#but it'll be interesting to see what happens in the tag when the next season drops
enderham · 1 month
had a thought recently that I can't wait for season 4 of Vienna Blood not because I'm starved for more episodes or canon content (though I am) but because I'm hoping to see if it'll reinvigorate the fandom a little bit lmao
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synobun · 3 months
One of them tag games
So I wasn't actually tagged by @cour5t in this, but I was tagged by @rosewinterborn in a very similar game, so I'm stealing the first and pretending it's the second, since the second had a few questions that didn't apply to me x)
Last song: I'm gonna do the last song I've had on repeat for this!
Favorite color: I never know what to say for this. Black? Dark red? Dark purple? Dark green? That whole colour palette is the bomb dot com.
Last movie/show: The last movie I watched that was new was Nimona! It was fantastic, 10/10 lives up to the hype. The last show I finished was Reacher. It was okay.
Next on my watchlist: I've finally started watching Criminal Minds, but I'm already kind of burning out on it midway through season two. And there's still like 300 episodes left. Ridic. I should probably catch up on Foundation and For All Mankind. Next movie is the cartoon version of Mulan!
Last game: Prey! I did a replay of Doom 3 a while ago and mused that the horror story-game genre should be revived, and then on a whim I decided to play Prey without knowing anything about it. And it's the exact kind of game I was talking about. It's pretty good.
Last book: Rebirth of the Sigil by Peri Akman. It was disappointing. :/ Especially since I know what the author is otherwise capable of. I had the same thing happen with John Gwynne recently as well.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Savory, I think? I don't have an instinctive sense of what savory is. Google says it's a meaty taste, and I rely heavily on protein, so I guess that. I have a pretty low tolerance for sweetness despite liking sodas and such. I don't like most desserts or can only eat a tiny amount. Spicy is alright but my digestive system disagrees.
Relationship status: *vague gesturing*
Last thing I searched online: The hours for my pharmacy to see if it was too late to pick up my medication.
Current obsession: I am generally not an obsessive person when it comes to, like, interests and activities. But I am an obsessive person when it comes to thoughts and emotions. Lately I've been struggling a lot with thinking about eternity. It has not been fun. On a lighter note, I have also been thinking more regularly about writing. Perhaps someday that will translate into action!
Greatest flaw: How much time do you have? This is actually something I have difficulty answering, because the line between something forced upon me and something that is actually inherent to me is blurred a lot of the time.
I think I'd say how I behave when I'm spiraling mentally. I close off and disappear from almost everyone in my life. Occasionally I can keep up appearances with one group but not the rest, but by and large I become a ghost. When I am in a conversation during those cycles, it's crazy how badly I'm affected. I don't become cruel or mean toward others, but my speech becomes jilted, I can't make eye contact, and I am just devastatingly hateful against myself.
It's partly why I isolate, so that I don't have to expose others to that behaviour. It happens on a yearly basis though, and it can last for weeks at a time, so it has a pretty negative impact on my relationships. I also have no idea how to navigate being in one of those moods while part of a relationship where daily contact is an expectation. When I was part of a romantic relationship, instead of having one big prolonged dip, I would fade in and out of it. A couple weeks good, a couple days bad. Rinse and repeat. Awful. Terrible. Annoying. There's almost no predicting when it'll happen either.
Fic I’m currently reading: I rarely read fics because I have no patience for wading through wish fulfillment, horny writing, and "He would not fucking say that" fics, so there's only one that I vaguely keep up with. My friend has a Mass Effect fic, which can be found here. It focuses on femShep(/Kaidan) and Tali(/Garrus) and is post-ME3.
I tag anyone who sees this and actually made it to the end, tbh. But for sake of poking, I tag @rosewinterborn with this variant, and also @deadlyessencewhispers, @tananaphone, @stupid-elf, @carrotblr, @atinydroid, @imtryingx, and, uh, uh... I don't know... let's see... @kkshowtunes, @d3viantvanguard, and @awritingcaitlin. I probably just tagged everyone who follows me. Anyway thanks bye
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claudiajcregg · 2 months
S5 Pregnancy AU - I’d love to hear about!
Welp, this is embarrassing – mostly because this has been sitting in my inbox for almost two weeks, and I kept saying “I need to write something up!” and then… I didn't. (Or rather, I did, then I forgot to post it.) Sorry for the wait, Lil! Thank you for asking <3 (I'll divide this up because I keep writing about the process and how it came to be, instead of any actual, interesting facts.)
I have talked about this one in the past though I don't have a tag for it. The gist is what it says… (Early) S5 but CJ is pregnant. I had this idea over a year ago when I hit mid/late S4 in my rewatch. I thought it'd be interesting to explore some of her disappointment at that time if you added an unexpected pregnancy to it, even if I had the idea before even getting there, lol. Think, the ending-ish of Han, or parts of Disaster Relief. (Both of which do feature! I surprisingly focus a lot on Disaster Relief.)
The thing with S5 is that the timeline is so weird, and I feel I've also created one that isn't entirely realistic but I think it works within the story. (IIRC, the season starts in “May” but also July, then the Shutdown is in November, lmao. A few of the episodes are sneaky two-parters that flow into each other… See 5-6, 7-8.) I've finally gotten out of the no-man's-land I wrote myself into and the next chapter or two, knowing myself, will deal with 7-8! There are a couple of scenes that should be fun to write! (There are so many details I want to mention that are technically spoilers for early twists…)
Every time I had the urge to write it, I'd edit whatever outline I was working in, and though I kept some details… my muse decided to make a big change early on that completely changed the fic's direction. That, and my inability to write anything succinctly. No reason why this story will cross the 100k barrier in a couple of chapters, tops. (It's sitting at 85k across 12 chapters. I think it'll be less than 20 chapters total. Hopefully.)
This might be too long to share snippets, but I've shared some either on the server or here, a couple of months ago.
For more irrelevant details on the “process”…
As I hinted at, I wrote an outline or two around this time last year, because I couldn't stop thinking about it. When I say outlines, it's a general path for the story to follow – ideas, suggestions of dialogue and/or scenes I write to myself; all focused around some sort of chapter structure. I find it much easier to write if I write down where a chapter might go, even if it's just a few lines saying “This happens → then this → finally this;” otherwise, it takes me months. Some would say that I should post it and get encouragement that way but… I hate being dependent on something I can control even less than my muse? That's not for me, thank you. Mad respect for those who work like that.
It was meant to be short – 1-2 “long” chapters per trimester, more if needed, but then interludes in between trimesters. It's not that. Most chapters currently cover 1-2 weeks, but there is not really a pattern. I was afraid of having a fic that would take over my life like the WOWO did three years ago… And it has, but I've also taken breaks and not felt too guilty about them. I definitely don't want this one to sit in my drive and have me wondering what to do with it.
(The novel, aka WOWO, aka IM AU (2021): 150k written in a little over five months, even with extended breaks over the summer. Still hits, even with all its crazy decisions, maybe because of them, but it's also been too long, and it will always remind me of someone who kinda hurt me. Attempts to replace those memories by sharing the story with others, trying to gather whether it's worth posting, have failed, lmao. One day! Maybe!)
But yeah. Uuuuuhhhh. As I've said… Twelve chapters in ten months, 85k words… It's still not done. In fact, I've repeatedly said I am unsure of how to end it (beyond the obvious), but I'd estimate it to be under 20 chapters. I'm not posting it anywhere yet because I want to be able to edit it as a whole and try to make it more consistent; to add little details as I come up with them. There's also the fact that I am not skilled enough to write a compelling story that mixes politics and emotion into something remotely engaging. As a result, the story's politics are very surface-level, and probably repetitive at points, but it's also true I've always been more interested and focused on the emotional journey and the relationship(s) at its center. (Which should surprise exactly no one who's ever read one of my stories.)
But, as critical as I might sound of myself here, I am having fun writing this and I'm committed to seeing it through. I just keep having ideas for stories down the line, putting actual show events through a 'but she also has a kid' perspective.
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thepavementsings · 1 year
you think pierre will be forgotten about next year?
This has been sitting in my inbox for a HOT minute, I think based on some tags I may have made a few weeks ago? And now that i'm done finals I'm finally answering it lol what a treat for me.
I think the thing about Pierre is that in the larger fandom, he's already served his big narrative purpose™. The whole narrative arc of getting beat down and shoved away by Red Bull, and pushing through that? Persevering despite everyone telling him "you're as good as done"? Becoming lost in all of the personal and professional tragedy of 2019 and then finding himself again? Becoming a fantastic teammate and someone trusted to lead and then finally finally breaking out of the mold that has shaped him for so long? He's had his little hero's journey already.
Even this year, I think so much of him got... maybe flattened out is not the right word. But I think there was something genuinely SO interesting about the way Pierre rubbed up against everything this past season that was TOTALLY missed under the media-pushed Yukierre and shit car of it all. IMO it was HARD to dig into the meat of it when so much of it was presented like, candy coated rotten apples lol. Especially if you aren't like... in it like the Pierries are. A lot of it got missed (like that 5-10 minutes before people realized what was actually happening in Japan was a perfect microcosm for this season w Pierre LOL but but let's not get into that). I also just think how Pierre was this year hit less of the broad strokes big dynamic and character interests of the fandom than he did in 2020/2021 maybe!
So I think the popularity of him as a character continues to go down at Alpine too, yeah. Because the new story is about chipping away at a new thing. It's not as sexy for him alone: people who don't care about Pierre's story and only care about the narrative will watch for it to blow up with Esteban and thats about it. So much of I think the actual compelling stuff for him happens behind the scenes now, in these next few months before the season starts. It'll be about someone who is so strict and used to routine and one structure and has pre-existing expectations for a lot of usually goes on around him being thrust into a completely new environment and having to figure out how to swim after so long. It's the "Red Bull is the longest relationship I've ever had", and now what? Have you really learned have you really grown etc etc? But so much of that we wont be able to see!!
He's never really been main character compelling to people, which I get. Cause I think his typecast is harder to get into or even figure than the Maxes Or Charleses or Daniels of it all for example. He's often a useful secondary character to a slash or a gen pairing but a hard primary!! God gives his hardest tests etc etc.
The question is really what is the next big arc? And I dont know if there is one thats super clear. Which is fine for me because unfortunately I like it better when less people talk about the people I like because they dont know the lore! or whatever lol you know what I mean. But anyways I think he's just filled his narrative purpose in wider fandom. I am ok with him being put back on the proverbial doll shelf for now though!
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lilacline001 · 1 year
When do you think chapter 11 is gonna be ready? No pressure tho, I love your fic sm
Okay, so here's a Nocturne update. In total, there should be 5 arcs roughly 5 chapters each. Arc 1 and 2 are complete, and with Chapter 11, we will begin arc 3. The fic in total might be up to 120k words.
My goal is to again shoot for an update every two weeks. However, I'll try to be more responsive when things aren't going well and/or I'm taking a break.
Moving forward, I will update my Bio with percentage progress on the next chapter. This will be a rough estimate, but it'll be better than nothing. Also, please remember that Nocturne chapters are generally massive, so yeah something like 10% would be several hundred words, 50% a couple thousand. I do not want to start posting about progress, that will give me a complex. So it will be up to interested parties to check my bio for updates.
In general, if its been two weeks and a few days after the last posting, feel free to harass me - within reason. Everyone's been awesome and super kind, but I don't want to give people blanket freedom to get on my back. Sometimes things are going well and I want to spend time with people instead of writing alone (writing can be really lonely) and then other times things are going poorly and drinking water is an accomplishment
Also, something that helped my block recently was writing for another fandom. I haven't posted for a different project yet, but please understand that I might. This is a good thing! It helped me get my mojo back and write for Nocturne. So like please don't get upset if you see me update other things. coughRipple Effectcough
My goal is to complete this fic before 2024, hopefully by a lot. At the absolute latest, my goal is to complete Nocturne before Season 5 comes out. 2025 is not good news right? But here is my promise as a Fanfic creator who hates in-complete works just as much as the next reader:
If by the premiere of ST episode 1 "The Crawl," Nocturne is not completed, I promise to release my outline.
I understand that this would not be satisfying, and it's something that I don't want to do - I want to finish what I started, I love Nocturne and I plan to see it complete. But life does happen. So if literally all else fails, I will post my outline, and that way you guys will know how it ends.
I have gotten so much support for this fic, like an incredible amount of support. Simply lovely fan art has been made! Which if I think about long enough will make me cry So I want to give you guys the assurance that your time hasn't been wasted, I will finish and if all else fails, you guys will at least know what happens.
Until then, thank you so much for your patience! Thank you for supporting my bat fic! Thank you for the art!!! *sobs* Thank you for tagging me in bat posts & videos; they're so cute!! Hope to see you next week with Chapter 11!
Happy reading!
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mittensmorgul · 1 year
Do you have a tip for a newbie writer that's not mentioned everywhere all the time, but still very important? It seems to me that most people repeat the same 10 tips everywhere & I've started wondering more about the importance of mindset and life experience & less about phrasing, grammar etc.
Hello there!
I should start by repeating the best writing advice I ever got:
ignore like 90% of all writing advice
which 90% is entirely up to you, though. your 90% is probably different than my 90%. Like, I ignore everything about "stick to a schedule!" and "make time every single day to write or else you'll fail!" and pretty much anything that says "follow this one neat trick or you're bound to fail!"
No piece of writing advice works for everyone, and that's fine. Try stuff out, see what works for you. Even when it comes to grammar and phrasing stuff.
Like, obviously grammar and phrasing is important to understand as a baseline, but that doesn't help you have a unique voice. It'll really help you construct a cogent business letter, but if you are listening to everything grammarly tells you to do, you're gonna sound like a robot writing fiction.
There's some pretty solid writing advice, like "only use epithets sparingly, and only when it's for a specific reason like for a character who hasn't been introduced by name yet," and "please just use 'said' and not those ridiculous lists of words that are not actually synonyms for said."
And as for getting help from something like grammarly (or even that little red squiggle of doom that sometimes suggests bizarre alternatives to the actually correct word you typed-- this happens WAY more than I'm comfortable with lol), PLEASE double check that what it's telling you to correct your word/phrase to is ACTUALLY what you are trying to say. Because a lot of the time, it really isn't.
And yes, like anything else you learn to do, experience and practice works. The whole "make many bad pots instead of struggling to make one perfect pot" thing is really true. (It crossed my dash again the other day, and I didn't reblog it, but it was on page 17 of my "writing is hard" tag, where I stick writing advice if you're interested in reading a lot of it, after I suggested ignoring most of it... >.> anyway this post explains the shitty pots concept of creating anything really)
And read what you write, too. Like let it sit for a while (like weeks if necessary) and then go back and reread it. What would you change? Read it out loud. Do the character voices sound authentic? Is the exposition clonky or plodding? Does it race in spots and drag in others?
Would you write it differently if you sat down now and tried to write it again? How? Why? This is not just an exercise in editing, it's an exercise in finding your writing voice and understanding how YOU write. Not from an objective outsider perspective, or a judgmental "is this good or bad" perspective. But from a place of understanding your own writing.
And then write something else, and repeat the whole process, probably until you die lololol.
that is not intended to sound grim, it's intended to sound hilarious... I couldn't stop writing at this point if I tried.
my writing: i'm not stuck in here with you, you're stuck in here with me
Life experience does help sometimes. The older you are, the more you've experienced, the more... let's call it spice you have available to you to season your writing with. But more than that, just the practice of writing poorly, assessing your own work, writing something else a little better next time.
I think I got a good spice metaphor. Someone could've lived such a rich life assembling flavorings and spices and have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER how to mix them all palatably and cook them into a delicious meal. If you never bothered trying to cook until you had a full spice cupboard and don't even know the basics of like... how to fry an egg, can you imagine the atrocities such a person could produce?
meanwhile someone might only have a handful of different spices but out of necessity and laborious toil in making the most of what they have so far has learned to prepare AMAZING dishes and can crank out a dinner that would blow your mind with everything perfectly prepared and seasoned-- even if the seasoning is limited in flavor, they know how to make the most of it because they practiced until they succeeded.
So yeah, basically the only writing advice I ever listened to was practice, write a lot even if it's awful, reread all your old stuff once in a while both for the hilarity factor but also to see how far you've come, and to really think about how you'd write it differently now, and WHY. What changed? How has your understanding of your own writing evolved?
Yeah, I think that's all I got (in addition to the 40-something pages in my writing tag lololol)
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diamondcitydarlin · 2 years
I s2g we have like an unholy tradition on this site of making up our minds about how a season of a show is going to be before any of it airs and getting preemptively, irrationally angry at the stuff we basically just made up on the basis of flimsy SEO articles that take people's quotes of context and our own grim imaginations. Like, no offense but the n@ndermo tag right now is just a lot of people angry about stuff they've made up in their own heads based on the few hints we've gotten thus far. It'll be something like...idk, we'll hear a trash can is going to be involved in the next season and within a matter of hours there'll be a handful of people that will have decided for some reason that Nandor is definitely going to throw Guillermo into the trashcan and HOW DARE HE DO THAT, AND HOW DARE THE WRITERS WRITE HIM DOING THAT AND HOW DARE- (I mean, that absolutely could happen in an ep but you see my point)
I feel like, on the one hand, it must originate from early tumblr fandom roots, that whole culture back in the early 2010's of latching on to media written by cishet yt men with no interest in what queer audiences want to see or experience (some of whom even felt actively resentful of their queer, poc and younger fans bc they weren't the young cishet yt male audience they wanted to attract in the first place) and being disappointed again and again and again by our own unrealistic expectations. I feel like this created an environment of constantly waiting for the paint to peel, like when is this show going to make it painfully clear they resent us as viewers and not only have no intention of depicting things we'd like to see, but will make an active effort to destroy/invalidate those things? Not a matter of if, but a matter of when.
And I get that, to an extent. We were all much younger then and we didn't know then what we know now.
But like...without naming specific titles, I still see this early 10's blind optimism being put towards newer source material that, to me, is pretty clearly written for a yt cishet male audience and will probably not ever deliver on the queer subplot everyone wants to see, though I have no doubt they'll continue to play around subtly with the possibility until they invalidate it at the last moment by having both male characters get married off to female characters we barely know. I hope I'm wrong! But I don't think I am!
And that would be fine on its own, it's not my place or my business to tell people what to enjoy and how, but it's discouraging when media that is written for a queer and otherwise marginalized audience and has a made a point of prioritizing their perspectives gets held to these ridiculous standards of expectation. Like, it's more than enough in YT Man Queerbait S5 for them to hold each other's gaze longer than a second, but if the gay shows don't stick to the script and have them making out, fucking and married right now, plot and characters be damned, then it's all trash. IT'S ALL TRASH APPARENTLY.
I don't think anyone doing this is thinking that critically about it, which is part of the problem. Either way it's really annoying and I needed to vent about it lol.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
(Vol. IX)
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Are you flirting with me?
Hi my friends!!; How are you? Enjoying the hiatus???
I'm here with another volume of these Destiel Chronicles.
This one is about how flirty was Dean in this season.... I woul say if CAS would managed the pop culture knowledge back then.... Things maybe would be different... A shipper can dream 🤣🤣
Ok... Let's start. I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder for the gifs she made for this meta. You are amazing girl!!
"I feel naked"
When Castiel met Dean and Sam at the hospital in 5x02 he had a plan, he wanted to find God.
Bobby was there, and asked him to heal him, but Cas revealed something very hard for him...
CASTIEL: I'm cut off from heaven and much of heaven's power. Certain things I can do. Certain things I can't.
This is very important, because is one of the consequences of becoming a rebel angel, and after this, there was a conversation between Dean and Castiel about God, but I will talk about it in another volume.
What I will take from that scene... Will be the intense gaze Castiel gave to Dean when he borrowed from him the necklace.
BOBBY: You didn't drop in just to tear us a new hole. What is it you want?
CASTIEL: I did come for something. An amulet.
BOBBY: An amulet? What kind?
CASTIEL: Very rare. Very powerful. It burns hot in God's presence. It'll help me find him.
BOBBY: Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I got nothing like that.
CASTIEL: I know. You don't.
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This gaze Castiel gives Dean is full of dominance and sexual tension. His eyes fixed on the hunter and then the necklace, and then again on the hunter. Should make Dean feel very uncomfortable... Even so... He should feel too a little confused, Castiel uses to look at him with that intensity, but this time, was almost scandalous... So that could be taken as a flirtation? Dean couldn't tell... Just because CAS was an angel...
Yes. Too close. Dean feels a little awkward, that could be seen as a sexual scene... And the way Cas keeps looking at him...
Castiel wants the amulet... He really wants it. And that's kind of a treasure to Dean. He finally decided to lend it to the angel. He trusts Castiel.
CAS: Dean, give it to me.
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And after that, Dean said this...
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This could be taken as two things...
1) he always wears the amulet, so not having it now made him feel "naked" but also...
2) the intense way Castiel was staring at him, maybe made him feel that way, if you know what I mean... 😏
Walking on the edge
So, immediately after this episode, we had "Free to be you and me", in which Cas went to ask Dean for help. We had the classic personal space..
Because Castiel always was standing too close to Dean, even if Dean didn't move, that was something put Dean on the edge. A very attractive and dominant angel standing so close... Was like awkward to him, but maybe not less exciting.
DEAN: You find God yet? More importantly, can I have my damn necklace back, please?
CASTIEL: No, I haven't found him. That's why I'm here. I need your help.
DEAN: With what? God hunt? Not interested.
CASTIEL: It's not God. It's someone else.
DEAN: Who?
CASTIEL: Archangel. The one who killed me.
DEAN: 'Scuse me?
CASTIEL: His name is Raphael.
DEAN: You were wasted by a teenage mutant ninja angel?
CASTIEL: I've heard whispers that he's walking the earth. This is a rare opportunity.
DEAN: For what? Revenge?
CASTIEL: Information.
Here is Castiel trying to convince Dean to help him, and Dean maybe thinking "is not going to be that easy" after the "keep your opinions to yourself" God discussion they had the previous episode on the hospital (topic I will talk in another volume) the thing is, we can observe in Dean's facial expressions and the way he was talking to CAS, he should suffer just a little and he will enjoy see how the angel asks for his help.
DEAN: So, what, you think you can find this dude and he's just gonna spill God's address?
CASTIEL: Yes, because we are gonna trap him and interrogate him.
Dean is giving Cas more of the same, but he was really enjoying it, just as a prologue for the flirtation. Cas looked at him so intensely that sometimes he couldn't figure out that was the angel flirting with him or not.... now they were alone, why not just try something? and suddenly...
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This classic quote with that classic Destiel scene I'm which Dean was SO BLANTANT IN TRYING TO SEDUCE/FLIRT WITH THE ANGEL, playing with the edge. Why not? He was always standing so close to him, looking at him so intensely... Was Castiel trying to seduce him? Well... If that was so... He will try this shot... But this shot is like trying to flirt in Spanish with a Japanese. Ofc Castiel wouldn't understand that reference. He was an angel without knowledge about pop culture, as Dean could noticed. But he went and tried anyway. And immediately after that, the frowned expression on the angel's face, and Dean realizing what he was trying to do.... "What am I doing?" That's the expression he showed there. "I'm flirting with CAS and he didn't even noticed... I'm so stupid, better stop here."
DEAN: Give me one good reason why I should do this.
CASTIEL: Because you're Michael's vessel and no angel will dare harm you.
DEAN: Oh, so I'm your bullet shield.
And then... Castiel begged Dean... Beacuse he had been cut off from heaven, he hadn't friends or angels to help him, he just had Dean. Because when he decided to follow Dean, to fell for him, he lost his privileges... He lost everything, as he'd told him in the hospital. He only had Dean... Now was his time asking him for help... As that time in the green room... It was time for Dean to help Castiel... And he begged him, ashamed...
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How could Dean said no? Ofc he was about to say yes from the beginning... He was just enjoying the moment. You can tell for his face when he accepted to help. He checks Cas and lick his lips. Yeah... The sexual tension, the attraction Dean feels for CAS is so evident in Dean's facial expressions...
"Last night on Earth"
This is Dean line to get laid, is obvious it worked that night with Anna... But why he had to tell this again in this episode.... And to CAS???
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If this scene wasn't followed by these lines....
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I wouldn't think what Dean was trying to do here... He was trying to guess if CAS was on it or not... But this time was more directly that with the Thelma and Louise reference, this time he explained, openly, that two characters were gays and more than friends... He gave him a guide to understand he was trying to figure out what was going on there between them. But Cas didn't get that again. So Dean continuing his torture... He was enjoying this whole situation. Make this angel getting nervous. Asking inappropriate questions. Castiel was cute. He was a badass and all of that. But he was cute. He was discovering that. He really was having a great time.
I will talk about what happened later in my other volumes, now I need to make a jump into 5x10... Another... Last night on Earth...
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He loves Jo as a sister, but hell if he would have time to get laid with her... He will certainly do that. And this was an excellent opportunity. He will use his line again... But he was rejected because Jo was too smart for that.
And certainly... This cycle about this line to pick up people and get laid will have to stop ...
He used it with Anna, successfully, with CAS... Just making some research on him... And now on Jo. Well, who ended it? It was CAS again... Castiel using Dean's quote to pick up ladies... Ended with CAS. Cas will become his one and only.
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To conclude
Dean felt confused by the way Castiel stays so close to him or just looked at him so intensely, so he tried to test the angel by flirting with him.
And beacuse Can was always so dominant and badass, he really enjoyed making him trying to convince him for helping him.
He really enjoyed this hunt with Castiel, as we will see in the next volumes!
Castiel lack of pop culture knowledge gave Dean the opportunity of walking on the edge between flirtation and friendship. He allowed himself to do that knowing Cas wouldn't pick up those advances from him. He just needed to do it... Because he is Dean Winchester after all... And Cas was that perfect mix between badass, innocent, cute and sassy.
I hope you like this volume! C-u in the next one!
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If you want to check the first volume from season 5 is here.
Buenos Aires May 2nd 2019 8:27 PM
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
(Gary anon) I don't doubt that if the group didn't have Gary, the raid would have gone differently. But, that doesn't necessarily mean it would have gone 'better'. (If the other challengers not even making it to the cave is anything to go by. Heck, barring Moltres, the other raids just whittle down to just Ash and Goh rather quickly) Heh, I actually seen two recent videos talking about Gary's character concerning this episode on Youtube; not negatively. Just retrospect.
(Part 2) I think some get why he's acting like his with Goh, but it clears how much 4kids left its mark. (Really hope Johto gets fully subbed one of these days, it's the remaining missing puzzle concerning his development. I can catch some words, but I still need full context) His next appearances is crucial to having people get a 2nd look at him. (This was a much knock down for Goh. The OP makes me think he'll have a raid together with the leaders, or tag along some mission)
(Part 3) (with them and he needs to be in top shape here) I get wanting to hear "pathetic" come out of his mouth; but *that shouldn't come with his whole character regressing. (*Already have a few iffy on that when it comes to JN Gary) He's not going to be Champion, might as well give him some official title to highlight his status. Gym Leaders teach too and strives for trainers to get better. (Japanese side of the fandom keeps saying Gary feels older, regardless of age. xD) One of the most
(Part 4) disrespectful moments in the entire anime. xD I guess that's karma for happen with Kangaskhan. (Evolution speculation is back in the mix: We haven't seen Boltund in the anime yet and I remember seeing merch on it some months ago) Like Infernape, I don't see Greninja rejoining Ash's current roster, but I could see it returning to him permanently. (Unless other plans are set for him, Paul is either the last Ultra Class battle or the 1st round of Masters 8) I'm in the former
(Part 5) ;Masters 8 feels like it'll consist mainly of Champions, plus Raihan and Lance. If the tournament battle format is how I think it will go, Paul's better off ending Ultra. Since there's some signs of Iris gaining a spot, I'm not entirely sure about Alder. Hope he at least gets something. (I pretty much expect every return from here-on-out to be done in rapid succession compared to last year. There's a few companions left unmentioned)
Yeah. At any rate, from a writing perspective it served its purpose, and we got to see our spiky boy, so I figure it's whatever.
Yeah, a lot of people not even making it to Articuno goes to show that it would've been brutal one way or another. Gary's skill helped.
Ooh, analysis videos? Glad people are talking about that, even if I am probably too picky about whose opinions on Pokeani I listen to to ever seek out Pokeani Youtubers, unfortunately. (I literally am too autistic for it, and I can't really put why I'm like this into words beyond that. I’m just weird and protective about my special interest I guess xD)
I suppose so... honestly, from what I've gathered Gary's (Shigeru's, I should probably say, but you know what I mean either way) whole thing is a bit better and also way funnier in Japanese. The way he acts haughty and antagonistic and then calls himself boku just couldn't translate into English because we don't have Japanese's array of personal pronouns with different connotations, and that coupled with the dub playing up his antagonism/making him more abrasive in the first season... any subtlety is lost. Gary's still one of the best and funniest characters but. You know. (I would like to watch more of Pokeani subbed someday. I like the dubs--I love the 4Kids dub, and the TPCI dub is fine--but I think it’d be interesting.)
Anyway! Yeah! I wonder when his next appearance will be. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long... we withstood twelve years without a single appearance outside of brief silent cameos, but my threshold has been reached and I just vibrate in anticipation for his appearances now xD
Yeah, sometimes a character just needs a little personal growth knocked into them. It's fine.
I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing him achieve that! I think he’d be good at it, though I imagine much like Blue in the games, his restless soul would be a problem sometimes. It’d at least be good for him to have a home base. 
(Talk of Gary potentially taking over the Viridian Gym reminds me there’s a fic I’ve been meaning to read where he does that, and it’s explicitly an act of reclamation because it’s a fic about his Mewtwo Trauma--what I did read of it was very good, the trauma portrayal just felt a little too real and I was not in the headspace to handle it emotionally when I came across it. You might know the one--it’s Recovery Takes: by Essence_of_Silence on AO3. Big fan of their work and how it hits my feelings with the force of a freight train.)
I get that! Along with his more mature personality, it’s probably partly because his JN design is based off Blue’s HGSS look and Blue was in his mid-teens in those games.
Yeah, the disrespect! I laugh every time I think about it.
Oh? I hadn’t realized Boltund hadn’t made an appearance yet! Interesting!
That makes sense!
Yeah, him being the last Ultra Class battle sounds right.
Should be very interesting! Excited to see how things play out in Journeys’ (probably) final year, I know this leg of the anime has been a very divisive one but I’ve had fun :)
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Jimmy & Janis
Planning a romantic weekend away
Jimmy: Gracie came at me earlier. There was mistletoe up and I near fully hit the floor 😎 Jimmy: Hold fire though. She only wanted to tell me to convince you of summat. Pretty sure you already know what it is Janis: Erm...Father Christmas is really real? That her weave isn't from dead Brazilian hookers? Janis: Enlighten me or I'll tell her she's got a holiday free pass on you 😈 Jimmy: Double date. Need I say more 😡 Janis: FUCK. I DIDN'T THINK IT'D ACTUALLY HAPPEN. Janis: How far does she expect the season of goodwill to extend, like? Already got some poor cunt being a charitable home for her arse so she don't freeze Janis: Single tear. Janis: Question is, can we make it worth it enough for us to endure that shite? Hmm Jimmy: I almost got my arse to church so it wouldn't. Shoulda sucked off that priest when he asked. Too late? Jimmy: You better get me a top notch pressie, baby 😏 Janis: You know you ain't on the nice list 😉 Janis: So, Santa might be dissing but you'll be getting something extra special from me Janis: As for God, and his holly jolly perverted following, I reckon we're both shit out of 🍀 there, no matter how good our head game is, such is life Janis: Grah, I hear she does shoutouts now...want that 'influencer' clout, baby? Not double entendre my end but might be for GracieGuru 🙊😂 Jimmy: what the fuck we going to do then? No way I'm hanging with her and her latest 'boo boy' Jimmy: Even if I was getting paid, which is likely since she just loves common grounds Janis: Preaching to the choir, dickhead, ain't my idea of a good time either, or hers let's be fucking real. She just wants to dry-hump a slab of boy in front of you on the off chance that really gets you going for her Janis: You wouldn't call her brainy, bless Janis: Idk, don't worry about it, Jim. Just avoid her/the flat whites like the plague and I'll have to literally run away like I'm an angsty 12 year old so we can't be located, even with friend finder or whatever they stalk each other with Janis: Oooh! Just call me brains, we should pretend to have a romantic weekend away planned, that'll send her over the edge, that is her everything goals Janis: Like I said, I can hide from a hoe Jimmy: I knew there was a reason I kept you about Jimmy: Let's do it though. Easier to take than fake the 'gram Jimmy: Any ideas? 🤔 Jimmy: Most of my boltholes are far from yours and not very enviable for that crowd #it'sgrimupnorth Janis: Yeah, why do you tbh? Janis: Now its clear my sister has got no respect for anyone on her hunt for dick/self-esteem Janis: She's hoping its a twofer like Janis: I don't know if I can stand you for that long, darling Janis: But I SUPPOSE your the lesser of two evils here 😉 Jimmy: It's love 💕 Jimmy: Come on, it'll be a laff. I'll get the beers in Jimmy: You can try harder to beat me at darts and pool Janis: As far as the adoring fans/salty haterz are concerned Janis: and that's all that matters Janis: bitch i don't have to try! 😤 you put me off last time with ur mooning 😍 Janis: we don't need to convince the old fellas in the boozer Jimmy: Fuck off I was getting practice in! Jimmy: If you're ready to fake a break up say the word but until then, it takes a lot of work to give you the puppy dog eyes. I'm not Twix Janis: Sure you was 😂 Janis: N'awwh but you do it so well! Janis: Audition for the School play whilst ur at it, soft lad Jimmy: I do enough fake snogging without signing myself up for that bollocks Jimmy: You coming away with me then or not? Jimmy: You know your sister'll be in again nagging before shift's end Janis: Well, when you put it like that Janis: 😒 Janis: I ain't got nothing better to do, and I certainly ain't third wheeling her fake date Janis: My grandparents got a place down skerries Janis: we can crash there Jimmy: How many rooms they got? My dad's working so I'll have to bring the ramble with Jimmy: #goals I know Janis: Fucking hell, my pissing sister! She owes you more than she's spending on coffee for the hassle she's causing Janis: If you really can't, don't worry, I'll sort her. She'll be unbearable when she finds out it was all for a laugh but it was at her expense so how much of a mug can she actually make me feel? 😑 Janis: That said, there's 3 rooms, its only a caravan don't get excited but the kids would probably be buzzin', it is pretty nice down there Janis: I'll even let you have the double bed to yourself Janis: ol Janis: l Jimmy: It'll stop them nagging me about going somewhere other than the park that'll do me Jimmy: Cass talks big but she isn't even really so doable Jimmy: Don't be getting any ideas though 😍😉 my brother hasn't slept well since we moved. I'll be sharing that double like it or not Jimmy: What a way to spend my first proper time off since I started #blessed Janis: Yeah, fish and chips on the beach even tho its fucking baltic, chasing Twix will keep 'em warm, you'll earn major big brother points as well as bae ones Janis: What a mighty fine man Janis: Same here, Cass. Shh about it though Janis: Like you said, it'll be a laugh, we can make it one Janis: You'd really rather be making pinkity drinkidies or whatever the fuck they are? Jimmy: Nope. But your 1st romantic break usually is. Any talent there is in all grans playing bingo? Jimmy: Be nice to get something off the 'gram 💋 Janis: I ain't been since I was about 9 Janis: I wasn't after bitches then and I ain't now Janis: I wish you luck, 2 kids hanging on your arm and a woman back home, like Janis: Does it for some. Jimmy: I'd do some talking first to get things clear I'm not tall Tammy 😂 Jimmy: Bet you were a right cute kid, weren't you? Aww Janis: Again, have fun explaining that one, mate. I'd struggle with the concept and I'm in on it. Janis: Adorable. What happened? Jimmy: Shut up you know what you look like, mate Janis: A butch lezza? Janis: So I've been told 👍 Jimmy: That's not what they are saying anymore. Check my comments sometime. The lads are gagging for you now Janis: Goody gumdrops. Janis: I'll leave my knickers at the door, like Jimmy: You could like. I've been waiting for you to drop me as your fake bf since this whole thing started Janis: I'm not interested in any of them. Janis: Would your world be set alight by Aaron O'Reilly from form? Janis: If you wanna cop off with some of your fans don't let me stop you Jimmy: You aren't. They're not my type anymore than Aaron's yours. I'm just saying you take a crackin pic and I should know since I'm the one takin 'em. So you don't need to spout that crap. They're just jealous of how much of a butch lezza you aren't Janis: Alright. Well, you're not half bad at taking snaps, and not in the bullshit way every hoe thinks they know their angles and magic lighting these days, you're actually decent. Janis: It don't feel like crap when Janis: blah, meant to delete that, ignore it Jimmy: 🤐 Jimmy: Wanna help me with my art project while we're away then? Kill all the birds (hopefully not with my flash) Jimmy: I'll owe you again Janis: I won't even joke on you for being a swot 🤓🤞 Janis: What've you got planned? Jimmy: I haven't had any time to think yet beyond film being the medium but Jimmy: #workinprogress Jimmy: with a muse like you m'dear how could I go wrong 💕 Janis: 😜 Janis: just so you know, i ain't bringing any homework but put my name or yours, yeah? 😘 not even in art but might count for something Janis: clue me in tho, brainiac, what do the kiddos like? i'll get 'em something Jimmy: Rookie mistake mate, art's an easy A Jimmy: They'll take anything covered in sugar. Can't say I'll love you for it when they crash mid journey though Janis: Only 'cos you're good at it. With my genes I should be but I can barely draw a stickman. Janis: I'll stick with double sports, sports science and science 👌 Janis: I'll keep sweets in stock for bribery, goes without sayin'! Different pocket to Twix' fish treats, though Janis: I'll have a look down town Jimmy: 😂 did you see that article doin the rounds about the mum who bought her kid a cat's advent calendar Janis: 😂 Yes! Shame catnip don't work like on us like it does cats, that kid would be pingin' Janis: Might get meself some, like Jimmy: What gets dogs off their heads? I'll keep Twix well clear Jimmy: She's high enough on your 😍 Janis: I don't know, actually...telling them they're good bois? Janis: Works for you boo 😘 Jimmy: I prefer being called a very bad boy 😎 Janis: You clown 😂 Janis: Good to know, suppose. Dirty weekend away though it ain't Jimmy: what our fans don't know won't break their jealous hearts Jimmy: you coming in for your freebies today or shall I do a delivery your way once Grace is home? 😉 Janis: Kick it really cliche and be my sexy delivery boy Janis: Try and bring something with sausage in so I can come at you with the quality porn writing Jimmy: Live your fantasies as well as your sister's if you want, my name tag says Jonathon today Janis: Ooh, spicing it up with some roleplay like we're middle-aged okay Janis: How boring are you that you've picked a name so similar to your own...this is why we've hit a dry patch, Jimothy! Jimmy: What would you seriously pick? Janis: For you? Janis: Who's a fittie... Janis: Anthony Joshua could get it Janis: You don't want to be in the play but reckon you can stretch to that? Jimmy: Next time I lose my name tag I'll insist on that. For the bae 💕 Jimmy: About as close as I'll get I think Janis: Who do you want? Janis: I wanna know your type Janis: Bar Tall Tammy Jimmy: Your sister obviously Janis: Fuck off, not even funny Janis: If that were true, you know where she lives bitch, I ain't stopping ya, she's practically shoe-horning you in 🤢 Jimmy: I meant the fit older one 😉 Janis: Ohhh Janis: Still, do one 🖕 I'm not pretending to be my sister you freak Jimmy: That's one pretense too far. Got it 😂 Janis: Yeah, in this hypothetical you've really shit the bed, pal. Jimmy: I only half read that because #customers and thought you called me shit in bed mate Janis: well... 😏 Jimmy: I fake rocked your world Janis Cavante! 😂 Janis: you know we faked it so i didn't have to fake it 💅 Jimmy: Aaron O'Reilly's walking through the door want me to slip him your number and end this? 😝 Janis: I will murder you. Janis: also he might think your trying to set up a threeway for YOUR benefit, so if you wanna take over the gay rumours that bad, go for it 💋🍆 Jimmy: I've seen you with a pool cue I think I'm safe Jimmy: Give a shit. At least I actually am butch Janis: Psh, you're all show no grow Janis: We're arm wrestling, then you'll see Jimmy: 💪 I'll beat you at that too then, shall I? 🏆 Janis: Bring it on. I won't make you cry too hard, save face in front of the kiddos. Janis: 'Let' them kick your arse too 😜 Jimmy: Try it, baby girl 😝 Jimmy: Cass probs could no lie. Scrappy af that one Janis: Good girl 👍 Janis: Gotta keep you in check Jimmy: Doubt you'll be calling her that when she's shadowed you all weekend Jimmy: She loves you. Who knows why? Janis: I keep telling you I'm a delight Janis: Has this...how long has it been? Month, 2? Of SHEER BLISS taught you nothing Janis: Ruuuuude. Jimmy: Nope. I'm with Team Bobby. You're a gross meanie Jimmy: As all girls are 😂 Janis: Well I'm winning Bobby 'round this weekend by hook or by crook Janis: then you can please yourself, billy no mates Janis: Team Janis 💪 Jimmy: Every bro knows you can't be friends with your girl Jimmy: DUH Janis: Oh yeah, all straight couples HATE each other and that's #goals Janis: If I can't be chatting shit on you, how will I get to talk about you constantly to my gals? Janis: Singing your praises? I THINK NOT Jimmy: Speaking of, Gracie and co are back on the premise that Tall Tammy left her....something. I wasn't listening. Should I break the news we won't be here for date night or do you want to do the honors Janis: Dignity? That's long gone, honey. Janis: Ooh, lemme do it, you're coming round with the sausage anyway Janis: We can do it together baby Jimmy: awhhh Jimmy: I've hidden the mistletoe but she can see the top of the highest counters!! I'm on borrowed time what do I do? Janis: Headbutt her in the teeth Janis: 'Accidentally' Janis: Can't help being a normal-sized human Jimmy: #customerservice Jimmy: then recommend her our chewy cookies 😂 Janis: You can see why I'm not trying to be your work wifey too, yeah? 😂 Janis: If you can convince any of those girls to break their diet, I'll be impressed Janis: Don't count if they go vom in the bogs after tho Jimmy: Gracie might be on her way already. One of her posse asked what you were getting me for Christmas and I didn't hold back Janis: Oh no, am I about to get slut-shamed? 😲 Janis: Or, heaven forfend, tips Janis: I will die Jimmy: Damn I didn't think of that. Sorry Janis: Its cool Janis: She's all mouth anyway, not in a beneficial to the cause way Janis: Be interesting hearing what she thinks you want, keep ya posted lol Jimmy: 🙌 Can't wait Janis: that's what you're meant to say about my present! Jimmy: I did, swear 🤞 Janis: what do you actually want Jimmy: Don't worry about it Janis: Oh, is it? If I'm not fucking your brains out you're not interested Janis: Fine then, save my reddies. 👍 Jimmy: That's what I was thinking. Stage a break up before 🎄 for max drama and min spends Janis: Cool. If you wanna. Janis: Just don't tell everyone you chucked me 'cos I wouldn't give it up. Already a frigit. Janis: What's the story then? Jimmy: Obviously not. We've been hooking up for ages got to keep it #goals Jimmy: I don't know haven't thought that far ahead it just makes sense to get out before gifting Janis: Yeah. Fair. Janis: Think on and let me know Jimmy: You too. We can brainstorm at the weekend. Nothing but time then Jimmy: Can't break up right after the break though Janis: Would look sus, yeah. Janis: Maybe I'll whup you one too many times, your fragile male ego can't hack it, eh? Jimmy: Grace'd be smug 😩 Jimmy: Can't even fake that, babe Jimmy: Nobody'd believe the story Janis: She's gonna be regardless Janis: I got the shitty end of the stick here like but ain't nowt we can do about it now Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: No we're goals we just burned too bright that's all 😂 Jimmy: You've got way more time served with me than she does any of her boos she doesn't win Janis: Mhmm. Calm down, Icarus. Sure you'll be comparing some other bint on a balcony to the sun in no time. 😘 Janis: Suppose so. Least hers are real, if not short-lived, and, well, shit. Janis: She won't know the difference anyway Jimmy: There's nobody like you 💕 Jimmy: Exactly I'm not going to tell her we weren't real Janis: Bullshit 💕 Janis: True enough, I'll take it. Jimmy: Shit gotta go the boss is back Jimmy: Love you 💕 Janis: Love you too, Jonathon 💕
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