lose my name tag I'll insist on that. For the bae 💕 Jimmy: About as close as I'll get I think Janis: Who do you want? Janis: I wanna know your type Janis: Bar Tall Tammy Jimmy: Your sister obviously Janis: Fuck off, not even funny Janis: If that were true, you know where she lives bitch, I ain't stopping ya, she's practically shoe-horning you in 🤢 Jimmy: I meant the fit older one 😉 Janis: Ohhh Janis: Still, do one 🖕 I'm not pretending to be my sister you freak Jimmy: That's one pretense too far. Got it 😂 Janis: Yeah, in this hypothetical you've really shit the bed, pal. Jimmy: I only half read that because #customers and thought you called me shit in bed mate Janis: well... 😏 Jimmy: I fake rocked your world Janis Cavante! 😂 Janis: you know we faked it so i didn't have to fake it 💅 Jimmy: Aaron O'Reilly's walking through the door want me to slip him your number and end this? 😝 Janis: I will murder you. Janis: also he might think your trying to set up a threeway for YOUR benefit, so if you wanna take over the gay rumours that bad, go for it 💋🍆 Jimmy: I've seen you with a pool cue I think I'm safe Jimmy: Give a shit. At least I actually am butch Janis: Psh, you're all show no grow Janis: We're arm wrestling, then you'll see Jimmy: 💪 I'll beat you at that too then, shall I? 🏆 Janis: Bring it on. I won't make you cry too hard, save face in front of the kiddos. Janis: 'Let' them kick your arse too 😜 Jimmy: Try it, baby girl 😝 Jimmy: Cass probs could no lie. Scrappy af that one Janis: Good girl 👍 Janis: Gotta keep you in check Jimmy: Doubt you'll be calling her that when she's shadowed you all weekend Jimmy: She loves you. Who knows why? Janis: I keep telling you I'm a delight Janis: Has this...how long has it been? Month, 2? Of SHEER BLISS taught you nothing Janis: Ruuuuude. Jimmy: Nope. I'm with Team Bobby. You're a gross meanie Jimmy: As all girls are 😂 Janis: Well I'm winning Bobby 'round this weekend by hook or by crook Janis: then you can please yourself, billy no mates Janis: Team Janis 💪 Jimmy: Every bro knows you can't be friends with your girl Jimmy: DUH Janis: Oh yeah, all straight couples HATE each other and that's #goals Janis: If I can't be chatting shit on you, how will I get to talk about you constantly to my gals? Janis: Singing your praises? I THINK NOT Jimmy: Speaking of, Gracie and co are back on the premise that Tall Tammy left her....something. I wasn't listening. Should I break the news we won't be here for date night or do you want to do the honors Janis: Dignity? That's long gone, honey. Janis: Ooh, lemme do it, you're coming round with the sausage anyway Janis: We can do it together baby Jimmy: awhhh Jimmy: I've hidden the mistletoe but she can see the top of the highest counters!! I'm on borrowed time what do I do? Janis: Headbutt her in the teeth Janis: 'Accidentally' Janis: Can't help being a normal-sized human Jimmy: #customerservice Jimmy: then recommend her our chewy cookies 😂 Janis: You can see why I'm not trying to be your work wifey too, yeah? 😂 Janis: If you can convince any of those girls to break their diet, I'll be impressed Janis: Don't count if they go vom in the bogs after tho Jimmy: Gracie might be on her way already. One of her posse asked what you were getting me for Christmas and I didn't hold back Janis: Oh no, am I about to get slut-shamed? 😲 Janis: Or, heaven forfend, tips Janis: I will die Jimmy: Damn I didn't think of that. Sorry Janis: Its cool Janis: She's all mouth anyway, not in a beneficial to the cause way Janis: Be interesting hearing what she thinks you want, keep ya posted lol Jimmy: 🙌 Can't wait Janis: that's what you're meant to say about my present! Jimmy: I did, swear 🤞 Janis: what do you actually want Jimmy: Don't worry about it Janis: Oh, is it? If I'm not fucking your brains out you're not interested Janis: Fine then, save my reddies. 👍 Jimmy: That's what I was thinking. Stage a break up before 🎄 for max drama and min spends Janis: Cool. If you wanna. Janis: Just don't tell everyone you chucked me 'cos I wouldn't give it up. Already a frigit. Janis: What's the story then? Jimmy: Obviously not. We've been hooking up for ages got to keep it #goals Jimmy: I don't know haven't thought that far ahead it just makes sense to get out before gifting Janis: Yeah. Fair. Janis: Think on and let me know Jimmy: You too. We can brainstorm at the weekend. Nothing but time then Jimmy: Can't break up right after the break though Janis: Would look sus, yeah. Janis: Maybe I'll whup you one too many times, your fragile male ego can't hack it, eh? Jimmy: Grace'd be smug 😩 Jimmy: Can't even fake that, babe Jimmy: Nobody'd believe the story Janis: She's gonna be regardless Janis: I got the shitty end of the stick here like but ain't nowt we can do about it now Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: No we're goals we just burned too bright that's all 😂 Jimmy: You've got way more time served with me than she does any of her boos she doesn't win Janis: Mhmm. Calm down, Icarus. Sure you'll be comparing some other bint on a balcony to the sun in no time. 😘 Janis: Suppose so. Least hers are real, if not short-lived, and, well, shit. Janis: She won't know the difference anyway Jimmy: There's nobody like you 💕 Jimmy: Exactly I'm not going to tell her we weren't real Janis: Bullshit 💕 Janis: True enough, I'll take it. Jimmy: Shit gotta go the boss is back Jimmy: Love you 💕 Janis: Love you too, Jonathon 💕
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