#characters who are dead certain sure that they don't deserve love are my weakness and i will fall for them every time
harurio · 3 months
fukaya kai perfect propose and kijima rio the novelist strike the same chord in my head and for what reason?? their stubborn refusal to expect anything of anyone? their unapologetic yet somehow deeply unhappy ownership of their sexuality? their utter inability to let themselves feel deeply and earnestly about the things they want?
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i know they are very different characters playing very different roles in their respective stories but i can't shake the sense that their character arcs might follow a similar curve. which as a kijima rio enjoyer i would wholeheartedly approve 👍
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elia-de-silentio · 3 years
Vanitas and affection: a complicated relationship
In light of recent chapters and waiting for the next to deliver our new dose of pain, I've decided to make a bit of analysis on how Vanitas relates to affection.
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Vanitas enters this world, and gets the first of a long series of traumas. A classic: mother dies in childbirth, the baby is blamed for existing. Vanitas had internalized this thinking from his father ... or maybe it was a reasoning he made on his own (he says that his father 'must have hated him', but does not recall the man actually telling him so), and his father did not correct him - either because he subconsciously agreed or because he wasn't the most emotionally attuned man in the world.
After all, the only thing certain about Vanitas's father is his tendency to self-sacrifice: he abandoned his birth family and respectable profession to follow the woman he loved in her travelling caravan, even if he didn't like the rest of the people there; he gave up his life to save his son.
And this latter part is what furthers Vanitas's trauma, as he will feel an extra dose of guilt for causing his father's sacrifice.
After the death of his family, he is taken by the Chasseurs to be trained and become one of them. His strong hatred for vampires fueled him, and it's likely he was quite good at fighting, given what we see of him now. But alas, he caught the attention of Moreau.
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Vanitas's damnation was his high empathy. As Luna will later point out, he would be able to escape; but Moreau had faked his death by killing a kid that looked like him, thus triggering his trauma of 'other people sacrificing for his sake'.
And then, he thought that even if he escaped, someone else would be tortured in his place. The reasoning is actually more based in self-loathing than reality, as attested by the existence of n.70 and 71; so he turned his reason for being there into trying to get more torture and lift it from the other children whenever he could.
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Then he gets saved. Well, he likely doesn't perceive it like that, because Luna is a vampire, especially the Vampire of the Blue Moon whose blood Moreau injected him to try and turn him into a vampire. Nevertheless, there appears to have been a somewhat peaceful period between the escape from Moreau and the start of the series: we see Luna take care of him and Misha, giving them shelter, teaching them about malnomens and trying her hand at life lessons; we see little Vanitas do most of the chores, even if with a standoffish attitude; we see little Misha basking in the happiness of a somewhat stable and nice family situation.
Then something terrible happens.
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It is revealed that due to Moreau's experiments, the kids are not exactly human anymore, but they aren't vampires either; their body can't substain this state of being, and they will die if they aren't turned into kins of the Blue Moon. Misha accepts, Vanitas refuses, wanting to stay human. Next thing we know, they are both kins of the Blue Moon with Marks of Possession, and Luna is dead.
As of the time of this writing, it is not clear exactly what happened; we know that Luna died, and that Vanitas played some role in it. Misha outright accuses him of killing her, but the framing of the actual events is quite ambiguous.
Vanitas, on his part, seems to have conflicting feelings: he says he wants to take revenge on Luna for drinking his blood, but when he's half-delirious, he mutters that he didn't really hate her; he appearently made Misha some promise that he didn't keep, and he is crushed by guilt as a result.
But whatever happened, his consent on the kin-making was ignored (just like it always happened in Moreau's laboratory) and another person that was close to him died either at his own hand, or because of him. And he gets some other trauma on top of an already long list.
Moreover, he was surprised to find out that Misha was alive. So, for some time, he believed the person who he loved like a brother was dead. Add good old grief to the mix.
So, we get to the Vanitas of the very first chapters of the manga. An outgoing, cocky individual ... a mask. After all, every time he has shown his actual feelings of anger and grief, it didn't turn out very well for him in the end, did it?
It also allows him to annoy and gross out people, specifically Noé and Jeanne. Nobody really likes his arrogance and pushiness, so they won't give him the affection he doesn't deserve.
Then, the aftermath of the Bal Masqué. Vanitas is provoking Ruthven, and Noé goes unexpectedly to protect him. To take risks for his sake. This already scares him, but then Noé has the gall to go and try to understand him! His reaction has to be more extreme: he flat out tries to attack Noé with a knife and tries to get him away, whereas he had been pretty much stalking him up to this point. But Noé refuses; and Vanitas is maybe just a little comforted and moved, enough to stop trying to push him away.
Then there is the Catacomb Arc, where a new character is introduced: Roland. He doesn't show spite to Vanitas, but still sees him with condescension, denying that he is acting out of his own free will. And this, to the former Chasseur who was left by the rest of them in Moreau's clutches, is untolerable. Roland means well, but he's going at it the wrong way.
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After the fight with Roland, there is another argument between Vanitas and Noé. Vanitas does exactly what Noé had done before: shields him. This sends Noé on a sermon about how Vanitas, as a human, is weak and shouldn't take such risks, which infuriates the other boy: he bites back by calling Noé overconfident, citing the Ruthven accident as an example. This confuses Noé, because didn't he want him to become his shield?
I suspect that this was both Vanitas tendency to sacrifice himself for others, and a sign of tentative trust towards Noé. He does the same thing the vampire did for him ... and got rebuked, and called weak for his trouble. Noé's attitude is too patronizing to be seen as an actual sign of concern,and his already bad mood sours considerably.
Well, there is to say that after a similar crisis repeats itself a chapter later, complete with anti-vampire slurs on Vanitas part, Noè amends ... by using him as a fake hostage against Roland, which is still better that treating him as if he was weak.
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Now, Noé might be naive in a lot of regards, but he is not stupid. From that moment onwards, he gets that Vanitas will be treated as an equal. He won't force him into dangerous situations, but he won't even treat him like he's too frail for it. He will be incouraging, but not condescending. And the result is that he actually snaps Vanitas out from his trauma-induced flashbacks, and gets him to be more open and trusting than he has ever been.
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In the Gevaudan arc, Vanitas's emotional connections get shaken on two fronts: Noé 's and Jeanne's.
In this arc, he is the one to encourage and support Noé. He gives him advice on how to handle Astolfo; he gets worried about him when he's captured by Chloé (even if he expresses it in his own way).
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He saves Noé from getting lost into Jean-Jacques's memories, listens to what he has to say, and concedes to what he wants, where at the start of the manga he was all 'my way or the highway'. He even almost (almost) admits that he was worried about Noé!
He still receives some actual support: demostrations of Noé's spirit which are good for the soul, and a proclamation that he believes in what Vanitas thinks about the origin of Malnomen, the first time a vampire says something like that. Vani plays grumpy, but he is obviously very shaken, in a positive way.
He finally shows Jeanne some actual support: he is cold to her after he was unwillingly vulnerable in her presence due to his illness, but pushes that aside rather quickly, in order to help her realize what she truly wants (saving Chloé instead of killing her) and that she's right to want it. He reminds her that she's a person, not a tool.
And she's grateful for it, and has definitely no qualms about expressing it. The result is that our hero spends days in blue screen, to then have a complete freakout at the possibility of being actually in love with Jeanne. He's so out  of it, he ends up oversharing his feelings of being undeserving of love to a Roland who he doesn't like and a Olivier he has never met before. Still, it's the first time he flat-out says his issues.
This brings us to his rooftop conversation with Noé. I really liked the vampire's behaviour here: he was comforting in a sort of roundabout way, à la Vanitas. He said that he is happy Vanitas is the way he is, even if he still doesn't like him very much. Translation: you're a way better person than you think you are, and you deserve to be loved. This is coming from a totally unbiased place, I'm not a weird person who would like you or something.
And this is the last conversation we see between the two of them: as of the time of this writing, Noé has been compelled to drink Misha's blood, and Vanitas has just arrived on the scene.
Vanitas has seen his self-loathing perspective challenged and has changed a lot in the span of a rather short time, and I really don't know how he'll react to Noé learning the details of his past; he sure won't want any form of compassion. Personally, I suspect he'll be very cold to Noé for quite some time, possibly even trying to drive him away, before a reconciliation.
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read my ramblings!
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morosemagick · 3 years
On Your Lips, Like a Prayer | Sihtric x Reader One Shot
Warning: References to Suicide, Minor Character Death
Words: 4449
@solinarimoon @emilyhufflepufftlk @magravenwrites @obipoelover @thebohemianpenguin @ivarinleatherpants
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You remember falling.
Through the sky. Into a river. Drowning. They could’ve been dreams or your imagination or may you’re hell because when you wake up you don’t recognize the place you’ve found yourself in. The first thing you try to do when you wake is reach for your phone... until you remember you didn’t have it. What you had done, you had done with nothing on you. You didn’t want to be found or recognized. The plan was to scrub yourself from the pages of history. Yet from what you are told by the man and his daughter; who found you in the river half dead, it seems you did the far opposite.
Instead of erasing yourself from history, you’ve fallen through it.
And that was six months ago.
They believe you to have amnesia from the accident, but you remember every detail of what happened. It’s the ninth century from what you gathered. From what you remember from taking history in school, King Alfred the Great is the King of Wessex, but you are in Mercia. Who is ruled by Lord Ceowolf? You’re unsure. Everything you’ve known is gone or rather has yet to be. You have no idea how you’ve gotten here and you want out. So in a moment of foolishness, you try to redo what you did to send yourself back but instead you wind up stuck in their beds again for a month with a broken leg. It’s hard to run after you do that, and now you know without a doubt in your mind that you’re stuck. You cry about it for weeks, and the family who found you doesn’t understand why. You can’t tell anyone, because you’re certain they’ll set you on fire if you tell them.
Because you… you are from the future.
You’ve been here for a year now. Osmund and his daughter, Mildryd, are kind and loving people. They treat you like family, with love and respect. This place becomes your home and they teach you all the skills you’d need to survive these times. You learned about farming, rank etiquette, and all other manners you would need to blend into your surroundings. Soon enough, you embraced this world as your own. Not that you had a choice because every day it became more clear that this was not a dream and you were indeed stuck here.
Also, you had no desire to repeat what you did to get here in the first place… again.
“Lynne? Lynne, where are you?” You can hear Osmund call out to you. Lynne was what they called you here. It meant waterfall, from what you understood.
Which made sense, because that’s where they found you... At the bottom of a waterfall.
You come out from the stables, where you’ve just finished brushing the horses with a smile on your face, “Right here, Osmund. Everything alright?”
“I sent Mildryd into town to get grain but I didn’t realize she didn’t bring water in for the goats,” He tells you as he wipes the sweat from his face with a rag, “I hate to pass on her chores, but you know my daughter-”
“She’ll be flirting with the trader for a while,” You chuckle. Mildryd fancied the boy a lot and hopes he’d ask her father for her hand in marriage soon. She was young and full of life, the opposite of you if you were honest with yourself. You envied her spirit, “I’ll go to the river.”
“Thank you, Lynne,” The older man smiled, “You’re an angel.”
You only smile as a response. They show you so much love and part of you feels like you don't deserve it. Still, you grab your bucks and head down to the river, which is quite a walk away, to fetch some water as requested. It's beautiful here, and perhaps taking a moment to stand there and admire its beauty will be one of the moments you will grow to regret for the rest of your life because by the time you turn back to return to the farm you can see smoke.
You drop both buckets to the ground and run as fast as your post-broken leg body can take you, but you're too late.
A sob breaks from your lips as you walk through the ruins of Osmund's home. His body lays blood and lifeless on the floor, the sword he carries still in its sheath. You take the weapon from him, belt and all, and tie it around your waist. Leaving the house, you head into the rest of the small village you call yours in search of the man's daughter.
The rest of the village is no better than Osmund's home. Everyone is dead, from what you can tell, and your expectations for finding Mildryd are lowering by the second.
When you find her, she's holding on to her final breath, and her body covered by the trader she loved so much.
"Mildryd," You call to her with tears in her eyes, "Mildryd… who did this to you?"
"It… it was the Danes," She coughs and blood comes up, tears flowing down her cheeks, "Is.. my father-"
She dies before she can finish the sentence, and you sob over her dead body.
The time you get to mourn is cut short by a voice calling out from behind you, “Lord! A survivor!”
From the accent in his voice, you can tell he must be a Dane, and you ready yourself to face with your hand on the hilt of your sword. It’s heavy, and you haven’t had much practice but the one thing you have plenty of right now is rage. Rising to your feet, you pull out your sword and swing it without care as you turn around but the Dane behind you is quicker. He bobs and weaves his upper half to avoid your aimless swings and pulls out a blade of his own.
It does not take him long to disarm you, your sword dropping to the ground with a clang.
“Just kill me already,” You tell him as you lower your eyes to the ground, trying not to cry in front of him, “Please! Get on with it-”
“I don’t desire to kill you, Lady,” The Dane tells you, his voice softer than anticipated, and you open your eyes to see him put his sword away. He picks up your sword, and then lends out a hand to help you to your feet, “I am sorry to have startled you.”
You are hesitant to take his hand, but you do so anyway.
It’s his eyes; one blue and the other brown, they are mesmerizing and all but command you to trust him.
“Sihtric?” Another man calls out to him, this one also dressed like a Dane but something about him looks Saxon… like the others you’ve grown to know, “Who is this?”
The one you trust, Sihtric, turns to face you and they stare for a moment as they await your name, “I am-” You almost use your real name, but you stop yourself and continue again. Hoping they don’t notice, “I am Lynne, Lord.”
“This is your village?” He asks you.
“Was,” You replied looking back at Mildryd’s dead body behind you, “They killed my family…”
“Did you see the raiders who attacked this place?” The man asked and you shook your head no.
“My… my sister, she told me it was the Danes,” You glance between the two men, watching for their reactions, “That was all she said before she died.”
“Lord?” Another voice calls out, this one with an Irish accent, and from the side, another man appears followed by one much taller than he is, “There is no one else. If they had survivors, they must have taken them.”
The Lord sighs, and puts away his weapon, “Do you have somewhere to go, Lynne? Family somewhere else in Mercia, perhaps?”
You look between the men who surround you and shake your head no, “This was my only family, Lord. I have no one.”
“We can take her with us to Coccham, Uhtred,” The Irishman starts to say, but you are quick to jump in.
“I am not a slave!” You snap as you reach for your sword, forgetting you no longer have it.
“Nor do we wish you to be, Lady,” The one named Uhtred replies, “You will be safe in Coccham, should you choose to follow us. I am the Ealdorman there, we shall find someone to take you in.”
You nod okay, knowing you don’t have any other choice, “Thank you.”
Uhtred and his men start to walk away, and when you step to follow them your bad leg gives in and you start to fall. Luckily, Sihtric is there to catch you.
“Are you hurt, Lady?” He asks you as you wince.
He helps you straighten yourself upright, and you take a deep breath, “I broke it, six months ago,” You explain to Sihtric as he tries to help you walk, “It still feels weak some days. Just… give me a moment.”
“Should I carry you?” He asks and you blush as you furiously shake your head no.
“No, no,” You chuckle shyly as you attempt to walk again, “I can walk. I just need to go slow.”
Sihtric smiles lightly, and it brings you peace, “We’ll go your speed then.”
You nod okay, and together you walk slowly out of the village that was once your home.
Lord Uhtred finds you work as a stable hand in Coccham. The owners of the stable is an older couple whose children have moved away with their own families, and they are more than pleased to let you stay with them. After a few months of being in Coccham, you find yourself growing to like the place. It’s a booming town, and the people who live here all seem to be grateful for their half Dane half Saxon Lord for keeping them safe and prospering. About six months into living here, Lord Uhtred puts you personally in charge of his horse, as well as the horses of the rest of his men. The old couple tells you it’s a privilege for the Ealdorman to hold you in such regard.
You wonder why they seem to like you so much.
When you aren’t working you find yourself in the company of Lord Uthred’s men. There is Finan, his cheeky, Irish right-hand man. He’s a flirt and a tease, but you find him harmless and kind. Then their Clapa, the large bear-like Dane. He’s quiet but courteous. Last, but certainly not least, there is Sihtric. You never expected to like him as much as you do, but he makes you laugh and smile and feel like maybe you survived that fall for a reason. He visits you frequently at the stables and he tells you it’s to make sure you aren’t overworking your leg.
Part of you wonders if there is an ulterior motive for his visits.
Not that he needs one to visit you. You enjoy Sihtric’s visits probably much more than he did. So part of you finds it ironic when those around you weren’t fond of you spending so much time with a Dane. Their Lord was a Dane, too, after all.
“That Dane boy,” The stable owner, Cedric, started to say one day, “Does he bother you?”
You glance his way as you brush Lord Uhtred’s horse, readying all his warriors’ horses for their departure, “Not at all,” You tell Cedric, “Sihtric is kind.”
“You are of marriage age, Lynne,” Cedric tells you as he brings over a saddle for the horse, “Perhaps we should help find you a husband. I know some young eligible men. Hard workers,” he starts to say, and you know what’s about to come out of his mouth next before he can even say it, “Good Christians.”
“I’m not looking for a husband,” You tell him with frustration as you take the saddle from his hands and place it on top of Uhtred’s horse.
“My wife and I are only getting older, Lynne,” The old man tells you, and you keep your eyes away to prevent yourself from making a face, “It is not good for a Lady of your age to be unwed. This is your prime. You should be having children, starting a family.”
Part of you is ready to tell the old man off, but before you can say anything a familiar voice interrupts the conversation, “Cedric, Lynne! How are our horses?”
“Lord Uhtred,” Cedric smiles, and you can’t help but hate how hypocritical he is, “They are almost ready, Lynne ready the other saddles please.”
You nod at the two men and make yourself scarce as you go to prep the other horse. Your first stop is to Finan’s horse; because you know the mare can be fickle some days, and as you reach down to pick her saddle, you don’t see Finan and Sihtric sneak up behind you.
“Lynne!” Finan all but shouts, giving you a fright and making you drop the saddle to the floor.
“I swear to God, Finan, one would think you are the heathen and not Sihtric,” You scold with your hand over your heart as the two men laugh.
“We are only teasing, Lynne, I swear,” Finan tells you as he picks up the saddle you’ve dropped.
Sihtric leans up against a post and nudges you with his elbow, “Cedric does not push you too much, does he?”
“No, he does not,” You tell Sihtric as you go to ready his horse, but he stops you, carefully taking the saddle from your hands, “I do not need your help, Sihtric.”
“I want to help,” He tells you with a smile, and you can’t help but smile wider.
“She says she doesn’t need your help, Sihtric,” Finan teases from close by, and you both blush, momentarily forgetting he was there, “Hate to ruin the moment, but we need to get goin’.”
“Where are you riding for?” You ask them as you stand back and let the men finish readying their own horses.
“Mercia,” Sihtric tells you and a small part of you feels anxious, “Dane’s have taken Lundene."
“And King Alfred has decided he does need Uhtred, after all,” Finan chuckles and Sihtric smirks, but both of their calm demeanors don’t make you feel any better, “Don’t you worry, Lynne, we’ll be home before you know it.”
Finan passes by, rubbing your shoulder as he goes, and then leaves you alone with Sihtric. You sigh, folding your arms over your chest, “Be careful out there, okay?”
Sihtric chuckles as he takes a step closer to you, “Will you pray to your God for my return?”
“You know I don’t pray,” You lie with a smirk. You pray every single time Uhtred and his warriors leave, and you do so every night till they return. Reaching into your pocket, you pull out a thin gold cross on a blue, beaded string. It’s the only thing you own, from before, and you hand it to Sihtric with a weak smile on your face, “But just in case.”
He takes it from your hand so slow, the feeling of his fingertips lingering even after they are gone, “I will take good care of it.” Sihtric pulls you closer by the back of your head and kisses your temple as he moves around you.
Your cheeks stay a rosy color even long after he is gone.
They are back sooner than expected.
Or at least, that is what you hear when the crowd gathers to greet their returning warriors. You overhear the Lady of Coccham, Uhtred’s wife Gisela, make mention of returning too quickly for men holding a city under siege. Lord Uhtred is the first to walk through Coccham’s gates, looking surprisingly clean for a man coming from war, then Finan comes in close behind him… and then-
You feel your heart pick up its pace when you realize Sihtric is not with them and for a moment you find it hard to breathe. As the crowd lets its lord through, and Uhtred and his men reach the stables, you rush over as fast as your legs can take you to meet them. You feel your bad leg ready to give up as you reach the stables, but this time Finan is there to catch you.
“Slow down, Lynne, you nearly killed yourself,” Finan tells you as he holds you steady with one hand.
“Where...,” You start speaking but you can't, instead you’re huffing and puffing trying to catch your breath, “Where is Sihtric?”
Finan sighs, wiping at his mouth with his free hand, “You’re not gonna be happy, Lynne.”
You try really hard not to cry as he explains to you what has happened at Lundene and how the King’s daughter has been possibly taken as prisoner. In fact, you do relatively well at holding it all in and keeping yourself together for most of his explanation. That is… until he gets to the part where Lord Uhtred has sent Sihtric and another warrior named Rypere to Beamfleot to spy, and you suddenly forget how to breathe again. You go to reach for your cross in your pocket until you remember you’ve given it to Sihtric for good luck and almost immediately you begin to cry.
“Lynne,” Finan puts his hand on your shoulder as you sob, covering your face with your hands, “Lynne, he’s coming home… okay? Sihtric is good at what he does. The best spy we have, and I know he’s got a good reason to come home in one piece.”
You shake your head okay, and furiously wipe away all your tears away the best you can, “How long do you think he’ll be gone?”
“I cannot say for certain,” Finan shrugs, “But he is coming home, I promise.”
Finan’s words only give you some reassurance and you spend the next few days feeling absolutely miserable. You continue on with your workdays with the best fake smile you can muster, and at night you find yourself at Church. Usually, you pray in your room, partially because you feel like you aren’t really doing it right and you feel too embarrassed to pray in public. You weren’t a very religious person before, but now that you are here in this church, you pray to every God you can think of that Sihtric comes home safely.
“Lady?” A voice from behind you calls, and you jump to your feet in a moment of fear. You weren’t expecting anyone else to come to the Church that night, coming late enough in the night to certainly be alone for as long as you wish, “I am sorry, I did not mean to startle you.”
His words remind you of the first time you met Sihtric, and you can't help but smile.
“It’s okay, I’ve just been… jumpy, lately.” You tell him as you sit back down on the bench, “I haven’t lived in Coccham for long, but I know I don’t recognize your face.”
“Ah, yes,” His smile is kind as he joins you at the bench, “I am Osferth, Lady. May I join you?”
“Of course, Osferth,” You smile back the best you can, but you’re tired and it’s late so it’s hard to put on your usual fake face.
Osferth takes his seat next to you, making sure not to get too close, and keeps his eyes on the altar ahead of you, “What are we praying for?” He asks, glancing your way.
“My-” You paused, not knowing what to call him. Your friend didn’t sound like a good enough way to explain what he meant to you, and you definitely didn’t think of him as a brother. So you go with this, “My family. Someone very important to me has been sent away on a dangerous mission for Lord Uhtred.”
"If he is a warrior for Lord Uhtred, he must be very brave," he tells you, reassuringly
"Only a special kind of warrior is lucky enough to serve a Lord like Uhtred," You agree with him, "And I have been told Sihtric is good at what he does, but I can't help but worry."
"Has prayer helped?" Osferth asks you and you look his way with a chuckle.
"Not at all," You tell him, and you both laugh.
"Sometimes it is hard to have faith in something we don't see," Osferth tells you as he looks forward again, "I try to put my faith in people. Lord Uhtred is a good warrior. So are his men. Having Faith in them… it's much easier."
So that's what you. You put your Faith in Uhtred and all of his men that will do whatever it takes to bring each other home.
More time has passed.
Rypere eventually returned to Coccham, and with his arrival, Uhtred and his men rode for Winchester to bring his findings to the King. You hear that men are sent to Beamfleot to bargain for the Princesses return. They are gone for a long time, longer than you anticipated. The days that pass make you increasingly more anxious.
You don't want to say your faith in Uhtred and his warriors is wavering but… it hasn't been as strong as you hoped it to be.
Cedric and his wife have been pushing the marriage thing. They aren't your parents so they can't just sell you off, luckily for you, but it's gotten annoying just how many single men they've tried to introduce you to in the last month.
None of them are Sihtric, so you do not care.
You're in the Church again one night, and you've been there longer than you wanted due to your bad leg. It's been aching something fierce in the past few days, and you think maybe you have been overwhelming yourself. You can't help but smile at the idea of Sihtric yelling at you to take it easy, and just as quickly as the memory comes to you so do the tears that start to cloud your eyes.
"You lied to me, Lynne," That familiar voice you've been hearing in your head speaks out loud, and you gasp when you turn around to find Sihtric standing behind you, "You said you do not pray for me."
You chuckle as the tears fall from your face and your lips curl up into a smile, "You're all I pray for." It stings to stand, but you push through the pain anyway and rush to greet him.
Sihtric catches you as you jump into his arms, and the two of you stumble back until he falls to the floor with you in his arms, "You need to be more careful," He smirks as he moves a hand to your cheek, "What would the people say if they see us in the church like this?"
"To hell with people," You laugh as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. Sihtrics' free hand pulls your body closer as you sit there on the floor of the church, all but devouring each other with each kiss.
"Let me carry you home," Sihtric tells you when he breaks the kiss, and you nod okay. He moves to stand, taking you in his arms as he rises. Making sure to be careful with your bed leg.
Being like this makes you feel so safe. So loved.
You giggle and kiss his neck as he carries you back to his house, and whispers things in your ear that send shivers down your spine all the way back to his house. Your sure people saw him carry you, and they are more than likely to gossip about you but you don't care.
You've never felt more alive than you do right now.
Sihtric lays you carefully in his bed, his lips reconnecting with yours as he hovers above you. He tastes sweet and your heart is racing in anticipation of what is going to happen next.
That is until you hear him moan out that name.
"Lynne," He starts to say as he breaks the kiss, "Lynne, I-"
"Wait!" You cut Sihtric off with a finger to his lips, "Before you say it, there is something else I've been lying about," Sihtric raises a brow and you take a deep breath, "My name is not Lynne."
You expect a poor reaction, but instead, Sihtric smirks, "That doesn't surprise me."
"Yes," He tells you as he places a kiss on your lips, "The day we met, you stuttered when you told Uhtred your name." You chuckle at the fact that he remembers that, and his smile is soft, "So tell me, what is the real name of the woman who has stolen my heart?"
Your smile is wide when you get to finally speak your real name out loud for the first time in almost two years, "My name is Y/N."
Sihtric smiles, leaning in to kiss you again, "Well, Y/N," another kiss, and then another, "It is nice to truly meet you," one more kiss, and then he leans up a bit and you can see the smirk on his face, "Is it too soon to say that I love you?"
You shake your head no as the tears come back to you, "Not at all."
"Good," Sihtric replies as he leans his forehead against yours, "I love you, Y/N."
Sihtric whispers those words for what feels like a hundred times that night. He whispers it as he strips you out of your clothes and as you remove his. It comes out as a moan when he slips himself inside of you, and it sounds like a prayer on his lips as he chants it in your ear as you reach your climax with your back arched and his lips on your neck. And it's the last thing you hear when Sihtric reminds you one more time before bed.
A few months later on the two year anniversary of you finding yourself here, on this page of history, Sihtric tells you he loves you again when the two of you return to the place where Osmund and Mildryd found you, and you tell him all about what brought you to this world. You can't help but feel this is where you were meant to be when Sihtric tells you he prayed for you, too.
For someone who could love him, more than he could himself.
It seems… you were exactly what the other was looking for.
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boxesblr · 3 years
Bonjour, it's Shy for sure!
Apologies for my late comment I had not been notified of that update earlier >:(
I gotta say you really like ripping out my heart huh?? Poor Dumbdog, left out in the cold like that...
Wonder when he noticed others were there, how much joy but also fear there must have been, especially because he must feel he can't approach them after what happened with his friends...
On that note, who were his friends? If that isn't too spoilery to ask of course!
Also, wouldn't they have sort of helped Yeti after he died, at least getting off the barb wire, even if they assume he is gonna revive? 🤔 Especially if they think that? Did they knew he wasn't going to? Were they afraid to touch the body?
Please tell me, they're gonna take Dumbdog with them this time. 🙏 Or at least get him some help so he can be rescued later, this poor wolf man deserves better!
You know, now that I think about it, why didn't he join their team? Fear of being ostracized? The thought that he can do more good if he stays hidden until they need him, sort of like an ace in the sleeve?
If all of them left and Yeti as the traitor was bad, does that mean there is one baddie and one baddie only in Zes group as well? We know Tay is safe, she's defector. She wouldn't have shot Chilled if she was evil, that would have been a very dumb move. Chilled isn't evil either, judging by him literally dying and reviving in front of Ze. Well, at least dying in front of him.
So we got potential for evil in Shubble, Cheesy, Platy, Toast and Aphex. I would love to take Shubble off the list but what if she's an evil medic? And Cheesy could be afraid of dying because his death is permanent!
I hope it isn't Platy, he was being so kind earlier and so supportive of the small wins. Which could be a play, of course. Same as Aphex's joy upon seeing Ze happier but tbh I feel like he's probably safe, unless he is going for the veryyyy long con. Which could be possible technically I guess, i don't know if Ze has seen Aphex die before.
I am side eying Toast very hard, not gonna lie, but we don't know enough about him to determine if he isn't innocent yet. I am keeping my eye on you, buddy.
Enough guessing, I know you probably can't answer all these questions because of spoilers anyway, but it is fun speculating! Especially to see what I thought in the end when everything is revealed!
Once again, I really vibe with the bromance combo, they're just so good, man. Chilled being lowkey scared is an interesting touch and I think it's sweet how he tries to not let it show as to not hurt Zes feelings. Or show a weakness to a person that's potentially dangerous, but I like to think it's the former.
Half-serious thought but if they turn into wolf-hybrids if they get killed by wolfs a lot, do they turn back if they're killed by humans a lot? 😳🤔
As an ace person, I really like the word Aceso but I am curious what it stands for. Is it a real thing?
Ze getting annoyed at being interrupted is so valid though, this group has a habit to do so, which is especially annoying if you try to get out vital information. I feel you, buddy.
Tay WAS right too! In a way at least. Don't know if it's the government yet, but still, they are curious and apparently ruthless as well.
Once again, you ended at a perfect cliffhanger which is honestly so mean T-T
Anyway, great chapter full of answers but also more questions, so I am excited for more!
Hope your day goes splendid!
Hi Shy!! Sorry for the more than late reply, had a bunch of life stuff going on :( Ty for reading and asking, I really appreciate it <3
I'm so sorry for hurting our boy ;-; I can’t imagine how scary that would be, like undeniable trauma and then fear when he sees other people. I wasn’t sure whether to write in names for his friend group, because I did actually watch a bunch of old DumbDog PW streams and it was lots of NLSS crew. Yeti never played with them but I know he likes the game and he’s played with Ze’s group before I believe. I think Skadj and the lots of NLSS members would be his friends, but I don’t have plans to write that! 
I’m not sure how much of the blackout DLC you’ve seen but I wrote yeti to be a Whisperer traitor role essentially, although the game mechanic of having the job pass on to another once the first Whisp dies is… difficult to figure out in the written context. I didn’t write too much of the group’s attitude, but essentially they had become so dispassionate towards humans and their lives that they probably didn’t care for Yeti once they saw him dead. It might also be that they assumed he would revive regardless of their intervention, and escape his own way via his connections. 
Dumbdog’s fate is in my hands and I want him to be happy, but I can’t make promises for his story <3 I can only imagine the distrust he might feel, even after meeting Ze, for a group that clearly has a traitor in it (which he heard from Ze, and also found him incapacitated with the bear trap)
Traitors not being able to revive after death might be a certain point of contention in future chapters, because as you said it does potentially rule certain members of the group out! Maybe a few of them have seen each other die before, or maybe they’re lying about it? I know I’ve focused on certain characters more than others, but betrayal in a friend group is sure to sting regardless. After Chilled, Aphex has known Ze the longest, but that might not mean much when it comes down to it.
I am an unquestionable bromance fan and love writing them. In recent streams I’ve noticed that evil or good, Chilled has a soft spot for Ze that he doesn’t for others, so I wanted to write that in for sure. He’s loud and paranoid and a sicko (affectionate) but I think he can be softer for Ze!
The effects of being killed by humans a lot is… an unknown, but I wrote a small addition in my initial post way back that maybe a certain someone would be interested in that idea and how it relates to retaining humanity :o
Aceso/Akeso was a goddess of wound cures :D I was shopping around for ideas for what a forum might be called relating to immortality and thought it sounded pretty! There’s probably more suitable names or more deeper meanings but honestly I just liked the idea :) 
Ze gets interrupted and talked over so much and I relate so hard to his frustration! I love writing alongside things that have happened in real life and thought it was a nice detail. 
Sometimes Tay has some really good intuition, I only hope it leads her to the right conclusions…
Sorry for the cliffhanger, I’m glad you enjoyed, and thank you so much for the ask <3 I hope you have a great day!!
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Never underestimate a black suit
Bill Hader x Reader
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I'm not even going to pretend I regret this one. It all started in 2009 when I became obsessed with SNL, then he just kept popping up, here an there and the crush just grow, and since thanks to It chapter 2 he is finally getting the recognition he deserves I got this idea last night and I got to write it before it escapes my mind.
One shot: Imagine you are a PA in Barry and you have the biggest crush on Bill Hader but it seems like he hates you because he is dead serious all the time he is around you.
Warnings: Swearing, Age gap (I know he is just over forty but god I love him).
You were pacing on the set, the Steve Allen Theater, hoping for someone, anyone, to give you an order so you could pretend you were so good at your job as PA so they won't fired you. But the damage was done, all thanks to your verbal incontinence and now the most amazing job in the world was about to be over.
You had started working on Barry about a year ago, and you have loved every minute of it, the cast was so sweet and down to earth, and make your job so much easier, D'arcy Carden for example was always thankful with you for the simplest things like bringing her coffee and Sarah Golberg even had invited you to lunch after you helped her with a female problem one time. They were so talented and nice that you could not believe it when the production called you back for the third season to keep working there.
But then it was him, the titular character, the fucking genius whose hard work and imagination have created this magnificent show, Bill Hader. Yes you were 28 and he 42, but still you couldn't explain it, there was something about the way he spoke and the way he walked that made you weak on your knees every time, and his laugh, you were sure something had been fixed in your mind after the first time you heard him laugh.
And then it was that first week of shooting from last year, the retro outfit with the suspenders, you couldn't get your eyes off him and you almost made one of the sound guys trip with Henry Winkler. And then the table scene, you were in the back making sure the extras were in their right place and avoiding look at him because he was so perfect on that scene that you certainly will froze just by looking at him.
This little crush was obvious for absolutely everyone, except obviously for Bill, you were sure that Anthony Carrigan even deliberately asked you for anything when he was talking to Bill to see you all clumsy and awkward, not to be a dick, just to push you to talk to him, but you were certain he didn't liked you, with most of the other members of the cast and crew he was always laughing, but in the limited interactions you had he was serious, asked you for a coffee now and then or to make a phone call but just that, and you were beginning to think your absurd infatuation was making him uncomfortable, so you tone it down, made a composed face and limited to do your job.
But now you had blow it. That morning they were filming the behind the episode, for the new season, at some point Barry had one of those daydreams and he imagine himself married to Sally, so there he was all perfect in a black suit sitting in his chair next to Alec Berg talking about the challenges of the new season and how thankful they were to come back.
"So the cast is amazing, the first two episodes of the season are incredible and you have managed to keep the same novelty feeling on the series, why do you think that is?" The guy interviewing them asked.
"Well I think it's mainly thanks to the cast" Alec started "This guys are just amazing, this season we are actually giving Sally a bigger arc and that is very interesting"
"And the crew too" Bill said then "I mean they make us all look good, even when some scenes are a total disaster, the set designers, the wardrobe and all that" they made a pause and you were there to put water bottles in the table between them.
"Bill I have known that you used to be a PA, you think that gives you a better understanding on how hard it is for and aspiring actor as Barry, and does it translate on the writing?" He asked and against your better judgment you stay there to listen.
"Totally, but on a more personal level I try to no be diva with my PAs, recognize they do a hard work and know them all by name, that sort of things"
And then your verbal incontinence kick in, and there, just a few feet away, your mouth was quicker than your brain and still looking at him you spoke, not that loud to be heard by the three of them but enough for him to look straight at you.
"That's bullshit" you instinctively took your hands to your mouth and turn around before you could saw him react and went away pretending you were taking coffee orders. And here you were just waiting for the "we are gonna have to let you go" speech when one of the other PAs called you.
"Hey Y/N Hader says you have to go to his dressing room ASAP" Your friend Danny said and you felt like something heavy fall down inside your stomach.
"Can someone else go?" You answered trying to find an excuse "I have to walk Kirby's dog" you lied.
"No, he said you specifically, something about a mail he asked you to sent?" You gave him a thumbs up and start walking to his dressing room, already feeling you were fired.
"Did you need anything Mr. Hader" You tried to sound professional, and not dead ass scared.
"Oh sure, Y/N, please come in" Great! He did know your name, so apart from impertinent you were an asswhole. And he was still in that stupid black suit that made him look so gorgeous, not like the tshirts and hoodies didn't. "Do you by any chance printed those documents I asked you to send last week? I seem to have deleted them and Alec is going to freak out" He said as nice and kind as always and the weight in your stomach start lightening.
"Yeah sure, I ... well unless someone says is confidential I make copies of everything, an old habit" You said looking for a flash drive in your purse. Since all the crew sing a NDA at the beginning of the production there was nothing wrong with that, unless of course you put it on Twitter if you wanted to go to jail.
"This is not your first work on a set right?" He asked while you started looking for the documents in his laptop.
"Oh no sir. I worked in Dead to me two years ago, but since they are in a break I try my luck here last year, and HBO has better catering" You said concentrated in your work.
"Oh so you met Christina?" He asked genuinely interested, "how old were you then?"
"26, a bit late to start in this business I know, but well I like it more" You answered with a smile and then pointed to the laptop "There they are".
"Thanks so much, truly a life saver" He said and let go a sigh "And you are never too old or too young to start, as long as you enjoy it, and tolerate your bosses... bullshit was it?" He said raising an eyebrow accusatory. You immediately turn white and then red and multiple apologizes started bubbling in your mouth.
"I'm so sorry sir, I really am, I sometimes speak my mind and say all this stupid stuff, I'm sorry" You finally managed to say. He started laughing, you didn't let go the painful irony of the situation, it was the first time you made him laugh, and probably will be the last.
"I'm sorry" He said finally " I couldn't help it, relax. I'm not mad. It was quite funny what you said, I sound like such a duchebag I know everyone by name" He said making an acute voice and you start calming down "But if anything I'm sorry I made you, or any of the crew, feel like you don't matter. All of you are actually great" He said and smiled again to you. "Also lose the Mr Hader, that's bullshit, you can call me Bill".
"Oh no, I couldn't, I'm already so embarrassed by why I did" you started and he looked at you making exaggerated puppy eyes mouthing please, and it was lucky you were so nervous otherwise you would have exploded with laughter "Ok Bill"
"Ok then you are 28, and recently started as a PA, you want to be an actress?" He said, leaning back on his desk.
"Absolutely not, I wanted to be a writer, I was a writer actually in a newspaper, but it didn't feel right and then I realized I wanted to write stories, scripts, and one of my friends was an extra in Stranger things, then she said Netflix needs PAs and well there I went" You said, it was easy talk to him. "Also I don't have the looks for it and hate to se myself in pictures"
"I don't have the looks for it, and here I am" He said opening his arms "But honestly you keep writing and trying, if it's what you want, I mean I get here"
"Well yeah but have seen yourself in that suit?" Your mouth betrayed you again and you look at your feet to hide your face. "Amm I think I have a dog to walk, bye" You said before he could said anything and run away.
The next weeks were difficult, you avoid being alone with Bill but you kept doing your job as good as always, and every once in a while you will notice him looking at you, thinking on how pathetic you must look to him. Until the last day of shooting, they wrapped up the season and it was amazing. The only thing left was to go for a drink at Henry's place and start looking for a new job, thankfully you had finally written a promising draft and your hopes were high.
Maybe that's why you actually choose to drink at the party, and dance with your friends and some members of the cast, and you were a little more talkative than usual, until Anthony who was talking to you about something you were not actually listening leave you alone next to bill.
"So what's next??" He asked in the middle of the loud music, and you didn't quite got it because he signaled the garden and you followed him. "Finally I couldn't hear my thoughts" He said once you were outside.
"It's really loud, but you all deserve it" You said and suddenly realized you were alone. "What where you asking?" You tried to sound casual.
"Oh if you could get me a coffee" he joked and then quickly add "No I was wondering what's next for you after this is over?"
"I actually waiting good news from Amazon, maybe with any luck I'll get a chance with one of my scripts" You said proudly.
"That's amazing" He said with bright happy eyes "I'm so glad for you, so we won't be seeing you in season four?"
"With any luck no" You answered "You'll have to find another impertinent PA to call out your bullshit" You add laughing.
"Oh I'm pretty sure we will find someone, or I can always call you and ask you to do it for free" He said and you could notice how close he was "You know as a concerned friend"
"Sure, I can do that, my contract finalized yesterday day so I guess starting today I'm just your rude friend that says come on man don't be a duchebag" You said letting go a small laugh but he was looking at you completely serious.
"In that case..." He started and took your face between his hands, he was so tall and you felt so tiny next to him but also it was so nice and comfortable being so close, he lean in to kiss you and stop just close enough to your mouth so you will feel his breath, as if he asked for your permission to continue, and instead of saying something that could ruin the moment you close the distance and kiss him.
His lips felt soft and tender over your lips, and he slowly started deepening the kiss pressing you against him from your waist, and you hold on to the front of his jacket trying to keep him closer to you, hoping for this moment to never end, until the absurd necessity of oxygen force you to split.
"I ... I didn't think it would be appropriate to do that when we were working together" He started, smiling like a child. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was avoiding you, Anthony messing up with me by having you around all the time didn't help either"
"Don't worry it's okay, and yeah it would have been super inappropriate but thank god I no longer have a job" you said still trying to make sense of the situation.
"Would you... I mean I love Henry but there's only alcohol in here, do you want to go grab some dinner?" He said pointing the exit.
"I would love that" you answered, overwhelmed by joy and you followed him to the door, happy with all the possibilities the future hold.
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sasusake · 7 years
lol no sweetheart, I don't know who this person is. I don't understand your point, so you say the universe is developed the story can affect the way someone treats others? It shouldn't matter the kind of story, if someone tries to kill you that's it, no second chances. Sasuke had his traumas, yes, I don't discuss his behaviour, crearly he has a terrible past and everything. The thing here is that I hate the portrait of weak obssesed female Kishimoto gave to an amazing ninja like Sakura is.
you can keep the fake pleasantries to yourself ;) I still think it’s an awful big coincidence, but you do you. I do apologize for not being very... coherent with my last response. I had returned from a birthday dinner and was pretty smashed. Awful hangover the next day. XD
It’s about context, more than anything else. It does have weight to it, because this is how the characters grew up -- and it does not excuse his behavior, that’s not what I mean, but it helps put things in perpective for us, and emotionally speaking it also has reflexes on the characters.
The way this universe works is as such; it’s a violent world. Sasuke and Sakura were on opposing sides. He wanted to crush Konoha, and knew Konoha was after him -- and not to sit down and chat. That was Naruto. Konoha was about capturing him, more dead than alive. And that’s what Sakura was. Remember, she tried to fool him (and he noticed) and she had intentions to kill him herself (even if her resolve wavered at the moment of truth, because she knew the Sasuke she’d fallen for was still in there somewhere).
So, in the end, what I mean is: their world’s context. They’re taught from a young age to fight and even kill (for protection, for money, following orders, etc). Sakura and Sasuke were, at that point, enemies. She had concealed intentions and she lunged after him with a blade. He didn’t attack her out of a whim or because he hated her, he didn’t attack her for fun, he didn’t attack her for entertainment. He attacked her because he was very, very lost in that spiral of hatred and emotionally brittle (”our” Sasuke would never have sacrificed Karin like that, you can see he looks deranged) and Sakura, even if a former companion, posed a danger to him.
Note that while Sakura remained fond of Sasuke, it wasn’t this man who had done things “her” Sasuke would not condone. She was hopeful, but she didn’t trust him even after he joined them during the War. It took seeing him in that state, like Naruto, close to death and genuinely apologetic, and at that moment she realized (as did Kakashi and Naruto) that “he was back”.
You can’t really turn an “off switch” when you’re in love. But in any case, Sakura was relieved he was back, but I don’t think her immediate thought was “wow I wonder if we can get into a relationship like rIGHT NOW”. I’m sad we didn’t get to see them hang out together again as Team 7, post-war, but I’m sure (or, well, I headcanon) that they did. And for Sasuke to have poked her forehead, I don’t think he did that if he hadn’t gotten to spend some time with her,nor would Sakura have enough confidence to ask to accompany him on his travels if she hadn’t seen, felt an witnessed the change in him.
In any case, imo, after his travels (during which he took time to process his feelings overall) he returned to Konoha. And at this point we cannot be sure what happened, but I believe they talked a great deal about a lot of things; about the Village, about the past,and about the future. They also traveled together. Whether they got together before leaving, or they became an item only during the travels (which I’m more inclined to believe for a number of reasons) their dynamic was entirely different from those awful encounters. And their interactions were set in another context, as well. They were no longer metting under battle circumstances as enemies, they were spending time together in a friendly, threat-free (and, I daresay, romantic) setting, on the same side. That’s what allowed things to progress, in terms of romantic relationship.
I’ll agree Kishimoto never really bothered to develop female characters as much as he did their male counterparts. He did create some interesting and strong kunoichi, but to me he failed in certain aspects... anyway, I feel that he tried to be inclusive *eyeroll* and somewhat managed it.
See, we won’t see eye to eye because I’ll never see Sakura as WEAK (how can people say this with a straight face??) or as OBSESSIVE (she was a young tween during her most ‘fangirl’ phase, but she outgrew this pretty early on; I’d like to see canon evidence of her acting like a fangirl past an early stage). It’s funny that people won’t label Naruto as OBSESSIVE but they’ll do that to Sakura? His feelings toward his friend are noble but her feelings are to be ridiculed? It’s weird because you can clearly tell she wants to SAVE Sasuke from darkness which is pretty much what Naruto wants as well, she doesn’t want to ‘rescue’ him and make him see she ‘deserves’ him and she doesn’t spend her days plotting or cooking up love potions to make him enamored of her, she doesn’t want to ravage him, she doesn’t want to go on and jump on his dick while he’s planning to destroy Konoha. She wants him back to the boy she was teamed up with, the one who opened up to the team, the one she got to know and even felt when he was to abandon them, the one who gripped her hand tightly as he writhed in pain among tall dark trees, the one who cared. That’s the Sasuke who apologized to her after the war. Who willingly readmitted the ties with Team 7.
So the fact that her feelings never died isn’t obsessive or weak of her. If that’s how you see it, then there’s nothing left to discuss here. Sakura knows damn well he’ll never go back to being that distorted person.
Try as you may, you won’t change my point of view, so I don’t see how it serves you for you to message me on anonymous...
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luminiya · 7 years
be more chill/tales of zestiria au stuff !!
jeremy: human, can see seraphim/was raised by seraphim (yup ripping off sorey rip), will follow michael to the ends of the earth, kinda oblivious and super curious about everything, has known michael for 12 years, honestly just really fucking excited to leave the village (and find that cute girl he likes to look for when he sneaks out w michael), tries really hard to help michael prepare medicines and stuff but honestly he's a bit too clumsy, apologizes a lot, easily manipulated ughhghghhh my poor baby, writes novels about the apocalypse, it started as a small fascination with fiction and dystopian futures because his life was so sheltered and he was interested in history which mentioned "great evil" and "calamity" and he started writing because michael said one day "you have so many ideas about this stuff.. you should try writing it down! i bet a book like that would be pretty popular", bisexual bean, very nervous about being a shepherd and tried to pass it off onto rich at one point shhfhsh
michael: fire seraph, super patient w jeremy, sweet innocent baby, would follow jeremy into the depths of hell, studies herbs and medicines (i had to), sneaks out of the village sometimes to gather herbs, always brings jeremy.. he gave up trying to leave him behind to protect him from a lecture from his pants hating father, encourages jeremy to do what he loves, just a big team mom tbh he wants his friends to be okay (but mostly jeremy *cough*), super ovERPROTECTIVE !!! , always the first one to offer to armatize w jeremy oops, he just likes the comfort of being with his best friend and he wants to help him as much as he can
squip: probably the lord of calamity lbr, but also i wanna make him a party member briefly, a Big Traitor Character, just a shitty bad manipulative dude, based on musical squip not book squip, definitely tries to steer jeremy towards corruption like he wants no part of the shepherd to exist, manipulates rich, m e a n, PROBABLY TRIES TO KILL MICHAEL BUT SUBTLY HFJSBD
christine: human, she has to be human, cute girl jeremy saw sometimes when he snuck out w michael when they were young, an actual precious angel, kinda overdramatic, definitely an actress or smth.. like a performer maybe? something in the arts, can't see seraphim but when she learns about them she's always super courteous of michael because she can Feel the Overprotective Vibes, deserved better than this, (when she finally sees a seraph for the first time she starts crying because holy heck they're real and she can finally see then which means there's hope for other people to see them as well), big theatrical monologues, will punch you if you harm her friends, acearo (fight me)
rich: human (or fire seraph because rich set a fire i hate myself snjdhsbd), can see seraphim possibly, Traitor™ but not even on purpose, accidentally was helping the bad guy, rly likes the squip and thinks he's a cool dude, is fucking shocked when he finds out the squip was using him to further his Evil Plans, "bro.. i thought we were friends, bro", short (of course), lisp, muSCLES
jake: probably water seraph... b-because he's cool.. (yikes), a gentle boy, a lot of seraphim thinks he's stuck up and annoying but he just wants everyone to be happy, kinda follows christine around to make sure no one tries to hurt her and gets very >:( about christine and jeremy becoming friends, briefly had a crush on christine but respects that she's acearo and then he meets rich and is like O: this human is loud and strange and i love him, hoNESTLY I BET HE AND MICHAEL GET UPSET AND RANT TO EACH OTHER ABOUT THE SQUIP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THEIR PALS OMG, a good friend
jenna: wind seraph.. because i said so, v skeptical about everyone and doesn't really wanna help but she wants the gossip for the tabloid she writes, yes she writes tons of seraph gossip holy shit, everyone is kinda like "oh yeah.. idk those articles are trashy" but they fuckin binge read it they can't lie, TOTALLY THE Information GIRL SHE 100% FINDS OUT EVERYTHING THE TEAM NEEDS, good at finding deals, doesn't want to armatize with anyone because she feels like a bother (but she says it's because she doesn't like feeling that close to someone), secretly afraid she's weighing everyone down, no bby pls you're an angel
brooke: earth seraph, fight me on this, a sweet nervous baby who loves her girlfriend, really likes going shopping w jeremy (and by that i mean taking jeremy around all the shops w her asking if he thinks chloe would like a certain top or piece of jewelry), squip has made her cry at least 6 times, chloe has threatened the squip's life 5/6 of those times, she's not weak though don't even she's an emotional angel but she'll still fuck you up and look cute doing it, a good friend who worries about her human pals a lot, "if you guys need to rest we can stop for the night. it's normal for humans to get worn out more quickly."
chloe: fire seraph probably, i know ur not supposed to have more than one of a certain seraph type but fuck u i'll do what i want, sass queen, has a kinda complex past relationship with jake but they put it aside and she's dating brooke now, Will Protect Brooke With Her Life, if you bully her earth gf she will actively kick your ass, cooks really well !!, the squip is Dead to Her, gets a lil jealous if brooke armatizes with anyone because she can't armatize with her and :( , has a very bad temper but it's p useful in battle because she will tear straight through enemies no fucks given, likes to gossip and loves telling stories to her pals
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I don't know. My life sucks today? But not really.
Today was ok..? I woke up today and thought about what Rob and Misa had said and it had been really bothering me. Recently when my character comes into question it ticks me off. Because I feel like I am nice to a fault to the point where it ends up making problems for myself. So I decided to message him around 1 to clear things up. Unfortunately he had just woken up. For some reason he thought we were fighting? And that I was blaming and throwing in his face something that had happened in the past? Even though I was sure I had seen him say something about it himself in the post I was responding to. And I had thought that we had gotten past it to the point where we could just talk about it? But I guess I was wrong? In the end I was trying to tell him that when I said I wasn't cheating I meant even through talking. Because to me speaking a certain way to someone is cheating and that I wasn't doing that. At first when I had saw the post I had thought he didn't deserve a response but I just couldn't leave it like a dumbass. I should have just listened to him and not messaged him. But at the end of our conversation he started to self deprecate and nothing irks me more than hearing someone I care about put themselves down so I just stopped messaging him. I don't know why he would think I was trying throw his ex in his face. We talk about her all the time I didn't think now would be different. Gary and I talk about Carla and he's fine. I guess everyone is different. I think Thursday I really need to just suck it up and go get my damn clothes. I'm so tired of these chef pants. Work was alright. My shift lead was a bitch as always. She let 4 ppl who came in after me go out and smoke with someone who wasn't even working. While I was dead tired. At least I'm at 16 hours with 3 more days left. I'll get over 30 definitely. I haven't talked to Rob in a while. It sucks because there's no one who gets excited about the things I do. Like the new kingsman trailer, or the woman who went into the men's bathroom at work. I won't lie because while this is for him to hear about me while we aren't talking its also for me to get my thoughts straight. So I guess like his what I say here isn't necessarily what I think but how I feel that night. I haven't missed Rob in an intimate way (not sex just relationship) in a while. It makes me feel like a bad person. It's not Kira or anything. Like I want to miss him. I want to wish we were cuddling all the time and stuff but I don't. I don't know if my brain is stopping my heart. I don't know if from his view he understands what I feel I went through with us and why I needed us to go on break. But what if all of it was finally too much and I wont feel the want to come back. Because minus what we're going through now I feel hurt and stupid. I feel like I let a lot slide because I loved him. But I feel like I put myself in a bad situation by letting it happen. My brain tells me to be happy. But I keep asking myself does he deserve the chance to show me we can be happy? He asked for it. And I decided to try and give him one. But our last talk it felt like he just blew up at me. I don't know what that means. I am afraid of the idea of not wanting to continue a relationship with him. I'm afraid to break both of us. I'm afraid of being on my own. I'm afraid of losing my best friend because I know he wouldn't talk to me. But I'm also afraid to go back. I'm afraid to feel weak. I'm afraid to feel lost. I'm afraid of being hurt again. I'm just afraid of everything lol. On the plus side Kira has been good. We went to the bar with the job on friday night. He doesn't drink but he tried a beer. He taught me how to play pool. Sam and Ma showed up and it was great to see them. Ma was so skinny I didn't recognize her. Kiras family is really nice too. We work with his little brother and his parents are really cool. His family is so close that they all live in a 3 family house. And they just go up and down as they please. Its nice to see that since all of my friends come from broken homes. Nothing else interesting happened. Honestly I've been exhausted these past couple days and today wasn't any better. But it just hit 2am so its time for bed because I have work later today.
Edit: I think I'm also afraid of being compared to anyone else in any other situation because I feel like ours is different.
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