#but if we mention any of that then this whole kat's scheme falls apart
erb23 · 9 months
Why, instead of keeping Gotham’s henchmen employed as hench’s that are now all cat burglars, could they not just make a new business with which to employ them and provide health benefits?
Open a god dang grocery store, or a book store. Something! Why teach them to be better criminals if they’ll end up henching for more dangerous individuals later. 
There’s no offramp here for aiding villains, it just keeps them in the same position, except with the ability to better cause harm in the future.
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Cruel Summer - Part Three
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Words: 3000ish
Warnings: Lying?
Summary: When Katy asks you for a favour the last thing you thought you’d be doing was suit shopping with Sweet Pea and Fangs. With the day brining back flashbacks of your high school prom, you turn to Betty for support.
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Read part two here
Bad, bad boy, shiny toy with a price, you know that I bought it.
The next three weeks are a whirlwind of wedding planning and maid of honour duties.
Of course Katy had asked both Veronica and Betty to be her bridesmaids too alongside her sisters and your time had been filled with colour schemes and flower arrangements and dress shopping.
Ironically the more time you spent with Katy the less you thought of Sweet Pea. Over the last few weeks you’d manage to convince yourself that your past together didn’t matter, that Katy’s happiness meant much more to you than a teenage romance and things had returned to some sense of normality.
That was until Katy showed up at your door, fists pounding against the wood work, pleading to be let in. 
“Morning!” She bounced into your apartment, a flurry of red lipped smiles and high heels, far too happy for how early it was. “I brought breakfast.”
You eyed the box suspiciously as she slides it on the table, busying herself by grabbing two plates while you tried to remember if you had plans with her today. Her knowledge of your apartment, even after a year away, making you laugh. “What are you doing here Katy-Kat?”
“Less of the nickname.” She scalds your despite her growing smile. “Can’t I just surprise my best friend with breakfast?”
“You can.” You accept the breakfast wrap she’s dangling in your face, taking a large bite before nodding in approval. “But this isn’t just any breakfast. It’s my favourite which means you want something.”
“Okay maybe a little favour.” She bats her eyelashes innocently, her smile never wavering as she holds her hand up showing a small gap between her finger and thumb.
“I knew it!” You laugh at the look on her face, the two of you had so easily fallen back into you past selves the last few weeks, your friendship old and familiar.
“I was hoping that you’d go with Fangs and Nate to pick out their suits.” Your stomached dropped at the mention of his name and you were sure if you were eating at that point you would have choked. You no longer had an appetite as the blissful bubble you felt around you seconds before began to shatter into reality.
“For the wedding?” Your voice was an octave higher, your eyes down on your plate as you hoped she wouldn’t notice.
“No to lounge around in the house.” You didn’t have to look at her to know she was rolling her eyes. “Of course for the wedding!”
“Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think it’s traditional for the maid of honour to pick out the men’s suits.” You grimaced as you took another, now unwanted, bite of your breakfast as you desperately tried to get out of it.
“Well I can’t trust Nate and Fangs to get it right by themselves can I?” Katy too was trying her best to make you see her side of things. She sighs deeply for affect before shrugging her shoulders. “Plus it’s bad luck for me to see the suit before the big day.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s meant to be the other way around.” You couldn’t help but laugh, maybe it was down to the lengths she was going to just to convince you to do this, or maybe it was just because of the situation you were in.
“You’re right, but I’ve got a family lunch and they won’t get the right colours, and Fangs isn’t the best of influences, who even names their kid ‘Fangs’-“
“Okay okay.” You threw you hands up in the air, desperate just to stop her rambling. “I’ll do it.”
She squealed, instantly rushing around your breakfast bar to her wrap her arms around your shoulders, squeezing your face to hers. “You’re the best!”
It takes you a little longer than it should to get out of your car once you’ve reached the suit shop.
One last song on the radio.
A quick text to Ronnie.
A very important scroll through Facebook, then Instagram and then Facebook again.
Absolutely anything to avoid going inside.
It doesn’t take long for Fangs to find you, his face is practically shoved right up against the driver side window as he taps softly on the glass.
He’s offering you a large goofy smile but you recognise the look in his eyes. It’s the one you’re sure that’s mirrored in your own, a strong sense of uncertainty with a hint of embarrassment and a touch of doubt.
He’s wrapping you up in his arms the minute your feet touch the pavement. You’re not sure whether it’s out of pity or he’s just happy to see you, either way it’s comforting.
In an odd wave of deja vu you spot Sweet Pea over his shoulder, just like you had over Katy’s at the engagement party. You watch as his chest rises and falls with a sudden sharp in take of breath, his eyes locked on to the two of you.
You force your gaze away, burying your head further into the side of Fang’s neck, your heart rate accelerating.
Maybe you couldn’t do this after all.
Maybe you could just turn around and leave, forgetting about this whole thing.
“You’re the last person I expected to see today.” Fangs’ laugh is soft in your ear as he keeps an arm around your waist and directs you towards Sweet Pea, almost as if he can read your mind.
“You and me both.” You brace yourself for what’s about to come, each step closer a little more shaky.
“Hey.” He smiles politely, the two of you stepping in for a hug before both deciding to step back and opt for a hand shake instead. His lips turn to a frown as you watch him struggle with his thoughts. “This is awkward isn’t it?”
“No no it’s fine.” You shake your head in protest, your words sounding a little too forced. You’re not sure whether you’re trying to convince him or yourself as your hands begin to fiddle with the strap on your bag. “This is going to be fine.”
“You guys are right.” There’s a ghost of smile on Fangs’ face, the arm around your waist pulling you more towards him as the other falls around Sweet Pea’s shoulders. “Totally not awkward at all. Do you think we should have invited Toni too?”
The three of you laugh, a sound that warms your heart and eases your nerves. You can’t help but smack the back of his head right before Sweet Pea playfully pushes him towards the shop entrance.
Maybe you could do this after all.
You can’t help but be amazed once you’re inside, your eyes widening at the showcases of elaborate rows of expensive looking suits with backgrounds of long length mirrors and sleek changing rooms. Even Sweet Pea and Fangs seem impressed at the sight, there’s no doubt in your mind that Katy had picked out the place.
From the minute you step through the doors, you’re being ushered around by a formal shop assistant. But even his looks of distaste don’t stop the pair from trying on the worst outfits they can find and acting like they’re fifteen again.
Your fits of giggles don’t help your case either as more employees shoot daggers your way.
And just when you’re pretty sure they’re about to throw you out, Sweet Pea appears in a tailored, deep blue, 3 piece and you lose all track of your thoughts.
Now all you can see is the way the jacket fits just right over his biceps and the way the crisp white of his shirt makes his skin look even more tanned than before.
Minutes pass until you realise he’s holding a bow tow tie in his hands, accompanied by a frustrated look on his face.
“Stupid thing.” He’s mumbling away to himself, staring down at the item between his fingers like it’s offended him.
“Need some help?” He lifts his head to you, he knows he should say no but he can’t think of any reasons why.
“If you don’t mind.” His smile is sheepish as you accept the bow tie from him, leaning up on your tip toes to tuck it under his collar.
Sweet Pea feels the need to look away but he can’t, he just stares down at you while you focus on the task at hand. You force you fingers to stay steady, ignoring the heat that’s burning its way up your neck and face and let your mind wonder.
“Damn thing!” The anger in his words bounces off the trailer walls and has you running to him scared something’s wrong.
You laugh when you see him, his hands are fiddling with his tie, a scowl on his face but you can’t help but find it rather endearing. “Need a hand?”
He wants to curse and complain about how stupid he thinks this whole thing is but all his words are lost when his eyes land on you. His heart beats a little too loud in his chest but all he can focus on how is beautiful you look in your dress.
The light in the dimly lit bedroom catches the sequins on the fabric just right and all the irritation he felt just moments before melt away.
“You look incredible Sweetheart.” His grin is lopsided and full of love as he continues to stare at you like you’re the only girl in the world.
You can’t help but laugh, grabbing at his hanging tie, bringing him closing with one shift tug so his lips can meet yours.
You can feel him smile into the kiss, the palm of his hands flat against the small of your back before they travel south, just briefly before he’s pulling away with a smug wink.
“We’re going to be late for prom.”
You’re staring at him, lost in the memory only coming back to reality when you feel a hand on your wrist, his touch just barely grazing over your skin.
And in that moment, just for one tiny fraction of a second, you’re 18 again and it’s hard to remember that anything’s changed at all.
Until Fangs is bursting out of us his own dressing room, a similar suit on, ready to say something but snaps his mouth shut when he sees the scene in front of him.
The two of you stumble backwards, the bow tie still hanging around his neck as the air around you thickens. Sweet Pea looks at him like he’s just been caught doing something wrong, his heart beating so fast it feels almost painful in his chest.
He utters something you don’t quite catch and then he’s gone, half running, half stumbling back to his changing room and leaving you with a confused Fangs.
You can feel his eyes burning into you but you refuse to look at him, too busy trying to find something to distract yourself with. A part of you curses out Sweet Pea for leaving you to deal with this alone.
What ever this was.
“What was that?” There’s a sharpness in his tone that makes you wish you had the answer.
“What was what?” You want to ignore it, pretend the last few minutes hadn’t happened but he won’t let you.
“Cut the crap.” He’s angry at you, you can see it, can feel it. His eyes are accusing and you flinch with every word. “What would have happened if I hadn’t have walked out?”
“Nothing.” You laugh but it’s humourless and shaky. He looks at you like you’ve gone crazy.
Maybe you have.
“He’s engaged to Katy, your best friend-“
“I know!” You scream out as the guilt consumes you, the constant dull ache you feel in the pit of your stomach every time you’re near Sweet Pea now too unbearable to ignore. You can feel the tears building up in your eyes but you will not let them fall. He tries to reach out to you but you push his efforts away, a hand running through the knots in your hair. “I know...”
“You know that I was your guys biggest supporter...” This whole time everyone else had been comforting and sympathetic. They’ve danced around the subject and believed you every time you said you were fine.
But not Fangs.
Fangs could read every thought that raced through your mind as if they were written on your skin. And he wasn’t afraid to call you out on it. “But that’s the past Y/N/N, you’ve got to move on.”
“I have.” Your voice is soft, fragile like it might break any second and you’re sure if this conversation carries on then it will.
“Maybe it’s not the best idea you being here.” His words sting, he sees it in the way your shoulders go slack. You try to say something but he just cuts you off. “I’ll think of an excuse, just go. I’ll call you later okay?”
You don’t fight him. You just swallow thickly and nod leaving the shop as quickly as you can without even glancing back.
It takes Sweet Pea a few more minutes to gather the courage to step back out and when he does he feels like his heart sinks down into his stomach. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Some emergency at the bakery, she had to leave.” He shrugs it off like it’s nothing as he watches a frown form on his best friends face that definitely shouldn’t be there.
When you get to your car, your whole body is trembling, a million thoughts running through your mind.
You knew you shouldn’t have agree to do this.
You try to ignore the way your heart aches, trying to push away the things Fangs’ words make you feel as you do the only thing you can think of and pull out your phone.
‘Pizza and wine at mine?’
As you wait for Betty to reply, you lean your head against the steering wheel, the cold leather interior cool on your forehead.
‘Sounds good. Shall I bring anything?’
You sigh loudly in relief, glad she’s free to listen to everything you so desperately need to get off your chest.
‘Just you is fine, see you soon.’
Betty’s already waiting for you when you arrive home 20 minutes later with a bottle of red tucked under one arm and a freshly baked pizza in the other.
You can see from the way her eyebrows crease ever so slightly that there’s questions she wants to ask but you don’t give anything away until your third glass of wine.
The story flows from you as quickly as the amber liquid that your pouring down your throat. You confess every thought and feeling and you can see the same look in her eyes that Fangs gave you just a few hours before.
But Betty was too polite to say anything like he had.
She sits there, a twist of a sympathetic smile on her lips, her head nodding at your every word and it isn’t until the second bottle of wine, that you found stashed in one of you kitchen cupboards, is almost empty that she speaks up.
“Do you still love him?” Her words are like a punch to the gut, the kind of blow that steals all the air from your lungs. You hadn’t let yourself think about it before, refused to let your mind go there but now with her question hanging in the air, you couldn’t help but focus on it.
And it made you realise you couldn’t answer it.
You knew what you should be saying.
You should be mortified that she was even suggesting it, outraged by the fact that she could think you were still in love with a guy that was now engaged to your best friend. You should be telling her that there was no way you could forgive Sweet Pea for the heart break he’d caused you or the lies he had told but you couldn’t find the words, couldn’t bring yourself to tell her she was wrong.
But Betty didn’t need an answer to know the truth, you could see it in the sympathetic smile that still played on her lips even though her eyes were staring down at the glass in her hands.
“I don’t know.” The words slip from your lips in a barely audible whisper, your eyes fluttering shut to hide the tears building up. You felt as if your whole body was on fire as the pressure builds in your chest at the possibility that you never truly let go of Sweet Pea.
You try to rid yourself of the thoughts, violently shaking your head side to side as if they’d simply disappear but Betty stops you by wrapping her arms around your shoulders and pulling you into her.
You finally let the tears slip, the wall you’d been building high for the last few weeks beginning to crumble as you let it all out. You barely hear her words of reassurance over the sound of your own sobs as she tells you everything will be okay.
Not that you would have believe her anyway.
You pretty sure things would never be okay again.
Sweet Pea Masterlist
Forever Taglist: @p-marie-sp
Sweet Pea Taglist: @80sand90simagine @wildberryyyy @hopelesslylosttheway
Cruel Summer Taglist: @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @luvlilreinhart @intoxicatedsixx @yall-wildin-like-siriusly
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dulcetcries-blog · 5 years
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hello ! i’m really on brand with the whole posting a day and a half later ! below the cut in no particular order are a collection of four people who populate autumn valley ! they’re not very long because i’m still fleshing them out but i’ve added a couple of wanted connections below all of them that will hopefully be some good jumping off points for deeper connections & help build out their stories a little bit !
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of death ( maeve harrow, jack ellis ) 
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★.⁙⁓ kat mcnamara, cis female, she/her, pansexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own maeve harrow ! she is a twenty five year old manager and a taurus. maeve can be found at hecate’s fire and their favorite autumn activity is going apple picking.
maeve has always believed in the occult, since she was just a little girl. 
her father claimed to know the warrens ( who the conjuring is based on ) and she’s always wanted to know more about the things that exist beyond this world.
little girls with wide imaginations oft have a tendency to explore what should be left alone, and mae knows all this quite well.
her dad passed when she was about six and she tried to use spirit boards to contact him. 
she was seven when she convinced herself that the board had actually worked, but it was also broken and shoved in the trash when she’d come home after school and had told her entire grade that she’d gotten it to work. 
she was a relatively mediocre student throughout school but mae always understood the importance of a good hustle and has always had at least two side hustles running. 
when she was a sophomore in high school, she got in trouble for selling canned soda a dollar cheaper than the vending machines. when she was a junior she had graduated to selling whatever fad pyramid scheme her mother had gotten involved in. 
they were never particularly wealthy, which might also contribute to why mae always wanted to have some kind of money making scheme going. 
funny thing, that feeling of desire; hunger grows deeply in one’s soul long after its been placated in the stomach.
she moved into her own apartment after her mother died about three years ago. mae was the only one who attended her funeral and it’s put some fear in her that she, too, will one day die alone.
she took to hecate’s hearth the moment it opened, always pestering zephyr for a job until they gave her one. 
she always desired a place to belong and the readings that they did for her meant the world and what was once considered a stepping stone now a secondary home, one she hopes to be as permanent as possible. 
wanted connections:
roommate ⋅ of any gender, this person more than likely responded to an ad mae had placed online and in the town newsletter. it wasn’t a particular long process from the time she met this person to the time they moved in, they clicked well and had a good enough understanding before signing the lease with her. 
platonic soulmate since high school ⋅ this is someone that mae was friends with in high school and has maintained an extremely tight relationship with. though they’re not living together ( they tried that once fresh out of high school and it’s safe to say they’ll never do that again ), they are the person that mae considers they’re rock and would fight to the death for. 
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★.⁙⁓ phoebe tonkin, demi female, she/her & they/them, pansexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own charlotte james ! they are a twenty seven year old tattoo artist and a libra. charlie can be found at indelible ink and their favorite autumn activity is pumpkin carving. { written by hannah }
charlie comes from a family with deadbeat parents and seven children and if you don’t think that toughens up somebody then you’re damn wrong. 
they’ve been working two jobs ever since they could remember, early mornings before school and well into the evenings after. after they left high school, they began an apprenticeship at indelible ink here in town and that’s been their primary source of income for the last seven-ish years.
they still keep up a season job at the briarpatch farms, helping out with all of their fall related activities so if they seem like a chicken with their head cut off some days, that would be why. 
while chris takes some care of their parents, charlie wants Nothing to do with them and only really cares about their siblings. 
they are their world and charlie will fight for them and their happiness until the day that they die. and if you think that’s some melodrama you are damn well wrong.
they honestly live in a lowkey shitty apartment but they’d rather save their money and scraping by for now is better than living in a nice place and then suddenly having it taken away from you with no warning.
charlie is ,,, extremely scared of stability and permanence, even though they crave it. they’re scared that they’re going to have something nice and all of a sudden it’s going to be gone, like they’ve put all of this work towards a happiness that they can’t eventually have.
wanted connections:
roommates ⋅ whether or not they actually see charlie often is something to be questioned, charlie is a courteous roommate. no major loud noises, especially not past ten pm or before eight am, no wild parties, no drugs, nothing. granted, charlie doesn’t give a fuck what their roommate does so long as they don’t lose the security deposit on the apartment. 
friends with benefits ⋅ charlie is terrified of permanence and keeping this person at an arm’s length away is something that tracks for that kind of mentality. 
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★.⁙⁓ chris hemsworth, cis male, he/him, bisexual. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own jackson ellis ! he is a forty one year old mayor and a leo. jack can be found at crichton’s manor and their favorite autumn activity is throwing a halloween party at the mayoral manor. { written by hannah } * business subject to change !
jack has been mayor for the last three and a quarter-ish years and has lived in autumn valley his whole life.
before he was mayor he was the owner and primary manager for red’s tavern, now he just owns the place and stops by for a drink of his own every once in a while. 
he’s placed the business in the capable hands of his sister, the second oldest ellis child after jack himself.
the tavern has been in the family for generations and jack was always proud to own it. he was conscious to get to know a lot of people that way and even though it maintains a dive bar aesthetic, you’ll be hard pressed to find a cleaner bathroom or better junk food.
when he was setting up his mayoral campaign, he got a lot of votes because of his proximity to the people of the town through the bar, which is something he’s been conscious to make especially family friendly. 
lots of people had known him since he was little and even though he ran nearly unopposed, he was a fine breath of fresh air.
he’s ,,, disgustingly warm, honestly. he’s a single father of three children ( ages 16, 19, and 21 -- the eldest two are playable ! ) and he has five younger siblings of his own. 
big families are something that he’s always known and adored. the holiday season means the world to him and he always starts preparing for halloween in september ( though he is incredibly conscious about making sure he doesn’t skip thanksgiving in his excitement for christmas ).
wanted connections:
personal assistant ⋅ this is the person who helps jack find his head every morning. they know the ins and outs of his personal life and help him with just about everything he need, from making sure he gets his coffee in the morning to picking up his kids from school. they’re treated like a member of the ellis family and jack trusts them with his life. 
his flirtationship ⋅ this is someone that jack is progressively warming up to ( for as much warmer as a man like jack can get ). whether or not this grows into something more is something that we can plot out, but he’s extremely hesitant to start anything serious given that he’s concerned about his kids, his dedication to the town, and not actually being able to make time for the person he gets romantically involved with. preferably filled by someone 27+ and can be any gender. 
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★.⁙⁓ sarah jeffery, cis female, she/her, sexuality. ★.⁙⁓ introducing autumn valley’s very own belinda matthews ! she is a twenty five year old tour guide and a cancer. belle can be found at crichton manor and their favorite autumn activity is getting lost in a corn maze. { written by hannah }
belinda matthews is the daughter of a pair of lawyers, cecelia and andrew matthews. 
the matthews were well into their thirties by the time they’d had their first child, both of them on their second marriage, but neither one lacking in love for their daughter.
belle always knew she was loved and for that kind of home she will always be thankful. the relationship that she has with her parents is built on a deep foundation of trust and respect, something that she’s observed is not true for most of her friends her age. 
given this extremely tight relationship, she’s always been a rather confident kid and that translated to her schoolwork, too. 
her parents were lawyers and she wanted to follow in their footsteps as best as she could. 
it was at school that belle was reminded of how sincerely she loved history and she switched relatively early on from any kind of criminal justice or pre-law track to a history track.
she’s currently in her final year of her master’s degree, though she’s not totally sure what she’s going to do with it. 
she took up a job at crichton manor about two years ago to put a little extra cash in her pocket while she was working on her degrees and she absolutely loves giving tours around town.
wanted connections:
i’m lowkey a little burnt out but fuck me up, belle makes close connections easily !
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rue-by-another-name · 7 years
“Home remedies” -h.s. Part 5
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
It didn’t take you long to pack a bag. All you needed to do was throw in a couple pairs of leggings and some of your favorite knit jumpers and you were ready to go, zipping up your thigh high boots that kept your legs warm and lugging your suitcase to Harry’s car.
You’d texted and let Kat and Tilly know where you’d gone. Tilly had given her condolences quickly but you knew she was distracted by Todd. Kat had called to make sure you were both going to be okay, telling you to please give her prays to Anne before she said she would keep your flat from falling apart while you were gone. And now you were on your way to Harry’s house about fifteen minutes from your own flat.
“I’ve never been to yours,” you realized as Harry drove a bit faster than usual to get to his place.
“I think you’ll like it,” he nodded, “Bit like back home.”
And it was. The house had a rather cozy feel to it with a warm color scheme and artsy, rustic feel. You wanted to turn the fireplace on almost as soon as you saw it, and you could picture yourself curling up by the fire and reading on colder nights. But now was not the time as you followed Harry through his house towards his bedroom. 
It wasn’t a big house as you’d expected a famous, rich person would have. It was rather average sized, and you had to remind yourself that only one person lived here, and that one person was Harry who oftentimes got lonely quite easily. 
His bedroom came up rather quickly, and you almost didn’t have time to look around before he was walking into his closet and tossing his suitcase out onto his large bed. But it didn’t take a second before your eyes fell on the picture above his bed.
“Where’d you get that?” you asked, not even thinking before you were crawling up onto his bed, standing between his pillows in your socks to get a closer look at the printed canvas. Your body was tingling.
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Harry walked out of what you could only assume to be a closet bigger than your own bedroom with some jumpers of his own before looking up at the picture of the cold beach. “It’s a photo I bought a couple years ago,” he cleared his throat before climbing up and standing next to you. “Not that special of a picture really, but I swear this is the beach my mum took us to that winter where we ran around in our wellies for ages against the wind.”
“Got wind bitten,” you smiled softly, watching Harry as he fondly looked upon the picture. 
“We ran around for hours and then stayed in that cottage overnight,” he nodded, “Swear we both would have stayed out all night too if my mum hadn’t made us go to bed. It was the first time we slept in the same bed, remember? Wasn’t enough beds for all of us so my mum put us together.”
“Claudia was on a weekend work trip,” you recalled, “And you and your mum already had plans so she took me along without a second thought. It was one of the best weekends of my life still to this day,” you bit your lip. “First time I remembered what having a mum felt like.”
“I bought this picture at an auction a couple years ago,” Harry told you as he jumped back down off his bed and started packing his bag. “They weren’t asking for much for it.”
“But you still bought it way out of the price range,” you looked down to where he was looking up at you with a quizzical look.
“Yeah. Meant a lot to me. I swear I know that beach.”
“It’s the beach we went to,” you nodded, taking his hand as he helped you down.
“How’d you reckon?”
“Because I took the picture.” This simple sentence took far more courage than you cared to admit or allow Harry to see as you shrugged in a casual manner. Tilly had been right when she said you belonged in the world your photography alter ego was in. Regardless of how well of a job you did dodging the press as yourself in your own world, Harry’s world was so different and the intensity you were sure you’d face as his friend would by some means bring out who you really were behind the camera. You’d rather Harry find out from you, as well as the rest of the world.
Plus, this was Harry you were talking with. When had you ever kept anything from Harry before? Why should this be any different? There was no need for any sort of drama to separate the two of you. You’d both already been separated enough for years, and a simple profession wasn’t going to cause a rift between you. The photographer you were was a huge part of you, your life, and your essence. Harry was also a big part of you now and you knew he wasn’t going away any time soon. 
So why shouldn’t he know?
“You ... wait you - you took this picture?” Harry looked beyond puzzled, sitting down on the edge of his bed and blinking multiple times while thoughts flew through his head. He shouldn’t be surprised. He knew you were dedicated and talented, but he also knew the caliber of which this photographer worked at and the fact that you were this high achieving photographer with such a massive following and title caught him off guard.
“Is that ... a problem?” you bit your lip, “I work anonymously so no one knows who I am as a photographer. I got by -”
“Your first initial and your middle name,” Harry nodded, “I’ve been following you as a photographer for years now since I saw this photo. I can’t believe I didn’t make the connection. Oh wow,” Harry rubbed his eyes, “I bought your topless self-portrait last year for a lot of money.”
“Rather it go to you than anyone else,” you chuckled, attempting to keep this a light tone. “You’re not ... mad or anything?”
“Mad? Why would I be mad? You’re a ridiculously successful photographer. You’re - you’re social media sites are crazy! I follow you on every platform. I’ve bought tons of your prints. This is ... wow.”
“I figured you should know,” you shrugged, “It’s where I go to work every day.”
“Yeah yeah,” Harry nodded, “Yeah wow. Y/N this is amazing.”
“Tilly knows, since she works with me. But I haven’t gotten around to telling Kat. I’m afraid she’ll ask for a photo shoot or something and when I get home the last thing I want to do is pick up a camera again.”
Harry chuckled as you smiled down at him, reaching out for his hands. He took them in his, rubbing his thumbs over the back of your hands before bringing them to his mouth and kissing them. “I’m proud of you,” he nodded, “Your work is amazing.”
“You have to say that. You’re my friend.”
“I’d like to think I’m more,” Harry shrugged, “We should probably talk about that actually ... you know the whole ... kiss thing.”
“We’ll have time,” you nodded, “I’m not going anywhere. But we need to get home first and check on your mum.”
Harry nodded and quickly finished packing. You observed his room as he did so, lying on his bed and admiring the pictures in frames, finding a childhood one of you, Kat and Harry all in rain gear at Kat’s sixth birthday party smiling widely. It was supposed to be a swimming party in the lake down the street from her house, but when it started raining you’d all gone puddle jumping instead. Kat looked as gorgeous as ever with her long hair and flawless pose. But you and Harry looked like muddy trolls with your arms around each other’s shoulders and smiles wide. You couldn’t believe how long ago that had been yet you remembered the rain on your face and the squeals of laughter as if the memory was right outside the window.
“Let’s go,” Harry said softly, his lips on your temple as he pulled you from your thoughts. You were both pretty quiet on the drive back to Holmes Chapel. It was still dark out by the time you pulled up at the hospital and Robin was waiting for you both as Harry parked and you jogged through the cold to get inside.
“She’s just fine,” Robin nodded, “Her right leg is broken and her left wrist is fractured, and other than a couple bumps and bruises she’s all good.”
“And how are you?” Harry asked, observing the soft case on Robin’s right wrist and the cuts scattered across his skin as well.
“I’m just fine too,” Robin waved it off, “Just a sprain.” He looked to you now as you lowered your hood and rubbed your tired eyes. “Well look who it is.” Robin’s smile was warm as you gave him a hug and he squeezed your arms once you’d pulled away. “Anne and Gemma will be so pleased to see you.”
“I’m sorry it couldn’t be under better circumstances,” you said as you and Robin followed Harry to Anne’s room. 
“Yes well, we all come back when we’re most needed,” Robin shrugged, “Regardless, any reunion with friendly faces is a happy one.”
You allowed Harry for a moment alone with his mum, watching as he went over and leaned his tall and lanky body over her to give her a hug. She was smiling, as she always was, and you stepped aside so the door could close quietly. 
Gemma gave you a questionable look before you turned to see her, her eyes widening before a smile spread across her face. “I knew that was you!” she cried, nearly jumping into your arms in a fit of giggles, “Harry had mentioned that he had seen you again and that you were living in London but I’m so uninformed of his friends lately that I had no idea who he’d possibly bring with him back home and it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you and you’ve grown so much with such shorter hair that I couldn’t be sure but oh my gosh you look really just the same it’s so good to see you I can’t believe -”
“Gem,” Harry cut in, chuckling as you both turned to see Harry sitting on the edge of Anne’s bed. “Breathe.”
“It’s so wonderful to see you,” Gemma said, giving you another hug. “Welcome home.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, “Congratulations on your engagement, by the way. If I had known earlier I would have sent flowers or something.”
“Oh please,” Gemma scoffed, “Seeing you again is far more wonderful than any flowers.”
“Yes it is dear; it’s so good to see you,” Anne said, reaching out her non-fractured hand that wasn’t in a sling for you to grasp. “You’ve matured into a beautiful young woman. Claudia would be proud.”
“Mum,” Harry groaned, “Don’t get weird.”
“I’m on medication,” Anne huffed, “I can be as weird as I want. I have an excuse.”
You couldn’t help but laugh as Anne pulled you in for a hug, kissing your forehead as you pulled away. “It’s so good to see you again,” you smiled, “As I was telling Robin, I’m sorry it couldn’t be under better circumstances.”
“Oh nonsense,” Anne smiled, “I’m just happy Harry has you back in his life. He’s quite annoying without you occupying all his time, you know.”
You couldn’t help but blush slightly as Harry rolled his eyes again. “Seriously Mum.”
“You kids worry too much,” Anne tsked, “Really, I’m just fine. We’re both fine,” she said, gesturing to Robin, “You both didn’t need to put your holidays on hold for us.”
“You were in a car crash, Mum,” Gemma groaned, “Of course we’re going to come and make sure you’re alright.”
“She can’t help she’s a troublemaker Gem,” Harry smirked, “She missed her kids on the holidays and was seeking attention.”
“You’re both brats,” Anne hit Harry over the head, “And you’re nearly not quite as funny as you think you are, young man.”
“Merely joking Mum,” Harry leaned in and gave his mum a kiss on the cheek as she rolled her eyes. 
“I don’t know how Y/N will ever put up with you now that she can’t escape you in London,” Anne gave you a bright smile. “Now that you’re here though, how long do you think you’ll be staying?”
“For as long as you need us,” you nodded.
“Oh please dear that’s very nice of you but I’m sure you have a job you’ll need to get back to.”
“Oi, what about me?” Harry asked, “I have a job.”
“You do not,” Anne scoffed, “You’re between work. My son, unemployed.”
“To think I was worried about you.” Harry couldn’t keep himself from smiling though, as he looked on his mum with a fondness you hoped to one day receive from your own children, if you ever had any. The thought suddenly of little ones running around a warm and inviting house with your skin tone and Harry’s curly hair and green eyes washed over your mind, a vision of Harry snuggling with a baby or giving a toddler a piggyback ride making your cheeks warm. The thought intrigued you.
“We’ll at least stay through New Years,” you caught Harry saying, “And however long you need help with anything.”
“This will be fun then,” Anne patted his cheek, “The family back together for New Years. Will you stay as well, Gems?”
“Yes,” Gemma nodded, “Charlie is already on his way down so we’ll be able to stick around. I told him to just go straight to the apartment and we’ll stop by tomorrow morning before you’re released.”
“They aren't releasing you tonight?” Harry asked, checking his watch.
“It’s near two in the morning, Harry,” Robin chuckled, “We’re probably the only ones on this floor still awake.”
“We should head back to the house then,” Harry yawned, suddenly aware of the time. “What time tomorrow morning?”
“Anytime before noon,” Anne nodded, “Please sleep in.”
“We’ll be back tomorrow morning,” you promised, leaning in to give Anne one more hug. It felt good being back under a motherly watchful eye as you shared a smile with Anne. “Please rest up.”
“Oh you don’t have to worry about me sleeping,” Anne smiled, “You’re free to anything in the house. I’d worry the guest room isn’t set up, but we all know you won’t use that room at all.”
“Mum,” Harry turned with wide eyes, blushing at his mum as she gave him a confused look.
“What?” she asked innocently, “You always used to share the same bed when you were younger! Why would that be any different?”
“We haven’t seen each other for like, three or so years!” Harry blinked, “Why would you think -”
“Oh please,” Anne scoffed once more, “Don’t try and fool us. I’m surprised you’re so embarrassed.”
“Jesus, Mum,” Harry mumbled, grabbing his jacket. 
“Unless you have a reason to be embarrassed,” Gemma crossed her arms and smirked at the two of you as you felt your ears burning and Harry sputtered to get an answer out.
“Whatever. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Good Lord,” you grumbled, following Harry out of the room as he’d grasped your hand so hard that he nearly yanked you right out of your shoes. 
“She’s perfectly fine,” Harry grumbled, “2am and she’s still embarrassing me every chance she gets.”
“You forget that she will equally find pleasure in embarrassing me as well,” you smirked, “So I have no sympathy for you.”
Harry’s annoyed façade cracked, a smile shining through as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close as you walked through the cold to his car before driving down the familiar streets towards his house.
It was something out of a dream being back in the Styles household you’d grown up in. You could remember running up and down the stairs, cutting your forehead on the coffee table in the living area, and spilling milk all over the kitchen when you’d left cookies and milk for Santa Claus. There was still the large window out front with the warm window seat that would be basked in sunlight after school where you’d lie and take a nap as Harry finished the homework you’d already done during your study hall. 
You tripped over the same welcome rug you remember tripping over countless times when you’d arrive unannounced and without even knocking to open the door and scream for Harry to come out and play. The house sent chills down your body as you looked around, almost everything exactly how you remembered it.
And Harry’s bedroom was no exception. There were less posters and more awards, more pictures hanging on the walls of his band now and less of those old sports memorabilia he’d once collected. But it was still the same room you’d snuggled next to Harry almost every night. Still the same room you’d cried in after your first breakup, and still the same room where you’d hid from a game of spin-the-bottle during a very adventurous party Harry and Kat had once thrown. Harry had gotten suspicious when you hadn’t showed up for around a half hour or so and had come up to his room to find you sound asleep in his bed, all your clothes and even your shoes still on. He’d told Kat he was tired as well after that and made her kick everyone out before coming up and taking off your shoes for you and helping your extremely sleeping little body get into bed before he’d snuggled right up next to you.
“Brings back memories, huh?” Harry asked, the thump of your suitcases making your jump slightly as you were brought from yet another deep memory. Harry couldn’t help but smile at your jumpy nature. “Relax,” he chuckled, his fingertips pressing to your shoulders as he pulled your jacket down your arms and tossed it on his desk chair. “Are you tired?”
“Extremely,” you nodded, “It’s been a long day.”
“It has,” Harry sighed, “Come on then. Let’s get ready for bed.”
Harry’s mattress, no matter how famous and rich this kid became, would still always be the lumpy uneven mess that sucked you right into the actual mattress as you laid down in your baggy t-shirt and underwear. The concept of being in a thong around Harry didn’t shake you at all as you allowed your body to mold to the comfiest mattress you’d ever experienced after all these years. It was a piece of shit old mattress, but nothing could ever replace it.
Harry sounded like an old man sinking down onto the damn thing, his groan lasting longer than you expecting and causing you to giggle a bit as he reached out for you blindly and humphed when his hand met your stomach. “Just how I remember it,” he grumbled, “Most uncomfortable mattress in the whole world.”
“I love it,” you mused, “Best sleeps I’ve ever had.”
“Me too,” Harry sighed contently after a small moment. His arms tensed, using all his strength to pull you towards him as you fell into him like a rag doll. 
You were both quiet for a moment as there was an awkward presence between the two of you. You’d kissed. You’d made out. That boundary was broken. Harry had basically admitted he was in love with you and you hadn’t declared that you weren’t. And yet here you were pressed against each other but neither of you were saying a word. You’d both agreed you’d talk about it, but with everything going on now ... it just didn’t seem like the right time. 
“Thanks again for coming with me,” Harry finally said, breaking the silence. 
“Yeah of course,” you nodded quickly, “Nowhere else I’d rather be.”
Harry’s arm slowly wound its way around you, pulling you close as you nuzzling your face into the crook of his arm. 
“Happy Christmas Y/N,” Harry whispered, nuzzling his nose against yours in an eskimo kiss.
“Harry Christmas Harry.”
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but the feeling of being in Harry’s arms again in this bedroom where you’d once fallen asleep together almost every night brought a level of comfort you hadn’t achieved since the last time you’d seen Harry before he was a singer, before you were a photographer, and before either of you were old enough to ever admit that the feelings you’d always had for each other was something you should act upon. 
So many things had changed since then, but you were happy they had or else you wouldn’t be right back here waking up in the morning to Harry’s face nuzzled into your neck and his body wrapped all around yours like a snake. 
You were up before Harry like usual, attempting as quietly as you could to unwind yourself from Harry’s slumbering body as he rolled over away from you. Showering quickly, you got dressed and made your way downstairs to start making some coffee as the front door rattled and Gemma walked through, box of pastries in her hand.
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“Oh,” she smiled once she saw you standing in the kitchen. “Well good morning.”
“Good morning,” you smiled, “I’m making coffee. Would you like some?”
“I’ve already had some and should probably turn it down, but yes I’ll take a mug,” Gemma smiled and sat down at the kitchen island. “How’d you sleep?”
“Just fine. Surprised I woke up at a normal time for me though,” you chuckled, “I’m not a night person whatsoever.”
“I remember,” Gemma chuckled, “Still an early riser, I see.”
“Yeah and your brother sure isn’t.”
“Are you two fucking?” Gemma asked bluntly.
“You nearly choked on the doughnut you’d pulled from the pastry box as you felt your entire face burning. Gemma looked on with a smirk as she waited for you to compose yourself. 
“No! No Gemma we aren’t ... we aren’t sleeping together,” you hissed, “Jesus.”
“I’m just saying,” Gemma raised her hands in defense, “There was always something between the two of you when you were younger and Harry would whine about you the past couple years whenever he felt lonely when he got home and none of us would hang out with him,” she laughed, “‘Y/N would go with me. Y/N would hang out with me. Y/N would find that funny.’ I swear it was the most annoying thing ever.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Harry still talking about you during your time apart, and shrugged as you turned towards the coffee machine to pour the fresh brew.
“No Gemma come off it,” you felt the blush beat on your face as you attempted to hide your expression as much as you could. “You know Harry and I were never anything more than friends growing up.”
“People come back for a reason though,” Gemma shrugged, “I’m just saying.”
“You’re just saying what sister mine?” Harry asked tiredly, stumbling into the kitchen and rubbing his eyes. “Jesus, you’re both us early.”
“Would you expect anything different?” Gemma asked, not even getting up from her stool as her brother gave her a lazy hug. You and Harry shared some awkward contact before he nodded at you, opening the fridge to break your eye contact as he reached for some orange juice. 
You didn’t like this. You didn’t like how awkward and disjointed you felt with Harry right now. But you couldn’t imagine what must be going through his head. First he has this strange epiphany not even he was expecting by realizing feelings he was developing for a long time friend he never thought he’d have the pleasure of seeing again. Then there was the accident with his mum that he was probably still wrecked up about inside thinking of all the repercussions of her healing from this. And now, not only were his best friends back in his life and he was back home, but the one he’d declared his love for haphazardly ended up being a famous photographer he’d been obsessing over for years now. 
You were sure he was confused and overthinking everything, so you didn't want to rush him. But you did really, really want to kiss him. 
Releasing Anne from the hospital was a whole thing. Harry insisted on pushing her wheelchair for her and then insisted on lifting her up into the car. None of you really said anything against it, knowing that he was far too stubborn for his own good and Anne was already giving him enough shit for pushing too fast or too slow that you all just figured sitting back and letting it all happen was the best scenario for the rest of you to not be harassed either. 
Once you were back home, Anne was situated on the couch until she was comfortable and Robin went to check on how everything was going with the car and the insurance agency. You barely saw any of Harry all morning, spending majority of your time with Gemma and meeting Charlie who was absolutely one of the nicest human beings to walk the planet. He belonged in the Styles family for sure and without a doubt. Harry spent most of his time with his mum, watching TV and going through some pictures and playing cards with her. 
Around lunch time, you exited the kitchen per Gemma’s request considering you lack of any cooking skills and Harry took your place, allowing you some time alone with Anne.
“So how are you doing, dear?” she asked, grasping your hand in hers. “What are you up to these days?”
“I’m a photographer now,” you couldn’t help but smile. “A pretty good one, if I do say so myself.”
“And you’re happy?” 
“I am,” you felt your ears heating up at having to talk about yourself. “I like what I do and the people I work with. The money I make of course is just an added bonus, but really I just love that I get to do what I’ve always wanted for a living.”
“You’ve always been a smart girl, Y/N,” Anne squeezed your shoulder. “I’m happy you’re back in Harry’s life.”
“Yeah I’m glad we all met up again as well,” you nodded, fiddling with the edge of your dress. “Feels like childhood.”
Anne nodded and admired you for a moment as you sat together. “I’m glad you’re both staying around for a little bit,” she admitted, “You two can pretend all you want that you’re adults but we all know you’re still kids at heart.”
You couldn’t help but laugh along with Anne as Harry walked into the living room. “Ears burning?” Anne asked, smirking up at her son as he stood there awkwardly. 
“What? Oh uh ... no. I just ... your medicine, Mum,” Harry cleared his throat and handed the pills to Anne before nodding awkwardly and making his way out of the room. You watched him go, his shoulders slumped and his feet shuffling.
“What is wrong with him?” Anne chuckled before tossing her pills in her mouth and downing her glass of water.
“He’s worried about you,” you were able to lie easily. You could tell you were the issue, and you knew that you were the issue because you were the only one he wasn’t talking to. But you didn’t want to tell Anne that considering then you’d feel like you were intruding and there was a selfish part of you that was starting to realize how lonely you’d been without a family and you selfishly wanted to stay a little longer. 
So you kept to yourself, and dreaded having to go to bed where you would face Harry on the other side of the bed and there was no way out. 
Okay I’m so sorry for the wait for this. I know it was longer than usual but I’ve just been a lot busier than I thought I would but I’m going to have a slower couple of days so hopefully I’ll be able to pump out the next couple of parts (if you’d like them lol). 
Part 6 HERE.  
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