#.... a cyborg princess girl and a bug princess girl...
blonde-and-cat-suc · 4 months
Do you ship Adora with anybody? I personally ship her with Scorpia and Lonnie (Lonnie more so I think)
Yes! I'm a huge, huge, huge Adorpia shipper actually! Alternatively, my runnerups are Glimmadora, Adonnie (or whatever the Adora/Lonnie name is, I have no idea), and most recently I've been playing with this idea of Adora and Mermista of all fucking people, but that's a story for another post.
Anyway, yeah, a lot of my old writing is mostly me Trojan-horsing Adorpia into the narrative lol. I was (am) absolutely crazy about them. Back in the day, I would have dreams about them like... not even in sleep could I escape shipping them. (SPOP dreams didn't/don't come to me often but when they did/do you best believe I remember them in overwhelming detail).
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gandalfsbignaturals · 2 years
Girl u cant just drop "furry space ocs" and NOT infodump about them!
ALRIGHT alright ok so theres a lot of side characters who are all very cool but the main ones to know about are chuck nova and snow. theyre the two main characters of chuck nova with chuck being the spotlight at first but snow coming in as a secret second main character. anyway this is them (ive been meaning to add text to snows but im lazy. oops)
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chuck is a scrappy little gremlin catgirl who also happens to have a spiritual connection with an unspeakably powerful ancient weapon, forged in the trauma of her childhood. she's a galactic outlaw with an enormous bounty on her head, courtesy of pissing off the queen of the xithican empire (bug cyborg aliens).
snow is a pristine and precise swordswoman and archeologist foxgirl with a penchant for the occult. she travels the galaxy searching for the remnants of ancient galactic civilizations, cataloguing them and returning them to the Galactic Library of Culture, a planet-sized library located in the far outskirts of the galaxy, in a place known as the Sunder, where one of the arms of the milky way was torn off by the gravity of Andromeda when they collided.
i havent finished references for all the characters, but theres also chucks adoptive guardian max, an old butch doggirl with a sword as big as her body, who used to be the bodyguard for chuck's mother until she eloped with someone else, after which max covered for her. when chuck's mom died, max took chuck in and raised her, and taught her how to use the weapon she had bonded to, using a system of magic called wavecasting that uses enchanted magical instruments to channel elemental powers.
theres aggy, chucks best friend and co-pilot, who is one of the aforementioned xithicans, only unlike most xithicans, she's completely synthetic, with no organic pieces to speak of. chuck found her broken body in a scrapyard and helped to repair her, but couldn't do anything to save her badly damaged memory. now mostly mute and missing any memory of how she was created, she's very loyal to chuck and is often the one who pulls her ass out of the fire.
she's also not a furry, but there's a juggalo princess who chuck meets and befriends after saving her from a xithican crime boss. shes spent most of her life pretty sheltered from the world outside her homeworld, a machine planet that's shrouded in eternal night, lit only by its own internal power, and her reckless nature and naive disposition serve to get her into lots of trouble.
those are all the main characters but theres lots more who will be met throughout as well!! im working on the comic, im almost done storyboarding chapter one... almost :x
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embyrinitalics · 2 years
Even tho I drew some pics of Seer!Link I'm super interested in Cyborg AU!
AIEEE YES YOU DID AND I LOVE THEM!!! 😱😭🖤 And thanks, I'm super glad to hear that!
Plot write up here, and previous snippets here and here.
Here's a bit with Zelda prior to meeting Link, cuz we haven't seen her yet and it's really all I've got 😂
The water in the spring was always cold. No matter the time of year or how bright the sun, she always emerged from the pool shivering, barely able to keep her teeth from chattering while her entourage complained of insufferable heat and mosquitos. But the bugs meant they always kept a protective ring of torches lit, and she invariably moved toward the fire like a moth, drawn by the promise of warmth for her numb fingers. It had been another unsuccessful visit. She briefly considered extending their stay another night, but a brief glance at the handful of knights and Sheikah sitting in their torchlight circle like it was some sort of ward spell made her mind for her. They had suffered enough. Tomorrow was the ride of shame. “There’s nothing shameful about what you’re doing,” Impa had insisted softly, the first time she let slip her nickname for that particular segment of their journey—their very tired, very orbital journey. She didn’t know how the moon did it, honestly. “It only shows your devotion to the goddess, and serves to remind the people to rekindle theirs.” Leave it to Impa to conjure a flattering interpretation. If only her people saw things the same way. But she had heard the epithets, same as everyone else. Faithless. Forsaken. Heir to a throne of nothing. And maybe she would have minded the ride less if she weren’t heralded and trailed by so many white banners, fluttering in the breeze as though announcing her surrender. They were supposed to symbolize her purity, but she doubted very much anyone saw them that way anymore. They symbolized her defeat, and she could inspire no one brandishing a mark like that. Zelda puffed a sigh, forcing a smile onto her lips. That was enough wallowing for one evening. “I hope you saved some for me,” she said, drifting closer to the smothered cookfire. “My mouth was watering all through that last prayer.” “Thought it might tempt you out,” the captain smirked, ladling her some supper out of the pot and passing her the bowl. “Peeled the potatoes myself.” “And that explains the lumpen potatoes,” chimed one of his knights. Captain Eagus was a kind man—battleworn and grandfatherly, though he had no wife and children of his own. His neat beard was salted and peppered, and scars and wrinkles pulled at his eyes when he smiled. He’d been the captain of her personal guard since she was a girl, and his lumpen potatoes aside he was as fine a bodyguard as anyone could ask for. She hated dragging him out into the jungle at his age. But he had sworn when she was young he’d stay by her side until her task was done, and here he was, ten years later, doing just that. He was more than qualified to sit in the war rooms with her father’s generals. But instead he was sitting out in the stifling heat and the mosquitos, with her. She smiled brighter, pressing chilled fingers tight to the warm bowl. “I’m sure it’s delicious.” “Eat up, Princess. Hylia knows you’ve earned it. I’m always tuckered out after a long swim, or a long prayer. I can’t imagine how exhausting it is doing both at once.” “Oh, it’s not so bad,” she said, hiding a grimace behind a spoonful of stew. “What about you all? Was there much excitement? Any monsters?” Eagus sounded disappointed. “Not a peep.” She knew the feeling. "There was a message from one of the directors," one of the Sheikah said, producing the Slate for her to examine. “Apparently they’ve made some kind of a breakthrough at the tech lab, and have requested both you and your father to be present to inspect their work.” She tapped the screen awake and scrolled, chewing. The message was brief, and a bit dramatic. Distinctly Robbie. “A weapon that will turn the tide in the battle against the Calamity.” It was probably a new broadsword prototype. And that hardly warranted her presence, especially when her father had made his opposition to her involvement in the ongoing research at the lab known years ago. Still, she was glad for any excuse to visit.
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ttooccaa · 4 years
Mamma Mia, he’s Italiano!
I wrote a fanfic for bartuardo(?) Crazy... It’s under keep reading, but there’s also a Ao3 link, I hope you like it.
Summary: After rescuing the prime minister of Italy from the evil clutches of Queen Bee, the Outsiders are invited to an event in their honor. Milan might not be the city of love, but everything can change, especially when a handsome Italian takes an interest in Ed and Bart is hit with a realization regarding his feelings towards his teammate.
Rating: Teen 
Ao3 link
Komy Island
March 20, 23:45 UTC+2
“Terra, manoeuvre 16!” shouted Wonder girl, while throwing Tuppence Terror against a wall with her lasso.
Terra nodded and send a chunk of flying earth towards Wonder girl, who jumped on top of it. The earth piece took her swiftly to the center of the action, where Beast Boy was fighting Mammoth, while in the form of a green Gorilla.
Wonder girl jumped from the flying earth piece and landed on Mammoth’s back, where she wrapped her lasso around his neck and pulled tight, so that Beast Boy could deliver one last finishing blow to his face.
“Beast Boy to Beta, have you located the hostages?” He asked, contacting the other team through his ear piece, while narrowly avoiding an icicle flying his way.
“Yup, just got them out. E.D. will teleport them on the Bio-Ship.” Kid flash answered triumphantly, appearing from behind Beast Boy and forming a small tornado around Junior, sending him flying.
A sonic blast from above send Tommy Terror across the room. “Mission complete, ese. Let’s get out of here!” Said Blue Beatle, while grabbing Wonder girl’s arm and flying towards the opening in the roof.
Beast Boy used his ear piece once more. “Bio-Ship, come and get us.”
The Outsiders swiftly escaped through the ceiling hole and boarded the ship.
“Woohoo! Another successful mission for the Outsiders, if I do say so myself” Kid Flash high-fived El Dorado, then leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the control table.
March 21, 9:23 PST
“Good job team. You have successfully rescued Italy’s prime minister and her husband. They are on their way to Italy as we speak.” Came Nightwing’s voice from the large Tv in the Tower’s living room. “Even though both the League’s and the Outsiders’ approval rates are constantly rising we still need to earn the people’s trust back...”
“And that’s becoming harder and harder with Infinity inc. running around and stealing all the spotlight.” Interjected Static.
“Hey, I said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s not a bad thing that we have inspired other meta-teens to fight for what’s right” Best Boy crossed his arms over his chest confidently.
“Yeah man, but statistics don’t lie and both ours and the League’s aren’t exactly consistent.” Said Cyborg, while showing the team a hologram comparing the League’s, the Outsider’s and Infinity Inc.’s approval ratings.
Infinity inc. was leading with the Outsiders behind them and the League slowly rising.
“So not crash.” Huffed Kid flash.
Terra added “Well, at least it’s good to see, that the League’s newfound openness is actually having an impact on the people’s opinion.”
Nightwing sighed “It’s a slow rise, but it’s something.” He continued “Now, let’s get back to the matter at hand, we still don’t know why Onslaught kidnapped Italy’s prime minister, Giorgia Cancio and her husband, Matteo Cancio, but considering that Onslaught works for Queen Bee, it was certainly her doing... just like always there aren’t any evidence to back that up. The best we can do is assume...”
“And that assumption is..?” El Dorado was looking up, while sitting next to Bart on the large sofa in front of the screen, a lopsided grin on his face.
“That assumption is that Queen Bee is trying to eliminate all the politicians who have publicly stated that they don’t think her acquisition of the country formerly known as Qurac was done with completely legal methods.” Finished Nightwing.
Cyborg raised an eyebrow “Then why didn’t she just, you know, kill them?”
“Killing them would bring too much attention from the media, it would be even worse if it’s discovered that Onslaught was involved, considering they work for her and have diplomatic immunity in both Bialya and Greater Bialya” explained Superboy.
“Hello Megan! She wanted to use her influence on them, make them her allies, rather than opponents. Probably why she kept them on Komy Island, one of the islands in her jurisdiction.” Jaime looked thoughtful.
“From what Forager understood, there is nothing the Outsiders can do.” Said the red bug alien, nervously rubbing his hands.
“Not exactly, the most we can do now is warn the potential victims and have the League, the Team and the Outsiders keep an eye on them.” The former boy wonder concluded.
The Outsiders nodded in agreement.
Nightwing continued “All in all, good job everybody, Nightwing out.” The screen went blank.
March 30, 15:50 PST
Garfield was standing in the living room, in front of the huge screen, his back turned to all his teammates, currently filling out the room.
“So why did you call this meeting, fearless leader?” Ed’s soothing accent cut through the silence.
Cassie smiled “Is there a new mission for us?”
Garfield turned towards them, huge grin on his face “No and yes, the Outsiders have been invited to Italy by the prime minister!”
“Wait, what?” Virgil looked surprised.
“The prime minister of Italy has invited us to an event in our honour, there will be other big politicians there, who will all show their support and gratitude towards both the Outsiders and the League! A part of the event will be televised with different news outlets covering the story. This is exactly the kind of good publicity we need right now!” Explained Garfield.
Conner moved his head to the side and raised an eyebrow “And does the Team or the League know about this?”
“They have been informed and should we accept the invite M’Gann will also come with us, disguised, of course.” The green teen explained.
“I mean it will be nice to have public endorsers, especially from a country, other than America.” Bart added.
“Mhm, gaining the trust of not only the people living around the world, but also their governments will certainly make our job way easier.” Vic continued.
Cassie looked thoughtful “Maybe we can learn if some of the politicians there know anything about Markovia, I mean the whole country has been nothing, but silent since Brion took over.”
Tara looked up surprised and then down - sad and uncomfortable. Forager but two of his four hands on her shoulder and back.
“Sorry...” Cassie apologised quickly.
The rather happy atmosphere had significantly dropped.
Garfield tried to divert the team’s attention back to the matter at hand “The event will take place in about three weeks time, on the 21st of April in the Bulgari Hotel in Milan.”
That defiantly peaked the team’s interest.
Garfield continued “The “Thank you very much for saving us and not letting us become Queen Bee’s minions” party will start at 7:30 pm with all the guests’ arrival on a sort of Red carpet, but not really, then there will be introductions with a televised speech by the Prime minister, dinner and afterwards Party time!”
“This whole thing sounds so... fancy?” Virgil looked unsure.
“Do any of you even own something more elegant than a pair of jeans and a dress shirt?” Cassie was smirking.
“Hey, I’m a movie star! I go to fancy events all the time, of course I own suits!” Garfield replied, faking offence.
Ed looked concentrated “I used to own a couple, because of dance classes and competitions, though I doubt any of them still fit... and I did leave them all in Argentina.”
Cassie looked towards them as if to prove her point.
“Hey! You don’t exactly think of looking fancy when you’re on the run!” The Latino defended himself.
“Wait, let’s backtrack! Dancing? What kind?” The speedster had a really surprised and doubtful look on his face, but his eyes were shining with excitement.
“Sí, amigo, well argentine tango, of course, but also ballroom dances like waltz.” Ed grinned.
“That’s totally crash, but I would have never pegged you for that type of dancing.” The other teen was smirking, his eyebrows raised.
Jaime smirked “Or dancing in general, you were so irritated and moody two years ago, not exactly dancer qualities.”
“I’m a guy of many talents.” Ed shot back.
“Okay, Garfield has fancy outfits and Ed can dance, that’s great and all, but how are we supposed to act around all those politicians?” Victor asked exasperated.
Tara interjected “I can tell you a couple things about behaviour around such high class people, I am... well, was a princess after all.” Forager continued rubbing her back.
“I’m sure Perdita also won’t mind helping us out. Okay, so... all in favour of going?” Garfield asked, the mood again a bit tense.
“Aye!” Came everybody’s reply, while not filled with as much enthusiasm as Garfield would like it was still a good start.
“Crash.” The green teen smiled.
Milan, Hotel Bulgari
April 20, 8:34 GMT+2
The car that had taken the Outsiders and Miss Martian from the airport had just stopped to halt. The hotel was huge, made of marble and other stone, the structure looked big and heavy, but also elegant and sophisticated.
Bart was the first out of the car “This car ride took forever!” He immediately perked up after seeing the hotel.
“Wow! This place is so crash!” Exclaimed Kid flash, while running everywhere in and out of the hotel. He elbowed Garfield “Now I understand why you like being a celebrity so much.”
Eduardo whistled “We’re just standing in front of this thing and I already feel like I’ve gone bankrupt.”
The hotel employees that were waiting for them in front of the building were already taking their baggage out of the car. One of them introduced himself as Nicolo and said, that if there is anything they want or have any questions not to hesitate to ask him or any of the other employees. He gestured for the superheroes to follow him inside the hotel.
On the inside the hotel was even more stunning, again marble decorated with golden specks and dark wood. Everything looked so glamorous, like something straight out of a movie. It was like the place was shining and shimmering.
The receptionist was a young and energetic woman, her name was Francesca and she again, just like Nicolo, said, that they shouldn’t hesitate to contact her. She gave them their room keys, everybody had their own room, even Superboy and Miss Martin, who was coming under the disguise of a representative for the Justice League. Everybody also had full access to any of the hotel’s luxuries, such as the pool, the spa, the restaurant and so on. Francesca said they they will find their belongings already in the room.
“I hope you enjoy your stay with us!” Was the last thing she said, before the superhero team headed to the elevators.
Banter started as soon as they walked away from the reception.
“So which room are you in?” Asked Jaime, Bart.
“3016, you?” Bart asked looking at the magnetic card.
“3020!” Jaime answered, relieved to be close to his best friend.
“We’re really close, that’s so crash!” Bart was really excited.
Both of them visibly relaxed after learning they at least had one teammate close-by.
“I don’t wanna interrupt that cute “bro moment” you’ve got over there, but we’re all on the same floor.” Ed teased from behind them, showing his “3023” card to them.
“Oh!” Blue Beetle and the speedster smiled, a little embarrassed.
Bart was quick to pick himself up “That’s even more crash!”
Garfield cleared his throat “Okay, team, I don’t know about you, but I’m really jet lagged, especially because we couldn’t use the Bio-ship. After the Reach, not every country allows alien technology to cross their borders... Anyways, everyone know the plan for tomorrow right?”
“Look good and approachable!” Cassie answered.
“Make sure we are on our best behaviour, because of all the media coverage.” Cyborg continued.
“And don’t do anything stupid and embarrass ourselves in front of all those fancy people...” Virgil, looking a bit miserable, added.
“And?” Beast Boy asked, smiling, one eyebrow quirked up.
“And be ready by 7 pm, we get it, mom, don’t worry.” Ed, with his arms crossed over his chest, answered. “Now can we stop hogging the elevator and get some rest in our rooms?” A gentle smile gracing his face.
“Hey, it’s called being prepared okay? But, yeah, I would also like to take a nap.” Garfield yawned for good measure.
M’Gann was smiling, her hand on Connor’s shoulder “He’s becoming such a good leader, growing up so quickly.” She said telepathically to her fiancé.
“He really has grown those couple of months. They all have.” He squeezed her hand.
The Team arrived on their floor, said their goodbays and all headed towards their rooms.
Milan, Hotel Bulgari
April 20, 14:36 GMT+2
It had been a couple of hours since the team separated and Bart was bored out of his mind. He had already done everything there was to do in this room, taken a shower, watched tv, even slept for a bit. The speedster had already seen the whole hotel and the place was boring, there was nothing to do other than relax. Relaxing was not exactly his thing, he needed excitement, he need to see and experience things, he needed movement...
Bart would also love to see Milano, not that he couldn’t do it, he could see the whole country of Italy, if he so desired, but it’s always better with somebody. That way he can appreciate it more, he couldn’t exactly go sightseeing during the future, mostly because all of the survivors and children of survivors and so on were the Reach’s slaves and most of the world was destroyed and in ruins... But! That was then and that is now and that future will never happen... hopefully.
The brown haired teen flopped down on his bed from where he was standing in front of it, mulling over his boredom. He grabbed his phone.
He started mindlessly scrolling through Flitter and posted a pic he had taken while checking out the hotel. He looked through the “Memesiders” tag. Bart loved all the ridiculous things their fans would make like the “Ya’ll ugly” vine, but with Ed or all the PETA commercial parodies with Garfield. This defiantly kept him entertained for a couple of minutes, but it was quickly becoming boring. Living at super speed can be the worst sometimes.
Bart flipped himself over and opened his messages, maybe somebody was online. He texted Jaime (though in Bart’s phone it said ‘I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE’), but got nothing from him in the few seconds he waited for a response. Suddenly the little tic next to Eduardo’s name (‘EDgy’) turned from grey to green and Bart seized his opportunity.
KA-CHOW: Ed, mi amigo! Wyd?
EDgy: Just woke up, like 10 mins ago, u?
KA-CHOW: Same old, same old, I’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
EDgy: Sooo?
EDgy: Ain’t that the usual
KA-CHOW: Yessss, but YOU could help me!
EDgy: How so 🧐
KA-CHOW: Wanna blow this popsicle stand 😏
EDgy: LOL sure meet at the front in 15?
KA-CHOW: Ed, hermano, you’re a lifesaver
EDgy: Mi Dios, why can I hear the way you say ‘hermano’ even through text
Bart was buzzing with excitement, finally something to do! And with Ed! Ed’s honestly an awesome guy, he’s funny and a real smartass, him and Bart also bonded over their participation in the non-real, but certainly real enough “The Reach traumatised me for life (or has been traumatising me my whole life)” club.
In the beginning the curly haired teen was so angry and annoyed with everything and everybody around him, he saw his powers as a disease, an illness, wanted to get rid of them. Bart remembered how shocked and surprised Eduardo Dorado Sr. was when his son showed on his doorstep after defeating the Reach. The father honestly thought he ran away again.
Even though they spent time with Lex Luthor, “The Runaways” still didn’t have full control of their abilities or knew their full extend. So that’s where the League stepped in, helped the teens learn control in a way that didn’t make them feel like lap rats.
In those two years Ed and Bart’s relationship truly blossomed. Turns out, they had a lot in common, when both of them finally chilled out, Ed was not irritated by every little thing and Bart didn’t spend every waking minute wondering about the future.
Bart shock his head in a cartoonish way, as much as he’d like to reminiscent about his relationship with Ed, he should probably get dressed and get going. Bart grabbed a pair of black sweatpants shorts, a white T-shirt and a dark red shirt with the sleeves rolled up, which he left unbuttoned.
Bart had super speed, but he also had a secret identity, as retro as that was. He slowly opened his room’s door a little bit and looked both ways down the hallway. The team had checked the cameras earlier and luckily none of them looked their way, well not anymore that is, after Cyborg tinkered with them a bit and created a blind spot. ‘Coast clear’ Bart thought.
The green eyed teen walked out of his room, without forgetting his magnet card and other necessities. The speedster took the elevator, which also took forever and walked to the front of the hotel, a second later there was a golden flash and Eduardo appeared next to him.
Ed was wearing a green and yellow stripped, baggy T-shirt, which he had tucked into his light denim jeans. They were cuffed and he had a brown belt to hold them up.
‘Damn, he looks amazing, so crash, well Ed always manages to look great, he is also so funny...’ Such thoughts always crossed Bart’s mind when he was with Ed, but then again he thought all his friends were awesome, yet with Ed, it started to be a little different. He never dwelled too much on it.
The other teen grinned at Bart “So, you got any plans?”
“Not really... We could walk around, check out Milan, I’ve never been, you?” They were walking towards a park right outside of the hotel.
“Never to Italy, but I did cross a big part of South America, until I got abducted by the Reach in Brazil.” The Latino cringed at the memory. He was sleeping on a bench, then a second later there was a hand on his mouth and before the panic and the adrenaline could kick in, he was out like a light.
“Anyways, we are not here to relieve our traumas, I suggest we check out some of the tourist attractions? I mean, this city is know for being one of the fashion capitals of the world? We could go window shopping on one of those way too expansive streets?” Ed suggested, one eyebrow raised, thinking of things to do.
Bart put his arms behind his head “Whatever we do, I’m sure it’s going to be fun.”
“Hmm is that so? Why?” Ed smiled shyly.
“‘Cause we’re doing it together, amigo! And things are always way more fun with friends, I mean you really appreciate them, when you didn’t have any growing up.” Bart’s energetic stride slowed down a bit.
“Hah, guess we’re not good at this whole ‘not bringing up our traumas and problems’ thing, huh?” The tan teen smiled teasingly.
“Yeah, suppose so...”
They had reached one of the more reserved parts of the park. Bart flopped down on one of the benches, Ed sat down next to him. The sunlight coming through the leaves above them was warm and creating fun shapes on the teens’ faces.
“I’m so feeling the mode right now.” The speedster huffed.
“Wanna talk about it?” Ed offered.
“Honestly... no. We’ve talked so much about our problems with both our mentors and Black Canary and so on and so fort. I just want to, idk, chill, relax, not think about it, even if it’s only for a few hours. How about you, hermano? Any traumas, problems and sad stories you wanna share with the class?” Bart answered truthfully, a lopsided smile on his face.
Ed grinned and looked at the empty bench in front of them “Nah, I mean I’ve got some, we all do, but sharing is so exhausting.”
They stayed like that for a bit, in comfortable silence.
“I heard that there’s a crazy amount of pigeons in front of ‘Du-om-o de Mi-lano!” The speedster broke the silence, already in front of ‘the golden one’.
Ed raised his eyebrows, then laughed “Oh, you mean Duomo di Milano!”
“Yeah! That’s what I said!” Bart defended his terrible accent, faking offence, but happy to have made his... friend laugh.
“No, amigo, it’s ‘Duomo di Milano’, you hear the difference?” The Argentinian got up next to Bart.
“Actually, yeah! How do you know to pronounce Italian so well?” Bart was already excited.
Ed blushed a bit “It’s only a couple words, no need to be so impressed, but actually Argentinian Spanish can sound closer to Italian, rather than Spanish.”
Bart took out his phone and put in the address of the Cathedral and they headed that way through the picturesque streets of Milan.
“I never knew that, you don’t really talk a lot about your time in Argentina or Argentina in general.” Bart explained, his hand illustrating his words.
“Well, there’s not a lot to be said about my life in Argentina... but if you want to know more about Argentinian culture and the Argentinian language, you can always ask me.” The other teen offered.
Ed was never the type to open up about his past, but then again who was Bart to judge him about that? They were in the same boat. A thought still crossed his mind ‘I want to know more about you.’ But instead he said “Totally crash, amigo.”
They arrived at the Cathedral and there really were a lot of pigeons, but also a lot of tourists and people in general.
“Wait a second, I have an idea, be back in a flash.” Ed winked, while Bart groaned at the terrible joke.
Ed teleported. It was so fascinating to see the way Ed had grown into his power, at first he hated it, but now, it was as natural as breathing for him. He teleported next to a man selling popcorn and bought two of the small cartons.
He turned away to teleport back to Bart, when suddenly “Oh my gosh! Are you? Are you El Dorado?! Of the Outsiders?” A girl with ginger hair in a ponytail squealed.
Eduardo turned towards her and smiled both awkwardly and kindly, he hoped.
“It’s really you!” The girl was jumping up and down in excitement.
“Uh, yeah?” That sounded pathetic even to Eduardo’s own ears.
“I’m really sorry, but can I please take a pic with you?” The girl’s eyes were shining.
“Uh, yeah... I mean, yeah, of course!” He tried to sound more enthusiastic, the girl didn’t seem to mind.
They took a quick selfie in which Ed tried to not look incredibly awkward, while holding up two boxes of popcorn.
The girl thanked him profusely and asked if any of the Outsiders were here to which he answered, that he’s sorry, but he couldn’t share that info with her.
The ponytail girl said that it’s all right and that she was glad to have seen him, in Italy of all places. They said their goodbyes with the girl still freaking out.
Eduardo was glad, that the Outsiders were doing a good job, spreading the good word around and inspiring others and so on. But sometimes such attention was a bit... overwhelming. He said many times, that the hero lifestyle wasn’t for him and he still believed it. Ed still felt that he wasn’t cut out to be a hero. As much as he’d love to stand here and dwell on these thoughts, he should get back to Bart.
He loved hanging out with Bart, at first... he didn’t like him. Ed thought he was just another gringo, with probably the worst accent ever. In the beginning he thought that Bart was mocking him in a way, with “Amigo, that”, “Hermano, that”, but then he realised that Bart was a pretty awesome and genuine dude.
With Bart he felt like he could let loose, be himself, it felt good. Bart made him feel good and himself in ways he didn’t know another person could. He felt like he could share everything with him and it’ll be fine, not that he had such plans for the near future, but it felt nice.
The Latino teleported back to Bart, who was currently taking a selfie in front of the Cathedral and sending it to the Flash Family chat.
“Whoa, man, popcorn! So worth the wait! Bart grabbed one of the boxes.
“Yeah, sorry, got approached by uhh... fan.” Ed explained, tossing a popcorn into his mouth.
“Crash, man, I love talking to our fans.” Bart continued enthusiastically stuffing his face with popcorn.
Ed threw a couple on the ground and pigeons immediately gathered around them “That’s good, it’s just that... I don’t know, I don’t feel like I should have fans, I mean what have I done to deserve people looking up to me? And even if I have done stuff that deserve praise, shouldn’t I do more, do better? I just feel like I haven’t done enough...”
“Well you may feel like people shouldn’t be your fans, but pigeons sure as hell adore you.” Bart tried to lighten up the mood, while tugging the discussion of Ed’s insecurities for later.
Eduardo snapped out of his daze and looked around to find at least a dozen pigeons around him “Guess, I was throwing out more popcorn, than I thought.” He laughed.
“Ah!” A pigeon got bold and landed right on Eduardo’s arm where the popcorn where, then a bunch more started flying around him and one landed on his other arm and shoulder. Ed was both panicked, surprised and laughing uncontrollably.
‘Looks good, even when he’s covered in pigeons, huh.’ Bart thought while snapping a few dozen pictures “Come, Eddie-Boy! Smile for the camera!” All in all those pigeons were a great distraction.
Bart took Ed’s arm and got him away from the bids currently trying to nest in his hair.
“Hahah, oh that was adorable!” Bart laughed, he got his phone out and started scrolling through the pictures. He wheezed so hard at them.
“Let me see!” Eduardo said while ridding himself of feathers. He looked at the pictures “That’s a winner right there!” He pointed at a picture where a bird had just flown towards his face which resulted in him being a blur with a shocked expression on his face.
“Really? I like that one.” Bart opened one, where Ed was looking at the camera, a big grin on his face and slight panic in his eyes, while he had pigeons all around and on him, one of them was in the box of popcorn, happily munching.
Ed looked the other way, a slight blush blossoming over his cheeks “Yeah, that one’s good as well.”
Bart was happily scrolling through the photos “You should totally post that one! Also one of the distressed ones! Imagine the memes people will make!”
“Since when is it our job to knowingly provide the public with our embarrassing moments? And hey, for all you know it could cause a scandal. I can just hear G. Gordon Godfrey - ‘Our so called heroes aren’t even in the country! How are they supposed to protect us when they are too busy feeding the pigeons!’” Ed purposelessly making his voice have as much of an American accent as possible.
“Yes! Or ‘What are they teaching our children?! To throw our food at animals?! Next you’ll know they’ll be telling them to throw trash on the streets of our beautiful America!’” Bart continued, almost letting a tear fall out of the corner of his eye at the mention of dirtying their America.
The teens looked at each other, then started laughing even harder.
The speedster looked up at the sky. The sun was slowly starting to set, he looked at Ed who was still catching his breath. Bart checked the time on his phone - 18:40.
“Wow, time truly flies when you’re having a good time.” Bart mused.
“Hmm?” The Latino looked at Bart’s phone “Almost seven pm.”
Bart’s stomach grumbled, Ed looked at him, one eyebrow raised “Really?”
“Hey! It’s not my problem I run on superspeed!” Bart grinned, fingerguning.
“Guess not, I could also grab a bite... I think we passed a pizzeria on our way here?” Ed wondered.
“Lead the way, amigo.” Bart bowed down like a gentleman.
The teleporter rolled his eyes, but still blushed a bit.
They walked side by side for a few minutes, until Bart pointed at a pizzeria close by and ran that way, dragging Ed with him. Good think he was making sure to run like a regular person.
The pizzeria was quite picturesque, small wooden tables with white tablecloths, flowers in the middle and wooden chairs.
A waiter quickly took them to a table outside.
Bart took one of the menus “Ohhh, what should I get? Maybe a Capricciosa or a Romana or maybe go classic with a Margherita? What about you?”
Ed loved how excited Bart could be over the simplest things sometimes “Mmm, maybe a vegetarian pizza?”
“Vegetarian also sounds good! Deciding is so hard, wish I could just take all of them.” Bart declared.
Ed took one of the red flowers out of the vase “I mean, you can certainly stomach all of them.”
The brown haired boy looked at Ed. He was holding the red flower between his fingers spinning it around, the sunset was casting beautiful shades of gold, red and orange on his skin. Ed met his eyes and smiled. Bart could stare at him looking like that forever.
“So, did you chose anything?” Their waiter, as if appearing out of nowhere, asked.
That startled both of them, Ed coughed and looked the other way and Bart burned a bright red.
“Uh, yeah I’ll have a large Capricciosa and a soda...” Bart trailer off.
“And I’ll take a large vegetarian pizza and also a soda...” Ed quickly continued.
The waiter smiled and said he’ll bring up them up, when they’re done. A few moment later he came back with their drinks.
Ed looked at the Cathedral, turned back to Bart and pointed at it. The speedster turned around to look at it. The Cathedral looked absolutely stunning like something out of a postcard, the beams from the sun were being reflected by the countless windows and painted the square. It was truly beautiful, but when Bart looked out of the corner of his eye, he could’ve sworn Ed was looking at him, even if for a split second.
The green eyed teen turned back around at took a sip out of his soda “How’s everything at the centre?”
Ed looked at him “Honestly, I don’t know, a mix of good and bad, I suppose? I mean, we’ve been making huge progress with a lot of the metas, but some of them are still scared and don’t want to accept their powers. We get new metas all the time, I’m struggling to make room for everybody as it is... We need more funding, I hate to say it, but Granny Goodness was our biggest sponsor, we are part of STAR labs, but not part of their funding, well not a big part, we get some money, but certainly not enough for all the newcomers...” The Latino stopped abruptly.
He smiled apologetically “I’m, sorry I know all this talk of money and funding isn’t really interesting...” He trailed off.
Bart jumped in “No! You know you can tell me anything and I would love to know more about the centre, not only the good, but also the bad.” He smiled.
Ed sighed and opened his mouth, but then “Sorry for the wait, gentlemen! Here are the Capricciosa and the vegetarian pizza, if there’s anything else you need, don’t hesitate to call!”
They thanked the waiter. Bart immediately dug in and was already three pieces in, while Ed was taking his first bite.
“Slow down there, amigo, it won’t go anywhere.” The teleporter laughed.
Bart wiped his mouth with the napkin “Yeah, yeah, gotta be reminded sometimes, you know in the apocalypse my favourite food was... food.” He shrugged, while smiling.
Ed looked at him apologetically, then grinned “Well, good thing you came to us, no idea what I would do without you... also you completely missed all the tomato sauce around your mouth.” He gave him another napkin.
Bart blushed at Ed’s words, but was also really happy, because he also didn’t know what he would do without everybody, the League, the Team, the Outsiders and... Ed.
Ed ate a slice of pizza.
“What about your father? Isn’t good ol’ doctor Dorado any help at the centre? I mean, he did found it with you?” Bart took a sip out of his soda.
Ed sighed “I don’t know, hermano. Me and dad we don’t really click? I suppose, it’s hard getting to know your son at 45 and respectfully your dad at 16... He doesn’t really help me with the centre, I have to do all of it on my own, well not all of it I have you and Neut, of course. There are just so many other things to consider like all of the legal stuff, there is so much paperwork! Also parents and psychologists and sometimes psychiatrists and I have to make sure everybody is safe and happy and comfortable.”
Bart cut him off “Geez, Ed, I didn’t know you had that much to take care of.” He felt a bit guilty, because he was overjoyed when Ed became part of the team, but if he really was that busy...
Ed clenched his hand around his almost empty can of soda “And I always feel like I’m not doing enough. Is the centre good enough, am I good enough for the Outsiders? Because I still don’t think the “hero life” is for me... I love being part of the team, but am I a good enough part?”
Bart smiled brightly “You know, I think... I think you’re not giving yourself enough credit.”
Ed looked at him, confused “What do you mean?”
“Just... You’ve done so much! You were talking about a place, that can help young people deal with their powers even before you had full grasp of yours! You are going there every day to give them advice and a safe space to not only get a hold of their powers, but also share how they feel and discuss their traumas and so on. You joined a public superhero team just to give them inspiration. So don’t sell yourself so short, you’ve done a lot and you’re continuing to do it every day.”
“Wow, I uh... I don’t know what to say, thank you... you’re pretty incredible.” Ed looked Bart directly in his eyes. “Why are you always so good at reassuring me?” He grinned.
With Bart it was always different, because whenever he would say Ed was doing a good job or that he was doing well, he couldn’t help but believe him.
“What can I say, amigo? Not only am I incredibly good looking, I’m also an incredible friend.” He grinned, eyes closed and hand under his chin for dramatic effect.
The Argentinian smiled contentedly and agreed “Really though! And having you around when you can be in the center is always good, all the stress from dealing with everything seems to lessen when you’re around.” He smiled shyly at the last part.
Bart blushed “Well, I love spending time at the centre with all the metas and helping in whichever way I can and... being with you, of course.” He grinned.
Ed blushed a really bright red and tried to hide it by pretending to wipe his mouth with his napkin. “You know, you’re the only person I can talk with... like that.”
Bart slowly put his hand on top of Ed’s “Yeah, me too.”
Both of them smiled with light blushes on their cheeks.
Milan, Hotel Bulgari
April 21, 19:00 GMT+2
“Looking sharp there, boys!” Cassie smiled widely, fingerguning.
Kid Flash and Blue Beatle weren’t so sure about that. Because of their secret identities they had to wear their costumes (or at least the mask in Kid Flash’s case) under their tuxes. They felt a bit... silly.
Jaime looked at Wonder girl “You sure about that?”
She was wearing a form fitting, deep red dress without sleeves, that was cut right above the knees. She looked incredible. Though everybody remembers the relief they felt when she finally chose between the dress and the tux, not because she chose the dress, but because she chose something.
“Dont sweat it, Jaime! Get it? ‘Cause you’re wearing both the costume and the tux!” The blonde laughed hard at her own joke.
“Yeah, Cassie, I got it.” The blue superhero replied dryly.
“Forager also feels weird wearing something over his shell, but if it is a human custom, then Forager doesn’t mind.” The alien supplied, while running his four hands over the shirt and jacket.
M’gann smiled “You look great, Forager.”
“So the only people still missing are El Dorado and Static right?” Beast Boy asked tapping his food impatiently and looking around anxiously.
They had decided to meet in one of the hotel’s spare conference rooms with the hotel’s approval, of course.
The Martian walked over to her little brother and put her hand on his shoulder “Don’t worry, Gar, its only 7:15, I’m sure they’ll be here any second.”
Just after she said that, Ed and Virgil came in through the door.
“Sorry for being late, but Mr. Static over here first couldn’t decide between ties, then it was ‘With hat or no hat? With hat or no hat?” Ed rolled his eyes, while fixing his own gold coloured tie.
“Hey! The hat’s like an integral part of my look!” Virgil defended himself.
“You’re going to a formal event!” Ed retorted.
Cyborg supplied his opinion “If you ask me, good thing you decided to ditch it.”
“See!” El Dorado said while gesturing towards Vic.
“Whatever, man.” Static replied, visibly grumpy.
“Look, everybody, I can understand that some of you are nervous and unsure of what to do or how to act tonight. But remember just relax and be yourself. Don’t over exaggerate, if you start a conversation with somebody, but don’t know about the topic it’s best to drop it, be nice and if you don’t feel like it, don’t mingle, there’s a lot of us here, so you can always go up to somebody and hang out. We want good press, so be nice!” Garfield’s pep talk wasn’t much of a pep talk, but it did ease a lot of the Outsiders’ worries.
M’gann looked at Conner, that proud sparkle shining in her eyes.
El Dorado went over to Bart.
Bart grinned and elbowed Ed playfully “Lookin’ good there, amigo.”
And he really did, he was just wearing a simple black tux with a dark yellow (kinda gold) tie, but it fit in all the right places.
“You clean up nicely.” Ed winked, even though he was blushing hard.
Bart was wearing the same as him a simple black tux with a red tie, but he looked great. ‘There really was something about seeing a guy in a suit, huh...’ Ed thought.
Bart also blushed.
The white Martian looked in their direction and smiled gently.
Garfield looked at his watch “Okay, guys we’ve got ten minutes before this thing starts, everybody knows what to do right?”
“Yeah, Gar, calm down, promise we won’t blow anything up.” Cyborg rolled his eyes.
“And even if we do, I’ll just work my charm on them!” Bart wiggled his eyebrows, while pulling on his imaginary suspenders.
That did not ease any of Beast Boy’s worries.
Milan, Hotel Bulgari
April 21, 19:30 GMT+2
The Outsiders plus Miss Martian had to get to the front of the hotel to pretend they were just now arriving? Honestly the whole ordeal was pretty useless and stupid, but they had to interact with the media waiting outside.
They went right to where the “red carpet” and all the news reporters were.
Garfield turned around and looked at his team “Okay! Big smiles, everyone!”he winked at the end.
The others smiled uncomfortably.
The moment the team stepped into “the limelight” a hoard of reporters came onto them bombarding them with questions.
One woman was louder and shoved her microphone in Tara’s face “How do you feel now that you are a princess with no country?”
Tara’s happy expression dimmed and she casted her eyes down “No comment.” She replied, looking up and with newfound intensity in her eyes at the reporter. The message was clear ‘No more questions.’
Beast boy was quick to cover for her and take the attention of the reporters away from the former princess.
The team was quickly separated most of them were discreetly trying to get inside the hotel while answering as few questions as possible.
Ed, while not looking forward to being interviewed, wouldn’t mind answering a few questions if it meant he could explain that they were planing on opening a new centre for meta teens in Europe. The news were already announced a month back, but the more people knew about it the better. He was currently trying to get one in every major city in America, maybe at some point in every state. They had opened one more in Central City, but he also wanted to make them permanent, because as of right now the centres were only temporary.
The Argentinian wasn’t exactly nervous to talk in front of a camera, because of the centres he had to talk to strangers every day and also hold speeches and arrange things and so on. He’d learned to be comfortable in front of an audience, even if he couldn’t see them.
A reporter with a beautiful long dress and bright pink hair approached him out of nowhere and suddenly he had a microphone shoved in his face.
She smiled brightly and winked “Hello viewers! Here with us right now is El Dorado!”
Ed smiled and waved awkwardly.
“Now our viewers here are just dying to know! What exactly is going on in your tower in Hollywood? I mean a group of teenagers all living together! It must be crazy! Love scandals, parties! Tell us all the great gossip!” The reporter was overly enthusiastic to the point of being fake.
Ed thought back to all the “crazy drama” that occurs in the Outcast’s home, only thing that came to mind is their movie and game nights.
The Argentinian smiled politely “Well, most of the time we are too tired to really have the time for scandals, but something that’s more interesting is that the new meta-human youth center in Sweden, Stockholm will be up and running in a month.” He grinned.
The pink haired reporters face fell, though she did try to keep her smile on, but it was obvious she was annoyed “Wow, that’s crazy...” She turned quickly towards the camera and bit Ed a quick goodbye, realising she won’t be getting anything out of him.
The tan teen was definitely a bit annoyed, but not surprised, most news outlets were always looking for gossip. He continued his short walk towards the entrance of the event.
“Kid Flash! What happened to the previous Kid Flash?” A reporter shouted at Bart, while he was explaining to another one, that no he didn’t almost die that one time.
The question made him choke on his words, the other reporters noticed and also started asking him questions about the other Kid Flash. Bart quickly and while giving out excuses shuffled into the hotel.
Just as he entered he noticed Ed a couple feet away from him, his expression the same one as Bart’s.
“I’ll take it you’re also having a good time.” The shorter teenager smiled, while fixing his tie.
“I’m still trying to stay positive for the rest of the night.” Ed smiled at Bart, even though it was a little strained.
“Yeah... you and me both. Right now though, I’m totally feeling the mode.” Bart looked around and suddenly grabbed Ed’s sleeve “Eddie, look! There’s a huge table filled with bite sized food!” He was smiling, while showing how little the food was with his thumb and pointer finger.
“Didn’t we just eat like a couple hours ago?” Ed was always impressed with the speedster’s appetite.
They went over to the table, Bart quickly took a small plate and filled it with all kinds of finger food. At the same time Ed took a fancy looking glass filled with punch and looked around the room.
The event had just started, so the room was still pretty empty, safe for the hotel staff, a few other guests invited by the prime minister and the band, which consisted currently of a piano player, but places for other players and even a singer could be seen. The music was pretty, but kinda bland, like elevator music, it was just a background.
The other Outsiders had yet to make their way towards the ballroom, but Ed suspected that Forager and Tara were going to be joining them soon.
The speedster looked at Ed and for the god knew which time that night appreciated the way he looked, he quickly swallowed a mini sandwich he was eating and turned towards the Argentinian “You should totally try this little one with the orange stuff inside, it’s sweet, yet fruity!”
He held the little treat up, offering it to Ed.
For a moment too long Ed looked at Bart with a dumbfounded expression, the sudden thought of leaning down and eating it from Bart’s hand came to him, he felt all of his blood change course and go to his cheeks. The teen quickly took the food with his hand and ate it, desperately trying to will down his intense blush.
“It’s good.” He quickly added while giving an awkward thumbs up.
Bart raised his eyebrow, but still smiled.
The “golden one” took a small gulp from his glass, still trying to calm down his burning cheeks ‘What’s wrong with me? Only Bart can make me like this...”
“I’ve forgotten how obnoxious and insensitive reporters can be!” The former princess grumbled, already having reached the table and grabbing a small pastry. She leaned against the wooden table and crossed her arms.
Ed looked at her “So the interviews are going well.” He offered her a napkin.
“Garfield is doing just fine, while Cyborg is trying to stop the interviewers from overwhelming Forager... Superboy looked like he really didn’t want to be there.” The blonde took the napkin and placed a few pastries in it. “From the way things are looking the others will be following us here pretty soon.”
She quickly ate one more small dessert and pointed towards Ed and Bart “You two did good coming here so fast.”
Kid Flash flashed her a blinding grin and pretended to remove dust from his jacket “Being fast is kinda our specialty.” He turned towards Ed and winked “Right, amigo?”
A blush crept across his cheeks again ‘When will this end?!’ He thought, while quickly plastering a smile a giving Terra a thumbs up.
‘He’s so cute...’ Bart thought, but quickly banished the thought away.
The princess looked at him quizzically, but just shrugged.
Her gaze turned towards the entrance, some people had come through, the room was slowly filling out. The bright red of Forager’s shell was not hard to miss. Tara waved “Vic, Forager, over here!”
The grim expression on Vic’s face was becoming more and more visible as he approached the other Outsiders. The alien, on the other hand was rubbing his hands nervously.
“What got his gears so tightly wind up?” Ed leaned towards Forager.
“Victor Stone became upset after a reporter asked Victor Stone what happened with Victor Stone’s football career and then another one asked if Victor Stone felt like a freak, because of Victor Stone’s appearance.” Forager explained.
Everybody winced.
“Harsh.” Bart commented.
The tan teen turned towards Forager “What about you, buddy? Everything good?”
The alien rubbed his hands and looked down “Forager would be happy to explain Forager’s culture to the reporters, but the reporters asked if Forager is in a relationship and if Forager finds humans appealing...”
“Yeah... they do that.” Ed looked at him apologetically.
Kid Flash tried to cheer him up “They don’t mean any harm...”
More and more people were coming into the room. Virgil and Blue Beetle were one of the first ones to enter. Virgil hastily turned his head, obviously looking for the others. He spotted the other teens near the table and together with Jaime quickly walked to them.
“Good thing Gar is out there.” Virgil ran a hand through his hair.
“God, this is like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.” Ed said. “What would our name be? Abused by reporters Anonymous?” He was moving his glass with his hand, stirring the already lukewarm punch.
Bart laughed.
Ed felt something akin to pride in his chest at making Bart laugh.
“So come on, amigos, share with the group what happened to you out there with the scary and noisy interviewers!” The speedster threw a cookie in the air and caught it with his mouth.
Jaime crossed his arms over his chest “Even after two years the Reach is still a pretty popular topic.”
Bart put a hand on his shoulder.
Virgil sighed “Everything was going on fine, until one of them asked me to show off my power, but I panicked, demagnetised some part of their equipment.”
The peer counselor slung an arm across Virgil’s shoulders “Good job, man, you took one of them down. Our enemy will soon be slain.” He had a determined fire in his eyes.
Static pushed his arm away “You’re a real hoot, Ed. But seriously, people are always filming us, taking pictures of us and so on. How come I suck at interviews?”
Bart shrugged, and while chewing said “Well, when people are usually filming us, we don’t exactly have the time to stop and answer a few questions. We’re focused on, you know, saving them.”
“Makes sense, I guess.” Virgil took a small sandwich, defeat evident in his eyes.
Victor looked around “This place sure filled up.”
Even more important looking people wearing suits or beautiful dresses had come into the room.
Virgil looked at his phone “8:56, shouldn’t this whole thing be starting soon.
There was a silent agreement, that everybody couldn’t wait for the event to be over.
Wonder girl entered the room soon after. She waved and speed walked to her teammates.
When she arrived, the blonde quickly took a sweet from the table and popped it in her mouth. She said with her mouth full “If one more person asks me how I do my hair or makeup, I’m gonna flip.” She finished that sentence and ate a cracker with something grey on top.
“I mean! They don’t ask me about the missions or anything like that! It’s all ‘Is your lipstick punch-proof?’ Like what is that even supposed to mean?” She continued, while leaning against the table, her arms crossed
The other outsiders winced in sympathy.
“Sorry, man” Vic rubbed the back of his neck.
Cassie sighed “Eh, it is what it is, I guess... by your expressions, I’m not the only one who had a jolly good time out there.” She emphasised how happy she was by swinging her arm which was folded at the elbow, her hand in a fist.
Suddenly a huge crowd entered the ballroom, the leader of it was Garfield. He had a huge grin and looked more than happy to talk to anybody or answer questions.
At the end of the crowd were Superboy and the disguised Miss Martian. The white alien was smiling, even though it looked a bit forced and tired, while Conner looked like he wanted to go home immediately. All of the Outsiders were surprised how long he’d lasted outside.
M’gann laughed and looked Conner in the eyes "Thank you, you did great out there." She said telepathically.
Conner smiled.
The Outsiders were watching their gentle exchange of love. “God, I need a girlfriend.” Virgil’s never ending whining about that certain topic cut through the silence.
Beast boy quickly spotted the other Outsiders and walked over to them, leaving the group of people behind, a slight bounce to his steps.
He winked “So, how you guys doing? Everything going well?” He straightened out his jacket and brushed of invisible dust off his shoulders.
The team gave each other side eyes and smiled nervously. Bart gave him a thumbs up.
Garfield gave them a half smile “So no too hot?” He nodded once and put his hands in his pockets “Don’t worry, there won’t be any more reporters for the rest of the night, well a few at the opening ceremony and speech of the primer minister, but all we have to do there is smile and nod.”
“Speaking of the ceremony, shouldn’t it be starting soon?” Jaime took a sip of punch.
Tera was staring intently at his lips. “Isn’t it weird to have it on your mouth?”
“The mask, isn’t it weird?” She explained further.
Jaime put a finger to his lips “Eh, not really, I mean I can’t really feel it? It’s like a part of me, second skin sort of way.” He tried to explain.
Tara narrowed her eyes “Interesting.”
M’gann and Superboy approached the group.
The Martian put her hand on Garfield’s shoulder “Come on, team, let’s get to the stage, it’s starting soon.”
The Outsiders started to walk towards the stage, it was a small stage, enough to fit them, the primer minister and her husband. The lights were very bright.
They walked over to the security guard, who opened up a crimson coloured rope. The superheroes were staying in a small, separated from the attendees, space. Mostly waiting for the prime minister to call for them on stage.
A crowd of reporters and other guests had already gathered in front of the stage. The prime minister, Giorgia Cancio and her husband, Matteo Cancio were climbing on stage, the guests started clapping.
The politicians smiled in front the microphones and waved.
Giorgia cleaned her throat and the speech started “Thank you everybody for coming tonight, we are more than...”
Soon after she started her speech Bart tuned her out and started looking for other things to occupy his attention with.
Kid Flash looked around the room, quickly noticing a woman in the back arguing with a waiter, well more like yelling at him, he squinted in order to try and read her lips, something about ‘Gluten? Oh! Gluten free...’ he thought.
Bart moved on, he looked up at the big, glass and crystal chandelier, it was glowing in soft yellows and whites. A small, dangling crystal, that was spinning caught his attention for a bit.
His eyes soon landed on Ed, Bart was looking at him out of the corner of his eye. His eyes have been landing on Ed a lot those past couple of months.
The Argentinian was standing beside him, he was looking down, probably at the colourful tiles, that made up the floor, occasionally he would look up at the prime minister.
Bart liked looking at Ed, he had this shine and drive in his eyes, this drive to just be and do good. It was something Bart had soon noticed after spending time with Ed. It was something so beautiful to see. Where Bart had come from (the Future) people’s eyes were dead, given up, moded, they didn’t care about doing good, they just wanted to survive.
It was kinda shocking how that moody kid had grown up into such a compassionate person. He was probably always like that, it was just hidden under all that angst and daddy issues.
Suddenly he didn’t have the desire to look away, he was content like that, just looking at Ed.
Ed absentmindedly licked his dry lips.
A light brush crept across the speedster’s cheeks and a stray thought wandered inside his mind ‘I wonder how they feel.’ He caught himself softly running his finger across his own lips, he quickly dropped his hand and his blush intensified. Bart quickly averted his eyes away and towards the stage, trying to focus on the prime minister.
El Dorado had felt somebody’s gaze on him, finding out it was Bart had made him feel... something... something warm inside his chest, like happiness. He smiled slightly.
“And now for our guests of honor, the Outsiders!” Giorgia introduced them and steeped away from the microphone, while clapping.
“That’s our cue, team.” Garfield started walking up the three steps to the stage.
They all climbed on, the prime minister thanked them one more time while shaking their hands. They took a few pictures with way too happy smiles and got off the stage. It all felt longer than it actually was.
When the crowd had cleared out the prime minister approached one more time, she smiled warmly “I hope you’ve had a good time so far.”
Garfield, as their leader, smiled with all the charm of a famous actor “Of course, Mrs. Cancio, it’s all been wonderful.”
Her eyes softened “Well, the real fun begins now anyway, people always feel way more relaxed after the reporters leave.” She winked at the end.
The woman clapped “Make sure you have fun, this party is in your honour after all!” She bid them goodbye and walked away.
“Well you heard the lady, time to have fun!” Garfield said trying to get his team excited.
They appreciated his enthusiasm and tried to match it, I mean they can stick together, the food was good, the view was beautiful and eventually the soft background music will turn more energetic. All in all, they are sure they can manage.
Ed leaned slightly down towards Bart “Hey, I wanna get a breather out on the balcony? Want to tag along?”
Bart winked with a smile on his face “You know it, amigo.”
Just as they were about to split into small groups, each headed toward a different part of the room, two women and a guy, about 16 or 17 approached them.
The women had an air of authority around them. One of them was taller, with dark black hair and a deep red business suit, the other was shorter and curvier wearing a long, blue dress. They had wedding bands on.
The boy was standing between them, he was tall, half a head taller than Ed, wearing a black suit sporting a dark turquoise tie, he had an undercut and really dark, curly hair. He had a slight tan with a dusting of freckles and bright hazel eyes. His smile was charming, a dimple on each side.
The taller woman smiled kindly “I’m sorry to bother you, but my name is Liliana, this is my wife, Emily and our son Antonio.” Emily smiled brightly.
“Just Toni also works.” Their son supplied, he quickly looked over all the Outsiders, one of them catching his eye.
Liliana continued “I just wanted to thank you personally for saving my sister, Giorgia and her husband. I don’t know what I would’ve done, if I had lost her.”
Her wife put a hand on her shoulder.
“Luckily, that didn’t happen, because of you, so one more time, thank you.”
She shook Garfield’s hand.
The meta human smiled brightly “It’s what we do best.”
“Indeed.” Toni piped up. His arms were crossed over his chest, his smile even more charming than before. The Italian was looking straight at Ed.
The women excused themselves and the Outsiders started to walk over.
Bart and Ed headed towards the balcony.
“Was it just me or was that guy staring at you?” The speedster asked Ed, not quite understanding why that made him so annoyed.
Ed raised his shoulders “Probably not honestly, I mean why would he be looking at me anyways?”
‘Why wouldn’t he?’ Bart thought, still a little bitter at the guy. ‘Maybe I’m just imagining stuff...’
“Excuse me.” A voice cut through Bart’s thoughts.
The superheroes turned around... it was Toni.
‘Shame he had to turn around, he had such a cute butt.’ The Italian thought while looking absentmindedly at Ed.
He had a hand in the pocket of his dress pants. “Sorry to disturb you, but you’re Kid Flash and El dorado, right?”
“Yeah.” The shorter of the two superheroes answered, some definitive dislike in his voice “How can we help you, Antonio?”
‘I’ve never acted like that before, what’s wrong with me?’
Antonio glared slightly at Bart, but only for a split second.
The Argentinian just kind of looked between the two of them.
The Italian cleared his throat “Actually, I also wanted to thank you for saving my aunt.” He gave his hand out for a handshake towards Ed.
“As Beast Boy said, it’s just what we do.” Ed shook his hand.
‘A cute butt and a cute accent! Perfect.’ Antonio was already forming a plan in his head.
Toni’s and Bart’s handshake wasn’t as warm, they looked into each other’s eyes, annoyance clear behind the smiles.
Toni smiled warmly and continued talking “Anyways, Eduardo, can I call you Eddie by the way?”
‘Dude thinks he’s sooo slick’ Bart thought and rolled his eyes.
“I guess so?” Ed shrugged, still not understanding why this guy wanted to talk to him.
The guy grinned “As I was saying, Eddie, before you were a hero, you opened a centre for meta-humans, right?”
“Yeah...” He still didn’t understand where this guy was getting at.
“I’m sure it was so hard to do everything on your own, speeches, counselling, events, setting it up, promotion-“
Ed smiled “Well, I was never really absolutely alone, there were volunteers and Kid flash over here has been helping me since the beginning.” Toni noticed that when Ed turned towards the speedster a warmth filled his eyes.
Bart smirked and looked the Italian in the eyes, pride evident in his.
Toni subtly glared towards Bart, then quickly put on the smile back on his face “Yes, of course... I’m just going to cut to the chase, my mothers own an advertising agency, you might have heard of it before, “L.E. ads”.
Ed was quite surprised “They are one of the biggest agencies working right now, I tried to get them to advertise the new center in Sweden, but they never wrote me back.”
‘Crap!’ Thought Toni “Uh-well, they do get a lot of clients and offers each day, so sometimes, some of them get lost... or buried under the others, please excuse us.” He apologised, even adding a slight bow.
Ed opened his mouth to say something, but Antonio quickly cut him off “What I’m offering right now, is an opportunity to work with us, as you might be aware, we don’t only use regular ads, we also organise events etc. We can organise speeches, billboards, ads on tv and so on.
The Argentinian was truly dumbfounded. “Might I ask, why?”
“My mothers will be more than happy to help the heroes who saved my aunt and uncle.” Toni finished pride all over his face.
Ed looked at Bart with a conflicted expression, then back at Toni “While that is all well and good... I just don’t think we can afford you, no offence, the centre just doesn’t have the resources for such... um... extravagant?... advertising. But, thank you nonetheless.”
Antonio stepped closer to Ed “It will all be free of charge, of course.”
Bart’s annoyance was growing with every word that came out of this Italian prick’s mouth.
El Dorado was quick to retaliate “Oh, no, I’m sorry, we can’t accept something like that.”
“The centre accepts money, food, volunteers and so on all the time right? Think of this as just another form of charity.” He grinned, his eyes shining in a way that unsettled Bart.
“Yeah, but what you’re offering is quite huge, I just don’t think it’s right to-“
“I insist!” Toni had a hand over his chest, it was almost theatrical. His eyes relaxed “Why don’t you join me this evening, we can discuss this over and see if by the end of it, I’ll be successful in changing your mind.” He smirked at the end, confidence dripping from him. He was closer now, definitely entering Ed’s personal space.
At this point the speedster wasn’t just annoyed with this guy, he was angry, really angry... but damn it all, this was a golden opportunity (no pun intended).
The taller of the two heroes looked at Bart and was once again about to deny him, but Kid flash cut him out “You should talk to him, the deal he is making is great.”
“Yes, but-“
“Come on, Ed, think of how much that can help the centre.” Bart smiled, looking Ed in the eyes.
The Argentinian sighed, he’d much rather stay with Bart, than this Italian guy... but such advertising could really help them in the long run... And denying him once more would be quite rude and they are here to make a good impression and all that, he still wasn’t sure about accepting the deal, but he’ll spent some time with the guy, then he’ll politely deny or accept the offer.
“Okay, fine.”
Antonio’s smile grew “Perfect.” He threw his hand on Ed’s shoulder and pulled him away.
Ed said goodbye to Bart.
While they were walking away Toni turned around and looked Bart in the eyes, his grin predatory.
The speedster saw red and was so close to just grabbing the Italian douche and leaving him in Antarctica, instead he turned around and headed towards the balcony. There were a few people already there, smoking and talking. The fresh, night air made him cool down a bit, now he just felt a bit sad.
He leaned against the railing and looked at the garden. ‘What a prick...’ He slumped further down against the cold metal, his chin on it ‘Why am I overreacting so much? It’s just a guy talking... flirting with Ed and... touching him... ughhhhhg!’ The speedster put his hands on his head, annoyed at just feeling so much. ‘Goddamn it, Ed.’
In his sulk Bart didn’t hear another person entering the balcony.
“What’s got you so moded, amigo?” A familiar voice said.
Bart turned around quickly “What? Me? Moded? No way, hermano. I’m feeling A-okay!” For emphasis on how good his mood was, he plastered a big grin on his face.
Jaime raised his eyebrow, his expression sort of exhausted, as if he’s had to do this a million times “Ese, we’ve been friends since like forever, you can tell me, if something’s wrong.” He joined Bart at the railing.
“It just... jeez, Blue, I don’t even know what’s wrong!”
Jaime hummed “Well, trace your steps back, what happened?”
Bart looked away from his fellow Outsider, sulking “Ed...” he mumbled.
“Edu? Why? Did he do something?” Jaime would be quite surprised if he did, considering how close the speedster and Ed had grown.
“No! Nothing like that... he’s just with... some Italian guy.” Bart didn’t know why he felt so embarrassed to admit it out loud.
Jaime had a puzzled expression on his face trying to work it out. “Wait, you’re annoyed ‘cause Edu’s with some guy?” Suddenly it was like a switch flipped inside his head “Dude, are you jealous?”
Bart moved away from the railing like it was scorching hot “Wha-? No! No! I’m not jealous!... well, maybe, I don’t know, okay!” The brunette leaned against Jaime.
Blue beetle thought for a second, then spoke up “Ese, do you remember how I would get when Traci would go out with Arrowette, before we started dating.”
Bart moved away from Jaime and looked him in the eyes “Yeah, of course, you would get all annoyed, mopey and would rant about it a lot.” Bart rolled his eyes at the memory.
A slight blush coloured the latino’s cheeks, he coughed once “Uhm, yeah... yeah, do you remember why exactly I got so uhm mopey?”
The speedster was playing with a loose threat of his suit “Of course, I do, hermano, you liked her.”
Blue nudged Bart gently with his elbow “What I’m getting at is, do you like him in the same way I like Traci?”
The brunette was quite surprised by that question, he’d never really thought about it, I mean, he liked Ed, of course he did... but as more than a friend? He looked his best friend in the eyes “How do you know when you like someone?”
Jaime rubbed the back of his head “Well, jealousy, obviously, but you also want to spent time with them and just being near them feels good. You might imagine what holding hands with them or kissing them or cuddling with them might feel like... you know...” He had grown a little red by the end of it, good thing it couldn’t be seen from under the suit.
Bart’s cheeks very also a bit tinted with colour, because, yeah, he would like to do all of those things with Ed. He chuckled “For a speedster, I’m pretty slow, huh?”
Blue laughed “Yeah, ese, I agree.”
They looked at the scenery before them, it was already dark out, the moon and the stars were creating a beautiful shine on the garden before them.
“You know, I’ve never... liked anybody before... apocalypse and all that, it’s weird, I like the feeling, but it’s a bit annoying being so emotional...” An airy chuckle left him at the end.
Jaime bumped his shoulder against Bart’s “That’s a good way to describe it, hermano. So what’cha gonna do about it?”
“I- I’m not sure, I want to do something about it, just not sure... do you even think I have a chance with Ed?” He was looking at the moon.
Blue shrugged “Well, that’s something you should be asking Edu, you won’t know unless you give it a shot.” He worried his lip with his teeth, then continued “And even if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay, but I think it might. Call it scarab senses.” He grinned at end.
Bart smiled, feeling better, he was relieved now that he finally understood his feeling. ‘I like Ed... there could be worse things, like an apocalyptic future where humanity is entirely controlled by evil aliens.’ He looked at Jaime and smiled “Let’s head inside, amigo, I’m dying for something to eat.”
“Lead the way, hermano.”
The two superheroes entered the room, coming into the too bright yellow light felt a bit blinding. They headed towards the big table filled with little snacks, but came into a sudden halt, when they saw something.
There they were, Antonio and Ed, they both had glasses of punch, Antonio was too close to Ed and chuckling about something, while Ed was smiling politely, the whole image was a bit annoying, but not something too offensive, until Toni put his hand around Ed’s waist and brought him closer whispering something into his ear. He then moved farther away from the young superhero, but kept his arm around his waist.
“Damn, Edu looks like he really doesn’t want to be there.” Jaime supplied, while putting his arm on Bart’s shoulder.
The brunette had defiantly grown annoyed, his almost good mood was crushed faster than the Flash himself. He clenched his fists and huffed. “Blue, can we please go some place else?”
“Of course, hermano.” They hurried over to the other side of the big room.
All throughout the night, Bart would catch glimpses of the annoying Italian and Ed talking and so on, at some point the guy even asked Ed out to dance. At that Bart was quite annoyed, but also just sad and mopey. He just wanted to lay somewhere and not have to think about it. Good thing he was good at pretending everything was fine.
Jaime was a good distraction, the rest of the team as well, while he hadn’t managed to completely take his mind off the situation, it was still okay.
“That Italian guy sure has it out for Ed, huh?” Cassie pipped.
‘Great, my favourite topic.’ Bart thought.
“Yeah, Ed’s probably so done with him by now, probably keeps it up, only for the good media or something. They guy might go whine to his aunt, the prime minister, if Ed leaves him.” Virgil added.
Cassie wiggled her eyebrows “You never know, he might actually like the attention.”
Jaime quickly tried to dissolve the situation “Oh, come on, look at him he looks miserable, right, hermano?” He nudged Bart.
“Yeah, totally.”
Cassie rolled her eyes “Eh, what do you know anyways, the guy’s quite handsome and Ed’s last boyfriend was... actually I don’t know when, has he had one?” She looked at Virgil, expecting his reply.
“Hey, don’t look at me, you know Ed isn’t exactly an open book about his private life or life in Argentina and even if he had told me, maybe there’s a reason he hasn’t told you.” Static pointed at the blonde.
She glared at him “Not cool, man.”
He raised his shoulders.
Bart sighed and Jaime put his arm around his shoulders.
Kid flash looked once again at the general direction where Ed and Toni were, but they were gone, he took a quick look around the room and they were nowhere to be seen.
“They’re gone.” He said while still looking around the room.
Wonder girl grinned, while nudging Virgil in the chest “Maybe they went somewhere to make out.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.
Virgil gently pushed her away “Thanks for the visual, Cas.”
She winked.
Jaime quickly joined in “Yeah, right, Edu obviously wasn’t interested in the guy. Probably tried to get away, but the dude followed him.”
“Tomayto, tomahto.” Cassie was smiling like she was victorious.
Blue beetle rolled his eyes.
On the outside Bart’s expression was carefree, but on the inside he was a mess of emotions, annoyance, worry, sadness, maybe a bit of anger. ‘Be rational, man. You’re not even dating, calm down... I never imagined, that having a crush could be so moded.’
Static smiled smugly and raised one eyebrow “Why are you so invested in Ed’s love life anyways? Having problems with Tim?”
‘Virgil to the rescue.’ Thought Bart.
Cassie huffed and glared vigorously “I’ll have you know, me and Tim are more than fine!”
Virgil was still grinning while he raised his arms up in mock surrender.
Bart sighed and got lost in thought, drowning out their bickering.
Jaime looked at him, pity clear on his face.
Milan, Hotel Bulgari
April 22, 3:16 GMT+2
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m beat.” Beast Boy said while waiting for the whole team to gather in the lobby, just outside the room, where the event had taken place.
The team had said their goodbyes and well wishes to the prime minister and were more than ready to leave.
The event/party still hadn’t ended, but most people had already left and the young heroes were eager to get out of the uncomfortable suits and fake smiles and into bed.
Almost everybody had come back, only Ed was still missing.
The Outsiders’ night had gone with various degrees of success, some had even talked to a few people without completely embarrassing themselves. Those small victories were not enough to make them stay until the complete end.
Victor had his arms crossed over his chest, he looked completely exhausted “Can’t wait to crash. Hero work isn’t as exhausting as this.”
Superboy agreed and M’gan chuckled.
“Where is Eduardo Dorado Jr.?” Forager asked, he looked nervous.
“Texted him a couple minutes ago, should be here soon.” Virgil looked at his phone.
Cassie bumped her shoulder against Virgil’s “He’s probably still out there with that Italian guy.” Her grin was wide.
“What Italian guy?” Tara asked.
Just as she asked that, a flash of gold shone next to Bart and Ed appeared, looking more than miserable and exhausted and quite angry.
Bart didn’t like seeing Ed like this ‘Haven’t seen that expression in a while.’
Ed sighed “Let’s get out of here.”
Cassie laughed and the group started walking.
Wonder girl grabbed Tara and started whispering to her.
Bart and Ed were at the end of the line.
The speedster spoke up “So, how’d it go with Antonio?” He made sure to say the name as pretentiously as possible and with a thick, fake Italian accent.
The Argentinian laughed, but the tired expression returned to his face quickly after “Don’t even want to talk about it...”
“So, pretty bad huh?”
Ed sighed, he’d started calming down, being around Bart always helped “That’s one way to put it.”
Bart put his hand on Ed’s shoulder.
The taller teen looked him in the eyes and smiled “Thanks.”
They continued their walk towards their rooms in silence.
Milan, Hotel Bulgari
April 22, 12:47 GMT+2
The speedster had woken up not too long ago, he’d fixed himself in the bathroom, then had promptly returned to bed and was scrolling through Flitter. Some of the interviews from the event had come out already and their fans were relentless with how much fun they’ve made out of them.
‘What’d we do to deserve such funny people liking us?’
He continued scrolling, until a picture of Ed from last night popped up. He was smiling, looking straight ahead, his eyes gentle.
Bart unconsciously lingered on the picture a bit longer than needed, then put his phone away and laid on his back. ‘Wonder if Ed’s feeling better since last night... Not being aware of a crush is definitely easier... ignorance truly is bliss.’
He turned away from his phone and looked out the large window, the sky was a lovely blue colour, the superheroes would be leaving soon. They have the rooms until the end of the day.
Just as Bart was growing annoyed with not doing anything, his phone vibrated. He quickly rolled over and grabbed it from the other side of the bed, it was a text from... Jaime.
Bart felt himself flush at the fact he was annoyed by a text by his mejor amigo, but it’s not his fault he was hoping for somebody else.
I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE: How’s it going? 👀
Kid CRASH: 😑
I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE: 👍
I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE: What else am I supposed to do?!
Kid CRASH: wyd
I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE: just finished a call with Traci 💙
Bart rolls his eyes, but in a loving matter, of course he was talking with his girlfriend. He got a bit sad at the end, but quickly averted his attention back to Jaime.
They continued to text about random stuff, until...
I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE: What did he say? Also calm down amigo
Kid CRASH: texted*
Kid CRASH: Just asking wyd and if I wanna hang out
I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE: say yes?
Kid CRASH: of course I’m gonna day yes
Kid CRASH: say*
Kid CRASH: autocorrect 😑
I’m blue da ba dee da baa DIE: have fun, keep me updated 😎😉
Bart quickly switched to his chat with Ed.
EDgy: Wyd
EDgy: Wanna hang out
EDgy: ???
KA-CHOW: nothing
KA-CHOW: sure, where do u want to meet
EDgy: on this floor’s balcony?
KA-CHOW: see u in a flash ⚡️
EDgy: oof
Bart quickly got up from bed and put on his shoes. He looked at himself in the mirror and slowly left his room, like a regular person slow, annoying.
He had to walk from one side of the floor to the other and what’s worse is he had to do all that walking like a normal person would, because of secret identities and all that...
The speedster reached the balcony, the wall and the door were made completely out of glass. He noticed Ed leaning against the railing and looking down. Bart opened the door and started walking towards the Argentinian.
When he got close he got the urge to wrap his arms around Ed’s waist and pull him close, but quickly dismissed the thought with a slight blush and leaned against the railing next to Ed.
“Hey, amigo!” Bart smiled.
Ed looked at him “Took you long enough.” He teased.
Bart rolled his eyes, still smiling “Well, not my fault you got so used to my superspeed.”
Ed raised one eyebrow “Oh, yeah, like it’s not driving you nuts to have to do everything like a regular guy.”
Bart shook his head from side to side and firmly stated “Not at all, it’s actually refreshing.”
Ed continued to look at him with the same unbelieving expression.
Bart rolled his eyes and pushed himself away from the railing “Okay, a bit.”
He turned away and leaned against the metal, a silence stretched across them.
Bart leaned against Ed playfully then stepped away “A penny for your thoughts?”
The Argentinian looked up, the sun shining softly “Just thinking about last night.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“I don’t know, man... the guy was just...” Ed’s expression was a mix between disgust and disappointment.
Bart put his hand on Ed’s shoulder “Okaaayyyy, sooo what happened?”
The other teen took a deep breath and looked down at the garden “First of all dude drags me away from you like nobody’s business with his oh-so-generous offer of advertising.” Ed was being satirical, but the annoyance was clear in his voice.
Bart’s heart almost skipped a beat at the ‘you’.
Eduardo continued “So he’s talking and talking and talking... and I’m, over there, trying to get the conversation back to the centre and the advertisements, you know, the thing we were actually supposed to discuss!” At this point Ed’s fist was on the railing.
Bart was listening to every word, his distaste for the Italian growing.
“At the same time he ain’t stopping being all touchy feely, I was trying to be all subtle and stuff, while moving away from him, you know, I didn’t want to explicitly tell him to go as far away from me as possible... because we were here for good press and what not.” The Argentinian was rolling his eyes and pushing himself away from the railing with his hands, his voice was growing angrier and his rant faster.
He leaned once more against the cool metal “The dude was pretending he’s Casanova or something, I thought he was flirting from the start, but I’m not good with the whole are they are they not flirting thing you know?” He turned towards Bart his expression quizzical.
“Oh, he was definitely flirting.” Bart responded immediately, his voice slightly more pissed off then he wanted it to be. His checks quickly turned a light shade of pink.
Ed’s as well, but he also had a small smile for a bit, until he continued with his rant “Anyways so first he drags me to dance which was sooooo annoying, but tolerable, I guess... Oh yeah! And we still aren’t talking about the thing we were supposed to, mind you, it probably has been like an hour, maybe more, it felt like too long...” The superhero was just sounding tired at this point.
Kid Flash rolled his eyes “What an ass.”
“I know right! Anyways finally the douche drags me to the garden and low and behold I finally get him to talk about the advertising! Turns you he doesn’t know anything! And I mean, anything about it! His mothers run the whole thing and he just gets money from them... he had absolutely no intention of helping me! And then he had the audacity to try and kiss me! Can you imagine?!” Ed’s hands were in the air and he was really angry.
Bart swallowed his own anger and asked “So what happened next?”
“Well I moved away and asked him “What are you doing?” Hoping that the awkwardness of the situation would make him leave, how naive of me! I don’t remember what he said, something cringey that sounded good only in his head and afterwards he tried once again.” Ed was talking fast, some words louder, some quieter, but all filled with anger.
El Dorado continued “I was literally saved from the text announcing we were leaving, I told him I was going, didn’t give him a chance to reply and teleported to the ballroom, then noticed you and teleported over there.” He finished his rant with a deep sight and leaned against Bart’s shoulder, resting his head against Bart’s “I just wished he hadn’t wasted my time and kept me from spending the evening the way I wanted to.”
“How did you want to spend it?”
Ed looked away from Bart, blushing slightly “You know, with...you.” The end of the sentence was quieter then the beginning.
Bart was blushing, but there was a smile on his face “I would’ve liked that.”
After a beat Bart continued talking “I mean sorry that dude basically lied to try and get into your pants... you deserve better.” He finished awkwardly, his blush intensifying.
Ed’s cheeks also darkened and he smiled “You always make me feel better, no matter what.” He looked straight ahead, the sun high in the sky.
Bart smiled and looked at Ed’s profile for a bit before also focusing on the horizon.
Ed once again leaned against Bart, the speedster slowly put his arm around the Argentinian’s waist and leaned against him.
They watched the blue sky and the sun as it’s beams illuminated the garden, feeling content and happy in each other’s presence.
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glitradora · 5 years
AU where Catra found the sword and became She-Ra?
send me an AU and i’ll tell you my headcanons for it
more hc posts
((thanks for sending this I had a lot of fun with this one. It’s basically a reimagining of the first two episodes. So the Catradora angst is still very much there. Also, it’s half bullet points, half one-shot because I realized halfway through I was writing to much description))
Adora and Catra still grew up together in the Horde,
Adora still is the favorite,
Adora still gets the force captain promotion and they still go out to the wood’s in the flying cart cause Adora sees Catra is sad they will be spending less time together.
Catra still takes control of the cart to go real fast cause this is fun zone no snoozes allowed Adora.
When Adora takes control back so they don’t hit a tree and possibly die Catra, who is not holding on to anything, falls off.
Adora screams after her while trying to turn the cart around that is now stuck and going like - really fast and forward. Montage of Adora being like miss fix it all while also being really worried about Catra.
Meanwhile, Catra (agility queen) manages to stop her fall enough on nearby trees (by kicking off them) to land pretty well. Though not fully on her feet - cause that would hurt like a fuck ton and She-Ra with 2 broken feet sounds? sad?
(just in case it’s not obvious - Catra is colorblind in this cause of the recent Noelle tweet.)
Catra is pretty sure Adora will come back for her sooner or later. So she’s not too worried about looking around and not seeing the cart. Adora never left her before - she’s been the only constant in Catra’s life really. So she waits for a few beats but that sounds boring and there’s definitely a buzzy sound coming from - somewhere. And it’s driving her a little insane. And it’s not like Adora Geotagged this place she can find her in the general vicinity
(Adora seems like the type of person to have 100% geotagged that place if they were cyborgs. Maybe even sent her a little pop-up message “I’ll be back at 1700 hours - keep position”. The thought made Catra laugh.)
So she started searching around making sure to not move too far away from the drop site and the buzzing kept getting worst while still coming from nowhere in particular. - like it was coming from Catra’s own brain. Like it was Catra’s brain reacting to something. She ears the voices then - they’re far enough away that she can’t see them which means they’re far enough away that they can’t ear her. The enhanced senses come in handy in these situations. She’s not sure who it is but there are only two possibilities.
It’s either rebel forces - in which case she’s screwed and they may have even already found Adora. Or it’s Horde forces - in which case she’s 100% dead. Shadow Weaver already loves punishing her for everything - but when she and Adora break actual rules? Catra doesn’t want to find out what would happen this time. So she hides better but continues moving forward to the voices. If she can see who they are maybe she can’t make sure they don’t find her and more importantly Adora.
What she finds is- weird.
They’re not Horde members - which is a relief. And that alone almost makes her turn back and just go to the drop site and wait for Adora there. But she doesn’t because - they don’t look like the rebel troops she’s heard about her whole life. They can’t be much older than her and Adora. There’s a girl, maybe about her own height cutting off the vegetation as she walks, rambling about something. And a boy, slightly taller than Adora if she had to guess, who has yet to look up from a little gadget.
At first, she’s sure that’s where the buzzing is coming from but neither seems to hear it and Catra later realizes it finally has a source. Somewhere on her right. The girl seems to notice it too - but it’s not the sound because just then something begins to shine, a blueish light that makes the woods look even weirder than they had been. But perhaps even weird is the light is - calling her?
Not calling her as she’s curious (which she is, Catra is plenty interested in shiny things in a regular basis. She would actually very much like to see the girl’s hair closer up, but that’s another thing). The buzzing is actually saying Catra. Softly at first and the closer she gets the more she can make it out.
“Bow! This is perfect! My mom is gonna be so impressed. It’s gotta be first one’s tech” - is the girl’s voice that snaps her out of her focus. So much so she hadn’t even realized she had stood up
“Uhm Glimmer” The boy is looking at her straight on a surprised yet mildly terrified look on his face. Right, mean bad Horde Soldier.
The girl makes a little turn and stars at her for a second before she’s screaming as if ready to attack. And then she’s on her face doing just that. Followed by a lot of pink sparkles. Even though she was just on the other side of a big ass clearing.
“You’re princesses” She realizes as she avoids the fight - jumping up on one of the nearby branches. She can’t afford to stay still because princess sparkles is hot on her toes. But she can’t concentrate on much more than the sword that keeps calling her names.
“What’s that? Do you know? How are you flying?”
“Bow get the sword!”
The boy half stumbles half runs to it, a little pitch-y sound making it’s way with him, and pulls the sword from the mount of leaves and rocks and dirt. And it’s louder now.
“No stop - that’s mine,” She said jumping from high above trying to grab the sword from Bow’s hand.
“We saw it first”
Glimmer had finally caught up to her and the 3 of them were tangled up together pulling this way and that as each tried to reach the sword. Until they’re not there anymore and Catra is standing up in front of a tall figure who looks made of glass. Around her are colors she’s never seen before and it takes a second for Catra’s breath to even out - it’s all so beautiful. She can see a vastness of nothing behind the figure but she’s pulled out of her head once more by her name being called.
It’s the sound the sword was making before - she can clearly tell that now. But it’s clearer. Crisp like morning air. Nice but with an edge to it.
“Hello Catra. My name is Light Hope. I have been waiting a long time for you, but I could not reach you until you forged your connection with the sword.”
“The sword- so I was right it was calling to me”
“The sword is meant for you. Etheria has need of you, Catra.”
“What? No - I’m no hero. That’s Adora’s job.”
“Will you answer it’s call? Will you fight for the Honor of Grayskull?”
“Didn’t you hear me lady? I can’t. You got the wrong girl. Maybe you meant to call Sparkly? Glimmer or what’s her face.”
“This is your job Catra”
“That makes no sense!”
“You will understand in time.”
When she came to her senses again Adora and the two kids from before are fighting. Well, fighting is a weird word for it. From Catra’s perspective, they mostly look like they’re playing catch. The sword, her sword, keeps flying around between the tree of them until one gets tackled and it goes flying. Plus all of them are screaming. It’s making her even dizzier than she already was. Unfortunately - the pretty colors went away again. The trees and the ground around her grey once more and just the sword shining its blue light on the ambient.
During the fight Glimmer and Bow manage to get the sword and get the fuck out of there. They hide in the ruins because Glimmer teleports them inside.
Adora and Catra agree they need to get that sword back - Adora because the rebel army can’t have that weapon because they’re “instigators” and Catra because it’s hers and she’s getting really anxious being so far away from it.
What they don’t agree on is how to do it.
Adora wants to go back - gather more forces and backup. Hunt down the princess and her accomplice.
Catra knows the second Shadow Weaver knows about that sword she will never have it again.
And Catra has begun hoping - just a little - that if she has that sword maybe she can protect her and Adora for good.
Something in her tells her that’s possible.
But it’s not like Adora would understand that- plus Adora never listens to any of her ideas.
So they split up Adora goes back and Catra follows Glimmer and Bow
In the ruins - that Catra walks into by reading first ones writing - Glimmer and Bow manage to capture her.
Follows the bug attack in which Catra saves them and proves that the sword is hers by transforming into She-Ra
They find further down the temple the She-Ra mural and Light Hope again.
The ruins start falling apart.
Glimmer teleports them out and passes out from overworking herself.
Bow saves the day with his rope-arrow
Glimmer, after waking up, asks Catra why she’s still there.
Catra isn’t sure herself, but so far, that sword is her only shot at finding out why she was always the odd one out.
Plus is not like anyone in the fright zone will miss her
Adora, the girl from before she explains, might notice but she’ll forget it in a day or two.
Bow is - concerned.
“Basically I’m here because I have nothing to lose”
Glimmer softens like .01 second. She felt for Catra. She knows what it’s like to want to prove herself.
Bow offers for her to stick with them - that Glimmer’s mom for sure can answer all her questions
Glimmer says there’s a town nearby so they can get a ride to Bright Moon
Catra’s eyes go really wide at that “A town? We need to evacuate them Adora went back to get back up”
“So you betrayed us? Already?” That’s Glimmer
“Adora the scary one?” That’s Bow
Catra helps Glimmer and Bow evacuate the town and then fight the Horde
After turning into She-Ra to help she asks Adora to join her in the rebellion.
“Catra - why? The princesses are evil instigators. They took you to a heavily fortified military base, they were likely going to use you as bait.”
“Fortified base? Adora this is a civilian town! There’s-” Catra looks around wide-eyed, “There were kids and elderly and”
“Do you think that matters to them?” That’s Glimmer somewhere from behind her. She’s right. They never cared when she was the kid.
“Adora cares. Right Adora?”
“Catra, I think you hit your head hard. Come back to the Horde”
“That’s an order Catra”
That stops Catra in her spot. The Adora she knows and loves would never do this. If she just stops and listens. She will understand. She will-
Catra’s not sure how it happens but as Adora tries and shook her Glimmer zooms in and zooms them both out. “Catra we need to go.”
Catra looks ahead at Adora, frowning at her with a hatred she never saw before in her friends face.
“Bye Adora”
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otakween · 5 years
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Cyborg 009 - Legend of the Super Galaxy (1980)
So, this is the film between the 1979 series and the 2000s series of Cyborg 009. According to Wikipedia, this “based on the 1979 series” which I find hard to believe since the designs don’t match. If anything, this is closer to the Mega CD/the manga’s designs. Anyway, I really enjoyed it...aesthetically. This movie is gorgeous & I’m going to make a second post for scenery appreciation. The plot however...eh. I found myself taking breaks every 20 minutes because I was struggling to stay awake.
-So I could only find the dub of this movie and I’m not even sure if it was a real dub or a fan dub? The title of the film had an Italian subtitle and the credits were fully in Japanese so I dunno what’s going on. The dub was bad but not unbearable. The lip flaps didn’t fit at all, Dr. Gillmore sounded like he’s 30 and 007 has a weird mish-mash of American, Irish, and Scottish accents, none of which are convincing. They also changed some names, with Francoise becoming “Francis” and Great Britain becoming “O’Shaughnessy (Good call, honestly). They also called 005 “Chief” at one point but I’m not sure if that’s his name or if 009 was just using it as a nickname. I enjoyed the bad dub in a nostalgic kind of way. It’s nice to get a reminder of how far we’ve come.
-Why the heck was 002 a matador in this movie?? In the series he was a football player...They even talk about his New York upbringing in the movie so it seemed so random
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-A lot of this movie felt like a combination of cliches from Star Trek and 2001 a Space Odyssey. The slow, over-dramatic opening that talks about the big bangm the technobabble and the trippy stargate scene especially
 -008 is sporting his slightly less racist black design (instead of purple). He looks more human here which I’m grateful for. I couldn’t tell if he was voiced by a black person or not (no credits) 
-I really, really liked the alien designs in this! Saba looked like something out of the Kaiba anime and Princess Tamara looked like an Espeon gijinka lol. Her dog was really cute too 
-002 and 004 had a bromance going on in this. I feel like they weren’t shown as besties in the 70s show but I like their tough-guy chemistry.
-As usual, the bad guy is in tights and a speedo for some reason. I guess that look was intimidating in the 70s/80s??
-They randomly gave 006 some magic powers in this? In one scene he conjures tape over 007′s mouth and in another he summons a bird. Okaaaay...His character was a caricature as always. 
-Two scenes were brushed off that really bugged me: in one scene 005 does a dangerous space walk to fling a mine off the ship. There’s a huge explosion and everyone inside the ship is tossed about. I was worried about Geronimo since he was outside the ship but...nah, in the next scene he’s fine and magically inside the ship again. Continuity!
The other thing that bugged me was that the cyborgs go on this epic journey to save Saba’s father. They find out they’re too late and then...nothing. We never see Saba react to the fact that his (her?) father’s dead. It’s just a forgotten plot thread. Oh well, I guess.
-I liked the reference to the Nasca Lines in Peru and how they made it into a landing pad. Little touches like that make Scifi more believable
-The insta-love that Tamara had for Joe was stupid. How many girls are in his harem now?
-I didn’t like 001′s beady little eyes in this. He was staring into my soul D:
-So they “kill off” 004 and for awhile...I fell for it! I was shook. How weird would it be if one of the cyborgs died? Especially since their numbered. You can’t just have numbers cyborgs with #4 missing! Anyway, they blew it in the end and he was brought back by THE POWER OF LOVE THE VORTEX. They do the fake-death thing in way too many kids’ movies. It’s a bad trope put in for forced emotion. 
-Hilariously awkward when 003 asked Joe “Why didn’t you resurrect Tamara?” and he was literally just like “I dunno.” Good job, Joe. Good job... 
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etaleah · 6 years
Better Representations of the American Dream Than “The Great Gatsby”:
A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry 
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett 
Fullmetal Alchemist [Brotherhood] by Hiromu Arakawa 
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 
Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata
The American Girl books 
Alfred from Hetalia
Rapunzel sneaking out of her tower to see the lanterns on her birthday 
SpongeBob and Patrick selling candy bars to become entrepreneurs 
Literally every immigrant story ever 
Tiana bussing tables to earn money for her restaurant in New Orleans 
Pinky and the Brain trying to take over the world 
Belle wanting adventure in the great wide somewhere 
Ash training to become a Pokémon master 
Haruhi joining the Ouran High School Host Club to pay off her debt 
Judy Hopps becoming the first bunny cop in Zootopia 
Galinda helping Elfaba become popular 
Elle Woods graduating from Harvard Law 
The Barden Bellas winning the acapella championship 
Akeelah Anderson and Dylan Chu winning the Scripps National Spelling Bee 
Seto Kaiba hosting the Battle City tournament to collect children’s trading cards 
Katniss and Peeta winning the Hunger Games 
Bilbo stealing the Arkenstone so he can go home and be done with Thorin’s bullshit
Gollum journeying hundreds of miles to find his precious 
Pippin petitioning Aragorn for second breakfast 
McGonagall making Harry seeker to win the House Cup 
Fred and George opening Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes
Professor Utonium mixing sugar, spice, and everything nice to create the perfect little girls 
Ed, Edd, and Eddy scamming the neighborhood kids to buy jawbreakers 
Deedee breaking into Dexter’s lab for the sole purpose of annoying him 
Fred Flintstone having a car despite it not being drivable 
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot leaving Acme Falls to find the wishing star 
Sylvester trying to eat Tweety 
Tom chasing Jerry 
Max getting Goofy to drive him to the Powerline concert in LA 
Marlin and Dorey finding Nemo 
Sully and Mike working to break the All-Time Scare Record 
The Incredibles fighting crime as a family 
Miguel journeying through the Land of the Dead to find Ernesto de la Cruz 
Flik bringing the circus bugs to Ant Island 
The Grinch stealing and returning Christmas 
Swiper’s valiant attempts to steal from Dora and Boots 
Holmes and Watson taking down Moriarty 
Charlotte saving Wilbur’s life 
Junie B. Jones winning a yucky blucky fruit cake and dressing up as a janitor for Career Day 
The Baudelaires escaping Olaf and researching VFD 
Montgomery Montgomery giving the Incredibly Deadly Viper a misleading name just to fuck with his colleagues 
Kuzco building his summer home on a hilltop and Pacha resisting him 
Kronk winning exotic bird bingo 
Miley Cyrus being Hannah Montana in Hannah Montana 
Mr. Moseby running a successful hotel despite Zack and Cody’s antics 
M’Baku challenging T’Challa for the throne 
Beast Boy working for Mega Meaty Meat to buy himself a moped 
Cyborg building the T-Car 
Hercules joining the gods on Mt. Olympus
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The ABCs of cartoons
A: Aang (Avatar: Last Airbender); Shino Aburame (Naruto); Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan); Prince Adam (He Man); Agamotto (Marvel); Agumon (Digimon); Reiji Akaba (Yu Gi Oh!); Akamaru (Naruto); Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Mio Akiyama (K-On); Aku (Samurai Jack); Aladdin; Maka Albarn (Soul Eater); Alice (Superjail); Alpha (Up!); Alucard (Hellsing); Alvin (Alvin and the Chipmunks); Padmé Amidala (Star Wars: Clone Wars); Anastasia (Disney's Anastasia); Alexander Anderson (Hellsing); Archie Andrews; Angelica (Rugrats); Anger (Inside Out); Angie (Shark Tale); Dr. Animo (Ben 10); Motoko Aoyama (Love Hina); Apocalypse (X Men); Applejack (My Little Pony); Arak (Highlander: The Animated Series); Arceus (Pokémon); Argit (Ben 10); Ariel (The Little Mermaid)*; Albert Andreas Armadillo (Schoolhouse Rocks); Henry Armadillo (My Gym Partner's A Monkey); Armodrillo (Ben 10); Arrietty (The Secret World of Arrietty); Priss Asagiri (Bubblegum Crisis); Asami (Legend of Korra); Astral (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Astro (The Jetsons); Astro Boy; Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty); Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion); Ayu Ayukawa (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Azula (Avatar: Last Airbender); B: Babar; Bagheera (The Jungle Book); Balalaika (Black Lagoon); Rune Ballot (Mardock Scramble); Bambi; Bamm-Bamm (The Flintstones); Batman; Batou (Ghost in the Shell); Dash Baxter (Danny Phantom); Beegle Beagle (Great Grape Ape); Hair Bear (Help!... It's the Hair Bear Bunch); Beavis (Beavis and Butthead); Beetlejuice; Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers); Belldandy (Oh My Goddess); Belle (Beauty and the Beast); Jeremy Belpois (Code Lyoko); Bender (Futurama); Kimber Benton (JEM and the Holograms); Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop); Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test); Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends); Blossom (Powerpuff Girls); Blu (Rio/Rio 2); Bluto (Popeye); Bolin (Legend of Korra); Boog (Open Season); Boomhauer (King of the Hill); Betty Boop; Boris (Balto); Brain (Pinky and the Brain);  Reiner Braun (Attack on Titan); Johnny Bravo; Lonnie Brewster (Everyone's Hero); Chief Broadbeak (Free Birds); Brock (Pokémon); Brook (One Piece); Django Brown (Phineas and Ferb); Bubbie (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time); Bugs Bunny; Bulbasaur (Pokémon); Bullwinkle (Rocky & Bullwinkle); Bulma (Dragon Ball); King Bumi (Avatar the Last Air Bender); Ace Bunny (Loonatics Unleashed); Buttercup (Power Puff Girls); C: C.C. (Code Geass); Caillou; Cal (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs); Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle); Calculon (Futurama); Caldina (Magic Knight Rayearth); Calvin (Calvin & Hobbes); Clutch Cargo; Eric Cartman (South Park); Catdog; Catwoman; Cera (The Land Before Time); CHAD (Totally Spies!); Jackie Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures); Charmcaster (Ben Ten); Prince Charming (Shrek); Sandy Cheeks (Sponge Bob); Chef (South Park); Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland); Chii (Chobits); Chim Chim (Speed Racer); Chip (Chip 'n' Dale); Chip (Voltron); Chowder; Chowder (Monster House); Carl Chryniszzswics (Johnny Bravo); Chuckie (Rugrats); Cinderella (Cinderella); Clare (Claymore); Clayton (Tarzan); Cluck (Fat Albert); Lacus Clyne (Gundam Seed); Cobra Commander (GI Joe); Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast); Mr. Cogswell (Jetsons); Coldstone (Gargoyles); Kid Comet (Teen Force); Conan (Conan the Adventurer); Captain Copyright; Sarah Cornwell (Chaotic); Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog); Cow (Cow and Chicken); Ichabod Crane (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad); The Creeper / Mr Carswell (Scooby Doo); Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio); Cutey Honey (Cutey Honey); Cyborg (Teen Titans); D: Vampire Hunter D; Daffy Duck; Daisy Duck; Dale (Chip 'n' Dale); Dandy (Space Dandy); Daria (Daria); Mystique / Raven Darkholme (X Men); Darkwing Duck; Darla (Finding Nemo); Darwin (Amazing Adventures of Gumball); Dick Dastardly (Wacky Races); Bill Dauterive (King of the Hill); Dr. David Q. Dawson (Great Mouse Detective); Death (Soul Eater); Death the Kid (Soul Eater); Demyx. Kingdom Hearts II; Deneve (Claymore); Deputy Dawg; Derpy Hooves (My Little Pony); Cruella Deville (101 Dalmatians); Lady Devimon (Digimon); Dexter (Dexter's Lab); Diego (Ice Age); Dilbert; Donald Duck; Doug Dimmadome (Fairly Odd Parents); Dudley Do-Right*; Duck Dodgers (Looney Tunes); Dojo (Xiaolin Showdown); Dokkoida (Dokkoida); Donkey (Shrek); Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb); Dopey (Snow White); Dora the Explorer; El Dorado (Super Friends); Doraemon (Doraemon); Dot (Animaniacs); Doug (Doug); Doug (Up); Natsu "Salamander" Dragneel (Fairy Tail); Drak (Drak Pack); Dr. Drakken (Kim Possible); Drizella (Cinderella); Duckman; Dug (Up); Elmyra Duff (Tiny Tunes); Dukey (Johnny Test); Dumbo; E: Echo Echo (Ben 10); Éclair (Kiddy Grade); Eco (Corrector Yui); Eek! the Cat; Ed (Ed, Edd n Eddy); Edd (Ed, Edd and Eddy); Eddy (Ed, Edd n Eddy); Captain Eddy (Scooby Doo); Edward (Cowboy Bebop); Eevee (Pokémon); Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh); Egg Bert Egbert (Looney Tunes); Eglantine (The Guardians of Ga'hoole); Conan Edogawa (Case Closed); Ein (Cowboy Bebop); Nina Einstein (Code Geass); Ekans (Pokémon); Elastigirl (Incredibles)*; Elfman (Fairy Tail); Queen Elinor (Brave); Eliphas (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Emily Elizabeth (Clifford the Big Red Dog); Elle (Urusei Yatsura); Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist); Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist); Elsa (Frozen); Emeraude (Magic Knight Rayearth); Ms. Endive (Chowder); Chiaki Enno (Zenki); Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist); Eon (Ben 10); Ernie; Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame); Espurr (Pokémon); Etemon (Digimon); Eudora (Princess and the Frog); Eugene (a.k.a. "Flynn Rider" -- Tangled); Eunice (Ben 10); Aunt Eunice (George Shrinks); Eustace (Courage the Cowardly Dog); Evangeline (The Princess and the Frog); Soul Eater Evans (Soul Eater); Evergreen (Fairy Tail); Cleao Everlasting (Orphen); Evil-Lyn (He-Man); Evinrude (The Rescuers); Nathan Explosion (Metalocalpse);   F: Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth (Futurama); Fawn (Disney Fairies); Febri (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Felix the Cat; Shirley Fenette (Code Geass); Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom); Hozuki Ferrari (Galilei Donna); Fillmore (Cars)*; Ms. Muriel Finster (Recess); Finn (Adventure Time); Fiona (Shrek); Trevor Fitzroy (Marvel); Ned Flanders (The Simpsons); Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Adam Flayman (Bee Movie); Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb); Flexo (Futurama); Fred Flintstone; Wilma Flintstone (The Flintstones); Flora (WINX Club); Parco Folgore (Zatch Bell); Hak Foo (Jackie Chan Adventures); Fortuno (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Numbuh Four (Codename: Kids Next Door); Francine (American Dad); Frankie (Drak Pack); Frankie the Frog (Meet the Robinsons); Franky (One Piece); Freakazoid; Fred Fredburger (Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy); Freddie/Prince Frederic (Freddie as F.R.O.7); Carl Fredricksen (Up); Freya (Thor comics); Frieza (Dragon Ball); Froakie (Pokémon); Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians); Frosty the Snowman; Frozone (Incredibles); Philip J. Fry (Futurama); Frylock (Aqua Teen); Elmer Fudd; Yusei Fudo (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Furigaro (Zatch Bell); Fuu (Samurai Champloo); Deputy Fuzz (BraveStarr) G: Ga Ga Ga Girl (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Gaara (Naruto); Gourry Gabriev (Slayers); Inspector Gadget; Gally (Gunnm / Battle Angel Alita); Gambit (X-Men)*; Galatea (Claymore); Garfield; Gargamel (Smurfs); Monkey D Garp (One Piece); Mr Garrison (South Park); Genie (Aladdin); Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho); Gigantor; Ginyu (Dragon Ball Z); GIR (Invader Zim); Gilag (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Giratina (Pokémon); Ga Ga Ga Girl (Yu Gi Oh Zexal); Dr. Girlfriend (Venture Bros.); Gizmo AKA Louis "Sweet Lou" Dunbar (The Super Globetrotters); Godzilla; Godzooky (The Godzilla Power Hour); Goku (Dragon Ball Z)*; Gokudo (Gokudo); Golem (Pokémon); Johnny Gomez (Celebrity Deathmatch); Gongenzaka (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Speedy Gonzales; Goofy; Gorgon (Marvel Comics); Magilla Gorilla; Gossamer (Looney Tunes); Gothorita (Pokemon); Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist); Zelgadis Greywords (Slayers); Stewie Griffin (Family Guy); Grimlock (Transformers); Grimm (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy); Chief Ted Grizzly (Hoodwinked!); Grob Gob Glob Grod (Adventure Time); Gorilla Grodd (DC Comics); Miss Alordayne Grotkey (Recess); Gru (Despicable Me); Solomon Grundy (DC Comics); H: Captain Haddock (Adventures of Tintin); Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon); Hades (Hercules); Hagar the Horrible; Haku (Naruto); Halinor (WITCH); Hamtaro; Hank (Dungeons and Dragons); Mr Hankey (South Park); Hannibal the Hunter (Birdman and the Galaxy Trio); Happy (Fairy Tail); Harmony (Care Bears); Haruna (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Sakura Haruno (Naruto); Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland); Mad Hatter (Batman); Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet); Hayley (American Dad); Witch Hazel (Looney Tunes); He-Man; Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail); Heathcliff (Sword Art Online); Helen (Claymore); Helga (Oblongs); Integra Hellsing (Hellsing); Henry (Henry); John Herbert "the Pervert" (Family Guy); Hercules; Hex (Ben 10); Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho); Hank Hill (King of the Hill); Him (Powerpuff Girls); Hyūga Hinata (Naruto); Yui Hirasawa (K-On); Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes); Homily (The Secret World of Arrietty); Horakhty (Yu Gi Oh!); Horace Horsecollar (Disney); Ruri Hoshino (Martian Successor Nadesico); Howl (Howl's Moving Castle); Howler (Drak Pack)*; Huckleberry Hound; Hulk; Humungosaur (Ben 10); Hundun (Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness); Hypnotoad (Futurama); I: Iago (Aladdin); Lt. Carmen Ibanez (Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles); King Ice (Adventure Time); Strikemaster Ice (Jackie Chan Adventures); Yūko Ichihara (XXX Holic); Ken Ichijouji (Digimon); Ickis (Aaahh!! Real Monsters); Iczer-1 (Fight! Iczer-1); Ifurita (El Hazard); Igor (Igor); Ike (South Park); Ganta Igarashi (Deadman Wonderland); Igneel (Fairy Tail); Ignignokt (Aqua Teen Hunger Force); Igoo (Herculoids); Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles); Incrediboy (The Incredibles); Index (A Certain Magical Index); Infant (Inuyasha); Infernape (Pokémon); Infinity-Man (DC Comics); Ink (Marvel Comics); Inque (Batman Beyond); Inuyasha; Lina Inverse (Slayers); Iona (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Ioz (Pirates of Dark Water); Iria (Iria: Zeiram the Animation)*; Iridessa (Tinkerbell); Iris (Pokémon); Irma (W.I.T.C.H); Iroh (Avatar: Last Airbender); Iron Fist; Iron Man (Marvel Comics); Ironhide (Transformers); Irwin (Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy); Matt Ishida (Digimon); Strong Ishijima (Yu Gi Oh!); Ishizu Ishtar (Yu Gi Oh!); Itchy (Simpsons); Ivan (Ivan the Incredible); Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe, the King's Knight); Poison Ivy (Batman); Konata Izumi (Lucky Star); Izzy (Total Drama Island) J Jabberjaw; Jackie the Jackal (Kim Possible); Jadal (Scooby Doo); Jafar (Aladdin); Jaga (Thundercats); Jake (Adventure Time); Jake (Jake and the Never Land Pirates); James (James and the Giant Peach); James (Pokémon); J Jonah Jamison (Spider-Man); Jango the Hypnotizer (One Piece); Jared (Superjail); Jasmine (Aladdin); Jean-Bob (The Swan Princess); Thomas Jefferson (Liberty's Kids); Dr. Jekyll (Scooby Doo); Jericho (Teen Titans); Jerry (Tom & Jerry); Jessie (Pokémon); George Jetson (Jetsons); Jane Jetson (The Jetsons); Judy Jetson (Jetsons); Jigen (Lupin III); Jigglypuff (Pokémon); Jin (Samurai Champloo)*; Katsuhiko Jinnai (El-Hazard); Jinx (Teen Titans); Jiraiya (Naruto); Jirōbō (Naruto); Ro Jisei (History's Strongest Disciple: Kenichi); Joat (Pirates of Dark Water); Ghost of Injun Joe (Scooby Doo); Joey (Back at the Barnyard); Booger Johnson (Sanjay and Craig); Mojo Jojo (Powerpuff Girls); The Joker (Batman); Jonathan/Johnnystein (Hotel Transylvania); Jerry Jones (NFL Rush Zone); Melody Jones (Josie and the Pussycats); Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Lilo And Stitch); Jubei (Ninja Scroll); Jubilee (X Men); Juggernaut (X-Men); Jughead Jones (The Archies) K: Kaa (Jungle Book); Kagome (Inuyasha); Seto Kaiba (Yu Gi Oh!); Kakashi (Naruto); King Kai (Dragon Ball Z); Kala (Tarzan); Kami (Dragon Ball Z); Kamina (Gurren Lagann); Madoka Kaname (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Kanga (Winnie the Pooh); Katara (Avatar: Last Airbender); Mary Katherine (EPIC); Kawazoe Tamaki (Bamboo Blade); Kei (Dirty Pair); Kevin (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Governor Kevin (Teamo Supremo); Killjoy (Marvel Comics); Kilowog (Green Lantern); Kimimaro (Naruto); Skeleton King (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!); The Ghost of Elias Kingston (Scooby Doo); Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura); Kirara (InuYasha); Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan); Captain K'nucles (Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); King Kong (The King Kong Show); Kongo (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Korath (Marvel Comics); Korra (Legend of Korra); Tsumugi Kotobuki (K-On); Kowalski Sisters (Monsters University); Kris Kringle (Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town); Kristoff (Frozen); Krusty (Simpsons); Krypto the Superdog; Kumiko (Heroes); Kodachi Kuno (Ranma 1/2); Ukyo Kuonji (Ranma 1/2); Ichigo Kurasaki (Bleach); Kuroko Shirai (To Aru Majutsu No Index .. To Aru Kagaku No Railgun); Major Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell); Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho); Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove); Madoka Kyouno (Lagrange); Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); L: L (Death Note); Lady (Lady and the Tramp); Lambert the Sheepish Lion (Disney); Lelouch Lamperogue (Code Geass)*; Lois Lane (DC, Superman); Lana Lang (Superman); Tuun-La (The Tick); Larfleeze (Green Lantern: The Animated Series); Larry (Teen Titans); Peppermint Larry (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack); Vince LaSalle (Recess); Justin Law (Soul Eater); Lazlo (Camp Lazlo); Juniper Lee (Life & Times of Juniper Lee); Rock Lee (Naruto)*; Ty Lee (Avatar: Last Airbender); Turanga Leela (Futurama); Leeron (Gurren Lagann); Lenny Leonard (Simpsons); Leroy (Lilo and Stitch); Kevin Levin (Ben 10); Lexington (Gargoyles); Lady Liberty (Schoolhouse Rock); Lickitung (Pokémon); Light (Death Note); Lilandra (Marvel Comics); Panther Lily (Fairy Tail); Lillybot (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Abigail "Abby" Lincoln a.k.a. "Numbuh 5" (Kids Next Door); Ling Ling  (Ranma 1/2); Ling-Ling (Drawn Together); Lion-O (Thunder Cats); Linus (Peanuts); Littlefoot (Land Before Time); Lizard (Spider Man); Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail); Loki; Susan Long (American Dragon Jake Long); Loo-Kee (She-Ra Princess of Power); Lorax (The Lorax); Frugal Lucre (Kim Possible); Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)*; Lum (Urusei Yatsura); Lumiere (Beauty and the Beast);   Lung Lung (Ranma 1/2); Lydia (Beetlejuice) M: Mr. Mackey (South Park); Mad Mod (Teen Titans); Mai (Avatar: Last Airbender); Mako (Legend of Korra); Mala (Battle for Terra); Mandarin (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!); Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory); Mannaka Junpei (Ichigo 100% / 100% Strawberry); Manny (Ice Age); Marceline (Adventure Time); Miss Marvel (Marvel Comics); Marvin the Martian; Tenchi Masaki (Tenchi Muyo); Dungeon Master (Dungeons and Dragons); Maximus (Tangled); Mari Maya (Samurai Flamenco); Kenny McCormick (South Park); Lightning McQueen (Cars); Olivia Mears (American Dragon Jake Long); Megamind; Melman (Madigascar); Melomelody (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Meow/Merowmreowreow (Space Dandy); Meowth (Pokémon); Meta Man (The Incredibles); Reiko Mikami (GS Mikami); Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone); Miroku (Inuyasha); Mikoto Misaka (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Captain Yurika Misumaru (Martian Successor Nadesico); Mokona (Magic Knight Rayearth); Gaëtan "Mole" Molière (Atlantis: The Lost Empire); Mom (Futurama); Takeshi Momoshiro (Prince of Tennis); Morbius (Marvel); Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls); Mordecai (Regular Show); Mort (Madagascar); Micky Mouse; Mighty Mouse; Fievel Mousekewitz (An American Tale); Mousse (Ranma 1/2); Mugen (Samurai Champloo); Fa Mulan (Mulan); Captain Hank Murphy (Sealab 2021);
I'm always still in trouble again You're by far the worst poster on TWeb -- starlight
PART II N: Naga (Legend of Korra); Nagamimi (Requiem From the Darkness); Azusa Nakano (K-On); Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (Soul Eater); Nala (The Lion King); Nami (One Piece)*; Nancy; Napoleon (The Aristocats); Shikamaru Nara (Naruto); Naraku (Inuyasha)*; Naru "the Narcissist" (Ghost Hunt); Naru Narusegawa (Love Hina); Nazz (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Zorc Necrophades (Yu Gi Oh!); Kida Nedakh (Atlantis The Lost Empire); Ned Needlemeyer (Nightmare Ned); Dr. Nefario (Despicable Me); Negaduck (Darkwing Duck); Yuzuriha Nekoi (X); Nemo (American Dad!); Nemo (Finding Nemo); Elemental Hero Neos (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Nerdator (Freakazoid!); Jimmy Neutron; Nibbler (Futurama); Nia (Gurren Lagann); Nick (Chicken Run); Niddler (Pirates of Darkwater); Nightcrawler (Inhumanoids); Nightcrawler (X-Men); Nightshroud (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Nightwing; Number Nine (Schoolhouse Rocks); Ninetales (Pokémon); Ninja Ninja (Afro Samurai); Mr. Nishi (Whisper of the Heart)*; Noah Nixon (Generator Rex); Noah (Total Drama Island); Noctowl (Pokémon); Shinnosuke "Shin" Nohara (Shin Chan); Norman (ParaNorman); Nova (Magic Knight Rayearth); Nova (Ultimate Spider-Man); (Hello) Nurse (Anamaniacs); Nyla (Avatar the Last Airbender) O: Oa (Green Lantern); Professor Samuel Oak (Pokémon); Obelix (Asterix and Obelix); Octagon (Thundarr the Barbarian); Dr. Otto "Octopus" Octavius (Spider Man); Odie (Garfield); Mama Odie (The Princess and the Frog); Odion (Yu Gi Oh); Chihiro Ogino (Spirited Away); Ollie Oilslick (Galaxy High School); Olaf (Frozen); Oliver (Oliver & Co.); Ollie (Family Guy); Shu Oma (Guilty Crown); Omi (Xiaolin Showdown); One (Generator Rex); Numbuh One Oogi (The Legend of Korra); (Codename: Kids Next Door); April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles); Onix (Pokémon) ; Dr. Tofu Ono (Ranma 1/2); Onslaught (Marvel Comics); Oogway (Kung Fu Panda); Ookla (Thundarr the Barbarian); Oonoki (Naruto)*; Opacho (Shaman King); Ophelia (Claymore); Opus (Bloom County); Orochimaru (Naruto); Orphen (Orphen); Dr. Byron Orpheus (Venture Bros.); Otto Osworth (Time Squad); Mutsumi Otohime (Love Hina); Otter (Franklin); Otto (Simpsons); Overlord (Blackstar); Owen (Total Drama Island); Owl (Winnie the Pooh); Oyuki (Urusei Yatsura); Olive Oyl (Popeye); Firelord Ozai (Avatar: Last Airbender); Ozzie (Over the Hedge) P:  Pablo the Penguin (Three Caballeros); Pacha (Emperor's New Groove); Paddlefoot (Clutch Cargo); Pain/Pein (Naruto); Peter Pan*; Panini (Chowder); Pink Panther; Panthro (Thundercats); Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants); Relena Peacecraft (Gundam Wing); Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch); The Penguin; Alfred Pennysworth (Batman); Peppa Pig; Peppermint Patty (Peanuts); Perdita (101 Dalmatians); Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb); Joe Petto (The Boondocks); Piccolo (Dragon Ball); Pickles the drummer (Metalocalypse); Tommy Pickles (Rugrats); Pig (Kipper); Piglet (Winnie the Pooh); Pikachu (Pokémon); Mr. Ping (Kung Fu Panda); Pinky (Pinky & the Brain); Pinocchio; Pinocchio (Shrek); Penelope Pitstop (Wacky Races/Perils of Penelope Pitstop); P.I.X.A.L. (Ninjago); Polly Pocket; Polaris (Marvel Comics); Ponta (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Ponygon (Zatch Bell); Poopdeck Pappy (Popeye); Popeye; Mr. Popo (Dragon Ball); Porky Pig; Jane Porter (Tarzan); Pepper Potts (Iron Man); Presto (Dungeons and Dragons); Primera (Magic Knight Rayearth); Priscilla (Claymore); Pumba (Lion King) Q: Q ([C] - The Money of Soul and Possibility Control); Dr. Q (Dirty Pair); Master Q (Old Master Q); Q-Bert (Wreck It Ralph); Q-chan (Petshop of Horrors); QT (Space Dandy); Quacker The Duck (Tom and Jerry); Quackerjack (Darkwing Duck); Glen Quagmire (Family Guy); Ida/Dan Quagmire (Family Guy); Quailman (Doug); Quake (Marvel Comics); Quakemaster (DC Comics); Quarry (Generator Rex); Rose Quartz (Steven Universe); Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame); Queen (A Bug's Life); "The Queen" (of Corona-- Tangled); The Evil Queen (Snow White)*; Galaxy Queen (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Queenie (Claymore); Marquess of Queensberry (Mike Tyson Mysteries); Dr. Benton Quest (Jonny Quest); Jonny Quest; The Question (Justice League); Quetzal (Dragon Tales); Quicksilver (Marvel); Quilava (Pokémon); Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy); Moon Dragon Quilla (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Chief Quimby (Inspector Gadget); Mayor Joe Quimby (Simpsons); Quincy (Bubblegum Crisis); Ashley Quinlan (Recess); Quinn (Daria); Quinn (Ergo Proxy); Harley Quinn (Batman); Dr. Quentin Q. Quinn (Sealab 2021); Quint (Timon and Pumbaa); Quintesson (Transformers); Quinze (Gundam Wing); Qwilfish (Pokémon); Quisp (Quisp comics and commercials); Quiver (Marvel Comics); Q-vier (Valvrave the Liberator) R: Mumm-Ra (Thundercats); The Winged Dragon of Ra (Yu Gi Oh!); Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit); Roger Rabbit; Raditz (Dragon Ball Z); Raichu (Pokémon); Rajah (Aladdin); Ralph (Wreck-it Ralph); Ran (Urusei Yatsura); Raphael (TMNT); Rapunzel (Tangled); Rasputin (Disney's Anastasia); Razoul (Aladdin); Solty Revant (Solty Rei); Raven (Teen Titans); Remy (Ratatouille); Ren (DearS); Ren (Pirates of Dark Water); Ren (Ren & Stimpy); Renji (Bleach); Reptar (Rugrats); Revy (Black Lagoon); Rico (Penguins of Madagascar); Flynn Rider (Rapunzel); The Riddler (Batman); Rigby (Regular Show); Manny Rivera (El Tigre); Dr. Nick Riviera (Simpsons); Roadrunner; Robin (Teen Titans); Nico Robin (One Piece); Wilbur Robinson (Meet the Robinsons); Rocko (Rocko's Modern Life); Roger (American Dad); Rogue (X-men); Rojo (Ben 10); Rokujiro (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); King Roland (Sofia the First); Rolf (Ed, Edd & Eddy); Nene Romanova (Bubblegum Crisis); Rosie (The Jetsons); Rothbart (The Swan Princess); Lyle Tiberius Rourke (Atlantis: The Lost Empire); Barney Rubble (Flintstones); Russell (Up); Umi Ryuuzaki (Magic Knight Rayearth) S: Saber (Fate/Stay Night); Kyoko Sakura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Samehada (Naruto); Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty); Sango (Inuyasha); Sanji (One Piece); Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2); Sartorius (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon); Scar (Lion King); Schnitzel (Chowder); Scooby Doo; Scruffy Scruffington (Futurama); Saint Seiya; Samurai Jack; Sebastian (Little Mermaid); Hashirama Señor Senior, Senior (Kim Possible); Senju (Naruto); Sesshomaru (Inuyasha); Shaggy (Scooby Doo); Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force); Shampoo (Ranma 1/2); Shang (Mulan); Shenron (Dragon Ball); Sherman (Mr Peabody and Sherman); Shippo (Inuyasha); Uchiha Shisui (Naruto); Shrek; Maggie Simpson (The Simpsons); Skeletor (He-Man); Skips (Regular Show); Skuld (Oh My Goddess!); Berry Shirayuki (Tokyo Mew Mew); Shredder (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles); Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Metalocalypse); Ranger Smith (Yogi Bear); Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion); Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop); Patrick Star (Sponge Bob); Starfire (Teen Titans); Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben (Liberty's Kids); Sue Storm (Fantastic 4)*; Jorgen Von Strangle (Fairly Odd Parents); James P. "Sulley" Sullivan (Monsters, Inc.); Superman (DC Comics); Sylvester the cat; Syndrome (Incredibles) T: Tailfeather (Valiant); Takao (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); Trixie Tang (Fairly Odd Parents); Tantor (Tarzan); Tarrlok (Avatar Legend of Korra); Tasmanian “Taz” Devil;  Rikki Tikki Tavi; Tayuya (Naruto); Akane Tendo (Ranma 1/2); Ben Tennyson (various Ben Ten); Tenten (Naruto); Tenzin (Legend of Korra); Teresa (Claymore); Terk (Tarzan); Terra (Teen Titans); Thomson and Thompson (Adventures of Tintin); King Throktar (Dave the Barbarian); Tiamat (Dungeons and Dragons); Tiana (Princess and the Frog); Tigger (Winnie the Pooh); Tigress (Kung Fu Panda); Tigress (Young Justice); Timmy (South Park); Timon (Lion King); Tinkerbell; Tintin (Adventures of Tintin); Mister Toad (Beware the Batman); Tohru (Jackie Chan Adventures); Token (South Park); Tom (Tom and Jerry); Ashley Tomassian / "Ashley T." (Recess); Bob the Tomato (Veggie Tales); Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica); Top Cat; Toph (Avatar: Last Airbender); Tornadus (Pokémon); Tramp (Lady & the Tramp); Bolivar Trask (Marvel Comics); Tundro (Herculoids); Turtwig (Pokémon); Tennessee Tuxedo; Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents); Tweek Tweak (South Park); Tweety Bird; Tyrannosaurus (Meet the Robinsons); Mike Tyson (Mike Tyson Mysteries) U: Ubik (Berserk); Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto); Kosuke Ueki (Law of Ueki); Uglor (Herculoids); Nyota Uhura (Star Trek: the Animated Series); Kazari Uiharu (A Certain Scientific Railgun); Ukon (Naruto); Ultron (Marvel Comics); Umagon/Ponygon (Zatch Bell); Umbreon (Pokémon); Gurio Umino (Sailor Moon); Iruka Umino (Naruto); Unalaq (Avatar The Legend of Korra); Uncle (Jackie Chan Adventures); Underdog (Total Television); Allison Underhill (Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters); The Underminer (The Incredibles); Captain Underpants; Undertaker (Black Butler); Weevil Underwood (Yu Gi Oh!); Uni (Dungeons and Dragons); Unico (Unico); Unicron (Transformers); Steven Universe (Steven Universe); Nigel Uno (Codename Kids Next Door); Upchuck (Ben 10); Upgrade (Ben 10); Upin (Upin & Ipin); Ur (Fairy Tail); Kisuke Urahara (Bleach); Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho); Urd (Oh My Goddess!); Forever King Urian (Ben 10); Urouge (One Piece); Ursaring (Pokémon); Keitaro Urashima (Love Hina); Ursula (Little Mermaid); Ururu (Bleach); Urutori (Utawarerumono); Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon); Usagi Yojimbo; Usopp (One Piece); Utakata (Naruto); Professor Utonium (Powerpuff Girls); Uvogin (Hunter x Hunter); Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) V: V (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Chester V (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2); Vaatu (Legend of Korra); Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop); Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh!); Skeeter Valentine (Doug); Jimmy Valmer (South Park); Valmont (Jackie Chan Adventures); Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack (Duck Tales); Vaporeon (Pokémon); Varrick (Legend of Korra); Vash the Stampede (Trigun); Miss Vavoom (Droopy); Vector (Despicable Me); Vector (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z); King Vegeta (Dragon Ball); Velma (Scooby Doo); Venger (Dungeons and Dragons); Venom (Spiderman); Dr. Thaddeus S. "Rusty" Venture (Venture Brothers); Rune Venus (El-Hazard); Mavis Vermillion (Fairy Tail); Vermouth/Sharon Vineyard (Case Closed/Detective Conan); Vexen (Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories);.Vetrix / Tron / Byron Arclight (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Vicky (Fairly Odd Parents); Seras Victoria (Hellsing); Aerial Viking (Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix);Dr. Viktor (Ben 10); Vincent (Regular Show); Virulina (Visionaries); Vitalstatistix (Asterix and Obelix); Nefertari Vivi (One Piece); Vlad Vladikoff (Horton Hears a Who); Vladimir (Tangled); Volcasaurus (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Yukio Hans Vorarlberna (Bleach); Canal Vorfeed (Lost Universe); Vortex (Transformers); Vostok (Generator Rex); Ma Vreedle (Ben 10);  Octagon Vreedle (Ben 10); Pretty Boy Vreedle (Ben 10); Rhomboid Vreedle (Ben 10); Veronica Vreeland (Batman:The Animated Series); Vulpix (Pokémon); The Vulture (Spider-Man) W: Waddles (Gravity Falls); Wakko (Animaniacs); Bismarck Waldstein (Code Geass); Wallace (Wallace & Gromit); Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents); Wardrobe (Beauty and the Beast); Toki Wartooth (Metalocalypse); Baron Wasteland (Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?); Gumball Watterson (Amazing World of Gumball); Bruce Wayne (Batman); Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc.)*; Wendigo (Marvel Comics); Wendy, the Good Little Witch (Casper the Friendly Ghost); Werewolf (Scooby Doo); Professor Ogden Wernstrom (Futurama); Wally West ("Kid Flash" DC Comics)*; Joey Wheeler (Yu Gi Oh); Carl Wheezer (Jimmy Neutron); Snow White; Wild Child (Marvel); Chilly Willy*; Wilt (Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends); Mr. Wink (Codename Kids Next Door); Quatre Raberba Winner (Gundam Wing); Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist); Winston (Oliver and Company); Witch (Scooby Doo); Witch of the Waste (Howl's Moving Castle); Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun); Wolverine (X-men); Wonder Woman; Amy Wong (Futurama); Woodcarver/Witch (Brave); Woody Woodpecker; Woodstock (Peanuts); Woody (Toy Story -- and sequels); William Walter Wordsworth (Trinity Blood); Wordsworth W. Wordsworth (Catillac Cats); Warren Worthington III (Marvel Comics); Wrath (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood); Hsi Wu (Jackie Chan Adventures); Chang Wufei (Gundam Wing); X: X the Eliminator (Birdman); Agent X (Marvel Comics); Alien X (Ben 10); Awesome X (Frisky Dingo); Crashbug X (Yu Gi Oh! Zexal); Doctor Double X (DC Comics); Racer X (Speed Racer)*; Red X (Teen Titans); Samurai X (Rurouni Kenshin); Truman X (The X's); Tuesday X (The X's); WarGreymon X (Digimon X-Evolution); X-9 (King Features); X-cutioner (Marvel); X-Ray (Marvel Comics); XANA (Code Lyoko); Madame Xanadu (Young Justice); David Xanatos (Gargoyles); Petros Xanatos (Gargoyles); Xander (Drawn Together); Xanxus (Reborn!); Xatu (Pokémon); Xavier (Xavier: Renegade Angel); Charles Xavier (X-Men); Francisco Xavier III (Samurai Champloo); Red-Eyed Xaxa (Sword Art Online); Xanxus (Reborn!); Xellos (Slayers); Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts); Xenocyte (Ben 10); Xenovia (Highschool DxD); Xerneas (Pokémon); Xerxes (Aladdin); Xibalba (Book of the Dead); Xigbar (Kingdom Hearts); Li Xingke (Code Geass); Xion (Kingdom Hearts); XJ-1 (My Life as a Teenage Robot); XJ-2 (My life as a Teenage Robot); XJ-9 (My Life as a Teenage Robot); Megas XLR (Megas XLR); XLR8 (Ben 10); Xnfe (Black Rock Shooter); XR (Buzz Lightyear); Xylie (Barbie in A Mermaid Tale); Professor XXXL (Cpodename: Kids Next Door) Y: Tai Yagami (Digimon); Yagura (Naruto); Yajirobe (Dragon Ball); Yakko (Animaniacs); Ino Yamanaka (Naruto); Miyu Yamano (Vampire Princess Miyu); Tatsu Yamashiro (Beware the Batman); Yamask (Pokémon); Julie Yamamoto (Ben 10); Captain Yamato (Naruto)*; Kira Yamato (Gundam Seed); Linna Yamazaki (Bubblegum Crisis); Yamcha (Dragon Ball Z); Yan Yan (American Dragon: Jake Long); Tenzen Yanagi (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Yao (Mulan); Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan); Yellowbird (Yellowbird); Miss Yelp (Horton Hears a Who!); Y'Garon (Marvel Comics); Yin (Darker Than Black); Yo (Yin Yang Yo); Yobi (Yobi, the Five Tailed Fox); Yoda; Yogi Bear; Yoh (Shaman King); Yoko (Gurren Lagann); Yokochini (Bleach); Yolei (Digimon); Val Yor (Teen Titans); Yori (Kim Possible); Yoshi (Mario Bros); Chizuru Yoshida (Kimi ni Todoke); Fujieda Yoshino (Digimon Data Squad); Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown); Yubaba (Spirited Away); Yugo (Yu Gi Oh! Arc V); Yui (Sword Art Online); Jaden Yuki (Yu Gi Oh! GX); Yukime (Jigoku Sensei Nube); Yuto (Yu Gi Oh); Azusa Yumi (Soul Eater); Yuri (Dirty Pair); Heero Yuy (Gundam Wing); Inori Yuzuriha (Guilty Crown); Yzma (Emperor's New Groove) Z: Z-one (Yu Gi Oh! 5D's); Zabar (Aladdin); Mike Zacharius (Attack on Titan); Zagato (Magic Knight Rayearth); Zaheer (Legend of Korra); Athrun Zala (Gundam Seed); Zan (Wonder Twins); Zancrow (Fairy Tail); Zandor (The Herculoids); Zane (AstroBoy); Tensa Zangetsu (Bleach); Zangoose (Pokémon); Zarbon (Dragon Ball); Zarina (Pirate Fairy); King Zarkon (Voltron); Zatara (D.C. Comics); Zatanna (Justice League/Young Justice); Zartan (GI Joe: Sigma 6); Zazu (The Lion King); Zazzala (DC Comics); Zelman (Black Blood Brotherhood); Baron Zemo (Marvel Comics); Inspector Zenigata (Lupin III); Zenki (Zenki); Zephyr (Marvel Comics); Zeref (Fairy Tail); Zero (Nightmare Before Christmas); Zero (Schoolhouse Rocks); Zero (Vampire Knights); White Zetsu (Naruto); Zeus (Disney's Hercules); Zigzagoon (Pokémon); Zim (Invader Zim); Queen Zinn (Dungeons and Dragons); Chet Zipper (As Told by Ginger); Zix (Jimmy Neutron); Nosferatu Zodd the Immortal (Berserk); Zoey (Total Drama Island); Dr. Zoidberg (Futurama); No-Face Zombie (Scooby Doo); Lightning Bolt Zolt (Legend of Korra); Zombozo (Ben 10); Queen Zonthara (Dave the Barbarian); Zoom (Battle Force 5); Zorak (Space Ghost); Roronoa Zoro (One Piece); Zs'Skayr (Ben 10); Zuko (Avatar: Last Airbender)
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oneirocartographer · 3 years
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I posted 18,837 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 135 characters
#i didn't notice the bit about this being a dream and was totally ready to accept this as something a real psychology professor would do
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46 notes • Posted 2021-02-25 18:33:23 GMT
pomegranates are not merely a Fruit they are an Experience. if you decide to eat a pomegranate that is going to be half an hour where your hands and face are going to be occupied with Pomegranate and Pomegranate Only. also the juice looks like blood which i personally think is pretty metal of them as a fruit
54 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 07:58:33 GMT
sometimes a family is a possessed researcher, a himbo, a medic who shoots her allies to heal them, a disabled war veteran, an absurdly powerful magic princess, a small adorable fluffball who happens to also be a middle-aged dad, and a chronically ill cyborg girl
57 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 03:16:33 GMT
“i can fix him” “i can make him worse” well i can press ZL to turn into a squid
87 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 07:10:11 GMT
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3411 notes • Posted 2021-03-14 15:07:12 GMT
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thefemalethatwrites · 6 years
Starfire’s Sister (Damian Wayne x Reader)
Request: Nope.
Prompt: You’re Koriand’r’s (Starfire) little sister and are on the Teen Titans.
Relationships: Damian Wayne x Reader, Sister!Starfire x Reader,
Warnings: Death, Mentions of Death, Cursing? 
Word Count: 6357
(Y/N)’s POV
“(Y/N) come along, we’ve a new member joining” Kori said as she came into my room,
“Another liability, great” I sighed as I stopped punching the dummy,
“How many times do I have to tell you, teammates aren’t liabilities” She commented as we made our way down to the entrance, I hummed in response “What am I to you then?” She questioned,
“A perfect example” I retorted as we approached the other Titans outside,
“You managed to get her to stop training!” Garfield exclaimed, I rolled my eyes as the Batmobile pulled up, Nightwing and Robin got out and approached Kori and myself,
“Nightwing” Kori greeted,
“Starfire” Dick replied shaking her hand,
“It’s been a while” Kori stated, Dick hummed making me groan
“Do this later” I scoffed folding my arms,
“Starlight, cheery as always” Dick greeted, I hummed
“Who’s this?” Kori questioned mentioning Robin,
“This is Damian, the latest Robin” Dick introduced, I looked him over and sighed
“I’ve met the member. Happy?” I say to Kori before walking inside.
I walked into the training room to find Damian training while the others watched, 
“He’s been going at it for three hours” Jaime commented,
“Damian, others would like to train” Kori said making me roll my eyes and lean against the railing tuning out of the conversation, until Jaime and Damian began fighting gaining my attention, Kori went to stop them but I stopped her from doing so
“Things just got interesting” I commented as I watched them, Damian knocked Jaime down and walked away from him, thinking he’d won but the Scarab had other ideas as it brought out the propulsion cannon and aimed at Damian, “Move!” I ordered as I knocked Damian out of the way and got hit by the blast myself sending me into darkness, I groaned as I came around and held my head, “Starlight, I’m sorry” Jaime apologised, I scoffed “Get more control over that bug” I say as I stood up, noticing it was only him, me and Damian in the room, Jaime left the room muttering to himself, the Scarab,
“Why’d you do that?” Damian asked,
“Because you was dumb enough to walk away from the threat while they were still conscious” I state, his eyes narrowed at me,
“And what does an exile princess like yourself know about battle techniques?” He scoffed folding his arms,
“Exile princess? You’ve done your research, Al-Ghul” I say,
“That’s not my name” He growled, I smirked
“It’s what the file said” I say as I left him behind, or so I thought, he ran to catch up to me
“You seem like the only one who’s similar to myself” He commented,
“Really? Didn’t notice” I asked rolling my eyes, he sighed
“Look (Y/N), I’m trying to be nice and become acquaintances with yourself” He said as we stopped outside Kori’s room,
“Depending how well we work together in the field, I’ll think about it” I say before entering Kori’s room.
“He reminds me of my sister” I heard Kori say,
“Heard that!” I called out as I walked further into her room finding her on a video call to Dick in her bathrobe,
“I wasn’t on about you” She replied,
“Damian’s not like Komand’r” I commented,
“How are you? I heard you took a blast for him?” Dick asked,
“Alive and kicking. Did you know he researched me?” I asked, Kori hummed
“He did do with the whole team” She answered,
“Well maybe he was right about something then” I mumbled,
“Right about what?” She questioned,
“He thinks we’re similar and wants to become acquaintances” I replied,
“You’re his age, right?” Dick asked,
“Yeah” I answered,
“You two being friends may help him feel more welcome to the team. Go befriend him” Kori ordered, I rolled my eyes
“Who said anything about friends?” I asked,
“It’d also be good for yourself to have a friend” Kori commented ignoring my question,
“Rude. You know I prefer being by myself” I scoffed as I made my way to the door, “By the way, sort out the sexual tension between you two” I demanded and left the room, leaving them both stuttering.
“Tonight, we’ll be having to mandatory fun” Kori said as we came to a stop outside a carnival, we all just stared at her,
“We’ll go around in pairs; Jaime and Garfield, (Y/N) and Damian, and Rachel and myself” She stated as we climbed out of the car,
“I could be training right now” I mumbled as we entered the carnival, the others broke away “Anything you want to do first?” I sighed turning to Damian, he shook his head “Let’s wander then” I say as we made our way around the area, we came across a ring toss where Rachel and Kori were, Damian picked up the rings and effortlessly threw them, all of them landed on a bottle and he received a load of tickets, we made our way to the ticket booth, he placed them on the desk and he pointed to the toy sword, he was given it and a small girl looked at it with wide eyes, Damian handed it over to her and she beamed at him before running over to her parents, “You do have a soft side” I commented,
“Shut up” he muttered as we made our way over to the dance machine, which Garfield and Jaime were on, Garfield won and Jaime came over to us,
“Good luck trying to win him” Jaime sighed,
“I can do it” I state as I looked at the large screen, they all looked at me
“What? It’s just reactions” I shrugged as I walked up to the second ‘dance floor’,
“Prepare to lose” He smirked,
“Try me” I say returning the smirk, we began the dance and both of us was getting perfect, this carried on for three minutes were Garfield began to get tired and leaned towards the support barrier, I smirked as he gave up completely and I was deemed the winner, I held my hand out for him to shake “Maybe next time” I say as he shook it, we walked towards the group,
“Where���s Raven?” Garfield asked, I looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary, until Rachel rolled across the pier,
“Raven! Titans go!” Kori yelled, I ran to the car to get my bo-staff out, I pulled at the handle to have it not open, I growled and smashed the window pulling out my staff and Damian’s katana, I dispose of my hoodie and made my way back, I tossed Damian his katana as he passed me, I propelled myself into the air and slammed my staff into the head of one of the demons as Damian dealt with the other two,
“Tell me they’re undead” Damian said as we made our way over to the others, Rachel nodded before the demons began to rise again,
“Perhaps coming out tonight was a good idea after all” I smirked as I twirled my staff around while getting into an attacking stance.
We were stood outside Titan tower while we waited for Batman, Wonder-Woman, Cyborg and Flash to arrive,
“You realise that they’re going to take Rachel away, right?” I asked Kori,
“We don’t know that for certain” She replied, I rolled my eyes and folded my arms, they arrived and conversated before Wonder-Woman, Flash and Cyborg became demons, the other four took them on in battle while I kept Rachel protected, safe to say that it went downhill quick, Damian was pinned to some rubble by the Flash as he phased his hand in his chest, Kori was being strangled by Wonder-Woman’s lasso, Jaime and Garfield were held at gunpoint by Cyborg,
“Come with us Raven and your friends won’t be harmed” Flash said,
“You may want to stand back” I warned Rachel as I twirled my bo-staff,
“Think you have a chance child?” Wonder-Woman questioned, I threw my staff at Cyborg knocking him down before blasting Wonder-Woman off Kori before using her lasso to throw around Flash’s neck and pull him away from Damian, Flash quickly reacted and phased out of the lasso and pinned me against some rubble as Wonder-Woman came over to me and impaled me with her sword, I bit my lip holding in any yells of pain,
“Leave her alone. I’ll come with you” Rachel said,
“No!” I yelled before falling to the ground as Wonder-Woman pulled her sword out of me and the three Justice League members made their way to Rachel as she opened a portal,
“Goodbye” Rachel said before they walked threw but Jaime threw something on Cyborg making him collapse, Damian came over to me and helped me up
“I’m fine” I growled as I pulled myself from him and headed inside the tower, I went to the medical bay and began to clean my injury up, “At least she didn’t puncture anything” I muttered as I threaded the needle and began stitching the front wound,
“Need a hand?” Kori asked as she came over to me, I handed her the needle and she began stitching the back wound, “That was a big risk that you took for the team (Y/N)” She commented,
“Your point? I’ve told you before teammates are liabilities” I say,
“If we were such a liability then why’d you save us?” Jaime asked, I turned to see him and Garfield stood there,
“Because you’re a liability to me” I sighed, Kori finished and I stood up, “Let’s get Rachel back” I ordered,
“(Y/N), you’re wounded it’ll be-”
“I’m fine” I growled cutting her off,
“Cyborg’s awake” Damian announced as he entered the room, Kori left with Jaime and Garfield following her, “You saved me” Damian stated, I hummed
“Can’t have my only acquaintance dying” I say as we made our way to the lounge,
“We’re acquaintances?” He asked, I nodded
“I did say that I’d think about it, and we are good battle partners” I answered, I noticed a small smile on his face before we entered the lounge.
“Stick together, we can take them down as a-” I tuned out of Kori’s voice when I heard Rachel let out an agonising yell,
“Starlight!” Kori yelled as I flew a head of them all, I found Rachel levitating between to spikes as it channeled her powers, I growled before tackling her out of it only for it to take me in its grips and channeled me, I groaned as I tried to fight against it,
“Starlight!” Damian yelled, I looked down to him to see him and Rachel conversating before Rachel walked away and picked up a shard of the red crystal and began chanting something,
“Robin!” I heard Kori yell before a wave of pain went through me making me yell in pain, Kori flew up to me
“Don’t! It’ll channel you if you take me out” I groan,
“Well I can’t just stand there and watch you be in pain! She argued,
“Raven’s working on something, I just-” I was cut off when everything went black.
I groaned and held my head as I sat up,
“You’re awake” Damian stated, I hummed
“What happened?” I asked,
“What’s the last thing you remember?” He questioned,
“Me talking to Kori about Rachel working on something” I answer,
“Well, Raven trapped her father in that crystal so there was no need for you to be channeled therefore you fell unconscious” He explained, I nodded
“Where are the others?” I asked as I stood up,
“They’re in the lounge or their rooms” He answered as we walked to the lounge, “Hey, look who’s awake” Garfield announced to the others as we walked through the door,
“(Y/N)” Kori smiled pulling me into a hug, I groaned making her pull away, “Next time I say stick together, follow it” She scolded shoving me, I rolled my eyes and shoved her back,
“You ordered pizza without us?” I asked noticing the pizza boxes on the table,
“We saved you some” Jaime said bringing a box over, he opened it revealing a full pizza, I took a slice and gave him a nod and they went back to their conversations,
“(Y/N)” Rachel said as she came over to me,
“What’s up?” I asked,
“What you did for me; standing up against the demonic Justice members and knocking me out of the channeling, it was extremely dangerous” She stated, I sighed
“You think I didn’t know that? You’re a team mate, I don’t let them down” I reply,
“Thank you” she smiled, I nodded before heading over to Damian who was looking out over the balcony.
“Waiting for someone?” I asked,
“(Y/N). No” He answered, I hummed
“Your posture says otherwise Damian” I say leaning on the railing,
“My posture?” He questioned, I nodded and turned my head towards him,
“It was nice having someone like you on the team” I say, he hummed before there was honking, we both looked down to see Dick getting out of the Batmobile, “Looks like your ride’s here” I comment as we made our way back inside and down to the entrance, Kori was already there talking to Dick as we exited the tower,
“Hey, enjoy your time?” Dick asked as we approach him,
“It was manageable” Damian answered as he dumped his bag in the Batmobile,
“Kori, can I have a word?” Dick asked as he took her away from us,
“Grayson believes it would be best if we became friends” Damian said as I stood next to him against the Batmobile, I raised an eyebrow
“Is that so?” I asked, he hummed
“Well, I suppose I could manage that. It will get Kori off my back for not having any friends” I say, he gave a small smile before Dick and Kori back over,
“So, Damian, will you be joining the Titans?” Kori asked, I notice him glance at me and nod,
“I suppose” He answered, I fought off a smile and stood up properly,
“Well, I’ll look forward to training with you” I say holding out my hand,
“Likewise” he smirked and shook my hand, Dick and Kori smiled at each other.
I exited my room to see Kori lounging on the couch in a skimpy gown,
“I hope you was going to let me know before going at it” I say as I opened the fridge for a bottle of water,
“It doesn’t matter, Dick had to cancel. Family emergency” She moped, I sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter,
“You’re not going to get me to watch them soppy rom-coms with you, are you?” I asked,
“I’ve got ice-cream” She attempted to persuade, I rolled my eyes
“Nope” I say as I went back into my room and changed into something more comfortable before calling Dick as I set off on my journey,
“(Y/N)” He answered,
“What’s your family emergency?” I asked,
“Damian’s broken his ribs and needs babysitting. Where are you?” He asked,
“Flying to the Manor, so you can spend some quality time with Kori” I answered,
“Dick, if I have to sit through one more rom-com, I’m going to kill you” I threatened cutting him off as I landed at the front door,n“Besides, I’m already here” I say as I entered the front door and hung up on him.
“(Y/N)” Dick greeted as he ran down the stairs,
“Where is he?” I asked,
“Third door on your right. Thanks” He said, I hummed and made my way up the stairs and towards Damian’s room, I knocked before entering it
“(Y/N), I thought I heard Grayson say your name” Damian greeted as he stood up,
“Get back into bed Damian” I demanded as I headed over to him and forced him back into bed,
“(Y/N), I’m fine, I don’t-”
“You have broken ribs, walking around or going to train is not going to make you heal any quicker” I say cutting him off,
“You were impaled by a sword and went to fight demons after” He argued,
“Yeah, and look where that got me. Unconscious for two weeks” I retort as I removed my shoes and sat next to him, “So, how’d you do it?” I asked, he sighed
“Killer Croc” He answered, and it fell quiet between us, “(Y/N)?” He said breaking the silence, I hummed
“What was your childhood like?” He asked, I looked down at him
“Childhood? I didn’t really have one. With Komand’r and Kori in line for the throne, and Ryand’r being…himself, I was left to be trained and taught from a young age, to become the next leader’s great protector” I say, he remained quiet making me raise an eyebrow “Why’d you ask?” I questioned,
“I just wanted to know what a childhood was like” He answered,
“Well, you asked the wrong person” I say giving a weak smile.
We were attacking a base that had been assumed to have the Blood Brothers in with whatever they were working on, but currently we were pinned behind some crates as they fired at us, I whistled gaining Damian’s attention, he made his way over to me
“Want to fly birdie?” I questioned, he smirked so I grabbed his arm before flying upwards and throwing him towards the enemy, I noticed that Dick and Kori pulled the same move, “You copied us!” I yell as I knocked a couple down,
“I’m sure that Nightwing and myself came up with it first” Kori argued before flying after Dick, I scoffed as I threw my bo-staff at the henchmen that were gaining on Damian, he gave a nod of appreciation, he passed it back to me as we finished the last of them off,
“Not bad. Eh Terra?” Garfield asked as we made our way to find Dick and Kori,
“I don’t trust her” I whispered to Damian, he nodded in agreement as we walked into the room where Dick and Kori were,
“Yes?” Kori asked,
“Will you move in with me?” Dick asked as he held out a small box, Kori opened it revealing a key,
“Pfft, no rock? Lame” Terra muttered,
“Everyone on Tamaran would be gossiping about this” Kori smile, I rolled my eyes
“Not everyone sis. Wait, does this mean I get the apartment to myself?” I asked,
“No” She answered,
“Well, I sure ain’t moving in with the two of you” I say,
“You can-”
“She can move into the Manor with me” Damian said cutting Kori off, everyone turned to us
“Is there something going on between the two of you?” Garfield asked, I raised an eyebrow
“Does it look like something’s going on between us?” I asked,
“Well…” He trailed off, I sighed
“No” I answered.
“Honestly the sexual tension between them is always there” I whispered to Damian as we stood and watched Dick and Kori train against each other, he smirked as Dick landed on his back
“Raven, Blue Beetle you’re up” Kori said as her and Dick stood on the side, we watched them fight against each other, Jaime winning
“Beast-boy, Terra” Dick ordered, getting a raised eyebrow from Kori “Sorry” he apologised making Damian and myself smirk at each other,
“Who you calling witch?” Terra yelled as she flung Garfield off her forcing him to turn back to his human form and go unconscious,
“Terra stop!” Kori ordered as Terra sent a boulder to Garfield’s unconscious form, I blasted it as I hovered in front of Garfield as Dick got him away from the danger, I dodged a large boulder that she threw at me making me growl, I glared at her and blasted her knocking her down, I stood over her, she groaned before fear appeared in her eyes as she looked up at me, I was tackled to the ground,
“(Y/N) stop!” Damian yelled, I looked up to him and sighed, he helped me up
“I told you I didn’t trust her” I whispered,
“That doesn’t mean you can kill her” He whispered,
“I wasn’t going to kill her” I muttered,
“Sure” He said, I narrowed my eyes at him before playfully pushing him, to which he retaliated by doing the same.
The Batmobile came to a stop and Bruce got out,
“Where’s Damian?” I asked as I headed towards him, he picked up Damian’s lifeless body making my eyes widened and freeze to the spot,
“(Y/N)…” Bruce trailed off, I shook my head and left the cave, retreating to my room, I sat at the foot of my bed staring at nothing, I was brought out of my daze when Titus pawed at my legs, I looked down at him and stroked him,
“Miss (Y/N)?” Alfred said, I looked up at him “Master Damian’s funeral will be commencing shortly” He said, I sighed and stood up, following him downstairs, I was met by Bruce, Tim, Dick and Jason, who looked at me with sympathy
“Can we get this done with” I say, they all nodded and we made our way to the grave, after the quick service everyone went to mourn in their rooms, minus myself, I made my way down to the cave, with Titus following, and began training.
“(Y/N) you need to rest” Tim said in an attempt to get me to stop training,
“Rest yourself Tim, then I’ll consider it” I huffed as I kept punching the bag,
“She has a point Tim” Jason said as he came over to us,
“But she’s been training for three months straight!” Tim argued,
“Leave (Y/N) alone” Dick said as he brought Kori into the cave, I rolled my eyes
“I told you not to bring her” I growled, the boys left as Kori came over to me
“(Y/N), I know you miss Damian but this-”
“This is what?! Childish?! Stupid of me?! Tell me Kori if it was Dick that had died what would you be doing?” I snapped cutting her off,
“You love him” She muttered, I scoffed and stopped punching, turning to her
“What gives you that idea?” I asked folding my arms,
“You wouldn’t have compared him to Dick for me if you didn’t have the same feelings that I have for Dick” She said, I sighed and walked away from her, “(Y/N), tell me what’s wrong. I can help” She said as she grabbed my upper arm, I pulled away from her and looked down at the floor,
“Every time, I close my eyes or even stop from training, I see him” I confessed,
“(Y/N)…” She said sympathetically as she lifted my head up to look at her, I pulled away
“I don’t need your sympathy. Just leave me alone” I growled as I walked back over to the punching bag and began training again.
“Your form’s sloppy” Damian’s voice commented, he’s not real, he’s not there, I thought to myself, “Still sloppy” He commented again, I sighed stopping and resting my forehead against the bag, closing my eyes, “(Y/N)?” Damian asked as a hand was placed on my shoulder, my eyes widened as I slowly turned around to see him standing there, with concern etched on his face, I tackled him with a hug
“You’re alive” I say as I felt tears well up in my eyes,
“I am” He whispered as he returned the hug, I pulled away and quickly wiped my eyes
“Good. Now I can do this” I say before hitting his chest, “Did I give you permission to die?!” I yell as he stumbled back,
“I’ll try harder next time not to die, bel-(Y/N)” He said, my eyes widened
“Next time? There’s not going to be a next time Damian!” I yelled, he sighed shaking his head,
“Father and Drake told me about your circumstances” He said changing the topic, I rolled my eyes
“Of course they did” I muttered avoiding eye contact,
“(Y/N) look at me” He said as he came closer, I didn’t so he sighed and tilted my head towards him, forcing me to look him in the eyes, “We’re going to get you showered, because you stink-”
“Rude” I say cutting him off,
“I speak the truth, (Y/N). Then after you’ve showered, we’re getting something to eat and then you’re going to get some well-needed rest” He continued,
“Fine” I say as I followed him upstairs,
“You get yourself showered and I’ll bring you some clothes to change into” He said as he opened the bathroom door before heading to my room, I got myself washed and wrapped myself in a towel as Damian knocked on the door, I opened it and he held out the clothes,
“Thanks” I say taking them off him and closing the door again, I put them on and dried my hair then stared at my appearance in the mirror, I had large bags underneath my eyes making me sigh before I exited the bathroom,
“Come on, Alfred’s prepared us a meal” he said leading me downstairs, we ate in silence, 
“Oh my god! (Y/N)’s stopped training!” Tim announced to the household as he walked past the dining room, there was a couple of thuds then Jason and Dick appeared at the door, they all just stared at me, Damian mumbled something as he took me to my room, which I hadn’t been in myself for months, I climbed into bed,
“Sleep tight, (Y/N)” he whispered as he planted a light kiss on my forehead before he went to leave but I grabbed his wrist, stopping him “What’s wrong?” He asked,
“Stay with me. I don’t want to lose you again” I say, he gave me a small smile before climbing in next to me.
I walked into the lounge at the Titan tower to be greeted by Jon, aka Superboy, and Garfield gaming as Raven observed,
“Fitting in well I see” I say,
“Yes ma’am” Jon smiled making me chuckle as I ruffled his hair,
“You don’t have to call me ma’am” I say,
“He’s showing you respect, you are the leader after all” Damian commented as he approached me from behind, I turned to him
“Glad you could join us” I tease, he rolled his eyes 
“What was it Kori always said? Ah that’s it, ‘Once a Titan. Always a Titan’” He smirked, I rolled my eyes
“It’s good to see you” I smiled as I gave him a hug,
“Oh baby sister” Komand’r cooed through the system, I went over to the computer that brought up an image of Komand’r stood outside the entrance of the tower, I growled
“Stay put. All of you” I ordered, narrowing my eyes at Damian,
“No buts, this is family business” I say cutting Garfield off, they all nodded before I left the building and was met by Komand’r,
“(Y/N), it’s so good to see you” She smiled, I raised an eyebrow
“What do you want?” I asked,
“My, my. The role of a leader suits you well, perhaps father should have put you on the throne, but then again you couldn’t control your powers and still can’t” She tormented, I rolled my eyes
“I won’t ask you again, Komand’r” I warned as I folded my arms,
“Fine. I came here to amend ours and Koriand’r relationship” She confessed, I looked at her skeptically and hummed,
“Come with me. Try anything and I won’t hesitate to kill you” I threatened, she nodded, and I led her inside, I led her to the containment cells and placed her in one, “You’re in that because I don’t trust you. So, until I know the truth, get comfortable” I say,
“I’ve told you the truth” She sighed,
“And I’m not believing it” I retort before walking out to be met by the team and Damian,
“Raven, Beast boy, ensure she doesn’t leave her cell” I ordered, they nodded and went inside the room as I headed up to my room, with Damian and Jon following,
“What’s your plan?” Damian asked,
“I need to find Kori. Her and Komand’r were close when we still lived on Tamaran, she’ll be able to deduce if she’s lying or not” I answered as I called her,
“Kori’s phone” Jason answered,
“Where is she?” I asked,
“She kicking some guys ass. What’s up?” He questioned,
“Tell her big sister’s here to make amends. I need her at the tower ASAP” I explained,
“Yo, Kori! (Y/N)’s on the phone!” I heard Roy yell in the background,
“(Y/N)” She greeted, I rolled my eyes
“Kori, Komand’r has arrived at the tower, I need your help” I say,
“We’ll be over soon” She said before hanging up, I sighed and turned to the Super sons,
“Prepare yourselves. The Outlaws are coming” I say, Jon left the room
“How are you?” Damian asked,
“Considering the very person who banished me from my home has come to ‘make amends’. Peachy” I answered turning to him, he raised an eyebrow
“You don’t trust her” He stated, I nodded
“It’s Komand’r, she’s always up to something, even when she has good intentions” I confirmed, he hummed
“Try not to stress over it too much, okay?” He said kissing my forehead,
“No promises” I say, making him roll his eyes, “I’m kidding” I chuckled as I placed a kiss on his cheek, “Let’s go greet the Outlaws” I smiled as I extend my hand out to him, he took it and we made our way to the lounge where Jon, Kori, Jason and Roy were in their anti-hero/hero suits,
“There she is!” Roy cheered,
“And so’s the demon” Jason commented,
“Behave, you’re under my rules here” I warned, he held his hands up in defence
“Not for long Starlight” He smirked, I shot him a glare
“Where is she?” Kori asked gaining my attention,
“The cells” I answered,
“Why there? She means good” Kori asked, I scoffed
“Kori, I’m not as forgiving or trust-giving as you” I state,
“You trust him” Roy commented pointing at Damian making him growl, I placed a hand on his chest
“He earned it” I argued,
“Could you argue about this later?!” Kori asked, I raised an eyebrow to her and sighed
“Follow me. If I hear any arguing or anything blowing up, I’ll hunt each of you down and murder you. Understood?” I threaten, they all nodded before I took Kori down to Komand’r, we entered the room and I dismissed Garfield and Rachel with a nod,
“Ah, sisters. I’ve missed you both dearly” Komand’r said as we stood in front of the cell.
Damian’s POV
“So, are you and (Y/N) a thing?” Harper questioned, I raised an eyebrow at him,
“No” I answered,
“You wish you were” Todd tormented,
“I won’t hesitate to kill you again, Todd” I threatened,
“I’ve lived longer than I expected” He shrugged,
“He’s not wrong through Damian. You’re different around her” Kent commented,
“Who asked for your opinion?” I growled,
“Hey, easy there, Demon. Let the kid speak” Todd answered,
“Well, when she’s not around, you’re all broody but then when she’s around you’re full of smiles and playful” Kent explained, I rolled my eyes
“He’s not wrong Damian. I can feel your emotions” Raven commented, I remained silent “She has the same feelings towards you, if you were curious” She added, my eyes widened slightly before there was an explosion from the lower levels,
“Remember when (Y/N) said that she’d kill us if there was an explosion? Does it still count if we didn’t create it?” Harper questioned as everyone prepared themselves for the worse, I went over to the computer for the security footage and saw (Y/N) on the ground outside as Blackfire and Kori stood over her,
“What’s Kori doing?” Todd questioned as she picked (Y/N) up,
“Does it matter? She needs our help!” Kent yelled as he, Raven and Beast-boy ran out of the room, I ran out of the room to (Y/N)’s room to get her bo-staff before making my way down, (Y/N) rolled across the ground before stopping and groaning,
“(Y/N)!” I yelled as I ran closer, she partially got up and looked over at me sending me a nod and holding a hand out, I threw her, her bo-staff, she caught it and stood up before a (F/C) barrier appeared in front of me, “No!” I yelled as I hit it, regretting it as it burnt me,
“Damian, what’s going on?” Kent asked as he and the others came over,
“I don’t know but we need to be prepared” I answered, they all nodded.
(Y/N)’s POV
I waved my hand, creating a star-beam barrier between the others and myself and my sisters, I twirled my bo-staff in my hand as they both came towards me,
“Kori! You’re stronger than her dumb mind-control!” I yelled, hoping to get through, didn’t seem to work as she sent a blast at me making Komand’r chuckle
“We could have made a wonderful team baby sister” She commented, I rolled my eyes
“Komand’r release whatever hold you have on Koriand’r” I demanded,
“Not possible” She retorted,
“I don’t wish to hurt either of you” I say,
“I guess you’ll have to, if you want to stop us” She smirked, my jaw clenched and my grip on the bo-staff tightened,
“Fine” I growled before Kori flew at me so I smacked the staff against her body sending her away from me, I quickly flew up to Komand’r avoiding her blasts before Kori tackled me to the ground and began strangling me, I glared up at Komand’r as she hovered in the air behind Kori,
“It’s pointless fighting, especially when you don’t have your powers under control” Komand’r taunted, my glare hardened before I kicked Kori off me,
“If it was that kind of fight you wanted, sister, you should have just said” I growled as I stood up, Kori came at me again but was met with my own blast to the chest, sending her to the ground, I picked up my bo-staff and switched it to a spear,
“(Y/N) don’t!” Damian yelled as I stood over Kori, I noticed that the barrier was gone, I turned back to Kori who was glaring at me, I held the tip of the spear towards her neck,
“Don’t move, unless you want that pretty face ruined” I warned, she stayed still.
“What are you waiting for! Kill her!” Komand’r ordered Kori, I smirked
“Her fear of me is a lot stronger than you” I comment before I pierced Kori’s thigh making her scream out in pain,
“Kori!” Jason and Roy yelled in unison, she looked back up at me, but her eyes were full of fear,
“(Y/N)…” She trailed off, I removed the spear from her thigh and turned my attention to Komand’r, who was glaring at me as red star-blast surrounded her,
“Fine. I’ll kill you myself” She growled,
“Give me your worst” I say as intercepted her star-blasts with my own, I dropped my spear and flew up to her avoiding the blasts she sent, I sent a blast of my own and it hit her in the chest making a gem fall off her as she crashed into the ground, I went over to the gem and examined it,
“You can’t kill me, (Y/N)! Not while I-!”
“While you had this? Good thing I knocked it off then” I smirked cutting her off as I evaporated it, her eyes widened in fear as she tried to get away from me as made my way towards her,
“W-w-what are you going t-t-t-to do to m-m-me?” She stuttered as I crouched down to her,
“Farewell, sister” I say before I grabbed her face and incinerated it off completely, her screams of agony faded to silence as did her struggles against me, I removed my hand from her face revealing it only to be a skull.
“(Y/N)” Damian said from behind me, I turned around to face him to be met with the other Titans and Jason and Roy carrying Kori, my eyes widened in horror as I glanced down at Komand’r’s corpse,
“What did I do?” I muttered,
“(Y/N), this isn’t your f-” I cut Kori off by flying to the tower and retreating to my room, I sat behind the door and cried,
“(Y/N)?” Damian’s concerned voice came from the other side of the door, 
“Damian, leave her” Kori said,
“Leave her?! She needs comforting!” He snapped,
“She needs to calm herself down first” Kori retorted,
“What do you know what she needs?! She’s like this because of you!” He yelled,
“I’m her sister!” Kori snapped before sighing, “This isn’t the first time she’s lost control” She said with hints of sadness in her voice,
“Why haven’t you done anything to help her then?” Damian growled,
“Because she’s scared of her potential” Kori answered,
“What happened last time she lost control?” Damian asked,
“She placed all the guards and her trainers in a near-death situation, she was five at the time” Kori explained, it went quiet, I leaned my head against the door and closed my eyes,
“You know when people lock themselves in their room it’s because they want to be alone” I sigh as I looked over to Damian who was climbing through the window,
“I wanted to make sure you was alright” He said coming over to me,
“Don’t Damian. I don’t want to hurt you” I say, he sighed and knelt in front of me,
“(Y/N) look at me” He begged as I kept my eyes on the floor, “Beloved” He whispered making my eyes widened as I looked up at him, his own eyes were wide as a small blush covered his cheeks,
“Damian, you just called me beloved” I state,
“Now or never” He mumbled making me raise an eyebrow before he cupped my face and pulled me in for a kiss, just as I was about to kiss back he pulled away, “I’ve liked you for a while (Y/N)” He confessed,
“I like you too Damian” I smiled before pulling him back in for another kiss.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Star Wars: 10 Movie Plot Holes Filled In By The Marvel Comics
The Star Wars saga has been going strong for over 40 years now, so it’s hardly surprising that several plot holes have cropped up during the time. While these gaffes are occasionally addressed on-screen – like when Attack of the Clones indirectly clarified that Yoda trained Obi-Wan before Qui-Gon took over – typically, it falls to other tie-in media to plug any storytelling gaps that arise.
So if there’s a particular continuity error that’s really bugging you about everyone’s favorite galaxy far, far away, chances are there’s a novel, TV show or comic book that’s already fixed it. Indeed, Marvel’s Star Wars comics in particular have built a well-earned reputation for crafting satisfying answers to many of the saga’s biggest unexplained questions – including those we’ve rounded-up below.
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10 Why Does Vader Take Orders From Tarkin?
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The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi firmly position Darth Vader as the second most feared guy in the galaxy, with only Emperor Palpatine surpassing him in power and authority. So how come the Sith Lord plays second fiddle to Grand Moff Tarkin when we first meet him in A New Hope? It’s one of the biggest discontinuities in the original trilogy – but fortunately, Marvel’s Darth Vader comics have it covered.
Early issues in the series establish that the Emperor initially played Vader off against the Empire’s top brass, which meant occasionally taking orders from the likes of high-ranking officers like Tarkin. What’s more, we later witness a violent encounter between Vader and Tarkin that seemingly engenders a lasting mutual respect between the pair, and explains the collaborative relationship they subsequently adopt on-screen.
9 How Does Princess Leia Remember Her Mother?
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 Revenge of the Sith’s protracted denouement ticks off a laundry list of major Star Wars moments fans had been waiting to witness for over two decades. Arguably the most important of these is the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, which fittingly coincides with their father’s rebirth as Darth Vader. It’s a suitably emotional scene, and it’s made all the more emotional when the twins’ mother, Padmé Amidala, passes away shortly after.
But this also causes a problem for the saga’s official canon – after all, in Return of the Jedi, Leia tells Luke that she remembers their mother (albeit in fairly abstract fashion), which seems…unlikely. Enter: the Princess Leia mini-series, which subtly suggests that our heroine’s latent Force potential is the source of her otherwise impossible childhood memories.
8 When Did Luke Learn To Use A Lightsaber?
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The original Star Wars trilogy features several memorable scenes of Luke Skywalker learning to become a fully-fledged Jedi Knight, but his lightsaber lessons are almost totally glossed over. Seriously: Obi-Wan Kenobi only taught Luke the absolute basics – deflecting incoming blaster fire – while the days, weeks or (if you want to be really generous) months he spent training with Master Yoda didn’t include a single saber technique tutorial (on screen, at least).
That leaves continuity-conscious fans in a bit of a pickle: how do they justify the formidable swordplay Luke displays when duelling Darth Vader or tearing through Jabba the Hutt’s cronies? It’s simple – they catch up on Marvel’s main Star Wars title. Set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, this ongoing series elaborates on the lightsaber combat coaching Luke underwent with the Gamemaster, as well as additional theory on the subject he gleaned from Obi-Wan’s journals.
RELATED: Star Wars: The Highest-Grossing Films (According To Box Office Mojo)
7 What Happened To All The Prequel-Era Technology?
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While the technology seen in the Star Wars prequels is (generally) less advanced than the hardware of later generations, it’s nevertheless hard to swallow that none of this gear crops up in subsequent episodes. You’re telling us that nobody has any use for mobile weapons platforms like the droidekas, or could see the appeal in zipping around in a Jedi starfighter?
Fortunately, Marvel’s Star Wars comic books have this covered across the board, and prequel-era tech appears prominently in several stories. From Darth Vader heading up a squad of battle droids to Thrawn collecting buzz droids, and right on through to Luke Skywalker squaring off against MagnaGuards, the comics continue the proud tradition of recycling the saga is famous for.
6 Why Didn’t Chewbacca Receive A Medal?
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 OK, we’ll admit it: as plot holes go, Chewbacca not being awarded a medal during the closing moments of A New Hope is hardly galaxy-shattering stuff. But dang it, the flagrant disregard the Rebel Alliance shows for Chewie’s pivotal role in the destruction of the Death Star has always bothered us – to the point that we’re worried the Rebellion might have xenophobic tendencies!
Thank goodness for the Chewbacca mini-series Marvel published back in 2015, then. Here, we see the kind-hearted Wookiee bestow a medal identical to those seen in A New Hope upon a brave young girl named Zarro. The clear implication here is that Chewbacca did indeed receive a medal for his services, presumably at a separate ceremony not depicted on the big screen.
5 How Was General Grievous A Match For Jedi Knights?
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Jedi Knights are legendary for their Force-powered prowess on the battlefield, however that doesn’t mean that non-Force sensitive opponents can’t defeat them on occasion. But even if the Republic’s sworn protectors aren’t unbeatable, it’s a bit hard to swallow that General Grievous supposedly cut down enough of them to line his cloak with their lightsabers, as shown in Revenge of the Sith.
We think we’ve found the answer to this conundrum though, in the pages of Star Wars: Age Of Republic – General Grievous. In this mini-series from Marvel, it’s revealed that the cyborg General – who is basically just a brain and a few organs inside a droid body – has inadvertently severed his connection to the Force, a horrific condition so unique it’s likely to blame for throwing his Jedi assailants off their game.
RELATED: Star Wars: Rey's 10 Best Moments (So Far)
4 Why Is The Jedi Temple Still Part Of Coruscant’s Skyline?
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Before Star Wars was sold to Disney, the saga’s creator George Lucas was notorious for tinkering with the original trilogy each time it was re-released on home media. One of the less controversial changes Lucas made was the addition of two familiar landmarks to the Coruscant skyline during Return of the Jedi’s montage sequence: the Senate and the Jedi Temple.
At first, this seemed like a rare instance of Lucas inserting elements from the prequels without causing any damage…but did he? After all, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense that Emperor Palpatine would preserve a gigantic monument to the Jedi Order. Luckily, Marvel’s Thrawn mini-series saves the day here, clarifying that Palpatine converted the Temple into his Imperial Palace – which is exactly the kind of perverse gesture we’d expect from the Dark Lord of the Sith!
3 Why Is Vader’s Fortress On Mustafar?
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Darth Vader’s castle being located on Mustafar in Rogue One left more than a few fans scratching their heads. Sure, Sith Lords are all about maintaining their rage – and living in the same place where you were dismembered and burnt to a crisp is enough make anyone cranky – but it still seemed like an odd place for Vader to set up shop, given his options.
Why not his homeworld, Tatooine, instead? Dude has a whole bunch of terrible memories to draw on from his time spent on that desert planet, not just a lone (admittedly horrific) experience. But as it turns out, the very nature of Mustafar itself is the reason it plays host to Fortress Vader, not Tatooine. As recounted in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, a locus for Dark Side energies resides beneath the volcanic world’s crust, which Vader can tap into via his Fortress’s tuning fork-like properties.
2 Why Did The Death Star Take So Long To Build?
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Moon-sized battle station the Death Star took a long time to build: while construction commenced during the finale of Revenge of the Sith, it’s not finished until Rogue One nearly 20 years later. At first glance, this stacks up – we’re talking about a humongous feat of engineering here. However, the second, even bigger Death Star’s much shorter assembly period – although not quite complete, it was famously fully armed and operational in four years, tops – turns this logic on its head!
Happily, the Thrawn mini-series came up with a solution to this dilemma that is both a stroke of genius and painfully obvious, and it all boils down to secrecy. Prior to A New Hope, the Empire still had to tiptoe around the Senate, which meant resources needed to be sourced covertly. Once the Senate was abolished, keeping things hush-hush was no longer a concern, so construction on Death Star II could be fast tracked.
1 When Did Vader Find Out That Luke Was Alive?
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Another instance of George Lucas altering existing Star Wars lore, new dialogue added to The Empire Strikes Back – coupled with the baby bump on Padme’s lifeless body in Revenge of the Sith – indicates that Darth Vader only recently became aware his son Luke was still alive. This is problematic, as the Sith Lord is shown to be aware of Luke’s existence already, in scenes that appear prior to the inserted exchange – so when exactly did Vader discover his kid had survived? And is this a glaring goof?
Not according to the Darth Vader comic book series, which confirms that the iconic baddie received the news about his Luke shortly after the events of A New Hope. The intel came from none other than famed bounty hunter Boba Fett and Vader kept it to himself – which means that he was only playing dumb when Palpatine later presents him with the same information in Empire (which is sorta implied, anyway).
NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Things The Comics Added To The Canon
source https://screenrant.com/star-wars-plot-holes-comics-fixed/
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trashy-greyjoy · 7 years
Sydnee Recommends: SCI-FI BOOKS
Young Adult
Shatter Me by Tahera Mafi
poetic writing
lethal touch
beautiful romance disguised as a dystopian
Cinder by Marissa Meyer
fairy tale retellings in space
bamf princesses
Feed by MT Anderson
brain bugs
capitalism / consumerism runs the worlds
its been like 4 years since i read it but i promise its good
172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad
horror/thriller on the moon
evil dopplegangers
its terrifying
Adult (ish)
Vicious by VE Schwab (are you surprised? I'm not)
morally grey characters
hero / villain origin story
college friends give themselves super powers
litter girl that can raise the dead
Ready Player One by Earnest Cline
virtual reality / video game
80s reference galore (the nostalgia!)
vr treasure hunt
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
classic feminist science fiction
dystopia (infertility)
seriously tho how have you never heard of this??
Graphic Novels (aka I really love Brian K. Vaughn)
Saga by Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples
intergalactic war
interracial space romeo and juliet story
basically the whole galaxy wants to kill their kid
bisexual character! giant cat! spider woman bounty hunter!
Paper Girls by Brian K. Vaugh and Cliff Chiang
time travel
12 year old girl gang
its basically stranger things
Y: The Last Man by Brian K Vaughn, Pia Guerra, and Jose Marzan Jr. 
all the males on the planet die except one man and his monkey
bamf women everywhere rebuilding society
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nfcomics · 7 years
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Night Flight Comics—6222 South State Street Latest Arrivals: Wednesday—June 6th 2017
Night Flight Comics —6222 South State Street Latest Arrivals: Wednesday—June 6th 2017
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Philo Barnhart is professional film animator from Oak Park, IL, known for his work on feature-length films: The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, The Rescuers Down Under, The Secret of NIMH, Happily Ever After, An American Tail, and special effects for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
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robynqueenofstuff · 7 years
Something I’ve Always Wanted To Say To Those Who Complain About A Lack Of Good Female Characters.
Yes we are just SHORT on good female characters, aren't we?
‘Takes a ginormous breath’
I mean besides Ellen Ripley, The Bride, Katniss Everdeen, Imperator Furiosa, Rey, [insert surname here] Princess Leia, [One of the greatest fucking characters ever] Sarah Connor to just name the most well-known few. We only have Hermione Granger [obviously], Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Minerva Mcgonagoll, Molly Weasley, Lily Potter, Bellatrix Lestrange, Jyn Erso, Padme Amidala, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, Tahiri Veila, Jan Ors, Nomi Sunrider, Lumiya, Juno Eclipse, Bastila Shan, Satele Shan, Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura, Adi Gallia, Shaak Ti, Jaden Korr [Optionally female], Asajj Ventress, Aurra Sing, Zam Wesell, Steela Gerrara, The Seventh Sister, Satine Kryze, Shmi Skywalker, Darth Zannah, Mother Talzin, [The fucking Hapes Consortium places women higher over men] Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, Tiana, Jane, Rapunzel, Ariel, Cinderella, Megara, Lilo, Nani, Nala, Vanellope, Lady, Merida, Jessie, Dory, Helen/Elastigirl, EVA, Edna Mode, Joy, Sadness, Anna, Elsa, [Yes i think she's a good character but for different reasons than others do] Kida, Wendy, Alice, Judy Hopps, Kanga, Kala, Captain Amelia, Moana, Esmeralda, Flora, Fauna, Merryweather, Rita, Miss Bianca, Mary Poppins, Eglantine Price, Sally, Audrey Ramirez, Mittens, Maleficent, Ursula, Cruella De Vil, Queen Grimhilde, Yzma, Lady Tremaine, Queen Of Hearts, Madame Medusa, Mother Gothel, Honey Lemon, Go-Go, Chel, Marina, Eris, Tigress, Ginormica, Roxanne, Astrid, Valka, Ginger, Fiona, Fairy Godmother, Tzipporah and Miriam. Chihiro, San, Moro, Lady Eboshi  Sophie, Kiki, Shizuku, Arrietty, Ponyo, Nausicaa, Princess Kushana, Kaguya, Sheeta,  Marnie, Annie, Coraline, Anastasia, Mrs Brisby, Elle Woods, Dorothy, Matilda, Alicia Huberman, Violet, Corky, Alice Creed, Clarice Starling, Mrs Danvers, Janine Melnitz. Kylie Griffin, Junior Ghostbuster Catherine, [yeah there were already female Ghostbusters before that crappy movie] Lisbeth Salander, Mathilda Lando, Marge Gunderson, Judge Cassandra Anderson, Ma-Ma, [Madeline Madrigal] Regina George, Cady Heron, Clementine Kruczynski, M, [the one played by Judi Dench] Moneypenny,, Elle Driver, O-Ren Ishii, Julie Kohler, Yuki Kashima, Amelie Poulain, Lucy, Rose Dewitt Bukater, Joy ‘Ma’ Newsome, Grace Howard, Philomena Lee, Ofelia, Kara, [From Dragonheart] Sarah Williams, Maria von Trapp, Marion Ravenwood, Dr. Elsa Schneider, Evelyn Carnahan, Officer Anne Lewis, Dr Ellie Sattler, Paikea Apirana, Motoko Kusanagi, Carrie White, Arwyn, Eowyn, Galadriel, Yu Shu Lien, Jen Yu, Jackie Brown, Nefretiri,  All the girls from St Trinians, Bliss Cavendar, The girls on the Roller Derby Team, [Maggie Mayhem, Bloody Holly, Rosa Sparks, Smashley Simpson] Sally Albright, Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch, Claire Standish. Allison Reynolds, Kim Possible, She-Ra, [Plus the female characters in She-Ra and He-Man] Jem, Synergy, The Holograms, The Misfits, Penny Gadget, Jessica Jones, Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Anya Jenkins, Faith, Cordelia Chase, Drusilla, Emma Swan, Carol Peletier, River Tam, Xena, Lady Penelope, Roseanne, Dana Scully, Morticia Addams, Wednesday Addams, Lily Munster, Vastra and Jenny, Jessica Fletcher, Olivia Benson, Lilly Rush, Korra, Asami Sato, Lin Beifong, Opal Beifong, Suyin Beifong, Kya, Daria Morgendoffer, Jane Lane, Susan Foreman, Barbara Wright, Jo Grant, Donna Noble, River Song, Ace, Nyssa, Romana, Sarah Jane, Clara Oswald, [the majority of the Doctor Who companions are female] Madame Vastra, Jenny, Zoe Washburne, Kaywinnet Lee ‘Kaylee’ Frye, Lagertha Lothbrok, Claire Underwood, Uhura, Nurse Chappell, Nurse Abby, Captain Katherine Janeway,  B’elanna Torres, Seven Of Nine, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax,  Deanna Troi,  Penelope Garcia, Kima Greggs, Evelyn Salt, Starbuck, Lois Lane, Katara, Toph, Mai, Azula, Suki, Ty-Lee, June, Serras Victoria, Sir Integra Hellsing, Dr. Girlfriend, Elektra Nachios, Alex Drake, Cameron, [Even if she's a cyborg she counts] Veronica Mars, ALL THREE CHARLIE'S ANGELS, THE POWERPUFF GIRLS, The female rangers in Power Rangers,  Sabrina Spellman, The majority of characters from My Little Pony, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, The Crystal Gems, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline The Vampire Queen, Flame Princess, Princess Allura, Katie ‘Pidge’ Holt, Violet Baudelaire, Lucy Pevensie, Alice, [again] Nancy Drew, Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue, Sally Jackson, Thalia Grace, Piper Mclean, Hazel Levesque, [I AM GOING TO GET SO MUCH SHIT FROM PERCY JACKSON FANS BECAUSE THESE ARE THE ONLY ONES I CAN THINK OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD]  Daenerys, Arya, Margaery, Catelyn, Brienne, Olenna, Sansa, Susan Sto Helit, Liessa Dragonlady, Tiffany Aching, Hannah Wolfe, The female characters in Malazan Book Of The Fallen, Harriet The Spy, Althea Vestrit, Aerin, Sorcha, Daine, Sabriel, Maka Albarn, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Liz and Patty Thompson, Meryl Strife, Milly Thompson, Winry Rockbell, Izumi Curtis, Riza Hawkeye,  Mikasa Ackerman, Pepper Potts, Gwen Stacy, Black Cat, Wonder Woman [That’s a fucking no brainer], Batgirl, Batwoman, Supergirl, Raven, Starfire, Huntress, Black Canary, Zatanna, Catwoman, Hawkgirl, Mera, Katana, Talia Al Ghul, Enchantress, Poison Ivy, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Natasha Irons, Storm, Rogue, Ms Marvel, Emma Frost, The Wasp, Invisible Woman, She-Hulk, Gamora, Kitty Pryde, Psylocke, Valkyrie. Mystique, the female Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, Not to mention the girls from Fables, Rayne, Clementine, Amanda Ripley, Coco Bandicoot, Bayonetta, Ms Pacman, Valna, Yuko, Amu, Lena, Alex, Etna, Flonne, Jennifer, Raspberyl, Vulcanas, Usalia, Maya Amano, Ulala Serizawa, Yukari Takeba, Fuuku Yamagashi, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Rise Kujikawa, Naoto Shirogane, Ann Takamaki, Haru Okumura, Kyoko Kirigiri, Sakura Ogami, Aoi Asahina, Chiaki Nanami, Sonia Nevermind, Akane Owari, Fiora, Melia, Sharla, BB Hood, Morrigan, Felicia, Q-Bee, Lara Croft, Samus Arran, Aya Brea, Elizabeth Comstock, Ellie, Faith, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Yuffie Kisaragi, Rydia, Rosa Joanna Farrell, Celes Chere, Terra Branford, Relm Arrowny, Rinoa Heartilly, Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, Ultimecia, Ashe, Fran, Freya Crecent, Eiko Carol, Yuna, Rikku, Lulu, Aqua, Zelda, Midna, Alice from Mcgee, Odessa Silverburg plus all the females in Fire Emblem, Vocaloid, Touhou  and Sid Meir’s Civilization. Not to mention the option to play as female characters in most of the LEGO games plus the option to play as a female in Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Fallout, Saints Row, Fable, Terraria, Borderlands, Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights, Rock Band 2, Tardew Valley, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Fate, Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Town, Guilty Gear, Overwatch,  Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Dynasty and Samurai Warriors plus the enormous roster in League Of Legends, Every last female in Skullgirls, All the female Pokemon trainers, All the females from Magic The Gathering, Hit-Girl, Powergirl, Tigra, Lady Sif, Spider-Woman, Vixen, Witchblade, Lady Death, Stephanie Brown, Jem, Aeon Flux, Gwen, Morgana, Morgause, Nimueh, Maid Marian, Djaq, Lady Isabella Of Gisborne,  Irene Adler, Carolyn Berek, Serena Stevens, Megan Wheeler, Kate Beckett, Nikki Heat, The girls from Women’s Murder Club, Beatrice Adela Lestrange Bradley, Temperance Daesee Bradley, Brenda Leigh Johnson, Joanne Kilbourn, Josephina ‘Jo’ Lupo, Catherine Willows, Alex Rovias, Alicia Claus, Jennifer Tate, Sarah Kerrigan, Joanna Dark, Catherine 'Ann’ Archer, April Ryan, Claire Redfield, Alis Landale, Alyx Vance, Heather Mason, Elena Fisher, Amaterasu, Shantae, Rosalina, Chrodechild, Chris Lightfellow, Ellen from Folklore, Jade from Beyond Good And Evil, Maya from Septerra Core, Miriam from The Guardian Legend, The female characters from Dead Or Alive, And even if you choose to play as a male character in games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age there are still a number of female characters to choose from such as Liara T,Soni, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Ashley Williams, Miranda Lawson, Kahlee Sanders, Samara, Morinth, Dr Kelly Chambers, Samantha Traynor, Morrigan, Leliana, Wynne, Shale, Flenneth, Cassandra, Even older games have ones like Jill Of The Jungle, Debra Dare, Lady Bug, Kangaroo, The heroine from Secret Of Mana, The female ninja from Ninja Warriors, Princess Rosella from King’s Quest IV. Even Princess Peach and Daisy can count as they kick total amounts of ass in the racing and fighting games Nintendo puts out. Aunt Entity, Sergeant Rita Vrataski, Polgara The Sorceress, Cutie Honey, Vicki Barr, The girls from The Babysitters Club, The ladies from The Sleepover Club, Princess Cimorene, Egwene al Vere, Elizabeth Swann, Tia Dalma, Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil, Kyra/Jack, Carolyn Fry, Mimi Kirogoe, Hana, [The mother from Wolf Children who is now one of my favorite characters ever] The girl from The Fox And The Child, Annalise Keating, Lady Macbeth, Cherry Darling, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Cybersix, Elphaba, Samantha Barker, Karen Silkwood, [who was a real person] Meg Altman, Thelma Dickinson, Louise Sawyer, Shoshanna Dreyfus, Trinity, The girls from Charmed, Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Mina Harker from The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Pauline Hargraves, Max Caufield, Jodie Holmes, Samantha Greenbriar, Thea Queen, Squirrel Girl, Beatrix De Costa [Fire], Tora Olafsdotter [Ice], Wondergirl, Dazzler, Black Alice, Dove, Gypsy, Jade Canary, Cassandra Cain, Big Barda, Darna, The Boss, Meryl Silverburgh, Mei-Ling, Naomi Hunter, Sunny Gurlukovich, Olga Gurlukovich, Fortune, Quiet, GLADOS, SHODAN, Velma, Daphne, Miss Ernst/Grand High Witch, Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers, [Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto,] Bulma, the majority of the characters in Orange Is The New Black, Leslie Knope, Ann Perkins, April Ludgate, Asuka Langley Soryu, Haruko Haruhara, Nana Komatsu, Nana Osaki, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Dorothy Catalonia, Sally Po, Reyna, Zoe Nightshade, Meg McCaffery, Calypso, The females from The 100, Alicia Melchiott, Isara Gunther, Cosette Coalhearth, Miku Hinasaki, Leah, [from Diablo]  Melody Farklight, The Totally Spies!, Mia Dolan, Kathy Selden,  Vianne Rocher, Princess Ann, [Ann ‘Smitty’ Smith] Margaret Hale, Lauren Olamina, Sara Crewe, Mary Lennox, Jennifer Simpson, Christine Collins, [Who was also a real person] Turanga Leela, Tauriel, The ladies from Steel Magnolias, All the female Transformers, Farah, Annie Sawyer, Nina Pickering, Gabrielle, Saturn Girl, Sage, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, She-Thing, Scorpion, Songbird, Silk Spectre II, Spider Girl, Silver Sable, The ladies of the Wildstorm universe, Fault Zone, Solara, The Wink, Paragon, Lady Deathstrike, Madame Masque, Cheetah, Emerald Empress, All 20 superheroines before Wonder Woman, Alanna of Trebond, The ladies of The Lunar Chronicles, Catti-Brie, Alyx, [From the Adventures Of Alyx books] The ladies from Marvel's Runaways series, Veronica Layton, Marguerite Krux, Mako Mori, Blaze The Cat, Toby 'Kissy' Masuyo, April Ryan, Mona Sax, Fox,  Ninja Princess, Papri, Lady Master Of Kung Fu, Reika Kirishima, The ladies from the Tales series, Noel Vermilian, Shield Knight, Petra from Emerald City Confidential, The ladies from Elsword, Anna Leonowens.[another lady from real-life but perhaps best known from The King And 1] Eliza Doolittle, Ree Dolly, Hushpuppy, Unicorn/Lady Amalthea,  Aeryn Sun, Chiana, Mallory Kane, Pauline Hargraves, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, Samantha Carter, The Tiger Woman, Barbara Meredith/The Black Whip, Hana Tsu-Vachel, Tessa Alvarado, Jo March, Liesel Meminger, Betty Barrett, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Shelby Woo, Jaime Sommers, Molly Moon, Torchy Blane, Eliza Maza, Angela, Demona, Fox Xanatos, The girls from W.I.T.C.H, Mona The Vampire, The Worst Witch, Ms Frizzle, Carmen Sandiego, Leslie and Joni from Cluefinders, Ren Stevens, Jules Paxton and Jess Bhamra, [from Bend It Like Beckham] Hazel Grace Lancaster, Mara Of The Acoma, Aerin Dragon-Killer/Firehair, Angharad 'Harry' Crewe, The three sisters from Ballet Shoes, Anne Shirley, Lyra Belacqua, Kerowyn, Dashti, Sadie Kane, Zia Rashid, Samirah-Al-Abbas, Lydia Deetz, Juniper Lee, Gretchen, Spinelli, Alex Mack. Or female characters for really young kids such as Lizzie Mcguire, Andi Mack, Dora, Peppa Pig, Lola, Charlie, Looby Loo, Ramona Quimby, Pippi Longstocking, Star Butterfly,  Meg Murray, Madeline, Angelina Ballerina, The lovely ladies of Balamory, Jemima Puddle-Duck, and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. Or females from Greek mythology like Gaia, Hestia, Demeter, Nemesis, Medusa, Nyx, Ananke, Rhea, Athena, Demeter, Persephone, Artemis or their Roman counterparts. Or the ladies from Norse, Finnish or Egyptian Mythology. Or historical female figures to look up to such as Elizabeth the 1st, Joan Of Arc, Queen Cordelia, Queen Gwendolen, Ethelfreda, Boudicca, Florence Nightingale, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Catherine The Great and Audrey Hepburn. You play as a female Avatar in Cooking Mama and all of the Imagine series, The Jurassic Park dinosaurs were all female, Minecraft allows female appearance through customized character skins EVEN BARBIE! THERE! I SAID IT!
But besides that entire fucking catalog, I find myself and the rest of the female population well under-represented.....Except of course for the huge fucking roster of female characters available.
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bluboothalassophile · 7 years
Give Me Back My Mind!
And This is Why I’m Not In Charge
Victor Stone, he'd admit that eight years ago, when Darkseid had taken to invading Earth and whatever happened to him had happened, he had thought his life was officially over. All his dreams of University, the Pros… it was all gone. And for a while he had thought he had found his place with the Justice League, but it turned out the moment that the crisis was over he was alone. He was back to being a sixteen year old cyborganic freak, one of a kind, and his father's pet project. It sucked. Then there was everything with Atlantis and Victor accepted that he was never going to be accepted anywhere outside the hero world. Even the odd Billy Baxton fit in the civilian and hero world; for that Victor envied the kid, truly envied the kid.
Which was part of why he left, left his father, his home, his city, and the Justice League. He didn't fit in anywhere and at sixteen he had been done with not fitting. He had come to San Francisco, because that was where all the weirdos and whackos lived (well, here, New York, Las Vegas, and Gotham, but here was furthest from his father), got a job as a mechanic and intended to just fade away.
What he never expected was to be dragged into a team by a twerp who had been Batman's protégé, and find a home. Garfield was his best friend, the green dude was filter broken, genuine, and caring; but more than that Garfield was accepting and never bugged him about being a cyborg. Starfire, Kori, his best girl friend, was an alien princess from another world; she didn't even know that here he was weird. Robin, now Nightwing, Dick, had just shrugged and said there was weirder out there; Dick was a great pal to have.
However, the only one Cyborg dared to take in the family way, and even going so far as to shout she was his sister, was Raven. Raven he understood, and she understood him, it was as easy to be around her, as it was frustrating, but she caught on fast. Ever since that first car they had rebuilt together he had found a little sister. And there was nothing he wouldn't do for her: harass unworthy suitors, glare at boys staring at her, hang with her in the garage, complain, listen, annoy, and prank (lots of pranks). She in turn told him everything; there were no secrets between them, it was the only rule, and while she had the empathy link with Dick, she had secrets from him too. Victor and Raven had none of those, it was their sacred rule and what had made them more than friends. It was also why he was her second in command.
Actually, now that Victor thought about it, Raven was more of Team Leader than anyone in the Titans organization. Dick tried but between Blüdhaven, Gotham, the Titans, the League, and the entire Batclan, he was stretched thin and Raven often came through to pick up the slack on Dick's part. And Raven did a damn good job keeping them all together, Dick of sound mind, the Titans in one piece, and the world safe. It wasn't easy for Raven to be seen as a leader, but she was the defacto leader, and he her right hand by default.
And right now, Victor's little sister had a problem at the moment which was why he was fully willing, and able, to take over Raven's team; well his team too, but Raven was Team Leader.
Walking into the gym after talking to Raven he looked over the files of the kids on Raven's Team:
Jaime and Damian he knew, knew very well as he had been trying to help them out with their training. However it was the rest of the line up which had him arching his brown and rubbing his temple. Raven and his' team consisted of:
-M'gann M'orzz
-Timothy Drake
-Stephanie Brown
-Bart Allen
On the bright side, Terra had been put on Star's team, which meant Raven and he didn't have to deal with her, but everyone else on this team… oh brother. They were going to have their hands full with the younger spectrum of the recruits.
"Where is Raven?" a voice had him jumping slightly as he spun around to look at one of the resident ninjas of the Bat clan.
"Don't do that Damian! Nearly short circuited me," Victor groaned.
"I apologize," the boy reluctantly grumbled and Victor smirked. Raven had taken to Gibbs' slapping the younger kids when they had no manners; and Gar when he had no common sense, and her training appeared to be working. "Where is Raven?"
"She's looking for someone," he admitted.
"What is going on with her?" Damian asked, Victor frowned a bit. Damian had become unusually attached to Raven, quickly too because of the incident when Jaime's armor hadn't taken to Damian's attitude well and blasted the young Robin.
"Why don't you ask her?"
"She said she would tell me only after speaking with you, and since you are here I presume you know what is going on with her and can debrief me," Damian stated.
"Dude! I'm not taking your word on this matter, and if Raven should wish to discuss what's going on with her she will tell you herself, or better yet go ask her!"
"You and Raven are very close, are you not?" Damian asked. Anyone else the question would be innocent but it was Damian Wayne asking.
"She's my little sister," he grounded out.
"I presume through adoption then," Damian muttered.
"Heyguys! Readyfor training!" Bart shouted appearing then and Victor had never felt more relieved seeing the kids filing in. "Where is Raven?" M'gann asked as she floated in.
"Raven's dealing with something right now so I'm in charge!" Cyborg announced.
"No way! Yes!" Jaime bounced then and Victor frowned; it was going to be a long day.
"Whoa!" Wally shouted as they slid into a vault on the lower levels, Project Kr. The door shut and sealed shut then, Dick let out a shuddering breath as he hugged his ribs. Fuck this hurt! He had not been expecting… well, any of this!
"Next time Bats asks a favor of us the answer is no, N-O, in capitals!" Wally blurted out.
"I don't think he was intending to run into this…" Dick tried to defend. Honestly it was like something out of a bad sci-fi film. Monster, giant, small, razor clawed, telepathic, and electric had been roaming all about, these leaves were even mushy and a bit organic, and honestly Dick did not want to know what other surprises were laying in these levels.
"Whoa, um… dude, you're going to want to see this," Wally said. Reluctantly Dick looked up, his ribs singing in protest as he stood then and moved to where Wally was, there was pounding on the other side of the vault door but that wasn't what had his undivided attention. No, what had his attention was now before him.
"Holy…" Dick trailed off.
"That can't be…" Wally started, Dick was hunched over the control panel then as his fingers flew over the keys, his eyes scanning the data as he worked.
"The Superboy," Dick informed Wally. "Weapon designation. A clone force grown in sixteen weeks! From DNA acquired from Superman. Solar suit allows him to absorb solar radiation twenty-four-seven."
"More like stole!" Wally argued.
"Well, now we know why Bats was keeping Supes out of it," Nightwing muttered as he looked at the young boy who looked about seventeen or eighteen. Honestly it was freaking him out staring at this boy and seeing Clark there.
"We can't leave him," Wally pointed out.
"Agreed," Nightwing muttered as he continued his hacking to break the kid out of the container he was in. There was no way in hell he was leaving a kid here to be raised as a weapon, it was what had happened to Damian and it was taking a family effort to try to straighten Damian out.
"Uh… the door?" Wally whispered.
"Already disabled," he smirked.
"Don't do the creepy laugh thing or I'll call Raven," Wally warned.
"When we get communications and out of here, I'm calling her here to get us the hell out of here!" Dick countered.
"She teleports, it's an easy escape and a fast way to get the kid," he gestured to the Superboy clone. "To the Tower."
"Well then hurry up on the hacking!" Wally hissed as the door rattled dangerously then. Nightwing frowned as he worked, there was something bothering him about this. However, he'd discussing it with the Titans after he got the hell out of here!
"Get him!" Dick shouted as the pod opened then. a blur of yellow caught the falling boy just as the doors blasted open.
Damian looked over the other idiots he was now going to be on a team with and he felt like gouging his eyes out. This wasn't going to be… whatever it was supposed to be. Groaning internally he thought about what Victor was saying about how they were going to be working in a team and they would be a unit with their own missions without League guidance or supervision.
He knew all this which was why he stealthily slipped out of the gym leaving the losers behind.
Mostly he was curious about whatever was going on with Raven; he had never seen her move so fast. And he'd seen her in battle. Riding up the express elevator he came to the roof and poked his head out, he was surprised that Barbara hadn't spotted him sneaking around the tower and trapped him somewhere then summon Raven to collect him. Dick had done that a week after bringing him here.
Looking around he spotted Raven levitating just off the edge of the roof.
"What are you doing?" he demanded as he walked over to the edge. Raven didn't look at him.
"I'm seeking out a person," Raven answered flatly.
"What happened last night?" Damian demanded sharply as he glared at her and folded his arms. Raven turned around so she was now floating across from him and then she stepped onto the ledge.
"Last night an old… pain, decided to resurface and broke into my room," Raven answered.
"I thought that wasn't possible," he grounded.
"It's not impossible, it's just exceedingly difficult. I am not surprised that of all the people on this planet he'd be the one to get around my wards and magic," Raven shrugged.
"Who was he?" Damian demanded. He felt a cold fury filling him with curiosity as he listened to Raven.
"That is what I am figuring out," Raven said calmly.
"Do you require assistance?" he asked, malicious delight filling him at the anticipation of a fight.
"No," Raven stated.
"Why are you after him?"
"Because he stole something which is genuinely irreplaceable, and I need it back," Raven answered.
"Then you do need an assistant!" Damian argued.
"Go train with the team, Damian, I will handle it, it's personal," Raven shrugged.
"I will tell Dick that you skipped training with the team," she warned, he shuddered at the thought.
"Fine, but if you are not finished with this by the end of tonight I will tell Grayson and demand to help you," he warned as he stalked off.
"This isn't his fight, it's mine, and you'd be wise to stay out of it," she murmured as he walked into the elevator. Damian pressed the button to the gym and watched as Raven leapt off the edge and started levitating again.
Truthfully this was one of the things he found irritating about Raven, the entire independence and demand to work in a team. It was as if Raven had another set of secret responsibilities; it was annoying to be left in the dark about them too.
Raven settled again as she again centered her mind and spirit and again focused. Her breathing was steady, her heart slow, her mind empty and her shields were down as she started again focusing on the emotions and filtering them out. She was focused on something specific as she worked. Stretching her mental wings, she flew through the city, her mind touching everyone. Everyone was unique, she was focusing on a particular flavor of emotions.
It was something few outside of Hell possessed, and when she encountered it, it was something she filed away for later worries.
The Lazurus Pit, for all it gave, it also took, but something particular that it gave to it's victims was a particular emotion. Ra's al Ghul had been drowning in it, lost to the Pit, his daughter had it, Oliver Queen also had it, as did his sister, Thea. Raven never liked feeling what the Lazurus Pit left in others, it was something closer to what her kin were like, bloodlust, the anger, the fury, the uncontrollable red nature. It was like her own rage or her father, it did not scare her, but it was wild, uncontrollable, and unstable. But worse, it was something which twisted the mind, the heart and the soul.
Raven did not like the Lazarus Pit, but the ones who had been healed by it varied. Opening her eyes she felt a surge of her powers as she reached out and felt the pull of the Lazarus Pit.
Her mind and emotions reaching for the pulse of the Lazarus Pit she continued familiarizing herself with the young man. His emotions were coiled, guarded, she pried as she looked for a latch so she could pull herself there.
Standing in the air she reached a hand, felt her powers slip through her blood to the tip of her fingers as she opened the shadows and let them consume her as she latched onto the Lazurus Pit.
Everything he'd been researching about that fucking book revealed nothing as he read up on everything the JL had on Azarath. Funny, he'd have thought there'd been more.
Sighing his head fell back on his couch as he stared at his ceiling.
Fuck it, it wasn't important, and he'd been paid to do a job. A job he had done.
It was over, he was not going to be like the Bird Brains or like Bats, nope, it was not happening. Obsessing got him killed; literally and figuratively, and he was not ready for the return trip to Hell. Standing up he walked to his kitchen as he glanced at the stove time, it was around ten in the morning. Two more hours before he checked on Sunshine to make sure she was out of the warehouse.
Picking up his latest book he decided he would not worry about Azarath or anything about the previous job, as he started making a sandwich and looking through the list of available jobs.
There was an itch in his skin which had him wanting to kill something, frowning he thought it over. It wasn't like he was bound to the same morals as the Bird Brains or Bats, he had killed before. His only problem was the black outs. The black outs concerned him, and it made him avoid taking hits; for now.
No one knew he was alive, no one knew he was here, and no one was coming after him, he'd like to keep it that way for the time being as he planned out what he would do next. Black outs where he woke with everyone dead were not conducive to keeping a low profile. And if Bats found out he was alive… well, he had no desire to go to Arkham unless he was killing a particular clown. But until he had his head on straight(ish), and he didn't have a panic attack just hearing the laugh on the television, he wasn't going near Joker.
Sighing he decided he hated having to wait on his revenge again because his mind raced back to the fifteen year old he had been whenever he heard the Joker laugh.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he had a gun in hand, turning he saw a small shadow circle on his wall.
He didn't freeze, but everything happened so fast he was slammed back as a small force hit him.
She'd been paid to impersonate a magician, she'd been paid to deceive a young man who would recognize her anymore, and she was now being paid to kill him.
It was a very good thing she had known who she was hiring to steal that book. Now she was looking down the scope of her rifle her mind cold as her eyes looked over the windows of the young man's hide out.
Her eyes tracked him as he walked through his home, he grabbed a gun, and then there was a flurry of motion, her head snapped up as her eyes widened a fraction then she focused again. Looking through the scope she saw the young man she'd once known and a woman fighting.
A light breeze had her adjusting as she took another steadying breath and let her finger rest on the trigger.
It was just a job.
It was just someone she used to know.
It meant nothing.
Cold filled her, her mind cleared and she squeezed the trigger. Her sight on the center of the young man's back. Glass shattered, there was blood, she fired five more times, there was nothing. Pulling away she looked at the building without her scope. Smoke started billowing through the shattered window and she looked back through her scope.
He was good.
She knew, she had trained him.
But she was better. There was a flash, she gasped as bullets flew past her head and she dove behind a wall.
"Give Me Back The Book!" Raven shouted, his gun clattered out of his hand as he grabbed her wrists. She snarled ferally, but he knew he had the upper hand.
"I gave it to the buyer!" he snapped.
"Who!?" Raven roared, her leg lashed out to catch his bad ribs, he grunted as he stumbled, releasing one of her wrists. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" she shouted.
Her black energy filled his apartment as pans started flying at his head, he jerked her around as he avoided them.
Glass broke behind him, then there was a whistle of something slicing through the air before there was a sharp sting of something tearing through his shoulder. Spinning Raven around, her back to his chest he dove over his couch for cover and he saw her energy stop. There were more shots, Raven flinched as he tightened his grasp on her as shit splintered and his couch was shredded.
"What the hell!?" he growled as he reached under his battered coffee table and grabbed a smoke bomb he had there, pulling the pin he tossed it over the couch as smoke filled the air.
"You'd bring a sniper!?" he snapped at Raven as he dragged her with him and the ducked into the small hall.
"No, I didn't know who or where you were until two minutes ago!" she snapped.
"Fucking double crossing buyers!" he hissed, ignoring the burn in his shoulder he ripped open a side panel he had tucked his rifle case in and pulled out the gun. Assembling it quickly he loaded it before looking at Raven.
"Stay put," he growled.
"What!?" she gasped he moved to his kitchen and settled his riffle on his island bar as he scanned for wherever the shot came from.
He found what he was after, his eyes narrowed and he opened fire. The return fire came after he stopped.
Raven opened her fingers as she whispered her chant and she felt for the largest object in the street. She found a dumpster which was just barely within her reach as she pulled it up. The weight of it was startling but she didn't slow as she dove out of the hall and threw her hands at the window where the shots were coming from, something burning sliced her leg which had her hissing as she kept her focus on slamming the dumpster through the wall of that building.
The crashing had her gasping as she looked over to Red X.
"Well fuck," he muttered. "Come on! now they know you're here so come on!" he snapped. The man shoved past her.
"Wait! What!?"
"Come on Sunshine, we have to get out of here!" he snapped as he grabbed a bag, shoved a jacket and helmet at her, Raven reluctantly took them as he jogged out of the room, she stiffened as he grabbed her, but the pillow on the couch exploded as the glass truly shattered and then she was out the door. zipping the jacket, she pulled the helmet over her head as they ran down the stairs.
She wasn't leaving Red X until she had her book back but for now she was running because she preferred being alive.
"This way," he shouted as he tossed her his pack, she yanked it over her shoulders and secured it as she ran after him, her blood sliding down her leg. He leapt onto a black bike, she hopped on after him, her arms slipped around him as the engine roared and then they were blasting out of there.
"No powers!" he shouted over the engine.
She didn't bother to respond, using her powers would draw unwanted attention which would not be wise right at this moment. She ignored the throbbing pain of her thigh as they wove through traffic, another engine roaring like theirs caught her attention as she twisted around. There was another motorcycle, but Red already did a hard turn.
"Turn into an ally!" she shouted.
"Just do it!" she snapped, she threw her hand in front of them, her mind picking a city to go as she felt the energy slice through her fingers as a portal appeared, she twisted around as they flew through it and shut it just as the other biker caught up to them.
"What the fuck!?" he groaned as he skidded to a halt and then Raven noticed the blood on his shoulder, soaking through his jacket.
"Who the hell did you steal that book for!?" Raven spat as she already focused her attention on Red X and examining the wound.
"Fucking double crossing bitch apparently," he snarled.
"And it couldn't be your past client?" she asked blandly as she looked at her thigh.
"No fucking way. What the hell is so fucking important about that book anyway!?"
Dick stumbled out of Cadmus with an arm of the unconscious Superboy slung over his shoulder and Wally supporting the boy's other's side. Ripping out his communicator he flipped it on.
"Nightwing to Titans!" he shouted.
"Yo," was the answer.
"Get Raven to get us the hell out of here!" Wally shouted.
"Raven's not here at the moment, but I'll Boom-tube over and get you, I'm getting your coordinates," Cyborg replied calmly.
"Where's Raven?" Dick demanded.
"Dunno, she was looking for something, I'll be there in a sec," Cyborg answered. There was a furious roar behind them which had him and Wally groaning.
"He's still alive!? we dropped a building on him!" Wally complained.
"Come on!" Dick shouted as he started dragging the unconscious boy as fast as he could; Kyrptonians weighed a fucking ton when they were unconscious.
"What no asterous or whelmed jokes now?" Wally tried.
"So not the time!" he shouted, the giant thing which had once been a scientist roared as it leapt after them. Dick dropped Superboy then as he dove under the beast, and knocked it off balance. The thing grabbed him by the waist and hurled him into Superboy and KF which had them smashing into the rubble. The loud boom then a blaster as blinding light formed into a tunnel had Dick looking up at Cyborg.
"Thank God! We're saved!" Wally shouted and grabbed Superboy as he dove back into the Boom-tube, Dick limped after him quickly with Cyborg following.
The beast stayed down.
Raven's eyes narrowed on Red X before she slid off the bike and folded her arms.
"That book was mine! And you stole it, I'm not tell you what about it is so important!" she spat. She felt his emotions rolling off him as he sat there.
"Where are we?" he decided. Raven looked up and then around her, and then she looked back at X.
"New York," she answered and poked her head out the ally to see the familiar sign. "Brooklyn to be exact."
"Alright," he sighed.
"Who'd you steal that book for and where are they?"
"Seriously?" he demanded as he took his pack from her.
"Yes! It's vital that I get that book back!" she grounded through clenched teeth. Her mind was in that book, and she was genuinely terrified of someone; whoever had hired X to steal the book, poking around and finding her mind.
"Ah, hell," he groaned.
"I'll help you, I'll heal you, if you tell me who has the book," she bargained then as she saw him tugging his jacket off and examining his wound.
"Don't bother," he countered.
"Please! It's vital that I get that book back!" she huffed, then slapped his hand away from his wound as she examined it. Clean, a through and through, he wasn't going to die, but it had to hurt. Looking through his pocket of what was clearly medical supplies she found sutures, a needle, alcohol, and a set of gauze, plus tape. His pain was distracting her, and if he could ignore it, she couldn't; which was why she threaded the needle and got to work.
"Why are you helping me?" he spat out as he tried to jerk away, she wrapped her energy around him to keep him still.
"Your pain is distracting, I need to think," she answered as she worked quickly, she was shocked that though he was sitting she was still hovering off the ground to see the wound well. His eyes were bright and familiar behind the helmet. She felt like she should know him, not just as Red X, but as something more.
Suddenly it clicked in her memory where she'd seen his face, and it had her smirking as she found the upper hand then. Since she had tracked him down she'd been trying to face his face, even if it had mostly been a blur, and the young man with her was clearly taller, but he was the same man. Both from memories and photos she'd seen. The plan started formulating in her mind, and she was relieved that he was silent as she worked.
"Help me and I will not tell them you're alive, Jason Todd," she said slowly as she knotted the suture.
They had Superboy in the med-bay, Cyborg was looking him over. Dick was getting stitches from Kori at the moment and Wally was healing his broken leg.
"Well, according to the DNA, he's partially Superman's son," Cyborg spoke then.
"Partially?" Dick asked, wincing as Kori tugged lightly on the thread.
"Yeah, it'll take longer to figure it out, but he's part Kryptonian," Cyborg answered.
"OW! Kori!" he hissed.
"Stop moving!" she snapped.
"Dick never was any good at taking his stitches," Babs announced as she rolled into the lab. "I can do it."
"I have it covered," Kori answered. He looked at Cyborg for help only to find his friend drawing Superboy's blood, and Wally found the ceiling very interesting all of a sudden.
"Where's Raven?" he asked then.
"On the roof last I checked," Barbara answered.
"She isn't," Damian appeared then looking agitated. "And her tracer isn't working."
"You put a tracer on friend Raven!?" Star shouted. Dick winced as it echoed in his skull.
"Damian, we talked about this," Dick sighed.
"I like knowing where my friends and enemies are, and you will thank me one day," Damian defended. Dick just groaned. The kid was going to start a war one day.
"I'll go check to see if I can find her," Babs sighed before she rolled out.
"Who's he?" Damian demanded as he walked over to Superboy.
"Uh…" Wally started. "Star do you have a communicator I can call Jinx on?"
"I will fetch it after Nightwing's stiches are complete."
"Superboy," Cyborg filled in. Damian poked the young man then, and before anyone could move or blink there was a blur of white as Cyborg threw Damian away and Superboy punched him through the wall.
"Whoa! Wait!" Star shouted as she lunged for the boy, who looked scared now.
"Easy!" Wally shouted.
"We're your friends!" Star said softly. The boy looked confused.
"We pulled you out of Cadmus, I'm Nightwing, that's Kid Flash, that's Starfire, and that's Robin, and the one you punched through the wall is Cyborg, we're not here to hurt you," Nightwing stated as he stood, wincing a bit at the pain. Now would be a good moment to have an empath, the Superboy glared at him and lunged for Damian, Star crashed into him.
Jason stiffened hearing his names off the lips of his 'elder brother's' friend. Then he slowly slid a sideways glance at her.
"Same face, the eyes, and though you're definitely way taller, more filled out, wiry muscles too, than the memories and Robin footage, you move the same. I'm surprised Dick hasn't noticed it yet," Raven smirked as she then taped pads over his wound before she leapt back and sat in thin air.
"Been a really long time since anyone called me Jason," he smirked as he pulled off his helmet. His hair flopped a bit in his eyes as he looked at Raven then.
"I bet, and I'm betting you don't want Batman to know you're alive," Raven said.
His lips curled up a bit, perhaps she wasn't all that much of a goodie-goodie if she was blackmailing him to help her. It was kind of amusing.
"And what makes you think Bats would believe you about my supposed life?"
"Because he has trusted me with all his Robins," Raven murmured. He frowned.
"You're sure about that?"
"That and I can just bring him with me the next time I have to find you, you can't hide from me."
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sam-onebookishgirl · 7 years
Soooo I have been M.I.A lately because of lack of sleep / new baby, but I thought I would do a fun post to get back into the swing of things… I just so happen to have quite a few series sitting on my shelves that I have either started and not finished or just haven’t started at all.
So I thought it would be fun to list them all and make myself feel bad for not reading them. Yaaay!! So my list was longer than I anticipated so I have turned this into a two or three part series… Could possibly extend to four lol.
The Lunar Chronicles
This series comes highly recommended by @teacherofya and she has ridiculously good taste in books. I ended up going a little crazy and getting the series for my birthday this year! My partner was not impressed with the amount of books I bought for my birthday and I will admit that I may have gone a little OTT but we were on holidays in a town with good bookshops! I don’t know what else he expected!! I still haven’t started it…. I do plan to start it soon.
“A young cyborg begins her fight against a dangerous queen in these smart, romantic thrillers set in a high-tech dystopian future.”
Mara Dyer
These books have always intrigued me!! They sound amazing and I was lucky enough to get them via @teacherofya. Also another series she recommends, I think that the majority of this list will have her seal of approval lol. Another one I haven’t started yet.
Mara cannot remember anything about the night her friends died. All she knows is what she’s been told: they went to an abandoned asylum, the building collapsed, and only Mara survived.
Two months later, Mara is eager to move forward with her life in a new town, but that’s easier said than done. A boy at school named Noah Shaw seems to know more about Mara’s tragic past than she does. And to make matters worse, Mara is beginning to see people and things that can’t possibly be there. Or can they?
When Mara goes searching for answers, she discovers a secret about herself that is most unbecoming. A secret that promises a future full of destruction, pain, love, evolution, and ultimately, retribution.
The Selection
This is one series that I have started!! And adore! This story is pretty much The Bachelor on steroids, with Royalty and it is amazing!!
For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.
But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn’t want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.
Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she’s made for herself—and realizes that the life she’s always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined
In the Society, officials decide. Who you love. Where you work. When you die.
Cassia has always trusted their choices. It’s hardly any price to pay for a long life, the perfect job, the ideal mate. So when her best friend appears on the Matching screen, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is the one…until she sees another face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. Now Cassia is faced with impossible choices: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she’s known and a path no one else has ever dared follow—between perfection and passion.
Matched is a story for right now and storytelling with the resonance of a classic.
How can you not want to read this series!! Plus I picked up the complete series from a second hand book shop for like $10.
The Program
In Sloane’s world, true feelings are forbidden, teen suicide is an epidemic, and the only solution is The Program.
Sloane knows better than to cry in front of anyone. With suicide now an international epidemic, one outburst could land her in The Program, the only proven course of treatment. Sloane’s parents have already lost one child; Sloane knows they’ll do anything to keep her alive. She also knows that everyone who’s been through The Program returns as a blank slate. Because their depression is gone—but so are their memories.
Under constant surveillance at home and at school, Sloane puts on a brave face and keeps her feelings buried as deep as she can. The only person Sloane can be herself with is James. He’s promised to keep them both safe and out of treatment, and Sloane knows their love is strong enough to withstand anything. But despite the promises they made to each other, it’s getting harder to hide the truth. They are both growing weaker. Depression is setting in. And The Program is coming for them.
Another series that sounds amazing! This one was also highly recommended by Steph @ Teacherofya. I don’t have the complete series yet but I am getting there! I hate having incomplete series sitting on my shelf!!
Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowers—precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before. This family curse stretches back to her ancestor Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alyssa might be crazy, but she manages to keep it together. For now.
When her mother’s mental health takes a turn for the worse, Alyssa learns that what she thought was fiction is based in terrifying reality. The real Wonderland is a place far darker and more twisted than Lewis Carroll ever let on. There, Alyssa must pass a series of tests, including draining an ocean of Alice’s tears, waking the slumbering tea party, and subduing a vicious bandersnatch, to fix Alice’s mistakes and save her family. She must also decide whom to trust: Jeb, her gorgeous best friend and secret crush, or the sexy but suspicious Morpheus, her guide through Wonderland, who may have dark motives of his own.
I love anything Alice in Wonderland! I feel like all my must read series have been recommended by Steph lol. How gorgeous are the covers!!!
The Lone City
“Today is my last day as Violet Lasting. Tomorrow I become Lot 197.”
The Jewel is a shocking and compelling new YA series from debut author, Amy Ewing.
Sold for six million diamantes, Violet is now Surrogate of the House of the Lake in the centre of the Lone City, the Jewel. Her sole purpose is to produce a healthy heir for the Duchess – a woman Violet fears and despises.
Violet is trapped in a living death, her name and body no longer her own. She fights to hold on to her own identity and sanity, uncertain of the fate of her friends, isolated and at the mercy of the Duchess.
The Handmaid’s Tale meets The Other Boleyn Girl in a world where beauty and brutality collide.
This series was a cover buy! Also part of my birthday haul haha. How could I resist these, just look at the pretties!! Plus they sound intriguing!!
The Red Queen
This is a world divided by blood – red or silver.
The Reds are commoners, ruled by a Silver elite in possession of god-like superpowers. And to Mare Barrow, a seventeen-year-old Red girl from the poverty-stricken Stilts, it seems like nothing will ever change.
That is, until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Here, surrounded by the people she hates the most, Mare discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy the balance of power.
Fearful of Mare’s potential, the Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her a long-lost Silver princess, now engaged to a Silver prince. Despite knowing that one misstep would mean her death, Mare works silently to help the Red Guard, a militant resistance group, and bring down the Silver regime.
But this is a world of betrayal and lies, and Mare has entered a dangerous dance – Reds against Silvers, prince against prince, and Mare against her own heart.
I have read the first book! Now to read the next two, plus the novella, before War Storm comes out!! I can do this!!
Grisha Verse (and Six of Crows)
I feel like these two just speak for themselves. There is so much hype and love for these books I just had to buy them… Now to find the time to read them.
Surrounded by enemies, the once-great nation of Ravka has been torn in two by the Shadow Fold, a swath of near impenetrable darkness crawling with monsters who feast on human flesh. Now its fate may rest on the shoulders of one lonely refugee.
Alina Starkov has never been good at anything. But when her regiment is attacked on the Fold and her best friend is brutally injured, Alina reveals a dormant power that saves his life—a power that could be the key to setting her war-ravaged country free. Wrenched from everything she knows, Alina is whisked away to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling.
Yet nothing in this lavish world is what it seems. With darkness looming and an entire kingdom depending on her untamed power, Alina will have to confront the secrets of the Grisha . . . and the secrets of her heart.
Shadow and Bone is the first installment in Leigh Bardugo’s Grisha Trilogy.
Criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker has been offered wealth beyond his wildest dreams. But to claim it, he’ll have to pull off a seemingly impossible heist:
Break into the notorious Ice Court (a military stronghold that has never been breached)
Retrieve a hostage (who could unleash magical havoc on the world)
Survive long enough to collect his reward (and spend it)
Kaz needs a crew desperate enough to take on this suicide mission and dangerous enough to get the job done – and he knows exactly who: six of the deadliest outcasts the city has to offer. Together, they just might be unstoppable – if they don’t kill each other first.
  So I am cutting it off there for this post, however there are more series that I want to read / finish so I will be back with a part two!!
Have you read / want to read any of these series? Is there anyone else who can’t stand having incomplete series, even if you haven’t started the series yet?
Series I need to read (or finish)! Part I Soooo I have been M.I.A lately because of lack of sleep / new baby, but I thought I would do a fun post to get back into the swing of things...
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