#but yeah. whoops. I have a 4 page doc now and that's not all the plot dev i need to do
readingwriter92 · 1 year
me: I should see if I have anymore ideas for a bridgewater fic before the new season starts bc that trailer is getting me excited
also me: what if we wrote out an entire x-men au (bc we're still on that apparently) that's super self indulgent and you'll never get around to finishing???
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Tordedd please!! Maybe angst? But anything really, I’m just deprived of tordedd content 😫
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(How did y’all know I love TordEdd >=0 Also I’m really sorry for how long this took, quarantine caught all of us off guard in my household so I’ve been trying to get back on my feet. AND my girlfriend has been staying over with me and she doesn’t know I run this blog.
But in all seriousness, I hope you forgive me with this request! It was like 9 pages on google docs so aaaa---)
Quiet was something that Edd had gotten used to. He didn't do it constantly, but staying up was a routine that had gotten a little too familiar for the brunet. So familiar that the dark bags under his eyes showed its prominence. 
Coffee was basically an all time drink now. Of course, it would never overrun the amount of Cola Edd drinks on a daily basis. Hell, he even pours the drink into the actual coffee sometimes. However, it certainly was something that he depended on nowadays, especially for moments like this. 
He didn't mean to stay up. He never usually meant to, but Edd couldn't sleep lately. Everytime he did, he found himself staring at the ceiling for an hour and a half. Which is what happened tonight, which lead to where the tall man was now sitting. 
Edd tilted his foot back and forth, ticking it with the seconds that passed on the hanging clock. Fingernails tapped against the hard surface of the table, the brunet closing his eyes peacefully. His coffee was brewing, and while the man wanted so desperately to fall asleep, he knew he wouldn't be able to. So, might as well stay awake and be productive. 
Tom and Matt were probably dead asleep, which is reasonable considering it was 2:30 in the morning. Matt usually fell asleep early, which was good for midnight shenanigans, but that meant the ginger was usually the first one awake. Tom liked to stay up late as well, but he usually only did so because he was out at some bar. Or in some stranger’s bed. Once he gets home, however, he drops so quickly, sleeping like a log. Edd sometimes wonders if he comes back alive, even.
Edd blinked his eyes open halfway, watching the coffee maker lazily. It was whirring, making a low buzzing sound. He wondered why he was still awake, why he couldn’t sleep when his body so desperately screamed for a rest. The light thrum of the refrigerator, the ice maker rumbling every now and then, the damn coffee maker buzzing. And that was all he heard, the little "vrrrr" from the machine, the occasional wind creaking the windows, and the sound of the kitchen fan turning slowly. 
That's all he should've heard. It was late, and as far as he was concerned, Edd was the only one up. 
Until he heard a crash. 
Glass shattering, the noise disappearing just as quickly as it had sounded. It was just long enough for Edd's tired self to process, however. Mostly because he was suddenly on his feet, chair having been scraped back. 
He stood still, quiet as he listened. The machine was still whirring, the fan slowly turned. He didn't hear anything else. It had gone completely silent again, as if whoever broke the window had just… paused. 
Edd finally moved after a minute of silence. Socked feet tiptoed their way into the living room, staring with wide eyes at the entrance. Down the hall was the front door, where the broken window presumably was. And towards the person who most likely broke it. 
The brunet came another step forward before pausing by the wall, hidden behind the corner of the living room entrance. Another sound broke through the silence, the sound of feet crunching glass. 
It made Edd freeze in his spot, lips held tight. He was scared to breathe, as if whoever had broken in could hear his noise from all the way in front. Whether they were closer now or not, Edd didn't dare to breathe too loudly. He was still in his spot, heartbeat stuck at the base of his throat. 
He could hear the steps coming closer, lightly treading down the hall. They were so light that Edd almost lost track of them, but he managed to keep up. Keep up as he heard them come to a slow stop near him, around the corner of the entrance. 
Fuck. Fuck, the kitchen light was on. It seeped past the living room, glowing on the floor. They could see it from the hall, just lightly, but they could see it nonetheless. 
Edd cursed under his breath, hearing the footsteps quickly retreat. He couldn’t help but spring into action upon hearing a voice, a soft “Shit” coming from the dark. Without thinking, Edd leaped from around the wall, ignoring his every thought that begged him to just let the man leave. That’s what it sounded like he was doing.
Whatever his thoughts, though, Edd couldn’t help but wonder what kind of adrenaline lead him to harshly grab hold of the figure around the corner, eyes adjusting to the sudden lack of brightness.
"Who--" Edd couldn't finish his statement, grip slipping from this random man's clothes. They started to wriggle out of Edd's grip, trying their best to flee, but the brunet just held them tighter. He pulled them back, arms locking around their chest, heavy breathing now sounding as he tried to get the wrestling figure under control. 
Holy fuck, this was easier than Edd thought. Just locking his hands a certain way secured the other, the immense force the cloaked man gave was almost nothing. It also didn’t help how Edd was a whopping 6′4, bigger in size in all ways. He was practically hovering over the shorter man. Not by much, but by way over than enough.
It wasn't until Edd looked down and processed this familiar face that he really loosened his grip. Just enough for the struggling man to notice and pause. 
Edd stared down, and as he did so, the other looked up to meet him with grey colored eyes. Bright, even in the dim setting. 
"Tord?" Edd questioned, voice quiet. He stared at him with such wonder and confusion, arms dropping from him. It took him a second, but Tord eventually regained his composure, stumbling forward and whipping around. He was standing straight in front of Edd. Eyes wide. "What are y… Tord, is that you??"
The other man smiled slightly, giving Edd the stupidest face the brunet's ever seen. It was dorky, that small gap in the Norwegian's front two teeth presenting itself. He raised his hands slightly, looking embarrassed that he had been caught. Especially over the fact that he had pathetically tried to fight Edd off of him. 
"Heeeey, Eeeeeeeeedd…." Tord gave a low chuckle, quickly glancing down the hall behind himself. Edd also took a quick glance behind him, catching eye of the open window and shattered glass. Ah, shit. "Long time no see."
"Y… Tord, what are you doing here?" Edd questioned, coming forward slightly. He raised his hands, waving them slightly. He didn't exactly know what to do with them, didn't know if he should hug Tord or pat him. He was confused. But those nerves didn't disappear. God, no. "I haven't-- You didn't tell me you were coming to visit. It's been years."
"Yeah, I, uhm… I was going to surprise you! I thought I'd pop in last minute, visit since… I had a, uh, dip.. In my schedule." Tord smiled, words lacing over perfectly with a sense of genuine thought. "I, uh, couldn't find the spare key that we used to keep. So I… broke… the window.."
Tord cleared his throat. "Whoops."
The brunet stood there, looking up at the broken window past them. His eyes flickered from Tord to the front door, then back again. He gave the other a smile back. "You didn't bother to check the door?"
"Well, I would've assumed it was locked."
Edd snorted a bit, shaking his head. "Tom got back from a bar about an hour ago. He usually forgets to lock it." Edd pointed past the other, towards the front. 
Tord glanced over his shoulder. And, low and behold, his eyes landed on the handle, door held open a bit and, indeed, unlocked. 
"Oh." Tord stared. He huffed, frowning a bit before looking to Edd. "Well… Shit, aha, surprise! Sorry to wake you up."
"No, no, it's fine. I was already up." Edd waved off, smile slowly forming across his face. 
It was a surprise, it sure as hell was, but Edd couldn’t help that sigh of relief to flutter from him. He was excited, the hands that were raised in the air coming to slowly pat at Tord’s shoulders. 
The other stared at him with a weird look, as if Edd was crazy. And, Edd believed he was. Mostly because it had been so long since Tord had visited from who knows where, and the feelings that whirled in his chest didn’t seem to change. That warmth seeping into his cheeks as his lips parted into an excited grin before pulling Tord in again.
He hugged him. Tightly. Arms wrapping around the other, pulling him in close. He forgot how much he loved feeling Tord tense in his arms. He never really seemed comfortable with big hugs like these anymore, it was clear from the occasional visits, but the Norwegian still returned them nonetheless. Always returned Edd’s big hugs with a tight one of his own.
“You could’ve at least called a couple hours beforehand. The living room looks like shit.” Edd grumbled, a light-hearted annoyance lacing through his words. 
He could almost feel the way Tord’s laugh flowed over his body, shaking a bit as he huffed out loudly in response.
“I used to live here too, you know.” Tord’s low voice droned from the fabric of Edd’s shirt, face pressed into his chest. “You really think I care about a dirty living room? You should see my living room.”
Edd snorted, shaking his head a bit as his arms loosened around the other. He couldn’t help that rush of happiness surge through his arms as he felt Tord look up, not yet stepping back from him. He had the chance to, but he didn’t.
“You’re an idiot.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Says the one who broke a window to get in even though the door was already open. And unlocked.” Edd piped, shooting the other a prodding stare. “I mean, you could’ve at least--”
“Okay! Okay, I get it, stop teasing me.” Tord complained, finally pushing away from Edd. A small grumble came out, hidden in the midst of Edd’s light chuckles. “God, I forget how annoying you are.”
“Ah, yes. I’m the annoying one.” Edd hummed, grinning at the other before whipping around, leading Tord to the kitchen once more.
The Norwegian followed his footsteps, shooting back another comment, going quiet to listen to Edd’s response. His low grumble, little laughs huffing along his words. Edd was a big man. And in return, that lead to him having a naturally deeper voice. Not by much, but when he’s up in the early hours of the morning, a little like this time, the rumble of his voice box settles at the base of his throat. Too tired to put emotion, but just enough given to make Tord.... feel things.
It was a while since he visited. Ever since he left, Tord made sure to never lose contact completely. He’d visit once every couple years, but it was never more than for a day or two. And he only ever saw Edd. 
Sure, Tord missed Matt and Tom, but it’s not like he really talked to them anymore. He never had Tom’s number to begin with, the little ball of fire blocking Tord whenever they got too angry at each other. Matt and him, no matter how tight they were as friends, just slowly... started drifting apart. Tord wondered why. I mean, Edd mentioned something about that memory erase gun, but the effects of that shouldn’t have lasted so long. Maybe the ginger was just afraid it’d be awkward to try and text him again. 
Matt was anxious sometimes. Sweet and bright as he may be, but a little nervous.
That didn’t matter, though. He’d always have time to chum up with the other two, but it was Edd who he enjoyed spending his time with the most. Sure, he didn’t exactly plan to “visit”, he was actually just ready to pick up his little... toy. 
The thought made his smile droop a bit, eyes flickering back to the hallway that lead to his room. It was locked when he looked at it earlier. He wondered if Edd turned it into a storage room or something.
Thoughts were snapped back into reality as Edd asked him something, the Norwegian blinking for a moment. “W--What? Sorry, I wasn’t, uh..”
“It’s alright. I just asked if you wanted some coffee? Unless you plan to head to sleep, but to be honest, you look as bright and alert as ever.” Edd chirped, picking up the steaming mug from the coffee maker. It was silent now, that buzzing noise it made now gone. 
Now that Tord could see him in better light, the first thing he noticed was the light stubble on the other’s chin. The beginning of a beard on Edd’s face, now hidden behind a mug as it was lifted to those lips of his. 
It made Tord shudder a bit, pulling his eyes up, bright and wide. Observant.
While that peach fuzz the other wore was a sight to see, Tord couldn’t help but lock his eyes on something else. Like the bags under those chocolatey eyes of his. And just how tired Edd actually looked.
Why was he drinking coffee so late? He didn’t plan to actually stay up, was he? And from the looks of it, he was making that before Tord had even broken in. Didn’t he say earlier that he was already up?
“Uh, no, I’m okay.” Tord responded, face kind of slacking at the thought of Edd having sleep troubles. His grey eyes flickered over Edd’s face for no more than a second before staring out the glass doors leading to the yard. “It’s pretty late to be drinking coffee, though. Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
Edd went a bit quiet, bringing his glass cup to his lips, letting it sit there. The void of an answer made Tord shift his eyes back to him, head still tilted towards the grass outside, but eyeing the larger male. All the while sitting down.
“I couldn’t sleep is all.” Edd murmured into his cup, shrugging slightly. “Like always, aha.”
Tord let out an “ah”, slowly nodding his head along before pausing. Pausing because, no, that wasn’t “Like always.” Edd could always sleep without worries, no matter what happened. Back in highschool, he could get into a fight, have a quarrel with somebody, watch some disturbing video and still go out like a light. Edd never took longer than a few minutes to go to sleep. Or, well, that’s how Tord last remembered.
“Haha, yeah. Don’t worry about it.”
Tord pursed his lips, eyes moving back to the clear view. He eyed the lawn, seeing how it looked untouched and normal like always. He didn’t know why he felt so nervous. From Edd’s happy expression, it was clear that no matter how long Tord had been away, they obviously hadn’t found out about his little secret room yet. They hadn’t discovered anything yet, which was surprising considering they must’ve done something to his room. Maybe while cleaning it out or moving stuff around they found that lever. It was actually quite surprising how they hadn’t seen anything yet.
Tord really wondered how stupid his friends actually were sometimes. “So, I couldn’t help but notice my room was locked. And how we have a second story now?”  Tord blinked his gaze back at the other, watching Edd yawn a bit before settling himself down in front of Tord at the table. 
“Yeah, Matt has a bunch of crap he doesn’t want to throw away so we got an upstairs and stuck him there. He became quite the collector.” Edd rolled his eyes at those words, bringing his coffee mug down to clink loudly on the wooden surface. “Collector my ass. He’s a hoarder. He hoards junk, not collects.”
Tord let out a soft snort, raising a brow as the smile on his face widened. That sure was different too. Matt being a hoarder, having to take up an entire floor to just keep track of all his junk. Tord shouldn’t be thinking that way, though. I mean, he practically had the exact same thing. Except Tord’s stuff wasn’t junk! It was… hmm.
“And my room?”
“Oh, that’s sort of…. Tom’s room now?”
Tord blinked at Edd. The brunet wouldn’t look at him, but the Norwegian waved his hand to try and grab his attention. Edd still didn’t look at him. He continued to stare into his cup, even as he drank from it. “I’m sorry, Edward. Did you just say that my room belongs to Tom now???”
“Look! I turned his old room into a swimming pool, he needed a room and the upstairs doesn’t have sections!! It’s one room, I was not about to make him bunk with Matt.” Edd huffed loudly, frowning at the other as he finally looked up. “You’re crazy if you think I can keep Tom alone with Matt. Absolutely insane.”
Tord knitted his brows, looking confused about, well, everything. Did things change that much? Really? I mean, it’s not like he should’ve expected everything to be the same. Afterall, Tord was gone for eight or so years. Things were bound to be different. Even people, he guesses. “Where am I going to sleep then?”
“You’ve lived here, just knock out on the couch for a day or two before you go back, I’m sure you can manage.” Edd scoffed, letting his nails click loudly against his mug. “Or get a hotel room like you did last time. I’m surprised you came straight here to be honest. You haven’t been here since…. Well, since you first left.”
Tord watched Edd for a moment, watched Edd finish up his drink before quickly making his way to the sink. His chair scraped on the tiled floor slightly, the brunet going quiet after his statement. He turned the sink on, faucet spilling water into his now empty cup. Edd licked his lips slightly, feeling how chapped and dry they were. 
He looked uncomfy talking about the subject. Just saying the words “first left” seemed like it made Edd want to quickly direct the conversation another way. It hurt to see that look on his face. Made Tord uncomfortable as well to see just how tired Edd looked. God, why did he look so tired?
Tord fiddled with his thumbs on the table. He had an excuse already made up in his mind, an excuse that he had made up on the car ride here. It wasn’t true, it was really just an excuse to buy him more time, to give him some time to stay here until he got up and left. Tord could spill it now.
Seeing how Edd looked, though, Tord wondered if this was the right choice. He couldn’t take back all he had done but how could he just lie to Edd’s face? Especially if he was bringing his hopes up now only to crush him in the long run. It’s not like Tord can just stop being a leader to an entire damn army, no, he had gone too far. There’s no way he can take it back now.
He was going to hurt Edd in a few days' time, maybe even tomorrow. There was no avoiding it. They would see him come out of the ground with that robot one way or another, it’d take a miracle for them not to notice it. If Tord was lucky, he could get his robot then leave without any of them realizing it was him. He could escape, not say a word. They would never hear from him again and they would never know what happened to him. 
That is, if Tord is lucky. And lucky isn’t really in Tord’s vocabulary. 
“Uh… I mean…” Tord stared harshly at his thumbs. He hated himself for this, but hey, if he was going to break his heart later, then might as well make these last few days worth it. Right? “I was actually thinking about… moving back in?”
Edd twirled around faster than Tord could process, the Norwegian taking a moment to realize that the brunet was stepping back over to him now. He blinked once more, looking up at the other, watching Edd stand beside him with wide eyes.
Wide, beautiful, puppy-like eyes. Edd was so fascinating, wasn’t he? Tord’s favorite person, the only one who really bothered to keep in touch with him. The one who Tord just happened to fall in love with. 
Even after years, seeing that excitement in those eyes of his got Tord melting a bit. Except, he kept his composure. Kept his back straight as that worry in his own eyes crumbled into adoration. Tord couldn’t help but let a wobbly smile form on his lips.
“Really?” Edd questioned, the hopefulness in his voice lighting up Tord’s heart. 
He could feel it thump against his chest a bit faster, the Norwegian wanting so badly to kick his feet with joy. He could watch Edd make that face all day. And to think he was looking positive and happy like that at Tord, wow. God, it was enough to make Tord almost forget about the fact that he really was about to throw their relationship away once he grabbed his robot. That little expression made him almost forget about all he was going to do. 
“Y...Yeah, I came back here because, uh… I’m moving back in.”
“You’re moving back in?”
“Like…. For real? Real-real?”
“Yes, Edd. For real-real.”
The brunet let out a breathy squeal, doing his best to keep quiet in his excited state. He flailed his hands slightly, waving them around before pulling a laughing Tord up from his seat. “Stop laughing, this is serious!”
“I am being serious, haha. You’re the one flailing like a damn bird.”
“I am not a-- a bird.” Edd scoffed, letting his hands drop. “And can you really blame me for being excited???”
Tord smiled brightly, stumbling as he tried to push in his chair while taking an awfully close step to Edd. He ignored the loud scrape from the chair, ignored how close he was to the brunet. All Tord really focused on was that smile that framed Edd’s face so perfectly. So much so that it made Tord’s heart jumble up in all these mixed feelings of his. “I guess I can’t.”
Edd smiled. That was how it could be simply put. He smiled, and Tord smiled back. And it wasn’t until Tord took another step forward that Edd really took the chance to scoop him up in his arms again. Bringing him so close that Tord had to lean up in the slightest to hug him comfortably.
Big arms around him, Tord smiled. Hugs weren’t his thing, he wasn’t used to being touched and prodded over. Granted, his dads usually liked to smother him, but other than them, no one dared to hug him. Except these idiot friends of his. And Edd.
Edd’s hugs were the best. They made Tord feel safe and he absolutely drowned in the feeling it gave him. He would stand in his arms forever if he could. But Tord’s job didn’t let him do so. He couldn’t have this. And the thought suffocated him.
Edd loosened his grip, prepared to step back, but he paused. Only because Tord’s own hands came around to squeeze him tightly. And he didn’t let go. 
“Not yet.” Tord muttered, voice quiet. He let his head rest on Edd’s shoulder, fingers moving lightly across the back of his shirt. He brought himself close to him again. “Let me just stay here for a bit more.”
Edd bit the inside of his cheek, but he made no objection. He only nodded, a soft little hum escaping him to show his joy before resuming his previous grip.
Tord closed his eyes. He took in a deep breath and stilled his hands, letting them rest around Edd instead of trying to pick and jitter. He wanted to stay here. Enjoy Edd’s hugs until he couldn’t anymore. 
He’d pick up his robot tomorrow. Or maybe the day after that. Tord knew he had to do it soon, but maybe he could delay it. Afterall, it was going to be hard to look into Edd’s face and tell him he never cared about him. That he only came for his equipment. 
Tord was going to miss this. He was going to miss his friends. He was going to miss him, miss Edd. He was going to mess this all up soon and Tord could feel himself grow queasy and the scenarios that piled in his head. God, he was going to break his own heart. He was going to leave Edd behind. 
Just a bit more time in his arms. That’s all Tord asked for, really.
“So… are you going to kick Tom out of my room or what?”
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joachimnapoleon · 4 years
Part 5 of my and @histoireettralala’s ongoing Murat/Ney/Lannes AU. (Here are links to Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4.)
Ney hadn’t known that the gondola of the Pendulum of Doom would also be ROTATING while it hurtled back and forth through the air at such an unholy speed. Not that it would’ve stopped him from getting on it anyway; not now that Lannes has discovered his fear of heights. Now, Ney is determined to take on every single death-defying ride in this godless hellscape of a park if it kills him. Multiple times over. Just to prove that he can.
Clinging with white knuckles to the shoulder harness securing him to the seat between Murat and Lannes, he glances over at Murat on his left. Mercifully, the silly creature is still oblivious to everything but his own effervescent joy. As the spinning Pendulum begins its latest plunge he unleashes a deafening WOOOOOOOOOOOO the whole way down and over to the next side.
Lannes dares to cast a look of concern at Ney and is met with a soul-shriveling glare.
“I just want to make sure you’re—”
“LANNES!” the exuberant Murat cries. “YOU WERE RIGHT! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!”
Lannes forces a smile. The last thing Ney needs is for Murat to catch on. Ney gives Lannes a pointed look, with a tight, subtle head-tilt towards Murat. The ferocity in his eyes said one thing: DO NOT let him catch on. Lannes nods silently to let Ney know they’re on the same page. Murat, however, is too busy stretching his arms up to the heavens, reveling in the next swing of the pendulum, to notice the exchange. Just act natural, Lannes tells himself. The Doctor will know what to do. He always has all the answers!
After the Pendulum, Murat happily informs Ney that it’s his turn to pick the next ride!
Ney demands to know the name and whereabouts of the highest, fastest rollercoaster in the entire park.
As Murat gleefully describes the thrills of the legendary Devil’s Vengeance to Ney, Lannes takes advantage of the distraction to whip out his cellphone.
“AGAIN, LANNES?!” the irritated voice of Dr. Larrey explodes through the phone. “What in God’s name is it now? I swear if you and Murat are drunk again I’ll—”
“No Doc, it’s not that, this is serious!” Lannes interjects, trying but failing to keep his voice down. “It’s Ney. I think he’s going mad.”
“He’s what? Lannes, I don’t have time for this bullshit.”
“I mean it Doc! We’re at the amusement park and I found out he’s afraid of heights and now he—”
“Ney’s WHAT?!”
“SHHHH you mustn’t tell ANYONE!! I shouldn’t even have said it! But now it’s like he’s in this psychotic frenzy and wants to ride ev—”
The phone is abruptly torn from Lannes’ hand.
“Ney,” Larrey says, “if you’re afraid of hei—”
The rage-filled cry that Ney emits before ending Lannes’ call to Larrey is like nothing Lannes, Murat, or Larrey have ever heard in their lives. What have I done? Lannes thinks miserably.
“I’ll be holding onto this,” Ney snarls at Lannes, pocketing his phone. He stomps off in the direction of the Devil’s Vengeance.
Murat is wide-eyed.
“Lannes... is Ney... really...”
Lannes clamps a hand over his mouth. “DON’T SAY IT, don’t even let him know that you know. He will murder us both. Promise me you won’t say anything about it.”
“Hm phmmfpmfh,” Murat promises through the hand.
“Good.” Lannes unmuffles him. “Now then. Do you have your phone on you? Since Ney has confiscated mine.”
“Text Larrey and see if he can figure out a way to help us.”
“‘Kay, gimme a sec.”
Murat begins texting.
Murat proofreads the text and nods in satisfaction. Sounds perfectly fine. He presses “send.” Can they go ride the roller coaster now?
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ohalemalia · 6 years
Daily Dose - (Part 2) (S.M Imagine)
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Pairing: Scott McCall x Reader
Warnings:  emeto (throwing up), i havent proof read this whoops
A\N: Thanks for being so patient with me. Family things came up but i really wanted to get this out so here we go, part twoooo. Debating on a title change
Word Count: 1974
Summary: What makes Scott McCall so damn interesting? And what’s he got up his sleeve?
Needless to say, against my will and better judgement, thoughts of Scott McCall bounced around my head for the longest time. I came to the realization (all by myself, not because I eavesdropped on his conversation with Nurse Melissa, of course) that Wednesdays he got out of school early and would be by around 1:30pm to drop lunch off for her.
There was absolutely no reason for me to be interested, but when I really thought about it, I think it was because he was the only fresh face in this bland hospital (and the fact that he brought his mom lunch every single week, like come on, it doesn’t get better than that). But for the record, I am not into him because that would be insane considering we’ve had one, well, half of just one conversation. I refuse to be a cliche character who falls in love with the first boy they see no matter how smooth their skin looks or how toss able their hair is that you can just run your fingers throu
Not even going there.
Besides, realistically speaking the only relationship that I would be in anytime in the foreseeable future is me and this hospital bed. The only action I would get would be
Never mind, I’m not going there either.
Anyway, in case you were wondering it’s 1:23pm on a Wednesday. Not that that has any significant meaning.
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenna Han was currently under my nose and although my eyes were skimming over the page, my brain was elsewhere. My room had a side view of the front desk, so if he was coming, I would know about it.
What was I even going to say? Was I going to say anything? Was he going to even come in here?
This was stupid. I was stupid. I was being stupid.
I tried to focus on Lara Jean, but out the corner of my eye there he was again.
He set a bag of food on the counter and smiled at the front lady at the desk as he spoke to her. She pointed somewhere. He nodded and took a seat in one of the plastic waiting chairs. He looked down at his phone, scrolled for a few moments and laughed at something on his screen. I craned my neck to get a better look at him. He was wearing yet another tight shirt, this time in an olive green color and a denim jacket over it. His motorcycle helmet was sitting on the chair next to him. He leaned back in the chair and spread his legs in that guy sit that guys always do. He scrolled. And he scrolled. And he kept scrolling.
“Oh my god, could you look up from your phone for just one second,” I muttered underneath my breath.
His head snapped up as if someone spoke to him. He looked around the waiting room until his eyes met mine through the glass. I nearly choked. He blinked and then furrows his eyebrows at me. I quickly looked down at my book, hoping that he would just look away. I gave it about thirty seconds before I looked up again, and to my surprise he had disappeared from the chair. My shoulders slumped. Oh well. I guess I’d see him next week.
The doorknob to my room clicked and the door slowly opened. I looked up and my heart damn near stopped right then and there. He was there, in my doorway, smiling that puppy dog smile at me.
“I figured you could use some company,” his eyes widened and his words blurred together as he rambled on, “Unless that’s totally not okay then I can just leave and I’m really sorry and you can totally forget that I was even here.”
“No, it’s, I,” I closed my eyes, trying to reset my brain and get it to form complete sentences, “Yes, you can come in.”
“Cool,” He came in and shut the door behind him. He looked over my room again, his eyes resting on the dead flowers on my side shelf.
“I would water them,” I started to explain, “But I’m just, you know, really busy…”
“Yeah I bet,” He walked over to the shelf and gestured toward the books, “Can I?”
“Um, yeah, go ahead.” I’d never had anyone else touch my books before, so I watched him very carefully.
“Wow,” he mumbled under his breath, “It’s like your own personal library.”
“I wish,” I sat up straighter on my bed, “At least at a library I can get new books, I’ve read all of these.”
His eyes widened again and he held up a book, “All of them?”
“At least three times.”
“Wow,” he mumbled under his breath, “So, what do you read?”
“At this point, anything.”
It was silent as he went through my books. I felt self conscious as I heard the turning of pages of my books ripple through the air. Did he think my book taste sucked? Did he think reading was lame anyway?
My mouth began to salivate but I wasn’t hungry for answers, I wanted food. Real food. Whatever was in the bag that he had set down on my counter.
“That smells really good,” I felt like I was in a trance, a servant to the delicious smells of Fatburger.
Scott looked over his shoulder at the bag, “That?” He set the book down and walked over to the bag. He opened it up and looked inside, “It’s a burger and some fries. I brought it for my mom, but I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t mind if you had a couple fries.”
“Oh, I think she’d mind a lot,” I laughed half heartedly. He looked at me as if he didn’t get the joke. Or as if it wasn’t funny. I think the latter.
“I really shouldn’t,” I made it sound like I was being modest and humble, but my body would probably expel that greasy mess as soon as I put it in.
“No seriously, it’s okay Y/N,” he chuckled, “Really.”
As tempting as it was, I grimaced, “I can’t. Really. But thank you.”
He frowned as he folded the bag up and put it back on the counter, “Can I ask you a kind of personal question?”
“I suppose so,” I tapped my chin, “If you don’t mind that I might get really offended and kick you out.”
“I just,” he pressed his lips together as if he were selecting the right words, “Do you ever get out of here?”
I pressed my lips together and shook my head.
“Ever?” He was incredulous, “Like, what about school?”
“I don’t mind missing that,” I laughed, “Trust me.”
“Well, where do you wanna go?”
I was all too prepared for this. There were countless hours of staring at blank white walls to compile a list of places I’d rather be. I reached toward my books, “Can you pass me The Little Prince? It’s the book with the--”
“‘Got it,” He held the book up and handed it to me. I opened it up to page 42 and slid the sheet of notebook paper out that was scrawled on with glitter gel pen.
Y/N’s List of Places to Be Other Than Here
(No offense Melissa if you see this)
1. A friend’s house
2. A sleepover
3. Disneyland
4. Birch Aquarium
5. Greece
6. Mexico
7. Italy
8. A park
9. Fatburger, or any place that sells real people food
10. In the arms of someone I love
11. Northern Lights in Iceland, Sweden, Canada or Norway
12. Paris
13. On a road trip with friends
14. A Diner
Scott read over my shoulder as I read the items on the list out loud.  I could feel my face burning up as I got to number ten. I had definitely written that in a moment of weakness and vulnerability and it doesn’t reflect who I am as a person, obviously. I am not some cheese ball. “It’s not finished,” I folded it up, “And some of them I obviously can’t actually do, so, it’s just a dumb list.”
“I don’t think it’s a dumb list,” Scott held his hand out, “Can I see it again?”
“I, um, well,” I sighed and placed the paper in his hand. He looked it over again, his brow knitting in concentration. He nodded, “Okay, yeah, no totally not a dumb list.”
“I’m glad it has your seal of approval,” I picked at a loose thread on my sheets, “But I think I’ll just--”
“Uh,” Scott looked at the door as if he heard something coming, “Shoot. I gotta go.”
“Oh? You do?”
“Yeah,” he whirled around the room, packing up his belongings, “I probably shouldn’t be here and I might’ve told the receptionist I was going to the bathroom.”
“Oh, yeah, you probably should...you should go…”
“Before my mom kills me,” He grinned, “But at least I’m in a hopsital, right?”
His face immediately paled, “I mean, well she can’t really, you know--”
I could hear Melissa calling Scott’s name from the hallway. By the sounds of it, it sounded like she very well might wrangle Scott’s neck.
“Gotta go,” Scott opened the door and began to slip out.
“Wait, Scott, you still have my--”
The door shut behind him. I sighed.
“...my list.”
The next couple of days were a haze for me. I had a pretty bad fever. All I remember is waking up at 4:12am and immediately emptying the contents of my stomach into a bed pan. Nurse Melissa was off that night and instead Nurse Rosa came in and took my temperature while another Nurse, probably an intern since I didn’t recognise him, wrote some stuff down. Nurse Rosa reported me having a fever of 102. I slipped in and out of consciousness after that. I really wish I had a better description for it but it honestly all just was a haze that I was mostly asleep for it. My body felt like huge sandbags strapped into my mattress. My skin was burning. The light was too bright for my eyes. I was miserable.
When I woke up, I would’ve been happy about the fact that I felt better if it wasn’t for the fact that it was Thursday evening. Scott had come and gone by now. I sighed and turned over on my bed to face my books. What I saw there improved my mood easily by fifty points.
There was a stack of new books on top of my book collection, all with yellow BEACON HILLS HS LIBRARY stickers on them. There was my flower vase, but  it had brand new totally not withered flowers in it. There was a note attached to the vase. I pulled it off and unfolded it to see some messy handwriting scrawled inside:
I asked my mom if it was ok to come visit since you dont get a lot of visitors and she said yeah (: I came by but the docs said it wasn’t a good time, i waited around as long as i could, i’ve been coming after school too but it’s still being pretty bad, i hope you feel better soon because i’m bringing you something on wednesday and i don’t want it to go bad before you get to it. check in your drawer all the way in the back on the right. hope you enjoy it (but if it’s going to make you sicker...probably don’t eat it. get better soon,
-Scott M..
I leaned over as far as I comfortably could and opened the drawer on the bedside table. My hand flew to my mouth as I gasped, tears welling up in my eyes.
I had never been happier to see a Fatburger bag in my life.
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fyodorsuggestions · 7 years
Tagged by @fy-soukoku
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
My A03 username, and main blog and twitter and facebook and freaking discord and literally every single thing is Darke_Eco_Freak either with hyphens, spaces or underscores and basically I was an edgy 11 year old who loved Jak II and the concept of the evil version of the protag Jak. Only I wanted to be extra Edge™ so I added an extra E to dark.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
Hits: Sex Pollen isn’t a real Thing (it was one of the first smuts I wrote and it’s kinda bad now whoops)
Kudos: Sex Pollen again
Comments: T(w)o Me, Fo(u)r Us, or as I call it 2/4
Subs: 2/4
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s been Virus from this piece of art for some months now. Why? Because Kat made it and I love it a lot so you know
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Um damn, I haven’t gotten regular comments in a few months except from my friends whom I spam with my many many fics. I’m actually in another fandom I made another archive account for because reasons but yeah. My friends are my fave
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I haven’t actually read fic in a while, there’s one or two Daredevil ones I think about but I don’t go back and re-read, my attention span’s been pretty shit for a while.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I’m not subbed to anyone but I have bookmarked 6 fics
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
None really. My latest fandom isn’t really open for AU’s, well written Au’s at least and yes I’m forever salty over that. Hmm, if there’s one I like to toy with though it’s Evil AU’s, you know the villain turns bad AU? Love em
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
Subs: 465
Bookmarked: 2133
I don’t really care though because A) I’ve been in a lot of fandoms since 2014 and I know most ppl are here for the porn as per comments on said porn.
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Idgaf. I’ve written necro, cannibalism, torture porn, self-insert stuff. Honestly I dump most of what my other fandom wouldn’t accept on this one. Plus Fyodor is a very easy character to manipulate for me so it’s always fun.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I’d like to be better about my chaptered fics, not abandoning them and things like that. Also, action scenes, I want to get better at those.  
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
I multiship myself to hell. For this fandom I write whatever catches my eye because I don’t know the characters all that well? The running meme of me not watching the show is still a thing. In my other fandom, I’m one of the few writers around and I write every single ship I can think of cause I can.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
One my darke account: 73, on my other account; 10 but I post a lot to tumblr and don’t really cross post all that much.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
I can’t tell you that because I just keep huge word docs around but for the year I’ve written about 600 k so that’s cool.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I just write off the top of my head most of the time, I’ll talk out a plot with a friend sometimes but otherwise it’s just whatever I feel as the day goes.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
I have, two, soon to be three.
16. How did you discover AO3?
I think I saw someone on ff.net mention it and I started looking at the site.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Fuck no lol. I’m here writing the rarest of pairs and writing oc/characters, not to mention in first person sometimes and those tags alone mean ppl won’t read. Eh, I’m just posting to archive to bolster the number of fics a character has tbh. (this is for BSD fandom but I’ve never been a popular/famous author in any fandom)
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Umm, half the time I’m not sure I have ppl beyond friends who read my fics so yeah.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I’d say Lakshmi Persad, a local author. Mostly because I hated having to do that book in lit class and wanted to do better than her.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
If you want it, make it. I’m serious, don’t count on anyone to make the content you want to see, do it yourself and people might follow suit, if not, at least you made it. Hella.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
I finish stories and still have no idea if I figured them out or not.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
I’ve gotten a few, mostly I ignore them. But there was this one fic, it wasn’t for anyone but me and I shouldn’t have posted it at all but I did and someone told me that the characterization was completely wrong for the character I was writing and I ended up leaving the fic alone for months and months. I got back to it eventually but I’m not sure if I’ll ever finish that fic tbh.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Action gives me joint pain. I just how do you make it flow?
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
I want it All
Deathless Sleep
Missing Pages
Five times he fell
Divine(d) Visions
Many lil drabbles and sexy times.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I can’t plan to save my life
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
It used to be 300 a day now it’s 2k because apparently I hate myself. Most of the time I meet it, between the two fandoms I write for daily so yay.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Step back Through Time and Remember my Touch, definitely those two. One’s the original fic and the other is the sequel. Best things I wrote all year
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
Maybe Gone, that’s a really old one but god the cringe.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Hopefully I figured out those damn action scenes.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
I think bringing the characters to life in my own head is the easiest thing.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Not letting lack of feedback get to me cause I’m not writing popular shit, I don’t expect it but god damn it gets discouraging as fuck to see something I worked hard on just kinda flop and drown.
33. Why do you write?
I can’t do anything else and crave validation like the attention whore I am.
I’m tagging @chuuyasuggestions @kyusakusuggestions um idk who has archive shit. If you follow me and you see it, you have to do it okay? 
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caseyvalhalla · 7 years
1, 4, 10, 16, 21, 30, 40, 44!
Whoops, meant to add 49 to that, too!   You can answer whenever you've got some time. :)
No prob! Here we go~
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
The first online fandom I participated and made content for was Gundam Wing, back in 2003.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
Not really, no. I've been involved in quite a few to varying extents, and whether I just dipped a toe in at one point with no commitment, or wandered off to do something else after a while, or finally hit the point of "welp I think I'm done here" and made a deliberate exit, I don't regret the time I spent in any of them at all.
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Quite a few, actually. Most of the time if I enjoy a piece of media and have a ship I really like I'll go looking for some fic; whether or not I end up writing fic is a whole different set of circumstances. Most recently I've read fic for Voltron, Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2, Haikyuu, Soul Eater, Natsume's Book of Friends, and Welcome to Night Vale, according to my Ao3 history.
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
I guess I'm a wholesome goody-goody in some regards bc I like the sweet protagonist ships (not without their problems or a dose of angst but generally speaking, fluffy) and avoid things that are really dark/kind of fucked up just by virtue of existence, so by that account there are... lots of ships in hxh that I steer clear of. My feelings about them vary but overall its just "this is not my thing, it's someone else's thing, and that's cool, it's just not mine."
I have not ventured much outside of victuuri in the yoi fandom but I'm pretty open to most things. The only thing I'm not cool with is Yurio being paired with the adults (Yuuri and Victor especially). Like. He is smol. Let him be smol. Let him date Otabek in like a year or so. He's too tiny and angry to be tossed into an adult relationship.
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
It was some short thing for GW that I'm not sure I ever posted.... maybe I did? I only remember that it was maybe 500 words and from Quatre's POV.
30. What inspires you to write?
This is so complicated. Sometimes when I first get an idea for a story then I'm really excited to write and it'll just go whenever I have the spare time to write it, and that might last anywhere from an hour to a few weeks or a month. Sometimes being excited isn't enough, though, and I'll open the doc and stare at it for a minute and then go do something else. So I'm not sure. It's some unholy combination of excitement, energy, motivation, and time, and the likelihood of all of these things converging at once is rare.
So usually what I have to do is figure out what I most feel like writing, and then set aside a block of time to work on it, usually first thing in the morning on a day when I don't have any other commitments, and then I push myself to actually get a few paragraphs or a few pages out even if I'm really not feeling it. Inspiration is great but you have to figure out how to work without it, or nothing ever gets done.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Like everything. Okay. Maybe not everything but some days it feels like that. On a technical level, I tend to struggle the most with the middle parts of a long story, where I've gone through the introduction and built up the tension and revealed the major conflict, but now I have to establish a handful of circumstances and maneuver these characters into whatever positions and relationships states of mind I need them to be in before the plot can start resolving. It can get really tedious and that's what I'm struggling with in Spring Haze right now--if I can just get everyone slotted into the right places then it's all downhill! I just have to get there. Ugh.
On a more personal and existential level I struggle a lot with self-doubt, which is unfortunate and probably part of the above problem tbh, because I get to that middle bit and start second-guessing all of my decisions and fretting over plot points I didn't pin down early on and left free-floating somewhere in my outline. There's also the problem where, if I post something and it doesn't get the kind of response I wanted/expected I'll get depressed and start thinking it's no good and that I'm a talentless hack and no one cares about my work. None of which is true, yeah, but in the moment it just feels crappy and can be hard to shake off.
Most other things my beta reader deals with, with grace and aplomb xD
44. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
I think Where the Wild Things Are by @theisraelproject is the fic I've read the most times over, from any fandom ever.  More recently No Less Unthinkable by rageprufrock just completely blew me away with characterization and narrative voice and sheer awesome.
49. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
There was this sort of perfect storm of events sometime late in 2002 in which I was a) watching a shitton of anime, b) influenced by a very vocal fangirl, and c) had in-home, unsupervised access to the internet for the first time. I was already familiar with the concept of webrings from my previous internet adventures, so it didn't take me long to find all sorts of shrines and archives for various shows--there was also a site called Anime Web Turnpike that was just a warehouse of links to practically *everything* anime-related on the web, including conventions (which is how I ended up at Sakura-con a few months later). Anyway, at some point I ended up at Gundam Wing Addiction, discovered what a lemon was in an unexpected trial-by-fire, read everything I could get my grubby gremlin fingers on, figured out how to subscribe to their Yahoo!Groups mailing list, and it was all downhill from there. Thank you, GWA. Rest in peace.
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hgfstreamchats · 5 years
Touch of Satan
Hello! Video's working fine Hello, night human! Oh god Oh, thank the Allspark, something correct. Well, that's not really a "date" No kidding! Eugh. Bleh, sorry, my internet cut out Did I miss anything? It was trying to spare you this. Funny, usually it's the father demonstrating that particular thing You know, "monopolizing the conversation", "going on and on" ...wow Spoken with the naivete of pre-boomer finance And... other things They really didn't make that up it was also customary to be drunk when you came calling You just can't stay mad at humans. Cinematic genius Huh, here I was expecting the cow to be the one "touched by satan" You too? The pile of dung could have been interesting too. That font makes it look like a romance or a tv comedy good god you actually god Kast to work "formucaynal" No one can get Kast to do anything, Kast does what Kast wants. I couldn't even log in without an error a few months ago What an invigorating couple. this is a typical straight human couple fanfic right here Sheesh Oh jeez oof is there a lag for anybody else between audio and video or is just me bc I'm using the app and not website... Yeah Audio first, then video like two seconds later ok so I'm not crazy! hooray! I'm using the website; I think it's just a kast thing my brain meat is only a lil messed in a few places after ll Better, worse...? No audio for me I don't see nything 8,O Nothing? I'm getting video but still no audio wait, there's audio audio! ...Did.  Did I just need to click the volume icon
no, no, it kicked in for me too No, I was fiddling with it, it was me. Oh, okay walnut ranching: GET SWOLE I still see nothing aa I see video, might be on your end fixed it boy so thick that he can't see the tension fog this is where the fish live Where the fish lives. This is it. Starscream's favorite, the yelling channel. does it have aa volume limit or would he just break it how thoughtful, they even provided a change of clothes! Oh, good, passive-aggressiion crikey o u kno he dead Rest in peace, that human. "haha no reason" ZA ZA. i love crow He's always been my favorite. he's a Q icon and I love him Oh Matchy, we hardly knew ye. Well then So... did the cop turn into a doll? I...possibly? Or did she already have the doll Did she beat him to death with the doll? Mmmaybe? granny killed that man with one hand "did we order an angry mob" Shoo, shoo! put a hax on it she does the über hax The frag is this? The Touch of Satan, of course! robot grandmother with a pitchfork Tiniest rake. Somehow, that explains nothing. good Is that... satan? Satan sounds sultry. It is a very nice sounding Satan? satan is supposed to be nice in all aspects, of course. thats how he gets ya ;) or so they say it just tickles me that he's written being ridiculously pretty, and yet all our modern depictions of him have goat legs and devil horns and red skin and lots of sharp teeth Yeah, the puritans went through a phase of sticking whatever features they thought would make him less appealing on them. "No, hating dance and fun is godly, you don't want to be in THIS guy's embrace, right?" I think it even started like back when they were really starting to stamp out "paganism" aka other religions and they started using the imagery of the greek god Pan true! I thought humans liked sharp teeth. oh we do. I might find the giant spiky toothly demon lord handsome, but I'm an outlier Yikes see now I'm looking at the wikipedia page about baphomet and also reading a story about the time some guy made a lucifer statue that was too sexy And then he made another and it was even sexier! I believe I need to see both of these statues for scientific reasons. Of course you do. where should I link them, doc? Here, there anywhere. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/cf/L%27ange_du_mal_%28Joseph_Geefs%29_cropped.jpg here is the first one, deemed too "sublime" aka too sexy for good christians Well, then! https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4b/Lucifer_Liege_Luc_Viatour_new.jpg and here's the one that was made after the first was turned down nakey nakey we're by the lakey Hah! Favorite line, right there. Whoop! I FORGOT THAT LINE I JUST SNORTED LOUD "never trust the devil" me, with niche interests: oh like in the devil and daniel mouse halloween short from the 70s? Because better late than never. Oh I LOVE this one Owl. /Owl./ thanksgiving doesn't start for another 2 weeks halloween is still happening >:0 Very true! A fact! I like the cloud animations. I do not observe Thanksgiving so I'm rolling forward into Christmas I like the swaying gravestones. I only observe turkey day, the day foor eating a whole turky ... oh Sounds fun. well then! Always be sure to die a death worth retelling to ungrateful onlookers. ... Anyone else sitting on anything interesting? Not tonight! In that case, thank you all for coming! And thank you for hosting! twas fun! and I'd vote The Devil and Daniel Mouse next round! I ah yes, the first project of the guy who went on to make the furry dystopian rock opera Rock and Rule indeed! It's only 25 minutes? Pit, we can watch it now if no one else has any place to be. its really cute nowhere to be good sir! all good here Excellent! Well, this is off to a bleak start. I don't have nearly enough Steam on hand for this. a product of the 70s at its finest i'm plenty steamed up hahah Oh, I *like* his voice. his voice, his beautiful animation, delightful design a charmer Bring back carnauba voice. When is the "this is bad in any way shape or form" going to kick in? oh , no worries :) well, she's a star in the seventies, she's on the rise, peer pressure is about to happen Still not seeing that downside. you sure? ;) Admittedly, I would pay for that voice to devour me, so... oh same Oh yes, *yes*, we shall. "Ambition bad!" They both go and take turns getting ravished by the devil and everyone wins. everybody wins! Oh, *eat me.* Oh yes, this calls for Steam. *OH.* dope how did they get rock and rule from this That was, I'll admit, cute. youtube.com/watch?v=RISzXw3WsNY the trailer for what came after rock nd rule is the best movie for Steam Well, I know what we're watching next time. hello omar ugly as sin Everything about this looks like a trip. there aare a lot of drugs in this movie so I wouldn't dream of touching it without a few in me. In the meantime, that seems an excellent note to end on. indeed! Good night! thanks for the stream! Thank you for coming, and for the short!
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
So I'm kind of tired, but it's more of a you woke up at 7 am and are still awake at 1 am go to bed tired rather than a complete and total state of exhaustion. This has also been the first week when I've gotten out of bed on time every morning since at least the beginning of February. I'm very happy about that. Anyway, today was pretty good, busy but good. I did wake up at 7, got ready and went to work, where I continued to work on the huge stack of trial prep papers I have, which I am slowly but surely making progress on. After spending another 8 hours on it I'd say I'm probably a third of the way through. The document I'm writing up is around 30 pages. Sigh. This is gonna take a while. But yeah, I worked on that pretty much all day, which is fine, it's boring but it's not terrible, at least it requires some brain power in summarizing and formulating what to write, so it's better than just flipping through files aimlessly. Over my lunch hour I traded between reading my oral argument outline and catching up on fanfiction, lol. I feel like I'm not making a dent into the massive back up in my inbox, but I am steadily reading and deleting emails, so it's gotta add up at some point. Hopefully over break I'll have time to really address that. The highlight of the day came around 4:40 shortly before I had to go. I had given my supervisor the affiliation agreement and first report we needed to do for field placement for him to sign off on, and the office has the supervisors do a mid-point and end-point evaluation that they keep on file in case you want to work there (since pretty much everyone they hire has clerked for them) so he had me look it over at the same time and omg you guys, it was so nice I wanted to start crying. I was a little nervous about it because I did miss a lot of days because I was so fucking exhausted for an entire month, and there was that whole incident with the crazy attorney saying I lied to her (which I knew he knew wasn't true, but still) but it was nothing but compliments and it really made me so happy. I actually wrote it down on my computer to put in my "cheer up notes" doc and I wanted to share with you guys what it was because it made me so happy, so here it is: “Rachel is hard-working, intelligent and has an incredible ability to learn the mission statement of the Office of the Public Guardian. She is an excellent legal writer and is very open to receiving comments. She has good courtroom presence and is a pleasure to work with in the office. She has all the elements in her to become a remarkable attorney and guardian ad litem.” Like......I don't think I could ask for a more glowing recommendation. And like, I do work hard. I work really hard, but I don't necessarily expect it to be noticed, I've kind of been conditioned to think it's the way it HAS to be if you want any chance of surviving in the real world, and maybe it is, but to see it really noticed like that just made me really, really happy. So that left me on a good note, though I then proceeded to leave my lunchbox in the refrigerator, where it'll hopefully stay for the next week since I'll be on spring break. Whoops, lol. So I had to do my oral argument at school at 5:30, and I did not trust public transportation to get me there on time because I've been burned way too many times by it. I knew getting an uber would mean having to deal with traffic, but I figured it still gave me a better shot. Except my uber app crashed like 3 times before I could even get one, so I ended up saying fuck it and used Lyft (not that it really matters, since most drivers are on both). Got a nice driver, had a pleasant conversation with her, traded stories of crazy funny things her kids have done and my siblings have done. It was nice. I ended up getting to school around 5:25, a little later than I would've liked but it worked. Our prof wanted us to go in pairs, one for each side, so we could argue against each other basically. So the girl I'm against is already there, we're friends so it's not a big deal, but we sit and talk for a few before our prof shows up and we get started. Overall it went pretty well, there were a few times I kind of got stuck cuz she like brought up a case I hadn't read and I just had to admit that which kind of sucked (but at the end she said in real life that wouldn't happen because you'd get your opponent's brief in advance so you'd know what to argue). But she said we both did really well, and I can deal with that. So I was happy with that. By the time we finished it was like 5:55, and I had small group at 7:30 so I had some time to kill. I went down to the lounge but it was like, completely and totally deserted so I didn't feel like sticking around there, so I went to the subway down the street and got some food since my dinner was in my lunchbox in the fridge at the office. I still had some time to kill after that, so I went across the street and got some tea from Starbucks and sat in there for a while, reading the law review article we're supposed to read for LARC tomorrow. By 7 I started heading over to the church and made it right on time. Small group was good, it was focused a lot on loving your neighbor, which if you've been following me for any length of time you know is a subject I can wax poetic on for hours on end because I have so very many feelings on the topic. It's one of the reasons I picked this small group over the others that fit into my schedule, because it's called "knowing God and loving others" and I liked that a lot. So we read the story of the Good Samaritan which of course I could recite to you by heart at this point. Then they had us break up into pies to discuss our thoughts on it and I got paired with this kind of awkward guy who was sitting next to me, he's probably at least 30 and balding quite a bit and just generally quiet, but I'm good at talking, especially on a subject like this, so we were able to keep a decent discussion going. When we reconvened as a group and they wanted to know what we talked about I of course brought up my distaste for how just about everyone walks by the homeless without so much as a second thought, as if they're not even human, and how Christians have become so good at limiting our compassion to those we think deserve it, which goes exactly against the lesson the bible is teaching here. I also talked about how love is essentially the central tenet of Christianity (1 John 4:8- "God is love" "all the commandments come down to this- love the Lord you God with all your heart soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself") and yet we've become so good at getting stuck in the complex pieces and tangential issues of religion without first applying love as an overriding principle, which is how you get the strict religious types like the Pharisees and their modern day equivalents (I don't need to name names, you know who I'm talking about). I then also brought up the les mis quote I'm quite fond of, "to love another person is to see the face of God," meaning God is the definition of pure love, his very character is reflected in you loving the people around you in the most selfless way. And I just think that's such a perfect way to put it, really. So yeah, as evidenced by the last several hundred words, this is obviously an issue I could go on about at length, so it was nice to get some of that out tonight. I've been enjoying small group a lot, though getting home afterwards has been a pain. I took the bus to the normal train stop I've been using for the route to church, but the bus was still 20 minutes away. Boo. It was 9:30 at that point, and the donut shop I tried the other day is right there and doesn't close till 10, so I figured if I have to wait 20 minutes for a bus I at least want to do it with a donut. I feel like actually trying one of their donuts on Sunday was a bad idea because now whenever I'm waiting I'm gonna be like "mmmm, donuts" because now I know how good they are. They obviously only had a limited selection left, but I ended up picking a captain crunch Bismarck donut, which ended up being like the exact type of donut I always want haha, it was a glazed donut stuffed with captain crunch infused vanilla custard with a few pieces of captain crunch on top, and it was just heaven. Eventually the bus did come, and eventually I did get home. I wasn't ready for bed yet so I turned on Training Day, which was a pretty solid episode. I need to know how many more episodes we're getting though, and how they're gonna wrap it up. As far as I can tell they haven't released any press beyond episode 1x07, but that may not mean anything left. It stinks because the show did have a lot of potential, but you really can't continue on when you lose the actor who is legit the main character and heart of the show. Sigh. It was good though, plenty of good action for Rebecca which I always appreciate. Then I watched Powerless quickly, which was hilarious as always, and I loved the captain cold shoutout, very funny episode. Then I spent like 15 minutes facing my damn affiliation agreement and evaluation to the field placement lady, though I probably shouldn't complain because she's been exceedingly patient with my quite late submission of these documents, probably because it's a pass/fail situation, but I still appreciate it. And yeah, then I packed my bag quickly because tomorrow is the start of the church kids team retreat a bit outside of the city, just for one night. Should be fun though! I'm looking forward to it, even if I may be the youngest person there 😂 we'll see. And then I got ready for bed and hear we are. I am tired though so I'll sign off here. Goodnight ladies and gents. Happy Friday.
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