#censoring names because i don't want it to show up in the tags btw
hellbatschilt · 8 months
I love talking about merchandise, and I would honestly talk about it for way too long lol <- Guy who has to stop themself from rambling on because their tags usually get eaten up due to it
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magicalgirlagency · 2 years
huh? did something come up about the Saban Moon pilot? isn't it considered lost media? (sorry if this question makes you uncomfortable btw, i'm just a bit out of the loop)
A youtuber named Ray Mona has recently uploaded a 2-parter documentary entitled "The Western World of Sailor Moon", and in the second part of the documentary, it's revealed that the pilot for Saban/ToonMakers' Sailor Moon has been found after all these years.
It turns out, that the pilot has been on the Library Of Congress this whole time. The documentary was solid and had good quality, but this revelation was pretty anti-climatic, if you ask me.
This rant of mine will be basically a more detailed version of my ramblings from my previous post's tags, so hold on tight, this'll be long.
When growing up, english dubs of anime were a major annoyance to me. I didn't knew why, but they always have rubbed me the wrong way.
I couldn't articulate on why I hated english dubs so much; it'd always boil down to "I don't like it", and that was it. But now, since I am an adult, I can express and criticize with much more ease.
Sure, Saban Moon isn't an eng dub, but it is an americanized material that derivates from a japanese one. And not only it's americanized, but also horribly disconnected from the source material. It's Sailor Moon only in the name.
It's like how FATE: The Winx Saga only has the names of the characters, but it's all so horrendously divorced from its series of origin and all feels so fanfic-y (and not the good kind of fanfic-y).
You see, the issue that I had with older eng dubs was that the West would purposedly erase japanese culture (like how in 4Kids' Pokémon, they would change onigiris/riceballs into jelly-filled doughnuts), and this would escalate into even dumber things (like how in 4Kids' One Piece, the marines' firearms would be replaced with water guns).
The eng dubs were racist and stupid. Basically, american television, designed to appease the sensitive masses. This description may seem harsh to some, but it's the truth! And Sailor Moon was no exception.
Specially when it came to LGBT+ representation. Like how Zoisite was changed into a woman to censor his relationship with Kunzite.
Or when Sailors Uranus and Neptune were made into cousins, and this has only made their relationship awfully incestuous and weird.
Or when they pulled a Zoisite yet again, but with Fish Eye instead when the Dream Arc was on (in the 90's, each of the Amazon Trio had specific target preferences for their victims, and Fish Eye would target men).
And there are rumors that the Stars Arc was left undone because the Sailor Starlights would've cracked some eggs in early years...
So yeah, not only older dubs were racist, but they were homophobic, too! Yep, typical american television!
And of course, SABAN had a hand in all of this. I mean, those are the folks behind that atrocious Pretty Cure dub! I mean, really! Glitter Force?! Even though the original title consists of english words?! BLERGH.
Yeah, yeah, I know that we would've gotten a wheelchair-user Mercury and a black Jupiter, but at what cost?! If it's from a frankensteined abomination of a show that erases the japanese heritage of the original, then I don't want it.
And I don't know if I should feel honored or offended that Sailor Moon almost shared a name with me... sure, "Victoria" sounded like a much better option than the obvious and spoiler-y "Serena", but still...
Saban Moon was also going to be a Space Opera of sorts, with the emphasis being put on the alien heritage of the characters, which it could've been great if it weren't for the fact that it's Saban Moon.
It was clear that they wanted to do their own thing, their own series with their own stories and their own characters, but they had to butcher pre-existing material for it.
Why couldn't they have done the Inspector Gadget approach? Inspector Gadget was created because DiC couldn't bring Lupin the Third to the West at the time... and it worked! People loved Inspector Gadget! It's a timely classic!
Anyways, I HATE english dubs. They deliberatedly lie to you about its content, and treat you like an idiot. The only eng dubbed anime that I've actually enjoyed was DragonBall Z. But other than that, "Subs, Not Dubs" is the only way for me.
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herawell · 4 years
The #m@ry-i and #m@ry-i-of-engl@nd tags can take a long walk off a pier in the middle of a thunderstorm.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years
Alright well there's no going back. It was 1:47am and I honestly had to stop reading the second Eri said "Like Heaven?" I don't feel such an urge to cry, but listening to sad music made it sadder. So what happened was, in the last few chapters or well the start of the story takes place after the Raid. It follows the theory that Dabi was in the same program as Hawks which isn't my cup of tea, but I read it anyways for the potential good stuff and angst. And boi did it hit hard. (1/9)
I’m going to give everyone mercy and place the readmore at the top XD
And because I really crave fics where the Pros find out about Hawks' situation, although as always its expanded on, but that's fine because angstttt. So the Hpsc Prez is going off about the program to a room full of heroes being fake af, and boom! Takami Keigo name drop 👀 and then all the Pros turn to Hawks like 'oh shit, maybe we seriously mis-judged this kid' like exposition is all talking about how maybe they're starting to think they never even met the real him all these years. (2/9)
Hawks suddenly just became a blank slate to them, they were looking at a mask. And Aizawa tries to talk to him and he's all 'I know right! Always saying I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'm a bit sharper than you think *winks*' quick filler, the whole fic basically has Hawks trying to heal and forming connections with people. Like Mic, Aizawa, Fatgum, and he babysits Eri. Other stuff happens I won't mention or else this ask will get too long. (3/9)
So skipping to what made me sob, the Commission tries to restart the Program because of all the hero casualties in the raid. And they're also planning to use Eri. They got permission since Hawks was a success, because he's the only one excluding Dabi that came out alive. See where I'm going? OKAY MIGHT BE GOOD TO TAG THIS AS 'TW s*icide' not with the asterisk, I'm just censoring here. So in this fic, they've killed the parents to make the kids really unable to leave. (4/9)
And Hawks is having none of that, makes up this plan he keeps repeating in his head and he leaves baskets for everyone. Miruko finds him in his room, hanging from the ceiling. She's crying, Aizawa is desperate, Mic is trying to get him to accept that Keigo is gone. Aizawa goes through the notepad Hawks left and scribbles on the page, it shows a message cause of the indent and there's something about a pattern that Rumi says looks like the painting in his office. (5/9)
So they freeze and book it over there and find a message addressed to them because Hawks be like that. Always up to something. Don't worry, it's a fake body. He called up a favor, like with Jeanist. Now that you know what's going on, THE LAST CHAPTER OH MY GOD FOX!!! AIZAWA IS ANGSTING AT 3AM AND HES SAD HAWKS HAD TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT WHILE STILL WATCHING OVER THEM BECAUSE HE WASNT SURE IF THE HPSC WOULD GO BACK ON THEIR WORD AND HES LIKE (6/9)
'if he wasn't unsure, would that body actually have been him??? AND AIZAWA IS HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN ABOUT HOW HE SHOULDVE BEEN FASTER AND DONE MORE AND JUST WANTED TO HELP (held a meeting with the other heroes when Kei was babysitting Eri, same day the hpsc texted him) and god Aizawa stop feeling so bad, I'm gonna cry he's so sad like was Keigo angry? Did he know? Why did Aizawa go behind his back in his last few days, they had a plan, why didn't he just share with him. (7/9)
AND SAD SHIT GETS SADDER WHEN ERI SHOWS UP AND AIZAWA TRIES TO TALK TO HER ABOUT WHEN SOMEONE PASSES AWAY and Eri's all 'someone went to heaven, that's why your sad?' Aizawa is sobbing and getting all choked up and talks about how someone did and they saved so many people, like him, Mic, Shinsou, Eri BECAUSE THE HPSC MIGHT HAVE HURT THEM- and 'Sweetpea, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but Keigo is gone. He passed away.' (8/9)
THIS IS SO REALISTICALLY EMOTIONAL AND WRITTEN SO GOOD F*CK YOU! And Eri starts crying like precious bean nooo, and Aizawa talks about how Keigo wouldn't have wanted this. He'd want them to order friend chicken to bury him with, continue calling him a pigeon even if he pretended to hate the name, make cats and birds pancakes and then they go do that when Eri says she wants to. And the author was almost about to put in 1A's and Tokoyami's reaction too, I WANT IT GIMMEEE PLS (9/9)
You’re talking about Hawk’s Gets Exposed, right?
I’ve read it, I cried at the suicide even though it was confirmed to have been him faking his death in order to protect Eri. I haven’t read the recent chapters yet because it upset me enough to cause my nightmares to return (I hope this doesn’t make you feel guilty about sending this ask btw!!! It’s totally fine!). The story hit me in a way I didn’t think it would. I took a small break from it but plan to catch up!
Damn it must have hurt Aizawa to tell Eri that he was gone though (and hurt even more not being able to tell her the truth because then it would ruin Hawks sacrifice).
Tokoyami’s reaction is going to break me.
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