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I am neither DEMOCRAT nor REPUBLICAN, NEITHER party is good for my People, Black people. I often wonder about this. Why, when asked what precisely the compassionate Republicans have done for Blacks, there’s nothing current. No, they’ll crow on about the Civil Rights Bill. Then they’re quick to point out how openly racist Woody Wilson was. What? He only showed Birth Of A Nation in the White House!🙄Finally, we get to the pearl of great price, SLAVERY! They’ll be sure to tell you that the DEMONCRATS wanted to keep slavery and expand it. But the “party of Lincoln” (slooow Stewie Griffin voice) wanted…to…abolish…it…over 157…years…ago. Why is it just fine for Republicans/conservatives to ride the coattails of an action over a century ago? But if I bring up slavery, even in passing, I get to hear a lecture about how I was never a slave, I never knew anyone who was a slave, and slavery was a “long time ago”; get over it. Wasn’t David Duke a REPUBLICAN? At least he was HONEST about his beliefs and politics. I don’t like the man, but I can respect that. Seems to me that REPUBLICAN, CONSERVATIVE, GOP, etc., are synonyms for HYPOCRITES. These people are trying too damn hard! Woody Wilson? That's the best you can come up with?
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electronicwriter · 10 months
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I'm sayin' what I'm sayin', and I stand by it to the death.
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never-was-has-been · 2 years
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From: Smocking Gun @oceana404 The 1% love watching us scramble during this terrible inflation as they think it will make us accept less just to get by. The oligarchs in the US must be stopped. reblog
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Republicans Suck Pass The American Jobs Plan.
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#stoprepublicans #cancelthegop #gqp https://www.instagram.com/p/COOWWkTHRF1/?igshid=101o5tgx2mikf
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