#canard thunderbeak
emilylorange · 5 months
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it took all two of my braincells to get the first one where i liked it lol
Day 13 - Wrong Day 14 - Childhood Day 15 - Dapper
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wild1kiwi · 4 months
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Cool, I've always wanted to do this ✨
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argoflashblade · 4 months
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Remember versions of Wing and Dive? Do you want to see Canard? I like it and now I'm drawing the rest of the ducks. I'm redrawing the Wing and Dive. Can you help me, who will Grin? Suggest it in the comments, and then we will choose so to speak.
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toonqueen · 6 months
Duckvember Day 1: Dead Duck (Part 1)
lololol Part 2 coming SOON hopefully.
Okay this story has OCs that are the adult kids of Mighty Ducks the Animated Series. HERE IS A CHEAT SHEET SINCE NOT MANY READ MY STORIES BACK IN HIGHSCHOOL. (Only One Many Here Has. lol) This story is very
Luke-  Duke’s son that pretty much looks exactly like him but has both eyes. Super smart but does not apply himself because of gifted child burnout. @fluxchix is responsible for him.
Maestro - Son of Canard and Luceria Decoy that fell out of a portal one day, like you do. Super sweet guy even though he has seen some shit. Also he's deaf so I'm writing SIGNED instead of SAID a lot.
Tayshia - Tanya and Wildwing daughter that someone while having loving parents turned out to be kinda a jerk man. Wtf is up with that?
Karma - Grin’s son, I really don’t have  much to explain here. 
Mercedes - Nosedive’s daughter. Everything you find annoying about Nosedive but then doubled. 
Molissa - Duke's daughter and Luke's younger sister.
Castor and Blaster - Mallory’s twins.  Funny story I can’t remember these two’s real names. These were their nicknames. I actually rarely ever wrote them so LOLOLOL. 
Rex - Dragaunus’ son that is good and working with the ducks because he’s the bad bitch Mercedes was able to pull by being autistic 
Tyrant - not related to Dragaunus in any way, just a new saurian from limbo that is the new bad guy or something.
Betaed by @cataradical but the next part may be unbetaed because I am unsupervised.
 “Thank you for the ride. You do not have to stick around,” signed Maestro as he sat in the passenger seat. He had been excited all day to go to the bookstore. The book he wanted the author to sign was sitting in his lap.
“Ah, I’ll be in the area. There’s stuff on the other side of the street I’m going to check out,” replied Luke, signing as he spoke aloud.
“Cool. I will text you when I am done,” Maestro signed as he smiled, “I do not know how long the line is going to be. He is famous enough to draw a crowd.”
“Take your time. There’s no rush. Maybe we can have dinner afterwards,” Luke said and signed. Maestro put on the device that helped him hear. It was something Tanya had created a short while ago that easily wrapped around the back of his head and ended at a circular shape on each end. It wasn’t 100% helpful with hearing speech, but it was what he normally wore in battle mode so he could not be surprised and attacked from behind. 
“A quick dinner. I wanted to finish packing tonight,” Maestro signed, smile widening. He opened  the truck door to get out. He closed the door, tucked the book under his arm, and waved his friend off.. Luke snickered and waved in return before the other duck disappeared into the store.
Luke headed to the strip mall across the street. He was sure he could find something to waste his time on for a few hours. He didn’t want to go back to his empty apartment and for sure did not want to go back to the Pond and be forced to practice. 
Luke barely had a chance to park when he already received a text message from Maestro. He expected it to be a long paragraph explaining something that happened at the signing. Instead it was a short message: “Pick me up now. Please.”
Luke hopped back into the pickup, returned to the bookstore. Maestro was waiting outside with a very neutral expression. His copy of the book was no longer in his arms.
Luke parked the truck and Maestro got in without saying a word. Angrily buckled himself up.
“Uh, that was quick... How did it go?” Luke said as he signed, a little bit unsure about asking because it clearly did not go well. 
“Not good. Can we go to your apartment?” Maestro signed back as he dropped his messenger back onto his lap. The book didn’t appear to be inside, either.
“Okay…” Luke trailed off, replying with a simple “okay” in sign.
The drive was awkwardly quiet. Maestro stared out the window, hugging his bag. When they pulled off at an exit and stopped at a red light, he finally broke the silence. Without looking at Luke, he spoke aloud, “He didn’t even give me the chance to explain. He just said I was mocking his work.” Most of his enunciation and tone was clear but when it came to longer words they were more mumbled. Before Luke could say anything, he continued, “I mean. I knew better than to mention Limbo. I just said there is warring on our home planet and he just– just shot me down. I mean. It’s the elephant in the room that no one talks about, but it’s kinda common knowledge that alien ducks are here because our planet sucks right now. So wouldn’t it make sense there would be someone in my situation?” 
Luke nodded, not sure of what to say at that moment. He then realized Maestro wouldn’t see his nod so he reached over to give the upset duck a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. 
Maestro looked over at Luke; he wasn’t crying but his eyes were misty. 
Luke went to speak but was interrupted by an angry honk from the car behind him. The light had turned green. The gray duck grumbled to himself, annoyed, and resumed driving.
Maestro looked a little amused at Luke’s frustrated reaction to being honked at. He wiped a tear from his eye, chuckling, “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Luke added verbally. He then signed his response, forgetting a moment Maestro wouldn’t understand him. It was frustrating for him that he couldn’t communicate with his friend while driving. 
Maestro could tell Luke thought that he had missed the words. “Do not worry. I am watching your beak now,” he reassured softly with a light smile despite his watery eyes. 
“Did you still want to go out to eat?” asked Luke. 
“No,” Maestro replied verbally. He spoke softly because Luke had to keep his eyes on the road, but still signed a bit out of habit. “I am going to take a nap. I was up until 4 AM, so excited to meet this guy. I do not want to go back to the pond right now because Tanya would see I was upset and mom all up on me.”
Luke took a moment to process what Maestro said. “Yeah, it's fine,” he replied. “You can crash at my place. I have a few things to do so I’ll drop you off first.” 
A Short Time Later
“What kind of dump did you send me to?” the gentleman spoke into his cellphone as he got off the elevator. He angrily dug into his pocket for the hotel room key. “I’m on the third floor. THIRD FLOOR.”
There was a pause as the man stopped in front of the door, finally retrieving the key card. “I don’t care if it's a five star hotel. I don’t care what actors stay here. This place is as bad as that so-called bookstore you sent me to. I’ll call you in the morning.”
The author shoved open the door, tossing the key and phone on the dresser. He took off his jacket, dumped it on the couch as he entered the small office space in the large, fancy hotel room. Before he could switch on the light, he heard an abrupt <i>click</i> from the desk. It was followed by the flicker of fire from a lighter. 
The author, confused, turned on the light.
Luke sat on the desk, lighting his cigarette clamped in his beak. He took a drag, held it between his fingers. In his other hand was a copy of the author’s book, opened about a third way through. “So here’s the shit I don’t get,” he said coldly. “Your book is like, 10% about this former child soldier in Uganda, and then the other 90% about telling others how to cope. You, a guy who has never experienced the horrors of war. Where’s this child soldier you spoke about? The boy who actually had to endure all this pain and misery?”
“How did you get in here! The security in this place is… how!” the human seemed rather stunned. 
The duck ignored his outburst, flipping through the book. “Not a word from the guy in here… It's like you’re making money off his trauma. Wow. Does he get any of the residuals off your book sales, because I mean, come on. Or is this some sorta ‘Memories of a Geisha’ bullshit?”
“What is this? I’m calling the police!” the man went back to the table he had left his phone. The grey feathered duck stayed on the desk as he flipped through to read the next page of the book. When the human picked up the phone he saw he had no signal. He tried calling out but just got a defunct noise in the return. He then picked up the hotel phone but it had no ring tone
“Don’t worry man. I’m her to just talk,” Luke called from the other room. The sound of him getting off the desk could be heard, “Comon, we just need to discuss a little situation.”
The author went to leave the hotel room, but the doorknob didn’t work. 
“You know, EMP shit isn’t just stuff for sci fi movies,” the grey duck added as he came to the office doorway, “Man, everything is fucking automated nowadays. Even that silly hotel room lock.” 
“What do you want?” The man glared at the gray duck. The human didn’t seem scared but knew he was in possible danger. 
“Heh, can’t you at least guess? Maybe?” He stood. “I mean, it's not that often you see two alien ducks in one day,” Luke said as he leaned against the office doorway. He took another puff from his cigarette.
“You’re threatening me because I called out that other duck’s publicity stunt?” the author snapped. 
“Alright, first of all, there was no one from ‘our media’ with him,” Luke gave finger quotations as he spoke, cigarette bouncing between a pair, “he came alone and stood in line with all the others. Why couldn’t you just sign his fucking book and let it go?”
“What kind of PTSD trauma do you ducks have? You play hockey, right? You’re celebrities. I don’t see anything about your experiences related to the contents in my book,” the human ranted, more annoyed than anything else.
“Look, you could &lt;;i>technically</i> say that about any of the other ducks around my age born on Earth.,” Luke explained irritably. “But Maestro wasn’t, okay? He came to this planet when he was fourteen. I think he’s only told me about half of the shit he went through before he got to Earth. He really, <i>really</i> liked your book.” He didn’t expect the author to understand, however. “And even though you’re an asshole, obviously, the book helped him a lot. I could tell.”
Luke stood up right, moving closer to the author. The human stood his ground. Completely unempathetic, just as the duck guessed. 
“And what, praytell, did you want me to do about your friend’s problem?” the author demanded, crossing his arms. 
Luke rubbed his own forehead. God, this man was dense. “You wrote a book to help people, and your attitude is like… <i>this</i>?” he sighed. “Look, how about this. Wait a few days, and then send him a signed copy of your book with a nice short note apologizing.”
“And what if I don’t?” the human replied, unfazed. 
“How bad would it look if the advocate against child soldiers was taking blood diamond money this whole time?” Luke threatened, biting down on the cigarette. He took out his phone and opened up a search.
“I’ve done no such thing,” the author grumbled as he loosened the tie from his collar a bit.
“Oh, I can probably find connections in half an hour. If not, I can make a few up, all 100% believable,” Luke stated as he typed on his smartphone, “I might even have it done in fifteen minutes.”
“Impossible. Get out of here now,” the human said sternly, but it also had a slight tone of worry.
“You really want to try me? I’ve already shown that our advanced alien technology just blocked all the electronics in your room. Don’t you think that I could do more?” Luke asked rhetorically.   The other paused and let out a defeated sigh.
“All this because I hurt your friend’s feelings?” the human replied.
“Yep!” Luke could only reply as he gave what could only be described as  a sarcastic ‘buddy buddy’ patting on the back to the author, “I’ll check up on you and make sure you do as I said. Alright?”
“I will,” the author grumbled, reluctantly taking Luke’s threat seriously. Luke was heading away from the author and to the nearby window.
“Then, I’ll catch you later,” Luke replied before opening the window, “and if you breathe a word of this to the cops, I’ll know.”
“Uh.... alright,” the author said unsure as he saw the duck disappear out the window and probably take the fire escape down. Before the human could say anything else he was gone. 
As Luke was walking to the maroon truck he was borrowing he received a text. 
Mae: Where are you at? I just woke up. 
Mae: Not asking because I expect you to come back. 
Mae: Just asking. No rush. 
Luke saw the messages as he got into the maroon pickup. He replied back.
Luke:  I was just picking up your favorite donuts, from that little place across town. 
Mae: Oh geez. You didn’t have to!
Mae: Thank you! <3
Mae: I’m actually hungry for real food now but I’ll eat one on the way to real food or something. Ha.
Luke: Alright. I’ll come pick you up. :)
After he replied he put the phone in the passenger's seat with the box of donuts he really did get before his meeting with the author.
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hard-headed-woman · 1 year
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Mighty Ducks Valentines
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cooperationiskey · 10 months
So, now that you've seen "Take Me To Your Leader". What did you think of Canard's design compared to "The First Face-Off?"
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Oddly enough, I've never directly compared the two. Never thought to, I guess. The only real differences I can note are his feathers seem darker, and his eyebrows are like, way more pronounced. If I'm missing something, feel free to clue me in.
Mostly I was thinking about how ghoulish it really is that the Saurians are using the illusion of a guy who's likely been dead for months as bait. Just... icky, you know?
(Edited to add that I should probably explain that I've watched this series like, dozens of times now, including several times recently. But at least I try not to watch the same episode on repeat, usually!)
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diaryofasugarfiend · 6 months
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I'm too exhausted from doing Drawtober to do all of the Duckvember prompts, so I'm just going to do the ones that call out to me. Which of course included "dead duck" cuz I'm a Saurian supporter. 
Looks like Canard managed to find his way out of Dimensional Limbo, only to be dismembered. We've got his head replacing the dusty, old skull on Wraith's staff and the indignity of Lamia giving him bunny ears. This was probably sent to the Mighty Ducks in the form of a taunting, gory video. Dragaunus: "Wildwing, I do regret to inform you that your old friend has gone to pieces."
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I guess you CAN see eyes through the red on the Mask?
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19molly97 · 1 year
I'd love to know if the team finds Canard. Plus, It'd be great to see the Ducks back in action. What say you?
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bat-anon · 1 year
I haven’t seen many fics that play with the concept of the Ducks getting Canard out of Superhell, but if Canard did come back, I actually think the teammate he’d have the most conflict with would be Duke.
Canard very much has a “The needs of the Many outweigh the needs of the Few” mentality while Duke believes that they should try to help everyone, and that kind of ideological conflict would be fascinating. Especially since they’re both fairly confrontational people. I can imagine Canard tunnel visioning on the Saurians and thinking that taking on Earth problems just gets in the way while Duke argues that Earth is their responsibility just as much as Puckworld is.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Are you a fan of Canard Thunderquack?
I like him, it's a shame we never find out what happened to him. I think the cancelled s2 was going to explore that. But i find his design and personality pretty cool.
True fact I found out a short while ago Canard was voiced by Townsend Coleman (the guy behind 87 Mikey as well as one of my romantic f/os Jason Whittaker) & since Coleman is one of my fave underrated actors I consider that a plus in my book!
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emilylorange · 4 months
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omg finally, done and in the bin
Duckvember Day 28 Brother Day 29 Glamorous Day 30 Curious
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wild1kiwi · 19 days
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Я вот думаю,что если бы не Утюр а всё таки Крыл рискнул бы жизнью, и спас своих товарищей от гибели.
То будет ли таже история,или всё таки будет кое какие изменения.
Конечно, у Крыла есть младший брат, который очень сильно не будет рад о такому решению.
Хотя вряд-ли, что это случилось бы,но всё же хотелось бы увидеть такой поворот истории.
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argoflashblade · 1 year
Nikita Flashblade - @wild-ducks
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Canard and Wildwing - @hard-headed-woman
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King Sombra - @evilkingsombra
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Drako - Instagram lisalizanadey
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toonqueen · 5 months
Duckvember Day 21: Community Duck
My original plan was to write info on the 2nd Generation Team I have for Mighty Ducks but then it flowed more better talking about the main teams and who we shipped them with and how their kids are like compared to them. I GUESS???
Whenever I say WE I mean @ flux java because she was there when all this was going down back in the day. I’m citing dark magic and she was there when it was written yadda yadda. 
Grin - We had him shipped with OC Nina by @fluxchix who was a duck from the planet Cheribu. That planet has brightly feathered ducks, with Nina being pink with bright yellow hair. The ducks there were actually related to Puckworld ducks A LONG STORY. 
They have three kids, Karma, Krystal and a third I cannot remember the name offf. Loool. Krystal and the one I can’t remember the name of were twin girls. Fractional and looked very different.  One was very muscular. Lol. Karma pretty much looked like his Dad but mom’s blonde hair. Nina had magical healing powers cuz her planet was renaissancey and magical. Grin’s kids end up noy being magical in a sense but more uh- Dragon Ball Z knock off Ki energy force stuff. I DUNNO I was 15ish when we were coming up with this stuff I’m not to blameeee.
Anyways Grin (and Nina) are great parents. Have pretty chill kids. I really didn’t write them much so I don’t have  much else to say. Lolol. 
Actually now I think about it I think Krystal had healy magic too.  Karma was pretty much like Grin, Krystal was like her mom Nina, and the one whose name I cannot remember was a combo of them both. Karma is pretty much the peace maker of the group. Since the three main protagonists of the 2nd Gen can be very fiery and he needs to get them to chill a lot. (That being Luke, Tayshia, and Mercedes which we will get to THEM soon.)
Mallory - So we shipped her with Chrono. He’s an OC that was the leader of the Galaxy Team. A team that was sent out to find Canard’s team and the mask they disappeared off with. Chrono was part of the Puckworld Special Forces too, with a perfect record great at  everything. Also a big sweety. Weh. He had a mask as well that was assumed to be a prototype mask before the main one was made. It didn’t have all the abilities of  the main Drake Ducane mask, with less of the scanning and not really seeing invisible stuff. However it did give who wore it increased physical strength. 
ALWAYS. Chrono was a known war hero through word of mouth because he had been captured by Dragaunus back early in the war  on Puckworld. He was electric shock tortured to try to get info of where the resistance bases were. Chrono didn’t give out any info tho, and was rescued by other resistance. The torture though had given him a speech impediment of switching words around when speaking. It sometimes made what he said confusing. Later on he was chosen to be given the prototype mask to test it out, he found with it on he spoke like he used to. He used to wear the mask almost 24/7 but once he gets on Earth and has down time he went without it more and more, with people around him learning to understand him without it. 
Anyways we ship him with Mallory because she seemed like the type  that needs a nice military hero. That one ep where they went to a town where there was a human military hero that she was a fan of was just ASSUMED she would find someone that's a military hero to be cool okay. 
Sometime later Chrono and Mallory have twins. I can’t remember their real names but their nicknames were Caster and Blaster. They are actually the youngest out of the 2nd Gen team. Well youngest of the canon characters kids. Lol. Identical twins and redheads like mom. Blaster is more weapons inclined while Caster actually had a gift for magic. Once again we didn’t write these kids much. So not much to say other than Mallory and Chrono were good parents. One being a magic user I think Mallory would first find confusing to relate to. She (and Chrono) seem like a multi generational military family and magic is just weird man. But they’d still be supportive and get help with training Caster in their talents. (Which means getting Cheribu team to help wheee)
Nosedive - He gets shipped with my main Mary Sue OC Duluna L’Orange. She’s Duke’s younger sister by MANY years. Very much the ray of sunshine with a cynical storm cloud ship. Of course Nosedive did have his cynical moments in the show too, maybe that's what they bond on lolol. Nosedive was very ‘love on first sight’ with Duluna while she took awhile to begrudgingly like him and then fall in love over time. They’re both opposites in a lot of ways but then end up getting together by some miracle from hell. Duluna does realize he can be brave and sweet and does like him dragging her to things like amusement parks and actually having some fun. 
They have a daughter named Mercedes after she’s practically born in Phil’s Mercedes on the way to the hospital. Ruined his car’s interior. A sign of things to come. She pretty much looks likea  carbon copy of her Dad but with mom’s black hair and green eyes. Mercedes gets spoiled by her Dad ALOT. Nosedive is clearly the YES parent while Duluna is the NO parent. Not that Duluna is no fun but also not wanting her daughter to get hurt be it physically or emotionally. Just a little bit protective. Weh.  
Mercedes turned out being like Nosedive but amped up 110%. And Duluna and Duke made the mistake of teaching her sword fighting lololol. She’s very much a combo of her parents will all of their pluses and their faults. SWEATS. 
When Mercedes is older, even though she has a good relationship with her parents, she didn’t go to them first to be like “Heyyyyy, so I’m kinda seeing this Saurian and also he’s Dragaunus’s son….” She still felt like she had to hide that from them for a while. SHE DOES TELL TANYA FIRST THO. lawd. 
Duke - So he’s shipped with @fluxchix OC Gallery who came to Earth with Chrono’s Galaxy Team. Gallery is a NERD like Tanya. Her and Tanya actually went to college together. Of course Tanya in college was still a kid being an overachiever. When the Galaxy team came to Earth Tanya vouched for Gallery knowing she could be trusted. I remember the canon team and Galaxy team were so sus of each other at first. Main team didn’t want Galaxy team to be another “Lucretia” situation. I do not know why the Galaxy team were suspicious of the canon team. Maybe because Canard not being there was OFF. and this other dude is wearing the mask of Drake Ducaine now. And they’re telling a LIKELY story of Canard ‘jumping’ off the ship because they needed to lose weight when uh- couldn’t the muscular guy just rip out some chairs maybe???? Gallery hacked Drake One for info it was great. Fun was had by all. 
ANYWAYS - Duke and Gallery end up hitting it off I’m assuming not as a serious relationship at first tho kinda hard to have a one night stand with someone when they live down the hall in the underground complex you live in so have fun with that. Gallery is not my char so It’s not my job to remember how she fell for Duke lulz.
Their first kid is named Luke and is technically the oldest of the 2nd Gen kids BORN on Earth. He has a good 5-7 years ahead of the others that get born on Earth later. He’s smart and techy like his Mom. But as he gets older he doesn’t seem to apply himself. But more of the  ‘genus kid gets burned out’ kinda vibe. Can have dry sarcasm and sometimes have a temper. (usually justified.) While Duke and Gallery are good parents, as Luke gets older he doesn’t share his negative feelings with is parents so they don’t really know what's 100% going on with him emotionally when he’s having a tough time. He does sometimes talk it out with Karma and used to with Tayshia a lot and later Maestro too. (I’ll get to them  sooon.)
Duke and Gallery’s second kid Mollisa. She’s the quietest of all the 2nd Gen kids. I wouldn’t say shy, but probably the only one of the core 2nd Gen Team that is introverted. Also smart with tech like her Mom. Luke was always supportive of her. And not surprised that she got the main tech person of the team position over him. But he’s sometimes bitter over it but isn’t mad at his sister about it.
Lucretia and Canard - They actually don’t stay together as a ship it was just a THING that oops made a kid lol. Mind you this is stuff I came up with in High School okay. But the idea was Canard was already imprisoned by some bad Saurians in Limbo. Lucretia ends up in the same cell as Canard and they’re supposed to be executed the next day. I headcanon that Canard had already had Tanya on his team when the Lucretia incident happened on Puckworld. So He knew who she was. ANYWAYS since they think it’s their last night alive they decide to screw it and screw. Lol. Then the next day I think the plot was that they actually escape because there are other Saurians that attack the Saurians that were holding them. They use the confusion of the civil fighting to get out of there. They end up traveling together for a bit and figuring out how this whole Limbo thing works. They find out there are different Saurian clans and some are seemingly good over others. There is one called Scale Way that are good and nice to wayward ducks in Limbo. There’s been more than just Canard and Lucretia in the past. 
They end up having a son and Canard asks to name him Wildwing after his best friend. Lucretia, instead of saying no to that, finds it ironic to name the kid after the person whos the reason she’s here and goes along with it. 
Long story short, Wing Jr. ends up not seeing his dad much because Canard spends his time traveling around looking for a way out of Limbo. Canard picks up his own little Saurian crew.  Lucretia stays with her son at a major hub town with her new Saurian boyfriend. Wing Jr ends up having some reality bending and illusion powers. Saurian boyfriend, Ricochet, ends up giving Wing Jr. the nickname Maestro which sticks because who names their child Wildwing. Terrible. Lucretia ends up being a good mom with some wine aunt vibes but really looking out for her kid. 
Maestro is deaf and his Saurian step dad teaches him saurian sign language, which he finds out later is much different from Puckworld sign language but that is a whole other story. Lucretia, since she is a good mom, is quick to learn the language too. He grew up to be a very sweet boy and very empathetic to everybody. 
Being exposed to like wild ether areas of Limbo is said to cause madness and Canard ends up getting a little weird. He learns from other shady Saurian sources that Maestro’s powers could make a gateway. Maestro is about 13ish at this time. Canard sets up some stuff for Maestro to make the portal out. The kid starts to do it for him but it starts to wear on him. Luc tells them to stop but Canard has one of his buddies hold her back. She ends up wiggling free and then pushing Maestro through his own portal and POOF - Maestro ends up in that storage room the Earth Mighty Ducks team keeps all the random things they get from villain battles. 
The Earth crew take instantly to Maestro but what throws him off is this. The people that knew Canard there think Canard was great and that Lucretia was a baddy. But Maestro grew up with Canard not being the quite right one and Lucretia being a great mom. So that's heavy. 
Tanya and Wildwing - I’ll be real with you, the main reason I shipped these two since I was 15 is because I read into some random things that happened in some eps where it seemed like Tanya had a crush on Wildwing.  Tanya was my fav character (I wrote about her way more than I did my main OC and Nosedive) and if she liked Wildwing I was gonna get her Wildwing lol. 
They both has insomnia and are up brainstorming strategies to get Dragaunus. And in the process of being the two teammates together all the time they ended up dating and then together and then married okay AWWH TRUE LOVE. 
They have a daughter name Tayshia, named after Tanya’s mom even though she didn’t have the best relationship with her mom.  She has the positives of both her parents and does not seem to have the negatives of them. BUT  Sometimes good parents have jerk ass children.  
When Tayshia as an adult becomes leader of the 2nd Gen team, she ends up being a very harsh and cold decision maker on the battlefield. Now, she wasn’t made leader cuz her dad was leader. All the kids were taught all different skills by different adult team members of the team and saw what they got an interest in and let them build on what they were best at. They had trials and all that stuff to see who was best fit, and it ended up being Tayshia. 
The reason Tayshia starts out her leadership rather jerky is, since she was a kid she internalizes the stress she sees Tanya and Wildwing in. Wing and Tan never even purposely said anything around Tayshia but like most kids they know more than you think and pick up on things. She drove herself to perfection because she felt now it was her obligation to deal with the Saurians. Even though Tanya and Wildwing NEVER directly said this to her. She just stressed herself out on her own. 
With time though and kinda co-leading with Luke and Karma she does get better. Once she realizes she doesn’t have to hold the burden to herself.
Tanya and Wildwing end up pretty much taking in Maestro when he appears. Tayshia considers him to be her sibling and he feels the same. Canard was Wildwing’s best friend so he’s happy to take him in. Also, Wildwing can share with him good stories about Canard since Canard wasn’t quite himself in Limbo. Tanya also knew Canard a short time in the resistance, and also technically knew Lucretia a short time too. The whole TEAM does their best no to talk badly of Maestro’s mom, they know it's complicated. 
Tanya and Wildwing also take in Rex, Dragaunus’ son, at some point too. They don’t really RAISE him as much as they did Maestro. Rex was already in his late teens. He willingly left the Saurians because hey he didn’t like it there and also he and Mercedes were having a THING. His mom was a Saurian known as Tracey who had it out for Tanya. That's a whole other long story. Tracey could shapeshift like Chameleon but do it much better most of the time. Rex can also transform but his duck form is very red tinted. 
Unlike with Maestro, the whole larger earth team (including a lot of OCs at this point) aren’t as accepting with Rex. But Tanya and Wildwing had seen him in fights with the Saurians and know he seemed to let them escape and be more helpful than attacking. Also Wraith as Rex was growing up kinda realized this kid wasn’t gonna fit in around them and started telling him stories about a Saurian group called Scale Way that were defending the ducks during the great war. Wraith always seemed a bit grey area disgruntled worker and man if the Boss’ son wanted to defect well I’ll push him that way. There was actually a concept with Wraith being a triple agent but that's a WHOLE other story too. 
Whole other point to this is Tanya thought she would be a bad mom and then pretty much all of 2nd Gen calls her Aunt Tanya and tells her stuff they might in in trouble with before telling their own parents. Lol. Of course Tanya tells Wildwing everything when they’re on their own and they often have a good laugh about it. Ha.
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memoriesofthingspast · 5 months
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