#cheeri plays swtor
If you could only choose one romance and only 3 followers to have in the star wars the old republic from beginning to end (It can any follower/romance from any class!) Who would it be and why?
Very predictably - I would go to the end of the galaxy and back as many times as it takes for Vector/IA, but with the added caveat of using a male IA. That's it that's the romance of my life I don't think I've ever gotten so attached to a romance like that . ever ???
Vector is just. I do not know how to sum him up besides. Yeah. He's mine now, I will bite him and lick him whatever it takes because no he's mine. Words are so fucking hard right now oh my shit - it's the flavor of doggedly loyal (pos) that gets me I guess? The fact that he sticks with you through it all and even makes positive points out of the shitstorm that the Agent is constantly living through. Not that he's always positive but he's very frank about it and has no interest in lying. Might be the 'tism in me.
And three companions .. ooooough that's a tough one. Give me my Fave Bootlicker Weasel Man (Quinn, SW), uhhh.. Andronikos (SI), and Torian Cadera (BH). As you can see, I am allergic to Pubside storylines.
Quinn, he's the doggedly loyal (neg) that balances out my emotions. But I think it's fun seeing him fuck around repeatedly and without fail find out to a spectacular degree.
Andronikos . who wouldn't? I need to get through the SI storyline bc I got to Nar Shaddaa and experienced more life events so I've since started over w the char. But from what I've seen of him, I can't get enough of a mutually-beneficial relationship growing into a tight friendship.
Torian is just adorable. I'm sorry he's just adorable and I'm never letting go of him you're gonna have to pry him out of my cold dead hands.
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what is swtor if not for putting my faves through unimaginable horrors. but they get cool s/os out of it
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kemendin · 7 months
So I essentially keep to my own little sandbox when it comes to SWTOR, my own characters and stories. BUT, sometimes @certified-anakinfucker's Darrash comes over to play with Khel and Quinn. Thoughts happened, talks happened, sobs happened, and while the background circumstances are my fault, this scene is very much to be blamed on Cheeri!
Anyway, no polish here, just feels and word vomit. CW for mention of character death.
Darrash Nealev. The name dredges something out of the tangled mess that’s been steadily replacing Quinn’s once-orderly brain over the last few days. Muddied memories of a small, slouched figure, a cocky grin made wider by scars that split across warm brown cheeks. Green eyes flicking around, a gaze both distracting and distracted. Never keeping still, constant jittering, fingers fiddling with the settings of a sniper rifle long enough that it must threaten to trip him up - No. Not Darrash. Cipher Nine. An agent. An assassin. The thought catches in Quinn’s roiling brain, latches on, digging, twisting, so that almost before the door has closed again behind his unexpected visitor, Malavai has already moved - ramming the other man bodily into the nearest wall, pinning him there, as the business end of his blaster pushes hard into the hollow place beneath Cipher Nine’s chin.
For once, there’s no easy roll of a neck or shoulder, no cocksure remark dropped casually from the space between flashing teeth. There’s almost no reaction at all, and for some reason Quinn finds this infuriating, and his blaster bites harder, forcing the agent’s head back - the only movement Nine has made, save for the barely perceptible trembling of his lithe body against the wall.
Their eyes meet, furious blue boring into now-muted green, and Quinn actually sees it, for the first time - true fear fluttering in the other man’s gaze. And hell, he should be afraid, because the stubble is thick on Quinn’s too-pale jaw and the hollows of his eyes are burning with unsummoned tears and his teeth are bared as though he’s only a moment away from tossing aside the blaster and using his jaws instead to rend the life from Nine’s throat.
But then words croak from that throat, thin and terrified:
“You - you think I did it.”
And in these last few moments, in the wild rampage of his grief, that’s exactly what Quinn has thought. Because who better than the infamous yet unknowable Cipher Nine to carry out such an act - to peer through the scope of a prototype sniper rifle and drive a Force-rending bolt into the unsuspecting back of the Empire’s Hand?
A tremor runs through his own hand as the memory grips him again; he shoves it aside by jamming the blaster even harder against the underside of Nine’s chin, till the man’s head is clamped in the vise formed by Quinn’s need for retribution and the unyielding wall behind him. He should say something, he needs to say something, but it’s lodged in his throat as though he’s the one trying to swallow and breathe beneath a blasterpoint. So instead it’s Nine who speaks again, soft, scared, not quite a plea, but an entreaty nonetheless:
“Quinn, please think about this. If I killed Khel, would I be standing here unarmed?”
Rationality, logic - these things have not been heeded or welcomed in Malavai’s broken brain. All semblance of reason has given way to the tidal wave of heartbreak, rushing in to fill the terrible hollow left behind by Khel’s death. 
But now they nudge gently at him, circling, coaxing him to stop, and breathe, and think. Quinn stares at the agent, sucking in harsh breaths that tinge his tongue with the mud he can smell hanging on the other man. He searches the Cipher’s still stiffened face for any hint of deception, of guilt, but there’s nothing, nothing but fear and a fragmented pain, and slowly, wretchedly, realisation finally takes hold.
It wasn’t him. It wasn’t Darrash.
And yet, even as he feels the fury draining from his limbs, Quinn remains there for another moment, the blaster still pressed tight to Darrash’s tilted chin, because if it wasn’t Darrash he doesn’t know who, and now he has no outlet for the anguish still building unbearably inside him.
But then the moment passes. Quinn withdraws the blaster, steps back, pivots away from the terrified agent; a second later he hurls his weapon into a corner of the room, letting out a sound more akin to a wounded nexu than a decorated officer of the Imperial military; and then he buries his face in his hands, as though skin and flesh and bone might somehow be strong enough to hold the magnitude of the grief once more retching from his mouth.
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firebird-legacy · 2 years
23, 24, and 27 for the swtor ask?
Hi @catching-adri , thanks for the ask!!
23. Share some of your favorite quotes/dialogue with us!
“I tried to behave for the SIS—but for you and me? Let’s be bad.” - Hunter
“You’re not just playing. You’re really worried about me.” “Who else can I whisper sweet things to?” - Imperial Agent and Hunter, respectively
“Onward, then, into the maw of the dragon.” - Doctor Lokin
“I’m reasonably cheery. I’m joining in. And now you are, too.” - Theron Shan
“You’re asking the wrong person. [pauses] Yes, I’m going to offer them a meal. Stop rushing me.” - Satele Shan
“Remind me to pin a medal to your chest when this is all over.” “Only if you watch the pin. I’m still sore from last time.” - Commander and Theron Shan, respectively
“Give your family the freedom they deserve.” “A god has no family.” - Commander and Valkorion, respectively
24. Do you have a primary/preferred stronghold?
To be honest, I don’t use the strongholds too much—don’t get me wrong, I’d love to, but it takes so many credits to unlock them beyond the first area, then you have to collect all the decorations, and I’m horrendous with interior decorating anyways… :’) Still, I’ve at least looked at videos of their layouts. I think the Alderaan one is pretty, and the expanded areas of it are all super neat! The Killik nest especially is really cool.
27. If you could make any current NPC a player companion, who would you pick?
Oh god we all know who I’m going to say. Gripping Hunter like a squeaky toy and shaking him around. He’s been dead for eleven slutty, slutty years… Alternatively, it would’ve been very cool to have been able to redeem Vaylin and have her eventually as a companion. She deserves nice things and therapy.
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oolathurman · 2 years
If you could only choose one romance and only 3 followers to have in the star wars the old republic from beginning to end (It can any follower/romance from any class!) Who would it be and why?
Ooh good question! Hmmm...
Romance: Vette. There's a reason why my tag for her is 'vette more like marry me' and it's bc I would kill for her. she is the sunshine of my life. she is cheery and spunky and doesn't take bullshit from the sith warrior and i would give her the galaxy if i could.
Torian Cadera. I need a mandobro in my life. And I NEED to try mando cuisine. Food is a love language and the way to my heart is through my stomach. I may not be able to handle all the heat in mando food but I damn well will try.
Theron Shan. Spy dork boyfriend. Very fun to tease. I headcanon that he's neurospicy in some form or another as well and it's fun bouncing ideas off other neurodivergent folks. I also personally like him more than Lana? Lana I like if she were placed with the sith empire as the backdrop. But if you play a light/republic sided alliance commander she doesn't really have as much to contrast with. Though this could just be a problem with the writing...?
Kira Carsen. Out of all the force using companions, she and Lord Scourge are the most compelling for me. If we were just going with vanilla swtor, I would've said Lord Scourge, but Kira's grown a lot as a character since then as well!
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
spare nissetta and corso facts.... trivia... i don't know much abt swtor beyond what i have absorbed via osmosis but i love the art of them, i'm so curious 👀 how long have they known each other? what are their fave activities together... any facts you'd like to share.. 👁💖
im so emo jay thank you ily 💗 so even though i don't share them much on here they're actually one of my oldest bioware ships bc i started playing SWTOR back pretty soon after it released in....2012? idk i was in highschool and SWTOR was literally the reason I ended up picking up DA and ME.
there IS art of them back in the deep recesses of my instagram (absolutely ancient)
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They meet right at the beginning of the smuggler storyline, and Nissetta is has a pretty prickly exterior and a lot of pretense around being this cool and detached smuggler. She likes Corso immediately, but it takes some time for her to actually feel like she can be open around him, especially since she tends to think he's pulling one over on her with his cheery farmboy personality. I wrote one small blurb about them pre-relationship that I feel like captures that really well lol:
“Captain, why’d Darmas call you young?” Nissetta bristled, small stature positively crackling at the question, but tried to rein it back in.
“You mean you heard that?” For someone usually so practiced at nonchalance, she was doing badly at this. Beside her, Corso laughed, the rich ebony of his skin glistening under the neon lights of the cantina, splashed alternately in pink and green and yellow. The minute he saw her expression, though, he stifled the laugh, swallowing it away.
“Captain, you were talking as loud as a couple of bantha herders at an auction. It was hard not to hear.” Nissetta sighed and pursed her lips. Irritation was coursing through her like kolto, and she didn’t exactly relish the thought of telling Corso exactly what the other smuggler had meant.
“I’m sorry captain, I didn’t catch that.” She let out a burst of air, filled with exasperation. Of course she couldn’t have expected him to be happy with a mumbled answer he couldn’t even hear.
“It’s because I’m twenty-one, that’s why.” She swirled her drink, waiting for a response. When she glanced over, Corso was leaning against the bar, height gathered awkwardly on the barstool, legs dangling and arm bunched up beneath him, staring at her with something almost like…indignation?
“But I’m twenty-two!” he finally blurted out, gesturing at himself as though to remind her of whom he was speaking.
“Yes, Corso. I know.” Nissetta took a drink, thankful the twi’lek bartender was engaged in conversation on the other end of the long bar. She didn’t need more witnesses to this.
“But you called me kid when we first met!” Ah, so there was the root of it. She snorted, and hid her giggle in her cup.
“You haven’t convinced me yet that you aren’t.”
“But you’re younger than me!” She set down her cup and looked over at Corso, the perfect face of indignation.
“And? Your point, kid?”
She's so full of shit it's a delight 💗
As they get to know each other better, the two of them love mostly to share the things they used to do growing up with the other person. Nissetta grew up a junker's kid, and played a LOT of pazaak and dejarik/holochess, but also spent time modifying whatever toys or tools she had with the junk her dad picked up, and she'll fiddle around with blaster mods for Corso between teaching him her dad's game strategies. Corso, on the other hand, having grown up on Ord Mantell, loves stargazing, and whenever they go to a new quadrant of the galaxy, he takes the time to pull up holomaps and get to know the sky before pointing out constellations in a blacked out cockpit to Nissetta. He also helps her learn how to keep plants alive, and gives her a little mushbloom plant he picked up in Coruscant because of how hard it is to kill (yes I decided this after seeing how cute mushblooms were in Fallen Order).
Thank you for asking this I had so much funnnn
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abysskeeper · 4 years
4 20 and 42 for Chris. 26 and 48 for Trick. 6 and 17 for Hayden.
@trafuris Since I’m not actually writing today, might as well. This got long lol.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Chris’s relationship with her parents is complicated, to say the least. She never knew her mother, who died in childbirth, but was named after her. Thus she doesn’t have any memories of/with her mother, just the stories she was told of her by her father when she was little. From what she’s been told, her mother seemed like a great woman, and Chris sometimes feels a little guilty that she can’t bring herself to miss or long for that relationship because it was something she was never meant to have.
Her relationship with her father, on the other hand, is quite messy. When she was little, her and her dad got along great. She was his world, especially after losing his wife. She has several great memories of him taking care of her, the two of them going to play in parks, messing around in the house, or even simple things like grocery shopping. It was never too grand, it never could be too grand, but it was more than enough for her.
As Chris got older though, things changed, and her father fell further and further into the bottle by the day. Those happy days turned into nights of screaming, and then nights of silence as he drank himself into a stupor and Chris was the one to take care of him and clean up the mess. She still hasn’t figured out what caused the change, and would never admit it, but wonders if she caused it and what she did wrong. After a stint with her own addiction and then sobering up, she was old enough to leave the house for her own good.
Her father’s still alive, she knows that much, but she hasn’t looked back since, despite how much her lingering doubts and memories from better days make her want to.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Chris loves music (all three of them do), but musicals aren’t her thing as much as they are for the other two (in modern aus, she’s the techie to the other two’s leads). She’s a percussionist though, so anything with a good beat and/or solid drum section catches her attention, and she’s known to keep a beat with her fingers/hands/feet whenever a good song comes on. If it’s something she really likes, she might even hum along.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
She doesn’t really have definitive goals in the sense that her goals don’t really have an end. Chris just really wants to help vulnerable people, especially vulnerable women, in whatever ways she can, because she knows what it’s like. Before meeting Trick/in the interlude of Trick being absent, she forms her own sort-of group out of other impoverished/downtrodden individuals and she does what she can for those around her (SWTOR she’s smuggling but also doing what she can with the money she has and putting a lot of effort into rehabilitation for people, which results in her own group of mostly women pilots, engineers, and mechanics working for her; in Pack she runs an underground free clinic).
It just so happens that Trick has the systemic ideals she wants to see implemented, and their viewpoints on the world align so readily that Chris throws everything she has into Trick’s ring. She’s ready to sacrifice it all if she has to for their goals (Trick would never allow her to do that) and for Trick herself (Trick would definitely never allow her to do that), as well as the for the people working for her and helping her achieve what she wants.
I suppose her secret ambition more than anything is a deeply personal one. She wants a relationship--specifically she wants someone who she can dote on and take care of. It’s not really an ambition she can work towards per se, but it’s something she does really want. Not for any particular reason besides how messed up her own home life was, it’s just a nice dream to have. And it’s the bigger part of the reason she so quickly accepts that she’s willing to sacrifice it all for Akane too (it helps that Akane’s ideals mostly align with hers as well).
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
If Trick’s happy, you know it. Anyone in the same building as her knows it. For someone who is so good at hiding and repressing negative emotions, she’s a goddamn light bulb when she’s happy. There’s an extra hop in her step, she’s smiley, her usual cheeriness is turned up to 11, and honestly, you can’t help but feel a little better too.
She’s known to mindlessly hum when she’s content and/or relaxed (actually, a surefire way to know she likes and trusts you is if she starts humming while you’re in the room), so she definitely sings and dances when she’s happy. Usually she’ll only do that if she’s alone or thinks she’s alone though, mostly to not be a nuisance, and a little bit because her friends tease her relentlessly when they catch her. She gladly endures it though if it comes to that (and honestly, bonus points if it’s Tav. He teases her, but she knows he finds her adorable, and that only makes her happier. Plus, extra bonus points if she can cajole him into joining her).
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Not a partier of any sort, unless a night-in with friends counts as a party. She’s not a downer at least, and she’s gotten good at making or finding her own enjoyment at parties when she winds up at them. She’s had practice considering how many Chris drags her to. So she’ll still engage with people and have a general good time, but by the end of the night she wants to go home and curl up in bed.
As such, she doesn’t really organize parties unless they’re for a special event (birthday parties if that’s important to the person, big anniversaries, holidays), which she’ll gladly do if asked. She likes doing the behind the scenes stuff days before the party and not actually being in charge of running it the night of though.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Verse-dependent. In most modern aus, he usually has a Bachelor’s at least, sometimes a Master’s, but that’s because he wants to do social work. Hayden doesn’t really like school in any verse though, it’s just something he knows he has to do well at (or at least try) if he wants to have any chance at a better life for him and his sister (if he hasn’t killed his parents because you know...laws...he emancipates himself at 16 and tries to take Gracie with him). Because of that, he keeps his head down, stays quiet, and does what he has to. Between his physical presence, the rumors that are bound to fly about him, and the quiet personality, he was made out to be rather intimidating in school, so most people stayed far out of his way.
He really liked the social science side of school (psychology/sociology), as well as history. Not many would peg him the type, but he also loved English and it was easily the subject he excelled at the most. More than anything, he struggled with math, and that made him hate the subject as a whole for a long time.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Again, not something most people would peg for him, but Hayden does actually like taking photos of the people around him. He usually likes candid settings and often tries to hide what he’s doing (Gracie and Trick both complain when he does it, but both of them lightened up on it some when they realized it was important to him) so he has an authentic representation of what was going on that day. He has several photos of Gracie, and of Chris and Trick (both with and without their respective SOs), and of Sennestra that he just keeps. He doesn’t do anything with them, he just likes having a bit of a commemoration of both important and benign days in his life with the people around him.
That said, he doesn’t really like selfies much, but will take at least one or two pictures of himself or with himself in the photo of others.
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greyias · 4 years
FIC: Smoke and Mirrors - Chapter 15
Title: Smoke and Mirrors Fandom: SWTOR Pairing: Theron Shan/f!Jedi Knight Rating: T Genre: Pre-Relationship, Slow Burn Synopsis: Something’s rotten on Carrick Station, and Theron won’t rest until he finds out what. But picking at the frayed threads of suspicion quickly unravels a conspiracy much larger than even the Republic’s top spy can handle on his own. (A mostly canon-compliant retelling of the Forged Alliances storyline, as seen through the eyes of Theron Shan.) Author’s Notes and Spoilers: See Chapter 1.
Chapter Index: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | Crossposted to AO3
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“Now, to be fair,” Jonas said, holding the glass filled with mostly ice, and a thin layer of Corellian’s finest up to the rapidly purpling bruise on his face, “no one could have seen this happening.”
Theron glared across the table at his fellow agent before promptly knocking back a shot of the most expensive whiskey he could find on the bar’s menu, since Jonas was now most definitely picking up the tab. The alcohol stung against his split lip, but he just glared through the discomfort, focusing all of his ire on the man in front of him. “I should have. You should have. And apparently the surliest Houk this side of Tatooine did.”
“I’ll have you know, my Sabacc deck is perfectly legal in just about every circle the game is played.”
“Except apparently the Dealer’s Den,” Theron said sourly.
“This is a much nicer cantina anyway,” Jonas sniffed.
“The nice cantinas turned us away.”
“Yes, but this place has character. You just don’t get that these days.”
“I’m never drinking with you again.”
“Never say never.”
“Never,” Theron said emphatically.
“Well, in that case,” Jonas gave out a dramatic sigh, “if this is our last drink together ever, we might as well make it a good one. Bartender, two Whyren’s Reserve, neat.”
The bartender just laughed. “You’re a riot, kid!”
“Okay, then just another round of the best of whatever won’t kill us in one sip.”
“So two more of what you’re having right now?”
“Yes, extra ice please.”
“You really know how to treat a guy, Balkar.” Theron rolled his eyes.
“Has anyone ever told you that you need to lighten up?”
“This one guy, but he keeps getting my face punched in. So I don’t think I should listen to him.”
“I’m just keeping your life exciting.”
“My life was already exciting. And somehow, filled with less bruises.”
“Now that’s a lie.” Jonas took a sip from his drink, getting just the smallest dregs of whiskey through the thick layer of ice. “Half of the times that I’ve seen you your face has looked like some abstract art concept.”
“Um, thanks?”
“To be honest, I’m surprised I was able to recognize you today, what with the lack of blood stains and black eyes. This look now is more you.”
“I do not get injured that often,” Theron said testily, then added a muttered, “and I just haven’t gotten a lot of field work lately.”
“Yeah, promotions suck.” The sarcasm practically dripped from the other agent’s voice. “Although, you have to admit, you’ve been keeping some awful interesting company lately.”
Theron slid a glance up from his glass to see a grin on the other man’s face, rather than the frown that he had expected. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Well, I know for a fact you were involved with the Tython op.” Jonas picked up his glass, and swirled around the ice cubes and minuscule amounts of whiskey. He went to take a sip and frowned when nothing came out. “And also saw that the Jedi’s poster girl was the main operative there.”
“Oh. Her.”
“Thought that I’d get more of a reaction than that, but I forgot who I was talking to for a moment.”
Their conversation paused as the bartender sat two more glasses down at the table, and Theron quickly reached across the table and grabbed the one filled to the brim, leaving the one that was mostly frozen water for his companion.
“You wanted the ice. I prefer to actually taste the alcohol.”
“Why do I ever take you drinking? Those damn implants make it nearly impossible to get you drunk.”
“That’s the point.”
“You’re an expensive date is all I’m saying,” Jonas grabbed his own glass and pulled it back, “and all I get from the deal is sass.”
“Then stop inviting me.”
“Invitation means someone accepts without being forced out the door. Seriously, you’re more trouble than you’re worth at times.”
“I think you just want a human shield when the punches start flying.”
“Well, that too.” Jonas raised his glass and paused before taking a sip. “And that’s all you’re going to say about the Jedi?”
“What else is there to say?”
“From the way Fauler and the others keep going on whenever they pull her in on ops, I figured there’d be something noteworthy, even from you.”
“Why do you care?” Theron asked, tracing the rim of his glass with a finger. “Angling for an introduction?”
“Just wondering if I should keep the name in mind for future ops is all.”
“I thought Havoc was your go-to squad,” Theron mused. “Or is the Major not picking up your holocalls anymore?”
“I like to have extra options,” Jonas said lightly, “you never know when you might need a Jedi to open a few doors. With the Force. She’s pretty, right?”
“She’s a Jedi.”
“Yes, and some of us don’t hold that against them.” Jonas looked thoughtful. “Pretty sure I could charm even a Jedi.”
“Pretty sure she’d just kick your ass if you tried to put the moves on her.” Theron’s finger stilled as he narrowed an eyebrow. 
“Hmm, maybe not my type then,” the other man flashed him a wide grin, “although that’s what you like, isn’t it?”
“There’s not enough whiskey in this bar to get me to answer that.”
“Hey, just saying I haven’t seen you with anyone who couldn’t easily kill you without a second thought. You really ought to lighten up, in every aspect of your life.”
“You haven’t seen me with anyone,” Theron corrected. “Some of us like to be a bit more discreet than you.”
“Oh, drink your whiskey, sourpuss. It costs a small fortune to go out with you.”
“Maybe if you stopped using my face as shield for incoming fists then you wouldn’t feel so guilty that you wind up paying for drinks for the rest of the night.”
“Maybe if you stopped jumping in front of the incoming fists you’d have a few less black eyes,” Jonas shot back. “But point taken.”
Theron let his gaze drop back down to the overly full glass. He eyed the amount of alcohol and weighed it in his mind against the amount his implants could easily dampen the effects of. It would help dull some of the pain of his bruises, but he could easily shove that aside with a few tricks from his childhood training. The fact that he still needed to check into what Darok was up to on Carrick Station had been at the back of his mind for the whole evening, but he couldn’t exactly start that delicate of a slicing job while Jonas was watching.
He reached across the table and swiped Jonas’s glass of ice and poured about half the contents of his glass in, before returning it to the other side of the table. His fellow agent raised an eyebrow at him curiously.
“Getting sentimental on me, Shan?”
“Figured you haven’t looked in a mirror yet, so that’s just to help soften the blow.”
“I’m sure I look dashing still.” Jonas accepted the glass though. “You seem more sullen than usual tonight. Something up?”
“No,” he said and quickly took a sip from his glass, “just trying to sort through this mess from Tython.”
“Yeah,” the usually cheery demeanor slipped away then, and a shadow of Jonas’s real face surfaced for just a moment, “I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. Thought we had the Imps on the run, then this…”
Theron nodded, eyeing the other agent over the rim of his glass. It was probably the alcohol, but he found himself asking. “You haven’t seen or heard anything… weird lately, right?”
“Weird?” Jonas snapped out of his reverie, and gave Theron a look. “You’re going to have to be more specific, considering the galaxy we both live in.”
“Never mind,” Theron muttered into his next sip of whiskey. “Forget I asked.”
The other man frowned, eyeing his fellow agent speculatively. “I haven’t seen anything that’s caught my attention, if that’s what you’re asking. Should I be looking?”
“I don’t know.” He set his glass down a little harshly, the clunk of the impact sounding louder to his own ears. “It’s probably nothing.”
“I’ll keep an eye out,” Jonas said quietly. “If anything pops that doesn’t fit, I’ll let you know.”
Theron nodded. He didn’t want to bring Jonas into this thing, hell, it was bad enough he’d recruited one of the most famous Jedi in the Order on his paranoid hunt. Wrangling her was proving difficult enough, and he really didn’t want to to add Jonas and his questionable “charm” into the mix. An extra set of eyes on the official investigation for the odd bit that didn’t fit couldn’t hurt anything. It probably wouldn’t be enough to catch Darok officially, but it couldn’t hurt either.
Jonas raised his glass for a toast, and Theron begrudgingly raised his as well. There would be no slicing tonight it seemed.
“To Tython,” Jonas said.
“To Tython,” Theron echoed, and then mentally added. You bastards are going to pay.
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So I’m sitting here chatting with everyone at home, Kingsman playing in the background, Star Wars: The Old Republic loading up on my computer, and a foot or so from me sitting on my desk, my phone was auto-playing through the Kingsman mobile app. I need Roxy cards, the level is easy enough to auto-farm so hey, why not.
Then, underneath the audio from Kingsman, just softer than the Star Wars music playing as SWTOR loads up, I hear this weird cheery poppy music. And I realize I don’t hear the fighting sounds from my Kingsman game. I look over at my phone...
And it’s sitting there with the Candy Crush Soda loading screen.
That’s the cheery music. Candy Crush.
The others aren’t within reach of my phone. It’s on my desk, not touching anything, and none of the animals are around. Somehow, my phone took itself off of the Kingsman mobile game and opened Candy Crush Soda... which I don’t think I’ve touched in like. a year.
Guys. I think my phone is haunted. XD
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loststormtrooper · 6 years
tagedeszorns replied to your photo: I made a new wow character that might end up being...
I can totally relate! I want to play the stories with my Horde/Alliance-mains but also want to play it with my awesome female Troll-DK or my terribly cheery undead hunter!
I had the same problem in SWtor XD 
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october update timeeee — new tags! no need to look under the cut but have at it, this is just to get the tags Existing
— cheeri's bullshit / (cheeri’s bullshit) -> cheeri prattles on
— cheeri's ocs / (cheeri’s ocs) -> cheeri ocs or oc tag | [name] in brackets
— not cheeri's ocs / (addnot cheeri’s ocs) -> refrigerator magnet (ocs)
— not cheeri's art / (not cheeri’s art) -> refrigerator magnet (art)
— cheeri writes -> cheeri is literate
— cheeri's asks / cheeri’s asks -> cheeri inquires
— cheeri’s tagged -> cheeri tag game
— [character] (cheeriverse)- if exists in canon
— cheeriverse worldbuilding
— cheeriverse lorebuilding
— cheeriverse myth / legend
— cheeriverse conlang
— cheeriverse (planet, city, location etc)
— cheeriverse au OR au tag // [au name]
— cheeri plays swtor (character name) OR (character class)
tags to look for:
hold this
[anything that says 'important' in it]
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darrposting on main??
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B A S I C S • Full name: Darrash Aron Nealev • Gender: Masculine, but unconcerned with differentiation or perception • Sexuality: bisexual/pansexual • Pronouns: he/him
O T H E R S • Family: Father — Masjona Sanbre Nealev | Darrjoel "The Eagle" Mother — Danwya Javgra Giakhal | No Known Aliases Brother — Johkel Conoguy Nealev | Watcher Three Sister — Marrav Arisha Nealev | [DATA EXPUNGED] • Birthplace: Howdunga, Nal Hutta (it means "burp" lmao) • Job: Cipher Agent; Sniper • Phobias: total failure, perceived failure, true loss of control over self, complete isolation/silence • Guilty pleasures: remembering he knows how to throw some serious ass (was briefly a dancer/escort), Moff Hunting Season™, some of the greasiest food one can find, tookas/fluffy animals he can hold
M O R A L S • Morality alignment?: Neutral/Imperial (More specifically, he is self-serving when it's convenient. He has no real judgement on killing-when-told past his teens, often resorting to whether or not he was personally slighted in the ordeal or feels that this particular problem will not serve him additionally in the future. His morals can also be heavily impacted by his settings, as he adopts the mindset of his surroundings in order to better blend in. That is to say - he's willing to make a bloodbath in the Outer Rim but a stellar pacifist when closer to seats of mainstream, "clean" power.) • Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath   • Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice 
T H I S - O R - T H A T • Introverted/extrovert. — He highly enjoys being left the fuck alone. (Some days he's closer to an ambivert, but he is never fully an extrovert.)
• Organized/disorganized. — A little bit of both; he believes in organized chaos as an art and a science. It's something he's lived throughout his childhood and finds great comfort in it once he's out on his own.
• Close-minded/open-minded. — Darrash has always been one to consider all sides of a story; most of the time he just doesn't give a shit.
• Calm/anxious. — Call him the "master pretender" - taking into consideration he never wanted to join Intelligence in the first place, the feeling of constant surveillance took a deep root in his psyche. Even after a decade of the Academy and his own victories in the field, he behaves like a prey animal when work is done. But perhaps for the most irony, he's often the most level-headed person in the room when put on a directive.
• Disagreeable/agreeable. — This can purely depend on whether or not he likes you, even day-to-day. As said before - he has always considered all sides of a story, and further the implications of any prevailing end. But he usually doesn't care and will side with whoever gains the most beneficial advantage, usually to his own cause rather than what makes the most sense. Because nothing fucking makes sense in war.
• Cautious/reckless. — Similar to his organized chaos, he believes there can be a certain amount of recklessness that allows the job to get done as effectively as possible. He grew up as a full-time petty thief who, upon joining Intelligence, only relearned how to do what he’d always done, but now on a planetary scale.
• Patient/impatient. — Even though this is not one of his virtues .. he did make the decision to bide his sweet time for over! ten! years! to not only come out of the Academy as their top Agent but also earn their trust, so they'd give him a longer leash to do whatever he wanted. That's committing to the bit if there ever was.
• Outspoken/reserved. — Again - this can depend on who you are or what day it is or how beneficial either option serves for him. He's either silent as a Temple mouse or he's the loudest, most boisterous voice in the room.
• Leader/follower. — This can pivot depending on what the mission is becoming. Darrash has absolutely no problem taking the leading role and spearheading the charge, or he can take orders and fall into line, or he could even be providing the cover fire from a good ways removed. He's learned well, he's done well, he's acted better. Just give him something to do; he hates being idle.
• Empathetic/unempathetic. — Darrash is a deep empath, even if he hadn't been Force Sensitive. As a child he offered himself to the cause of recon, infiltration, and usually the attacker - he figured he was the best suited for it with his small frame and stealth capabilities, and would have rather made things easier for his friends to grab the goods. This carried into his time as a trainee and as a field agent: if he can help, he will.
• Optimistic/pessimistic. — Gotta have something to look forward to when you're the living embodiment of "shit is irreversibly fucked and I'm the magic button".
• Traditional/modern. — He loves his gadgets and gizmos - they're pretty exciting to employ in the field and learning about them can help take his mind off of whatever's bothering him. But he was still taught by self and service to rely on himself first and foremost, to tap into his nature and his knowledge. Anything else can be a crutch or a hindrance, the difference between life, limb, and death.
• Hard-working/lazy. — Again, he decided to spend a decade playing nice just to spend three more years as the Empire's little shadow-stepper. And he not once disappointed (even if he did things his own way) his handlers. The job was done no matter what.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S • otp: Vector/Darrash - this is it. they are husbands. i don't care what bioware says i can't do- • ot3: Darrash/TLC/A Warm Bed - I think this is the most important trine, • brotp: Darrash/Lana/Theron - three spies playing their little spy games, but they're genuinely not looking to hurt one another >>>>>> • notp: Darrash/Kaliyo - he would kill her. Full send. It's a miracle he hasn't already.
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🍕, 🍔, 🍻, 🍩, 🍋, 🍉 and 🍒 for any of your ocs, please?
I apologize for so many questions but I'm really curious!
HELLO LEIA HI HI HELLO HI ILY gonna use you as an excuse to go darrashposting on main
will be under the cut bc i know it's gonna get soooooo long
(i keep forgetting but, this is the ask!)
(and also i am so sorry this took so long, i started on this the day you sent it and then it got pushed in my drafts SJFHDSJHFSJD THANK YOU FOR ASKING THESE)
🍕: How does an OC spend a lazy day?
Darrash likes to sleep. It's something he never gets enough of, or when he does sleep it's very fitful and interrupted by night terrors.
The war doesn't present many lazy days to him regardless. Sleeping, sightseeing-for-a-purely-recreational-reason, sitting around and chatting with his team members or locals (for purely recreational reasons), trying out the food in the region if he's never been there, or just.. doing nothing.
🍔: Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love?
Dear God he would be a t*kt*oker. But for very good reason. Exploiting algorithms and pushing to see what he can surface before people start questioning shit.
For a modern AU, he would post some pseudo-psychological shit, mostly as a means of spreading tips on mutual manipulation (yourself and others and possibly events at large), or he'll be the top account in thrifting or life-hacking. Anything to stretch one resource to the absolute maximum for as long as possible, he's your guy. He had to grow up crafty and resourceful so why not pass it along?
I also think he'd end up as some kind of doomsday meme, showing up at inaurguations and staring/glaring menacingly at the newly-elected leader from some back corner. Like "Where's Waldo?" type shit.
(more under the cut!)
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
Ough, that's a hard question - mostly because he has quite a few.
The first that comes to mind is very simple: physical touch. Though he never had much of it, one of the few good things that came out of his tenure in the Imperial Academy is that he was seldom ever punched or otherwise hit; there wasn't much of anything to sour his perception of physical touch, so he still rather enjoys it. (Not counting the year or so on Nar Shaddaa he worked as an escort / dancer, but even then he was rarely touched.)
This one hasn't changed since he was a kid on Nal Hutta, surrounded by his friends: he very very very much loves to sing. He mostly sings to himself as a self-soothing habit, but if he's in good company then he doesn't mind openly sharing his voice.
9-13 ATC became a constant slew of rough days in the theater of warfare so he's picked up recreational target practice, ignoring one (1) of his colleagues while chatting with everyone else, and most important of all he learned how to piss off his handlers for fun. Mostly just Keeper (who becomes the Minister of Intelligence later. Watcher Two/Keeper isn't as fun to annoy because she's oblivious.)
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Well. Darrash is an extension of a fascist police surveillance state, top of the game in espionage + seduction + assassination + general disguise + infiltration, plainly acting as a force to be reckoned with and virtually untouchable. The (other) Grim Reaper himself. If you see a Cipher coming..... yeah you're already dead.
He's got so much blood on his hands and is responsible for bringing down damn near every planet he's been set up against, all without leaving so much a trace besides either the trail of destruction or deliberate footnotes. And a looooot of war crimes, definitely. Dude did what he had to do at all costs necessary.
Anyway - so Darrash also got his start as a kid skilled in the petty theft of supply crates and food out of markets, and general other thievery activities to grab supplies or otherwise quick credits. He knows very little about how to say "please" for anything he needs; he'd much rather just fuckin' take it.
He'd be arrested for theft, war crimes, insubordination, assassination, subverting entire terrorist cells, umm. You name it.
🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory?
Losing his adoptive family. Gurr'os'olo, Ixan'ia, Aker'al, and three Evocii as well - it was the loss one by one that just. Broke him. These were the closest things he held to siblings. His older half brother Johkel had been kidnapped by Imperial Intelligence when he was very young and he didn't really know his younger sister Marrav, so that left the ragtag bunch he fell in with.
Gurr'os'olo had been kidnapped by pirates on Hutta, and that's the last that Darrash heard of him. Aker'al and his family were cornered by Sith - they killed his parents, burned his home, and disappeared with Aker'al. He never knew what happened to Ixan'ia.
Then he spent so long trying to pretend he was over them, just to end up finding Roso in the Republic militia on Taris, and finding Ixan'ia as an established smuggler, and Aker'al nearly killing him before forcefully taking him as an Apprentice for a couple of years. None of that felt great.
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
He did, for about a year. It was an Alderaanian headband that was given to him by the Revanite chapter on Dromund Kaas once he'd completed their trials and protected them from the Dark Council. His time spent in the cell was undoubtedly traumatizing beyond his will to compare, especially the fact that he was "reminded" of his own sensitivity to the Force that was pretty much drilled out of him by Intelligence. It's not that they took it away from him, but they trained him well enough to never rely on it that he did truly forget.
Ironically, he did choose to part with it on one condition: it was given to his would-be husband, Vector Hyllus, sometime before they were assigned to Taris together. When he presented Vector with a proper Intelligence-grade uniform with rank to match, he placed the headpiece on his head under the excuse of "it's Alderaanian, I thought you might like it" rather than the truth. Vector figured it out from Kaliyo, who was still angry that she had to sit through it with him.
🍒: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who?
This one I was on the fence about, but I will say yes.
He was kissed a few times when he served as an escort on Nar Shaddaa in a niche little club scene. He doesn't count those.
His official first kiss was with Vector on Voss, shortly before he was to marry Yana-Ton. It was unexpected on Darrash's part, but extremely welcomed. He almost fucked up the marriage vows because he was still reeling. Yana-Ton thought it was cute.
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